Iowa FFA Degree
A. General Information
The Iowa FFA Degree is the highest rank that can be conferred upon active members by
the Iowa FFA Association. Those to receive the degree will be selected for nomination by
the State Committee according to provisions in the Iowa FFA Constitution. Awards will
be presented with appropriate ceremony to the successful candidates at the annual Iowa
FFA Leadership Conference.
Candidates may be nominated by submitting service and achievement records on official
application forms. Applications are to be prepared by the candidate and verified by the
chapter advisor and executive committee.
In any year, all active members who are candidates meeting minimum qualifications may
be elected to the Iowa FFA Degree (There are no chapter quotas).
The minimum qualifications for election to the degree according to the Iowa FFA
Constitution are:
1. Have received the Chapter FFA Degree and have been an active FFA member for
at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the Iowa FFA Degree.
2. While in school, have completed the equivalent of at least two years (360 hours)
of systematic school instruction in Agriculture Education of above the ninth grade
level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program.
3. A student after entering agricultural education must have: 1.) earned and
productively invested at least $1,000, or 2.) worked at least 300 hours in excess of
scheduled class time, or 3.) a combination thereof, in a supervised agricultural
experience program.
4. Have participated in at least 25 additional, unduplicated hours of community
service activities within at least two different community service activities.
(Effective in 2011)
5. Demonstrate leadership ability by:
i. Performing ten procedures of parliamentary law.
ii. Giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA.
iii. Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or a participating member of
a chapter committee.
6. Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local agricultural
education instructor and the principal or superintendent.
7. Have participated in the planning and completion of chapter Program of
8. Have participated in at least five approved FFA activities above the chapter level.
9. Meet other requirements as established by the Iowa FFA Association.
B. Rules
In addition to the minimum qualifications and rules stated in the introductory paragraphs,
the following rules must be followed:
1. Active membership dues for candidates must have been paid to and received by
the Iowa FFA Association on or before December 1
prior to the year applications
are submitted.
2. Candidates must submit the correct application form for the year the degree is to
be received.
3. One copy of the completed application must be received, by the District FFA
Advisor prior to the evaluation. Each candidate’s SAE record books covering the
period of the applications must be in possession of the District record book review
committee prior to the time of evaluation.
4. Only paper record books and computer print outs of records will be accepted;
electronic versions will not be accepted as SAE records.
5. Applications will be judged as originally submitted with no additions or changes
permitted after the District FFA Advisor receives them.
6. No additional pictures or additional (partial or full) pages of information, pictures,
news articles or other material will be permitted as a part of the Iowa FFA Degree
application; however, these additional items may be included in record books.
7. Candidate’s earned net worth cannot exceed total earned net income.
8. All signatures are required.
9. Application covers, including the official FFA award cover, and individual page
protective sheets of any sort are not permitted.
10. Star Candidates: Candidates wishing to be considered as a Star Finalist shall
advance three additional copies of their application to the State FFA Staff on or
before February 1
C. Procedure for Verifying Iowa FFA Degree Applications with SAE Record
1. Only SAE record books will be evaluated; there will be no interview process.
2. Require no specific record keeping system; however, require specific records to be
kept for all ownership and ag placement programs.
a. business agreements
b. inventories (beginning and ending) – when appropriate
c. itemized income
d. itemized expenses
e. number of hours—when appropriate
3. Evaluation of applications and SAE record books at the district level:
a. Three evaluation representatives from each sub-district will serve on a
rotational basis (three-year terms).
b. Each sub-district shall elect evaluation representatives at IAAE Conference.
These persons must have completed two or more years of teaching.
c. In case of a resignation, the sub-district advisor will appoint a replacement for
the balance of the term.
d. The district FFA advisor will chair the evaluation process; he/she will be
given instructions and review the process.
e. Each sub-district will evaluate another sub-district’s applications.
f. The district advisor will be responsible to see that all sub-district committees
are consistent with their evaluation process.
g. No additional instructors are permitted at this evaluation and review.
h. Review all sections of the Iowa FFA Degree as outlined on the Iowa FFA
Degree Application Review Form and the Record Book Review Form.
i. Each district will submit the name and school p.o. of each candidate that
qualifies for the degree.
j. Candidates that meet the qualifications of the Iowa FFA Degree Application
Review and the Record Book Review, as verified by the district verification
committee, will be awarded the Iowa FFA Degree.
k. Appeals will be conducted at the district level.
D. Iowa FFA Degree Process
1. Applicant Responsibilities
A. Completing the Iowa Degree Application is the responsibility of the
individual FFA member, not the local FFA advisor. Each applicant is the
ultimately responsible for using the REVIEW SHEETS, in this file, to
review their own application BEFORE submitting.
B. Applicants should seek their advisor’s assistance, as needed, to correct
problems and improve the quality of the application.
C. Each student applicant should review his or her own application using the
Iowa Degree Review Sheet. (Attached to the end of this document.)
D. Sign your application and obtain your parents’ signatures after you and
your advisor have reviewed your application and corrected mistakes.
These signatures verify that the information is correct and accurate.
E. Obtain your superintendent, principal, or guidance counselor’s signature
after your parents have signed the application.
F. Obtain the signatures of your chapter advisor, president and secretary.
G. Organize your SAE records so information can be verified quickly. A
three-ring binder, organized and tabbed by year is recommended. (The
District Review Committee is NOT obligated to spend excessive amounts
of time shuffling through unorganized records. Applications may be
denied if the records are too disorganized to verify the information in the
H. Deliver your signed Iowa Degree Application and SAE records to your
chapter advisor.
I. Your primary goal is to delivery a complete and accurate application to
your chapter advisor.
2. Advisor Responsibilities
A. Have each applicant review his or her own application using the REVIEW
SHEETS attached to this document.
B. Utilize the Iowa Degree Review Sheet to review each application. (You
may want to consider having past recipients or alumni help with this
C. Review each application BEFORE signing.
D. Register each applicant for the degree on the Online CDE System through
E. For each applicant, deliver one copy of the Iowa Degree Application and
all SAE records to the District Advisor. NOTE: Mail 3 copies of STAR
CANDIDATE(s) applications to the DE by Feb. 1st. (Non-Star
Candidates are NOT required to be mailed to the DE.)
F. Your primary goal is to deliver a complete and accurate application(s) to
the District Advisor.
G. CAUTION: Do not use the District Review process only as a way to
review your application, prior to completing an appeal. Delivering pre-
reviewed applications will allow the process to proceed much more
H. Appeals: The chapter advisor is responsible for coordinating potential
appeals with the District Advisor.
3. Local Chapter President and Chapter Secretary Responsibilities
A. To aid in verifying the information in the application, each applicant
should have completed an Iowa Degree Review Sheet. Review this form
BEFORE signing the application.
B. Your primary goal is to verify that the information contained in the
application accurately represents your fellow FFA member’s SAE records
and FFA accomplishments.
4. District Advisor Responsibilities
A. Identify the members of the District Review Committee. (Note: The
reviewers are typically identified during one of the district meetings at the
summer agricultural education conference. Beginning instructors are
welcome to observe and participate at the review, but avoid using too
many beginning instructors on the review committees.)
B. Identify the members of the District Appeal Committee. Identify three
experienced advisors who will serve as the Appeal Committee. Identify
advisors that have a strong understanding of record keeping and the Iowa
Degree application. These individuals will review all applications that
receive a “NO” on Step 3 of the review sheet. (Step 3. NO = This
candidate's application does NOT appear to meet all qualifications of the
Iowa Degree.)
C. Notify the District Review Committee so they know when and where they
are expected to attend.
D. Notify all advisors so they know when and where they are to deliver the
applications and record books.
E. Make copies of the Iowa FFA Degree Review form (one per applicant).
This form is attached to the end of this document.
F. The District Advisor should not serve on any of the Sub-District review
committees. The District Advisor should be free to work with any review
committee as questions arise.
G. The Appeal Committee members may serve on the Sub-District review
committees. However, they may be called to assist the District Advisor in
answering questions.
H. Sub-District review teams must not review applications from their own
I. Sub-District review teams will review each application and associated
record books.
J. Sub-District review teams will complete one review sheet for each
K. Sub-District review team MUST provide written explanation for any
applications that receive a “NO” on Step 3 of the review sheet.
L. The signed review sheets will be given to the District Advisor upon
M. The Appeal Committee and the District Advisor will decide what action is
to be taken on applications that receive a “NO” in Step 3 of the review
N. Within 24 hours, update the status of each candidate on the Online CDE
System through FileMaker.
O. Within 24 hours contact the advisors of the unapproved applicants, and
instruct them of their right to appeal. (Directions for the appeal process
are later in this document.) It is the applicant’s responsibility to initiate
the appeal process.
P. Within 24 hours, provide the advisors of the unapproved applicants with
information about the time and place of the appeals.
Q. Identify advisors that will conduct the appeal interviews. (Recommend: 2-
3 advisors. District Advisors may participate. District Convention would
be the recommended, but not required time and location.)
R. Applicants that are approved by the District Committees will receive their
Iowa FFA Degree.
S. Appeals must be completed at or before the District Convention. Status of
newly approved applicants must updated on the Online CDE System
within 24 hours after the District Convention.
T. Applicants that are also being considered as a Star Finalist that submit an
appeal must be reviewed PRIOR TO February 15. This will ensure that
every Star applicant is eligible for consideration for final Star selection.
5. Appeal Committee Responsibilities
A. The Appeal Committee will only review applications that receive a “NO”
on Step 3 of the review sheet.
B. The committee will determine whether or not the applicant must appear in
person for the appeal.
i. Simple omissions or corrections (ie. a missing signature) do not
require personal appearance. The corrections may be emailed,
faxed or mailed to the District Advisor. The District Advisor has
the power to approve all applications, which have met the
identified corrections, when personal appearance is not required.
ii. Personal appearance by the applicant is required when:
a) The applicant needs to explain unique or confusing
b) The record books must be reviewed and explained
c) When the Appeal Committee feels a personal interview is
needed to verify the application.
C. Appeals Requiring Personal Appearance by the Applicant: Upon
completion of the applicant interview, the Appeal Committee will identify
each application as approved or not approved. The Appeal Committee
will provide the District Advisor with a final list of approved and not
approved applicants.
6. Iowa FFA Board of Directors Responsibilities
A. The Iowa FFA Association Board of Directors will rule on appeals that are
not decided (or cannot be decided) at the District level, or denied
applicants that ask for a state board ruling.
B. The Iowa FFA Association Board of Directors will not guarantee to
handle these requests before the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference.
C. Applicants must submit a written request for a state board review.
D. Written requests for a state board review must be postmarked within 72
hours of the district convention.
D. Designations
Special designations are made for those receiving the Iowa FFA Degree as follows:
1. Star Finalist
Star in Production Agriculture (6 finalists)
Star in Agribusiness (6 finalists)
Star in Agriscience (6 finalists)
Star in Agricultural Placement (6 finalists)
2. The Iowa Star in Production Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agriscience, and
Agricultural Placement will be selected through an interview of each star finalist.
These candidates shall provide their SAE record books for review by the
committee selected to interview. The interviews will take place at the Iowa FFA
Leadership Conference with the overall winner in each area named at the final
E. Awards
State: Degree Recipients State Degree Pin (Awarded on Stage at SLC)
State Degree Certificate (Awarded in SLC Packet)
Star Finalists Plaque (Awarded on Stage at SLC)
Cash Award (Attached to plaque)
Star Winners Plaque (Awarded on Stage at SLC)
Cash Award (Attached to plaque)
National FFA Cash Award (Mailed following SLC)
All awards subject to available sponsorship through the Iowa FFA Foundation.
F. Event Hosting Guidelines/Checklists
Needed Materials Checklist:
____ Iowa FFA Degree Applications and Record Books
____ Iowa Degree Review Sheets (1 per application)
____ Copies of rules
____ Tables for Reviewers
____ Chairs for Reviewers
____ Calculators
____ Pens/Pencils for Reviewers
E. Review Sheet/Review Hints/Appeal Hints