A Praccal Guide and
End-of-Life Planning
CS-PIER –0134
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Saskatchewan Health Authority
End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
January 2024
Why plan for your end-of-life?
End-of-life planning is an important but oen very dicult task. Having honest conversaons greatly
supports your family of choice in preparing for your death, honouring your wishes aer death and
aending to executor dues. This document oers some discussion items for consideraon and
conversaon. It may not include all necessary nocaons, discussions and acons nor should it be
considered legal or nancial advice. The Saskatchewan Health Authority does not endorse these
resources and is not responsible for any services and informaon provided.
Key Steps and Helpful Resources:
Do you have a lawyer, will, executor(s) or administrator for your estate?
Do you have nancial maers in order (banks, accountants, pensions)?
Do you have funeral arrangements including planned details and wishes?
Do you have a locaon/le for all important informaon/documents for executor dues?
The Public Legal Educaon Associaon (PLEA) website oers general informaon about Advance
Direcves, Living Wills, Powers of Aorney, Deaths and Estates and Executor responsibilies.
The Funeral and Cremaon Services Council of Saskatchewan oers frequently asked quesons on
funeral planning and a provincial list of accredited funeral, cremaon, and transfer service providers.
Funeral home is required to submit registraon of death eHealth Saskatchewan Registering a Death.
Obtain a death cercate if needed for estate maers: eHealth Saskatchewan Order a Death
What Happens to my Email Accounts When I die?
How to Close Online Accounts and Services When Someone Dies
How to Close Accounts and Cancel Subscripons
What to do with Social Media Accounts when Someone Dies
How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts aer You are Gone
Creang a "When I Die" File
Pre-Plan Your Own Funeral Cheat Sheet
Funeral Planning Checklist
Saskatchewan Health Authority Advance Care Planning Website
January 2024
Saskatchewan Health Authority End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
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Areas of Contacts to Be Made (if applicable):
Cancel income received from Government of Canada: Inform Federal Government of a Death
Cancel CPP/OAS benets deceased was receiving: 1-800-277-9914
Employment Insurance (EI) Program (if applicable): 1-800-206-7218
Naonal Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) (if applicable): 1 888 815-4514 or Saskatchewan
Student Aid: 1-800-597-8278
EI Caregiving Benets: 1-800-206-7218
Apply for Service Canada Survivor Benets: Benets Finder (Service Canada)
The death benet is a one-me payment to, or on behalf of, the estate of a deceased CPP contributor.
The survivor's pension is a monthly benet paid to a deceased contributor's surviving spouse or
common-law partner if the survivor meets the eligibility requirements.
The children's benet is a monthly benet for dependent children of a deceased contributor.
Other contacts:
Veterans Aairs Benets: hps://www.veterans.gc.ca . Call toll-free 1-866-522-2122.
Contact Canada Revenue Agency for informaon about what to do when someone has died,
preparing returns for the deceased person and/or a trust guide: 1-800-959-8281.
Cancel Secure Cercate of Indian Status (SCIS) (if applicable) by contacng Indigenous Services
Canada: 1-800-567-9604; email: InfoPubs@sac-isc.gc.ca
Cancel cizenship card/cercate or permanent residence card (if applicable): 1-888-242-2100;
Cizenship and Immigraon (CIC) Canada
Provincial Vital Stascs will nofy the Social Insurance Number Program of the death.
RCMP (Inherited Firearms - Executors and Heirs) about rearm registraon cercate(s).
Cancel Saskatchewan Health Card: (306) 787-3251 or 1-800-667-7551 (Toll-free Canada and USA).
Contact ISC Land Titles Oce regarding removing deceaseds name from tle of property AND
insurance house and property insurance is changed to reect the current policy holder.
Change property taxes to reect accurate informaon regarding the property
Other properes: rental properes, coages, meshare, etc.
Inform Canadian credit reporng agencies to avoid fraudulent credit checks in the deceaseds name:
Equifax: 1-800-871-3250
TransUnion: 1-800-663-9980
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Saskatchewan Health Authority
End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
January 2024
Financial services:
Banking Instuons - make contact or appointments to discuss any of the following areas:
Automac Payments (i.e. bills, loans, monthly charitable donaons, etc.) ___________________
Loans, Debts, Lines of Credit _______________________________________________________
Safety Deposit Box _______________________________________________________________
Mortgage/Mortgage Insurance _____________________________________________________
Credit Cards Cancelling Credit Cards ________________________________________________
Investments, RRSPs ______________________________________________________________
Pension Plan Administrator ____________________________________________________________
Accountant _________________________________________________________________________
Financial Planner ____________________________________________________________________
Insurance coverage policies: include claim/policy number/phone number
Group Medical Services (GMS)/Blue Cross/etc. _____________________________________________
Life insurance personal/work/rered employee ____________________________________________
Disability insurance personal/work ______________________________________________________
Illness insurance personal/work _________________________________________________________
Personal idencaon:
Drivers License Cancel driver's license or Cancel or change vehicle registraon
Package Policy ___________________________________________________________________
Roadside Assistance (i.e. CAA)_______________________________________________________
Employee ID, access or credit cards, etc.__________________________________________________
Membership Cards __________________________________________________________________
Contact Canada Post to make changes to mailing address, nocaon of death, etc.
Contact the Canada Bereavement Registry to stop direct markeng/phone calls to the deceased:
Cancel Passport Passport Canada
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Saskatchewan Health Authority End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
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Cancel Or Transfer:
Magazine and other subscripons _______________________________________________________
Memberships _______________________________________________________________________
Registraons with professional associaons _______________________________________________
Season ckets _______________________________________________________________________
Monthly charitable donaons __________________________________________________________
Library card _________________________________________________________________________
Customer reward programs (Air Miles, RBC, Credit Cards Travel Points, etc.) _____________________
Pet licenses _________________________________________________________________________
Other ______________________________________________________________________________
Social Media/Technology
Cloud Storage, Photographs _______________________________________________________
On-line shopping accounts ________________________________________________________
On-line Memberships/Subscripons _________________________________________________
Twier ________________________________________________________________________
Facebook ______________________________________________________________________
Website _______________________________________________________________________
Email Accounts __________________________________________________________________
Passwords and PIN Codes to All Accounts _____________________________________________
Contact Health Care Or Service Providers:
Physician(s) _________________________________________________________________________
Denst _____________________________________________________________________________
Optometrist ________________________________________________________________________
Pharmacist _________________________________________________________________________
Counsellors _________________________________________________________________________
Other (i.e., Physiotherapist, Massage Therapist, Occupaonal Therapist, etc.) ____________________
Home care __________________________________________________________________________
Hairstylist/barber ____________________________________________________________________
Esthecian _________________________________________________________________________
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Saskatchewan Health Authority
End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
January 2024
Contact Household Services/Contracts:
Landlord noce for rental situaon ______________________________________________________
Water Heater _______________________________________________________________________
Lawn Care, Snow Removal etc. _________________________________________________________
Housekeeping _______________________________________________________________________
Security System _____________________________________________________________________
Furnace/Air Condioning ______________________________________________________________
Cable TV ___________________________________________________________________________
SaskEnergy: 1-800-567-8899 ___________________________________________________________
SaskPower: 1-888-757-6937 ____________________________________________________________
SaskTel: 1-800-SASKTEL (Cell Phone/e-mail/internet/landline, etc.) ____________________________
Other provider (cell phone/e-mail/internet/landline etc.) ____________________________________
Water/Sewer _______________________________________________________________________
House Insurance/Tenant Package Policy __________________________________________________
Property Taxes ______________________________________________________________________
Deceased Persons Responsibilies:
Dependent Children (custody issues, maintenance support) __________________________________
Dependent adults (parents, guardianship) ________________________________________________
Pets _______________________________________________________________________________
Executor, Power of Aorney, Proxy Decision Maker for others ________________________________
Volunteer roles including sing on Boards, Commiees, Charies etc. _________________________
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Saskatchewan Health Authority End of Life Planning—A Praccal Guide and Checklist
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Addional Notes:
The Saskatchewan Health Authority works in the spirit of truth and reconciliaon,
acknowledging Saskatchewan as the tradional territory of First Naons and Més People.
Healthy People, Healthy Saskatchewan
PIER—Paent Informaon and Educaon Resource