SOUTHERN YORK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT - Elementary School Student Handbook
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Phone: (717) 235-4811
Friendship Elementary School Office
Stephanie Winemiller
Elementary Principal
Deborah Stone
Assistant Principal
Julie Grothey
Administrative Assistant I
Paula Hawes
Administrative Assistant II
Kelly Miller
School Counselor
Sheila Tyler
Administrative Assistant II
Southern Elementary School Office
James Hollinger
Elementary Principal
Shannon Evans
Assistant Principal
Cindy M. Hoover
Administrative Assistant I
Stephanie Wright
Administrative Assistant II
Michelle Brengle
School Counselor
Dianne Hartsock
Administrative Assistant II
Shrewsbury Elementary School Office
Mary Dankosky
Elementary Principal
Robert Van Vorst
Assistant Principal
Linda Fodel
Administrative Assistant I
Kelly Barth
Administrative Assistant II
Angela Miller
School Counselor
Christy Whelan
Administrative Assistant II
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Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
Administering and/or Dispensing Medication at School
Animals on School Property Policy
Assignments When Child Is Absent
Attendance Area Change Moving From One School to Another
Audio and Video Monitoring on Buses
Audio and Video Use from Classroom Setting
Behavior Management Procedures
Bullying / Harassment
Bus Procedures
Cafeteria (Breakfast and Lunches)
Class I Violations
Class II Violations
Class III Violations
Communicating with District
Community Service
Counseling Services
Crisis Intervention Services
Dental Examinations
District Attendance Procedures
District Beliefs
District Mission Statement
District Vision
Dress Code
Drug-Free School Zone
Drug, Alcohol, and Prohibited Substance/Paraphernalia Use
Due Process
Educational Trip and Tours
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Educational Records Parental/Guardian Access
Electronic Devices
Emergency Drills/Procedures
Emergency Care Information
Emergency Resources for Students/Families
Emergency School Closings
English Learners
Equal Opportunity Educational Institution
Excusing Students from School Early
Extracurricular Activities
Field Trips
Fire and Emergency Evacuations
Gifted Program
Grading System
Health Office Screenings
Homelessness/Displaced Youth
Illness and Injury
Illness or Emergency
Immunization Requirements
In-School Suspension
Kindergarten and First Grade Registration
Medical Examinations
Medications Administered at School
Musical Instruments - Personal Property
Nurse and Health Suite
Opening and Closing Times
Out-of-School Suspension
Parent/Guardian Access Rights to Educational Records
Parent/Guardian Online Access
Parent/Guardian Teacher Organization
Parking and Traffic Regulations
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Parties and Treats
Personal Property
Philosophy of Grading
Photographs To Be Used for Public Relations
Physical Education
Physical Education Dress
Report Cards
Rules and Regulations
School Hours for Students
School Office Hours
School Insurance
School Supplies
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Student Behavior Policy
Student Search and Seizure
Student Services
Suspension from Regular Classroom Instruction
Threat Assessment
Title IX / Sexual Harassment
Visiting Other Schools in the District
Volunteer Program
Weapons Act of Pennsylvania
Withdrawal From School
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"The Southern York County School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, national origin, gender and disability in any of its activities, programs, or employment policies or
practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the American Disabilities Act of 1990. Please direct equal opportunity inquiries
to Dr. Robert Bryson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Southern York County School District, and P. O. Box 128, Glen
Rock, PA 17327-0128, or call (717) 235-4811."
(School Board Policy #103 outlines the District’s Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices policy)
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The goal of Friendship, Shrewsbury, and Southern Elementary Schools is to provide each and every student with
equitable access to rigorous and relevant educational experiences based on PA Core Standards with appropriate levels of
support and enrichment in safe and inclusive school environments. We believe a high-quality education must focus on
academic and social-emotional skills. When academic learning is paired with social-emotional learning, optimal learning
conditions are created. Social-emotional learning provides opportunities for students to foster self- and social-
awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible and ethical decision making. Our goal is for every
student to have a safe and joyful school experience.
This handbook is to familiarize you with our school expectations and procedures. Parents/guardians can contribute much
to the success of the school program if they fully understand what the schools are trying to do. Children’s education and
social-emotional development is a joint responsibility and cooperative program between the home and the school.
We hope that you will read this handbook carefully and use it as a reference. We welcome suggestions for handbook
improvement, as well as suggestions that will improve our instructional program and provide better learning
opportunities for our children. You should not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or principal about any school policy
or practice that may affect the security and happiness of the child. You may contact each school at 717-235-4811.
District Vision, Beliefs, and Mission Statements
Vision A vision is what we aspire to be; involves risk-taking; describes the ideal. It captures our highest expectations
and hopes for the future.
Beliefs define those basic values that are understood to be part of the cultural and historic heritage of our community.
Our vision of the Southern York County School District is that of a
dynamic organization, that will work in partnership with the family
and community and will continuously strive to develop productive,
contributing, responsible citizens, capable of meeting the global
challenges of the future.
BELIEFS - We believe:
Everyone can learn.
Every person is entitled to the opportunity for an education that allows maximization of individual capabilities.
Responsibility for education is shared by students, family, teachers, administrators and community.
Learning is a lifelong process that includes not only the intellectual but the social, emotion, cultural and physical
development of the learner.
Preparation and motivation for learning must begin at home.
Learning is best achieved in a safe environment.
Respect for individual diversity is an essential element of a positive learning environment.
Teaching the process of learning, which requires various levels of thinking, is as important as teaching the content.
High expectations are an integral part of the learning process.
Practical, applicable learning skills, knowledge and abilities should provide the foundation for the teaching process.
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Mission A mission tells us in the broadest terms why and what we have to do to realize our vision. The mission statement
defines the primary role of our schools. It supports the vision and is built upon the values of the community.
The Southern York County School District, through a
cooperative effort with the family and community, will provide
a quality learning environment that promotes character,
fosters responsibility and challenges students to achieve their
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No animal in the care, custody or control of any person shall be permitted on school property, except those that qualify
under the following exceptions:
1. Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animals while on District property.
2. School administrators may inquire of the owner or handler of an animal whether the animal is a trained service animal
and the specific tasks that the animal has been trained to perform, but shall not ask questions about an individual’s
3. The animal is part of an educational program, experiment and/or project and is the direct responsibility of a staff
member, trainer and/or parent/guardian.
When requesting your child’s assignments during their absence from school, call the school office between 8:00 and
8:30 a.m. Assignments can be picked up in the office or sent home with another student (sibling, neighbor, friend).
All elementary children in grades K-6 will attend elementary school based upon their residency. Students who require
special education programs that are not available in their attendance zone are exempt from this policy. Students who move
into a different attendance zone during the school year may be granted permission, at the discretion of the
Superintendent, to remain in the elementary school in which they started the school year for the remainder of the school
year. Parents/guardians will be required to provide transportation.
Students who anticipate moving from one attendance zone to another during the school year may be granted
permission to attend the elementary school appropriate to their future attendance zone. Such permissions will be
granted at the discretion of the Superintendent, who is authorized to require documentation and set conditions.
Students in grades 4-6 may have the opportunity to earn awards for achieving academic and social-emotional goals based
on individualized growth targets.
Students in grade 6 may be eligible to receive the President’s Award for Educational Excellence for their achievement and
outstanding efforts towards meeting their academic and social-emotional goals in grades 4-6.
A note requesting permission to ride a different bus must be sent to the school principal before permission may be
Bus routes and students' assignments on the bus may change at the discretion of school authorities. Students riding
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school buses should be at their bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled bus arrival.
All students must abide by rules of good conduct. Parents/guardians will be informed of any type of misbehavior involving
either a warning or a day suspension.
The school district and the bus company have installed video cameras with audio in the buses. These are used to
monitor students' behavior to provide a safer environment for transporting students to and from school.
1. The bus driver will assign all seats, and students must remain in those seats at all times.
2. Parents/guardians will be held responsible for any damage caused by students to buses.
3. Students must keep body parts inside the bus windows at all times.
4. Students must refrain from throwing any objects from the bus.
5. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum is permitted on school buses.
6. Foul and/or abusive language and/or conduct which are distracting to the bus driver, such as loud noises, is not
7. Students must wait for the bus to come to a full stop before attempting to get on the bus or before getting out of
the seat to get off the bus.
8. Students must never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
9. Students should cooperate with the bus driver in keeping the bus clean and report any damage that has been done
to the bus driver immediately.
10. Students must follow appropriate school rules at all times.
11. Pets or any live show-and-tell animals may not be brought to school on the bus. Projects and musical instruments may
be brought on the school bus if space is available. These items must be stored in a safe location or they will not be
permitted on the bus.
The principal will determine if the misbehavior warrants a warning. If, in the principal’s opinion, a warning is justified,
and this is a first offense, the parents/guardians will be notified stating that a warning has been given and further
infractions of the expectations may result in the suspension of bus riding privileges.
Requests to consider a change in the school bus stop or route assignment should be made as follows:
1. All requests must be addressed in writing to the Coordinator of Public Information and Student Transportation.
2. The requests must identify:
a. The student (full name)
b. Legal parent/guardian
c. Student's assigned school and grade
d. Period of time change is desired
e. Reason for request of change
f. Address of parent/guardian
g. Address of new location for pickup and/or dropoff
3. Reply to the change will be made as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) school days from the date the request
was received in the school office.
4. Until a reply is received, no change to the student’s bus stop assignment will occur.
The Board authorizes use of audio and video monitoring equipment in school buses that transport students and in
“public areas” on school property. Audio and video monitoring equipment shall be located in a visible location.
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Images and sounds recorded using the audio and video monitoring equipment may be used as evidence in disciplinary
proceedings conducted by the School District. Such information also may be shared with law enforcement officials, if school
officials reasonably believe that it constitutes evidence of a crime. Anyone who reviews or is provided audio and video must
keep the contents confidential, except as required in connection with school district or law enforcement purposes.
Please see Board Policy #810 for more information on Transportation.
The teachers, support staff, and administrators are committed to working in partnership with our students and families
each day. If you have a question or concern regarding something happening in your child’s classroom, please contact your
child’s teacher first as they will have the most accurate information. Your child’s school counselor and administrators are
also happy to help if you need additional assistance.
If you are dissatisfied with the principal’s response, please call Dr. Robert Bryson, Assistant Superintendent. If you are
not satisfied at that level, please contact Dr. Sandra Lemmon, District Superintendent.
Occasionally, parents/guardians call School Board directors to try to get an answer to their concerns. When receiving
such a call, the Board director calls the District Superintendent. The District Superintendent then calls the principal or
counselor to inform him/her of the concern. The building principal then researches the problem and communicates with
the parent/guardian. Therefore, we suggest you first call the counselor or principal so that he or she can respond
without any undue delay.
If you have a request of the School Board or you want to present some information to the School Board, please submit
your request or information to the District Superintendent at least ten days prior to the regular School Board meeting, if
possible. The School Board meets the third Thursday of each month, except May (fourth Thursday) and December (first
Thursday). Please call the District Superintendent's office if you need assistance in communicating with the School Board.
The Southern York County School District shall allow the parents/guardians or eligible student to inspect and review the
education record of the student within forty-five calendar days of receipt of a verbal or written request to do so. District
staff shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that requested records are provided to the parents/guardians at the
earliest possible date. If circumstances effectively preclude the parents/guardians or eligible student from inspecting or
reviewing the education record, or any portion thereof, the district shall provide the parents/guardians or the eligible
student with a copy of the record subject to the request. When copies are not required to ensure that the
parents/guardians or the eligible student has the opportunity to inspect and review the education record, the district may
charge a fee of twenty-five cents per page to copy requested portions of the education record, unless the
parents/guardians or the eligible student can establish that they are financially unable to pay the amount thus charged.
Please see Board Policy #216 for more information on Educational Records Parental/Guardian Access.
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While some electronic devices are permitted to be used in school at the discretion of the teacher, cell phones are not
permitted to be brought for use during the school day. Any cell phones brought during the school day must remain
inside the student’s backpack.
Personal electronic devices are not to be used to take photographs or videos of students or staff.
Fire Drill
1. In the event of fire, students or teachers should pull an alarm immediately.
2. Teachers will educate students as to the exit place for their classroom to be used in case of a fire/drill.
3. Students are to accompany the teacher(s) to the designated safe area for the building.
4. If an exit is blocked, use the next nearest exit (using red arrow signs in hallway).
Severe Weather Drill
1. The drill/alert will be conveyed to the students and staff by public address system.
2. Students are to accompany the teachers to the designated safe area.
Precautionary Code
A “Precautionary status” will be announced when there is a health emergency or hallways need to be cleared. When
announced, students are to remain in their classes. Hallways will be checked. Any students found in the hallway should be
taken into the classroom.
Situational Awareness/Run Hide Fight/Lockdown
The Southern York County School District places school safety as a top priority and recognizes that different circumstances
require flexibility in response. A key element of this flexibility centers on the awareness of a situation/surroundings and the
empowerment of staff and students to make informed decisions of whether to run from harm, seek hidden protection, or
to defend themselves from unavoidable danger. Training that has been developed by district staff and law enforcement will
be shared/reviewed with students.
One such response may include the use of a “lockdown” during which students will remain in classrooms (students in
hallways will be taken into a classroom) and will seek shelter away from windows/doors. Students are to remain quiet.
District safety procedures are regularly reviewed by building and district safety committees.
Adding to these drilled procedures, the district has developed plans for campus evacuation and reunification should an
emergency situation merit this response. In the event of such a need, school communication tools would be utilized to
notify parents/guardians with regard to reunification procedures (appropriate to the concern).
For more information on Emergency Preparedness, see Board Policy 805.
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The Mission of ChildLine is to accept calls from the public and professional sources 24 hours per day, seven days per
week. ChildLine will provide information, counseling, and referral services for families and children to ensure the safety
and well-being of the children of Pennsylvania.
Each call is answered by a trained intake specialist who will interview the caller to determine the most appropriate
course of action. Any person may report suspected abuse, even if the individual wishes to remain anonymous. To
report suspected child abuse call: 1-800-932-0313.
For more information on child abuse reporting, please reference Board Policy #806.
TrueNorth Wellness
Mobile Crisis (Toll Free) 866-325-0339 or (717) 637-7633 (Direct Line) or (717) 632-4900 (Extension 1)
For more information on emergency crisis support services, call (717) 632-4900, ext. 1447.
WellSpan Crisis Intervention
York Hospital Crisis Intervention Services Emergency Room (24 hrs.) (717) 851-5320
UPMC Hospital Crisis Intervention (formerly Memorial Hospital)
(24 hrs. thru Emergency Room) Associated with TrueNorth Wellness (717) 849-5730
UPMC Hanover Hospital Crisis Intervention (24 Hours thru Emergency Room)
Associated with TrueNorth Wellness (717) 316-3711
Hotlines for students
Here are some recommended hotlines for students who feel they need help. Except where noted, all lines are open 24
hours a day, seven days a week.
Wellspan York Hospital - Crisis Intervention 717-851-5320 or 800-673-2496
TrueNorth Wellness Mobile Crisis (Toll Free) 866-325-0339 or 717-637-7633 (Direct Line) or 717-632-4900 (Ext. 1)
Crisis Textline text HELP to 741741
The Trevor Project crisis hotline for LGBTQ young people 866-488-7386 or text START to 678678
Depression and suicide The National Hopeline Network (800-784-2433)
Drug abuse US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse Services Administration (800-662-4357)
Overdose Poison Control Centers (800-222-1222)
Vaping/Tobacco cessation hotline 855-891-9989
Runaways National Runaway Switchboard (800-786-2929)
Eating disorders National Eating Disorders Association (800-931-2237)
School shootings Pax Real Solutions to Gun Violence (866-773-2587)
Girls and Boys Town National Hotline (800-448-3000)
Covenant House Nineline (800-999-9999)
The Southern York County School District recognizes the importance of students’ social-emotional health and takes a
proactive, educational approach to suicide awareness and prevention. Please see Board Policy #819 for more
information on suicide awareness and prevention.
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In an effort to support the health, safety and welfare of its students and the school community, the Southern York County
School District maintains a trained school crisis response/crisis intervention team, which includes administrators, school
counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, social worker, School Resource Officers, members of the Student
Assistance Program Team, and others as designated by the district such as community behavioral health agency resources.
More information on District Crisis Response/Suicide Prevention Efforts can be found in Board Policy 819.
In the event of a school closing, teachers will contact their students by 8:30am with directions for virtual learning. Students
will be afforded the necessary time and support to complete the assignments and additional time will be provided on an as-
needed basis prior to submitting the work for assessment.
If you have any questions regarding Virtual Learning Days, please contact your school principal.
Automated phone system
The School District has implemented a parent/guardian notification system. Parents/guardians will be automatically
notified by phone and/or email of emergency school closings, including weather-related cancellations and closings.
If school closes because of poor weather or other emergency conditions, information will be posted on the school
district’s website: Closings will also be announced on the following radio stations: WGTY, WGET, WQXA,
WSBA, WARM, WHVR, WSOX-FM, WHTM, WPMT, WBAL, and WIYY. School closings will also be announced on
When we have extreme weather conditions and the school buses run late, or for some reasons cannot complete parts of
their runs, students should not wait at their assigned stops for more than 30 minutes. If the bus does not pick up a
student, and a parent/guardian can bring the student to school, please do so. If a student cannot get to school due to
these conditions, the student will be marked legally absent for the day. A legal absence is the only absence given under
state law when these conditions occur.
Excusing Students from School Early
A student may be excused from school for (1) an appointment with a doctor (medical, dental, therapies, etc.) or (2) a
sudden family emergency. Children excused will be released only to parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are urged to
make medical and dental appointments that will cause a minimum of interference with the child's school program.
Students will not be excused without a written note from home, stating the reason for the request. The note must also
contain the date, time, and parent/guardian signature. All parents/guardians must check in at the office before taking
the student out of school. Students not riding the school bus at the end of the day will be called to the office at 3:30 p.m.
prior to the start of the school-wide dismissal.
A parent/guardian who is not able to pick up an ill child may have previously designated on the Emergency Care Card an
adult who may receive and care for the child. The school will contact the designated adult and request that they pick up
the child and assume the parent/guardian’s role.
A parent/guardian who is not able to come for an ill child may indicate to school officials by telephone the name of an
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adult to whom the child may be released.
Our district’s extracurricular program is viewed as a valuable supplement to our academic program. In order to ensure a
safe environment for our students to succeed, all students are held to the same behavioral and academic expectations
during before and after-school activities.
Field trips are a valuable part of our educational program.
When field trips requiring bus transportation outside the district are planned, permission forms will be sent home for
parent/guardian signature. When field trips requiring bus transportation within the district are made, notification of day,
times, and grade levels involved will be sent home through the students. Field trips are funded at the discretion of each
elementary school principal.
Walking trips within the area of the school are a part of the schoolwork and will be taken without parent/guardian consent;
however, the teacher must have the consent of the principal before leaving the school grounds.
As mandated by Pennsylvania school law along with additional district mandates, our schools conduct one fire drill each
month. Additional drills including precautionary, lockdown, and extreme weather drills will also be conducted a
minimum of one time per marking period. All students are thoroughly instructed on these. Safety, speed, and orderly
passage from the classroom and buildings are constantly stressed. Students are prohibited from talking during all fire or
emergency drills.
Adding to these drilled procedures, the district has developed plans for school evacuation and reunification should an
emergency situation merit this response. In the event of such a need, school communication tools would be utilized to
notify parents/guardians with regard to reunification procedures (appropriate to the concern).
For more information on Emergency Preparedness, see Board Policy 805.
FIRST GRADE REGISTRATION (See Kindergarten and First Grade Registration)
The primary purpose of the school is to help promote the mental, physical, emotional, and social growth and
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development of its students. We strive to understand each child as an individual, provide the child with varied
opportunities to learn basic skills, help the child develop an incentive to learn, develop self-discipline, encourage
intellectual growth and curiosity, assist the child in their social and emotional adjustment, promote the child's physical
health, and help the child develop a sense of personal values.
The information contained in the report card is intended for the use of the student, the school, and the parents/guardians.
It is anticipated that the report, along with periodical interim progress reports and parent/guardian-teacher conferences,
will help to foster a closer working relationship between the home and the school. Report cards are issued four times
during the school year at nine-week intervals.
In order to achieve a greater degree of consistency and higher academic standards, the scores on the report cards for each
subject listed indicates your child's actual level of achievement in relation to their mastery of the instructed Pennsylvania
Core standards. Individual student needs and abilities will be provided for through the use of appropriate, differentiated
instructional groups/materials, and by our classroom teachers and support staff. Where applicable, appropriate remedial
help or special support services are available to students who are experiencing academic/learning difficulties. Your school
team is excited to work in partnership with you in order to help every child to be successful.
In order to receive your child’s report card, you must create a Sapphire account. Information will be provided at the
beginning of each school year on how to do this. Paper copies are available upon request. While report cards are a vital
part of the student’s school records, their prime importance is to give information to parents/guardians about their child's
progress and development in school. Mid-term reports will also be made available via Sapphire.
If at any time during the school term, parents/guardians need to conference with a teacher concerning the progress and
welfare of their child, arrangements should be made with the teacher, either directly or through the principal. These
conferences are held following the close of the afternoon session or before school begins.
On occasion, teachers may initiate a conference request by contacting a parent/guardian by phone or letter. District-wide
parent/guardian-teacher conferences are scheduled for all elementary parents/guardians in October. An additional
opportunity for parent/guardian-teacher conferences is scheduled in February.
Report cards for primary and intermediate grades are issued four times yearly, covering approximately 45 school days, and
usually issued in November; late January or early February; late March or early April; and May.
Nurse and Health Suite
There is a nurse assigned to each school building in the district. However, there may be times when the nurse is not
present in the health room. In case of emergency when the nurse is not present in the health room, the student should
report directly to the office. When reporting to the nurse, the student must have a pass or note from the teacher, except
in emergency situations. Students should not accompany each other to the health room unless the teacher deems it
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Administering and/or Dispensing Medication at School
The nurse may administer prescribed medication to a student when the nurse receives a written request from the
parent/guardian, an order from a physician, and the medication in its original container. Medication must be delivered
to the school by a parent/guardian. At that time, you may review the specific instructions with the nurse.
Medications will only be administered if the directions below have been followed:
1. Written doctor’s order and complete instructions are given to the nurse.
2. Written parent/guardian consent is given to the nurse.
3. Medication is given to the nurse in the original container.
4. The label on the prescription must include:
a. Student’s name
b. Medication name
c. Amount to be given
d. Time to be given
e. Non-expired date
5. For short-term medication, provide only enough medication that is needed.
6. Please do not send the entire supply of medication. We are unable to send it home daily.
7. Medication may only be administered in the health office.
When appropriate, rescue medications, such as inhalers, an EpiPen, and glucagon, may be carried by the student
throughout the school day. This must be arranged with the school nurse and requires a doctor’s note and parent/guardian
permission. If this medication is given outside of the health office, the student should report to the health office
immediately for evaluation. All doctors’ orders and parent/guardian permission forms for medication must be renewed at
the beginning of each school year.
School personnel may refuse to administer medication if parents/guardians fail to comply with the stated medication
(Please refer to Board Policy #210 for more information regarding the Use of Medications.)
Emergency Care Information
At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians must update emergency care information in Sapphire for each
student. This information includes permission for medication administration as well as contact information which will be
used to reach a parent or guardian in the event of an emergency involving their child.
Health Office Screenings
As required by Pennsylvania law, all students are screened yearly for height, weight, near and far vision. A Body Mass
Index letter will be mailed to parents/guardians yearly. Hearing will be screened for all students in grades Kindergarten
through Grade 3, Grade 7, and Grade 11. Scoliosis is screened for in students in Grades 6 and 7. Parents/guardians will be
notified if their child does not pass any of these screenings. A referral will be included for their family physician.
Illness and Injury
School nurses are not to diagnose or advise treatment for any pre-existing conditions. Parents/guardians are not to send
children to school and specifically request that the nurse give a medical diagnosis or advise a specific treatment for a pre-
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existing condition. Students should not be sent to school if they have been ill during the night or early morning. Also,
they should be free of any fever for 24 hours before returning to school. Students with an elevated temperature of 100
degrees or more will not be permitted to stay in school. Medication will not be administered at school to reduce a fever.
The School law requires that students remain at home the prescribed length of time for communicable and infectious
Medical Examinations
State law requires that students must have a medical examination when they enter school for the first time and also in
Grades 6 and 11. We encourage parents/guardians to have these examinations done by the student’s family doctor.
Private physician forms are available in the health office and on the district website. Completed examination forms must
be returned to the nurse by October 1st.
If the examination is not administered by a private physician, it may be done by a school doctor, with permission of
Dental Examinations
State law requires that students must have a dental examination when they enter school for the first time and also in
Grades 3 and 7. We encourage parents/guardians to have these examinations done by the student’s family dentist. Private
dental forms are available in the health office. Completed examination forms must be returned to the nurse by the 1
If the examination is not administered by a private dentist, it may be done by a school dentist, with permission of
Required Immunization for Certain Diseases
Immunizations are required for all school children, as stated in the regulations issued by the Pennsylvania Department of
Health’s Advisory Board. No student can be officially enrolled until immunization records are approved by the school
The Southern York County School District works diligently to identify and support homeless students and families. Under
the Federal McKinney Vento Act, students who are experiencing homelessness have specific rights to reduce barriers to
education. The homeless liaison in each district is tasked with assisting students in these situations and ensuring they have
the same opportunities to succeed in school as others.
Southern York County School District’s Homeless Liaison is Ms. Jill Platts. Please contact Ms. Platts at the phone number or
email below if you feel your child meets the qualifications of a student experiencing homelessness.
(McKinney Vento Board Policy 251) (BEC 42 U.S.C& 11431 et seq.)
Homeless Liaison: Ms. Jill L. Platts, Social Services Coordinator/Attendance Officer
Phone: (717) 235-4811 ext. 4571
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We can help with the following:
School enrollment/placement
Agency referrals (clothing, food, shelter, counseling)
Tracking/transferring school records
Accessing educational programs
School supplies/clothing
Coordination of services with community agencies
Increasing public awareness of homelessness
Our goals:
Ensure that all children and youth experiencing homelessness enroll, participate, and have the opportunity to succeed
in school
Ensure children and youth experiencing homelessness receive a free and appropriate public education on an equal
Eliminate and/or reduce educational barriers through the use of local “best practices” and the authorized activities of
the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
Reduce the disruption in the educational lives of children and youth experiencing homelessness
Increase awareness about the nature and extent of the problems children and youth experiencing homelessness have
enrolling in and gaining access to educational programs
Explain the laws and policies to students, families, staff, and the community
Student's Rights:
The right to immediate enrollment in school, even if lacking paperwork normally required
The right to attend school in the student’s school of origin (if this is requested by the parent/guardian and is feasible) or
in the school in the attendance area where the family or youth is currently residing
The right to receive transportation to the student’s school of origin, if this is requested by the parent/guardian/student
The right to services comparable to those received by housed schoolmates, including transportation and supplemental
educational services
The right to attend school along with children not experiencing homelessness. Segregation based on a student’s status
as homeless is strictly prohibited
Students may be assigned homework to reinforce instructional activities. The amount and frequency of homework will
be determined by the teacher, considering the type and level of the material presented in class. We encourage all
students to spend time each evening reading.
A Term Health and Accident Insurance Policy covering accidents to children while in our school or while traveling to and
from school is available to parents/guardians through our schools. Only a reputable firm with an established reputation
for meeting its obligations is permitted to offer these services. Since the premium is nominal and coverage is extensive,
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all parents/guardians are urged to purchase this insurance protection (both health and dental) for their children. If your
child has an accident which requires medical attention and you are covered by the school insurance program, please
notify your principal immediately.
We are always excited to welcome families of incoming kindergarteners to Southern York County School District!
Kindergarten registration is held in late winter/early spring in each of the elementary schools for all children in our school
district who will be eligible to enter our Kindergarten the following school year. The admission of students to Kindergarten
is limited to those children who are five years old on or before August 31
. If you feel that your child is too young and not
ready for school, you are invited to contact your child’s building principal to discuss your concerns. Children whose 6
birthday falls before September 1 of the school year are eligible for first grade.
Online pre-registration: Parents/Guardians may complete online pre-registration prior to the spring in-house registration
event. A link to the online registration is located under Sapphire in the Parent/Guardian portal of the District website: Please complete the pre-registration by February 10. If you are unsure of which school your child will
attend, you may contact the Student Transportation office at (717) 235-4811, ext. 7350.
Please see Board Policy 201 for additional information about Admission for Beginners.
If your child will be home schooled or going to a private school, please notify the main office of the school your child plans
to attend.
During the in-house registration, please bring your child and the following documentation:
1. Proof of Age (can be original birth certificate, copy of birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, legal (notarized)
statement by a parent, or prior school records)
2. Two items as proof of residence (driver’s license, car registration, copy of lease or bill with name and current address)
3. Physician Verified Statement of Immunizations Please obtain this from your physician or have it faxed to your
elementary school.
IMMUNIZATIONS (These must be in writing and signed by a physician):
4 doses - Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (usually given as DTaP, DTP, DT or Td - 4th dose on or after 4th birthday
and at least 6 months after previous dose given)
4 doses Polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given)
2 doses Measles, mumps and rubella (usually given as MMR)
3 doses - Hepatitis B vaccine given at properly spaced intervals
2 doses Varicella (chicken pox) or history of immunity
Your child will not be admitted to school in the fall until these requirements are met. Please bring all immunization
paperwork to the spring in-house registration event held in March. Since the series of immunizations listed above takes a
total of six to eight months to complete, it is advisable to begin them as soon as possible.
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*The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania no longer requires the student to be vaccinated against smallpox before entering
school. However, the Commonwealth asks that we continue to keep accurate records on who has been vaccinated and
who has not. So, if your child has been vaccinated, please bring the Successful Vaccination Immunization Form with you.
A cafeteria breakfast and lunch service is available to all students in all of the district’s schools. Breakfast is served each
morning. A variety of hot and cold selections are available. Students may also pack lunches. Students who pack their lunch
may supplement them with purchased beverages and/or snacks. Packed lunches from home are not to include any glass
containers, and carbonated drinks are not encouraged. Children are permitted to buy no more than three containers of milk
at lunch time. There are limited food choices available at the elementary level and some a-la-carte items. The District will
make reasonable attempts to honor dietary restrictions based on a physician’s note delivered to the building principal.
The cost of school lunches is determined annually and published on the district website on the school lunch menu. If you
have any questions concerning the cost of the lunches, please call the school your child attends. We encourage
parents/guardians to participate in our convenient “Debit Sale” system, which allows for deposits on account with students
drawing on the available balance as they purchase lunch or lunch items. Deposits should be made by check or online via
MySchoolBucks. Students will be given a starter supply of envelopes at the beginning of the year and reminder envelopes
when their account falls to a balance of five dollars. This represents a warning period of three days. Cash payments are
accepted, but most parents/guardians and students find the debit sale system to be a far more convenient way to pay for
Each child’s parent/guardian and homeroom teacher will be notified weekly if any money is outstanding with regards to
school lunches. Students may make payment for all outstanding debts in the cafeteria. There is no borrowing for a-la-carte
Access to your child(ren)’s cafeteria account(s) is available online via MySchoolBucks. Here, parents/guardians are able to
view transactions and balances in their child(ren)’s cafeteria account(s) and make electronic deposits. If you do not have
Internet access, or if you choose not to use MySchoolBucks, you may continue to deposit cash or a check into your child(ren)’s
lunch account. The MySchoolBucks link is located in the Parent/Guardian Portal at the District’s website (
under “Online Tools.
Free and Reduced Lunch
The School District is a participant in the National School Lunch Program and offers free and reduced meals to students who
qualify based on the family income of their parent/guardian(s). All students are provided information and application forms
at the beginning of the school year. The Southern York County School District business office manages the free and reduced
lunch program, and all information is processed and maintained on a confidential basis. If you have any questions regarding
the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, please contact Angie McCauley in the the business office at (717) 235-4811, ext. 7222.
A confidential free or reduced lunch transaction is made at the check-out register electronically.
(Please see Board Policy #246 for more information on School Wellness)
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Students and their parents/guardians can access attendance records, classroom assignments, and grades through
Sapphire. Regularly checking Sapphire makes it easier than ever to gain a real-time snapshot of your child’s academic
performance. The Sapphire link is located in the Parent/Guardian Portal at the District’s website (
under “Online Tools.
In August, passwords are reset and letters are mailed to parents/guardians with this information before the start of the
school year. Parents and/or guardians may request assistance by contacting the help desk at 717-235-4811 extension
7262 or
The Parent/Guardian Teacher Organizations play a vital role in our schools. We encourage parents/guardians to take an
active part in these organizations.
The safety of all of our students and families is very important. We ask that everyone adhere to the procedures for
picking up and dropping off students indicated on the flyer sent home at the start of each school year. For the safety of
all, please refrain from ever walking through bus traffic.
The following activities are prohibited while on all property owned by the School District:
Operating a motor vehicle in excess of 15 miles per hour.
Disobeying traffic signs, markings, or established vehicular patterns.
Disobeying directions of the Southern Regional Police Department, School District security personnel, and other
authorized personnel directing traffic.
Operating a motor vehicle on a lawn or other planted area, walkway, or any surface not designated for motor
Parking or stopping a motor vehicle at any time in designated fire lanes or bus lanes during prohibited hours.
Parking a motor vehicle in an undesignated parking area, including temporary no-parking zones when posted.
Parking a motor vehicle in a handicapped space without clearly displaying a valid handicapped permit or tag.
Parking a motor vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in a location that obstructs access to a gate, road,
sidewalk, exit, or bus loading zone.
Storing a motor vehicle or other equipment without the prior written authorization of the Director of
The School Board authorizes the Southern Regional Police Department and/or School District security personnel to
enforce its traffic and parking regulations. Authorized personnel may issue tickets for traffic and parking violations.
Tickets will be handed to the violator or placed on the windshield of the violator’s motor vehicle. If the violator pays the
amount specified on the ticket within five days of the violation, the case will be concluded without filing a citation with
the local District Magistrate. If a citation is turned over to the District Magistrate, the violator may be responsible for
related court costs. If a violator does not respond to the ticket or wishes to plead not guilty, the Southern Regional Police
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Department is authorized to file a citation on behalf of the School District.
The School District may tow an unattended motor vehicle for a traffic or parking violation, in addition to issuing a ticket.
Motor vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
The School District may temporarily or permanently suspend a person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle on school
property for a second or subsequent violation of its traffic and/or parking regulations.
Our goal is always to support the wellness policy which encourages all of our students to eat in a healthy way. In support
of this policy, we ask that a healthy alternative is always provided when treats are brought into school. Please make sure
to coordinate any treats with your child’s classroom teacher. For safety reasons, please contact your child’s teacher for
any food allergies in the classroom.
Please see Board Policy 246 for more information regarding School Wellness.
Students are responsible for any personal property brought from home. This may include, but is not limited to,
backpacks, clothing, electronic devices, personal books, or supplies. Classroom doors are secured when no one is in the
room, but the District cannot guarantee the prevention of loss or damage to personal property brought from the home
into the school. Each school has designated areas for lost and found articles.
The School District cannot assume responsibility for personally owned musical instruments. However, students may keep
their instruments in a storage area during the day. Although these areas are secured when no one is in the area, the
district cannot guarantee the prevention of loss or damage to instruments that are placed in these storage areas.
Use of Students’ Names and Photos in Media and District Web Page
Throughout the school year, the Southern York County School District may have many opportunities to share
newsworthy information and/or pictures of its students with local newspapers and through various school district
publications or videotaped productions. In addition, our school district maintains a web page for use by students,
administrators, teachers, and community members. At times, we may wish to share newsworthy information about our
students, using names, photos, and/or student art work (e.g., drawings, poems, creative writings) on our web pages.
If the opportunity arises for your child to be part of a news event or item, we shall assume we have your implied
consent to use your child’s name and/or picture, unless you provide us with prior written notification to the contrary.
If you prefer that your child’s name and/or identifiable picture or appearance in any videotaped productions (name
printed in caption of a group or individual photo, or identified in some other manner) not be used, please send a letter
to your child’s building principal, stating that you do not wish your child’s name or identifiable picture be used in any
school district publication, news items sent to local media, or on the school district’s web page, nor do you want your
child to appear in any videotaped productions.
Use of Audio/Video Recorded from Classroom Setting
The District endeavors to meet the needs of all its students, and from time-to-time uses technology as one means. In
order to accommodate special needs under State and Federal law, certain students in your child’s classroom might
have the right to audio or video record, or to receive teacher-made audio or video recordings, of discussions that
occur during instructional activities. These recordings could include your child.
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The District will take appropriate steps to assure that the child making the recording, or for whom the recording is
made, will use the recording solely to support his or her ability to access and retain educational information. The
recording shall be destroyed when it is no longer necessary for that purpose. Recordings shall not be maintained by or
otherwise considered educational records of the District for any purpose.
Students Unable to Participate in Regular Physical Education Program
Students who cannot fully participate in the physical education program because of a physical disability, either
permanent (such as a heart condition) or temporary (such as a fracture) will be referred for placement in the
adaptive physical education program according to established guidelines. If the student is not placed in this program,
a signed statement from a physician is required concerning physical education restrictions. Medical excuses from the
physician are given to the school nurse. If the excuse is for more than one class period, the excused student will be
involved in observation of the physical education activities until the student can participate in the physical education
class. The nurse will notify appropriate staff members in writing. Physical education excuses from parents/guardians
are given to the physical education teacher and are valid for one class period, at the teacher’s discretion.
The Southern York County School District is committed to maintaining the safety and security of all students and staff. We
have a district-wide safety committee and each school building has a safety committee that has developed specific plans in
the event of an emergency. A School Resource Officer monitors the safety in all of our school buildings and supports
numerous educational programs. All exterior doors to all district buildings and all classroom doors are kept locked at all
times. All visitors wishing to enter the school must enter by the primary entrance and request entry by ringing the
buzzer. The office staff will request identification and purpose of the visit prior to “buzzing-in” the visitor to the main
office. Once in the main office, visitors will have their identification scanned into our visitor management system and will
receive a visitor’s badge. To assist with this process, cameras are located at the building’s primary entrances. In addition,
the District has an anonymous hotline that is in place to enable anyone to contact the District and share information with
us about a possible threat to the safety and wellbeing of our students and/or staff. Please do not hesitate to contact your
school principal with any questions or concerns regarding safety and security.
Southern York County School District provides counseling services in each of the elementary schools to support the social
and emotional needs of all students.
On occasion, school counselors may conduct classroom lessons. Topics are chosen in accordance with age-appropriate
developmental tasks and are based on students’ needs. Topics may include diversity, self-esteem, friendship, career
development, self-regulation, coping strategies, and empathy.
The elementary counselors are committed to supporting all students academically, emotionally, and socially. Please feel
free to contact the school counselor at any time to discuss concerns regarding your child. Students and teachers may also
contact school counselors at any time.
School Counselors meet with individual students and small groups. Parents/guardians of students in small group
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counseling sessions receive notification of the student’s participation. Resources are provided to families of students in
need of additional services.
Office Hours
School in Session
School not in Session
District Administration
7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Elementary Schools
8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Opening and Closing Times
All of our elementary schools open at 8:35 a.m. and classes begin at 8:50 a.m. Students should arrive at school no earlier
than 8:35 a.m. All students are dismissed at 3:30 p.m. unless there is an emergency school closing.
The school furnishes all necessary texts, supplementary books, and school supplies. Students are responsible for books
and materials in their possession. If a student loses or willfully destroys a book, the student may be asked to pay for the
book. Payment is determined by the Principal based on the original cost of the book and its condition when issued to the
All students in Grades Kindergarten through 6 will receive a Chromebook to use at school. All students will learn how to
take care of the Chromebook. If your child’s Chromebook is broken or not working properly, the student must report the
issue to their teacher as soon as possible in order to repair the device. Damage from carelessness or intentional damage
may result in disciplinary action and charges for repair or replacement. Below you will find an outline of our expectations
for caring for the Chromebooks. Please review the expectations with your child and reiterate the importance of taking care
of the district issued Chromebook.
SYCSD Elementary Chromebook Care Expectations
General Precautions - No food or drink should be used with Chromebooks. Chromebooks must remain free of any writing,
drawing, stickers, and labels; heavy objects should never be placed on top of Chromebooks.
Carrying Chromebooks - Never lift Chromebooks by the screen or carry with the screen open.
Screen Care - The Chromebook screen may be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, cleaning solvents,
and liquids; do not store a Chromebook with the screen open; make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing
the lid (e.g. pens, pencils or disks); only clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
Asset Tags - All Chromebooks will be labeled with a district asset tag that includes each student’s name; asset tags may not
be modified or tampered with in any way.
Backgrounds and Themes - Inappropriate media may not be used as Chromebook backgrounds or themes.
Logging into a Chromebook - Students will log into their Chromebooks using their school issued Google account; students
should never share their account passwords with others.
Managing and Saving Your Digital Work With a Chromebook - The majority of student work will be stored in
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Internet/cloud based applications and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection; the district will not
be responsible for the loss of any student work
Internet Usage - The Chromebooks connect to the internet wirelessly; students will utilize the SYCSD filtered wireless
infrastructure to access the internet
Google Apps for Education - Chromebooks seamlessly integrate with the Google Apps for Education suite of productivity
and collaboration tools; all work is stored either on Google or district servers.
Chrome Web Apps and Extensions - The Chromebook operating system, Chrome OS, updates automatically; students do
not need to manually update their Chromebooks; students are allowed to install appropriate Chrome web apps and
extensions from the Chrome web store.
Estimated Costs (subject to change) Charges for intentional damage or damage due to carelessness may be assessed; the
following are estimated itemized costs of Chromebook parts and replacements: Chromebook Replacement $250.00; Screen
$75.00; Keyboard/touchpad $50.00; Power cord $30.00
No Expectation of Privacy - Students have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy with respect to usage of a
Chromebook, regardless of whether use is for district related or personal purposes, other than as specifically provided by
law; the district may, without prior notice or consent, log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record use of student
Chromebooks at any time for any reason; teachers, school administrators, and the technology department staff may use
monitoring software that allows them to view the screens and activity on student Chromebooks; by using a Chromebook,
students agree to such access, monitoring, and recording of their use; the use of the internet is allowed only for school-
related purposes; downloading or accessing any content for non school-related purposes is a violation of the Acceptable
Use Policy; email (or any other computer communication) should be for school-related purposes only.
While working in a digital and collaborative environment, students should always conduct themselves as good digital
citizens. School issued Chromebooks should be used for educational purposes only and students are to adhere to the
Acceptable Use of Technology policy at all times.
(For additional information on Acceptable Use of District Technology Resources, please see Board Policy #815)
Students can demonstrate appropriate use by adhering to the following:
Respect Yourself - I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I
will use caution with the information, images, and other media that I post online. I will carefully consider what
personal information about my life, experiences, or relationships I post. I will post not be obscene. I will act with
Protect Yourself - I will ensure that the information, images, and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will
not publish my personal details, contact details, or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate
behavior directed at me while online. I will protect passwords, accounts, and resources.
Respect Others - I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk
people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites: I will not visit sites that are degrading to others,
pornographic, racist, or inappropriate. I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.
Protect Others - I will protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or
communications. I will avoid unacceptable materials and conversations.
Respect Intellectual Property - I will request permission to use copyrighted or otherwise protected materials. I will
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suitably cite all use of websites, books, media, etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources. I will validate information. I
will use and abide by the fair use rules.
Protect Intellectual Property - I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will purchase, license,
and register all software or use available free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software. I will
purchase my music and media and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses.
Special Education and Special Education Programs
It is the responsibility of the Pennsylvania Department of Education to ensure that all children with disabilities residing in
the Commonwealth, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special education and related
services, are identified, located and evaluated. This responsibility is required by federal law called the Individuals with
Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Pennsylvania Chapter 14 Special Education Regulations.
A full range of special education services are provided by the Southern York County School District. Programs provided
directly by the district include those for students who have a specific learning disability, emotional disturbance, intellectual
disability, speech or language impairment, a hearing impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury or other health
impairment. Services are provided for students who are mentally gifted. Additional services are provided to Southern
students through contract with the Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12. These services address the needs of early childhood,
visually impaired, and severely impaired or multi-handicapped students. Occupational and physical therapy services are
also provided to students who qualify.
Child Find efforts to identify special needs students in Southern schools are varied. Preschool students between age 3 and 5
are identified through services provided by the district through the Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12. Kindergarten students
are screened for hearing and vision at the time of registration at Southern York School District. Registration is scheduled by
appointment and the dates are listed in the district calendar. Kindergarten registration is held during April. Screening is also
conducted for all kindergarten students in early September each year to identify students who are possibly at risk in a
variety of areas including speech and language. New resident students are also screened for special needs at the building
level through a review of school records and parent/guardian/student interviews at the time of enrollment.
If teachers or staff suspect that a student might be in need of instructional interventions, a school team reviews records,
diagnostic data, and current levels of academic and functional performance. Conclusions drawn by the school team as to
determine what if any instructional interventions within our multi-tiered systems of support are necessary to support the
student, a referral for a multidisciplinary evaluation and further assessment may also be recommended.
If a parent/guardian wishes to request a multidisciplinary evaluation, the school district asks the parent/guardian to provide
the child’s building principal written permission for the evaluation to begin. Any parent/guardian who requests a
multidisciplinary evaluation of a resident child not attending Southern schools should send the written request to the
Director of Special Education. A multidisciplinary evaluation must be conducted in accordance with specific timelines and
follow protection-in-evaluation procedures. The evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary evaluation team, which
includes, at least, the parents/guardians, a certified school psychologist, teachers, and others who have worked with the
child and can contribute relevant information. The evaluation results are summarized in a report of findings, with
conclusions and recommendations called an Evaluation Report. Parents/guardians also have the right to obtain an
independent educational evaluation. Southern will provide, upon request, information about where an independent
evaluation may be obtained. Under certain circumstances, such an evaluation may be obtained at public expense.
If a parent/guardian wishes to request a multidisciplinary evaluation, the school district asks the parent/guardian to provide
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the child’s building principal written permission for the evaluation to begin. Any parent/guardian who requests a
multidisciplinary evaluation of a resident child not attending Southern schools should send the written request to the
Director of Special Education.
A multidisciplinary evaluation must be conducted in accordance with specific timelines and follow protection-in-evaluation
procedures. The evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary evaluation team, which includes, at least, the parents/
guardians, a certified school psychologist, teachers, and others who have worked with the child and can contribute relevant
information. The evaluation results are summarized in a report of findings, with conclusions and recommendations called
an Evaluation Report. Parents/guardians also have the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation. Southern will
provide, upon request, information about where an independent evaluation may be obtained. Under certain
circumstances, such an evaluation may be obtained at public expense.
The determination of whether or not a student has a disability and may be in need of special education services is made by
the Evaluation Team. A single test or procedure cannot be the sole factor in determining that the student has a disability.
The IEP Team must consist of at least a district representative, the student’s teacher, and the parents/guardians. The IEP
Team develops a written Individual Education Plan based on the results of the evaluation. Placement must be made in the
least restrictive environment in which the student’s needs can be met with special education and related services. All
students with disabilities must be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with children who are not disabled.
Southern York County School District protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable information regarding screening,
referral, evaluation, storage, disclosure, and destruction of information for all students screened for or enrolled as an
exceptional student in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and other applicable
federal and state laws. Southern York Board of Education Policies #216 and 216.1 provide further information regarding
confidentiality of student records.
The rights of parents/guardians are protected by procedural safeguards. These safeguards include parent/guardian consent
for evaluations, re-evaluation, release of information, and placement of the student with a disability in a special education
placement. Safeguards also include notification to parents/guardians, and the right to preconference meetings, mediation,
or impartial due process hearings. A full explanation of procedural safeguards is contained in the “Procedural Safeguards
Notice” which is available upon request by calling the Special Education Office at 717-235-4811.
All communications regarding special education services are provided in English or, if necessary, in other languages solely
used by parents/guardians. If a person does not understand any written information, further explanation may be requested
by contacting the school district. When necessary, the district will also arrange for an interpreter for parents/guardians with
limited English proficiency, or if a parent/guardian is deaf or blind or has no written language, the school district will
arrange for communication in the mode normally used by the parent/guardian (e.g. sign language, Braille, or oral
For more information, contact the Director of Special Education, Southern York County School District, 717-235-4811,
extension 7229.
Annual Notice of Parents/Guardians of Protected Handicapped Students
In compliance with state and federal law, the Southern York County School District will provide each “protected
handicapped student,” without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aides, services, or
accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school
program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In order to qualify as a
“protected handicapped student,” the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability which substantially
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limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program.
These services and protections for “protected handicapped students” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or
exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs.
For further information on the evaluation procedures and provisions of services to “protected handicapped student,”
please contact your child’s school.
Title I Instructors
Parents/guardians with students in buildings with the Title I program may request from the school district information
regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers. Requests should be made to the Assistant
Superintendent of the Southern York County School District at 717-235-4811.
English Learners
In accordance with the Southern York County School District’s philosophy to provide quality educational programs to all
district students and to increase the English language proficiency of students who are English Learners (EL), the district
provides an effective Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) that meets the needs of English Learners. The goal of
the LIEP shall be to demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency and student academic achievement so
that EL students can achieve academic success. EL students are identified, assessed and provided appropriate instruction in
order to be provided with an equitable opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in educational programs and
extracurricular activities.
Gifted Programs
Southern York County School District provides mentally gifted services at all grade levels. The primary emphasis is on
enrichment and/or acceleration as determined by the Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) Team. These services are
provided through differentiated instruction and/or specialized instructional strategies with the regular educational
classroom and/or in a separate setting. Specialized instructional strategies can include tiered assignments, curriculum
compacting, flexible grouping, learning stations, and independent projects/contracts. Services are enhanced through the
use of seminars at the elementary and middle school levels. At the high school level, mentally gifted students engage in
gifted advisories, honors and advanced placement courses, online enrichment coursework, research, and technology-based
projects, transition planning, independent contracts/study, mentoring and shadowing, and dual enrollment with local
colleges and universities.
The referral process for a gifted evaluation can be initiated by teachers or parents/guardians by contacting the student’s
building principal and requesting a mentally gifted screening. For more information, contact the Director of Special
Education, Southern York County School District, at 717-235-4811, extension 7229.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) focuses on identifying student concerns that may adversely affect learning. SAP is
coordinated by a group of concerned members of the professional staff who have received training in recognizing student
behaviors that inhibit educational growth.
Any of the following persons may make a referral to SAP: school staff, a student’s parent/guardian, the student themselves,
or any other concerned individual. Referrals may be made when academic success in school is affected by social, emotional,
or behavioral challenges. Confidentiality between the student and school personnel will be respected and maintained in
the best interest of the student. Students may also benefit from school based counseling services through PCBH
(Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health). These outpatient counseling services are provided in your child’s school
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by certified therapists. Parents/guardians may contact the School Counselor’s Office for further information.
In an effort to maintain safe learning environments for all students, the Southern York County School District has
implemented Threat Assessment Teams to assess threats directed at or by students of our district. “A threat is a
communication of intent to harm someone that may be spoken, written, gestured, or expressed in some other form (ex.
Text message, email or some other digital means (Comprehensive Student Threat Assessment Guidelines). The District
implements the Comprehensive Student Threat Assessment model, which draws on administrative, legal, and psychological
resources to determine severity of the threat and develop a response.
All threatening statements should be reported to a student’s administration or counselor immediately to initiate an
investigation and to ensure the safety of our schools.
More information on Terroristic Threats can be found in Board Policy 218.2
The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their
maximum potential through the programs and activities offered in the schools without discrimination on the basis of race,
color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, pregnancy or handicap/disability.
The Board also declares it to be the policy of this district to comply with federal law and regulations under Title IX
prohibiting sexual harassment, which is a form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex. Such discrimination shall be
referred to throughout this policy as Title IX sexual harassment. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX to the district
may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education,
or both.
The district is committed to the maintenance of a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free from
discrimination by providing all students course offerings, counseling, assistance, services, employment, athletics and
extracurricular activities without any form of discrimination, including Title IX sexual harassment. Discrimination is
inconsistent with the rights of students and the educational and programmatic goals of the district and is prohibited at or,
in the course of, district-sponsored programs or activities, including transportation to or from school or school-sponsored
activities. Any act of misconduct or abuse is not tolerated.
Violations of this policy, including acts of retaliation as described in this policy, or knowingly providing false information,
may result in disciplinary consequences under applicable Board policy and procedures.
The student’s parents/guardians or any other person with knowledge of conduct that may violate this policy is encouraged
to immediately report the matter to the building principal.
District Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Robert Bryson, Assistant Superintendent
Email: robert.brys[email protected]
Phone: 717 235-4811 ext. 7230
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More information on the investigation, maintenance of confidentiality, and supportive measures for complaintants, please
reference Board policy 103 “Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students.”
When entering the building, all visitors must report to the school’s main office, where arrangements will be made to
conduct them through the building or to visit the classrooms. Please note that audio and video recordings may be
conducted in the building for safety and security.
All visitors to the building must report to the main office to secure a visitor’s pass. Visitors must provide the purpose of the
visit and photo identification prior to entrance to the building.
Please refer to Board Policy #907 for more information on School Visitors.
Southern York County School District is proud of the high level of volunteer involvement in our schools. Our
parents/guardians, retirees, interested citizens, and community organizations donate their time and talents to our schools
in many ways. Volunteers in our schools augment the education and support services available to students through the
use of their diverse talents and skills.
Volunteers who have direct contact with a student or students (meaning that they have care supervision, guidance or
control and routine interaction with students) are required to obtain criminal background clearance checks. For example,
this volunteer contact time could include, but is not limited to: coaching, chaperoning a field trip or competition, helping
a teacher, helping with an activity during Fall Day, running a game station during Field Day, and/or providing supplemental
assistance to a student without direct supervision by a School District employee. Under Act 15 of 2015, the clearances are
required to be obtained and renewed on a five-year cycle. All new volunteers submitting clearance packets, must submit
all clearances that are less than a year old.
Visitors who are at no time alone with a student without a School District employee present are not required to obtain
criminal background clearance checks.
In addition, volunteers who provide a service to the School District for an aggregate period of time exceeding 10 hours per
week throughout the school year must undergo a tuberculosis examination administered either by your family physician
or a school nurse in accordance with the regulations of the PA Department of Health. While the school nurse is available
to perform the TB exam, we prefer that you obtain the test from your family physician because the priority of our school
nurses remains our students.
Effective July 25, 2015, the PA Child Abuse Clearance and the PA Criminal History Record Check will be free to volunteers
once every 5 years, you must mark that you are volunteering.
As always, we are committed to keeping our students safe.
Please refer to Policy #906 for more information on Visitors, Volunteers, and Coop Supervisors.
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The School Laws of Pennsylvania require that accurate student records be maintained. Please promptly report (1) any
change of address within the school system and (2) the date of withdrawal if the family is moving from the district. This
is imperative during the summer as well as the school year.
When a withdrawal from school is due to a move from the school district, parents/guardians should notify the school of the
exact date of withdrawal, their new address, and the name of the school district they will enter. The student’s formal
withdrawal will occur when a “Request for Records is received from the student’s new school. All scholastic records will
be sent directly to the new school upon their request.
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Student Behavior Policy
Southern York County School District
The Board of Education adopts appropriate guidelines for student behavior each year for administrators’ use with
students within our school district. These guidelines are to be published in student handbooks and shared with students
at the beginning of each school year or upon District enrollment during the school year.
Teachers and administrators are reminded that these policies are to be used as a guide in dealing with student behavior.
Corporal punishment is no longer an adopted policy of Southern York County School Board. However, under the “in loco
parentis” doctrine, teachers and school officials may administer physical restraint as a last resort if the student is
considered a danger to him/herself or others. Since each student is an individual, professional judgment as to the proper
response to student misbehavior is essential to each situation.
Public schools are governed by the complex interaction of the U.S. Constitution, the Statutes of the General Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the regulations of the State Board of Education, adopted policies of the board of
school directors, and court decisions. Administrative regulations at the district and building levels flow from these laws.
The general authority of school officials can be found in Section 510 of the School Code which reads in part:
“The board of school directors in any school district may adopt and enforce such reasonable rules and
regulations as it may deem necessary and proper regarding the management of its school affairs and the
conduct and deportment of all students attending the public schools in the district, during such time as they
are under the supervision of the board of school directors and teachers, including the time necessarily spent
in coming to and returning from school.”
This general authority is extended to administrators and teachers in Section 1317 of the Code. This section gives school
personnel in Loco Parentis (in place of the parent/guardian status) status and reads:
“Each teacher, vice-principal and principal in the public schools shall have the right to exercise the same
authority as to conduct and behavior over the students attending this school, during the time they are in
attendance, including the time required in going to and from their homes, as the parents/guardians, or
persons in parental/guardianal relation to such students may exercise over them.”
Due Process is the procedure that is followed when a student violates school rules. The rights assured by due process are:
1. To receive notice (written or oral) specifying the violation in a clear and concise manner.
2. To have a conference at which evidence of the violation is presented.
3. To be allowed to rebut the charge.
4. To be allowed to present witnesses on the student’s behalf.
5. To be allowed to provide an explanation in mitigation of the violation or penalty.
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6. To be notified of the specific penalty imposed.
7. To allow parents/guardians of the student to confer with school personnel as to the disposition of the case.
For additional information, refer to Board Policy No. 219.
The Supreme Court has found that students do have constitutional rights that must be respected in the schools, but these
rights must be balanced against the duty of the schools to maintain an environment in which learning can take place. To
this end, school officials may legally search a student, book bag, a student’s locker and a vehicle driven by a student and
parked on school property, and/or other personal possessions if there is reasonable suspicion to justify a search. Any
search and seizure, if reasonable, may lead to disciplinary action and/or criminal charges being brought against the
student. If a student refuses to comply with a search, the parent/guardian(s) will be notified and the police contacted.
Random periodic sweeps may be conducted by school officials and/or police officials using specially trained dogs.
Students should expect only limited privacy regarding items placed in school lockers because school property is subject to
a sweep at any time. The same rule applies to vehicles brought to the school premises. These are also subject to such
sweeps. Following the discovery of an unauthorized item, a student will be subject to the established drug, alcohol,
tobacco, weapons or other policies of the school district.
In accordance with the Pennsylvania State Board of Education regulations, Southern York County School District has
adopted a student behavior policy. Southern York County School District believes that an effective education can best
take place in an orderly and disruption-free environment. We have therefore chosen to emphasize the following student
According to the Pennsylvania State Board of Education regulations, student responsibilities are as follows:
1. Regular school attendance, effort in class work and compliance with school rules and regulations.
2. No student has the right to interfere with the education of their fellow students. It is the responsibility of each
student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and all others who are involved in the
educational process.
3. Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.
4. It is the responsibility of all students to comply with the following:
a. Be knowledgeable of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct themselves in accordance with
b. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and the
protection of school property.
c. Adhere to school dress code.
d. Contribute to a safe school environment.
e. Follow state and local laws.
f. Make up work when absent.
g. Pursue and attempt to satisfactorily complete the courses of study prescribed by the Commonwealth and local
school authorities.
h. Report accurately and not use indecent or obscene language in all student communications
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It is the hope of the administration that a student’s dress and appearance will always be within reasonable limits of decency
and will reflect pride in Southern York County School District. Articles of clothing which are questionable in the minds of
parents/guardians will undoubtedly not be appropriate.
The following rules are provided to help students comply with the policy on dress and grooming. The following are not
1. Tube tops, halter tops, tops that expose midriff, sports bras, low-cut shirts (front and/or back), or muscle shirts
2. Tank tops that do not meet the 3-finger rule” (The tank top strap must be as wide as 3 fingers on a
student’s hand in order to be considered appropriate.)
3. Clothing and jewelry displaying slogans/pictures which suggest the use of alcohol, drugs, obscene language, lewd or
illegal behavior, cults, gangs, inflammatory, discriminatory or harassing subjects, or weapons
4. Bare feet
5. Transparent or immodest clothing that attracts undue attention (e.g. miniskirts, sheer blouses, etc.)
6. Any clothing that presents a safety hazard or interferes with the educational process.
7. Coats and jackets must be kept in student lockers/closets throughout the day. Exceptions to this rule may be made
by the staff.
8. Students may wear shorts of modest length throughout the school year.
9. No undergarments may be exposed at any time.
All students in grades one through six will participate in organized physical education classes. For each child’s individual
safety, students are required to wear sneakers while participating.
The Board of Education affirms that the use/abuse of controlled substances is incompatible with the educational and
developmental process, and that even occasional use can constitute a disruptive situation for the individual or other
students. Therefore, the use/abuse, possession, transfer and/or sale of illegal/prescription drugs, alcoholic beverages,
inhalants (other than physician-prescribed inhalers), or prohibited substances/paraphernalia on school district property,
or while engaged in any school sponsored activity, or in any setting in which students are responsible to school authority
and/or supervision, is prohibited. All prescription drugs, except inhalers, must be housed and dispensed in the health
The emphasis of the school staff will be on preventative and corrective action designed to enhance the education, health,
and welfare of all students. Discipline of students involved in prohibited conduct, including suspension or expulsion from
school, is deemed to be a proper preventative and corrective action.
For information on Drug, Alcohol and Prohibited Substance/Paraphernalia use and participate in extracurricular activities,
refer to Agreement for Participation in Extracurricular Activities Contract in the student handbook.
For additional information, refer to Board Policy #227.
Any student on school grounds, at a school sponsored activity, utilizing school district transportation, or in any setting in
which students are responsible to school authority or supervision, who is under the influence of a drug, look-alike drug,
alcoholic beverage or prohibited substance or who possesses, uses, dispenses, sells, transfers or aids in the procurement
of a drug, look-alike drug, drug paraphernalia, prescription medications, alcoholic beverage, inhalant, or prohibited
substance shall be subject to discipline. This discipline could include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion from
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school. If a student is expelled from school, the Board may require participation in a drug counseling, rehabilitation,
testing or other program as a condition of re-admission to school. Special Note: All prescription drugs, except inhalers,
must be housed and dispensed in the health suite.
Our campus is marked by signs at the entrances which identify the property as a “Drug-Free School Zone”. This is part of
the district’s effort to convey a message of “Zero Tolerance” to illegal possession, use, or sale, of unauthorized
substances, including drugs and/or alcohol on the school campus.
Clearly, the intent is to warn all individuals that any violations to related laws will be pursued to the maximum extent. The
actual presence of the “Drug-Free School Zone” signs permits additional penalties of a minimum sentence of at least two
years’ total confinement to be levied with existing legislation. Specific information reference this piece of legislation can
be found in Pennsylvania’s ACT 31 which became effective on July 1, 1988. Additional legislation is found in the
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 passed at the federal level which further strengthened penalties for
drug/alcohol violations within 1000 feet of school grounds.
The Southern York County School District is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students. We
believe teaching and nurturing the growth of the social and emotional skills of our students is essential. All of our
elementary schools focus intentional programming, strategies, and resources on teaching and promoting the following
social emotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, decision
making. The development of these skills has been proven to enhance students’ resilience, reduce problem behaviors,
reduce bullying, improve academics, and promote career readiness.
The Board recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment
necessary for student learning, and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, the Board prohibits bullying by district
Bullying/Cyberbullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another
student or students, which occurs in a school setting (school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop
or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school) and/or outside a school setting, that is severe,
persistent or pervasive and has the effect of substantial interference with a student’s education, creation of a threatening
environment, or substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
Students who feel they have been bullied should promptly report such incidents to an adult so these claims can be
investigated. Confidentiality of all parties will be maintained to the greatest extent possible. Reprisal or retaliation relating
to reports of bullying or participation in an investigation of allegations of bullying is prohibited.
Please see Board Policy #249 for more information on Bullying/Cyberbullying.
The Board of Education recognizes that tobacco, nicotine and nicotine delivery products present a health and safety hazard
which can have severe consequences for both the smoker and the non-smoker. In order to protect students and staff from
the safety hazards of smoking and from an environment noxious to non-smokers, the Board prohibits possession, use or
sale of tobacco, nicotine and nicotine delivery products by students at any time in a school building, on any property, buses,
vans and vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district, and at school-sponsored activities that are
held off school property. The definition of “tobacco, nicotine and nicotine delivery products” as used in this policy shall
mean all uses of tobacco, including lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, little cigar, pipe or other smoking product
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or material and smokeless tobacco in any form including chewing tobacco, snuff, dip or dissolvable tobacco pieces; any
product that contains or consists of nicotine in a form that can be ingested by chewing, smoking, inhaling or through other
means; and any product or device used, intended for use, or designed for the purpose of ingesting nicotine or another
substance, including any device or associated product used for what is commonly referred to as vaping or juuling. Students
who violate this policy will receive disciplinary consequences and will be referred to the local magistrate for a possible fine
plus court costs or alternative adjudication.
For additional information, refer to Board Policy #222.
The parents/guardians, students and community members of the Southern York County School District should be aware
that the Pennsylvania State Legislature Act 26 of 1995 includes a provision regarding possession of a weapon in school, on
school property, at any school sponsored activity, or on a public vehicle providing transportation to school or school-
sponsored activity.
The law requires a report of any incident to the School Board, the Department of Education, and the local law
enforcement agency of jurisdiction. Unless otherwise exempted, the law provides for a mandatory one year expulsion
from school for conviction of violation of this prohibition (Act 26).
The Superintendent may recommend discipline short of expulsion on a case-by-case basis. The Superintendent will, in
the case of an exceptional student, take all steps necessary to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
The definition of weapon for this law includes, but is not limited to, any knife, cutting instrument, numchucks, firearm,
rifle, and any tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. This action and the broad
definition of weapon reflect the concern of the General Assembly and the community at large with provision of a safe
environment for all children to learn. Additional information regarding the Weapons Provision is found in Board Policy
No. 218.3.
Student Behavior
All three elementary schools implement School-wide Positive Behavior Support Programs focusing on the development
of social-emotion learning competence. Each school has established behavioral expectations and positive reinforcements
are provided to students for meeting these expectations. Students exhibiting continuous difficulty meeting behavior
expectations will be provided with behavior supports as well as instruction for replacement behaviors.
Any individual who is a student of the Southern York County School District is subject to all school rules while in school,
traveling to and from school, and at school designated and/or sponsored events.
The following actions and activities on the part of a student shall be considered violations of the policies and regulations
of the Southern York County School District. While it is impossible to list or categorize all possible types of behavior which
may lead to disciplinary action, the following should be construed as representative, but not all-inclusive.
The following are categorized as Class I, II, and III violations, which may result in teacher intervention, detention,
suspension, expulsion, or prosecution by civil authorities. Continuation of any Class I or II violation may result in the
administration responding to that action as a Class III violation.
The administration has the option to substitute for each Class Violation any of the following:
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Restricted Hall Pass
Detention (after school/lunch/recess)
Required Parent/guardian Conference
In-school suspension
Out-of-School Suspension
Expulsion, pending possible hearing before the School Board
For additional information, refer to Board Policies No. 122, 123, 218.
Detention is a basic first level disciplinary measure assigned with the intent to deter further misconduct. Students who do
not serve detention will be moved through the discipline system as outlined in the discipline code. Continued failure to
serve the assignment will be considered defiance of school rules and may result in out-of-school suspension. Students
assigned detention by staff and/or administration are responsible for informing their parents/guardians that they have
been assigned detention. Detention may be assigned by the administration and will be held before, during or after school
hours. Except for students going to extracurricular activities, students must leave the building after detention is
dismissed. The student involved will have 24 hours’ notice to arrange for transportation. Detention students are not
permitted to ride the activity bus. When detention is cancelled, credit will be given for that day.
Teacher-held detention may be used by the classroom teacher to help manage undesirable student behavior. The
teacher assigning the detention will monitor the students involved. The administration must be informed of any students
who are assigned teacher-held detention. If a student fails to stay for a teacher-held detention, the student will be
assigned additional detention.
Community Service
The Community Service program provides the student with an opportunity to learn from his or her mistakes, reflect upon
them, and prevent future concerns. The student avoids missing valuable classroom instruction and has the opportunity
to give back to our community. Students and parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to choose between
community service and the Saturday School program. During this process, the administration, staff, and
parents/guardians work together to address the behavior rather than focusing on the punishment. This collaborative
approach helps our students understand the importance of relationships in school and the community, and how those
behaviors impact others.
Suspension from the Regular Classroom Instruction
When a student has committed a suspendable offense, the administration may assign the student to in-school
suspension (elementary level) or out-of-school suspension. The discipline may be assigned by the Principal or the
Assistant Principal.
In-School Suspension
When it has been decided that the student will be assigned to in-school suspension, the student will be removed from their
classes and placed in a separate, specified room that is monitored by staff. The student will complete all school assignments
to the satisfaction of their regular classroom teachers and comply with all rules, requirements, and regulations.
Out-of-School Suspension
Suspension shall be defined as prohibiting a student from attending school for a period of one to 10 days or until the
Board of Education meets to conduct an expulsion hearing. Suspension may be assigned by the building principal and/or
assistant principals.
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A student suspended out-of-school will be prohibited from attending school and being on school property during the
entire period of the suspension. The suspended days are excused absences and the suspended student will be permitted
to make up all class work that was missed, as outlined in the make-up work and test policy. During an
out-of-school suspension, the suspended student must remain at home during school hours. If at any time the student
leaves home without their parent/guardian or is observed away from the immediate area of his home without
parental/guardianal accompaniment during the hours school is in session, the absence for that day will be considered
unexcused. A student who is suspended out-of-school is ineligible to participate in any athletic event or attend any event
held by the school during the time of the suspension.
Suspension may not exceed a period of 10 days. The Principal and/or Assistant Principals shall immediately notify in
writing the Superintendent and the student’s parents/guardians, giving them the reasons and the length of the
suspension. No student may receive a suspension unless the student has been informed of the reasons for, and given the
opportunity to respond to the suspension before it takes effect. When the suspension exceeds three school days, the
student and parent/guardian may request an informal hearing to be held within the first three days.
Expulsion is defined as separating a student from the school system for a minimum of eleven or more days for disciplinary
reasons. Such action may be taken by the Board of School Directors on the recommendation of the principal and the
Superintendent. If there is a period of time between when the assigned suspension period ends and when the formal
hearing takes place, the student may be permitted to temporarily return to the regular classroom. If, after an informal
hearing, it is determined that a student’s presence in their normal class would constitute a threat to the
health, safety, morals or welfare of others, and if it is not possible to hold a formal hearing within the period of a full
suspension, the student may be excluded from school for not more than ten (10) school days, provided the formal
hearing is not unreasonably delayed. Any student so excluded will be provided with alternative instruction.
Students will make up exams and work missed while being disciplined by temporary or full suspension in a timely manner
as directed by their classroom teachers.
For additional information, refer to Board Policy No. 233.
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Tardiness/unexcused late to school
Offenses 1-3
Offense 4-5
Offense 6+
No discipline penalty. Homeroom teachers will notify the
student in writing that the student is being marked tardy.
One detention per tardy.
Required parent/guardian conference
Community service and/or Saturday detention plus loss
of driving privileges for remainder of year. (Student may
petition administration for driving privileges during the
fourth marking period.)
Truancy: Student absent from school
without a legal excuse (skipping school).
Refer to Attendance Policy.
Offenses 1-2
Third offense and
all offenses
Four plus
Six plus offenses and
failure of SAIP:
Community service and/or Saturday detention
Treated as persistent violation of school rules and will fall
under the category of Class III Violation. Appropriate action
according to state law will be assigned after the third
unexcused absence.
School Attendance Improvement Plan may be required.
Truancy referral may be made to the York County Office
of Children, Youth and Families
SAIP required, parent/guardian participation encouraged.
Truancy referral may be made to the York County Office
of Children, Youth and Families (10 or more unexcused
absences). Citations may be issued to the local District
Magisterial Court (4 or more unexcused absences).
Dress code violation
Public display of affection
Unauthorized consumption of food
or beverage outside the cafeteria
Misuse of school pass
Inappropriate language
Late to class
Disruptive behavior
Inappropriate behavior
Misrepresentation of the truth
Failure to report misconduct
Inappropriate cell phone use
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Teacher intervention and/or one detention
Community service or Saturday detention
In-school suspension
Required parent/guardian conference
Out-of-school suspension
Persistent disregard for Class II violations will be treated as a Class III violation.
Academic Dishonesty (includes, but is not
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
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limited to, cheating on tests, copying term
papers, forging signature of teacher and/or
Teacher intervention
Grade reduction
Possible failure of course
Required parent/guardian conference
Referral to school administrator
Community service or Saturday detention
Inappropriate use of an electronic device
during the school day and including school
(Handheld electronic devices, including cell
phones with headphones are permitted
during non-instructional time at the high
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Community service and/or Saturday School
In-school suspension
Out of school suspension
Bus Misbehavior
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Verbal warning
1 detention and parent/guardian notification
Loss of bus riding privileges
The administration has the option of removing a student from the bus immediately in
the event of severe misbehavior
High School:
Failure to comply with student driver
Leaving school without permission in a
Reckless driving on school grounds or
to or from school
Forging a parking permit
Failure to comply with School
District parking/traffic regulations
Offense 1 Loss of driving privileges
Offense 2 Loss of driving privileges for the rest of the year or at the discretion of
the administration
Offense 3 To be determined by the administration. Referral to police and/or
outside agencies at administration’s discretion.
Students who fail to comply with the School District’s parking/traffic
regulations will be fined $10 per incident.
Suspension of parking permit
Failure to report to detention or comply
with detention rules
Failure to report to Saturday School or
comply with Saturday School rules
Failure to report to Community Service or
comply with Community Service rules
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Additional detention
Community service or Saturday detention
In-school suspension
Out-of-school suspension
Inappropriate or disruptive behavior at an
Loss of assembly privileges and possible community service or Saturday detention
Student obligations
(Includes unpaid library fines, cafeteria
obligations, unpaid expenses for
materials used in classes
such as wood shop, etc.)
Final report cards, final transcripts, and final diplomas may be withheld
until such time as all obligations have been satisfied.
Students will be assigned a seat in the cafeteria during lunches until all
obligations are satisfied.
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Persistent violation of a Class I or Class II violation
Being in an unauthorized area without permission
Leaving school (building and/or grounds) without permission
Leaving class without permission
Failing to report to assigned class
Violation of any Federal, state or local law while on school property
or at any school event.
Activating fire alarm, making false emergency reports, bomb threat
Disorderly, vicious, or immoral conduct
Conspiracy or planning between two or more persons to commit a Class
III offense
Insubordination, defiance, verbal threats, verbal disrespect (including
obscene language and/or gestures) toward any student, school
employee or adult
Chronic disruption to the school environment
Participation in, or responsibility for, causing willful defacing, damage
or destruction, or vandalism of school property, student property or
personal property of a District employee or adult
Harassment, hazing, bullying, including verbal, physical, racial/ethnic
intimidation, cyber-bullying, stalking, or sexual harassment
Indecent exposure
Any combination of the following actions may
be used:
Community service or Saturday detention
In-school suspension (Elementary Only)
Out-of-school suspension
Referral to the Superintendent
Expulsion, pending hearing before the School
Referral to the polices and/or outside agency
Required parent/guardian conference
Any offense resulting in damages will result in full
restitution if appropriate.
Carrying on school property (or having in
their possession or vehicle), using, selling, or
passing weapons and/or explosive devices
(or look-alike, e.g. knives, including firearms,
sprays to include but not limited to pepper
sprays, mace, or inhalants)
Use, possession, transfer and/or sale of
drugs, or being under the influence of
drugs (including alcohol), look-alikes,
inhalants, unauthorized substances, use or
possession of drug paraphernalia
Making threats/terroristic threats to students,
staff, or school.
Note: Authorized prescriptions are filed with the
school nurse. No over-the-counter or
prescription medication should be in the
possession of a student without the nurse’s
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Community service or Saturday detention
In-school suspension (Elementary Only)
Out-of-school suspension
Referral to the Superintendent
Expulsion, pending hearing before the School Board
Referral to the police and/or outside agency
Required parent/guardian conference
Any offense resulting in damages will result in full restitution if appropriate.
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Smoking, possession, or sale of tobacco (in any
form), lighter, matches, or an unauthorized
substance. This includes non-tobacco products
such as
e-cigarettes, hookah pens, or e-hookahs.
Along with the above discipline procedures, students in possession of
tobacco will be reported to the local magistrate for a possible fine plus
court costs or alternative adjudication for possession of tobacco and/or
its use.
Students caught smoking in school will be placed on restricted pass for the
length of time determined by the administration. Chronic offenders will use
the restroom in the nurse’s suite.
Physical assault directed toward students
Out-of-school suspension
Referral to the police
Referral to Superintendent for possible School Board hearing
Physical assault directed toward any
District employee or adult
Striking a District employee or adult
10 days out-of-school suspension
Recommendation to the Superintendent for a School Board hearing
Referral to the police
Misuse of computers/technology equipment
or other school equipment including, but not
limited to, the following:
Installing software
Downloading files/games
Any use of computer other than that
assigned by teacher
Hacking into operating system
Violating and/or tampering with the
integrity of the system or network
Disabling or bypassing internet filter
Use of unfiltered devices
Any combination of the following actions may be used:
Loss of computer privilege for a specified amount of time
Community service or Saturday detention
In-school suspension (Elementary Only)
Out-of-school suspension
Referral to the Superintendent
Expulsion, pending hearing before the School Board
Referral to the police and/or outside agency
Any offense resulting in damages will result in full restitution if appropriate
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District Attendance Procedures
Southern York County School District
According to Pennsylvania law, each school must adopt a written attendance policy that must be distributed to parents
annually. The policy must comply with compulsory attendance laws and must allow the school to determine when a
student who is enrolled has an unexcused absence. The policy must also comply with the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
As noted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education , through the enactment of Act 16, the definition of compulsory
school age was changed to “the period of a child’s life from the time the child’s parents elect to have the child enter school
and which shall be no later than 6 years of age until the child reaches 18 years of age. The term does not include a child
who holds a certificate of graduation from a regularly accredited, licensed, registered or approved high school.” 24 P.S. §13-
Effective with the 2020-2021 school year, a child must comply with compulsory attendance requirements from age 6 to age
18. Specifically, a child who has attained the age of 6 on or before September 1 must enroll and attend school or begin a
home school program that year. Additionally, any student less than 18 years of age must comply with compulsory school
age requirements. The term “compulsory attendance” refers to the mandate that all children of compulsory school age
having a legal residence in Pennsylvania must attend a day school in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the
standards of the State Board of Education are taught in the English language.
Each school’s and nonpublic school’s attendance policy must address the maximum number of lawful absences verified by
parental notification that will be accepted in one school term. For all absences beyond the maximum amount, each school
and nonpublic school should state whether it will require an excuse from a physician in order for an absence to be
considered lawful.
Schools and nonpublic school must determine whether there is a possibility that a child is truant or chronically absent due
to a disability or a medical condition and should consider whether to address this topic in their attendance policies. A
student who is truant or chronically absent for health-related reasons may be eligible for protections under IDEA or Section
504. If a student with a disability is truant or chronically absent, the school should convene the student’s IEP team to
determine whether revisions to the student’s IEP are necessary or appropriate. In those instances, the administrator
responsible for handling truancy-related matters should be a participating member of the IEP team process. A student with
a disability who is truant or chronically absent for health-related reasons must still produce a valid excuse for any absence,
which may include a written excuse from a physician. However, schools must recognize that students’ disabilities may
present unique circumstances that might require consideration of other statutory or regulatory provisions or attendance
policies. That is, students’ federal and state law rights, such as those provided under IDEA, Section 504, or the ADA, may
require the school to otherwise diverge from its general attendance policy in order to ensure that all students with a
disability are provided a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).
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Southern York County School District requires a written explanation for each absence to be turned in to the homeroom
teacher, main office, or by email to your child’s school building within three days of the student’s return to school or it
will be considered unexcused. Parents/guardians may submit written absence explanations from their email address
on file to the building’s attendance email address listed below.
The written explanation MUST contain the following:
The student’s first and last name
The calendar days of the absence
The reason for the absence(s)
The signature of parent/guardian
The building attendance email addresses are as follows:
Shrewsbury Elementary
Southern Elementary
Friendship Elementary
Southern Middle smsattendan[email protected]
Susquehannock High School [email protected]rg
The District may request a doctor’s note for any student absent for three or more consecutive school days for the
absence to be excused.
Parents/guardians submitting doctor’s notes may scan them to the building attendance email address, but the district
reserves the right to request to see the original doctor note. The District may also request a doctor’s note for any student
absent for three or more consecutive school days, in order for the absence to be excused. It is the District’s intent to
make every effort to keep parents/guardians informed and to maintain communication regarding absences. Parents/
guardians of all students may access their children’s attendance records online through the Sapphire parent portal.
Parents/ guardians who have concerns regarding attendance are invited to call the school.
Excused Absences
Any absence of students for which there is a lawful excuse submitted within three days of the student’s return to school.
The school will consider the following as excused absences:
1. Failure for district transportation to operate.
2. Illness.
3. Death in the family.
4. Subject to prior approval of the principal:
a. Doctor and dentist appointments. Note: Please try to schedule appointments after 3:00PM.
b. Interviews for post-secondary or work (arrangements need to be made prior to the absence).
c. Patient or child guidance clinic, etc.
5. Urgent reasons, family emergencies, religious observances, court/legal matters.
6. Preapproved educational tours and trips.
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Southern York County School District may require a doctor’s note for students whose excused absences accumulate beyond
10 excused absences. After 8 cumulative days, SYCSD will issue a warning letter, notifying parents/guardians that their
child’s absences are excessive, and that SYCSD will require a doctor’s note after 10 absences (not including those excused
as as “O”) in order to consider an absence excused.
We encourage parents/guardians whose child’s absences may be a direct result of their child’s disability and/or medical
condition to please reach out to the child’s building administrator to help determine excusal for absences and appropriate
actions for attendance improvement. A student who is truant or chronically absent for health-related reasons may be
eligible for protections under IDEA or Section 504. If a student with a disability is truant or chronically absent, the school
should convene the student’s IEP team to determine whether revisions to the student’s IEP are necessary or appropriate.
When considering attendance in hybrid programs, Digital Academy and/or online coursework, student attendance is based
on completion of assigned work as communicated at the commencement of each program. Consideration for a student’s
disability and/or medical condition along with current accommodations in individualized education plans or service
agreement plans will be considered when determining attendance based on work completion.
Unexcused Absences
Any absence of students for which there is no lawful excuse submitted within three days after their return to school.
The school considers the list below as examples of unexcused absences:
1. Failure to submit a lawful excuse within three days after returning to school
2. Non-medical appointments
3. Unapproved trips and tours
4. Working
5. Hunting
6. Over-sleeping
7. Missing the bus
8. Taking driver’s test
9. Vehicular problem
10. Senior skip day (unexcused)
The school district utilizes an automated attendance calling system. When students are absent or late to school, phone
calls from the district will be made to home and cellular phone numbers to inform parents/guardians. The automated
message is below:
“This is an automated message from the Southern York County School District, notifying you that (student’ s
name) is ‘absent from’ or ‘was late to’ school today. If you have any questions, concerns, or need further
information regarding this message, please contact your child’s school. Please remember that a note must be
turned in within three days of your child’s return to school. If you have received this message in error, please
contact our helpdesk at 717-235- 4811, extension 7262. Thank you and have a good day.”
Notification shall be made to parents and guardians upon the first unexcused absence. Subsequent notices will occur
after each unexcused absence. Upon the third unexcused absence, the notice will contain information and a description
of the consequences that will follow if the child becomes habitually truant (6 or more unexcused absences), and may
include the offer of a School Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC). Please see information below regarding
possible actions, consequences and the SAIC process.
Truant and Habitually Truant Students
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A child is "truant" if the child is subject to compulsory school laws and has incurred three or more school days of
unexcused absences during the current school year. A child is "habitually truant" if the child is subject to compulsory
school laws and has incurred six or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year.
1. School Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC)
A SAIC is a conference where the child's absences and reasons for the absences are examined in order to improve
attendance, with or without additional services. All of the following individuals must be invited to the conference:
The child
The child's person in parental relation
Other individuals identified by the person in parental relation who may be a resource
Appropriate school personnel
Recommended service providers
There is no legal requirement for either the child or person in parental relation to attend a SAIC. However, schools and
nonpublic schools should make every attempt to conduct the SAIC with the person in parental relationship present. The
school or nonpublic school must hold the SAIC conference even if the person in parental relation declines to participate
or fails to attend after the school or nonpublic school provides advance written notice and makes three (3) attempts to
communicate with the individual via telephone, email or mail. Additionally, the school or nonpublic school must invite
recommended service providers to the SAIC. However, the SAIC shall not be delayed pending a response from the
service provider(s).
The school or nonpublic school must document the outcome of any SAIC in a written school attendance improvement
plan (SAIP). The SAIP should include accessing academic and social/health supports from the school and community
organizations, an outline of family/parent and student responsibilities, and levels of performance monitoring that include
rewards and consequences. School and nonpublic schools must use the School Attendance Improvement Plan Form
created by PDE or a similar form to document the SAIP.
Schools may not expel or suspend (out-of-school) a student, or reassign or transfer a student to an alternative education
for disruptive youth (AEDY) program, for truant behavior and these actions may not be included in a SAIP. An in-school
suspension is not considered a disciplinary reassignment. Additionally, schools may not initiate truancy proceedings (e.g.,
the filing of a truancy citation) until after a SAIC is held.
2. Subsequent Unexcused Absences
When the SAIP is in place, if a child accumulates any further unexcused absences at any point within the school year, an
official notice of the unexcused absence should be sent to person in parental relation. The purpose of this
correspondence is to inform the person in parental relation that the SAIP has been violated and that further action is
needed to address the attendance concerns. To ensure the person in parental relation receives the notice, such notice
should be sent through certified mail.
In the event a SAIP is found to be unsuccessful in improving school attendance, a follow-up SAIC/SAIP conference will be
held. All involved parties will be notified of the conference. The purpose of the conference will be to reevaluate the SAIP
and discuss potential additional services and resources to include in the SAIP revision in order to help the student
improve attendance.
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3. Children Under 15 Years of Age
If a habitually truant child is under age 15, the school must refer the child to either (1) a school-based or community-
based attendance improvement program or (2) the county children and youth agency for services or possible disposition
as a dependent child. A school-based or community-based attendance program is a program designed to improve school
attendance by seeking to identify and address the underlying reasons for a child's absences. A school-based or
community-based attendance program may include an educational assignment in an alternative education program, but
may not include an assignment in an AEDY program.
Additionally, the school may, but is not required to, file a truancy citation against the person in parental relation to the
When referring a habitually truant child of any age to the county children and youth agency or filing a citation, the school
must provide verification that a SAIC was held.
4. Children 15 Years of Age and Older
If a habitually truant child is 15 or older, the school must either (1) refer the child to a school-based or community-based
attendance improvement program or (2) file a citation against the student or person in parental relation to the child. If a
habitually truant child 15 or older incurs additional absences after a school refers the child to a school or community
based improvement program or the child refuses to participate in an attendance improvement program, the school may
refer the child to the county children and youth agency for possible disposition as a dependent child.
When referring a habitually truant child of any age to the county children and youth agency or filing a citation, the school
must provide verification that a SAIC was held.
5. Filing a Truancy Citation: Proceedings and Penalties for Violation of Compulsory Attendance Requirements
Generally, a truancy citation is filed with the magisterial district judge (MDJ) where the child attends school or would
attend school in the child's school district of residence. For children attending cyber charter schools, the cyber charter
school must file truancy citations with the MDJ where the child resides. For children attending nonpublic schools, the
child's school district of residence must file truancy citations with the MDJ where the nonpublic school student resides.
When a citation is filed against a child or person in parental relation to a child, the judge shall: (1) provide written notice
of the hearing to the school, parent, child, and county children and youth agency and (2) provide notice to the child or
person in parental relation as to the availability of a pre-conviction diversionary program. At the hearing, the burden is
on the school to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the child was subject to compulsory attendance law, and was
without justification, habitually truant. However, a person in parental relation to the child may demonstrate, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that they took every reasonable step to ensure the attendance of the child at
school. And, before entering a sentence, the judge shall permit the school, person in parental relation to the child, or
child to present relevant information to assist the judge in making an informed decision regarding an appropriate
sentence. For example, evidence of the child's attendance after the filing of the citation may be presented to and
considered by the judge.
A person convicted of a violation of compulsory attendance laws may be: (1) sentenced to pay a fine for the benefit of
the school, (2) sentenced to perform community service, or (3) required to complete an appropriate course or program
designed to improve school attendance. The judge imposing the sentence has discretion to make an informed decision
regarding the appropriate sentence. However, if, within a three-year period, a child or parent is convicted of a second or
subsequent offense, the court must refer the child for services or possible disposition as a dependent child under the
Juvenile Act.
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A citation for a subsequent violation of compulsory school attendance may not be filed if: (1) a proceeding is already
pending under a prior citation and a judgment in the first proceeding has not been entered, unless a warrant has been
issued for failure to appear and the warrant as not been served; (2) a referral for services has been made to the county
children and youth agency and the case has not been closed, unless the school consulted with the agency; or (3) a
petition has been filed alleging the child is dependent due to being habitually truant and the case remains under the
jurisdiction of the juvenile court.
For the first offense, the fine may not exceed $300, together with court costs. For the second offense, a person in
parental relation may not be fined more than $500, together with court costs. For a third and any subsequent offense, a
person in parental relation may not be fined more than $750, together with court costs.
If a person in parental relation does not comply with the penalties imposed, that person may be sentenced to jail for up
to three days, but only if the court determines that the person had reasonable ability to comply with the penalty and
that noncompliance was willful. If a child fails to satisfy the penalties imposed, it shall not be considered a delinquent
act, but may result in a dependency determination under the Juvenile Act. Additionally, if a child is convicted and fails to
comply with the penalty imposed, the judge may send the record of conviction to the Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation (PennDOT). If PennDOT receives such record, PennDOT is required to take action against the child's
operating privileges. For example, for a first offense, PennDOT must suspend the child's operating privileges for 90 days;
for a second or subsequent conviction, PennDOT must suspend the child's operating privileges for six months. For a child
who does not have a driver's license, the child will be ineligible to apply for a driver's license for 90 days or six months,
depending on the offense. The period of ineligibility will begin to run when the child turns 16.
Where a child's license has been suspended, he or she may seek to have his or her operating privileges restored by
providing PennDOT with a form that indicates that the child (1) has attended school for a period of at least two months
after the first conviction or four months after the second conviction without an unexcused absence or tardy, (2) is
subject to exception to the compulsory school attendance law, or (3) has graduated, withdrawn from school, has
received a GED, or enlists in the military. Additionally, a child whose operating privileges have been revoked remains
eligible for an occupational limited license.
A child who has been convicted of compulsory attendance laws may apply for an expungement.
The court must grant a child's application if (1) the child has earned a high school diploma, a Commonwealth secondary
diploma, or another PDE-approved equivalent, or is subject to an exception to compulsory school attendance and (2) the
child has satisfied any sentence imposed by the court with respect to the conviction, including payment of fines and
costs. If such an expungement is granted, the court must order PennDOT to expunge all administrative records related to
the convictions.
Excusing Students from School Early
No student may be excused from school during hours for reasons other than: (1) an appointment with a doctor (medical,
dental, etc.) or (2) a sudden family emergency. Children excused will be released only to parents/guardians.
Parents/guardians are urged to make medical and dental appointments that will cause a minimum of interference with
the child's school program. Students will not be excused without a written note from home, stating the reason for the
request. The note must also contain the date, time, and parent/guardian’s signature. All parents/guardians must check
in at the office before taking the student out of school. Students not riding the school bus at the end of the day will be
called to the office at 3:30 p.m. prior to the start of the school-wide dismissal.
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A parent/guardian who is not able to pick up an ill child may have a previously designated adult on the Emergency Care
Card who may receive and care for the child. The school will contact the designated adult and request that they pick up
the child and assume the parent/guardian’s role. A parent/guardian who is not able to come for an ill child may indicate
to school officials by telephone the name of an adult to whom the child may be released.
Students residing with their parents/guardians shall be released from school only to their parents/guardians and/or
persons authorized by their parents/guardians. Students will be released to the care of either parent/guardian and/or
court-approved guardian unless a court with jurisdiction over Southern York County School District shall specify in a
written court decree that custody lies with only one parent and/or some other designated guardian. Receipt of said court
decree shall be the basis of determining the legal guardianship of a student. Only these persons specified as legal
guardians of a student are permitted to take a student from school during school hours. A photo ID may be required to
assure that the school is releasing the child to authorized persons. The legal guardian of a student may designate in
writing other persons authorized to receive a student from school during school hours.
Students may not leave school prior to the appointed dismissal hour without the prior notification to the building
principal and/or their designated representative.
All students enrolled in Southern York County School District, including those eighteen and older, are affected by this
Students may be released for court or police matters when court or police officials present a court order for such release.
The parent/guardian will advise the school as soon as possible about the court order.
Students may be released for healthcare or therapy appointments when such appointments are unable to be arranged
on non-school time. Students must present a note from their parent/guardian requesting release in advance. Upon
return to school, students must submit an excuse signed by the healthcare or therapy provider as proof of the visit.
Failure to comply will result in an unexcused absence.
Students may be excused to participate in an educational tour or trip during a school year with prior permission and
approval of the superintendent of schools or designee. The trip must provide opportunity for the student’s education
enrichment under the direction and supervision of a school-approved adult in accordance with Chapter 11.26 of the State
Board of Education Regulations. Trips shall not be approved if they exceed five (5) school days. A total of five (5) days per
year shall be granted per student. The Superintendent or their designee may approve more than one (1) trip and may
exceed the five-day limit if the parents/guardians have requested the student make a tour or trip as an active participant
in an activity sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, 4-H, Junior or Youth Symphony, or similar
youth organizations. The student will be responsible to secure and complete all classroom assignments during the period
of absence.
Forms are available in each school building office and on the district website. A form should be completed and submitted
for each student. Approval of each request will be based on an evaluation of the following standards: previous
attendance records, previous requests, academic performance and the anticipated educational value of the activity. This
form must be returned to the principal at least two weeks prior to the planned educational experience.
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Students may only be released for illness, injury, or emergency by the nurse or an administrator according to the
following procedures. Students who feel ill and think they need to go home should go to the health office for an
evaluation. Students may not leave school due to illness without the permission of the school nurse.
1. Parent/guardian should sign out student at the main office or health suite.
2. Adult designated by the parent/guardian on the student’s Emergency Care Card, or designated by a
parent/guardian phone call, should pick up student at school.
3. If the school is unable to contact the parent/guardian or designated adult, the student may suggest another reliable
adult. At the principal’s discretion, such an adult may be contacted and the student released to him/her.
4. High school students may be released under their own supervision, as requested by a parent/guardian, or at the
discretion of the principal.
Students are marked tardy if they are not in their homerooms when the bell rings at 7:45 a.m. (secondary schools) or 8:50
a.m. (elementary schools). Secondary students will be notified in writing that the student is being marked tardy. A tardy
is an absence and will be evaluated under the same policies. Students who would like to have their lateness evaluated as
possibly meeting the criteria for a lawful excuse must turn in an excuse note within three days. (An excuse note does not
automatically mean the absence meets the state guidelines for an excused absence.) Students who have excessive tardies
due to illness may be placed on a doctor’s note. Students who have eight tardies will be sent a warning letter and those
who have ten or more will be placed on a doctor’s note requirement. Students need to refer to Class I violations under
the discipline section for penalties for tardiness.
Students who come to school in a private vehicle may be marked tardy/unexcused if they are late due to mechanical
problems, road conditions, or delays due to construction and/or accidents.
Visiting Other Schools in the District
Southern York County School District students are not permitted to enter any other building on campus during the school
day unless permission is first obtained from the school administration.