Subject and Verb Agreement
Every verb must agree with its subject in person and number. Therefore, a singular subject requires a
singular subject requires a singular form of the verb. The following indefinite pronouns are always
each anyone anybody either everyone everybody neither
no one nobody one someone somebody
EXAMPLES : Everyone of the pupils was present.
One of those pupils never studies.
The verb usually ends with an s when one of the pronouns listed above is used.
Underline the correct verb in these sentences.
1. One of the boys (was, were) late for the game.
2. Each of the apples (was, were) ripe.
3. Everyone (cheer, cheers) when his hero appears.
4. One of my favorite foods (is, are) spaghetti.
5. No one except Mary and Lettie (was, were) excited.
6. Neither you nor Alice (play, plays) the game correctly.
7. Each player (try, tries) to win the game.
8. One of the pies (smell, smells) burned.
9. Neither he nor she (walk, walks) to school.
10. Learning to drive is easy if one (concentrate, concentrates).
11. Somebody (is, are) going to be surprised!
12. Every boy on the team (show, shows) good sportsmanship.
13. Why (don’t, doesn’t) someone give us the signal?
14. Either Roy or Bill (is, are) going to be the new captain/
15. (Do, Does) anybody want a hot dog?
16. Anyone who disagrees with them (is, are) in trouble.
Underline the correct verb in these sentences.
1. Someone (has, have) to do the work.
2. Steve, along with Jim and George, (was, were) there.
3. Where (is, are) you going?
4. There (go, goes) Emily and Joseph.
5. Each of the members (has, have) contributed.
6. Mary and her mother (is, are) in the store.
7. The set of rules (control, controls) the game.
8. Neither the student nor the teacher (was, were) present.
9. Here (is, are) an old and famous landmark.
10. Ralph, along with his father, (is, are) attending the game.
11. One often (ask, asks) for help from others.
12. Where (has, have) you and Bob worked during the summer?
13. The leader of the choir (sing, sings) tenor.
14. The students, as well as the teacher, (has, have) to work well.
15. Everyone (find, finds) a special friend.
16. A sign of the times (is, are) the fashion in clothes.
17. There (is, are) opportunities for all.
18. The students, with their parents, (visit, visits) the museum.
19. The better of the two seats (has, have) been sold.
20. Where (is, are) my hat and coat?
21. Every time we stand up, someone else (take, takes) my seat.
22. Here (come, comes) the bank guard in his new uniform.
23. Many fascinating games (is, are) for sale in this store.
24. A doctor, together with some nurses, (was, were) on duty.
25. Both Nancy and Marion (know, knows) better than to act like that!
26. Either a new sweater or a tie (is, are) my choice.
Underline the correct verb in these sentences.
1. The citizens of this town (demand, demands) police protection.
2. Glenville’s Glee Club always (give, gives) a fine concert.
3. Either Kathy or Dorothy (is, are) going.
4. Both Ruth and I (go, goes) to bed early.
5. The man, along with the two women, (was, were) delayed.
6. We (was, were) passed by six cars.
7. All freshman (live, lives) in the dormitory.
8. The ice cream (melt, melts) at room temperature.
9. No one (has, have) stolen my secret ideas!
10. The first baseman and the catcher (has, have) made many errors.
11. Mrs. Laird has (spoke, spoken) with authority.
12. The guitar, accompanied by the bass viol, (play, plays) the tune.
13. Joe and his brother always (drink, drinks) too fast.
14. Thelma, as well as her sister, (is, are) well dressed.
15. While everyone (hum, hums) Betsy will sing the obligato.
16. The captain of the two teams (is, are) Dan.
17. Where (do, does) the Chester family live?
18. The golf team and the tennis team (win, wins) every match.
19. Why (do, does) Lisa and Phillip play the same tune?
20. Mrs. Stum, together with her neighbors, (has, have) a sewing club.
21. Beth, with her new hair-do and sunglasses, (is, are) hard to recognize.
22. Neither looks nor clothes (make, makes) the person.
23. All the boys in our class (has, have) done well in school.
24. Neither of my parents (is, are) at home tonight.
Underline the correct verb in these sentences.
1. Either way (is, are) correct.
2. Unless every one of the members (cooperate, cooperates), the play will fail.
3. Each (seek, seeks) a job to do.
4. Neither of the teams (has, have) a perfect record.
5. (Has, Have) someone called me?
6. One of these dogs (has, have) fleas.
7. Everyone of these houses (was, were) built this year.
8. Nobody from the play cast (has, have) arrived.
9. It was impossible because everybody (was, were) gone.
10. No one, of all the singers in town, (give, gives) finer lesions.
11. I am sure everyone (draw, draws) better than I.
12. Anybody from the four classes (has, have) a chance.
13. Somebody from among my friends (expect, expects) to call.
14. First, each of the papers (was, were) late.
15. One of you (work, works) too hard.
16. Neither car (drive, drives) easily.
17. It was a find time for everyone who (was, were) there.
18. Nobody at school (know, knows).
19. Either (has, have) its good points.
20. Someone from each class (attend, attends) the meeting.
21. Neither Fred nor Stan (understand, understands) this equation.
22. The potatoes and the peas (smell, smells) as if they’re burning.
23. (Don’t, Doesn’t) Herbert play the marimba well?
24. Of all my friends, only one (has, have) written to me.
25. Everybody in the band (seem, seems) to have a different rhythm.
Subject and Verb Agreement
1.Was 2. Was 3. Cheers 4. Is 5. Was 6. Plays 7. Tries
8. Smells 9. Walks 10. Concentrates 11. Is 12. Shows 13. Doesn’t
14. Is 15. Does 16. Is
1. Has 2. Was 3. Are 4. Go 5. Has 6. Are
7. Controls 8. Was 9. Is 10. Is 11. Asks 12. Have
13. Sings 14. Have 15. Finds 16. Is 17. Are 18. Visit
19. Has 20. Are 21. Takes 22. Comes 23. Are 24. Was
25. Know 26. Is
1. Demand 2. Gives 3. Is 4. Go 5. Was 6. Were 7. Live
8. Melts 9. Has 10. Have 11. Spoken 12. Plays 13. Drin
14. Is 15. Hums 16. Is 17. Does 18. Win 19. Do 20. Has
21. Is 22. Make 23. Have 24. Is
1. Is 2. Cooperates 3. Seeks 4. Has 5. Has 6. Has
7. Was 8. Has 9. Was 10. Gives 11. Draws 12. Has
13. Expects 14. Was 15. Works 16. Drives 17. Was 18. Knows
19. Has 20. Attends 21. Understands 22. Smell 23. Doesn’t 24. Has
25. Seems