U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide
Vol 8 Manage Charge Information
July 15, 2024
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page i
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... i
Introduction to the EEOC Public Portal .................................................................... 1
About the User’s Guide ............................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1 Displaying Information About Your Case ............................................. 2
1.1 My Charge Page ............................................................................................ 2
Chapter 2 Manage Representatives ..................................................................... 5
2.1 Add a Representative .................................................................................... 5
2.2 Update/Delete a Representative ..................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 Manage Contact Information ............................................................... 7
Chapter 4 Submit and Receive Documents .......................................................... 9
4.1 Submit Documents to the EEOC ...................................................................... 9
4.2 View/Download Documents .......................................................................... 11
Figure 1 My Cases Listing (Inquiries/Charges) ............................................................. 2
Figure 2 My Charge Page .......................................................................................... 3
Figure 3 My Charge Page (Charge Dual-Filed with a FEPA) ............................................ 4
Table 1 Document Information Displayed on the Portal .............................................. 11
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 1
Introduction to the EEOC Public Portal
The EEOC Public Portal is a secure, web-based application developed for individuals to interact
with the EEOC regarding a complaint of employment discrimination. Using the EEOC Public
Portal, you may file a complaint against an employer in the Private Sector (i.e. Business or
non-profit) or a State or Local Government Agency. If you work or worked for the U.S. Federal
Government as an employee or a contractor, or applied to work for the Federal Government,
you may request a hearing with or appeal a decision to the EEOC regarding your formal EEO
complaint. The EEOC Public Portal is the primary point of communication between you and
the EEOC.
About the User’s Guide
The EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide (“User’s Guide”) provides comprehensive guidance for
using the EEOC Public Portal’s features and functions. The User’s Guide is published as
individual documents, each of which covers a feature or related features of the EEOC Public
The following EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide documents are available; the highlighted
Document Name is the one you’re reading right now:
Vol 1 Getting Started (learn about logging into the EEOC Public Portal, the Portal
structure, and other basic information)
Vol 2 Submit an Online Inquiry to the EEOC
Vol 3 Post-Inquiry Tasks (learn about scheduling an interview with the EEOC,
entering Supplemental Information, filing a Charge of Discrimination)
Vol 4 Post-Charge Tasks (learn how to check the status of your case, respond to an
Invitation to Mediate, request/respond to a Respondent’s Position Statement)
Vol 5 Charge Closure (learn what happens when your charge has been closed)
Vol 6 Hearings with the EEOC
Vol 7 Appealing Federal Agency Decisions to the EEOC
Vol 8 Manage Case/Charge Information (learn how to display information about your
case, enter/update your personal information, add representatives, and
submit/receive documents associated with your case)
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 2
Chapter 1 Displaying Information About Your Case
After you have submitted an inquiry, or filed a charge, with the EEOC, you can select My
Cases on the EEOC Public Portal to view the case information and associated documents. If
you have more than one case filed with the EEOC, the My Cases Listing will display (Figure
1). This screen displays a list of all the cases (inquiries, charges) you have filed with the EEOC
and their status. If you have only one inquiry/charge you will be taken directly to the My
Charge page when you select My Cases on the Portal’s home page.
The My Cases Listing is sorted by submission date, with newest cases listed first. If you
have a large number of cases, use the page navigation buttons ( ) to move
between pages. Select the case you wish to view by selecting the Case Number; this will
display the My Charge page.
Figure 1 My Cases Listing (Inquiries/Charges)
The case status column displays as follows:
For online inquiries, the status will be Inquiry.
For charges, the status displayed is consistent with the status shown in the Portal’s
online charge status page.
1.1 My Charge Page
If you are working with the EEOC on an inquiry, the appearance of the My Charge page will
vary. You will see a screen prompting you for the next action (e.g. enter supplemental
information, schedule an interview, review the Charge of Discrimination, choose whether to
file a charge).
If you have filed a charge that is being processed by the EEOC, the My Charge page will
appear as shown in Figure 2 below. In general, the page is divided into three sections: My
Charge, My Documents, and Additional Information. As your case progresses
notifications when an action is needed or has occurred will display below the My Charge
section (e.g. “Position Statement is Available”, “Position Statement Provided”, “Your Charge
is Eligible for Mediation”). Descriptions of the numbered items follow Figure 2. (NOTE:
Numbers are not actually seen on the screen.)
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 3
Figure 2 My Charge Page
My Charge. This section displays general information about your charge and
allows you to update your contact information and/or add (legal or non-legal)
representative information (only one representative may be entered). (Chapter
2 & Chapter 3)
Notifications: This section displays notifications from the EEOC when an
action is required or has occurred (e.g. invitation to mediate the charge,
Respondent has uploaded their Position Statement, etc.) The example above
shows that the EEOC has determined the charge is no longer eligible for
mediation. For more details see EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide Vol 4 Post
Charge Tasks.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 4
My Documents. This section displays the documents associated with your
charge that you have sent or that the EEOC has sent to you (e.g. Charge of
Discrimination, Respondent’s Position Statement). You may view, download,
and/or submit documents here. (Chapter 4)
Additional Information. This section provides you with additional information
related to the EEOC charge process, via three links:
What you should KNOW after filing a charge
What you should DO after filing a charge
How to request Respondent’s position statement
Additionally, a link is provided to FAQs, where you can search for answers to
questions you may have, and the EEOC office contact information is displayed.
If your charge is dual-filed with a State or Local Fair Employment Practices Agency (FEPA)
and has been transferred to that FEPA, you will not be able to access the charge information
nor submit documents for the charge through the Public Portal; if the charge is returned to
the EEOC, your access to that charge in the Public Portal will be restored. Instead a message
will display (Figure 3).
Figure 3 My Charge Page (Charge Dual-Filed with a FEPA)
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 5
Chapter 2 Manage Representatives
If you have an attorney or another person representing you before the EEOC, you may enter
information about the person who represents you on the My Charge page.
2.1 Add a Representative
To add a representative, perform the following steps:
Step 1. On the My Charge page, select the Add/View Representative button.
Step 2. The My Representative page displays. Enter the information for the
representative. Select the Save button.
Tip! When the Zip Code is entered, the city and state fields are automatically populated.
Step 3. Select the Back button to return to the My Charge page.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 6
Step 4. The representative you identified will be sent an email to confirm that he/she will
be representing you.
Step 5. If the EEOC does not receive confirmation from the representative after 10 days,
you may confirm by uploading a Letter of Representation signed by your
representative, or you may designate a different representative.
2.2 Update/Delete a Representative
To update the information for or delete a representative, perform the following steps:
Step 1. On the My Charge page, select the View/Add Representative button.
Step 2. When the My Representative page displays, make any necessary changes and
select the Save button.
Tip! A representative’s email address cannot be changed using the View/Add
Representative button on the My Charge page. The representative must login to the
Portal and use the Update Account page as described in EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide
- Volume 1 Getting Started.
Step 3. If you need to delete a representative, select the Delete button. When the
confirmation prompt displays, select the Yes button to delete.
Step 4. Select the Back button to return to the My Charge page.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 7
Chapter 3 Manage Contact Information
On the My Charge page, you may also update your contact information (name, address,
phone number, etc.). This allows you to keep the EEOC informed in the event you have moved
or changed your phone number.
Tip! You cannot change your email address using the Update My Information button on the
My Charge page for a specific case. You must use the Update Account page as described in
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide - Volume 1 Getting Started.
To update your contact information, perform the following steps:
Step 1. On the My Charge page, select the Update My Information button.
Step 2. On the My Personal Information page, your current contact information is
displayed (initially you will see the information you entered when submitting your
inquiry). Make any needed changes.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 8
Step 3. Select the Save button. Select the Back button to return to the My Charge page.
Step 4. Select Update My Information at any time to view/update the information.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 9
Chapter 4 Submit and Receive Documents
In the My Documents section of the My Charge page, you may upload documents
supporting your charge, to send them to the EEOC and also download documents related to
your charge. The steps for these tasks are described in the subsections below.
4.1 Submit Documents to the EEOC
When you upload documents in the Portal, they will be available for you and the EEOC to
read. Once you have uploaded a document, you can open or save it. An uploaded document
cannot be deleted.
A variety of file types may be uploaded, including: .pdf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .png,
jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .gif, .txt, .avi, .asf, .zip, .csv, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .rtf, .asp, .fdf, .dwg,
.msg, .sdx1, .xdp, .rpt, .ppt, and .mov.
To upload a document and send it to the EEOC, perform the following steps:
Step 1. On the My Charge page, select the Upload button.
Step 2. The Upload Document window displays.
Step 3. Select the Type of Document from the drop-down list.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 10
Step 4. Select the file to upload by selecting the Attach button.
Navigate to the file in the Choose File to Upload window and select OK.
Step 5. Select the Upload button in the Upload Document window.
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 11
Step 6. The document you uploaded is displayed at the top of the My Documents list
(documents are listed by Added On date, in reverse chronological order, with the
most recently uploaded documents listed first).
Step 7. If you do not see the document you uploaded in the My Documents list, select
the refresh button on your browser.
4.2 View/Download Documents
In the My Documents section of the My Charge page, you will see a list of the documents
associated with your case, that you have sent to the EEOC and those that the EEOC has sent
to you. You may download a copy of a document to view it at any time. You may also save
the document to your computer.
Some documents must be requested from the EEOC before you can view/download them
(e.g., the respondent’s position statement).
The information displayed for each document in the My Documents list is shown in Table 1
Table 1 Document Information Displayed on the Portal
The name of the document. Identical to the document’s file name minus
the file extension.
The document type (e.g. “Charge of Discrimination”).
The date the document was uploaded.
The person who uploaded the document:
“EEOC” if uploaded by the EEOC
“Charging Party” if uploaded by the charging party
“Respondent” if uploaded by the respondent
To download a document, perform the following steps:
EEOC Public Portal User’s Guide – Vol 8 Page 12
Step 1. On the My Charge page, in the My Documents section, locate in the list of
documents the one you want to download and select the Name to start
downloading it.
Step 2. A pop-up message displays indicating that the download may take a while. Select
the OK button to continue with the document download (if you do not want to
continue with the download, select the Cancel button).
Note: The message may display differently depending on the browser you’re using.
Step 3. The document will be downloaded. Choose to open it, or save the file to your
computer or a shared drive, as shown below:
If you choose to save it, you will be asked to select a location on your computer
where you want it saved. (You may also rename the document if you choose to
save it.)
Be sure to save all documents related to your charge, including Email