JUNE 2012
Official JOurnal Of the internatiOnal SOciety Of nephrOlOgy
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline
for Glomerulonephritis
KDIGO gratefully acknowledges the following consortium of sponsors that make our initiatives possible: Abbott, Amgen,
Belo Foundation, Coca-Cola Company, Dole Food Company, Genzyme, Hoffmann-LaRoche, JC Penney, NATCO—The
Organization for Transplant Professionals, NKF-Board of Directors, Novartis, Robert and Jane Cizik Foundation, Roche, Shire,
Transwestern Commercial Services, and Wyeth.
Sponsorship Statement: KDIGO is supported by a consortium of sponsors and no funding is accepted for the development of
specific guidelines.
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis
KDIGO Board Membersvi
Reference Keysvii
Abbreviations and Acronymsviiii
Work Group Membership141
Summary of Recommendation Statements143
Chapter 1: Introduction154
Chapter 2: General principles in the management of glomerular disease156
Chapter 3: Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome in children163
Chapter 4: Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children172
Chapter 5: Minimal-change disease in adults177
Chapter 6: Idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in adults181
Chapter 7: Idiopathic membranous nephropathy186
Chapter 8: Idiopathic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis198
Chapter 9: Infection-related glomerulonephritis200
Chapter 10: Immunoglobulin A nephropathy209
Chapter 11: Henoch-Scho
nlein purpura nephritis218
Chapter 12: Lupus nephritis221
Chapter 13: Pauci-immune focal and segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis233
Chapter 14: Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody glomerulonephritis240
Methods for guideline development243
Biographic and Disclosure Information252
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& 2012 KDIGO
Table 1. Definitions of nephrotic syndrome in children164
Table 2. Meta-analyses of RCTs of corticosteroid-sparing agents in children with FR or SD SSNS167
Table 3. RCTs comparing corticosteroid-sparing agents in FR and SD SSNS168
Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of corticosteroid-sparing agents as first agent for use in FR or SD SSNS169
Table 5. CNI trials in SRNS174
Table 6. Remission in corticosteroid-treated control arms of SRNS randomized trials175
Table 7. Cytotoxic therapy in SRNS175
Table 8. Dosage regimens in MCD178
Table 9. Causes of FSGS182
Table 10. Definitions of nephrotic syndrome in adults with FSGS183
Table 11. Treatment schedules184
Table 12. Reported causes of secondary MN (% in adults)187
Table 13. Reported causes of secondary MN188
Table 14. Definitions of complete and partial remission in IMN188
Table 15. Cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent therapy for IMN (the "Ponticelli Regimen")189
Table 16. Risks and benefits of the cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen in IMN190
Table 17. Contraindications to the use of the cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen in IMN191
Table 18. CNI-based regimens for IMN192
Table 19. Pediatric MN studies197
Table 20. Underlying conditions associated with a membranoproliferative pattern of GN199
Table 21. Infections associated with glomerulonephritis201
Table 22. Treatment of HCV infection according to stages of CKD203
Table 23. Dosage adjustment of drugs for HBV infection according to kidney function (endogenous CrCl)204
Table 24. The spectrum of kidney disease in HIV-infected patients205
Table 25. A clinicopathological classification of schistosomal glomerulopathy206
Table 26. Corticosteroid regimens in patients with IgAN211
Table 27. Definitions of response to therapy in LN222
Table 28. Regimens for initial therapy in class III/class IV LN223
Table 29. Criteria for the diagnosis and classification of relapses of LN229
Table 30. Recommended treatment regimens for ANCA vasculitis with GN234
Table 31. Therapy of anti-GBM GN241
Table 32. Screening criteria for systematic review topics of nontreatment and treatment244
Table 33. Literature search yield of RCTs248
Table 34. Hierarchy of outcomes248
Table 35. Classification of study quality249
Table 36. GRADE system for grading quality of evidence250
Table 37. Final grade for overall quality of evidence250
Table 38. Balance of benefits and harm250
Table 39. KDIGO nomenclature and description for grading recommendations251
Table 40. Determinants of strength of recommendation251
Additional information in the form of supplementary materials can be found online at http://www.kdigo.org/clinical_practice_guidelines/GN.php
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KDIGO Board Members
Garabed Eknoyan, MD
Norbert Lameire, MD, PhD
Founding KDIGO Co-Chairs
Kai-Uwe Eckardt, MD
KDIGO Co-Chair
Bertram L Kasiske, MD
KDIGO Co-Chair
Omar I Abboud, MD, FRCP
Sharon Adler, MD, FASN
Rajiv Agarwal, MD
Sharon P Andreoli, MD
Gavin J Becker, MD, FRACP
Fred Brown, MBA, FACHE
Daniel C Cattran, MD, FRCPC
Allan J Collins, MD, FACP
Rosanna Coppo, MD
Josef Coresh, MD, PhD
Ricardo Correa-Rotter, MD
Adrian Covic, MD, PhD
Jonathan C Craig, MBChB, MM (Clin Epi), DCH, FRA CP, PhD
Angel de Francisco, MD
Paul de Jong, MD, PhD
Ana Figueiredo, RN, MSc, PhD
Mohammed Benghanem Gharbi, MD
Gordon Guyatt, MD, MSc, BSc, FRCPC
David Harris, MD
Lai Seong Hooi, MD
Enyu Imai, MD, PhD
Lesley A Inker, MD, MS, FRCP
Michel Jadoul, MD
Simon Jenkins, MBE, FRCGP
Suhnggwon Kim, MD, PhD
Martin K Kuhlmann, MD
Nathan W Levin, MD, FACP
Philip K-T Li, MD, FRCP, FACP
Zhi-Hong Liu, MD
Pablo Massari, MD
Peter A McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FACP
Rafique Moosa, MD
Miguel C Riella, MD
Adibul Hasan Rizvi, MBBS, FRCP
Bernardo Rodriquez-Iturbe, MD
Robert Schrier, MD
Justin Silver, MD, PhD
Marcello Tonelli, MD, SM, FRCPC
Yusuke Tsukamoto, MD
Theodor Vogels, MSW
Angela Yee-Moon Wang, MD, PhD, FRCP
Christoph Wanner, MD
David C Wheeler, MD, FRCP
Elena Zakharova, MD, PhD
Kerry Willis, PhD, Senior Vice-President for Scientific Activities
Michael Cheung, MA, Guideline Development Director
Sean Slifer, BA, Guideline Development Manager
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Reference Keys
Patients Clinicians Policy
Level 1
‘‘We recommend’’
Most people in your situation
would want the recommended
course of action and only a small
proportion would not.
Most patients should receive the
recommended course of action.
The recommendation can be
evaluated as a candidate for
developing a policy or a
performance measure.
Level 2
‘‘We suggest’’
The majority of people in your
situation would want the
recommended course of action,
but many would not.
Different choices will be appropriate for
different patients. Each patient needs help to
arrive at a management decision consistent
with her or his values and preferences.
The recommendation is likely to
require substantial debate and
involvement of stakeholders before
policy can be determined.
*The additional category ‘‘Not Graded’’ was used, typically, to provide guidance based on common sense or where the topic does not allow adequate application of evidence.
The most common examples include recommendations regarding monitoring intervals, counseling, and referral to other clinical specialists. The ungraded recom mendations
are generally written as simple declarative statements, but are not meant to be interpreted as being stronger recommendations than Level 1 or 2 recommendations.
Within each recommendation, the strength of recommendation is indicated as Level 1, Level 2,orNot Graded, and the quality of the
supporting evidence is shown as A, B, C,orD.
Parameter Metric units Conversion factor SI units
Albumin (serum) g/dl 10 g/l
Creatinine (serum) mg/dl 88.4 mmol/l
Creatinine clearance ml/min 0.01667 ml/s
Cyclosporine (serum) ng/ml 0.832 nmol/l
uPCR mg/g 0.1 mg/mmol
Note: Metric unit conversion factor ¼ SI unit.
Grade Quality of evidence Meaning
A High We are confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
B Moderate The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility
that it is substantially different.
C Low The true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
D Very Low The estimate of effect is very uncertain, and often will be far from the truth.
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACE-I Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor(s)
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone
AKI Acute kidney injury
ALMS Aspreva Lupus Management Study
ANCA Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
APOL1 Apolipoprotein L1
APS Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
ARB Angiotensin-receptor blocker
ATN Acute tubular necrosis
BMI Body mass index
CI Confidence interval
CKD Chronic kidney disease
CNI Calcineurin inhibitor
CrCl Creatinine clearance
eGFR Estimated glomerular filtration rate
ERT Evidence Review Team
ESRD End-stage renal disease
FR Frequently relapsing
FRNS Frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome
FSGS Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
GBM Glomerular baseme nt membrane
GFR Glomerular filtration rate
GN Glomerulonephritis
GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation
HAART Highly active antiretroviral therapy
HBV Hepatitis B virus
HCV Hepatitis C virus
HIVAN Human immunodeficiency
virus–associated nephropathy
HR Hazards ratio
HSP Henoch-Scho
nlein purpura
HSV Herpes simplex virus
i.v. Intravenous
IgAN Immunoglobulin A nephropathy
IMN Idiopathic membranous nephropathy
INR International normalized ratio
ISKDC International Study of Kidney Disease in
IU International units
KDIGO Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
LN Lupus nephritis
MCD Minimal-change disease
MDRD Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
MEPEX Methylprednisolone or Plasma Exchange
MMF Mycophenolate mofetil
MN Membranous nephropathy
MPGN Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
MPO Myeloperoxidase
NCGN Necrotizing and crescentic
NS Not significant
OR Odds ratio
PCR Protein-creatinine ratio
p.o. Oral(ly)
PR3 Proteinase 3
RAS Renin-angiotensin system
RAVE Rituximab for the Treatment of Wegener’s
Granulomatosis and Microscopic Polyangiitis
RCT Randomized controlled trial
RR Relative risk
RRT Renal replacement therap y
SCr Serum creatinine
SD Steroid-dependent
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SRNS Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
SSNS Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome
TMA Thrombotic microangiopathies
TTP Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
uPCR Urine protein:creatinine ratio
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 139; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.9
This Clinical Practice Guideline document is based upon systematic literature searches last
conducted in January 2011, supplemented with additional evidence through November 2011.
It is designed to provide information and assist decision-making. It is not intended to define a
standard of care, and should not be construed as one, nor should it be interpreted as prescribing
an exclusive course of management. Variations in practice will inevitably and appropriately occur
when clinicians take into account the needs of individual patients, available resources, and
limitations unique to an institution or type of practice. Every health-care professional making
use of these recommendations is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of applying them
in the setting of any particular clinical situation. The recommendations for research contained
within this document are general and do not imply a specific protocol.
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) makes every effort to avoid any actual or
reasonably perceived conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a
personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the Work Group. All members of the
Work Group are required to complete, sign, and submit a disclo sure and attestation form
showing all such relationships that might be perceived or actual conflicts of interest. This
document is updated annually and information is adjusted accordingly. All reported information
will be printed in the final publication and are on file at the National Kidney Foundation (NKF),
Managing Agent for KDIGO.
& 2012 KDIGO
KDIGO gratefully acknowledges the following consortium of sponsors that make our
initiatives possible: Abbott, Amgen, Belo Foundation, Coca-Cola Company, Dole Food
Company, Genzyme, Hoffmann-LaRoche, JC Penney, NATCO—The Organization for
Transplant Professionals, NKF-Board of Directors, Novartis, Robert and Jane Cizik
Foundation, Roche, Shire, Transwestern Commercial Services, and Wyeth. KDIGO is
supported by a consortium of sponsors and no funding is accepted for the development
of specific guidelines.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 139 139
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 140; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.10
It is our hope that this document will serve several useful
purposes. Our primary goal is to improve patient care. We
hope to accomplish this, in the short term, by helping
clinicians know and better understand the evidence (or lack
of evidence) that determines current practice. By providing
comprehensive evidence-based recommendations, this guide -
line will also help define areas where evidence is lacking and
research is needed. Helping to define a research agenda is an
often neglected, but very important, function of clinical
practice guideline development.
We used the GRADE system to rate the strength of
evidence and the strength of recommendations. In all, there
were only 4 (2%) recommendations in this guideline for
which the overall quality of evidence was graded A, whereas
34 (20%) were graded ‘B’, 66 (40%) were graded ‘C’, and 63
(38%) were graded ‘D’. Although there are reasons other than
quality of evidence to make a grade 1 or 2 recommendation,
in general, there is a correlation between the quality of overall
evidence and the strength of the recommendation. Thus,
there were 46 (28%) recommendations graded ‘1’ and 121
(72%) graded ‘2’. There were 4 (2%) recommendations
graded ‘1A, 24 (14%) were ‘1B’, 15 (9%) were ‘1C’, and
3 (2%) were ‘1D’. There were 0 (0%) graded ‘2A, 10 (6%)
were ‘2B’, 51 (31%) were ‘2C’, and 60 (36%) were ‘2D’.
There were 28 (14%) statements that were not graded.
Some argue that recommendations should not be made
when evidence is weak. However, clinicians still need to make
clinical decisio ns in their daily practice, and they often ask,
‘What do the experts do in this setting?’’ We opted to give
guidance, rather than remain silent. These recommendations
are often rated with a low strength of recommendation and a
low strength of evidence, or were not graded. It is important
for the users of this guideline to be cognizant of this (see
Notice). In every case these recommendations are meant to
be a place for clinicians to start, not stop, their inquiries into
specific management questions pertinent to the patients they
see in daily practice.
We wish to thank the Work Group Co-Chairs, Drs. Dan
Cattran and John Feehally, along w ith all of the Work Group
members who volunteered countless hours of their time
developing this guideline. We also thank the Ev idence Review
Team members and staff of the National Kidney Foundation
who made this project possible. Finally, we owe a special debt
of gratitude to the many KDIGO Board members and
individuals who volunteered time reviewing the guideline,
and making very helpful suggestions.
Kai-Uwe Eckardt, MD Bertram L Kasiske, MD
KDIGO Co-Chair KDIGO Co-Chair
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2,140
Work Group Membership
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 141; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.11
& 2012 KDIGO
Daniel C Cattran, MD, FRCPC
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto, Canada
John Feehally, DM, FRCP
University Hospitals of Leicester
Leicester, United Kingdom
Tufts Center for Kidney Disease Guideline Development and Implementation,
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA:
Ethan M Balk, MD, MPH, Project Director; Program Director, Evidence Based Medicine
Gowri Raman, MD, MS, Scientific Staff
Dana C Miskulin, MD, MS, Staff Nephrologist
Aneet Deo, MD, MS, Nephrology Fellow
Amy Earley, BS, Project Coordinator
Shana Haynes, MS, DHSc, Research Assistant
In addition, support and supervision were provided by:
Katrin Uhlig, MD, MS, Director, Guideline Development
H Terence Cook, MBBS, MRCP, MRCPath, FRCPath, FMedSci Zhi-Hong Liu, MD
Imperial College London Nanjing University School of Medicine
London, United Kingdom Nanjing, China
Fernando C Fervenza, MD, PhD Sergio A Mezzano, MD, FASN, FACP
Mayo Clinic Universidad Austral
Rochester, MN, USA Valdivia, Chile
rgen Floege, MD Patrick H Nachman, MD
University Hospital, RWTH Aachen University of North Carolina
Aachen, Germany Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Debbie S Gipson, MD, MS Manuel Praga, MD, PhD
University of Michigan Hospital 12 de Octubre
Ann Arbor, MI, USA Madrid, Spain
Richard J Glassock, MD, MACP Jai Radhakrishnan, MD, MS, MRCP, FACC, FASN
The Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA New York Presbyterian-Columbia
Laguna Niguel, CA, USA New York, NY, USA
Elisabeth M Hodson, MBBS, FRACP Brad H Rovin, MD, FACP, FASN
The Childrens Hospital at Westmead The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Sydney, Australia Columbus, OH, USA
Vivekanand Jha, MD, DM, FRCP, FAMS Ste
phan Troyanov, MD
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education University of Montreal
Chandigarh, India Montreal, Canada
Philip Kam-Tao Li, MD, FRCP, FACP Jack F M Wetzels, MD, PhD
Chinese University of Hong Kong Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center
Hong Kong, China Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 141 141
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 142; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.12
The 2011 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for
Glomerulonephritis (GN) aims to assist practitioners caring for adults and children with GN.
Guideline development followed an explicit process of evidence review and appraisal. The
guideline contains chapters on various glomerular diseases: steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome
in children; steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children; minimal-change disease;
idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; idiopathic membranous nephropathy; membra-
noproliferative glomerulonephritis; infection-related glomerulonephritis; IgA nephropathy;
nlein purpura nephritis; lupus nephritis; pauci-immune focal and segmental
necrotizing glomerulonephritis; and anti–glomerular basement membrane antibody glomer-
ulonephritis. Treatment approaches are addressed in each chapter and guideline recommenda-
tions are based on systematic reviews of relevant trials. Appraisal of the quality of the evidence
and the strength of recommendations followed the GRADE approach. Limitations of the
evidence are discussed and specific suggestions are provided for future research.
Keywords: Clinical Practice Guideline; KDIGO; glomerulonephritis; nephrotic syndrome;
evidence-based recommendation; systematic review
In citing this document, the following format should be used: Kidney Disease: Improving Global
Outcomes (KDIGO) Glomerulonephritis Work Group. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for
Glomerulonephritis. Kidney inter., Suppl. 2012; 2: 139–274.
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 142
Summary of Recommendation Statements
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.13
& 2012 KDIGO
Chapter 3: Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome in
3.1: Treatment of the initial episode of SSNS
3.1.1: We recommend that corticosteroid therapy (prednisone or prednisolone)* be given for at least 12 weeks. (1B) We recommend that oral prednisone be administered as a single daily dose (1B) starting at 60 mg/m
or 2 mg/kg/d to a maximum 60 mg/d. (1D) We recommend that daily oral prednisone be given for 4–6 weeks (1C) followed by alternate-day
medication as a single daily dose starting at 40 mg/m
or 1.5 mg/kg (maximum 40 mg on alternate
days) (1D) and continued for 2–5 months with tapering of the dose. (1B)
3.2: Treatment of relapsing SSNS with corticosteroids
3.2.1: Corticosteroid therapy for children with infrequent relapses of SSNS: We suggest that infrequent relapses of SSNS in children be treated with a single-daily dose of
prednisone 60 mg/m
or 2 mg/kg (maximum of 60 mg/d) until the child has been in complete
remission for at least 3 days. (2D) We suggest that, after achieving complete remission, children be given prednisone as a single dose on
alternate days (40 mg/m
per dose or 1.5 mg/kg per dose: maximum 40 mg on alternate days) for at
least 4 weeks. (2C)
3.2.2: Corticosteroid therapy for frequently relapsing (FR) and steroid-dependent (SD) SSNS: We suggest that relapses in children with FR or SD SSNS be treated with daily prednisone until the
child has been in remission for at least 3 days, followed by alternate-day prednisone for at least
3 months. (2C) We suggest that prednisone be given on alternate days in the lowest dose to maintain remission
without major adverse effects in children with FR and SD SSNS. (2D) We suggest that daily prednisone at the lowest dose be given to maintain remission without major
adverse effects in children with SD SSNS where alternate-day prednisone therapy is not effective. (2D) We suggest that daily prednisone be given during episodes of upper respiratory tract and other
infections to reduce the risk for relapse in children with FR and SD SSNS already on alternate-day
prednisone. (2C)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country of origin. All later
references to prednisone in this chapter refer to prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral corticosteroids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
3.3: Treatment of FR and SD SSNS with corticosteroid-sparing agents
3.3.1: We recommend that corticosteroid-sparing agents be prescribed for children with FR SSNS and SD SSNS,
who develop steroid-related adverse effects. (1B)
3.3.2: We recommend that alkylating agents, cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil, be given as corticosteroid-sparing
agents for FR SSNS. (1B) We suggest that alkylating agents, cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil, be given as
corticosteroid-sparing agents for SD SSNS. (2C) We suggest that cyclophosphamide (2 mg/kg/d) be given for 8–12 weeks (maximum cumulative dose
168 mg/kg). (2C) We suggest that cyclophosphamide not be started until the child has achieved remission with
corticosteroids. (2D) We suggest that chlorambucil (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/d) may be given for 8 weeks (maximum cumulative dose
11.2 mg/kg) as an alternative to cyclophosphamide. (2C) We suggest that second courses of alkylating agents not be given. (2D)
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153 143
3.3.3: We recommend that levamisole be given as a corticosteroid-sparing agent. (1B) We suggest that levamisole be given at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg on alternate days (2B) for at least
12 months (2C) as most children will relapse when levamisole is stopped.
3.3.4: We recommend that the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine or tacrolimus be given as corticosteroid-sparing
agents. (1C) We suggest that cyclosporine be administered at a dose of 4–5 mg/kg/d (starting dose) in two divided
doses. (2C) We suggest that tacrolimus 0.1 mg/kg/d (starting dose) given in two divided doses be used instead of
cyclosporine when the cosmetic side-effects of cyclosporine are unacceptable. (2D) Monitor CNI levels during therapy to limit toxicity. (Not Graded) We suggest that CNIs be given for at least 12 months, as most children will relapse when CNIs
are stopped. (2C)
3.3.5: We suggest that MMF be given as a corticosteroid-sparing agent. (2C) We suggest that MMF (starting dose 1200 mg/m
/d) be given in two divided doses for at least
12 months, as most children will relapse when MMF is stopped. (2C)
3.3.6: We suggest that rituximab be considered only in children with SD SSNS who have continuing frequent
relapses despite optimal combinations of prednisone and corticosteroid-sparing agents, and/or who have
serious adverse effects of therapy. (2C)
3.3.7: We suggest that mizoribine not be used as a corticosteroid-sparing agent in FR and SD SSNS. (2C)
3.3.8: We recommend that azathioprine not be used as a corticosteroid-sparing agent in FR and SD SSNS. (1B)
3.4: Indication for kidney biopsy
3.4.1: Indications for kidney biopsy in children with SSNS are (Not Graded):
K late failure to respond following initial response to corticosteroids;
K a high index of suspicion for a different underlying pathology;
K decreasing kidney function in children receiving CNIs.
3.5: Immunizations in children with SSNS
3.5.1: To reduce the risk of serious infections in children with SSNS (Not Graded):
K Give pneumococcal vaccination to the children.
K Give influenza vaccination annually to the children and their household contacts.
K Defer vaccination with live vaccines until prednisone dose is below either 1 mg/kg daily (o20 mg/d) or
2 mg/kg on alternate days (o40 mg on alternate days).
K Live vaccines are contraindicated in children receiving corticosteroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents.
K Immunize healthy household contacts with live vaccines to minimize the risk of transfer of infection to
the immunosuppressed child but avoid direct exposure of the child to gastrointestinal, urinary, or
respiratory secretions of vaccinated contacts for 3–6 weeks after vaccination.
K Following close contact with Varicella infection, give nonimmune children on immunosuppressive agents
varicella zoster immune globulin, if available.
Chapter 4: Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in
4.1: Evaluation of children with SRNS
4.1.1: We suggest a minimum of 8 weeks treatment with corticosteroids to define steroid resistance. (2D)
4.1.2: The following are required to evaluate the child with SRNS (Not Graded):
K a diagnostic kidney biopsy;
K evaluation of kidney function by GFR or eGFR;
K quantitation of urine protein excretion.
144 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153
summary of recommendation statements
4.2: Treatment recommendations for SRNS
4.2.1: We recommend using a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) as initial therapy for children with SRNS. (1B) We suggest that CNI therapy be continued for a minimum of 6 months and then stopped if a partial
or complete remission of proteinuria is not achieved. (2C) We suggest CNIs be continued for a minimum of 12 months when at least a partial remission is
achieved by 6 months. (2C) We suggest that low-dose corticosteroid therapy be combined with CNI therapy. (2D)
4.2.2: We recommend treatment with ACE-I or ARBs for children with SRNS. (1B)
4.2.3: In children who fail to achieve remission with CNI therapy: We suggest that mycophenolate mofetil (2D), high-dose corticosteroids (2D), or a combination of
these agents (2D) be considered in children who fail to achieve complete or partial remission with
CNIs and corticosteroids. We suggest that cyclophosphamide not be given to children with SRNS. (2B)
4.2.4: In patients with a relapse of nephrotic syndrome after complete remission, we suggest that therapy be
restarted using any one of the following options: (2C)
K oral corticosteroids (2D);
K return to previous successful immunosuppressive agent (2D);
K an alternative immunosuppressive agent to minimize potential cumulative toxicity (2D).
Chapter 5: Minimal-change disease in adults
5.1: Treatment of initial episode of adult MCD
5.1.1: We recommend that corticosteroids be given for initial treatment of nephrotic syndrome. (1C)
5.1.2: We suggest prednisone or prednisolone* be given at a daily single dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 80 mg) or
alternate-day single dose of 2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg). (2C)
5.1.3: We suggest the initial high dose of corticosteroids, if tolerated, be maintained for a minimum period of
4 weeks if complete remission is achieved, and for a maximum period of 16 weeks if complete remission is
not achieved. (2C)
5.1.4: In patients who remit, we suggest that corticosteroids be tapered slowly over a total period of up to 6 months
after achieving remission. (2D)
5.1.5: For patients with relative contraindications or intolerance to high-dose corticosteroids (e.g., uncontrolled
diabetes, psychiatric conditions, severe osteoporosis), we suggest oral cyclophosphamide or CNIs as discussed
in frequently relapsing MCD. (2D)
5.1.6: We suggest using the same initial dose and duration of corticosteroids for infrequent relapses as in
Recommendations 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.4. (2D)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country of origin. All later
references to prednisone in this chapter refer to prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral corticosteroids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
5.2: FR/SD MCD
5.2.1: We suggest oral cyclophosphamide 2–2.5 mg/kg/d for 8 weeks. (2C)
5.2.2: We suggest CNI (cyclosporine 3–5 mg/kg/d or tacrolimus 0.05–0.1 mg/kg/d in divided doses) for 1–2 years for
FR/SD MCD patients who have relapsed despite cyclophosphamide, or for people who wish to preserve their
fertility. (2C)
5.2.3: We suggest MMF 500–1000 mg twice daily for 1–2 years for patients who are intolerant of corticosteroids,
cyclophosphamide, and CNIs. (2D)
5.3: Corticosteroid-resistant MCD
5.3.1: Re-evaluate patients who are corticosteroid-resistant for other causes of nephrotic syndrome. (Not Graded)
5.4: Supportive therapy
5.4.1: We suggest that MCD patients who have AKI be treated with renal replacement therapy as indicated, but
together with corticosteroids, as for a rst episode of MCD. (2D)
5.4.2: We suggest that, for the initial episode of nephrotic syndrome associated with MCD, statins not be used
to treat hyperlipidemia, and ACE-I or ARBs not be used in normotensive patients to lower proteinuria. (2D)
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153 145
summary of recommendation statements
Chapter 6: Idiopathic focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis in adults
6.1: Initial evaluation of FSGS
6.1.1: Undertake thorough evaluation to exclude secondary forms of FSGS. (Not Graded)
6.1.2: Do not routinely perform genetic testing. (Not Graded)
6.2: Initial treatment of FSGS
6.2.1: We recommend that corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy be considered only in idiopathic FSGS
associated with clinical features of the nephrotic syndrome. (1C)
6.2.2: We suggest prednisone* be given at a daily single dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 80 mg) or alternate-day dose of
2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg). (2C)
6.2.3: We suggest the initial high dose of corticosteroids be given for a minimum of 4 weeks; continue high-dose
corticosteroids up to a maximum of 16 weeks, as tolerated, or until complete remission has been achieved,
whichever is earlier. (2D)
6.2.4: We suggest corticosteroids be tapered slowly over a period of 6 months after achieving complete remission.
6.2.5: We suggest CNIs be considered as rst-line therapy for patients with relative contraindications or intolerance
to high-dose corticosteroids (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes, psychiatric conditions, severe osteoporosis). (2D)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country of origin. All later
references to prednisone in this chapter refer to prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral corticosteroids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
6.3: Treatment for relapse
6.3.1: We suggest that a relapse of nephrotic syndrome is treated as per the recommendations for relapsing MCD in
adults (see Chapters 5.1 and 5.2). (2D)
6.4: Treatment for steroid-resistant FSGS
6.4.1: For steroid-resistant FSGS, we suggest that cyclosporine at 3–5 mg/kg/d in divided doses be given for at least
4–6 months. (2B)
6.4.2: If there is a partial or complete remission, we suggest continuing cyclosporine treatment for at least
12 months, followed by a slow taper. (2D)
6.4.3: We suggest that patients with steroid-resistant FSGS, who do not tolerate cyclosporine, be treated with
a combination of mycophenolate mofetil and high-dose dexamethasone. (2C)
Chapter 7: Idiopathic membranous nephropathy
7.1: Evaluation of MN
7.1.1: Perform appropriate investigations to exclude secondary causes in all cases of biopsy-proven MN.
(Not Graded)
7.2: Selection of adult patients with IMN to be considered for treatment with immunosuppressive agents (see 7.8 for
recommendations for children with IMN).
7.2.1: We recommend that initial therapy be started only in patients with nephrotic syndrome AND when at least
one of the following conditions is met:
K Urinary protein excretion persistently exceeds 4 g/d AND remains at over 50% of the baseline value, AND
does not show progressive decline, during antihypertensive and antiproteinuric therapy (see Chapter 1)
during an observation period of at least 6 months; (1B)
K the presence of severe, disabling, or life-threatening symptoms related to the nephrotic syndrome; (1C)
K SCr has risen by 30% or more within 6 to 12 months from the time of diagnosis but the eGFR is not less
than 25–30 ml/min/1.73 m
AND this change is not explained by superimposed complications. (2C)
146 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153
summary of recommendation statements
7.2.2: Do not use immunosuppressive therapy in patients with a SCr persistently 43.5 mg/dl (4309 lmol/l) (or an
eGFR o30 ml/min per 1.73 m
) AND reduction of kidney size on ultrasound (e.g., o8 cm in length) OR those
with concomitant severe or potentially life-threatening infections. (Not Graded)
7.3: Initial therapy of IMN
7.3.1: We recommend that initial therapy consist of a 6-month course of alternating monthly cycles of oral and i.v.
corticosteroids, and oral alkylating agents (see Table 15). (1B)
7.3.2: We suggest using cyclophosphamide rather than chlorambucil for initial therapy. (2B)
7.3.3: We recommend patients be managed conservatively for at least 6 months following the completion of this
regimen before being considered a treatment failure if there is no remission, unless kidney function is
deteriorating or severe, disabling, or potentially life-threatening symptoms related to the nephrotic syndrome
are present (see also Recommendation 7.2.1). (1C)
7.3.4: Perform a repeat kidney biopsy only if the patient has rapidly deteriorating kidney function (doubling of SCr
over 1–2 month of observation), in the absence of massive proteinuria (415 g/d). (Not Graded)
7.3.5: Adjust the dose of cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil according to the age of the patient and eGFR.
(Not Graded)
7.3.6: We suggest that continuous daily (noncyclical) use of oral alkylating agents may also be effective, but can be
associated with greater risk of toxicity, particularly when administered for 46 months. (2C)
7.4: Alternative regimens for the initial therapy of IMN: CNI therapy
7.4.1: We recommend that cyclosporine or tacrolimus be used for a period of at least 6 months in patients who meet
the criteria for initial therapy (as described in Recommendation 7.2.1), but who choose not to receive the
cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen or who have contraindications to this regimen. (See Table 18
for specific recommendations for dosage during therapy.) (1C)
7.4.2: We suggest that CNIs be discontinued in patients who do not achieve complete or partial remission after
6 months of treatment. (2C)
7.4.3: We suggest that the dosage of CNI be reduced at intervals of 4–8 weeks to a level of about 50% of the starting
dosage, provided that remission is maintained and no treatment-limiting CNI-related nephrotoxicity occurs,
and continued for at least 12 months. (2C)
7.4.4: We suggest that CNI blood levels be monitored regularly during the initial treatment period, and whenever
there is an unexplained rise in SCr (420%) during therapy. (Not Graded) (See Table 18 for specific CNI-based
regimen dosage recommendations.)
7.5: Regimens not recommended or suggested for initial therapy of IMN
7.5.1: We recommend that corticosteroid monotherapy not be used for initial therapy of IMN. (1B)
7.5.2: We suggest that monotherapy with MMF not be used for initial therapy of IMN. (2C)
7.6: Treatment of IMN resistant to recommended initial therapy
7.6.1: We suggest that patients with IMN resistant to alkylating agent/steroid-based initial therapy be treated with
a CNI. (2C)
7.6.2: We suggest that patients with IMN resistant to CNI-based initial therapy be treated with an alkylating agent/
steroid-based therapy. (2C)
7.7: Treatment for relapses of nephrotic syndrome in adults with IMN
7.7.1: We suggest that relapses of nephrotic syndrome in IMN be treated by reinstitution of the same therapy that
resulted in the initial remission. (2D)
7.7.2: We suggest that, if a 6-month cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen was used for initial therapy (see
Recommendation 7.3.1), the regimen be repeated only once for treatment of a relapse. (2B)
7.8: Treatment of IMN in children
7.8.1: We suggest that treatment of IMN in children follows the recommendations for treatment of IMN in adults.
(2C) (See Recommendations 7.2.1 and 7.3.1.)
7.8.2: We suggest that no more than one course of the cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen be given in
children. (2D)
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summary of recommendation statements
7.9: Prophylactic anticoagulants in IMN
7.9.1: We suggest that patients with IMN and nephrotic syndrome, with marked reduction in serum albumin
(o2.5 g/dl [o25 g/l]) and additional risks for thrombosis, be considered for prophylactic anticoagulant
therapy, using oral warfarin. (2C)
Chapter 8: Idiopathic membranoproliferative
8.1: Evaluation of MPGN
8.1.1: Evaluate patients with the histological (light-microscopic) pattern of MPGN for underlying diseases before
considering a specific treatment regimen (see Table 20). (Not Graded)
8.2: Treatment of idiopathic MPGN
8.2.1: We suggest that adults or children with presumed idiopathic MPGN accompanied by nephrotic syndrome
AND progressive decline of kidney function receive oral cyclophosphamide or MMF plus low-dose alternate-
day or daily corticosteroids with initial therapy limited to less than 6 months. (2D)
Chapter 9: Infection-related glomerulonephritis
9.1: For the following infection-related GN, we suggest appropriate treatment of the infectious disease and standard
approaches to management of the kidney manifestations: (2D)
K poststreptococcal GN;
K infective endocarditis-related GN;
K shunt nephritis.
9.2: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection–related GN
(Please also refer to the published KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Hepatitis C in Chronic
Kidney Disease.)
9.2.1: For HCV-infected patients with CKD Stages 1 or 2 and GN, we suggest combined antiviral treatment using
pegylated interferon and ribavirin as in the general population. (2C) [based on KDIGO HCV
Recommendation 2.2.1] Titrate ribavirin dose according to patient tolerance and level of renal function. (Not Graded)
9.2.2: For HCV-infected patients with CKD Stages 3, 4, or 5 and GN not yet on dialysis, we suggest monotherapy
with pegylated interferon, with doses adjusted to the level of kidney function. (2D) [based on KDIGO HCV
Recommendation 2.2.2]
9.2.3: For patients with HCV and mixed cryoglobulinemia (IgG/IgM) with nephrotic proteinuria or evidence
of progressive kidney disease or an acute flare of cryoglobulinemia, we suggest either plasmapheresis,
rituximab, or cyclophosphamide, in conjunction with i.v. methylprednisolone, and concomitant antiviral
therapy. (2D)
9.3: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection–related GN
9.3.1: We recommend that patients with HBV infection and GN receive treatment with interferon-a or with
nucleoside analogues as recommended for the general population by standard clinical practice guidelines for
HBV infection (see Table 23). (1C)
9.3.2: We recommend that the dosing of these antiviral agents be adjusted to the degree of kidney function. (1C)
9.4: Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection–related glomerular disorders
9.4.1: We recommend that antiretroviral therapy be initiated in all patients with biopsy-proven HIV-associated
nephropathy, regardless of CD4 count. (1B)
148 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153
summary of recommendation statements
9.5: Schistosomal, filarial, and malarial nephropathies
9.5.1: We suggest that patients with GN and concomitant malarial, schistosomal, or filarial infection be treated with
an appropriate antiparasitic agent in sufficient dosage and duration to eradicate the organism. (Not Graded)
9.5.2: We suggest that corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents not be used for treatment of schistosomal-
associated GN, since the GN is believed to be the direct result of infection and the attendant immune
response to the organism. (2D)
9.5.3: We suggest that blood culture for Salmonella be considered in all patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis
who show urinary abnormalities and/or reduced GFR. (2C) We suggest that all patients who show a positive blood culture for Salmonella receive anti-Salmonella
therapy. (2C)
Chapter 10: Immunoglobulin A nephropathy
10.1: Initial evaluation including assessment of risk of progressive kidney disease
10.1.1: Assess all patients with biopsy-proven IgAN for secondary causes of IgAN. (Not Graded)
10.1.2: Assess the risk of progression in all cases by evaluation of proteinuria, blood pressure, and eGFR at the time
of diagnosis and during follow-up. (Not Graded)
10.1.3: Pathological features may be used to assess prognosis. (Not Graded)
10.2: Antiproteinuric and antihypertensive therapy
10.2.1: We recommend long-term ACE-I or ARB treatment when proteinuria is 41 g/d, with up-titration of the drug
depending on blood pressure. (1B)
10.2.2: We suggest ACE-I or ARB treatment if proteinuria is between 0.5 to 1 g/d (in children, between 0.5 to 1 g/d
per 1.73 m
). (2D)
10.2.3: We suggest the ACE-I or ARB be titrated upwards as far as tolerated to achieve proteinuria o1g/d. (2C)
10.2.4: In IgAN, use blood pressure treatment goals of o130/80 mmHg in patients with proteinuria o1 g/d, and
o125/75 mmHg when initial proteinuria is 41 g/d (see Chapter 2). (Not Graded)
10.3: Corticosteroids
10.3.1: We suggest that patients with persistent proteinuria Z1 g/d, despite 3–6 months of optimized supportive care
(including ACE-I or ARBs and blood pressure control), and GFR 450 ml/min per 1.73 m
, receive a 6-month
course of corticosteroid therapy. (2C)
10.4: Immunosuppressive agents (cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, MMF, cyclosporine)
10.4.1: We suggest not treating with corticosteroids combined with cyclophosphamide or azathioprine in IgAN
patients (unless there is crescentic IgAN with rapidly deteriorating kidney function; see Recommendation
10.6.3). (2D)
10.4.2: We suggest not using immunosuppressive therapy in patients with GFR o30 ml/min per 1.73 m
unless there
is crescentic IgAN with rapidly deteriorating kidney function (see Section 10.6). (2C)
10.4.3: We suggest not using MMF in IgAN. (2C)
10.5: Other treatments
10.5.1: Fish oil treatment We suggest using fish oil in the treatment of IgAN with persistent proteinuria Z1 g/d, despite 3–6
months of optimized supportive care (including ACE-I or ARBs and blood pressure control). (2D)
10.5.2: Antiplatelet agents We suggest not using antiplatelet agents to treat IgAN. (2C)
10.5.3: Tonsillectomy We suggest that tonsillectomy not be performed for IgAN. (2C)
10.6: Atypical forms of IgAN
10.6.1: MCD with mesangial IgA deposits We recommend treatment as for MCD (see Chapter 5) in nephrotic patients showing pathological
findings of MCD with mesangial IgA deposits on kidney biopsy. (2B)
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153 149
summary of recommendation statements
10.6.2: AKI associated with macroscopic hematuria Perform a repeat kidney biopsy in IgAN patients with AKI associated with macroscopic hematuria
if, after 5 days from the onset of kidney function worsening, there is no improvement. (Not Graded) We suggest general supportive care for AKI in IgAN, with a kidney biopsy performed during an
episode of macroscopic hematuria showing only ATN and intratubular erythrocyte casts. (2C)
10.6.3: Crescentic IgAN Define crescentic IgAN as IgAN with crescents in more than 50% of glomeruli in the renal biopsy
with rapidly progressive renal deterioration. (Not Graded) We suggest the use of steroids and cyclophosphamide in patients with IgAN and rapidly progressive
crescentic IgAN, analogous to the treatment of ANCA vasculitis (see Chapter 13). (2D)
Chapter 11: Henoch-Scho
nlein purpura nephritis
11.1: Treatment of HSP nephritis in children
11.1.1: We suggest that children with HSP nephritis and persistent proteinuria, 40.5–1 g/d per 1.73 m
, are treated
with ACE-I or ARBs. (2D)
11.1.2: We suggest that children with persistent proteinuria, 41 g/d per 1.73 m
, after a trial of ACE-I or ARBs, and
GFR 450 ml/min per 1.73 m
, be treated the same as for IgAN with a 6-month course of corticosteroid
therapy (see Chapter 10). (2D)
11.2: Treatment of crescentic HSP nephritis in children
11.2.1: We suggest that children with crescentic HSP with nephrotic syndrome and/or deteriorating kidney function
are treated the same as for crescentic IgAN (see Recommendation 10.6.3). (2D)
11.3: Prevention of HSP nephritis in children
11.3.1: We recommend not using corticosteroids to prevent HSP nephritis. (1B)
11.4: HSP nephritis in adults
11.4.1: We suggest that HSP nephritis in adults be treated the same as in children. (2D)
Chapter 12: Lupus nephritis
12.1: Class I LN (minimal-mesangial LN)
12.1.1: We suggest that patients with class I LN be treated as dictated by the extrarenal clinical manifestations of
lupus. (2D)
12.2: Class II LN (mesangial-proliferative LN)
12.2.1: Treat patients with class II LN and proteinuria o1 g/d as dictated by the extrarenal clinical manifestations of
lupus. (2D)
12.2.2: We suggest that class II LN with proteinuria 43 g/d be treated with corticosteroids or CNIs as
described for MCD (see Chapter 5). (2D)
12.3: Class III LN (focal LN) and class IV LN (diffuse LN)—initial therapy
12.3.1: We recommend initial therapy with corticosteroids (1A), combined with either cyclophosphamide (1B)or
MMF (1B).
12.3.2: We suggest that, if patients have worsening LN (rising SCr, worsening proteinuria) during the first 3 months
of treatment, a change be made to an alternative recommended initial therapy, or a repeat kidney biopsy be
performed to guide further treatment. (2D)
150 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153
summary of recommendation statements
12.4: Class III LN (focal LN) and class IV LN (diffuse LN)—maintenance therapy
12.4.1: We recommend that, after initial therapy is complete, patients with class III and IV LN receive maintenance
therapy with azathioprine (1.5–2.5 mg/kg/d) or MMF (1–2 g/d in divided doses), and low-dose oral
corticosteroids (r10 mg/d prednisone equivalent). (1B)
12.4.2: We suggest that CNIs with low-dose corticosteroids be used for maintenance therapy in patients who are
intolerant of MMF and azathioprine. (2C)
12.4.3: We suggest that, after complete remission is achieved, maintenance therapy be continued for at least 1 year
before consideration is given to tapering the immunosuppression. (2D)
12.4.4: If complete remission has not been achieved after 12 months of maintenance therapy, consider performing a
repeat kidney biopsy before determining if a change in therapy is indicated. (Not Graded)
12.4.5: While maintenance therapy is being tapered, if kidney function deteriorates and/or proteinuria worsens, we
suggest that treatment be increased to the previous level of immunosuppression that controlled the LN. (2D)
12.5: Class V LN (membranous LN)
12.5.1: We recommend that patients with class V LN, normal kidney function, and non–nephrotic-range proteinuria
be treated with antiproteinuric and antihypertensive medications, and only receive corticosteroids and
immunosuppressives as dictated by the extrarenal manifestations of systemic lupus. (2D)
12.5.2: We suggest that patients with pure class V LN and persistent nephrotic proteinuria be treated with
corticosteroids plus an additional immunosuppressive agent: cyclophosphamide (2C), or CNI (2C), or MMF
(2D), or azathioprine (2D).
12.6: General treatment of LN
12.6.1: We suggest that all patients with LN of any class are treated with hydroxychloroquine (maximum daily dose
of 6–6.5 mg/kg ideal body weight), unless they have a specific contraindication to this drug. (2C)
12.7: Class VI LN (advanced sclerosis LN)
12.7.1: We recommend that patients with class VI LN be treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressives only
as dictated by the extrarenal manifestations of systemic lupus. (2D)
12.8: Relapse of LN
12.8.1: We suggest that a relapse of LN after complete or partial remission be treated with the initial therapy
followed by the maintenance therapy that was effective in inducing the original remission. (2B) If resuming the original therapy would put the patient at risk for excessive lifetime
cyclophosphamide exposure, then we suggest a non–cyclophosphamide-based initial regimen be
used (Regimen D, Table 28). (2B)
12.8.2: Consider a repeat kidney biopsy during relapse if there is suspicion that the histologic class of LN has
changed, or there is uncertainty whether a rising SCr and/or worsening proteinuria represents disease
activity or chronicity. (Not Graded)
12.9: Treatment of resistant disease
12.9.1: In patients with worsening SCr and/or proteinuria after completing one of the initial treatment regimens,
consider performing a repeat kidney biopsy to distinguish active LN from scarring. (Not Graded)
12.9.2: Treat patients with worsening SCr and/or proteinuria who continue to have active LN on biopsy with one of
the alternative initial treatment regimens (see Section 12.3). (Not Graded)
12.9.3: We suggest that nonresponders who have failed more than one of the recommended initial regimens (see
Section 12.3) may be considered for treatment with rituximab, i.v. immunoglobulin, or CNIs. (2D)
12.10: Systemic lupus and thrombotic microangiopathy
12.10.1: We suggest that the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) involving the kidney in systemic lupus patients,
with or without LN, be treated by anticoagulation (target international normalized ratio [INR] 2–3). (2D)
12.10.2: We suggest that patients with systemic lupus and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) receive plasma
exchange as for patients with TTP without systemic lupus. (2D)
12.11: Systemic lupus and pregnancy
12.11.1: We suggest that women be counseled to delay pregnancy until a complete remission of LN has been
achieved. (2D)
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153 151
summary of recommendation statements
12.11.2: We recommend that cyclophosphamide, MMF, ACE-I, and ARBs not be used during pregnancy. (1A)
12.11.3: We suggest that hydroxychloroquine be continued during pregnancy. (2B)
12.11.4: We recommend that LN patients who become pregnant while being treated with MMF be switched to
azathioprine. (1B)
12.11.5: We recommend that, if LN patients relapse during pregnancy, they receive treatment with corticosteroids
and, depending on the severity of the relapse, azathioprine. (1B)
12.11.6: If pregnant patients are receiving corticosteroids or azathioprine, we suggest that these drugs not be
tapered during pregnancy or for at least 3 months after delivery. (2D)
12.11.7: We suggest administration of low-dose aspirin during pregnancy to decrease the risk of fetal loss. (2C)
12.12: LN in children
12.12.1: We suggest that children with LN receive the same therapies as adults with LN, with dosing based on
patient size and GFR. (2D)
Chapter 13: Pauci-immune focal and segmental
necrotizing glomerulonephritis
13.1: Initial treatment of pauci-immune focal and segmental necrotizing GN
13.1.1: We recommend that cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids be used as initial treatment. (1A)
13.1.2: We recommend that rituximab and corticosteroids be used as an alternative initial treatment in patients
without severe disease or in whom cyclophosphamide is contraindicated. (1B)
13.2: Special patient populations
13.2.1: We recommend the addition of plasmapheresis for patients requiring dialysis or with rapidly increasing
SCr. (1C)
13.2.2: We suggest the addition of plasmapheresis for patients with diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage. (2C)
13.2.3: We suggest the addition of plasmapheresis for patients with overlap syndrome of ANCA vasculitis and
anti-GBM GN, according to proposed criteria and regimen for anti-GBM GN (see Chapter 14). (2D)
13.2.4: We suggest discontinuing cyclophosphamide therapy after 3 months in patients who remain dialysis-
dependent and who do not have any extrarenal manifestations of disease. (2C)
13.3: Maintenance therapy
13.3.1: We recommend maintenance therapy in patients who have achieved remission. (1B)
13.3.2: We suggest continuing maintenance therapy for at least 18 months in patients who remain in complete
remission. (2D)
13.3.3: We recommend no maintenance therapy in patients who are dialysis-dependent and have no extrarenal
manifestations of disease. (1C)
13.4: Choice of agent for maintenance therapy
13.4.1: We recommend azathioprine 1–2 mg/kg/d orally as maintenance therapy. (1B)
13.4.2: We suggest that MMF, up to 1 g twice daily, be used for maintenance therapy in patients who are allergic to,
or intolerant of, azathioprine. (2C)
13.4.3: We suggest trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole as an adjunct to maintenance therapy in patients with upper
respiratory tract disease. (2B)
13.4.4: We suggest methotrexate (initially 0.3 mg/kg/wk, maximum 25 mg/wk) for maintenance therapy in patients
intolerant of azathioprine and MMF, but not if GFR is o60 ml/min per 1.73 m
13.4.5: We recommend not using etanercept as adjunctive therapy. (1A)
13.5: Treatment of relapse
13.5.1: We recommend treating patients with severe relapse of ANCA vasculitis (life- or organ-threatening)
according to the same guidelines as for the initial therapy (see Section 13.1). (1C)
152 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153
summary of recommendation statements
13.5.2: We suggest treating other relapses of ANCA vasculitis by reinstituting immunosuppressive therapy or
increasing its intensity with agents other than cyclophosphamide, including instituting or increasing dose of
corticosteroids, with or without azathioprine or MMF. (2C)
13.6: Treatment of resistant disease
13.6.1: In ANCA GN resistant to induction therapy with cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids, we recommend the
addition of rituximab (1C), and suggest i.v. immunoglobulin (2C) or plasmapheresis (2D) as alternatives.
13.7: Monitoring
13.7.1: We suggest not changing immunosuppression based on changes in ANCA titer alone. (2D)
13.8: Transplantation
13.8.1: We recommend delaying transplantation until patients are in complete extrarenal remission for
12 months. (1C)
13.8.2: We recommend not delaying transplantation for patients who are in complete remission but are still
ANCA-positive. (1C)
Chapter 14: Treatment of anti-glomerular basement
membrane antibody glomerulonephritis
14.1: Treatment of anti-GBM GN
14.1.1: We recommend initiating immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids plus plasma-
pheresis (see Table 31) in all patients with anti-GBM GN except those who are dialysis-dependent at
presentation and have 100% crescents in an adequate biopsy sample, and do not have pulmonary
hemorrhage. (1B)
14.1.2: Start treatment for anti-GBM GN without delay once the diagnosis is confirmed. If the diagnosis is highly
suspected, it would be appropriate to begin high-dose corticosteroids and plasmapheresis (Table 31) while
waiting for confirmation. (Not Graded)
14.1.3: We recommend no maintenance immunosuppressive therapy for anti-GBM GN. (1D)
14.1.4: Defer kidney transplantation after anti-GBM GN until anti-GBM antibodies have been undetectable for a
minimum of 6 months. (Not Graded)
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 143–153 153
summary of recommendation statements
Chapter 1: Introduction
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 154–155; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.14
This clinical practice guideline has been developed to provide
recommendations for the treatment of patients already
diagnosed with glomerulonephritis (GN). The emphasis is
on the more common forms of immune-mediated glomer-
ular disease in both children and adults. The scope includes
histologic variants of GN restricted to the kidney, as well as
the most common ones associated with systemic immune-
mediated disease. This guideline does not cover diagnosis or
prevention of GN.
The guideline addresses the following forms of GN:
K Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) and steroid-
resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) in children;
K Minimal-change disease (MCD) and idiopathic focal
segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in children and
K Idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN);
K Idiopathic membranoproliferative GN;
K GN associated with infections;
K Immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy and Henoch-
nlein purpura (HSP) nephritis;
K Lupus nephritis (LN);
K Renal vasculitis;
K Antiglomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) GN.
The Work Group members defined the overall topics and goals
for the guideline. Then, in collaboration with the evidence
review team (ERT), the Work Group further developed and
refined each systematic review topic, specified screening
criteria, literature search strategies, and data extraction forms.
The ERT performed literature searches, organized the
abstracts and article screening, coordinated the methodologi-
cal and analytic processes of the report, defined and
standardized the methodology relating to these searches and
data extraction, and produced summaries of the evidence.
Using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Develop-
ment and Evaluation (GRADE) approach, they created
preliminary evidence profiles (described in the Methods for
guideline development) that were subsequently reviewed and
completed by the Work Group members. The ERT searches
were updated to January 2011 and supplemented with
additional studies known to the Work Group members through
November 2011. Through an iterative process that involved all
Work Group members, the chairs of the Work Group, and the
ERT, the individual chapters were refined, reviewed, and
finalized. All the details in the multiple steps involved in the
assessment of grade and strength of the evidence are detailed
fully in the section, Methods for guideline development. The
Work Group made two levels of recommendations (1 or 2)
based on the strength of the evidence supporting the
recommendation, the net medical benefit, values and prefer-
ences, and costs. Recommendations were also graded based on
the overall quality of the evidence (A to D). Recommendations
that provided general guidance about routine medical care (and
related issues) were not graded.
The recommendations made in this guideline are directed
by the available evidence to support the specific treatment
options listed. When the published evidence is very weak
or nonexistent no recommendations are made, although the
reasons for such omissions are explained in the rationale in
each chapter. There are, therefore, a number of circumstances
in this guideline where treatments in wide use in current
clinical practice are given only level 2 recommendations
(i.e., suggested) or not included for lack of evidence.
The starting point for this guideline is that a morpho-
logical characterization of the glomerular lesion has been
established by kidney biopsy or, in the case of some children
with nephrotic syndrome, by characteristic clinical features.
An important corollary is that the guideline does not provide
recommendations on how to evaluate patients presenting
with suspected glomerular disease nor when or in whom to
perform a diagnostic kidney biopsy. We recognize these are
relevant management issues in these patients but have chosen
to begin the guideline at the point of an established diagnosis
based on an adequate biopsy reviewed by a knowledgeable
nephropathologist. This has dictated the starting point of our
evidence-based systematic reviews and subsequent recom-
This guideline was written primarily for nephrologists,
although it should also be useful for other physicians, nurses,
pharmacists, and health-care professionals who care for
patients with GN. It was not developed for health-care
administrators or regulators per se, and no attempts were
made to develop clinical performance measures. This guide-
line was also not written directly for patients or caregivers,
though appropriately drafted explanations of guideline
recommendations could potentially provide useful informa-
tion for these groups.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
chapter 1 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 154–155
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and techniques involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer
s own published
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 154–155 155
chapter 1
Chapter 2: General principles in the management
of glomerular disease
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.15
There are a number of general principles in the management
of glomerular injury which apply to most or all of the
histologic variants of GN covered by this guideline. In this
chapter, we discuss these general principles to minimize
repetition in the guideline. Where there are specific
applications or exceptions to these general statements, an
expansion and rationale for these variations and/or recom-
mendations are made in each chapter.
Kidney Biopsy
Kidney biopsy is mandatory for diagnosis. It defines the
morphologic patterns of GN that will be reviewed in this
guideline. The single exception to this rule is SSNS in
children. This entity has an operational clinical definition
that is sufficiently robust to direct initia l treatment, with the
kidney biopsy reserved for identifying pathology only when
the clinical response is atypical.
Adequacy of kidney biopsy. There are two components in
terms of assessing adequacy of the tissue sample. The first
relates to the size of biopsy necessary to diagnose or exclude a
specific histopathologic pattern with a reasonable level of
confidence, and the second concerns the amount of tissue
needed for an adequate assessment of the amount of acute or
chronic damage present.
In some cases a diagnosis may be possible from
examination of a single glomerulus (e.g., membranous
nephropathy), but generally a substantially larger specimen
is required to ensure that the material reviewed by the
nephropathologist adequately represents the glomerular,
tubular, interstitial, and vascular compartments of the
kidney. In addition, sufficient tissue is needed to perform
not only an examination by light microscopy, but also
immunohistochemi cal staining to detect immune reactants
(including immunoglobulins and complement components),
and electron microscopy to define precisely the location,
extent and, potentially, t he specific characteristics of the
immune deposits. We recognize that electron microscopy is
not routinely available in many parts of the world, but the
additional information defined by this technique may modify
and even change the histologic diagnosis, and may influence
therapeutic decisions; hence, it is recommended whenever
In some diseases, for example FSGS and necrotizing
glomerulonephritis associated with antineutrophil cytoplas-
mic antibodies (ANC A), lesions are only seen in some
segments of some glomeruli. In these cases, it is important
that the biopsy is examined by light microscopy at several
levels if lesions are not to be missed. If a lesion that affects
only 5% of glomeruli is to be detected or excluded with
95% confidence, then over 20 glomeruli are needed in the
Although many biopsies will have fewer glomeruli,
it is important to realize that this limits diagnostic accuracy,
especially when the diagnostic lesions are focal and/or
An important component of kidney biopsy examination is
the assessment of ‘activity’, that is lesions which are acute
and potentially responsive to specific therapy, and chroni-
city’, where they are not reversible or treatable. As glomeruli
become scarred there is consequent atrophy of the rest of the
nephron with interstitial fibrosis, and it is usually the case in
GN that the degree of chronic irreversible damage is most
easily assessed from the amount of tubular atrophy. The
accuracy of this assessment is increased with larger biopsies.
The assessment of chronic damage from the biopsy must
always be interpreted together with the clinical data to avoid
misinterpretation if the biopsy is taken from a focal cortical
scar. The amount of information that can be derived from
kidney pathology varies substantially in the different GN
types; when of par ticular relevance, this is addressed
specifically within the appropriate chapters.
Repeat kidney biopsy. Repeat kidney biopsy during
therapy or following a relapse may be informative. There is
no systematic evidence to support recommendations for
when or how often a repeat biopsy is necessary, bu t given the
invasive nature of the procedure and the low but unavoidable
risks involved, it should be used sparingly. In general, a
decision about the value of a repeat biopsy should be driven
by whether a change in therapy is being considered. More
specifically, a repeat biopsy should be considered:
K when an unexpected deterioration in kidney function
occurs (not compatible with the natural history) that
suggests there may be a change or addition to the primary
diagnosis (e.g., crescentic GN developing in known
membranous nephropathy or interstitial nephritis second-
ary to the drugs being used in the disease management);
K when changes in clinical or laboratory parameters suggest
a change of injury pattern within the same diagnosis (e.g.,
conversion of membranous to diffuse proliferative LN);
K when the relative contributions to the clinical picture of
disease activity and chronicity are unknown, creating
therapeutic uncer tainty in regards to intensifying, main-
taining, or reducing therapy;
chapter 2 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162
K to assist in defining a ‘point of no return and to help
define therapeuti c futility (i.e., such extensive and
irreversible kidney scarring that no response to available
therapies can be expected).
Assessment of Kidney Function
Key outcome measures for the management of GN include
assessment of kidney function, particularly measurement of
proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Proteinuria. Whether urine albumin or urine protein
excretion is the preferred measurement to assess glomerular
injur y continues to be debated. However, 24-hour protein
excretion remains the reference (‘‘gold standard’’) method for
quantification of proteinuria in patients with GN. It averages
the variation of proteinuria due to the circadian rhythm,
physical activity, and posture. Almost all of the published
clinical trials used in the development of this guideline
utilized 24-hour measurement of proteinuria to assess
responses. Although this method is subject to error due to
over- or under-collection, the simultaneous measurement of
urine creatinine helps to standardize the collection in terms
of completeness, thereby improving its reliability.
Protein-creatinine ratio (PCR) or albumin-creatinine ratio
on a random (‘‘spot’) urine sample, or a first morning urine
sample, is a practical alternative to 24-hour urine collection.
It is increasingly used in clinical practice because the sample
is easy to obtain, is not influenced by variation in water
intake or by urinary flow rate. There may still be gender and
racial variations that are not accounted for, given these
factors may modify creatinine generation. There is a
correlation between the protein-creatinine ratio in a random
urine sample and 24-hour protein excretion. Although the
reliability of PCR for the monitoring of proteinuria during
treatment is still not proven, it has practical clinical utility,
especially in children. In some recent studies, urine samples
have been collected over a longer period (e.g., 4 hours) to
address the limitations of ‘spot’ urine samples that can be
influenced by activ ity and circadian rhythm, but without the
problems associated with a 24-hour urine collections.
correlation of PCR with proteinuria from a 24-hour urine
collection does improve steadily as the collection period is
lengthened. However, there is currently insufficient evidence
to preferentially recommend 24-hour, shorter-timed, or spot
urine collections for proteinuria in the management of GN.
The conventional definition of nephrotic syndrome in the
published literature is proteinuria 43.5 g per 24 hours (in
children, 440 mg/m
/hr or PCR 42000 mg/g [4200 mg/
mmol] or 4300 mg/dl or 3 þ on urine dipstick) plus hypo-
albuminemia and edema. Nephrotic-range proteinuria is
nearly always arbitrarily defined as proteinuria 43.5 g per
24 hours [uPCR 42000 mg/g [4200 mg/mmol] in children)
in the absence of clinically overt nephrotic syndrome.
Asymptomatic proteinuria, by defin ition without clinical
symptoms, has variable levels of proteinuria in the range of
0.3–1.5 g per 24 hours (or equivalent). Treatment trials even
within the same pattern of GN have used a variety of entry
criteria based on severity of proteinuria. This is only one of
the issues that make direct comparison of trial outcomes
difficult. Nevertheless, quantifying proteinuria (and perhaps
even assessing its qualitative nature) is an important measure
in the assessment of the patient with GN. This is relevant in
almost all the primary and secondary glomerular diseases in
this guideline. It is also important and necessary to define,
within each of the specific GN types in the subsequent
chapters, what levels and changes in proteinuria have been
used to categorize both the risk of progression and the
definition of response. These parameters are not uniform and
vary widely across the spectrum of GN. There is insufficient
evidence currently to recommend basing treatment decisions
on more detailed qualitative analysis of proteinuria, such as
measurement of fractional urinary excretion of immuno-
globulin G (IgG), b-2 microglobulin, retinol-binding protein,
or a-1 macroglobulin.
Estimation of GFR. Most of the available evidence for
treatment of GN has been based on estimations of excretory
kidney function using serum creatinine (SCr) or creatinine
clearance (CrCl) requiring a 24-hour urine collection. Very
few studies have reported gold standard measurements of
GFR using inulin or radioisotope clearance techniques. Other
techniques used in past studies include adjustment of SCr for
age, weight, and sex using the Cockcroft-Gault formula and
reciprocal or log transform ation of SCr. Serum cystatin C, as
an alternative to SCr has not been validated in subjects with
GN. All these methods have limitations, but are informative
when sequential measurements are made in each subject.
Recently, estimation of GFR using the Modification of
Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) 4 variable equation has
gained increasing acceptance, althoug h it has not been
validated specifically in those with GN. Another estimating
equation, CKD Epi has recently been proposed, which may
be more accurate than the MDRD equation, especially at
values 460 ml/min. Ethnicity may also influence estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). There is no robust
evidence to recommend the superiority of any of the
available methods for estimating GFR in the management
of GN. One particular limitation is that eGFR using
creatinine-based formu las should be interpreted with caution
in nephrotic syndrome, since tubular creatinine handling is
altered in this condition. As a result, CrCl and eGFR may
overestimate true GFR in nephrotic syndrome by 50% or
GFR estimations are also unreliable during episodes of
acute kidney injury (AKI).
In children, there are alternative validated formulas for
eGFR, notably the Schwartz formula.
Outcome Measures
Complete remission, ESRD, mortality.
A definitive assess-
ment of the efficacy of a treatment for GN requires the
demonstration that end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has been
prevented, and mortality reduced. Very few studies in GN
have been of sufficient duration or have analyzed sufficient
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162 157
chapter 2
numbers of patients to accurately assess these outcomes. This
is not surprising, given the slow natural history of many of
the histologic variants of GN in this guideline. The other
accepted outcome measure for many of these disorders is
complete remission, assessed by the complete disappearance
of abnormal proteinuria (o300 mg per 24 hours). However,
most studies rely on other surrogates as predictors of clinical
outcomes. These surrogate outcome measures include
changes in proteinuria, e.g., partial remission of proteinuria,
change in kidney function, point of no return, quality of
life, and quality of health.
Changes in proteinuria. A quantitative change in protei-
nuria is presented in most studies. This is often categorized
as complete remission, usually defined as proteinuria o0.3 g
per 24 hours (uPCR o300 mg/g [o30 mg/mmol]) or partial
remission defined as proteinuria 40.3 but o3.5 g per
24 hours or a decrease in proteinuria by at least 50% from
the initial value and o3.5 g per 24 hours. However,
definitions vary and are not used consistently even within a
specific GN pattern. The variations in these definitions will
be discussed in each chapter.
Changes in kidney function. Changes in kidney function
are usually measured by changes in SCr or CrCl. These need
to be substantial to indicate true disease progression, e.g.,
doubling of SCr, or halving of CrCl or eGFR. This is because
most patients with GN have gradual changes in function and
there are many factors that may modify the SCr value besides
progression of kidney disease. These factors include changes
in intravascular volume, intercurrent illness, comorbid
conditions, and many drugs. In addition, there are specific
issues related to the SCr value independent of the disease,
such as the method used for its measurement, changes in
muscle mass, and alterations in urine flow and level of kidney
function that both alter the tubular secretion of creatinine.
In more recent studies, changes over time in eGFR have been
reported. In the absence of ESRD as a defined adverse
outcome, slope of CrCl or slope of eGFR may be an adequate
and reliable marker of change in kid ney function, provided
that sufficient data at sequential time points are available, and
that the slope is sufficiently linear.
Changes in GFR are often described qualitatively as
deteriorating’ or ‘rapidly deteriorating’ kid ney function.
Although these terms have no precise definitions, they are in
common usage especially in certain histologic categories such
as vasculitis and lupus nephritis. These are descriptive terms,
and the value of a particular therapy can be properly
evaluated only when compared to another group with similar
clinical and histologic characterizations and in the setting of
a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Where available, these
will be presented in each chapter.
‘‘Point of no return’’. This concept has no precise defini-
tion, but describes a situation in the natural history of a
chronic glomerular disease where loss of kidney function is
accompanied by such extensive and irreversible kidney injury
that any therapeutic strategy being tested cannot reasonably
be expected to alter the natural history of progressive
deterioration in kidney function (therap eutic futility). The
presumption is that such patients should be excluded from
clinical trials, since they are expected to be ‘nonresponders’
and therefore may dilute any treatment effect, and adversely
affect the power of the study. Furthermore these subjects with
reduced kidney function may be at higher risk of adverse
effects of the therapies being tested. In the absence of precise
definitions of the ‘point of no return it is not possible to
know, in most of the published trials, whether the inclusion
or exclusion of such patients may have masked any
therapeutic benefit.
Quality of life and quality of health. Patients’ own percep-
tions of their quality of life and qua lity of health, and their
preferences are extremely imp ortant elements of the assess-
ment of therapy, but are often an underappreciated and/or
unmeasured parameter in the evaluation of many of the
clinical trials reviewed in this guideline. This is particularly
relevant when considering the risk-benefit analysis of
interventions, which may include the short- and long-term
risks of immunosuppressive treatments but often does not
account for the patient’s perspective in relationship to real or
perceived impact on their quality of life. These unassessed
elements have the potential to significantly obfuscate out-
comes (e.g., concerns about body image in young females
treated with corticosteroids could impact adherence to
therapy). The recent introduction of patient-related out-
comes (PROMS) that allows a more rapid assessment has the
potential to provide a more uniform quality-of-life determi-
nation that is stand ard across all chronic diseases.
The lack of such data is a substantial evidence gap in the
evaluation of studies relating to the management of GN.
Impact of Age, Sex, Ethnicity, and Genetic Background
Published RCTs of treatment for GN remain few, and many
are small, short in duration of follow-up, and of variable
quality. This has resulted in uncertainty about general-
izability, i.e., whether the demonstrated benefits (or lack of
efficacy) of any treatments will still emerge if patients are
then treated who come from different ethnic groups, and/or
are of different age or sex, compared to those included in the
published studies. The specific limitations of studies in this
regard are discussed in later chapters but the following are
examples of this issue: whether it is reasonable to extrapolate
treatment recommendations from children to adults with
MCD, and vice versa; whether the effectiveness of regimens
for LN proven in Caucasians can be extended to those of
other ethnicities; and whether the safety observed with a
course of immunosuppression in the young applies equally to
the elderly.
Furthermore few available RCTs are statistically powered
to examine less-common adverse effects of therap y. It is not
yet clear if new insights into these and other issues will
emerge from a better understanding of the pharmacogenetic
variations that can substantially alter the pharmacokinetics
and/or pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive and other
agents. Although early evid ence is suggestive that such
158 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162
chapter 2
genetic traits may alter clinical outcome,
the cost of such
pharmacogenetic testing also needs consideration and, as yet,
there is little robust evidence that these factors should modify
the treatment of GN.
Management of Complications of Glomerular Disease
A number of complications of glomerular disease are a
consequence of the clinical presentation rather than the
specific histolopathologic pattern. Active management of
such complications—although not subject to evidence review
in this guideline—should always be considered and may have
a significant positive impact on the natural history of the
disease. These include measures to treat blood pressure,
reduce proteinuria, control edema, and address other
metabolic and thrombophilic consequences of nephrotic
syndrome, which can result in significant morbidity and even
mortality. If successful, these relatively nontoxic therapies
may prevent—or at least modulate—the need for immuno-
suppressive drugs with their potential adverse effects. Such
supportive therapy is usually not necessary in steroid-
sensitive MCD with rapid remission, or in pati ents with
GN and only microscopic hematuria, preserved GFR, and
neither proteinuria nor hypertension. The latter is a common
scenario, for instance, in IgA nephropathy.
Hypertension. As in all chronic kidney disease (CKD), the
aim of blood pressure control is both to protect against the
cardiovascular risks of hypertension and to delay progressive
loss of GFR. Lifestyle modification (salt restriction, weight
normalization, regular exercise, and smoking cessation)
should be an integral part of the therapy for blood pressure
The ideal goal for blood pressure is not firmly established
but current recommendations suggest that 130/80 mm Hg
should be the treatment goal. There are limited data to
support a lower target of 125/75 mm Hg if there is protein-
uria 41 g/d.
This issue will be covered in a forthcoming
KDIGO Guideline for the Management of Blood Pressure in
Chronic Kidney Disease. There is no specific evidence in GN
on which to base a recommendation about the preferential
importance of systolic or diastolic blood pressure, or about
timing of blood pressure measurements. There are strong
theoretical and experimental reasons for angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) and angiotensin-
receptor blockers (ARB) to be first-choice therapy; this is
now well-documented in clinical studies.
Children with GN
should have blood pressure controlled to below the 50th
percentile for systolic and diastolic pressure for age and sex
using published
or locally available standards.
The evidence for blood pressure goals and choice of
antihypertensive therapy in GN and other CKD has not been
systematically evaluated for this guideline; it will be the
subject of a forthcoming KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline.
Proteinuria. Reduction in proteinuria is important, as
it reflects control of the primary disease, reduction of
glomerular hyper tension, and also reduction of podocyte
damage (a likely major factor in glomerular scarring).
Most studies suggest that the loss of kidney function in the
progressive histologic patterns discussed in this guideline can
largely be prevented if proteinuria can be reduced to levels
below 0.5 g/d. The exceptions are MCD and SSNS where
complete remission defines the disease. Proteinuria or factors
present in proteinuric urine may also be toxic to the
tubulointerstitium. In nephrotic syndrome, a reduction of
proteinuria to a non-nephrotic range often results in an
elevation to no rmal of serum proteins (particularly albumin).
This elevation, in turn, alle viates many of the patient’s
symptoms as well as the metabolic complications of the
nephrotic syndrome, thus improving quality of life.
The antiproteinuric agents of choice are ACE-I or ARB,
which may reduce proteinuria by up to 40–50% in a dose-
dependent manner, particularly if the patient complies with
dietar y salt restriction. There is little evidence to suggest that
ACE-I differ from ARBs in this respect. However, the
combination of the two may result in additi ve antiproteinuric
activity, althou gh there is conflicting evidence as to the risk-
benefit ratio of this strategy, especially if GFR is significantly
reduced. Since ACE-I and ARBs lower GFR, a 10–20%
increase in SCr is often observed. Unless SCr continues to
rise, this moderate increase reflects their effect on kidney
hemodynamics and not worsening disease, and should not
prompt withdrawal of the medication.
Recommendations on the dosing of these agents and the
target levels of proteinuria are outside the scope of this
introduction, but are addressed when there is available
evidence for specific forms of GN in subsequent chapters.
Adequate dietary protein should be ensured in the
proteinuric patient (0.8–1.0 g/kg daily) with a high carbohy-
drate intake to maximize utilization of that protein.
The evidence for the benefit of reducing proteinuria in
CKD in general, and the choice of specific agents, has not
been systematically evaluated for this guid eline with the
exception of the value of partial remission discussed in the
relevant chapters. The evidence for renal protective therapy
will be the subject of a forthcoming KDIGO Clinical Practice
Guideline on Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney
Hyperlipidemia. Treatment of hyperlipidemia in patients
with glomerular disease should usually follow the guidelines
that apply to those at high risk for the development of
cardiovascular disease. This is most relevant in the patients
where the manifestations of the disease cannot be completely
ameliorated, and when other risk factors for cardiovascular
disease coexist, most commonly hypertension and protein-
uria. Dietary restriction of fats and cholesterol alone has only
modest effects on hyperlipidemia in glomerular disease, in
particular in nephrotic syndrome. Statins (HMG CoA
reductase inhibitors) are well tolerated and effective in
correcting the lipid profile, although not proven to reduce
cardiovascular events in nephrotic syndrome. It may also
be that statin therapy protects from a decline in GFR,
although this is not established. Care is needed when statins
are used in combinations with other drugs, notably an
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162 159
chapter 2
increased risk of myalgia/myositis when combined with
calcineurin inhibitors.
Nephrotic edema. The mainstay of treatment is diuretics
accompanied by moderate dietary sodium restriction (1.5–2 g
[60–80 mmol] sodium per 24 hours). Nephrotic patients are
often diuretic-resistant even if GFR is normal: oral loop
diuretics with once- or twice-daily administration are usually
preferred, given the ease of administration and longer
therapeutic effect compared to i.v. therapy. However, in
severe nephrotic syndrome, gastrointestinal absorption of the
diuretic may be uncertain because of intestinal-wall edema,
and i.v. diuretic, by bolus injection or infusion, may be
necessary to provoke an effective diuresis. Alternatively,
combining a loop diuretic with a thiazide diuretic or with
metolazone is often an effective oral regimen that may
overcome diuretic resistance’. i.v. albumin infusions may be
combined with diuretics to treat diuretic resistance, but are of
unproven benefit. Occasionally, mechanical ultrafiltration is
required for resistant edema.
Significant hypovolemia is not often a clinical problem,
provided that fluid removal is controlled and gradual, but the
pediatric and the elderly populations are at more risk of this
complication. In the elderly, associated conditions such as
diabetes mellitus and hypertension may increase the like-
lihood of hypovolemic shock and acute ischemic kidney
injur y.
Hypercoagulability. The risk of thrombotic events be-
comes progressively more likely as serum albumin values fall
below 2.5 g/dl (25 g/l). Immobility as a consequence of
edema, obesity, malignancy, intercurrent illness, or admission
to hospital for surgery can further aggravate the risk.
Prophylactic low-dose anticoagulation (e.g., heparin 5000
units subcutaneously twice daily) is common practice at
times of high risk. Full-dose anticoagulation with low-
molecular-weight heparin or warfarin is mandatory if an
arterial or venous thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism, is
documented. It should also be considered if serum albumin
drops below 2.0–2.5 g/dl (20–25 g/l) with one or more of the
following: proteinuria 410 g/d; body mass index (BMI)
435 kg/m
; family history of thromboembolism with
documented genetic predisposition; New York Heart Asso-
ciation class III or IV congestive heart failure; recent
abdominal or orthopedic surgery; or prolonged immobiliza-
tion. Contraindications to prophylactic anticoagulation are:
an uncooperative patient; a bleeding disorder; prior gastro-
intestinal bleeding ; a central nervous lesion prone to
hemorrhage (brain tumor, aneurysms); or a geneti c abnorm-
ality influencing warfarin metabolism or efficacy.
During treatment with heparin, a signific antly higher than
average dose may be required because part of the action of
heparin depends on antithrombin III, which may be lost in
the urine in the nephrotic patient. Warfarin is the long-term
treatment of choice but should be monitored with special
care because of potential alterations in the protein binding of
the drug with fluctuations in serum albumin in the nephrotic
patient. A target international normalized ratio (INR) of 2–3
is usually recommended, although not supported by specific
Risk of infection. A high order of clinical vigilance for
bacterial infection is vital in nephrotic patients. This is
particularly important in nephrotic children with ascites, in
whom the fluid should be examined microscopically and
cultured for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Bacteremia
can occur even if clinical signs are localized to the abdomen.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is unhelpful, but an elevated
C-reactive protein may be informative. Parenteral antibiotics
should be started once cultures are taken and the regimen
should include benzylpenicillin (to treat pneumococcal
infection). If repeated infections occur, serum immuno-
globulins should be measured. If serum IgG is less than
600 mg/dl (6 g/l), there is limited evidence that infection risk
is reduced by monthly adm inistration of i.v. immunoglobulin
10–15 g to keep serum IgG 4600 mg/dl (46 g/l).
Those with GN and nephrotic syndrome are at increased
risk of invasive pneumococcal infection and should receive
pneumococcal vaccination with the heptavalent conjugate
vaccine (7vPCV) and the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine
(23vPPV) as well as the a nnual influenza vaccination. The
response does not seem to be impaired by concurrent
corticosteroid therapy. Vaccination with live vaccines
(measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rotavirus, yellow fever)
is contraindicated while on immunosuppressive or cytotoxic
agents, and should be deferred until prednisone dose is
o20 mg/ d and/or immunosuppressive agents have been
stopped for at least 1–3 months. Exposure to varicella can
be life-threatening, especially in children. Treatment should
be given with zoster immune globulin if exposure does occur
and antiviral therapy with acyclovir or valaciclovir begun at
the first sign of chicken pox lesions
(See Chapter 3, SSNS,
for additional details on management in children).
Use of Corticosteroids and Immunosuppressive Therapy
The chapters that follow will focus on the effectiveness of
therapy based on current evidence in the most common
histologic variants of GN.
The therapeutic decision s of the physician are predicated
on the continuing need to balance the risks and benefits of
treatment. Nothing stated in this guideline replaces the
physicians assessment in thi s regard. The physician ideally
seeks a treatment regimen that reduces immunosuppressive
therapy exposure to the minimum, minimizes immediate
morbidity (e.g., achieving remission of nephrotic syndrome),
and prevents disease progression. However, physicians must
also recognize that more prolonged treatment may be
required, given the long-term threat that failure to prevent
ESRD will shorten life expectancy and may only delay
prolonged immunosuppressive drug exposure that would be
required after kidney transplantation.
The focus in the management of chronic patterns of GN
has shifted from cure to control, exemplified by recognition
of the short- and long-term benefits of a reduction in
proteinuria (in addition to the benefits known to accrue w ith
160 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162
chapter 2
complete remission). This paradigm has translated into use
of more extended (or repeated) treatment regimens with the
corollary of more toxic drug exposure.
The specific adverse effects of the recommended immu-
nosuppressive agents and the need for routine prophylactic
measures are beyond the scope of this guideline, but are
familiar in clinical practice, and have been reviewed.
Specific regimens that potentially require prolonged exposure
to these immunosuppressive agents are identified in the
chapters to follow.
Adverse effects. The potential adverse effects of immu-
nosuppressive therapy must always be discussed with the
patient and family before treatment is initiated. This part of
the management cannot be overemphasized. The risks of
treatment with many of the agents are significant and may
have a substantial latent period (e.g., cyclophosphamide).
A balance must be struck between the potential risks of
immunosuppressive treatment for GN, and the seriousness of
the patient’s condition. It is sometimes difficult to reconcile
the immediate risks of immunosuppression, in the otherwise
clinically well patient, vs. the potential for progression to
ESRD. However, given that advanced CKD—and, particu-
larly, ESRD—is associated with a significant shortening of life
expectancy even with dialysis or transplantation, the
balancing of risks and benefits over time must be considered.
The physician must be aware of this conundrum and where
the evidence for treatment is weak (but potentially life-
altering) and the risk for harm strong, a full disclosure
is mandatory. Individual patient perceptions of the accept-
ability of any adverse effect may strongly influence the
decision (e.g., the possibility of hirsutism with cyclosporin
therapy may be perceived as less tole rable in a young female
than in an older male). What might be seen as an accept-
able trade-off by the physician may not be viewed similarly
by the patient, leading to an issue over compliance with
With more intensive immunosuppressive regimens, pro-
phylaxis may be required to minimize possible adverse
effects. Specific recommendations are beyond the scope of
this guideline, and are without an evidence base specific to
treatment of GN, but better evidenced when immuno-
suppression is used in kidney transplantation. Common
examples are the use of prophylactic ant imicrobials to
minimize opportunistic infection, and H2-receptor antago-
nists or proton pump inhibitors to prevent peptic ulceration.
Two other important and more drug-sp ecific examples are
the use of bisphosphonates (except in the presence of kidney
failure) to minimize loss of bone density during prolonged
treatment with corticosteroids, and the need to offer the
opportunity for sperm or ovum storage/preservation—where
available—before treatment with the gonadotoxic agents,
cyclophosphamide and chlora mbucil.
Drug monitoring. Immunosuppressive agents with a
narrow therapeutic index include the calcineurin inhibitors,
cyclosporin and tacrolimus. There are no RCTs that compare
response to treatment in GN and different achieved blood
levels of these agents. Dosing and target blood levels are based
on established practice in kidney transplantation. The main
goal of blood level monitoring is to avoid toxicity due to high
drug levels, while still maintaining efficacy. The latter can
often be assessed by proteinuria reduction, which can
sometimes be achieved with trough blood levels of calcineur-
in inhibitors that would be considered subtherapeutic for
solid-organ transplantation. The value of monitoring myco-
phenolic acid levels to guide dosing of mycophenolate has
not been studied in GN.
Pregnancy in Women with GN
In women of child-bearing potential, the risks of pregnancy
must be considered. A major predictor of pregnancy outcome
is the GFR at time of conception. Other issues include the
toxicity, especially in the first trimester, of immunosuppres-
sive agents, ACE-I, and ARBs, and also the hazards to fetal
and maternal outcome of pregnancy with uncontrolled
proteinuric conditions. There is also a risk of relapse of LN
both during and after pregnancy.
Treatment Costs and Related Issues
These guidelines have been developed w ith the goal of
providing evidence-based treatment recommendations for
GN that can be used by physicians in all parts of the world.
Most of the medications recommended are available at low
cost in many parts of the world. These include prednisone,
azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide tablets. Monitoring
(e.g., by regular checks of blood count) is also cheap and
widely available.
The cost of some agents (e.g., calcineurin inhibitors and
mycophenolate) remains high, but the development and
marketing of generic agents and biosimilars is now rapidly
reducing costs. However, care must be taken to ensure that
variations in bioavailablity with these less expensive generic
agents do not compromise effectiveness or safety.
Plasmapheresis remains unavailable in some parts of
the world, related not only to the high cost and limited
availability of replacement fluids (including human albumin
and fresh frozen plasma) but also to the equipment and
staffing costs.
Some treatments suggested as potential ‘rescue therapies
in this guideline (e.g., rituximab) remain prohibitively
expensive in most parts of the world. This is another
indication of the urgent need for developing trials that will
provide robust evidence of their efficacy. Uncertainty about
the value of such high-cost agents would also be mitigated if
there were comprehensive national or international registries
collecting comprehensive observational data on their use, but
unfortunately none exist.
Post-transplantation GN
Virtually all of the histologic variants discussed in this
guideline (with the exception of MCD) may recur after
transplantation. Recurrent disease is recognized as the third
most common cause of kidney transplant failure. Currently
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162 161
chapter 2
there are no proven strategies to prevent recurrent GN in
kidney transplant recipients. Despite the high rate of
recurrent disease, long-term graft survival is still very good
and transplantation remains the best treatment option for
patients with ESRD secondary to GN. Where there are
specific recommendations in particular variants of GN that
relate to management before transplantation, they will be
discussed in each relevant chapter.
The evidence review underpinning this clinical practice
guideline has confirmed the paucity of robust data from
RCTs to support the treatment recommendations and
suggestions that have been made. This raises the question
of why there are so few RCTs of good design and sufficient
power in GN, compared to many other areas of nephrology
and internal medicine. The slowly progressive natural history
of many patterns of GN means that trials designed to provide
definitive outcome data (using ESRD or mortality) require
long follow-up, significantly increasing their cost as well as
effort for both the physician and the patient. Studies often
employ ‘‘composite end-points’’ in order to enhance event
rates. Furthermore, there are two competing elements in GN
trial design. On the one hand, there is the recognition that
most GN variants are uncommon; on the other hand, there is
a need to acquire an adequate sample size within a reasonable
time frame, an essential element for any successful study.
This virtually mandates multicenter and multinational trial
organization which, in turn, is challenging from both
organizational and cost perspectives. These factors have
made trials in GN less attractive both to funding agencies and
pharmaceutical companies, compared to more common and
higher-profile clinical domains such as cardiovascular disease
and cancer.
However there is an urgent need for such studies to be
carried out. The costs—both to society, and to patients with
GN and their families, if disease progression is not
prevented—are often grossly underestimated. As an integral
part of this guideline, we make recommendations in each
chapter about the most pressing areas of uncertainty where
RCTs and other areas of research would significantly inform
clinical practice.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and technique s involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
162 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 156–162
chapter 2
Chapter 3: Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome
in children
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.16
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for children
aged 1 to 18 years with nephrotic syndrome, who respond to
corticosteroid therapy by achieving complete remission
(SSNS). The cost implications for global application of this
guideline are addressed in Chapter 2. This chapter does not
apply to children under 1 year of age in whom nephrotic
syndrome is often associated with gene mutations and with
histologies other than MCD.
3.1: Treatment of the initial episode of SSNS
3.1.1: We recommend that corticosteroid therapy
(prednisone or prednisolone)* be given for at
least 12 weeks. (1B) We recommend that oral prednisone
be administered as a single daily
dose (1B)startingat60mg/m
/d or
2 mg/kg/d to a maximum 60 mg/d. (1D) We recommend that daily oral pre-
dnisone be given for 4–6 weeks (1C)
followed by alternate-day medication
as a single daily dose starting at
40 mg/m
or 1.5 mg/kg (maximum
40 mg on alternate days) (1D) and
continued for 2–5 months with taper-
ing of the dose. (1B)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same
dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country
of origin. All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to
prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral corticoster-
oids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
Nephrotic syndrome affects 1–3 per 100,000 children below
16 years of age.
Eighty percent of children respond to
corticosteroid therapy.
A kidney biopsy diagnosis is not
required routinely at presentation because the International
Study of Kidney Disease in Children (ISKDC) demonstrated
that, while 93% of children with MCD responded to
corticosteroids, 25–50% of children with mesangial prolif-
erative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) or FSGS also responded
to corticosteroids.
The majority of children who relapse
continue to respond completely to corticosteroids through-
out their subsequent course, and the long-term prognosis,
including maintenance of normal kidney function, is
In contrast, without treatment, nephrotic syn-
drome in children is associated with high risk of death,
particularly from bacterial infection. Before the use of
corticosteroids and antibiotics, 40% of children died, with
half of these deaths being from infection.
A recent study
reports only one death (0.7%) associated with nephrotic
syndrome among 138 children with SSNS presenting between
1970 and 2003.
The definitions used for nephrotic syndrome, complete
remission, initial responder, initial and late steroid non-
responders (steroid resistance), infrequent relapses, frequent
relapses and steroid dependence are listed in Table 1. The
likelihood of initial corticosteroid unresponsiveness is
increased with increasing age at presentation,
in African
and African-American children,
and in children with
kidney pathologies other than MCD.
The likelihood of late
resistance to corticosteroids is associated with a shorter
interval to the first relapse, and relapsing during the initial
course of corticosteroid therapy.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that administering
prednisone for three months reduces the risk of relapse in
children with the first episode of SSNS, with an increase
in benefit seen with up to 6 months of treatment.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that corticosteroid
therapy should be given as a single daily dose for at least
4 weeks, followed by alternate-day therapy for 2–5 months.
K The initial dose regimen of corticosteroid therapy is
based on recommendations from the ISKDC, and has not
been defined in RCTs.
Corticosteroid Use in the First Episode of SSNS in Children
With corticosteroid therapy, 80–90% of patients with child-
hood nephrotic syndrome achieve complete remission.
However, 80–90% of these children have one or more
following the 2-month steroid regimen proposed
by the ISKDC
and adapted by Arbeitsgemeinschaft fu
diatrische Nephrologie.
Therefore, RCTs have evaluated
the benefits of increased duration of therapy for the initial
episode of SSNS. A meta-analysis
of six RCTs (422
children) demonstrated that the risk of relapse at 12–24
months was reduced by 30% (risk ratio of relapse 0.70; 95%
confidence intervals [CI] 0.58–0.84) with 3 months or more
of corticosteroid therapy compared to 2 months. There was
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 3
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171 163
an inverse linear relationship between duration of treatment
and risk of relapse seen when prednisone was given for up
to 6 months (risk ratio ¼ 1.26 0.112 duration; r
¼ 0.56,
P ¼ 0.03).
Also a meta-analysis
of four RCTs (382
children) identified that treatment for 6 months significantly
reduced the risk of relapse at 12–24 months compared to
3 months (RR 0.57; 95% CI 0.45–0.71). No significant
differences in the incidence of adverse effects between
treatment groups were demonstrated. However, individual
trials were not designed specifically to study harm, and so
were underpowered for the detection of side-effects of
There are no RCTs examining different initial doses of
corticosteroid for the first episode of childhood nephrotic
syndrome. A dose of prednisone 60 mg/m
/d was recom-
mended empirically by the ISKDC in 1979; this is roughly
equivalent to 2 mg/kg. Although theoretical studies indicate
that dosing for body weight results in a lower total dose
compared to dosing for surface area, there are no data on
whether this is of clinical relevance, so either method of
calculating prednisone dose may be utilized.
Two RC Ts h av e
demonstrated that the mean time to remission did not differ
significantly when daily corticosteroid therapy was given as a
single daily dose compared to divided doses (weighted mean
difference 0.04 days; 95% CI 0.98–1.06).
The majority (94%) of children respond to corticosteroids
within 4 weeks of daily prednisone therapy.
To reduce the
risk of relapse, prednisone should be given daily for at least 4
weeks in the initial episode of nephrotic syndrome. In an RCT,
the risk of relapse was significantly higher at 6 months and 12
months when prednisone was given for 1 month compared to
2 months (RR 1.46; 95% CI 1.01–2.12 at 12 months).
Prednisone should be given on alternate days after 4 weeks of
daily treatment rather than on 3 consecutive days out of 7 days,
based on an RCT that showed the former had a lower risk of
Alternate-day (rather than daily) prednisone is
suggested to maintain remission, because linear growth is less
Although widely used particularly in France,
is no evidence to support the administration of high-dose i.v.
methylprednisolone to a child with nephrotic syndrome, who
has not achieved remission after 4 weeks of daily cortico-
steroids, before labeling that child as steroid-resistant.
3.2: Treatment of relapsing SSNS with corticosteroids
3.2.1: Corticosteroid therapy for children with in-
frequent relapses of SSNS: We suggest that infrequent relapses
of SSNS in children be treated
with a single-daily dose of prednisone
60 mg/m
or 2 mg/kg (maximum of
60 mg/d) until the child has been in
complete remission for at least
3 days. (2D) We suggest that, after achieving com-
plete remission, children be given
prednisone as a single dose on alternate
days (40 mg/m
per dose: maximum 40 mg on alternate
days) for at least 4 weeks. (2C)
3.2.2: Corticosteroid therapy for frequently relaps-
ing (FR) and steroid-dependent (SD) SSNS: We suggest that relapses in children
with FR or SD SSNS be treated with
daily prednisone until the child has
been in remission for at least 3 days,
followed by alternate-day prednisone
for at least 3 months. (2C) We suggest that prednisone be given
on alternate days in the lowest dose to
maintain remission without major
adverse effects in children with FR
and SD SSNS. (2D) We suggest that daily prednisone at
the lowest dose be given to maintain
remission without major adverse ef-
fects in children with SD SSNS where
alternate-day prednisone therapy is
not effective. (2D)
Table 1 | Definitions of nephrotic syndrome in children
Classification Definition
Nephrotic syndrome Edema, uPCR X2000 mg/g (X200 mg/mmol), or X300 mg/dl, or 3+ protein on urine dipstick, hypoalbuminaemia
p2.5 g/dl (p25 g/l)
Complete remission uPCR o200 mg/g (o20 mg/mmol) or o1+ of protein on urine dipstick for 3 consecutive days
Partial remission Proteinuria reduction of 50% or greater from the presenting value and absolute uPCR between 200 and 2000 mg/g
(20–200 mg/mmol)
No remission Failure to reduce urine protein excretion by 50% from baseline or persistent excretion uPCR 42000 mg/g (4200 mg/mmol)
Initial responder Attainment of complete remission within initial 4 weeks of corticosteroid therapy
Initial nonresponder/
steroid resistance
Failure to achieve complete remission after 8 weeks of corticosteroid therapy
Relapse uPCR X2000 mg/g (X200 mg/mmol) or X3+ protein on urine dipstick for 3 consecutive days
Infrequent relapse One relapse within 6 months of initial response, or one to three relapses in any 12-month period
Frequent relapse Two or more relapses within 6 months of initial response, or four or more relapses in any 12-month period
Steroid dependence Two consecutive relapses during corticosteroid therapy, or within 14 days of ceasing therapy
Late nonresponder Persistent proteinuria during 4 or more weeks of corticosteroids following one or more remissions
uPCR, urine protein:creatinine ratio.
164 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171
chapter 3 We suggest that daily prednisone be
given during episodes of upper res-
piratory tract and other infections to
reduce the risk for relapse in children
with FR and SD SSNS already on
alternate-day prednisone. (2C)
Children with nephrotic syndrome who respond to cortico-
steroids have an 80–90% chance of having one or more
Half of those that relapse have infrequent
relapses and can be managed with short courses of
prednisone. The remaining children have FR or SD SSNS.
The risks of a child developing frequent relapses or becoming
steroid-dependent are increased with shorter time to first
the number of relapses in the first 6 months after
initial treatment,
younger age at the initial episode,
in boys,
prolonged time to first remission,
infection at
first relapse,
and hematuria in first episode.
The most
consistent indicator for a frequently relapsing course is early
relapse after initial treatment. Studies have not assessed
whether the other factors are independent risk factors for
predicting frequent relapses or steroid dependence. Children
with FR or SD SSNS, and children whose first episode of
SSNS occurred at a young age, have a longer duration of
relapsing or SD nephrotic syndrome compared to children
with infrequent relapses or older age of onset.
teroids are needed to achieve remission, and low doses given
on alternate days may maintain remission in patients with FR
SSNS without recourse to corticosteroid-sparing agents. Low-
dose daily or alternate-day corticosteroids may still be
required to maintain remission in SD SSNS, despite receiving
corticosteroid-sparing agents.
K In children with infrequent relapses of SSNS, corticoster-
oid therapy regimens are based on empirical recommen-
dations from the ISKDC and an RCT in children with FR
K In children with FR and SD SSNS, there is low-quality
evidence that increasing the duration of corticosteroid
therapy increases the duration of remission.
K In children with SD SSNS, there is low-quality evidence
that changing children from alternate-day to daily
corticosteroids at onset of upper respiratory infections
reduced the risk of relapse.
K In children with FR and SD SSNS, there is very
low–quality evidence that low-dose alternate-day or daily
corticosteroid therapy reduces the risk of relapse.
Corticosteroid Use in Relapses in Children with Infrequent
Relapses of SSNS
There are no RCTs examining relapse regimens with
corticosteroids in infrequently relapsing SSNS. In children
with frequently relapsing SSNS, the ISKDC demonstrated
that the number of relapses in the 7 months after treatment
did not differ significantly between children treated with
8 weeks of daily prednisone compared to daily prednisone
till remission followed by 4 weeks of prednisone given on
3 consecutive days out of 7 days (further relapse by 9 months
RR 1.07; 95% CI 0.77–1.50).
Based on these data we suggest
that children with infrequently relapsing SSNS should receive
daily corticosteroids only until remission followed by four
weeks of alternate day prednisone.
Corticosteroid Therapy in Frequently Relapsing (FR) and
Steroid-Dependent (SD) SSNS in Children
Approximately 40% of children with SSNS have FR or SD
SSNS. A single RCT in children with relapsing nephrotic
syndrome demonstrated that the risk of relapse at 12 and 24
months was significantly reduced with prednisone treatment
for 7 months compared to 2 months of therapy.
These data,
and the data on prednisone duration in the initial episode of
SSNS, suggest that it is reasonable to treat a child with FR or
SD SSNS with longer corticosteroid regimens than those
suggested for children who relapse infrequently. Three RCTs
have demonstrated that daily prednisone dose during upper
respiratory tract and other infections reduced the risk for
relapse in children with SD SSNS.
To maintain remission in children with SD SSNS,
prednisone may be given on alternate days in the lowest
dose possible to maintain remission. An observational study
demonstrated that low-dose alternate-day prednisone (mean
dose 0.48 mg/kg on alternate days) reduced the risk of relapse
in FR SSNS compared to historical controls.
from the British Association of Paediatric Nephrology
recommend that children with SD SSNS receive 0.1–0.5 mg/
kg on alternate days for at least 3–6 months before tapering.
Guidelines from the Indian Paediatric Nephrology Group
recommend that the prednisone dose be tapered to
0.5–0.7 mg/kg on alternate days or lower, and continued for
9–18 months with careful monitoring of corticosteroid
A nonrandomized comparator study indicated
that low-dose daily prednisone (0.25 mg/kg) was more
effective in maintaining remission compared to historical
controls not treated with low-dose prednisone with a
reduction in relapse rate from 2.25 per patient per year to
0.5 per patient per year.
3.3: Treatment of FR and SD SSNS with corticosteroid-
sparing agents
3.3.1: We recommend that corticosteroid-sparing
agents be prescribed for children with FR
SSNS and SD SSNS, who develop steroid-
related adverse effects. (1B)
3.3.2: We recommend that alkylating agents, cyclo-
phosphamide or chlorambucil, be given as
corticosteroid-sparing agents for FR SSNS.
(1B) We suggest that alkylating agents, cyclo-
phosphamide or chlorambucil, be given as
corticosteroid-sparing agents for SD SSNS.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171 165
chapter 3 We suggest that cyclophosphamide
(2 mg/kg/d) be given for 8–12 weeks
(maximum cumulative dose 168 mg/kg).
(2C) We suggest that cyclophosphamide not
be started until the child has achie-
ved remission with corticosteroids.
(2D) We suggest that chlorambucil (0.1–
0.2 mg/kg/d) may be given for 8 weeks
(maximum cumulative dose 11.2 mg/kg)
as an alternative to cyclophosphamide.
(2C) We suggest that second courses of
alkylating agents not be given. (2D)
3.3.3: We recommend that levamisole be given as a
corticosteroid-sparing agent. (1B) We suggest that levamisole be given at
a dose of 2.5 mg/kg on alternate days (2B) for
at least 12 months (2C) as most children will
relapse when levamisole is stopped.
3.3.4: We recommend that the calcineurin inhibitors
cyclosporine or tacrolimus be given as corti-
costeroid-sparing agents. (1C) We suggest that cyclosporine be admin-
istered at a dose of 4–5 mg/kg/d (starting
dose) in two divided doses. (2C) We suggest that tacrolimus 0.1 mg/kg/d
(starting dose) given in two divided
doses be used instead of cyclosporine
when the cosmetic side-effects of
cyclosporine are unacceptable. (2D) Monitor CNI levels during therapy to
limit toxicity. (Not Graded) We suggest that CNIs be given for at
least 12 months, as most children will
relapse when CNIs are stopped. (2C)
3.3.5: We suggest that MMF be given as a cortico-
steroid-sparing agent. (2C) We suggest that MMF (starting dose
1200 mg/m
/d) be given in two divided
doses for at least 12 months, as most
children will relapse when MMF is
stopped. (2C)
3.3.6: We suggest that rituximab be considered
only in children with SD SSNS who have
continuing frequent relapses despite optimal
combinations of prednisone and cortico-
steroid-sparing agents, and/or who have
serious adverse effects of therapy. (2C)
3.3.7: We suggest that mizoribine not be used as a
corticosteroid-sparing agent in FR and SD
SSNS. (2C)
3.3.8: We recommend that azathioprine not be used
as a corticosteroid-sparing agent in FR and SD
SSNS. (1B)
About half of the children with SSNS who relapse will have
The long-term prognosis for most
children with SSNS is for complete resolution of their disease
over time and maintenance of normal kidney function.
Therefore limiting the long-term adverse effects of treatment
is an important objective. Children with FR or SD SSNS
require prolonged corticosteroid therapy, which is associated
with significant adverse effects. including impaired linear
growth, behavioral changes, obesity, Cushing’s syndrome,
hypertension, ophthalmological disorders, impaired glucose
tolerance, and reduced bone mineral density. Adverse effects
may persist into adult life in young people, who continue to
relapse after puberty.
To reduce the risk of corticosteroid-
related adverse effects, children with FR or SD SSNS may
require other agents, including alkylating agents (cyclopho-
sphamide, chlorambucil) and CNI (cyclosporine, tacroli-
mus). Adverse effects of these agents include increased risk of
infection and reduced fertility (alkylating agents)
kidney dysfunction and hypertension (CNI).
CNIs and
MMF are much more expensive than the other agents, and
this may limit access to them in many countries.
In children with FR and SD SSNS:
K There is moderate-quality evidence to support the use of
alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil),
levamisole, and CNI (cyclosporine, tacrolimus).
K There is low-quality evidence to support the use of
mycophenolate mofetil (MMF).
K There is very low–quality evidence to support the efficacy
of rituximab.
K There is moderate-quality evidence to demonstrate that
mizoribine and azathioprine are not effective.
Children with FR or SD SSNS often continue to relapse
into adolescence or adulthood, and require prednisone in
variable doses for long periods of time to achieve and
maintain remission. Patients successfully treated with corti-
costeroid-sparing therapy have improved growth rates,
reduced body mass index, reduction of Cushingoid features,
and improvement in other corticosteroid-related adverse
In all cases when contemplating corticosteroid-
sparing therapy, the adverse effects of such therapy must be
assessed against the benefits, in terms of reducing both the
relapse rate and adverse effects of corticosteroids.
Fourteen RCTs in children have compared cyclopho-
sphamide (three trials), chlorambucil (two trials), levamisole
(six trials), mizoribine (one trial), and azathioprine (two
trials) to placebo, no specific treatment, or prednisone in
children with FR and/or SD SSNS. Trials either did not
differentiate between FR and SD SSNS, or included only SD
SSNS patients. Cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, and leva-
misole reduced the risk of relapse during short term follow
up (6–12 months) by more than 50% (Table 2). Two RCTs
demonstrated no significant differences in the risk of relapse
166 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171
chapter 3
between cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide, or between
cyclosporine and chlorambucil during cyclosporine treat-
ment. RCTs have identified no significant differences in the
risk for relapse between levamisole and i.v. cyclophos-
phamide, and between oral cyclophosphamide and oral
Alkylating Agents
Alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil) may
result in prolonged remission off all therapy, though they
may have significant adverse effects. In RCTs with 6–12
months of follow-up, alkylating agents reduced the risk of
relapse compared to prednisone, placebo, or no specific
treatment by about 65% (RR 0.34; 95% CI 0.18–0.63)
(Table 2). In a systematic review of observational studies and
RCTs, alkylating agents in FR SSNS resulted in remission
rates of 72% after 2 years but sustained in only 36% after
5 years. These agents were less effective in SD SSNS with
remission rates of 40% and 24% after 2 and 5 years,
Patients younger than 3 years at onset of
and those commencing cyclophosphamide before 3.8
were less likely to achieve long-term remission with
cyclophosphamide, while children aged over 7.5 years were
more likely to achieve long-term remission.
Eight weeks of
cyclophosphamide therapy was significantly more effective in
reducing the risk for relapse compared to 2 weeks (Table 3).
In SD SSNS patients, there was no significant difference in
the risk of relapse between 8 and 12 weeks of cyclophos-
phamide therapy in one RCT (Table 3). However, the
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fu
diatrische Nephrologie concluded
that 12 weeks of cyclophosphamide was more effective
compared to historical controls treated for 8 weeks.
Cyclophosphamide is associated with hemorrhagic cystitis
but this rarely occurs at the doses used. Nevertheless, where
possible, cyclophosphamide should be administered when
the child is in remission, with a good urine output, and can
receive a high fluid intake. The i.v. route may be considered
where nonadherence to therapy is likely. Two RCTs found no
significant difference in the risk of relapse between oral and
i.v. cyclophosphamide at 12–24 months follow-up. However,
at 6 months, significantly more children treated with
monthly pulses of i.v. cyclophosphamide for 6 months were
in remission, compared to oral treatment for 8–12 weeks
(Table 3; Online Suppl Tables 1–3). Studies have demon-
strated the efficacy of chlorambucil at doses of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/
d given for 8 weeks (cumulative dose 11.2 mg/kg) (Table 2).
Higher doses did not increase efficacy and resulted in
increased risks, particularly of hematological and infectious
adverse effects.
It is suggested that second courses of alkylating agents not
be given. Gonadal toxicity with alkylating agents is well
documented, with males more affected than females. There is
a dose-dependent relationship between the total dose of
cyclophosphamide and probability of sperm counts below
/ml. A ‘safe’ dose of cyclophosphamide remains unclear,
but a maximum cumulative dose of 168 mg/kg (2 mg/kg/d
for 12 weeks) in boys is below the total dose (4 200–300 mg/
kg) at which azoospermia has generally been reported.
There are fewer data available on chlorambucil, but studies in
patients treated for lymphoma found that azoospermia was
associated with total doses of 10–17 mg/kg, suggesting that
the margin between efficacy and toxicity is narrow for
Studies have reported a higher risk of
malignancy following chlorambucil use compared to cyclo-
Five of six RCTs have demonstrated a significant reduction
in the risk for relapse during levamisole treatment com-
pared to prednisone, placebo, or no specific treatment
(Table 2). In four of these five RCTs that involved children
with FR or SD SSNS, levamisole was given at a dose of
2.5 mg/kg on alternate days. In the sixth trial, a smaller
dose (2.5 mg/kg of levamisole on 2 consecutive days per
week) did not reduce the risk of relapse compared to
Most children relapse when levamisole was dis-
continued. Observational studies have documented a more
prolonged reduction in relapse frequency when it is used for
12–24 months.
Adverse effects of levamisole are un-
common and minor, with mild leucopenia and gastrointest-
Table 2 | Meta-analyses of RCTs of corticosteroid-sparing agents in children with FR or SD SSNS
N of
N of
Risk ratio of relapse
(95% CI)
Time of outcome
Relative risk
3 102 0.44 (0.26,0.73) 6–12 56%
2 32 0.13 (0.03,0.57) 12 87%
5 269 0.43 (0.27,0.68) 4–12 57%
1 197 Relapse rate ratio
0.81 (0.61, 1.05) 18 Not significant
2 60 0.90 (0.59,1.38) 6 Not significant
CI, confidence interval; FR, frequently relapsing; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SD, steroid-dependent; SSNS, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
Cyclophosphamide and prednisone vs. prednisone.
Chlorambucil and prednisone vs. prednisone, or vs. placebo and prednisone.
Levamisole and prednisone vs. placebo and prednisone, levamisole and prednisone vs. prednisone, levamisole vs. prednisone, Levamisole vs. no specific therapy.
One trial using much lower dose of levamisole was excluded (see text).
Mizoribine and prednisone vs. placebo and prednisone.
Relapse risk ratio ¼ [Total number of relapsesCobservation period in treatment group]C[Total number of relapses Cobservation period in control group].
Azathioprine and prednisone vs. placebo and prednisone, azathioprine and prednisone vs. prednisone.
Data from Hodson et al.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171 167
chapter 3
inal upsets described. Rare cases of cutaneous vasculitis have
been described with levamisole therapy.
Levamisole is
unavailable in many countries.
Two RCTs have demonstrated no significant differences in the
risk of relapse between cyclosporine during treatment and
cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil during treatment.
However, cyclosporine has a higher relapse rate compared to
alkylating agents when assessed at 12–24 months after
treatment. An RCT from Japan reported that 50% of 49
children treated with cyclosporine relapsed compared to 70%
of 59 children treated with placebo during the 24 weeks of
In observational studies, cyclosporine maintains
remission in 60–90% of children with SD SSNS, who had
relapsed after alkylating-agent therapy.
However, in
children with SD SSNS due to biopsy-proven MCD, only
40% remained in remission after 2 years of therapy and all
relapsed within a median of 26 days when cyclosporine
was discontinued.
Most studies have used cyclosporine
at 3–6 mg/kg/d in two divided doses targeting 12-hour
trough levels of 80–150 ng/ml [67–125 nmol/l] with main-
tenance of lower levels after a child has been in stable
remission for 3–6 months, aiming to minimize cyclosporine
nephrotoxicity. In an RCT the sustained remission rate was
significantly higher in children maintaining a 12-hour
cyclosporine trough level of 60–80 ng/ml [50–67 nmol/l]
(mean dose 4.7 mg/kg/d) compared to children treated with
2.5 mg/kg/d (Table 3, Online Suppl Tables 6–7).
data suggest peak (C2) levels rather than trough (C0) levels
can be used for monitoring.
Tacrolimus has not been studied in RCTs in children with
SSNS. Tacrolimus is widely used in North America in
children with FR and SD SSNS, because of the cosmetic side
effects of cyclosporine. There are few data to support its use,
though its efficacy would appear to be similar to that of
cyclosporine based on an observational study in SD SSNS.
The tacrolimus dose is adjusted to maintain the 12-hour
trough levels in the range of 5–10 ng/ml [6–12 nmol/l]
initially based on data from kidney transplant studies.
The principal side-effects of cyclosporine are kidney
dysfunction, hypertension, gum hypertrophy, and hypertri-
chosis. Hypertension and kidney dysfunction are reported in
5–10% of children.
Hypertrichosis and gum hyper-
trophy develop in 70% and 30%, respectively, in children
treated with cyclosporine for more than 1 year.
also causes kidney dysfunction and hypertension, but
significantly less hypertrichosis; tacrolimus-associated dia-
betes mellitus has been described in children with nephrotic
In children receiving cyclosporine for 12 months or
more, tubulointerstitial lesions on kidney biopsy are reported
in 30–40% of cases. This increases to 80% after 4 or more
years of treatment.
Cyclosporine-associated arteriopathy is
uncommon. The duration of safe therapy is controversial,
with some authors suggesting that CNI therapy should be
restricted to 2 years,
while others have suggested that longer
courses of cyclosporine can be tolerated.
Coadministration of ketoconazole with cyclosporine in
children with SD SSNS resulted in a 48% reduction in mean
dose of cyclosporine, equivalent to a net cost saving of 38%
with no reduction in efficacy, in a nonrandomized compara-
tor study.
This approach to therapy has been suggested in
order to help offset the costs of this drug class.
To date, all studies of mycophenolic acid prodrugs in
nephrotic syndrome have used MMF. In a small RCT, five
of 12 children treated for 1 year with MMF relapsed
compared to one of 12 treated with cyclosporine. Although
this difference was not statistically significant, the patient
numbers were too small to determine the relative efficacies of
MMF and cyclosporine (Table 3, Online Suppl Tables 4–5).
GFR remained stable during MMF treatment but fell during
cyclosporine treatment. In a prospective study of 33 children
(26 with FR SSNS) treated with MMF for 6 months, 24
(75%) children remained in remission during therapy, with
12 remaining relapse-free for 6 months after the drug was
ceased; eight of these 12 patients continued in remission
during 18–30 months of follow-up.
In a retrospective study
Table 3 | RCTs comparing corticosteroid-sparing agents in FR and SD SSNS
N of
N of
Risk ratio of
relapse (95% CI)
Time of outcome
(months) Conclusion
Cyclophosphamide 8 wk vs. 2 wk 1 29 0.25 (0.07, 0.92) 12 8 wk significantly more effective
Cyclophosphamide 8 wk vs. 12 wk 1 73 0.98 (0.74, 1.28) 24 No significant difference
Cyclophosphamide 8 wk vs.
chlorambucil 8 wk
1 50 1.15 (0.69, 1.94), 12 No significant difference
i.v. vs. oral cyclophosphamide 2 83 0.99 (0.76, 1.29) 12–24 No significant difference
Cyclophosphamide vs. cyclosporine 1 55 1.07 (0.48, 2.35) 9 No significant difference during therapy
Chlorambucil vs. cyclosporine 1 40 0.82 (0.44, 1.53) 6 No significant difference during therapy
i.v. cyclophosphamide vs. levamisole 1 40 1.00 (0.7, 1.43) 12 No significant difference
Mycophenolate vs. cyclosporine 1 24 5.0 (0.68, 36.66) 12 No significant difference (small numbers)
Cyclosporine 5 mg/kg vs. 2.5 mg/kg 1 44 Hazard ratio
0.37 (0.18, 0.79)
24 Higher dose significantly more effective
CI, confidence interval; FR, frequently relapsing; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SD, steroid-dependent; SSNS, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
Data from Hodson et al.
168 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171
chapter 3
of SD SSNS in 42 children, who were treated for at least
6 months, mean reduction in relapse rate was 3.8 per year.
MMF was generally well tolerated, with small numbers of
children developing leucopenia and abdominal pain. In
observational studies, MMF has been used for up to
45 months and has been well tolerated.
In most studies,
MMF has been given in a dose of 1200 mg/m
/d or about
30 mg/kg/d in two divided doses. MMF has been used with
cyclosporine in children with poorly controlled SD SSNS
and has allowed reduction in cyclosporine dose.
phenolate sodium may be an alternative if MMF is not
tolerated because of adverse effects, but there are no data
to support its use in nephrotic syndrome. In pediatric kidney
transplant patients on cyclosporine, a single-dose pharmaco-
kinetic study has demonstrated that 450 mg/m
phenolate sodium and 600 mg/m
of MMF provide similar
mycophenolic acid exposure.
Recruitment has com-
menced for an RCT comparing MMF to cyclophosphamide
(ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01092962).
Choice of First Agent for FR or SD SSNS
There are no data from RCTs to determine which
corticosteroid-sparing agent should be used as the first agent
in a child with FR or SD SSNS. In Table 4, the advantages and
disadvantages of alkylating agents, levamisole, CNIs, and
MMF are presented. This table should help in the decision-
making of the clinician and families in determining which
agent a child with FR or SD SSNS should receive as their first
corticosteroid-sparing agent.
Rituximab in SD SSNS
The place of rituximab in treatment of SD SSNS remains
to be established. A single open-labeled RCT enrolling
54 children with SD SSNS dependent on prednisone and
CNIs found that rituximab reduced the rate of relapse at
3 months significantly (18.5% and 48.1% in experimental
and control arms, respectively) and increased the prob-
ability of being free of prednisone and CNI treatment.
These data confirm the results of case series that have
reported prolonged remissions in 80% of children following
rituximab, an anti CD20 monoclonal antibody, with
doses of 375 mg/m
per dose given for up to four weekly
Rituximab caused acute reactions, such as fever,
vomiting and diarrhea, skin rash, and bronchospasm in
about one-third of patients in one series.
Other reported
serious side effects include Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
and pulmonary fibrosis.
Patient recruitment has commenced
for an RCT comparing rituximab to placebo in cyclosporine-
dependent SD SSNS (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT
Other Medications
Mizoribine is widely used as a corticosteroid-sparing agent in
Japan. A single RCT (197 patients) demonstrated that the
relapse rate (measured as the ratio of the total number of
relapses/duration of observation in the mizoribine-treated
group and placebo group) did not differ significantly between
treatment and placebo groups (relapse-rate ratio 0.81; 95%
CI 0.61–1.05)
(Table 2).
Table 4 | Advantages and disadvantages of corticosteroid-sparing agents as first agent for use in FR or SD SSNS
Agent Advantages Disadvantages
Cyclophosphamide Prolonged remission off therapy
Less effective in SD SSNS
Monitoring of blood count during therapy
Potential serious short- and long-term adverse effects
Only one course should be given
Chlorambucil Prolonged remission off therapy
Less effective in SD SSNS
Monitoring of blood count during therapy
Potential serious adverse effects
Only one course should be given
Not approved for SSNS in some countries
Levamisole Few adverse effects
Generally inexpensive
Continued treatment required to maintain remission
Limited availability
Not approved for SSNS in some countries
Cyclosporine Prolonged remissions in some children with SD SSNS Continued treatment often required to maintain remission
Cosmetic side-effects
Tacrolimus Prolonged remissions in some children with SD SSNS Continued treatment often required to maintain remission
Risk of diabetes mellitus
Not approved for SSNS in some countries
Mycophenolate mofetil Prolonged remissions in some children with FR and SD SSNS
Few adverse effects
Continued treatment often required to maintain remission
Probably less effective than CNIs
Not approved for SSNS in some countries
FR, frequently relapsing; SD, steroid-dependent; SSNS, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171
chapter 3
It is recommended that azathioprine not be used as a
corticosteroid-sparing agent in FR and SD SSNS, since two
RCTs have demonstrated no significant difference in the risk
of relapse between azathioprine and placebo (RR 0.90; 95%
CI 0.59–1.38)
(Table 2).
3.4: Indication for kidney biopsy
3.4.1: Indications for kidney biopsy in children with
SSNS are (Not Graded):
K late failure to respond following initial
response to corticosteroids;
K a high index of suspicion for a different
underlying pathology;
K decreasing kidney function in children
receiving CNIs.
Kidney biopsy is indicated in children with nephrotic
syndrome who fail to respond to corticosteroids after
one or more remissions (late nonresponder) to determine
kidney pathology. There is no fixed upper age limit for
treating children with nephrotic syndrome without prior
kidney biopsy, particularly in Northern Europe and
India where 40–50% adolescents have MCD.
ever, in populations with a much higher prevalence of
FSGS and other pathologies, particularly African or African-
American populations, it is reasonable to consider biopsy
at the time of onset of nephrotic syndrome diagnosis before
While it is sometimes recommended that
children with SSNS should undergo annual kidney biopsy
if CNI therapy is continued beyond 2 years,
there are
no data to determine whether the benefits of regular
biopsies exceed the harm. Biopsies should be considered in
children with deteriorating kidney function, when this
persists after CNI doses are reduced. Routine biopsies of
children with FR or SD SSNS before using corticosteroid-
sparing therapy are not indicated. Studies show that the most
important predictor for kidney survival in childhood
nephrotic syndrome is not kidney pathology, but the
achievement and maintenance of remission following any
3.5: Immunizations in children with SSNS
3.5.1: To reduce the risk of serious infections in
children with SSNS (Not Graded):
K Give pneumococcal vaccination to the chil-
K Give influenza vaccination annually to the
children and their household contacts.
K Defer vaccination with live vaccines until
prednisone dose is below either 1 mg/kg
daily (o20 mg/d) or 2 mg/kg on alternate
days (o40 mg on alternate days).
K Live vaccines are contraindicated in
children receiving corticosteroid-sparing
immunosuppressive agents.
K Immunize healthy household contacts with
live vaccines to minimize the risk
of transfer of infection to the immunosup-
pressed child but avoid direct expo-
sure of the child to gastrointestinal, urinary,
or respiratory secretions of vaccinated
contacts for 3–6 weeks after vacci-
K Following close contact with Varicella in-
fection, give nonimmune children on im-
munosuppressive agents varicella zoster
immune globulin, if available.
Children with nephrotic syndrome are at increased risk of
invasive pneumococcal disease
and should receive pneu-
mococcal immunization with the heptavalent conjugate
vaccine (7vPCV) and the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine
(23vPPV) according to local recommendations for initial
immunization and repeat immunization. Adequacy of
response to the 7vPCV vaccine has not been studied in
children with nephrotic syndrome. Serological response to
23vPPV was not different in children with active nephrotic
syndrome on high-dose prednisone (60 mg/m
/d) compared
to children who received the vaccine while on low-dose
alternate day prednisone.
In most patients, antibody levels
persisted for at least 36 months.
Children with SSNS and
their household contacts should receive annual influenza
Live Vaccines
Live vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rota-
virus) are contraindicated in children on immunosup-
pressive or cytotoxic agents
and should be deferred
K Prednisone dose is below 1 mg/kg/d (below 20 mg/d) or
below 2 mg/kg on alternate days (below 40 mg on alter-
nate days).
K The child has been off cytotoxic agents (cyclophos-
phamide, chlorambucil) for more than 3 months.
K The child has been off other immunosuppressive
agents (CNIs, levamisole, MMF) for more than 1 month.
Healthy siblings and household contacts of children with
impaired immunity should be vaccinated with measles,
mumps, rubella, varicella, and rotavirus vaccines (where
indicated) to prevent them from infecting children with
impaired immunity.
However, immunosuppressed children
should avoid direct exposure to gastrointestinal, urinary, or
respiratory secretions of vaccinated contacts for 3–6 weeks
after vaccination.
Varicella Immunization
Varicella infection may lead to life-threatening disease in
children receiving immunosuppressive medications. Varicella
immunization is safe and effective in children with nephrotic
170 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171
chapter 3
syndrome, including children on low-dose alternate-day
K Children with SSNS, who are not receiving immunosup-
pressive or cytotoxic agents other than low-dose daily or
alternate-day prednisone, should be offered varicella
immunization if nonimmune.
K Families of nonimmune children with SSNS, who are
receiving immunosuppressive agents, should be asked to
contact their physician as soon as possible if the child
comes into close contact with another child with chicken
pox, or an adult with herpes zoster, so that the child can
receive zoster immune globulin (if available) within 72
hours of exposure.
K Aciclovir or valaciclovir should be administered to
immunosuppressed children at the onset of chicken pox
Further information from RCTs is required:
K To determine the relative efficacies of alkylating agents,
levamisole, MMF, CNIs in FR and SD SSNS.
K To determine the relative benefits and adverse effects of
cyclosporine and tacrolimus in FR and SD SSNS.
K To determine the additional benefits and risks of
mycophenolic acid when added to CNIs in SD SSNS.
K To determine the additional benefits and risks of
rituximab in comparison or in addition to other
corticosteroid-sparing agents in SD SSNS.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and techniques involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
Supplementary Table 1: Evidence profile of studies examining IV vs.
p.o. Cyc treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic
Supplementary Table 2: Existing systematic review on IV vs. p.o. Cyc
treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome.
Supplementary Table 3: Summary tables of studies examining IV vs.
p.o. Cyc treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic
syndrome (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 4: Summary table of RCT examining MMF vs. CsA
in frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children (categorical
Supplementary Table 5: Summary table of RCT examining MMF vs. CsA
in frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children (continuous
Supplementary Table 6: Summary table of RCT examining low vs. fixed
dose CsA treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic
syndrome (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 7: Summary table of RCT examining low vs. fixed
dose CsA treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic
syndrome (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 163–171 171
chapter 3
Chapter 4: Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
in children
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.17
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for
children aged 1 to 18 years with nephrotic syndrome, who
do not achieve a complete remission with cortico-
steroid therapy, i.e., SRNS. This chapter does not apply to
children with SRNS under 1 year of age, nor to SRNS
due to histologic patterns of glomerular injury other
than MCD, MPGN, or FSGS. The cost implications
for global application of this guideline are addressed in
Chapter 2.
4.1: Evaluation of children with SRNS
4.1.1: We suggest a minimum of 8 weeks treatment
w ith corticosteroids to define steroid resis-
tance. (2D)
4.1.2: The following are required to evaluate the
child with SRNS (Not Graded):
K a diagnostic kidney biopsy;
K evaluation of kidney function by GFR or
K quantitation of urine protein excretion.
SRNS generally, and FSGS specifically, is associated with a
50% risk for ESRD within 5 years of diagnosis if patients do
not achieve a partial or complete remission.
nephrotic syndrome is associated with poor patient-reported
quality of life, thromboembolic events, hypertension, perito-
nitis and other serious infections, persistent dyslipidemia,
and death.
Children reaching ESRD have a greatly
reduced life expectancy, 19 years on average following
initiation of dialysis, and approximately 40 years following
The cumulative burden of ongoing disease-related com-
plications must be measured against potential medication-
associated toxicities due to corticosteroids and other
immunosuppressive agents. These issues are discussed in
Chapter 3, SSNS and in Chapter 1, Introduction.
The potential benefit of therapy includes disease cure,
control of nephrotic syndrome, and/or or slowing the
progression to ESRD. There are times when the nephrologist,
with the child’s family or caregivers, will have to accept that a
point of futility has been reached, characterized by unremit-
ting and progressive loss of kidney function, resistance to
multiple drug therapies, or concern for cumulative drug-
associated toxicities.
K Management of children with SRNS requires confirma-
tion of resistance to corticosteroids, usually defined by
unresponsiveness to oral prednisone or prednisolone* for
a minimum of 8 weeks.
K Kidney biopsy is necessary to exclude secondary causes of
nephrotic syndrome, and assess the extent of interstitial
and glomerular fibrosis.
K Kidney function, measured by eGFR, at presentation and
its deterioration over time is associated with the long-
term risk for kidney failure.
K Quantification of proteinuria is essential, since this pro vides
the comparison for subsequent treatment responsiveness.
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same
dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country
of origin. All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to
prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral cortico-
steroids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
Steroid Resistance
The minimum requirement of corticoster oid exposure to define
resistance remains unclear. Variations in the definition of SRNS
create difficulties in comparing therapeutic trials. Based upon
the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children (ISKDC),
95% of children with SSNS will demonstrate resolution of
proteinuria with 4 weeks of daily corticoster oid therapy and
100% after an additional 3 weeks of alternate-day therapy.
Subsequent studies have reported additional remissions after an
extended exposure to steroids in low-dose prednisone contr ol
arms within RCTs and after high doses of i.v. or oral cortico-
steroids in observational studies.
It is not clear if these
late responses are due to the extended corticosteroid exposure,
a late effect of prior therapy , or natural history of the disease.
Consequently, we have elected to utilize one of the commonly
used definitions of resistance, i.e., a minimum exposure of
8 weeks of prednisone 2 mg/kg/d or 60 mg/m
/d for 4 weeks
followed b y 1.5 mg/kg or 40 mg/m
per dose alternate-da y
for 4 weeks.
At this point, steroid resista nce dictates the
requirement for kidney biopsy to define the histopathology.
Steroids may be c ontinued for an additional 4 weeks, totaling
12 weeks, while awaiting histopathology results.
Kidney Biopsy
A kidney biopsy in the evaluation of SRNS is recom-
mended. This evaluation—including light microscopy,
chapter 4 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176
immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy—may indi-
cate disorders that also result in the clinical features of the
nephrotic syndrome, e.g., immunoglobulin A nephropathy
(IgAN) or LN. The therapy is subsequently dictated by the
underlying diagnosis. (See Chapters 10 and 12 for IgAN and
LN, respectively.) Alternately, it may show pathologic lesions
of FSGS or, despite steroid resistance, still show MCD. In
Chapter 2 it was noted that 20 glomeruli are needed in a
biopsy to confidently exclude lesions that are affecting only
5% of them; hence, there is a possibility of missing an FSGS
lesion in many routine biopsies containing fewer than this
number. The kidney biopsy will also provide information
regarding the degree of interstitial and glomerular fibrosis,
which will be utilized in the assessment of prognosis of
children with SRNS. Results of the biopsy are also ofte n used
to explain to both patient and family why there has not been
a response to therapy, and that the prognosis is likely to be
substantially altered from the initial one.
Laboratory Assessment
Kidney function should be measured at the time a diag-
nosis of SRNS is made to inform prognosis and assessment
of response to subsequent therapy. Despite the inaccuracies
in eGFR determination in the presence of nephrotic
syndrome, kid ney function at the time of diagnosis is a
predictor of the long-term risk for kidney failure. Protein-
uria should be qu antified by uPCR to allow subsequent
treatment response to be defined as partial, complete, or
no remission (Table 1, Chapter 3).
The uPCR should
be measured in a first morning void to prevent variation
based upon orthostatic effects.
Measurements of 24-hour
urine protein may also be used but such collections are
impractical in young children who are not toilet-trained.
Observational studies of patients with FSGS demonstrate
a 5-year kidney survival of 90% in patients with a complete
remission following any single or combination of tested
Partial remission has been associated with an
intermediate 5-year kidney survival of 80% in adults,
although these data are not available for children.
of remission predicts a 5-year kidney survival of approxi-
mately 50%.
Many genetic mutations have been identified in subjects
with SRNS and FSGS. In children with SRNS over 1 year of
age, podocin mutations have been reported in 0-30%. The
significant variation in the prevalence of SRNS-associated
mutations is exemplified by the absence of podocin
mutations in an African-American cohort of 18 children
with FSGS
and the findings of a 28% prevalence of
podocin mutations in a European cohort of 25 children
published by the same group of investigators.
evaluation for genetic mutations is not recommended in this
guideline due to the variable availability of genetic testing,
significant cost, low to absent prevalence observed in some
populations, and the lack of systematic studies of treatment
response and prognosis relative to specific genetic poly-
4.2: Treatment recommendations for SRNS
4.2.1: We recommend using a calcineurin inhibitor
(CNI) as initial therapy for children with
SRNS. (1B) We suggest that CNI therapy be conti-
nued for a minimum of 6 months and
then stopped if a partial or complete
remission of proteinuria is not
achieved. (2C) We suggest CNIs be continued for a
minimum of 12 months when at least
a partial remission is achieved by
6 months. (2C) We suggest that low-dose cortico-
steroid therapy be combined with
CNI therapy. (2D)
4.2.2: We recommend treatment with ACE-I or ARBs
for children with SRNS. (1B)
4.2.3: In children who fail to achieve remission with
CNI therapy: We suggest that mycophenolate mofetil
(2D), high-dose corticosteroids (2D),
or a combination of these agents (2D)
be considered in children who fail to
achieve complete or partial remission
w ith CNIs and corticosteroids. We suggest that cyclophosphamide not
be given to children with SRNS. (2B)
4.2.4: In patients with a relapse of nephrotic syn-
drome after complete remissi on, we suggest
that therapy be restarted using any one of the
following options: (2C)
K oral corticosteroids (2D);
K return to previous successful immuno-
suppressive agent (2D);
K an alternative immunosuppressive agent to
minimize potential cumulative toxicity (2D).
The risk for kidney failure in patients with persistent
nephrotic syndrome provides the rationale for utilizing an
alternate therapy once steroid resistance has been established.
Both cy closporine and corticosteroids have a direct effect on
the podocyte cytoskeleton,
in addition to their immune-
modulating properties, indicating these agents may have mul-
tiple beneficial mechanisms of action in nephrotic syndrome.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that cyclosporine
induces complete or par tial remission in a majority of
children with SRNS.
K There is low-quality evidence that tacrolimus has a
similar impact on proteinuria control and may improve
adherence to treatment, based upon lower risk for
hypertrichosis and ging ival hyperplasia compared to
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176 173
chapter 4
K There is moderate-quality evidence that treatment with
renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockade is associated
with a reduction in proteinuria.
K The risk for kidney failure is significantly greater for
patients who fail to achieve a partial or complete
remission with any single or combination therapy.
CNI Therapy
Cyclosporine has been most widely studied for treatment of
SRNS. In three RCTs with 49 patients, 26 treated with
cyclosporine and 23 with placebo or control therapy
(Table 5), cyclosporine resulted in a complete remission in
31% and partial remission in 38% during 6 months of therapy.
The 69% cumulative complete and partial remission was
significantly better than the 0-16% remission in the control
arms of these randomized studies. In a single RCT of 138
children and adults comparing cyclosporine (N ¼ 72) to
mycophenolate combined with high-dose oral dexamethasone
(N ¼ 66), cyclosporine resulted in a 19.4% complete remission
and 26.4% partial remission during 12 months of therapy.
Based upon case series, complete and partial remissions are
less common in the presence of nephrotic syndrome associated
with podocin mutations. However, remissions have been
reported, and suggest that a trial of CNI therapy may induce at
least a partial remission even in these patients.
Tacrolimus has been compared to cyclosporine in one
study with 41 total participants
and showed no significant
difference in control of proteinuria. In this trial, the
frequency of nephrotoxicity, hypertension, and diabetes
mellitus were not different between cyclosporine and
tacrolimus. The only difference in these agents was in the
side-effect profile of hypertrichosis (95% vs. 0%, P o0.001)
and gingival hyperplasia (60% vs. 5%, P o0.001 ) cyclo-
sporine vs. tacrolimus, respectively, which may significantly
impact adherence to treatment recommendations.
The optimal duration of CNI therapy is unknown.
Published RCTs in children have utilized 6- and 12-month
treatment phases. Reduction in proteinuria has been docu-
mented to occur in 4.4
1.8 weeks,
with median times to
complete and partial remission of 8 and 12 weeks.
in up to 70% of those responding to CNI therapy has been
documented after discontinuation of 6- and 12-month
courses of therapy. Extension of therapy beyond 12 months
to prevent relapse is common practice; however, the impact
of this approach on relapse risk, long-term kidney function,
and risk for nephrotoxicity has not been established. Drug
level monitoring is common but optimal levels are unknown
for SRNS.
No studies have evaluated cyclosporine alone vs. cy clospo-
rine with low-dose pr ednisone . Consequently, the necessity of
corticoster oids as an adjunct to CNI for SRNS is unknown.
A low-dose corticosteroid is recommended here to be consistent
with the majority of clinical trials. Tapering of the dose to the
lowest level that maintains r emiss ion is r ec ommended.
The impact of podocyte-altering genetic polymorphisms
on response to immunomodulating therapy has been
reported in small genetic SRNS cohort studies with response
ranging from 7% to 80% of cohorts (ranging between 4 and
34 subjects).
No RCTs of SRNS have evaluated the impact
of underlying genetic polymorphisms.
RAS Blockade
RAS blockade in addition to CNI therap y is recommended
to reduce proteinuria in SRNS. Two RCTs demonstrated a
reduction in proteinuria with ACE-I therapy using enalapril
and fosinopril.
A dose-response reduction of proteinuria
has been observed: a 33% reduction in proteinuria with
a 0.2 mg/kg dose of enalapril, and a 52% reduction in
proteinuria with a 0.6 mg/kg dose of enalapril.
Epidemiologic evidence from retrospective cohort studies
in adults and children with FSGS
has demonstrated
the risk for kidney failure is significantly greater for patients
who fail to achieve a partial or complete remission of
proteinuria. There are only two published RCTs that provide
evidence of the combination of cyclosporine and RAS
blockade in SRNS.
High-dose corticosteroids.
There is very low–quality evi-
dence that extended courses of oral or i.v. corticosteroids,
following a traditional initial steroid regimen, may increase
Table 5 | CNI trials in SRNS
Author N Intervention Control
Remission: complete
or partial RR for remission Conclusion
Lieberman 1996
24 Cyclosporine Placebo 6 12 (100%) vs. 2 (17%) 5.48 (1.95–15.44) Remission
Ponticelli 1993
Cyclosporine Supportive therapy 12
6 (60%) vs. 0 (0%) 9.45 (0.62–1.51) Remission
Garin 1988
8 Cyclosporine None 2 0 (0%) vs. 0 (0%) 0 (0.0–0.0) No significant difference
Choudhry 2009
41 Tacrolimus þ
Cyclosporine þ
12 18 (86%) vs. 15 (75%) 1.14 (0.84–1.55) No significant difference
Gipson 2011
138 Cyclosporine MMF þ Dexamethasone 12 33 (45.8%) vs. 22 (33%) 1.35 (0.90–2.10) No significant difference
CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome; RR, relative risk.
Six months full dose followed by taper 25% every 2 months.
174 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176
chapter 4
the likelihood of remission. In one study, children with
SRNS, defined as resistant to 4 weeks daily and 4 weeks
alternate day prednisone, received i.v. cor ticosteroids
(methylprednisolone or dexamethasone) for 6 doses com-
bined with oral prednisone, and the short-term outcome was
assessed at the end of a 2-week regimen. Because only a
minority of those randomized to methylprednisolone actually
received that agent, the study is of very low quality. The
remaining patients were treated with dexamethasone.
Of the 81 subjects treated, 78 were evaluated in the results.
The corticosteroid pulse therapy induced a 34% complete
remission and 13% partial remission with no significant
difference between methylprednisolone and dexamethasone
treatment groups.
The remission response rates from
low-dose corticosteroids in small randomized studies in
SRNS are summarized in Table 6, and suggest that up to 53%
of patients with SRNS achieve remission with extended
steroid therapy; 0-17% (mean 8%) achieve remission with no
additional therapy.
MMF. A single RCT evaluated MMF in combination
with oral dexamethasone vs. cyclosporine. Patients in the
MMF arm of this trial had a 33% combined complete and
partial remission rate with 12 months of therapy. The study
did not demonstrate a significant difference between the
treatment arms (see Table 5).
Similarly, observational
studies involving children with SRNS who were treated for
a minimum of 6 months with mycophenolate demonstrated
a complete remission rate from 23% to 62%, a partial
remission rate of 25% to 37% and no remission in 8% to
Cytotoxic agents. There is moderate evidence to suggest
that cytotoxic agents in children with SRNS should not be
used, based upon two randomized controlled trials that show
no evidence of benefit of these agents combined with
prednisone, compared to corticosteroids alone. The evidence
is of moderate quality due to the small sample size
(Table 7).
In the ISKDC trial, there was no significant
difference in achieving a complete remission with cyclophos-
phamide therapy plus corticosteroids compared to corticos-
teroids alone w ith 10/18 vs. 6/13 achieving complete
remission in the combined-therapy group vs. corticosteroids
alone group and an increase in adverse events.
imprecision may affect this risk estimate, the RR and CI are
centered around 1. In the Tarshish trial comparing cyclopho-
sphamide plus corticosteroids vs. cort icosteroids alone, there
was also no evidence of benefit w ith the addition of
cyclophosphamide, i.e., 16/32 with combination vs. 12/21
monotherapy (P ¼ NS). One additional randomized trial
compared cyclophosphamide (N ¼ 17) to cyclosporine
(N ¼ 15). The study was halted at week 12 according to
predefined stopping rules, due to the significant difference
between the combined complete and partial remission rates
of 60% in cyclosporine group and 17% in the cyclophos-
phamide group (P o0.05).
At the present time, the
potential harm from cytotoxic agents—includi ng serious
infections, increased risk for late onset malignancy, reduced
fertility, hemorrhagic cystitis, and alopecia—f ar exceeds any
evidence of benefit (Online Suppl Table 14).
Rituximab. Rituximab is not recommended as a treat-
ment option for SRNS due to the lack of RCTs and risk
for serious adverse events, which may persist long after
the discontinuation of the therapy.
Although this may
be a promising agent, prospective randomized studies are
Table 6 | Remission in corticosteroid-treated control arms of SRNS randomized trials
Trial Treatment Remission outcome Events Total N Response (%)
ISKDC 1974
Prednisone Complete 6 13 46.2
Tarshish 1996
Prednisone Complete or partial 12 21 57.1
Prednisone response Complete or partial 18 34 52.9
Lieberman 1996
Placebo Partial 2 12 16.7
Ponticelli 1993
No Steroids Complete or partial 0 7 0.0
Garin 1988
Placebo Complete 0 4 0.0
No prednisone response Complete or partial 2 23 8.7
ISKDC, International Study of Kidney Disease in Children; SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.
Table 7 | Cytotoxic therapy in SRNS
Author N Intervention Control
Remission complete
or partial
RR for
remission Conclusion
ISKDC 1974
31 Cyclophosphamide p.o. + prednisone 3 mo Prednisone 3 mo 10 (56%) vs. 6 (46%) 1.20 (0.59–2.47) ND
Tarshish 1996
53 Cyclophosphamide po x 3 mo + prednisone
12 mo q.o.d.
12 mo q.o.d.
16 (50%) vs. 12 (57%) 0.88 (0.53–1.45) ND
ISKDC, International Study of Kidney Disease in Children; ND, not determined; p.o., orally; q.o.d., every other day; SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176
chapter 4
Relapsing Disease
In SRNS patients with relapse after complete remission,
we suggest that immunosuppressant therapy be reinstated.
This recommendation is based upon the concern that
uncontrolled SRNS is likely to lead both to complications
from the pers istent nephrotic state as well as a high risk for
kidney failure. We have no evidence in the literature to
support a specific treatment choice. Options are provided
without prioritization, and include oral corticosteroids, a
return to the previously effective immunosuppressant agent,
or the selection of an alternate immunosuppressant age nt
to avoid potential toxicity. Assessment of risk vs. benefit
needs reassessment and becomes more relevant with each
K RCTs are needed in resistant nephrotic syndrome
comparing CNIs to alternate immunosuppressive and
nonimmunosuppressive agents.
K Investigation of treatment options is needed for
patients with nephrotic syndrome associated with genetic
K RCTs are needed examining rituximab therapy for SRNS.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles
and advertisements herein are the responsibility of the
contributor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned.
Accordingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board
and their respective employers, office and agents accept
no liabilit y whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and technique s involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
Supplementary Table 8: Evidence profile of RCTs examining CsA vs.
placebo in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children.
Supplementary Table 9: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on
steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children.
Supplementary Table 10: Evidence profile of studies examining CsA vs.
Cyc treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.
Supplementary Table 11: Summary table of studies examining CsA vs.
Cyc treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 12: Evidence profile of RCTs examining ACE-I
treatment for steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children.
Supplementary Table 13: Summary table of RCTs examining ACE
treatment for steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 14: Evidence profile of studies examining p.o.
Cyc plus steroid vs. steroid in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
and/or FSGS in children.
Supplementary Table 15: Summary table of studies examining p.o. Cyc
plus steroid vs. steroid in children with SRNS or FSGS (categorical
Supplementary Table 16: Summary table of studies examining p.o. Cyc
plus steroid vs. steroid in children with SRNS or FSGS (continuous
Supplementary Table 17: Summary table RCTs examining IV vs. p.o.
Cyc treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 18: Summary table of RCT examining TAC vs.
CsA treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 19: Summary table of RCT examining TAC vs.
CsA treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 172–176
chapter 4
Chapter 5: Minimal-change disease in adults
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 177–180; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.18
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for adults
with MCD. The cost implications for global application of
this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
5.1: Treatment of initial episode of adult MCD
5.1.1: We recommend that corticosteroids be given
for initial treatment of nephrotic syndrome.
5.1.2: We suggest prednisone or prednisolone* be
given at a daily single dose of 1 mg/kg
(maximum 80 mg) or alternate-day single dose
of 2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg). (2C)
5.1.3: We suggest the initial high dose of cortico-
steroids, if tolerated, be maintained for a mini-
mum period of 4 weeks if complete remission is
achieved, and for a maximum period of 16 weeks
if complete remission is not achieved. (2C)
5.1.4: In patients who remit, we suggest that
corticosteroids be tapered slowly over a total
period of up to 6 months after achieving
remission. (2D)
5.1.5: For patients with relative contraindications or
intolerance to high-dose corticosteroids (e.g.,
uncontrolled diabetes, psychiatric conditions,
severe osteoporosis), we suggest oral cyclo-
phosphamide or CNIs as discussed in
frequently relapsing MCD. (2D)
5.1.6: We suggest using the same initial dose and
duration of corticosteroids for infrequent
relapses as in Recommendations 5.1.2, 5.1.3,
and 5.1.4. (2D)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same
dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country
of origin. All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to
prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral cortico-
steroids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
MCD refers to the occurrence of nephrotic syndrome with no
glomerular lesions by light microscopy (or only minimal
mesangial prominence), no staining on immunofluorescence
microscopy (or low-intensity staining for C3 and IgM), and
foot process effacement but no electron-dense deposits on
electron microscopy.
Although spontaneous remission can oc cur in MCD ,
untreated nephrotic syndrome is associated with significant
morbidity due to accelerated atherosclerosis, in part due to
and thromboembolic events.
Therefor e, specific treatment should be given with the goal of
achieving remission. The cornerstone of treatment has been
corticosteroi ds. MCD in children is ex quisitely sensitive to
corticosteroids; however, adults tend to respond more slowly,
with responses occurring as late as 3–4 months after starting
therapy . The response to corticosteroids is also less predictable in
adults, as only about 75% of adults with MCD are steroid-
responsive (Table 8). Also, in contrast to children, there is a
paucity of well-designed R CTs inv estigating the treatment of
MCD in adults.
Although AKI is common in adults with MCD (up to
progressive CKD is not part of the natural
history of adults with MCD, and its occurrence suggests
underlying FSGS.
Mor e than half of adult MCD patients will experience
relapses, and up to a third of patients may become frequent
relapsers or corticosteroid-dependent.
a 40% relapse rate has been reported in adults who had
MCD as children,
and these patients continue to relapse.
Secondary etiologies associated with MCD are uncommon, but
should be considered. They include H odgkins disease, lithium
therapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Corticosteroids are generally well-tolerated, but drug-
related adverse effects are common with prolonged/repeated
courses in SD or FR patients.
Disease Definitions
Definitions of proteinuria outcomes are as listed in Table 10,
Chapter 6. Partial remissions in proteinuria are not seen
in MCD.
K There is only low-quality evidence to recommend
corticosteroids in the treatment of adult MCD. This
recommendation is based largely on extrapolation from
RCTs in children, as well as small RCTs and observational
studies in adults.
K There is only low-quality evidence to define the optimal
dose and duration of corticosteroids in adults, but a high
dose until remission is achieved followed by a slow taper
to minimize relapse is usually prescribed.
K There is very low–quality evidence suggesting that
alternate-day is equivalent to daily corticosteroids in
adult MCD.
K MCD in adults may take a longer time to remit compared
to MCD in children.
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 5
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 177–180 177
Corticosteroids have been studied in several large pros-
pective RCTs in children
and observational studies in
children and adults.
In a very early multicenter
controlled study of corticosteroids compared to no treatment
in 125 nephrotic adults (including 31 MCD patients defined
by light microscopy alone), those treated with at least 20 mg/
d prednisone for at least 6 months showed an early and rapid
decrease in proteinuria compared to the control group.
However, by two and a half years, there was no difference in
proteinuria or serum albumin in the two groups.
in one small RCT of 28 adult MCD patients that compared
prednisone 125 mg every other day for 2 months with
placebo, there was no difference in overall remission rates
over 77 months follow-up, although a significant percentage
of the placebo arm ended up being treated with prednisone
over this time frame. However, patients treated with
prednisone went into remission more rapidly; 12 of 14
treated patients were in complete remission before 2 months,
compared to 6 of 14 controls.
Although there are no controlled trials comparing daily vs.
alternate-day corticosteroids in adults, observational studies
have not shown any difference in response rates.
costeroid therapy leads to complete remission in over 80% of
adults with MCD. The time course to a complete remission is
delayed compared to children, with 50% responding by 4
weeks but the remaining 10–25% requiring 12–16 weeks of
It is known that, in children, 6 months of
corticosteroid treatment is associated with a lower relapse
rate than 3 months of therapy.
The optimal method to
taper corticosteroids in adults is not known, but cortico-
steroids are commonly tapered by 5–10 mg/wk or less after
achieving remission, for a total perio d of corticosteroid
exposure of at least 24 weeks.
Only a few patients have been treated at the time of
initial presentation with steroid-free regimens (e.g., cyclo-
or cyclosporine
). In this very
limited experience, the typical response rate of 75% is
comparable to corticosteroids.
For infrequent relapses, repeat courses of corticosteroids
may be used as in the first episode of MCD. There are no
RCTs to guide the therapy of relapse in adult MCD.
Reinstitution of prednisone usually results in a remission.
5.2: FR/SD MCD
5.2.1: We suggest oral cyclophosphamide 22.5 mg/kg/
d for 8 weeks. (2C)
5.2.2: We suggest CNI (cyclosporine 3–5 mg/kg/d or
tacrolimus 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/d in divided doses)
for 1–2 years for FR/SD MCD patients who
have relapsed despite cyclophosphamide, or for
people who wish to preserve their fertility. (2C)
5.2.3: We suggest MMF 500–1000 mg twice daily for
1–2 years for patients who are intolerant of
corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and CNIs.
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest the value of
alkylating agents in adult FR/SD MCD. Support for this
approach comes from RCTs in children, and observa-
tional studies in adults.
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest that CNIs can
induce complete or partial remission in adult MCD, but
relapse rates may be higher than with alkylating agents
after cessation of CNIs.
K There is very low–quality evidence to suggest the use of
MMF as a corticosteroid or CNI- sparing agent.
In observational studies, treatment with cyclophos-
phamide leads to remission in a si gnificant number of
The relapse-free interval appears to be longer
than with cyclosporine (see below). In an observational study,
the initial response rates with cyclophosphamide in SD adults
appeared excellent (all nine patients were able to be weaned
off steroids in one study);
however, five of these patients
relapsed. In this study FR MCD patients appeared to fare
better than SD MCD, with 80% of patients showing sustained
remission at a mean follow-up of 9.1 years. Similarly, SD
children may be less responsive to cyclophosphamide than
frequent relapsers.
In another study, 21 of 36 adults with
FR/SD MCD attained remission within 8 weeks and four
more patients (total of 25/31 or 69% ) within 16 weeks. The
addition of prednisone to cyclophosphamide did not appear
to provide added benefit. Remissions appeared to be more
durable with cyclophosphamide compared to steroids.
In another study, 55% of 20 patients treated with cyclo-
phosphamide (for FR or SD MCD) had a complete or partial
There is one report of the effectiveness of
regimens using i.v. cyclophosphamide in adults.
Table 8 | Dosage regimens in MCD
Drug and dosing scheme
Initial treatment
Daily single dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 80 mg) or alternate-day single
dose of 2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg)
until complete remission (minimum 4 weeks to a maximum of
16 weeks)
after complete remission, tapered slowly over 6 months
1. Cyclophosphamide (oral) single course
2–2.5 mg/kg/d as tolerated for 8 weeks
2. Relapsed despite cyclophosphamide, or patients of childbearing age
a. Cyclosporine starting dose 3–5 mg/kg/d (in two equally divided
b. Tacrolimus 0.05–0.1 mg/kg/d (in two equally divided doses)
Following 3 months of stable remission, tapered to reach the
minimum dosage that maintains remission, for 1–2 years
3. Intolerant to corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and/or CNIs
a. Mycophenolate mofetil 500–1000 mg twice daily for 1–2 years
FR, frequently relapsing; MCD, minimal-change disease; SD, steroid-dependent.
178 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 177–180
chapter 5
Many observational studies have reported the efficacy of
cyclosporine with remission rates of 70-90%.
In an
RCT of 73 adults and children with FR/SD nephrotic
syndrome (31 with MCD; 42 w ith FSGS), treatment was
given with either cyclophosphamide (2.5 mg/kg/d) for 8
weeks or cyclosporine (5 mg/kg/d) for 9 months, followed by
a 3-month taper to withdrawal. At 9 months, remission rate
did not differ significantly: 64% (18/28) of patients on
cyclophosphamide and 74% (26/35) of pati ents on cyclo-
sporine maintained remission. However, at 2 years, 25% of
patients assigned to cyclosporine vs. 63% of patients assigned
to cyclophosphami de were still in remission.
Another RCT
of 52 patients noted that remission was achieved sooner in
patients treated with cyclosporine plus 0.8 mg/kg/d predni-
sone compared to patients receiving only 1 mg/kg/d pre-
dnisone, suggesting an additional benefit of lower exposure
to corticosteroids (Online Suppl Tables 20, 21).
The optimal dose and duration of cyclosporine therapy is
unknown. In an RCT of adults and children with FR/SD
nephrotic syndrome, cyclosporine was dosed at 5 mg/kg/d
for 9 months followed by a taper over 3 months.
possibility of cy closporine dependency is high when tr eatment
is abruptly stopped after achieving complete remission.
Howev er, pr olonged treatment in 36 adult patients for a mean
of 26 months, followed by slow withdrawal, led to sustained
remissions without ster oids in 11 of 14 patients and with low
doses of corticosteroids in three patients. In 20% of patients,
who remained cyclosporine-dependent, doses of o3mg/kg/d
were sufficient to maintain remission. The cumulative rate of
Tacrolimus, administered for 24 weeks was compared to
i.v. cyclophosphamide in a small RCT in SD patients with
achieved response rates similar to cyclosporine. All patients
in this study were able to discontinue corticosteroids.
There are insufficient data to suggest a therapeutic level
for CNI in adult MCD patients. After starting the drug with
the suggested dosing regimen in Table 8 and achieving
remission, the CNI do se should be progressively reduced to
the lowest level that will maintain the remission. Many
patients will be able to come off corticosteroids completely
and every effort should be made to reduce and stop
corticosteroids after starting CNI.
In children with MCD, MMF has been used as a steroid-
sparing agent (see Recommendation 3.3.5). The experience
with MMF in adults has been limite d to case reports.
5.3: Corticosteroid-resistant MCD
5.3.1: Re-evalulate patients who are corticosteroid-
resistant for other causes of nephrotic syn-
drome. (Not Graded)
K Corticosteroid-resistant MCD suggests FSGS.
An estimated 10% of adult MCD patients are steroid-resistant
(failed 16 weeks of daily or alternate-day corticosteroids as
outlined previously). Steroid resistance may be due to
undetected FSGS (which may not be seen in a biopsy specimen
because it is a focal lesion). A repeat biopsy could be considered
and may show FSGS, which is associated with a worse prognosis
than MCD . There are no RCTs and very few observational data
on treatment strategies of steroid-resistant MCD in adults.
Treatment strategy as outlined in Chapter 6 is suggested.
5.4: Supportive therapy
5.4.1: We suggest that MCD patients who have AKI
be treated with renal replacement therapy as
indicated, but together with corticosteroids, as
for a first episode of MCD. (2D)
5.4.2: We suggest that, for the initial episode of
nephrotic syndrome associated with MCD,
statins not be used to treat hyperlipidemia,
and ACE-I or ARBs not be used in normo-
tensive patients to lower proteinuria. (2D)
K AKI may accompany MCD in adults. This is usually
reversible with continued steroid therapy. Supportive
care, including renal replacement therapy, may be
temporarily required. Proteinuria in adult MCD will
ty pically remit with corticosteroids. As a consequence,
the accompanying hyperlipidemia will remit with resolu-
tion of proteinuria, negating the need for statin therapy.
K Proteinuria in adult MCD will typically remit with cortico-
steroids, and statins an d RAS blockade to help r educe
proteinuria are not nec essary if early remission is achieved.
AKI, sometimes severe enough to require dialysis, can
occur in patients with MCD. Risk factors include older age,
hypertension, severe nephrotic syndrome, and underlying
arteriosclerosis of the kidney.
Kidney function typically
recovers even in the most severely affected patients, although
patients who have experienced kidney failure may have
residual chronic renal impairment.
Careful attention to
volume status, as well as continued therapy with cortico-
steroids, and other supportive therapy for AKI are suggested.
There is only one small study of 40 adults who had relapsing
nephrotic syndrome as children. This study did not show a
higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, implying that long-
term cardiovascular risk was not increased by intermittent
hyperlipidemia during nephrotic relapses in childhood.
use of antihyperlipidemic agents and ACE-I or ARBs may be
considered on a case-by-case basis in FR/SD MCD adults in
whom rapid remission is not achieved. It is important to note
that adding an A CE-I or ARB in a sev er ely nephrotic patient
who is being aggressiv ely d iures ed ma y precipitate AKI.
Economic Considerations
Prednisone and cyclophosphamide are less costly than CNIs
and MMF. Cost factors need to be considered in patients who
are not able to affo rd or access the more expensive medi-
The addition of ketoconazole is safe and can lead
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 177–180 179
chapter 5
to significant reduction in costs associated with CNIs, but
drug levels need to be assessed to avoid nephrotoxicity.
K RCTs should investigate the use of CNIs or MMF as
alternatives to corticosteroids for the first episode of
adult MCD.
K RCTs are needed to compare CNIs to cyclophosphamide
in FR/SD MCD, and to establish if cyclosporine or
tacrolimus should be the preferred CNI.
K RCTs are needed to study the role of rituximab in FR/SD
K RCTs are needed to study the role of levamisole in FR/SD
K Evidence should be collected in these RCTs to evaluate
the long-term cardiovascular, metabolic, infectious, and
bone risk of FR/SD MCD, and corresponding treatment.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear
that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributor,
copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the
publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and their respective
employers, office and agents accept no liability whatsoever for
the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data,
opinion or statement. While every effort is made to ensure that
drug doses and other quantities are presented accurately,
readers are advised that new methods and techniques
involving drug usage, and described within this Journal,
should only be followed in conjunction with the drug
s own published literature.
Supplementary Table 20: Summary table of RCT examining CsA vs.
steroid treatment after first relapse in adults with minimal change
disease (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 21: Summary table of RCT examining CsA vs.
steroid treatment after first relapse in adults with minimal change
disease (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 177–180
chapter 5
Chapter 6: Idiopathic focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis in adults
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.19
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for adults
with biopsy-proven, idiopathic FSGS. The cost implications
for global application of this guideline are addressed in
Chapter 2.
6.1: Initial evaluation of FSGS
6.1.1: Undertake thorough evaluation to exclude
secondary forms of FSGS. (Not Graded)
6.1.2: Do n ot routinely perform genetic testing. (Not
The classical description of FSGS includes segmental increase
of mesangial matrix with obliteration of the capillaries,
sclerosis, hyalinosis, foam cells, and segmental scarring, and
adhesion between the glomerular tuft and Bowmans capsule.
A recently proposed pathology classification has pointed to
the existence of nonsclerotic forms of FSGS.
There has
been a marked increase in the number of known underlying
causes for the lesion of FSGS over the last 10–20 years.
Perhaps a consequence of this has been that the incidence,
the age of onset, and the clinical presentation have also
dramatically altered over this timeframe. FSGS is now one of
the most common patterns of glomerular injury encountered
in human kidney biopsies,
and it is the most common
cause of proteinuria in the African-American and US
Hispanic populations.
K FSGS should be classified as idiopathic (primary) FSGS
or secondary FSGS. This is not merely semantic, but has
therapeutic implications. Idiopathic FSGS is defined by
exclusion of any other identifiable cause of secondary
Secondary causes of FSGS are listed in Table 9,
and should be evaluated by detailed examination of the
patient, including medical history, physical examination,
family history, kidney imaging, and kidney pathology,
including electron micoscopy studies.
K There are no good data to support genetic testing in
adults with FSGS, even in cases of steroid resistance. In
the absence of a family history of FSGS, mutations of
NPHS1 (nephrin), NPHS2 (podocin), alpha-actinin-4,
CD2AP, and TRPC-6 are detected in only 0–3% of
adults with FSGS.
In addition, some patients
with a genetic abnormality have responded to therapy,
suggesting that the results of genetic analysis should not
change treatment decisions.
K African-Americans with FSGS are likely to have muta-
tions in the apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) gene.
patients will present with non-nephrotic proteinuria. The
therapeutic implications of this mutation are currently
unknown, so this guideline does not suggest routine
testing for APOL1 mutations.
6.2: Initial treatment of FSGS
6.2.1: We recommend that corticosteroid and im-
munosuppressive therapy be considered only
in idiopathic FSGS associated with clinical
features of the nephrotic syndrome. (1C)
6.2.2: We suggest prednisone* be given at a daily
single dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 80 mg) or
alternate-day dose of 2 mg/kg (maximum
120 mg). (2C)
6.2.3: We suggest the initial high dose of corticoster-
oids be given for a minimum of 4 weeks;
continue high-dose corticosteroids up to a
maximum of 16 weeks, as tolerated, or until
complete remission has been achieved, which-
ever is earlier. (2D)
6.2.4: We suggest corticosteroids be tapered slowly
over a period of 6 months after achieving
complete remission. (2D)
6.2.5: We suggest CNIs be considered as rst-line
therapy for patients with relative contraindi-
cations or intolerance to high-dose cortico-
steroids (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes, psychia-
tric conditions, severe osteoporosis). (2D)
*Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent, used in the same
dosage, and have both been used in RCTs depending on the country
of origin. All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to
prednisone or prednisolone. All later references to oral corticoster-
oids refer to prednisone or prednisolone.
Patients with FSGS and persistent proteinuria are at increased
risk of progressive CKD and its accompanying cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality. Risks are dependent on the level
of proteinuria and kidney function.
The potential benefit of therapy includes disease cure,
control, and/or slowing the progression to ESRD. In FSGS,
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 6
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185 181
outcome parameters can be divided into kidney and protein-
uric events. Disease cure and control are defined primarily by
changes in proteinuria (see Table 10).
In most cases of idiopathic FSGS, the natural history of
the disease is prolonged, with even complete remitters having
a relapse rate of up to 40%. Those with partial remissions still
have a risk of slowly progressive loss of kidney function.
There is also a significant minority with no response to
therapy; hence, the potential benefits of treatment must be
constantly weighed against the risks of the chosen immuno-
suppressive therapy.
Prognosis in patients with idiopathic FSGS is predicted by
the severity and persistence of proteinuria. Patients with non-
nephrotic proteinuria have a good prognosis, with kidney
survival rates of more than 95% after a mean follow-up of 6.5
to 9.3 years,
even in older studies when few patients, if
any, were treated with RAS blockade. The conclusion still
seems to be valid, since a very recent study concluded that
even partial remission (reduction to non-nephrotic range
proteinuria) was associated with significant improvement in
kidney survival (80% vs. 40%) compared to no remission.
Many observational studies have demonstrated that
remission of proteinuria, whether spontaneous or induced
by therapy, is associated with a good outcome.
Many studies have shown, in univariate and multivariate
analyses, that development of a remission was associated with
prednisone treatment.
The natural history of primary FSGS with nephrotic
syndrome is quite variable. Important predictors are the
magnitude of proteinuria, the level of kidney function, and
the amount of tubulo-interstitial injury.
to corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy is now
considered the strongest predictor of ESRD.
is poor in patients who do not achieve remission, with 5-year
kidney survival averaging 65% (60–90%) and 10-year kidney
survival 30% (25–56%).
K Most patients that progress have persistent nephrotic-
range proteinuria; patients with non-nephrotic protein-
uria are at low risk for progressive kidney failure and
K Those with sustained non-nephrotic proteinuria are at
increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Those risks should be managed, including treatment of
proteinuria with RAS blockade and control of blood
K There is low-quality evidence to recommend cortico-
steroid or immunosuppressive therapy in primary FSGS
when accompanied by nephrotic syndrome.
K There is no evidence to suggest corticosteroid or
immunosuppressive therapy in secondary FSGS.
RAS Blockade and Blood Pressure Control
Optimal conservative management of patients with FSGS
should follow guidelines for patients with persistent protei-
nuria (see Chapter 2). RAS blockade should be routine;
however, it may be delayed in nephrotic syndrome to see if
there is a response to initial corticosteroid therapy. This is
particularly relevant if the nephrotic syndrome is severe, since
the risk of developing AKI due to hypoperfusion and acute
tubular necrosis (ATN) is increased in this setting.
Table 9 | Causes of FSGS
Idiopathic (primary) FSGS
Secondary FSGS
1. Familial
a. Mutations in a-actinin 4
b. Mutations in NPHS1 (nephrin)
c. Mutations in NPHS2 (podocin)
d. Mutations in WT-1
e. Mutations in TRPC6
f. Mutations in SCARB2 (LIMP2)
g. Mutations in INF2 (formin)
h. Mutations in CD2-associated protein
i. Mitochondrial cytopathies
2. Virus associated
a. HIV-associated nephropathy
b. Parvovirus B19
3. Medication
a. Heroin-nephropathy
b. Interferon-a
c. Lithium
d. Pamidronate/alendronate
e. Anabolic steroids
4. Adaptive structural-functional responses likely mediated by
glomerular hypertrophy or hyperfiltration
4.1 Reduced kidney mass
a. Oligomeganephronia
b. Unilateral kidney agenesis
c. Kidney dysplasia
d. Cortical necrosis
e. Reflux nephropathy
f. Surgical kidney ablation
g. Chronic allograft nephropathy
h. Any advanced kidney disease with reduction in functioning
4.2 Initially normal kidney mass
a. Diabetes mellitus
b. Hypertension
c. Obesity
d. Cyanotic congenital heart disease
e. Sickle cell anemia
5. Malignancy (lymphoma)
6. Nonspecific pattern of FSGS caused by kidney scarring in
glomerular disease
a. Focal proliferative glomerulonephritis (IgAN, LN,
pauci-immune focal necrotizing and crescentic GN)
b. Hereditary nephritis (Alport syndrome)
c. Membranous glomerulopathy
d. Thrombotic microangiopathy
FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; HIV, Human
immunodeficiency virus; IgAN, immunoglobulin A nephropathy; LN, lupus nephritis.
Adapted from Deegens JK, Steenbergen EJ, Wetzels JF. Review on diagnosis and
treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Neth J Med 2008; 66: 3–12 with
permission from Van Zuiden Communications B.V.;
accessed http://www.
182 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185
chapter 6
Corticosteroid therapy should only be considered for patients
with idiopathic FSGS associated with nephrotic syndrome.
There are no data to support treatment with corticosteroids
in patients without nephrotic-range proteinuria and,
although there are no RCTs, there are numerous observa-
tional studies to support the use of corticosteroids in FSGS
when associated with nephrotic-range proteinuria.
Prior to 1985, idiopathic FSGS was considered a steroid-
resistant disease with poor outcome.
In contrast, observa-
tional studies conducted after 1985 have reported better
outcomes and suggested that this improvement in response
was associated with a higher initial dose and longer duration
of treatment with corticosteroids.
Treatment routines have varied with durations from 4 to
24 months, and prednisone dosing from 0.3 to 1.5 mg/kg/d,
reported complete remission rates range from 28% to 74%,
and partial remission rates from 0% to 50%. The average
time to complete remission is 3–4 months, with a range up to
8 months.
The timing of prednisone therapy initiation has been
debated. Spontaneous remissions do occur, with reported
rates varying from 5% to 23%. Spontaneous remissions are
more likely to occur in patients with tip lesions, with pre-
served kidney function, and lower grades of proteinuria.
In such patients, prednisone treatment could be delayed
to see if spontaneous remission occurs with RAS blockade
and other conservative approaches, but no studies have
investigated this approach, or systematically analyzed its risks
and benefits.
In the absence of any evidence specific for FSGS, we
suggest that the guidelines for adult MCD are used to direct
further therapy in steroid-responsive primary FSGS (see
Chapter 5).
There is no evidence to support the use of corticosteroids
in secondary FSGS and, in current practice, such patients are
not treated with immunosuppressive therapy.
Other Immunosuppressive Agents
Adult patients may tolerate poorly the sustained corticoster-
oid regimen recommended for primary FSGS, but there are
no RCTs to support the use of alternative immunosuppres-
sive agents as first-line therapy.
A retrospective observational study compared high-dose
oral prednisone (1 mg/kg/d) for at least 4 months and
tapering thereafter, with low-dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg/d)
in combination with cyclosporine (3 mg/kg/d initial dose,
tapering to 50 mg/d) or azathioprine (2 mg/kg/d initial dose,
tapering to 0.5 mg/kg/d). Average duration of treatment was
20 months. Low-dose prednisone was given to 16 patients
with obesity, bone disease, or mild diabetes. Remission rates
were comparable; 63% for prednisone (n ¼ 9), 80% for
prednisone plus azathioprine (n ¼ 6), and 86% for predni-
sone plus cyclosporine (n ¼ 10).
Another study used
tacrolimus as initial therapy in six patients and noted a
remission in all.
A randomized study in adult patients with FSGS
and persistent nephrotic syndrome after 6 months of RAS
blockade compared MMF (2 g/d for 6 months) plus low-
dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg/d for 8–12 weeks) to high-
dose prednisone (1 mg/kg/d for 12–24 weeks, followed
by tapering over 8 weeks). Similar remission rates were
observed in the two regimens, 71% (12/17 patients) vs.
69% (11/16 patients).
These limited data suggest that
patients who do not tolerate prolonged high-dose pred-
nisone might benefit from alternative immunosuppressive
agents, alone or in combination with a lower dose of
prednisone. A CNI is favored in view of the evidence derived
from studies in patients with steroid-resistant FSGS (see
6.3: Treatment for relapse
6.3.1: We suggest that a relapse of nephrotic syn-
drome is treated as per the recommendations
for relapsing MCD in adults (see Chapters 5.1
and 5.2). (2D)
K There is very low–quality evidence to guide treatment
of relapses in steroid-responsive FSGS. We suggest that
the guidelines for relapsing MCD are followed (see
Chapter 5.2).
Table 10 | Definitions of nephrotic syndrome in adults with FSGS
Classification Definition
Reduction of proteinuria to o0.3 g/d or o300 mg/g (o30 mg/mmol), urine creatinine and normal serum creatinine and
serum albumin 43.5 g/dl (35 g/l)
Partial remission
Reduction of proteinuria to 0.3–3.5 g/d (300–3500 mg/g [30–350 mg/mmol]), urine creatinine and stable serum creatinine
(change in creatinine o25%)
Reduction of proteinuria to 0.3–3.5 g/d (300–3500 mg/g [30–350 mg/mmol]), urine creatinine and a decrease 450% from baseline,
and stable serum creatinine (change in creatinine o25%)
Relapse Proteinuria 43.5 g/d or 43500 mg/g (4350 mg/mmol) urine creatinine after complete remission has been obtained
Frequent relapse Not defined in adults
Steroid-dependent Two relapses during or within 2 weeks of completing steroid therapy
Steroid-resistant Persistence of proteinuria despite prednisone 1 mg/kg/d or 2 mg/kg every other day for 44 months
FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
Both definitions of partial remission have been used in the literature.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185
chapter 6
6.4: Treatment for steroid-resistant FSGS
6.4.1: For steroid-resistant FSGS, we suggest that
cyclosporine at 3–5 mg/kg/d in divided doses
be given for at least 4–6 mo nths. (2B)
6.4.2: If there is a partial or complete remission,
we suggest continuing cyclosporine treatment
for at least 12 months, followed by a slow
taper. (2D)
6.4.3: We suggest that patients with steroid-resistant
FSGS, who do not tolerate cyclosporine, be
treated with a combination of mycophenolate
mofetil and high-dose dexamethasone. (2C)
There is no agreement in the literature regarding the duration
of prednisone therapy that defines steroid-resistance. Some
authors advise the use of alternative immunosuppressive
therapy after only 4–8 weeks of prednisone, whereas others
define resistance as persistent nephrotic syndrome after
4 months prednisone in a dose of 1 mg/kg/d.
We suggest that prednisone be given for 4 months before
defining resistance to therapy.
Cyclosporine is effective in inducing remission of proteinuria
in patients with steroid-resistant FSGS. Remissions can
develop slowly, and may take 3–6 months after start of
K A partial remission provides a substantial outcome
K Relapses are very frequent after withdrawal of cyclo-
sporine. More prolonged treatment may lead to more
persistent remissions. Relapses occur frequently when
using cyclosporine for a 6-month period. A longer
duration of therapy and slow tapering strategy in
cyclosporine-responsive patients can be used in FSGS
(Table 11) similar to that advised in adults with MCD.
K There is limited evidence to support the efficacy of other
regimens in patients with steroid-resistant proteinuria.
Two RCTs have shown that cyclosporine is more effective
than no treatment in inducing remission of proteinuria in
In one of the two studies,
cyclosporine was combined with low-dose prednisone. These
are summarized in Online Suppl Tables 14–16. Remission in
the two studies occurred in 60% and 69%, but relapse after
cyclosporine withdrawal occurred in 69% and 61%, respec-
tively. An additional benefit to cyclosporine treatment was an
attenuated deterioration of kidney function in one study,
with doubling of SCr in 25% of treated vs. 52% of control
patients. An additional, but low-quality, controlled trial
(Online Suppl Tables 14–16) as well as various uncontrolled
studies have confirmed that treatment with cyclosporine
reduces proteinuria in patients with FSGS.
observational studies reported remission rates of 10–75%.
The variation in reported remission rates may depend on the
definition of steroid resistance, the prior use of alkylating
agents, and the concomitant use of low-dose prednisone.
Remissions usually develop within 2–3 months, but may take
longer (4–6 months). All studies report high relapse rates
(60–80%). Patients who respond within 6 months to
cyclosporine can sometimes be maintained for periods of
years without untoward effects on kidney function; how-
ever, deterioration of kidney function may occur, even if
proteinuria has remitted.
Deterioration of kidney function
is more likely in patients who use high-dose cyclosporine
(45.5 mg/kg/d), in patients with pre-existing reduced GFR
(o60 ml/min per 1.73 m
) and pre-existent tubulo-
interstitial fibrosis.
There are no RCTs using tacrolimus. Uncontrolled studies
suggest that tacrolimus may be an alternative to cyclo-
Segarra et al.
treated 25 patients with
cyclosporine-resistant or cyclosporine-dependent FSGS.
Tacrolimus was used in a dose of 0.15 mg/kg/d and targeted
to trough levels of 5–10 mg/l; there was a 100% remission rate
in the cyclosporine-dependent patients, 100% in patients
who had developed resistance to cyclosporine, and 62% in
patients with resistance to the initial treatment with
cyclosporine. These limited observational studies suggest
tacrolimus may be an alternative in patients intolerant of
Table 11 | Treatment schedules
Drug and dosing scheme
Initial treatment
1 mg/kg/d in patients (up to a maximum of 80 mg/d) or alternate-day
prednisone 2 mg/kg (up to 120 mg) for at least 4 weeks and for a
maximum of 4 months; in case of a complete remission, taper
prednisone: e.g., reduce dose by 10 mg per 2 weeks down to
0.15 mg/kg/d, then taper dose every 2–4 weeks by 2.5 mg.
In SR FSGS patients, taper off prednisone over 6 weeks.
Therapy for SR FSGS
3–5 mg/kg/d: in two divided doses (initial target levels 125–175 ng/ml
[104–146 nmol/l]); in case of a remission continue treatment for 1 year
then try to slowly taper cyclosporine: reduce cyclosporine dose by 25%
every 2 months. If no remission by 6 months, discontinue cyclosporine
0.1–0.2 mg/kg/d in two divided doses (initial target levels 5–10 ng/ml
[6–12 nmol/l]); in case of remission see advice for cyclosporine.
0.15 mg/kg/d for 4–6 months, then taper off over 4–8 weeks.
FSGS, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; SR, steroid-resistant.
184 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185
chapter 6
Other Immunosuppressive Agents
A recent RCT compared cyclosporine to the combination of
MMF and high-dose dexamethasone in children and young
adults with steroid-resistant FSGS.
There was no statistically
significant difference in remission rates. The study was largely
underpowered, and inferiority of the MMF regimen could not
be excluded. Case reports and small observational studies have
reported response to alkylating agents, sirolimus, and ritux-
imab, but there is insufficient evidence to support the use of
any of these agents in patients with steroid-resistant FSGS.
K An RCT is needed of corticosteroid therapy at presenta-
tion compared to delayed corticosteroid therapy.
K An RCT is needed to evaluate the comparative efficacy of
CNIs, alkylating agents, and MMF in steroid-resistant FSGS.
K Validation studies are needed on the most recent
classification of FSGS
to test its reproducibility, impact
on outcome, and capacity to predict response to cortico-
steroids and immunosuppressive agents.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear
that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributor,
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publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and their respective
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readers are advised that new methods and techniques
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Supplementary Table 14: Evidence profile of studies examining p.o.
Cyc plus steroid vs. steroid in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
and/or FSGS in children.
Supplementary Table 15: Summary table of studies examining p.o. Cyc
plus steroid vs. steroid in children with SRNS or FSGS (categorical
Supplementary Table 16: Summary table of studies examining p.o. Cyc
plus steroid vs. steroid in children with SRNS or FSGS (continuous
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 181–185 185
chapter 6
Chapter 7: Idiopathic membranous nephropathy
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.20
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for patients
with biopsy-proven membranous nephropathy (MN) be-
lieved to be of unknown cause (IMN). The treatment of
secondary forms of MN will not be covered in this chapte r,
except for MN associated with hepatitis B and C. The cost
implications for global application of this guideline are
addressed in Chapter 2.
7.1: Evaluation of MN
7.1.1: Perform appropriate investigations to exclude
secondary causes in all cases of biopsy-proven
MN. (Not Graded)
The diagnosis of MN is made on kidney biopsy. Diagnostic
features include capillary wall thickening, normal cellularity,
IgG and C3 along capillary walls on immunofluorescence,
and subepithelial deposits on electron microscopy. MN is
often seen in association with an underlying disorder
(secondary MN).
Secondary MN is more common in
children (75%) than adults (25%) (Table 12). The diagnosis
of IMN is made by exclusion of secondary causes, using
history, physical exam, and apppropriate laboratory tests
(e.g., serology, imaging) and by careful examination of the
kidney biopsy by light, immunofluorescence, and electron
microscopy. In IMN, deposition of the IgG4 subclass of IgG
is dominant, whereas other IgG subclasses dominate in
secondary forms of MN.
Distinguishing secondary MN
from IMN is very important, since the therapy in the former
must be directed at the underlying cause and some of the
treatments for IMN are potentially toxic both to the patient
and the kidney.
MN is due to a clinically recognizable underlying disorder in
a variable percentage of cases, depending on age and
The recognition of the under-
lying disorder responsible for MN has important implica-
tions for prognosis and therapy.
MN is typically a disease of adults (fewer than 3% of
cases are found in children). The frequency and etiology
of secondary causes varies in different geographic
(Table 12). IMN is often a ‘‘diagnosis
of exclusion. A recent study
has shown that about 70–80%
of IMN patients exhibit circulating antibodies of IgG4
subtype against a conformation-dependent epitope in the
M-type phospholipase A2 receptor. Such autoantibodies
appear to be absent or very uncommon in patients with
secondary MN. If the absence of autoantibodies to phos-
pholipase A2 receptor in secondary MN is validated and a
sensitive and specific assay for autoantibodies becomes
available, it could become a valuable marker to positively
identify (‘rule in’’) IMN. The IgG4 subclass dominates in the
deposits of IMN, while IgG1, IgG2, and/or IgG3 dominate in
secondary forms of MN.
The most important secondary causes include systemic
lupus (in younger women), chronic hepatitis B infection
(especially in East Asia
), dru gs (such as nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory agents, gold and me rcury compounds) and
malignancy (especially in patients presenting over the age
of 65 years). Specific evaluations should exclude secondary
causes of MN before specific immunosuppressive therapy is
considered. Detailed morphological studies show mesangial
deposits by electron microscopy and prominent IgG1, 2, or
3 subclass deposits by immunofluorescence in secondary
MN. These features can be helpful in suspecting a secondary
form of MN (see also Table 13 for a detailed listing of causes
of MN).
K Studies are needed to validate the utility of antibody
against M-type phospholipase A2 receptor in terms of its
accuracy in separating primary from secondary MN.
K Studies are needed to determine the most cost-effective
panel of investigations for screening an underlying
(covert) malignancy in the older patient with MN.
7.2: Selection of adult patients with IMN to be considered
for treatment with immunosuppressive agents (see 7.8
for recommendations for children with IMN)
7.2.1: We recommend that initial therapy be started
only in patients with nephrotic syndrome
AND when at least one of the following
conditions is met:
K urinary protein excretion persistently ex-
ceeds 4 g/d AND remains at over 50% of the
baseline value, AND does not show pro-
gressive decline, during antihyper-
tensive and antiproteinuric therapy (see
Chapter 1) during an observation period
of at least 6 months; (1B)
K the presence of severe, disabling, or life-
threatening symptoms related to the ne-
phrotic syndrome; (1C)
chapter 7 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
K SCr has risen by 30% or more within 6 to 12
months from the time of diagnosis but the
eGFR is not less than 25–30 ml/min per
1.73 m
AND this change is not explained
by superimposed complications. (2C)
7.2.2: Do not use immunosuppressive therapy in
patients with a SCr persistently 43.5 mg/dl
(4309 lmol/l) (or an eGFR o30 ml/min per
1.73 m
) AND reduction of kidney size on
ultrasound (e.g., o8 cm in length) OR those
with concomitant severe or potentially life-
threatening infections. (Not Graded)
The commonest presentation of IMN is nephrotic syndrome
with preserved kidney function. About 50% of patients with
persistent high-grade proteinuria eventually progress to ESRD,
often after many years of observation. Complete remission of
nephrotic syndrome predicts excellent long-term kidney and
patient survival. A partial remission also significantly reduces
the risk of progression to ESRD (see Table 14 for definitions of
complete and partial remission used in this chapter). The
primary aims of treatment, therefore, are to induce a lasting
reduction in proteinuria. All currently used treatment
modalities have significant toxicity; therefore, selecting
patients at high risk of progression is important so that
exposure to treatment-related adverse events is minimized.
The degree and persistence of proteinuria during a period of
observation helps in selecting patients for this therapy. There is
no agreed definition of the ‘point of no return in the
evolution of IMN after which the risks of immunosuppressive
drugs become unacceptable and futile. However, the presence
of severe tubular interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and
glomerular obsolescence on biopsy, accompanied by persistent
elevation of SCr 43.5 mg/dl (4309 mmol/l) (or eGFR
o30 ml/min per 1.73 m
), and reduction in kidney size on
ultrasound may be such indicators.
K There is low- to moderate-quality evidence to support
a recommendation that patients with time-averaged
proteinuria o4.0 g/d or those who achieve a complete
or partial remission have an excellent long-term
K Observational studies of the natural history of IMN have
shown that male gender, persistent heavy proteinuria,
and elevated SCr at diagnosis predict the risk of later
progressive decline in kidney func tion, although these
factors may not all be independent risks.
K About 30–35% of patients with IMN eventually undergo
spontaneous remission of nephrotic syndrome; therefore,
it is reasonable to delay specific therapy for at least
6 months utilizing supportive therapy, including RAS
blockade (see Chapter 1 for details) unless the patient has
unexplained rapid deterioration in kidney function or
there are complications related to uncontrolled nephrotic
syndrome. However, the frequency of spontaneous
remissions is lower with higher grades of proteinuria at
K It may be difficult to def ine precisely the time of onset of
a partial remission, since some patients experience a slow
reduction in proteinuria, even in the absence of specific
treatment, to non-nephrotic levels over several years.
K There is support for the use of predictive models for
determining risk of progression in IMN (i.e., persistent
proteinuria 44 g/d and/or decline in kidney function
over a 6-month period of observation).
K There is low-quality evidence to support a recommenda-
tion that the period of observation may be extended in
patients who exhibit a consistent progressive decline in
proteinuria during observation, have stable kidney
function, and no complications related to the nephrotic
About 80% of adults with IMN have nephrotic syndrome
at presentation
and the remainder have subnephrotic
proteinuria (see definitions in Chapter 1). The disease course
may be punctuated with spontaneous remissions and
In about 20% of patients, there is
spontaneous complete remission of the nephrotic syndrome,
and another 15–20% undergo partial remission. Remission
may be delayed for as long as 18–24 months. In a recent
Table 12 | Reported causes of secondary MN (% in adults)
China Japan France Finland United States
Zeng et al.
Abe et al.
Cahen et al.
Ehrenreich et al.
IMN 31.8 65.0 79.3 69.8 62.3
Secondary MN 68.2 35.0 20.7 30.2 37.7
Autoimmune diseases 50.0 25.5 6.1 17.7 7.2
Infections 12.0 5.1 2.5 2.4
Tumors 3.1 1.5 4.9 2.1 1.8
Drugs or toxins 3.1 2.2 6.1 10.4 4.2
IMN, idiopathic membranous nephropathy; MN, membranous nephropathy.
Abe et al., Cahen et al., and Ehrenreich et al. also reported diabetes as a secondary cause of MN, accounting for 0.7%, 1.2%, and 16.8% of secondary MN cases, respectively.
Reprinted from Zeng CH, Chen HM, Wang RS et al. Etiology and clinical characteristics of membranous nephropathy in Chinese patients. Am J Kidney Dis 2008; 52: 691–698
with permission from National Kidney Foundation;
accessed http://www.ajkd.org/article/S0272-6386(08)01058-5/fulltext.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
chapter 7
study, the mean time to remission was 14.7
11.4 months
following presentation.
About 15–30% suffer one or more
relapses, leaving about 50% of the patients with persistent
nephrotic syndrome. Data from natural history studies and
placebo arms of inter vention studies show that about 30–40%
of the patients with persistent nephrotic syndrome progress
to ESRD over 10 years.
Those with a persistent
nephrotic syndrome are also exposed to the related
complications, including infections, thromboembolic events,
and accelerated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
The likelihood of spontaneous remission and progression
is dependent upon the age, gender, degree of proteinuria, and
kidney function at presentation.
The risk of progression
is highest in those with proteinuria 48 g/d, persistent for
6 months. A validated algorithm allowed creation of a model
based on time-averaged proteinuria over 6 months, CrCl at
diagnosis, and the slope of CrCl over 6 months that correctly
identified patients at risk of progression with 85–90%
Based on this model, patients at low risk for
progression present with a normal CrCl, proteinuria
consistently o4 g/d, and have stable kidney function over a
6-month observation period. Patients at medium risk for
progression (B50–55% probability of developing progressive
CKD over 10 years) have normal kidney function that
remains unchanged during 6 months of observation, but
continue to have proteinuria between 4 and 8 g/d. Those
classified as high risk for progression (65–80% probability of
progression to advanced CKD within 10 years from
diagnosis) have persistent proteinuria 48 g/d, independent
of the degree of kidney dysfunction.
remissions are associated with an improved prognosis.
The 10-year survival free of kidney failure is about 100% in
complete remission, 90% in partial remission, and 50% with
no remission. Patients with complete or partial remission
have a similar rate of decline in CrCl: 1.5 ml/min/y for
complete remission, and 2 ml/min/y for partial remission.
Although spontaneous remissions are less common in those
with higher baseline proteinuria, they are not unknown; a
recent report
showed spontaneous remission in 26%
among those with baseline proteinuria 8–12 g/d and 22%
among those with proteinuria 412 g/d. Treatment with RAS
blockade, and a 50% decline of proteinuria from baseline
during the first year of follow-up, were significant indepen-
dent predictors for remission. Most reported natural histor y
studies were performed in an era before drugs that act on the
RAS became available. The long-term value of RAS blockade
in management of IMN has been assessed largely by
observational studies and has been observed only in those
patients with proteinuria (o10 g/d) at baseline. A recent
small RCT (n ¼ 27) compared an ACE-I (lisinopril, up to
10 mg/d) to an ARB (losartan, up to 100 mg/d) in patients
with IMN and variable-range proteinuria (2.5–7 g/d). Both
agents were of comparable efficacy, reducing proteinuria on
average by 2.5 g/d by 12 months. The absence of a placebo
control and the failure to include patents with higher-grade
Table 13 | Reported causes of secondary MN
Autoimmune Infections
Autoimmune diseases Hepatitis B
Systemic lupus erythematosus Hepatitis C
Rheumatoid arthritis Human immunodeficiency virus
Mixed connective tissue disease Malaria
Dermatomyositis Schistosomiasis
Ankylosing spondylitis Filariasis
Systemic sclerosis Syphilis
Myasthenia gravis Enterococcal endocarditis
Bullous pemphigoid Hydatid disease
Autoimmune thyroid disease Leprosy
gren’s syndrome
Temporal arteritis
Crohn’s disease
Graft-versus-host disease
Carcinomas Noncarcinomas
Lung Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Esophageal Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Colon Leukemia (chronic lymphocytic
Wilm’s tumor
Hepatic adenoma
Angiolymphatic hyperplasia
Adrenal ganglioneuroma
Drugs/Toxins Miscellaneous
Gold Diabetes mellitus (association or
Sickle cell disease
Mercury compounds
Polycystic kidney disease
a1-antitrypsin deficiency
Weber-Christian disease
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Systemic mastocytosis
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors Guillain-Barre syndrome
Clopidogrel Urticarial vasculitis
Lithium Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Formaldehyde Dermatitis herpetiformis
Hydrocarbons Myelodysplasia
Table 14 | Definitions of complete and partial remission
in IMN
Complete Remission: Urinary protein excretion o0.3 g/d (uPCR o300 mg/
goro30 mg/mmol), confirmed by two values at least 1 week apart,
accompanied by a normal serum albumin concentration, and a
normal SCr.
Partial Remission: Urinary protein excretion o3.5 g/d (uPCR o3500 mg/g
or o350 mg/mmol) and a 50% or greater reduction from peak values;
confirmed by two values at least 1 week apart, accompanied by an
improvement or normalization of the serum albumin concentration
and stable SCr.
MN, membranous nephropathy; uPCR, urine protein:creatinine ratio.
See also Chapter 1.
Based on previously published information, Jha et al. and Passerini et al.
188 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
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proteinuria (48–10 g/d) weaken the impact of the study.
There is only low-quality evidence to support the value of
other predictors, such as hypertension, histologic evidence of
interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, persistently elevated
urinary C5b-9, and excretion of increased quantities of low-
or high-molecular-weight proteins (b2-microglobulin and
IgG) in urine.
Staging of MN by histologic criteria has
limited utility for prediction of outcomes or response to
therapy in IMN.
7.3: Initial therapy of IMN
7.3.1: We recommend that initial therapy consist of a
6-month course of alternating monthly cycles
of oral and i.v. corticosteroids, and oral
alkylating agents (see Table 15).(1B)
7.3.2: We suggest using cyclophosphamide rather
than chlorambucil for initial therapy. (2B)
7.3.3: We recommend patients be managed conser-
vatively for at least 6 months following the
completion of this regimen before being
considered a treatment failure if there is no
remission, unless kidney function is deterior-
ating or severe, disabling, or potentially life-
threatening symptoms related to the nephrotic
syndrome are present (see also Recommenda-
tion 7.2.1). (1C)
7.3.4: Perform a repeat kidney biopsy only if the
patient has rapidly deteriorating kidney func-
tion (doubling of SCr over 1–2 month of
observation), in the absence of massive
proteinuria (415 g/d). (Not Graded)
7.3.5: Adjust the dose of cyclophosphamide or
chlorambucil according to the age of the
patient and eGFR. (Not Graded)
7.3.6: We suggest that continuous daily (noncyclical)
use of oral alkylating agents may also be
effective, but can be associated with greater
risk of toxicity, particularly when adminis-
tered for 46 months. (2C)
Three RCTs have shown that monotherapy with oral
corticosteroids is not superior to symptomatic therapy alone
in IMN. Orally administered akylating agents (cyclophos-
phamide or chlorambucil), most commonly in conjunction
with steroids, are effective in inducing remission and
preventing ESRD (Online Suppl Tables 22–25). The toxicity
profile suggests that cyclophosphamide mig ht be preferred to
K There is moderate-quality evidence to recommend a
6-month cyclical regimen of alternating alkylating agents
(cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil) plus i.v. pulse and
oral cor ticosteroids (see Table 15 for description of
regimen) for initial therapy of IMN meeting the criteria
in Recommendation 7.2.1 above. This ev idence indicates
this treatment is superior to supportive therapy alone
in inducing remissions and preventing long-term
decline of kidney function, including the need for
dialysis, in patients with IMN and persisting nephrotic
syndrome. The risks and adverse events associated with
the use of cyclophosphamide in IMN are summarized in
Table 16.
K Other combined regimens of cyclophosphamide and
corticosteroids have also been used. Some omit i.v.
methylprednisolone, others use alkylating agent and
corticosteroids concurrently, rather than cyclically, for a
longer duration.
However, the long-term efficacy
and safety of these regimens are less well-established than
the cyclical regimen.
The safety and efficacy of i.v.
cyclophosphamide-based regimens for treatment of IMN
have not been sufficiently evaluated to warrant any
recommendations. One small (underpowered) controlled
trial in progressive IMN was negative.
The evidence is
insufficient to make any recommendations regarding the
use of i.v. compared to oral cyclophosphamide.
K A complete or partial remission of nephrotic syndrome is
associated with an excellent long-term prognosis; there-
fore, pers isting remission of the nephrotic state is an
acceptable surrogate end-point to assess overall efficacy of
K Treated patients may continue to enter complete or
partial remission for as long as 12–18 months following
completion of the regimen, so it is reasonable to wait this
period of time before deciding whether the initial
treatment has been unsuccessful (see Recommendations
7.6.1 and 7.6.2), providing that serum albumin levels or
kidney functio n are not deteriorating, and that morbid
events have not supervened. During the period of
observation, patients should continue to receive ACE-I
or ARBs, other antihypertensives, and other suppor tive
therapies as clinically indicated. In comparative studies,
cyclophosphamide has a superior safety profile compared
to chlorambucil. There is low-quality evidence that
cyclophosphamide can lead to more frequent and longer
remissions than chlorambucil. Cumulative toxicities of
Table 15 | Cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent therapy
for IMN (the ‘‘Ponticelli Regimen’’)
Month 1: i.v. methylprednisolone (1 g) daily for three doses, then oral
methyprednisolone (0.5 mg/kg/d) for 27 days
Month 2: Oral chlorambucil (0.15–0.2 mg/kg/d) or oral cyclophosphamide
(2.0 mg/kg/d) for 30 days
Month 3: Repeat Month 1
Month 4: Repeat Month 2
Month 5: Repeat Month 1
Month 6: Repeat Month 2
IMN, idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
Monitor every 2 weeks for 2 months, then every month for 6 months, with serum
creatinine, urinary protein excretion, serum albumin, and white blood cell count. If
total leukocyte count falls to o3500/mm
, then hold chlorambucil or cyclophos-
phamide until recovery to 44000/mm
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
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alkylating agents can be significant and require careful
monitoring by the treating physician. A recent study of
the use of cyclophosphamide- or chlorambucil-based
regimens in IMN has raised concerns regarding safet y,
given a reported adverse-event rate that exceeded 80%.
This is in contrast to the older long-term RCT of cyclical
alkylating agents and steroids, where the regimens were
well-tolerated with an acceptably low frequency of serious
adverse events.
Risks of this regimen are now
known to be increased if alkylating agents are used in
patients with reduced renal function, older age, and/or
concomitant comorbidities as evidenced in this recent
K Since the decline in GFR in IMN is often very gradual,
especially in the absence of massive proteinuria, any
acceleration of the rate of decline indicates the possibility
of a superimposed disease process (such as crescentic
glomerulonephritis or acute interstitial nephritis, which
is often drug-related) that might dictate a change in
treatment approach. A repeat kidney biopsy is necessary
to identify these conditions.
K Relapses of nephrotic syndrome occur in about 25%
of patients treated with the ‘‘Ponticelli’’ regimen. A
similar fraction of patie nts with spontaneous remissions
also will relapse (see treatment of relapses in IMN in
Section 7.7).
An open-label RCT utilizing a 6-month course of
chlorambucil and steroids in alternating monthly cycles was
initiated in the 1980s (see Table 15 for the description of the
After 10 years of follow-up, 92% of the
treated (n ¼ 42) and 60% of the control (n ¼ 39) patients
were alive with normal kidney function (P ¼ 0.0038). There
was remission in 61% (40% complete remission) and 33%
(5% complete remission) in the two groups. In another
this same regimen was compared to one where
steroids alone were used for the entire 6-month period
(chlorambucil was substituted with oral prednisolone 0.5 mg/
kg/d). A sign ificantly higher proportion of patients in the
chlorambucil arm were in remission in the first 3 years. The
difference was lost at 4 years, probably because of a small
number of at-risk cases. The duration of remission was also
longer in those treated with chlorambucil. Another RCT
compared the same combination of chlorambucil and
steroids to one in which chlorambucil had been replaced
with oral cyclophosphamide (2.5 mg/kg/d). Remission of
nephrotic syndrome was noted with equal frequency in
the two arms (82% vs. 93%; P ¼ 0.116) (Online Suppl
Tables 22–25). However, severe adverse effects leading to
discontinuation of therapy occurred more frequently in the
chlorambucil group compared to the cyclophosphamide
group (12% vs. 4%). Other small trials and several meta-
analyses and systematic reviews have indicated that the
alkylating agents are associated with a higher remission rate,
although the long-term benefits on kidney function could
not be demonstrated.
A more recent open-label study
gave similar results to
the initial trials of Ponticelli. Quality of life, as measured by a
visual analog scale, was significantly better in the treatment
group throughout the follow-up period. The complication
rate was not different in the two groups.
One small open-label RCT (N ¼ 29) examined the efficacy
of cyclophosphamide for 12 months plus moderate-dose
steroids in IMN patients considered to be at hig h risk of
progression (based on urinary IgG and urine b2 micro-
globulin levels) that previously indicated these patients
would have an increase in SCr levels by 425%, and reach
a SCr 41.5 mg/dl (4133 mmol/l) or have an increase of
450% from baseline. The study compared an early -start
group (urinary abnormalities at baseline) vs. the group
started only after SCr had risen by 425–50%. They found a
more rapid remission in proteinuria in early-start patients,
but no differences between the two groups in overall
remission rates, SCr levels, average proteinuria, relapse rates,
or adverse events after 6 years.
This study agrees with
earlier observational studies from the same authors, and
supports an initial conservative treatment approach in IMN
patients. However, toxicity with this specific approach has
been repor ted to be substantially increased by both prolong-
ing its duration and by selecting patients with impaired
kidney func tion (SCr 41.5 mg/dl [4133 mmol/l]). The
overall evidence for this approach is moderate.
adverse effects of alkylating-cytotoxic agents are substantial,
and include gonadal toxicity, bladder carcinoma, bone
marrow hypoplasia, leukemogenesis, and serious opportu-
nistic infections (Table 16). The balance of risk and benefit
may be altered by patient-dependent factors, such as age and
comorbidities. Table 17 lists some of the contraindications to
Table 16 | Risks and benefits of the cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen in IMN
Risks Benefits
Enhanced risk of opportunistic infection
Reactivation of viral hepatitis
Gonadal damage (aspermatogenesis, ovulation failure)
Hemorrhagic cystitis (cyclophosphamide only)
Neoplasia (myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myelogenous leukemia
Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, ureter or pelvis
Toxic hepatitis
Prevention of CKD and ESRD
Avoidance of complications of nephrotic syndrome (thrombosis,
accelerated atherogenesis)
Prolongation of life; improved quality of life
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; MN, membranous nephropathy.
190 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
chapter 7
the use of the cyclical alkylating-agent/steroid regimen.
Cyclophosphamide has a more favorable side-effect profile
compared to chlorambucil. The available evidence does not
suggest a beneficial effect of i.v. cyclophosphamide on the
course of IMN, and its use is not recommended. Based on
limited pharmacokinetic data, the dose of alkylating agents
should be reduced when GFR declines, in order to avoid
bone-marrow toxicity. Azathioprine does not favorably
influence the course of IMN, either alone or with
Evidence from studies of immunosuppressed patients
with di seases other than IMN indicates that patients on
corticosteroids should receive prophylaxis for Pneumocystis
jiroveci with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Those at risk
for osteoporosis (e.g., elderly or postmenopausal females)
should also receive bisphosphonates, unless these are contra-
indicated, such as an eGFR o30 ml/min per 1.73 m
(see also
Chapter 1).
Deterioration of kidney function in IMN is usually
slow, and development of advanced CKD most often takes
several years of persistent high-level proteinuria. A rapid
deterioration of kidney function in the absence of massive
proteinuria (e.g., 415 g/d) usually indicates the super-
imposition of another pathologic process, such as acute
bilateral renal-vein thrombosis, a superimpose d crescentic
GN, or acute inter stitial nephritis. A repeat kidney
biopsy is the most appropriate tool to identify any patho-
logy changes that may require a change in treatment.
In patients with severe proteinuria (410–15 g/d), however,
an acute decline in kidney function (o50% reduction in
GFR) can be seen, possi bly as a result of hemodynamic
changes. This usually reverses with remission of the nephrotic
state, and hence does not require a change in the therapeutic
Prospective controlled studies of the use of immunosup-
pressive agents for treatment of patients with IMN and
impaired renal function (e.g., eGFR 30–60 ml/min per
1.73 m
) are very limited. The current evidence is insufficient
to make any specific recommendation in this group of
patients. The hematological toxicity of alkylating agents can
be heig htened in subjects with impaired renal function, and
the nephrotoxicity of CNI in those with already impaired
renal function remains a concern. These agents should be
used with caution in patients with IMN and chronically
reduced renal function.
K Clinical, pathological, and biological markers are needed
to identify patients who will benefit most from therapy,
and also to avoid unnecessary drug exposure risk to the
rest. There is a lack of evidence to guide ideal dosing to
minimize drug toxicity, especially the gonadal and
bladder toxicity of cyclophosphamide.
K RCTs are needed to compare alkylating agents or CNIs
to MMF, rituximab, or adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH) as initial therapy of IMN with nephrotic
syndrome (with or without impaired renal function at
K Studies are needed to determine the value of renal
pathology and urinary biomarkers in predicting prog-
nosis and/or treatment responsiveness.
K Serial anti-PLA2R antibodies and urinary biomarkers
(such as urinary IgG, b2-microglobulin) should be
measured in natural history studies, and in all future
treatment trials for IMN, in order to assess their value in
determining spontaneous remission, response to treat-
ment, and prognosis.
7.4: Alternative regimens for the initial therapy of IMN:
CNI therapy
7.4.1: We recommend that cyclosporine or tacroli-
mus be used for a period of at least 6 months
in patients who meet the criteria for initial
therapy (as described in Recommendation
7.2.1), but who choose not to receive the
cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regi-
men or who have contraindications to this
regimen. (See Table 18 for specific recommen-
dations for dosage during therapy.) (1C)
7.4.2: We suggest that CNIs be discontinued in
patients who do not achieve complete or
partial remission after 6 months of treatment.
7.4.3: We suggest that the dosage of CNI be reduced
at intervals of 4–8 weeks to a level of about
50% of the starting dosage, provided that
remission is maintained and no treatment-
limiting CNI-related nephrotoxicity occurs,
and continued for at least 12 months. (2C)
7.4.4: We suggest that CNI blood levels be monitored
regularly during the initial treatment period,
and whenever there is an unexplained rise in
SCr (420%) during therapy. (Not Graded)
(See Table 18 for specific CNI-based regimen
dosage recommendations.)
There is low- to moderate-quality evidence to support
a recommendation for CNI therapy (cyclosporine or
Table 17 | Contraindications to the use of the cyclical
corticosteroid/alkylating-agent regimen in IMN
Untreated infection (HIV, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, fungal infection,
Neoplasia (lung, skin [except squamous cell]), breast, colon, etc.
Urinary retention
Inability to comply with monitoring
Pre-existing leukopenia (o4000 leukocytes/mm
SCr 43.5 mg/dl (4309 mmol/l)
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; MN, membranous nephropathy; SCr, serum
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chapter 7
tacrolimus) as an alternative to cyclical corticosteroid/
alkylating-agent therapy in IMN (Online Suppl Tables
28–31). There is low-quality evidence to suggest that a
minimum of 6 months therap y with CNI should be
employed, which should be continued for at least 6–12
months if there is a beneficial effect on proteinuria, based
on the high relapse rates if therapy is discontinued early.
The suggested dosage regimens for CNIs in IMN are given
in Table 18.
Early uncontrolled studies suggested an initial benefit,
but a high relapse rate, w ith cyclosporine in IMN.
a single-blind, randomized controlled study, 51 patients with
steroid-resistant MN were treated with low-dose prednisone
plus cyclosporine and compared to placebo plus predni-
Complete and partial remissions in proteinuria were
seen in 69% of the patients, but the relapse rate when
cyclosporine was discontinued was high, approximately 45%
of the end of 1 year. Observational data from the German
Cyclosporine in NS Study Group suggests that prolonging
cyclosporine treatment for 1 year results in higher (34%)
complete remission at 1 year, and more sustained rate of
Current recommendations, for patients who
respond to cyclosporine, are to continue treatment for at least
1 year.
Prolonged low-dose cyclosporine (B1.5 mg/kg/d)
could be considered for long-term maintenance of
patients who achieve a complete or partial remission,
especially in patie nts at hi gh risk for relapse.
monitoring of cyclosporine blood concentration as well as
kidney function is often recommended, according to data
accumulated from experiences in kidney transplantation.
There is no evidence in patients with IMN to indicate
optimal cyclosporine blood levels. Cyclosporine levels usually
regarded as nontoxic are 125–175 ng/ml [104146 nmol/l]
(C0, trough level) or 400–600 ng/ml [333–500 nmol/l] (C2,
2-hour post-dose level).
Online Suppl Tables 28–31
summarize studies using cyclosporine.
There has been only one small RCT using cyclosporine
in patients with high-grade proteinuria and progressive
kidney failure.
At the time of initiation of treatment, mean
CrCl was 55 ml/min, and mean proteinuria 11 g/d. After 12
months of treatment with cyclosporine, there was a
significant reduction in proteinuria, and the rate of loss of
kidney function decreased from 2.4 to 0.7 ml/min/mo,
whereas, in those receiving placebo, there was no change:
2.2 to 2.1 ml/min/mo (P o0.02). This improvement was
sustained in B50% of the patients for up to 2 years after
cyclosporine was stopped.
In an RCT using tacrolimus monotherapy in IMN, patients
with normal kidney function (n ¼ 25) and mean proteinuria
(B8 g per 24 hours) received tacrolimus (0.05 mg/kg/d) over
12 months with a 6-month taper, and were compared to
conservatively treated controls (n ¼ 23).
After 18 months,
the probability of remission was 94% in the tacrolimus group
but only 35%, in the control group. Six patients in the
control group and only one in the tacrolimus group reached
the secondary end-point of a 50% increase in SCr.
half of the patients relapsed after tacrolimus was withdrawn,
similar to patients treated with cyclosporine. There is only
low-quality evidence to support prolonged use of low-dose
tacrolimus to maintain remission; the safety of this approach
is uncertain.
Comparison Studies of CNIs vs. Alkylating Agents
An RCT in IMN patients of Asian ancestry has compared
tacrolimus (n ¼ 39) for 6–9 months to oral cyclophos-
phamide (n ¼ 34) for 4 months (both groups received
prednisone tapered off over 8 months).
The results
indicated no difference between treatments in terms of
partial or complete remission of proteinuria (79% vs. 69%),
or adverse events at 12 months of follow-up. Relapses
occurred in approximately 15% of both groups. These
data support the use of tacrolimus, short-term (with or
without concomitant steroids) as an alternative to an oral
alkylating-agent regimen.
However, the long-term
efficacy of a tacrolimus-based regimen for IMN remains
Use of CNIs in Patients with Reduced Renal Function
The nephrotoxicity of CNIs can be enhanced in the presence
of pre-existing renal functional impairment. Cyclophospha-
mide-based regimens may be preferred in this situation, but
dose reduction of the alkylating agent is advisable. There is
weak evidence for preferring CNI or alkylating agent–based
regimens in this group of patients. An RCT examining this
controversial area is in progress (ISRCTN99959692). The use
of other agents, including rituximab, MMF, and/or ACTH in
this group of subjects is worthy of further study, but the
evidence is currently insufficient to make any specific
recommendations. The evidence concerning the value of
quantification of the degree of interstitial fibrosis and/or
tubular atrophy in renal biopsy as a guide for the choice of
treatment regimens for IMN is presently insufficient to make
any recommendations.
Table 18 | CNI-based regimens for IMN
Cyclosporine: 3.5–5.0 mg/kg/d given orally in two equally divided
doses 12 hours apart, with prednisone 0.15 mg/kg/d, for 6 months.
We suggest starting at the low range of the recommended dosage
and gradually increasing, if necessary, to avoid acute nephrotoxicity
, Neoral
, and generic cyclosporin considered equivalent).
Tacrolimus: 0.05–0.075 mg/kg/d given orally in two divided doses
12 hours apart, without prednisone, for 6–12 months. We suggest starting
at the low range of the recommended dosage and gradually increasing,
if necessary, to avoid acute nephrotoxicity.
IMN, idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
Note: Monitoring of blood levels during therapy is discussed in the text.
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chapter 7
K RCTs are needed in IMN to assess the efficacy, safety, and
risks of long-term CNI therapy.
K Studies are needed to determine the value of monitoring
blood levels of CNIs during therapy of IMN.
7.5: Regimens not recommended or suggested for initial
therapy of IMN
7.5.1: We recommend that corticosteroid mono-
therapy not be used for initial therapy of
IMN. (1B)
7.5.2: We suggest that monotherapy with MMF not
be used for initial therapy of IMN. (2C)
A number of treatments, other than combined therapy of
corticosteroid/alkylating agents or CNIs, have been tried as
initial therapy in IMN (meeting the criteria outline in
Recommendation 7.2.1). However, none of these have been
shown in appropriately sized RCTs to be consistently effective
and safe, and therefore are not recommended as ‘first-line’
initial therapy in IMN.
Corticosteroid Monotherapy
There is moderate-quality evidence to recommend not using
corticosteroid monotherapy for inducing remissions or
delaying the onset of progressive CKD in IMN. An early
study reported that a 2- to 3-month course of high-dose,
alternate-day prednisone resulted in a significant reduction
compared to placebo in progression to kidney failure,
although there was no sustained effect on proteinuria.
subsequent RCT in patients with IMN, using an identical
corticosteroid regimen vs. placebo, showed no improvement
during drug exposure, or over a 3-year follow-up in either
proteinuria or kidney function (SCr). An additional RCT
comparing a 6-month course of prednisone given on
alternate days (n ¼ 81) to no specific treatment (n ¼ 77)
showed no significant benefit of corticosteroid treatment
alone, in either induction of remission or preservation
of kidney function, even after the data were adjusted to
include only patients with proteinuria at entry 43.5 g per
24 hours.
Nevertheless, retrospective studies conducted in
subjects of Asian (Japanese) ancestry have suggested possible
benefits for steroid monotherapy.
These analyses could be
confounded by unmeasured variables and failure to subject
patients to an observati on period prior to initiation of
therapy. The negative RCTs mentioned included too few
Asian subjects for subanalysis.
MMF (Online Suppl Tables 32–34)
MMF as initial therapy in IMN has not been shown in RCTs
to be consistently effective for inducing remissions or
delaying the onset of progressive CKD. Thirty-two patients
with IMN and impairment of kidney func tion (SCr
41.5 mg/dl [4133 mmol/l]) were treated with oral MMF
1 g twice daily for 12 months, in combination w ith
corticosteroids, and compared to 32 patients—historical
controls treated for the same duration with oral cyclo-
phosphamide in combination with corticosteroids (cyclo-
phosphamide; 1.5 mg/kg/d).
Cumulative incidences of
remission of proteinuria at 12 months were 66% with
MMF vs. 72% with cyclophosphamide (P ¼ 0.3). Adverse
effects occurred at a similar rate in the two groups, but
relapses were very much more common with MMF, and
relapses were noted even while on treatment.
There have been two small RCTs that have compared
MMF plus steroids to the Ponticelli regimen of an alkylating
agent (cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil) plus steroids.
In one study of 20 low risk-of-progression adults that were
all drug-naı
ve w ith nephrotic syndrome due to IMN, the
efficacy of a regimen of MMF plus corticosteroids was
compared to a modified Ponticelli regimen (with chloram-
There was no significant difference in the propor-
tion of patients achieving remission: 64% with MMF, 67%
with the modified Ponticelli regimen. The frequency of
relapses and incidence of infections were similar in both
groups. There was more leucopenia with the modified
Ponticelli regimen, compared to MMF. In the other small
21 drug naı
ve IMN patients, MMF plus steroids was
compared to the Ponticelli regimen. The complete or partial
response rat e was 64% (7/11) in the MMF versus 80% (8/10)
with the alkylating/steroid regimen. In a short follow-up
period no patience relapsed in the MMF group and only one
in the Ponticelli regimen (NS).
By contrast, in a pilot RCT in a low risk-of-progression
adults that were all drug naı
ve with nephrotic syndrome
due to IMN, the efficacy of a MMF based monotherapy
regimen (no concomittantt steroids) was compared to
conservative therapy alone. This study randomized 36
patients with IMN and nephrotic syndrome to conservative
therapy (RAS blockade, statins, low-salt and low-protein diet,
and di uretics) plus MMF (2 g/d, without concomitant
steroids) (n ¼ 19) or conservative therapy alone (n ¼ 17)
for 12 months.
The probability of a complete or partial
remission did not differ between the two groups after
12 months.
Thus, while a regimen of MMF plus steroids might have
comparable efficacy to the standard regimen of cyclical
alkylating agents and steroids, the present evidence is
conflicting, of low quality, and only short- term. The high
frequency of relapses with MM F substantially reduces
enthusiasm regarding this approach to therapy of IMN.
Monotherapy with MMF appears to be ineffective.
As yet, there are no RCTs using rituximab for initi al therapy
of IMN, although large observational studies have provided
encouraging data. A pilot study used four weekly doses of
rituximab (375 mg/m
) in eight nephrotic patients with IMN
and followed them for 1 year.
Proteinuria significantly
decreased at 12 months, and kidney function remained stable
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197 193
chapter 7
in all patients. Adverse effects were reported as mild. An
observational study from the same investigators suggested
that rituximab is likely to be most effective in patients with
minimal degrees of tubulointerstitial injury.
A prospective observational study in 15 patients with IMN
and proteinuria 44 g per 24 hours—despite ACE-I/ARB use
for 43 months and systolic blood pressure o130 mm Hg—
has been reported.
At 6 months, patients who remained
with proteinuria 43 g per 24 hours, and in whom total
CD19 þ B-cell count was 415 cells/ml, received a second
identical course of rituximab. Baseline proteinuria of 13.0
5.7 g per 24 hours (range 8.4–23.5) decreased to 9.1
7.4 g,
7.9 g, 7.2
6.2 g, and 6.0
7.0 g per 24 hours (range
0.2–20) at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, respectively (mean
The mean decline in proteinuria from baseline to 12 months
was 6.2
5.1 g/d and was statistically significant (P ¼ 0.002).
Rituximab was well-tolerated, and was effective in reducing
proteinuria in some patients with IMN. The complete and
partial remission rate was almost 60%, higher than would
have been expected based on known spontaneous remission
Another observati onal study used circulating B-cell counts
to guide dosing, significantly reducing total dose of
At 1 year, the proportion of patients who
achieved disease remission was identical to that of 24
historical patients who were given a standard rituximab
protocol of four weekly doses of 375 mg/m
More recently, another prospective observational study in
20 patients with IMN and baseline persistent proteinuria
45.0 g/d received rituximab (375 mg/m
weekly for four
doses), with retreatment at 6 months regardless of protein-
uria response.
Baseline proteinuria of 11.9 g/d decreased to
4.2 g/d and 2.0 g/d at 12 and 24 months, respectively, while
CrCl increased from 72.4 to 88.4 ml/min per 1.73 m
at 24
months. Among 18 patients who completed 24 months of
follow-up, four achieved complete remission, 12 achieved
partial remission (complete plus partial remission of 80%).
One patient relapsed during follow-up. More than 50% of the
patients in this pilot trial had not responded to prior therapy.
No short-term toxicity of rituximab was observed. This study
also reinforced the observation, made with alkylating agent/
corticosteroid therapy that proteinuria declines gradually,
and many months may be required for proteinuria to reach
its nadir.
An RCT is needed to confirm these encouraging results,
but the findings indicate a hi gh probability that rituximab
has beneficial actions on the disease process. The long-term
relapse rate is unknown but in the short term , it appe ars to be
Due to the lack of RCTs, no specific recommendations
can be made regarding the use of rituximab for initial therapy
of IMN.
ACTH (Online Suppl Tables 26–27)
One observational study and one small RCT provide
preliminary, low-quality evidence for the use of long-acting
ACTH as initial therap y in IMN.
Depot synthetic ACTH (Synacthen
) administered for
1 year in an observational study decreased proteinuria
in patients with IMN.
More recently, a small open-
label pilot RCT compared i.v. methylprednisolone and
oral corticosteroids plus a cytotoxic agent (n ¼ 16) vs.
synthetic ACTH (n ¼ 16) as initial therapy in IMN,
and found them to be of similar efficacy, at least over
short-term follow-up.
Side-effects associated with the
use of synthetic ACTH included dizziness, glucose intoler-
ance, diarrhea, and the development of bronze-colored
skin, which resolved after the end of therapy. Larger,
more-powerful RCTs are required before synthetic ACTH
can be recommended for initial therapy of IMN. Prelimi-
nary reports of uncontrolled studies showing a similar effect
of native, intact (porcine) ACTH in a gel formulation have
very recently app eared, but no RCTs have yet been conducted
with this formulation of ACTH. Until broader and more
powerful RCTs are performed, no recommendations can be
made for the use of ACTH (synthetic or intact) for initial
therapy of IMN.
K Larger RCTs with longer follow-up are needed to test
MMF and corticosteroids vs. established regimens as
initial therapy.
K An RCT is needed to compare rituximab to cyclical
corticosteroid/alkylating-agent therapy or CNIs for initial
treatment of IMN with nephrotic syndrome.
K An RCT is needed to compare synthetic or native (intact,
porcine) ACTH in gel form with cyclical corticosteroid/
alkylating-agent therapy or CNIs for initial treatment of
IMN with nephrotic syndrome.
7.6: Treatment of IMN resistant to recommended initial
7.6.1: We suggest that patients with IMN resistant to
alkylating agent/steroid-based initial therapy
be treated with a CNI. (2C)
7.6.2: We suggest that patients with IMN resistant to
CNI-based initial therapy be treated with an
alkylating agent/steroid-based therapy. (2C)
The results of trials using an initial cyclical treatment
alternating steroids and an alkylating agent or an initial
CNI have shown excellent kidney survival and a high rate of
remission, even in the long term.
9–28% of patients are treatment-resistant (fail t o achieve a
remission) to steroids and alkylating-agent therapy, and
approximately 25% of patients are treatment-resistant to CNI
therapy. Patients who fail to achieve a complete or partial
remission of nephrotic syndrome should be considered for
additional therapy if no contraindication to such treatment
exists. The response to alternative therapeutic strategies in
treatment-resistant disease cannot presently be predicted
with any degree of accuracy. Failure to respond to one
194 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
chapter 7
regimen does not reliably predict a failure to respond to
another regimen.
Unresponsiveness to initial therapy is obser ved in 10–30% of
patients following a complete course of treatment. There is
low-quality ev idence to suggest that failure to respond to one
regimen does not reliably predict failure to respond to
another regimen.
If there is no remission following cyclical treatment with
an alkylating agent/corticosteroid regimen, an alternative is
to use CNIs. Cyclosporine is the best studied, although
tacrolimus has also been shown to induce a high initial ra te
of remission, comparable to the overall response rate
observed with combined steroids and alkylating agents ,
particularly after a prolonged administration and associated
with moderate doses of steroids.
Many treatment-resistant patients also have deteriorating
kidney function. There has been only one small RCT
using cyclosporine in patients with high-grade proteinuria
(410 g/d) and progressive kidney failure (initial CrCl
approximately 55 ml/min). It showed a significant reduction
in the rate of loss of kidney function with cyclosporine.
For those patients who receive a CNI for initial therapy and
show no response after a period of at least 6 months, we
suggest treatment with an alkylating agent–based regimen,
using the same regimen as for initial therapy. However,
adverse effects of treatment may be more frequent in patients
with established or progressing kidney impairment. A
randomized trial examining the relative safety and efficacy
of conservative, alkylating agent or CNI therapy in this group
of subjects with IMN is in progress in the UK (ISRCTN
99959692), the results of which could alter recommendations
in this area.
In patients with kidney impairment,
bone marrow is
more susceptible to the toxic effect of alkylating agents, and
there may also be heightened susceptibility to in fections.
Therefore, it is recommended not to exceed daily doses
for chlorambucil of 0.1 mg/kg and cyclophosphamide of
1.5 mg/kg in patients with SCr 42.0 mg/dl [ 4177 mmol/l]
and to limit the total duration of therapy to o6 months.
A higher incidence of side-effects with this regimen is to
be expected. The use of CNIs in this group of subjects may
also be associated with worsening renal functio n due to
The roles of MMF, rituximab, or ACTH in patients
resistant to both alkylating agent–based and CNI-based
regimens remain undefined; there have been no
Additional causative factors should be considered when
there is deteriorating renal function in IMN. Rapidly
progressive renal failure may occur from an acute hypersen-
sitivity interstitial nephritis in IMN patients receiving
diuretics, antibiotics, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs. A superimposed crescentic GN associated with anti-
GBM antibodies or ANCA can also rarely develop in those
patients with high-grade proteinuria.
Kidney biopsy is
often necessary to confirm the diagnosis, and complete
recovery of kidney func tion may follow a course of high-dose
oral prednisone in those with acute hypersensitivity inter-
stitial nep hritis or intensive immunosuppression in those
with crescentic disease (see Chapters 13 and 14).
Finally, pulses of i.v. methylprednisolone as mono-
therapy should not be used for treatment of resistant
disease, unless the steady evolution of IMN is interrupted
by a rapidly progressive course, and an extracapillary
(crescentic) GN superimposed on IMN is shown by kidney
K RCTs are needed to assess risks and benefits of rituximab,
MMF, and ACTH in the treatment of IMN patients
resistant to first-line therapy.
K RCTs are needed to assess risks and benefits of the cyclical
alkylating agent/corticosteroid regimen or with a CNI
regimen in IMN patients with impaired or deteriorating
kidney function.
7.7: Treatment for relapses of nephrotic syndrome in adults
with IMN
7.7.1: We suggest that relapses of nephrotic syn-
drome in IMN be treated by reinstitution of
the same therapy that resulted in the initial
remission. (2D)
7.7.2: We suggest that, if a 6-month cyclical corti-
costeroid/alkylating-agent regimen was used
for initial therapy (see Recommendation
7.3.1), the regimen be repeated only once for
treatment of a relapse. (2B)
Clinical trials using cyclical treatment of alternating steroids
and alkylating agents or CNIs in IMN have shown
excellent kidney survival in those subjects with complete
or partial remission, even in the long term. How-
ever, relapses of nephrotic syndrome occur in 25–30% of
patients with in 5 years of discontinuation of therapy
with alkylating agents , and 40–50% of patients within
1 year of discontinuation of CNIs. For those patients who
show a complete or par tial remission and then a relapse of
nephrotic syndrome, a second course of treatment can be
There is very low–quality evidence to suggest that responses
to re-treatment of a relapse are similar to those observed after
the first treatment.
There is moderate-quality evidence to suggest that there
are significant risks of neoplasia induction, opportunistic
infections, and gonadal damage when alkylating agents are
used for an extended period.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197 195
chapter 7
If there is a relapse of nephrotic syndrome in IMN
following remission, reintroduction of a corticosteroid/
alkylating-agent regimen or CNIs will often, but not
uniformly, induce another remission.
Most data on repeated courses of immunosuppressive
therapy relate to patients in whom relapses occurred after a
partial remission, and with normal kidney function.
There are no RCTs to guide therapy for patients with IMN
who relapse after a first course of therapy and have kidney
Cancer induction is a major concern when alkylating
agents are used for an extended period. Cumulative doses
of more than 36 g of cyclophosphamide (equivalent to
100 mg daily for 1 year) were associated with a 9.5-fold
increased risk of bladder cancer, in patients with Wegener
granulomatosis. Extended courses have also been associated
with an increased risk of lymphoproliferative, myelodysplas-
tic, and leukemic disorders.
Because of this, repeated
courses (more than two) of cyclical alkylating-agen t therapy
are not advised.
Mild relapses (redevelopment of subnephrotic proteinuria
after a complete remission) do not require any specific
treatment, and should be managed conservatively. Blood
pressure should be kept o125/75 mm Hg and an ACE-I
or ARB should be used as the first line of treatment (see
Chapter 1).
Other agents such as MMF, rituximab, or ACTH might be
considered for treatment of relapses in IMN. There is some
observational ev idence that rituximab may be beneficial in
patients relapsing whenever the dose of CNI is reduced (CNI
but the evidence is currently insufficient to
make any specific recommendations.
K RCTs are needed to examine the efficacy and safet y of
MMF, rituximab, or ACTH in relapsing patients with
7.8: Treatment of IMN in children
7.8.1: We suggest that treatment of IMN in children
follows the recommendations for treatment of
IMN in adults. (2C) (See Recommendations
7.2.1 and 7.3.1.)
7.8.2: We suggest that no more than one course
of the cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent
regimen be given in children. (2D)
IMN in children is uncommon, and usually presents as
nephrotic syndrome or asymptomatic proteinuria. IMN
contributes less than 5% of cases of nephrotic syndrome in
Most cases (475%) of MN in children are
secondary to chronic viral infections (e.g., hepatitis B),
autoimmune diseases (SLE, thyroiditis), or drugs.
There is low-quality evidence to suggest children with IMN
should be treated with the same regimens as adults, with
appropriate dosage modification.
Most knowledge of the natural history of IMN in children,
treatment options, and long-term outcome is derived from
small, uncontrolled observational studies
that suggest a
relatively high spontaneous remission rate, and a low incidence
of ESRD. Children with IMN will not usually require more
than conservative therapy, unless they are severely sympto-
matic, as they seem to have a higher spontaneous remission
rate than adults. For children with severe symptomatic disease,
the same drug combinations used in adults are suggested, with
appropriate dosage adjustments.
Most of these protocols
use chlorambucil 0.15–0.2 mg/kg/d or cyclophosphamide
2 mg/kg/d for 8–12 weeks, with alternate-day prednisone.
The risk for gonadal toxicity with chlorambucil and cyclo-
phosphamide is greater in boys than in girls, and is related
to both the duration and total dose of treatment.
cumulative dose of cyclophosphamide should not exceed
200 mg/kg in order to avoid gonadal toxicity.
There are no data on the use of CNIs in children with
IMN; the use of CNIs is based only on the evidence from
adults RCTs. MM F, rituximab, or ACTH has not been studied
in children (see also Table 19).
K The absence of RCTs of treatment of IMN in children
makes treatment recommendations and suggestions
moot. RCTs are needed to compare the use of alkylating
agents and CNIs for initial therapy of IMN children with
nephrotic syndrome.
7.9: Prophylactic anticoagulants in IMN
7.9.1: We suggest that patients with IMN and
nephrotic syndrome, with marked reduction
in serum albumin (o2.5 g/dl [o25 g/l]) and
additional risks for thrombosis, be considered
for prophylactic anticoagulant therapy, using
oral warfarin. (2C)
IMN seems to constitute a special hazard for venous
thromboembolism and spontaneous vascular thrombosis
(such as deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary arter y
embolism/thrombosis), even more so than other causes of
nephrotic syndrome (see also Chapter 1).
This may also
apply to other types of primary GN associated with severe
nephrotic syndrome; the evidence base, however, is lacking.
There have been no RCTs of prophylactic anticoagulation in
IMN with nephrotic syndrome.
There is very low–quality evidence to suggest the use of
prophylactic anticoagulation with warfarin in pati ents with
196 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
chapter 7
IMN and severe nephrotic syndrome. However, based on
Markov modeling of anticipated benefits and risks derived
from observational studies, prophylactic ant icoagulation
might be considered when the serum albumin concentration
is o2.0–2.5 g/dl (o20–25 g/l) with one or more of the
following: proteinuria 410 g/d; BMI 435 kg/m
; prior
history of thromboembolism; family history of thrombo-
embolism with documented genetic predisposition; NYHA
class III or IV congestive heart failure; recent abdominal
or orthoped ic surgery; prolonged immobilization.
Treatment with warfarin should always be preceded by a
short period of treatment with heparin (fractionated or
unfractionated) in sufficient dosage to obtain prolongation of
the clotting time. Dosage adjustments for fractionated
heparin may be required if kidney function is impaired.
Due to insufficient experience with the use of newer oral or
parenteral anticoagulants in nephrotic syndrome, no recom-
mendations can be made regarding their use for prophylaxis
of thrombosis. The duration of prophylactic anticoagulation
needed for optimal benefit compared to risk is not known,
but it seems reasonable to continue therapy for as long as the
patient remains nephrotic with a serum albumin o3.0 g/dl
(o30 g/l).
K An RCT is needed of prophylactic warfarin in patients
with nephrotic syndrome with/without additional risk for
thromboembolism in IMN patients.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that new
methods and techniques involving drug usage, and described
within this Journal, should only be followed in conjunction
with the drug manufacturer’s own published literature.
Supplementary Table 22: Evidence profile of RCTs examining
alkylating agents plus steroid treatment vs. control in patients with
membranous nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 23: Existing systematic review on alkylating
agents vs. control for idiopathic membranous nephropathy in adults
with nephrotic syndrome.
Supplementary Table 24: Summary table of RCTs examining alkylating
agents plus steroid treatment vs. control in patients with membra-
nous nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 25: Summary table of RCTs examining alkylating
agents plus steroid treatment vs. control in patients with membra-
nous nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 26: Summary table of RCTs examining alkylating
agents plus steroid treatment vs. ACTH in patients with membranous
nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 27: Summary table of RCTs examining alkylating
agents plus steroid treatment vs. ACTH in patients with membranous
nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 28: Evidence profile of RCTs examining CsA/TAC
treatment vs. control for idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 29: Existing systematic reviews on CsA/TAC
treatment vs. placebo for idiopathic membranous nephropathy in
adults with nephrotic syndrome.
Supplementary Table 30: Summary table of RCT examining CsA/TAC
treatment vs. control for idiopathic membranous nephropathy
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 31: Summary table of RCT examining CsA/TAC
treatment vs. control for idiopathic membranous nephropathy
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 32: Evidence profile of RCTs examining MMF
treatment vs. control for idiopathic membranous nephropathy in
adults with nephrotic syndrome.
Supplementary Table 33: Summary table of RCTs examining MMF
treatment for idiopathic membranous nephropathy in adults with
nephrotic syndrome (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 34: Summary table of RCTs examining MMF
treatment for idiopathic membranous nephropathy in adults with
nephrotic syndrome (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Table 19 | Pediatric MN studies
Author N NS Steroids Other immunosuppression Remission
disease CRI ESRD
Habib et al.
50 72% 54% 44% (mechlorethamine and chlorambucil) 52% 38% ? 10%
Olbing et al.
9 78% 89% 22% cyclophosphamide, 11% azathioprine 33% 33% 33% 0%
Chan and Tsao
10 80% 100% None 50% 40% 0% 10%
Trainin et al.
14 79% 79% 57% ‘‘cytotoxics’’ 43% 29% 7% 21%
Latham et al.
14 100% p93% p93%: cyclophosphamide 29% 50% 7% 14%
Ramirez et al.
22 82% 50% 5% azathioprine + cyclophosphamide, 5% chlorambucil 27% 45% 23% 5%
Tsukahara et al.
12 25% 42% 17% cyclophosphamide 67% 33% 0% 0%
Lee et al.
19 58% 84% 16% cyclosporine 68% 16% 5% 11%
Chen et al.
13 38% 77% 38% CNI, 23% azathioprine, or MMF ? 61% 23% 0%
Valentini et al.
12 75% 83% 58% cyclophosphamide 75% 17% 8% 0%
CRI, chronic renal insufficiency; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; MN, membranous nephropathy; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.
With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: Pediatr Nephrol. Membranous nephropathy in children: clinical presentation and therapeutic approach. 2010;
25:1419–1428. Menon S, Valentini RP
; accessed http://www.springerlink.com/content/2222k3x102551528/fulltext.pdf.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 186–197
chapter 7
Chapter 8: Idiopathic membranoproliferative
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 198–199; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.21
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for MPGN
believed to be of unknown cause (idiopathic MPGN)
in adults and children. The cost implications for global
application of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
8.1: Evaluation of MPGN
8.1.1: Evaluate patients with the histological (light-
microscopic) pattern of MPGN for under-
lying diseases before considering a specific
treatment regimen (see Table 20). (Not
MPGN is a light-microscopic pattern of injury’’ caused by
many disorders (see Table 20).
Patients commonly
present with nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, glomerular
hematuria, and progressive kidney dysfunction.
tion in the serum concentration of complement compo-
nents (C3 and/or C4) is commonly, but not uniformly,
MPGN can be further classified based on the extent and
location of deposits of immunoglobulin and/or complement.
The classification of MPGN according to ultrastructural
appearances into MPGN type I, II, or III is commonly
employed, but newer classification schema based on im-
munopathology are replacing this approach.
Type I
MPGN is associated with subendothelial and mesangial
electron-dense deposits containing immunoglobulin and/or
and is often due to an underlying chronic
hepatitis B or C infection (see Chapter 9); type II MPGN
with electron dense intramembranous deposits containing
numerous complement components, but not immunoglo-
and is now known as dense-deposit disease’. It
has a distinctive etiology based on inherited or acquired
abnormalities of complement regulatory proteins.
Other rarer variants (type III MPGN) are also recognized
based on abnormalities of the glomerular basement mem-
brane and the location of electron-dense deposits. Immuno-
pathological variants are recognized based on deposition of
IgG and/or C3 component of complement in glomeruli.
Those in which C3 is exclusively deposited are known as
C3 GN.
Treatment of MPGN is highly dependent on proper
identification of underlying causes (see Table 20). In some
patients C3 nephritic factor, an autoantibody to C3bBb,
can be involved in the pathogenesis of type I, II, III, or
C3 GN.
Idiopathic MPGN is defined by exclusion of any other
identifiable cause, most typically when the ultrastructural
pattern is type I MPGN. Idiopathic type I MPGN is very
uncommon in developed countries, but remains a relatively
common, although diminishing, cause of nephrotic syn-
drome in developing countries, especially those with a high
burden of endemic infectious diseases.
K Based on the heterogeneity of cause and pattern of
histologic injury of MPGN, all patients with MPGN must
be thoroughly evaluated for underlying diseases before
being classified as idiopathic MPGN, and before any
specific treatment decisions can be made.
8.2: Treatment of idiopathic MPGN
8.2.1: We suggest that adults or children with
presumed idiopathic MPGN accompanied by
nephrotic syndrome AND progressive decline
of kidney function receive oral cyclophos-
phamide or MMF plus low-dose alternate-day
or daily corticosteroids with initial therapy
limited to less than 6 months. (2D)
K There is very low–quality evidence to suggest the benefit of
an immunosuppressive agent plus corticosteroids in the
treatment of idiopathic (type I) MPGN with nephrotic
syndrome and/or deteriorating kidney function.
MPGN is identified by exclusion of all other known causes
of the MPGN pattern on kidney biopsy. When there is a
secondary MPGN, i.e., a defined cause for the MPGN pattern
(see Table 20), treatment should be directed against that
cause. A review of the evidence for the management of each
of those conditions enumerated in Table 20 is outside the
scope of this guideline. This section will consider only those
patients who do not have any recognized underlying cause or
pathobiological mechanism for the MPGN lesion. Most of
these patients will have the type I pattern by electron
Many of the early reports of treatment of ‘‘idiopathic’
MPGN likely inadvertently included cases of secondary
MPGN. Therefore, the results of these studies must now be
chapter 8 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 198–199
interpreted with great caution given today’s knowledge
regarding immunopathogenesis.
Truly ‘idio-
pathic’ MPGN is now a very uncommon condition, except
in certain developing countries with a high endemic burden
of infections. The few RCTs of treatment of idiopathic MPGN
in children and adults have given inconsistent and largely
inconclusive results.
Many of the reported trials have
weak experimental design or are underpowered, and thus the
evidence base underlying the recommendations for treatment
of ‘idiopathic’ MPGN is very weak. Early claims of benefit
for a combination of aspirin and dipyridamole for adults
with idiopathic MPGN were later rejected
and benefits
of ‘antiplatelet’ therapy in ‘idiopathic’’ MPGN remain in
The benefit of long-term alternate-day corticosteroid
therapy for ‘‘idiopathic’ MPGN in children was suggested
by observational studies and a single RCT, but the results
were equivocal; there have been no subsequent confirmatory
The benefits of immunosuppressive therapy (cyclophos-
phamide or MMF) often combined with high-dose i.v. or
oral steroids have never been demonstrated in RCTs.
However, small, observational studies with short-term
follow-up have suggested a benefit, mostly in subjects with
a rapidly progressive course, often associated with extensive
crescents, or in those with progressive kidney disease with
persistence of severe nephrotic syndrome.
lication bias might be operative in these reports. Progressive
renal failure remains the only indication for immuno-
suppressive treatment, but the overall evidence for efficacy
and safety is weak. See Chapters 13 and 14 for discussion of
treatment of those cases of MPGN with superimposed
extensive crescentic lesions and rapidly progressive renal
K An RCT is needed to test corticosteroids in combination
with an immunosuppressive agent such as cyclophos-
phamide, MMF, or rituximab in ‘idiopathic’ MPGN
with nephrotic syndrome in adults and children.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and techniques involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
Supplementary Table 35: Evidence profile of RCTs examining
alternate-day prednisone treatment vs. control in adults and children
with MPGN.
Supplementary Table 36: Summary table of studies examining
alternate-day prednisone treatment vs. control in patients with
MPGN (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 37: Summary table of studies examining
alternate-day prednisone treatment vs. control in patients with
MPGN (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 38: Summary table of studies examining
dipyridamole plus aspirin treatment vs. placebo in patients with
MPGN (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 39: Summary table of studies examining
dipyridamole plus aspirin treatment vs. placebo in patients with
MPGN (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 40: Summary table of study examining warfarin
plus dipyridamole treatment vs. control in patients with MPGN
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 41: Summary table of study examining warfarin
plus dipyridamole treatment vs. control in patients with MPGN
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Table 20 | Underlying conditions associated with a
membranoproliferative pattern of GN
Chronic infections (especially hepatitis C)
Autoimmune diseases (especially LN)
Monoclonal gammopathies (especially light-chain deposition disease and
monoclonal IgG disease)
Complement dysregulation (especially complement factor H deficiency)
Chronic and healed thrombotic microangiopathies
GN, glomerulonephritis; LN, lupus nephritis.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 198–199
chapter 8
Chapter 9: Infection-related glomerulonephritis
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.22
9.1: For the following infection-related GN, we suggest
appropriate treatment of the infectious disease and
standard approaches to management of the kidney
manifestations: (2D)
K poststreptococcal GN;
K infective endocarditis-related GN;
K shunt nephritis.
This chapter provides recommendations for the treatment
of infection-associated GN, which may occur in association
with bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal, and helminthic
infection (Table 21). The cost implications for global
application of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
The prototype for bacterial infection-related GN (also called
postinfectious GN) is poststreptococcal GN, which most
often occurs in children following a pharyngeal or cutaneous
infection (impetigo) caused by a particular nephritogenic
strain of Streptococci, and usually has a favorable outcome.
However, in the last decades the spectrum of postinfec-
tious GN has changed. The incidence of poststreptococcal
GN, particularly in its epidemic form, has progressively
declined in industrialized countries. Recent series reported
that streptococcal infections accounted for only 28–47% of
acute GN, Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis
being isolated in 12–24% of cases and Gram-negative bacteria
in up to 22% of cases.
Bacterial endocarditis and shunt
infections are also frequently associated with postinfectious
GN. Moreover, the atypical postinfectious GN tends to affect
mainly adults who are immunocompromised, e.g., in
association with alcoholism, diabetes, and drug addiction.
While spontaneous recovery within a few weeks is still the
rule in children affected by the typical poststreptococcal GN,
the prognosis in immunocompromised adults with post-
infectious GN is significantly worse, with less than 50% in
complete remission after a long follow-up.
The diagnosis of poststreptococcal GN requires the demon-
stration of antecedent streptococcal infection in a patient
who presents with acute GN. Nephritis may follow 7–15 days
after streptococcal tonsillitis and 4–6 weeks after impetigo.
The nature of the nephritogenic streptococcal antigen is
still controversial.
Kidney biopsy is not indicated unless
there are characteristics that make the diagnosis doubtful, or
to assess prognosis and/or for potential therapeutic reasons.
The kidney histology shows acute endocapillary GN with
mesangial and capillary granular immune deposition.
The clinical manifestations of acute nephritic syndrome
usually last less than 2 weeks. Less than 4% of children with
poststreptococcal GN have massive proteinuria, and occa-
sionally a patient develops crescentic GN with rapidly
progressive kidney dysfunction. Serum C3 values usually
return to normal by 8–10 weeks after recognition of the
infection. Persistent hypocomplementemia beyond 3 months
may be an indication for a renal biopsy, if one has not already
been performed. A lesion of MPGN is commonly found in
persistently hypocomplementemic GN.
The short-term prognosis of the acute phase of post-
streptococcal GN is excellent in children; however, in elderly
patients, mortality in some series is as high as 20%. Although
the long-term prognosis of poststreptococcal GN is debated,
the incidence of ESRD in studies with 15 years of follow-up
is less than 1%, with the exception being that long-term
prognosis is poor in elderly patients who develop persistent
Well-documented streptococcal infection should be trea-
ted with penicillin, or erythromycin if the patient is allergic
to penicillin, to resolve streptococcal infection and prevent
the spread of the nephritogenic streptococcus among relatives
or contacts. However, antibiotics are of little help for
reversing GN, as the glomerular lesions induced by immune
complexes are already established.
The management of acute nephritic syndrome, mainly in
adults, requires hospital admission if features of severe hyper-
tension or congestive heart failure are present. Hypertension
and edema usually subside after diuresis is established. Adult
patients persisting with urinary abnormalities beyond
6 months, especially if proteinuria 41g/d, should receive
ACE-I or ARBs, as in other proteinuric glomerular diseases (see
Chapter 2). The long-term prognosisisworseinpatients,mainly
adults, who have persistent proteinuria after 6 months.
Pulses of i.v. methylprednisolone can be considered in
patients with extensive glomerular crescents and rapidly progres-
sive GN, based on extrapolation from other rapidly progressive
and crescentic GNs, although there is no evidence from RCTs.
K An RCT is needed to evaluate the treatment of crescentic
poststreptococcal GN with corticosteroids.
chapter 9 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
K Research is needed to determine the nature of the
streptococcal antigen, as a basis for developing immuno-
prophylactic therapy.
The natural history of GN associated with infective endocarditis
has been significantly altered with the changing epidemiology of
the disorder, and with the use of antibiotics.
In USA, infective endocarditis is diagnosed in approxi-
mately 40 cases per million every year, and the disease is
increasingly frequent in elderly individuals and in patients
with no underlying heart disease. i.v. drug usage, prosthetic
heart valves, and structural heart disease are risk factors.
Staphylococcus aureus has replaced Streptococcus viridans as
the leading cause of infective endocarditis. The incidence of
GN associated with Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis ranges
from 22% to 78%, the highest risk being among i.v. drug
users. Focal and segmental proliferative GN, often with focal
crescents, is the most typical finding. Some patients may
exhibit a more diffuse proliferative endocapillary lesion with
or without crescents.
The immediate prognosis of the GN is good, and is related
to the prompt eradication of the infection, using appropriate
antibiotics for 4–6 weeks.
K Multicenter studies are needed to determine the in-
cidence, prevalence, and long-term prognosis of infective
endocarditis–related GN.
Shunt nephritis is an immune complex–mediated GN that
develops as a complication of chronic infection on ventricu-
loatrial or ventriculojugular shunts inserted for the treatment
of hydrocephalus.
The diagnosis is based on clinical evidence of kidney disease
(most commonly, microscopic hematuria and proteinuria,
frequently in the nephrotic range, occasionally elevated SCr
and hypertension) with prolonged fever or signs of chronic
infection, in a patient with a ventriculovascular shunt implanted
for treatment of hydrocephalus. The histologic findings are
C3, and electron-dense mesangial and subendothelial deposits.
The renal outcome of shunt nephritis is good if there is early
diagnosis and treatment of the infection. Ventriculovascular shunts
may become infected in about 30% of cases. GN may develop in
0.7–2% of the infected ventriculovascular shunts in an interval of
time ranging from 2 months to many years after insertion. The
infecting organisms are usually Staph ylococcus epidermidis or
Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast to ventriculovascular shunts,
ventriculoperitoneal shunts are rarely complicated with GN.
A late diagnosis, resulting in delays in initiating antibiotic
therapy and in removing the shunt, results in a worse renal
K Multicenter observational studies are needed to deter-
mine the incidence, prevalence, and long-term prognosis
of shunt nephritis.
Table 21 | Infections associated with glomerulonephritis
Bacterial Viral
Mycobacterium leprae, M. tuberculosis Hepatitis B and C
Treponema pallidum Human immunodeficiency virus
Salmonella typhi, S. paratyphi, S. typhimurium Epstein-Barr virus
Streptococcus pneumoniae, S. virdans, S. pyogenes Coxsackie B
Staphyloccoccus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. albus ECHO virus
Leptospira species
Yersinia enterocolitica
Varicella zoster
Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Coxiella burnettii
Brucella abortus
Listeria monocytogenes
Fungal Helminthic
Histoplasma capsulatum
Schistosoma mansoni, S. japonicum, S. haematobium
Wuchereria bancrofti
Coccidiodes immitis
Brugia malayi
Loa loa
Protozoal Onchocerca volvulus
Plasmodium malariae, P. falciparum Trichinella spiralis
Leishmania donovani
Toxoplasma gondii
Trypanosoma cruzi, T. bruci
Toxocara canis
Strongyloides stercoralis
ECHO, enteric cytopathic human orphan; GN, glomerulonephritis.
Only case reports documented.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
9.2: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection–related GN
(Please also refer to the published KDIGO Clinical Practice
Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Evaluation, and
Treatment of Hepatitis C in Chronic Kidney Disease.
9.2.1: For HCV-infected patients with CKD Stages 1
or 2 and GN, we suggest combined antiviral
treatment using pegylated interferon and riba-
virin as in the general population. (2C)[based
on KDIGO HCV Recommendation 2.2.1] Titrate ribavirin dose according to
patient toleranc e and level of renal
function. (Not Graded)
9.2.2: For HCV -infected patients with CKD Stages 3,
4, or 5 and GN not yet on dialysis, we suggest
monotherapy with pegylated interferon, with
doses adjusted to the level of kidney function.
(2D) [based on KDIGO HCV Recommendation
9.2.3: For patients with HCV and mix ed cryoglobuli-
nemia (I gG/I gM) with nephrotic proteinuria or
evidence of progressive kidney disease or an
acute flare of cryoglobulinemia, we suggest either
plasmapheresis, rituximab, or cyclophospha-
mide, in conjunction with i.v . methylpredniso-
lone, and concomitant antiviral therapy . (2D)
HCV infection is a major public health problem, with an
estimated 130–170 million people infected worldwide.
HCV frequently causes extrahepatic manifestations, includ-
ing mixed cryoglobulinemia, lymphoproliferative disorders,
grens syndrome, and kidney disease. A major concern is
the lack of safe and effective drugs to treat HCV-infected
patients with CKD.
Unfortunately, there are no large-scale
clinical trials in patients with HCV-associated kidney disease;
thus, evidence-based treatment recommendations cannot be
made in this patient population. However, we have extra-
polated HCV treatment from the non-CKD population, with
the appropriate and necessary dose adjustments.
Kidney involvement due to HCV is most commonly
associated with type II cryoglobulinemia, and is clinically
manifested by proteinuria, microscopic hematuria, hyperten-
sion, and mild to moderate kidney impairment.
On kidney biopsy, a type I MPGN pattern of injury is the
most common pathological finding.
Vasculitis of the
small- and medium-sized renal arteries can also be present.
Immunofluorescence usually demonstrates deposition of
IgM, IgG, and C3 in the mesangium and capillary walls.
On electron microscopy, subendothelial immune complexes
are usually seen and may have an organized substructure
suggestive of cryoglobulin deposits.
Besides MPGN,
other forms of glomerular disease have been described in
patients with HCV, including IgAN, MN, postinfectious GN,
thrombotic microangiopathies, FSGS, and fibrillary and
immunotactoid GN.
Patients with type II cryoglobulinemia (mixed polyclonal
IgG and monoclonal IgM [Rheumatoid-factor positive]
cryoglobulins) should be tested for HCV. Patients with
proteinuria and cryoglobulinemia should be tested for HCV
RNA even in the absence of clinical and/or biochemical
evidence of liver disease. Similarly, HCV-infected patients
should be tested at least annually for proteinuria, hematuria,
and eGFR to detect possible HCV-associated kidney disease.
Practice guidelines for treatment of HCV infection in general
have been recently published.
For detailed information
regarding treatment of HCV-mediated kidney disease the
reader is also referred to the recently published KDIGO Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Evaluation,
and Treatment of Hepatitis C in Chronic Kidney Disease.
K There is low-quality evidence to recommend treatment of
HCV-associated GN. Treatment should be focused on
reducing or eliminating HCV replication, and reducing
the formation and glomerular deposition of HCV-
containing immune complexes (including cryoglobulins).
K There is low-quality evidence to recommend dose
adjustments for interferon and ribavirin based on level
of kidney function.
K There is very low–quality evidence to suggest that patients
with HCV-associated GN and severe kidney manifesta-
tions require additional treatment with immunosuppres-
sion and/or corticosteroids and/ or plasma exchange.
The best long-term prognostic indicator of HCV-asso-
ciated GN is sustained virologic response (defined as HCV
RNA clearance from serum) for at least 6 months after
cessation of therapy. In patients with normal kidney
function, this aim can be best achieved by the use of
pegylated interferon-a-2a/2b in combination with ribavirin,
which results in sustained virological response rates of
45–50% in genotypes 1 and 4, and 70–80% in genotypes
2 and 3 in HVC-monoinfected patients. This represents the
current standard of care for HCV infection.
Treatment regimens for HCV-associated GN and the doses
of individual agents will vary with the severity of the kidney
disease. No dose adjustment is needed for patients with eGFR
460 ml/min.
There is a paucity of information regarding treatment of HCV-
infected patients with GFR o60 ml/min but not yet on dialysis
(CKD stages 3–5). The suggested doses (based on expert opinion,
not evidence) are pegylated interferon-a-2b, 1 mg/kg subcuta-
neously once weekly or pegylated interferon-a-2a, 135 mgsub-
cutaneously once weekly, together with ribavirin 200–800 mg/d in
two divided doses, starting with the low dose and increasing
gradually, as long as side-effects are minimal and manageable (see
Table 22). Hemolysis secondary to ribavirin very commonly limits
its dosage or prevents its use in patients with CKD.
Monotherapy with interferon-a has been used in cryo-
globulinemic GN with complete clearance of HCV RNA and
improved kidney function; however, recurrence of viremia
202 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
and relapses of kidney disease were universally observed
after interferon was discontinued.
Subsequent studies
with interferon-a monotherapy
have yielded mixed
Treatment with interferon-a may exacerbate
cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.
Thus, it is recommended
that interferon -a should be started after the acute flare has
been controlled with immunosuppressive agents.
Better outcomes have been achieved by combined use of
interferon-a with ribavirin
and pegylated interferon with
In a recent meta-analysis of controlled
clinical trials comparing the efficacy and safety of antiviral vs.
immunosuppressive therapy (corticosteroids alone or in
combination with cyclophosphamide) in patients with HCV-
associated GN, proteinuria decreased more (odds ratio 3.86)
after interferon therapy (3 MU thrice weekly for at least 6
However, both treatments failed to significantly
improve kidney function. Recently published KDIGO guidelines
for treatment of viral hepatitis in patients with kidney disease
progressive kidney disease can be treated with a 12-month
course of standard interferon-a or pegylated interferon-a-2a
with dose adjusted as described below plus ribavirin, with or
without erythropoietin support, depending on the level of
Ribavirin dose needs to be titrated according to
patient tolerance; caution is advised for patients with clearance
o50 ml/min which may require substantially reduced dosage.
There is very low–quality evidence that patients with
nephrotic-range proteinuria and/or rapidly progressive
kidney failure or an acute flare of cryoglobulinemia, should
receive additional therapy with either plasmapheresis (3 L of
plasma thrice weekly for 2–3 weeks), rituximab (375 mg/m
once a week for 4 weeks), or cyclophosphamide (2 mg/kg/d
for 2–4 months) plus i.v. methylprednisolone 0.5–1 g/d for
3 days.
There are no comparative data to favour any one of
these three additional therapies. Corticosteroids may lead to
increases in HCV viral load.
Case reports have suggested remarkable reduction in
proteinuria and stabilization of kidney function in
response to rituximab in patients with cryoglobulinemic
Although HCV viremia increased modestly
in some patients, it remained unchanged or decreased in
others and the overall treatment was considered safe.
Observations in 16 patients with severe refractory HCV-
related cryoglobulinemia vasculitis treated with rituximab in
combination with pegylated interferon-a-2b and ribavirin
also showed good response.
Symptoms usually reappear
with reconstitution of peripheral B cells. The long-term safety
of multiple courses of rituximab in patients with HCV is
unknown. It remains debatable whether antiviral therapy
should be commenced as soon as immunosuppression is
begun or delayed until a clinical remission (complete or
partial) is evident.
There is a paucity of controlled studies available in HCV-
associated GN; most studies are retrospective analyses with
small sample sizes. Most of the available evidence comes from
studies of patients with significant proteinuria, hematuria, or
reduced kidney function.
K Epidemiologic studies are needed to determine:
J the prevalence and types of glomerular lesions in
HCV-infected patients;
J whether there are true associations between HCV
infection and GN other than MPGN (e.g., IgAN).
K An RCT is needed to evaluate corticosteroids plus
cyclophosphamide in addition to antiviral therapy in
HCV-associated GN.
K An RCT is needed to evaluate rituximab in addition to
antiviral therapy in HCV-associated GN.
9.3: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection–related GN
9.3.1: We recommend that patients with HBV
infection and GN receive treatment with
interferon-a or with nucleoside analogues as
recommended for the general population by
standard clinical practice guidelines for HBV
infection (see Table 23). (1C)
9.3.2: We recommend that the dosing of these
antiviral agents be adjusted to the degree of
kidney function. (1C)
Approximately one-third of the world’s population has
serological evidence of past or present infection with HBV,
and 350 million people are chronically infected, making
it one of the most common human pathogens.
spectrum of disease and natural history of chronic HBV
infection is diverse and variable, ranging from a low viremic
inactive carrier state to progressive chronic hepatitis, which
may evolve to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. It is
not possible to predict which patients with HBV infection are
more likely to develop kidney disease.
Table 22 | Treatment of HCV infection according to stages of
Stages of
1 and 2
Pegylated IFNa-2a: 180 mg SQ q wk 800–1200 mg/d in
Pegylated IFNa-2b: 1.5 mg/kg SQ q wk two divided doses
3 and 4
Pegylated IFNa-2a: 135 mgSQqwk
Pegylated IFNa-2b: 1 mg/kg SQ q wk
Pegylated IFNa-2a: 135 mgSQqwk
Pegylated IFNa-2b: 1 mg/kg SQ q wk
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; IFN, interferon; SQ, subcutaneous; q wk,
every week.
Patients with genotypes 1 and 4 should receive 48 weeks of IFN therapy if an early
viral response is obtained at 12 weeks (42 log fall in viral titer). Genotypes 2 and 3
should be treated for 24 weeks.
Patients with genotypes 2 and 3 infection should receive 800 mg/d with Stages 1
and 2 CKD. Patients infected with genotypes 1 and 4 should receive 10001200 mg/d
with Stages 1 and 2 CKD.
*Since the publication of KDIGO Hepatitis C in CKD guideline,
product label
changes now permit concurrent use of ribavirin in patients with CKD Stages 3–5 as
long as side-effects are minimal and manageable. Caution is advised for patients
with clearance o50 ml/min, which may require substantially reduced dosage.
Consult local package inserts for information on dosing modifications.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
HBV-associated patterns of GN include MN, MPGN,
FSGS and IgAN. MN is the most common form of HBV-
mediated GN, especially in children. The diagnosis of HBV-
mediated GN requires detection of the virus in the blood and
the exclusion of other causes of glomerular disease. In
children, HBV-mediated GN has a favorable prognosis, with
high spontaneous remission rate. In adults, HBV-mediated
GN is usually progressive. Patients with nephrotic syndrome
and abnormal liver function tests have an even worse
prognosis, with 450% progressing to ESRD in the short
There are no RCT studies on the treatment of HBV-
mediated GN, so evidence-based treatment recommendations
cannot be made. Clinical practice guidelines on the manage-
ment of chronic hepatitis B have been recently published
in Europe and in the USA, but do not include specific
recommendations on HBV-mediated kidney disease.
K Treatment of HBV-associated GN with interferon or
nucleoside analogues is indicated.
Several drugs are now available for the treatment of
chronic HBV infection (see Table 23). The efficacy of these
drugs has been assessed in an RCT at 1 year (2 years with
telbivudine). Longer follow-up (up to 5 years) is available for
lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, telbivudine, and tenofovir in
patient subgroups.
However, there are no data to indicate
the effect of these treatments for HBV infection on the
natural history of HBV-related GN. Treatment of patients
with HBV infection and GN should be conducted according
to standard clinical practice guidelines for HBV infection.
Nephrotoxicity of some of the nucleoside analogues (adefovir
and tenofovir) can be of concern.
The heterogeneity of patients with HBV infection (e.g.,
degree of liver function impairment, extent of extrahepatic
involvement) creates substantial complexity in establishing
treatment guidelines in patients with HBV-mediated kidney
K RCTs are needed to establish the most effective anti-
viral treatment regimen in modifying the progression of
HBV-associated GN. Studies will need to account for the
extrarenal disease involvement, as well as evaluate varying
drug combinations, including timing and duration of
K RCTs in children should be evaluated separately in view
of the higher rate of spontaneous remission in HBV-
associated GN.
9.4: Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection–
related glomerular disorders
9.4.1: We recommend that antiretrov iral therapy
be initiated in all patients with biopsy-proven
HIV-associated nephropathy, regardless of
CD4 count. (1B)
Approximately 5 million people a year are infected with HIV
Kidney disease is a relatively frequent compli-
cation in patients infected with HIV.
Human immunodeficiency virus–associated nephropathy
(HIVAN) is the most common cause of CKD in patients
with HIV-1, and is mostly observed in patients of African
perhaps related to susceptibility associated
with genetic variation at the APOL1 gene locus on
chromosome 22, closely associated with the MYH9 lo-
Untreated, HIVAN rapidly progresses to ESRD.
Typical HIVAN pathology includes FSGS, often with a
collapsing pattern, accompanied by microcystic change in
tubules. There are usually many tubuloreticular structures
seen on electron microscopy. In addition to HIVAN, a
number of other HIV-associated kidney diseases have been
In patients with HIV, proteinuria and/or
decreased kidney function is associated with increased
mortality and worse outcomes.
Data from a number of
RCTs suggest that highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART) is beneficial in both preservation and improve-
ment of kidney function in patients with HIV.
with kidney dysfunction at start of HAART have the most
dramatic improvements in kidney function.
A decrease
in HIV viral load during HAART is associated with kidney
function improvement, while an increase in viral load is
associated with worsening kidney function.
Table 23 | Dosage adjustment of drugs for HBV infection according to kidney function (endogenous CrCl)
Drug CrCl 450 (ml/min) 30o CrCl o50 (ml/min) 10o CrCl o30 (ml/min) CrCl o10 (ml/min)
Lamivudine 300 mg p.o. q.d. or
150 mg p.o. b.i.d.
150 mg p.o. q.d. 150 mg first dose then
100 mg p.o. q.d.
150 mg first dose then
50 mg p.o. q.d.
Adefovir 10 mg p.o. q.d. 10 mg p.o. every 48 hours 10 mg po every 72 hours No dosing recommended
Entecavir 0.5 mg p.o. q.d. 0.25 mg p.o. q.d. 0.15 mg p.o. q.d. 0.05 mg p.o. q.d.
Entecavir in lamivudine-
refractory patients
1 mg p.o. q.d. 0.5 mg p.o. q.d. 0.3 mg p.o. q.d. 0.1 mg p.o. q.d.
Telbivudine 600 mg p.o. q.d. 600 mg p.o. every 48 hours 600 mg p.o. every 72 hours 600 mg p.o. every 96 hours
Tenofovir 300 mg p.o. q.d. 300 mg p.o. q.d every 48 hours 300 mg p.o. q.d every 72–96 hours 300 mg p.o. q.w.
b.i.d., twice daily; CrCl, creatinine clearance; HBV, hepatitis B virus; p.o., orally; q.d., every day; q.w., once a week.
For CrCl o15 ml/min, 150 mg first dose, then 50 mg p.o. q.d.
For CrCl o5 ml/min, 50 mg first dose, then 25 mg p.o. q.d.
Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Kidney International. Olsen SK, Brown RS, Jr. Hepatitis B treatment: Lessons for the nephrologist. Kidney Int 2006; 70:
accessed http://www.nature.com/ki/journal/v70/n11/pdf/5001908a.pdf. Supplemented with data from ref 389.
204 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest a kidney biopsy
is necessary to define the specific type of kidney diseases
present in patients with HIV infection.
K HAART may be effective in HIVAN, but it is not effective
in other GN associated with HIV infection.
Causes of kidney disease, other than HIVAN, that occur in
patients with HIV infection include diabetic nephropathy,
thrombotic microangiopathies, cryoglobulinemia, immune
complex GN, an SLE-like GN, or amyloidosis (see
Table 24).
More than a third of the patients with
HIV who underwent a kidney biopsy had diabetic nephro-
pathy; or MN, MPGN, IgAN, or another pattern of immune-
complex GN.
In patients with HIV infection, many of
these pathologies can mimic HIVAN, but each condition
requires a different therapy.
Studies in HIV-
infected patients with kidney disease from Africa showed a
high prevalence of HIVAN, but other forms of GN and
interstitial nephritis were also present (see Table 24).
Cohen and Kimmel recently reviewed the rationale for a
kidney biopsy in the diagnosis of HIV-associated kidney
Observational studies and data from uncontrolled or
retrospective studies
and from an RCT
that HAART (defined as combination therapy with three or
more drugs) is beneficial in both preservation and improve-
ment of kidney function in patients with HIVAN. Since the
introduction of HAART in the 1990s, there has also been a
substantial reduction in the incidence of HIVAN.
multivariate analysis, HIVAN risk was reduced by 60% (95%
CI 30% to 80%) by use of HAART, and no patient
developed HIVAN when HAART had been initiated prior
to the development of acquired immune deficiency syn-
The use of HAART has also been associated with
improved kidney survival in patients with HIVAN.
Antiviral therapy has been associated with GFR improve-
ments in HIV patients with both low CD4 lymphocyte counts
and impaired baseline kidney function, supporting an
independent contribution of HIV-1 replication to chronic
kidney dysfunction in advanced HIV disease.
Early observational studies suggested a benefit for ACE-
A number of retrospective, observational, or uncon-
trolled studies conducted before or during the initial phases
of HAART reported variable success with the use of
corticosteroids in patients with HIV-associated kidney
There is only one study using cyclosporine
in 15 children with HIV and nephrotic syndrome.
early observational studies suggested a benefit for ACE-I and
corticosteroids in HIV-mediated kidney disease, but the
studies were prior to introduction of HAART, and in the era
of modern HAART therapy, it is unclear what the potential
benefits are, if any, of the use of corticosteroids or
cyclosporine in the treatment of patients with HIVAN or
other HIV-related kidney diseases. It is not known whether
this benefit remains in the context of current management.
There is no RCT that evaluates the value of HAART
therapy in patients with HIVAN.
There is very low–quality
evidence to suggest that HAART may be of benefit in patients
with HIV-associated immune-complex kidney diseases and
thrombotic microangiopathies.
There are recent
comprehensive reviews of HIV and kidney disease that
describe current knowledge and gaps therein.
K RCTs are needed to evaluate the efficacy of HAART in
HIVAN and other HIV-associated glomerular diseases.
Long-term follow-up is needed to determine if kidney
damage in susceptible individuals is halted or merely
slowed by HAART, particularly when control of viremia
is incomplete or intermittent.
K An RCT is needed to evaluate the role of corticosteroids
in combination with HAART in the treatment of HIV-
associated kidney diseases.
K An RCT is needed to determine if benefits of RAS
blockade are independent of HAART therapy in patients
with HIVAN and other HIV-mediated kidney diseases.
9.5: Schistosomal, filarial, and malarial nephropathies
9.5.1: We suggest that patients with GN and con-
comitant malarial, schistosomal, or filarial
infection be treated with an appropriate anti-
parasitic agent in sufficient dosage and duration
to eradicate the organism. (Not Graded)
Table 24 | The spectrum of kidney disease in HIV-infected
K HIVAN-collapsing FSGS
K Arterionephrosclerosis
K Immune-complex GN
MPGN pattern of injury
Lupus-like GN
K Idiopathic FSGS
K HCV and cryoglobulinemia
K Thrombotic microangiopathies
K Membranous nephropathy
K Minimal-change nephropathy
K Diabetic nephropathy
K Postinfectious GN
Infectious endocarditis
Other infections: Candida, Cryptococcus
K Amyloidosis
K Chronic pyelonephritis
K Acute or chronic interstitial nephritis
K Crystal nephropathy
Indinavir, atazanavir, i.v. acyclovir, sulfadiazine
K Acute tubular necrosis
K Proximal tubulopathy (Fanconi syndrome)
FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; HBV, hepatitis B
virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIVAN, human immunodeficiency virus–associated
nephropathy; IgAN, immunoglobulin A nephropathy; MPGN, mesangial proliferative
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
9.5.2: We suggest that corticosteroids or immuno-
suppressive agents not be used for treatment
of schistosomal-associated GN, since the GN is
believed to be the direct result of infection and
the attendant immune response to the organ-
ism. (2D)
9.5.3: We suggest that blood culture for Salmonella
be considered in all patients with hepato-
splenic schistosomiasis who show urinary
abnormalities and/or reduced GFR. (2C) We suggest that all patients who show
a positive blood culture for Salmonella
receive anti-Salmonella therapy. (2C)
Schistosomiasis (syn. Bilharziasis), a chronic infection by
trematodes (blood flukes), is encountered in Asia, Africa, and
South America.
S. mansoni and S. japonicum cause
glomerular lesions in experimental studies, but clinical
glomerular disease has been described most frequently in
association with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis produced by
S. mansoni.
A classification of schistosomal glomerulo-
pathies is given in Table 25. It should be recognized that, in
highly endemic areas, the association of GN with schistoso-
miasis may be coincidental rather than causal.
The incidence of GN in schistosomiasis is not well defined.
Hospital-based studies have shown overt proteinuria in
1–10% and microalbuminuria in about 22% of patients with
hepatosplenic schistosomiasis due to S. mansoni.
et al.
documented asymptomatic proteinuria in 20%
patients with ‘‘active’ S. mansoni infection. A field study in
an endemic area of Brazil showed only a 1% incidence of
However, histological studies have documen-
ted glomerular lesions in 12 – 50% of cases.
GN is most commonly seen in young adults, and males
are affected twice as frequently as females. In addition to
nephrotic syndrome, eosinophiluria is seen in 65% of cases
and hypergammaglobulinemia in 30%.
temia is common. Several studies have shown new-onset
or worsening of nephrotic syndrome in the presence of
coinfection with Salmonella.
Several patterns of glomerular pathology have been
described (see Table 25). Class I is the earliest and most
frequent lesion. Class II lesion is more frequent in patients
with concomitant Salmonella (S. typhi, S. paratyphi A,or
S. typhimurium) infection.
Praziquantel, given in a dose of 20 mg/kg three times for 1
day, is effective in curing 60–90% patients with schisto-
somiasis. Oxamiquine is the only alternative for S. mansoni
Successful treatment helps in amelioration of
hepatic fibrosis and can prevent development of glomerular
disease. Established schistosomal GN, however, does not
respond to any of these agents.
Steroids, cytotoxic agents, and cyclosporine are ineffective
in inducing remission.
In one RCT, neither prednisolone
nor cyclosporine, given in combination with praziquantel
and oxamiquine were effective in inducing remissions in
patients with established schistosomal GN.
Treatment of coexistent Salmonella infection favorably
influences the course of GN. In a study of 190 patients with
schistosomiasis, 130 were coinfected with Salmonella. All of
them showed improvement in serum complement levels,
CrCl, and proteinuria following antibilharzial and anti-
Salmonella treatment, either together or sequentially.
Other studies have shown disappearance of urinary abnorm-
alities following anti-Salmonella therapy alone.
prognosis is relatively good with class I and II schistosomal
GN, provided sustained eradication of Schistosoma and
Salmonella infection can be achieved, whereas class IV and
V lesions usually progress to ESRD despite treat-
The association of Salmonella infection with
schistosomal GN is not observed in all geographical areas.
Table 25 | A clinicopathological classification of schistosomal glomerulopathy
Class Light-microscopic pattern Immunofluorescence
Response to
I Mesangio-proliferative
Minimal lesion
Focal proliferative
Diffuse proliferative
Mesangial IgM, C3, schistosomal
gut antigens
+++ + +/ ?+/
II Exudative Endocapillary C3, schistosomal antigens +++ ? +++
III A. Mesangio-capillary
type I
Mesangial IgG, C3, schistosomal gut
antigen (early), IgA (late)
B. Mesangio-capillary
type II
Mesangial and subepithelial IgG, C3,
schistosomal gut antigen (early), IgA (late)
+ +++ + ++
IV Focal and segmental
Mesangial IgG, IgM, IgA + +++ +++ +++
V Amyloidosis Mesangial IgG + +++ +/ +++
ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Kidney International. Barsoum RS. Schistosomal glomerulopathies. Kidney Int 1993; 44: 1–12;
206 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
K Studies are required to evaluate the precise contribution
of Salmonella infection to schistosomal nephropathy, and
the value of treating these two infections separately or
together on the outcome.
Filarial worms are nematodes that are transmitted to humans
through arthropod bites, and dwell in the subcutaneous
tissues and lymphatics. Clinical manifestations depend upon
the location of microfilariae and adult worms in the tissues.
Of the eight filarial species that infect humans, glomerular
disease has been reported in association with Loa loa,
Onchocerca volvulus, Wuchereria bancrofti,andBrugia malayi
infections in Africa and some Asian countries.
Glomerular involvement is seen in a small number of
cases. Light microscopy reveals a gamut of lesions, including
diffuse GN and MPGN, membranoproliferative GN, mini-
mal-change and chronic sclerosing GN, and the collapsing
variant of FSGS.
Microfilariae may be found in the
arterioles, glomerular and peritubular capillary lumina,
tubules, and interstitium.
Immunofluorescence and elec-
tron microscopy show immune deposits along with worm
antigens and structural components.
Urinary abnormalities have been reported in 11–25% and
nephrotic syndrome is seen in 3–5% of patients with loiasis and
onchocerciasis, especially those with polyarthritis and chorior-
Proteinuria and/or hematuria was detected in over
A good response (diminution of proteinuria)
is observed following antifilarial therapy in patients with non-
nephrotic proteinuria and/or hematuria. The proteinuria can
increase and kidney functions worsen following initiation of
diethylcarbamazepine or ivermectin,
probably because of
an exacerbation of the immune process secondary to antigen
release into circulation after death of the parasite.
The response is inconsistent in those with nephrotic
syndrome, and deterioration of kidney function may
continue, despite clearance of microfilariae with treatment.
Therapeutic apheresis has been utilized to reduce the
microfilarial load before starting diethylcarbamazepine to
prevent antigen release.
The incidence, prevalence, and natural history of glomer-
ular involvement in various forms of filariasis are poorly
documented. This condition is usually found in areas with
poor vector control and inadequate health-care facilities.
Similarly, the treatment strategies have not been evaluated.
K Epidemiological studies of kidney involvement in
regions endemic for these conditions are required. The
effect of population-based treatment with fila-
ricidal agents on the course of kidney disease should
be studied.
Infection with Plasmodium falciparum usually results in AKI
or proliferative GN. Chronic infection with the protozoal
malarial parasites Plasmodium malariae (and, to a lesser extent,
Plasmodium vivax or ovale) has been associated with a variety
of kidney lesions, including MN and membranoproliferative
In the past, this has been known as ‘‘quartan malarial
Nephrotic syndrome, sometimes with
impaired kidney function, is a common clinical manifestation;
it is principally encountered in young children. The glomerular
lesions are believed to be caused by deposition of immune
complexes containing antigens of the parasite, but autoimmu-
nity may participate as well. The clinical and morphological
manifestations vary from country to country.
Nowadays, the
lesion is much less common, and most children in the tropics
with nephrotic syndrome have either MCD or FSGS, rather
than malarial nephropathy.
HBV and HIV infection and
streptococcal-related diseases are also now more common
causes of nephrotic syndrome than malarial nephropathy
in Africa.
There are limited observational studies and no RCTs for an
evidence-based treatment strategy for malarial nephropathy.
Patients with GN and concomitant infection with Plasmodium
species (typically Plasmodium malariae)shouldbetreatedwith
an appropriate antimalarial agent (such as chloroquine or
hydroxychloroquine) for suffcient duration to eradicate the
organism from blood and hepatosplenic sites. Observational
studies have suggested improvement in clinical manifestations
in some—but not all—patients, following successful eradica-
tion of the parasitic infection. There does not appear to be any
role for steroids or immunosuppressant therapy in mala-
rial nephropathy,
although controlled trials are lacking.
Dosage reductions of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine may
be needed in patients with impaired kidney function.
K Studies of the incidence and prevalence of malarial
nephropathy, and its response to antimalarial therapy are
needed, especially in endemic areas of West Africa.
K RCTs are needed to investigate the role of corticosteroids
and immunosuppressive agents when malarial nephro-
pathy progresses, despite eradication of the malarial
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial
board, and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data,
opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to
make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the
articles and advertisements herein are the responsibility of
the contributor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned.
Accordingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board
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Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208 207
chapter 9
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and techniques involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
Supplementary Table 42: Summary table of studies examining
prednisone or CsA treatment vs. control in patients with schistosoma
and nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 43: Summary table of studies examining
prednisone or CsA treatment vs. control in patients with schistosoma
and nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 200–208
chapter 9
Chapter 10: Immunoglobulin A nephropathy
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.23
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for primary
IgAN. Secondary IgAN will not be discussed. The cost
implications for global application of this guideline are
addressed in Chapter 2.
10.1: Initial evaluation including assessment of risk of
progressive kidney disease
10.1.1: Assess all patients with biopsy-proven IgAN
for secondary causes of IgAN. (Not Graded)
10.1.2: Assess the risk of progression in all cases by
evaluation of proteinuria, blood pressure, and
eGFR at the time of diagnosis and during
follow-up. (Not Graded)
10.1.3: Pathological features may be used to assess
prognosis. (Not Graded)
IgAN is diagnosed by kidney biopsy and is defined as
dominant or codominant stai ning with IgA in glomeruli by
LN should be excluded. The intensity of
IgA staining should be more than trace. The distribution of
IgA staining should include presence in the mesangium, w ith
or without capillary loop staining. IgG and IgM may be
present, but not in greater intensity than IgA, except that
IgM may be prominent in sclerotic areas. C3 may be present.
The presence of C1q staining in more than trace intensity
should prompt consideration of LN.
IgAN is the most common primary GN in the world. The
prevalence rate varies across different geographical regions.
Typically, it is 30–35% of all primar y glomerular diseases in
Asia, but can be up to 45%.
In Europe, this is about
30–40%. Recently in the USA , IgAN was also reported to be
the most common primary glomerulopathy in young adult
Secondary IgAN is uncommon. Cirrhosis, celiac disease,
and HIV infection are all associated with a high frequency
of glomerular IgA deposition. IgAN has been infrequently
associated with a variety of other diseases, including
dermatitis herpetiformis, seronegative arthritis (particularly
ankylosing spondylitis), small-cell carcinoma, lymphoma
(Hodgkin lymphoma and T-cell lymphomas, including
mycosis fungoides), disseminated tuberculosis, bronchiolitis
obliterans, and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease
and ulcerative colitis). These are usually clinically evident at
the time of biopsy. Investigations can include viral serologies
(HIV, HBV, and HCV), liver function tests, and electro-
phoreses of serum immunoglobulins.
IgAN has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations,
varying from isolated hematuria to rapidly progressive
GN. Thorough risk assessment is essential to determine
management and ensure that the risks of therapy are
balanced by the selection of patients at highest risk of
progression. Definitive outcomes in IgAN are kidney survival
and the rate of kidney function decline. Determinants of
mortality in IgAN have not been addressed in previous
studies, although it is reasonable to assume that CKD
increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in these
patients, as in others with CKD.
K There is moderate-quality evidence to suggest that
accelerated decline in kidney function is associated with
proteinuria Z1 g/d in a dose-dependent fashion and
independently of other risk factors.
K There is moderate-quality evidence to suggest a favour-
able outcome when time-averaged proteinuria is reduced
to o1 g/d.
Whether long-term outcome differs in
adult patients with a proteinuria between 0.5 and
1.0 g/d compared to o0.5 g/d remains uncertain. In
children, expert opinion suggests a goal of proteinuria
o0.5 g/d per 1.73 m
K There is moderate-quality evidence to recommend strict
blood pressure control, as it is associated with better
kidney survival in chronic proteinuric nephropathies,
including IgAN.
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest GFR at
presentation is associated with the risk of ESRD.
However, studies that have assessed the rate of change
of kidney function have questioned its association with
initial GFR. Proteinuria, blood pressure, and kidney
biopsy findings at presentation have been associated with
both risk of ESRD and doubling of SCr.
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest kidney biopsy
findings associated with a worse prognosis are the
presence and severity of mesangial and endocapillary
proliferation, extensive crescents, focal and segmental as
well as global glomer ulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, and
interstitial fibrosis.
However, no single approach to
the objective evaluation of biopsy findings has yet been
validated or evaluated prospectively.
K There is moderate-quality evidence to suggest that IgAN
that presents with hematuria and minimal proteinuria is
a progressive disease, and that life-long follow-up with
regular monitoring of blood pressure and proteinuria is
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 10
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217 209
Proteinuria is the strongest prognostic factor in IgAN and has
a ‘dose-dependent’ effect that is independent of other risk
factors in multiple large observational studies, as well as
prospective trials. The threshold above which the risk
develops in adults is uncertain; some studies indicate
0.5 g/d
while others could only demonstrate a higher risk
of ESRD and a more rapid rate of decline in kidney functio n
when time-averaged proteinuria was above 1 g/d.
large observational study demonstrated that a reduction of
proteinuria to o1 g/d carried the same favorable impact on
long-term outcome, whether the initial value was 1–2 g/d,
2–3 g/d, or 43 g/d.
Other surrogates of long-term out-
come, such as a 50% decline in proteinuria, have been
In children, observational studies have also con-
sistently shown a relationship between the level of protein-
uria and outcome, but did not assess a threshold value.
Expert opinions in children advocate a cut-off of 0.5 g/d per
1.73 m
for par tial remission, and 0.16 g/d per 1.73 m
complete remission; these thresholds have been used in
Uncontrolled hypertension during follow-up is asso-
ciated with greater proteinuria and predicts a faster GFR
As in other proteinuric chronic glomerulo-
pathies, a blood pressure goal o130/80 mm Hg in patients
with proteinuria 40.3 g/d, and o125/75 mm Hg when
proteinuria is 41 g/d, is recommended.
The GFR at presentation has consistently been related to
the risk of ESRD. Whether a lower GFR is also accompanied
by a faster rate of kidney function decline is questionable;
two observational studies have failed to show this relation-
Proteinuria, blood pressure, and pathological
features should take precedence over initial GFR in the
estimation of the future rate of kidney function decline.
Numerous studies have addressed the predictive value of
pathology findings. Mesangial
and endocapillary pro-
extensive crescents,
glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, and interstitial fibro-
are associated with a more rapid rate of
deterioration and lower kidney survival using univariate and,
at times, multivariate analysis adjusting for clinical assess-
ment. The recent Oxford Classification of IgAN has
demonstrated the importance of (i) mesangial hypercellular-
ity; (ii) segmental glomerulosclerosis; (iii) endocapillary
hypercellularity; and (iv) tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis,
as independent pathological variables predicting kidney
This may become the standard, but requires
validation before it can be recommended in routine clinical
practice. Whether classification of the disease in this manner
should impact treatment choice has also not been deter-
Obesity has been identified as an independent risk factor
for the appearance of ESRD,
and weight loss induces a
significant decrease in proteinuria.
Some observational
have reported an increased risk of greater
proteinuria, more severe pathological lesions, and ESRD
among IgAN patients who are overweight (BMI 4 25 kg/m
Other risk factors have also been studied. Outcomes do not
differ between sexes.
Children are less likely to reach ESRD
compared to adults, but this may be because GFR is higher at
presentation in children, even though there is a similar rate
of kidney function decline. Different biopsy and treatment
practices in the pediatric population limit comparisons to
adults. Since the risk factors presented above have been
validated in both children and adults, clinicians should
consider these before the age of the patient. Similarly, it is
uncertain whether geographical or ethnic variations in
outcomes are secondary to different biopsy and treatment
practices or variations in disease severity.
hematuria is more frequent in children, and some studies have
associated its presence with a favorable outcome, while others
have shown this benefit to be confounded by a higher initial
GFR and earlier detection with no independent value.
10.2: Antiproteinuric and antihypertensive therapy
10.2.1: We recommend long-term ACE-I or ARB
treatment when proteinuria is 41 g/d, with
up-titration of the drug depending on blood
pressure. (1B)
10.2.2: We suggest ACE-I or ARB treatment if protein-
uria is between 0.5 to 1 g/d (in children,
between 0.5 to 1 g/d per 1.73 m
). (2D)
10.2.3: We suggest the ACE-I or ARB be titrated
upwards as far as tolerated to achieve protei-
nuria o1 g/d. (2C)
10.2.4: In IgAN, use blood pressure treatment goals of
o130/80 mm Hg in patients with proteinuria
o1 g/d, and o125/75 mm Hg when initial
proteinuria is 41 g/d (see Chapter 2). (Not
Many of the trials using ACE-I/ARBs in IgAN recruited
patients with proteinuria Z1 g/d
while some recruited
patients with proteinuria Z0.5 g/d.
In registry data,
the rate of decline of fun ction increased
with the amount of proteinuria; those with sustained
proteinuria Z3 g/d lost kidney function 25-fold faster than
those with proteinuria o1 g/d. Patients who presented with
Z3 g/d who achieved proteinuria o1 g/d had a similar
course to patients w ho had o1 g/d throughout, and fared far
better than patients who never achieved this level. There is,
as yet, no evidence in IgAN that reducing proteinuria below
1 g/d in adults gives additional benefit.
Several RCTs
have shown that ACE-I and ARBs
can reduce proteinuria and improve kidney function
(assessed by reduction of the slope of GFR deterioration;
Online Suppl Table 44). However, there is, as yet, no
definitive study of sufficient duration to show the benefit of
either ACE-I or ARBs in reducing the incidence of ESRD.
There are no data to suggest preference of ACE-I over
ARBs, or vice versa, except in terms of a lesser side-effect
profile with ARBs compared to ACE-I.
210 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217
chapter 10
One study
suggested the combination of ACE-I and
ARBs induced a 73% greater reduction of proteinuria than
monotherapy (ACE-I 38% and ARB 30%, respectively). A
small study of seven pediatric IgAN patients also showed
some benefits
with a combination of ACE-I and ARB.
However, more studies are needed to determine whether the
definite benefit of combination therapy is effective, leading to
a better kidney outcome.
K RCTs are needed to compare the efficacy in proteinuric
IgAN of combination therapy using ACE-I and ARBs to
monotherapy using either alone.
10.3: Corticosteroids
10.3.1: We suggest that patients with persistent
proteinuria Z1 g/d, despite 3–6 months of
optimized supportive care (including ACE-I or
ARBs and blood pressure control), and GFR
450 ml/min per 1.73 m
, receive a 6-month
course of corticosteroid therapy. (2C)
K There is low-qualit y evidence that corticosteroids provide
an additional benefit to optimized supportive care
(Online Suppl Table 47).
K A 6-month corticosteroid regimen can follow either of
two regimens, which have been used in published trials
(see Table 26).
K There is no evidence to suggest the use of corticosteroids
in patients with GFR o50 ml/min.
K The available studies do not allow recommendations for
preferred dosage regimens. The studies did not report
serious side-effects. However, there are other studies with
similar regimens in non -IgAN patients that suggest more
side-effects with high-dose pulse corticosteroids, includ-
ing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression and
acute myopathies.
Few RCTs so far have tested the efficacy of a cortico-
steroid regimen vs. no immunosuppressive therapy. In an
Italian trial,
a 6-month course of corticosteroids led
to better clinical disease remission and long-term out-
than no steroids. However, only about 15% of the
patients had received an ACE-I at random ization,
blood pressure control was not optimal by contemporary
Two more recent RCTs
used oral prednisone
added to an ACE-I and compared this to an ACE-I alone. In
the Italian study,
the mean annual GFR loss was reduced
from about 6 ml/min to 0.6 ml/min, and in the Chinese
the proportion of patients with a 50% increase in
SCr decreased from 24% to 3% with corticosteroid therapy. A
major limitation of both studies is that all ACE-I and ARBs
had to be halted for 1 month prior to study inclusion, and
then an ACE-I was started together with corticosteroids in
the combination group. Therefore, a number of low-risk
patients may have been included, who would have achieved
proteinuria o1 g/d w ith ACE-I therapy alone. A further
potential confounder is that both studies included patients
who had received prior immunosuppression. An American
trial in adults and children, all of whom received an
ACE-I, also noted reduced proteinuria with corticosteroids
(60 mg/m
prednisone every other day tapered to 30 mg/m
at 12 months) but no difference in kidney function was
observed at 2 years.
A Japanese RCT that used low-dose corticosteroids
(20 mg/d prednisolone, tapered to 5 mg/d by 2 years)
observed no benefit on kidney function, despite reduced
proteinuria with the corticosteroid regimen.
Subjects with IgAN and GFRo50 ml/min were either
excluded from these trials
or were few in number,
that currently, there are no data to assess the value of
corticosteroids in this population.
A recent meta-analysis
concluded that corticosteroids
reduce doubling of SCr. However, in that analysis, 85% of the
weight was contributed by two studies,
both of which
lacked optimal antiproteinuric and antihypertensive therapy
based on contemporary stand ards. Of note, an American
RCT in children and adults with IgAN
noted no difference
in reaching the endpoint (440% decrease in GFR) between
a group receiving ACE-I only vs. ACE-I plus prednisone
(60 mg/m
per 48 hours for 3 months, reduced to 30 mg/m
per 48 hours at month 12). However, few end-points were
reached in this trial; thus, it was underpowered to detect
small differences.
K Studies using immunosuppressive agents should always
include rigorous blood pressure control and antiprotei-
nuric therapy. This is currently being tested in the STOP-
IgAN trial.
Newer immunosuppressives (alone or in
combination) should be compared in RCTs to a control’
group receiving corticosteroids alone.
Table 26 | Corticosteroid regimens in patients with IgAN
References Pozzi C et al.
Manno C et al.
;LvJet al.
Regimen i.v. bolus injections of 1 g methylprednisolone for 3 days each
at months 1, 3, and 5, followed by oral steroid 0.5 mg/kg
prednisone on alternate days for 6 months
6-month regime of oral prednisone
starting with 0.8–1 mg/kg/d for
2 months and then reduced by 0.2 mg/kg/d per month for the next
4 months
IgAN, immunoglobulin A nephropathy.
Prednisone and prednisolone are equivalent and can be used interchangeably with the same dosing regimen.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217
chapter 10
10.4: Immunosuppressive agents (cyclophosphamide,
azathioprine, MMF, cyclosporine)
10.4.1: We suggest not treating with corticosteroids
combined with cyclophosphamide or azathio-
prine in IgAN patients (unless there is cres-
centic IgAN with rapidly deteriorating kidney
function; see Recommendation 10.6.3). (2D)
10.4.2: We suggest not using immunosuppressive
therapy in patients with GFR o30 ml/min
per 1.73 m
unless there is crescentic IgAN
with rapidly deteriorating kidney function
(see Section 10.6). (2C)
10.4.3: We suggest not using MMF in IgAN. (2C)
Please consult Online Suppl Tables 51–60
K There is very low–quality evidence from a sing le RCT in
high-risk adults to use a combination of prednisolone
(40 mg/d reduced to 10 mg/d by 2 years) and cyclophos-
phamide (1.5 mg/kg/d) for 3 months, followed by
azathioprine (1.5 mg/kg/d) for a minimum of 2 years.
This study showed a better kidney survival over controls
in a highly selected group of patients.
K There is insufficient evidence that immunosuppressive
agents other than steroids used as first-line therapy offer
an advantage or equivalence compared to steroids.
K The risk-benefit assessment is strongly impacted by the
potential for severe adverse effects of these drugs.
Despite retrospective studies in IgAN suppor ting the use
of immunosuppressive therapy other than corticosteroids ,
few RCTs have demonstrated a benefit. An RCT using
corticosteroids combined with cyclophosphamide, followed
by azathioprine, included a highly selected group of patients
with SCr 41.47–2.83 mg/dl (4130–250 mmol/l) with a 15%
increase within the last year, and initial proteinuria 3.9
and 4.6
0.4 g/d in the treatment and control groups,
respectively. The active treatment group achieved lower
proteinuria, a 4-fold lower rate of kidney function decline,
and a much greater kid ney survival (72% 5-year survival
compared to 6% in controls, P ¼ 0.006). There are limitations
in the applicability of the findings: (i) there was no steroid
monotherapy arm; (ii) the use of RAS blockade was not
detailed but these agents could not be initiated after the start
of the trial; (iii) the follow-up blood pressure was higher than
recommended by current guidelines.
Two RCTs compared cyclophosphamide, dipyridamole,
and warfarin to controls and found no benefit.
these results and the potential side-effects, we do not suggest
the use of cyclophosphamide monotherapy.
Two RCTs, one in children and another in children and
adults, tested azathioprine and corticosteroids in patients
with preserved kidney function. They demonstrated a
reduction in chronic lesions compared to controls on repeat
Monotherapy with steroids has been shown to
preserve kidney function (a plausible surrogate for reduced
chronic lesions). In a recent trial in patients with IgAN,
adding low-dose azathioprine for 6 months did not increase
the benefit of corticosteroids alone, but did increase the
occurrence of adverse events.
A study in 80 children with newly diagnosed IgAN
compared the effects of the combination of prednisolone,
azathioprine, warfarin, and dipyridamole with those of
prednisolone alone. There was complete remission of
proteinuria (o0.1 g/m
/d) in 36 (92.3%) of the 39 patients
who received the combination and 29 (74.4%) of the 39 who
received prednisolone alone (P ¼ 0.007). Some side-effects
were observed including leucopenia, glaucoma, and aseptic
necrosis. The percentage of sclerosed glomeruli was un-
changed in the patients who received the combination, but
increased in the prednisolone group. In summary of these
studies, we do not suggest the addition of azathioprine to
corticosteroids for the treatment of IgAN.
An RCT compared 6 months of treatment with cortico-
steroids plus azathioprine or corticosteroids alone in 207
IgAN patients with plasma creatinine r2.0 mg/dl
(r177 mmol/l) and proteinuria Z1 g/d. After a median
follow-up of 4.9 years, a 50% increase in plasma creatinine
from baseline occurred in 13% of the combination group and
11% of the monotherapy group (P ¼ 0.83); effects on
proteinuria and 5-year cumulative kidney survival were also
similar in both groups (88% vs. 89%; P ¼ 0.83). Treatment-
related adverse events were more frequent in the combination
group (17%) as compared to the monotherapy group (6%;
P ¼ 0.01). Thus, in this study, 6 months of treatment with
azathioprine did not increase the benefit obtained from
steroids alone, but increased the occurrence of adverse
The findings from RCTs studying MMF in IgAN are variable.
A Belgian study
assessed MMF 2 g/d for 3 years vs. placebo
in 34 patients with an average initial inulin clearance of
70 ml/min per 1.73 m
and proteinuria of 1.8 g/d. No
difference in proteinuria reduction or preservation of GFR
was observed. Similarly, a North American study
found no
benefits over 24 months using a 1-year regimen of MMF 2 g/d
vs. placebo in 32 patients with an initial GFR of 40 ml/min
per 1.73 m
and a proteinuria of 2.7 g/d. In contrast, a
Chinese study in 40 patients with a mean initial GFR of
72 ml/min per 1.73 m
and mean proteinuria 1.8 g/d found a
significant reduction in proteinuria at 18 months with MMF
given for 6 months over controls.
A 6-year follow-up of the
same cohort demonstrated a kidney survival benefit.
steroid was given in these trials, and all patients received
ACE-I. The results of these studies are too heterogeneous to
suggest the use of MMF at the present time. The reasons for
heterogeneity of outcome require further investigation, but
different ethnicity or differences in drug levels achieved may
be contributory factors. Of note is a retrospective cohort
212 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217
chapter 10
study that sugges ted delayed severe pneumonia could occur
in MMF-treated patients with IgAN.
The potential side-
effects of using MMF and the heterogeneity of outcomes
from these data require better-performed studies before this
drug can be recommended as first-line therapy.
Steroid Resistance
The approach to patients, who have no benefit in response
to corticosteroids added to optimal antihypertensive and
antiproteinuric therapy is unknown; no relevant RCTs have
been conducted.
K An RCT is needed comparing MMF and corticosteroids
vs. corticosteroids alone in patients receiving optimal
antihypertensive and antiproteinuric therapy.
K An RCT is needed to investigate the different efficacy of
MMF in Asians vs. Caucasians, including evaluation of
drug and metabolite levels.
10.5: Other treatments
10.5.1: Fish oil treatment We suggest using fish oil in the
treatment of IgAN with persistent
proteinuria Z1 g/d, despite 3–6
months of optimized supportive care
(including ACE-I or ARBs and blood
pressure control). (2D)
Fish oil supplements have shown a number of beneficial
cardiovascular effects, including systolic blood pressure and
triglyceride lowering, reduced resting heart ra te, improve-
ment in several markers of endothelial damage, and
reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients
with established coronary heart disease. Several RCTs have
evaluated the effect of fish oil in IgAN.
Please consult Online Suppl Tables 61–64.
K There is mostly low-quality evidence that suggests using
fish oil supplements in patients with IgAN, but the RCTs
evaluating this therapy have reported conflicting results.
However, given the very low risk profile and the
potentially beneficial cardiovascular effects, fish oil can
be considered a very safe treatment.
In a trial that included 106 patients, fish oil treatment
(12 g/d) improved kidney survival and retarded the rate of
kidney function loss, without significant reduction of
Of note, the outcome of the control group,
treated with 12 g/d of olive oil was poor (cumulative
incidence of death or ESRD after 4 years was 10% in fish
oil–treated patients, 40% in the control group). Longer
follow-up confirmed the beneficial influence of fish oil
treatment in this study.
Another RCT including 34 patients
reported a beneficial influence of fish oil (3 g/d) on two end-
points: the risk of ESRD, and Z50% increase in SCr.
this study, fish oil reduced proteinuria significantly. In a
short-term (6-month) RCT, a significant proteinuria reduc-
tion was observed in patients treated with a combination of
ACE-I and ARB plus fish oil (3 g/d) in comparison to a
control group that received only ACE-I and ARB (percentage
of patients with Z50% proteinuria reduction, 80% and 20%,
In contradiction to these studies, other RCTs failed to detect
a significant benefit of fish oil treatment.
concluded that fish oils are not beneficial in IgAN,
although another meta-analysis that combined clinical trials
focused on IgAN, diabetes, lupus nephritis, and other
glomerular diseases showed a greater proteinuria decrease
in patients treated with fish oil, without changes in renal
A more recen t RCT compared steroids (33
patients), fish oil (4 g/d, 32 patients), and placebo (31 patients)
for 2 years.
Neither treatment group showed benefit over the
placebo group. However, patients in the plac ebo group had a
statistically significant lower degr ee of proteinuria at baseline.
In trying to explain these discordant results, some authors
have proposed that the effects of fish oil in IgAN patients
could be dosage-dependent.
However, another prospective
trial reported that high (6.7 g/d) and low (3.3 g/d) doses of
fish oil were similar in slowing the rate of kidney function
loss in high-risk IgAN patients.
At present, there is no
evidence to support the use of high-dose fish oil in IgAN.
We suggest fish oil (3.3 g/d) can be considered in the
treatment of IgAN with persistent proteinuria Z1 g/d,
despite 3–6 months of optimized supportive care (including
ACE-I or ARBs and blood pressure control).
K An RCT is needed of fish oil in IgAN to examine
preserved kidney function with persistent significant
proteinuria, despite optimal ant ihypertensive and anti-
proteinuric therapy.
10.5.2: Antiplatelet agents We suggest not using antiplatelet
agents to treat IgAN. (2C )
Please consult Online Suppl Table 65.
K There is low-quality evidence to recommend not using
antiplatelet therapy in IgAN.
A meta-analysis
based on seven studies, most of them
performed in Japan, concluded that antiplatelet therapy
resulted in reduced proteinuria and protected kidney
function in patients with moderate to severe IgAN. However,
there were significant limitations of the evidence in this meta-
analysis, due to suboptimal quality of individual controlled
trials. Importantly, the effect of antiplatelet agents alone
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217 213
chapter 10
could not be discerned because patients received other
concomitant therapies. Thus, in three studies, both treatment
and control groups received other agents, including cy to-
toxics, steroids, antihypertensive agents, and anticoagulants.
In three other studies, the intervention group received
warfarin (two studies) and aspirin (one study) in addition
to the antiplatelet agent (dipyridamole). Dipyridamole was
the most commonly used antiplatelet agent (five studies)
followed by trimetazidine and Dilazep (one study each).
K A multicenter RCT is needed to address the role of
antiplatelet therapy in IgAN.
10.5.3: Tonsillectomy We suggest that tonsillectomy not be
performed for IgAN. (2C)
K There is low-quality evidence to suggest not using
tonsillectomy as treatment for IgAN. No RCT has been
performed of tonsillectomy for IgAN.
Tonsillectomy may be indicated in those with IgAN for
conventional reasons, e.g., recurrent bacterial tonsillitis.
Clinical judgment needs to be exercised to decide whether
to perform tonsillectomy in a very selected group of patients
with a close relationship between paroxysm of gross
hematuria and tonsillitis. However, only retrospective
as well as one nonrandomized trial
reported a better outcome for IgAN after tonsille ctomy. In
these studies, tonsillectomy was often combined with other—
in particular, immunosuppressive—treatment;
the specific value of tonsillectomy is not always apparent.
Furthermore, in other retrospective series, investigators failed
to note a benefit from tons illectomy.
K A multicenter RCT is needed to address the role of
tonsillectomy in IgAN.
10.6: Atypical forms of IgAN
10.6.1: MCD with mesangial IgA deposits We recommend treatment as for
MCD (see Chapter 5) in nephrotic
patients showing pathological find-
ings of MCD with mesangial IgA
deposits on kidney biopsy. (2B)
Patients with IgAN can present with proteinuria within the
nephrotic range (43.5 g/d), and it portends a poor prog-
nosis if this high-grade proteinuria persists during
follow-up. However, the typical accompanying findings of
complete nephrotic syndrome (edema, hypoalbuminemia,
hyperlipidemia) are uncommon. Rarely, some patients with
nephrotic syndrome have been identified in whom kidney
biopsy shows minimal glomerular changes by light micro-
scopy, diffuse podocyte foot process effacement on electron
microscopy, and predominant mesangial deposits of IgA
on immunofluorescence. A coincidence of two different
glomerular diseases (minimal-change nephrotic syndrome
and IgAN) has been proposed as the most likely explanation
for such cases.
K There is low-quality evidence to recommend that patients
with nephrotic syndrome and coincidental histological
findings of MCD and IgAN should be treated like
patients with MCD.
Several series
have described prompt, complete remis-
sions after corticosteroid therapy in a majority of patients
with nephrotic syndrome and a pathological diagnosis of
coincidental MCD and IgAN. This initial treatment response
and the following clinical course, with a frequent appe arance
of nephrotic syndrome relapses, are very reminiscent of that
of patients with pure MCD. An RCT in IgAN patients with
nephrotic proteinuria
also showed a high percentage of
complete remission in patients with such characteristics.
10.6.2: AKI associated with macroscopic hematuria Perform a repeat kidney biopsy in
IgAN patients with AKI associated
with macroscopic hematuria if, after
5 days from the onset of kidney
function worsening, there is no im-
provement. (Not Graded) We suggest general supportive care for
AKI in IgAN, with a kidney biopsy
performed during an episode of macro-
scopic hematuria showing only ATN
and intratubular erythrocyte casts. (2C)
Episodic macroscopic hematuria coinciding with mucosal
(usually upper respiratory) infections are typical of IgAN.
The macroscopic hematuria usually resolves spontaneously in
a few days, but in some cases it can persist for several
The development of AKI during macroscopic
hematuria episodes is uncommon
but represents the
first manifestation of IgAN in some patients.
K ATN and intratubular erythrocyte casts are the most
common pathological findings in kidney biopsies during
AKI accompanying macroscopic hematuria episodes
in IgAN.
K Kidney function usually, but not always, recovers
completely after the disappearance of macroscopic
214 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217
chapter 10
K Kidney biopsy allows differentiation of tubular damage
and tubular occlusion by erythrocyte casts from crescen-
tic IgAN or other coincidental causes of AKI.
Kidney biopsies performed during an episode of macroscopic
hematuria typically show mesangial proliferation and occa-
sional segmental crescents.
In those cases with AKI
coincidental with gross hematuria, the glomerular changes
are usuall y insufficient to account for the AKI. Hematuria by
itself may be responsible for the AKI, through tubular injury
that is induced by intratubular erythrocytic casts and a
possible nephrotoxic effect of the hemoglobin that is released
from these casts. Features of ATN and tubules filled by red
blood cells are the most relevant histological findings. In a
majority of patients, kidney function returns to baseline after
the disappearance of macroscopic hematuria,
incomplete recovery of kidney function has been described
in up to 25% of affected patients.
Duration of macroscopic
hematuria longer than 10 days is the most significant risk
factor for persistent kidney impairment.
supportive care, as in other types of ATN, is the recom-
mended therapeutic approach to these patients. There is no
information about the usefulness of corticosteroids in
patients with more severe forms of AKI or longer duration
of macroscopic hematuria.
However, some patients with AKI and macroscopic
hematuria exhibit a crescentic form of IgAN (crescents affecting
450% of glomeruli), whose prognosis is considerably
A repeat kidney biopsy is suggested in patients
with known IgAN who present a protracted AKI accompan ying
a new episode of gross hematuria, in order to differentiate ATN
from cresc entic IgAN or other types of AKI (Algorithm 1).
10.6.3: Crescentic IgAN Define crescentic IgAN as IgAN with
crescents in more than 50% of glo-
meruli in the renal biopsy with
rapidly progressive renal deteriora-
tion. (Not Graded) We suggest the use of steroids and cyclo-
phosphamide in patients with IgAN
and rapidly progressive crescentic IgAN,
analogous to the treatment of ANCA
vasculitis (see Chapter 13). (2D)
Crescentic IgAN has a poor prognosis. In a historical group
of 12 untreated crescentic IgAN patients, about 42% reached
ESRD in 36 months.
Another Japanese study showed that
patients with 450% crescents developed ESRD in 75% of
AKI and macroscopic hematuria
Renal biopsy
Causes other than IgAN:
(Crescentic GN, vasculitis,
LN, postinfectious GN)
(Dominant or codominant
staining with IgA in glomeruli
by immunohistology)
ATN and intratubular
erythrocytic casts as the
most remarkable
histological lesions
Crescentic IgAN
(Crescents in >50% of
Supportive treatment as in
other types of ATN.
Steroids and
cyclophosphamide as in
crescentic ANCA vasculitis
Repeated episodes of AKI accompanying
macroscopic hematuria: Consider a kidney
biopsy when no improvement of kidney
function is observed after at least 5 days from
the onset of kidney function worsening.
Algorithm 1 | Management algorithm of patients with AKI associated with macroscopic hematuria.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217 215
chapter 10
patients by 10 years follow-up.
In this study, the patients
were divided into four groups: group 1, absence of crescents
and fibrous adhesion of glomerular tufts to Bowman’s
capsule; group 2, less than 25%; group 3, 25-50%; group 4,
more than 50%. Ten-year renal survival rates were 100% in
group 1, 94.3% in group 2, 81.8% in group 3, and 25.5% in
group 4, respectively, indicating that patients with 450%
crescents in glomeruli had a much worse survival than those
with r50% glomerular crescents.
The outcome of IgAN with diffuse crescent formation has
also been studied in 25 Chinese IgAN patients.
Most of
them showed rapidly progressive GN associated with more
severe pathological changes, including glomerular, tubular
interstitial, and vascular lesions, than in patients w ith general
IgAN. The infiltrates in glomeruli may contribute to the
crescentic formation. Diffuse crescent formation was defined
by 50% or more of the glomeruli affected.
pathological diagnosis of crescentic IgAN has not been
unified among these studies. While some use crescents
involving over 50% of glomeruli as the definition,
use the presence of incipient to fulminant cellular crescents,
with or without segmental endocapillary proliferation in
410% of glomeruli.
Although there is insufficient
evidence for a unifying definition, we suggest a definition
of crescentic IgAN as both a pathological finding of over 50%
glomeruli having crescents and the clinical feature of rapidly
progressive deterioration of renal function.
A recent study of 67 patients
with vasculitic IgAN (33
HSP, 34 IgAN) showed that three factors significantly affected
kidney outcome: kidney fun ction, blood pressure at pre-
sentation, and the amount of chronic damage in the biopsy.
K There is no RCT of treatment in crescentic IgAN.
The three largest observational studies
all concluded
that immunosuppression is potentially useful. In a study of
25 patients with diffuse crescentic IgAN treated with
immunosuppression, 67% of patients maintained sufficient
kidney function to avoid renal replacement therapy, four had
SCr o1.4 mg/dl (o124 mmol/l), and only five were dialysis-
dependent. In another study, although an improved out-
come was seen in those receiving immunosuppression, the
conclusions were cautious, as the treated and untreated
groups were not comparable. The third study also suggested
positive effects of immunosupression.
This study used
i.v. methylprednisolone 15 mg/kg/d for 3 days and monthly
i.v. cyclophosphamide 0.5 g/m
for 6 months. Twelve
treated patients were compared to 12 historical controls.
After 36 months, the rate of ESRD in the treated group was
lower (one out of 12) than in the historical controls (five out
of 12).
Recommended therapeutic regimens in these reports are
varied, but initial therapy has usually included high-dose
oral or i.v. corticosteroids plus oral or i.v. cyclophos-
phamide. In one study, some patients were changed from
cyclophosphamide to azathioprine at 3 months. Durations of
treatment in these three series varied from 3 to 24 months.
There is only poor-quality evidence to support the use of
plasma exchange. One anecdotal report indicated benefit in
five patients using plasma exchange in a combination of
immunosuppressive therapies.
K RCTs are needed to investigate the benefits of cyclophos-
phamide, MMF, and azathioprine in crescentic IgAN.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear
that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributor,
copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the
publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and their respective
employers, office and agents accept no liability whatsoever for
the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data,
opinion or statement. While every effort is made to ensure that
drug doses and other quantities are presented accurately,
readers are advised that new methods and techniques
involving drug usage, and described within this Journal,
should only be followed in conjunction with the drug
manufacturer’s own published literature.
Supplementary Table 44: Evidence profile of RCTs examining ACE-I or
ARB in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 45: Summary table of RCTs examining ACE-I or
ARB in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 46: Summary table of RCTs examining ACE-I or
ARB in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 47: Evidence profile of RCTs examining steroid
regimens in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 48: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on
immunosuppression for IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 49: Summary table of RCTs examining steroid
regimens in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 50: Summary table of RCTs examining steroid
regimens in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 51: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on
immunosuppression for IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 52: Summary table of RCTs examining steroid
and immunosuppressive regimens in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 53: Summary table of RCTs examining steroid
and immunosuppressive regimens in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 54: Evidence profile of RCTs examining AZA in
combination vs: AZA alone in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 55: Summary table of RCT examining AZA in
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 56: Summary table of RCT examining AZA in
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 57: Evidence profile of RCTs examining MMF in
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 58: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on
MMF therapy for IgA nephropathy.
216 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217
chapter 10
Supplementary Table 59: Summary Table of RCTs examining MMF in
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 60: Summary Table of RCTs examining MMF in
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 61: Evidence profile of studies examining
omega-3 fatty acid treatment in IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 62: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on fish
oil treatment in IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 63: Summary table of RCTs examining omega-3
fatty acids in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 64: Summary table of RCTs examining omega-3
fatty acids in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 65: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews on
antiplatelet therapy for IgA nephropathy.
Supplementary Table 66: Summary table of RCT examining immuno-
suppression and anti-platelets in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 67: Summary table of RCT examining immuno-
suppression and anti-platelets in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 68: Summary table of RCT examining antiplatelet
treatments in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (continuous out-
Supplementary Table 69: Summary table of RCTs examining mis-
cellaneous treatments in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (categorical
Supplementary Table 70: Summary table of RCTs examining mis-
cellaneous treatments in biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy (contin-
uous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 209–217 217
chapter 10
Chapter 11: Henoch-Scho
nlein purpura nephritis
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 218–220; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.24
This chapter will focus on the treatment of HSP nephritis
in adults and children. The cost implications for global
application of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
11.1: Treatment of HSP nephritis in children
11.1.1: We suggest that children with HSP nephritis
and persistent proteinuria, 40.5-1 g/d per 1.73 m
are treated with ACE-I or ARBs. (2D)
11.1.2: We suggest that children with persistent
proteinuria, 41 g/d per 1.73 m
, after a trial
of ACE-I or ARBs, and GFR 450 ml/min per
1.73 m
, be treated the same as for IgAN with a
6-month course of corticosteroid therapy (see
Chapter 10). (2D)
11.2: Treatment of crescentic HSP nephritis in children
11.2.1: We suggest that children with crescentic HSP
w ith nephrotic syndrome and/or deterio-
rating kidney function are treated the same
as for crescentic IgAN (see Recommendation
10.6.3). (2D)
HSP is an acute small-vessel vasculitis, characterized clinically
by a nonthrombocytopenic purpuric rash, nondeforming
arthritis, gastrointestinal involvement, and nephritis.
incidence of HSP is about 10 cases per 100,000 per year.
It affects all ages, but 90% of cases are found in those less
than 10 years of age, with the median age at presentation
being 6 years.
Kidney involvement occurs in 30-50%
Microscopic hematuria is the most common
finding. In a systematic review of 12 studies of 1133
unselected children with HSP, abnormal urinalysis occurred
in 34% with the majority (79%) having isolated hematuria
with or without proteinuria.
Only 21% of those with
kidney involvement (or 7.2% of all cases) developed a
nephritic and/or nephrotic syndrome. Ninety percent of
children had developed kidney involvement by 8 weeks after
acute presentation, while 97% developed kidney involvement
by 6 months. Recurrence of rash and other symptoms occur
in one-third of patients.
Nephritis is associated with older
age at presentation, persistent rash, and recurrence of HSP,
while proteinuria 420 mg/m
/h was associated with recur-
rence and severe abdominal pain.
Only 1-3% of patients
progress to ESRD.
Long-term prognosis correlates with
kidney presentation at onset. Compared to 1.6% of children
with isolated hematuria with/without proteinuria, 19.5% of
children with nephritic or nephrotic syndromes at initial
presentation have nephrotic-range proteinuria, hypertension,
and/or reduced GFR at long-term follow up.
Among 78
patients managed in specialized pediatric kidney units, 44%
of those with a nephritic or nephrotic presentation had
hypertension and/or impaired kidney function at a mean
follow-up of 23.4 years, while 82% of those presenting with
hematuria with or without proteinuria had normal urina-
lysis, kidney function, and blood pressure.
A recent study
of 103 children found that, at final follow up, GFR correlated
with GFR and proteinuria at onset and 1 year, with ISKDC
pathology grade and interstitial fibrosis. Multivariate analysis
identified that proteinuria at 1 year and ISKDC grade were
most useful in identifying patients with a poor prognosis.
However, one long-term study found that severity of findings
on first kidney biopsy did not correlate with the risk of a poor
outcome (hypertension, persistent proteinuria, ESRD).
K There is no evidence for the use of RAS blockade in HSP
nephritis in children, but an RCT in children and young
adults with IgAN demonstrated the benefit of this
therapy in reducing proteinuria and maintaining GFR.
K There is no evidence for the use of oral corticosteroids in
HSP nephritis, but data from RCTs in adults with IgAN
have demonstrated a benefit in reducing proteinuria and
maintaining GFR.
K There is very low–quality evidence for the benefit of high-
dose corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents in
HSP nephritis with deteriorating kidney function.
There is no evidence available for the use of RAS blockade
in HSP nephritis. However, an RCT in 66 children and
young adults with IgAN with moderate proteinuria (41to
o3.5 g/d per 1.73 m
) and GFR 450 ml/min per 1.73 m
demonstrated the benefit of ACE-I in reducing proteinuria
and maintaining GFR.
There are very limited data to
support the use of corticosteroids in children with established
nephritis of any severity,
though corticosteroids are widely
used in children presenting with nephrotic-range proteinuria
or acute nephritis. In a post-hoc analysis of one placebo-
controlled RCT,
nephritis resolved more rapidly in
children treated with prednisone compared to placebo. Seven
of 36 children (19%) in the prednisone group still had kidney
involvement at 6 months compared to 15 of 35 (43%) in the
placebo group. The trial only provided outcome data to
6 months after randomization, so it is unclear whether
prednisone treatment reduced the number of patients with
chapter 11 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 218–220
persistent HSP nephritis overall, or promoted more rapid
resolution of kidney disease compared to placebo.
A prospective but uncontrolled study of 38 consecutive
children with mean follow-up period of 5 years and 7 months
showed resolution of severe nephritis (nephrotic syndrome
and/or 450% crescents on biopsy) in 27 of 38 children
treated with three pulses of methylprednisolone followed by
oral prednisone for 4 months.
Seven children had residual
abnormalities and four progressed to ESRD. Two recent RCTs
in adults with IgAN, proteinuria Z1 g/d, and GFR Z30-
50 ml/min per 1.73 m
have demonstrated the benefit of 6-8
months of prednisone and ACE-I, compared to ACE-I alone,
on reducing the rate of kidney functional deterioration and
reducing proteinuria during follow-up periods of up to
48 months
or 96 months.
In the absence of sufficient long-term data in HSP
nephritis, we suggest that persistent HSP nephritis can be
treated as isolated IgAN (see Recommendation 10.3.1).
However, there are no data to determine when prednisone
should be commenced in children with HSP nephritis, and
for how long ACE-I or ARB therapy should be administered
before commencing prednisone. Foster et al.
noted that
the chronicity score (interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy,
fibrosed crescents) on initial kidney biopsy increased with
increasing delay between onset of kidney involvement and
time of biopsy. Most children in their series of 20 patients
were biopsied within 3 months, with a median of 30 days.
Treatment with prednisone and azathioprine resulted in
improvement in acuity score but not chronicity score.
Therefore, in HSP nephritis, it may be appropriate to
commence prednisone therapy earlier than in IgAN.
There are limited data on immunosuppressive agents, so it
remains unclear whether these have any role in HSP
nephritis. In a single RCT of 56 children with significant
HSP nephritis (nephrotic range proteinuria, reduced kidney
function, ISKDC* grades III–V on kidney biopsy [crescents
o50% to 475%]) treated within 3 months of onset of HSP
and followed for 5-6 years, there was no significant difference
in the risk for persistent kidney involvement of any severity
between cyclophosphamide and supportive treatment (RR
1.07; 95% CI 0.65-1.78).
Corticosteroids were not
administered to these children. A nonrandomized compara-
tive study of 37 children with HSP nephritis and 450%
crescents (ISKDC grades IV-V) on kidney biopsy found that
none of 17 treated with cyclophosphamide plus corticoster-
oids, compared to four of 20 treated with corticosteroids
alone, had persistent nephropathy (proteinuria 420 mg/m
with/without GFR o40 ml/min per 1.73 m
A small RCT, in children with nephrotic-range
proteinuria and/or ISKDC grades III-V on kidney biopsy,
found that all of 10 children treated with cyclosporin achieved
remission compared to five of nine children treated with
However, at the 2-year follow-up of
23 children, seven of 11 children treated with cyclosporin and
seven of 12 treated with methylprednisolone had persistent
proteinuria with/without decreased GFR.
One nonrandomized comparative study involving 20
children with nephrotic-range proteinuria and ISKDC grades
II-III on kidney biopsy reported that none of 10 children
treated with azathioprine and prednisone, compared to four
of 10 treated with prednisone alone, had nephrotic-range
proteinuria and/or GFR o60 ml/min per 1.73 m
after 4-5
years of follow-up.
Observational studies have reported
good outcomes with corticosteroids combined with
and plasma exchange.
There are no data, other than
small observational studies, examining the treatment of
crescentic HSP nephritis with rapidly progressive kidney
failure. In the absence of data, we suggest treating such
patients similarly to patients with ANCA vasculitis.
A single small RCT
comparing 1 year of treatment with
MMF to azathioprine has enrolled 17 children (ISKDC grade
II and III) to date. Proteinuria resolved in all of 10 children
treated with MMF, and six of eight treated with azathioprine.
Seven patients treated with MMF and five treated with
azathioprine showed regression of histological changes at
1 year. Children received prednisone for 6 months, but were
not treated with ACE-I. These data are insufficient to draw
any conclusions on the value of MMF in HSP nephritis in
11.3: Prevention of HSP nephritis in children
11.3.1: We recommend not using corticosteroids to
prevent HSP nephritis. (1B)
At first presentation with HSP, nephritis may be clinically
mild or even absent. Therefore, treatment strategies at the
time of presentation have been developed with the goal of
preventing nephritis, or reducing the risk of severe persistent
K There is moderate-quality evidence to recommend that
corticosteroids not be given at presentation of HSP, since
they do not appear to influence the development of
persistent kidney involvement.
A meta-analysis
of five RCTs (789 children) found no
significant difference in the number of children with evidence
of persistent kidney disease (microscopic hematuria, protei-
nuria, hypertension, reduced kidney function) during follow-
up between those treated with prednisone for 2-4 weeks and
those not treated (RR 0.73; 95% CI 0.43-1.24). There were no
significant differences in the risk of persistent kidney disease
at 6 months (379 children; RR 0.54; 95% CI 0.25-1.18) and
12 months (498 children; RR 1.02; 95% CI 0.40-2.62). Three
of the five trials (568 patients) were well designed, placebo-
controlled trials; exclusion of poor-quality studies from the
*The histological classification of HSP nephritis proposed by the Interna-
tional Study of Kidney Disease in Children is still widely used.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 218–220 219
chapter 11
meta-analysis removed heterogeneity without altering the
findings. Two RCTs
found no significant difference in
the risk of severe nephritis (nephrotic-range protein-
uria, hypertension with/without reduced kidney function)
between children treated with prednisone or placebo at
presentation, though the number of events was small,
resulting in imprecision (261 children; RR 1.92; 95% CI
0.57-6.50). There are no data on prevention strategies for
HSP nephritis in adults.
11.4: HSP nephritis in adults
11.4.1: We suggest that HSP nephr itis in adults be
treated the same as in children. (2D)
Outcome data from HSP nephritis in adults are from
retrospective series. A Spanish retrospective study of HSP
in adults suggested a higher frequency of kidney involvement
than children, but the final outcome of HSP is equally good
in patients of both age groups.
In an Italian cohort, the
risk for progression of HSP nephritis was found greater in
adults and was associated with increasing proteinuria during
In a UK series, the risk factors for ESRD
were: proteinuria Z1 g/d during follow-up, hypertension at
presentation and during follow-up, kidney impairment at
presentation—very similar to the prognostic indicators in
IgAN in adults.
In a Finnish series, kidney survival 10 years after biopsy
was 91%.
A recent cohort of HSP nephritis in Chinese
adults showed a higher risk of progression to kidney
impairment compared to children.
The biggest retro-
spective cohort of 250 adults with HSP was from France.
After a median follow-up of 14.8 y, 32% of the patients
showed kidney impairment (CrCl o50 ml/min), usually
associated with proteinuria and/or hematuria.
There are very few RCTs investigating the treatment of
HSP nephritis in adults. A recent 12-month, multicenter,
prospective, open-label trial (CESAR study) was performed
using steroid therapy without or with cyclophosphamide in
54 adults with severe HSP including proliferative GN and
severe visceral manifestations.
The study did not include
patients with rapidly progressive GN. All patients received
steroids while 25 were randomized to also receive cyclopho-
sphamide. There was no additional benefit of cyclopho-
sphamide compared to steroids alone. The investigators
commented that the small population size did not permit
definitive conclusions.
We suggest that treatment for HSP nephritis in adults
should use the approach proposed for HSP in children (see
Sections 11.1 and 11.2). Current evidence does not suggest
using additional immunosuppressive agents other than
steroids in HSP nephritis in adults.
K An RCT comparing a 6- to 12-month course of cortico-
steroids to shorter-duration corticosteroids (28 days)
should be performed in children with moderately severe
HSP nephritis (acute nephritic syndrome or nephrotic
syndrome with normal kidney function and o50%
crescents or sclerosing lesions on biopsy).
K RCTs are required to determine whether immuno-
suppressive agents (cyclosporine, azathioprine, MMF)
and corticosteroids are effective in treating children with
severe HSP nephritis (acute nephritic syndrome, nephro-
tic syndrome with or without reduced kidney function
with 450% crescents or sclerosing lesions on biopsy).
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
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every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
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220 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 218–220
chapter 11
Chapter 12: Lupus nephritis
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.25
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for LN
in adults and children. The cost implications for global
application of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
Kidney involvement in systemic lupus, known as LN, is most
often due to glomerular immune complex accumulation,
which leads to glomerular inflammation and, if unchecked,
also involves the renal interstitium. The kidney may also
sustain damage by other mechanisms, such as thrombotic
microangiopathy. Lupus patients with LN have worse
outcomes than those with no kidney involvement.
This poor prognosis is explained only in part by the risk of
CKD and ESRD, suggesting that LN is a manifestation of a
more severe form of systemic lupus.
The reported incidence of clinically important kidney
disease in systemic lupus is about 38%. Of those who develop
clinical LN, 40–60% have overt kidney disease at the time
lupus is diagnosed.
The incidence of kidney involve-
ment differs with ethnicity. Caucasians (European, European
Americans; 12–33%) are less likely to have LN than black
(African American, Afro-Caribbean; 40–69%), Hispanic
(36–61%), or Asian (Indian, Chinese; 47–53%) patients.
Based on the United States Renal Data Ser vice database,
between 1996 and 2004 the incidence of ESRD attributed to
LN in adults was 4.5 cases per million in the general
but was greater in blacks (17–20/million) and
Hispanics (6/million) than Caucasians (2.5/million). Simi-
larly, a retrospective cohort from the UK found that 19% of
Caucasians and 62% of blacks with LN progressed to
In a Saudi Arabian population, 12% of patients
with LN developed ESRD.
The prevalence of CKD in
patients with systemic lupus is difficult to estimate, but
because current therapies induce complete remission in only
about 50% of those with LN, CKD is likely to be common.
The presence of LN should be considered in any lupus patient
with impaired kidney function, proteinuria, hypertension, or an
active urine sediment. An active sediment includes hematuria,
especially acanthocytes suggestive of glomerular bleeding, leuko-
cyturia in the absence of infection, and red and white blood cell
casts. LN must be confirmed by kidney biopsy . The histologic
findings provide the basis for treatment recommendations for LN.
12.1: Class I LN (minimal-mesangial LN)
12.1.1: We suggest that patients with class I LN be
treated as dictated by the extraren al clinical
manifestations of lupus. (2D)
In class I LN, glomeruli are normal by light microscopy. Class
I LN is defined by the presence of immune deposits restricted
to the mesangium, and seen only by immunofluorescence or
electron microscopy.
K Class I LN has no clinical kidney manifestations.
K Class I LN is not asso ciated with long-term impairment
of kidney function.
Kidney tissue obtained for research purposes in patients
with systemic lupus but without clinical signs of kidney
disease showed LN was present in about 90% of
far more than the 40% or so who manifest
clinical kidney disease. In some patients with clinically silent
class I LN, there is transformation to more aggressive and
clinically relevant forms of LN.
However, at present, there
are no data to suggest that every patient with lupus requires a
kidney biopsy, or that treatment of class I LN is clinically
12.2: Class II LN (mes angial-proliferative LN)
12.2.1: Treat patients with class II LN and proteinuria
o1 g/d as dictated by the extrarenal clinical
manifestations of lupus. (2D)
12.2.2: We suggest that class II LN with proteinuria
43 g/d be treated with corticosteroids or CNIs
as described for MCD (see Chapter 5). (2D)
The kidney biopsy of class II LN shows mesangial
hypercellularity and matrix expansion on light microscopy,
and mesangial immune deposits by immunofluorescence and
electron microscopy. Clinically, proteinuria and/or hematuria
may be seen in class II LN, but usually not nephrotic
syndrome, or kidney impairment. If nephrotic-range protei-
nuria is found with class II LN, this may be due to a
concomitant podocytopathy.
K There are no evidence-based data on the treatment of
class II LN.
K Podocytopathies, characterized histologically by diffuse
foot process effacement in the absence of glomerular
capillary wall immune complex deposition or endo-
capillary proliferation, have been observed in patients
with class II LN.
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 12
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232 221
Podocyte injury in class II LN does not appear related to the
extent of mesangial immune complex deposition.
there have been no prospective studies of the treatment of
nephrotic-range proteinuria in class II LN, it is reasonable to
treat such patients as for MCD/FSGS in case of nephrotic
syndrome, or if proteinuria cannot be controlled using RAS
12.3: Class III LN (focal LN) and class IV LN (diffuse LN)—
initial therapy
12.3.1: We recommend initial therapy with cortico-
steroids (1A), combined with either cyclo-
phosphamide (1B ) or MMF (1B).
12.3.2: We suggest that, if patients have worsening LN
(rising SCr, worsening proteinuria) during the
first 3 months of treatment, a change be made
to an alternative recommended initial therapy,
or a repeat kidney biopsy be performed to
guide further treatment. (2D)
Class III and IV LN are differentiated by the percentage of
affected glomeruli (class III, o50%; class IV, Z50%).
Glomerular lesions are classified as active (A) or chronic
(C). The active lesion s of class III and IV are endocapillary
and (usually) mesangial hypercellularity, crescents, necrosis,
wire loops, and hyaline thrombi. Chronic lesions include
segmental and global g lomerulosclerosis. Immunofluores-
cence and electron microscopy show significant subendothe-
lial and mesangial immune deposits. If there are extensive
subepithelial immune deposits, there is coincidental class V
LN (see Rationale).
Almost all patients will have microscopic hematuria and
proteinuria; nephrotic syndrome and kidney impairment are
common. However, if the histologic lesions are mainly chronic
(see Rationale) ther e may be less overt clinical activity, other
than progressiv e kidney failure. Therapy should be adjusted
according to the extent of activity or chronicity.
There is no standard definition of treatment response for
class III and IV LN, which makes direct comparison of
clinical trials difficult. Nonetheless, the overall goals of
treatment are similar between trials, and definitions of
response based on published trials are provided as a guide to
the success of therapy (Table 27).
K Proliferative LN (class III or IV) is an aggressive disease.
K Before 1970, kidney survival and overall patient survival
in diffuse proliferative LN were very poor, in the range of
K Patient and kidney survival in class III and IV LN have
dramatically improved through the use of intensive
K The International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology
Society classification of LN assigns activity (A) or
chronicity (C) in class III and IV LN. Our treatment
recommendations are for active or active plus chronic
lesions. Thorough review with the nephropathologist is
required to ensure accurate classification prior to starting
K Therapy for class III and IV LN has initial and maintenance
phases. The objective is to rapidly decrease kidney inflam-
mation by initial intensive treatment, and then consolidate
treatment over a longer time. The initial phase is often
called induction, which implies remission is achieved at
its completion. This, however, is often not the case, and
remissions continue to occur well into the maintenance
phase. The term ‘initial’ treatment is therefor e pr eferr ed.
K The benefit of the addition of cyclophosphamide to
corticosteroids for initial treatment was shown in
controlled trials demo nstrating that, during long term
follow-up, this combination decreased the frequency of
kidney relapse, CKD, and ESRD compared to cortico-
steroids alone.
K The evolution of initial therapy in proliferative LN has
been to reduce toxicity while maintaining efficacy. This
has resulted in several modifications of cyclophospha-
mide dosing, and the introduction of MMF as an
alternative to cyclophosphamide.
K The efficacy of newer initial treatment regimens should
be assessed not only by initial responses, but also by long-
term effects on kidney relapse, and development of CKD.
Widely used treatment regimens are shown in Table 28.
Increases in disease activity in systemic lupus in general,
and in LN in particular, may be described as ‘flares’ or
‘relapses’. In this guideline, we use the term ‘relapse’.
All regimens use similar corticosteroid dosing: an initial dose
of oral prednisone up to 1 mg/kg, tapering according to
clinical response over 6–12 months. Additional i.v. methyl-
prednisolone is widely used at the beginning of treatment for
more severe disease. However, the dosing and duratio n of
corticosteroids has never been subject to evaluation by RCTs.
i.v. cyclophosphamide (0.5–1 g/m
) given monthly for 6
months (Regimen A, sometimes called the ‘NIH regimen’)
was the first immunosuppressive treatment shown in RCT to
be superior to corticosteroids alone.
Table 27 | Definitions of response to therapy in LN
Complete response: Return of SCr to previous baseline, plus a decline in
the uPCR to o500 mg/g (o50 mg/mmol).
Partial response: Stabilization (
25%), or improvement of SCr, but not to
normal, plus a X50% decrease in uPCR. If there was nephrotic-range
proteinuria (uPCR X3000 mg/g [X300 mg/mmol]), improvement requires
a X50% reduction in uPCR, and a uPCR o3000 mg/g [o300 mg/mmol].
Deterioration: There is no definition of deterioration in LN to define
treatment failure that has been tested prospectively as an indication to
change in initial therapy. A sustained 25% increase in SCr is widely used
but has not been validated.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
A l ower-dose regimen using i.v. cyclophosphamide 500 mg
every 2 weeks for 3 months (Regimen B, sometimes called the
‘Euro-Lupus regimen’) had equivalent efficacy to Regimen A
in an RCT in Caucasians.
However, few patients in the
Euro-Lupus trial had severe kidney disease, defined as rapidly
progressive kidney failure and typically with widespread
(450%) segmental glomerular necrosis or crescents. It
remains uncertain whether Regimen B has equivalent efficacy
to Regimen A in severe class III/IV LN, and in patients of
other ethnicities.
Oral cyclophosphamide 1.01.5 mg/kg/d (maximum dose
150 mg/d) for 2–4 months (Regimen C) has been used as an
alternative to i.v . cyclophosphamide.
It has equivalent
efficacy to i.v. cyclophosphamide in prospective observational
and has also been shown equivalent to
myc ophenolate in Chinese patients,
although this has
not yet been verifie d in other ethnicities. Mor e adverse effects
have been reported with oral compared to i.v. cyclopho-
sphamide, but this is not a consisten t finding.
MMF (maximum 3 g/d) for 6 months (Regimen D) has been
tested in an RCT in a Chinese population, and was equivale nt
in achieving remission to Regimen C; patients with severe LN
were excluded from this study.
An RCT known as the Aspreva Lupus Management Study
recruited 370 patients with class III, IV, and V LN,
and comparing MMF to Regimen A, showed that MMF
had an equivalent response rate to i.v. cyclophosphamide
at 6 months, and had a similar incidence of adverse events
including serious infections and deaths.
Enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium may also be effec-
tive in LN, as suggested by a small trial in cyclophosphamide
resistant patients.
Other regimens
regimens as initial treatment: corticosteroids combined with
(i) azathioprine; or (ii) cyclosporine; or (iii) the combination of
tacrolimus and MMF (sometimes called ‘ ‘ mu ltitar get ’ therapy).
An RCT in Europeans compared initial therapy with
azathioprine combined with i.v. methylprednisone, followed
by oral prednisone, to i.v. cyclophosphamide with oral
At 2 years, there was no difference in response
rate, and fewer adverse effects in those receiving azathioprine.
However, supplementary studies in these cohorts showed
a higher late relapse rate and higher risk of doubling of SCr
after azathioprine. Furthermore, there was more chronicity
on later biopsies after azathioprine.
A small (n ¼ 40), open-label RCT compared cyclosporine to
cyclophosphamide as initial therapy combined with corti-
costeroids for proliferative LN.
Cyclosporine (4–5 mg/
kg/d) was used for 9 months, and then tapered over the next
9 months. Cyclophosphamide was used in a different regimen
than in most published trials: eig ht i.v. pulses (10 mg/kg)
were given in the first 9 months , and then four to five oral
pulses (10 mg/kg) over the next 9 months. There were no
differences in responses or remissions at 9 or 18 months, or
relapse rate after 40 months of follow-up. Infections and
leukopenia did not differ between the groups.
Tacrolimus with Mycophenolate
In a small RCT from China in patients with combined
class IV and V LN, the combination of tacrolimus (4 mg/d),
MMF (1 g/d), and oral corticosteroids (sometimes known
as ‘multitarget’ therapy) was compared to pulse monthly
i.v. cyclophosphamide (0.75 g/m
for 6 months) plus oral
corticosteroids. At 6 months, 90% of patients treated w ith
this multitarget therapy and 45% of patients treated with
cyclophosphamide achieved either complete or partial
remission (P ¼ 0.002).
This regimen has not yet been
evaluated in other ethnic groups.
Table 28 | Regimens for initial therapy in class III/class IV LN
Regimen A. NIH B. Euro-Lupus C. Oral cyclophosphamide D. MMF
Cyclophosphamide i.v. cyclophosphamide
0.5–1 g/m
; monthly
for 6 months
i.v. cyclophosphamide
500 mg; every 2 weeks
for 3 months
Oral cyclophosphamide
1.0–1.5 mg/kg/d (maximum
dose 150 mg/d) for 2–4 months
MMF MMF up to 3 g/d
for 6 months
Benefit shown by
RCT in proliferative LN
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Benefit shown by
RCT in severe
proliferative LN
Yes Untested Untested Untested
Comments Effective in whites,
blacks, Hispanics, Chinese
Effective in whites. Untested
in blacks, Hispanics, Chinese
Effective in whites, blacks, Chinese;
easy to administer and lower
cost than i.v. cyclophosphamide
Effective in whites,
blacks, Hispanics,
Chinese; high cost
LN, lupus nephritis; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
All regimens include corticosteroids:
K Oral prednisone, initial dose up to 0.5–1 mg/kg/d, tapering over 6–12 months according to clinical response.
K i.v. methylprednisolone is sometimes added initially for severe disease.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
The use of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of class
III/IV LN became routine after a prospective RCT demon-
strated that cyclophosphamide added to corticosteroids
reduced development of ESRD.
Other studies showed that
adding cyclophosphamide to corticosteroids decreased LN
relapses, improved remission rate, and decreased develop-
ment of CKD.
Retrospective analysis of repeat kidney
biopsies from selected patients who had participated in the
NIH trials showed that those receiving only corticosteroids
had a linear increase in the chronicity index over time
(median 44 months after treatment), whereas patients
receiving corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide (or other
immunosuppressive drugs) had no change in the chronicity
suggesting the immunosuppressive drugs prevented
progressive kidney scarring. A criticism of these studies is
the small number of patients, especially during long-term
There were no significant differences in outcome between
i.v. and oral cyclophosphamide in the original RCT that led
to the widespread use of Regimen A,
but because bladder
toxicity (chemical cystitis) developed only in patients
receiving oral cyclophosphamide, i.v. cyclophosphamide
became the standard treatment
(Online Suppl Tables
78–79). In this initial trial, patients were exposed to large
cumulative amounts of cyclophosphamide; oral cyclopho-
sphamide was used at doses up to 4 mg/kg/d for a median of
4 years, far greater than now recommended, and i.v.
cyclophosphamide was continued for a me dian of 4 years.
Given the potential for developing hematologic malignancies
later in life, these large cumulative doses of cyclo-
phosphamide should be avoided. We suggest a lifetime
maximum of 36 g cyclophosphamide in patients with
systemic lupus.
This is reflected in Regimens A–C.
There are other important considerations, when using
cyclophosphamide, to reduce its toxicity. The dose of
cyclophosphamide should be decreased by 20% or 30% in
patients with CrCl 25–50 and 10–25 ml/min, respectively.
The dose of i.v. cyclophosphamide should be adjusted to keep
the day 10–14 leucocyte count nadir X3000/ml. When using
oral cyclophosphamide, white blood cell counts should be
monitored weekly and cyclophosphamide dose should be
adjusted to keep leucocytes X3000/ml. Leukopenia requires
careful evaluation, since systemic lupus, as well as cyclopho-
sphamide, can cause suppression of bone marrow.
To minimize bladder toxicity with oral cyclophosphamide,
we suggest instructing patients to take cyclophosphamide in
the morning , and to drink extra fluid at each me al and at bed
time. The use of sodium-2-mercaptoethane (mesna) will also
minimize the risk of hemorrhagic cystitis when cyclo-
phosphamide is given as i.v. pulses.
To protect fertility, women should be offered prophylaxis
with leuprolide and men testo sterone whi le cyclophos-
phamide is being given.
Administration of leuprolide
must be timed carefully in relation to cyclophosphamide to
maximize benefit. Ovarian tissue cr yopreservation is an
additional, but expensive, option. The efficacy of testosterone
in preserving fertility in males is poorly established, so sperm
banking should be offered.
Given the toxicity of cyclophosphamide, studies were
undertaken to determine if the dosing regimen could
be modified. An RCT has tested the efficacy of low-
dose, short-duration cyclophosphamide (Regimen B) in
This regimen resulted in a higher percen-
tage of remissions and a lower incidence of severe infections
than Regimen A, although the differences were not statis-
tically significant.
Importantly, this low-dose cyclopho-
sphamide regimen had similar long-term outcomes (mean
follow-up of 10 years) to Regimen A
(Online Suppl
Table 77). In this trial, the majority of patients were whi te,
and most patients did not have clinically severe disease.
Therefore, it is not certain whether this protocol will be
effective in patients of other ancestry, or in patients with
more severe class III/IV LN.
A cyclophosphamide-free regimen has been proposed
(Regimen D). MMF is used for the first 6 months of LN
treatment, instead of sequential cyclophosphamide followed
by MMF. The basis for this approach was three small studies
of MMF in Asia, and one larger study (140 patients) from the
The Asian studies concluded MMF was
equivalent to cyclophosphamide, but the USA trial demon-
strated MMF was superior to i.v. cyclophosphamide,
although many patients did not achieve the target dose of
cyclophosphamide, and a significant percentage of patients
showed no response or withdrew from the study. An RCT
recruited 370 patients with class III, IV, and V LN,
giving oral corticosteroids and either daily oral MMF or
6-monthly i.v. pulses of cyclophosphamide (0.5–1 g/m
). The
ALMS trial showed that MMF was equivalent to i.v.
cyclophosphamide in inducing a response at 6 months.
ALMS showed a similar incidence of adverse events, serious
infections, and deaths for MMF and cyclophosphamide
(Online Suppl Tables 71–73). Similar results were found in an
Egyptian cohort.
A posthoc analysis of the ALMS trial indicated that black,
Hispanic, and mixed-race patients, (generally considered
to have more resistant LN
) had inferior outcomes
with cyclophosphamide compared to MMF. Further infor-
mation is required from RCTs before recommendations can
be made about the efficacy of MMF in patients of specific
Because the kidney response rate for class III and IV LN
with any of the initial therapies so far discussed is only about
60% at 6–12 months, an RCT adding rituximab or placebo to
MMF plus corticosteroids for initial LN therapy was under-
taken to determine if remission rates could be improved.
This RCT was based on several small, open-label, uncon-
trolled trials that suggested rituximab may be effective in
proliferative LN, either for refractory disease or as initial
At 12 months, however, there were no
differences between the rituximab and placebo groups in
terms of complete or partial remissions. Thus, rituximab
cannot be recommended as adjunctive initial therapy.
224 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
Choice of Initial Therapy
The patients in the two largest studies of MMF vs.
cyclophosphamide generally had less severe LN, assessed by
level of proteinuria and kidney function,
than the
patients in some of the RCTs of cyclophosphamide.
Thus, in severe class III/IV LN, a cyclophosphamide-
containing protocol for initial therapy may be preferred.
However, a subset of patients in the ALMS trial did have
severe LN and responded to MMF, so more data are required.
In patients with less severe proliferative LN, an initial
regimen not containing cyclophosphamide should be
Additionally, the beneficial effect of cyclophosphamide
in preservation of kidney function was only apparent after
3–5 years of follow-up.
This length of time, which was
needed to show a difference between initial therapies in long-
term kidney survival, must therefore be kept in mind when
evaluating new, non–cyclophosphamide-containing regimens
as initial therapy for class III/IV LN. For example, the Dutch
Working Party on systemic lupus found that azathiop rine, an
antimetabolite like MMF, was equivalent to cyclophospha-
mide as initial therapy of class III and IV LN; however, in the
long term, repeat biopsies showed more chronic damage with
azathioprine, as well as a hig her incidence of kidney relapse
and doubling of SCr (Online Suppl Tables 74–76).
some regions where cost and drug availability are an issue, it
may be necessary to use azathioprine for initial treatment of
class III and IV LN.
In a long-term study of continuous MMF therapy
compared to initial cyclophosphamide followed by azathiopr-
ine, there were no significant di fferences in kidney function
between the groups after a median of 64 months.
ever, in the MMF group, more patients had relapses, pro-
longed proteinuria 41 g/d, and persistent SCr 42 mg/dl
(4177 mmol/l). These combined clinical findings have been
associated, in other studies, with deterioration of kidney
function over time.
After the initial 6-month treatment period, the ALMS trial
was extended for 3 years to evaluate maintenance therapy
with either MMF or azathioprine.
Although not designed
to compare the long-term efficacy of initial therapy on kidney
function, there was a (nonsignificant) trend toward fewer
treatment failures in those who received cyclophosphamide
as initial therapy as opposed to MMF. This result was
independent of whether maintenance therapy was azathio-
prine or MMF.
Thus, it cannot yet be stated that initial therapy with
MMF is equal to cyclophosphamide for proliferative LN with
respect to long-term kidney function.
12.4: Class III LN (focal LN) and class IV LN (diffuse LN)—
maintenance therapy
12.4.1: We recommend that, after initial therapy is
complete, patient s with class III and IV LN
receive maintenance therapy with azathioprine
(1.5–2.5 mg/kg/d) or MMF (1–2 g/d in divided
doses), and low-dose oral corticosteroids
(r10 mg/d prednisone equivalent). (1B)
12.4.2: We suggest that CNIs with low-dose cortico-
steroids be used for maintenance therapy in
patients who are intolerant of MMF and
azathioprine. (2C)
12.4.3: We suggest that, after complete remission is
achieved, maintenance therapy be continued
for at least 1 year bef ore consideration is given
to tapering the immunosuppression. (2D)
12.4.4: If complete remission has not been achieved
after 12 months of maint enance therapy,
consider performing a repeat kidney biopsy
before determining if a change in therapy is
indicated. (Not Graded)
12.4.5: While maintenance therapy is being tapered, if
kidney function deteriorates and/or protein-
uria worsens, we suggest that treatment be
increased to the previous level of immuno-
suppression that controlled the LN. (2D)
K There is moderate-quality evidence from RCTs in patients
with class III/IV LN that prolonged maintenance therapy
after initial treatment is required.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that maintenance
therapy with azathioprine or MMF is superior to
maintenance with cyclophosphamide as judged by risk
of death, and risk of development of CKD.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that azathioprine and
cyclosporine A have comparable efficac y as maintenance
therapies for class III/IV LN.
K There is very low–quality evidence to guide the duration
of maintenance therapy after complete remission, but
most randomized studies of class III/IV LN have given
therapy for several years.
The need for maintenance therapy was suggested when
patients treated only with short-term (6 months) i.v.
cyclophosphamide therapy were shown to have an increased
frequency of kidney relapses.
Choice of Maintenance Therapy
Presently, there are several options for maintenance therapy
after the initial treatment of proliferative LN. The data
currently available do not allow a definitive recommendation
as to the choice of agent for maintenance therapy, although
in a multiethnic cohort MMF was superior to azathioprine.
Patient-specific factors, such as desire for pregnancy or
occurrence of side-effects, should however be considered
when making this choice.
A cohort of mainly black and Hispanic patients with class
III/IV LN was treated with monthly i.v. cyclophosphamide
for up to seven cycles, followed by azathioprine or MMF, and
compared to patients treated with 6-monthly cyclophos-
phamide pulses followed by quarterly cyclophosphamide
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232 225
chapter 12
pulses for 1 year beyond remission.
This study showed
that, over 72 months, the patients treated with maintenance
azathioprine or MMF were significantly less likely to reach
the composite end-point of death or CKD than the
cyclophosphamide maintenance group, and to experience
fewer adverse effects.
The MAINTAIN Nephritis Trial compared MMF with
AZA as maintenance therapy in a predominantly Caucasian
population after initial treatment with low-dose (Regimen B)
They had not necessarily achieved
remission after initial therapy. The primary end-point was
time to kidney relapse. After at least 3 years of follow-up, this
trial found MMF and azathioprine to be equivalent.
The ALMS trial extension phase
compared MMF and
AZA as maintenance therapies after the 6-month initial
treatment period (Regimen D). Patients entered this exten-
sion phase only if they achieved a complete or partial
remission after initial therapy. Over 3 years, the composite
treatment failure end-point (death, ESRD, kidney flare,
sustained doubling of SCr, or requirement for rescue therapy)
was reached in 16% of MMF-treated patients compared
to 32% of azathioprine-treated patients (P ¼ 0.003). The
superiority of MMF over azathioprine was not dependent on
initial therapy or race of the patient.
A pilot RCT in 69 patients with class III/IV LN suggested
that 2 years of cyclosporine may be as effective as 2 years of
azathioprine for maintenance, after initial treatment with
prednisone and oral cyclophosphamide, in terms of relapse
prevention and reduction of proteinuria.
Another RCT
showed cyclosporine was as effe ctive as azathioprine in terms
of tapering maintenance corticosteroids in severe systemic
lupus, but only 29% of the patients had LN.
Duration of Therapy
Few patients reach complete remission by 6 months, and
kidney biopsies after 6 months of initial therapy have shown
that, while active inflammation tends to improve, complete
resolution of pathologic changes is unusual.
Consistent with this finding, clinical improvement in class
III/IV LN continues well beyond 6 months and into the
maintenance phase of therapy.
to alter therapy should not be based on urine sediment alone.
A repeat kidney biopsy may be considered if kidney function
is deteriorating.
There is no evidence to help determine the duration of
maintenance therapy. The average duration of immunosup-
pression was 3.5 years in seven RCTs.
We suggest that immunosuppressive therapy should usually
be slowly tapered after patients have been in complete
remission for a year. If a patient has a history of kidney
relapses it may be prudent to extend maintenance therapy.
Immunosuppression should be continued for patients
who achieve only a partial remission. However, the strategy of
trying to convert a partial remission to a complete remission
by increasing corticosteroids or using alternative immuno-
suppressive agents is not supported by evidence.
There are few data on repeat biopsies after therapy. Biopsies
taken two or more years after initial therapy often continue to
show activity, especially when there is still significant
proteinuria or an abnormal SCr.
Of more concern, one
study found that, in patients with initial class III and IV LN,
only 40% had reverted to class II LN on repeat biopsy after
2 years of immunosuppressive therapy.
The SCr and extent
of proteinuria at the time of the second biopsy did not
differentiate between the group that reverted to class II and the
group that remained with class III or IV LN.
Predictors of Response to Treatment of Class III/IV LN
Reported response rates are affected by variability in the
definition of remission and variability of initial treatment
regimens. Although complete remission should be the goal
for LN, attaining at least a partial remission significantly
improves kidney prognosis and patient mortality compared
to no remission.
The 6- to 12-month response rates (both complete and
partial) from several trials involving black, white, Hispanic,
Mexican, and mixed-race patients are between 20% and
Complete remission rates at
6–12 month s were between 8% and 30% in these studies.
In contrast, Chinese patients in clinical trials had a
consistently better response rate of about 90% and a
complete remission rate of 60–80%.
Multivariate analyses of retrospective studies suggest that
the most important predictors for not achieving remission are
SCr at the start of treatment (RR 0.21 per 1 mg/dl [88 mmol/l]),
the magnitude of increase in SCr during relapse, a delay in
starting therapy for more than 3 months after a clinical
diagnosis of LN, and severity of proteinuria (HR 0.86 per 1 g/d
proteinuria [uPCR 1000 mg/g or 100 mg/mmol]).
In one prospective study there were no clinical variables
predictive of achieving remission on multivariate analysis,
while another prospective study showed initial SCr was a
predictor of complete remission (RR ¼ 0.96 per mmol/l
[0.0113 mg/dl] increase in SCr).
Multivariate analysis from a prospective study showed
that failure to achieve complete remission was a major risk
factor for kidney relapse,
while other studies found that
no variables were independe ntly predictive of relapse.
A survey of several retrospective studies shows that the one
common predictor for risk of CKD, ESRD, or death is SCr
at presentation.
In children with LN, failure to
respond to therapy and kidney relapse were risk factors for
ESRD, HR 5.5 and 11.8 respectively.
Monitoring Therapy of Class III/IV LN
The progress of LN therapy is monitored with serial
measurements of proteinuria and SCr. There are not yet
any more sensiti ve biomarkers of kidney response in lupus of
proven clinical value .
In LN, as in other proteinuric GN,
resolution of proteinuria is the strongest predictor of kidney
thus, effective treatment is expected to
decrease proteinuria over time.
226 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
Effective therapy is also expected to result in reduction of
an elevated SCr. A caveat is that there may be may be an
acceptable increment in SCr in association with concomitant
RAS blockade. Urine sediment should be monitored serially
during LN therapy, specifically looking for resolution of
cellular casts over time. However, hematuria may persist for
months even if therapy is otherwise successful in improving
proteinuria and kidney dysfunction. It is desirable to see
serologic markers of lupus activity, such as complement and
double-stranded DNA antibody levels, normalize with
treatment. However, C3 and C4, and anti–double-stranded
DNA antibodies have low sensitivity (49–79%) and specific ity
(51–74%) in relationship to LN activity.
K RCTs are needed to compare the efficacy of MMF and
cyclophosphamide as in itial therapy in non-Caucasian
K RCTs are needed to examin e steroid-free and steroid-
limited regimens.
K An RCT is needed to determine the duration of
maintenance therapy in proliferative LN after complete
K Studies are needed to determine if repeat bio psy of
patients who achieve only partial remission can guide
therapy to achieve complete remission.
K Biomarkers need to be identified that reflect response to
therapy and kidney pathology. These would then need to
be tested to determine whether they could be used to
guide treatment withdrawal, re-treatment, and change in
12.5: Class V LN (membranous LN)
12.5.1: We recommend that patients with class V LN,
normal kidney function, and non–nephrotic-
range proteinuria be treated with antiprotei-
nuric and antihypertensive medications, and
only receive corticosteroids and immunosup-
pressives as dictated by the extrarenal man-
ifestations of systemic lupus. (2D)
12.5.2: We suggest that patients with pure class V LN
and persistent nephrotic proteinuria be trea-
ted with corticosteroids plus an additional
immunosuppressive agent: cyclophosphamide
(2C), or CNI (2C), or MMF (2D), or azathio-
prine (2D).
In class V LN, lig ht microscopy typically shows thickened
glomerular basement membranes; immunofluorescence and
electron microscopy show only subepithelial immune com-
plexes. If class V LN is accompanied by endocapillary
hypercellularity and/or subendothelial immune deposits, this
adds class III or IV to the histologic diagnosis. In class V LN,
the main clinical finding is proteinuria, often nephrotic-
range, with or without hematuria; kidney function is usually
normal. If class III or IV LN is also present, urine sediment
may be more active, and kidney impairment is more likely.
K Pure class V LN, although regarded as indolent compare d to
of CKD and ESRD , especially if there is hea vy proteinuria.
K Nephrotic-range proteinuria in class V LN generally does
not spontaneously remit.
K There has only been one small RCT in class V LN, which
compared corticosteroids plus immunosuppression to
corticosteroids alone.
K There have been a few small, retrospective trials of MMF
and azathioprine in class V LN.
K There have been no studies of the effect of treatment of
class V LN on long-term kidney outcomes.
K The prognosis for patients with mixed membranous and
proliferative lesions [i.e., class V plus class III or IV LN] is
less favorable than pure class V LN, and similar to that of
patients with class III or IV LN. Patients with mixed
membranous and proliferative lesions should be treated
similarly to those with class III and IV LN.
There are no convincing data to treat class V LN and
subnephrotic proteinuria with immunosuppression; however,
given the adverse effects of proteinuria on the kidney, it is
reasonable to treat thes e patients with antiproteinuric and
antihypertensive medications (see Chapter 2). These thera-
pies may reduce proteinuria by as much as 30–50% in class V
They should also be used as an adjunct
to immunosuppression for patients with nephrotic-range
The justifications to treat class V LN and nephrotic
proteinuria w ith immunosuppression are as follows. De-
creased GFR occurs in about 20% of cases of class V LN, and
ESRD in about 8–12% after 7–12 years,
with one study
reporting death or ESRD in 28% of patients at 10 years.
Spontaneous remission of heavy proteinuria occurs in only a
minority of class V LN.
The adverse effects of sustained,
heavy proteinuria include hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis,
contributing to cardiovascular morbidity and morta-
and hypercoagulability with arterial and venous
Thrombotic events occur in 13–23% of
class V LN, and have been associated with antiphospholipid
antibodies, and/or the nephrotic syndrome.
There is only one small RCT (n ¼ 15 in each treatment
arm) examining the treatment of class V LN.
This study
compared the addition of cyclophosphamide or cyclosporine
to prednisone in a USA cohort that included blacks,
Hispanics, and whites. Both cyclophosphamide and cyclo-
sporine significantly increased response (complete remission
40–50% vs. 14% at 12 months). However, relapse after
stopping therapy was much more likely in those treated with
cyclosporine (40% within 1 year) compared to cyclophos-
phamide (no relapse in 48 month s). In the same study, the
only independent predictor of failure to achieve remission
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232 227
chapter 12
(by multivariate analysis) was initi al proteinuria over 5 g/d.
Failure to achieve sustained remission was a risk factor for
decline in kidney function (Online Suppl Tables 82–84).
There have been small uncontrolled retrospective, or
open-label, studies of MMF and azathioprine with or without
corticosteroids in class V LN.
In general, these
studies have shown complete remission rates of 40–60% at
6–12 months. A small open-label trial of tacrolimus in class V
LN showed a complete remission rate of 39% at 6 months.
Before these regimens can be recommended, they will need to
be tested in RCTs.
Patients with mixed class V and class III or IV LN may
have a less favorable prognosis, and should be treated as for
the proliferative component.
K An RCT is needed to compare MMF to cyclophos-
phamide or a CNI, for induction of remission of pure
class V LN.
12.6: General treatment of LN
12.6.1: We sug gest that all patients with LN of any
class are treated with hydroxychloroquine
(maximum daily dose of 6–6.5 mg/kg ideal
body weight), unless they have a specific
contraindication to this drug. (2C)
K There is low-quality evidence that hydroxychloroquine
may protect against the onset of LN, against relapses of
LN, ESRD, vascular thrombosis, and that it has a
favorable impact on lipid profiles.
In a prospective study, hydroxychloroquine was main-
tained or withdrawn in a cohort of patients who had been
receiving it before the diagnosis of LN.
Those who had
been on hydroxychloroquine before developing LN had a
lower frequency of ESRD, cardiovascular events, and
thrombotic events than patients who had never received
hydroxychloroquine; HR for ESRD 0.29 (95% CI
0.026–1.00 9).
A large (n ¼ 1930), retrospective study found
that treatment with hydroxychloroquine protected against
vascular thrombosis (OR 0.62; Po0.0005).
Finally, in a
prospective observational cohort, hydroxychloroquine was
shown to retard kidney damage in LN; the cumulative
probability of a 50% reduction in GFR or ESRD after 10 years
was 38% for patients on hydroxychloroquine and 70% for
those who were not (Po0.0001).
Patients on hydroxy-
chloroquine should have yearly eye examinations for retinal
toxicity, especially after 5 years of continuous use.
12.7: Class VI LN (advanced sclerosis LN)
12.7.1: We recommend that patients with class VI LN
be treated with corticosteroids and immuno-
suppressives only as dictated by the extrarenal
manifestations of systemic lupus. (2D)
In class VI LN, at least 90% of the glomeruli are sclerotic,
usually globally, along with interstitial fibrosis and tubular
atrophy, with no signs of immunologic activity; the biopsy
specimen should be sufficient to be representative of the
whole kidney. The dominant clinical picture in class VI LN is
severe kidney impairment, usually accompanied by protei-
nuria and sometimes hematuria.
K Class VI LN reflects chronic injury, and the consequences
of the loss of functional kidney mass, without active
immune-mediated injury. Therefore, immunosuppres-
sion is not indicated.
K Despite the absence of active LN, patients may still have
extrarenal manifestations of system ic lupus requiring
K As with CKD from any etiology, antiproteinuric and anti-
hypertensive therapies are indicated to preserve residual
kidney function and delay ESRD as long as possible.
12.8: Relapse of LN
12.8.1: We suggest that a relapse of LN after complete
or partial remission be treated with the initial
therapy followed by the maintenance therapy
that was effective in inducing the original
remission. (2B) If resuming the original therapy would
put the patient at risk for excessive
lifetime cyclophosphamide exposure,
then we suggest a non–cyclophos-
phamide-based initial regimen be used
(Regimen D, Table 28). (2B)
12.8.2: Consid er a repeat kidney biopsy during
relapse if there is suspicion that the histologic
class of LN has changed, or there is uncer-
tainty whether a rising SCr and/or worsening
proteinuria represents disease activity or
chronicity. (Not Graded)
K LN is a relapsing condition.
K Relapses are associated with development of CKD.
K The pathologic findings in LN may change with a relapse,
and such changes cannot, with certainty, be predicted
In subjects with LN who had participated in RCTs, 40% of
complete responders experienced a kidney relapse within a
median of 41 months after remission, and 63% of partial
responders had a kidney flare within a median of 11.5
months after response.
The strongest risk factor for relapse
is failure to achieve complete remission (HR 6.2).
Relapses are important to recognize and treat, because
the kidneys sustain some chronic damage with each relapse
that may culminate in CKD, or eventually ESRD. This is
228 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
supported by repeat biopsy studies that showed an increase
in the chronicity index at the second biopsy, even after
successful treatment.
LN may spontaneously transform from one class to
another. The most common transformation is from class III
to IV.
Also, a recent retrospective study found clinically
relevant class transformation to be more frequent from a
nonproliferative to a proliferative class, rather than prolif-
erative to nonproliferative transformation.
Clues to a
change in LN class are the development of nephrotic-range
proteinuria and changes in the activity of urine sed iment, but
definitive diagnosis requires a biopsy.
Kidney relapse is diagnosed by clinical criteria based on
changes in urine sediment, rate of protein excretion, and SCr
change from baseline values in an individual patient. There is
no consensus on the definition of a kidney relapse; criteria
used in several publi shed studies are shown in Table 29.
A fall in levels of serum complement components and a rise
in anti–double-stranded DNA antibody titers also support a
diagnosis of relapse but will not necessarily be present.
A study of repeat kidney biopsies at the time of kidney
relapse is needed to determine whether it is beneficial
to tailor therapy based on biopsy findings.
12.9: Treatment of resistant disease
12.9.1: In patients with worsening SCr and/or protei-
nuria after completing one of the initial
treatment regimens, consider performing a
repeat kidney biopsy to distinguish active LN
from scarring. (Not Graded)
12.9.2: Treat patients with worsening SCr and/or
proteinuria who continue to have active LN on
biopsy with one of the alternative initial treat-
ment regimens (see Section 12.3). (Not Graded)
12.9.3: We suggest that nonresponders who have
failed more than one of the recommended
initial regimens (see Section 12.3) may be
considered for treatment with rituximab, i.v.
immunoglobulin, or CNIs. (2D)
K Most patients are expected to show some evidence of
response to treatment after a year of therapy, although
complete remission may occur beyond a year.
K There are no prospective data on pati ents who fail to
achieve at least partial response; it is reasonable, however,
to repeat biopsy and determine if there has been a change
in kidney pathology that could account for treatment
K There are no prospective data on patients who fail initial
therapy; however, it is reasonable to try a second course
of initial therapy using an alternative regimen, as dictated
by repeat biopsy.
K There have been small studies of rescue’ therapies for
patients who have been refractory despite multiple
treatment attempts.
In both prospective and retrospective LN cohorts, despite
treatment with different protocols and follow-up under
different definitions of remission, the majority of patients
who remitted did so within 1 year of therapy.
Studies generally show that 50% of patients had a remission
(complete or partial) by 12 months, with another 5–25%
remitting by 24 months. Among complete remissions, about
half were achieved by 12 months, and the other half by
20–24 months.
Table 29 | Criteria for the diagnosis and classification of relapses of LN
Mild kidney relapse Moderate kidney relapse Severe kidney relapse
Increase in glomerular hematuria
from o5to415 RBC/hpf, with
Z2 acanthocytes/hpf
If baseline creatinine is: If baseline creatinine is:
o2.0 mg/dl [o177 mmol/l], an increase of
0.20–1.0 mg/dl [17.7–88.4 mmol/l]
o2 mg/dl [o177 mmol/l], an increase of
41.0 mg/dl [488.4 mmol/l]
recurrence of Z1 RBC cast, WBC
cast (no infection), or both
X2.0 mg/dl [X177 mmol/l], an increase of
0.40–1.5 mg/dl [35.4–132.6 mmol/l]
X2 mg/dl [X177 mmol/l], an increase
of 41.5 mg/dl [4132.6 mmol/l]
If baseline uPCR is:
o500 mg/g [o50 mg/mmol], an increase to
X1000 mg/g [X100 mg/mmol]
an absolute increase of uPCR 45000 mg/g
[4500 mg/mmol]
500–1000 mg/g [50–100 mg/mmol], an increase to
X2000 mg/g [X200 mg/mmol], but less than absolute
increase of o5000 mg/g [o500 mg/mmol]
41000 mg/g [4100 mg/mmol], an increase of X2-fold
with absolute uPCR o5000 mg/g [o500 mg/mmol]
hpf, high-power field; LN, lupus nephritis; RBC, red blood cell; uPCR, urine protein:creatinine ratio; WBC, white blood cell.
Adapted from Lahita RG, Tsokos GT, Buyon JP, Koike T (eds). Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 5th edn. Rovin BH, Stillman IE. Chapter 42: Kidney. Elsevier: Waltham, MA, 2011,
pp 769–814 with permission from Elsevier.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232 229
chapter 12
There is no consensus definition of refractory LN. A
patient may be considered refractory if conventional cyclo-
phosphamide regimens have been tried without success, and
non-cyclophosphamide regimens have not worked. If repeat
kidney biopsy confirms active LN is the cause of continuing
clinical abnormalities, there is no definitive information to
guide therapy. The followi ng ‘salvage’ treatments have only
been evaluated in small observational studies.
The evidence that refractory LN can be treated with
rituximab comes only from small, open-label studies.
Many of these patients had failed multiple attempts at
treatment with the conventional therapies described pre-
viously. Rituximab may be considered as a ‘rescue therapy’
when usual therapeutic options have been exhausted. This
use of rituximab is in contrast to its lack of utility as add-on
therapy to an initial standard regimen (Regimen D) for
proliferative LN.
The evidence for using i.v. immunoglobulin in refractory
cases is of very low quality. It has been used in a handful of
patients with proliferative LN, and in some has shown
comparable efficacy to cyclophosphamide (reviewed by
Rauova et al.
Some formulations of i.v. immunoglobulin
(sucrose-containing) have shown nephrotoxicity, and are
therefore be st avoided in patients with pre-existing kidney
There is only evidence from small prospective, open-lab el
trials for using low-dose cyclosporine (2.5 mg/kg/d) to treat
refractory LN.
Although kidney function did not
improve, most patients had a reduction in proteinuria,
resolution of hematuria, and needed lower doses of
corticosteroids. Similarly, a prospective trial used tacrolimus
(3 mg/d) in patients with LN in whom corticosteroids could
not be reduced, and demonstrated improvement in protei-
nuria and C3 levels.
K A globally accepted definition of nonresponse needs to be
K The salvage therapies discussed in the text must be
subject to RCTs to determi ne effect on remission and
kidney outcomes.
12.10: Systemic lupus and thrombotic microangiopathy
12.10.1: We suggest that the antiphospholipid anti-
body syndrome (APS) involving the kidney in
systemic lupus patients, with or without LN,
be treated by anticoagulation (target interna-
tional normalized ratio [INR] 23). (2D)
12.10.2: We suggest that patients with systemic lupus
and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
(TTP) receive plasma exchange as for patients
with TTP without systemic lupus. (2D)
Lupus-associated thrombotic microangiopathies (TMA) may
occur alone or in combination with immune-complex LN.
TMA in systemic lupus may occur in association with
accelerated hypertension, systemic sclerosis, TTP, or in lupus
While TMA associated with APS, T TP, and accelerated
hypertension is often characterized by AKI, APS can also
cause slowly progressive kidney impairment with few specific
clinical manifestations. In retrospective studies, kidney APS
occurred in about 30% of systemic lupus patients.
Lupus anticoagulant was present in 30–52% of those with
kidney APS, while 72–95% of patients had anticardiolipin
antibodies, but 15% had neither of these serologic
Routine testing does not identify all anti-
phospholipid antibodies; therefore, those with TMA who are
antiphospholipid antibody–negative are treated in the same
way as antibody-positive patients. A high index of suspicion
is needed along with a kidney biopsy to confirm the
K APS occurs frequently in systemic lupus, and there is
moderate-quality evidence that failure to treat it may lead
to CKD or ESRD, despite adequate control of LN or other
systemic lupus manifes tations with immunosuppression.
K Although there are no specific studies of anticoagulation
for APS with systemic lupus, there have been two RCTs
of the intensity of warfarin therapy in APS.
provided moderate-quality evidence of no difference in
thrombotic events if the INR was 2–3 or 3–4, but that
bleeding complications were higher when INR was
maintained greater than 3.
K TTP in lupus is associated with a high mortality.
are no RCTs to guide treatment of TTP in the setting of
systemic lupus, but it seems appropriate to use regimens
beneficial in TTP without lupus.
K A clinical trial is needed to deter mine the effect of
treating APS on long-term kidney func tion.
K A clinical trial is needed to determine the efficacy of
plasma exchange in TTP, in the setting of systemic lupus.
12.11: Systemic lupus and pregnancy
12.11.1: We suggest that women be counseled to
delay pregnancy until a complete remission
of LN has been achieved. (2D)
12.11.2: We recommend that cyclophosphamide,
MMF, ACE-I, and ARBs not be used during
pregnancy. (1A)
12.11.3: We suggest that hydroxychloroquine be
continued during pregnancy. (2B)
12.11.4: We recommend that LN patients who
become pregnant while being treated with
MMF be switched to azathioprine. (1B)
12.11.5: We recommend that, if LN patients relapse
during pregnancy, they receive treatme nt
230 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
w ith corticosteroids and, depending on the
severity of the relapse, azathioprine. (1B)
12.11.6: If pregnant patients are receiving cortico-
steroids or azathioprine, we suggest that
these drugs not be tapered during pregnancy
or for at least 3 months after delivery. (2D)
12.11.7: We suggest administration of low-dose
aspirin during pregnancy to decrease the
risk of fetal loss. (2C)
K Data suggest that active LN or LN in partial remission is
associated with an increase in fetal loss and an increased
rate of kidney relapse during pregnancy.
K Cyclophosphamide, MMF, ACE-I, and ARBs are terato-
K Hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, and corticosteroids
have been used safely during pregnancy in patients with
systemic lupus; low-dose aspirin may decrease fetal loss in
systemic lupus.
The risk of fetal loss in patients with LN has been
examined in several retrospective series. In a nested case-
control study of 78 pregnancies, the incidence of fetal loss
was not different in patients with a history of LN compared
to systemic lupus patients with no history of LN.
patients with LN in remission, fetal loss of 8–13% has been
However, in patients with active LN, fetal
loss was significantly higher at 35%.
In additi on to the
clinical activity of LN, hypocomplementemia appears to be a
risk factor for fetal loss, whereas the use of low-dose aspirin
may be protective. In a retrospective study of 113 pregnancies
in patients with systemic lupus and LN, hypocomplemente-
mia conferred a RR of 19 for fetal loss, and aspirin conferred
a RR of 0.11.
All the patients in this investigation were
Caucasian, so the results may not be applicable to other
Hydroxychloroquine should be continued in pregnancy
because its withdrawal may lead to flares of lupus, including
There may be additional risk to the kidneys of patients
with LN who become pregnant. One study noted that kidney
relapses and progressive kidney dysfunction were not
different between pregnant and nonpregnant patients with
In other studies, kidney relapses were more common
in pregnancies occurring when only par tial remission of LN
had been achieved, or in patients who had more than 1 g/d
proteinuria or kidney impairment.
Kidney relapse
rates of 10–69% have been reported during or following
12.12: LN in children
12.12.1: We suggest that children with LN receive the
same therapies as adults with LN, with
dosing based on patient size and GFR. (2D)
K LN in children shows the same range of clinical and
pathological phenotypes as is seen in adults.
K There are no RCTs of LN therapy in children.
Therefore, we suggest that children with LN be treated with
the regimens recommended earlier in this chapter. The
research recommendations made under 12.1–12.10 also apply
to children.
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Supplementary Table 71: Evidence profile of RCTs of MMF vs. Cyc for
induction therapy in lupus nephritis.
Supplementary Table 72: Summary table of RCTs examining MMF vs.
IV Cyc for induction therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 73: Summary table of RCTs examining MMF vs.
IV Cyc for induction therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 74: Existing systematic review on Cyc vs. AZA for
induction treatment in patients with lupus nephritis.
Supplementary Table 75: Summary table of RCT examining Cyc vs.
AZA for induction treatment in patients with lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 76: Summary table of RCT examining Cyc vs.AZA
for induction treatment in patients with lupus nephritis (continuous
Supplementary Table 77: Summary table of RCT examining low vs.
high dose IV Cyc in patients with lupus nephritis (categorical
Supplementary Table 78: Existing systematic review on IV vs. p.o. Cyc
treatment in patients with lupus nephritis.
Supplementary Table 79: Summary table of RCT examining IV Cyc vs.
p.o. Cyc in patients with lupus nephritis (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 80: Summary table of RCT examining Cyc vs.
AZA for maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 81: Summary table of RCT examining Cyc vs.
AZA for maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 82: Summary table of RCT examining IV Cyc vs.
prednisone in patients with membranous lupus nephritis (categorical
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232 231
chapter 12
Supplementary Table 83: Summary table of RCT examining IV CsA vs.
prednisone in patients with membranous lupus nephritis (categorical
Supplementary Table 84: Summary table of RCT CsA vs. IV Cyc in
patients with membranous lupus nephritis (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 85: Summary table of RCT examining ritux-
imab þ Cyc vs. rituximab in patients with proliferative lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 86: Summary table of RCT examining ritux-
imab þ Cyc vs. rituximab in patients with proliferative lupus nephritis
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 87: Summary table of RCT examining TAC vs.
placebo in patients with lupus nephritis (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 88: Summary table of RCT examining
TAC vs. placebo in patients with lupus nephritis (continuous
Supplementary Table 89: Summary table of a study examining TAC vs.
standard protocols of steroid þ p.o. Cyc or AZA in patients with class
V lupus (categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 90: Summary table of a study examining TAC vs.
standard protocols of steroid þ p.o. Cyc or AZA in patients with class
V lupus (continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 91: Summary table of a study examining AZA vs.
IV Cyc maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 92: Summary table of a study examining MMF
vs. IV Cyc maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 93: Evidence profile of studies examining MMF
vs. AAZA maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis.
Supplementary Table 94: Summary table of studies examining MMF vs.
AZA maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis (catego-
rical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 95: Summary table of studies examining MMF vs.
AZA maintenance therapy in patients with lupus nephritis (contin-
uous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 221–232
chapter 12
Chapter 13: Pauci-immune focal and segmental
necrotizing glomerulonephritis
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.26
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for adults
with pauci-immune focal and segmental necrotizing GN with
or without systemic vasculitis, and with or without circu-
lating ANCA. The cost implications for global application of
this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
13.1: Initial treatment of pauci-immune focal and seg-
mental necrotizing GN
13.1.1: We recommend that cyclophosphamide and
corticosteroids be used as initial treatment. (1A)
13.1.2: We recommend that rituximab and cortico-
steroids be used as an alternative initial
treatment in patients without severe disease
or in whom cyclophosphamide is contra-
indicated. (1B)
13.2: Specia l patient popul ations
13.2.1: We recommend the addition of plasma-
pheresis for patients requiring dialysis or
with rapidly increasing SCr. (1C)
13.2.2: We suggest the addition of plasmapheresis for
patients w ith diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage.
13.2.3: We suggest the addition of plasmapheresis
for patients with overlap syndrome of ANCA
vasculitis and anti-GBM GN, according to
proposed criteria and regimen for anti-GBM
GN (see Chapter 14). ( 2D)
13.2.4: We suggest discontinuing cyclophosphamide
therapy after 3 months in patients who
remain dialysis-dependent and who do not
have any extrarenal manifestations of disease.
Small-vessel vasculitis encompasses a group of diseases
characterized by necrotizing inflammation of the small
vessels: arterioles, capillaries, and venules. They are charac-
terized by little or no deposition of immune complexes in
the vessel wall (pauci-immune). Medium or large vessels may
occasionally be involved. Pauci-immune small vessel vasculi-
tides include granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s),
microscopic polyangiitis, and Churg-Strauss syndrome. The
characteristic kidney lesion in these conditions is pauci-
immune focal and segmental necrotizing and crescentic
glomerulonephritis (NCGN). Active pauci-immune small-
vessel vasculitis is typically associated with circulating ANCA
(ANCA vasculitis). NCGN may also occur without extrarenal
manifestations of disease.
The clinical manifestations associated with NCGN include
microscopic hematuria with dysmorphic red blood cells
and red cell casts, and proteinuria that is usually moderate
(1–3 g/d). Pauci-immune NCGN is frequently associated with
a rapidly declining GFR over days or weeks. A minority of
patients may present with a more indolent course with
asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and minimal protein-
uria, which may progress over months.
Patients with system ic vasculitis may present with a
variety of extrarenal clinical manifestations affecting one or
several organ systems, with or without kidney involvement.
Commonly involved systems are upper and lower respiratory
tract, skin, eyes, and the nervous system. Severe pulmonary
hemorrhage affects about 10% of patients with ANCA GN,
and is associated with an increased risk of death.
The need
to treat extrarenal vasculitis may impinge on treatment
choices for renal vasculitis.
About 90% of patients with small-vessel vasculitis or
pauci-immune NCGN have ANCA, directed primarily to the
neutrophil granule proteins myeloperoxidase (MPO) or
proteinase 3 (PR3).
The treatment recommendations in this guideline derive
from studies of patients with ANCA vasculitis and/or GN.
About 10% of patients presenting with signs and symptoms
of microscopic polyangiitis, granulomatosis with polyangitis
(Wegener’s), or pauci-immune NCGN are persistently
ANCA-negative. These patients are treated similarly to
ANCA-positive patients, although no study has focused
specifically on the treatment of ANCA-negative patients.
K Without therapy, ANCA vasculitis with GN is associated
with very poor outcomes.
K There is high-quality evidence for treatment with
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide that has dramati-
cally improved the short- and long-term outcomes of
ANCA vasculitis associated with systemic disease.
K Immunosuppressive therapy may not be appropriate in
patients with severe NCGN already requiring dialysis.
K All patients with extrarenal manifestations of disease
should receive immunosuppressive therapy regardless of
the degree of kidney dysfunction.
http://www.kidney-international.org chapter 13
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239 233
K There is high-quality evidence that plasmapheresis
provides additional benefit in those with severe NCGN.
K There is low-quality evidence that plasmapheresis pro-
vides additional benefit for diffuse pulmonary hemor-
K There is evidence that rituximab is not inferior to
cyclophosphamide in induction therapy.
Recommended treatment regimens are shown in Table 30.
Without therapy, ANCA vasculitis with GN is associated
with very poor outcomes. Treatment with corticosteroids and
cyclophosphamide has dramatically improved the short- and
long-term outcomes of ANCA vasculitis associated with
systemic disease. Treatment with immunosuppressive therapy
is therefore considered indicated in all cases of ANCA
vasculitis and GN. The rare possible exception relates to
patients with severe kidney-limited disease, in the absence of
extrarenal manifestations of small-vessel vasculitis. Thus, in
patients with severe pauci-immune NCGN requiring dialysis,
the question arises as to whether the risks of therapy are
greater than the likelihood of recovering kidney function, or
whether there is a point beyond which immunosuppressive
therapy is futile.
Cohort studies did not detect a level of kidney function
below which therapy can be deemed futile, as remission
occurred in about 57% of patients with a GFR of 10 ml/min
or less at presentation.
Of 69 patients who presented
dialysis-dependent at the beginning of the Methylpredniso-
lone or Plasma Exchange (MEPEX) trial,
44% were
dialysis-independent at 12 months, and the point at which
the chance of dying from therapy with plasmapheresis
exceeded that of the chance of recovery was reached only in
patients with severe tubular atrophy and injury of nearly all
This study suggests that, in the absence of
extrarenal manifestations of disease, treatment is warranted
in all but patients with extreme glomerular obsolescence and
severe tubulointerstitial scarring. All patients with extrarenal
manifestations of disease should receive immunosuppressive
therapy, regardless of the degree of kidney dysfunction.
Disease Activity
Kidney manifestations of active GN are a progressive decline
in kidney function, ongoing proteinuria with the continued
presence of dysmorphic red cells in the urine, and red
cell casts.
Remission is defined by the absence of manifestations of
vasculitis and GN disease activity. For GN, it is defined as the
absence of microscopic hematuria and a stable or improved
proteinuria and GFR. Disease activity of ANCA vasculitis
represents signs or symptoms attributable to active disease in
any organ system.
The addition of cyclophosphamide to corticosteroids in induc-
tion therapy improved the remission rate from about 55% to
about 85%, and decreased the relapse rate three-fold.
Pulse i.v. and daily oral regimens for cyclophosphamide
are associated with similar remission and relapse rates
(Online Suppl Tables 96–99).
Considerations in choosing
one approach over the other are: compliance, cost, cumula-
tive dose of cyclophosphamide, frequency of leucopenia, and
infection. For the same duration of therapy, patients in the
i.v. pulse arm received about half the cumulative amount of
cyclophosphamide as in the daily oral arm.
In a meta-
analysis of four RCTs, pulse i.v. cyclophosphamide compared
to daily oral cyclophosphamide was associated with less
leucopenia (RR 0.53 95%CI 0.36-0.77; P ¼ 0.0009), fewer
infections (not significant), increased risk of relapse (RR 1.79,
95%CI 1.11-2.87; P ¼ 0.02), and a trend toward an increased
number of patient requiring renal replacement therapy.
Table 30 | Recommended treatment regimens for ANCA vasculitis with GN
Agent Route Initial dose
i.v. 0.75 g/m
q 3–4 weeks.
Decrease initial dose to 0.5 g/m
if age 460 years or GFR o20 ml/min per 1.73 m
Adjust subsequent doses to achieve a 2-week nadir leukocyte count 43000/mm
p.o. 1.5–2 mg/kg/d, reduce if age 460 years or GFR o20 ml/min per 1.73 m
Adjust the daily dose to keep leucocyte count 43000/mm
Corticosteroids i.v. Pulse methylprednisolone: 500 mg i.v. daily 3 days.
Corticosteroids p.o. Prednisone 1 mg/kg/d for 4 weeks, not exceeding 60 mg daily.
Taper down over 3–4 months.
i.v. 375 mg/m
weekly 4.
60 ml/kg volume replacement.
Vasculitis: Seven treatments over 14 days If diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage, daily until the bleeding stops, then every
other day, total 7–10 treatments.
Vasculitis in association with anti-GBM antibodies: Daily for 14 days or until anti-GBM antibodies are undetectable.
ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; GBM, glomerular basement memb rane; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GN, glomerulonephritis; i.v., intravenous; p.o., orally.
Given with pulse and oral steroids. An alternative i.v. cyclophosphamide dosing schema is 15 mg/kg given every 2 weeks for three pulses, followed by 15 mg/kg given every
3 weeks for 3 months beyond remission, with reductions for age and estimated GFR.
Given with pulse and oral steroids.
Given with pulse and oral steroids.
Not given with pulse methylprednisolone. Replacement fluid is 5% albumin. Add 150–300 ml fresh frozen plasma at the end of each pheresis session if patients have
pulmonary hemorrhage, or have had recent surgery, including kidney biopsy.
234 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239
chapter 13
Based on the RCT of maintenance therapy comparing
cyclophosphamide to azathioprine, the majority of patients
(77%) achieved remission with oral cyclophosphamide by
3 months, and another 16% between 3 and 6 months.
Thus, the duration of continuous oral cyclophosphamide
should usually be limited to 3 months, with a maximum of
6 months. Whether this duration of treatment applies to
pulse i.v. cyclophosphamide is inferred, but not tested. The
only study of a short (6-month) vs. long (12-month) course
of cyclophosphamide was not powered to detect a difference
in outcome.
A retrospective cohort analysis did not
indicate that longer treatment with cyclophosphami de
reduces the rate of relapse.
Among patients who require dialysis, those who recover
sufficient kidney function nearly always do so within the first
3 months of treatment.
Therefore, in patients who are
still dialysis-dependent after 3 months and who have no
evidence of ongoing extrarenal manifestations of active
vasculitis, we suggest discontinuing cyclophosphamide therapy.
Pulse Methylprednisolone
The value of pulse methylprednisolone induction therapy has
not been tested directly. The rationale for pulse methyl-
prednisolone is related to its rapid anti-inflammatory effect.
High-dose methylprednisolone may also contribute to a
rapid reduction in ANCA-producing plasma cells. The
only randomized evaluation of pulse methylprednisolone
(3 1000 mg) was in the setting of the MEPEX trial, where it
was compared to plasmapheresis as adjunctive therapy to oral
corticosteroids and oral cyclophosphamide.
In that trial,
pulse methylprednisolone was less efficacious than plasma-
pheresis in preserving kidney function. There are no data that
1000 mg daily for 3 days is better than 500 mg; this lower
dose is widely used in clinical practice, and the higher dose
may be associated with increased short- and long-term risks
of infection and other complications of steroids.
Two RCTs examined rituximab as first-line induction
therapy for ANCA vasculitis (Online Suppl Tables 100-102).
In the RITUXVAS trial, 44 patients with newly diagnosed
ANCA vasculitis were randomized 3:1 to either rituximab
(375 mg/m
weekly 4) in addition to cyclophosphamide
(15 mg/kg i.v., 2 weeks apart for a total of two doses); or to
cyclophosphamide (15 mg/kg i.v. every 2 weeks 3, then
every 3 weeks for a maximum total of 10 doses).
groups received the same regimen of methylprednisolone
1000 mg i.v. followed by oral corticosteroids. Rates of
remission were similar (76% with rituximab group vs. 82%
with cyclophosphamide), as were rates of serious adverse
In Rituximab for the Treatment of Wegener’s Granulo-
matosis and Microscopic Polyangiitis (RAVE), 197 patients
were randomized to treatment with either rituximab
(375 mg/m
infusions once weekly for 4 weeks) or cyclophos-
phamide (2 mg/kg/d orally) for months 1-3, followed by
azathioprine (2 mg/ kg/d orally) for months 4-6.
patients received one to three i.v. pulses of methylpredniso-
lone (1000 mg each) followed by the same oral corticosteroid
regimen. There was no significant difference between the two
treatment groups in rates of complete remission at 6 months,
adverse events, or relapse rates. The RAVE trial excluded
patients with severe alveolar hemorrhage or severe kidney
dysfunction (SCr 44 mg/dl [4354 mmol/l]), so the role of
rituximab for such patients remains unknown.
Rituximab shows equivalent efficacy to cyclophosphamide
in initial therapy and the evidence does not suggest a
difference in rates of adverse effects. However, analysis of the
long-term outcomes, including safety, is still awaited. In
addition, the very high cost of rituximab compared to
cyclophosphamide limits its application from a g lobal
The addition of plasmapheresis to initial therapy with
corticosteroids and cy clophosphamide is indicated for patients
presenting with either advanced kidney failure (SCr 45.66 mg/dl
[4500 mmol/l]) or with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.
In a large, multicenter controlled trial,
137 patients with
a new diagnosis of ANCA vasculitis confirmed by kidney
biopsy were randomly assigned to either seven treatments of
plasmapheresis, or three doses of 1000 mg of i.v. methyl-
prednisolone. Both groups received standard therapy with
oral cyclophosphamide and oral prednisone followed by
azathioprine for maintenance therapy. Plasmapheresis was
associated with a significantly higher rate of kidney recovery
at 3 months (69% of patients with plasmapheresis vs. 49%
with i.v. methylprednisolone), and with dialysis-free survival
at 12 months. Whether duration of plasmapheresis should be
tailored to ANCA titers has not been studied.
Studies of plasmapheresis as adjunctive therapy in
patients w ith SCr o5.66 mg/dl (o 500 mmol/l) have not
shown benefit, but were underpowered to provide definitive
A large RCT of adjunctive therapy with
plasmapheresis is currently underway (clinicaltrials.gov
identifier NCT00987389).
Plasmapheresis for Patients with Diffuse Alveolar
The impact of plasmapheresis in patients with diffuse,
severe alveolar hemorrhage is the reduction of mortality,
based on retrospective case series.
Although the
strength of supportive data is low (retrospective case series
without controls), the impact of such treatment is high
(less mortality).
Whether patie nts with ‘mild’ alveolar
hemorrhage (sm all focal infiltrate without or with mild
hypoxemia) require plasmapheresis is unknown.
Patients with ANCA Vasculitis: Anti-GBM GN Overlap
The recommendation for plasmapheresis, in addition to
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide for patients with both
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239 235
chapter 13
circulating ANCA and anti-GBM antibodies, is based on
the rationale for the treatment of anti-GBM GN. About
one-third of patients with anti-GBM disease also have
ANCA antibodies, usually directed against MPO. Patients
with ANCA/anti-GBM overlap have a worse outcome than
patients with ANCA vasculitis alone, or anti-GBM alone.
There are insufficient data to support the use of MMF
for induction therapy in ANCA vasculitis. Although small
uncontrolled studies report remission rates similar to those
reported with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide,
relapses have been reported, despite continued use of MMF.
The only controlled study to date of MMF (1.5-2 g/d) vs.
cyclophosphamide (monthly i.v. puls e of 0.75-1 g/m
includes 35 patients from China,
four of whom were lost
to follow-up (all in the cyclophosphami de group). When
patients lost to follow-up were excluded from the analysis,
the rates of remission were similar in the two groups. No data
on follow-up beyond 6 months is provided in this study. A
larger RCT of MMF vs. i.v. cyclophosphamide for induction
treatment is currently underway (clinicaltrials.gov identifier
13.3: Maintenance therapy
13.3.1: We recommend maintenance therapy in
patients who have achieved remission. (1B)
13.3.2: We suggest continuing maintenance therapy
for at least 18 months in patients who remain
in complete remission. (2D)
13.3.3: We recommend no maintenance therapy in
patients who are dialysis-depende nt and have
no extrarenal manifestations of disease. (1C)
13.4: Choice of agent for maintenance therapy
13.4.1: We recommend azathioprine 1-2 mg/kg/d
orally as maintenance therapy. (1B)
13.4.2: We suggest that MMF, up to 1 g twice daily, be
used for maintenance therapy in patients who
are allergic to, or intolerant of, azathiopr ine.
13.4.3: We suggest trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole as
an adjunct to maintenance therapy in patients
with upper respiratory tract disease. (2B)
13.4.4: We suggest methotrexate (initially 0.3 mg/kg/wk,
maximum 25 mg/wk) for maintenance therapy
in patients intolerant of azathioprine and MMF,
but not if GFR is o60 ml/min per 1.73 m
13.4.5: We recommend not using etanercept as
adjunctive therapy. (1A)
The indications for mainten ance therap y are not well
defined. The goal of mainten ance therapy is to decrease the
incidence and severity of relapsing vasculitis. With the excep-
tion of a small trial with trimeth oprim-sulfamethoxazole (see
Rationale), no placebo-controlled RCT has studied the
benefit of maintenance therapy, although RCTs have com-
pared the efficacy of different maintenance regimens. There-
fore, the likely benefit of maintenance therapy depends on the
assessment of the risk of relapse, which differs among various
subgroups of patients. For example, the risk of low-dose
maintenance immunosuppression in a frail, elderly patient
has to be weighed against the very high risk for such a patient
of severe relapse. Maintenance immunosuppressive therapy is
justified in patients at high risk of relapse, but the potential
benefit of maintenance therapy may be low in patients who
have a low likelihood of relapse.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that maintenance
therapy is required in those at high risk of relapse or who
have received less than 6 months induction treatment
with cyclophosphamide.
K There is low-quality evidence that the duration of
maintenance therapy should be at least 18 months.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that azathioprine is
the preferred maintenance immunosuppressive agent,
being equivalent in efficacy to cyclophosphamide in an
RCT with a more favorable adverse-effect profile.
K There is moderate-quality evidence that trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole as an adjunct to maintenance therapy
reduces the risk of relapse, but only in those with upper
respiratory disease due to vasculitis.
Risk of Relapse
Based on cohort studies, risk factors for relapse include
persistence of PR3-ANCA (compared to MPO-ANCA),
history of upper respiratory tract disease (e.g ., sinusitis,
subglottic stenosis), or lower respiratory tract disease (e.g.
alveolar hemorrhage, cavities, or nodules). Patients with any
one of these three risk factors have an approximately 1.7-fold
increased risk of relapse, and those with all three risk factors
have an approximately 4.7-fold increased risk of relapse.
Patients with persistent PR3-ANCA–positivity at the end
of cyclophosphamide therapy have a 2- to 3-fold increased
risk of relapse, compared to patients who are ANCA-negative
at the end of initial therapy.
In addition, patients who are
persistently PR3-ANCA–positive are significantly more likely
to relapse within 5 years after diagnosis.
Among patients
who achieved remission and were switched from cyclopho-
sphamide to azathioprine, those who remained PR3-
ANCA–positive at the time of the switch had a 2.2-fold
increased risk of suffering a relapse when compared to
patients who were PR3-ANCA–negative. No similar data are
available for patients with MPO-ANCA.
It is unknown whether patients with none of the risk
factors for relapse need maintenance immunosuppression.
The risk-benefit ratio of maintenance therap y has not been
evaluated in such patients. The tailoring of maintenance
therapy, bas ed on the risk factors of relapse, has not been
tested in clinical trials.
236 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239
chapter 13
Choice of Immunosuppressive Agent for Maintenance
The optimal total duration of corticosteroid therapy is
unknown. Some studies have maintained patients on a low
dose of prednisone (7.5 mg daily) for 412 months.
other cohort studies, corticosteroids are tapered completely
off by the end of 5 months if the patient is in remission.
The best available data support the use of azathioprine
1-2 mg/kg/d for 6-18 months. This is inferred from an RCT
of azathioprine vs. cyclophosphamide for the maintenance
of remission.
Although not specifically designed to
demonstrate the ability of azathioprine to prevent relapses
(compared to placebo), the study established that introdu-
cing azathioprine after 3-6 months of cyclophosphamide,
compared to continuing cyclophosphamide for 12 months,
resulted in similar rates of relapse up to 18 months.
Maintenance therapy with azathioprine appears superior
to MMF. In a large RCTof 155 patients with ANCA vasculitis,
who attained remission with cyclophosphamide and cortico-
steroids, those randomized to MMF (2 g/d) vs. azathioprine
(2 mg/kg/d) had a higher cumulative incidence of relapse
(HR 1.7; P ¼ 0.02).
We therefore recommend azathioprine
as the first choice for maintenance therapy in ANCA
vasculitis. However, we suggest using MMF in patients who
are allergic to or intolerant of azathioprine.
In a placebo-controlled trial, the use of trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole was associated with a decreased rate of
upper airway-relapse.
The use of trimethoprim-sulfa-
methoxazole had no impact on the rate of relapse in other
In a large prospective RCT, 12 months maintenance
therapy with methotrexate (0.3 mg/kg/wk initially and
progressively increased to 25 mg/wk) was compared to
azathioprine (2 mg/kg/d) after induction of remission with
cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids.
The study was not
designed to demonstrate the superiorit y of methotrexate over
azathioprine in preventing relapses, but to test the hypothesis
that methotrexate would be safer than azathioprine. The rates
of relapse were not significantly different between the
azathioprine- and methotrexate-treated groups (36% and
33%, respectively; P ¼ 0.71) with a mean randomization-
to-relapse interval of 20.6
13.9 months. Methotrexate was
not associated with a higher rate of adverse events when
compared to azathioprine (HR 1.65; 95% CI 0.65-4.18;
P ¼ 0.29). However, the severity of the adverse effects with
the use of methotrexate was greater; therefore, it is not
recommended in patients with a reduced GFR o30 ml/min
per 1.73 m
, and the dose should be adjusted in patients with
a GFR o60 ml/min per 1.73 m
The efficacy and safety of the tumor necrosis factor
receptor–Fc fusion protein, etanercept, in the maintenance of
remission among patients with granulomatosis with poly-
angitis (Wegener’s) was evaluated in an RCT in which
etanercept or placebo was added to a regimen of daily oral
cyclophosphamide or methotrexate and corticosteroids.
Etanercept did not reduce the rate or the severity of relapses,
and was associated with a higher rate of solid tumors and is
therefore not recommended.
Although not tested, we
also do not recommend the use of other anti–tumor necrosis
factor agents.
Duration of Maintenance Therapy
There are no direct data to suppor t a recommendation for
the duration of maintenance therapy. The suggestion of
continuing maintenance therapy for 18 months in patients
who remain in complete remission is inferred from the
duration of maintenance therapy used in the CYCAZAREM
Some cohort studies, but not others, have suggested a
higher incidence of relapse in the first 18 months after
induction therapy.
In retrospective analyses of patients with ANCA vasculitis,
the relapse rates of vasculitis were about 60% lower in
patients with ESRD, and infections almost twice as frequent
among patients maintained on immunosuppressive agents
with ESRD.
In addition, infections were an important
cause of death in this population. Given the lower risk of
relapse and higher risk of infection and death, the risk-benefit
ratio does not support the routine use of maintenance
immunosuppression therapy in ANCA vasculitis patients on
chronic dialysis, in the absence of active extrarenal disease.
Continued maintenance therapy is associated with the
risks of immunosup pression, bone marrow suppression
(leucopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia), and possibly in-
creased risk of cancer, notably skin cancer.
13.5: Treatment of relapse
13.5.1: We recommend treating patients with severe
relapse of ANCA vasculitis (life- or organ-
threatening) according to the same guidelines
as for the initial therapy (see Section 13.1).
13.5.2: We suggest treating other relapses of ANCA
vasculitis by reinstituting immunosuppres-
sive therapy or increasing its intensit y with
agents other than cyclophosphamide, includ-
ing instituting or increasing dose of cortico-
steroids, with or without azathioprine or
MMF. (2C)
K Relapse is associated with increased risk of ESRD.
K Relapse is associated with severe or life-threatening
extrarenal damage.
K There is low-quality evidence that relapses are responsive
to reintroduction or increased dosing of immunosup-
pression, but the preferred treatment regimen has not
been defined.
Impact of Relapse
Relapse is defined as the occurrence of increased disease
activity after a period of partial or complete remission. Thus,
a relapse can manifest as a worsening of pre-existing disease
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239 237
chapter 13
activity or the recurrence or development of active GN, or
new signs or symptoms of vasculitis in any organ system.
Severe relapse is defined as life- or organ-threatening
relapse. Examples of life-threatening relapse include diffuse
alveolar hemorrhage and severe subglottic stenosis. Examples
of organ-threatening disease are active GN, or a retro-orbital
mass threatening vision.
In a cohort study, patients who had a relapse of GN were
4.7 times more likely to progress to ESRD compared to those
who did not relapse. This increased risk of ESRD associated
with relapse was independent of age, gender, race, ANCA
specificity, and kidney function at the time of initial
Relapses respond to immunosuppression with corticoster-
oids and cyclophosphamide with a simil ar response rate as
the initial disease.
The repeated use of cyclophosphamide
should be based on the severity of the relapse, taking into
account the cumulative dose previously received by the
patient. Severe relapses should be treated with cyclo-
phosphamide, corticosteroids and plasmapheresis (when
indicated) as described in Section 13.1 and Table 30.
Although a ‘safe’ dose of cyclophosphamide has not been
precisely determined, a recent retrospective study suggests
that the risk of malignancy (other than nonmelanoma skin
cancer) increases with cumulative doses of cyclophosphamide
above 36 g.
Therefore, for patients who have received, or
are approaching a 36 g cumulative dose of cyclophospha-
mide, we suggest treating subsequent relapses with a
rituximab-based regimen.
For patients with a relapse that is not severe (as defined
earlier), immunosuppressive therapy should be increased
while avoiding, if possible, more cyclophosphamide. If such a
relapse occurs when the patient is not receiving maintenance
therapy, treatment may include the reinstitution of corticos-
teroids, azathioprine, or MMF, alone or in combination;
however, there is no RCT evidence to support any of these
regimens. In patients who suffer a relapse while on
maintenance therapy with azathioprine or MMF, one
treatment option is i.v. immunoglobulin. In an uncontrolled
study, the addition of 6-monthly puls es of i.v. immunoglo-
bulin (0.5 g/kg/d 4 days) over background maintenance
immunosuppression was associated with rates of complete
or partial remission of 83% and 63% at 6 and 9 months,
In patients with kidney dysfunction, it is
preferable to use a sucrose-free formulation of i.v. immuno-
globulin in order to minimize the ris k of osmotic-induced
Rituximab was more effective than cyclophosphamide
in treating patients with relapsing ANCA vasculitis (OR
1.40; 95% CI 1.03-1.91; P ¼ 0.03).
Although more
experience will be needed w ith the use of rituximab for
treatment of severe relapses, and although the long-term
safety of rituximab remains uncertain, its use in relapse
may provide an opportunity to minimize cumulative dosage
and avoid the potential long-term toxicity of cyclo-
13.6: Treatment of resistant disease
13.6.1: In ANCA GN resistant to induction therapy
w ith cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids,
we recommend the addition of rituximab
(1C), and suggest i.v. immunoglobulin (2C)
or plasmapheresis (2D) as alternatives.
Resistance is defined as the persistence of or appearance of
kidney and/or systemic manifestation of vasculitis, while
receiving treatment equal in intensity to initial immunosup-
pressive therapy. Kidney manifestations of resistance include
the continued presence of dysmorphic erythrocyturia and red
blood cell casts, and are associated with a progressive decline
in kidney function. Disease resistance to corticosteroids and
cyclophosphamide occurs in approximately 20% of patients.
Adjunctiv e therapy with i.v. immunoglobulin (single course of
a total of 2 g/kg) was evaluated in an RCT in patients with
resistan t ANCA vasculitis. Pat ients treated with i.v . immuno-
globulin had a more rapid decline in disease activity (as
measured by a 50% reduction in Birmingham vasculitis activity
score) and C-reactiv e protein at 1 and 3 months, but ther e was
no significant difference between the two groups after 3 months,
with respect to disease activity or frequency of relapse.
Several small, uncontrolled case series suggest a role for
rituximab in resistant ANCA vasculitis.
In these
reports, rituximab (375 mg/m
i.v. weekly 4, or 500 mg
i.v. weekly 4 fixed doses), in conjunction with corticoster-
oids, resulted in remission in the majority of patients, and
was generally well-tolerated.
There has been no trial of plasmapheresis in resistant
ANCA vasculitis, but its value in this setting has been inferred
from the MEPEX study, which demonstrated improved
kidney outcome with plasmapheresis in patients with severe
kidney dysfunction, and studies suggesting decreased mor-
tality with plasmapheresis in patients with diffuse alveolar
hemorrhage (see Recommendation 13.2.2).
13.7: Monitoring
13.7.1: We suggest not changing immunosuppression
based on changes in ANCA titer alone. (2D)
Available data mostly report the assessment of PR3-ANCA,
with limited data for MPO-ANCA. The data do not support
the contention that PR3-ANCA is clinically useful in
predicting relapse and should not be used (alone) to
alter immunosuppression.
A persistently positive
PR3-ANCA, at the time of switch to maintenance therapy
with azathioprine, is associated with a 2- to 3-fold increased
risk of relapse, and warrants close follow up.
For patients
who are in clinical remission but remain PR3-ANCA–positive
after 3-4 months of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids,
continuing cyclophosphamide for up to 6 months may be
238 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239
chapter 13
considered; however, there are no data on the risks or benefits
of such an approach. If ANCA titers increase, it may be worth
intensifying patient follow-up.
13.8: Transplantation
13.8.1: We recommend delaying transplantation
until patients are in complete extrarenal
remission for 12 months. (1C)
13.8.2: We recommend not delaying transplantation
for patients who are in complete remission
but are still ANCA-positive. (1C)
No prospective data are available to assess the likelihood
of recurrent ANCA vasculitis after kidney transplantation,
or the impact of disease activity or that of a positive ANCA
test at the time of transplantation, on patient outcome.
The frequency of recurrent ANCA vasculitis after kidney
transplantation has been assessed in several retrospective
case series. These have revealed a frequency of relapse around
15-20%, although the frequency of recurrent pauci-immune
necrotizing GN is only around 5%.
In the largest
retrospective study of 107 kidney transplant recipients in
the UK, relapses occurred in only 5% of patients.
multivariate analysis, kidney transplantation within 12
months of achieving remission was associated with increased
mortality; the causes of death were not related to recurrent
vasculitis. ANCA positivity at the time of transplantation
does not appear to affect graft or patient survival, or the
frequency of relapse after transplantation.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it
clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contri-
butor, copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accord-
ingly, the publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and
their respective employers, office and agents accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. While
every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other
quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that
new methods and technique s involving drug usage, and
described within this Journal, should only be followed in
conjunction with the drug manufacturer’s own published
Supplementary Table 96: Evidence profile of IV vs. p.o. Cyc for ANCA
Supplementary Table 97: Existing systematic review of Induc-
tion with pulse Cyc vs. daily p.o. Cyc in patients with ANCA
Supplementary Table 98: Summary table of RCT examining induction
with pulse Cyc vs. daily p.o. Cyc in patients with ANCA vasculitis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 99: Summary table of RCT examining induction
with pulse Cyc vs. daily p.o. Cyc in patients with ANCA vasculitis
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary Table 100: Evidence profile of RCTs examining
induction with rituximab vs. Cyc in patients with ANCA vasculitis.
Supplementary Table 101: Summary table of RCTs examining
induction with rituximab vs. Cyc in patients with ANCA vasculitis
(categorical outcomes).
Supplementary Table 102: Summary table of RCTs examining
induction with rituximab vs. Cyc in patients with ANCA vasculitis
(continuous outcomes).
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 233–239 239
chapter 13
Chapter 14: Anti-glomerular basement membrane
antibody glomerulonephritis
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 240–242; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.27
This chapter makes treatment recommendations for GN
mediated by antibodies against the GBM (i.e., anti-GBM GN)
whether or not it is associated with pulmonary hemorrhage
(Goodpasture’s disease). The cost implications for global
application of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2.
14.1: Treatment of anti-GBM GN
14.1.1: We recommend initiating immunosuppression
with cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids
plus plasmapheresis (see Table 31) in all
patients with anti-GBM GN exc ept those who
are dialysis-dependent at presentation and have
100% cresc ents in an adequate biopsy sample,
and do not have pulmonary hemorrhage. (1B)
14.1.2: Start treatment for anti-GBM GN without
delay once the diagnosis is confirmed. If the
diagnosis is highly suspected, it would be
appropriate to begin high-dose cortico-
steroids and plas mapheresis (Table 31) while
waiting for confirmation. (Not Graded)
14.1.3: We recommend no maintenance immuno-
suppressive therapy for anti-GBM GN. (1D)
14.1.4: Defer kidney transplantation after anti-GBM GN
until anti-GBM antibodies have been undetect-
able for a minimum of 6 months. (Not Graded)
Anti-GBM GN is generally a fulminant and rapidly progressive
disease that is caused by autoantibodies to the noncollagenous
domain of the a3 chain of type IV collagen. Anti-GBM GN is
relatively rare, with an estimated annual incidence of 0.5-1 per
million population. It can present as an isolated GN, or as a
pulmonary-renal syndrome with severe lung hemorrhage.
Prior to the introduction of intense immunosuppression for
anti-GBM GN, patient survival was very poor. Although
mortality has improved, kidney survival remains poor,
possibly because of delays in making the diagnosis and
initiating treatment. The strategy for treating anti-GBM GN is
to remove the pathogenic autoantibodies from the circulation,
and simultaneously prevent further autoantibody production
and attenuate existing glomerular inflammation and injury.
K Patient and kidney survival in untreated anti-GBM GN is
K There is moderate-quality evidence that intense immuno-
suppression plus plasmapheresis improves patient and
kidney survival; this evidence comes from one small RCT,
one large, and several smaller retrospective series. All of
these studies demonstrate good patient survival and
moderate kidney survival, providing a compelling ratio-
nale to use immunosuppression and plasmapheresis.
K Many patients at presentation have severe kidney failure,
and require dialysis. This is usually correlated with the
number of glomeruli that show crescents on kidney biopsy.
Despite intense immunosuppression, patients who are
dialysis-dependent at the start of treatment and have
85–100% glomerular crescents do not recover kidney
function, and generally will require long-term RRT.
K Because the progression of anti-GBM GN can be very
rapid, and outcome is related to the severity at
presentation, it is appropriate to start treatment im-
mediately with high-dose corticosteroids. After the
diagnosis is confirmed, cyclophosphamide and plasma-
pheresis must be started. Patients should be free of
infection or receiving appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
K Patients with pulmonary hemorrhage as well as anti-
GBM GN (Goodpasture’s disease) should receive treat-
ment with corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and plas-
mapheresis, even in the setting of severe kidney failure
and extensive glomerular crescent formation. Without
such therapy, Goodpasture’s disease has a very high
mortality. There is, however, no definite evidence that
plasmapheresis is beneficial when there are only minor
clinical signs of pulmonary hemorrhage.
K Because anti-GBM antibodies are pathogenic, it is
prudent to wait until they are undetectable before
considering a kidney transplant for those with ESRD.
As the pathogenesis of anti-GBM GN became clear,
treatment regimens were designed to remove the circulating
pathogenic antibody that caused the disease, suppress further
synthesis of this pathogenic antibody, and attenuate the
glomerular inflammatory response initiated by the anti-GBM
antibody. The best summary of this approach is a large
retrospective study of anti-GBM GN from the Hammersmith
including 85 patients seen over 25 years. Seventy-
one patients were treated with high-dose prednisone*
chapter 14 http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
*Prednisone and prednisolone are interchangeable according to local
practice, with equivalent dosing.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 240–242
(1 mg/kg/d) tapered over 6–9 months, oral cyclophosphamide
for 2–3 months, and daily plasmapheresis for 14 days,
or until the anti-GBM antibody was no longer detectable.
The kidney outcome for this cohort was influenced by kidney
function at presentation. Patients who had an initial
SCr o5.7 mg/dl (o504 mmol/l) had a 1-year overall survival
of 100% and a kidney survival of 95%, and at 5 years patient
and kidney survival were both 94%. If the initial SCr was
45.7 mg/dl (4504 mmol/l) but dialysis was not required
immediately, the patient and kidney survivals were 83% and
82% at 1 year, and 80% and 50% at 5 years, respectively.
However, among patients who needed dialysis at presenta-
tion, patient and kidney survival were reduced to 65% and
8% at 1 year, and 44% and 13% at 5 years, respectively.
Compared to nearly 100% mortality from pulmonary
hemorrhage and kidney failure in historical series, this
treatment strategy represented a significant improvement.
The role of plasmapheresis in addition to immuno-
suppression has been questioned, and was tested in a small
RCT (n ¼ 17).
Although this study used prednisone and
cyclophosphamide for immunosuppression, there were slight
differences in dose and duration compared to the Hammer-
smith study. Most importantly, plasmapheresis was done
every 3 days instead of daily and a mean of nine treatments
was completed. All patients received prednisone and
cyclophosphamide, and half were randomized to additional
plasmapheresis. In those receiving plasmapheresis, anti-
GBM antibodies disappeared about twice as fast as in the
control group (all within 50 days, P o0.05). At the end of
therapy, SCr in those receiving plasmapheresis was 4.1
0.5 mg/dl (362
44 mmol/l) compared to 9.2
0.7 mg/dl
62 mmol/l) in the controls (Po0.05); only two patients
receiving plasmapheresis needed chronic dialysis vs. six in the
controls. Although the two treatment groups were well-
matched clinically at the beginning of the study, kidney
biopsies showed a higher percentage of glomerular crescents
in controls. Because of this difference in histology and the
small study size, the evidence for better kidney outcome with
plasmapheresis cannot be regarded as definitive.
Anti-GBM antibody titers should be regularly monitored.
Plasmapheresis may be stopped when the circulating anti-
body is no longer detectable, usually after 1014 treat-
ments. Corticosteroids have generally been continued for at
least 6 months, and cyclophosphamide for 2–3 months. This
immunosuppression must be sufficient both to prevent further
antibody production, and to treat kidney inflammation.
About 20–30% of patients with anti-GBM disease will
also have ANCA, usually with anti-MPO specificity, but
the double-antibody–positive patients do not appear to have
a different prognosis or disease course, according to most
The outcomes of the Hammersmith cohort
are repre-
sentative of what can be expected with a uniform, aggressive
approach to therapy as outlined. In other series of anti-
GBM GN, not all necessarily using the same treatment
regimens, and encompassing patients from the USA, Europe,
China, and Japan, patient survival at 6–12 months was
approximately 67–94%, and kidney survival was about
The predictors of kidney survival in anti-GBM GN are
SCr at presentation, the need for dialysis at presentation, and
the percentage of glomerular crescents.
In two
studies, patients with an initial SCr 45.7 mg/dl (4504
mmol/l) or 9.7 mg/dl (858 mmol/l) all became chronically
dialysis-dependent despite aggressive treatment.
studies found that patients who required dialysis at presen-
tation were never able to come off dialysis, despite aggressive
The most optimistic study observed that all
patients with a combination of dialysis at presentation plus
100% crescents on kidney biopsy never recovered kidney
function sufficiently to come off dialysis.
A survey of
several studies shows dialysis dependence at diagnosis in a
median of 55% (range 12–83%) of patients, 100% crescents
on kidney biopsy in 20.5% (range 7–50%) of patients, and a
median initial SCr of 6.9 mg/dl (610 mmol/l) (range 4.9–
7.2 mg/dl [433–637 mmol/l]), underscoring the importance of
early diagnosis and intervention.
findings, along with the patient’s general condition, will help
in deciding how aggressive to be in treating the kidney
manifestations of anti-GBM GN. However, in the presence of
pulmonary hemorrhage, aggressive treatment should be
undertaken, regardless of the kidney prognosis.
In contrast to most other autoimmune kidney diseases,
anti-GBM GN is not characterized by a frequently relapsing
course; the autoantibodies seem to disappear spontaneously
after 12–18 months.
Nonetheless, relapses of anti-GBM
Table 31 | Therapy of anti-GBM GN
Week Prednisone dose
0–2 Methylprednisolone 500–1000 mg/d i.v. for
3 days, followed by prednisone, 1 mg/kg/d
IBW (maximum 80 mg/d)
2–4 0.6 mg/kg/d
4–8 0.4 mg/kg/d
8–10 30 mg/d
10–11 25 mg/d
11–12 20 mg/d
12–13 17.5 mg/d
13–14 15 mg/d
14–15 12.5 mg/d
15–16 10 mg/d
16– IBW o70 kg: 7.5 mg/d
IBW Z70 kg: 10 mg/d
Discontinue after
6 months
Cyclophosphamide: 2 mg/kg/d orally for 3 months.
Plasmapheresis: One 4-liter exchange per day with 5% albumin. Add 150–300 ml
fresh frozen plasma at the end of each pheresis session if patients have pulmonary
hemorrhage, or have had recent surgery, including kidney biopsy. Plasmapheresis
should be continued for 14 days or until anti-GBM antibodies are no longer
GBM, glomerular basement membrane; GN, glomerulonephritis; IBW, ideal body
There is no evidence to support these dosing schedules, which are based on
regimens associated with good outcome in observational studies.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 240–242
chapter 14
GN have been reported in the literature, can manifest as
recurrent clinical kidney disease or pulmonary hemorrhage,
and are often associated with a reappearance of circulating
anti-GBM antibodies.
It has been estimated that the
mean time to recurrence is 4.3 years, with a range of 1–10
years, and that late recurrences may occur with a frequency of
Retreatment with intense immunosuppres-
sion and plasmapheresis is generally successful in re-inducing
There is very little information on the treatment of
refractory anti-GBM GN. Some case reports have used MMF
or rituximab, but no firm recommendation can be made.
There is very little evidence as to the timing of transplant
after anti-GBM disease has caused ESRD. Most transplant
centers require at least 6 months of undetectable anti-
GBM antibody levels before kidney transplantation.
Recurrent anti-GBM disease in a kidney allograft is very
K A study is needed to compare rituximab to cyclophos-
phamide, both combined with prednisone plus plasma-
pheresis for induction of remission.
K A study is needed to compare MMF plus prednisone
plus plasmapheresis to standard treatment—cyclophos-
phamide plus prednisone plus plasmapheresis—for
induction of remission.
While every effort is made by the publishers, editorial board,
and ISN to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion
or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear
that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and
advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributor,
copyright holder, or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the
publishers and the ISN, the editorial board and their respective
employers, office and agents accept no liability whatsoever for
the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data,
opinion or statement. While every effort is made to ensure that
drug doses and other quantities are presented accurately,
readers are advised that new methods and techniques
involving drug usage, and described within this Journal,
should only be followed in conjunction with the drug
manufacturer’s own published literature.
242 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 240–242
chapter 14
Methods for guideline development
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.31
The overall aim of the project was to create a clinical practice
guideline with recommendations for GN, using an evidence-
based approach. After topics and relevant clinical questions
were identified, the pertinent scientific literature on those
topics was systematically searched and summarized.
The development of the guideline included sequential and
concurrent steps:
K Appoint the Work Group and Evidence Review Team
(ERT), which were responsible for different aspects of the
K Confer to discuss process, methods, and results.
K Develop and refine topics.
K Assign topics to systematic review or narrative review.
K Define specific populations, interventions or predictors,
and outcomes of interest for systematic review topics.
K Create and standardize quality assessment methods.
K Create data-extraction forms.
K Develop literature search strategies and run searches.
K Screen abstracts and retrieve full articles based on
predetermined eligibility criteria.
K Extract data and perform critical appraisal of the
K Incorporate existing systematic reviews and underly ing
K Grade quality of the outcomes of each study.
K Tabulate data from articles into summary tables.
K Update the systematic review search.
K Grade the quality of evidence for each outcome, and
assess the overall quality and findings of bodies of
evidence with the aid of evidence profiles.
K Write recommendations and supporting rationale state-
K Grade the strength of the recommendations based on the
quality of the evidence and other considerations.
The Work Group, KDIGO Co-Chairs, ERT, and NKF
support staff met for three 3-day meetings for training in the
guideline development process, topic discussion, and con-
sensus development.
Creation of Groups
The KDIGO Co-Chairs appointed the Co-Chairs of the Work
Group, who then assembled the Work Group to be
responsible for the development of the guidelines. The Work
Group included individuals with expertise in adult and
pediatric nephrology, epidemiology, and kidney pathology.
For support in evidence review, expertise in methods, and
guideline development, the NKF contracted with the ERT
based at the Tufts Center for Kidney Disease Guideline
Development and Implementa tion at Tufts Medical Center in
Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The ERT consisted of physi-
cian-methodologists with expertise in nephrology and
internal medicine, and research associates and assistants.
The ERT instructed and advised Work Group members in all
steps of literature review, critical literature appraisal, and
guideline development. The Work Group and the ERT
collaborated closely throughout the project.
Systematic Review: General Process
The first task of the Work Group was to define the overall
topics and goals for the guideline. The Work Group
Co-Chairs drafted a preliminary list of topics. The Work
Group identified the key clinical questions and triaged topics
for systematic review and narrative rev iew. The Work Group
and ERT further developed and refined each systematic
review topic, specified screening criteria, literature search
strategies, and data extraction forms.
The ERT performed literature searches, and conducted
abstract and article screening. The ERT also coordinated
the methodological and analytic processes of the report. In
addition, it defined and standardized the methodology in
relation to these searches and data extraction, and produced
summaries of the evidence. Throughout the project, the ERT
offered suggestions for guideline development, led discus-
sions on systematic review, literature searches, data extrac-
tion, assessment of quality and applicability of articles,
evidence synthesis, grading of evidence and recommenda-
tions, and consensus development. With input from the
Work Group, the ERT finalized eligible studies, performed
all data extraction, and summarized data into summary
tables. They also created preliminary evidence profiles
(described below), which were completed by the Work
Group members. The Work Group members reviewed all
included articles, data extraction forms, and summary tables
for accuracy and completeness. The Work Group took the
primary role of writing the recommendations and rationale
statements, and retained final responsibility for the content
of the recommendation statements and the accompanying
For questions of treatments in GN, systematic reviews of
the eligible RCTs were undertaken (Table 32). For these
topics, the ERT created detailed data-extraction forms and
extracted information on baseline data for the populations,
http://www.kidney-international.org methods for guideline development
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251 243
Table 32 | Screening criteria for systematic review topics of nontreatment and treatment
PICOD criteria
Chapter 3: SSNS in Children
Population Steroid sensitive (Any definition), Children, biopsy not required, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum
Intervention Long course or alternate day prednisone
Comparator Short course or daily prednisone
Outcomes Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Relapse
Study design RCTs; No minimum follow-up
Minimum N of Subjects No minimum N
FRNS in Children
Population Steroid resistance, Children, biopsy not required, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum albumin
Intervention Cyclosporine, Cytoxan, Chlorambucil, Tacrolimus (Prograf), Rituximab, MMF, Levamisole, Plasmapheresis, Mizoribine, AZA
Comparator Prednisone and other comparators depending on the study
Outcomes Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Relapse
Study design RCTs
No minimum follow-up
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Retrospective comparative or prospective or retrospective single arm cohort
Minimum duration: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects No minimum N
SDNS in Children
Population Steroid resistance, Children, biopsy not required, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum albumin
Intervention Cyclosporine, Cytoxan, Chlorambucil, Tacrolimus (Prograf), Rituximab, MMF, Levamisole, Plasmapheresis, Mizoribine, AZA
Comparator Prednisone and other comparators depending on the study
Outcomes Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Relapse
Study design RCTs
No minimum follow-up
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Retrospective comparative or prospective or retrospective single arm cohort
Minimum duration: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects No minimum N
Chapter 4: SRNS in Children
Population Steroid resistance (define), Children, biopsy not required, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum albumin
Intervention Cyclosporine, Cytoxan, Chlorambucil, Tacrolimus (Prograf), Rituximab, MMF, Levamisole, Plasmapheresis, Mizoribine, AZA
Comparator Prednisone, other comparators depending on the study
Outcomes Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Relapse
Study design RCTs
No minimum follow-up
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Retrospective comparative or prospective or retrospective single arm cohort
Minimum duration: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects No minimum N
Chapter 5: MCD in Adults (biopsy proven)
Population Minimal Change Disease, biopsy-proven, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum albumin
Intervention Short course prednisone and Long course prednisone and Cyclosporine, Cytoxan, Chlorambucil, Tacrolimus (Prograf),
Rituximab, MMF, Levamisole, Plasmapharesis, Mizoribine, AZA
Comparator No treatment, Short course prednisone, Prednisone and other comparators depending on study
Outcomes Change in Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Partial Remission, Relapse, GFR, SCr doubling, ESRD, Death
Study design RCTs
No minimum follow-up
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Retrospective comparative or prospective or retrospective single arm cohort
Minimum duration: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects NX10/arm
Table 32 continued on following page
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
Table 32 | Continued
PICOD criteria
Chapter 6: FSGS in Adults
Population Population FSGS, by biopsy and list FSGS subtypes, Adults, Define Nephrotic Syndrome: Urine Prot:Cr Ratio & Serum albumin
Intervention Long course prednisone, Cyclosporine +/ACE-I, MMF +/ ACE-I, Prograf +/ ACE-I, Rituximab +/ ACE-I, Lamivudine +/
ACE-I, Plasmapheresis +/ ACE-I-levamisole, Mizoribine, AZA
Comparator Any treatment
Outcomes Change in Proteinuria, Complete Remission, Partial Remission, Relapse, GFR, SCr doubling, ESRD, Death
Study design RCTs
No minimum follow-up
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Retrospective comparative or prospective or retrospective single arm cohort
Minimum duration: 6 mo
Minimum N of Subjects N X10/arm
Chapter 7: MN
Population Biopsy-proven MN
Intervention Steroids alone (any regimen), Alkylating agent (Cyclophosphamide or Chlorambucil), CNI (Cyclosporine or Tacrolimus +/
steroids), IVIG, ACE-I or ARBs (+/steroids), AZA or Mizoribine (+/ steroids), Alkylating agent, MMF (+/ steroids), ACTH,
Rituximab, Eculizumab, Sirolimus, Pentoxyphlline, any combination
Comparator Steroids, No treatment, ACE-I or ARBs, Calcineurin inhibitor (Tac, CsA), Alkylating agents
CNI, steroids only, no treatment, any combination, any other treatment
Outcomes All cause mortality, ESRD, CKD 5, RRT, etc., Progression of CKD, SCr increase/GFR decrease, Change in CKD stage, Disease
remission, Partial disease remission, Protocol-driven additional treatment of GN, Disease relapse, Quality of life, Proteinuria,
Adverse Events: Including cancer, thromboembolic complications, pulmonary embolism, CVD especially acute MI
Study design RCTs; Minimum duration X6 months for remissions/AE, 5 years for survival
Minimum N of Subjects N X10/arm
Chapter 8: MPGN
Population Biopsy-proven MPGN
Intervention Rituximab, Eculizumab, CNI (CsA, Tac), MMF, Sirolimus, ACE-I & ARBs, Pentoxyphylline, IVIG, Treatment of relapse (any), Steroid
therapy (any regimen)
Comparator Any
Outcomes Complete & partial remission, Relapse, Categorical changes in proteinuria, Categorical changes in kidney function (Cr, GFR),
ESRD, Death/survival, Adverse events
Study design RCTs
Minimum follow-up 6 mo
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Prospective or retrospective
Minimum duration: 12 mo
Minimum N of Subjects N X20
Chapter 9: Infection-Related MN
Population Patients with infection associated GN, biopsy-proven, Postinfectious GN
Intervention Antiviral (lamuvidine, ribavirin or interferon) for HBV, HCV, Anti-parasitic agents for malaria or other helminthic/protozoal
infections. For post infectious GN: any intervention
Comparator Any treatment
Outcomes All cause mortality, ESRD, CKD 5, RRT, etc., Progression of CKD, SCr increase/GFR decrease, Change in CKD stage, Disease
remission, Partial disease remission, Protocol-driven additional treatment of GN, Disease relapse, Quality of life, Proteinuria, AE:
Including cancer, thromboembolic complications, pulmonary embolism, CVD especially acute MI
Study design RCTs; No minimum duration of follow-up
Minimum N of Subjects For post-infectious: N X10 for RCTs, N X20 for observational
Chapter 10: IgAN
Population Biopsy-proven IgAN, Primary disease only (exclude secondary disease)
Intervention Any
Comparator Any, regardless of ACE-I use, BP control, etc.
Outcomes All cause mortality, ESRD, CKD 5, RRT, etc., Progression of CKD, SCr increase/GFR decrease, Change in CKD stage, Disease
remission, Protocol-driven additional treatment of GN, Disease relapse, Proteinuria
Study design RCTs; Minimum follow-up: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects N X10
Table 32 continued on following page
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Table 32 | Continued
PICOD criteria
Chapter 11: HSP Nephritis
Population Biopsy-proven HSP
Intervention Any (for RCTs and nonrandomized comparative studies)
Comparator Any (for RCTs and nonrandomized comparative studies)
Outcomes All cause mortality, ESRD, CKD 5, RRT, etc., Progression of CKD, SCr increase/GFR decrease, Change in CKD stage, Disease
remission, Protocol-driven additional treatment of GN, Disease relapse, Proteinuria
Study design RCTs and nonrandomized comparative studies
Minimum N of Subjects N X10
Chapter 12: LN Induction Therapy
Population Biopsy-proven Lupus nephritis, class III, IV , V, (also any combination of class V + III or V + IV ), Adults and pediatric
Intervention MMF, Cyclophosphamide, Rituximab, Long duration Cyclophosphamide, i.v. cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporine/Tacrolimus +
MMF + Prednisone
Hydroxychloroquine (class V) as a concomitant therapy with other drug therapies
Comparator Cyclophosphamide (p.o. or i.v.), Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide, EURO protocol cyclophosphamide, p.o. cyclophosphamide,
Cyclophosphamide. No addition of hydroxychloroquine
Outcomes Mortality, Need for RRT/ renal survival, Proteinuria, Kidney function preservation in terms of SCr/eGFR such as doubling of SCr
as categorical outcome, Remission and Relapse, Preservation of menses (fertility), Thrombotic and thromboembolic events,
Alopecia and other adverse events
Study design RCTs
Minimum follow-up: 6 months
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Prospective study design
Minimum follow-up: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects N X10/arm for RCTs and N X30 for nonrandomized comparative studies
Chapter 12: LN Maintenance Therapy
Population Biopsy-proven Lupus nephritis, class III, IV, V, (also any combination of class V+III or V+IV), Both adults and pediatric
Intervention RCTs:
Maintenance therapy 1. MMF, 2. MMF, 3. Steroids, Hydroxychloroquine
Nonrandomized comparative studies:
Etanercept, TNF alpha antagonists (e.g., infliximab, etc), CTLA4-Ig and derivatives, Campath, Abetimus (LJP394)
Comparator Cyclophosphamide, Azathioprine, Placebo/ No Rx
Outcomes Mortality, Need for RRT/ renal survival, Proteinuria, Kidney function preservation in terms of SCr/eGFR such as doubling of
SCr as categorical outcome, Remission and Relapse, Preservation of menses (fertility), Thrombotic and thromboembolic
events, Alopecia and other adverse events
Study design RCTs
Minimum follow-up: 12 months
Nonrandomized comparative studies
Prospective study design
Minimum follow-up: 12 months
Minimum N of Subjects N X10/arm for RCTs and N X30 for nonrandomized comparative studies
Chapter 13: Treatment of Pauci-immune Focal and Segmental Necrotizing GN
Population Adults or pediatric population, ANCA Vasculitis, biopsy-proven, Positive ANCA, Wegener’s granulomatosis, microscopic
polyangiitis, pauci-immune GN). Churg Strauss syndrome
Intervention RCTs:
Cyclophosphamide+steroids, Cyclophosphamide+steroids+Plasmapheresis/IVIG, MMF, i.v. cyclophosphamide regimens,
Pulsed cyclophosphamide, Rituximab
Azathioprine, MMF, Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Leflunomide
For nonrandomized comparative studies:
MMF, Rituximab, Infliximab, Campath, Abetacept, Cyclosporine, IVIG, Leflunomide
Plasmapheresis or immunoadsorption
Comparator Cyclophosphamide, Cyclophosphamide+steroids, Cyclophosphamide, p.o. cyclophosphamide regimens, Continuous p.o.
Any comparator
Outcomes Mortality, Kidney survival, Relapse, Disease free survival, Thromboembolism, Proteinuria
Coming off dialysis
Study design RCTs:
Minimum follow-up: 6 months; For maintenance therapy trials, duration at least 1 year
Nonrandomized comparative studies:
Prospective or Retrospective study design
Minimum follow-up: 6 months
Minimum N of Subjects Any N for RCTs and NX30 for nonrandomized comparative studies
Table 32 continued on following page
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
interventions, study design, results, and provided an assess-
ment of quality of study and outcomes. The ERT then
tabulated studies in summary tables, and assigned grades for
the quality of the evidence in consultation with the Work
Refinement of Topics
At the first 3-day meeting, Work Group members added
comments to the scope-of-work document as prepared by the
Work Group Chairs and ERT, until the initial working
document included all topics of interest to the Work Group.
The inclusive, combined set of questions formed the basis for
the deliberation and discussion that followed. The Work
Group aimed to ensure that all topics deemed clinically
relevant and worthy of review were identified and addressed.
The major topic areas of interest for the care of GN included
IgAN, lupus and vasculitis, MCD and FSGS, and MN,
MPGN, and infecti on.
At the initiation of the guideline development process, it
was agreed that these guidelines would focus on patients who
have GN. Thus, all topics, systematic reviews, and study
eligibility criteria were restricted to patients with a biopsy-
proven diagnosis of GN, with exceptions for diseases that do
not require biopsy confirmation.
Based on the list of topics, the Work Group and ERT
developed a list of specific research questions for
which systematic review would be performed. For each
systematic review topic, the Work Group Co-Chairs and the
ERT formulated well-defined systematic review research
questions using a well-established system.
For each
question, explicit criteria were agreed on for the population,
intervention or predictor, comparator, outcomes of interest,
and study design features. A list of outcomes of interest was
The Work Group and the ERT agreed upon specific
outcomes of interest: all-cause mortality, ESRD, disease
remission, relapse, proteinuria, kidney function, and adverse
events. ESRD and mortalit y were ranked as being of critical
importance. The Work Group ranked patient-centered
clinical outcomes (such as death, ESRD, remission and
categorical proteinuria and kidney function changes) as
more important than intermediate outcomes (such as
continuous outcomes of proteinuria and kidney function).
Categorical outcomes are those that describe when a
patient moves from one health state (e.g., macroalbuminuria)
to another (e.g., no albuminuria). Continuous outcomes
would be evaluations of the laboratory values alone (e.g.,
change in proteinuria in mg/dl). The outcomes were
further categorized as being of critical, high, or moderate
clinical importance to patients with GN. The specific criteria
used for each topic are described below in the description
of the review topics. In general, eligibility criteria were
determined based on clinical value, relevance to the guide-
lines and clinical practice, determination whether a set of
studies would affect recommendations or the strength of
evidence, and practical issues, such as available time and
Literature Searches and Article Selection
Searches were conducted in MEDLINE and Cochran e
through January 20, 2011. All searches were also supple-
mented by articles identified by Work Group members
through November 2011. For detailed search strategies, please
see Online Appendix 1.
Search results were screened by the ERT for rele-
vance using predefined eligibility criteria, described
below. For questions related to treatment, the systematic
search aimed to identify RCTs as described in Table 32.
For some topics, nonrandomized comparative trials were also
reviewed, in addition to RCTs, to strengthen the evidence
For most topics, the minimum sample size was 410. For
MCD and FSGS, because of sparse data, smaller studies were
Table 32 | Continued
PICOD criteria
Chapter 14: Treatment of Anti-GBM GN
Population Anti-GBM disease, biopsy-proven, Anti-GBM antibody, Adults or pediatric population
Either renal or combined pulmonary renal involvement
Intervention Prednisone+Cyclophosphamide þ Plasmapheresis, Prednisone þ cyclophosphamide+Immunoadsorption
Comparator Prednisone þ Cyclophosphamide, Prednisone+Cyclophosphamide
Outcomes Mortality, Recovery of kidney function, Proteinuria
Study design Any; No minimum follow-up
Minimum no. of
No minimum N
ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AE, adverse eve nts; ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; ARB, angiotensin-
receptor blocker; AZA, azathioprine; BP, blood pressure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CNI, calcineurin inhibitors; Cr, creatinine; CsA, cyclosporine; CTLA 4-lg, CTLA-4 Ig fusion
protein; CVD, cardiovascular disease; Cyc, cyclophos phamide; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; FRNS, frequently relapsing nephrotic
syndrome; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulonephritis, GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GN, glomerulonephritis; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSP, Henoch-
nlein purpura; IgAN, immunoglobulin A nephropathy; i.v., intravenous; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LN, lupus nephritis; MCD, minimal-change disease; MI,
myocardial infarction; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MN, membranous nephropathy; mo, month; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; N, number; PICOD,
population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, design (study); p.o., oral; Prot, proteinuria; RCT, randomized controlled trials; RRT, renal replacement therapy; Rx, treatment;
SCr, serum creatinine; SDNS, steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome; SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome; SSNS; steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome; Tac, tacrolimus.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
For most topics, the minimum duration of follow-up of
6 months was chosen based on clinical reasoning. For the
treatments of interest, the proposed effects on patient-
important clinical outcomes require long-term exposure and,
typically, would not be expected to become evident before
several months of follow-up.
In addition, a search was conducted for data on predictors
of kidney failure, kidney function, and remission. Only
associations from multivariable regression analyses were
considered. These ‘‘predictor studies’ were not graded for
quality. For these topics, the ERT completed its search in
October 5, 2009 and did not update the search.
Included were studies of all patients with glomerular
diseases, excluding those with diabetic nephropathy, throm-
botic microangiopathy, amyloidosis, Alport’s and other
hereditary glomerular diseases, paraproteinemia, and recur-
rence of GN following kidney transplantation.
Interventions of interest included all treatments for GN,
including drugs, herbs, dietary supplements, tonsillectomy,
infection prophylaxis, and postdiagnosis tests to determine
A list of pertinent, published system atic reviews relevant
to GN guidelines was generated, organized by topic, and
reviewed with the Work Group. If an existing systematic
review adequately addressed a question of interest as
determined by the Work Group, this was used instead of a
de novo systematic review by the ERT. These systematic
reviews were then used as the starting points for building the
evidence base and supplemented with articles from the ERT’s
own searches. If these reviews w ere deemed to adequately
address topics of interest (even if only selected outcomes were
reviewed), de novo searches on these topics were limited to
the time period since the end of literature search within the
systematic reviews.
Editorials, letters, stand-alone abstracts, unpublished
reports, and articles published in non–peer-reviewed journals
were excluded. The Work Group also decided to exclude
publications from journal supplements.
Literature yield for systematic review topics. Table 33
summarizes the numbers of abstracts screened, articles
retrieved, studies data extracted, and studies included in
summary tables.
Data extraction. The ERT designed data-extraction forms
to tabulate information on various aspects of the primary
studies. Data fields for all topics included study setting,
patient demo graphics, eligibility criteria, type of GN,
numbers of subjects randomized, study design, study funding
source, descriptions of interventions (or predictors), descrip-
tion of outcomes, statistical methods used, results, quality of
outcomes (as described below), limitations to general-
izability, and free-text fields for comments and assessment
of biases.
Summary tables
Summary tables were developed to tabulate the data from
studies pertinent to each question of intervention. Each
summary table contains a brief description of the outcome,
baseline characteristics of the population, intervention,
comparator results, and methodological quality of each
outcome. Baseline characteristics include a description of
the study size, country of residence, and baseline kidney
function and proteinuria. Intervention and concomitant
therapies, and the results, were all captured. The studies were
listed by outcome within the table, based on the hierarchy of
important outcomes (Table 34). Categorical and continuous
outcomes were summarized in separate sets of tables. Work
Group members were asked to proof all data in summary tables
on RCTs and non-RCTs. Separate sets of summary tables
were created for predictor studies. Summary tables are available
at www.kdigo.org/clinical_practice_guidelines/GN.php.
Evaluation of individual studies. Study size and duration:
The study (sample) size is used as a measure of the weight of
the evidence. In general, large studies provide more precise
estimates. Similarly, longer-duration studies may be of better
quality and more applicable, depending on other factors.
Methodological quality: Methodological quality (internal
validity) refers to the design, conduct, and reporting of the
outcomes of a clinical study. A three-level classification of
Table 33 | Literature search yield of RCTs
No. of systematic
No. of summary
No. of evidence
Total 13,516 418 94 12 72 18
RCTs, randomized controlled trials.
All topics and all study designs combined.
Available at: www.kdigo.org/clinical_practice_guidelines/GN.php.
Table 34 | Hierarchy of outcomes
Mortality, ESRD, CKD 5, RRT
Progression of CKD, Disease remission, Protocol-driven
additional treatment of GN, Disease relapse, Quality of
Partial disease remission, Proteinuria
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GN, glomerulonephritis;
RRT, renal replacement therapy.
Outcomes of lesser importance are excluded from review.
This categorization was the consensus of the Work Group for the purposes of this
GN guideline only. The lists are not meant to reflect outcome ranking for other areas
of kidney disease management. The Work Group acknowledges that not all
clinicians, patients or families, or societies would rank all outcomes the same.
248 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
study qualit y was used (Table 35). Given the potential
differences in quality of a study for its primary and other
outcomes, the methodological quality was assessed for each
outcome. Variations of this system have been used in most
KDOQI and all KDIGO guidelines, and have been recom-
mended for the US Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality Evidence-based Practice Center program (http://
Guide.pdf). Each study was given an overall quality grade.
Each reported outcome was then evaluated and given an
individual qualit y grade depending on reporting and
methodological issues specific to that outcome. However,
the quality grade of an individual outcome could not exceed
the quality grade for the overall study.
Results: The results data for each outcome of interest were
extracted including baseline values (when relevant), final
values (or number of events), and net differences (between
interventions). These included net chan ge in values, RR, OR,
HR, and risk difference, as reporte d by the studies. The CI
values of the net differences and their statistical significance
were also extracted. When necessary, for categorical out-
comes, RR and their 95% CI were calculated based on
available data. The calculated data were distinguished from
the reported data in the summary tables.
Evidence profiles. Evidence profiles were constructed by
the ERT and reviewed and confirmed with the Work Group
members. These profiles serve to make transparent to the
reader the thinking process of the Work Group in system-
atically combining evidence and judgments. Each evidence
profile was reviewed by Work Group members. Decisions
were based on facts and findings from the primary studies
listed in corresponding summary tables, as w ell as selected
existing systematic reviews, and judgments of the Work
Group. Judgments about the quality, consistency, and
directness of evidence were often complex, as were judgments
about the importance of an outcome or the summary of
effects sizes. The evidence profiles provided a structu red
transparent approach to grading, rather than a rigorous
method of quantitatively summing up grades.
Evidence profiles were constructed for research questions
addressed by at least two studies. When the body of evidence
for a particular comparison of interest consisted of only one
study, either an RCT or a systematic review, the summary
table provides the final level of synthes is.
Grading the quality of evidence and the strength of a
A structured approach, based on
and facilitated by the use of evidence profiles,
was used in order to grade the quality of the overall evidence
and the strength of recommendations. For each topic, the
discussion on grading of the quality of the evidence was led
by the ERT, and the discussion regarding the strength of the
recommendations was led by the Work Group Co-Chairs.
The ‘strength of a recommendation indicates the extent to
which one can be confident that adherence to the
recommendation will do more good than harm. The quality
of a body of ev idence’ refers to the extent to which our
confidence in an estimate of effect is sufficient to support a
particular recommendation.
Grading the quality of evidence for each outcome: Following
the GRADE method, the quality of a body of evidence
pertaining to a particular outcome of interest was initially
categorized based on study design. For questions of
interventions, the initial quality grade was ‘High when
the body of evidence consisted of RCTs. In theory, the
initial grade would have been ‘Low’ if the evidence consisted
of observational studies or ‘Very Low’ if it consisted
of studies of other study designs; however, the quality of
bodies of evidence was formally determined only for topics
where we performed systematic reviews of RCTs. The grade
for the quality of evidence for each intervention/outcome
pair was decreased if there were serious limitations to the
methodological quality of the aggregate of studies, if
there were important inconsistencies in the results across
studies, if there was uncertainty about the directness of
evidence including limited applicability of the findings to
the population of interest, if the data were imprecise (a low
event rate [0 or 1 event] in either arm or CI spanning a
range o0.5 to 42.0) or sparse (only one study or total
No100), or if there was thought to be a high likelihood of
bias. The final grade for the quality of the evidence for an
intervention/outcome pair could be one of the following
four grades: ‘High, ‘Moderate’, ‘‘Low’, or ‘Very Low’
(Table 36). The quality of grading for topics relying on
systematic reviews are based on quality items recorded in the
systematic review.
Grading the overall quality of evidence: The quality of the
overall body of evidence was then determined based on the
quality grades for all outcomes of interest, taking into
account explicit judgments about the relative importance of
each outcome, weighting critical outcomes more than high or
moderate. The resulting four final categories for the quality
of overall evidence were: ‘‘A, ‘‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’ (Table 37). This
evidence grade is indicated within each recommendation.
Assessment of the net health benefit across all important
clinical outcomes: The net health benefit was determined
based on the anticipated balance of benefits and harm across
all clinically important outcomes. The assessment of net
medical benefit was affected by the judgment of the Work
Group. The assessment of net health benefit is summarized in
Table 38.
Table 35 | Classification of study quality
Low risk of bias and no obvious reporting errors, complete
reporting of data. Must be prospective. If study of
intervention, must be RCT.
Moderate risk of bias, but problems with study/paper are
unlikely to cause major bias. If study of intervention, must be
High risk of bias or cannot exclude possible significant biases.
Poor methods, incomplete data, reporting errors. Prospective
or retrospective.
RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
Grading the strength of the recommendations: The strength
of a recommendation is graded as Level 1 or Level 2. Table 39
shows the KDIG O nomenclature for grading the strength of a
recommendation, and the implications of each level for
patients, clinicians, and policy-makers. Recommendations
can be for or against doing something. Table 40 shows that
the strength of a recommendation is determined not just by
the quality of the evidence, but also by other—often
complex—judgments regarding the size of the net medical
benefit, values, and preferences, and costs. Formal decision
analyses including cost analysis were not conducted.
Ungraded statements: This categor y was designed to allow
the Work Group to issue general advice. Typically an
ungraded statement meets the following criteria: it provides
guidance based on common sense; it provides reminders of
the obvious; it is not sufficiently specific to allow application
of evidence to the issue and, therefore, it is not based on
systematic evidence review. Common examples include
recommendations about frequency of testing, referral to
specialists, and routine medical care. We strove to minimize
the use of ungraded recommendations.
This grading scheme with two levels for the strength of a
recommendation together with four levels of grading the
quality of the evidence, and the option of an ungraded
statement for general guidance, was adopted by the KDIGO
Board in December 2008. The Work Group took the primary
role of writing the recommendations and rationale state-
ments, and retained final responsibility for the content of the
guideline statements and the accompanying narrative. The
ERT reviewed draft recommendations and grades for
consistency with the conclusions of the evidence review.
Format for recommendations. Each section contains one
or more specific recommendatio ns. Within each recommen-
dation, the strength of recommendation is indicated as level 1
or level 2, and the quality of the supporting evidence is
shown as A, B, C, or D. These are followed by a brief
background with relevant definitions of terms, then the
Table 36 | GRADE system for grading quality of evidence
Step 1: Starting grade for
quality of evidence based on
study design Step 2: Reduce grade Step 3: Raise grade
Final grade for quality of evidence and
Randomized trials = High Study quality
1 level if serious limitations
2 levels if very serious limitations
Strength of association
+1 level if strong
plausible confounders
+2 levels if very strong
no major threats to validity
High = Further research is unlikely to
change confidence in the estimate of the
Observational study = Low Consistency
1 level if important inconsistency
1 level if some uncertainty
2 levels if major uncertainty
+1 level if evidence of a
dose-response gradient
+1 level if all residual
plausible confounders
would have reduced the
observed effect
Moderate = Further research is likely to
have an important impact on confidence
in the estimate of effect, and may change
the estimate
Low=Further research is very likely to have
an important impact on confidence in the
estimate, and may change the estimate
Very Low = Any estimate of effect is very
Any other evidence = Very
1 level if sparse or imprecise data
1 level if high probability of
reporting bias
GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation.
Strong evidence of association is defined as ‘‘significant relative risk of 42(o0.5)’’ based on consistent evidence from two or more observational studies, with no plausible
Very strong evidence of association is defined as ‘‘s ignificant relative risk of 45(o0.2)’’ based on direct evidence with no major threats to validity.
Sparse if there is only one study or if total N o100. Imprecise if there is a low event rate (0 or 1 event) in either arm or confidence interval spanning a range o0.5 to 42.0.
Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Kidney International. Uhlig K, Macleod A, Craig J et al. Grading evidence and recommendations for clinical
practice guidelines in nephrology. A position statement from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Kidney Int 2006; 70: 2058–2065
; accessed http://
www.nature.com/ki/journal/v70/n12/ pdf/5001875a.pdf.
Table 37 | Final grade for overall quality of evidence
Quality of
evidence Meaning
A High We are confident that the true effect lies close
to that of the estimate of the effect.
B Moderate The true effect is likely to be close to the
estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility
that it is substantially different.
C Low The true effect may be substantially different
from the estimate of the effect.
D Very Low The estimate of effect is very uncertain, and often
will be far from the truth.
Table 38 | Balance of benefits and harm
When there was evidence to determine the balance of medical benefits
and harm of an intervention to a patient, conclusions were categorized as
K Net benefits = the intervention clearly does more good than harm
K Trade-offs = there are important trade-offs between the benefits
and harm
K Uncertain trade-offs = it is not clear whether the intervention does
more good than harm
K No net benefits = the intervention clearly does not do more good
than harm
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251
methods for guideline development
rationale starting with a chain of logic’, which consists of
declarative sentences summarizing the key points of the
evidence base, and the judgments supporting the recom-
mendation. This is followed by a narrative in support of the
rationale. In relevant sections, research recommendations
suggest future research to resolve current uncertainties.
Limitations of Approach
While the literature searches were intended to be compre-
hensive, they were not exhaustive. MEDLINE and various
Cochrane databases were the only databases searched. Hand
searches of journals were not performed, and review articles
and textbook chapters were not systematically searched.
However, important studies known to the domain experts
that were missed by the electronic literature searches were
added to retrieved articles and reviewed by the Work Group.
Not all topics and subtopics covered by these guidelines could
be systematically reviewed. Decisions to restrict t he topics
were made to focus the systematic reviews on those topics
where existing evidence was thought to be likely to provide
support for the guideline s. Although nonrandomized studies
were reviewed, the majority of the ERT and Work Group
resources were devoted to review of the randomized trials,
since these were deemed to be most likely to provide
data to support level 1 recommendations with very high- or
high- (A or B) quality evidence. Where randomized trials
were lacking, it was deemed to be sufficiently unlikely that
studies previously unknown to the Work Group would result
in higher-quality level 1 recommendations.
Review of the Guideline Development Process
Several tools and checklists have been developed to assess the
quality of the methodological process for systematic review
and guideline development. These include the Appraisal of
Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) criteria,
the Conference on Guideline Standardization (COGS) check-
and and the Institute of Medicine’s recent Standards
for Systematic Reviews
and Clinical Practice Guidelines We
Can Trust.
Online Appendices 2 and 3 show the COGS
criteria that correspond to the AGREE checklist and the
Institute of Medicine standards, and how each one of them is
addressed in this guideline.
Appendix 1: Online search strategies.
Appendix 2: The Conference on Guideline Standardization (COGS)
checklist for reporting clinical practice guidelines.
Appendix 3: Concurrence with Institute of Medicine standards for
systematic reviews and for guidelines.
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
Table 39 | KDIGO nomenclature and description for grading recommendations
Patients Clinicians Policy
Level 1
‘‘We recommend’’
Most people in your situation
would want the recommended
course of action and only a small
proportion would not.
Most patients should receive the
recommended course of action.
The recommendation can be
evaluated as a candidate for
developing a policy or a
performance measure.
Level 2
‘‘We suggest’’
The majority of people in your
situation would want the
recommended course of action,
but many would not.
Different choices will be appropriate for
different patients. Each patient needs help to
arrive at a management decision consistent
with her or his values and preferences.
The recommendation is likely to
require substantial debate and
involvement of stakeholders before
policy can be determined.
The additional category ‘‘Not Graded’’ was used, typically, to provide guidance based on common sense or where the topic does not allow adequate application of evidence.
The most common examples include recommendations regarding monitoring intervals, counseling, and referral to other clinical specialists. The ungraded recommendations
are generally written as simple declarative statements, but are not meant to be interpreted as being stronger recommendations than Level 1 or 2 recommendations.
Table 40 | Determinants of strength of recommendation
Factor Comment
Balance between desirable
and undesirable effects
The larger the difference between the desirable and undesirable effects, the more likely a strong recommendation
is warranted. The narrower the gradient, the more likely a weak recommendation is warranted.
Quality of the evidence The higher the quality of evidence, the more likely a strong recommendation is warranted.
Values and preferences The more variability in values and preferences, or more uncertainty in values and preferences, the more likely
a weak recommendation is warranted.
Costs (resource allocation) The higher the costs of an intervention—that is, the more resources consumed—the less likely a strong
recommendation is warranted.
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 243–251 251
methods for guideline development
Biographic and Disclosure Information
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.28
Daniel C Cattran, MD, FRCPC (Work Group Co-Chair),is
a graduate of the University of Toronto Medical School and
completed his postgraduate training both in Toronto, Canada
and Sydney, Australia. He is currently a Professor of Medicine
at the University of Toronto and a senior scientist at the
Toronto General Research Institute. His administrative roles
have included Chairman of the Royal College of Canada
specialty program in nephrology, the renal transplant
program of the Toronto General Hospital, and Director
of the postgraduate education program in nephrology at
the University of Toronto. Dr. Cattran is a member of
postgraduate education committee of the American Society
of Nephrology and he also currently serves on the KDIGO
Dr. Cattran’s major research work has been in field of
GN. He was the principal organizer and present Chair of
the Toronto Glomerulonephritis Registry, which currently
includes over 11,000 cases of biopsy-proven GN. His
current research activities also include chairing the steering
committee of NEPTUNE, an NIH-sponsored North
American Consortium of 15 Centers focused on investi-
gating the molecular mechanisms of the nephrotic syndrome
and in particular the histologic variants, MN and FSGS.
His own research is currently examining the role of ACTH
as new therapy for IMN, and Dr. Cattran is lead investi-
gator of a North American validation study of the new
Oxford classification of IgAN. Grant support for his work
has come from the Kidney Foundation of Canada, PSI,
the National Institutes of Health, and the Canadian Institutes
for Health Research. He has published over 190 articles in
peer-reviewed journals and has been the principal author of
more than 20 book chapters, as well as multiple reviews
related to the natural history, outcome, and treatment studies
in GN.
In recognition of his career in clinical investigation, the
Kidney Foundation of Canada recently awarded him their
prestigious Medal for Research Excellence. He has also been
active in volunteer work, in particular, the Kidney Founda-
tion of Canada and has held a number of positions including
the chair of their Medical Advisory Board. The Foundations
award, ‘Volunteer of the Year’, acknowledged his contri-
butions to this organization. He has also held a number of
positions in the Canadian Society of Nephrology, including a
term as President.
Speaker: Novartis
Grant/Research Support: Amgen
John Feehally, DM, FRCP (Work Group Co-Chair),is
Professor of Renal Medicine at The John Walls Renal Unit,
Leicester General Hospital, UK. He received training in
nephrology in Manchester and Leicester, UK, and in Boston,
MA, USA, and was appointed Consultant Nephrologist at
Leicester General Hospital in 1988. In 1999 he became
Honorary Professor of Renal Medicine at the University of
Leicester, UK. His particular clinical interests include topics
such as GN and kidney transplantation. He has an active
laboratory research program with a focus on immune renal
disease, particularly IgAN, and maintains an epidemiological
and clinical research interest in ethnic variations in renal
Professor Feehally is Co-Editor of Comprehensive Clinical
Nephrology, 4th Edition. He is President of the International
Society of Nephrology (2011-2013), served as President of the
Renal Association in the UK (2004-2007), and has been a
member of the Renal Advisory Group at the UK Department
of Health since 2003.
Dr Feehally reported no relevant financial relationships
H Terence Cook, MBBS, MRCP, MRCPath, FRCPath,
FMedSci, is Professor of Renal Pathology at Imperial
College of Medicine and Deputy Director of the Centre
for Complement and Inflammation Research at Imperial
College, London, UK. Dr. Cook completed his under-
graduate studies at New College, University of Oxford
and received his medical degree from St. Mary’s Hospital
Medical School in London, UK. His major research
interests include the studying of pathological mechanisms
of injury in glomerulonephritis and the role of macrophages,
antibodies, Fc receptors, complement, and other mediators in
the disease process. He also maintains an active interest in the
use of histological features from human renal biopsies to
predict response to treatments. In particular, he is presently
conducting transcriptome analysis from renal biopsies for the
diagnosis of transplant rejection. Dr. Cook is currently the
President of Renal Pathology Society and a member of
committees including, ISN COMGAN Subcommittee on
Renal Pathology; Royal College of Pathologists Ethics
Committee; and Renal Association International Committee.
He has authored more than 200 publications and served as a
consensus working group member of the International IgA
Nephropathy Network, which recently developed the Oxford
Classification of IgA Nephropathy.
Advisor/Consultant: Roche
biographic and disclosure information http://www.kidney-international.org
& 2012 KDIGO
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257
Fernando C Fervenza, MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine
and Section Head, Parenchymal Renal Division at Mayo
Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN, USA. He
received his medical training at the Medical School of the
Pontificia Universidade, Brazil and completed his doctoral
degree from University of Oxford, UK and fellowship studies
from Stanford University. His primary research interest lies in
the area of parenchymal renal disease with a focus on the
glomerulopathies. Specifically, Dr. Fervenza is a current
principal investigator in a number of clinical trials examining
the efficacy of ocrelizumab in class III or IV nephritis; the use
of rituximab as induction therapy in patients with lupus
membranous patients; and the effectiveness of ACTH in
lowering proteinuria in patients with IMN. In addition
to authoring more than 100 peer-reviewed publications,
Dr. Fervenza has been actively involved in the mentoring of
residents, nephrology fellows, and visiting physicians. Since
2001, he has organized an annual nephrology up-to-date
course in Brazil with the aim of fostering scientific
improvement in the Brazilian nephrology community. In
recognition for his multitude of contributions, Dr. Fervenza
was awarded the Career Development Award in 2007 by the
Mayo Foundation and most recently received the Laureate
Award from the Mayo Clinic.
Advisor/Consultant: Genentech; Questcor
Grant/Research Support: Genentech; Novartis; Questcor;
Roche; Teva
rgen Floege, MD, graduated from the Hannover Medical
School in Germany in 1984 and subsequently received his
clinical training at the Hannover Medical School. His
particular interest in renal diseases and renal replacement
therapies developed during various research periods in
physiology, pharmacology, nephrology, and pathology at the
Hannover Medical School, Germany; the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, New York; and the University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. He was appointed as head
of the Division of Nephrology and Immunology at the
University of Aachen, Germany in 1999. In 2001, he became
the Vice Dean of the Medical School, and since 2004, a
Director of a government-funded center grant on chronic
Professor Floege is an active member of several nephro-
logy societies, including the American Society of Nephrology,
ISN, and the European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA). He
is a current member of the ERA-EDTA scientific advisory
board, Co-Chair of the World Congress of Nephrology
(Vancouver 2011) and former ERA-EDTA and ISN council
member. In addition, he is a founding member and vice
president of the German Society of Nephrology, since 2008.
Together with Professors Richard Johnson and John Feehally
he is editor of the best-selling textbook Comprehensive
Clinical Nephrology. Finally, Professor Floege is one of two
deputy editors of the ERA-EDTA journal Nephrology Dialysis
Transplantation and a member of the editorial board of
several other journals, including Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology, Kidney International, Nature Clinical
Practice Nephrology, Journal of Nephrology, and Clinical
His research interests encompass both basic research (i.e.,
studies on growth factors, cytokines, angiogenesis, stem cells
and fibrosis in the course of renal disease) as well as clinical
problems such as immune-mediated renal disease, bone and
mineral disorders and cardiovascular risk factors in dialysis
patients. Dr. Floege’s scientific work encompasses 300
original papers, reviews and editorials, and 40 book chapters.
Advisor/Consultant: Amgen; Boehringer Ingelheim; Frese-
nius; Genzyme; Pharmalink; Vifor
Speaker: Amgen; Fresenius; Genzyme; Vifor
Debbie S Gipson, MD, MS, is Associate Professor, Division
of Nephrology in the Department of Pediatrics at University
of Michigan, MI, USA, and Director for Research Design,
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Clinical Research Ethics Core
at Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research. After
obtaining a medical degree from Indiana University School of
Medicine, Dr. Gipson completed her fellowship in pediatric
nephrology at University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA,
where she also received her master’s degree in epidemiology.
She is currently a member of NIH FSGS Clinical Steering
Committee and the Chair of its Clinical Management
Committee. In addition, she is a research investigator in
several clinical trials which strive to better assess risk factors
for progression of chronic kidney disease in children and
identify therapeutic options for patients with multi-drug
resistant FSGS. Dr. Gipson is also Co-Director for Pediatric
Clinical Research, Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network
(NEPTUNE) whose goal is to bring clinical and translational
scientists together with the aim to educate patients with
FSGS, MN, and MCD.
Dr Gipson reported no relevant financial relationships
Richard J Glassock, MD, MACP, is currently Professor
Emeritus at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
and an internationally recognized expert in the field of
glomerular diseases and clinical nephrology. He has published
over 400 original papers, books, book chapters, reviews, and
served as Co-Editor in a recent text, Treatment of Primary
Glomerulonephritis (2nd Edition). Professor Glassock has
lectured in more than 90 countries and has been a visiting
professor at over 100 academic institutions. Throughout his
career, he has trained over 50 nephrologists.
Professor Glassock has received many awards, including
the David Hume Memorial Award of the National Kidney
Foundation, and the Robert Narins Award of the American
Society of Nephrology. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief
of the NephSAP and sits on the editorial board of Journal
of the American Society of Nephrology and Journal of
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257 253
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Advisor/Consultant: Aspreva (Vifor Pharma); BioMarin;
Bristol-Myers Squibb; ChemoCentryx; Eli Lilly; FibroGen;
Genentech; La Jolla Pharmac eutical; Lighthouse Learning;
National Institutes of Health; Novartis; Questcor; Wyeth
Board of Directors/Advisory Board: American Renal Associ-
ates; Los Angeles Biomedica l Research Institute; University
Kidney Research Organization; Wyeth
Ow nership Interests: La Jolla Pharmaceutical; Reata
Honoraria: American Society of Nephrology
Employment: American Journal of Nephrology; American
Society of Nephrology; Lighthouse Learning; UpToDate
Royalties: Oxford University Press
Elisabeth M Hodson, MBBS, FRACP, is a consultant
pediatric nephrologist at the Childrens Hospital at Westmead
in Sydney, Australia and was Head of the Department of
Nephrology from 1995 to 2008. Her research interests have
included CKD-metabolic bone disease, antenatal diagnosis of
urinary tract abnormalities, growth in children with chronic
kidney disease, and since 2002, a cohort study of antecedents
of kidney disease in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children
and young people. Since 2000, she has been an editor for the
Cochrane Collaborations Renal Review Group, which is
based in the Centre for Kidney Research at the Children’s
Hospital at Westmead. Dr. Hodson has written and/or
updated fourteen systematic reviews of RCTs of therapies
for kidney disease for the Cochrane Renal Group. These
include systematic reviews on the management in children of
SSNS with corticosteroids and corticosteroid-sparing agents,
of SRNS, and of HSP nephritis.
Dr Hodson reported no relevant financial relationships
Vivekanand Jha, MD, DM, FRCP, FAMS, is Additional
Professor of Nephrology and Coordinator of Stem Cell
Research Facility at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education & Research, Chandigarh, India. Dr Jha has held
numerous committee positions in professional bodies such
as The Transplantation Society, International Society of
Nephrology and, most recently, a Steering Committee
member of the World Health Organization initiative on data
harmonization in transplantation. His ongoing research
projects include the development of optimal strategies of
immunosuppressive drug use after kidney transplantation by
pharmacogenomic approaches, and the studying of bone
mineral density and histomorphometry in chronic kidney
failure and its evolution after transplantation. He is Editor of
The Cochrane Renal Group and a frequent peer reviewer for
14 journals. Dr. Jha has authored over 160 publications and
25 book chapters, and serves as an editor of an upcoming
textbook, Management of Kidney Transplant Recipient .He
was awarded Fellowships from The Royal Society of
Physicians (London) and The National Academy of Medical
Sciences (India) in 2009 and 2010, respectively.
Dr Jha reported no relevant financial relationships
Philip Kam-Tao Li, MD, FRCP, FACP, is the Chief of
Nephrology & Consultant Physician of the Department of
Medicine and Therapeutics at the Prince of Wales Hospital,
Hong Kong. He is also the Honorary Professor of Medicine at
the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Li dedicates his efforts to promoting nephrology
both locally and internationally. He is the Past Chairman
of the Hong Kong Society of Nephrology and presently
the Executive Committee Member of the ISN and current
President of the Hong Kong Transplantation Society. Prof.
Li serves on the Board of Directors for KDIGO and is a
Steering Committee Member for World Kidney Day 2010 as
well as the Executive Committee Member of the Asian Forum
for CKD Initiatives. He also sits on the Executive Council of
the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, the Council of
International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, and serves as
the Honorary Secretary at the Hong Kong College of
Prof. Li had been President of the Organizing Committees
for the ISN 2004 Conference on Prevention of Progression of
Kidney Diseases and the 11th International Congress of
International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis in 2006. He was
also the Scientific Vice-President and Program Chair for the
2nd Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis
in 2009. Prof. Li is now the Chairman of the Organizing
Committee for the World Congress of Nephrology 2013,
which will be held in Hong Kong.
Prof. Li is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Hong Kong
Journal of Nephrology, Deputy Editor of Nephrology, and
Editor of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation and the
International Journal of Artificial Organs. He is on the
Editorial Boards of Clinical Nephrology, Peritoneal Dialysis
International, Nephron Clinical Practice, Chinese Journal
of Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation, Medical Progress,
Indian Journal of Peritoneal Dialysis, and is a regular
reviewer for all the major nephrology journals. He has
published over 380 original and review articles in peer-
reviewed journals, two books and 17 book chapters, and has
given lectures to over 100 international congresses and
His research interests include many aspects of peritoneal
dialysis, such as residual renal function, cardiovascular
disease, connectology, peritonitis, biocompatible solutions
adequacy; cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients; IgAN;
prevention of progression of CKD; diabetes in kidney failure;
immunogenetics of nephropathies; and drug pharmaco-
kinetics and complications after transplantation.
Advisor/Consultant: Baxter Healthcare
Speaker: Baxter Healthcare; Fresenius; Roche
Grant/Research Support: Baxter Healthcare
Zhi-Hong Liu, MD, earned her medical degree from Xinjiang
University School of Medical in 1982, and postgraduate
degree at University of Secondary Military School of
Medicine, Shanghai, China, in 1989. She worked as a research
254 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257
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associate at the NIH, NIDDK, USA (1993-1995) and a
visiting scholar in the Division of Nephrology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (1996).
Dr. Liu was appointed Professor of Medicine at Nanjing
University in 1996 and became Adjunct Professor of
Medicine at Brown University in 2008. In 2003, she was also
elected as Academician in Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Her primary interest is in the field of renal disease, with
special interest in GN, including IgAN, LN, MN, FSGS, and
diabetic and metabolic renal disease. She has published 390
articles, authored two books, and contributed chapters to
nephrology textbooks. Dr. Liu also served on the editorial
boards of several peer-reviewed journals, including as editor-
in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Nephrology Dialysis &
Transplantation. She was honored with the National Science
and Technology Progress Award of China; the National
Young Investigator Award and National Outstanding In-
dividual Award in Science and Technology from the China
Association for Science and Technology; and the Guanghua
Engineering & Technological Science Award from Chinese
Academy of Engineering. She is the President-Elect of the
Chinese Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Liu directs one of the most productive renal patient
care and research programs in China, the Research Institute
of Nephrology, Jinling Hospital at the Nanjing University
School of Medicine and she is the Board member of
Academic Degrees Committee, Nanjing University. Dr. Liu
has served on several international committees related to
scientific programs and global scientific interactions and she
worked as Scientific Program Committee member of the
World Congress of Nephrology in 2007. She has been a
KDIGO Board Member since 2009 and presently chairs the
annual meeting of ‘Forefronts in Glomerular Disease—
Nanjing Forum, which has been endorsed as ISN GO
Continuing Medical Education Course since 2006.
Dr Liu reported no relevant financial relationships
Sergio A Mezzano, MD, FASN, FACP, is Cathedratic
Professor of Medicine and Chairman, Division of Nephrol-
ogy at Universidad Austral in Valdivia, Chile. He completed
his medical studies at Universidad Cato
lica de Chile and
nephrology fellowship at University of Cincinnati, Ohio,
USA. Dr. Mezzano has authored over 110 publications and
book chapters on topics spanning immunopathogenesis of
glomerular diseases, role of proteinuria and RAS activation
in progression of CKD and mechanisms of renal fibrosis,
epithelial mesenchymal transdifferentiation, and interstitial
inflammatory infiltration. He has served as Past President of
both the Chilean Society of Nephrology (1996-1998) and
Latin American Society of Nephrology (2002-2004). In 2002,
he was honored with an International Medal Award by the
NKF and received the Laureate Award from the American
College of Physicians in 2007.
Advisor/Consultant: Fresenius
Patrick H Nachman, MD, is Professor of Medicine at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA. He
graduated from Boston University School of Medicine and
received fellowship training at University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. His research interests encompass many areas,
including the participation of a number of clinical trials for
treatment of FSGS, polycystic kidney disease, IMN, diabetic
nephropathy, LN, and ANCA vasculitis. As an author of
over 50 publications, he maintains a firm commitment to
postgraduate education both at the national and interna-
tional level. Dr. Nachman was awarded the Internal Medicine
Housestaff Faculty Award in 2007 and acknowledged in Best
Doctors in America from 2008–2010.
Grant/Research Support: Alexion
Manuel Praga MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine at the
Complutense University, and Chief of the Nephrology
Division at the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, Spain.
He is member of the Scientific Committee at the ‘‘Instituto
de Investigacio
n Hospital 12 de Octubre’. He obtained his
medical degree from the University of Valladolid and
completed a nephrology fellowship at Hospital Puerta de
Hierro, Madrid, Spain. Dr Praga is a founding member and
coordinator of the Group for the Study of Glomerular
Diseases of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (GLOSEN).
He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications
and numerous book chapters, and has received many awards,
including the ‘In
igo Alvarez de Toledo award to Clinical
Investigation in 2000 and 2008. Dr. Praga has served on the
Directory Board of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, and
also sits as an editorial board member and reviewer for
international journals. His current research activities focus on
primary and secondary glomerular diseases, renal complica-
tions of obesity, diabetic nephropathy, role of proteinuria in
the progression of renal damage, interstitial renal diseases,
and renal transplantation.
Advisor/Consultant: Aspreva (Vifor Pharma); Novartis;
Speaker: Astellas; Novartis; Roche
Grant/Research Support: Astellas; Novartis; Roche; Wyeth
Jai Radhakrishnan, MD, MS, MRCP, FACC, FASN,is
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and the Director
of the Nephrology Fellowship Training Program at Columbia
University, NY, USA. He acquired his medical school and
internal medicine training in India, Great Britain, and the
USA, and later completed a nephrology fellowship at the
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and Columbia-
Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. His clinical and
research interests are therapy of glomerular diseases and
intensive-care nephrology. Dr. Radhakrishnan is an associate
editor of Kidney International and the editor-in-chief of the
Nephrology Gateway (the ISN website). His commitment to
medical education and patient care is exemplified by his
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257 255
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numerous teaching awards and his inclusion in the Whos
Who Among America’s Teachers & Educators and America’s
Best Doctors .
Advisor/Consultant: Genentech
Brad H Rovin, MD, FACP, F ASN, is Professor of Medicine and
Pathology, Vice-Chairman of Research for Internal Medicine,
and Director, Division of Nephrology at The Ohio State
University College of Medicine, OH, USA. He received his
medical degree from University of Illinois and completed
nephrology fellowship training at Washington University School
of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. As a leading authority
on treatment for lupus, Dr. Rovin has conducted
a randomized controlled study (LUNAR) examining the
effectiveness of rituximab in lupus nephritis patients already
receiving MMF and corticosteroids. In addition, he is also a
primary investigator in a multicenter RCTevaluating the efficacy
and safety of rituximab in patients with moderate to severe SLE.
With over 120 authored publications, Dr. Rovin has served on
the editorial boards of A merican Journal of Kidney Disease,
Clinical N ephrology , J ournal of the American Society of Nephrol-
ogy, Kidney International and as a manuscript reviewer for 16
other journals. He is also a member of numerous professional
societies, including the Scientific Advisory Board of the Lupus
Foundation of America and various NIDDK Study Sections.
Dr. Rovin is a past recipient of the NKF Young Investigator
Award and Clinical Scientist Award, and has appeared in
multiple editions of America’ s Best Doctors since 2005.
Advisor/Consultant: Biogen Idec; Centocor; Genentech;
Osprey; Questcor; Teijan Pharmaceuticals; Teva
Grant/Research Support: Biogen Idec; Centocor; Genentech;
Questcor ; Roche; Teva
Data Monitoring Committee: Celtic; Eli Lilly
phan Troyanov, MD, is Assistant Professor of Clinical
Medicine at Universite
de Montre
al, Quebec, Canada and
nephrologist at Ho
pital du Sacre
-Coeur de Montre
Dr. Troyanov completed his medical studies at Universite
de Montre
al and received fellowship training at University of
Toronto, Canada. His earlier research centered on ascertain-
ing the determinants of remission in proteinuria in primary
glomerular disease. Currently, he is investigating the use of
urinary inflammatory markers in predicting the outcome of
progressive glomerular disease, and is conducting an
European validation study on the Oxford Classification of
IgAN. Dr. Troyanov received the Clinician Research Award
twice from Fonds de la Recherche en Sante
du Que
bec, an
agency of the Government of Que
bec, and the Young
Nephrologist Prize from Socie
coise de Ne
Dr Troyanov reported no relevant financial relationships
Jack F M Wetzels, MD, PhD, was born in Heerlen, The
Netherlands. He studied Medicine at the University of
Nijmegen, and received his MD in 1980. He undertook his
training in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center and later
received his PhD in 1989. From 1990 to 1992, he studied
ischemic renal tubular injury as a postdoctoral fellow under
the supervision of Robert W Schrier at the University of
Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, CO, USA. Since
1992, he has been working as a nephrologist and was
appointed Professor of Nephrology in the Department of
Nephrology at Radboud University Nijmegen in 2002.
Professor Wetzels is committed to teaching and research,
with an emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of patients
with glomerular diseases.
Advisor/Consultant: Alexion; Genzyme
Speaker: Amgen; Genzyme
Grant/Research Support: Alexion; Amgen; Genzyme; Roche
KDIGO Chairs
Kai-Uwe Eckardt, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Chief
of Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of
Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany. He received his MD from
the Westfa
lische Wilhelms-Universita
nster, Germany. In
1993, following postgraduate training in internal medicine,
pathology and physiology, he was appointed Assistant
Professor of Physiology at the University of Regensburg,
Germany. Subsequently, he continued his training in internal
medicine and nephrology at the Charite
, Humboldt Uni-
versity in Berlin, where he was appointed Associate Professor
of Nephrology in 2000. His major scientific interests are in
the molecular mechanisms and physiological/pathophysiolo-
gical relevance of oxygen sensing and the management of
anemia. As such, he has contributed to the development of
the European Best Practice Guidelines for Anemia Manage-
ment and participated in the CREATE and TREAT trial
studies. Professor Eckardt is Subject Editor of Nephrology
Dialysis Transplantation, and serves on the editorial board of
several other journals. He has also authored book chapters
and most recently served as a Co-Editor of the text Studies on
Renal Disorders. Dr. Eckardt is a member of the executive
committee of KDIGO.
Advisor/Consultant: Affymax; Amgen; Hexal Sandoz;
Johnson & Johnson; Roche
Speaker: Amgen; Janssen Cilag; Johnson & Johnson; Roche
Grant/Research Support: Roche
Bertram L Kasiske, MD, is Professor of Medicine at the
University of Minnesota, USA. He received his medical
degree from the University of Iowa and completed his
Internal Medicine residency and fellowship training in
Nephrology at Hennepin County Medical Center where he
is currently Director of Nephrology.
Dr Kasiske is former Deputy Director of the United States
Renal Data System and former Editor-in-Chief of The
256 Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257
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American Journal of Kidney Diseases. He has served as
Secretary/Treasurer and on the Board of Directors of the
American Society of Transplantation, and on the Organ
Procurement and Transplantation Network/United Network
of Organ Sharing Board of Directors, and the Scientific
Advisory Board of the National Kidney Foundation. He
is currently serving on the Board of Councilors of the
International Society of Nephrology. He is the Principal
Investigator for a National Institutes of Health-sponsored,
multi-center study of long term outcomes after kidney
donation. He is the Director of the Scientific Registry of
Transplant Recipients. He has over 160 scientific publications
in major peer reviewed journals, and 230 review articles,
editorials and textbook chapters. Dr Kasiske is also a recipient
of the NKF’s Garabed Eknoyan Award in 2003.
Advisor/Consultant: Litholink
Grant/Research Support: Bristol-Myers Squibb; Merck-
Schering Plough
Evidence Review Team
Ethan M Balk, MD, MPH, is the Director, Evidence-
based Medicine at the Tufts Center for Kidney Disease
Guideline Development and Implementation, in Boston,
MA, USA, Associate Director of the Tufts Evidence-based
Practice Center, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Tufts
University School of Medicine. Dr Balk graduated from Tufts
University School of Medicine and completed a fellowship in
Clinical Care Research. As Project Director, he plays a
substantial role in providing methodological expertise in the
guideline development process and assists in the collection,
evaluation, grading, and synthesis of evidence and the
revisions of the final evidence report. Dr Balk also provides
methodological guidance and training for Work Group
members during meetings regarding topic refinement, key
question formulation, data extraction, study assessment,
evidence grading, and recommendation formulation. His
primary research interests are evidence-based medicine,
systematic review, clinical practice guideline development,
and critical literature appraisal.
Dr Balk reported no relevant financial relationships
Gowri Raman, MD, MS, is Assistant Professor of Medicine at
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA and
Assistant Director, Tufts Evidence-based Practice Center at
the Center for Clinical Evidence Synthesis. She completed her
Clinical and Translational Science Research fellowship in the
Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies at
Tufts Medical Center. Her primary research interests are
health technology assessment, systematic review and clinical
practice guideline development.
Dr Raman reported no relevant financial relationships
Dana C Miskulin, MD, MS, is Assistant Professor of Medicine
at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA. She
completed a fellowship in Clinical Care Research and
participated in the conduct of systematic reviews and critical
literature appraisals for this guideline. Her primary research
interests are in comparative effectiveness research in dialysis
patients, blood pressure treatment in dialysis patients, and
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
Dr Miskulin reported no relevant financial relationships
Aneet Deo, MD, MS, served as a research fellow at the Tufts
Center for Kidney Disease Guideline Development and
Implementation in Boston, MA. She participated in the
conduct of systematic reviews and critical literature appraisals
for this guideline. Dr Deo was awarded a Master of Science in
Clinical Research for her thesis on ‘Loss to Analysis in
Randomized Controlled Trials of Chronic Kidney Disease’.
Dr Deo reported no relevant financial relationships
Amy Earley, BS, is a project coordinator at the Tufts Center
for Kidney Disease Guideline Development and Implementa-
tion in Boston, MA, USA. She assists in the development of
clinical practice guidelines and conducts systematic reviews
and critical literature appraisals.
Ms Earley reported no relevant financial relationships
Shana Haynes, MS, DHSc, is a research assistant at the Tufts
Center for Kidney Disease Guideline Development and
Implementation in Boston, MA, USA. She assists in the
development of clinical practice guidelines and conducts
systematic reviews and critical literature appraisals.
Dr Haynes reported no relevant financial relationships
Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 252–257 257
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Kidney International Supplements (2012) 2, 258; doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.29
A special debt of gratitude is owed to the current KDIGO
Co-Chairs Kai-Uwe Eckardt and Bertram Kasiske and
the KDIGO Board for their invaluable guidance throughout
the development of this guideline. In particular, we thank the
ERT members: Ethan Balk, Gowri Raman, Dana Miskulin,
Aneet Deo, Amy Earley, and Shana Haynes for their
substantial contribution to the rigorous assessment of the
available evidence. We are also especially grateful to the Work
Group members for their expertise throughout the entire
process of literature review, data extraction, meeting
participation, the critical writing and editing of the
statements and rationale, which made the publication of
this guideline possible. The generous gift of their time and
dedication is greatly appreciated. Finally, and on behalf of the
Work Group, we gratefully acknowledge the careful assess-
ment of the draft guideline by external reviewers. The Work
Group considered all of the valuable comments made and,
where appropriate, suggested changes were incorporated into
the final publication. The following individuals provided
review of the draft guideline :
Omar I Abboud, Oana Ailioaie, Bu
lent Altun, Rui Alves,
Maria Almerinda Ribeiro Alves, Alessandro Amore, Mustafa
Arici, Mariano Arriola, Suheir Assady, Joanne M Bargman,
Rashad S Barsoum, Keith A Bellovich, Jo H Berden, Jacques
Bernheim, Andrew Bomback, Teri Browne, Rosanna Co ppo,
Olivier Coustere, Adrian Covic, Jane S Davis, Angel de
Francisco, Jeroen K Deegens, Lucia Del Vecchio, Hans
Dieperink, Jesus Egido, Montserrat M
az Encarnacio
Sandro Feriozzi, Ana Figueiredo, Joseph T Flynn, Jonathan
Fox, Ping Fu, Xavier Fulladosa, Susan Furth, Colin C Geddes,
Tom Geers, Dimitrios Goumenos, Gustavo Greloni, Mustafa
Gullulu, Jeff Harder, Lorraine Harper, Choli Hartono, Lee A
Hebert, Brenda R Hemmelgarn, Francisco Rivera Herna
Eero Honkanen, Lai Seong Hooi, Nguyen Thu Huong,
Francesco Iannuzzella, Enyu Imai, Helena Jardim, David R
Jayne, Simon Jenkins, Nicola Joss, Gu
lc¸in Kantarci, Frederick
Kaskel, Markus J Kemper, Sean Kennedy, Gianna Mastroianni
Kirsztajn, Andreas Kribben, Dirk R Kuypers, Jerome C Lane,
Craig B Langman, Keith Lau, Kev in V Lemley, Edgar V
Lerma, Vicki Levidiotis, Robert Liebl, Liz Lightstone, Petrica
Ligia, Jelka Lindic, Zhang-Suo Liu, Segall Liviu, Antoni o
Lupo, Bruce Mackinnon, Patricia Delgado Mallen, Carmela
Martorano, Claudio Mascheroni, Anton Maurer, Peter A
McCullough, Alain Meyrier, Walid Ahmed Abdel Atty
Mohamed, Jose M Morales, Gabriella Moroni, Eugen Mota,
Michal Mysliwiec, Judit Nagy, Masaomi Nangaku, Bharat
Nathoo, Robert G Nelson, Abdou Niang, Fernando Nolasco,
Matti Nuutinen, Suzanne Oparil, Antonello Pani, Rulan S
Parekh, Sonia Pasquali, Saime Paydas, Roberto Pecoits-Filho,
Patrick Peeters, Momir Polenakovic, Claudio Ponticelli,
Claudio Pozzi, Dwarakanathan Ranganathan, Troels Ring,
Michael V Rocco, Cibele Isaac Saad Rodrigues, Michael
Rudnicki, Alan Salama, Suresh Sankar, Adalbert Schiller,
Francesco Scolari, Mehmet Sukru Sever, Deepak Sharma,
Justin Silver, Itzchak Slotki, Søren Schwartz Sørensen, Costel
Spanu, Rolf AK Stahl, Graham Stewart, Catherine Stirling,
Irma Tchokhonelidze, Natalia Tomilina, Rezan Topaloglu,
n Trimarchi, Ashish Upadhyay, Harun Ur Rashid,
Rudolph P Valentini, Theodor Vogels, Rowan Walker, HaiYan
Wang, Talia Weinstein, Co lin White, Christopher G Winearls,
Viktoria Woronik, Elena Zakharova, Weiming Zhang,
Carmine Zoccali.
Participation in the review does not necessarily constitute
endorsement of the content of this report by the above
individuals, or the organization or institution they represent.
Daniel C Cattran, MD, FRCPC, Work Group Co-Chair
John Feehally, DM, FRCP, Work Group Co-Chair
acknowledgments http://www.kidney-international.org
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