Vivado Design Suite User
Design Flows Overview
Vivado Design Suite
UG892 (v2022.1) April 20, 2022
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of this document
Xilinx is creating an environment where employees, customers, and
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Vivado System-Level Design Flows...............................................4
Navigating Content by Design Process.................................................................................... 5
Industry Standards-Based Design............................................................................................ 5
Design Flows................................................................................................................................ 6
RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flow................................................................................................... 8
Alternate RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flows.............................................................................. 11
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models.............................................................14
Vivado Design Suite Use Models............................................................................................. 14
Working with the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE)........................................ 15
Working with Tcl........................................................................................................................ 17
Understanding Project Mode and Non-Project Mode..........................................................19
Using Third-Party Design Software Tools...............................................................................23
Interfacing with PCB Designers...............................................................................................24
Chapter 3: Using Project Mode............................................................................. 26
Project Mode Advantages........................................................................................................ 27
Creating Projects....................................................................................................................... 28
Understanding the Flow Navigator.........................................................................................30
Performing System-Level Design Entry..................................................................................34
Working with IP......................................................................................................................... 36
Creating IP Subsystems with IP Integrator............................................................................44
Logic Simulation........................................................................................................................ 48
Running Logic Synthesis and Implementation......................................................................53
Viewing Log Files, Messages, Reports, and Properties.........................................................58
Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis and Constraints Definition........................61
Device Programming, Hardware Verification, and Debugging...........................................71
Using Project Mode Tcl Commands........................................................................................ 72
Chapter 4: Using Non-Project Mode...................................................................75
Non-Project Mode Advantages................................................................................................76
Reading Design Sources...........................................................................................................77
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Design Flows Overview 2
Working with IP and IP Subsystems....................................................................................... 78
Running Logic Simulation........................................................................................................ 79
Running Logic Synthesis and Implementation......................................................................79
Generating Reports...................................................................................................................80
Using Design Checkpoints....................................................................................................... 80
Performing Design Analysis Using the Vivado IDE............................................................... 80
Using Non-Project Mode Tcl Commands............................................................................... 82
Chapter 5: Source Management and Revision Control
Interfacing with Revision Control Systems............................................................................ 85
Revision Control Philosophy from 2020.2 Onwards..............................................................85
Revision Control Philosophy Pre 2020.2................................................................................. 86
Other Files to Revision Control................................................................................................89
Output Files to Optionally Revision Control...........................................................................90
Managing Hardware Manager Projects and Sources...........................................................91
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices............................. 92
Xilinx Resources.........................................................................................................................92
Solution Centers........................................................................................................................ 92
Documentation Navigator and Design Hubs.........................................................................92
Training Resources....................................................................................................................94
Revision History.........................................................................................................................94
Please Read: Important Legal Notices................................................................................... 95
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Design Flows Overview 3
Chapter 1
Vivado System-Level Design Flows
This user guide provides an overview of working with the Vivado
Design Suite to create a new
design for programming into a Xilinx
device. It provides a brief descripon of various use
models, design features, and tool opons, including preparing, implemenng, and managing the
design sources and intellectual property (IP) cores.
The Vivado Design Suite oers mulple ways to accomplish the tasks involved in Xilinx device
design, implementaon, and vericaon. You can use the tradional register transfer level (RTL)-
to-bitstream FPGA design ow, as described in RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flow. You can also use
system-level integraon ows that focus on intellectual property (IP)-centric design and C-based
design, as described in Alternate RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flows.
Design analysis and vericaon is enabled at each stage of the ow. Design analysis features
include logic simulaon, I/O and clock planning, power analysis, constraint denion and ming
analysis, design rule checks (DRC), visualizaon of design logic, analysis and modicaon of
implementaon results, programming, and debugging.
The following documents and QuickTake videos provide addional informaon about Vivado
Design Suite ows:
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Vivado Design Flows Overview
Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Design Flows Overview (UG888)
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Geng Started with the Vivado IDE
Xilinx Video Training: UltraFast Vivado Design Methodology
The enre soluon is integrated within a graphical user interface (GUI) known as the Vivado
Integrated Design Environment (IDE). The Vivado IDE provides an interface to assemble,
implement, and validate the design and the IP. In addion, all ows can be run using Tcl
commands. Tcl commands can be scripted or entered interacvely using the Vivado Design Suite
Tcl shell or using the Tcl Console in the Vivado IDE. You can use Tcl scripts to run the enre
design ow, including design analysis, or to run only parts of the ow.
Related Information
RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flow
Alternate RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flows
Chapter 1: Vivado System-Level Design Flows
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Design Flows Overview 4
Navigating Content by Design Process
documentaon is organized around a set of standard design processes to help you nd
relevant content for your current development task. All Versal
ACAP design process Design
Hubs and the Design Flow Assistant materials can be found on the website. This
document covers the following design processes:
System and Soluon Planning: Idenfying the components, performance, I/O, and data
transfer requirements at a system level. Includes applicaon mapping for the soluon to PS,
PL, and AI Engine. Topics in this document that apply to this design process include:
Design Flows
RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flow
Alternate RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flows
Hardware, IP, and Plaorm Development: Creang the PL IP blocks for the hardware
plaorm, creang PL kernels, funconal simulaon, and evaluang the Vivado
resource use, and power closure. Also involves developing the hardware plaorm for system
integraon. Topics in this document that apply to this design process include:
Accelerated Kernel Flows
System Integraon and Validaon: Integrang and validang the system funconal
performance, including ming, resource use, and power closure. Topics in this document that
apply to this design process include:
Running Logic Simulaon
Logic Simulaon
Board System Design: Designing a PCB through schemacs and board layout. Also involves
power, thermal, and signal integrity consideraons. Topics in this document that apply to this
design process include:
Xilinx Plaorm Board Support
Board Files
Industry Standards-Based Design
The Vivado Design Suite supports the following established industry design standards:
Chapter 1: Vivado System-Level Design Flows
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Design Flows Overview 5
Synopsys design constraints (SDC)
Verilog, VHDL, VHDL-2008, SystemVerilog
SystemC, C, C++
The Vivado Design Suite soluon is nave Tcl based with support for SDC and Xilinx design
constraints (XDC) formats. Extensive Verilog, VHDL, and SystemVerilog support for synthesis
enables easier FPGA adopon. Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) enables the use of nave C, C+
+, or SystemC languages to dene logic. Using standard IP interconnect protocol, such as AXI4
and IP-XACT, enables faster and easier system-level design integraon. Support for these
industry standards also enables the electronic design automaon (EDA) ecosystem to beer
support the Vivado Design Suite. In addion, many new third-party tools are integrated with the
Vivado Design Suite.
Design Flows
The following gure shows the high-level design ow in the Vivado Design Suite. Xilinx
Hubs provide links to documentaon organized by design tasks and other topics. On the Xilinx
website, see the Design Hubs page.
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Figure 1: System-Level Design Flow for FPGAs and SoCs
Hardware Bring-Up and Validation
Software DevelopmentSystem Design Entry
Configuring Xilinx
Third-Party IP
Development Software
and Processor OS
IP Packager – IP Integrator
Configuring IP
Embedded Processor Design
Logic Simulation
Dynamic Function
Assign Logical and Physical Constraints
Logic Synthesis
Timing Closure and Design Analysis
Generate Bitstream, Programming, and Debug
Processor Boot and Debug
Export to Vitis Software
Development Platform
C-Based Design
with High-Level
Model-Based Design with
and Simulink
Vitis Model Composer
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RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flow
RTL Design
You can specify RTL source les to create a project and use these sources for RTL code
development, analysis, synthesis and implementaon. Xilinx supplies a library of recommended
RTL and constraint templates to ensure RTL and XDC are formed opmally for use with the
Vivado Design Suite. Vivado synthesis and implementaon support mulple source le types,
including Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog, and XDC. For informaon on creang and working with
an RTL project, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry
The UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs (UG949) focuses on proper
coding and design techniques for dening hierarchical RTL sources and Xilinx design constraints
(XDC), as well as providing informaon on using specic features of the Vivado Design Suite, and
techniques for performance improvement of the programmed design.
IP Design and System-Level Design Integration
The Vivado Design Suite provides an environment to congure, implement, verify, and integrate
IP as a standalone module or within the context of the system-level design. IP can include logic,
embedded processors, digital signal processing (DSP) modules, or C-based DSP algorithm
designs. Custom IP is packaged following IP-XACT protocol and then made available through the
Vivado IP catalog. The IP catalog provides quick access to the IP for conguraon, instanaon,
and validaon of IP. Xilinx IP ulizes the AXI4 interconnect standard to enable faster system-level
integraon. Exisng IP can be used in the design either in RTL or netlist format. For more
informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896).
IP Subsystem Design
The Vivado IP integrator environment enables you to stch together various IP into IP
subsystems using the AMBA
AXI4 interconnect protocol. You can interacvely congure and
connect IP using a block design style interface and easily connect enre interfaces by drawing
DRC-correct connecons similar to a schemac. Connecng the IP using standard interfaces
saves me over tradional RTL-based connecvity. Connecon automaon is provided as well as
a set of DRCs to ensure proper IP conguraon and connecvity. These IP block designs are then
validated, packaged, and treated as a single design source. Block designs can be used in a design
project or shared among other projects. The IP integrator environment is the main interface for
embedded design and the Xilinx evaluaon board interface. For more informaon, see the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994).
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I/O and Clock Planning
The Vivado IDE provides an I/O pin planning environment that enables I/O port assignment
either onto specic device package pins or onto internal die pads, and provides tables to let you
design and analyze package and I/O-related data. Memory interfaces can be assigned
interacvely into specic I/O banks for opmal data ow. You can analyze the device and design-
related I/O data using the views and tables available in the Vivado pin planner. The tool also
provides I/O DRC and simultaneous switching noise (SSN) analysis commands to validate your
I/O assignments. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock
Planning (UG899).
Xilinx Platform Board Support
In the Vivado Design Suite, you can select an exisng Xilinx evaluaon plaorm board as a target
for your design. In the plaorm board ow, all of the IP interfaces implemented on the target
board are exposed to enable quick selecon and conguraon of the IP used in your design. The
resulng IP conguraon parameters and physical board constraints, such as I/O standard and
package pin constraints, are automacally assigned and proliferated throughout the ow.
Connecon automaon enables quick connecons to the selected IP. For more informaon see
this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
Vivado synthesis performs a global, or top-down synthesis of the overall RTL design. However,
by default, the Vivado Design Suite uses an out-of-context (OOC), or boom-up design ow to
synthesize IP cores from the Xilinx IP Catalog and block designs from the Vivado IP integrator.
You can also choose to synthesize specic modules of a hierarchical RTL design as OOC modules.
This OOC ow lets you synthesize, implement, and analyze design modules of a hierarchical
design, IP cores, or block designs, out of the context of, or independent from the top-level
design. The OOC synthesized netlist is stored and used during top-level implementaon to
preserve results and reduce runme. The OOC ow is an ecient technique for supporng
hierarchical team design, synthesizing and implemenng IP and IP subsystems, and managing
modules of large complex designs. For more informaon on the out-of-context design ow, see
Out-of-Context Design Flow.
The Vivado Design Suite also supports the use of third-party synthesized netlists, including EDIF
or structural Verilog. However, IP cores from the Vivado IP Catalog must be synthesized using
Vivado synthesis, and are not supported for synthesis with a third-party synthesis tool. There are
a few excepons to this requirement, such as the memory IP for 7 series devices. Refer to the
data sheet for a specic IP for more informaon.
Note: The ISE Netlist format (NGC) is supported for 7 series devices. It is not supported for UltraScale™
and later devices.
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Design Flows Overview 9
Related Information
Out-of-Context Design Flow
Design Analysis and Simulation
The Vivado Design Suite lets you analyze, verify, and modify the design at each stage of the
design process. You can run design rule and design methodology checks, logic simulaon, ming
and power analysis to improve circuit performance. This analysis can be run aer RTL
elaboraon, synthesis, and implementaon. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
The Vivado simulator enables you to run behavioral and structural logic simulaon of the design
at dierent stages of the design ow. The simulator supports Verilog and VHDL mixed-mode
simulaon, and results can be displayed in a waveform viewer integrated in the Vivado IDE. You
can also use third-party simulators that can be integrated into and launched from the Vivado IDE.
Refer to Running Logic Simulaon for more informaon.
Related Information
Running Logic Simulaon
Placement and Routing
When the synthesized netlist is available, Vivado implementaon provides all the features
necessary to opmize, place and route the netlist onto the available device resources of the
target part. Vivado implementaon works to sasfy the logical, physical, and ming constraints
of the design.
For challenging designs the Vivado IDE also provides advanced oorplanning capabilies to help
drive improved implementaon results. These include the ability to constrain specic logic into a
parcular area, or manually placing specic design elements and xing them for subsequent
implementaon runs. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design
Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
Hardware Debug and Validation
Aer implementaon, the device can be programmed and then analyzed with the Vivado logic
analyzer, or within the standalone Vivado Lab Edion environment. Debug signals can be
idened in the RTL design, or inserted aer synthesis and are processed throughout the ow.
You can add debug cores to the RTL source les, to the synthesized netlist, or in an implemented
design using the using the Engineering Change Order (ECO) ow. You can also modify the nets
connected to a debug probe, or route internal signals to a package pin for external probing using
the ECO ow. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and
Debugging (UG908).
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Design Flows Overview 10
Alternate RTL-to-Bitstream Design Flows
The Vivado Design Suite also supports several alternate design ows, as described in the
following secons. Each of these ows is derived from the RTL-to-bitstream ow, so the
implementaon and analysis techniques described above also apply to these other design ows.
Accelerated Kernel Flows
The Xilinx
Visunied soware plaorm introduces acceleraon use cases into Vivado
ows. In this design methodology, Vivado is used to create a plaorm which is consumed by the
Vis soware plaorm to add accelerated kernels. The hardware design is comprised of the
plaorm and the accelerators. In this case, the nal bitstream is created by the Vis soware
plaorm because the complete design is not visible in Vivado. For more informaon on plaorm
creaon, see Vis Unied Soware Plaorm Documentaon: Applicaon Acceleraon Development
Embedded Processor Design
A slightly dierent tool ow is needed when creang an embedded processor design. Because
the embedded processor requires soware in order to boot-up and run eecvely, the soware
design ow must work in unison with the hardware design ow. Data hand-o between the
hardware and soware ows, and validaon across these two domains is crical for success.
Creang an embedded processor hardware design involves the IP integrator of the Vivado
Design Suite. In a Vivado IP integrator block design, you instanate, congure, and assemble the
processor core and its interfaces. The IP Integrator enforces rules-based connecvity and
provides design assistance. Aer it is compiled through implementaon, the hardware design is
exported to Xilinx Vis™ for use in soware development and validaon. Simulaon and debug
features allow you to simulate and validate the design across the two domains.
The Vis Design Suite is Xilinx's unied soware suite that includes compilers for all embedded
applicaons and accelerated applicaons on Xilinx plaorms. Vis supports developing in higher
level languages, leverages open source libraries, and supports domain specic development
For training videos on the Vivado IP integrator and the embedded processor design ow, see the
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Targeng Zynq Devices Using Vivado IP Integrator.
The embedded processor design ow is described in the following resources:
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Embedded Processor Hardware Design (UG898)
Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Embedded Processor Hardware Design (UG940)
UltraFast Embedded Design Methodology Guide (UG1046)
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Model-Based Design Using Model Composer
Model Composer is a model-based graphical design tool that enables rapid design exploraon
within the MathWorks MATLAB
and Simulink
products and accelerates the path to producon
for Xilinx devices through automac code generaon. For informaon, see the Model Composer
User Guide (UG1262).
Model-Based DSP Design Using Xilinx System
The Xilinx System Generator tool, which is installed as part of the Vivado Design Suite, can be
used for implemenng DSP funcons. You create the DSP funcons using System Generator as a
standalone tool, and then package your System Generator design into an IP module that can be
included in the Vivado IP catalog. From there, the generated IP can be instanated into your
Vivado design as a submodule. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator (UG897).
High-Level Synthesis C-Based Design
The C-based High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools within the Vivado Design Suite enable you to
describe various DSP funcons in the design using C, C++, and SystemC. You create and validate
the C code with the Vivado HLS tools. Use of higher-level languages allows you to abstract
algorithmic descripons, data type, specicaon, etc. You can create “what-if” scenarios using
various parameters to opmize design performance and device area.
HLS lets you simulate the generated RTL directly from its design environment using C-based test
benches and simulaon. C-to-RTL synthesis transforms the C-based design into an RTL module
that can be packaged and implemented as part of a larger RTL design, or instanated into an IP
integrator block design.
For various training videos on Vivado HLS, see the Vivado High-Level Synthesis video tutorials
available from the Vivado Design QuickTake Video Tutorials page on the Xilinx website.
The HLS tool ow and features are described in the following resources:
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis (UG902)
Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: High-Level Synthesis (UG871)
Dynamic Function Exchange Design
Dynamic funcon exchange (DFx) allows porons of a running Xilinx device to be recongured in
real-me with a paral bitstream, changing the features and funcons of the running design. The
recongurable modules must be properly planned to ensure they funcon as needed for
maximum performance.
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Design Flows Overview 12
The DFx ow requires a strict design process to ensure that the recongurable modules are
designed properly to enable glitch-less operaon during paral bitstream updates. This includes
reducing the number of interface signals into the recongurable module, oorplanning device
resources, and pin placement; as well as adhering to special DFx DRCs. The device programming
method must also be properly planned to ensure the conguraon I/O pins are assigned
VIDEO: Informaon on the DFx ow is available from the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: DFx.
The DFx tool ow and features are described in the following resources:
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Funcon eXchange (UG909)
Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Funcon eXchange (UG947)
Hierarchical Design
Hierarchical Design (HD) ows enable you to paron a design into smaller, more manageable
modules to be processed independently. The hierarchical design ow involves proper module
interface design, constraint denion, oorplanning, and some special commands and design
techniques. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Hierarchical Design
Using a modular approach to the hierarchical design lets you analyze modules independent of the
rest of the design, and reuse modules in the top-down design. A team of users can iterate on
specic secons of a design, achieving ming closure and other design goals, and reuse the
There are several Vivado features that enable a hierarchical design approach, such as the
synthesis of a logic module outside of the context (OOC) of the top-level design. You can select
specic modules, or levels of the design hierarchy, and synthesize them OOC. Module-level
constraints can be applied to opmize and validate module performance. The module design
checkpoint (DCP) will then be applied during implementaon to build the top-level netlist. This
method can help reduce top-level synthesis run me, and eliminate re-synthesis of completed
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Chapter 2
Understanding Use Models
Vivado Design Suite Use Models
RECOMMENDED: Before beginning your rst design with the Vivado
tools, review the informaon in
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Geng Started (UG910).
Just as the Vivado supports many dierent design ows, the tools support several dierent use
models depending on how you want to manage your design and interact with the Vivado tools.
This secon will help guide you through some of the decisions that you must make about the use
model you want to use for interacng with the Vivado tools.
Some of these decisions include:
Are you a script or command-based user; or do you prefer working through a graphical user
interface (GUI)? See Working with the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE) and
Working with Tcl.
Do you want the Vivado Design Suite to manage the design sources, status, and results by
using a project structure; or would you prefer to quickly create and manage a design yourself?
See Understanding Project Mode and Non-Project Mode.
Do you want to congure IP cores and contain them within a single design project for
portability; or establish a remote repository of congured IP cores outside of the project for
easier management across mulple projects?
Are you managing your source les inside a revision control system? See Interfacing with
Revision Control Systems.
Are you using third-party tools for synthesis or simulaon? See Using Third-Party Design
Soware Tools.
Related Information
Working with the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE)
Working with Tcl
Understanding Project Mode and Non-Project Mode
Using Third-Party Design Soware Tools
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 14
Working with the Vivado Integrated Design
Environment (IDE)
The Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE) can be used in both Project Mode and Non-
Project Mode. The Vivado IDE provides an interface to assemble, implement, and validate your
design and IP. Opening a design loads the current design netlist, applies design constraints, and
ts the design onto the target device. The Vivado IDE allows you to visualize and interact with
the design as shown in the following gure.
Figure 2: Opening the Implemented Design in the Vivado IDE
When using Project Mode, the Vivado IDE provides an interface called Flow Navigator, that
supports a push-buon design ow. You can open designs aer RTL elaboraon, synthesis, or
implementaon and analyze the design, make changes to constraints, logic or device
conguraon, and implementaon results. You can also use design checkpoints to save the
current state of any design. For more informaon on the Vivado IDE, see the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893).
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 15
VIDEO: For more informaon, see the Vivado Design QuickTake Video: Geng Started with the Vivado
Launching the Vivado IDE on Windows
Select Start → All Programs → Xilinx Design Tools → Vivado <version> → Vivado <version>.
Note: You can also double-click the Vivado IDE shortcut icon on your desktop.
Figure 3: Vivado IDE Desktop Icon
TIP: You can right-click the Vivado IDE shortcut icon, and select Properes to update the Start In eld.
This makes it easier to locate the project le, log les, and journal les, which are wrien to the launch
Launching the Vivado IDE from the Command Line
on Windows or Linux
Enter the following command at the command prompt:
When you enter this command, it automacally runs vivado -mode gui to launch the Vivado
IDE. If you need help, type vivado -help.
To add the Vivado tools path to your current shell/command prompt, run
settings64.bat or
from the
When launching the Vivado Design Suite from the command line, change directory to your
project directory so that the Vivado tool will write its log and journal les to your project
directory. This makes it easy to locate and review these les as needed.
Launch the Vivado Design Suite from your project directory to make it easier to locate
the project le, log les, and journal les, which are wrien to the launch directory.
Launching the Vivado IDE from the Vivado Design
Suite Tcl Shell
When the Vivado Design Suite is running in Tcl mode, enter the following command at the Tcl
command prompt to launch the Vivado IDE:
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 16
Working with Tcl
All supported design ows and use models can be run using Tcl commands. You can use Tcl
scripts to run the enre design ow, including design analysis and reporng, or to run parts of
the design ow, such as design creaon and synthesis. You can use either individual Tcl
commands or saved scripts of Tcl commands.
If you prefer working directly with Tcl commands, you can interact with your design using a
Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell, using the Tcl Console from within the Vivado IDE. For more
informaon about using Tcl and Tcl scripng, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Tcl
Scripng (UG894) and Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835). For a step-by-
step tutorial that shows how to use Tcl in the Vivado tools, see the Vivado Design Suite Tutorial:
Design Flows Overview (UG888).
For more informaon on using a Tcl-based approach using either the Project Mode or Non-
Project Mode, see Understanding Project Mode and Non-Project Mode.
Related Information
Using Project Mode
Using Non-Project Mode
Launching the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Shell
Use the following command to invoke the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Shell either at the Linux
command prompt or within a Windows Command Prompt window:
vivado -mode tcl
Note: On Windows, you can also select Start → All Programs → Xilinx Design Tools → Vivado <version> → 
Vivado <version> Tcl Shell.
Launching the Vivado Tools Using a Batch Tcl Script
You can use the Vivado tools in batch mode by supplying a Tcl script when invoking the tool. Use
the following command either at the Linux command prompt or within a Windows Command
Prompt window:
vivado -mode batch -source <your_Tcl_script>
Note: When working in batch mode, the Vivado tools exit aer running the specied script.
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Using the Vivado IDE with a Tcl Flow
When working with Tcl, you can sll take advantage of the interacve GUI-based analysis and
constraint denion capabilies in the Vivado IDE. You can open designs in the Vivado IDE at
any stage of the design cycle, as described in Performing Design Analysis Using the Vivado IDE.
You can also save the design database at any me as a checkpoint le, and open the checkpoint
later as described in Using Design Checkpoints.
Related Information
Performing Design Analysis Using the Vivado IDE
Using Design Checkpoints
Using Xilinx Vivado Store
The Xilinx
Vivado Store enables you to download Tcl apps, board les, and example designs
from Xilinx's public GitHub repository. The download path for both boards and example designs
can be dened in your Tool→Sengs. Third-pares can also contribute to these repositories by
subming GitHub pull requests. For more informaon on subming, please refer to the
documentaon on the GitHub for the following repositories:
Xilinx Tcl Apps
The Xilinx Tcl Store is an open source repository of Tcl code designed primarily for use in FPGA
designs with the Vivado Design Suite. The Tcl Store provides access to mulple scripts and
ulies contributed from dierent sources, which solve various issues and improve producvity.
You can install Tcl scripts and also contribute Tcl scripts to share your experse with others. For
more informaon on working with Tcl scripts and the Xilinx Tcl Store, see the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Using Tcl Scripng (UG894).
Board Files
Board les dene external connecvity for Vivado. Board les informaon is available in the IP
integrator when you select a board, as opposed to a part, when creang the project. Board
interfaces can be enabled in the IP integrator by selecng the appropriate interface in the Boards
tab in Vivado. For more informaon, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems
using IP Integrator (UG994) and Integrated Interlaken up to 150G LogiCORE IP Product Guide
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 18
Example Design
Example designs are available in Vivado to demonstrate a parcular funconality. By hosng
example designs on GitHub, they are updated asynchronously to the Vivado release. Example
designs are accessed through the new project wizard when installed through the Xilinx Vivado
Understanding Project Mode and Non-Project
The Vivado Design Suite has two primary use models: Project Mode and Non-Project Mode.
Both Project Mode and Non-Project Mode can be developed and used through either the Vivado
IDE, or through Tcl commands and batch scripts. However, the Vivado IDE oers many benets
for the Project Mode, such as the Flow Navigator graphical workow interface. Tcl commands are
the simplest way to run the Non-Project Mode.
Project Mode
The Vivado Design Suite takes advantage of a project based architecture to assemble, implement,
and track the state of a design. This is referred to as Project Mode. In Project Mode, Vivado tools
automacally manage your design ow and design data.
The key advantage of Project Mode is that the Vivado Design Suite manages the enre design process,
including dependency management, report generaon, data storage, etc.
When working in Project Mode, the Vivado Design Suite creates a directory structure on disk in
order to manage design source les, either locally or remotely, and manage changes and updates
to the source les.
Note: Certain operang systems (for example, Microso Windows) restrict the number of characters (such
as 256) that can be used for the le path and le name. If your operang system has such a limitaon,
Xilinx recommends that you create projects closer to the drive root to keep le paths and names as short
as possible.
The project infrastructure is also used to manage the automated synthesis and implementaon runs, track
run status, and store synthesis and implementaon results and reports. For example:
If you modify an HDL source aer synthesis, the Vivado Design Suite idenes the current results as
out-of-date, and prompts you for re-synthesis.
If you modify design constraints, the Vivado tools prompt you to either re-synthesize, re-implement, or
Aer roung is completed, the Vivado tool automacally generates ming, DRC, methodology, and
power reports.
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The enre design ow can be run with a single click within the Vivado IDE.
For detailed informaon on working with projects, see Chapter 3: Using Project Mode.
Related Information
Using Project Mode
Non-Project Mode
Alternavely, you can choose an in-memory compilaon ow in which you manage sources and
the design process yourself, known as Non-Project Mode. In-memory compilaon enables
project sengs to be applied to Non-Project based designs. In Non-Project Mode, you manage
design sources and the design process yourself using Tcl commands or scripts. The key advantage
is that you have full control over each step of the ow.
When working in Non-Project Mode, source les are read from their current locaons, such as
from a revision control system, and the design is compiled through the ow in memory. You can
run each design step individually using Tcl commands. You can also use Tcl commands to set
design parameters and implementaon opons.
You can save design checkpoints and create reports at any stage of the design process. Each
implementaon step can be tailored to meet specic design challenges, and you can analyze
results aer each design step. In addion, you can open the Vivado IDE at any point for design
analysis and constraints assignment.
In Non-Project Mode, each design step is controlled using Tcl commands. For example:
If you modify an HDL le aer synthesis, you must remember to rerun synthesis to update the
in-memory netlist.
If you want a ming report aer roung, you must explicitly generate the ming report when
roung completes.
Design parameters and implementaon opons are set using Tcl commands and parameters.
You can save design checkpoints and create reports at any stage of the design process using
As the design ow progresses, the representaon of the design is retained in memory in the
Vivado Design Suite. Non-Project Mode discards the in-memory design aer each session and
only writes data to disk that you instruct it to. For more informaon on Non-Project Mode, see
Chapter 4: Using Non-Project Mode.
Related Information
Using Non-Project Mode
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Feature Differences
In Project Mode, the Vivado IDE tracks the history of the design and stores pernent design
informaon. However, because many features are automated, you have less control in the default
ow. For example, only a standard set of report les is generated with each run. However,
through Tcl commands or scripng, you have access to customize the ow and features of the
tool in Project Mode.
The following automated features are only available when using Project Mode:
Out-of-the-box design ow
Easy-to-use, push-buon interface
Powerful Tcl scripng language for customizaon
Source le management and status
Automacally generated standard reports
Storage and reuse of tool sengs and design conguraon
Experimentaon with mulple synthesis and implementaon runs
Run results management and status
Non-Project Mode, is more of a compilaon methodology where you have complete control over
every acon executed through a Tcl command. This is a fully customizable design ow suited to
specic designers looking for control and batch processing. All of the processing is done in
memory, so no les or reports are generated automacally. Each me you compile the design,
you must dene all of the sources, set all tool and design conguraon parameters, launch all
implementaon commands, and generate report les. This can be accomplished using a Tcl run
script, because a project is not created on disk, source les remain in their original locaons and
design output is only created when and where you specify. This method provides you with all of
the power of Tcl commands and full control over the enre design process. Many users prefer
this batch compilaon style interacon with the tools and the design data.
The following table summarizes the feature dierences between Project Mode and Non-Project
Table 1: Project Mode versus Non-Project Mode Features
Flow Element Project Mode Non-Project Mode
Design Source File Management Automatic Manual
Flow Navigation Guided Manual
Flow Customization Unlimited with Tcl commands Unlimited with Tcl commands
Reporting Automatic Manual
Analysis Stages Designs and design checkpoints Designs and design checkpoints
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Command Differences
Tcl commands vary depending on the mode you use, and the resulng Tcl run scripts for each
mode are dierent. In Non-Project Mode, all operaons and tool sengs require individual Tcl
commands, including seng tool opons, running implementaon commands, generang
reports, and wring design checkpoints. In Project Mode, wrapper commands are used around
the individual synthesis, implementaon, and reporng commands.
For example, in Project Mode, you add sources to the project for management using the
add_files Tcl commands. Sources can be copied into the project to maintain a separate version
within the project directory structure or can be referenced remotely. In Non-Project Mode, you
use the read_verilog, read_vhdl, read_xdc, and read_* Tcl commands to read the
various types of sources from their current locaon.
In Project Mode, the launch_runs command launches the tools with precongured run
strategies and generates standard reports. This enables consolidaon of implementaon
commands, standard reporng, use of run strategies, and run status tracking. However, you can
also run custom Tcl commands before or aer each step of the design process. Run results are
automacally stored and managed within the project. In Non-Project Mode, individual commands
must be run, such as opt_design, place_design, and route_design.
Many Tcl commands can be used in either mode, such as the reporng commands. In some cases,
Tcl commands are specic to either Project Mode or Non-Project Mode. Commands that are
specic to one mode must not be mixed when creang scripts. For example, if you are using the
Project Mode you must not use base-level commands such as synth_design, because these
are specic to Non-Project Mode. If you use Non-Project Mode commands in Project Mode, the
database is not updated with status informaon and reports are not automacally generated.
Note: Project Mode includes GUI operaons, which result in a Tcl command being executed in most cases.
The Tcl commands appear in the Vivado IDE Tcl Console and are also captured in the vivado.jou le.
You can use this le to develop scripts for use with either mode.
The following gure shows the dierence between Project Mode and Non-Project Mode Tcl
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Figure 4: Project Mode and Non-Project Mode Commands
create_project …
add_files …
launch_run synth_1
wait_on_run synth_1
open_run synth_1
launch_run impl_1
wait_on_run impl_1
open_run impl_1
launch_run impl_1 –to_step_write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
read_verilog …
read_vhdl …
read_ip …
read_xdc …
read_edif …
synth_design …
GUI Tcl Script Tcl Script
Project Mode
Non-Project Mode
Using Third-Party Design Software Tools
Xilinx has strategic partnerships with several third-party design tool suppliers. The following
soware soluons include synthesis and simulaon tools only.
Running Logic Synthesis
The Xilinx FPGA logic synthesis tools supplied by Synopsys and Mentor Graphics are supported
for use with the Vivado Design Suite. In the Vivado Design Suite, you can import the synthesized
netlists in structural Verilog or EDIF format for use during implementaon. In addion, you can
use the constraints (SDC or XDC) output by the logic synthesis tools in the Vivado Design Suite.
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All Xilinx IP and Block Designs use Vivado Synthesis. Use of third party synthesis for Xilinx IP or
IP integrator block designs is not supported, with a few excepons, such as the memory IP for 7
series devices. Refer to the data sheet for a specic IP for more informaon.
Running Logic Simulation
Logic simulaon tools supplied by Mentor Graphics, Cadence, Aldec, and Synopsys are integrated
and can be launched directly from the Vivado IDE. Netlists can also be produced for all supported
third-party logic simulators. From the Vivado Design Suite, you can export complete Verilog or
VHDL netlists at any stage of the design ow for use with third-party simulators. In addion, you
can export structural netlists with post-implementaon delays in standard delay format (SDF) for
use in third-party ming simulaon. The Vivado Design Suite also generates simulaon scripts for
enterprise users. Using the scripts and compiled libraries, enterprise users can run the simulaon
without the Vivado Design Suite environment.
VIDEO: For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Simulang with Cadence IES
in Vivado and Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Simulang with Synopsys VCS in Vivado.
Note: Some Xilinx IP provides RTL sources in only Verilog or VHDL format. Aer synthesis, structural
netlists can be created in either language.
Interfacing with PCB Designers
The I/O planning process is crical to high-performing systems. Printed circuit board (PCB)
designers are oen concerned about the relaonship and orientaon of the FPGA on the PCB.
These large ball grid array (BGA) devices are oen the most dicult roung challenge a PCB
designer faces. Addional concerns include crical interface roung, locaon of power rails, and
signal integrity. A close collaboraon between FPGA and PCB designers can help address these
design challenges. The Vivado IDE enables the designer to visualize the relaonship between the
physical package pins and the internal die pads to opmize the system-level interconnect.
The Vivado Design Suite has several methods to pass design informaon between the FPGA,
PCB, and system design domains. I/O pin conguraon can be passed back and forth using a
comma separated value (CSV) spreadsheet, RTL header, or XDC le. The CSV spreadsheet
contains addional package and I/O informaon that can be used for a variety of PCB design
tasks, such as matched length connecons and power connecons. An I/O Buer Informaon
Specicaon (IBIS) model can also be exported from the Vivado IDE for use in signal integrity
analysis on the PCB.
For more informaon see:
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899)
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: I/O Planning Overview
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 24
Vivado Design Hub: I/O and Clock Planning
Chapter 2: Understanding Use Models
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Design Flows Overview 25
Chapter 3
Using Project Mode
In Project Mode, the Vivado
Design Suite creates a project directory structure and
automacally manages your source les, constraints, IP data, synthesis and implementaon run
results, and reports. In this mode, the Vivado Design Suite also manages and reports on the
status of the source les, conguraon, and the state of the design.
In the Vivado IDE, you can use the Flow Navigator (shown in the following gure) to launch
predened design ow steps, such as synthesis and implementaon. When you click Generate
Bitstream or Generate Device Image for Versal
ACAP, the Vivado IDE ensures that the design is
synthesized and implemented with the most current design sources and generates a bitstream
le. The environment provides an intuive push buon design ow and also oers advanced
design management and analysis features. Runs are launched with wrapper Tcl scripts that
consolidate the various implementaon commands and automacally generates standard reports.
You can use various run strategies to address dierent design challenges, such as roung density
and ming closure. You can also simultaneously launch mulple implementaon runs to see
which will achieve the best results.
Note: Run strategies only apply to Project Mode. In Non-Project Mode, all direcves and command opons
must be set manually.
You can run Project Mode using the Vivado IDE or using Tcl commands or scripts. In addion,
you can alternate between using the Vivado IDE and Tcl within a project. When you open or
create projects in the Vivado IDE, you are presented with the current state of the design, run
results, and previously generated reports and messages. You can create or modify sources, apply
constraints and debug informaon, congure tool sengs, and perform design tasks.
Project Mode is the easiest way to get acquainted with features of the Vivado tools
and Xilinx
Vivado has the unique capability to open the design at various stages of the design ow. You can
open designs for analysis and constraints denion aer RTL elaboraon, synthesis, and
implementaon. When you open a design, the Vivado tools compile the netlist and constraints
against the target device and show the design in the Vivado IDE. Aer you open the design, you
can use a variety of analysis and reporng features to analyze the design using dierent criteria
and viewpoints. You can also apply and save constraint and design changes. For more
informaon, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
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Figure 5: Flow Navigator in the Vivado IDE
Project Mode Advantages
Project Mode has the following advantages:
Automacally manages project status, HDL sources, constraint les, IP cores and block
Generates and stores synthesis and implementaon results
Includes advanced design analysis capabilies, including cross probing from implementaon
results to RTL source les
Automates seng command opons using run strategies and generates standard reports
Supports the creaon of mulple runs to congure and explore available constraint or
command opons
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Creating Projects
The Vivado Design Suite supports dierent types of projects for dierent design purposes. For
example, you can create a project with RTL sources or synthesized netlists from third-party
synthesis providers. You can also create empty I/O planning projects to enable device exploraon
and early pin planning. The Vivado IDE only displays commands relevant to the selected project
In the Vivado IDE, the Create Project wizard walks you through the process of creang a project.
The wizard enables you to dene the project, including the project name, the locaon in which to
store the project, the project type (for example, RTL, netlist, and so forth), and the target part.
You can add dierent types of sources, such as RTL, IP, Block designs, XDC or SDC constraints,
simulaon test benches, DSP modules from System Generator as IP, or Vivado High-Level
Synthesis (HLS), and design documentaon. When you select sources, you can determine
whether to reference the source in its original locaon or to copy the source into the project
directory. The Vivado Design Suite tracks the me and date stamp of each le and report status.
If les are modied, you are alerted to out-of-date source or design status. For more informaon,
see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
The Windows operang system has a 260 character limit for path lengths which can aect the
Vivado tools. To avoid this issue, use the shortest possible names and directory locaons when creang
projects, dening IP or managed IP projects, or creang block designs.
Different Types of Projects
The Vivado Design Suite allows for dierent design entry points depending on your source le
types and design tasks. Following are the dierent types of projects you can use to facilitate
those tasks:
RTL Project: You can add RTL source les and constraints, congure IP with the Vivado IP
catalog, create IP subsystems with the Vivado IP integrator, synthesize and implement the
design, and perform design planning and analysis.
Post-Synthesis Project: You can import third-party netlists, implement the design, and
perform design planning and analysis.
I/O Planning Project: You can create an empty project for use with early I/O planning and
device exploraon prior to having RTL sources.
Imported Project: You can import exisng project sources from the ISE Design Suite, Xilinx
Synthesis Technology (XST), or Synopsys Synplify.
Example Project: You can explore several example projects, including example Zynq
SoC or MicroBlaze™ embedded designs with available Xilinx evaluaon boards.
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DFx: You can dynamically recongure an operang FPGA design by loading a paral bitstream
le to modify recongurable regions of the device.
Managing Source Files in Project Mode
In Project Mode, source management is performed by the project infrastructure. The Vivado IDE
manages dierent types of sources independently, including RTL design sources, IP, simulaon
sources, and constraint sources. It uses the concept of a source set to enable mulple versions of
simulaon or design constraints sets. This enables you to manage and experiment with dierent
sets of design constraints in one design project. The Vivado IDE also uses the same approach for
simulaon, enabling management of module-level simulaon sets for simulang dierent parts of
the design.
When adding sources, you can reference sources from remote locaons or copy sources locally
into the project directory structure. Sources can be read from any network accessible locaon.
With either approach, the Vivado IDE tracks the me and date stamps on the les to check for
updates. If source les are modied, the Vivado IDE changes the project status to indicate
whether synthesis or implementaon runs are out of date. Sources with read-only permissions
are processed accordingly.
When adding sources in the Vivado IDE, RTL les can oponally be scanned to look for include
les or other global source les that might be in the source directory. All source le types within
a specied directory or directory tree can be added with the File → Add Sources command. The
Vivado IDE scans directories and subdirectories and imports any le with an extension matching
the set of known sources types.
Aer sources are added to a project, the compilaon order and logic hierarchy is derived and
displayed in the Sources window. This can help you to idenfy malformed RTL or missing
modules. The Messages window shows messages related to the RTL compilaon, and you can
cross probe from the messages to the RTL sources. In addion, source les can be enabled and
disabled to allow for control over conguraon.
Using Remote, Read-Only Sources
The Vivado Design Suite can ulize remote source les when creang projects or when read in
Non-Project Mode. Source les can be read-only, which compiles the les in memory but does
not allow changes to be saved to the original les. Source les can be saved to a dierent
locaon if required.
Archiving Projects
In the Vivado IDE, the File → Project → Archive command creates a ZIP le for the enre project,
including the source les, IP, design conguraon, and oponally the run result data. If the
project uses remote sources, the les are copied into the project locally to ensure that the
archived project includes all les.
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Creating a Tcl Script to Recreate the Project
In the Vivado IDE, the File → Project → Write Tcl command creates a Tcl script you can run to
recreate the enre project, including the source les, IP, and design conguraon. You can check
this script into a source control system in place of the project directory structure.
Working with a Revision Control System
Many design teams use source management systems to store various design conguraons and
revisions. There are mulple commercially available systems, such as Revision Control System
(RCS), Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Subversion (SVN), ClearCase, Perforce, Git, BitKeeper,
and many others. The Vivado tools can interact with all such systems. The Vivado Design Suite
uses and produces les throughout the design ow that you can manage with a revision control
system. For more informaon on working with revision control soware, refer to Source
Management and Revision Control Recommendaons.
VIDEO: For informaon on best pracces when using revision control systems with the Vivado tools, see
the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Using Vivado Design Suite with Revision Control.
Understanding the Flow Navigator
The Flow Navigator (shown in the following gure) provides control over the major design
process tasks, such as project conguraon, synthesis, implementaon, and bitstream generaon.
The commands and opons available in the Flow Navigator depend on the status of the design.
Unavailable steps are grayed out unl required design tasks are completed.
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Figure 6: Flow Navigator
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The Flow Navigator (shown in the following gure) diers when working with projects created
with third-party netlists. For example, system-level design entry, IP, and synthesis opons are not
Figure 7: Flow Navigator for Third-Party Netlist Project
As the design tasks complete, you can open the
resulng designs to analyze results and apply
constraints. In the Flow Navigator, click Open Elaborated Design, Open Synthesized Design, or
Open Implemented Design. For more informaon, see Opening Designs to Perform Design
Analysis and Constraints Denion.
When you open a design, the Flow Navigator shows a set of commonly used commands for the
applicable phase of the design ow. Selecng any of these commands in the Flow Navigator
opens the design, if it is not already opened, and performs the operaon. For example, the
following gure shows the commands related to synthesis.
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Figure 8: Synthesis Section in the Flow Navigator
Related Information
Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis and Constraints Denion
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Performing System-Level Design Entry
Automated Hierarchical Source File Compilation and
The Vivado IDE Sources window (shown in the following gure) provides automated source le
management. The window has several views to display the sources using dierent methods.
When you open or modify a project, the Sources window updates the status of the project
sources. A quick compilaon of the design source les is performed and the sources appear in
the Compile Order view of the Sources window in the order they will be compiled by the
downstream tools. Any potenal issues with the compilaon of the RTL hierarchy are shown as
well as reported in the Message window. For more informaon on sources, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
TIP: If you explicitly set a module as the top module, the module is retained and passed to synthesis.
However, if you do not explicitly set a top module, the Vivado tools select the best possible top module
from the available source les in the project. If a le includes syntax errors and does not elaborate, this le
is not selected as the top module by the Vivado tools.
Constraints and simulaon sources are organized into sets. You can use constraint sets to
experiment with and manage constraints. You can launch dierent simulaon sessions using
dierent simulaon source sets. You can add, remove, disable, or update any of the sources. For
more informaon on constraints, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Constraints
(UG903). For more informaon on simulaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic
Simulaon (UG900).
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Figure 9: Hierarchical Sources View Window
RTL Development
The Vivado IDE includes helpful features to assist with RTL development:
Integrated Vivado IDE Text Editor to create or modify source les
Automac syntax and language construct checking across mulple source les
Language templates for copying recommended example logic constructs
Find in Files feature for searching template libraries using a variety of search criteria
RTL elaboraon and interacve analysis
RTL design rule checks
RTL constraints assignment and I/O planning
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RTL Elaboration and Analysis
When you open an elaborated RTL design, the Vivado IDE compiles the RTL source les and
loads the RTL netlist for interacve analysis. You can check RTL structure, syntax, and logic
denions. Analysis and reporng capabilies include:
RTL compilaon validaon and syntax checking
Run checks to ensure your RTL is compliant with the UltraFast Methodology rules
Netlist and schemac exploraon
Design rule checks
Early I/O pin planning using an RTL port list
Ability to select an object in one view and cross probe to the object in other views, including
instanaons and logic denions within the RTL source les
For more informaon on RTL development and analysis features, see the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895). For more informaon on RTL-based I/O planning, see
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899).
Timing Constraint Development and Verification
The Vivado IDE provides a Timing Constraints wizard to walk you through the process of creang
and validang ming constraints for the design. The wizard idenes clocks and logic constructs
in the design and provides an interface to enter and validate the ming constraints in the design.
It is only available in synthesized and implemented designs, because the in-memory design must
be clock aware post-synthesis. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Using Constraints (UG903).
The Vivado Design Suite only supports Synopsys design constraints (SDC) and Xilinx design
constraints (XDC). It does not support Xilinx user constraints les (UCF) used with the ISE Design Suite nor
does it directly support Synplicity design constraints. For informaon on migrang from UCF format to
XDC format, see this link in the ISE to ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migraon Guide (UG911).
Working with IP
The Vivado Design Suite provides an IP-centric design ow that lets you congure, implement,
verify, and integrate IP modules to your design from various design sources. The tool also
provides an extensible IP catalog that includes Xilinx LogiCORE™ IP that can be congured and
veried as a standalone module or within the context of a system-level design. For more
informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896).
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You can also package custom IP using the IP-XACT protocol and make it available through the
Vivado IP catalog. Xilinx IP uses the AMBA
AXI4 interconnect standard to enable faster system-
level integraon. Exisng IP can be added to a design as either RTL source or a netlist.
The available methods to work with IP in a design are as follows:
Use the managed IP ow to customize IP and generate output products, including a
synthesized design checkpoint (DCP) to preserve the customizaon for use in the current and
future releases. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Design Flows Overview (UG892).
Use IP in either Project or Non-Project modes by imporng or reading the created Xilinx core
instance (XCI) le. This is the recommended method for large projects with many team
Access the IP catalog from a project to customize and add IP to a design. Store the IP les
either local to the project, or save them externally from the project. This is the recommended
method for small team projects.
Configuring IP
The Vivado IP catalog (shown in the following gure) lets you browse the available IP for the
target device in the current project. The catalog shows version and licensing informaon about
each IP and provides the applicable data sheet.
The Vivado IP catalog displays either Included or Purchase under the License column in the IP
catalog. The following denions apply to IP oered by Xilinx:
Included: The Xilinx End User License Agreement includes Xilinx LogiCORE™ IP cores that are
licensed within the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite soware tools at no addional charge.
Purchase: The Core License Agreement applies to fee-based Xilinx LogiCORE IP, and the Core
Evaluaon License Agreement applies to the evaluaon of fee-based Xilinx IP.
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Figure 10: Vivado IP Catalog
This license status informaon is available for IP cores used in a project using Report IP Status by
selecng Reports → Report IP Status. For addional informaon on how to obtain IP licenses, see
the Xilinx IP Licensing page.
Xilinx and its partners provide addional IP cores that are not shipped as part of the default
Vivado IP Catalog. For more informaon on the available IP, see the Intellectual Property page on
the Xilinx website.
You can double-click any IP to launch the Conguraon wizard to instanate an IP into your
design. Aer conguring the IP, a Xilinx Core Instance (.xci) le is created. This le contains all
the customizaon opons for the IP. From this le the tool can generate all output products for
the IP. These output products consist of HDL for synthesis and simulaon, constraints, possibly a
test bench, C modules, example designs, etc. The tool creates these les based upon the
customizaon opons used.
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Generating IP Output Products
IP output products are created to enable synthesis, simulaon, and implementaon tools to use a
specic conguraon of the IP. While generang output products, a directory structure is set up
to store the various output products associated with the IP. The folders and les are fairly self-
explanatory and should be le intact. The Vivado Design Suite generates the following output
Instanaon template
RTL source les and XDC constraints
Synthesized design checkpoint (default)
Third-party simulaon sources
Third-party synthesis sources
Example design (for applicable IP)
Test bench (for applicable IP)
C Model (for applicable IP)
TIP: In Project Mode, missing output products are automacally generated during synthesis, including a
synthesized design checkpoint (DCP) le for the out-of-context ow. In Non-Project Mode, the output
products must be manually generated prior to global synthesis.
For each IP customized in your design, you should generate all available output products,
including a synthesized design checkpoint. Doing so provides you with a complete representaon
of the IP that can be archived or placed in revision control. If future Vivado Design Suite versions
do not include that IP, or if the IP has changed in undesirable ways (such as interface changes),
you have all the output products required to simulate, and to use for synthesis and
implementaon with future Vivado Design Suite releases.
Using IP Core Containers
The oponal Core Container feature helps simplify working with revision control systems by
providing a single le representaon of an IP. By enabling this opon, you can store IP
conguraon les (XCI) and output products in a single, binary IP core container le (XCIX) rather
than a loose directory structure. The XCIX le is similar to the XCI le and works in a similar way
in the tool. For more informaon on using IP core containers, see the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Designing with IP (UG896).
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Out-of-Context Design Flow
By default, the Vivado Design Suite uses an out-of-context (OOC) design ow to synthesize IP
from the IP catalog, and block designs from the Vivado IP integrator. This OOC ow lets you
synthesize, implement, and analyze design modules in a hierarchical design, IP cores, or block
designs, independent of the top-level design. The OOC ow reduces design cycle me, and
eliminates design iteraons, leng you preserve and reuse synthesis results.
IP cores that are added to a design from the Vivado IP catalog default to use the out-of-context
ow. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP
(UG896). Block designs created in the Vivado IP integrator also default to the OOC ow when
generang output products. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994).
The Vivado Design Suite also supports global synthesis and implementaon of a design, in which
all modules, block designs, and IP cores, are synthesized as part of the integrated top-level
design. You can mark specic modules or IP for out-of-context synthesis, and other modules for
inclusion in the global synthesis of the top-level design. In the case of a block design from Vivado
IP integrator, the enre block design can be specied for OOC synthesis, or you can specify OOC
synthesis for each individual IP, or per IP used in the block design. When run in global mode,
Vivado synthesis has full visibility of design constraints. When run in OOC mode, esmated
constraints are used during synthesis.
The Vivado synthesis tool also provides a cache to preserve OOC synthesis results for reuse in
other designs that use the same IP customizaon. This can signicantly speed synthesis of large
complex designs.
A design checkpoint (DCP) is created for OOC IP or modules, which contains the synthesized
netlist and design constraints. OOC modules are seen as black boxes in the top-level design unl
the synthesized design is open and all the elements are assembled. Before the top-level
synthesized design is opened, resource ulizaon and analysis of the top-level design may not
include netlist or resource informaon from the OOC modules, or black boxes, and so will not
provide a complete view of the design.
To obtain more accurate reports, you should open and analyze the top-level synthesized
design, which will include all the integrated OOC modules.
The OOC ow is supported in Vivado synthesis, implementaon, and analysis. For more
informaon refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901). OOC
synthesis can also be used to dene a hierarchical design methodology and a team design
approach as dened in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Hierarchical Design (UG905).
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IP Constraints
Many IP cores contain XDC constraint les that are used during Vivado synthesis and
implementaon. These constraints are applied automacally in both Project Mode and Non-
Project Mode if the IP is customized from the Vivado IP catalog.
Many IP cores reference their input clocks in these XDC les. These clocks can come either from
the user through the top level design, or from other IP cores in the design. By default, the Vivado
tools process any IP clock creaon and any user-dened top-level clock creaon early. This
process makes these clocks available to the IP cores that require them. Refer to this link in Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896) for more informaon.
Validating the IP
You can verify Vivado IP by synthesizing the IP and using behavioral or structural logic
simulaon, and by implemenng the IP module to validate ming, power, and resource
ulizaon. Typically, a small example design is used to validate the standalone IP. You can also
validate the IP within the context of the top-level design project. Because the IP creates
synthesized design checkpoints, this boom-up vericaon strategy works well either
standalone or within a project.
Many of the Xilinx IP delivered in the Vivado IP catalog have an example design. You can
determine if an IP comes with an example design by selecng the IP from the IP Sources area of
the Manage IP or RTL project and see if the Open IP Example Design is selectable, as shown in
the following gure. This can also be done using Tcl by examining the SUPPORTED_TARGETS
property of the IP.
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Figure 11: Opening an Example Design
Use the Open IP Example Design right-click menu command for a selected IP to create an
example design to validate the standalone IP within the context of the example design project.
For more details on working with example designs and IP output products, refer to the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896).
Some IP deliver test benches with the example design, which you can use to validate the
customized IP funconality. You can run behavioral, post synthesis, or post-implementaon
simulaons. You can run either funconal or ming simulaons. In order to perform ming/
funconal simulaons you will need to synthesize/implement the example design. For specic
informaon on simulang an IP, refer to the product guide for the IP. For more detail on
simulaon, refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Using Memory IP
Addional I/O pin planning steps are required when using Xilinx memory IP. Aer the IP is
customized, you then assign the top-level I/O ports to physical package pins in either the
elaborated or synthesized design in the Vivado IDE.
All of the ports associated with each memory IP are grouped together into an I/O Port Interface
for easier idencaon and assignment. A Memory Bank/Byte Planner is provided to assist you
with assigning Memory I/O pin groups to Byte lanes on the physical device pins.
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For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning
If you have memory IP in your design, see the following resources:
For details on simulaon, see the UltraScale Architecture-Based FPGAs Memory IP LogiCORE IP
Product Guide (PG150).
For an example of simulang memory IP with a MicroBlaze™ processor design, see the
Reference System: Kintex-7 MicroBlaze System Simulaon Using IP Integrator (XAPP1180).
Packaging Custom IP and IP Subsystems
The Vivado Design Suite lets you package custom IP or block designs into IP to list in the Vivado
IP catalog for use in designs or in the Vivado IP integrator. You can package IP from a variety of
sources, such as from a collecon of RTL source les, a Vivado IP integrator block design, or an
enre Vivado Design Suite project.
The locaon of the packaged IP can be added to the IP Repository secon of the Sengs dialog
box which can be accessed through Tools → Sengs menu in the Vivado IDE. Aer a repository
of one or more IP has been added, the IP core(s) from the repository will be shown in the IP
Before packaging your IP HDL, ensure its correctness by simulang and synthesizing to validate the
There are mulple ways to congure the IP and make it available for use within the Vivado IP
catalog and IP integrator. For example, the Create and Package IP wizard takes you step-by-step
through IP packaging and lets you package IP from a project, a block design, or a specied
directory. You can also create and package a new template AXI4 peripheral for use in embedded
processor designs.
Ensure that the desired list of supported device families is dened properly while creang
the custom IP denion. This is especially important if you want your IP to be used with mulple device
For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Creang and Packaging Custom IP
(UG1118) and Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Creang, Packaging Custom IP (UG1119).
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Upgrading IP
With each release of the Vivado Design Suite, new IP versions are introduced. It is recommended
that you upgrade the IP used in your designs at each new release. However, you can also use the
older version as a stac IP that is already congured and synthesized to avoid introducing any
unnecessary changes into your design. To use the stac version of an exisng IP, all of the output
products must have been previously generated for the IP, and no changes to those generated
output les will be possible. For more informaon refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Designing with IP (UG896).
To report on the current status of the IP in a design, you can use the report_ip_status Tcl
command. If changes are needed, you can selecvely upgrade the IP in the design to the latest
version. A change log for each IP details the changes made and lists any design updates that are
required. For example, top-level port changes are occasionally made in newer IP versions, so
some design modicaon might be required. If the IP version has changed in the latest release,
the version used in the design becomes locked and must be used as a stac IP with the available
output products, or must be updated to support the current release. Locked IP are reported as
locked, and appear with a lock symbol in the Sources window of the Vivado IDE.
Creating IP Subsystems with IP Integrator
The Vivado IP integrator enables the creaon of Block Designs (.bd), or IP subsystems with
mulple IP stched together using the AXI4 interconnect protocol. The IP Integrator lets you
quickly connect IP cores to create domain specic subsystems and designs, including embedded
processor-based designs using Zynq
UltraScale+™ MPSoC, Zynq
-7000 SoC, and MicroBlaze™
processors. It can instanate High-Level Synthesis modules from Vivado HLS, DSP modules from
System Generator, and custom user-dened IP as described in Packaging Custom IP and IP
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Figure 12: Vivado IP Integrator
Using Vivado IP integrator you can drag and drop IP onto the design canvas, connect AXI
interfaces with one wire, and place ports and interface ports to connect the IP subsystem to the
top-level design. These IP block designs can also be packaged as sources (.bd) and reused in
other designs. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP
Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994) or Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Embedded Processor
Hardware Design (UG898).
Related Information
Packaging Custom IP and IP Subsystems
Building IP Subsystems
The interacve block design capabilies of the Vivado IP integrator make the job of conguring
and assembling groups of IP easy.
If you prefer to work with a Tcl script, it is suggested to create the block design interacvely using the
Vivado IDE and then capture and edit the script as needed to recreate the block design. The IP integrator
can create a Tcl script to re-create the current block design in memory.
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Block Design Containers
Block design containers allow a block diagram to reference a secondary block diagram. This
enables a design to be paroned into several block diagrams. Block design containers also
support several instances of child block diagrams in a parent block diagram. In this manner, a
logic can be replicated even if each instance has dierent parametrizaon. For more informaon
on block design containers, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems using IP
Integrator (UG994).
Referencing RTL Modules in Block Designs
The Module Reference feature of the Vivado IP Integrator lets you quickly add a module or enty
denion from a Verilog or VHDL source le directly into your block design. This provides a
means of quickly adding RTL modules without having to go through the process of packaging the
RTL as an IP to be added through the Vivado IP catalog. The Module Reference ow is quick, but
does not oer the benets of the working through the IP catalog. Both ows have the benets
and associated limitaons. Refer to this link in Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP
Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994) for more informaon.
Designer Assistance
To expedite the creaon of a subsystem or a design, the IP integrator oers Block Automaon
and Connecon Automaon. The Block Automaon feature can be used to congure a basic
processor-based design and some complex IP subsystems, while the Connecon Automaon
feature can be used to automacally make repeve connecons to dierent pins or ports of the
design. IP integrator also supports all the Xilinx evaluaon boards in the Plaorm Board Flow, as
described below in Using the Plaorm Board Flow. This lets the Connecon Automaon feature
connect the I/O ports of the design to components on the target board. Designer assistance also
helps with dening and connecng clocks and resets. Using Designer Assistance not only
expedites the design process but also helps prevent unintended design errors.
Related Information
Using the Plaorm Board Flow
Using the Platform Board Flow
The Vivado Design Suite is board aware and can automacally derive I/O constraints and IP
conguraon data from included board les. Through the board les, the Vivado Design Suite
knows the various components present on the target boards and can customize and congure an
IP to be connected to a parcular board component. Several 7 series, Zynq
-7000 SoC, and
UltraScale™ device boards are currently supported. You can download support les for partner-
developed boards from the partner websites or from the Xilinx Vivado Store.
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The IP integrator shows all the component interfaces on the target board in a separate tab called
the Board tab. You can use this tab to connect to the desired components through the Designer
Assistance feature. All the I/O constraints are automacally generated as a part of using this
You can also generate board les for custom boards and add the repository that contains the
board le to a project. For more informaon on generang a custom board le, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
Validating IP Subsystems
IP integrator runs basic design rule checks in real me as the design is being assembled.
However, there is sll a potenal for design errors, such as the frequency on a clock pin may be
set incorrectly. The tool can catch these types of errors by running a more thorough design
validaon. You can run design validaon by selecng Tools → Validate Design or through the Tcl
command validate_bd_design.
The Validate Design command applies design rule checks on the block design and reports
warnings and/or errors found in the design. You can cross-probe the warnings and/or errors from
the Messages window to locate objects in the block diagram. Xilinx recommends validang a
block design to catch errors that would otherwise be found later in the design ow.
Running design validaon also runs Parameter Propagaon on the block design. Parameter
Propagaon enables IP integrator to automacally update the parameters associated with a
given IP based on its context and its connecons in the design. You can package custom IP with
specic parameter propagaon rules, and IP integrator applies these rules as the block diagram is
generated and validated. See this link in Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems
Using IP Integrator (UG994) for more informaon.
Generating Block Design Output Products
Aer the block design or IP subsystem has been created, you can generate the block design
including all source codes, necessary constraints for the IP cores, and the structural netlist of the
block design. You can generate the block design by right-clicking on the block design (in the
Sources window) and selecng Generate Output Products from the pop-up menu. In the Vivado
Design Suite Flow Navigator you can also select IP Integrator → Generate Block Design.
There are two modes of OOC supported for block designs in the Vivado Design Suite: Out of
context per Block design and Out of context per IP. Refer to Out-of-Context Design Flow for
more informaon.
Related Information
Out-of-Context Design Flow
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Integrating the Block Design into a Top-Level Design
An IP integrator block design can be integrated into a higher-level design or it can be the highest
level in the design hierarchy. To integrate the IP Integrator design into a higher-level design,
instanate the block design as a module in the higher-level HDL le.
You can perform a higher-level instanaon of the block design by selecng the block design in
the Vivado IDE Sources window and selecng Create HDL Wrapper. This generates a top-level
HDL le for the IP Integrator sub-system. See this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994) for more informaon.
Logic Simulation
The Vivado Design Suite has several logic simulaon opons for verifying designs or IP. The
Vivado simulator, integrated into the Vivado IDE, allows you to simulate the design, add and view
signals in the waveform viewer, and examine and debug the design as needed.
Figure 13: Simulation at Various Points in the Design Flow
RTL Simulation
(Recommended before
proceeding to Synthesis
and implementation)
Post Implementation
functional simulation
Post Implementation timing
simulation (Verilog only)
Post Synthesis functional
Post Synthesis timing
Simulation(Verilog only)
Libraries used
for Timing
Libraries used for
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You can use the Vivado simulator to perform behavioral and structural simulaon of designs as
well as full ming simulaon of implemented designs. The previous gure shows all the places
where Vivado simulaon could be used for funconal and ming simulaon. You can also use
third-party simulators by wring Verilog or VHDL netlists, and SDF les from the elaborated,
synthesized, or implemented design. The Vivado IDE lets you congure and launch simulators
from Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Cadence, and Aldec. For more informaon, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Simulation Flow Overview
The following are some key suggesons related to simulang in the Vivado Design Suite. Many of
these ps are described in greater detail in the text that follows, or in Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
1. Run behavioral simulaon before proceeding with synthesis and implementaon. Issues
idened early will save me and money.
2. Infer logic wherever possible. Instanang primives adds signicant simulaon runme cost.
3. Always set the Target Language to Mixed unless you do not have a mixed mode license for
your simulator.
4. Turn o the waveform viewer when not in use to improve simulaon performance.
5. In the Vivado simulator, turn o debug during xelab for a performance boost.
6. In the Vivado simulator, turn on mul-threading to speed up compile me.
7. When using third-party simulators, always target supported versions. For more informaon,
see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installaon, and Licensing (UG973).
8. Make sure incremental compile is turned on when using third-party simulators.
9. Use the Xilinx Tcl command export_simulation to generate batch scripts for selected
10. Generate simulaon scripts for individual IP, BDs, and hierarchical modules as well as for the
top-level design.
11. If you are targeng a 7 series device, use UNIFAST libraries to improve simulaon
Note: The UNIFAST libraries are not supported for UltraScale device primives.
Compiling Simulation Libraries
Vivado delivers precompiled simulaon libraries for use with the Vivado simulator, as well as
precompiled libraries for all the stac les required by Xilinx IP. When simulaon scripts are
created, they reference these precompiled libraries.
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When using third-party simulators, you must compile Xilinx simulaon libraries prior to running
simulaon, as explained in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900). This is
especially true if your design instanates VHDL primives or Xilinx IP, the majority of which are
in VHDL form. The simulaon tool will return “library binding” failures if you do not precompile
simulaon libraries.
You can run the compile_simlib Tcl command to compile the Xilinx simulaon libraries for
the target simulator. You can also issue this command from the Vivado IDE by selecng Tools → 
Compile Simulaon Libraries.
IMPORTANT! Simulaon libraries are pre-compiled and provided for use with the Vivado simulator.
However, you must manually compile the libraries for use with a third-party simulator. Refer to this link in
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900) for more informaon.
Simulation Time Resolution
Xilinx recommends that you run simulaons using a resoluon of 1 ps. Some Xilinx primive
components, such as MMCM, require a 1 ps resoluon to work properly in either funconal or
ming simulaon.
TIP: Because most of the simulaon me is spent in delta cycles, there is no signicant simulator
performance gain by using coarser resoluon with the Xilinx simulaon models.
There is no need to use a ner resoluon, such as femtoseconds (fs) as some simulators will
round the numbers while others will truncate the numbers.
Functional Simulation Early in the Design Flow
Use funconal or register transfer level (RTL) simulaon to verify syntax and funconality. This
rst pass simulaon is typically performed to verify the RTL or behavioral code and to conrm
that the design is funconing as intended.
With larger hierarchical designs, you can simulate individual IP, block designs, or hierarchical
modules before tesng your complete design. This simulaon process makes it easier to debug
your code in smaller porons before examining the larger design. When each module simulates
as expected, create a top-level design test bench to verify that your enre design funcons as
planned. Use the same test bench again for the nal ming simulaon to conrm that your
design funcons as expected under worst-case delay condions.
At this stage, no ming informaon is provided. Xilinx recommends performing
simulaon in unit-delay mode to avoid the possibility of a race condion.
You should use synthesizable HDL constructs for the inial design creaon. Do not instanate
specic components unless necessary. This allows for:
More readable code
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Faster and simpler simulaon
Code portability (the ability to migrate to dierent device families)
Code reuse (the ability to use the same code in future designs)
TIP: You might need to instanate components if the components cannot be inferred.
Instanaon of components can make your design code architecture specic.
Using Structural Netlists for Simulation
Aer synthesis or implementaon, you can perform netlist simulaon in funconal or ming
mode. The netlist simulaon can also help you with the following:
Idenfy post-synthesis and post-implementaon funconality changes caused by:
Synthesis aributes or constraints that create mismatches (such as full_case and
UNISIM aributes applied in the Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) le
Dierences in language interpretaon between synthesis and simulaon
Dual-port RAM collisions
Missing or improperly applied ming constraints
Operaon of asynchronous paths
Funconal issues due to opmizaon techniques
Sensize ming paths declared as false or mul-cycle during STA
Generate netlist switching acvity to esmate power
Idenfy X state pessimism
For netlist simulaon, you can use one or more of the libraries shown in the following table.
Table 2: Use of Simulation Library
Library Name Description
VHDL Library
Verilog Library
UNISIM Functional simulation of Xilinx primitives UNISIM UNISIMS_VER
UNIMACRO Functional simulation of Xilinx macros UNIMACRO UNIMACRO_VER
UNIFAST Fast simulation library UNIFAST UNIFAST_VER
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The UNIFAST library is an oponal library that you can use during funconal simulaon to speed
up simulaon runme. UNIFAST libraries are supported for 7 series devices only. UltraScale and
later device architectures do not support UNIFAST libraries, because all the opmizaons are
incorporated in the UNISIM libraries by default. For more informaon on Xilinx simulaon
libraries, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Primives/elements of the UNISIM library do not have any ming informaon except the clocked
elements. To prevent race condions during funconal simulaon, clocked elements have a
clock-to-out delay of 100 ps. Waveform views might show spikes and glitches for combinatorial
signals, due to lack of any delay in the UNISIM elements.
Timing Simulation
Xilinx supports ming simulaon in Verilog only. You can export a netlist for ming simulaon
from an open synthesized or implemented design using the File → Export → Export Netlist
command in the Vivado IDE, or by using the write_verilog Tcl command.
The Verilog system task $sdf_annotate within the simulaon netlist species the name of the
standard delay format (SDF) le to be read for ming delays. This direcve is added to the
exported netlist when the -sdf_anno opon is enabled on the Netlist tab of the Simulaon
Sengs dialog box in the Vivado IDE. The SDF le can be wrien with the write_sdf
command. The Vivado simulator automacally reads the SDF le during the compilaon step.
The Vivado simulator supports mixed-language simulaon, which means that if you are a VHDL user,
you can generate a Verilog simulaon netlist and instanate it from the VHDL test bench.
Many users do not run ming simulaon due to high run me. However, you should consider
using full ming simulaon because it is the closest method of modeling hardware behavior. If
your design does not work on hardware, it is much easier to debug the failure in simulaon, as
long as you have a ming simulaon that can reproduce the failure.
If you decide to skip ming simulaon, you should make sure of the following:
Ensure that your STA constraints are absolutely correct. Pay special aenon to excepons.
Ensure that your netlist is exactly equivalent to what you intended through your RTL. Pay
special aenon to any inference-related informaon provided by the synthesis tool.
Simulation Flow
The Vivado Design Suite supports both integrated simulaon, which allows you to run the
simulator from within the Vivado IDE, and batch simulaon, which allows you to generate a
script from the Vivado tools to run simulaon on an external vericaon environment.
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Integrated Simulation
The Vivado IDE provides full integraon with the Vivado simulator, and all supported third-party
simulators. In this ow, the simulator is called from within the Vivado IDE, and you can compile
and simulate the design easily with a push of a buon, or with the launch_simulation Tcl
command launches integrated simulaon for project-based
designs. This command does not support Non-Project Mode.
For informaon on the steps involved in seng up the integrated simulaon ow, see this link in
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Batch Simulation
RECOMMENDED: If your vericaon environment has a self-checking test bench, run simulaon in batch
mode. There is a signicant runme cost when you view simulator waveforms using the integrated
For batch simulaon, the Vivado Design Suite provides the export_simulation Tcl command
to generate simulaon scripts for supported simulators, including the Vivado simulator. You can
use the scripts generated by export_simulation directly or use the scripts as a reference for
building your own custom simulaon scripts.
The export_simulation command creates separate scripts for each stage of the simulaon
process (compile, elaborate, and simulate) so that you can easily incorporate the generated
scripts in your own vericaon ow. For more informaon about generang scripts for batch
simulaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Running Logic Synthesis and Implementation
Logic Synthesis
Vivado synthesis enables you to congure, launch, and monitor synthesis runs. The Vivado IDE
displays the synthesis results and creates report les. You can select synthesis warnings and
errors from the Messages window to highlight the logic in the RTL source les.
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You can launch mulple synthesis runs concurrently or serially. On a Linux system, you can
launch runs locally or on remote servers. With mulple synthesis runs, Vivado synthesis creates
mulple netlists that are stored with the Vivado Design Suite project. You can open dierent
versions of the synthesized netlist in the Vivado IDE to perform device and design analysis. You
can also create constraints for I/O pin planning, ming, oorplanning, and implementaon. The
most comprehensive list of DRCs is available aer a synthesized netlist is produced, when clock
and clock logic are available for analysis and placement.
For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).
Note: Launching mulple jobs simultaneously on the same machine can exhaust memory, resulng in
random Vivado crashes. Ensure to reserve enough memory for all jobs running on a single machine.
Vivado implementaon enables you to congure, launch, and monitor implementaon runs. You
can experiment with dierent implementaon opons and create your own reusable strategies
for implementaon runs. For example, you can create strategies for quick run mes, improved
system performance, or area opmizaon. As the runs complete, implementaon run results
display and report les are available.
You can launch mulple implementaon runs either simultaneously or serially. On a Linux system,
you can use remote servers. You can create constraint sets to experiment with various ming
constraints, physical constraints, or alternate devices. For more informaon, see the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904) and Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using
Constraints (UG903).
You can add Tcl scripts to be sourced before and aer synthesis, any stage of implementaon, or
bitstream generaon using the
les. For more informaon, see the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Using Tcl Scripng (UG894).
Note: Launching mulple jobs simultaneously on the same machine can exhaust memory, resulng in
random Vivado crashes. Ensure to reserve enough memory for all jobs running on a single machine.
Configuring Synthesis and Implementation Runs
When using Project Mode, various sengs are available to control the features of synthesis and
implementaon. These sengs are passed to runs using run strategies, which you set in the
Sengs dialog box. A run strategy is simply a saved set of run conguraon parameters. Xilinx
supplies several pre-dened run strategies for running synthesis and implementaon, or you can
apply custom run sengs. In addion, you can use separate constraint sets for synthesis and
For informaon on modifying sengs, see this link to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Synthesis (UG901) and see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
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TIP: You can create an out-of-context module run to synthesize the Vivado Design Suite IP in the project. If
you generate a design checkpoint for the IP, the default behavior is to create an out-of-context run for
each IP in the design.
Creating and Managing Runs
Aer the synthesis and implementaon sengs are congured in the Sengs dialog box, you
can launch synthesis or implementaon runs using any of the following methods:
In the Flow Navigator, select Run Synthesis, Run Implementaon, or Generate Bitstream or
Generate Device Image for Versal ACAP.
In the Design Runs window, select a run, right-click, and select Launch Runs. Alternavely,
you can click the Launch Selected Runs buon.
Select Flow → Run Synthesis, Flow → Run Implementaon, or Flow → Generate Bitstream or
Generate Device Image for Versal ACAP.
You can create mulple synthesis or implementaon runs to experiment with constraints or tool
sengs. To create addional runs:
1. In the Flow Navigator, right-click Synthesis or Implementaon.
2. Select Create Synthesis Runs or Create Implementaon Runs.
3. In the Create New Runs wizard (see the following gure), select the constraint set and target
If more than one synthesis run exists, you can also select the netlist when creang
implementaon runs. You can then create one or more runs with varying strategies, constraint
sets, or devices. There are several launch opons available when mulple runs exist. You can
launch selected runs sequenally or in parallel on mulple local processors.
You can congure and use remote hosts on Linux systems only.
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Figure 14: Creating Multiple Synthesis and Implementation Runs
Managing Runs with the Design Runs Window
The Design Runs windows (shown in the following gure) displays run status and informaon and
provides access to run management commands in the popup menu. You can manage mulple
runs from the Design Runs window. When mulple runs exist, the acve run is displayed in bold.
The Vivado IDE displays the design informaon for the acve run. The Project Summary, reports,
and messages all reect the results of the acve run.
The Vivado IDE opens the acve design by default when you select Open Synthesized Design or
Open Implemented Design in the Flow Navigator. You can make a run the acve run using the
Make Acve popup menu command. The Vivado IDE updates results to reect the informaon
about the newly designated acve run. Double-click any synthesized or implemented run to open
the design in the Vivado IDE.
Figure 15: Design Runs Window
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Resetting Runs
In the Flow Navigator, you can right-click Synthesis or Implementaon, and use the following
popup menu commands to reset runs. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
Reset Runs resets the run to its original state and oponally deletes generated les from the
run directory.
Reset to Previous Step resets the run to the listed step.
TIP: To stop an in-process run, click the Cancel buon in the upper right corner of the Vivado IDE.
Launching Runs on Remote Clusters
To launch runs on remote Linux hosts, you can directly access a load sharing facility (LSF) server
farm. Vivado allows all cluster commands to be congured through Tcl. For more informaon, see
Using Remote Hosts and Compute Clusters Appendix in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Implementaon (UG904).
Performing Implementation with Incremental
You can specify the incremental compile ow when running Vivado implementaon to facilitate
small design changes. Incremental compile can reduce place and route run mes and preserve
exisng implementaon results depending on the scope of the change and the amount of ming-
crical logic that is modied.
You can specify the Set Incremental Compile opon in the Implementaon Sengs dialog box in
the Vivado IDE, or by using the Set Incremental Compile command from the right-click menu of
the Design Runs window. You can also use the read_checkpoint Tcl command with the -
incremental opon, and point to a routed design checkpoint to use as a reference. For more
informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
Closing Timing Using Intelligent Design Runs
Intelligent design runs (IDR) uses a mul-stage run approach to automacally close ming on a
design. This ow can be invoked in the GUI by right clicking on implementaon run in the design
runs window and selecng "Close Timing Using Intelligent Design Runs" or in Tcl, by creang a
new run using the IDR ow and properly seng the reference run. For informaon on Intelligent
design runs, see Chapter 8 of Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure
Techniques (UG906).
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Implementing Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)
Engineering change orders (ECOs) are modicaons to an implemented design, with the intent to
minimize impact to the original design. The Vivado Design Suite provides an ECO ow, which lets
you modify an exisng design checkpoint to implement changes, run reports on the changed
netlist, and generate the required bitstream les.
The advantage of the ECO ow is fast turn-around me by taking advantage of the incremental
place and route features of the Vivado tool. The Vivado IDE provides a predened layout to
support the ECO ow. Refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon
(UG904) for more informaon.
Viewing Log Files, Messages, Reports, and
Viewing Log Files
In the Log window (shown in the following gure), you can click the dierent tabs to view the
standard output for Synthesis, Implementaon, and Simulaon. This output is also included in the
vivado.log le that is wrien to the Vivado IDE launch directory.
Figure 16: Viewing Log Files
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Viewing Messages
In the Messages window (shown in the following gure), messages are categorized according to
design step and severity level: Errors, Crical Warnings, Warnings, Info, and Status. To lter
messages, select the appropriate check boxes in the window header. You can expand the
message categories to view specic messages. You can click the Collapse All icon to show only
the main design steps. This enables beer navigaon to specic messages. Many messages
include links that take you to logic lines in the RTL les. For more informaon, including
advanced ltering techniques, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado
IDE (UG893).
Figure 17: Viewing Messages
Viewing Reports
In the Reports window (shown in the following gure), several standard reports are generated
using the launch_runs Tcl commands. You can double-click any report to display it in the
Vivado IDE Text Editor. You can also create custom reports using Tcl commands in the Tcl
Console or using report strategies. For more informaon, see this link and this link in the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893) and see this link and this link in Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
Figure 18: Viewing Reports
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Viewing or Editing Device Properties
With the elaborated, synthesized, or implemented design open, you can use the Tools → Edit
Device Properes command to open the Edit Device Properes dialog box (shown in the
following gure) in which you can view and set device conguraon and bitstream-related
properes. This command is available only when a design is open. For informaon on each
property, see the link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).
For informaon on seng device conguraon modes, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899).
Note: The Edit → Device Properes is only available when a design is open.
Figure 19: Viewing Device Properties
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Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis
and Constraints Definition
You can perform design analysis and assign constraints aer RTL elaboraon, aer synthesis, or
aer implementaon. To idenfy design issues early, you can perform design analysis prior to
implementaon, including ming simulaon, resource esmaon, connecvity analysis, and
DRCs. You can open the various synthesis or implementaon run results for analysis and
constraints assignment. This is known as opening the design.
When you open the design, the Vivado IDE compiles the netlist and applies physical and ming
constraints against a target part. You can open, save, and close designs. When you open a new
design, you are prompted to close any previously opened designs in order to preserve memory.
However, you are not required to close the designs, because mulple designs can be opened
simultaneously. When you open a synthesized design, the Vivado IDE displays the netlist and
constraints. When you open an implemented design, the Vivado IDE displays the netlist,
constraints, and implementaon results. The design data is presented in dierent forms in
dierent windows, and you can cross probe and coordinate data between windows.
Aer opening a design, many analysis and reporng features are available in the Vivado IDE. For
example, you can analyze device resources in the graphical windows of the internal device and
the external physical package. You can also apply and analyze ming and physical constraints in
the design using the Netlist, Device, Schemac, or Hierarchy windows. For more informaon, see
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906) and Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Using Constraints (UG903).
Note: If you make constraint changes while the design is open, you are prompted to save the changes to
the original XDC source les or to create a new constraint set. For more informaon, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
Opening an Elaborated RTL Design
When you open an elaborated design, the Vivado Design Suite expands and compiles the RTL
netlist and applies physical and ming constraints against a target part. The dierent elements of
the elaborated design are loaded into memory, and you can analyze and modify the elements as
needed to complete the design. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
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The Vivado Design Suite includes linng DRCs and checking tools that enable you to analyze
your design for logic correctness. You can make sure that there are no logic compilaon issues,
no missing modules, and no interface mismatches. In the Messages window, you can click links in
the messages to display the problem lines in the RTL les in the Vivado IDE Text Editor. In the
Schemac window, you can explore the logic interconnects and hierarchy in a variety of ways.
The Schemac window displays RTL interconnects using RTL-based logic constructs. You can
select logic in the Schemac window and see specic lines in the RTL les in the Vivado IDE Text
Editor. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level
Design Entry (UG895).
Note: There is no FPGA technology mapping during RTL elaboraon.
Constraints that are dened on specic logic instances within the logic hierarchy, such as
registers, might not be resolvable during RTL elaboraon. The logic names and hierarchy
generated during elaboraon might not match those generated during synthesis. For this reason,
you might see constraint mapping warnings or errors when elaborang the RTL design, if you
have these types of constraints dened. However, when you run synthesis on the design, these
issues are resolved.
Using the I/O planning capabilies of the Vivado IDE, you can interacvely congure and assign
I/O Ports in the elaborated RTL design and run DRCs. When possible, it is recommended that
you perform I/O planning aer synthesis. This ensures proper clock and logic constraint
resoluon, and the DRCs performed aer synthesis are more extensive. For more informaon,
see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899).
When you select the Report DRC command, the Vivado IDE invokes a set of RTL and I/O DRCs to
idenfy logic issues such as asynchronous clocks, latches, and so forth. For more informaon, see this link
in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
To open an elaborated design, use one of the following methods:
In the RTL Analysis secon of the Flow Navigator, select Open Elaborated Design.
In the Flow Navigator, right-click RTL Analysis, and select New Elaborated Design from the
popup menu.
Select Flow → Open Elaborated Design.
The following gure shows the default view layout for an open elaborated RTL design. Noce the
logic instance that was cross-selected from the schemac to the specic instance in the RTL
source le and within the elaborated RTL netlist.
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Figure 20: Elaborated RTL Design View Layout
Opening a Synthesized Design
When you open a synthesized design, the Vivado Design Suite opens the synthesized netlist and
applies physical and ming constraints against a target part. The dierent elements of the
synthesized design are loaded into memory, and you can analyze and modify these elements as
needed to complete the design. You can save updates to the constraints les, netlist, debug
cores, and conguraon.
In a synthesized design, you can perform many design tasks, including early ming, power, and
ulizaon esmates that can help you determine if your design is converging on desired targets.
You can explore the design in a variety of ways using the windows in the Vivado IDE. Objects are
always cross-selected in all other windows. You can cross probe to problem lines in the RTL les
from various windows, including the Messages, Schemac, Device, Package, and Find windows.
The Schemac window allows you to interacvely explore the logic interconnect and hierarchy.
You can also apply ming constraints and perform further ming analysis. In addion, you can
interacvely dene physical constraints for I/O ports, oorplanning, or design conguraon. For
more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques
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Using the I/O planning capabilies of the Vivado IDE, you can interacvely congure and assign
I/O ports in the synthesized design and run DRCs. Select the Run DRC command to invoke a
comprehensive set of DRCs to idenfy logic issues. For more informaon, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899) and see this link in Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
You can congure and implement debug core logic in the synthesized design to support test and
debug of the programmed device. In the Schemac or Netlist windows, interacvely select
signals for debug. Debug cores are then congured and inserted into the design. The core logic
and interconnect is preserved through synthesis updates of the design when possible. For more
informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging
To open a synthesized design, use one of the following methods:
In the Synthesis secon of the Flow Navigator, select Open Synthesized Design.
In the Flow Navigator, right-click Synthesis, and select New Synthesized Design from the
popup menu.
Select Flow → Open Synthesized Design.
In the Design Runs view, double-click the run name.
The following gure shows the default view layout for an open synthesized design.
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Figure 21: Synthesized Design View Layout
Opening an Implemented Design
When you open an implemented design in the Flow Navigator, the Vivado IDE opens the
implemented netlist and applies the physical and ming constraints used during implementaon,
placement, and roung results against the implemented part. The placed logic and routed
connecons of the implemented design are loaded into memory, and you can analyze and modify
the elements as needed to complete the design. You can save updates to the constraints les,
netlist, implementaon results, and design conguraon. Because the Vivado IDE allows for
mulple implementaon runs, you can select any completed implementaon run to open the
implemented design.
In an implemented design, you can perform many design tasks, including ming analysis, power
analysis, and generaon of ulizaon stascs, which can help you determine if your design
converged on desired performance targets. You can explore the design in a variety of ways using
the windows in the Vivado IDE. Selected objects are always cross-selected in all related
windows. You can cross probe to lines in the source RTL les from various windows, including
the Messages, Schemac, Device, Package, and Find windows. The Schemac window allows
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you to interacvely explore the logic interconnect and hierarchy. You can also apply ming
constraints and perform further ming analysis. In addion, you can interacvely apply
oorplanning or design conguraon constraints and save the constraints for future runs. For
more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques
In the Device window, you can explore the placement or the roung results by toggling the
Roung Resources buon . As you zoom, the amount of detail shown in the Device window
increases. You can interacvely alter placement and roung as well as design conguraon, such
as look-up table (LUT) equaons and random access memory (RAM) inializaon. You can also
select results in the Device or Schemac windows to cross probe back to problem lines in the
RTL les. In the Schemac window, you can interacvely explore the logic interconnect and
hierarchy. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and
Closure Techniques (UG906).
To open an implemented design, use one of the following methods:
In the Implementaon secon of the Flow Navigator, click Open Implemented Design.
Select Flow → Open Implemented Design.
In the Design Runs view, double-click the run name.
Because the Flow Navigator reects the state of the acve run, the Open Implemented Design
command might be disabled or greyed out if the acve run is not implemented. In this case, use the
Implementaon popup menu in the Flow Navigator to open an implemented design from any of the
completed implementaon runs.
The following gure shows the default layout view for an open implemented design.
Note: The Device window might display placement only or roung depending on the state the window was
in when it was last closed. In the Device window, click the Roung Resources buon to toggle the view to
display only placement or roung.
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Figure 22: Implemented Design View Layout
Updating Out-of-Date Designs
During the design process, source les or constraints oen require modicaon. The Vivado IDE
manages the dependencies of these les and indicates when the design data in the current
design is out of date. For example, changing sengs, such as the target part or acve constraint
set, can make a design out of date. As source les, netlists, or implementaon results are
updated, an out-of-date message is displayed in the design window banner of an open
synthesized or implemented design to indicate that the run is out of date (shown in the following
gure). Click the associated more info link to view which aspects of the design are out of date.
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Figure 23: Design Out-of-Date and Reload Banner
From the design window banner, use any of the following acons to resolve an out-of-date
Click More Info, and click the Force up-to-date link in the Out-of-Date Due to window that
Force up-to-date resets the NEEDS_REFRESH property on the acve synthesis or
implementaon runs as needed to force the runs into an up-to-date state. The associated Tcl
command is shown in the following sample code:
set_property NEEDS_REFRESH false [get_runs synth_2]
Note: Use this command to force designs up to date when a minor design change was made, and you do
not want to refresh the design.
Click Reload to refresh the in-memory view of the current design, eliminang any unsaved
changes you made to the design data.
Click Close Design to close the out-of-date design.
Using View Layouts to Perform Design Tasks
When a design is open, several default view layouts (shown in the following gure) are provided
to enable you to more easily work on specic design tasks, such as I/O planning, oorplanning,
and debug conguraon. Changing view layouts simply alters the windows that are displayed,
which enables you to focus on a parcular design task. You can also create custom view layouts
using the Save Layout As command.
Note: Default view layouts are available only when a design is open.
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Figure 24: Selecting a View Layout
Saving Design Changes
In the Vivado IDE, you interacvely edit the acve design in memory. It is important to save the
design when you make changes to constraints, netlists, and design parameters, such as power
analysis characteriscs, hardware conguraon mode parameters, and debug conguraon. For
changes made while interacvely eding an open design, you can save the changes either back
to your original XDC constraint les or to a new constraint set as described in the following
Saving Changes to Original XDC Constraint Files
To save any changes you made to your design data back to your original XDC constraint les,
select File → Constraints → Save, or click the Save Constraints buon
The Save Constraints command saves any changes made to the constraints, debug cores and
conguraon, and design conguraon sengs made in the open design. The Vivado IDE
aempts to maintain the original le format as much as possible. Addional constraints are
added at the end of the le. Changes to exisng constraints remain in their original le locaons.
Saving Changes to a New Constraint Set
To save changes to the design to a new constraint set, select File → Constraints → Save As to
create a new constraint le.
This saves any changes while preserving your original constraints source les. The new constraint
set includes all design constraints, including all changes. This is one way to maintain your original
XDC source les. You can also make the new constraint set the acve constraint set, so that it is
automacally applied to the next run or when opening designs.
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Closing Designs
You can close designs to reduce the number of designs in memory and to prevent mulple
locaons where sources can be edited. In some cases, you are prompted to close a design prior
to changing to another design representaon. To close individual designs, do either of the
In the design tle bar, click the close buon (X).
In the Flow Navigator, right-click the design, and select Close.
Analyzing Implementation Results
When you open an implemented design, placement and roung results are displayed in the
Device window. In the Timing Results window, you can select ming paths to highlight the
placement and roung for the selected path in the Device window. You can also interacvely edit
placement and roung to achieve design goals and change design characteriscs, such as LUT
equaons, RAM inializaon, and phase-locked loop (PLL) conguraon. For more informaon,
see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
IMPORTANT! Changes are made on the in-memory version of the implemented design only. Reseng the
run causes changes to be lost. To save the changes, use the Save Checkpoint command, as described in
Saving Design Changes to Design Checkpoints.
Related Information
Saving Design Changes to Design Checkpoints
Running Timing Analysis
The Vivado IDE provides a graphical way to congure and view ming analysis results. You can
experiment with various types of ming analysis parameters using Tools → Timing commands.
You can use the Clock Networks and Clock Interacon report windows to view clock topology
and relaonships. You can also use the Slack Histogram window to see an overall view of the
design ming performance. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
In addion, the Vivado IDE has many ming analysis opons available through the Tcl Console
and SDC constraint opons. Many standard report Tcl commands are available to provide
informaon about the clock structure, logic relaonships, and constraints applied to your design.
For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835), or type
help report_*.
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Running Reports: DRC, Power, Utilization Analysis
The Vivado IDE provides a graphical way to congure and view power, ulizaon, and DRC
analysis results. The report_power command lets you experiment with power parameters and
quickly esmate power at any stage of the design. The report_utilization command lets
you analyze the ulizaon stascs of various types of device resources. The
report_design_analysis command lets you analyze crical path characteriscs and the
complexity of the design to help idenfy and analyze problem areas that are prone to roung
congeson and ming closure issues. The report_drc command let you congure and run a
comprehensive set of DRCs to idenfy problems that must be solved prior to generang the
bitstream for the design.
In the Vivado IDE, report results are provided with links to select problem areas or oending
objects. In addion, many reports can write an RPX le to save the report results in an interacve
report le that can be reloaded into memory, with links to design objects. Reloading the report
reconnects the object links so that cross-selecon between the report in the Vivado IDE and the
design is enabled. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis
and Closure Techniques (UG906), or refer to the report_xxx commands in the Vivado Design
Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
Report strategies enable you to dene groups of reports and associate all the reports with a
parcular run. Report strategies can be created by using Tools→Sengs→Strategies→Report
Strategies. Individual reports can be specied for each step of a run. Report strategy is a property
of a run. Seng report strategy on the run generates all specied reports when the run is
Device Programming, Hardware Verification,
and Debugging
In the Vivado IDE, the Vivado logic analyzer includes many features to enable vericaon and
debugging of the design. You can congure and implement IP debug cores, such as the Integrated
Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Debug Hub core, in either an RTL or synthesized netlist. Opening the
synthesized or implemented design in the Vivado IDE enables you to select and congure the
required probe signals into the cores. You can launch the Vivado logic analyzer on any run that
has a completed bitstream le for performing interacve hardware vericaon. In addion, you
can create programming bitstream les for any completed implementaon run. Bitstream le
generaon opons are congurable. Launch the Vivado device programmer to congure and
program the part. You can launch the Vivado logic analyzer directly from the Vivado IDE for
further analysis of the roung or device resources. For more informaon, see this link in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).
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Implementing Engineering Changes (ECOs) for
Engineering change orders (ECOs) are modicaons to an implemented design. The Vivado
Design Suite provides an ECO ow that lets you implement changes to an exisng design
checkpoint (DCP) and generate updated bitstream les. Aer implemenng an ECO on the
design, you might also need to modify, add, or delete debug cores or probes to the implemented
design. Refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging
(UG908) for informaon on the debug ECO ow.
Using Project Mode Tcl Commands
The following table shows the basic Project Mode Tcl commands that control project creaon,
implementaon, and reporng.
TIP: The best way to understand the Tcl commands involved in a design task is to run the command in the
Vivado IDE and inspect the syntax in the Tcl Console or the
Table 3: Basic Project Mode Tcl Commands
Command Description
create_project Creates the Vivado Design Suite project. Arguments include project name and location, design
top module name, and target part.
add_files Adds source files to the project. These include Verilog (.v), VHDL (.vhd or .vhdl), SystemVerilog
(.sv), IP and System Generator modules (.xco or .xci), IP Integrator subsystems (.bd), and
XDC constraints (.xdc or .sdc).
Individual files can be added, or entire directory trees can be scanned for legal sources and
automatically added to the project.
Note: The .xco file is no longer supported in UltraScale device designs.
Used for multiple purposes in the Vivado Design Suite. For projects, it can be used to define VHDL
libraries for sources, simulation-only sources, target constraints files, tool settings, and so forth.
import_files Imports the specified files into the current file set, effectively adding them into the project
infrastructure. It is also used to assign XDC files into constraints sets.
launch_runs -to_step
Starts either synthesis or implementation and bitstream generation. This command encompasses
the individual implementation commands as well as the standard reports generated after the run
completes. It is used to launch all of the steps of the synthesis or implementation process in a
single command, and to track the tools progress through that process. The -to_step option is
used to launch the implementation process, including bitstream generation, in incremental steps.
Ensures the run is complete before processing the next commands in a Tcl script.
open_run Opens either the synthesized design or implemented design for reporting and analysis. A design
must be opened before information can be queried using Tcl for reports, analysis, and so forth.
close_design Closes the in-memory design.
Opens or closes the Vivado IDE with the current design in memory.
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Note: This document is not a complete reference for the available Tcl commands. Instead, see the
Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
Project Mode Tcl Script Examples
The following examples show a Tcl script for an RTL project and a netlist project. The rst
example script, run_bft_kintex7_project.tcl, is available in the Vivado Design Suite
installaon at:
You can source these scripts from the Vivado Tcl shell, or the Tcl Console inside of the Vivado
RTL Project Tcl Script
# run_bft_kintex7_project.tcl
# BFT sample design
# NOTE: Typical usage would be "vivado -mode tcl -source
# To use -mode batch comment out the "start_gui" and "open_run impl_1" to
save time
create_project project_bft ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_bft -part
add_files {./Sources/hdl/FifoBuffer.v ./Sources/hdl/async_fifo.v ./
add_files -fileset sim_1 ./Sources/hdl/bft_tb.v
add_files ./Sources/hdl/bftLib
set_property library bftLib [get_files {./Sources/hdl/bftLib/round_4.vhdl \
./Sources/hdl/bftLib/round_3.vhdl ./Sources/hdl/bftLib/round_2.vhdl ./
Sources/hdl/bftLib/round_1.vhdl \
./Sources/hdl/bftLib/core_transform.vhdl ./Sources/hdl/bftLib/
import_files -force
import_files -fileset constrs_1 -force -norecurse ./Sources/
# Mimic GUI behavior of automatically setting top and file compile order
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
update_compile_order -fileset sim_1
# Launch Synthesis
launch_runs synth_1
wait_on_run synth_1
open_run synth_1 -name netlist_1
# Generate a timing and power reports and write to disk
report_timing_summary -delay_type max -report_unconstrained -
check_timing_verbose \
-max_paths 10 -input_pins -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_bft/
report_power -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_bft/syn_power.rpt
# Launch Implementation
launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
# Generate a timing and power reports and write to disk
# comment out the open_run for batch mode
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open_run impl_1
report_timing_summary -delay_type min_max -report_unconstrained -
check_timing_verbose \
-max_paths 10 -input_pins -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_bft/
report_power -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_bft/imp_power.rpt
# comment out the for batch mode
Netlist Project Tcl Script
# Kintex-7 Netlist Example Design
# STEP#1: Create Netlist Project, add EDIF sources, and add constraints
create_project -force project_K7_netlist ./Tutorial_Created_Data/
project_K7_netlist/ -part xc7k70tfbg676-2
# Property required to define Netlist project
set_property design_mode GateLvl [current_fileset]
add_files {./Sources/netlist/top.edif}
import_files -force
import_files -fileset constrs_1 -force ./Sources/top_full.xdc
# STEP#2: Configure and Implementation, write bitstream, and generate
launch_runs impl_1
wait_on_run impl_1
launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
open_run impl_1
report_timing_summary -delay_type min_max -report_unconstrained -
check_timing_verbose \
-max_paths 10 -input_pins -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_K7_netlist/
report_power -file ./Tutorial_Created_Data/project_K7_netlist/imp_power.rpt
# STEP#3: Start IDE for design analysis
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Chapter 4
Using Non-Project Mode
This chapter highlights the dierences between Non-Project Mode and Project Mode. To fully
understand Non-Project Mode in the Vivado
Design Suite, you should be familiar with Project
Mode as described in Using Project Mode.
In Non-Project Mode, you use Tcl commands to compile a design through the enre ow. In this
mode, an in-memory project is created to let the Vivado
tools manage various properes of a
design, but the project le is not wrien to disk, and the project status is not preserved.
TIP: An in-memory project is also generated in Non-Project Mode for the Vivado tool to use. However, it is
not preserved as part of the design.
Tcl commands provide the exibility and power to set up and run your designs and perform
analysis and debugging. Tcl commands can be run in batch mode, from the Vivado Design Suite
Tcl shell, or through the Vivado IDE Tcl Console. Non-Project Mode enables you to have full
control over each design ow step, but you must manually manage source les, reports, and
intermediate results known as design checkpoints. You can generate a variety of reports, perform
DRCs, and write design checkpoints at any stage of the implementaon process.
Unlike Project Mode, Non-Project Mode does not include features such as runs infrastructure,
source le management, or design state reporng. Each me a source le is updated, you must
rerun the design manually. Default reports and intermediate les are not created automacally in
this mode. However, you can create a wide variety of reports and design checkpoints as needed
using Tcl commands. In addion, you can sll access the GUI-based design analysis and
constraints assignment features of the Vivado IDE. You can open either the current design in
memory or any saved design checkpoint in the Vivado IDE.
When you launch the Vivado IDE in Non-Project Mode, the Vivado IDE does not include Project
Mode features such as the Flow Navigator, Project Summary, or Vivado IP catalog. In Non-
Project Mode, you cannot access or modify synthesis or implementaon runs in the Vivado IDE.
However, if the design source les reside in their original locaons, you can cross probe to design
objects in the dierent windows of the Vivado IDE. For example, you can select design objects
and then use the Go To Instanaon, Go To Denion, or Go To Source commands to open the
associated RTL source le and highlight the appropriate line.
Some of the features of Project Mode, such as source le and run results management,
saving design and tool conguraon, design status, and IP integraon, are not available in Non-Project
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You must write reports or design checkpoints to save the in-memory design as it progresses. The
design checkpoint (DCP) refers to a le that is an exact representaon of the in-memory design.
You can save a design checkpoint aer each step in the design ow, such as post synthesis, post
opmizaon, post placement. The DCP le can be read back into the Vivado Design Suite to
restore the design to the state captured in the checkpoint le.
You can also open a DCP in the Vivado IDE to perform interacve constraints assignment and
design analysis. Because you are viewing the acve design in memory, any changes are
automacally passed forward in the ow. You can also save updates to new constraint les or
design checkpoints for future runs.
While most Non-Project Mode features are also available in Project Mode, some Project Mode
features are not available in Non-Project Mode. These features include source le and run results
management, saving design and tool conguraon, design status, and IP integraon. On the
other hand, you can use Non-Project mode to skip certain processes, thereby reducing the
memory footprint of the design, and saving disk space related to projects.
Related Information
Using Project Mode
Non-Project Mode Advantages
Non-Project Mode enables you to have full control over each design ow step. You can take
advantage of a compile-style design ow.
In this mode, you manage your design manually, including:
Manage HDL Source les, constraints, and IP
Manage dependencies
Generate and store synthesis and implementaon results
The Vivado Design Suite includes an enre suite of Vivado Tcl commands to create, congure,
implement, analyze, and manage designs as well as IP. In Non-Project Mode, you can use Tcl
commands to do the following:
Compile a design through the enre ow
Analyze the design and generate reports
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Reading Design Sources
When using Non-Project Mode, the various design sources are read into the in-memory design
for processing by the implementaon tools. Each type of Vivado Design Suite source le has a
read_* Tcl command to read the les, such as read_verilog, read_vhdl, read_ip,
read_edif, or read_xdc. Sources must be read each me the Tcl script or interacve ow is
TIP: Because there is no project structure to add the les or import the les into, you should not use the
Tcl commands to add les to a non-project based design.
Managing Source Files
In Non-Project Mode, you manage source les manually by reading the les into the in-memory
design in a specic order. This gives you full control over how to manage the les and where les
are located. Sources can be read from any network accessible locaon. Sources with read-only
permissions are processed accordingly.
Working with a Revision Control System
Many design teams use source management systems to store various design conguraons and
revisions. There are mulple commercially available systems, such as Revision Control System
(RCS), Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Subversion (SVN), ClearCase, Perforce, Git, BitKeeper,
and many others. The Vivado tools can interact with all such systems. The Vivado Design Suite
uses and produces les throughout the design ow that you may want to manage under revision
Working with revision control soware is simple when using the Non-Project mode. The designer
checks out the needed source les into a local directory structure. The sources are then
instanated into a top-level design to create the design. New source les might also need to be
created and read into the design using various read_* Tcl commands. The design les are
passed to the Vivado synthesis and implementaon tools. However, the source les remain in
their original locaons. The checked-out sources can be modied interacvely, or with Tcl
commands during the design session using appropriate code editors. Source les are then
checked back into the source control system as needed. Design results, such as design
checkpoints, analysis reports, and bitstream les, can also be checked in for revision
management. For more informaon on working with revision control soware, see Chapter 5:
Source Management and Revision Control Recommendaons.
For informaon on best pracces when using revision control systems with the Vivado tools, see
the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Using Vivado Design Suite with Revision Control.
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Using Third-Party Synthesized Netlists
The Vivado Design Suite supports implementaon of synthesized netlists, such as when using a
third-party synthesis tool. The external synthesis tool generates a Verilog or EDIF netlist and a
constraints le, if applicable. These netlists can be used standalone or mixed with RTL les in
either Project Mode or Non-Project Mode.
Working with IP and IP Subsystems
In Non-Project Mode, output products must be generated for the IP or block designs prior to
launching the top-level synthesis. You can congure IP to use RTL sources and constraints, or use
the OOC netlist from a synthesized design checkpoint as the source in the top-level design. The
default behavior is to generate an OOC design checkpoint for each IP.
In Non-Project Mode, you can add IP to your design using any of the following methods:
IP generated using the Vivado IP catalog (.xci format or .xcix format for core container)
If the out-of-context design checkpoint le exists in the IP directory, it is used for
implementaon and a black box is inserted for synthesis. If a design checkpoint le does not
exist in the IP directory, the RTL and constraints sources are used for global synthesis and
Use Tcl commands to congure and generate the IP or block design.
Using Tcl ensures that the IP is congured, generated, and synthesized with each run.
When using IP in Project Mode or Non-Project Mode, always use the XCI le not the DCP
le. This ensures that IP output products are used consistently during all stages of the design ow. If the IP
was synthesized out-of-context and already has an associated DCP le, the DCP le is automacally used
and the IP is not re-synthesized. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Designing with IP (UG896).
For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP
(UG896), or this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP
Integrator (UG994).
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Running Logic Simulation
The Vivado simulator, integrated with the Vivado IDE, allows you to simulate the design, and
view signals in the waveform viewer, and examine and debug the design as needed. The Vivado
simulator is a fully integrated mixed-mode simulator with analog waveform display capabilies.
Using the Vivado simulator, you can perform behavioral and structural simulaon of designs and
full ming simulaon of implemented designs.
You can also use third-party simulators to write the Verilog, VHDL netlists, and SDF format les
from the open design. You can launch the Mentor Graphics ModelSim and Questa simulators
from the Vivado IDE. For more informaon, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Logic Simulaon (UG900).
Running Logic Synthesis and Implementation
In Non-Project Mode, each implementaon step is launched with a congurable Tcl command,
and the design is compiled in memory. The implementaon steps must be run in a specic order,
as shown in the Non-Project Mode Tcl Script Example. Oponally, you can run steps such as
power_opt_design or phys_opt_design as needed. Instead of run strategies, which are
only supported in Project Mode, you can use various commands to control the tool behavior. For
more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
It is important to write design checkpoints aer crical design steps for design analysis and
constraints denion. With the excepon of generang a bitstream, design checkpoints are not
intended to be used as starng points to connue the design process. They are merely snapshots
of the design for analysis and constraint denion.
Aer each design step, you can launch the Vivado IDE to enable interacve graphical design analysis
and constraints denion on the acve design, as described in Performing Design Analysis Using the
Vivado IDE.
Related Information
Non-Project Mode Tcl Script Example
Performing Design Analysis Using the Vivado IDE
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Generating Reports
With the excepon of the vivado.log and vivado.jou reports, reports must be generated
manually with a Tcl command. You can generate various reports at any point in the design
process. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)
or Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904).
Using Design Checkpoints
Design checkpoints enable you to take a snapshot of your design in its current state. The current
netlist, constraints, and implementaon results are stored in the design checkpoint. Using design
checkpoints, you can:
Restore your design if needed
Perform design analysis
Dene constraints
Proceed with the design ow
You can write design checkpoints at dierent points in the ow. It is important to write design
checkpoints aer crical design steps for design analysis and constraints denion. You can read
design checkpoints to restore the design, which might be helpful for debugging issues. The
design checkpoint represents a full save of the design in its current implementaon state. You
can run the design through the remainder of the ow using Tcl commands. However, you cannot
add new sources to the design.
Note: You can also use the write_checkpoint <file_name>.dcp and read_checkpoint
<file_name>.dcp Tcl commands to write and read design checkpoints. To view a checkpoint in the
Vivado IDE, use the open_checkpoint <file_name>.dcp Tcl command. For more informaon, see
the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
Performing Design Analysis Using the Vivado
In Non-Project Mode, you can launch the Vivado IDE aer any design step to enable interacve
graphical design analysis and constraints denion on the acve design.
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Opening the Vivado IDE From the Active Design
When working in Non-Project Mode, use the following commands to open and close the Vivado
IDE on the acve design in memory:
start_gui opens the Vivado IDE with the acve design in memory.
stop_gui closes the Vivado IDE and returns to the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell.
CAUTION! If you exit the Vivado Design Suite from the GUI, the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell closes and
does not save the design in memory. To return to the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell with the acve design
intact, use the
Tcl command rather than the exit command.
Aer each stage of the design process, you can open the Vivado IDE to analyze and operate on
the current design in memory (shown in the following gure). In Non-Project Mode, some of the
project features are not available in the Vivado IDE, such as the Flow Navigator, Project
Summary, source le access and management, and runs. However, many of the analysis and
constraint modicaon features are available in the Tools menu.
IMPORTANT! Be aware that any changes made in the Vivado IDE are made to the acve design in
memory and are automacally applied to downstream tools.
Figure 25: Opening Vivado IDE with the Active Design
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Saving Design Changes to the Active Design
Because you are acvely eding the design in memory, changes are automacally passed to
downstream tools for the remainder of the Vivado IDE Tcl session. This enables you to reect the
changes in the acve design and to save the changes for future aempts. Select File → Export → 
Export Constraints to save constraints changes for future use. You can use this command to
write a new constraints le or override your original le.
Note: When you export constraints, the write_xdc Tcl command is run. For more informaon, see the
Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
Opening Design Checkpoints in the Vivado IDE
You can use the Vivado IDE to analyze designs saved as design checkpoints. You can run a design
in Non-Project Mode using Tcl commands (synth_design, opt_design,
power_opt_design, place_design, phys_opt_design, and route_design), store the
design at any stage, and read it in a Vivado IDE session. You can start with a routed design,
analyze ming, adjust placement to address ming problems, and save your work for later, even if
the design is not fully routed. The Vivado IDE view banner displays the open design checkpoint
Saving Design Changes to Design Checkpoints
You can open, analyze, and save design checkpoints. You can also save changes to a new design
Select File → Checkpoint → Save to save changes made to the current design checkpoint.
Select File → Checkpoint → Write to save the current state of the design checkpoint to a new
design checkpoint.
Using Non-Project Mode Tcl Commands
The following table shows the basic Non-Project Mode Tcl commands. When using Non-Project
Mode, the design is compiled using read_verilog, read_vhdl, read_edif, read_ip,
read_bd, and read_xdc type commands. The sources are ordered for compilaon and passed
to synthesis. For informaon on using the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or using batch Tcl scripts,
see Working with Tcl.
Note: This document is not a complete reference for the available Tcl commands. Instead, see the Vivado
Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) and Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Tcl Scripng
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Table 4: Basic Non-Project Mode Tcl Commands
Command Description
read_edif Imports an EDIF or NGC netlist file into the Design Source fileset of the current project.
read_verilog Reads the Verilog (.v) and System Verilog (.sv) source files for the Non-Project Mode session.
read_vhdl Reads the VHDL (.vhd or .vhdl) source files for the Non-Project Mode session.
read_ip Reads existing IP (.xci or .xco) project files for the Non-Project Mode session. For Vivado IP
(.xci), the design checkpoint (.dcp) synthesized netlist is used to implement the IP if the netlist
is in the IP directory. If not, the IP RTL sources are used for synthesis with the rest of the top-level
design. The .ngc netlist is used from the .xco IP project.
Note: The .xco file is no longer supported in UltraScale device designs.
Loads a design checkpoint into the in-memory design.
read_xdc Reads the .sdc or .xdc format constraints source files for the Non-Project Mode session.
read_bd Reads existing IP Integrator block designs (.bd) for the Non-Project session.
Used for multiple purposes. For example, it can be used to define design configuration, tool
settings, and so forth.
link_design Compiles the design for synthesis if netlist sources are used for the session.
synth_design Launches Vivado synthesis with the design top module name and target part as arguments.
opt_design Performs high-level design optimization.
power_opt_design Performs intelligent clock gating to reduce overall system power. This is an optional step.
place_design Places the design.
phys_opt_design Performs physical logic optimization to improve timing or routability. This is an optional step.
route_design Routes the design.
report_* Runs a variety of standard reports, which can be run at different stages of the design process.
write_bitstream Generates a bitstream file and runs DRCs.
write_checkpoint Saves the design at any point in the flow. A design checkpoint consists of the netlist and
constraints with any optimizations at that point in the flow as well as implementation results.
Opens or closes the Vivado IDE with the current design in memory.
Related Information
Working with Tcl
Non-Project Mode Tcl Script Example
The following example shows a Tcl script for the BFT sample design included with the Vivado
Design Suite. This example shows how to use the design checkpoints for saving the database
state at various stages of the ow and how to manually generate various reports. This example
script, run_bft_kintex7_project.tcl, is available in the Vivado Design Suite installaon
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You can source the script from the Vivado Tcl shell, or the Tcl Console inside of the Vivado IDE.
# run_bft_kintex7_batch.tcl
# bft sample design
# A Vivado script that demonstrates a very simple RTL-to-bitstream non-
project batch flow
# NOTE: typical usage would be "vivado -mode tcl -source
# STEP#0: define output directory area.
set outputDir ./Tutorial_Created_Data/bft_output
file mkdir $outputDir
# STEP#1: setup design sources and constraints
read_vhdl -library bftLib [ glob ./Sources/hdl/bftLib/*.vhdl ]
read_vhdl ./Sources/hdl/bft.vhdl
read_verilog [ glob ./Sources/hdl/*.v ]
read_xdc ./Sources/bft_full_kintex7.xdc
# STEP#2: run synthesis, report utilization and timing estimates, write
checkpoint design
synth_design -top bft -part xc7k70tfbg484-2
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_synth
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_synth_timing_summary.rpt
report_power -file $outputDir/post_synth_power.rpt
# STEP#3: run placement and logic optimzation, report utilization and
timing estimates, write checkpoint design
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_place
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_place_timing_summary.rpt
# STEP#4: run router, report actual utilization and timing, write
checkpoint design, run drc, write verilog and xdc out
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_route
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_route_timing_summary.rpt
report_timing -sort_by group -max_paths 100 -path_type summary -file
report_clock_utilization -file $outputDir/clock_util.rpt
report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_route_util.rpt
report_power -file $outputDir/post_route_power.rpt
report_drc -file $outputDir/post_imp_drc.rpt
write_verilog -force $outputDir/bft_impl_netlist.v
write_xdc -no_fixed_only -force $outputDir/bft_impl.xdc
# STEP#5: generate a bitstream
write_bitstream -force $outputDir/bft.bit
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Chapter 5
Source Management and Revision
Control Recommendations
Interfacing with Revision Control Systems
The methodologies for source management and revision control can vary depending on user and
company preference, as well as the soware used to manage revision control. This secon
describes some of the fundamental methodology choices that design teams need to make to
manage their acve design projects. Specic recommendaons on using the Vivado
Suite with revision control systems are provided later in this secon. Throughout this secon, the
term manage refers to the process of checking source versions in and out using a revision control
Vivado generates many intermediate les as it compiles a design. This chapter denes the
minimum set of les necessary to recreate the design. In some cases, you might want to keep
intermediate les to improve compile me or simplify their analysis. You can always oponally
manage addional les.
Revision Control Philosophy from 2020.2
In 2020.2, signicant improvements are made to the Vivado project directory structure to
improve the ability to interact with the revision control systems. For new projects created in
2020.2, an addional project directory called project.gen is automacally created in the
project directory. This directory stores all output products created by the IP and Block Diagram
(BD). The result of this change is that the project.srcs directory contains only the sources
used to create the design. Moving forward, endorse a ow with the following behavior:
1. Create the project and add all the sources to the project
2. Manage project.xpr le
3. Manage project.srcs directory
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4. Test your methodology. Revision control holds good depending on how well you test and
maintain your methodology. Ideally, to ensure no les are missed and the design rebuilds
completely from design sources using a script, the design would be regressed at a regular
cadence. By rebuilding the design regularly, any issues with the revision control methodology
can be caught and addressed in a mely manner.
The project can be re-created by restoring the project.srcs directory and project.xpr le.
Opening the project.xpr le and proceeding with synthesis and implementaon ows.
Separang the output IP and BD output products from the project.srcs directory.
Revision Control Philosophy Pre 2020.2
The overall philosophy for revision controlling a design is to recreate the design from its sources
using a Tcl script. The following steps outline how this is achieved:
1. Use a scripted ow for revision control. Scripted ows enable repeatability, the design can be
recreated by sourcing the Tcl script.
2. Keep source les external to the project. Ideally, the source les are kept outside of the
Vivado build directory. This helps to ensure separaon of the source les and the tool
generated les.
3. Revision control the source repository. All sources should be managed by the revision control
system. It is important to note that when Vivado is using the source les, they should be
4. Generate a script to recreate the design. Non-project ows are, by denion, scripted ows
because the design is compiled strictly using Tcl commands. You would manually create this
Tcl script. A project ow can be driven from the Vivado IDE or through a project based Tcl
script. The recommendaon is to use Tcl commands to recreate a project ow.
5. Revision control the script. Once the script is created, it is important to manage this le as a
source too. As the design changes, this script is updated accordingly to accommodate new
sources or to capture new design conguraons. It is important that this script is managed
like any other design source.
6. Test your methodology. Revision control holds good depending on how well you test and
maintain your methodology. Ideally, to ensure no les are missed and the design rebuilds
completely from design sources using a script, the design would be regressed at a regular
cadence. By rebuilding the design regularly, any issues with the revision control methodology
can be caught and addressed in a mely manner.
The subsequent secons of this chapter describe how this revision control philosophy should be
applied to the scripted project ows. Non-project ow users should be aware of exactly which
les are sources and which les are generated by the ow. They are also, rebuilding the design
from scratch on each design iteraon.
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Generating a Script to Recreate a Design
For a project ow, a script to recreate your design can be generated manually or by using the
write_project_tcl command. The advantages of manually creang this script is that it
remains short and well organized, but it could potenally miss some project sengs and fail to
recreate the complete design. Alternavely, the write_project_tcl script is robust in
ensuring all les are captured appropriately. But its versality results in a more complicated and
more verbose script. Regardless of how this script is generated, it must be maintained as the
design evolves.
Note: write_project_tcl recreates the design as originally created by the user. For designs using IP
integrator, propagated parameters do not reect in the recreated design unl validate_bd_design is
Revision Controlling Projects with Only RTL Sources
An example of revision controlling an enrely RTL based design is shown in the following gure.
In this case, there is a dened repository where all the RTL sources reside along with the script to
rebuild the design. The script references the sources and rebuilds the design into your
workspace. Sourcing the script from the workspace directory reproduce the complete design.
Figure 26: Example of Revision Controlling
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Revision Controlling Xilinx IP
The Xilinx
IP repository resides in the Vivado install area. For each IP there is a
component.xml le that contains the VLNV of the IP and all the user customizable parameters
for the IP. The parametrized RTL and associated IP constraints also reside in the IP repository.
When you customize an IP, an XCI le is generated that contains the user desired parameters for
the IP. When you generate the output products for an IP, the RTL and associated constraints are
copied from the IP repository to the project directory and customized using the parameters
specied in the XCI le. Thus, for a given version of Vivado, because the IP repo resides in the
install area, an XCI le is the only le necessary to recreate the design. In this case, the XCI le
should be managed by the revision control system and referenced in the script used to
regenerate the design.
Note: Projects created prior to 2020.2, the IP output products are wrien to the project.srcs directory
where the XCI le is residing. In order to facilitate a clear delineaon between project sources and output
products, for any new projects created using 2020.2, a project.gen directory is automacally created in
parallel to the project.srcs directory. All IP output products are wrien to the project.gen
Managing Custom IP Repositories
When you package a custom IP and share it among several projects, you should use a custom IP
repository. In this case, the project used to create and package the custom IP should be revision
controlled following the methodology specied in this chapter. The packaged IP with the
component.xml le should reside in a custom revision controlled IP repository managed by
you. The project that uses the IP should contain a pointer to your custom IP repository and an
XCI le with the desired customizaons applied to the IP. The script to recreate the project
should set the IP repository to the custom IP repository path and add the XCI le as a source to
the project. When the project is recreated, similar to a project with Xilinx IP, Vivado would copy
the RTL and constraints from your custom IP repository to your local project directory and
applies the parameters from the XCI le. The XCI les along with your custom IP repository are
sucient to regenerate the complete project.
Revision Controlling Block Diagrams
Block diagrams (BD) can contain instances of IPs from Xilinx repositories, IPs from custom IP
repositories, references to RTL, or block design containers (references to other BDs). When a BD
is validated, the customizaon of a single IP can aect how connected IPs are customized. The
process of applying parameters from one IP to connected IP is coined parameter propagaon and
occurs when the BD is validated. To revision control a BD, the enre BD directory in the
project.srcs should be managed by the revision control system. The directory contains the
BD le, the XCI les for the IP post-parameter propagaon and some meta data les.
Chapter 5: Source Management and Revision Control Recommendations
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Note: Projects created prior to 2020.2, the BD output products are wrien to the project.srcs
directory where the BD le is residing. In order to help facilitate a clear delineaon between project
sources and output products, for any new projects created using 2020.2, a project.gen directory is
automacally be created in parallel to the project.srcs directory. All BD output products are wrien to
the project.gen directory. In turn, this signicantly reduces the size of the BD directory from previous
Vivado releases.
In the case of block design containers, there is a BD directory in the project.srcs directory
for each BD source in the design. If there are several instances of a block design container on a
parent BD, each instance of the block design container is generated in the project.gen
directory. Each block design container instance, even though derived from the same source BD,
can be unique due to parameter propagaon. Therefore, the instances of the each block design
containers reside in the project.gen directory, but the source from which they are all derived
reside in the project.srcs directory. Any BD directories that reside in the project.srcs
directory should be fully revision controlled.
Note: Projects created in 2020.2, IP and BD output products are no longer wrien to the project.srcs
directory. The project.srcs directory should contain the bare minimum number of sources necessary
to recreate the project with the excepon of les that are referenced from directories external to the
project. The cleanup of the project.srcs directory should tremendously improve the delimitaon
between les that are necessary to be revision controlled and tool generated les.
Note: To view the dierences between two versions of a block diagram, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Designing IP Subsystems using IP Integrator (UG994) to learn more about the diffbd (check spelling) ulity.
Other Files to Revision Control
The project manages many other types of les required to rebuild a design. Following are a few
XDC les containing design constraints
Simulaon test benches
Pre/post Tcl hook scripts used for synthesis or implementaon
Incremental compile DCPs
ELF les
These les reside in the project.srcs directory or the project.util directory. It is
important to manage these les to accurately reproduce your design. Rounely rebuilding your
designs from your revision control system should help you catch any of these les that you could
inadvertently miss in your build script.
Chapter 5: Source Management and Revision Control Recommendations
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Output Files to Optionally Revision Control
Following is a list of addional les you may consider revision controlling:
Simulaon scripts for third-party simulators generated by export_simulation. Because
these are typically hand-o les between design and vericaon, you might want to snapshot
them at dierent stages of the design process.
XSA les. These are hardware hand-o les between Vivado and Vissoware plaorm.
LTX les for hardware debug
Intermediate DCP les created during the ow
IP output products. These are usually considered output products, but if you do not want to
upgrade an IP when migrang between Vivado releases, then you must manage the output
les. Vivado only provides one version of each IP per release. If the IP you are using is
updated between Vivado releases then there are only two choices:
Upgrade the IP to the latest version in the latest Vivado release. This may cause you to
change your design to accommodate IP RTL changes.
Revision control the output products of the IP. The IP will be locked in the newer version of
Vivado because you will not be able to re-customize the IP. But, this allows you to carry the
IP forward to a future release because you are essenally capturing all the RTL sources for
the IP.
Archiving Designs
The archive_design command can compress your enre project into a zip le. This command
has several opons for storing sources and to run results. Essenally, the enre project is copied
locally in the memory and then zipped into a le on the disk while leaving the original project
intact. This command also copies any remote source into the archive.
This feature is useful for sending your design descripon to another person or to store as a self
contained enty. You might also need to send your version of vivado_init.tcl if you are
using this le to set specic parameters or variables that aect the design. For more informaon,
see the following resources:
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895)
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Creang Dierent Types of Projects
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Managing Sources with Projects
Chapter 5: Source Management and Revision Control Recommendations
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Managing Hardware Manager Projects and
Project .bit le and .ltx les are the primary output les required for using the Vivado Design
Suite Debug and Programming features in Vivado hardware manager. Xilinx recommends you
manage these les under revision control if you want to use this project in Vivado Lab Edion.
When Using Vivado Design Suite Projects
The project_name.hw directory in your Vivado Design Suite project stores informaon about
custom dashboards, trigger, capture condions, waveform conguraon les etc created as part
of using the Debug and Programming in the Vivado hardware manager. Xilinx recommends you
manage the project_name.hw directory in your Vivado Design Suite project under revision
control. This also helps if you want to hand o this project to be used in Vivado Lab Edion.
Managing Vivado Lab Edition Sources
Xilinx recommends you manage the project directory that was created for the project in Vivado
Lab Edion under revision control. The hw_* directories in the Lab Edion project directory
stores informaon about custom dashboards, trigger, capture condions, waveform conguraon
les, etc., in the Vivado hardware manager as part of using the Debug and Programming.
The .lpr le in the Lab Edion project directory is the project le that you need to manage
under revision control. The enre project can be recreated by opening this project le, provided
that the hw_* directory are at their original locaons.
Chapter 5: Source Management and Revision Control Recommendations
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Appendix A
Additional Resources and Legal
Xilinx Resources
For support resources such as Answers, Documentaon, Downloads, and Forums, see Xilinx
Solution Centers
See the Xilinx Soluon Centers for support on devices, soware tools, and intellectual property
at all stages of the design cycle. Topics include design assistance, advisories, and troubleshoong
Documentation Navigator and Design Hubs
Documentaon Navigator (DocNav) provides access to Xilinx documents, videos, and
support resources, which you can lter and search to nd informaon. To open DocNav:
From the Vivado
IDE, select Help → Documentaon and Tutorials.
On Windows, select Start → All Programs → Xilinx Design Tools → DocNav.
At the Linux command prompt, enter docnav.
Xilinx Design Hubs provide links to documentaon organized by design tasks and other topics,
which you can use to learn key concepts and address frequently asked quesons. To access the
Design Hubs:
In DocNav, click the Design Hubs View tab.
On the Xilinx website, see the Design Hubs page.
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices
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Note: For more informaon on DocNav, see the Documentaon Navigator page on the Xilinx website.
These documents provide supplemental material useful with this guide:
1. Vis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)
2. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis (UG902)
3. UltraScale Architecture-Based FPGAs Memory IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG150)
4. AXI BFM Cores LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG129)
5. Reference System: Kintex-7 MicroBlaze System Simulaon Using IP Integrator (XAPP1180)
6. Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)
7. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: High-Level Synthesis (UG871)
8. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Design Flows Overview (UG888)
9. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)
10. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Tcl Scripng (UG894)
11. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895)
12. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896)
13. Vis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)
14. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Embedded Processor Hardware Design (UG898)
15. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899)
16. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulaon (UG900)
17. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901)
18. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Constraints (UG903)
19. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementaon (UG904)
20. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Hierarchical Design (UG905)
21. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906)
22. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)
23. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Funcon eXchange (UG909)
24. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Geng Started (UG910)
25. ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migraon Guide (UG911)
26. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Embedded Processor Hardware Design (UG940)
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices
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27. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Funcon eXchange (UG947)
28. UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs (UG949)
29. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installaon, and Licensing (UG973)
30. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994)
31. UltraFast Embedded Design Methodology Guide (UG1046)
32. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Creang and Packaging Custom IP (UG1118)
33. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Creang, Packaging Custom IP (UG1119)
34. Vivado Design Suite Documentaon
Training Resources
Xilinx provides a variety of training courses and QuickTake videos to help you learn more about
the concepts presented in this document. Use these links to explore related training resources:
1. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1 Training Course
2. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 2 Training Course
3. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Vivado Design Flows Overview
4. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Geng Started with the Vivado IDE
5. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Targeng Zynq Devices Using Vivado IP Integrator
6. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Paral Reconguraon in Vivado Design Suite
7. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Simulang with Cadence IES in Vivado
8. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Simulang with Synopsys VCS in Vivado
9. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: I/O Planning Overview
10. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Using Vivado Design Suite with Revision Control
11. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Creang Dierent Types of Projects
12. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Managing Sources with Projects
13. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Managing Vivado IP Version Upgrades
14. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video Tutorials
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices
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Design Flows Overview 94
Section Revision Summary
04/20/2022 Version 2022.1
General Updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
Please Read: Important Legal Notices
The informaon disclosed to you hereunder (the "Materials") is provided solely for the selecon
and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permied by applicable law: (1) Materials are
made available "AS IS" and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND
PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including
negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
related to, arising under, or in connecon with, the Materials (including your use of the
Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequenal loss or damage
(including loss of data, prots, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suered as a result of any
acon brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx
had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no obligaon to correct any
errors contained in the Materials or to nofy you of updates to the Materials or to product
specicaons. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials
without prior wrien consent. Certain products are subject to the terms and condions of
Xilinx's limited warranty, please refer to Xilinx's Terms of Sale which can be viewed at hps://; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained
in a license issued to you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or
for use in any applicaon requiring fail-safe performance; you assume sole risk and liability for
use of Xilinx products in such crical applicaons, please refer to Xilinx's Terms of Sale which can
be viewed at hps://
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© Copyright 2012-2022 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Alveo, Arx, Kintex, Kria, Spartan,
Versal, Vis, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of
Xilinx in the United States and other countries. AMBA, AMBA Designer, Arm, ARM1176JZ-S,
CoreSight, Cortex, PrimeCell, Mali, and MPCore are trademarks of Arm Limited in the EU and
other countries. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. All
other trademarks are the property of their respecve owners.
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