Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester
Students at English Education Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Reki Anggara; Wennyta; Khidayatul Munawwaroh
This research aims to find out the kind of students errors in writing narrative text in the fourth
semester students at English Education Program of Batanghari University year 2017/2018.
This research using purposive sampling to get the sample from two class and then got the 4th
semester A class with the total 25 students. In collecting the data, the instrument of this
research is writing test by using narrative text with theme exeperience during holidays. The
findings of this research showed that, the error analysis writing narrative text in language
features and generic structure. In language features, the most of errors were past tense with
4,35% percentage of error from 25 students. In generic structure, the most of errors was
spelling with 6,74% percentage of errors from 25 students and orientation no errors from 25
students. The researcher concluded that the error analysis on students’ writing narrative text
made by fourth semester students A class at english education program of Batanghari
University year 2018 is good because from 25 student only two dominant errors in narrative
text are past tense and spelling.
Keywords: Error Analysis, Writing, and Narrative Text
English is a language that is used by
almost everyone in the world. In
Indonesia, English is the first foreign
language and its as a compulsory subject
that is learned in schools. Nowadays, not
only as a foreign language but also taught
from secondary up to university level.
English is very important for our life.
Because it isn’t foreign language anymore
but it has become the second language in
Indonesia. The goverment directly and
inderectly has introduced the importance
of English.
As second foreign language, English
takes an important place and has used
largely in many sectors of life, such as
education, culture, economic, etc. In the
field of education, English plays as the
subject, which is taught and learned by
many people. In the course of learning
English as second foreign language,
students commonly make mistakes are
producing utterances in speech and
writing. These mistakes are judged by the
rules of the foreign language.
Learning English as a foreign
language is different thing to do for the
most of Indonesian students, because it
cannot be learnt naturally as their mother
tongue. In other words, learning foreign
language means learning the dictionary,
grammar and the sound of system in that
language. The foreign language learners
will face a new language structure which is
different from the language system they
have mastered.
As one of the English skill, writing
becomes the important aspect to be taugth
in the classroom. Writing is a method of
representing language in visual or tactile.
Unfortunately, in the process of learning
writing, the students always find
difficulties because writing are really
complicated. There are many kinds of
topic that must be discussed in writing. On
of them is writing narrative text.
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
About narrative text, Knapp and
Watkins (2005:45) adds that formally,
narrative sequences people/characters in
time and space. In its most basic form, in
text types such as recounting and retelling,
the genre does little more than simply
sequence. A key characteristic for all text
types in the genre, however, is the
requirement to orient or introduce the
reader/listener to the people, time and
place in the story. The structure of
narrative is generally more complex than
the orientation and sequencing typical of
In writing narrative text students can
express they personal experience include
thought and feelings, students can present
detail in an easy to follow sequence, use
complete sentences and almost free of
error. (Pardiyono, 2007:55) “Writing
Narrative is kind of text to tell the
activities or events in the past, which give
priority to the problematic experience and
resolution with the purpose to amuse and
often be intended to give moral lesson for
the reader”. Narrative usually tell story
about fable, fairy tale, legend of folktale.
The social function of narrative text is to
amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or
various experience in different ways.
Even college students still feel
difficult in writing narrative text. after the
researcher made observation on the
students of English education at
Batanghari University, there are still many
students make mistakes in writing
narrative text. The students who learn
English may produce many error in their
writing such as tense. Even though they
have studied English for many years and
have mastered the grammar, they still
make many errors when they write. it
means grammatical knowledge is needed
for writing.
Based on the reason above, the
writer is interested in analyzing the error in
writing this Thesis Titled “Error Analysis
on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text
Made by Fourth Semester Students at
English Education Program of Batanghari
University Year 2017/2018”. The
researcher would like to focus in analyzing
the error in writing narrative text focus on
language features and generic structure
made by fourth semester students at
english education program of Batanghari
University. This research would like to
identify the kind of students errors in
writing narrative text focus on language
features and generic structure in the
students at English Education Program of
Batanghari University year 2017/2018 ?
Narrative Text
According to Meyers (2005 : 52)
states that narrative is one of the most
powerful ways ofcommunicating with
others. A good written story lets your
reader response to some event inyour life
as if it were own. They not only
understand the event, but they can almost
feel it. Pratyasto (2011: 39) states that a
narrative text is a kind of texts which tells
a series actions from time to time that is
outlined through early action, cfrisi actions
and then resolution. This text is to
entertain the readers and even sometimes
the takemakes the readers are experiencing
themselves the action told in the story.
Meanwhile, Knapp and Watkins
(2005 : 44) adds that formally, narrative
sequencespeople/characters in time and
space. In its most basic form, in text types
such as recountingand retelling, the genre
does little more than simply sequence. A
key characteristic for all texttypes in the
genre, however, is the requirement to
orient or introduce the reader/listener to
thepeople, time and place in the story. The
structure of narrative is generally more
complex thanthe orientation and
sequencing typical of recounting.
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Based on some opinion above
researcher concludes that Narrative is a
story that is created in a constructive
format that describes a sequence of
fictional or non fictional events. Narrative
text involves writing about an event or a
series of events, real or fictitious, the
logical arrangement of idea and sentences
in narrative text is chronological according
to time order. Fictional prose, such as
novels and short stories is the example
form of narrative text. Social functions of
the narrative text are to amuse, entertain
and to deal with actual or vicarious
experience in different ways. Narrative
deals with problematic events which lead
to a crisis and then turns into resolution or
solution to the problem.
The Language Feature of Narrative
According to Pardiyono (2007: 97),
some of language features of writing
narrative text consist of Past tense,
Adjective, Adverb and Conjunction.
a. Past tense
One of the most frequently used
tense to tell about past activities or events
is past tense. It is marked with the use of
past tense verbs in predicate.
We left for Yogyakarta at about 7:00.
They watched the movie last week.
b. Adjective
The language feature of narrative
text is by using adjective with the purpose
is for showing the personal attitude, for
example: frightened, quite, calm, worried,
confused, anxious, happy, beautiful, etc.
c. Adverb
Adverb plays important in its role
of contributing for better clarity of the
message conveyed in the sentence. It can
express the information about time, place,
reason, purpose, status, and frequency. Lot
of adverbs is marked with the use of
prepositions: in, at, after, as, to, as, etc.
Adverb can be in the form of word or
- My teacher always speak English
- Please stand over there
d. Conjunction
A sentence is a group of words that
contains a subject and verb to express
acomplete thought, which begins with
capital letter and ended with period. A
sentencecan be formed from one or two
clauses that joined with conjunctions or
- He couldn’t go because he was ill.
- She is not American but British.
The Generic Structure of Narrative
Pratyasto (2011: 39) adds the generic
structure of narrative text include
orientation, complication and resolution.
a. Orientation: As the first stage,
orientations which introduce the major
characters, the topic of story and
established setting time and place that
the story happens.
b. Complication: As the second stage,
complication which is the series action
unfold. This stage contains the event falls
on the major characters and explains a
conflict among the characters. The conflict
can be shown naturally, socially, or
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
psychologically. He adds that complication
is the main element in the narrative text.
c. Resolution: In this stage, the conflict
crisis or crisis is resolved, and all things
return to normal. The thing is related
whether the characters are success or not,
but the main point is that the appeared-
conlfict has become extinct.
Furthermore, there some mechanics
aspects when we want to write narrative
text, there are: spelling, punctuation and
a. Spelling
Harmer (2004:12) says that spelling
is one factor of writing. A good spelling
makes meaningful writing. It will
influence the meaning of the sentence;
misspelling will change the meaning of the
b. Punctuation
According to Memering and O’Hare
(1980: 401-421) state that one of the best
tools a writer has ispunctuation. They add
that with a view small signal, the writer
can tell the reader how to interpret the
ideas on the page and how to understand
the relationships among them. There are
dozen significant marks in the punctuation
system, they are:
a. Period (.): Open the window, please.
b. Question mark (?): Is he a student?
c. Exclamation mark (!): Be careful!
d. Comma (,): Mary, by the way, received
your mail last night.
e. Semicolon (;): The pianist was very ill,
therefore, the concert was cancelled.
f. Colon (:) The following words are
conjunction: and, but, or, …
g. Quotation mark (“…”): “I am going for
a walk,” she said.
h. Apostrophe (‘): Can’t you run faster?
i. Parentheses ((…)): If it rain (and we
hope it doesn’t), the picnic will be
j. Dash (---): There are four skills in
Englishlistening, speaking, reading, and
k. Triple dots (…): The most important
part of speech is the verb …
l. Hyphen (-): Forty-three plus twenty-nine
equals seventy two.
c. Capitalization
Memering and O’Hare (1980: 438)
says that the basis rule, to which there are
very few exceptions, it to capitalize “first”
words and words that are considered
proper names or titles. They have three
main purposes; to let the reader know a
sentence is beginning, to show important
words in a title, and to signal proper names
and official titles.
Example: I go to school every day.
My father and Mr. Robin arrived in Jakarta
at 19.00 o’clock
Research Methodology
In this research the researcher uses
descriptive method. According to
Sugiyono (2008: 28) Descriptive method is
kind that collected like words, pictures.
The data come from interview, document,
note and so on. This aim is to describe
systematically a situation or area of
interest factually and accurately. In the
relation to defenition above, the researcher
attempts to describe the errors analysis in
writing narrative text from documentation
and analysis the possible of the errors. The
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
setting of the research is at Batanghari
University in the student English
Education Program year 2017/2018.
In this research, the researcher uses
purposive sampling. According Crossman
(2017) purposive sampling is a non
probability sample thai is selected based
on characteristics of a population and the
objective of the study. Purposive sampling
is also known as judgemental, selective, or
subjective sampling. This type of sampling
can be very useful in situation when you
need to reach a targeted sample quickly,
and where sampling for propotionality is
not the main concern. The 4th semester of
students english education program have
two classes, A class with 25 students and
B class with 7 students. Researcher choose
A class as a proportional sample because B
class less number of student than A class.
To collect the data of this research, the
researcher used test method. According to
Arikunto (2006:53) the test is a tool or
produce use to determine or measure
something in the atmosphere, the way and
the rules has been determined. The
researcher will give the test one times, the
student will make a narrative text with the
theme of “experience during holidays”.
Findings and Discussion
The researcher found the result
percentages of two types of the errors
made by the fourth semester students at
english education program Batanghari
University. The result total percentage of
errors in students’ writing narrative text
are :
Table 1. Total Percentages types of
errors in language features made by the
students in writing narrative text
Types of
y of
Past Tense
4,35 %
Source : result of research
Based on the explanation above, the
researcher found that first, the biggest total
percentage of the errors in language
feature made by the students writing
narrative text was past tense. Second, the
middle total percentage of the errors made
by the students was adjective. Third, the
smallest total percentage made by the
students was adverb.
Table 2. Total Percentages types of
errors in Generic structure features
made by the students in writing
narrative text
Types of
cy of
0 %
5,70 %
5,82 %
6,74 %
6,30 %
6,07 %
Source : result of research
Based on the explanation above, the
researcher found that first, the biggest total
percentage of the errors in generic
structure made by the students writing
narrative text was spelling. Second, the
middle total percentage of the errors made
by the students was punctuation. Third, the
smallest total percentage made by the
students was orientation.
Kinds of Error in Language Features
a. Kinds of error in Past tense
Example in Student 7:
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Last year, I got a fantastic holiday. I
visited some great places.
I went to an airport and was going to fly to
dubai. I was spending there three days. I
like to around the town and see some great
Then, i went to Burj Khalifa. Burj khalifa
is a famous tower in Dubai. It had become
world-famous as the tallest building in
United Arab Emirates. I did not want to
leave but I had too. After that, I went to the
Dubai mall, I know as the home of the
Dubai shopping festival is one of the
world’s largest shopping malls in United
Arab Emirates.
The last, I went to the Dubai fountain.
Dubai fountain is attraction fountain that
is one famous place in Dubai. Also known
as a dancing fountain. The place made me
feel at home but I have to go home. Next
time I would return to them.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that the sentence “see” in
paragraph one it should be “saw”. The
sentence “know” in paragraph two it
should be known”. The sentence “feel”
in paragraph three it should be “felt”.
b. Kinds of error in Adjective
Example in student 22:
The last college holiday, I spend the
time with my family on vacation to
relative’s house in madiun, approximately
6 hour by bus from our home in jambi.
On the way there, we saw many
beautiful views such as rice field,
mountain, etc. Having arrived at the uncle
house, we were greeted by our relatives
who had not met us for a long time. The
next day. We walked around the town of
madiun untill the got sky dark.
On the next day, I forgot that it was
the new years sudenly one of my cousin
come and asked me to celebrate the new
year’s eve together. At night we went
together with him to the center of madiun.
Wow so really view of beautiful in here.
We played together and watched the
fireworks in the sky the night.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that the sentence the got sky
dark “ it should be “the sky got dark”. The
sentence view of beautiful”,it should be
“beautiful view”.
c. Kinds of error in Adverb
Example in student 6:
Last mont I went to jogjakarta. I
visited various places. One of them to the
Malioboro area. There I also met my
friend who happened to be studying in
Jogja. He took me around the place in
He also invited me to go to
Magelang. To take a walk to Borobudur
temple and to Prambanan temple. There is
the most beautiful place to pamper the eye.
Incidentally on Borobudur newly opened
ship museum. There is a history of ships.
The most unique is the history of dames
that docked around the world.
After goimg to Magelang I went back
to Malioboro to buy some food and
clothes. Dont forget I bought a souvenir to
be brought back again to Jambi.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that the sentence “Incidentally on
Borobudur” it should be “Incidentally in
d. Kinds of error in Conjuction
- Example in student 12:
On the second day, all of us went to
Malioboro street. We saw so many
merchant with various of product which
they claim to be a traditional product of
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden
figurine and T-shirt with the word
‘Yogyakarta’ on it, my sister bought some
leather handbag. My mom and dad were
busy choosing some merchadise to be
brought home when we go back.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that the sentence “the word
‘Yogyakarta’ on it, my sister bought some
leather handbag it should be the word
‘Yogyakarta’ on it, and my sister bought
some leather handbag” because added
“and” .
Kinds of error in Generic Structure
a. Kinds of error in complication
Example in student 10:
Sentence : The last college holiday, I
spend the time with my family on vacation
to relative’s house in madiun.
Apporoximately 6 hours by bus from our
home in jambi.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that orientation part contains
time and place where the story happened,
characters inside, and the situation there.
But in the sentence above still less
b. Kinds of error in resolution
Example in student 6:
Sentence : One week in Bali passed
quickly, at the end of seven day. We were
pretty tired but we feel very happy.
Based on example above, it can be
conclude that the resolution part of his
story was not composed well. The students
didn’t write the resolution part in sequence
and directly gave the ending of the story.
c. Kinds of error in spelling
Example in student 6:
In the text, the researcher found
errors in paragraph one. last mont I went
to Jogjakarta. it should be last month I
went to Jogjakarta.
d. Kinds of error in punctuation
Example in student 9:
Last mont I went to Sumatera Barat with
my family. We went to use the minibuses.
On our journey throught various
adventures, such as deflated tires, leaking
tires and running out of oil. But that is all
we passed together so it does not feel tired
and finally got there.
When we got there, we headed straight to
the lake Singkarak which is located in
Solok area. In lake Singkarak we sit back
while enjoying the beach breeze. After
that, we continued the trip to Istano Basa
pagaruyung. In here we can see historical
relics of society Sumatra Barat, and then
we went to Air manis beach. Wow …… so
really beautiful view in here.
After finished around padang city we
finally go back to Jambi City. END…
Based on example above, researcher
found one mistakes. it can be conclude that
the sentence must should be “comma (,)”.
The right sentence is After finished
around padang city, we finally go back to
Jambi City”.
e. Kinds of error in capitalization
Example student 3:
My family and I went to my grandmother’s
house in yogyakarta last month. It was my
first trip to this city. We went there two
days after my sister’s graduation
ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at
Yogyakarta at night. We spent a week
staying in my grandmother’s house which
is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro
Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
Based on example above, researcher
found one mistake. it can be conclude that
the word “yogyakarta” it should be
Based on the result of the analysis, it
can be concluded that :
1. The result of this research have
provided information about what
kind of error analysis writing
narrative text made by the fourth
semester students at English
education program of Batanghari
university year 2017/2018.
2. There are some common errors
made by the students in writing
narrative text such as language
feature and generic structure. In
language feature some errors there
are past tense, adjective, adverb
and conjunction. In generic
structure some errors there are
complication, resolution,
punctuation and capitalization.
3. In some of these errors are grouped
into the types of errors, such as
language feature and generic
structure. The most common errors
in language feature writing
narrative text is past tense. It can
show the total score of errors from
25 students are 84 scores, and the
percentage is about 4,35%. The
most common score of errors in
generic structure writing narrative
text is spelling. It can show the
total errors from 25 students are 82
errors and the percentage is about
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Jelt : Journal Of English Language teaching, Vol 2 No. 2 Tahun 2018
Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Narrative Text Made by Fourth Semester Students at English Education
Study Program of Batanghari University Year 2017/2018
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