Citation: Jihane Hamdaoui, Samir El Mazouz, Noureddine Gharib, Abdellah Abbassi, Jawad Hafidi. Zitelli´S Bilobed
Flap for a Nasal Tip Skin Defect: A Case Report. SAS J Surg, 2024 Apr 10(4): 435-437.
SAS Journal of Surgery
Abbreviated Key Title: SAS J Surg
ISSN 2454-5104
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Zitelli´S Bilobed Flap for a Nasal Tip Skin Defect: A Case Report
Dr. Jihane Hamdaoui
, Pr. Samir El Mazouz
, Pr. Noureddine Gharib
, Pr. Abdellah Abbassi
, Pr. Jawad Hafidi
Plastic Surgery Department, Hospital University Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i04.007 | Received: 28.02.2024 | Accepted: 02.04.2024 | Published: 08.04.2024
*Corresponding author: Dr. Jihane Hamdaoui
Plastic Surgery Department, Hospital University Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco
Case Report
The reconstruction of a nasal skin defect is a challenge for surgeons because it must not only take into account the
functional and aesthetic damage, but also respect the aesthetic subunits. Several solutions exist ranging from primary
closure, skin graft, local or regional flap. In this article, we report the case of a patient who benefited from reconstruction
of a skin defect at the nasal tip using a bilobed Zitelli flap with very good functional and aesthetic results.
Keywords: Skin Defect, Nasal Tip, Bilobed Flap, Basal Cell Carcinoma.
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
The reconstruction of a nasal skin defect is a
challenge for surgeons because it must take into account
both the functional and aesthetic damage, and also
respect the aesthetic subunits. Several solutions exist
ranging from primary closure, skin grafting, local or
regional flap [2]. The Zitelli’s bilobed flap (ZBF), as a
local cutaneous flap, is possible and suitable for
reconstruction of skin defects of the lower third of the
nose that are 1.5 cm in diameter or smaller [1]. We
describe the case of a patient who benefited from
reconstruction of a loss of skin substance at the nasal tip
using a bilobed Zitelli flap.
A 68 years old patient presented a nodular basal
cell carcinoma, after resection we had a round and well-
defined skin defect of the nasal tip measuring 1cm in
diameter (figure 1). The procedure was done under local
anesthesia, after doing the markings, the flap was incised
and lifted with the muscle and then transposed (figure 2).
We made sure the hemostasis was good before closing
with simple cutaneous 4/0 stitches (figure 3).
The postoperative course was simple. The
aesthetic and functional results are very satisfactory with
a 6 months follow-up (figure 4).
Figure 1: initial nasal skin defect
Plastic Surgery
Jihane Hamdaoui et al, SAS J Surg, Apr, 2024; 10(4): 435-437
Figure 2: Bilobed flap lifted
Figure 3: Immediate Postoperative aspect
Figure 4: Aspect after 6 months follow-up
Jihane Hamdaoui et al, SAS J Surg, Apr, 2024; 10(4): 435-437
The bilobed flap was first described by Esser in
1918 for use in nasal tip defect reconstruction, it was a
double transposition flap using two adjacent skin flaps at
90° to one another with a total rotation of 180°, this flap
design produced several complications such as alar
asymmetry [3]. In 1953, it becomes popular when
Zimany made a few changes on the design ensuring a
good cosmetic result [4]. In 1989, Zitelli has introduced
this flap for reconstruction of cases with defects located
on the alar lobules and nasal tip and between 0.5 and 1.5
cm in diameter [5]. The ZBF is using two adjacent skin
flaps at 45° to 55° to one another with a total rotation of
90° to 110°; The lobes are not identical in size, the first
flap is transposed into a defect, and the second (smaller
flap) often designed with an elliptical tip to facilitate
closure is transposed to cover the secondary defect
caused by the larger flap transposition, pivot point for
alar defects is medial while it is lateral for tip defects [6,
7]. The ZBF is especially suitable for the reconstruction
of defects that are 1.5 cm in diameter or smaller, using
skin from the mid dorsum and the sidewall [8], it enables
defect closure with no or minimal distortion of the
surrounding tissues and producing excellent color and
texture match with adjacent tissue [9, 10]. The
disadvantages of the ZBF are that it leaves circular and
vertical scars specially seen in younger patients and
individuals with darker skin tones, they may be treated
by dermabrasion 5 to 6 weeks after surgery if needed [11-
In our case, the ZBF did a proper covering of
the defect, and it left very discreet cosmetic scars. The
patient was very satisfied with the result.
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8. Wang, Z. G., Chen, X. J., & Chen, Z. Y. (2014). A
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9. Tissiani, L. A. L., Alonso, N., Carneiro, M. H.,
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10. Monarca, C., Rizzo, M. I., Palmieri, A., Fino, P.,
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