Emotional Health Committee Maryland Chapter American Academy of
David Bromberg M.D.
Overview: Encopresis is diagnosed in children over the age of four years who
are having formed or semi-formed stools in their underwear (or other
unorthodox places) and is usually secondary to a dysfunctional stooling
pattern. Exact incidence is unknown but it is not uncommon and is more
typical in boys than in girls by about 6:1. Medical causes for constipation and
fecal overflow such as Hirschsprung’s Disease should be considered. History
often reveals an episode of large hard stool followed by fecal retention and
defecation avoidance. This problem then may perpetuate itself. Some
children also experience liquidy stool seepage.
There are strong emotional reactions to fecal soiling in both parents and
children. Parents fear that their child is lazy and doesn’t want to take the
time to go to the bathroom. Children with encopresis often claim that they
don’t know when they have to have a bowel movement and are then
embarrassed by soiling. They may hide underwear in their room increasing
the problem by creating a strong odor in the house. They may withdraw from
peer interactions because of teasing or bullying. In some cases, large bowel
movements may lead to clogging of the toilet.
Education/ Demystification:
Initial management includes demystification of the soiling process. Parents
need to be advised that in most cases the problem is not due to laziness.
Parents should also be advised not to take a punitive approach towards the
child with encopresis. The clinician can explain to parents and children that
because the colon has become stretched, children often do not recognize when
they are about to have a bowel movement (see Figure 1). Hard stools that back
up lead to bowel stretching and looser stools may seep out without the child
being aware that this is happening. These explanations are essential to help
take emotions out of the equation. Drawings depicting a normal and a
stretched colon may be very helpful in explaining why the muscle doesn’t
function well. Using a body building, increasing muscle strength analogy is
something with which children can often identify.
Script: So you see, that stretched muscle is weak and unable to push out all of
the stool. We want to help to make that muscle stronger. What can we do to
strengthen the bowel muscle? That’s right, we can exercise it. Not by lifting
weights but by having a program of bowel exercises.
This can be an introduction to a bowel training program which includes bowel
cleansing and bowel training. Challenging the child with a difficult program
will often recruit their natural industriousness and help the program succeed.
Figure 1
Treatment of chronic functional constipation and fecal incontinence in infants and children, George
D Ferry, Up to Date 2011.
Assessing Motivation: A key component of any treatment program is
assessing the motivation of both parents and child in addressing the problem.
The clinician may ask parents and the child “how important is it to you to
stop the soiling and have clean underwear?” Children with encopresis may be
so habituated to soiling that they require active encouragement to participate
in a bowel training program. If either the child or parent is resistant,
facilitated referral to a structured program or counseling should be
Treatment: Bowel Cleansing
Bowel clean out is the first essential component of intervention. Using
an effective laxative such as polyethylene glycol (Miralax) on a daily
basis may be sufficient to clean out the bowel. Additional laxatives may
need to be added to achieve this goal. Osmotic laxatives such as
lactulose (1 ml/kg up to a max of 15-30 ml per day), or magnesium
hydroxide (milk of magnesia) (1 to 2 mL/kg once daily); or stimulant
laxatives such as senna (age 4-6 years- ½ tsp once or twice daily; age 6-
12 years- 1 tsp once or twice daily) may be useful adjuncts to Miralax.
Dosages of laxatives may need to be adjusted if the child’s stools become
too loose
Some children who are impacted with stool do not respond initially to
just oral laxatives and may require a more aggressive clean out before
oral laxatives can be effective. One approach is to initiate 3 day cycles
of a Dulcolax tablet on day #1, a Dulcolax suppository on day #2 and a
Fleets pediatric or adult enema on day #3. The 3 day cycle can be
repeated 3-4 times taking 9-12 days to complete. Abdominal films
before and after clean out may be helpful to ascertain effectiveness of
the clean out regimen. On some occasions, children may require an
inpatient 24 hour regimen of GoLytely per NG tube to achieve an
effective clean out
Treatment: Bowel training
The goal should be for the child to have daily bowel movements that are
not huge or extremely hard and are easily passed. The stool is kept soft
with the use of long term stool softeners. Miralax is a good choice to
achieve this goal and will be needed to be continued for several months
(or longer) to effectively allow the bowel to resume normal function.
The child is encouraged to sit on the toilet for 10 minutes twice a day.
Efforts should be made to make this a positive time while reminding the
child that he is there to try and have a bowel movement. A sample
bowel training program is demonstrated below.
SAMPLE BOWEL TRAINING PROGRAM: (Continue for 3-6 months)
1- Stool Softener - Miralax, 1 capful in 8 oz. of water daily
2- High Fiber Diet including whole grains, fruits and vegetables
(consider eliminating cow’s milk)
3- Sit on the toilet trying to have a BM 10 minutes twice a day
after breakfast and after dinner
Take a book or I Pad to help pass the time
4- Track success on a calendar
Behavior Modification: the clean out regimen can be coupled with a
behavior modification plan (see behavior modification module) in which
the child receives stars or stickers for having a bowel movement in the
toilet. For instance, when the child obtains 2 stickers (see below), the
child can receive a mutually agreed upon treat/reward. Eventually the
rewards can be received when the child obtains 5 stickers, then 8
stickers, etc. Clean underwear, ultimately the goal of the program,
should also be tracked and rewarded. The behavior modification
system can eventually be phased out when the child is having regular
bowel movements in the toilet
School age children may require cooperation by their teachers to allow
the child to use the bathroom when required. Having access to a clean
set of clothes may also prevent embarrassment
Parents should be advised to contact the practitioner if the child’s bowel
habits start to reverse (e.g. BM’s every 3 days, hard or large stools,
recurrence of soiling)
Sticker chart
Has a
BM in
9 12
12 3
3 PM -
Treat Treat Treat Treat Treat
Treat (child gets a treat/reward each day for earning 2 out of a possible 3
stickers for a BM in toilet). The child may also earn an additional reward at
the end of the day if underwear remains clean
Follow up should be frequent, with at least monthly meetings to
evaluate progress, make adjustments, and encourage continued
training. Bowel training needs to continue for a period of 3-6 months
for the bowel to regain its normal tone. Slow withdrawal of the training
regimen with continued calendar monitoring helps to prevent relapse
Bowel training programs have shown a success rate of about 75%, with the
remainder of the patients continuing with functional constipation. Referral to
a gastroenterologist may be indicated if the child’s encopresis is refractory to
initial interventions by the primary care practitioner. Occasionally the onset
of encopresis is secondary to more significant events, e.g. sexual abuse and
requires a more intensive mental health treatment. Tertiary centers often
have teams in their encopresis clinics, which include mental health
professionals to more comprehensively address these problems. In such cases,
referral earlier rather than later is highly recommended.
Treatment of chronic functional constipation and fecal incontinence in infants
and children, George D Ferry, Up to Date 2011.
Schonwald A, Rappaport L. Consultation with the specialist: encopresis:
assessment and management. Pediatr Rev 2004; 25:278.
Rockney, R. Encopresis. In: Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, 3rd ed,
Levine, MD, Carey, WB, Crocker, AC (Eds), WB Saunders, Philadelphia
1999. p. 413.