Parent Handbook for Licensed
School-Age Child Care Programs
Child care and camp programs open at the following times:
Welcome! Our intent is to make our child care program a happy and safe experience
for your child. The Y is the largest nonprot child care provider in the United States,
with a history of stability built on Judeo-Christian principles and morals. Our services
extend throughout the community, reaching children of varied ethnic, cultural and
socioeconomic backgrounds.
Our purpose in providing quality child care programs is to support parents in their
desire for children to grow to their fullest potential. Providing a safe environment,
meeting their need for challenge, stimulation and ideas, and surrounding them with
people who know how to listen will help achieve that goal. Each child has talents and
skills to develop, energy to put to use and huge reservoirs of creativity that need to
be encouraged.
YMCA Child Care is available Monday through Friday, with the following exceptions:*
Labor Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve day
New Year’s Day
• Currituck Family YMCA (Before-care)
Efngham Street Family YMCA
Hilltop Family YMCA
Indian River Family YMCA
James L. Camp, Jr. Family YMCA
Mt. Trashmore Family YMCA
Princess Anne Family YMCA
Suffolk Family YMCA
Taylor Bend YMCA (Before-care)
*Before-school care is not
available in Chesapeake.
Salem YMCA Family Center
YMCA child care at Suffolk schools
Indian River Family YMCA
YMCA Camp Red Feather
YMCA Camp Arrowhead
YMCA child care at Norfolk schools
• Albemarle Family YMCA
Currituck Family YMCA (Camp programs)
Outer Banks Family YMCA
*Additional days may be added
at the discretion of the YMCA
family center.
All child care programs close at 6:00pm.
Before-school care is available from the start time listed above until the beginning of the
school day. After-school care is available from the closing of the school day until 6pm.
It may be necessary to close centers on other days at the program director’s discretion.
Proper notice will be given.
On days when school is closed (e.g. teacher work days, President’s Day), care is
available during normal child care hours through School’s Out Camp at each YMCA
family center.
All parents must complete a child-care application for each child attending the program
and return it before your childs rst day in the program. Each application must be
accompanied by:
Immunization records
Proof of birth/child’s identity as listed on the child-care application
Physical examination (also known as a School Entrance Form) signed by a physician.
Failure to submit the required paperwork listed above may result in delay in the start of
care until paperwork is received.
The YMCA of South Hampton Roads licensed school-age childcare programs child care
program admits children 2–12 years of age. Children of any race, color, religion, gender
and national/ethnic origin are granted all rights, privileges, programs and activities
generally accorded or made available at school. The YMCA of South Hampton Roads will
address physically challenged and special needs children on a per request basis with
the hope that we can serve all children who come to us. The YMCA of South Hampton
Roads does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender or national/
ethnic origin in administration of its personnel and admissions policies. It is our hope to
have a culturally diverse population within our staff, participants and programs.
The structure of the YMCA of South Hampton Roads includes a volunteer board of
directors that is responsible for the nancial stability of the organization and all policy
making. The policies that the board creates are carried out by paid professional staff,
who are listed below:
The YMCA of South Hampton Roads complies with Virginia Child Care licensing
standards related to participant insurance coverage.
President & CEO of the
YMCA of South Hampton Roads
Chief Operating Ofcer
Chief Strategy Ofcer
VP of Youth Development or
VP of Social Responsibility
Executive Director
Youth Director
Site Director
• Teacher/Counselor
For immediate assistance and in case of emergency, the best mode of communication
is to call your YMCA family center directly. If we must get in contact with you due to
an emergency, we will begin to call the numbers listed on your child care application
in priority order. If we are unable to reach a parent or guardian, we will begin to call
the emergency contacts. There are many other ways that we communicate with our
members, including the following:
www.ymcashr.orgutilizing our website alert system for breaking news
E-mail updates
Direct mail
Follow your YMCA family center and the YMCA of South Hampton Roads on
Facebook and Twitter
SMS Alerts: text message to 33733 with your family centers keyword to
receive text message alerts. Standard text messaging rates apply. Text your
family center’s keyword (see back cover) to 33733 to sign up for text
message alerts.
Program fees are due in advance of service. In order to ensure that we have all the
resources required to serve your child each week, tuition payments are due for before
and after-school programs at 6pm on the Wednesday prior to each upcoming week.
Your program registration is planned by the week and we prepare snacks, activities and
staff for your child each day. Few operating costs are eliminated when a child is absent
because we prepare for each child every day. Because of the aforementioned, we do
not refund or pro-rate fees for absences.
Weekly fees are due the Wednesday prior to the upcoming week. Fees are based upon
the 180-day school calendar and are divided equally into 38 weekly payments. We
understand that there are some weeks during the school year with fewer than ve days
of service and Schools Out Camp is available on these days at YMCA family centers at
no additional cost*. We do not issue credits or refunds for scheduled school holidays,
sickness or closings due to inclement weather. There are no additional charges for
early release days.
There is a multiple-child discount of 10% that applies when siblings are attending
the same session and no other discount has been applied. (NOT APPLICABLE FOR
Cash will not be accepted at school locations. Payment can be made by check, money
order, credit/debit card and automatic draft. Cash can be accepted at any YMCA
family center.
*With exception of Norfolk, Chesapeake, and Suffolk as they are school-based
Winter Break and Spring Break camp is available and requires a separate fee at all
family centers.
Payments made after deadline will be assessed an additional $15 late fee. Your child
will be removed from the program if:
Fees become more than two weeks tardy
Your child is absent for more than two weeks without payment. Your child may not
return to the program until the balance is paid.
If your check or draft is returned for any reason, a $25 RETURNED CHECK FEE will be
assessed. If more than two checks are returned, the YMCA will be unable to accept
your personal checks. At that time, all future program fees must be paid in cash or
money order.
Executive Director
Youth Director
Site Director
• Teacher/Counselor
If you are withdrawing your child from our program, a two-week written notication
is required.
The YMCA of South Hampton Roads is able to provide nancial assistance based
on ability to pay, thanks to generous supporters of our annual giving campaign. We
understand that nancial hardships may happen at unexpected times during the
school year, and we work quickly to provide nancial assistance to families based
upon their ability to pay. If your family has trouble affording the weekly tuition,
please contact your YMCA family center regarding nancial assistance options.
If you wish to apply for nancial assistance, please obtain an Open Doors
application from the Member Services desk of your YMCA family center or online at
ymcashr.org/opendoors. All scholarships are awarded based on availability of
scholarship funds and are made possible through the generosity of YMCA donors.
If you know you are going to be late, call us. We do understand that things come up
and trafc can be challenging even in the best of times. We worry about your safety
just as much as your child does. We understand that a late pick-up may occur on a rare
occasion. However, many of our programs operate in a shared space and are unable
to continue providing care after we close. Our programs close at 6pm and if your child
is not picked up by the end of the program, then a late fee will be charged to you and
collected at pick-up. If it is 6:01pm (by our clock), then it is time for our program to
close and you will be charged a fee. The fee is $15 per 15-minute interval.
If we have not heard from you by 6pm and we cannot reach you by phone, your
emergency numbers will be called and one of those contacts will be asked to come
pick-up your child. If neither you nor your emergency contact can be reached, we will
keep your child for one hour. After that time, the police will be contacted to see if
there has been an accident and/or to drive by your home to see if there is a problem.
If no problems are found, then Child Protective Services will be notied.
The YMCA of South Hampton Roads has found that it is necessary to have an excessive
late pick-up policy, which could result in the removal of your child from our program.
This policy is as follows: if you are late more than three times in any program cycle,
you may be asked to remove your child. For preschool, this is three times in a year; for
school-age, this is three times in a school year.
Children cared for in a YMCA school-age program will be allowed one week of
vacation” or “absenteeism” per school year, accrued after 12 weeks of program
attendance. If you do not use your week of sick/vacation credit for any given year,
you lose it. Vacation/sick credit cannot accrue from year to year. Payments must
be current in order to take advantage of vacation/sick credit. Parents are asked to
give the director notice prior to a planned vacation.
Parents are expected to sign their children in upon arrival in the morning and sign
them out before leaving in the afternoon. There is a SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT preprinted
sheet available as you enter the program. All persons signing children in/out must be
at least 16 years of age.
Authorization to pick up a child is given in the child-care application. We will not
release your child to a person not authorized in writing by the custodial parent.
Identication will be requested of anyone that we do not know. Our staff cannot
legally refuse to release a child to a veried natural parent unless there is a court
order in the childs le stating that the parent does not have custodial rights. Only
the courts can give us that right.
The health and safety of our children is of the utmost importance. It is imperative
that the child-care staff is aware of any food allergies before enrollment. At some
centers, food is provided and a menu is posted. If food is not provided, your child’s
food brought to the center will be checked daily and labeled with his/her name and
date. There is absolutely no food sharing allowed. All outside food provided for
groups (i.e. birthday cupcakes), must be cleared with the director in advance.
The YMCA of South Hampton Roads highly encourages parent involvement. We are
honored that you choose us to help raise your child and we want to make sure we
are on the right track. If you wish to visit your child while in the program, you are
always welcome. We just ask for advance notice. The Y will also provide quarterly
family involvement activities to promote family together time. If you wish for
feedback on your childs development, you are welcome to ask at any time.
We ask that any updates to phone numbers, emergency contacts or authorized
pick-up be given in a timely manner. We will ask you to review your child’s
information on le quarterly.
For the safety of all children, please understand that when your child does not show up
to our program we must verify his/her whereabouts. This puts great strain on the rest
of the program participants since the program cannot start until a nal headcount is
accurate. Notication prior to the program start of planned absences, early pick up, or
planned tardiness will ensure the smoothest transition for all participants.
At every opportunity we hope to promote the mission and core values of the YMCA.
Parents/guardians not displaying these core values to their children, our staff or other
stakeholders could be asked to exit the program.
If your child requires medication during care, we must have a signed authorization
through a Medication Administration Form. Medication Administration Forms can be
obtained from a staff member. Over-the-counter Medication Authorizations are good
for one week and then the Medication Authorization Form must be completed again.
Prescribed and/or long-term medications for such things as asthma, ADHD, allergies
etc, must have the Medication Administration Form completed by a medical doctor.
All medication must be in the original bottle labeled with the child’s name and will be
stored in a locked box.
Please understand that it may not always be possible to administer medications as
requested, and we cannot be responsible for missed doses. We are not required by
law to administer medication and only do so as a service to the parent. Whenever
possible, school-based programs will ask the school nurse to administer medicine
needed before the close of the school day. Only those YMCA child-care staff members
who are certied “Medication Administrators” may dispense medications. When a
child with diabetes is in the program, there will be a staff person certied in Diabetes
Medication Training.
YMCA child care staff will administer sunscreen, diaper ointment/cream and/
or insect repellent as needed. Please alert your child care staff of any adverse
reactions. If you wish to provide your own skin product, it must be in the original
container and must be labeled with your childs name. Note: Children under nine
years of age may not administer their own sunscreen. YMCA child care staff will
administer sunscreen to this age group in accordance with standards for licensed
child day centers.
The health and safety of your child is a matter of major importance to all of us. In
order to protect the children in the program who are well, we have very stringent rules
about sick children. If your child becomes ill in our program, we will call you and you
must make arrangements to pick up your child within 30 minutes. Re-admission
will be allowed with a doctor’s note or when a child has been without symptoms for
24 hours. This means if we send your child home on Tuesday, he or she may not return
until Thursday.
Please keep your child home if your child has:
had a fever in the previous
24-hour period
A cold that is less than two days old
Heavy nasal discharge
Constant cough
Reoccurring vomiting or diarrhea (two or more times)
Temperature of 100°F
Symptoms of communicable disease (snif es, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache
and abdominal pain plus fever)
An afternoon snack will be provided to school-age program participants. Lunches
must be in an insulated, sealable container that is labeled with the child’s name
and date. The YMCA’s child care program will not serve junk foods and/or empty
calorie foods as part of a required snack. Snacks always include a minimum of two
food groups. A menu will be posted for the month on the parent board. If you want
to bring food for special celebrations, we ask that it be a healthy snack (popsicles
accepted for special occasions).
The Ys child care program may close during hazardous weather conditions. Inclement
weather conditions may delay our opening and/or transportation of your children to
school. Please note that our primary mode of communication with you will be via email
and text alert system. Please ensure that you have enrolled in the text alert system for
your center as well as have an accurate email on le. No exceptions for not receiving
the information will be made.
In order to serve children and families to the best of our ability, the YMCA of South
Hampton Roads has developed inclement weather policies for school-based programs
and family center programs.
Our staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR and will treat your child if they
sustain a minor injury while in our care. We will notify you at pick-up if your child had
a minor injury during the day. If your child has an injury that may require more than
our First Aid skills allow or your child has been bumped on the head, we will make
an immediate attempt to contact you. If we are unable to reach you or the person
you have designated in case of such emergencies, we will call the childs physician.
If necessary, we will call an ambulance. The program will maintain a parent’s signed
consent form agreeing to this provision. Please make every effort to keep the YMCA
up-to-date on phone numbers, emergency numbers and other pertinent information.
YMCA-Based Programs School-Based Programs
School’s closed:
If your city’s public schools
are closed due to weather…
Depending on the severity
of the weather, Schools Out
Camp may be available (for
a limited number of children)
at your YMCA family center,
if the family center opens
before 10am.
Depending on the severity
of the weather, Schools Out
Camp may be available (for
a limited number of children)
at your YMCA family center,
if the family center opens
before 10am.
Early dismissal:
If the school system
dismisses early due to
Program will operate from the
time of school dismissal and
close at 6pm.
There is no afternoon care and
children must be picked up at
school dismissal.
Delayed Opening:
On those mornings when
there is a delay to the start of
your child’s school day
Program will open at normal
time and the YMCA will
transport children to school
when school opens.
There is no before-school care.
The YMCA will make every effort to provide care in the event of inclement weather;
however, the safety of the children and staff are our primary responsibility. The YMCA
could close and/or adjust the inclement policy due to hazardous weather conditions.
We will follow the same procedures to contact you regarding closings and/or adjust-
ments to the policy as outlined above. Late fees outlined in paragraph two of the Late
Pick-up Policy will still apply during weather emergencies.
Please see the child care staff to see your location’s Emergency Action Plan, Shelter-In-
Place Procedure, Evacuation Procedures, Playground Safety Policies, Injury Prevention
Plan, and Daily Schedule.
There are clear and appropriate
behavioral expectations for the
children in our care. We try to set
limits, help children understand
rules and give clear denitions
of acceptable and unacceptable
behavior. Children are more likely
to follow rules that have been
introduced from the beginning.
Rules that we teach include:
We nd out what the problem is.
We address the problem in a tactful way.
We listen to each other.
We care about each other’s feelings.
We are responsible for what we say and do.
We do not use vulgarity, profanity or
We never leave the group without permission
from an adult.
We use words, not sts, to solve problems.
Discipline is seen as an opportunity to guide children in their relationships and actions.
By working with the child and not against, the best interests of the child are put rst.
The goal of discipline is to have the child control his/her behavior by making conscious
decisions concerning his/her actions and to give the child reasonable ownership of
the consequence. Children that show a strong and sincere desire to improve will be
worked with as long as they are not considered dangerous to themselves or others.
Corporal punishment such as, but not limited to, spanking, forcing a child to assume
an uncomfortable position, restraining to restrict movement through binding or tying;
enclosing in a conned space, using exercise as a means of punishment, withholding
food, water or nap is forbidden under the YMCA philosophy and policies. Toileting
accidents will not be disciplined. There will be no abusive language that would
include, but not limited to, threats or belittling remarks about any child or the family.
Documentation of the child’s behavior will be recorded in your childs le. Depending on
the offense, at the discretion of the Site Director, you may be notied via phone or at
the end of the day.
All YMCA youth staff members have been trained to adhere to the following protocol
when dealing with challenging behavior.
Step 1:
When a child acts out for the rst time, the negative behavior is discussed between
counselor(s) and child until an agreement is reached. Depending on the severity of the
action, the Director will be informed. Offenses related to drugs, rearms, smoking,
ghting, physical or verbal abuse of staff or children, sexual misconduct, stealing and
destruction of property will immediately be related to the Director.
Step 2:
If negative behavior continues, then the Director(s) will become more directly involved.
Once again, the behavior will be discussed until an agreement is reached with some
possible consequences of breaking the agreement. Consequences should be in direct
relationship to offensive behavior whenever possible.
Step 3:
If negative behavior continues, child will meet with the Director. Parents/guardians
will be called to help resolve the situation. If child is unwilling to work within set
boundaries, he or she will be sent home.
If it is necessary to dismiss a child from the program for disruptive or harmful
behavior or failure to abide by the Participant Agreement, there will not be any
refund of fees.
Children should wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for indoor and outdoor
activities. We use washable paints and crayons; however, clothing can still get stained.
We do not reimburse for clothing rips, stains or normal wear and tear. It is expected
that the parents will provide proper seasonal clothing and bathing suit with towel for
occasional swimming trips.
Open-toed shoes can be a safety hazard to your child. If you send your child in open-
toed sandals or in ip-ops, you will be called and asked to bring different shoes for
your child.
We have plenty of equipment and activities to keep your child busy. Please do not allow
any toys, video games, electronic tablets or cell phones to accompany your child. This
eliminates ghts, theft and/or lost items that we cannot be responsible for AND WILL
Personal space is important for every child. Our programs will have a designated
place for your child to store their backpacks, lunchboxes and other items that they
bring to the program with them.
It is our belief that children need and want to be outside. Running, jumping and other
such movement can only be accomplished outside. Children need the space and the
opportunity for such movement on a daily basis, in order to have proper muscle
development. Outside play is essential for children to gain strength and develop to
their fullest potential.
Because your child is participating in YMCA swim lessons and/or free-swim time,
and it is valued as a life skill, it is important that your child understands our POOL
Check in with the lifeguard when entering the pool area.
Shower before entering the pool.
No unsafe entries from the side of the pool.
No running, pushing or shoving.
Stay off the ropes.
No shoes on the deck.
Proper swim attire is required (no bare midriffs).
No glass allowed in the pool area.
A swim test of one pool length is required to swim in the deep end.
When the whistle blows, pay attention to the lifeguard.
Specic daily schedules are provided at each center. For school-age programs, the
schedule will be comprised of a snack, gross motor movement period, academic
enrichment time, and programmed and free-time activities. For preschool, the Y uses
the Creative Curriculum program and will provide time for lunch and nap.
In order to reduce paperwork and waste, the FIELD TRIP AGREEMENT authorizes the
YMCA of South Hampton Roads to take your child on all eld trips for the school year
with a 24-hour notice. We do this rather than having a separate permission slip go
home for every trip, risking confusion, loss and the possibility that we would not be
able to take your child for lack of permission. You have the right to refuse permission
for your child to go on a particular eld trip. A 48-hour notice is required. Preschoolers
under the age of 4 must have car seats. Please remember to drop off your child’s car
seat on the day of the eld trip.
Whenever the YMCA of South Hampton Roads transports children, the parents can be
condent that every precaution will be taken to ensure your child’s safety.
Motor vehicle injuries represent the greatest threat to a child’s life. We ensure your
childs safety by being alert to potential dangers, eliminating or avoiding these
dangers, and knowing what to do when an emergency occurs. When seatbelts are on
the bus, your child will be seat-belted in and expected to stay seated. We will never
transport more children in a vehicle than we have restraints. Children are expected to
keep their hands to themselves and remain relatively quiet. At no time will a child be
permitted to put his/her arms, hands or head out of the vehicle’s windows.
No rough-housing will be tolerated at any time. Loading and unloading children
will happen only when the vehicle is pulled up to a curb, the side of the road or in a
driveway. We will only release children in our care to an authorized adult. At no time
will an adult drive and discipline at the same time. CHILDREN WILL NEVER BE LEFT
YMCA child-care staff members are prohibited from babysitting any participants of a
YMCA child-care program. This restriction extends to transporting family members to
and from the Y, or any other function that is not YMCA program related.
The growth and development of men, women, boys, girls and families has been the
Y’s principle concern for over 150 years. Through programs of health and wellness,
aquatics, sports, camping, parent child, family programs and child care, the Y is
responding to the needs of children and families. Many changes have occurred in the
lives of children and families today. Some of these changes are positive. However,
the alarming increase in child abuse is of particular concern to the Y. Throughout its
history, the Y has been a strong advocate for children’s rights. It is therefore most
appropriate that mistreatment or neglect of children and the resulting severe effects
would be of primary concern to the Y.
The Y advocates a positive guidance and discipline policy with an emphasis on positive
reinforcement, redirection, prevention and the development of self-discipline. At
no time will the following disciplinary techniques be tolerated: physical punishment,
yelling, striking, biting, kicking, squeezing, shaming, withholding food or rest room
privileges, conning children in small locked rooms, or verbal or emotional abuse.
Affectionate touch, and the warm feelings it brings, is an important factor in helping a
child grow into a loving and peaceful adult. However, YMCA staff and volunteers need
to be sensitive to each person’s need for personal space (i.e., not everyone wants to be
hugged). The Y encourages appropriate touch; however, at the same time it prohibits
inappropriate touch or other means of sexually exploiting children.
Based upon its concern for children, parents and YMCA staff, the following standards
related to reporting procedures, stafng, standards, code of conduct and resources for
parents and children, have been developed.
**Note: The YMCA of South Hampton Roads, like many other public institutions, is
mandated by law to report suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services within 24
hours of reported incident.
“CHILD ABUSE is mistreatment or neglect of a child by parent(s) or others resulting in
injury or harm. Child abuse may be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual. Its effects may
result in severe emotional and physical handicaps, anti-social behavior, even death.”
1. At the rst report or suspicion of child abuse, the staff or volunteer to whom it has
been reported will immediately inform his or her supervisor.
2. The YMCA of South Hampton Roads will make a report within 24 hours to Child
Protective Services and will request that the situation be investigated. In the event
the reported incident or suspicion involves an employed staff person or volunteer,
the responsible Executive Director will suspend the person from all responsibilities
(if appropriate, without pay) until the investigation is complete.
3. All staff members and volunteers must be sensitive to the need for condentiality in
the handling of information in this area and are therefore instructed to only discuss
matters pertaining to abuse or suspected abuse with their supervisor/and VP of
Social Responsibility.
4. YMCA staff and volunteers may not make contact with children or parents involved
in a child abuse incident without permission of the family center executive director
or VP of Social Responsibility.
5. Whether the incident or alleged offense takes place on or off YMCA premises, it will
be considered job-related (because of the youth-involved nature of the Y).
6. All incidents or alleged offenses will be documented on the day of occurrence.
The Commonwealth of Virginia helps assure parents that child day programs that
assume responsibility for the supervision, protection and well-being of a child for any
part of a 24-hour day are safe. Title 63.1, Chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia gives the
Department of Social Services authority to license these programs.
Standards for licensed child day centers address certain health precautions, adequate
play space, a ratio of children to staff member, equipment, program and record keep-
ing. Criminal record checks and specic qualications for staff and most volunteers
working directly with children are also required. Standards require the facility to meet
applicable re, health and building codes.
Compliance with standards is determined by announced and unannounced visits to
the program by licensing staff within the Department of Social Services. In addition,
parents or other individuals may register a complaint about a program which will be
investigated if it violates a standard.
If you would like additional information about the licensing of child day programs or
would like to register a complaint, please contact the Eastern Regional Ofce of Social
Services at:
Eastern Regional Ofce
Pembroke Four Ofce Building, Suite 300, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-5496
(757) 491-3990
P (757) 962-5555 W ymcashr.org
Mission: To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build
healthy spirit, mind and body for all
Albemarle Family YMCA ........................................................................... Text ALBCHILDCARE to 33733
Blocker Norfolk Family YMCA ................................................................Text BLOCHILDCARE to 33733
Currituck Family YMCA ............................................................................ Text CURCHILDCARE to 33733
Eastern Shore Family YMCA .......................................................................Text ESCHILDCARE to 33733
Efngham Street Family YMCA ..............................................................Text EFFCHILDCARE to 33733
Great Bridge/Hickory Family YMCA ................................................... Text GBHCHILDCARE to 33733
Greenbrier Family YMCA .......................................................................... Text GBFCHILDCARE to 33733
Greenbrier North YMCA/
Chesapeake school-based programs ................................................Text GBNCHILDCARE to 33733
Hilltop Family YMCA .....................................................................................Text HTCHILDCARE to 33733
Indian River Family YMCA ........................................................................... Text IRCHILDCARE to 33733
James L. Camp Jr. Family YMCA ..............................................................Text JLCCHILDCARE to 33733
Mt. Trashmore Family YMCA .................................................................... Text MTCHILDCARE to 33733
Outer Banks Family YMCA ..................................................................... Text OBXCHILDCARE to 33733
Princess Anne Family YMCA ......................................................................Text PACHILDCARE to 33733
Salem YMCA Family Center ......................................................................Text SALCHILDCARE to 33733
Suffolk Family YMCA ................................................................................. Text SUFCHILDCARE to 33733
Taylor Bend Family YMCA ..........................................................................Text TBCHILDCARE to 33733
The Y on Granby .........................................................................................Text YOGCHILDCARE to 33733
YMCA Camp Arrowhead .................................................................Text CAMPARROWHEAD to 33733
YMCA Camp Red Feather ............................................................... Text CAMPREDFEATHER to 33733