Miisaninawiind : Iskigamizige-giizis : April 20-26 2020
Heritage and Culture
Job Opportunities
Boozhoo and welcome to the Miisaninawiind weekly newsletter!
The Miisaniinawind brings you important news, announcements and updates, designed
specifically for the Red Cliff community. But that's not all. The weekly eNewsletter will also
provide news about neighboring tribes, communities and broader issues across Indian
Country that matter to you.
If you have photos, news or information you'd like to share, please email submissions to
Check our Facebook page HERE and our website HERE. We are working on a new website
and can't wait to share it with you!
Want to receive the newsletter each week? Sign up HERE.
Click HERE to view this email as a webpage instead.
Red Cliff News & Updates
COVID-19 Community Updates
Various Tribal programs, services, and events have been canceled or
temporarily suspended in our efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.
An up-to-date list can be found on the Tribal Facebook page, and is
updated continuously throughout each day.
You can also find a series of video updates from the Red Cliff Health
Division on the Tribal Facebook page.
Red Cliff Tribal Commercial Fishermen Donate
1,000 Pounds Of Fish To Community
Bryan Bainbridge, owner of Bainbridge Fisheries
and the fish tug Ava June, teamed up with
Donald Livingston, owner of Livingston Fisheries
and the fish tug RVH, to donate their harvest of
fresh fish to the Red Cliff community last week.
On April 16, Bainbridge and Livingston lifted
their nets and found a great harvest to bring
back to Red Cliff. They were able to donate
nearly 1,000 pounds of fresh fish.
"Both Donny and I felt better on this day than
when we bring in our largest catches to the
market," said Bainbridge. "It was a day to be
proud to be able to do this for Red Cliff."
The idea originated over a year ago, when
Bainbridge mentioned to Livingston the
opportunity to set up a community-wide fishing
day. The intent was to get all that wanted to be
involved in the process of the harvest--from setting the nets, filleting, packaging, and
distributing the fish throughout the community.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Bainbridge and Livingston to adjust their plan and
abide by public health directives, which eliminated the large gathering aspect of community
"Our Commercial Fishery is pretty much shut down and as fishermen we have no income, along
with the people we employ," said Bainbridge. "But we weren't going to let it stop us from
providing to our community."
Bainbridge said they listened to the people in the community with worry and uncertainty of
whether they will be working because everything is shut down and being cancelled.
"We were fortunate to have some volunteers help us throughout this whole process and would
like to say Chii Miigwech to Hunter, Chad, Justin, Hillary, Jason, Logan, Becky, Cole, Edwina,
Nathan, Nicky, and Joe with is son," said Bainbridge.
Bainbridge emphasized that this is a way to honor the community, elders, and all that paved the
way so they can take their boats out, set nets, and provide for their families and community.
"This won't be the last time we do this, and we hope to have full community participation once
we can gather safely," said Bainbridge.
Red Cliff to Receive HUD grant for COVID-19 Relief
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has made $200 million of
COVID-19 relief funding available to help Native American communities across the nation.
Recovery funding will help American Indian Communities respond to COVID-19. Red Cliff is one
of the recipients of this funding.
Click HERE for more information and the full press release from HUD.
Council Meeting April 21
The Red Cliff Tribal Council meeting is set for April 21 at the Red Cliff Community Health Center.
The Regular Session will begin at 4:30 PM.
Click HERE for the meeting agenda.
Governor's Safer At Home Order Extended
Governor Ever's Safer at Home order has been extended to May 26.
There are some slight updates to the order that will take effect beginning April 24.
Click HERE to read the order and for information on the updates.
Stimulus Check Information & Resources
People have begun to receive their stimulus check payments from the federal government.
Here's some more information:
-Any adults who made under $75,000 in 2019 will receive the stimulus payment, and it is
reduced for adults earning up to $99,000.
-The money will not be counted as income for SSA/MA programs, and they will not be counted
as resources for 12 months.
-The stimulus payments will not affect public benefits eligibility.
-SSI recipients are supposed to automatically receive these payments however they usually
receive their SSI (usually direct deposit but can be by check). However, if the recipient has
dependents, they will have to go to the new IRS portal to provide information in order to
receive the extra $500 for each dependent
-If people provided direct deposit information, they will receive the stimulus check that way.
Otherwise, they can expect to receive a check. However, the IRS has also created an online
portal where people can enter their bank account information. Please note this is different than
the portal for non-filers even though they are both on this landing page.
-The stimulus payment is not taxable. It is not an advance on 2020 refunds
FAQs: https://taxfoundation.org/coronavirus-tax-tracker-covid19/
FAQs: https://www.vonbriesen.com/COVID-19\
Request Absentee Ballots Early
The Special Election for Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District will take place Tuesday, May 12.
For information on your registration status, where your polling place is, who is on your ballot,
and to request an absentee ballot: visit myvote.wi.gov.
You can also request an absentee ballot in in writing (mail or email) to the Town Clerk's office.
The request must include a copy of your photo ID, your name, the address you are registered to,
the address you wish to receive your ballot at, and a current phone number and/or email.
The last day to request a ballot by mail is May 7, but don't wait! Request and send back your
absentee ballot as soon as possible.
Town of Russell Clerk: 715-779-3284, 715-779-5338.
In-person early voting 11 am - 1 pm on Mondays through May 4.
City of Bayfield, City Hall: 715-779-5712
In-person early voting 11 am - 1 pm Mon-Fri through May 8.
Town of Bayfield Town Hall: 715-779-3128
In-person early voting by appointment only
Proposed Addition to Code of Law
The Red Cliff Legal Department has proposed adding Chapter 58--Red Cliff
Probate Code to the Red Cliff Code of Laws.
Click HERE to view the official notice.
You can view the proposed Chapter 58 HERE.
Public comment on this proposal is encouraged. Please drop your comments at the Tribal
Administration Building, or forward them directly to the Tribal Council. This proposal will be
voted upon on May 19, 2020 at the regular meeting of the Red Cliff Tribal Council. If the Council
enacts this code addition, the code shall become effective upon enactment.
Community Feedback Needed:
Waawaashkeshi Population in Bayfield County
2020 Census: Complete Online or Via Phone
The U.S. Census started in the Red Cliff community on Monday, March 16 2020. Given the
current health situation, we are working with the Census Bureau and local field staff to ensure
that the health and safety of our community is highly considered.
At this time, we are encouraging residents to complete the Census through online or telephone
methods if possible. The census can be taken online at www.2020census.gov or by calling 844-
The Census has halted in-person operations. There will be no in-person Census takers until
further notice. We do not in any way want to discourage participation but advise and strongly
encourage the community to participate in the Census in the safest way possible.
Health & Wellness
New Employee:
Brian Kline, EMS Liaison
Brian comes from a background of public service, including
12 years as paid staff and a lifetime of volunteerism with the
Boy Scouts of America. He is a Vigil Member of the Order of
the Arrow (Highest Honor, Scouting's National Honor
Brian is a NREMT certified EMT and a State of Wisconsin
AEMT. He is also a Wisconsin structural Firefighter 2 and a
Wildland Firefighter with the Washburn DNR and Federal
Forest Service (USDA).
Brian holds a Wisconsin Instructor 1 license for teaching
EMS, BLS Healthcare Provider, as well as PHTLS, PEARS &
GEMS, WFR and Haz Mat Certifications.
Brian has been a member of the Red Cliff EMS squad for
several years, and is looking forward to serving the Red Cliff
community in his new position as Emergency Medical
Services Liaison.
For other Health Center information or general questions call: 715-779-3707 or
Email RCHealthCenter@redcliffhealth.org
Click HERE to visit the Red Cliff Community Health Center website
Human & Family Services
WIC is here for you during the COVID-19 outbreak
In an effort to protect you, your family, and our community, we are having
our participants complete benefit pick up over the phone.
Also open to new families. Please call for details.
Amaris Andrews-DePerry
715-779-3707 ext 2307
Various Family and Human Services offerings have unique guidelines and
hours in response to COVID-19.
See the Notices section toward the top of this newsletter for more
information. You can also call the Family Human Services Division
at 715-779-3706.
VFW Auxiliary Scholarship - High School Seniors
The Red Cliff VFW Auxiliary Post 8239 has announced two
scholarships to a graduating senior in the Bayfield School
District who is furthering their education by pursuing a
college degree or a career direction at a
vocational/technical school.
Applicants must fill out the VFW Auxiliary Scholarship
Application and return to Dan Livingston, Bayfield School
Guidance Counselor or Jared Blanche, Red Cliff Education
Click HERE for the scholarship information and application.
Opportunities for Native American Students
American Indian Science Scholars Program UW Milwaukee - July 20-30, 2020
Great Lakes NARCH paid internships - Summer 2020
Boys and Girls Club of Gitchigami
Virtual Daily Lessons
The Boys and Girls Club has created Virtual Daily Lessons for school-age children!
There is a schedule of activities for both 3rd-5th graders and middle to high schoolers.
Want to access the activity links? Simply click on the Closures & Notices post that is pinned to
the top of the Tribal Facebook page. Then click on "Boys & Girls Club Virtual Daily Lesson"
Treaty Natural Resources
Community Feedback Needed
The Treaty Natural Resources Division is still seeking comments and community feedback on its
drafted Comprehensive Plan.
Click HERE to view the main points of the draft comprehensive plan! You will find information
on the plan's timeline and how to provide comment.
The comment window is open through May 1, 2020.
Miigwech for providing feedback to Red Cliff TNR!
Legendary Waters Resort & Casino
Legendary Waters closure has extended to at least April 30 due to the COVID-19 situation.
Click HERE to visit the Legendary Waters Resort and Casino website.
Community Updates
Follow the link below to see
announcements for upcoming events!
View the announcements
Red Cliff Tribal Administration Office
88455 Pike Road
Bayfield, Wi. 54814
Contact Us