“SUMO Subscriptions” Documentation by Fantastic Plugins
Created: 21/05/2016
Updated: 07/09/2019
SUMO Subscriptions is a subscription extension for WooCommerce. Using SUMO
Subscriptions, you can create and sell subscription products On your existing WooCommerce
shop. SUMO Subscriptions supports simple subscription products, variable subscription
products and grouped subscription products.
The minimum server requirements and the WordPress requirements are as follows:
PHP 5.2.4 or greater
MySQL 5.0 or greater
WordPress 3.4 or higher
WooCommerce 2.2+
1. Login to your codecanyon account
2. Go to Downloads Tab
3. You will find SUMO Subscriptions
4. Download sumosubscriptions.zip (PLEASE NOTE THE DOWNLOADED FILES WILL
5. Unzip sumosubscriptions.zip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
6. Install SUMO Subscriptions i.e. sumosubscriptions.zip using WordPress Dashboard
7. Activate the Plugin
Please always test the new version in a testing site before you upgrade to the new version in
your live site.
If you are using an older version and want to upgrade to the latest version of SUMO
Subscriptions then please do the following steps,
1. Login to your codecanyon account
2. Go to Downloads Tab
3. You will find SUMO Subscriptions
4. Download sumosubscriptions.zip (PLEASE NOTE THE DOWNLOADED FILES WILL
5. Unzip sumosubscriptions.zip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
6. Deactivate and Delete the existing version of SUMO Subscriptions in your site
7. Install the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions i.e. sumosubscriptions.zip using
WordPress Dashboard
8. Activate the Plugin
Please note you will not lose any settings values, data etc by following the above steps.
If you are using an older version of the plugin and want to upgrade to the latest version, then
please follow the steps given below:
Deactivate and Delete the existing version of SUMO Subscriptions plugin in your site.
Follow the steps given in the Installation & Activation section for installing the latest
version of SUMO Subscriptions.
Activate the plugin.
Note: You will not lose any settings,data, etc by following the above steps.
Simple subscriptions, variable subscriptions and grouped product subscriptions
Order subscriptions for non subscription products
Renewals of subscription products can be synchronized
Prorate payment can be charged for subscription products with synchronized renewals
Multiple subscriptions in single checkout
Subscription products can be purchased along with non-subscription products in single
Inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
Automatic Subscription Renewal using PayPal Subscriptions API
Inbuilt PayPal Reference Transaction Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
Automatic subscription renewal using SUMO Reward Points gateway(needs SUMO
Reward Points plugin)
Inbuilt Stripe payment gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
Subscribers can choose to pre-approve the subscription renewal payments
Subscribers can be forced to pre-approve the subscription renewal payments
Manual subscription renewal using any WooCommerce supported payment gateway
Subscribers can purchase multiple quantities of the same subscription product
Subscribers can choose Order Level Subscription on checkout
Site admin can create Manual Subscription Order for the Subscribers
Limit subscription for each subscriber by no limit, one active subscription per product or
one active subscription throughout the site
Both free trial and paid trial supported
Limit trial for each subscriber by no limit, one trial per product or one trial throughout
the Site
Subscribers can pause or cancel their subscriptions
Site admin can pause or cancel any subscription
Subscribers can change their subscriptions from automatic subscription renewal to
manual subscription renewal and vice versa
Subscribers can Upgrade/Downgrade/Crossgrade between Variations of variable
subscription product and other subscription product in Grouped Subscription products
Subscribers can switch between variations of the variable subscription product
Subscription price and subscription period can be set
Trial fee and sign up fee can be set
Option to get optional trial fee and sign up fee from the user
Site admin can view the list of subscriptions purchased on the site
Renewal date for any subscription can be changed by site admin
Log history for each subscription is captured and listed in each subscription page
Separate email templates for manual subscription renewal and automatic subscription
Payment reminder emails can be sent to the subscribers to make payments or to add
funds to the account in case of inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway and SUMO
Reward Points gateway if SUMO Reward Points plugin is Activated
Option to include/exclude shipping cost in subscription renewal
Option to include/exclude tax cost in subscription renewal
Option to include coupon code discount in subscription renewal
New coupon types for subscription products(1. Signup fee discount, 2. Signup fee %
discount, 3. Recurring fee discount, 4. Recurring fee % discount)
Option to restrict coupon code discount for specific user(s)/user role(s) in subscription
Number of renewal(s) to apply coupon code discount in subscription renewal can be
Time before due date for creating the renewal orders can be customized
When to send the payment reminder emails can be customized
Multiple payment reminder emails can be sent
Supports payment overdue feature
Duration of payment overdue can be customized
Mixed checkout feature
Option for the subscription to be changed to manual renewal mode when the
subscriber cancels the automatic payment (Inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway
and SUMO Reward Points gatwey(needs SUMO Reward Points plugin))
Admin can manually create a subscription order
Settings of subscription products can be bulk updated using Bulk Update
Master Log to record all the transactions throughout the site
Highly customizable
Translation ready
And more
User adds one or more subscription products to cart
In checkout page, all the available payment gateways will be listed
The user can make payment with any one of the available payment gateways
If the user chooses to make payment with the inbuilt Paypal Adaptive Payment
gateway or PayPal Reference Transaction gateway, there is an option for the user to
pre-approve the future renewal payments for the subscription, when enabled renewal
price will be automatically deducted from subscriber's PayPal account at the time of
If the user chooses to make payment with standard PayPal, then there is an option for
the user to enable Automatic Renewal, when enabled PayPal will take care of the
subscription renewals and charging of the renewal of subscriptions from the
subscriber's PayPal account.
If the user chooses to make payment with inbuilt Stripe Payment gateway, then there is
an option for the user to enable Automatic Renewal, when enabled, during renewal,
payment willl be automatically charged from the subscriber's account.
If the user chooses to make payment with SUMO Reward Points gateway(needs
SUMO Reward Points plugin), there is an option for the user to pre-approve the future
renewal payments for the subscription, when enabled, the cummulative points will be
deducted from subscriber's account.
If the user doesn't approves or enable future renewal option in any of the above
gateways, then the user needs to make the future renewal payments manually.
The subscription will be active once the payment is received.
If the user chooses to make payment with some other WooCommerce supported
gateways, then subscription renewal has to happen manually. If that situation arises,
an invoice email along with the payment link will be sent to the user(subscriber), with
the help of that link they can renew their subscription.
Once the payment is made by the user, the subscription will be renewed.
Subscriber can choose to purchase the products which are added in the cart as Order
Subscription in checkout page. It will be considered as a Single Subscription for the
Order subscription will not be applicable if the Cart contains Subscription Product or
Membership Plan Access Product(from SUMO Memberships plugin).
Trial Fee and Sign up Fee are not applicable for Order Subscriptions.
For Order Subscriptions, it is not possible for the Admin to customize the Renewal
Order Fee.
Using Upgrade/Downgrade, customers can switch to different Variations of a Variable
Subscription Product and different Subscription Product in Grouped Subscriptions
After Purchasing a Variable/Grouped Subscription product, on their My Account Page
Subscriptions sections Upgrade/Downgrade button will be displayed which when
clicked they will be redirected to the Variable Product/Grouped Product in order to
select the Subscription product they wish to Upgrade/Downgrade
Based on Admin Configuration Prorate amount for the new subscription product will be
calculated and charged from the user
Upgrade/Downgrade feature will not work for synchronization enabled subscription
If the subscription order is placed using PayPal Subscription API payment gateway,
then upgrade/downgrade option will not be displayed for the user.
Subscribers can switch only when Subscription status is Active.
For example, let us consider a variable subscription product with 2 variations(Variation 1 &
Variation 2), one variation priced $30/month and another priced $30/week
When the price is prorated for 1 day, the result will be as follows
Variation 1 → $30/30 days = $1/day
Variation 2 → $30/7 days = $4.29/day
In the above example, price per day of Variation 2 is higher than Variation 1
Upgrade/Downgrade/Crossgrade is defined as follows,
Upgrade → Price per day of switched subscription is higher than previous subscription
Downgrade → Price per day of switched subscription is lower than previous subscription
Crossgrade → Price per day of switched subscription is same as previous subscription
Go to Product -> Add Product
Select the product type as Simple Product.
Enter the regular price/sale price for the subscription product
Enable SUMO Subscription
Set the duration of the subscription product
If you want to provide a trial for your subscription, then select Forced Trial in Trial
Period option or else select Optional Trial in Trial Period option to give an option for
the subscriber to select the Trial as optional.
Select the Trial Type
If you wish to provide a paid trial, then the amount for the paid trial has to be entered.
Set the Trial Duration.
If you wish to set a sign up fee for the subscription product, then select Forced Sign
up in Sign up Fee option or else select Optional Sign up in Sign up Fee option to
give an option for the subscriber to select the Sign up as optional.
Set the sign up fee in Sign up Value field
Choose the Recurring Cycle of the subscription product. By default, the Recurring
Cycle will be Indefinite.
If Synchronized Renewals has to be happen for the product, then choose the day by
which Renewal has to be happen in Synchronize Renewals option(will be displayed
only when Synchronization is Enabled in General tab).
If you wish to give downloadable products along with the Subscription Product, then
select Enable Additional Digital Downloads checkbox and select the Downloadable
Products in Choose the Downloadable Products field(will be displayed only when
Additional Digital Downloads is Enabled in General tab)
Publish the product.
1. Synchronize Renewals option will not be applicable for Day Subscriptions
2. If Subscription Duration is selected as Week or Month and Synchronize Renewal is
set as Do not Synchronize, then synchronized renewal will not happen.
3. If Subscription Duration is selected as Year and 0 is set as Synchronize Renewal,
then synchronized renewal will not happen.
4. If the Subscription is a Weekly Subscription, then Synchronized Renewal will happen
only on the specified weeks based on the Subscription Duration.
For example: If the Subscription is 3 Week duration and Synchronization is set
as Sunday each Week, then Synchronization will happen every 3rd, 6th, 9th
Sunday and so on. If a user Subscribes in between, then they will be charged
only on a Synchronized Sunday. Until that it will be considered as Trial. If
Prorate is Enabled in General Settings, then Prorate will be calculated.
5. For Monthly Subscription, Synchronized Renewals will work only if the duration is 1
Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 4 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months and 24 Months.
Synchroined Renewals will happen for Monthly Subscription based on the given month
and on the upcoming months based on Subscription Duration.
For example: If the Subscription is 4 month duration and Synchronization is set
as 1st January, then Synchronization will happen on 1st January, 1st May, 1st
September and so on. In this case, if a user subscribes on December, for them
synchronization will happen on 1st January. If a user subscribes on July, for
them synchronization will happen on 1st September.
6. If the Subscription is a Yearly Subscription, then Synchronized Renewal will happen on
the year based on Subscription Duration.
For example: If the Subscription is 2 Year subscription and Synchronization is
set as 1st January and current date is 01-10-16, then Synchronization will
happen on 01-01-18, 01-01-20, 01-01-22, and so on. When a user subscribes
on or before 01-01-18, then Synchronization will happen on 01-01-18. In case if
a user subscribes after 01-01-18, then Synchronization will happen only on 01-
01-20. Until that it will be considered as Trial. If Prorate is Enabled in General
Settings, then Prorate will be calculated.
7. If Trial is enabled for the product, then Synchronized Renewal will happens after the
Trial Period. If the subscription is a Monthly Subscription and the duration is 2 months
with 1 month Trial period, then Synchronized Renewal will happen after first occurrence
of Synchronization after Trial period of 1 Month.
For example: Based on the above scenario, if Synchronization is set as 1st
January and the Subscription purchase date is 10th December, then Trial
duration will be from 10th December to 9th January. As the Synchronization date
exceeds the payment date it will check for next Synchronization date which will
be occurring on 1st March. Until that it will be considered as Trial. If Prorate is
Enabled in General Settings, then Prorate will be calculated.
The above scenario will be applicable for Weekly, Monthly and Yearly
8. If the Synchronization month which is set exceeds the current year for Monthly
subscription, then first synchronization will happen only on same month of Next year.
Until that it will be considered as Free or Prorate will be charged if Prorate is Enabled.
This is the limitation of the plugin.
For example: If the Subscription Duration is 2 Months, current date is 01-10-16
and synchronization is set as 01 July, then first sync will happen only on 01-06-
17. Until that it will be considered as Trial. If Prorate is Enabled in General
Settings, then Prorate will be calculated.
9. The Downloadable Products which are given in Additional Digital Downloads will be
available for download under Downloads section in My Account Page once the
Subscriber purchases the Subscription Product.
Go to Product -> Add Product
Select the product type as Variable Product.
Create attributes for the variable subscription product.
After creating the attributes, create a Variation for the subscription product.
Enter the regular price/sale price for the subscription variation.
Enable SUMO Subscription.
Set the duration of the subscription product
If you want to provide a trial for your subscription, then select Forced Trial in Trial
Period option or else select Optional Trial in Trial Period option to give an option for
the subscriber to select the Trial as optional.
Select the Trial Type
If you wish to provide a paid trial, then the amount for the paid trial has to be entered.
Set the Trial Duration.
If you wish to set a sign up fee for the subscription product, then select Forced Sign
up in Sign up Fee option or else select Optional Sign up in Sign up Fee option to
give an option for the subscriber to select the Sign up as optional.
Set the sign up fee in Sign up Value field
Choose the Recurring Cycle of the subscription product. By default, the Recurring
Cycle will be Indefinite.
If Synchronized Renewals has to be happen for the product, then choose the day by
which Renewal has to be happen in Synchronize Renewals option(will be displayed
only when Synchronization is Enabled in General tab)
If you wish to give downloadable products along with the Subscription Product, then
select Enable Additional Digital Downloads checkbox and select the Downloadable
Products in Choose the Downloadable Products field(will be displayed only when
Additional Digital Downloads is Enabled in General tab)
Publish the product.
Please refer to Note section under Creating a simple subscription product
Go to Product -> Add Product
Select the Product Type as Grouped Product.
Publish the Product.
Then, create a Simple Subscription Product using the steps which has given in
Creating a simple subscription product section.
Click Linked Products.
In the Grouping field, select the Grouped Product which was created.
Publish the Product.
Associate the Grouped Product in multiple Simple Subscription Products so that when
the user views the Grouped Product, all the associated Simple Subscription products
which are grouped will be displayed within the Grouped Product.
Go to WooCommerce -> Orders -> Add Order
Choose the user whom needs to assign the Subscription prouct in Customer field.
Provide the Billing Details / Shipping Details in the respective fields.
Set the status of the Order in Order status field.
If Order status is set as On Hold, Subscription status will become Pending.
If Order status is set as Pending Payment, Subscription status will become Pending.
If Order status is set as Processing, Subscription status will become Active.
If Order status is set as Completed, Subscription status will become Active.
If Order status is set as Cancelled, Subscription status will become Cancelled.
If Order status is set as Failed, Subscription status will become Cancelled.
In Item Metabox, click Add Item(s) button and then click Add Product(s) button.
Choose the Subscription product by searching the product name and click Add button.
Save the Order.
1. PayPal Subscriptions API(standard PayPal gateway that comes along with
WooCommerce by default)
2. Inbuilt SUMO Subscriptions - PayPal Reference Transactions Payment gateway
3. Inbuilt SUMO Subscriptions - PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway
4. Inbuilt SUMO Subscriptions - Stripe Payment gateway
SUMO Subscriptions plugin supports PayPal standard subscription API to handle
automatic renewal of subscription and charging of renewal of subscription.
To enable this feature go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General Settings ->
PayPal Settings
Enable the Include PayPal Standard Subscription API checkbox.
If user selects Enable Automatic Payments checkbox when selecting PayPal
gateway in checkout page and place the order, then payment for the renewal order will
be automatically charged. If the checkbox is not selected, then renewals will need to
happen manually.
Limitations of using Standard PayPal Subscriptions API Payment gateway for
Automatic Subscription:
Subscription Renewal Price cannot be modified by the site admin.
Switching from one variation to another is not allowed by subscriber/site admin.
Upgrade/Downgrade feature will not work
PayPal will manage with automatic creation of Renewal Orders and Processing of
Payments. It will not consider any plugin settings for creating renewal orders.
Users can't subscribe for multiple subscription products in a single checkout(but can
subscribe for multiple quantities of same subscription products).
Change of Status of Subscription is completely based on IPN Response.
Shipping and Tax cost can't be included/excluded in Renewal Orders. Exact price of
subscription amount in parent order will be charged for subscription Renewal.
Enable Automatic Payments checkbox will not display when PayPal payment
gateway is chosen, when the Cart contains subscriptions products with Synchronized
PayPal gateway will automatically change to manual recurring mode if the Cart
contains more than 1 products(subscription or non-subscription products), Order
Subscriptions, the subscription product has Signup Fee(without Trial)
An IPN (Instant Payment Notification ) is a message which is sent from PayPal to the
merchant's website in order to keep track of the transactions made in the merchant's
The current status of a subscription is determined based on the IPN received from
To understand the working of IPN please refer to the following
IPN notifications has to be enabled in the site admin's PayPal account.
To enable IPN notifications on your PayPal account do the following steps.
Login with your sandbox PayPal Email id on https://www.sandbox.paypal.com.
Navigate to MyAccount Profile
In profile, click on Selling Preferences Instant Payment Notification Preferences
Click on Choose IPN Settings
Enter your site URL in the notification URL text field
Select Receive IPN messages option and save
Now IPN notifications has been configured and your site will be able to receive IPN
notifications from PayPal.
First of all you need to have either premier or business account type to get your API
You can use PayPal sandbox account to try the test payment.
For getting PayPal API credentials, follow the steps provided in the link
To configure SUMO Subscriptions PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway,
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> SUMO Subscriptions - PayPal
Enable the PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway
The Title and Description of the payment gateway can be customized.
Set validity of Preapproval key by selecting Enable Preapproval Validity checkbox.
The maximum days that can be set is 365. If you need more than 365 days, then
contact PayPal and once the permission is granted by PayPal disable the checkbox.
Set maximum payment amount by using the gateway by selecting Include
"maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments" checkbox. The maximum amount can be set is
$2000. If you need more than $2000, then contact PayPal and once the permission is
granted by PayPal disable the checkbox.
Enter your PayPal email id in Receiver Paypal Email Field.
You can enable Sandbox mode in order to test payments.
In API credentials option enter the API Username, API Password, and API Signature
obtained from the PayPal.
After entering the Paypal API credentials, subscription products can be purchased
using PayPal.
Once you have done with Sandbox mode, proceed with Live mode.
To configure SUMO Subscriptions PayPal Reference Transactions gateway,
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> SUMO Subscriptions - PayPal
Reference Transactions
Enable the PayPal Reference Transactions gateway
The Title and Description of the payment gateway can be customized.
You can enable Sandbox mode in order to test payments.
In API credentials option enter the API Username, API Password, and API Signature
obtained from the PayPal.
After entering the Paypal API credentials, subscription products can be purchased
using PayPal.
Once you have done with Sandbox mode, proceed with Live mode.
Note: While enabling this gateway, whenever new API credentials are given, following
message will be displayed: Check here to know Reference Transactions is enabled
or not with your API for SUMO Subscriptions, click the link in the message to check
whether the API credentials are enabled or not for subscriptions. If it is not yet enabled,
then please contact PayPal to make it enable with your account.
Page Style Name Give a name to the Style. If you want to set the style which you
have created in your PayPal account(in PayPal, My Account -> Profile -> Hosted
Payment Settings -> Custom Page Styles -> Page Styles), then give that name.
Select Paypal Checkout Page Logo Upload a Logo to the checkout page
Choose Paypal Checkout Page Border Color Select the border color to be
displayed in the Paypal checkout page(only appears when redirected to Standard page
of PayPal).
Note: The given style will be overriden by the Style which you have created in your
PayPal account.
API credentials are needed in order for the above gateways to work. If the API
credentials are left empty, the gateways won't work.
By default, when a buyer chooses to pay with the inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment
gateway or PayPal Reference Transactions gateway, a checkbox will be displayed
along with the payment gateway. which when checked, the renewals of the
subscriiption will be automatically charged from the buyer. This behaviour can be
customized. To customize this behaviour, go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings ->
General Settings -> PayPal Adaptive Settings
If the Remove the option for the Subscriber to choose Automatic/Manual PayPal
Adaptive Payment option is enabled, then the checkbox which is displayed along the
payment gateway will be hidden by default, the subscription renewals will be
automatically charged from the user.
If you want to stop the feature of automatic subscription renewals,then in Force
Automatic/Manual Payment option choose Force Manual PayPal Adaptive
If the buyer chooses to pre-approve the future subscription renewals or Force
Automatic Payment is set by the admin , a preapproval key will be created for the
buyer who has purchased the subscription.
The initial subscription charges will be charged immediately from the buyer.
When the time for the subscription renewal is nearing, the renewal order will be
created, based on the day(s) set in SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General
Settings -> Renewal Order Settings -> Create Renewal Order
Example: If the subscription duration is 5 days and Create Renewal Order option is
set as 1, then the renewal order for the subscription will be created on the 4
When the subscription duration is about to end, the subscription system will try to
charge for the subscription renewal by using the preapproval key. If the amount has
been successfully charged, the subscription will be renewed .
Note: If the subscription system is not able to charge for the subscription renewals, the status
of the subscription will become Overdue.
When the subscription becomes Overdue, then it will remain in that status for a
specific duration, the subscriber will still have access to the subscription.
The duration of the overdue period can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions ->
Settings -> Notification Email Settings -> Overdue Notification by Email
A payment remainder email will be sent to subscriber stating the subscription charge
failure and a link to make the payment for subscription renewal.
The subscriber can either add funds to the PayPal account or renew the subscrtiption
renewal by making the payment using other gateways with the help of link provided in
the email.
The subscription system will attempt to charge for subscription renewals 2 times a day.
This frequency can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions -> Advanced Settings ->
Number of Attempts to charge Automatic Payment during Overdue status
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any one of the available
payment gateways, the subscription will become active and the subsciption renewals
will be changed to Manual Payment Mode.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any Automatic
gateways,the subsciption will become active and the subscription renewal will be
automatically handled by subscription system.
If the subscription system is unable to charge the amount for the subscription renewal
within the specific time, subscription will become Suspended.
When the subscription becomes Suspend, it will remain in that status for a specific
duration, during this period the subscriber will not have access to the subscription.
The duration of the subscription suspend can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions
-> Settings -> Notification Email Settings -> Suspend Notification by Email
A payment remainder email will be sent to subscriber stating the subscription charge
failure and a link to make the payment for subscription renewal.
The subscriber can either add funds to the PayPal account or renew the Subscrtiption
Renewal by making the payment using the link provided in the email.
The subscription system will attempt to charge for subscription renewals 2 times a day.
This frequency can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions -> Advanced Settings ->
Number of Attempts to charge Automatic Payment during Suspend status
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any one of the available
payment gateways except inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway(when Force
Manual PayPal Adaptive Payment option is enabled) will become active and the
subscription renewals will be changed to Manual Payment Mode.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using inbuilt PayPal Adaptive
Payment gateway(when Force Automatic PayPal Adaptive Payment option is
enabled), a preapproval key will be generated for the subscriber. This new preapproval
key will replace the old preapproval key. The subscription will become active and the
subscription renewals will be changed to Manual Payment Mode. The subscription
renewal will be automatically handled by subscription system.
If the subscription system is unable to charge the amount for the subscription renewal
within the specific time, subscription will become Cancelled.
When the subscription becomes Cancelled, the subscriber will not have access to
the Subscription.
The subscription will be cancelled by default. This can be customized in SUMO
Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Automatic Subscription ->
When Automatic Subscription goes to Cancel because of failed Payment, then
When the subscriber has revoked access to preapproval key, the subscription will be
cancelled by default.
This can be Customized in SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced ->
Autoamatic Subscription -> When Subscriber revokes access to Preapproval
Key/Billing ID(PayPal Adaptive Payment, PayPal Reference Transactions, SUMO
Reward Points Payment), then option.
In order to use the Inbuilt Stripe payment gateway, a Stripe Account is required. To
obtain an account go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/register?redirect=%2F
After sign up go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> SUMO Subscriptions - Stripe
Enable the Payment Gateway.
Enable the Test Mode check box.
The Test secret key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Test
Secret Key field.
The Test publishable key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API
Test Publishable Key field.
Card Brands to be Displayed Selected card brands to be displayed in the gateway
Saved Cards → Enable this option if you want your customers to save their cards for
future payments on the site. Customers can manage their cards from their My Account
Page → Payment method section
Now, the Subscription products can be purchased using the Inbuilt Stripe payment
In order to make real Payments, disable the test mode and enter the Live secret key
and Live publishable key.
The Live secret key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Live
Secret Key field.
The Live publishable key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API
Live Publishable Key field.
Automatic Payment Failure Settings
Authenticate Future Renewals using Default Card(only if Saved Cards option is
enabled)If enabled, whenever payment failure happen(for any reason) for an
already authorized subscription, payment retry will happen automatically using the
default card which was selected
Pending Authorization Period → If banks decline the authorization given by the user
for the automatic renewal of payments at the time of renewal, then subscription will
move to Pending Authorization status. The subscription will be in that status for the
number of days which you set here
Number of Emails to Send during Pending Authorization → During Pending
Authorization, notification email for pending authorization will be send. In one day, how
many emails has to be send can be configured in this option. If 2 is set, then 2 emails
will be sent on a day
If User selects Enable Automatic Payments checkbox and completes the order, then
payment for the renewal order will be automatically charged. If the checkbox is not
selected, then user needs to renew the subscription manually.
Manual subscription payments can be done by using any one of the available payment
gateways or when the user doesn't pre-approve using the inbuilt payment gateways.
The buyer can choose to pay using any one of the available payment gateway and
purchase the subscription.
When the time for the subscription renewal is nearing, the renewal order will be
created, based on the day(s) set in SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General
Settings -> Renewal Order Settings -> Create Renewal Order
Example: If the subscription duration is 5 days and Create Renewal Order option is
set as 1, then the renewal order for the subscription will be created on the 4
An invoice email will be sent to the subscribed user with a link to pay for the
subscription's renewal
The payment reminder notification email will be sent based on the number of days set
as comma separated values in the SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Notification
Email Settings -> Reminder Notification by Email option.
1. If the subscription duration is 5 days and Reminder Notification by Email option is set
as 1,2,3 then the payment remind notification email will be sent on 3,2,1 day(s) before
subscription renewal. Users can pay their subscriptions by clicking the payment option
provided in the Invoice mail.
2. If the subscription duration is 4 days and Reminder Notification by Email option is set
as 1,2,3,4,5 and Create Renewal Order is set as 4, then the renewal order will be
created 4 days before subscription renewal, then the payment reminder notification
email will be sent on the 4
days before subscription renewal. The
remaining number of days will be neglected based upon the subscription product plan.
For subscription renewal, an Invoice email along with payment link will be sent to the
The subscriber will have make the payment by clicking the link provided in the invoice
Once the payment has been made and received, the subscription will be renewed.
The payment remainder notification emails will be sent to the subscriber.
The subscriber can make the payment using any one of the available payment
gateways the subscription will be renewed once the payment has been made and
If the payment is not made/received, the subscription will become Overdue.
When the subscription becomes Overdue, the subscription will remain in that status for
a specific duration, the subscriber will still have access to the subscription.
The duration of the subscription overdue can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions
-> Settings -> Notification Email Settings -> Overdue Notification by Email
An invoice email along with the link to make the payment for subscription renewal will
be sent to the subscriber.
The subscriber can renew the subscription by making the payment using the link
provided in the Invoice email.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any one of the available
payment gateways, the subscription will be changed to Manual Payment Mode.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any Automatic Payment
gateways, the subscription will become Active, and the subscription renewal will be
automatically handled by subscription system.
If the payment is not made within the overdue period, subscription will become
When the subscription becomes Suspend, the subscription will remain in that status
for a specific duration, during this period the Subscriber will not have access to the
The Duration of the Subscription Suspend can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions
-> Settings -> Notification Email Settings -> Suspend Notification by Email
An invoice email will be sent to subscriber, along with a link to make the payment for
subscription renewal.
The subscriber can renew the subscrtiption renewal by making the payment using the
link provided in the email.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any one of the available
payment gateways, the subscription will become active and the subscription will be
changed to Manual Payment Mode.
If the subscriber makes the payment by clicking the link, using any Automatic Payment
gateways, the subscription will become Active, and the subscription renewal will be
automatically handled by subscription system.
If the payment is not made within the suspended period, the subscription will become
When the subscription becomes Cancelled, the subscriber will not have access to the
The Payment reminder emails will not be sent.
If the subscriber cancels the subcription, the subscriber will not be able to access the
If the subscription was on automatic mode, renewal orders will not be created, the
subscription system will not attempt to charge for the subcription.
If the subscription was on manual mode, renewal orders will not be created, and
invoice emails will not be sent
The subscription cannot be changed to active
If the subscriber pauses the subscription, the subscriber will not be able to access the
If the subscription is on automatic mode, renewal orders will not be created, the
subscription system will not attempt to charge for the subscription
If the subscription was on manual mode, renewal orders will not be created, and
invoice emails will not be sent.
Once the subscription is resumed, the subscriber will have access to the subscription.
If the subscription is on automatic mode, renewal orders will be created, the
subscription system will attempt to charge for the subscription.
If the subscription is on manual mode, renewal orders will be created, and invoice
emails will be sent.
When a subscription has been expired, the subscriber will not be able to access the
If the subscription was on automatic payment mode, the preapproval key will be
By default, a subscriber can purchase any number of subscriptions, any quantity of a
subscription in the site.
If you want to provide a restriction in number of active subscriptions for each
subscriber, go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Limit/Restriction
Settings -> Limit Subscription for each Subscriber
If One Active Subscription per Product is chosen, the subscriber will be allowed to
purchase only one quantity of the subscripiton. The subscriber will not be allowed to
purchase an already active Subscription.
If One Active Subscription throughout the Site is chosen, the subscriber will not be
allowed to purchase any other subscription in the site, when a subscription is already
By default, a subscriber can use the trial feature for a subscription product any number
of times, A subscriber can use the trial feature for all the products in the site.
If you want to provide a restriction in trial access for subscriptions, go to SUMO
Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Limit/Restriction Settings -> Limit Trial
for each Subscriber
If One Active Trial per Product is chosen, the subscriber will be allowed to allowed to
use the trial feature for a product only once. If the subscriber tries to purchase the
same subscription product once again, they will have to pay the full subscription price.
If One Active Trial throughout the Site is chosen, the subscriber will be allowed to
use the trial feature on the site only once. If the subscriber tries to purchase the same
subscription product, or any other subscription product which has trial enabled, they
will have to pay the full subscription price.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Order Subscription -> Enable Order
Choose Subscription Duration, Subscription Duration Value and subscription
recurring in Recurring Cycle options.
When Checkout State option is Checked, then by default Order Level Subscription is
Enabled on checkout and when it is Unchecked then the subscriber can choose Order
Level Subscription on checkout.
This Subscription cannot be limited to number of Active subscriptions for each
A Subscription can be in any one of the status
When a subscription has been purchased, a unique number will be associated with the
All the subscriptions purchased from the site will be listed
To manage the subscriptions go to, SUMO Subscriptions -> List of Subscriptions
1. Pending – subscription has been purchased and the initial payment is not yet received.
2. Trial – subsciption is currently in the trial period
3. Active – subsciption is currently active
4. Overdue – subscription renewal payment is not made/received
5. Cancelled – subscription has been cancelled by the subscriber/admin
6. Suspended – subscription renewal payment is not made within the overdue duration
7. Failed – when the user is not able to make the payment or the subscription system is
not able to charge the subscription renewal payments
8. Paused – subscription has been paused by the subscriber/admin
9. Expired – subsciption has been expired
The subscripitons can be sorted based on the following
1. Status
2. Subsciption Number
3. Order Id
4. Subsciption Start Date
5. Subsciption End Date
A subsciption will be considered inactive, if its current subsciption status is not active.
The site admin can Pause/Cancel an active subsciption or Cancel an inactive
subsciption inside the edit subsciption page.
The site admin can modify the renewal price for the subsciption.
The subscription product Information can be viewed
The log history of the subsciption events will be displayed in different background
The site admin can delete all the subsciptions at once using the Bulk Actions option.
Subsciption system will send emails to the user/site admin. These email templates can be
found in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails
The List of Emails which can be Sent are
Subsciption New Order → can be sent to the buyer when the subsciption has been
Subsciption Processing Order → can be sent to the buyer when the order status of
the currently purchased subsciption is processing.
Subsciption Completed Order → can be sent to the buyer when the order status of
the currently purchased subsciption is completed.
Subsciption Invoice - Manual → can be sent to the buyer with a link to make the
payment, when the subsciption has to be renewed in manual mode.
Subsciption Subscription Renwal to Manual Subscription Renewal → can be sent
to the buyer notifying the buyer to add funds to the account and a link to make the
payment, when the subsciption has to be renewed in automatic mode.
Automatic Subscription Renewal to Manual Subscription Renewal →This email
will be sent when the Subscription System is unable to charge for Subscription renewal
within Suspend status and Subscription is changed to Manual payment mode.
Subscription Renewed Order -- Automatic emails are sent to the customers when the
automatic subscription is Successfully.
Subsciption Payment Overdue - Manual → can be sent to the buyer when the
subsciption is in the overdue status in manual mode.
Subsciption Payment Overdue - Automatic→ can be sent to the buyer when the
subsciption is in the overdue status in automatic mode.
Susbcription Suspended - Manual → can be sent to the buyer when the subsciption
is in the suspend status in manual mode.
Susbcription Suspended - Automatic → can be sent to the buyer when the
subsciption is in the suspend status in automatic mode.
Subsciption Paused → can be sent to the subscriber, if the subsciption has been
Subsciption Cancelled → can be sent to the subscriber, if the subsciption has been
Subsciption Expired → can be sent to the subscriber, if the subsciption has been
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Renewal Order Settings
Create Renewal Order → how many days prior to subscription renewal date, the
renwal orders has to be created.
Note: The number of days should be lesser than the subscription duration.
Note: If the value is left empty or 0 is entered, then the renewal orders will be
created on the subscription renewal date
Include Shipping Costs in Renewal Order → whether the initial shipping cost has to
be included in the renewal order
Charge Shipping Cost only during Renewals of Subscriptions when
Subtotal is 0 - If enabled, shipping cost wil be charged only in the renewals of
the subscription when the subtotal is zero. Subtotal will be zero only when the
Subscriptions in the cart has either Free Trial or Free payment is applied for
Synchronized periods.
Include Tax Costs in Renewal Order → whether the initial tax cost has to be included
in the renewal order
Apply Coupon Code Discount in Renewal Order→ if you wish to give the discount
of used coupon in parent order for all the renewal orders, then enable this option.
Coupon Code Discount in Renewal Order applicable for→ if you want to restrict the
discount for renewal order only for specific User(s)/User Role(s), then make use of this
Number of Renewal(s) to Apply Coupon Code Discount → if you want to restrict the
discount for renewal order only for specific number of renewals, then select Fixed
Renewal(s) in this option.
Number of Times Apply Coupon Code Discount in Renewal Order → Set
the renewal count to apply coupon code discount in this field.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Renewal Order Email Notification
Send Payment Reminder Email - Manual/Automatic → how many days prior to
subscription renewal date, the payment reminder email notifications has to be sent.
Multiple payment reminder email notifications can be sent. The days on which the
payment reminder email notifications has to be sent has to be separated by a comma.
In case of Manual reminder email, Pay link will be sent in order to make the renewal
and in case of Automatic, email will be sent in order to add sufficient funds in their
Note :
The number of days should be lesser than Create Renewal Order days
If left empty or 0, the payment reminder notification email will be sent on the
subscription renewal date.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Overdue and Suspend Settings
Overdue Period → how long the subscription needs to be in Overdue status can be
configured here. If set as 0 then, the subscription will go to Suspend status.
Suspend Period → how long the subscription needs to be in Suspend status can be
configured here. If set as 0 then, the subscription will go to Cancelled status.
Note: If both Overdue and Suspend Period is set as 0, then without going to Overdue and
Suspend status, subscription will be Cancelled
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Limit/Restriction Settings
Mixed Checkout → if enabled, user can purchase subscription products along with non-
subscription products in a single checkout.
Limit Subscription for each Subscriber → restrict the user by
No Restriction – buyer can purchase any quantity of the same product, the same
product can be purchased multiple times when the product is already active.
One Active Subscription Per Product – buyer will be allowed to purchase only one
quantity of the subscription product, Buyer cannot purchase the same product, if the
subscription product has already been purchased and active. The buyer can buy the
subscription product only after the subscription is Cancelled or Expired.
One Active subscription Throughout the Site - buyer will be allowed to purchase
only one quantity of the subscription product, buyer cannot purchase any other
subscription product in the site, if a subscription product has already been purchased
and active. The buyer can buy other subscription product only after the active
subscription is Cancelled or Expired.
Limit Trial for each Subscriber → restrict the user by
No Restriction – buyer can use the trial feature for the same product multiple times.
One Trial Per Product – buyer will be allowed to use the trial feature for a subscription
product only once. buyer cannot use the trial feature the same product once again, If
the buyer tries to purchase the same subscription product again, the buyer will have to
pay the full subscription amount.
One Trial Throughout the Site - buyer will be allowed to use the trial feature for a
subscription product only once. Buyer cannot use the trial feature for any other
subscription product, If the buyer tries to purchase any other subscription product with
trial enabled, the buyer will have to pay the full subscription amount.
Limit Variable subscription Products at customize where to apply the restriction for
variable products. i.e. from Product Level or else from Variant Level.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> Payment Gateway Settings
Accept Manual Payment Gateways →If enabled, manual payment gateways( which
are enabled in (WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout) will be displayed along with
automatic payment gateways in checkout page when subscription product is added in
Disable Automatic Payment Gateways →If enabled, automatic payment gateways
will be hidden in checkout page.
Remove the option for the Subscriber to choose Automatic/Manual Subscription
Renewal → if enabled, the option for the user to choose to preapprove future
payments will not be visible and the user will be forced to preapprove the future
payments or the payment will be considered as a manual payment based on the option
selected in Force Automatic/Manual Payment.
Enable Paypal Standard Subscription APIif enabled, PayPal subscription API will
be activated and if subscriber chooses to pay using PayPal payment gateway and
PayPal will manage with the subscription renewal.
In this section, you can allow your subscribers to use the features such as subscription pause,
subscription cancel, subscription switching, etc. If you allow the features then, options will be
displayed for the subscribers on their My Account Page in order to make use of the features.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> My Account -> My Account Page Settings
Allow Subscribers to Pause their Subscriptions → if enabled, display the option of
pausing the subscription for the subscriber.
Allow Subscribers to Cancel their Subscriptions → if enabled, display the option of
cancelling the subscription for the subscriber.
Allow Subscribers to Cancel their Subscriptions after → here you can set
the minimum number of days the subscriber needs to wait in order to cancel the
subscription. During the waiting period, Cancel button will not be displayed in My
Account page. If left empty or set as 0 then, the button will be displayed
Product/Category Filter → here you can select specific products/categories to
allow cancel options for the subscribers
All subscription product(s) → by default, this option will be selected
which means cancel feature will be allowed for all subscription products
Included subscription product(s) → if this option is selected, you can
limit the cancel feature for speicific subscription products
Excluded subscription product(s) → if this option is selected, you can
exclude some of the subscription products from allowing cancel feature.
All subscription categorires → if this option is selected then, cancel
feature will be allowed for all subscription products which are associated
in any of the available categories
Included subscription categories → if this option is selected then, you
can limit the cancel feature for subscription products under specific
Excluded subscription categories → if this option is selected then, you
can exclude subscription products from specific categories from allowing
cancel feature
User/Userrole Filter → here you can select specific user/userroles to allow
cancel options for the subscribers
All users → by default, this option will be selected which means cancel
feature will e allowed for all the subscribers
Include user(s) → if this option is selected, you can allow selected
subscribers from using the cancel feature
Exclude user(s) → if this option is selected, you can exclude selected
subscribers from using the cancel feature
Include userrole(s) → if this option is selected, you can allow
subscribers of specific userroles from using the cancel feature
Exclude userrole(s) → if this option is selected, you can exclude
subscribers of specific userroles from using the cancel feature
Cancel Options that should be available to the Subscriber → SUMO
Subscriptions supports 3 types of cancelling options. The options selected here
will be displayed for the subscribers
Cancel immediately → by default, this option only will be selected so
that subscribers can cancel their subscription immediately. If the
subscriber selects this option then, their subscription will be cancelled
Cancel at the end of billing cycle → if you have selected this option,
then if the subscriber selects this option, the subscription will be cancelled
at the end of current billing cycle which means no future renewals will
happen for their subscriptions.
Cancel on a scheduled date → if you have selected this option, then if
the subscriber selects this option, they can select a specific date during
the current billing cycle in order to cancel their subscription. Until the
scheduled date, they will have access to the subscription.
Allow Switching between Variations of a Variable Subscription Product → if
enabled, the subscriber can switch between any Variations of the same variable
subscription product. Once the option is enabled, subscribers can switch the variation
by clicking Switch Variation button of the respective variable subscription product in My
Subscriptions section under My Account page.
Note: For switching, the variation of the variable subscription product which the
user wish to switch must be with same Price and same Subscription
settings(Subscription Duration, Subscription Duration Value, Trial Period, Sign
up Fee, Recurring Cycle, Synchronize Renewals) at the time of switching.
Allow Subscribers to Resubscribe → if enabled, subscribers can resubscribe for
their expired/cancelled subscription with the same settings even if the settings(price,
duration,etc) is changed
Hide Resubscribe Button when if left empty, then resubscribe button
will be displayed for expired/cancelled subscriptions. If any of the given
option is selected then resubscribe button will be displayed for specific
cases only.
Allow Subscribers to Turn Off Automatic Payments → if enabled, in case if the
subscriber has enabled automatic subscription renewals, they can turn off the
automatic renweal from their My Account page. If subscriber turned off then, manual
payment mode will be processed and payment reminder emails will be sent based on
the settings.
Allow Subscribers to Change the Shipping Address → if enabled, subscribers are
allowed to edit their shipping address so that the new shipping address will be taken
care for further renewals of the subscriptions.
By default, for downloadable subscription products, if a subscriber subscribes for the product
then when the site admin links additional files to the product, already subscribed subscribers
can download the newly added files from Download section from My Account page. This
behavior can be controlled.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> My Account -> Downloadable Product
Content Dripping → if enabled, when a new file is added to the downloadable
subscription product, the already subscribed subscribers can't see the newly added
files. It will be displayed only when the renewal of the subscription is completed for the
You can link additional products(Downloadable Products) with Subscription Products as a
Complementary to the Subscribers for Subscribing to the Product.
To Enable it, go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> My Account -> Additional Digital
Downloads Settings
Enable Additional Digital Downloads for Subscription Products if enabled,
Enable Additional Digital Downloads checkbox will be visible in Product backend
settings page so that if enabled you can add the Downloadable products which need to
be linked to the Subscription Product.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Synchronization -> Synchronization Settings
Enable Synchronization for Subscription Product → if enabled, Synchronization
option will be displayed in Product backend of SUMO Subscriptions Enabled products.
Show Synchronized Next Payment Date in Single Product Page → if enabled, next
payment date for the respective Subscription product will be displayed in single product
Payment for Synchronized Period -
Free→if selected, if the Subscription is a 1 week subscription with a
Subscription charge of $70 and Synchronization is set to be on Wednesday
each week, then if a customer subscribes for the product on Sunday, the initial
subscription charge for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be charged as
$0(free) and for the renewal of the subscription, $70 will be charged from the
Full Subscription Fee if selected, initial subscription charge and renewal of
the subscription charges will always be charged as full subscription fee.
Prorate Payment →
if selected, for Synchronized products price will be calculated in Prorate
Payment. For example, if the Subscription is a 1 week subscription with a
Subscription charge of $70 and Synchronization is set to be on
Wednesday each week, then if a customer subscribes for the product on
Sunday, the initial subscription charge will be taken for Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday. Hence the initial charge will be $30(70/7 days = 10 for 1
day). For the renewal of the subscription, $70 will be charged from the
Prorate Payment for → this option will be displayed when Prorate
Payment option is selected. Choose whether the Prorate Payment need
to be calculated for All Subscription Products or else only for All Virtual
Prorate Payment on this option will be displayed when Prorate
Payment option is selected. Choose whether the Prorate payment need
to be charged in First Recurring or else in First Payment.
1. Prorate Payment will not be calculated if Trial is enabled for the Subscription Product.
2. Prorate charge of the respective subscription product will be displayed in Cart Page if
First Payment option is chosen as Prorate Payment on.
3. You can customize the message for Synchronization in SUMO Subscriptions ->
Settings -> Messages -> Synchronization Message Settings. Synchronization
Message will be displayed after Subscription Message in SIngle Product Page which
can be customized in Synchronization Plan Message field. You can use the
shortcode [sumo_synchronized_next_payment_date] to display the next payment
date in this field.
4. You can customize the message for Prorate which will be displayed in Cart Page in
SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Messages -> Synchronization Message
5. If you have chosen Prorate Payment on as First Recurring, then the message which
is given in Prorated Amount Message during First Renewal field will be displayed in
Cart Page. If you have chosen it as First Payment, then Prorated Amount Message
during First Payment field will be displayed in Cart Page.
Go to SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Order Subscription -> Order Subscription
Enable Order Subscription as a Single Subscription → if enabled, Order
Subscription feature will be enabled.
Order Subscription Duration is chosen by if Admin is selected, then duration
which admin sets in Subscription Duration, Subscription Duration Value and
Recurring Cycle will be considered for Order Subscription. If User is selected, then
when the User enables the Order Subscription checkbox, they will be asked to choose
the duration.
Enable Order Subscription Checkbox in Checkout Page → if this option is enabled,
then by default Order Subscription checkbox will be in Enable mode in checkout page.
Note: Order subscription will not be applicable if the Cart contains Subscription Product or
Membership Plan Access Product(from SUMO Memberships plugin).
Go to SUMO Subscriptions → Settings → Upgrade/Downgrade → Upgrade/Downgrade
Allow Upgrade/Downgrade → if enabled, customers can able to
Upgrade/Downgrade/Crossgrade their subscription products
Allow Upgrade/Downgrade Between
Subscription Variations → select this option if you want to allow
upgrade/downgrade between variations of variable subscription products
Grouped Subscriptions → select this option if you want to allow
upgrade/downgrade between subscription products in a grouped subscription
Prorate Recurring Payment → if you want to prorate the gap payment select whether
Upgrades/Downgrades of subscriptions(virtual/all) has to be prorated
Charge Sign Up Fee → select how sign up fee has to be charged while switching the
Do Not Charge → if this option is selected, Sign Up Fee will not be charged for
switched subscription.
Charge Gap Sign Up Fee → if this option is selected, the difference in Sign Up
Fee will be charged from the user
Charge Full Sign Up Fee → if this option is selected, full Sign Up Fee for the
switched subscription will be charged from the user
Prorate Subscription Recurring Cycle → by default, recurring cycle for the
switched subscription will be set as the Recurring Cycle of new subscription. If you
want to Prorate the Recurring Cycle, then select the subscription
products(virtual/all) which you want to prorate
Upgrade/Downgrade Button Text → Set the label for the Upgrade/Downgrade button
which will be displayed in My Account Page
SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced -> Advanced Settings
Set Subscription Product as Regular Product for Specific Userrole(s) → Here you
can set the rules for displaying subscription product(s) as regular product(s) for specific
userrole(s). You can't add membership plan accessible subscription product(s) created
using SUMO Memberships plugin here.
Date and Time Format→If "WordPress Format" is selected then, Subscription date
and time will be displayed based upon the option selected in WordPress.
Show Payment Gateways if the Subscription Order Amount is 0 →If enabled,
payment gateways will be displayed in checkout page even if the order amount is 0
when the cart contains subscription product. In case of automatic payments, subscriber
doesn’t need to visit the site during payment renewals if this option is enabled. Note:
This settings not applicable for PayPal Adaptive payment gateway.
Renewal Order Delay Time→ when a renewal order has to be created, the creation of
the renewal order will be delayed for the x number of minutes specified. This is to avoid
confusion in sending subscription renewal emails to subscribers, when the subscription
duration is less.
Example: If the subscription duration is 1 day, the Create Renewal Order is set to 1
day, Remainder Notification by Email is set to 1 day, the behaviour will be as follows.
1. Buyer purchases the subscription product, the subscription will become active once the
payment is received.
2. Payment remainder email will be sent immediately after purchasing the subscription
because, the renewal order is created immediately as soon as the subscription has
been purchased.
3. This causes a confusion. If Renewal Order Delay Time is set to 10 minutes, the
renewal order will be created only after 10 minutes of the subscription being purchased.
4. The email will be sent only after the order being created.
Number of Attempts to charge Automatic Payment during Overdue status → the
number of times, the subscription system should attempt to charge for the subscription
renewal payments when subscription is in overdue status.
Number of Attempts to charge Automatic Payment during Suspend status → the
number of times, the subscription system should attempt to charge for the subscription
renewal payments when subscription is in suspend status.
SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced -> Automatic Payment Failure-
Preapproval Access Revoked
When Subscriber revokes access to Preapproval Key/Billing ID (PayPal Adaptive
Payment, Paypal Reference Transactions) then (or) When Subscriber revokes
access to Preapproval Key/Billing ID (PayPal Adaptive Payment, Paypal
Reference Transactions, SUMO Reward Points Payment) then(when SUMO
Reward Points plugin is activated) change the susbcription to cancel or let the
subscribers choose other payment gateway when automatic payment is failed
Maximum Waiting Time During Manual Payment Mode(Preapproval Access
Revoked) Before Subscription becomes Cancelled → this option will be displayed
when the above option is selected as Proceed with manual payment. Here you can set
the number of days to be in last known status before the subscription becomes
Send Payment Reminder Email During Waiting Time → here you can set the day
which payment reminder email need to be sent. If it is set as 1,2,3 then, email will be
sent before 3rd day, 2nd day and 1st day of the waiting period.
SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced -> Automatic Payment Failure-Charging
Not Successful
When Automatic Subscription goes to Cancel because of failed Payment, then →
change the susbcription to cancel or let the subscribers choose other payment gateway
when the subscription system is not able to fetch the payment in Automatic Mode.
Maximum Waiting Time During Manual Payment Mode(Charging Not Successful)
Before Subscription becomes Cancelled → this option will be displayed when the
above option is selected as Proceed with manual payment. Here you can set the
number of days to be in last known status before the subscription becomes cancelled.
Send Payment Reminder Email During Waiting Time → here you can set the day
which payment reminder email need to be sent. If it is set as 1,2,3 then, email will be
sent before 3rd day, 2nd day and 1st day of the waiting period.
API credentials are needed in order for subscrptions to work properly. If API credentials are
not entered, the active subscriptions cannot be suspended or cancelled.
IPN message notifications has to be enabled in the site admin PayPal account. If the
IPN hasn't been enabled in the site admin's PayPal account the current status of the
subscription product can't be retrieved.
PayPal will not be able to send IPN notifications to the website, if the Website is in
maintenance mode.
How to set up a Server Cron using CPanel such as HostGator
If you want to perform cron with exact timing then you can set it from your server. Steps to
follow to set up real cron
1. First disable wp-cron by adding this line define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); in wp-
2. Then set up the cron from your server cpanel by accessing the advanced section.
3. Select the cron jobs and add new cron job with the time interval you are interested In
4. Add the following command in command section of the Add New Cron Job.
wget -q -O - http://yourwebsite.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron >/dev/null
5. Change yourwebsite.com to your website domain name for the above command.
6. Click Add New Cron Job. That’s it.
7. Note: If you use some security plugins, those plugins might restrict this wget
command by writing mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess file. Like this RewriteCond %
{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Wget [NC,OR] Remove this line in order to make server
cron work. Please keep in mind the security implications of this change.
1. sumosubscriptions_active_subscription - Trigger after Subscription is Active
2. sumosubscriptions_pause_subscription - Trigger after Subscription is Paused
3. sumosubscriptions_cancel_subscription - Trigger after Subscription is Cancelled
4. sumosubscriptions_admin_send_manual_subscription_email - Trigger after
Admin manually send the Subscription emails
5. sumosubscriptions_manual_{$subscription_status}_subscription - Trigger when
Subscription custom status gets updated
6. sumosubscriptions_before_adding_renewal_order_item - Trigger before adding
subscription order item upon creating renewal order
7. sumosubscriptions_before_adding_shippping_in_renewal_order - Trigger before
adding shipping upon creating renewal order
8. sumosubscriptions_before_adding_discount_in_renewal_order - Trigger before
adding discount upon creating renewal order
9. sumosubscriptions_fire_{$cron_event_name} - Trigger before Subscription Cron
event gets elapsed
10. sumosubscriptions_process_preapproval_status - Check the Automatic
Subscription Preapproval status is valid to renew the Subscription
11. sumosubscriptions_process_preapproved_payment_transaction -
Automatically transact the renewal charges
12. sumosubscriptions_preapproved_payment_transaction_success - Trigger
after the Subscription renewal Success
13. sumosubscriptions_preapproved_payment_transaction_failed - Trigger
after the Subscription renewal failed
14. sumosubscriptions_preapproved_access_is_revoked - Trigger after the
Automatic renewal access is revoked by Subscriber
15. sumosubscriptions_email_order_details - Display Subscription details table
in Subscription email template
16. sumosubscriptions_email_order_meta - Add Subscription order meta in
Subscription email template
17. sumosubscriptions_before_view_subscription_table - Trigger before View
Subscription table in My Account page
18. sumosubscriptions_after_view_subscription_table - Trigger after View
Subscription table in My Account page
19. sumosubscriptions_checkout_update_order_meta - Trigger when
Subscription Order checkout is processing
20. sumosubscriptions_after_new_subscriptions_added - Trigger after new
subscriptions gets placed
21. sumosubscriptions_before_adding_new_subscriptions - Trigger before new
subscription gets placed
22. sumosubscriptions_before_subscription_is_created - Trigger before the
subscription is created
23. sumosubscriptions_subscription_created - Trigger after the subscription is
1. sumosubscriptions_valid_subscription_statuses_to_become_active_subscriptio
n - Filter the Subscription statuses to become Active Subscription
2. sumosubscriptions_subscription_failed_statuses - Get Subscription failed statuses
3. sumosubscriptions_edit_subscription_page_readonly_mode - Bool Admin can
update edit subscription page html fields.
4. sumosubscriptions_admin_can_change_subscription_statuses - Bool Admin can
update the Subscription statuses
5. sumosubscriptions_edit_subscription_statuses - Returns Admin editable
Subscription statuses
6. sumosubscriptions_show_cron_events_post_type_ui - Bool to show Subscription
cron events post type menu
7. sumosubscriptions_my_subscriptions_table_title - Alter My Subscriptions table
title in My Account page
8. sumosubscriptions_schedule_subscription_crons - Bool whether to schedule the
cron event or not
9. sumosubscriptions_cart_product_total - Returns subscription item total in cart
10. sumosubscriptions_add_new_subscriptions - Bool to add new subscriptions
upon customer placing the subscription order
11. sumosubscriptions_payment_mode_switcher_payment_gateways - Get
valid payment gateways applicable for payment mode switcher
12. sumosubscriptions_get_payment_mode_switcher_in_payment_gateway -
Get payment mode switcher field for payment gateways
13. sumosubscriptions_display_variation_switch_fields - Upon displaying
Subscription variation switcher
14. sumosubscriptions_multiplication_factor - Alter stripe multiplication factor
15. sumosubscriptions_product_price_msg_for_subsc_fee - Get Subscription
fee in displaying subscription plan
16. sumosubscriptions_renewal_item_total - Alter subscription renewal order
item total upon creating renewal order
17. sumosubscriptions_alter_subscription_plan - Get Subscription plan
18. sumosubscriptions_alter_subscription_plan_meta - Get Subscription plan
19. sumosubscriptions_my_subscription_table_pause_action - Bool to show
Pause button to Subscriber
20. sumosubscriptions_my_subscription_table_cancel_action - Bool to show
Cancel button to Subscriber
21. sumosubscriptions_order_has_subscriptions - Bool to check whether the
order contains subscriptions
22. sumosubscriptions_subscription_type - Get the type of subscription based
on customer checkout the subscription order
23. sumosubscriptions_get_next_payment_date - Get the subscription next
payment/due date
SUMO Subscriptions Plugin is translation ready meaning you can edit the po files by which
you can translate the text to any language.
The steps to do the translation are as follows. For eg let us consider translation to French.
1. Download and install Poedit
2. Open the file sumosubscriptions-> languages folder -> sumosubscriptions-fr_FR.po
using Poedit.
3. Choose the Source text and set its corresponding French text in Translation Text Area.
4. Save the changes.
5. If you are using WordPress Version 3.9.13 or below, then in wp-config.php define the
WPLANG as French. Syntax is define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
6. If you are using WordPress Version 4.0 or above, then go to WordPress dashboard ->
Settings -> General and select the Site Language as French
SUMO Memberships
When a Subscription product is set to provide access to a Membership Plan, then the
Membership Plan will be controlled by the Subscription.
When a Subscription becomes Active, Membership Plan will become Active and the
restricted contents can be accessed.
When the Subscription is Renewed successfully, Membership Plan is also Renewed.
If the Subscription is Paused by User/SIte Admin, access to the Membership Plan will
be stopped.
If the Subscription is Expired, access to the Membership Plan will be stopped.
If the Subscription is Overdue, User can access the restricted contents.
If the Subscription is Suspended, User cannot access the restricted contents.
If the Subscription is Cancelled by User/Site Admin, access to the Membership Plan
will be stopped.
SUMO Donations
When a Subscription Product is chosen as a Donation Product, then for every Renewal
of Subscription, Donation amount will be charged as the Subscription amount.
SUMO Affiliates
Admin can control whether to award Affiliate commission or not for the Renewal of
Subscription Product.
SUMO Reward Points
Admin can control whether to award Reward Points or not for the Renewal of
Subscription Product.
Users can buy and renew SUMO Subscription products using their Earning Points by
proceeding with SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway. Also, users can preapprove
the future renewal so that renewals will happen automatically and points will be auto
deducted from the User's account. Admin has the ability to Force the future renewals to
be happen Automatically or else Manually when SUMO Reward Points Gateway is
chosen for Payment.
Configuring SUMO Reward Points Gateway for Renewal of SUMO
Subscription products
Goto WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> SUMO Reward Points Gateway
By default, when a buyer chooses to pay with the SUMO Reward Points Gateway, a
checkbox will be displayed along with the payment gateway which when checked, the
renewals of the subscriiption will be automatically charged from the buyer.
If the Remove the option for the Subscriber to choose Automatic/Manual Reward
Points Payment option is enabled, then Force Automatic/Manual Payment option will
be displayed, If you want the subscriber's to make only Automatic renewals when
proceeding with SUMO Reward Points gateway, then select Force Automatic Reward
Points Payment.
If you want to stop the feature of automatic subscription renewals,then in Force
Automatic/Manual Payment option choose Force Manual Reward Points Payment.
Note: Cummulative points for Renewal Orders will be calculated based on Redeeming
Conversion Settings at the time of Renewal Order creation.
1. Does it support simple subscriptions and variable
Yes, it supports both simple subscriptions and variable subscriptions.
2. Will the subsciption renewal be automatic?
The subscription renewal will be automatic, if the user makes payment with any Automatic
Payment gateways by preapproving the future renewal payments or admin has set to Force
Automatic Payment for those gateways.
3. What happens if the subscription system is not able to charge for the automatic
subscription renewal?
If the subscription system is not able to charge for the subscription renwals, the status of the
subscription will become Overdue.
4. What happens if the subscription revokes access to preapproval key?
When the subscriber has revoked access to preapproval key, the subscription will be
cancelled by default.
This can be customized in SUMO Subscriptions -> Settings -> Advanced Settings
-> Automatic Subscription -> When Automatic Subscription goes to Cancel
because of failed Payment, then option
If you need help please open a Support Ticket