Introduction to
Industrial Security
IS011 v4
Student Guide
July 2022
Center for Development of Security Excellence
Introduction to Industrial Security IS011 v4 Student Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction to Industrial Security, v4 ...................................................................................... 1
Lesson 1: Course Introduction............................................................................................. 1
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
Lesson 2: Overview of the NISP.......................................................................................... 2
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 2
What is the NISP?........................................................................................................... 2
Structure of the NISP ...................................................................................................... 4
Lesson 2 Review Activities .............................................................................................. 6
Lesson Summary ............................................................................................................ 7
Lesson 3: Security Roles in the NISP .................................................................................. 8
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 8
Organizational Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................ 8
Government Roles .......................................................................................................... 9
Industry Roles............................................................................................................... 11
Lesson 3 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 13
Lesson Summary .......................................................................................................... 15
Lesson 4: Contracting Process in the NISP........................................................................ 16
Introduction................................................................................................................... 16
The Contracting Process ............................................................................................... 16
Contract Documentation................................................................................................ 18
Lesson 4 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 20
Lesson Summary .......................................................................................................... 21
Lesson 5: Clearance Requirements in the NISP................................................................. 22
Introduction................................................................................................................... 22
Facility Clearances........................................................................................................ 22
Personnel Security Clearances ...................................................................................... 23
Visits ............................................................................................................................ 25
Lesson 5 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 26
Lesson Summary .......................................................................................................... 27
Lesson 6: Course Conclusion............................................................................................ 28
Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 28
Introduction to Industrial Security IS011 v4 Student Guide
Appendix A: Answer Key................................................................................................... 29
Lesson 2 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 29
Lesson 3 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 31
Lesson 4 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 34
Lesson 5 Review Activities ............................................................................................ 36
Introduction to Industrial Security IS011 v4 Student Guide
Course Introduction
Subcontractor CEO: Im really excited -- my company, BuildGen Contracting, just won our
first classified subcontract! But now we need to make sure we establish an effective security
program to protect classified information. Where do we begin?
Prime Contractor FSO: Congratulations! We look forward to working with you on this effort!
There are several steps you and your company will need to take before you can access
classified information under this contract, and there’s a lot of information that you will need
to be aware of.
Main Narrator: Whether you work for a company that is working on its first classified contract
or a company with existing classified contracts, protecting classified information is a priority
for all government and industry employees. Did you know that much of all U.S. classified
information resides within the industrial environment? Every day, contractors have access to
classified and Controlled Unclassified Information, or CUI, as well as government facilities,
information systems, and equipment.
With that in mind, you can see the need to have security guidelines and procedures that are
closely monitored, with one goal in mindto protect our national security by providing for
the security of our sensitive and classified information.
Welcome to the Introduction to Industrial Security course.
This course will provide an overview of the National Industrial Security Program, or NISP,
including its purpose and structure, key roles, the classified contracting process and contract
requirements, and the basic security clearance processes and requirements.
These topics are very broad, so when there is an opportunity for you to learn more, the
course will direct you to additional courses that will be helpful.
Here are the course objectives. Take a moment to review them.
Recognize the role of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) in the
protection of classified information entrusted to industry
Describe government and contractor security roles and responsibilities in accordance
with the NISP Operating Manual (NISPOM)
Outline the process and requirements for establishing a classified contract
Identify the security clearance processes and procedures required for access to
classified information
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Overview of the NISP
Subcontractor CEO: I need more help with the NISP. I’m not sure I understand how it
applies to my new classified contract and all that may be involved or expected of us.
Prime Contractor FSO: The NISP, or National Industrial Security Program, is the program
that oversees the safeguarding of classified information used by cleared contractors, like our
companies. It defines the requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards that prevent the
unauthorized disclosure of classified information, and it oversees their implementation.
Main Narrator: This lesson will provide an overview of the purpose and structure of the
NISP, and its role in safeguarding classified information entrusted to industry.
Here are the lesson objectives. Take a moment to review them.
Identify the purpose of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP)
Recognize the role of the NISP Operating Manual (NISPOM)
Define Cognizant Security Agencies (CSAs) and Cognizant Security Offices (CSOs)
Identify the role of CSAs and CSOs in the NISP
Identify the role the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) plays
in NISP administration and oversight
What is the NISP?
Purpose of the NISP
The majority of our nation’s technology is developed and produced by industry and much
of that technology is classified. The U.S. Government entrusts cleared contractor facilities
with access to classified and Controlled Unclassified Information, or CUI, government
facilities, information systems, and equipment.
The National Industrial Security Program, or NISP, is a Government-Industry partnership
established in 1993 by Executive Order 12829. The NISP ensures that cleared industry
safeguards classified information in its possession. Within the NISP, the government
establishes the requirements for the protection of classified information, and industry
implements these requirements with the government’s advice, assistance, and oversight.
The NISP applies to all executive branch departments and agencies and to all cleared
contractor facilities in the United States, and is designed to be cost effective and efficient.
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It defines the requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards designed to prevent
unauthorized disclosure of classified information and calls for close monitoring of these
critical guidelines and procedures.
NISP Operating Manual
The 32 Code of Federal Regulation (or CFR) Part 117, more commonly referred to as the
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, or NISPOM, defines the
requirements, restrictions, and safeguards that industry must follow.
The NISPOM provides guidance so that security can be implemented uniformly across a
wide range of contractors, but it is also general enough that it may be customized for each
contractor’s situation and needs.
NISPOM topics include:
General policies, responsibilities, and procedures
Reporting requirements
Entity eligibility determination for access to classified information (Facility Clearances
or FCLs)
Determination of eligibility for access to classified information for contractor
employees (Personnel Security Clearances or PCLs)
Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI)
Security training and briefings
Marking requirements
Safeguarding classified information
Visits and meetings
Information System (IS) security
International security requirements
Special requirements, including Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information
(CNWDI), intelligence information, and Communications Security (COMSEC)
Classified and Sensitive Unclassified Contracts
When industry provides a service to the government, all security details must be covered in
the contract, including requirements for safeguarding classified information and what level of
clearance employees involved in the contract will need, among other concerns. This security
guidance must be adhered to by the contractor and all of its employees.
Although the NISP only covers contracts that involve classified materials, unclassified
contracts can still involve critical or sensitive information that requires safeguarding, such as
Personally Identifiable Information, or PII, or budgets.
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For both classified information and CUI, contracts must identify the security requirements
and how the contractor will be reimbursed for associated costs. Contracts can specify
additional security requirements that go above and beyond what the NISPOM requires but
classified contracts can never be less restrictive than what is required by the NISPOM.
Structure of the NISP
Government and Industry Responsibilities
In order to implement the NISP and protect classified information, government agencies and
industry contractors play important but distinct roles.
On the government side, Cognizant Security Agencies, or CSAs, establish general industrial
security programs and oversee and administer security requirements. Each CSA has one or
more Cognizant Security Offices, or CSOs, which administer the NISP on their behalf.
For a specific contract, the Government Contracting Activity, or GCA, represents the agency
that issues the contract. The GCA provides industry with contract-specific security
classification guidance. The GCA has broad authority regarding acquisition functions for its
agency, as delegated by the agency head. The designation of a CSO does not relieve the
GCA of its responsibility to protect and safeguard classified information. Security
requirements outside the scope of the NISP require oversight from the government agency
or organization that levied those requirements upon the contract.
Finally, based on their classified involvement in the NISP, industry has one major
responsibility: they must implement the applicable NISPOM requirements needed to protect
classified information.
CSAs and CSOs
CSAs are those agencies authorized by Executive Order 12829 to establish industrial
security programs and oversee and administer security requirements.
There are five CSAs that are ultimately responsible for the security of all cleared U.S.
contractors. The Department of Defense, or DOD, is the largest CSA with the most classified
contracts with industry. Other CSAs include the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, or ODNI, the Department of Energy, or DoE, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, or NRC, and the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS. Each CSA has
one or more Cognizant Security Offices, or CSOs, which administer the NISP.
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, or DCSA, has been designated as
the CSO for the DOD and other non-DOD agencies, who have entered into agreements with
the DOD. You can view a list of agencies on the DCSA website. Depending on the security
requirements of the classified programs involved, other government agencies may also
assume some of the CSO functions.
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DOD Delegation of Security Cognizance
As you just learned, the DOD is the largest of the CSAs, and it delegates security
cognizance to DCSA as its CSO.
As the CSO, DCSA administers the NISP; provides security guidance, oversight, and policy
clarifications; and conducts periodic security reviews to ensure adherence to the NISPOM
and contract guidelines.
DCSA is responsible for the oversight of all NISPOM requirements. Some of the more
common security elements that DCSA oversees as CSO include: storage of classified
information; visit procedures; security awareness and training; procedures for protecting
classified on Information Systems, or ISs; Personnel Security Clearances, or PCLs, for
employees working on classified contracts; any changes in ownership, management, or
foreign involvement; and compliance with reporting requirements.
Security Cognizance Considerations
DCSA oversees U.S. cleared contractor facilities participating in the NISP. Some of these
companies access classified information at their own facilities and some access classified
information at another cleared contractor or government or agency site. Regardless of
where their access takes place, all cleared contractors must follow the applicable security
procedures, as documented in the NISPOM.
DCSA might not have security oversight for classified contract work being performed on a
government installation. Those contracts may have different requirements from classified
contract work performed at the contractor’s own cleared facility or at another cleared
contractor site, and contractors working on government installations or agency sites must
follow all standard operating procedures for the installation or agency. These procedures
may be more restrictive but should never be less restrictive than what the NISPOM requires,
must be clearly outlined in the contract, and are typically established and overseen by the
installation commander, who has security cognizance in accordance with DOD 5220.32,
Volume 1. The installation commander or head of the User Agency, or UA, can request in
writing that DCSA assume cognizance.
Note that if the contractor is performing entirely unclassified work on a military installation,
DCSA is not involved, although in some cases, additional security requirements may appear
in the contract.
Finally, note that when cleared contractors work on a Special Access Program, or SAP, the
Program Manager may retain some of the CSO’s responsibilities.
Information Systems Security
Classified Information Systems, or ISs, can be important assets with significant implications
for national security. Many store large amounts of valuable information and need continuous
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protection. Contractors may operate their own ISs, they may use government-owned
systems at the government or agency site, or they may use a government-owned system at
their own cleared contractor site.
Contractors operating their own systems must follow the provisions outlined in the NISPOM.
Contractors accessing government-owned systems at the government site must follow the
security provisions outlined by the owner of the system, and these provisions and
requirements must be specified in the contract. And in cases where contractors operate
government-owned systems at the contractor site, the requirements of NISPOM take
Lesson 2 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: My company, BuildGen Contracting, just won its first classified government
contract. What are our NISP responsibilities?
[Narrator] Take a moment to answer this question.
What are contractor responsibilities according to the NISP?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Establish NISP requirements for the protection of classified information
Provide advice, assistance, and oversight
Implement NISP requirements for the protection of classified information
Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: Can you help me understand what the difference is between CSAs and
[Narrator]: Now, try this question.
Identify whether the following statements describe CSAs or CSOs. Check your answer in the
Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
These organizations establish industrial security programs and oversee security
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These organizations administer the NISP and provide security guidance, oversight, and
policy clarifications.
Review Activity 3
Contractor CEO: I understand DCSA will be the CSO for our company. What will they do for
[Narrator]: Now, try this question.
Which of these are DCSA responsibilities or functions?
Select all that apply. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Provide security guidance and oversight
Provide policy clarifications
Conduct security reviews
Provide installation-specific procedures for work performed on a government
Provide contract-specific security classification guidance
Lesson Summary
You have completed the Overview of the NISP lesson.
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Security Roles in the NISP
Subcontractor CEO: Okay, so now I understand the basic structure of the NISP… but I still
have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?
Prime Contractor FSO: Yes, there are several individuals in government roles who are
assigned to help contractors like you navigate the NISP and ensure classified information is
Main Narrator: Recall that in order to protect classified information, government agencies
and industry both have a role to play in the NISP. Within each of these organizations,
different individuals do their part to make sure that classified information is protected.
Here are the lesson objectives. Take a moment to review them.
Recognize the main government security roles described in the NISPOM
Recognize the main contractor security roles described in the NISPOM
Identify how government and contractor personnel work together to ensure the
security of information used in classified contracts
Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
DCSA Mission: NISP Administration
Before exploring the roles that individuals play in the NISP, let’s take a moment to review
the roles and responsibilities of the organizations that support the NISP.
Recall that the DOD is the largest Cognizant Security Agency, or CSA, and has designated
DCSA as its Cognizant Security Office, or CSO. As CSO, administration of the NISP is key
to the overall DCSA mission, and much of that administration is carried out by DCSA
personnel who focus on industrial security. DCSA provides oversight and conducts security
reviews at cleared contractor facilities. DCSA maintains industrial security field offices
throughout the country.
Each field office is locally managed by a Field Office Chief, or FOC, and staffed by Industrial
Security Representatives, or IS Reps. The FOC assigns an IS Rep to each contractor
In addition to field office elements, DCSA processes companies for Facility Clearances, or
FCLs, issues FCLs, and monitors companies that hold FCLs. DCSA also processes PCLs
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and monitors personnel security eligibility and access for contractors. Finally, DCSA carries
out Assessment and Authorization, or A&A, determinations for contractor Information
Systems, or ISs, to process classified information.
To learn more about each of these DCSA elements, see the DCSA website. Select VIEW to
access this website from a list of Course Resources.
Government Roles
Overview of DCSA Roles
DCSA provides security support to a large number of military services, defense agencies,
non-DOD Federal Agencies, and cleared contactor facilities. To do this, it relies on
individuals in a variety of roles.
IS Reps serve as the contractor’s primary point of contact for security matters and are
responsible for contractor oversight in the NISP.
The Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor, or ISSP/SCA
works with IS Reps and contractor personnel on all matters related to the authorization and
maintenance of authorized contractor ISs.
Finally, Counterintelligence Special Agents, or CISAs, provide advice, oversight, and
training regarding Counterintelligence, or CI, issues.
Let’s review each of these roles in greater detail.
IS Rep
IS Reps serve as the contractor’s primary point of contact for security matters. They work
closely with the contractor’s Facility Security Officer, or FSO, to provide advice, assistance,
and oversight.
IS Reps conduct security reviews to ensure the program is in compliance with the NISPOM
and receive changed conditions and suspicious contact reports from the FSO.
IS Reps also receive reports of security violations, conduct inquiries when appropriate, and
report security violations to the GCA.
Finally, IS Reps coordinate with other entities within DCSA to oversee all aspects of a
contractor’s industrial security program.
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ISSPs/SCAs work closely with IS Reps and contractor personnel on all matters related to
the authorization and maintenance of authorized contractor classified ISs.
ISSP/SCAs perform classified IS assessments and make recommendations. ISSP/SCAs
participate in security reviews, during which they evaluate vulnerabilities, identify potential
cyber security threats, and help develop mitigation strategies. ISSP/SCAs also respond to
security violations involving authorized classified ISs.
ISSP/SCAs must develop and maintain technical proficiency amidst ever changing
technological developments.
CISAs provide advice, oversight, and training regarding counterintelligence issues and work
with contractors to identify potential threats to U.S. technology, including insider threats.
They develop employee counterintelligence awareness and emphasize the need for
reporting, and assist with foreign travel briefings and debriefings.
CISAs work with IS Reps to provide advice, assistance, and guidance as needed,
specifically regarding counterintelligence best practices. CISAs also assist IS Reps in
conducting security reviews.
Select View to see more counterintelligence resources.
Installation Commander/Agency Head
Contractors working on government sites will also work with the installation commander or
agency head.
The installation commander or agency head serves as the CSO for government-controlled
and -leased facilities. They have overall responsibility for the security of the installation,
including: law enforcement, traffic regulation, physical security, information security, and
Information Systems security.
Installation commanders or agency heads must review and update installation directives to
reflect minimum NISPOM guidance for those contractors who are required to work on the
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Industry Roles
Overview of Industry Roles
At contractor facilities, there are three primary roles responsible for NISP oversight.
The FSO, who effectively manages the day-to-day operation of the contractor’s security
program, the Information System Security Manager, or ISSM, who is responsible for
managing IS security, and the Insider Threat Program Senior Official, or ITPSO, who is
responsible for establishing and executing an Insider Threat Program.
The FSO may also serve as the ISSM and the ITPSO, and all of these roles must be filled in
order for the facility to work on a classified contract.
Let’s review these roles in greater detail.
The FSO has ultimate responsibility for the administration, oversight, and day-to-day
operation of the contractor security program. These responsibilities include, but are not
limited to: maintaining FCLs, initiating and maintaining PCLS, providing security education,
safeguarding classified information, reporting to the government, and conducting self-
The FSO must ensure the security program meets the requirements specified in the
NISPOM and in contract-specific documents such as forms DD 441 and DD 254.
The FSO works with DCSA to maintain a viable security program. Specifically, they must
monitor authorized classified ISs, storage, processing, and removal of classified; maintain
procedures for incoming and outgoing classified visits; and educate all cleared and non-
cleared personnel on their security responsibilities.
The FSO must be a U.S. citizen employee who is cleared in connection with, and at the
same classification level as, the FCL.
You can learn more about the FSO’s role and responsibilities through these courses and
curricula, available through the Center for Development of Security Excellence, or CDSE:
You’re a New FSO: Now What? short
FSO Program Management for Possessing Facilities curriculum
FSO Orientation for Non-Possessing Facilities curriculum
An ISSM must be appointed by the contractor when there is a contractor-owned classified
IS, or a government-owned classified IS at a contractor facility.
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The ISSM works very closely with the FSO to manage each IS and ensure that IS security
requirements are met. The ISSM is responsible for: implementing NISPOM IS security
requirements; establishing, documenting, maintaining, and monitoring IS security
procedures; conducting IS security education and training; identifying and documenting
unique local IS threats and vulnerabilities; notifying the CSO of relevant changes to
Information Systems; and carrying out periodic self-inspections of Information Systems.
The ISSM develops facility procedures for: handling media and equipment containing
classified information, implementing security features, incident reporting, user
acknowledgment of responsibility, and threat detection, including auditing and monitoring for
malware attacks, phishing attempts, and other threats.
More information about the ISSM’s role and responsibilities can be found in several training
options available through CDSE.
The ITPSO is designated by the company and must be a U.S. citizen employee who is
cleared in connection with, and at the same classification level as, the FCL. The ITPSO is
responsible for establishing and maintaining an Insider Threat Program that gathers,
integrates, and reports any information that might indicate an insider threat.
If the ITPSO and FSO roles are filled by different individuals, the ITPSO must make sure
that the FSO is an integral member of the Insider Threat Program.
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Lesson 3 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: Which roles will we need to fill at our company, and which are government
[Narrator]: Take a moment to answer this question.
Identify whether the following roles are filled by government or industry employees, then
select Submit. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Counterintelligence Special Agent (CISA)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
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Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: And what do each of these individuals do?
[Narrator]: Now try this question.
Identify the role described by each statement, then select Submit. Check your answer in the
Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
This DCSA employee serves as the contractor’s primary point of contact for security.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
This DCSA employee oversees authorized contractor Information System use.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
This contractor employee administers and oversees the contractor security program.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
This contractor employee manages Information Systems and ensures Information System
security requirements are met.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
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This contractor employee establishes and maintains the insider threat program.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Lesson Summary
You have completed the Security Roles in the NISP lesson.
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Contracting Process in the NISP
Prime Contractor FSO: I know you already have a classified contract in place, but I think it
would be helpful for you to know how the general contracting process works.
Subcontractor CEO: Good idea - even though we have been awarded our first classified
contract, I’m sure there’s still a lot to learn.
Main Narrator: Because industrial security involves both the government and industry
working closely together, it is important that both parties verify, document, and understand
their contractual requirements. This will ensure everyone involved successfully performs
and accomplishes their respective contractual responsibilities.
Here are the lesson objectives. Take a moment to review them.
Identify the essential steps of the NISP contracting process
Recognize key roles associated with the NISP contracting process
Indicate the purpose of several NISP contracting documents, including the Statement
of Work (SOW), DD Form 254, and DD Form 441
The Contracting Process
Contracting Process Overview
The contracting process begins when the government identifies the need for a service or
product. The Government Contracting Activity, or GCA, defines the initial requirements for
the product or service, as well as the acquisition strategy for the contract. This strategy
includes a list of the final contract deliverables, how those deliverables are defined, and the
options, if any.
Next, the GCA publishes a Request for Proposal, or RFP, as part of the solicitation stage.
The RFP includes the contract requirements, including the contract clause, work statements,
specifications, delivery schedule, and payment terms. Contractors who meet the
qualifications of the RFP respond with a written proposal. The GCA evaluates the submitted
proposals and, based on the criteria outlined in the GCA’s RFP, awards the contract to the
contractor that provides the best value to the government.
Once the contract is awarded, the cleared contractor performs the work, adhering to all
provisions of the classified contract.
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Classified Contract Details
A classified contract requires a few additional considerations.
The government must verify that the contractor has a valid Facility Clearance, or FCL, at the
appropriate level, and, if applicable, appropriate storage capabilities. If the company does
not have a valid FCL, the government will need to sponsor the company for an initial FCL at
the proper level. If the company has an FCL at a lower level than required by the contract,
the government will need to sponsor an upgrade to the proper level prior to awarding any
classified contracts.
After a classified contract is awarded, the GCA must issue the required contractual security
documentation in accordance with the industrial security provisions necessary for the task,
including a clause that requires the contractor to follow the provisions of the NISPOM. The
contract must also include a DD Form 254, Department of Defense Contract Security
Classification Specification, which will provide security requirements and classification
Contracting Officials
Contract administration involves two primary government employees: the Contracting
Officer, or CO, and the Contracting Officer’s Representative, or COR.
Contracting Officer
The Contracting Officer, or CO, is a government employee with the authority to enter
into, administer, and terminate contracts. Note that although the acronym CO is
frequently used, some military installations may use a different acronym, such as KO, to
avoid confusion with “Commanding Officer.”
The Contracting Officer typically has oversight and contract responsibility for numerous
programs, although he or she may delegate authority for contract administration to an
Administrative Contracting Officer, or ACO. Authority for settling terminated contracts
may be delegated to a Termination Contracting Officer, or TCO.
Contracting Officer’s Representative
The COR is a government employee designated by the CO. CORs are assigned to
specific contracts, and oversee the contracting process, making sure that all of the
necessary requirements are met. For each contract, CORs determine whether a
contractor has the need for access to classified information, verify the contractor’s FCL,
and sponsor the contractor for an FCL if necessary.
CORs stay in close contact with the contractor and serve as Subject Matter Experts, or
SMEs, for the project. They communicate the security requirements and classification
guidance from the procurement process through contract completion, and they closely
monitor contractor performance.
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Note that the COR is not authorized to make any commitments or changes that will
affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or any other term or condition of the contract;
these are the responsibility of the CO.
Contract Documentation
Documentation Overview
Classified contracts for goods or services include security clauses, as required by the
Federal Acquisition Regulation, or FAR, and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement, or DFARS.
Contractors must follow all security classification guidance provided in their classified
contract and all security requirements must be addressed in the contract, including rules for
Controlled Unclassified Information, or CUI, such as Personally Identifiable Information, or
Several key contract documents outline these responsibilities and requirements, including
the Statement of Work, or SOW, DD Form 254, the DOD Contract Security Classification
Specification, and DD Form 441, the DOD Security Agreement.
Statement of Work
The first document you should be familiar with is the SOW. In the SOW, the government
provides the contractor with key background information and explains the objective and
completion of the desired end product.
The SOW contains contract information including: project scope, deadlines, and steps;
contractor details such as lists of contract working personnel, billing hours, and rates;
clearance levels required; and travel, if applicable.
DD Form 254
The Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification, commonly
referred to as DD Form 254, is one of the most important contract forms you will use.
DD Form 254 is required for all contracts requiring access to classified information, as
specified in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, Subpart 504.4. It provides contractors with
the security requirements and security classification guidance needed to perform on the
classified contract, including specific clearance and access requirements, authorization to
generate classified information, classified storage requirements, instructions about public
disclosure, and any other special security regulations above and beyond those detailed in
To ensure that appropriate guidance is provided to the contractor, it is recommended that
the execution of the DD Form 254 be a collaborative effort between someone with
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contracting authority and knowledge for example the COR, someone with program
knowledge and subject matter expertise, like the program manager for the contract, and
someone who understands information and industrial security requirements, like the FSO or
security specialist.
Job Aids containing more information and completion guidance for the DD Form 254 are
available from CDSE.
DD Form 441
Finally the DOD Security Agreement, or DD Form 441, is a legally binding contract between
the U.S. Government and the contractor. The DD Form 441 is executed when a company
receives its FCL and must be completed before any work on a classified contract begins.
By signing this security agreement, the contractor makes a commitment to implement and
maintain a system of security controls within the company in accordance with the
requirements found in the NISPOM, including immediate compliance with any NISPOM
modifications. The contractor also agrees to determine that any subcontractor that will
involve access to classified information has been granted an appropriate FCL. Finally, the
contractor acknowledges the government’s authority to review the contractor’s security
program to ensure compliance.
By signing the agreement, the government makes a commitment to process PCLs for
contractor employees as appropriate and agrees to provide security classification guidance
and oversight.
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Lesson 4 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: Which comes first in the contracting process?
Select the best response, then select Submit. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the
end of this Student Guide.
What is the first step of the contracting process?
The GCA defines the acquisition strategy for the contract.
The GCA publishes a Request for Proposal (RFP).
The government identifies a need for a product or service.
The GCA defines the initial requirements for the product/service.
Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: We worked with both the CO and the COR during the contracting process,
but I could use a refresher. Who does what?
Select the best response, then select Submit. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the
end of this Student Guide.
Who has authority to enter into, administer, and terminate contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Who serves as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for individual contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Who provides contractual oversight and has responsibility for multiple programs?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Who closely monitors contractor performance on individual contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
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Review Activity 3
Contractor CEO: Moving forward, where do I turn to find important contract information?
Identify which document contains the information described, then select Submit. Check your
answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Security requirements and classification guidance:
Statement of Work (SOW)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254)
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441)
Contract details such as project scope, deadlines, and steps:
Statement of Work (SOW)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254)
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441)
A security agreement between a contractor and the DOD in order to prevent the
unauthorized disclosure of classified information:
Statement of Work (SOW)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254)
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441)
Lesson Summary
You have completed the Contracting Process in the NISP lesson.
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Clearance Requirements in the NISP
Subcontractor CEO: So, our employees working on the classified contract need to be
cleared, right?
Prime Contractor FSO: Yes, your employees working on that classified program will need a
valid PCL, just like your company needed a valid FCL before it was awarded its classified
Main Narrator: Before the government entrusts classified information to cleared companies
and their employees, it must ensure that organizations are free from conflicts of interest, are
responsible, and that individuals within their organization are loyal, trustworthy, and reliable.
Here are the lesson objectives. Take a moment to review them.
Explain the purpose of Facility Clearances (FCLs)
Recall the process of obtaining an FCL
Describe requirements for obtaining a Personnel Security Clearance (PCL)
Recall the process of obtaining a PCL
Explain the process of terminating a PCL
Outline the procedures for hosting classified visits
Facility Clearances
What is an FCL?
Before a company can receive a classified contract or access classified information in the
performance of a classified contract, a company must first have an appropriate Facility
Clearance, or FCL, and if required, applicable safeguarding. An FCL is an administrative
determination that, from a security viewpoint, an entity is eligible for access to classified
information of a certain level and all lover levels. An FCL is a favorable entity eligibility
Approved safeguarding allows the storage of classified information within the facility at the
same classification level as the company’s FCL, or lower.
Note that a contractor or facility cannot access or possess classified material until the FCL is
granted and safeguarding capabilities are approved by DCSA; just because a company is
cleared does not mean they can store, receive, or generate classified information.
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When a company receives an FCL, it is not the actual facility building or structure that is
cleared, but the individuals who run, own, and manage the facility. The FCL is contingent
upon all Key Management Personnel, or KMP, being granted a Personnel Security
Clearance, or PCL. These required KMP- the Senior Management Official, or SMO, Facility
Security Officer, or FSO, and the Insider Threat Program Senior Official, or ITPSO, must be
cleared before the FCL will be granted.
Obtaining an FCL
Recall that the DCSA processes and issues FCLs. To do this, it reviews the facility’s
sponsorship, which was received from either another cleared company or a government
agency; the security agreement; any Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence, or FOCI,
issues; as well as the facility’s business structure and organization. It ensures that the
appropriate KMP are identified and properly cleared.
Once the FCL is granted, employees who need to access classified information, whether at
their contractor facility, at another cleared facility, or at a government installation, may be
processed for their PCL.
You can learn more about facility clearances through these courses, available through
Facility Clearances in the NISP course
Business Structures in the NISP course
KMP: To Clear or Not to Clear short
Personnel Security Clearances
Eligibility and Access
Before employees begin the PCL process, the contractor must determine which employees
will be working on the classified contract and will require access to classified information. If a
determination is made that there is a requirement for access to classified information, a PCL
is required.
The process for an initial PCL includes completion of the appropriate national security
investigation and a favorable eligibility determination. In order to have access to classified
information, the individual must have a favorable clearance eligibility determination at the
proper level, possess a need-to-know, and execute a Classified Information Non-Disclosure
Agreement, or SF 312. It is important to note, however, that just because an individual is
granted a PCL does not mean he or she may have access to all classified information.
Individuals must have a specific need-to-know, or NTK, for the classified information they
will access.
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PCL Process
The initial determination that an employee requires a PCL is generally made by the program
manager. The program manager considers whether the employee requires access to
classified information in the performance of a classified contract. The program manager
determines need only; he or she does not approve the clearance level. The clearance level
is determined by the GCA as stated in the contract.
Once the employee’s need for a PCL is established, the FSO initiates the process and
instructs the employee to complete the Standard Form 86, or SF-86. Employees complete
the SF-86 electronically.
Next, the FSO sends the completed SF-86 to DCSA for processing. DCSA determines
whether the request for a clearance is legitimate and, if so, forwards the application to the
investigative agency that will conduct the background investigation.
The investigative agency puts all of the information collected into a report that a personnel
security specialist at DCSA reviews. The national standards outlined in the DODM 5200.02,
Procedures for the DOD Personnel Security Program, is used to make a national security
eligibility determination. If the determination is favorable, DCSA records the eligibility level in
the DOD personnel security system of record.
Based on need, the FSO may then grant the employee’s access to classified information, up
to the level for which the employee is eligible.
You can learn more about PCLs in these courses, available through CDSE:
Personnel Clearances in the NISP course
Introduction to Personnel Security course
Terminating Access
It is likely that an individual’s access requirements may change several times over the
course of their career. The government requires continued evaluation of the need for a PCL.
When access is no longer needed, the FSO must remove the employee’s access in the
current DOD personnel security system of record. Eligibility remains in the system of record
even when access is terminated by the FSO.
Additionally, the FSO must debrief employees who no longer require access and remove
their names from any access rosters and/or any active Visit Authorization Letters, or VALs,
on which they may be included.
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Visit Procedures
Procedures for hosting classified visits vary from one facility or installation to another. In
general, the party who is disclosing the classified information is responsible for ensuring that
visitors are authorized persons with the appropriate PCL and NTK. Remember, NTK is
determined based on the person’s professional and contractual duties.
Contractors are responsible for supplying their employee’s clearance information to the host
facility prior to the visit through the current DOD personnel security system of record, or if
that is not available, with a VAL.
Cleared personnel from contractors who are visiting another cleared facility or a government
installation, regardless of the length of their visit, must follow the security requirements of the
host activity.
For more information, refer to the Visits and Meetings in the NISP course, from CDSE.
Select MORE to see information that must be included in a VAL (displayed below):
When a visit requires access to classified information, the host contractor must verify the
visitor's PCL level. Verification of a visitor's PCL may be accomplished by a review of the
DOD personal security system of record that contains the information or by a Visit
Authorization Letter (VAL) provided by the visitor's employer. A VAL can also be referred to
as a Visit Authorization Request (VAR).
A VAL must include the following information:
1. Contractor's name, address, and telephone number, assigned Commercial and
Government Entity (CAGE) code, if applicable, and certification of the level of
the FCL
2. Name, date and place of birth, and citizenship of the employee intending to
3. Certification of the proposed visitor's PCL and any special access
authorizations required for the visit
4. Name of person(s) to be visited
5. Purpose and sufficient justification for the visit to allow for a determination of
the necessity of the visit
6. Date or period during which the VAL is to be valid
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Lesson 5 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: I may still have some misconceptions about clearance requirements. Can
you tell me if I have the following information correct?
Determine whether each statement is true or false, then select Submit. Check your answer
in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Once the company’s FCL is in place, employees may begin to access classified materials.
Appropriate Key Management Personnel (KMPs) must be cleared before the FCL will be
An employee’s approved national security eligibility determination, or PCL, is the same as
his/her access.
Review Activity 2
I may still have some misconceptions about clearance requirements. Can you tell me if I
have the following information correct?
Identify who performs each action in the PCL process, then select Submit. Check your
answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Initiates the PCL process
Completes the SF-86
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Grants and records the PCL
Lesson Summary
You have completed the Clearance Requirements in the NISP lesson.
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Course Conclusion
Course Summary
Subcontractor CEO: Well, thanks for all of your help. Even though we still have a lot to do
and a lot to learn we now know our next steps and the many resources that are available.
Contractor- FSO: You’re welcome. And remember we are here to support you and your
company moving forward.
Main Narrator: In this course you reviewed the purpose and structure of the National
Industrial Security Program, or NISP, key security roles in both government and industry, the
general contracting process for classified contracts, and clearance requirements in the
Lesson Review
Here is a list of the lessons in the course:
Course Introduction
Overview of the NISP
Security Roles in the NISP
Contracting Process in the NISP
Clearance Requirements in the NISP
Course Conclusion
Lesson Summary
Congratulations! You have completed the Introduction to Industrial Security, v4 course.
You should now be able to perform all of the listed activities. To receive credit for this
course, you must take the course examination.
Recognize the role of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) in the
protection of classified information entrusted to industry
Describe government and contractor security roles and responsibilities in accordance
with the NISP Operating Manual (NISPOM)
Outline the process and requirements for establishing a classified contract
Identify the security clearance processes and procedures required for access to
classified information
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Appendix A: Answer Key
Lesson 2 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: My company, BuildGen Contracting, just won its first classified government
contract. What are our NISP responsibilities?
What are contractor responsibilities according to the NISP?
Select the best response.
Establish NISP requirements for the protection of classified information
Provide advice, assistance, and oversight
Implement NISP requirements for the protection of classified information (correct
Feedback: Contractors must implement all NISP requirements in order to ensure classified
information is protected. The government is responsible for establishing requirements and
providing advice, assistance, and oversight.
Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: Can you help me understand what the difference is between CSAs and
Identify whether the following statements describe CSAs or CSOs.
These organizations establish industrial security programs and oversee security
CSA (correct response)
Feedback: CSAs establish industrial security programs and oversee security requirements.
These organizations administer the NISP and provide security guidance, oversight, and
policy clarifications.
CSO (correct response)
Feedback: CSOs administer the NISP and provide security guidance, oversight, and policy
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Review Activity 3
Contractor CEO: I understand DCSA will be the CSO for our company. What will they do for
Which of these are DCSA responsibilities or functions?
Select all that apply. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Provide security guidance and oversight (correct response)
Provide policy clarifications (correct response)
Conduct security reviews (correct response)
Provide installation-specific procedures for work performed on a government
Provide contract-specific security classification guidance
Feedback: DCSA provides security guidance and oversight and policy clarifications, and
conducts security reviews. Installation commanders provide installation-specific procedures
for work performed on a government installation, and GCAs provide contract-specific
security classification guidance.
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Lesson 3 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: Which roles will we need to fill at our company, and which are government
Identify whether the following roles are filled by government or industry employees.
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Industry (correct response)
Feedback: FSO is an industry role.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Government (correct response)
Feedback: ISSP/SCA is a government role.
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industry (correct response)
Feedback: ISSM is an industry role.
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Government (correct response)
Feedback: IS Rep is a government role.
Counterintelligence Special Agent (CISA)
Government (correct response)
Feedback: CISA is a government role.
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Industry (correct response)
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Feedback: ITPSO is an industry role.
Review Activity 2
And what do each of these individuals do?
Identify the role described by each statement.
This DCSA employee serves as the contractor’s primary point of contact for security.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep) (correct response)
Feedback: IS Reps serve as the contractor’s primary point of contact for security.
This DCSA employee oversees authorized contractor Information System use.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
(correct response)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Feedback: ISSP/SCAs oversee authorized contractor Information System use.
This contractor employee administers and oversees the contractor security program.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO) (correct response)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Feedback: FSOs administer and oversee contractor security programs.
This contractor employee manages Information Systems and ensures Information System
security requirements are met.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
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Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) (correct response)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Feedback: ISSMs manage Information Systems and ensure Information System security
requirements are met.
This contractor employee establishes and maintains the insider threat program.
Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA)
Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO) (correct response)
Information System Security Manager (ISSM)
Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep)
Feedback: ITPSOs establish and maintain contractor insider threat programs.
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Lesson 4 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: Which comes first in the contracting process?
Select the best response.
What is the first step of the contracting process?
The GCA defines the acquisition strategy for the contract.
The GCA publishes a Request for Proposal (RFP).
The government identifies a need for a product or service. (correct response)
The GCA defines the initial requirements for the product/service.
Feedback: Before anything else happens, to initiate the contracting process the government
must identify the need for a product or service.
Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: We worked with both the CO and the COR during the contracting process,
but I could use a refresher. Who does what?
Select the best response.
Who has authority to enter into, administer, and terminate contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO) (correct response)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Feedback: The CO has the authority to enter into, administer, and terminate contracts.
Who serves as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for individual contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) (correct response)
Feedback: The COR serves as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for individual contracts.
Who provides contractual oversight and has responsibility for multiple programs?
Contracting Officer (CO) (correct response)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Feedback: The CO provides contractual oversight and has responsibility for multiple
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Who closely monitors contractor performance on individual contracts?
Contracting Officer (CO)
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) (correct response)
Feedback: The COR closely monitors contractor performance on individual contracts.
Review Activity 3
Contractor CEO: Moving forward, where do I turn to find important contract information?
Identify which document contains the information described.
Security requirements and classification guidance:
Statement of Work (SOW)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254) (correct
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441)
Feedback: DD Form 254 contains security requirements and classification guidance. Note:
the SOW may also contain this information.
Contract details such as project scope, deadlines, and steps:
Statement of Work (SOW) (correct response)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254)
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441)
Feedback: SOW contains contract details such as project scope, deadlines, and steps.
A security agreement between a contractor and the DOD in order to prevent the
unauthorized disclosure of classified information:
Statement of Work (SOW)
DD Form 254: DOD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD 254)
DD Form 441: DOD Security Agreement (DD 441) (correct response)
Feedback: DD Form 441 is a legally binding contract document and serves as a record of
the contractor’s commitment to comply with the NISPOM.
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Lesson 5 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Contractor CEO: I may still have some misconceptions about clearance requirements. Can
you tell me if I have the following information correct?
Determine whether each statement is true or false.
Once the company’s FCL is in place, contractors may begin to access classified materials.
False (correct response)
Feedback: Contractors may not access classified information without approved national
security eligibility determinations, or PCLs. The company submits employee PCL requests
after the FCL has been approved.
Key Management Personnel must be cleared before the FCL will be granted.
True (correct response)
Feedback: Key Management Personnel must be cleared before the FCL will be granted.
An employee’s approved national security eligibility determination, or PCL, is the same as
his/her access.
False (correct response)
Feedback: An employee’s national security eligibility determination, or PCL, does NOT on
its own grant access to classified information. An individual must have a PCL at the
appropriate level, a need-to-know for the specific classified information, and have executed
a SF 312, Classified Information Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
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Review Activity 2
Contractor CEO: I may still have some misconceptions about clearance requirements. Can
you tell me if I have the following information correct?
Identify who performs each action in the PCL process
Initiates the PCL process.
FSO (correct response)
Feedback: The FSO initiates the PCL process.
Completes the SF-86.
Employee (correct response)
Feedback: The employee completes the SF-86.
Grants and records the PCL.
DCSA (correct response)
Feedback: DCSA validates the request, the investigative agency conducts the investigation,
and DCSA grants and records the PCL.
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