Keystone Review
Module B
BIO.B.1.1 – Describe the three stages of the
cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division,
Describe the events that occur during the
cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division,
and cytokinesis.
Compare the processes and outcomes of
mitotic and meiotic nuclear division.
Which statement BEST describes the phase
of the cell cycle shown?
A. The cell is in prophase of
mitosis because the
number of chromosomes
has doubled.
B. The cell is in prophase I of
meiosis because of the
number of chromosomes
has doubled.
C. The cell is in telophase of
mitosis because the cell is
separating and contains
two copies of each
D. The cell is in telophase of
meiosis because the cell is
separating and contains
two copies of each
Answer - C
A. Incorrect - The cell is not in prophase. This
is obvious as the cell contains two nuclei, a
condition which only occurs in telophase.
B. Incorrect - The cell is not in prophase. This
is obvious as the cell contains two nuclei, a
condition which only occurs in telophase.
C. Correct - The cell is in telophase, which can
be seen from the two nuclei. Only
telophase of mitosis includes two copies of
each chromosome.
D. Incorrect - The cell is in telophase, but in
meiosis each cell contains only 1 copy of
each chromosome.
Mitosis and meiosis are processes by which
animal and plant cells divide. Which
statement best describes a difference
between mitosis and meiosis?
A. Meiosis is a multi-step process.
B. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic
C. Meiosis is used in the repair of an
D. Mitosis produces genetically identical
daughter cells.
Answer - D
A. Incorrect – both mitosis and meiosis
are both multi-step processes
B. Incorrect – mitosis occurs in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
C. Incorrect – meiosis produces
gametes, it is not involved in the
repair of organisms.
D. Correct – mitosis produces
genetically identical cells; meiosis
produces genetically different cells.
Patau Syndrome can be a lethal genetic
disorder in mammals, resulting from
chromosomes failing to separate during
Part A: Identify the step during the process
of meiosis when chromosomes would
most likely fail to separate.
Part B: Describe how chromosome
separation in meiosis is different from
chromosome separation in mitosis.
Part C: Compare the effects of a disorder
caused by chromosomes failing to
separate during meiosis, such as Patau
syndrome, to the effects of chromosomes
failing to separate during mitosis.
Identify the step during the process of meiosis
when chromosomes would most likely fail to
Anaphase I or II are the most likely steps in
which chromosomes would fail to separate.
During Anaphase I, homolgous chromosomes
are pulled to opposite sides of the cell. If the
spindle fibers do not attach properly during
metaphase, the homologous pairs will not
separate correctly. If the homologous pairs
do not separate, two will go into one cell.
Anaphase II is the phase in which sister
chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the
cell. If sister chromatids fail to separate, two
will go into one gamete. If this gamete were
fertilized it would result in a trisomy, such as
Patau syndrome.
Describe how chromosome separation in
meiosis is different from chromosome
separation in mitosis.
There are two divisions within meiosis,
meiosis I and meiosis II. During
meiosis I, chromosomes line up in
homologous pairs in order for the cell
to be reduced from diploid to haploid.
They then line up end to end in
meiosis II in order to separate sister
In mitosis, chromosomes separate only
once. They line up end to end. This
results in two identical, diploid cells.
Compare the effects of a disorder caused by
chromosomes failing to separate during
meiosis, such as Patau syndrome, to the
effects of chromosomes failing to separate
during mitosis.
When a mutation occurs during meiosis, the
organism in which the mutation occurs is not
affected. However, the disorder will be
passed to their offspring. Since all the cells in
the offspring begin with the two parental
gametes, every cell in the body of the
offspring will contain the mutation.
When a mutation occurs during mitosis, the
organism in which the mutation occurs is
affected. However, the mutation will only
occur in the localized region in which the
mutated cell is found. It cannot be passed to
Which event most likely occurs
next in mitosis?
A. The chromatin condenses.
B. The nuclear envelope dissolves.
C. The chromosomes double in number.
D. The cell membrane pinches inward to
divide the cytoplasm.
Answer - D
A. Incorrect - The condensing of the
chromatin occurs during prophase at the
beginning of mitosis.
B. Incorrect - The nuclear envelope
dissolves after the chromatin condenses
into chromosomes during prophase.
C. Incorrect - The chromosomes double in
number during the S phase, not during
D. Correct: The next event would show
telophase, when the cell begins to separate
into two daughter cells.
Mitosis and meiosis are processes by which animal
and plant cells divide. Which
statement best describes a difference between
mitosis and meiosis?
A. Meiosis is a multi-step process.
B. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic
C. Meiosis is used in the repair of an
D. Mitosis produces genetically identical
daughter cells.
Answer - D
A. Incorrect - Both meiosis and mitosis are
multi -step processes.
B. Incorrect - Mitosis also takes place in
prokaryotic cells.
C. Incorrect - Meiosis generates gametes
used in sexual reproduction.
D. Correct - Cells produced through mitosis
contain DNA identical to the parent cells,
whereas meiosis produces cells that are
haploid and often genetically different.
Bio.B.1.2 – Explain how genetic
information is inherited.
Describe how the process of DNA
replication results in the transmission
and/or conservation or genetic
Explain the functional relationships
between DNA, genes, alleles, and
chromosomes and their roles in
What process helps to preserve the genetic
information stored in DNA during DNA
A. The replacement of nitrogen base
thymine with uracil.
B. Enzymes quickly linking nitrogen
bases with hydrogen bonds.
C. The synthesis or unique sugar and
phosphate molecules for each
D. Nucleotides lining up along the
template strand according to base
pairing rules.
Answer: D
A. Incorrect – DNA replication creates DNA,
uracil is used only in RNA
B. Incorrect – Nitrogen bases are linked with
hydrogen bonds created by enzymes, but
this is not what preserves genetic
C. Incorrect – the genetic information in DNA is
stored in the order of the base pairs, not in
the sugar or phosphate.
D. Correct – The template strand provides the
enzymes with the correct nucleotide order.
The order of the nucleotides is how the
genetic information is store.
In a flowering plant species, red flower color is
dominant over white flower color. What is the
genotypes of any red-flowering plant resulting from
this species?
A. Red and white alleles present on one
B. Red and white alleles present on two
C. A red allele present on both
homologous chromosomes
D. A red allele present on at least one
of two homologous chromosomes.
Answer - D
A. Incorrect – only one allele for each trait
is present on each chromosome.
B. Incorrect – since white alleles are
recessive, their presence is irrelevant.
An organisms would be red if it had one
red and one white allele, or two red and
no white alleles.
C. Incorrect – only one red allele is needed
since red is dominant.
D. Correct – Since red is dominant, only
one chromosome needs a red allele in
order for the plant to have red flowers.
BIO.B.2.1 – Compare Mendelian and non-
Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
Describe and/or predict observed
patterns of inheritance (i.e. dominant,
recessive, co-dominance, incomplete
dominance, sex-linked, polygenic, and
multiple alleles).
Describe processes that can alter
composition or number of
chromosomes (ie. Crossing-over,
nondisjunction, duplication,
translocation, deletion, insertion, and
Genotype(s) Phenotype
ii O
, I
, I
A. phenotypes O or A
B. phenotypes A or AB
C. phenotypes A, B, AB
D. phenotypes O, A, B, AB
Answer: D
A. Incorrect
B. Incorrect
C. Incorrect
D. Correct – all blood types are
possible. In all instances, an A or O
allele could possibly have been
passed to the child and combine with
the A allele from the father.
A cattle farmer genetically crosses a cow (female) with a
white coat with a bull (male) with a red coat. The resulting
calf (offspring) is roan, which means there are red and white
hairs intermixed in the coat of the calf. The genes for coat
color in cattle are co-dominant.
A. What cross would produce only roan
B. Explain how a roan calf results from one
white- and one red-coated parent. IN
your explanation, use letters to
represent genes. Be sure to indicate
what colors the letters represent.
C. Predict the possible genotypes and
phenotypes of the offspring produced
from two roan cattle.
A. Answer: White and red
B. A white parent and a red parent
would produce all roan offspring.
Roan offspring are all heterozygous,
containing one red and one white
allele. Red cows are homozygous for
red alleles- RR. White cows are
homozygous for white alleles -WW.
Therefore, a red and a white cow
would produce all heterozygous (RW),
roan offspring.
C. Answer
Roan cows would produce 25% red
cows (RR), 50% roan cows (RW), and
25% white cows (WW)
Answer: D
A. Incorrect – a deletion involves the
removal of a gene or genes from the
B. Incorrect – an insertion involves adding
genes to a chromosome
C. Incorrect – an inversion involves
rearranging genes on one chromosome
D. Correct – this image shows two different
sized chromosomes, indicating non-
homologous chromosomes. A portion of
one is being switched with a portion of
the other. This is the definition of
A scientist observes that a certain trait is determined by a single
allele. An organism inherited one version of the trait from one
parent and another version from the other parent. Both versions of
the trait are expressed in the phenotype of the offspring. Which
pattern of inheritance best classifies the observed trait?
A. dominance
B. sex-linkage
C. co-dominance
D. incomplete dominance
Answer - C
A. Incorrect - The pattern of inheritance does not
reflect that one allele is dominant and the other is
recessive since both traits are expressed in the
B. Incorrect - The information given does not
provide enough evidence for a sex-linkage pattern
of inheritance.
C. Correct - The pattern of inheritance is best
described as co-dominance because both traits are
fully expressed in the phenotype of the individual.
D. Incorrect - Since both versions of the trait are
expressed without a modification of the phenotype
expressed, the pattern of inheritance is not
incomplete dominance.
BIO.B.2.2 – Explain the process of protein
synthesis (i.e. transcription, translation, and
protein modification).
Describe how the processes of
transcription and translation are
similar in all organisms.
Describe the role of ribosomes,
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, and the nucleus in the
production of specific types of
Which statement describes a cell process that is common to both
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?
A. Both cell types carry out transcription in the nucleus.
B. Both cell types use ribosomes to carry out translation.
C. Both cell types assemble amino acids to carry out transcription.
D. Both cell types carry out translation in the endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer - B
A. Incorrect – prokaryotes lack a
B. Correct – both prokaryotes and
eukaryotes carry out translation on
C. Incorrect – transcription does not
involve amino acids
D. Incorrect – prokaryotes lack
endoplasmic reticulum.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes within the cell,
and it is often classified as rough or smooth, depending on whether
there are ribosomes on its surface. Which statement best describes
the role of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cell?
A. It stores all proteins for later use.
B. It provides an attachment site for larger organelles.
C. It aids in the production of membrane and secretory proteins.
D. It stores amino acids required for the production of all proteins.
Answer - C
A. Incorrect – the endoplasmic
reticulum is not a storage organelle.
B. Incorrect – ribosomes, which are
small organelles, attach to rough ER
C. Correct – ribosomes are housed on
the rough ER. This is where
translation occurs.
D. Incorrect – ER is not a storage
The bacterium Acetobacter aceti is found in acidic environments and has an
cytoplasm. For this reason, most of its proteins are able to function in acidic
conditions. This property distinguishes Acetobacter aceti proteins from those of
most other organisms. Which characteristic does Acetobacter aceti most likely
share with other organisms?
A. the method that the organism uses to reproduce itself
B. the physical and chemical responses to environmental changes
C. the type of organelle used to produce energy for cellular functions
D. the process used to form proteins by transcription and translation
Answer - D
A. Incorrect - Bacteria are prokaryotes and
reproduce by binary fission; most organisms
that are eukaryotes reproduce by mitosis and
B. Incorrect - Bacteria are prokaryotes, lacking
membrane-bound organelles, which respond to
changes in their environment differently than
eukaryotic cells.
C. Incorrect - Bacteria are prokaryotes and do
not have membrane-bound organelles, such as
mitochondria that produce energy for eukaryotic
D. Correct - Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both
have ribosomes that synthesize proteins.
BIO.B.2.3 Explain how genetic
information is expressed.
Describe how genetic mutations alter
the DNA sequence and may or may
not affect phenotype (e.g. silent,
nonsense, frameshift)
A genetic mutation resulted in a change in the sequence of amino
acids of a protein, but the function of the protein was not changed.
Which statement best describes the genetic mutation?
A. It was a silent mutation that caused a change in the DNA of the
B. It was a silent mutation that caused a change in the phenotype of
the organism.
C. It was a nonsense mutation that caused a change in the DNA of the
D. It was a nonsense mutation that caused a change in the phenotype
of the organism.
Answer - A
A. Correct – silent mutations change
the genetic code of the DNA, but do
not result in changes to the protein
function. Therefore, the phenotype
of the organism is not affected.
B. Incorrect – a silent mutation by
definition does not change
C/D. Incorrect – a nonsense mutation
totally destroys protein function
A mutation occurs at the midpoint of a gene,
altering all amino acids encoded after the point of
mutation. Which mutation could have produced this
A. deletion of two nucleotides
B. deletion of three nucleotides
C. insertion of six nucleotides
D. insertion of twelve nucleotides
Answer - A
A. Correct - A deletion of two nucleotides will most likely
cause a shift in the codon sequence that codes for an
amino acid. This could cause a change in the sequence
of amino acids attached after the point of the
B. Incorrect - A deletion of three nucleotides will cause a
deletion of the original amino acid in the protein but will
not cause a change in the rest of the amino-acid
C. Incorrect - An insertion of six nucleotides will add two
additional amino acids to the protein but will not cause a
change in the rest of the amino-acid sequence.
D. Incorrect - An insertion of twelve nucleotides will add
four additional amino acids to the protein but will not
cause a change in the rest of the amino-acid sequence.
BIO.B.2.4 Apply scientific thinking, processes,
tools, and technologies in the study of
Explain how genetic engineering has
impacted the fields of medicine,
forensics, and agriculture (e.g.
selective breeding, gene splicing,
cloning, genetically modified
organisms, gene therapy)
Genetic engineering has led to genetically modified plants that resist
insect pests and bacterial and fungal infections. Which outcome would
most likely be a reason why some scientists recommend caution in
planting genetically modified plants?
A. unplanned ecosystem interactions
B. reduced pesticide and herbicide use
C. improved agricultural yield and profit
D. increased genetic variation and diversity
Answer - A
A. Correct – genetically modified plants may
spread their genes to wild plants during
pollination, which cannot be controlled in the
outdoor environment. This may result in genes
for resistance being spread into ecosystems,
causing unintended results.
B. Incorrect – this type of genetic engineering
reduces the use of pesticides and herbicides,
but this is a positive effect.
C. Incorrect – increasing resistance to pests would
increase yields, but this is a reason to plant
these plants.
D. Incorrect – increased genetic diversity
increases survival of a species and is a positive
BIO.B.3.1 – Explain the
mechanisms of evolution.
Explain how natural selection can
impact allele frequencies of a
Describe factors that can contribute to
the development of new species (e.g.
isolating mechanisms, genetic drift,
founder effect, migration).
Explain how genetic mutations may
result in genotypic and phenotypic
variations within a population.
In North America, the eastern spotted skunk mates
in late winter, and the western spotted skunk mates
in late summer. Even though their geographic
ranges overlap, the species do not mate with each
other. What most likely prevents these two species
from interbreeding?
A. Habitat isolation
B. Gametic isolation
C. Geographic isolation
D. Reproductive isolation
Answer – D
A. Incorrect – these skunks share a geographic
range and likely share habitat. Habitat isolation
involves species which share a range but not
the same habitat
B. Incorrect – gametic isolation generally refers to
species which send out gametes
indiscriminately, such as pollen of trees
C. Incorrect – geographic isolation involves two
species whose ranges do not overlap
D. Correct – all of these choices are reproductive
isolation. These skunk species mate at
different times, which is an example of temporal
isolation. This is the best answer as temporal
isolation is a type of reproductive isolation.
A mutation occurs in the genes that code for
coat color in deer. Which change will most
likely result from this mutation?
A. A change in the selection pressures
acting on coat color.
B. A change in the coat-color genes of
deer predator species
C. An increase in coat-color diversity in
the population
D. An increase in the number of genes
for coat color in the population.
Answer - C
A. Incorrect – an additional coat color gene
would not change selection pressures.
B. Incorrect – a change in deer coat color
will have no effect on the coat color of
predator species
C. Correct – an additional gene for coat
color will definitely change the coat color
D. Incorrect – a mutation will increase the
number of alleles for the gene, but will
not create an entirely new gene
BIO.B.3.2 Analyze the sources of
evidence for biological evolution.
A) Interpret evidence supporting the
theory of evolution (i.e. fossil,
anatomical, physiological,
embryological, biochemical, and
universal genetic code.
The skeletons of mammalian forelimbs represent variations
of a structure that was present in their common ancestor.
What has most likely caused the variation in forelimbs?
A. Changes in
B. Changes in the
genetic code
C. Trait formation
due to
D. Development of
Answer - C
A. Incorrect – changes in muscle structure would
not cause the variation in forelimbs. It is more
likely bone structure changes would occur first.
B. Correct – changes in the genetic codes would
be needed to make a change in phenotype.
C. Incorrect- the only traits that can be inherited
are those that an organism is born with,
therefore changes due to behaviors would not
result in skeletal changes. For example, if you
dye your hair green, you will not give birth to
green-haired children.
D. Incorrect – vestigial structures are those that
are present, but no longer used, in organisms.
All of these organisms use their forelimbs.
The gene COII is in the genome of many organisms.
A comparison of the number of base differences
between the COII gene in a rat and that of two other
animals is shown.
Animal Number of base differences from a rat
Mouse 101
Cow 136
Part A: Based on the data, describe a possible evolutionary
relationship between rats, mice, and cows.
Part B: Describe how different organisms having a common gene
such as COII supports the theory of evolution.
Part C: The COII gene of a monkey has 203 base differences from
the same gene in a rat and 201 base differences from the same gene
in a mouse. Compare the evolutionary relationships between the
monkey, the rat, and the mouse.
Part A: Mice and rats are more closely
related than rats and cows. This can
be seen from the smaller number of
differences in the COII protein.
Part B: Different organisms would not
have the same gene by chance. If two
organisms share a gene, it is likely
that they shared a common ancestor
who passed the gene on to each
Part C
A rat and a mouse are more closely
related to each other than to a
monkey. They have only 101 base
difference for the COII protein.
The mouse is more closely related to
the cow than the rat, with a difference
of 201 bases rather than 203.
The frequency of an allele in a fly population
changes from 89% to 20% after three generations.
Which other events most likely occurred during the
same time period?
A. an environmental change and a fly
population increase
B. an environmental change and a fly
population decrease
C. interbreeding of flies with an invasive
species and fly population speciation
D. interbreeding of flies with an
established local species and fly
population speciation
Answer - B
A. Incorrect - An environmental change that did not favor the
individuals in the population with the allele most likely led to the
change in allele frequency; however, since the allele frequency
decreased by so much, there would had to have been a
decrease in the population within a three-generation period of
B. Correct - An environmental change that did not favor the
individuals in the population with the allele most likely led to the
change in allele frequency; since the allele frequency decreased
by so much, there would had to have been a decrease in the
population within a three-generation period of time.
C. Incorrect -Interbreeding between species is not likely to occur
and can produce off spring that are not able to reproduce.
Speciation would most likely need more than three generations
to occur.
D. Incorrect - Interbreeding between species is not likely to occur
and can produce off spring that are not able to reproduce.
Speciation would most likely need more than three generations
to occur.
BIO.B.3.3 Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools,
and technologies in the study of the theory of
A. Distinguish between the scientific
terms: hypothesis, inference, law,
theory, principle, fact, and observation.
A group of students measured a ten-square-meter
section of a pond ecosystem and recorded
observations. Which statement is a testable
A. The frogs living in the pond represent a population.
B. Water is an abiotic component in the pond ecosystem
C. If the fish are given more food, then they will be
D. If the frogs are startled, then they will jump into the
Quantitative Qualitative
37 fish and 3 frogs Leaves lie on the bottom of the pond
2 types of aquatic grass Water insects move along the water’
s surface
12 small rocks and 1 medium rock All 3 frogs are sitting on a pond
Answer: D
A. Incorrect – this is not a testable
hypothesis, it is simply a fact that the
frogs living in that pond are defined
as a population.
B. Incorrect – also not a testable
C. Incorrect – it is not possible to judge
the happiness of fish
D. Correct – it is possible to set up an
experiment to see the response of
frogs to sudden stimuli
BIO.B.4.1- Describe ecological
levels of organization in the
A. Describe the levels of ecological
organization (i.e. organism,
population, community, ecosystem,
biome, and biosphere).
B. Describe characteristic biotic and
abiotic components of aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems.
A student wrote several observations in a field
notebook. Which term best classifies all of the
student’s observations?
Observations: 2 grey wolves, 5 moose, several
species of conifer trees, large granite rock, shallow
A. Population
B. Food chain
C. Ecosystem
D. Community
Answer: C
A. Incorrect – a population is a group of
organisms belonging to the same
species living in the same time and
B. Incorrect – a food chain contains only
organisms, not abiotic factors
C. Correct – an ecosystem contains both
the biotic and abiotic factors in an area
D. Incorrect – a community is all the living
species in a particular area at a
particular time
A researcher observing an ecosystem describes the
amount of sunlight, precipitation, and type of soil
present. Which factor is the researcher most likely
A. biotic factors in a forest
B. Biotic factors in a tundra
C. Abiotic factors in a prairie
D. Abiotic factors in an ocean
Answer - C
A or B. Incorrect – the factors described
are abiotic, not biotic
C. Correct – the abiotic factors listed
include soil, making this the only likely
D. Incorrect – the abiotic factors listed
include soil, which is not likely to be
described in an ocean environment.
Which sequence correctly describes the flow
of energy between organisms in the marine
food web?
A. From seals to
penguins to krill
B. From whales to
krill to small fish
C. From sea birds to
seals to penguins
D. From small fish to
penguins to seals
Answer - D
A. Incorrect – the arrows in the food
web show the flow of energy. Energy
flows from krill to penguins to seals
B. Incorrect – again, this is the reverse
of the energy flow shown in the diagram
C. Incorrect – the arrows show that
seals eat penguins, penguins do not eat
D. Correct – the arrows show that
energy does flow from fish to penguins
to seals.
A species of snapping turtles has a tongue that
resembles a worm. The tongue is used to attract
small fish. Which best describes the interaction
between the fish and the snapping turtle?
A. Predation
B. Symbiosis
C. Parasitism
D. competition
Answer - A
A. Correct – the snapping turtle is a predator
which eats fish.
B. Incorrect – predation is not a type of
symbiosis. Symbiosis indicates a long-term
relationship between two organisms
C. Incorrect – parasitism involves one species
living off of another and harming it, not just
eating it whole
D. Incorrect – competition involves two species
requiring the same resource. In this
instance, the snapping turtle and the fish are
not after the same resource
BIO.B.4.2 – Describe interactions and
relationships in an ecosystem
A. Describe how matter recycles through an
ecosystem (i.e. water cycle, carbon cycle,
oxygen cycle, and nitrogen cycle).
B. Describe how ecosystems change in
response to natural and human disturbances
(e.g. climate changes, introduction of
nonnative species, pollution, fires).
C. Describe the effects of limiting factors on
population dynamics and potential species
D. Describe the effects of limiting factors on
population dynamics and potential species
Which statement correctly describes how
nitrogen in the soil returns to the atmosphere?
A. Soil bacteria convert nitrates into
nitrogen gas.
B. Decomposers directly convert
ammonium into nitrogen gas.
C. Plants assimilate nitrites and convert
them into nitrogen gas.
D. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in plant roots
convert nitrates into nitrogen gas.
Answer - A
A. Correct - Soil bacteria convert nitrates
into nitrogen gas in a process known as
B. Incorrect – decomposers make nitrogen
available to producers, but do not
convert it into gas.
C. Incorrect – plants only release nitrogen
when they are decomposed
D. Incorrect – nitrogen fixation removes
nitrogen from the atmosphere.
Agricultural runoff can carry fertilizers into lakes and
streams. This runoff can cause algae populations
to greatly increase. Which effect does this change
in the algae population sizes most likely have on
affected lakes and streams?
A. An increase in water level
B. An increase in water clarity
C. A reduction in dissolved oxygen
needed by fish and shellfish
D. A reduction in temperature variations
near the water’s surface
Answer - C
A. Incorrect – an algal bloom will have no effect
on water level
B. Incorrect – an algal bloom will decrease
C. Correct – algal blooms lead to
eutrophication, a process in which algae die
and decompose. This leads to the removal
of large quantities of oxygen to the water.
Eventually, even decomposition stops and
the body of water is filled with half-
decomposed algae
D. Incorrect – this would have no effect on
A farmer observed that an increase in a field’s soil
nitrogen content was followed by an increase in
producer productivity. What does this observation
most likely indicate about the relationship between
nitrogen and the producers in the field?
A. Nitrogen was a biotic factor
B. Nitrogen was a limiting factor
C. Nitrogen became a surplus resource
D. Nitrogen became a selection
Answer - B
A. Incorrect – nitrogen is an abiotic factor
B. Correct – a limiting factor is something required
for an ecosystem to maintain growth. When it is
absent, growth stops. In this instance, the
primary productivity increased with the
application of nitrogen, indicating that it was the
factor preventing growth in the ecosystem.
C. Incorrect – nitrogen would not have caused an
increase in productivity if it was a surplus
D. Incorrect – there is nothing being selected on in
this example. Selection pressure indicates
evolution, which has nothing to do with this
Isle Royale is located in Lake Superior. Isle Royale is
home to populations of wolves and moose. The
interactions between the wolves and moose, as well as
the individual population sizes, have been studied since
1958. The graph shows the population sizes over time
for both wolves and moose.
A. Describe one limiting
factor for the moose
B. Explain one likely reason
why the wolf population
rapidly increased
between 1975 and 1980.
C. Predict what will happen
to the moose population’s
size after 1994 by
describing the shape of
the curve. In your
answer, be sure to
explain the reasoning
behind your prediction.
A. Predation by wolves is one limiting factor. Wolves
eat the moose. Other factors could include food
availability, competition, disease, etc.
B. Immediately previous to this time, the moose
population dramatically increased. The moose are
food for the wolves, therefore their population also
C. The moose population will continue to increase until
the wolf population increases or the moose run out of
food. This is predicted as the wolf population
increased, causing a drop in moose population, after
the last moose population increase. The moose are
currently increasing again. If the wolf population
does not rebound, the moose will eventually reach
carrying capacity and their population levels will even
Scientists observed that the populations of top-level
consumers in a particular ecosystem were rapidly
decreasing. Further studies revealed that there was also
a decline in producer productivity. Which other changes
did the scientists most likely observe in the ecosystem?
A. increased producer diversity
B. decreased population size at all levels
C. decreased primary consumer populations
D. increased primary and secondary
consumer diversity
Answer - B
A. Incorrect - A decline in producer productivity would
most likely result in a decrease in producer diversity.
B. Correct - A decline in the producers of an
ecosystem will cause a decrease in all other
organisms because
the producers are responsible for converting sunlight
or chemical energy into usable energy for
C. Incorrect - Primary consumer populations will
decrease, but secondary consumer populations will
also decrease.
D. Incorrect - A decline in producer productivity would
most likely lead to a decrease in diversity in primary
secondary consumers.