A. On April 11, 2006, the United States notified Wilson County
Officials of its intention to investigate conditions at
Wilson County Jail (“Wilson” or the “Jail”), pursuant to the
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (“CRIPA”),
42 U.S.C. § 1997.
B. Between June 27 and 29, 2006, the United States conducted an
on-site inspection of Wilson with consultants in the fields
of medical care and correctional management.
C. On August 30, 2007, the United States issued a findings
letter pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1997 that concluded that
certain conditions at Wilson violate the constitutional
rights of individuals confined at the Jail.
D. Defendants cooperated throughout the course of the
investigation and indicated a willingness to voluntarily
undertake measures to improve conditions at Wilson.
Consequently, the Parties enter into this Settlement
Agreement (“Agreement”) for the purpose of avoiding the
risks and burdens of litigation.
E. Defendants in this action are Wilson County, Tennessee;
Wilson County Mayor, in his official capacity; Wilson
County, Tennessee Sheriff, in his official capacity; County
Commissioners, in their official capacities; and their
successors, contractors, and agents (collectively, the
“County”). The County shall ensure that all County agencies
or departments or offices under its control take any actions
necessary to comply with the provisions of this Agreement.
F. No person or entity is intended to be a third-party
beneficiary of the provisions of this Agreement for purposes
of any civil, criminal, or administrative action, and
accordingly, no person or entity may assert any claim or
right as a beneficiary or protected class under this
Agreement. This Agreement is not intended to impair or
expand the right of any person or organization to seek
relief against the County or their officials, employees, or
agents for their conduct. This Agreement does not alter
legal standards governing any such claims, including those
standards established by Tennessee law.
G. This Agreement is not intended to have any preclusive effect
except between the Parties. Should the issue of the
preclusive effect of this Agreement be raised, the Parties
agree to certify that this Agreement was intended to have no
such preclusive effect.
A. “DOJ” shall refer to the United States Department of
Justice, which represents the United States in this matter.
B. “Effective date” shall be the date the Agreement is signed
by all Parties.
C. Consistent with, or in accordance with, the term “generally
accepted professional standards of care” shall mean a
decision by a qualified professional that is
substantially aligned with contemporary, accepted
professional judgment, practice, or standards as to
demonstrate that the person responsible based the decision
on such accepted professional judgment.
D. “Include” or “including” shall mean “include, but not be
limited to” or “including, but not limited to.”
E. “Inmate” or “inmates” shall be construed broadly to refer to
one or more individuals detained at, or otherwise housed,
held, in the custody of, or confined at either the existing
Jail or any institution that is built or used to replace
the Jail or any part of the Jail.
F. “Wilson” or “the Jail” shall refer to the Wilson County
Correctional Facility as well as any facility that is built,
leased, or otherwise used, to replace or supplement the
G. “Security staff” means all employees, irrespective of job
title, whose regular duties include the supervision of
inmates at Wilson.
H. “Quality Assurance” means a system of self-audit and
improvement to assess the implementation and effectiveness
of all remedies instituted pursuant to this Agreement,
to identify deficits that may exist, and to effectuate new
measures to cure deficits identified.
I. “Suicide Watch” means any level of watch, observation, or
measures to prevent self-harm.
J. “Train” means to instruct in the skills addressed to a level
that the trainee has the demonstrated proficiency to
implement those skills. “Trained” means to have achieved
such proficiency.
K. Throughout this Agreement, the following terms are used when
discussing compliance: substantial compliance, partial
compliance, and non-compliance: “Substantial compliance”
indicates that the Jail has achieved compliance with most or
all components of the relevant provision of the Agreement.
“Partial compliance” indicates that compliance has been
achieved on some of the components of the relevant provision
of the Agreement, but significant work remains.
“Non-compliance” indicates that most or all of the
components of the Agreement provision have not yet been met.
1. The County shall designate a health authority who is a
qualified, licensed, and trained medical professional.
The health authority shall be in charge of medical care
at the Jail, and will perform or oversee the following
tasks required by this Agreement, including:
a) supervising all medical care rendered to inmates;
b) monitoring care of serious and/or chronic
c) ensuring that all inmates receive a health
assessment within fourteen (14) days of intake;
d) conducting clinical encounters with inmates as
e) reviewing and approving all prescription
medication dispensed at the Jail;
f) approving revised medical intake screening forms
and processes, including confiscated medications
upon arrival;
g) and annually reviewing all policies and procedures
concerning medical or mental health screening
and/or the provision of care.
2. The County shall increase the services of a physician
and/or physician assistant to an appropriate number of
hours per week to ensure adequate clinical contacts and
oversight of the medical care and services at the Jail.
3. The County shall increase the nursing staff to ensure
that appropriate medical encounters with the inmates
are taking place, are documented, and properly referred
for secondary level review as appropriate.
4. The County shall develop and implement policies,
procedures, protocols for all medical care and services
at the Jail, including, but not limited to,
documentation and record-keeping, medical triage and
physician review, intake screening, infection control,
sick-call, chronic illness, comprehensive health
assessments, medication administration, mental health,
suicide prevention, detoxification, women’s health,
quality improvement, and emergent response.
5. The County shall develop appropriate job descriptions,
including duties and responsibilities, for all relevant
medical care providers, including, but not limited to,
physicians, nurses, mental health providers, and
medical assistants.
6. The County shall develop and implement a program to
train all security staff and medical personnel
regarding all policies, procedures, protocols, and use
of emergency equipment.
7. The County shall develop and implement an appropriate
medical intake screening instrument that identifies
observable and non-observable medical needs, including
infectious diseases, and ensure timely access to the
physician when presenting symptoms require such care.
8. The County shall develop and implement a chronic care
program that ensures timely identifying, tracking and
monitoring of chronic illnesses.
9. The County shall revise the sick-call system to ensure
confidentiality, prompt delivery and review by medical
staff, and appropriate triage. The County shall remove
the disincentives to an inmate's seeking and receiving
necessary medical care for chronic, pre-existing and/or
life-threatening conditions, such as multiple and
varying levels of payment requirements and charges for
necessary follow-up care and services.
10. The County shall develop and implement a formal written
plan to prevent exposure of inmates and staff to
contagious diseases, including TB and MRSA.
11. The County shall develop and implement a system for
monitoring and reviewing the administration and control
of medications, including documentation and
1. The County shall retain the services of a licensed
mental health provider or community mental health
clinic whose responsibilities will include supervising
and providing mental health care for inmates at the
2. The County shall develop and implement an appropriate
intake screening instrument that identifies inmates’
mental health needs and risks of suicide behavior and
ensures timely access to the mental health professional
when presenting symptoms require such care.
3. The County shall ensure that all staff are regularly
trained regarding suicide and suicide prevention and
that the shift supervisors take an active role in
ensuring that inmates on suicide watch are adequately
1. The County shall ensure that inmates and trustees are
supervised in the pods and the food service area with
appropriate and adequate staffing levels.
2. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures requiring all tools, utensils, equipment,
flammable materials, etc., are inventoried and locked
securely at all times.
3. The County shall develop and implement a use of force
policy, consistent with generally accepted professional
standards, including an adequate use of force
definition and requirements for all staff involved in a
use of force to write a timely use of force report
regarding the incident.
4. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures to ensure prompt supervisory and/or
management review and investigation for all uses of
force to determine whether force was appropriately
used, whether a referral should be made to a local law
enforcement agency or district attorney for possible
criminal action, whether remedial training is
necessary, or whether facility policies should be
revisited. Consistent with generally accepted
professional standards, the level of investigation
required will be based upon the severity of the force
5. The County shall develop a process to track all
incidents of use of force that at a minimum includes
the following information: the inmate(s) name, housing
assignment, date and type of incident, primary and
secondary staff directly involved, reviewing
supervisor, external reviews and results (if
applicable), remedy taken (if appropriate) and
administrative sign-off.
6. The County shall ensure that all staff are regularly
trained regarding the Jail’s use of force policy.
7. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures for an objective classification system that
separates inmates in housing units by classification
8. The County shall establish a procedure to ensure that
inmates do not possess or have access to contraband.
9. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures for the effective and accurate maintenance,
inventory, and assignment of chemical and mechanical
10. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures to ensure inmates have access to an adequate
grievance process.
11. The County shall ensure that inmates placed in lock
down status are provided with appropriate due process
that has been developed and implemented in policies and
1. The County shall develop and implement adequate
policies and procedures regarding fire prevention,
including emergency planning and regular and periodic
2. The County shall regularly inspect all fire and life
safety equipment to ensure they are in working order.
3. The County shall inventory and store all flammable,
toxic, and caustic materials in a well ventilated, but
locked compartment.
4. The County shall secure and repair all exposed
electrical wires in the Jail and establish a preventive
maintenance program to address future repair needs.
5. The County shall ensure that inmates are provided with
adequate clean clothing and underclothing.
6. The County shall inspect and replace as often as needed
all frayed and cracked mattresses.
1. The County shall develop and implement written quality
assurance policies and procedures to regularly assess
and take all reasonable measures to assure compliance
with the terms of this Agreement.
2. The County shall develop and implement policies and
procedures to address problems that are uncovered
during the course of quality assurance activities.
A. The County shall submit periodic compliance reports to the
United States, the first of which shall be filed within
90 days of the effective date of this Agreement, and the
second of which shall be filed 180 days after the effective
date. Thereafter, the periodic compliance reports shall be
provided fifteen (15) days after the termination of each
four-month period thereafter until the Agreement is
B. Each compliance report shall describe the actions the County
has taken during the reporting period to implement this
Agreement and shall make specific reference to the Agreement
provisions being implemented.
C. The County shall maintain sufficient records to document
that the requirements of this Agreement are being properly
implemented and shall make such records available at all
reasonable times for inspection and copying by the United
States. In addition, the County shall maintain and submit
upon request records or other documents to verify that they
have taken such actions as described in their compliance
reports (e.g., census summaries, policies, procedures,
protocols, training materials, and incident reports) and
will also provide all documents reasonably requested by the
United States.
D. The United States and its attorneys, consultants, and agents
shall have unrestricted access to the Jail, Jail inmates,
Jail staff (including staff at Wilson employed or contracted
by Jail Health Services, and documents as reasonably
necessary to address issues affected by this Agreement,
including the right to conduct confidential interviews with
inmates, and to conduct interviews with facility staff
outside the presence of other staff or supervisors.
E. The County, and its agents, agree that they shall not
retaliate against any person because that person has filed
or may file a complaint, provided information or assistance,
or participated in any other manner in an investigation or
proceeding relating to this Agreement.
F. The County shall appoint an Agreement coordinator to oversee
compliance with this Agreement and to serve as a point of
A. Defendants shall implement all reforms necessary to
effectuate this Agreement. The implementation of this
Agreement will begin immediately upon its effective date.
B. Except where otherwise specifically provided, Defendants
shall complete implementation of all provisions of this
Agreement within 180 days of its effective date.
C. This Agreement shall terminate four years from its effective
date. The Agreement may terminate earlier if Defendants
have substantially complied with each of the provisions of
the Agreement and have maintained substantial compliance for
at least two years. The burden shall be on Defendants to
demonstrate this level of compliance. Noncompliance with
mere technicalities, or temporary failure to comply during a
period of otherwise sustained compliance will not constitute
failure to maintain substantial compliance. At the same
time, temporary compliance during a period of sustained
noncompliance shall not constitute substantial compliance.
If after four years Defendants have failed to comply with
the requirements of this Agreement, the United States has
the right to seek relief from the United States District
Court of the Middle District of Tennessee.
D. If, after reasonable notice to Defendants, and a reasonable
opportunity to cure any deficiencies identified in writing,
the United States determines that Defendants have not
substantially complied with this Agreement, the United
States may pursue litigation against Defendants.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the United States reserves
the right to file an action under CRIPA alleging a pattern
or practice of unconstitutional conditions at the Jail at
any time if it believes Defendants are not making a good
faith effort to substantially comply with this Agreement.
The United States shall give Defendants thirty (30) calendar
days written notice before the filing of such action.
E. Failure by either party to enforce this entire Agreement or
any provision thereof with respect to any deadline or any
other provision herein shall not be construed as a waiver of
its right to enforce other deadlines or provisions of this
F. If any unforseen circumstance occurs that causes a failure
to timely carry-out any requirements of this Agreement,
Defendants shall notify the DOJ in writing within twenty
(20) calendar days after Defendants become aware of the
unforseen circumstance and its impact on the Defendant’s
ability to perform under the Agreement. The notice shall
describe the cause of the failure to perform and the
measures taken to prevent or minimize the failure.
Defendants shall implement all reasonable measures to avoid
or minimize any such failure.
G. This Agreement shall constitute the entire integrated
agreement of the Parties. With the exception of DOJ’s
findings letter referenced in Section (I)(C) herein and any
DOJ technical assistance recommendations, no prior or
contemporaneous communications, oral or written, will be
relevant or admissible for purposes of determining the
meaning of any provisions herein, in litigation, or in any
other proceeding.
H. The Agreement shall be applicable to, and binding upon, all
Parties, their officers, agents, employees, assigns, and
their successors in office.
I. Each party shall bear the cost of their fees and expenses
incurred in connection with this Agreement.
J. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is
declared invalid for any reason by a court of competent
jurisdiction, said finding shall not affect the remaining
provisions of this Agreement.
K. The standards against which substantial compliance in
Section III will be monitored are those that are
constitutionally required or mandated by federal statute.
/s/ Paul M. O’Brien /s/ Grace Chung Becker
Acting United States Attorney Acting Assistant Attorney
Middle District of Tennessee General
110 Ninth Avenue, South Civil Rights Division
Suite A961
Nashville, TN 37203
/s/ Shanetta Y. Cutlar
Special Litigation Section
Date: July 21, 2008
/s/ Tammie M. Gregg
Deputy Chief
/s/ Je Yon Jung
Trial Attorneys
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Special Litigation Section
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
/s/ Robert Dedman
Wilson County, Tennessee
Mayor, individually and on
behalf of the Wilson County
/s/ Terry Ashe
Wilson County, Tennessee
/s/ Mike Jennings, Esq.
Wilson County, Tennessee