Wyoming Educator Permit
Initial Substitute Permit
Application Packet
Help Us Avoid Processing Delays
Our goal is to process your application and issue your Educator Permit in a timely manner. To do that, we
ask that you submit your application packet with complete and accurate information. If an application is
received incomplete, you will receive a 30 Day Notice notifying you of your missing requirements. If the
missing item(s) are not received within the 30 days, your application will be canceled and your fee will be
forfeited. As a reminder, all fees are non-refundable.
Updated 03/24/2023
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Before completing your application, please be sure that you are using Abode to view and complete to application. Please be sure
that you have downloaded the fillable application to your computer and saved the application before completing the packet.
In order for PTSB to better serve you by processing your application quickly and efficiently, it is
critical that submitted application packets are complete and contain all supporting documentation as outlined in the instructions
and on the forms.
Application processing times vary throughout the year and depend upon whether an applicant is
required to submit fingerprint cards or not. Check our current processing time by visiting the PTSB homepage:
It is the applicant’s responsibility to maintain current information (including Name, Mailing Address,
Phone Number and Email Address) on file with the Professional Teaching Standards Board.
o To update your information, please call our office at 307-777-7291 or email us at [email protected].
Application Submission
Step 1 Complete the Wyoming PTSB Application Form
Section I Application Information
o Complete the information as outlined.
Section II Licensing and Legal Information
o Please make sure you carefully read and complete these pages of the application.
o Any disclosure must be accompanied by a personal statement indicating the circumstances and other
related legal documentation (if applicable) to be considered complete. For more information regarding
your personal statement, please review the application packet.
o Failure to disclose will delay your application. This may also lead to a forfeiture of
your fee and denial or cancelation of your application.
o If you have any questions regarding your particular circumstance(s), please contact
our office at 307-777-7291.
o Sign and date the application (typing your name in both fields is accepted as a signature).
Section III Individual Application Requirements
o Complete all boxes in this section of the application you are filling out. Gather any documentation
required and include it with your application.
Step 2 Submit your complete application packet to PTSB
Your complete application packet can be submitted by:
o Email: Please send to [email protected] (PTSB’s Preferred Method)
o Fax: 307-777-8718
o Mail: Professional Teaching Standards Board
2001 C
apitol Ave.
Emerson Bldg. Room 128
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Step 3 Payment
Fee amounts are listed on the front page of each individual application packet as well as below.
All fees are non-refundable.
The fees may be paid by
personal checks, money orders, cashier’s checks, and credit cards.
If you would like to pay with a credit card, please indicate this in the body of your email, or
include a note with your application packet. You will receive an invoice by email that you can
securely pay online. (PTSB’s Preferred Method)
If you would like to pay with a check or money order, please make it payable to PTSB or Professional
Teaching Standards Board. Checks and money orders can be sent directly to
PTSB at:
Professional Teaching Standards Board
2001 Capitol Ave.
Emerson Bldg. Room 128
Cheyenne, WY 82001
IMPORTANT: PTSB staff will contact you by phone to obtain your Social Security Number if we cannot locate
you in our system once we receive your application. Please note that PTSB cannot begin processing your
application until we have you entered into our system and cannot do so without obtaining this information.
Tips for Applicants
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Wyoming PTSB Application Form
This form is required for EVERY application.
You must submit this form with your complete application packet or your application will not be processed.
Legal Questions Found on Page 4
Legal Last Name (Required) Legal First Name (Required) MI
Maiden / Other Name
Date of Birth
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Gender (Optional)
E-Mail Address:
Primary: Work:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Anglo, Caucasian, White, not of Hispanic origin
Asian, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Filipino
Black, African American, not of Hispanic origin
Hispanic, Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Latino, Mexican American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Please verify the following information:
Yes No
Are you legally eligible to work in the United States?
Yes No
Are you a military service member as defined in W.S. 33-1-116(a)(ii)?
Yes No
Are you the spouse of a military service member as defined in W.S. 33-1-117(a)(v)?
Yes No
Are you currently employed as an educator in Wyoming? (Teacher, Substitute, Administrator, Related Services, or Coach)
District and School: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Subject(s) and Grade Level(s) (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________
IMPORTANT: Failure to answer any of the licensing and legal questions in a truthful and complete manner or failure to provide
truthful information or supporting documents could lead to your appl
could also lead to disciplinary action toward any PTSB license or permit you possess.
All conduct must be disclosed. Even if:
It happened more than 10 years ago
It happened in another state, federal court, tribal, military,
or jurisdiction outside the United States
You did not go to court and your attorney went for you
You did not go to jail or the sentence was only a fine or
You received a certificate of rehabilitation
Note: If your conviction was later dismissed, expunged,
set aside, or the sentence was suspended, you may be
required to provide court documentation verifying the final
What to include in your personal statement:
Detailed explanation of each question marked “yes” on
page 4
Dates and locations
Final disposition and/or what was done to resolve the
Documentation regarding:
o Disposition of arrest and/or conviction
o Any investigation or discipline on a professional
I was arrested for shoplifting in May of 1983. I was sentenced to pay restitution and received a fine of $300. I paid the restitution and
fine and my case was closed. I contacted the court and was told my records are no longer available because the arrest happened over
30 years ago. The court provided me with the attached document which verifies that my records are no longer available.
Applicant Signature
“I was convicted of a DUI in April 2003. Everything has been taken care of, and my case has been closed.
Applicant Signature
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Personal information with correct Mailing Address, Phone Number, E-Mail Address, and Date of Birth filled in on page 3
All Legal questions marked “yes” orno” on page 4
Signed, detailed personal statement attached (if applicable)
Court documents (if applicable)
WARNING: Answers to the following questions are required. For each question that applies to you, you
must answer yes”, EVEN IF you have already answered yes” in a previous application. Answering “yes” does
not lead to the automatic denial of your application. If you answer “yes” to any question, you must submit a signed
personal statement and supporting documents (if applicable) even if you have previously submitted a statement.
For more information on personal statements, see page 3
Yes No
Have you ever had any license, permit, or certificate from ANY professional licensing authority (education,
nursing, speech-language pathology, etc.) suspended, revoked, voided, canceled, denied, rescinded,
rejected, and/or otherwise taken away in Wyoming, any other state, or elsewhere?
Yes No
Is there any action or investigation pending against a license, permit, or certificate held by you from ANY
professional licensing authority in Wyoming, any other state, or elsewhere?
Yes No
Have you ever resigned, been disciplined, discharged, or asked to resign or retire from a professional position
or military service because of allegations of misconduct, or is any such action pending?
IMPORTANT: This includes discipline for failure or refusal to fulfill an employment contract.
Yes No
Have you ever been investigated, arrested, taken into custody, cited, charged, indicted, tried, pleaded
guilty to, or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or been found to have committed a probation or parole
violation? Exclude minor traffic violations such as infractions, parking tickets, and speeding tickets.
IMPORTANT: In responding to this question, include any pending investigation or charge. Include all cases
from federal, state, local, tribal, and military tribunals. You must also include all cases that were settled or
closed by a withheld judgement or through retained jurisdiction, etc., or handled through juvenile proceedings.
Even if you pleaded nolo contendere (no contest) you must disclose this. DUI’s or careless driving tickets
stemming from a DUI are NOT considered minor traffic violations and must be reported.
Yes No
Is there any information not disclosed by your answers concerning your background, history, experience,
education, or activities which may have some bearing on your character, moral fitness, or ability to hold a
license, permit, or certificate in Wyoming and which should be placed at the disposal or brought to the
attention of the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board?
attest and affirm that all statements made by me on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that
penalties, which may include revocation, suspension, denial, or refusal to renew, will be imposed under WS § 21-2-802
and PTSB Rules & Regulations, for making any false statement(s) on this application or required documents.
Applicant Name (Printed/Typed)_______________________________________________ Date ______________________
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Please indicate which type of permit you are applying for by checking the appropriate boxes and providing all information required in the corresponding
Initial Substitute Teacher Permit
Traditional Route
A Substitute Teacher Permit obtained in Wyoming is valid for five years. An individual who holds this permit is eligible to substitute teach in any Wyoming
classroom, grades K-12.
Requirements: Check the box below to indicate that you have met the requirement. Documentation for each requirement MUST be attached.
Official transcript(s) verifying completion of an Associate’s degree or sixty (60) semester hours from a regionally accredited institution. (see page 6)
Alternative Route
A Substitute Teacher Permit obtained in Wyoming is valid for five years. An individual who holds this permit is eligible to substitute teach in any Wyoming
classroom, grades K-12.
Note: Applicants who have not earned an Associate’s degree or sixty (60) semester hours of college credit may choose
to apply for a Wyoming Substitute Teacher permit through the Alternative Route. Contact your school district or
BOCES to inquire if the district offers the Alternative Route.
Requirements: Check EACH box below to indicate that you have met the requirement. Documentation for each requirement MUST be attached.
I am completing a PTSB approved alternative route plan with _________________________________________________. (Please note that by
ing this route you must meet the alternive route PTSB approved for your district only.)
High School Diploma or High School Equivalency Certificate
High School Diploma or High School Equivalency Certificate
24 total hours of in-service training In-service training workshops are offered through individual Wyoming school districts. Districts or BOCES
may authorize substitute teaching candidates to meet this requirement by taking PTSB-approved workshops. If the in-service training workshops
listed below will not cover the required topics or be completed in a timely manner, please contact your school district for workshop dates.
Hours of classroom observation The applicant must contact th
e school district directly and make arrangements with the district superintendent
to complete the classroom observa
tion required (10 hours must be completed at EACH level: elementary, junior high/middle, and high school).
Verification by the district or BOCES representative that the applicant has completed the required in-service training and the required classroom
observation. The applicant must have the district or BOCES representative complete the following information:
As a representative of ____________________________________________________________________, I hereby verify that the
applicant, _________________________________________________ has completed all of the requirements listed below.
) age level communication skills,
(B) use and application of lesson plans,
(C) use of instructional technology, and
(D) professional attitude, behaviors, and dispositions; as well as
30 hours of classroom observation which must include at least 10 hours of observation at EACH of the grade levels (elementary,
junior high/middle, high school).
District or BOCES Representative Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
District Representative Contact Information: Phone Number ____________________ Email Address: ____________________________________
24 hours of in-service training to assure competency in:
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For more information on submitting transcripts please visit:
Transcripts are required from ALL institutions attended.
Applicant’s Legal Name (Required)
Mailing Address
Street: City: State: Zip:
Telephone No.
E-Mail Address
Primary: Work:
TION: If you were enrolled under a different name (first or last) while attending any of the colleges
or universities listed below, make sure to indicate it below or the application process will be delayed.
Official Electronic Transcripts:
o Electronic transcript must be sent to PTSB directly from the college/university. Please have electronic
transcripts emailed to ptsbtranscripts@wyo.gov
Official Hard Copy Paper Transcripts:
o Official hard copy paper transcripts must be included with your paper application.
NOTE: If you submit official hard copy transcripts separate from your application packet or transcripts from ALL institutions
attended are not received, your application will be considered incomplete, delaying the application process.
Date Requested
Hard Copy
Electronic College/University Name Name while Attending
EX: 01/01/2017 University of Wyoming Mickey Mouse
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Wyoming State Statute requires applicants to demonstrate knowledge of BOTH the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions by college
coursework or exam. Applicants who are reinstating a Wyoming license or permit have already met this requirement.
If you have already completed this requirement with PTSB, please disregard this page.
Applicant Information
Applicant’s Legal Name (Required)
Mailing Address
Street: City: State: Zip:
Demonstration of Knowledge through College Coursework
Applicants demonstrating knowledge through college coursework must have a passing score of a “C” or better.
Coursework for the U.S. Constitution requirement must cover U.S. history prior to 1865 and include the study of the
U.S. Constitution. Political Science courses may be counted if they covered the Constitution.
Coursework for the Wyoming Constitution requirement must cover Wyoming history and the Wyoming Constitution.
Please list the college coursework you have taken to meet these requirements below:
Course Prefix
& Number
Course Title
Institution Where Credit
was Earned
Final Grade
Year Course
Demonstration of Knowledge through Exam
Applicants demonstrating knowledge through an exam must receive a passing score of 75% or better.
Exams can be taken online. You must request the exam be sent to you via email. Please email PTSB at
[email protected] to request exams.
The exams are auto-graded and go directly to PTSB.
Study guides for both exams are available online at http://wyomingptsb.com/licensure/us-and-wyoming-constitution.
*PTSB will verify exam scores upon receiving your application*
Date Exam was Completed
Exam Scores
U.S. Constitution ____________ Wyoming Constitution ____________