Can Implicit Associations Distinguish True and
False Eyewitness Memory? Development and
Preliminary Testing of the IATe
Rebecca K. Helm
, Stephen J. Ceci and Kayla A. Burd
Eyewitness identication has been shown to be fallible and prone to false memory. In
this study we develop and test a new method to probe the mechanisms involved in the
formation of false memories in this area, and determine whether a particular memory
is likely to be true or false. We created a seven-step procedure based on the Implicit
Association Test to gauge implicit biases in eyewitness identication (the IATe). We
show that identication errors may result from unconscious bias caused by implicit
associations evoked by a given face. We also show that implicit associations between
negative attributions such as guilt and eyewitnesses nal pick from a line-up can help
to distinguish between true and false memory (especially where the witness has been
subject to the suggestive nature of a prior blank line-up). Specically, the more a
witness implicitly associates an individual face with a particular crime, the more likely
it is that a memory they have for that person committing the crime is false. These nd-
ings are consistent with existing ndings in the memory and neuroscience literature
showing that false memories can be caused by implicit associations that are outside
conscious awareness. Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cognitive psychology has provided extensive insight into human memory, pointing out
that memory is fallible, prone to error, and context-dependent (see, for example
Brainerd & Reyna, 2005; Ceci & Bronfenbrenner, 1991; Loftus, 2003; Shaw & Porter,
2015). This is clearly important for eyewitness identication in the criminal justice
system the Innocence Project notes that eyewitness misidentication contributes to
more than 70% of wrongful convictions revealed by DNA exonerations (Innocence
Project Report on Eyewitness Misidentication, 2015).
In 2011, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a ruling changing the legal standard
for assessing eyewitness evidence (State v. Henderson, 2011). As a result of this ruling,
defendants who can show some evidence of suggestive inuence are entitled to a hearing
in which all factors that might have a bearing on the eyewitness evidence are explored
and weighed (Schacter & Loftus, 2013). If, after weighing the evidence presented at
the hearing, it is decided to admit the eyewitness evidence into trial, then the judge will
provide instructions to guide jurors on how to evaluate the evidence. While this ruling is
important, it relies on an understanding of the factors that affect eyewitness testimony
and the factors related to true or false eyewitness memory. Currently, there are few cog-
nitive methods for distinguishing true from false memory (Schacter & Loftus, 2013).
* Correspondence to: Rebecca K. Helm, Department of Human Development, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850. E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Human Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
Behav. Sci. Law 34: 803819 (2016)
Published online 23 January 2017 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2272
This paper introduces a new tool to assess false eyewitness identication memory,
our adaption of the Implicit Associations Test (IAT)/Autobiographical Implicit
Associations Test (aIAT), to investigate: (i) whether it can provide insight into the
mechanisms behind false memory (particularly false memory based on suggestion);
and (ii) whether it can be used to determine if a particular memory is likely to be true
or false. We will refer to this new version as the Implicit Associations Test for
Eyewitness Identication (IATe).
Research provides support for a link between implicit associations and false memory
(see Online Supplemental Material). This suggests that the strength of associations
between concepts can be important in the creation of false memory and that this pro-
cess occurs outside of effortful and perhaps even conscious processing.
In a forensic context, associations that witnesses have may be signicant in
predicting whether they will be susceptible to false memory. Specically, the extent
to which they associate or classify an innocent individual with a crime may be predictive
of how likely they will be to have a false memory for that person committing a crime
even when the actual perpetrator appears in the same line-up. If the presentation of
an individual face arouses a network of associations that are linked to guilt, this can,
in theory, result in mistaken identication, particularly if the associations of the face
with guilt are greater than are the associations of the face of the actual perpetrator.
Importantly, this form of implicit association is thought to operate outside conscious
awareness, thus not triggering self-initiated behaviors to monitor or reverse it.
Numerous researchers have examined the neural correlates of false memory, and
several theories have been put forward to explain the role of implicit semantic associa-
tions in false memory, such as Fuzzy Trace Theory (FTT; see Online Supplemental
Material for details).
The Implicit Associations Test
In order to examine the predicted relationship between implicit associations and false
memory, we developed a task based on the Implicit Associations Test (IAT) and its
derivative, the Autobiographical Implicit Associati ons Test (aIAT). The IAT measures
the strength of associations between concepts (e.g. women) and evaluations (e.g. good)
and stereotypes (e.g. athletic) (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). It provides a
measure of the strength of an association by measuring the difference between perfor-
mance speeds during two classication tasks in which associative strengths inuence
performance (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003).
To illustrate how the IAT works, take the example of measuring an association
between men and science. Participants would initially complete two practice tasks
rst, classifying a list of disciplines (e.g., physics, music, chemistry, poetry) into either
This dual-process distinction between fast, relatively unconscious processes and those that are slower,
more deliberative and effortful dates back to the seminal work on reasoning biases by Kahneman and Tversky
in the early 1970s (Kahneman, 2011), and goes by various names in the psychological science literature, with
some referring to it as automatic versus controlled processing, System 1 versus System 2 processing,
implicit versus explicit processing, Type 1/Type 2 processing, etc. (for a review of the pervasiveness of this
distinction in explaining various psychological outcomes, see Chapter 2 of Stanovich, West, & Toplak, 2016).
The essential distinction is between processes that are triggered spontaneously by an aspect of the stimulus
environment and which do not require limited attentional resources as opposed to those that require con-
trolled effort and are resource-intensive.
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
arts or sciences by clicking specied keys on a keyboard. Next, participants classify
a list of people (e.g. father, mother, brother, sister) into male or female. They are asked
to sort the items into the respective categories as quickly as possible. Then participants
perform tasks where they categorize disciplines and people at the same time (so they
categorize the people that appear according to their gender and the disciplines that
appear according to whether they are an arts or a science). For example, participants
might press e for both male and science and i for both female and arts (see
Figure 1). The task will then switch so the participants are instructed to press e for
both male and sciences and i for female and arts.
The IAT is scored using reaction times and at no time are participants made explic-
itly aware of a linkage between gender and disciplines. The association of men with
sciences is inferred by the quicker classication of sciences into the correct category
when they appear with male (so you press the same button for men and for sciences)
and slower to group sciences into the correct category when they appear with female.
The difference in reaction times between these two types of task provides the basis
for the IAT measure (Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009). This task
has been shown to signicantly exceed self-report measures of association in detecting
stereotypes (Greenwald et al., 2009), and it has been validated in a variety of ways, such
as predicting international sex differences in math and science achievement in 34
countries, whereas conscious self-report measur es added nothing to the prediction over
and above the unconscious measures (see Nosek et al., 2009)
The autobiographical IAT or aIAT was developed from the IAT and has been used
to evaluate which one of two personally experienced autobiographical events is true.
The participant is presented with stimuli from one of four categories: sentences that
are always true (I am in front of a computer), or always false (I am climbing a moun-
tain), and sentences that are true or false for a particular participant (e.g. I went on
holiday to Paris last year or I went on holiday to London last year). In this task, the true
autobiographical event gives rise to faster reaction times when it shares the same motor
response (i.e. the same key has to be pressed to place it in the correct category) with
Figure 1. An example slide from an Implicit Associations Test (IAT) examining implicit associations
between gender and arts/science subjects. [Colour gure can be viewed at]
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
true sentences. A recent review found that this task had more than 90% accuracy in
detecting true memory (Agosta & Sartori, 2013).
Researchers have used the aIAT to detect true and false memory in a
DeeseRoedigerMcDermott (DRM) task (Marini, Agosta, Mazzoni, Dalla Barba, &
Sartori, 2012). This task assessed the association of presented words (e.g. I heard
the word sharp) and critical lures (e.g. I heard the word needle) with the logical
dimension true. Results showed that there was a greater association between
presented target words with the logical dimension true than there was between
non-presented critical lures with the logical dimension true. This research with
semantically organized word lists suggests that an adaptation of the IAT/aIAT might
be useful to examine the relationship between true and false memory in eyewitness
identications, a challenge we take up next.
The Implicit Associations Test and Eyewitness Memory the Present
In order to test our predictions, we adapted the IAT/aIAT to measure the extent to
which eyewitnesses implicitly associated specic individuals (including the true
perpetrator and foils) with committing a crime after witnessing that crime being com-
mitted. To do this, we designed an implicit categorization task in which participants
had to classify two categories of things, true and false statem ents, and faces of a target
(the person they had seen witnessing a crime) and foils (other similar-looking individ-
uals). The faces were intended to have a similar gist but be differe nt enough that an
individual seeing all the faces at once could readily distinguish between them. We
administered our task in seven blocks, following the procedure described in Greenwald
et al. (2003). First, participants were asked to categorize easy statements that were
either true (2 + 2 = 4) or false (2 + 2 = 10). Secondly, participants grou ped pictures
of individuals (the target and foils) with the statements regarding crime or gender
(e.g., this person committed the crime or this person is a man) into crime or gender
categories. Participants then completed two sets of categorizations (one block of 20
trials and one block of 40 trials) consisting of both statements about faces from the
narrative and true/false statements. In these tasks, true appeared with (and shared a
motor response with) crime-related and false appeared with (and shared a motor
response with) gender-related. Participants categorized the true/false statements into
true or false and the faces with accompanying statements into crime-related or
In the fth task, participants practiced categorizing true and false statements when
their position on the screen (and the motor response associated with them) was re-
versed, to avoid position effects. In the sixth and seventh tasks, participants categorized
statements about faces from the narrative and true/false statements (in one block of 20
trials and one block of 40 trials). In these tasks, false appeared with (and shared a motor
response with) crime-related and true appeared with (and shared a motor response
with) gender-related. As in the third and fourth blocks, participants categorized the
true/false statements into true or false and the faces with accompanying statements into
crime-related or gender-related.
Our reasoning is as follows: participants associating an individual with a crime
should group the picture of him with the statement this person committed the crime
into the crime category faster when this statement shares a motor response with true
806 Helm R. K. et al.
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
(as in Figure 2), and conversely we reasoned that participants associating an individual
with a crime would group the picture of him with the statement this person stole the
purse into the crime category more slowly when this statement shared a motor
response with false (as in Figure 3). These twin expectations follow directly from
the logic of the IAT. We refer to this adaptation of the IAT/aIAT for use with eyewit-
nesses making an identication as the IATe.
Participants were 350 undergraduate students at a large east coast university that
contains both a public, state university and a private university within a single
Figure 3. An example slide from a classication task where crime related shares a motor response with false.
[Colour gure can be viewed at]
Figure 2. An example slide from a classication task where crime-related shares a motor response with true.
[Colour gure can be viewed at]
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administrative structure (35% male, 65% female). Students participated in the study
for course credit. They ranged in age from 18 to 24 (M = 19.33, SD = 1.22). The most
common racial identity of participants was White (56.5%), followed by Chinese
(10.4%) and Black/African American (7.6%). The largest religious afliation was no
religion (30.1%), with substantial numbers also identifying as Catholic (26.6%), Prot-
estant (17.6%) and Jewish (13.7%).
Crime Scenario and Initial Identication
Participants were rst told that police were investigating an incident that took place
about a week ago (they did not receive instructions prior to this and did not know that
they would subsequently complete an identication task). They were presented with an
illustrated narrative of the incident. Specically they read a short (approximately 150
words) description of a crime, accompanied by pictures of characters in the narrative.
In the narrative, participants were told that they had been walking along the side of a
road in New York with a friend when they saw movement ahead of them and stopped
to see what was happening. They were told that they saw one person (pictured)
approach another person (pictured) and grab her purse from her then run away. They
were also told that they saw two people (pictured) attempt to follow the purse-snatcher
but fail to nd him. Pictures of each of the char acters (the purse-snatcher, the two pur-
suers, and the victim) accompanied the narrative and were presented as that character
appeared in the narrative, so the participants saw a clear picture of the purse-snatcher
(the perpetrator). We rotated the faces of the characters in the story, assigning them
randomly to one of three faces (Face 1, Face 2,orFace 3) to control for any
stimulus-specic effects that could later lead to biased line-up selections. All of our
perpetrators (and all faces appearing in subsequent line-ups) were young White males
with short dark hair and dark eyes; however, they were intended to be different enough
that an individual looking at the faces all together could readily distinguish between
them. The victim in all scenarios was a young White woman. All faces were of real
people, taken from an online face bank.
Participants were able to view this crime scenario for as long as they wanted. After
viewing the crime scenario, participants completed a buffer task for approximately
20 minutes and were then randomly assigned to one of three line-up conditions from
which they were asked to pick the suspect in a two-person matchup. Participants were
not given formal line-up instructions and were just asked to identify who they saw steal
the bag. This initial line-up was given in order to subject some participants to sugges-
tion through a target-absent line-up. The target-absent line-up was intended to foster
false memory because participants could subsequently misremember the suspect they
picked from the line-up as the person who committed the crime a source misattribu-
tion error. The line-up contained either Face 1 and Face 2 (conditi on 1), Face 1
and Face 3 (condition 2), or Face 2 and Face 3 (condition 3). This meant that a
participant would see either a target-present line-up in which t he real perpetrator was in
the line-up (in two-thirds of cases) or a target-absent line-up in which the real perpetra-
tor was not in the line-up (in one-third of cases). For example, if a person saw Face 1
as the perpetrator, conditions 1 and 2 would be target-present, and condition 3 would
be target-absent. After picking a suspect from this line-up, participants completed
another buffer task, for approximately 10 minutes. They then completed the IATe
(our version of the autobiographical IAT) to measure the extent to which they
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associated the perpetrator and foils with guilt. They then completed a nal line-up
identication task, which was target-present for all participants.
Implicit Associations Test for Eyewitnesses
Participants then completed our seven-step IATe, which we created to examine mem-
ory phenomena. Participants completed seven sections of this IATe. First, they com-
pleted two practice tasks in which they had to group true and false statements into
either true or false, categories and statements about faces (these faces were the three
faces used in the prior crime narrative they had been shown) into crime-related or
gender-related statements. In the third task, participants completed 20 categorizations,
consisting of both statements about faces from the narrative and true/false statements.
In this task, true appeared with (and shared a motor response with) crime-related and
false appeared with (and shared a motor response with) gender-related. The fourth task
was the same as the third task but participants completed 40 categorizations. The logic
of this procedure is as follows: we would expect participants who implicitly associated a
face with guilt to group a statement about that face saying this person stole the purse
into crime-related more quickly in these tasks, as crime-related appeared, and shared a
motor response, with true.
In the fth task, participants practiced categorizing true and false statements when
their position on the screen (and the motor response associated with them) was
reversed, to avoid position effects. In the sixth task, participants completed 20 catego-
rizations, consisting of both statements about faces and true/false statements. In this
task, false appeared with (and shared a motor response with) crime-related and true
appeared with (and shared a motor response with) gender-related. The nal task was
the same as the sixth task but participants completed 40 categorizations. The logic of
the IAT leads to the expectation that participants who implicitly associated a face with
guilt would group a statement about that face saying this person stole the purse into
crime-related less quic kly in these tasks, as crime-related appeared with, and shared a
motor response with, false.
To summarize, tasks 3 and 6 were the same except that, in 3, true appeared with (and
shared a motor response with) crime-related and in 6 false appeared with (and shared a
motor respon se with) crime-related. Similarly, tasks 4 and 7 were the same except that
in 4 true appeared with (and shared a motor response with) crime-related and in 7 false
appeared with (and shared a motor response with) crime-related. In these tasks, partic-
ipants who associate a statement about a face that related to a crime (for example this
person stole the purse) with being true, we would expect them to be faster to group this
statement into crime-related when crime-related appears with (and shares a motor
response with) true than when crime-related appears with (and shares a motor response
with) false. So, a relatively fast reaction time in tasks 3 and 4 and a relatively slow reac-
tion time in tasks 6 and 7 would indicate a strong association with guilt.
Participants saw every face and had to categorize it at least once in each of tasks 3, 6,
4, and 7. To score the IAT, we took the average response time (in milliseconds) for cat-
egorizing the statement this person stole the purse into crime-related for each face, in
each of tasks 3, 4, 5, and 6. We took each participants score in task 3 and subtracted it
from their score in task 6 (hereafter referred to as 63), and each participants score in
task 4 and subtracted it from their score in task 7 (referred to as 74). Finally, we took
the mean of 63 and 74. We did this for each of the three faces they saw in the IAT,
Development and preliminary testing of the IATe 809
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resulting in three raw scores (in milliseconds); each of these reect the extent to which
the participant associated each of these characters with guilt. A positive score in
milliseconds means that the participant responded faster when the crime statement
(stating that the individual committed the crime) was grouped with true than when it
was grouped with false, and a negative score in milliseconds means that the participant
responded faster when the crime statement (stating that the individual committed the
crime) was grouped with false than when it was grouped with true. In other words, a
positive score meant that a participant associated the individual more with being guilty
than with being not guilty, and a negative score meant that a participant associated the
individual more with being not guilty than with guilty.
Final Identication
Finally, participants were presented a target-present line-up that contained all three
faces so for each participant the line-up contained the perpetrator and two innocent
suspects. In every condition, the three faces in this line-up were the same (and were
all young White males with dark hair), differing solely in which face represented the
perpetrator (purse-snatcher) in the illustrated narrative.
Initial Descriptive Statistics
Overall, 121 participants saw Face 1 as the perpetrator, 120 participants saw Face
2 as the perpetrator, and 109 participants saw Face 3 as the perpetrator. A total of
106 participants saw a target-absent line-up, and 244 participants saw a target-present
line-up. Of participants who saw Face 1 as the perpetrator, 35 saw a targ et-absent
line-up and 86 saw a target-present line-up; of participants who saw Face 2 as the
perpetrator, 39 saw a target-absent line-up and 81 saw a target-present line-up; of
participants who saw Face 3 as the perpetrator, 32 saw a target-absent line-up and
77 saw a target-present line-up.
When viewing the nal target-present line-up, 34 of the 106 participants who
initially saw a target-absent line-up (32.1%) had a false memory (i.e. picked someone
other than the target), and 67.9% picked the target. Twenty-six of the 244 participants
who initially saw a target-present line-up (10.7%) had a false memory (i.e. picked
someone other than the target) when picking from the nal target-present line up,
and 89.3% picked the target. The number of correct identications and false identica-
tions of each participant is displayed in Table 1. Because level of false identications for
Table 1. Rates of correct and false identications for each perpetrator
Correct identications False identications
Target present Target absent Target present Target absent
Face 1 73 21 4 8
Face 2 77 28 15 9
Face 3 68 22 7 18
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each face indicates some asymmetry in facial association with guilt and/or with false
memory, in all subsequent analyses these three faces were analyzed as a between-
subjects factor to preclude any undue inuence of a given face or its association with
guilt. There were no signicant differences in the extent to which each perpetrator
was associated with guilt, even when controlling for the perpetrato r each participant
had seen the mean association of participant 1 with guilt was 200.75 milliseconds,
the mean association of participant 2 with guilt was 160.27 milliseconds, and the
mean association of participant 3 with guilt was 114.87 milliseconds.
The Relationship Between Implicit Associations and Final Pick
Firstly, we wanted to see whether participants associated the person they picked from
the nal line-up with guilt more than the other suspects, and whether this varied
depending on whether the participant had a false memory for a suspect who was not
the target. To examine this, we conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA using
association with guilt as a repeated measure (association of the suspects face picked
with guilt vs. the average association of two innocent suspects faces with guilt), and
true or false memory as a between-subjects factor. We ran this ANOVA rst including
all subjects, and secondly including only subjects who had seen an initial target-absent
line up.
Including all Subjects
In this ANOVA there was a signicant main effect of association with guilt partici-
pants associated the person they went on to pick with guilt more than they associated
the other two suspects with guilt [Δ = 205.19, 95% CI: 88.70321.69;
F(1,348) = 12.16, p < 0.001, η
= 0.033].
There was also a signicant interaction
between association with guilt (face picked vs. other faces) and type of memory (true
or false) [F(1,348) = 6.11, p = 0.014, η
= 0.017]. For participants who had a false
memory, there was a signicant difference in association with guilt between the face
they picked and the two other suspects, so that they associated the face they picked with
guilt more than the other two suspects (Δ = 351.60, 95% CI: 139.51563.68,
p = 0.001, η
= 0.030). For participants who did not have a false memory, there was
no signicant difference in association with guilt between their pick and the other sub-
jects (Δ = 58.79, 95% CI: 37.68155.26, p = 0.231, η
= 0.004). This interaction is
illustrated in Figure 4.
In light of the asymmetry of faces associated with a false memory reported earlier, we
also ran this ANOVA with face used for perpetrator as a between-subjects factor, in
order to ensure that the effects were not driven by false memory for a particular face
or by an association of a particular face with guilt. The signicant effects remained
the same, and this factor was not signicant, nor did it signicantly interact with any
of the other factors. We also ran the ANOVA with gender as a between-subjects factor,
and ran the ANOVA with race as a between-subjects factor.
In both ANOVAs, the
= partial eta squared.
When including race as a between-subjects factor we split race into four groups to ensure sufcient sample
size White, Black/African American, Chinese, and Other.
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signicant effects remained the same, and gender and race were not signicant and did
not signicantly interact with any of the other factors.
Including only Subjects who Initially Saw a Target-absent Line-up
Focusing only on participants who were initially presented with a target-absent line-up,
the results of this ANOVA replicated the results of the ANOVA including all subjects:
once again, there was a main effect of association with guilt participants associated the
person they went on to pick with guilt more than they associated the other subjects with
guilt (Δ = 265.45, 95% CI: 80.02450.90; F(1, 104) = 8.06, p = 0.005, η
= 0.072),
and there was a signicant interaction between association with guilt (face picked vs.
others) and type of memory (true or false) [F(1, 104) = 6.96, p = 0.010, η
= 0.063] .
As in the previous ANOVA, for participants who exhibite d a false memory there was
a signicant difference in association with guilt between their pick and other suspects
(Δ = 512.16, 95% CI: 206.48817.84, p = 0.001, η
= 0.096], whereas for participants
who had a true memory, there was no signicant difference in association with guilt
between their pick and other subjects (Δ = 18.74, 95% CI: 191.32228.80,
p = 0.860, η
= 0.001).
Again, we ran this ANOVA with face used for perpetrator as a between-subjects
factor, in order to ensure the effects were not driven by false memory for a particular
face or association of a particular face with guilt. The signicant effects remained the
same, and this factor was not signicant and did not signicantly interact with any
other factor. We also ran the ANOVA with gender as a between-subjects factor, and
ran the ANOVA with race as a between-subjects factor.
In both ANOVAs, the
When including race as a between-subjects factor we split race into four groups to ensure sufcient sample
size White, Chinese, and Other.
Figure 4. Signicant interaction between association with guilt(pick vs. others) and type of memory (true vs.
false). Error bars represent standard error. Association with guilt is the time taken to group a statement that
the person was guilty into a crime statement when a motor response was shared with true minus the time
taken to group a statement that the person was guilty into a crime statement when a motor response was
shared with false. In other words, a positive association with guilt score suggests that the participant associ-
ated the statement that the person committed the crime with being true more than they associated it with
being false. [Colour gure can be viewed at]
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signicant effects remained the same, and gender and race were not signicant and did
not signicantly interact with any of the other factors.
Distinguishing True and False Memories Using Implicit Associations
Logistic Regression
Next, a logistic regression was conducted, to determine whether implicit association
scores could distinguish between true and false memories in our participants. We used
type of memory (true or false) as the dependent variable and association of nal pick
with guilt and mean association of others with guilt as predictors. We used standardized
scores (Z scores) for these variables due to the large range of associations. Association
of pick with guilt was a signicant predictor in this regression (B = .299, SE = 0.153,
p = 0.026, OR = 0.712). As a participants implicit association of their pick with guilt
increased, the more likely it was that their memory was false. Mean association of
non-picks with guilt was non-signicant in the oth er direction (B = 0.291, SE = 0.153,
p = 0.058, OR = 1.338).
We tested our logistic regression model using the Hosmer
and Lemeshow test. The results of this test indicated that our model did t the data
at an acceptabl e level (p = 0.127).
Results remained the same when including gender as a predictor, and gender itself
was not a signicant predictor. When including race as a predictor, race itself was
not a signicant predictor but mean association of non-picks with guilt became
signicant, such that the more non-picks were associated with guilt, the more likely a
memory was to be true (B = 0.330, SE = 0.158, p = 0.037, OR =1.390).
We then ran the same regression with face used for perpetrator as a predictor, in
order to ensure the effects were not driven by false memory for a particular face or
association of a particular face with guilt. When this was included as a predictor, it
was not signicant and association with pick remained signicant (B = 0.319,
SE = 0.153, p = 0.038, OR =0.727), such that the higher the association of the pick
with guilt, the more likely it was that a memory was false. Mean association of non-
picks with guilt also became signicant (B = 0.303, SE = 0.154, p = 0.049, OR
=1.354), such that the higher the association of non-picks with guilt, the more likely
it was that a memory was true.
Distinguishing True and False Memories Using Implicit Associations
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves.
Our ANOVAs and regressions suggested that we could distinguish participants who
had a true or false memory by looking at the difference between the association of the
pick with guilt and the association of others with guilt. Participants with a false memory
tended to have higher implicit associations between their pick and guilt, and lower
associations between non-picks and guilt. We calculated areas under ROC curves to
investigate how accurately the difference between the association of the pick with guilt
We also conducted this regression with type of line-up viewed (target-present or target-absent) as an addi-
tional predictor in the regression. In this regression, participants who saw a target-absent line-up were more
likely to have a false memory (B = 2.509, p < 0.001). Association of pick with guilt just missed signicance
(B = 0.299, SE = 1.53, p = 0.05, OR =0.741) and mean association of non-picks with guilt remained
non-signicant (B = 0.287, SE = 1.58, p = 0.070, OR =1.332).
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and the mean association of non-picks with guilt could indicate whether a particular
memory was likely to be true or false.
First, we calculated the area under an ROC curve using the difference between the
association of the pick with guilt and the mean association of non-picks with guilt, as a
predictor of whether a memory was true or false for all participants (participants who
saw a target-present line-up and participants who saw a target-absent line-up). We
expected the memory of participants with a larger difference between association of
the pick with guilt and mean association of non-picks with guilt to be more likely to
be false. The ROC curve for this test is displayed in Figure 5. The area under this curve
was 0.585, and was signicantly different from an area of 0.5 (p = 0.039).
Next, we calculated the area under an ROC curve using the same difference score to
predict whether a memory was true or false in participants who had been subject to sug-
gestibility (specically, participants who had seen an initial target absent line up).
Again, we expected the memory of participants with a larger difference between associ-
ation of the pick with guilt and mean association of non-picks with guilt to be more
likely to be false. The ROC curve for this test is displayed in Figure 6. The area under
the curve was 0.654 and was signicantly different from an area of 0.5 (p = 0.011).
These results suggest that the retrieval of a false memory (caused by the inherently sug-
gestive nature of previously viewing a target-absent line-up and subsequently being
offered to choice of one of the faces from it) is often the result of activating implicit
Figure 5. Receiver operating characteristic curve showing sensitivity and 1 specicity when using differ-
ences between the association of the pick with guilt and association of others with guilt to predict true or false
memory in all participants. The green line represents what would be expected from a test that is no better than
random guessing. [Colour gure can be viewed at]
814 Helm R. K. et al.
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
semantic or associative processes during encoding and that this process occurs mainly
outside of conscious awareness. Participants with a false memory had implicitly associ-
ated their nal (incorrect) line-up pick with criminal behavior more than they
associated the other two characters in the nal target-present line-up with criminal
behavior. This negative association was not present in participants with a true memory,
further supporting the causal role of the implicit negative attribution process during
encoding: participants with a true memory had no signi cant difference in implicit
association with criminal behavior between their nal pick and the two innocent char-
acters (see Figure 4). In addition, the level of negative association was a signicant pre-
dictor of false memory. Participants with a higher implicit association between their
pick and criminal behavior were more likely to have a memory that was false (meaning
they picked the incorrect character at the nal target-present line-up). This suggests
that participants with a false memory were inuenced by implicit associations outside
consciousness, but participants with a true memory were not. This is consistent with
our predictions based on FTT that: adults have a preference for reliance on gist
memory; implicit associations infuse gist memory and cause participants relying on gist
memory to make false identications; and in line-ups where suspects all have similar
characteristics, where gist is not infused by implicit associations, eyewitnesses would
be forced to rely on verbatim processing, resulting in a true categorization (as long as
the verbatim memory was still accessible).
Thus, the extent to which eyewitnesses associated a given target with a particular
crime was predictive of how likely they were to have a false memory for that person
committing the crime. This may be because the presentation of that suspects face
aroused a network of negative associations implying guilt and infused the eyewitnesss
gist memory of the perpetrator, resulting in mistaken identication. Therefore, a key
nding in this study is that participants who exhibited a false memory were signicantly
Figure 6. Receiver operating characteristic curve showing sensitivity and 1 specicity when using differ-
ences between the association of the pick with guilt and association of others with guilt to predict true or false
memory in participants who were subject to suggestion. The green line represents what would be expected
from a test that is no better than random guessing. [Colour gure can be viewed at]
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more likely to have associated the face they picked with a negative attribute than was
the case with non-picked faces. Supporting this causal interpretation, there was a
doseresponse relationship: as a participants association of the face they picked with
a negative attribute increased, the more likely it was that their memory was false. Since
this was true even when target-present line-ups were used, it indicates that the process
was implicit rather than conscious. This has both theoretical and practical implications
which we discuss in the following. When considering these implications, it is important
to note that our study focused specically on eyewitness identications of a perpetrator,
and therefore our results may not be generalizable to other crime-specic details such
as the weapon or the victim.
Theoretical Implications
Eyewitness identication errors have been framed in terms of perceptual similarity
between the foil and target faces, often at a level of conscious featural matching wherein
the witness compares line-up faces with a memory of the perpetrator (I think the thief
is #2 because I remember he also had brown eyes, high cheekbones, and a receding
hairline, and he didnt have the kind of haircut that #1 has and he was taller than
#3.). The so-called elimination procedure pioneered by Pozzulo and her colleagues
(e.g., Pozzulo, Dempsey, & Gascoigne, 2009) was developed to reduce the impact of
these kinds of relative comparisons by asking eyewitnesses to engage in a series of judg-
ments, beginning with picking the person who looks most similar to the perpetrator
(relative judgment), and then eliminating the remaining faces before deciding whether
the chosen face is that of the actual perpetrator (absolute judgment). During a simulta-
neous line-up, witnesses may perform the relative judgments by consciously comparing
the line-up faces with their memory of the thief. In contrast, absolute judgments can
occur outside conscious reasoning processes, as in pop-out effects in which the eyewit-
ness quickly selects a face but often is not aware of the basis used (Ross, Benton,
McDonnell, Metzger, & Silver, 2007).
The current ndings suggest another framing that can supplement conscious feature
matching in relative judgments. Namely, witnesses choices may be inuenced by
unconscious biases that occur at the time of encoding and which are independent from
conscious perceptual analysis. Certain faces may elicit a witnesss predisposition to
negatively categorize them. This claim is intuitively reasonable some faces may seem
to a witness more sinister than others, some faces may seem more likely to be associated
with certai n crimes than others, and witnesses are aware of such inferences and can
readily report them. For example, Valla, Williams, and Ceci (2011) provided empirical
evidence that participants can match unfamiliar faces with speci c crimes (rape, mur-
der, arson, drug-dealing, white collar fraud) at a rate that is better than chance, and
Todorov and his colleagues, among others, have repeatedly shown that participants
can correctly infer political orientation, competence, and personality attributes from
faces (e.g., Todorov, Mandisodza, Goren, & Hall, 2005). Unlike these conscious pro-
cesses, however, witnesses choices in the present study were inuenced by biases that
may have operated outside of conscious awareness and that are so subtle that their pres-
ence requires measurement in milliseconds, using a paradigm employed by stereotype
researchers specically to uncover unconscious biases (e.g., Nosek et al., 2009), rather
than by memory researchers studying conscious decision-making. Such biases as
revealed through the use of the IATe may not require on the part of witnesses any
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
conscious criminal association and they can be detected by the presence of a miniscule
delay in response time to categorize a face in a positive or negative pairing.
In the Introduction we noted that on tasks that involve automatic spreading seman-
tic activation, such as the DRM paradigm, there are often reverse developmental nd-
ings (e.g., Brainerd, Reyna, & Ceci, 2008). This is because older individuals possess
greater semantic knowledge than children and, as a result, it is more likely that when
they encode a word, its associations become activated, leading to a form of source mis-
attribution in which they later misattribute these activated associations as having been
presented. However, it is possible that this same mechanism when applied to the con-
text of face processing will operate for young children as well as or even more so than
for adults. Unlike word knowledge, which clearly grows with age, facial stereotypes
may be available to children, perhaps to an even greater extent than for adults who have
experienced similar faces in contexts that disconrm the negative stereotype. This is an
empirical question, and research will be needed to test it.
Practical Implications
These ndings could have implications for the legal system. The results are germane in
attempting to distinguish true from false memory in eyewitness testimony. Although
our seven-step IATe is not appropriate to give to eyewitnesses directly, understanding
the link between implicit associations and false memory can assist researchers in the
future in designing tests to probe the potential accuracy of eyewitness memory. Such
tests could assess the extent to which a witness implicitly/automatically associated a
suspect with guilt. This could be probed by assessing similar associations that a witness
might make using carefully designed questions (e.g., a witness may associate a particu-
lar crime with a defendant of a particular race or age). Clearly, such tests would not be
denitive, but they could be one of many tools to help those in the legal arena (forensic
experts, attorneys, law enforcem ent personnel) distinguish between true and false
memories. Even without a test of implicit associations, knowledge that false memory
is often relate d to implicit associations may assist experts in assessing the accuracy of
eyewitness testimony and in making evaluations of accuracy for jurors. Secondly,
understanding the relationship between implicit associations and false memory, along
with knowledge of the types of implicit associations that people are likely to make,
may help when selecting foils to appear in a line-up (alongside a defendant). If foils
activate similar implicit associations to a defendant then any identication would have
to be made based on recollec tion and not implicit associations.
Conclusions and Future Directions
This research is the rst step in a validation attempt that will require a great deal of
future research. Now that we have developed the IATe and reported statistical data
regarding its theoretical feasibility, future research is needed to establish its external
validity (e.g., eld testing in crime-related scenarios, with realistic timing between
event and identication so that emotionality is comparable to that in the modal case,
and the effects of memory deterioration can be examined). Future research should con-
trol the amount of time that a witness sees the perpetrator, to investigate whether this
has an effect. The present study is best viewed as a proof-of-concept, demonstrating
the link between millisecond differences in a seemingly unrelated categorization task
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl
and subsequent false memory; numerous next steps will be needed to make this link
legally relevant. Future research should also test potential ways to reduce the relation-
ship betw een implicit association and false memory (drawing on existing research on
unconscious bias).
There are other interesting ndings raised by this study that should be followed up
further. For example, certain faces were more likely to be falsely identied than others
(Face 1 was falsely identied in 12 cases, whereas Face 3 was falsely identied in 40
cases). This may be because generally Face 3 was more associated with guilt overall
than Face 1. Our results support this somewhat, as Face 3 did have the highest overall
association with guilt; however, this is not conclusive, as the difference in association
with guilt between Face 3 and Face 1 was not signicant.
Our study examined eyewitness identications using only young White males,
meaning that there were no dramatic differences between our perpetrators. This means
that our ndings may not apply where there are more obvious differences between a
true perpetrator and crime suspects, such as differences in race or gender. Future
research should probe the effects of implicit associations between race/gender and
criminality. In addition, although the present study is focused on eyewitness identica-
tions, it would seem to open new possibilities for psycholegal researchers: it could some
day prove fruitful in examining subtle processing-time differences as a predictor of a
host of outcomes, such as guilt verdicts, mistaken eyewitness identications, compe-
tency determinations, and length of sentencing.
The authors would like to thank Logan Kenney, Madison Ulczak, Garrett Heller,
HyeEon Park, Isabella Esposito, Leona Sharpstene, Stephanie Matthews-Carpenter,
and Danielle Bubniak for their help with collecting and analyzing the data for this
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Supporting information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at
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DOI: 10.1002/bsl