COMAR 13A.04.18.01 requires local school systems to provide a comprehensive
health education program that aligns with the State Framework. This document serves
as a sample of standards-based assessments for the high school level II course. The
responsibility for making specific curriculum decisions resides with local education
agencies in accordance with §4-111(a) (1) of the Education Article, Annotated Code of
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Health I Assessments
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 1
Health 1 Summative Assessment Options ................................................................................. 2
Option 1: Health Education Leader ............................................................................................ 3
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................. 5
Option 2: Learning Portfolio........................................................................................................ 7
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................. 8
Analyzing Influences for Mental Health and Well-Being ............................................................. 9
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................10
Accessing Valid & Reliable Information to Support Healthy Eating ............................................11
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................11
Decision Making that Affects Alcohol & Other Drug Use ...........................................................12
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................12
Self-Management Skills to Improve Health Outcomes ...............................................................13
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................13
Communication for Healthy Relationships .................................................................................14
Assessment Criteria: .............................................................................................................14
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Health 1 Summative Assessment Options
There are two options for the Health 1 Summative Assessment:
1) Health Education leader
2) Learning Portfolio
You can adapt these assessments in any way that best fits your needs; however, here are some
The Health Education leader may be most useful if you would prefer a cumulative assessment
rather than the mini-assessments and a cumulative assessment. The Learning Portfolio
assessment may be best if you would like to do all the mini-assessments and a final assessment.
The Health Education leader assignment may take more than the 4 lessons allotted for the
project at the end of the course depending on what you decide for the scope of the project. The
version of the project included here is truly cumulative and comprehensive and requires
students to demonstrate all skills covered in Health 1.
You may introduce either project early in the course and provide time for students to work on
different aspects of the project during the course. For example, if you use the Health Education
leader assignment, rather than the mini-assessments, you could use the days in the scope and
sequence that are allotted to the mini-assessments as days for students to work on parts of
their Health Education leader assignment that correspond with that unit. If you use the Learning
Portfolio Assignment, you could have one or two lessons in the middle of the course where
students work on their learning portfolio for whatever skills they have covered to that point.
You may choose to modify the Health Education leader assessment to cover fewer skills.
Perhaps choosing skills that you feel are most important for your students or that they need the
most practice with. Or perhaps you decide to use some of the mini-assessments and then use
the Health Education leader assignment as a way to evaluate the skills that you measure with
the mini-assessment.
We have intentionally designed the assessments so that students have a lot of input and
ownership into the final products. You may need to provide more guidance or more specific
options for your students.
We have also designed the assessments so that you can evaluate each skill separately to ensure
you are able to provide students with feedback and a grade for each of the National Health
Education Standards and so that students have to demonstrate content knowledge in the core
topic areas.
We have designed a rubric that may be adjusted to meet your needs and the practices in your
department/school. You can add point values to each column, can add columns as needed, etc.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Option 1: Health Education Leader
Congratulations! Now that you have reached the end of Health 1, you are a health education
leader. You have acquired the functional knowledge and skills to be able to support your
personal health and well-being and to help others support their health and well-being.
For your final assessment, you are going to use the skills and knowledge that you gained in class
(your expertise) and your leadership skills to teach others about the key skills and content that
we have covered over the course. Since you are the leader, you are going to get a lot of voice
and choice in this assignment in who you share your expertise with and how you share it.
Here is what you need to do . . .
1. Determine who you want to share your expertise with. Do you want to share it with a
family member? A friend? A 9th grader at another school? A younger sibling? A middle
Next, you need to review each of the units we covered this year (except for First Aid & CPR) and
fill in the planning worksheet to help you figure out what functional information (remember
this is information that is relevant and useful to your intended audience) you want to share,
and you need to determine how you would model the skill (showing the skill performed
effectively) for your audience.
Here are the units we covered:
Analyzing Influences for Mental Health and Well-Being
Goal Setting to Support Health and Well-being
Accessing Valid & Reliable Information to Support Healthy Eating
Decision Making that Affects Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Communication for Healthy Relationships
Advocating for Safe & Just Communities
The planning worksheet will help you generate and record your ideas before you start creating
your final products.
Once you have filled out the planning worksheet, it is time to get to work thinking about how
you will share your work with your audience and creating the products that you will use to
show each of the skills we covered and the functional information you feel is important for your
audience to know.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
You can use similar products for multiple skills or all different - it is totally up to you! Let me
know if you need help figuring out the best way to share what you learned. Here are some
ideas to get you started:
Skill Task
Analyzing Influences for Mental Health and
Advice column on how to analyze influences
on mental health
Create an influences web worksheet with an
Goal Setting to Support Health and Well-
SMARRT goal worksheet
Video explaining steps of goal setting
Piece of art that depicts the goal setting
Accessing Valid & Reliable Information to
Support Healthy Eating
Infographic about health-promoting food
Read this not that activity to help people
identify valid and reliable information
Create a guide of food-related resources in
the community
Decision Making that Affects Alcohol & Other
Drug Use
Comic that shows effective decision-making
Powtoon or other online software to show
Advice column on making health-promoting
Choose your own adventure story or PPT
Communication for Healthy Relationships
Videos showing effective communication
What would you do? Scenarios and choices
Tips and Tricks for Healthy Communication
Advocating for Safe & Just Communities
Create a PSA or poster on an issue of your
Write a “How To” piece teaching someone
else how to advocate about one of the topics
covered during the course
You will submit all final “Health Education leader” products as the final project.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
Each product
consideration of the
intended audience.
Analyzing Influences
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
analyzing influences.
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to mental
health and well-being
that was covered in the
Goal Setting
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of goal
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to disease
prevention and control.
Accessing Valid and Reliable Information
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
accessing valid and
reliable information.
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to healthy
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
Decision Making
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to alcohol and
other drugs.
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to.
Interpersonal Communication
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to family life &
human sexuality.
Product demonstrates
an ability to effectively
apply the steps of
Product includes at
least 3 pieces of
functional information
related to safety &
violence prevention.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Option 2: Learning Portfolio
NOTE: This assignment also supports students' metacognition skills.
We are covering a lot of important skills and health topics in this course. The goal is to help you
develop the skills and give you the key information that you need in order to help you maintain
or enhance your health and well-being now and into the future.
For this final, culminating assessment, you will have a chance to look over all that you have
learned over the course and reflect on how you will be able to use these skills and content.
During our course, you will complete several unit assessments. Each of these assessments will
go into your portfolio. You need to decide how best to organize and present your portfolio
including all of your assessments and your responses to the questions below.
If you would like, you have the opportunity to improve any of the assessments based on the
feedback I provided and earn back points for your final grade.
For the final assessment, you will respond to the following questions:
Skill Reflections:
What skill do you think was most helpful for you to learn and why?
Which skill did you think was most difficult for you? Why was it difficult?
Which was easiest for you? Why was it easy?
Which skill(s) do you think you will use the most after this class?
Topic Reflections:
o Which topic do you feel you learned the most about?
o Which topic(s) do you feel were most relevant for you? Why?
Overall reflection:
o What are you taking away from this course?
You can write out your responses to the questions or you can create an audio file or video. If
you have other ideas, please ask me!
Here is how you will be graded on your learning portfolio:
NOTE: If you revised any of the assignments, you will be graded based on the rubric for that
assignment and points will be added back to your previous grade (if your assessment
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
Your learning portfolio
includes all
assessments from the
Your learning portfolio
is organized.
You responded to all of
the “Skill Reflection”
prompts and your
responses are
demonstrating thought
and effort.
You responded to all of
the “Topic Reflection”
prompts and your
responses are
demonstrating thought
and effort.
Your response to the
“Overall Reflection”
prompt is thorough,
demonstrating thought
and effort.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Health 1 “Mini-Assessments”
Analyzing Influences for Mental Health and Well-Being
Part 1: Analyzing Influences
For this assignment you will create a photo journal or collage that shows at least 5 different influences
on your own mental and emotional well-being. The influences can be positive or negative, and you need
to have at least one of each and identify which are positive and which are negative. This part of the
assignment addresses the Identify step of analyzing influences.
Your assignment must also include brief reflections for each reflection in which you address each of the
following skill cues that we covered for analyzing influences:
- Analyze the influence
- How do I know it is influencing me?
- What messages am I receiving?
- How much is this influencing my thoughts, values, beliefs, feelings or actions?
- Examine other factors that might be impacting the influence
- Consider an action plan
- Do I need to do anything about this influence?
- What is the best plan of action for handling this influence in my life?
Part 2: What I learned about mental and emotional health
Your assignment should include at least 4 things that you learned that you feel will be most helpful for
you to maintain or enhance your mental health and well-being. For each thing you learned, be sure to
also include an explanation of why you think it will be helpful or how you think it might support or
improve your mental health.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
You included 5 influences.
You identified if each
influence was positive or
negative on your own
mental and emotional health
and wellbeing.
You included an analysis of
each influence on your own
mental and emotional health
and well-being. Includes all 3
steps: analyze, examine, and
Your analysis of each
influence on your own
mental and emotional health
and wellbeing was thorough.
You included 4 things that
you learned in the unit.
You included an explanation
of why or how you think
each thing that you learned
will support your mental
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Accessing Valid & Reliable Information to Support Healthy Eating
For this project, you will explore either food access or the impact of human-induced environmental
change on food supplies.
You will find and evaluate at least two websites to show that they are valid and reliable sources of
information on your topic. You should include your evaluations when you submit your project.
You will use those two sources to create an infographic (or other visual information product - see me if
you have other ideas) with three pieces of information that you think are most important for other high
school students to know about your topic.
You must include one community resource (valid and reliable of course!) that is addressing your topic. A
local resource is best but you can also look for state and national level resources as well. In your
infographic be sure to include an explanation of what the resource is doing related to your topic and
how people can learn more!
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
You evaluated two
Your evaluation of each
website included all
aspects of the ACCESS
Your infographic
included three pieces
of information.
The information you
included is relevant for
other high school
You included an
appropriate, valid and
reliable community
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Decision Making that Affects Alcohol & Other Drug Use
As we learned in this unit, it isn’t always easy to make decisions! You will use what you learned to create
a “Choose Your Own Path” story (it can be written more like a story, or you can use PPT).
Here is what you need to do . . .
Create a short scenario related to alcohol or other drug use. Keep the scenario to 3-5 sentences. Make
sure that the scenario you create is something that is relevant for 9th graders and that ends with a
character having to make a decision. (This is the D of the DECIDE model)
Create 3 different options for the decision. Each of these will be one of the “paths”. All options/paths
should result in a health-promoting outcome. (This is the E of the DECIDE model)
For each different option or path, you must:
Include at least two positive and two negative potential consequences (This is the C of the
DECIDE model)
Identify at least one value and one influence that may impact the decision (This is the I of the
DECIDE model)
Have the character choose a health-promoting decision (This is the D of the DECIDE model)
Describe the possible outcomes of the decision (This is the E of the DECIDE model)
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
Your scenario is
relevant for 9th
You included 3
appropriate options for
the situation.
Each path includes all 4
All outcomes are
Your project
demonstrates an ability
to effectively apply the
DECIDE model.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Self-Management Skills to Improve Health Outcomes
Mapping Your Health Assets
For this assignment, you will choose a health behavior that you want to improve in any dimension of
wellness. Please include an explanation of why you chose that behavior and how you think it will benefit
You will identify at least three assets that you currently possess that can support you in engaging in this
behavior. For each asset, you must include an explanation of how you think that asset will support you.
You will then identify two new assets that you will use to further help you with your health behavior.
For each of the two new assets, you need to explain how you think it will help you with your health
behavior and discuss how you will connect with or use the new asset.
Helpful hint: Remember that assets can be internal strengths, people (family, peers/friends, coaches,
teachers), community resources, environmental factors, or any other concrete identifiable source of
support in achieving health and well-being.
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
You identified a health
behavior and included
an explanation of why
you chose the behavior
and how it will benefit
You identified 3 current
You included an
explanation for how
each asset will support
your behavior.
You included two new
You included an
explanation for how
each new asset will
support your behavior.
You included a visual
element to represent
your current and new
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
Communication for Healthy Relationships
For this assignment, you will work with a partner to create and act out a dialogue of a realistic
conversation people may have in a relationship. You can demonstrate either the use of effective
communication or negotiation skills. You need to include at least three pieces of functional information
(that make sense in the dialogue) related to growth and development or sexual health.
Remember to refer to the skill cues that we discussed when creating your dialogue to make sure that
you include all of them in the dialogue and role play. There is no specific length for the dialogue - you
just need to make sure that you address all the skill cues and include the functional information. Just like
in “real life” some discussions take longer than others!
You will record your dialogue and submit the video for the assessment.
Your video will be graded using the following criteria:
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Demonstrated or
Not Included
Your dialogue includes
all skill cues of effective
communication or
negotiation skills.
All skill cues for
communication or
negotiation are applied
effectively in the
You included three
pieces of functional
The functional
information was
relevant to the
situation that you used
in the dialogue.
Sample High School Health I Assessments February 2022
-Discrimination Statement
The Maryland State Department of Education does not discriminate on the
basis of age, ancestry, color, creed, gender identity and expression,
genetic information, marital status, disability, national origin, race, religion,
sex, or sexual orientation in ma
tters affecting employment or in providing
access to programs.
Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Curriculum, Instructional Improvement, and Professional
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Voice: 410-767-0426
Fax: 410-767-0431
TTY/TDD 410-333-6442
© Maryland State Department of Education 2022