Riverside County Fire Department
Office of the Fire Marshal
2300 Market St., Ste. 150, Riverside, CA 92501 Ph. (951) 955-4777 Fax (951) 955-4886
Technical Policy
Title: Fire Apparatus Access Road Supplement for Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Family
Residential and Residential Subdivision Development
Technical Policy: # TP 22-002
Effective Date: 12/17/22
Revised Date: n/a
Code References: Ordinance 787.9; 2019 California Fire Code, Sections 102.9, 104.1, 503 &
California Code of Regulations Title 14 Fire Safe Regulations
The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) has prepared
this policy to provide guidance to building officials, contractors, architects, business owners,
consultants and the general public on local interpretations and practices in conjunction with the
California Fire Code (CFC). The purpose is to provide fire apparatus access technical guidance
as a supplement to CFC Section 503 where that section is amended by Ordinance 787.9 or
indicates shall be determined by the Fire Code Official or “the Fire Code Official is authorized
to” or similar language. The intent is to clarify aspects of the code that are non-specific by
addressing selected code sections utilizing information regarding apparatus and practices
currently used by the RCFD under normal conditions. The requirements of this policy shall not be
construed as altering any existing code, law or regulation which may require fire protection
features not covered or alluded to in these requirements, nor shall they waive any requirements
of any code, law or regulation. The reader is cautioned that the guidance detailed in this policy
may or may not apply to their specific situation, and that the OFM retains final authority to
determine compliance.
This policy is applicable to new, reconstructed or relocated one- and two-family residential
subdivisions, multi-family residential, commercial and industrial buildings, facilities and/or
additions. These are minimum standards. Within the unincorporated County, additional more
restrictive Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) requirements may apply. For
partner cities, please check with the local jurisdiction for any requirements above and beyond
what is included in this policy. This technical policy is a supplement to CFC Section 503. Please
refer to CFC Section 503 for additional requirements. Select California Code of Regulations Title
14 Fire Safe Regulations (FSR) access requirements have been incorporated into this policy
where applicable. For development within State Responsibility Areas (SRA) and within Local
Responsibility Area (LRA) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) see the FSR for
additional requirements. For access and water supply requirements for individual one-and-two
family dwelling parcels, see OFM Technical Policy 16-001.
Additional Access (CFC 503.1.2)
Unless otherwise approved by the OFM, dead end fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed:
For Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone and High Fire Hazard Severity Zone areas 660
For Moderate Fire Hazard Severity Zone areas 800 feet
For all other areas 1320 feet
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Secondary egress/access fire apparatus access roads shall provide independent egress/access
from/to the area or as otherwise approved by the OFM. Secondary egress/access fire apparatus
access roads shall be as remote as practical from the primary fire apparatus access road to
reduce the possibility that both routes will be obstructed by a single emergency.
Additional fire apparatus access roads based on the potential for impairment by vehicle
congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions, anticipated magnitude of a potential incident,
or other factors that could limit access may be required by the Fire Marshal.
Dimensions (CFC 503.2.1, Ord. 787.9)
Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet, exclusive
of shoulders, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. If a center
median is present, the required unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet shall be provided on
one or both sides of the median. If provided on one side of the median then the opposite side
shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 14 feet. At development entrances where there
is a Guard Booth separating an entry and an exit access, each access lane may be a minimum
of 14 feet wide for the length of the Guard Booth as approved by the OFM.
Authority (CFC 503.2.2, Ord. 787.9)
The Fire Marshal shall be the only authority authorized to designate fire apparatus access roads
and fire lanes and to modify the minimum fire lane access widths for fire or rescue operations.
Surface (CFC 503.2.3)
Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support 75,000 lbs and shall
be surfaced so as to provide all weather driving capabilities. Certification of compliance may be
required by a Calfornia Registered Engineer.
Turning Radius (CFC 503.2.4)
The minimum required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road is 38 feet outside radius and
14 feet inside radius. For development within the SRA and within the LRA VHFHSZ, the minimum
required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road is 74 feet outside radius and 50 feet inside
Dead Ends (CFC 503.2.5)
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a
bulb turnaround at the terminus measuring a minimum of 38 feet outside radius and 14 feet inside
radius. For development within the SRA and within the LRA VHFHSZ, the bulb turnaround at the
terminus shall be 40 feet outside radius and 16 feet inside radius. Parallel parking around the
perimeter of the bulb is acceptable provided the bulb outside turning radius is increased by 8 feet.
In-lieu of a bulb, a hammer-head type turnaround is acceptable where the top of the “T” dimension
is 120 feet with the stem in the center. Additional turnaround designs may be acceptable as
approved by the OFM. For development within the SRA and within the LRA VHFHSZ, turnarounds
shall be provided at a maximum of 1320 feet intervals along the dead end fire apparatus access
Bridges and Elevated Surfaces (CFC 503.2.6)
Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be
constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17. Bridges and elevated surfaces
shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire apparatus. Vehicle
load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges. Where elevated surfaces designed for
emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces that are not designed for such use, barriers, or
signs, or both, as approved by the OFM, shall be installed and maintained.
Grade (CFC 503.2.7)
Unless otherwise approved, the grade of a fire apparatus access road shall not exceed 16 percent
and the cross slope shall not exceed 2.5 percent.
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Angles of Approach and Departure (CFC 503.2.8)
The angles of approach and departure for fire apparatus access roads shall be a maximum of 6
percent grade change for 25 feet of approach/departure.
Marking (CFC 503.3)
Where parking is not permitted along one OR both sides of a fire apparatus access road, the no
parking area shall be identified by painted red curbing or by installation of signs along one or both
sides of the fire apparatus access road as applicable.
Painted Curb
Where approved by OFM, curbing shall be painted red and shall also be provided with “NO
PARKING FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1” painted on top of the curb in minimum 3 white lettering
at a spacing of 30 feet on center. Where no curb exists, minimum 8 inch red painted striping at
the edge of the fire apparatus access road with “NO PARKING – FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1” in
white lettering centered within the stripe at a spacing of 30 feet on center is acceptable.
Where approved by OFM, signs shall meet the following requirements:
All signs shall state, “NO PARKING FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1” and have a minimum
dimension of 12 inches wide by 18 inches high and have red lettering on a white
retroreflective background. Signs shall be made of durable material, installed on a sturdy
metal pole and have no less than a 7 foot clearance from the bottom of the sign to finish
Signs shall be posted at a spacing not to exceed 50 feet when installed on one side of the
fire apparatus access road and at a spacing not to exceed 100 feet when installed on both
sides of the fire apparatus access road. Consideration for curved roads and obstructions
may require reduced spacing intervals. Signs shall be installed to ensure a clear view of
the signs.
Obstruction of Fire Apparatus Access Roads (CFC 503.4)
Parallel parking is permitted on both sides of a required fire apparatus access road when the clear
width (face of curb to face of curb) is a minimum of 36 feet. Parallel parking is permitted on one
side of a required fire apparatus access road when the clear width is a minimum of 30 feet (face
of curb to face of curb).
Security Gates (CFC 503.6)
Security gates obstructing a required fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of one foot
wider than the fire apparatus access road on each side and a minimum of 14 feet wide. Gates
serving fire apparatus access roads 24 feet or wider are not required to open more than 24 feet
unless required to clear turning apparatus. Manual gates shall not be locked unless a Knox Box
containing the key to the lock is installed in an approved location on the approach side of the gate.
If there is a potential for fire apparatus to approach the locked gate from both sides, the Knox Box
shall be accessible from both sides or a Knox Box shall be installed on both sides of the gate. In
lieu of a Knox Box a Knox Padlock accessible from the approach side and capable of unlocking
the gate may be utilized. If there is potential for fire apparatus to approach the locked gate from
both sides, the Knox Padlock shall be accessible from both sides.
For vehicle access gates located across required fire apparatus access roadways, NO PARKING
FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1 signs may be required on both sides of the vehicle access gate(s).
The signs shall have a minimum dimension of 12 inches wide by 18 inches high and have red
lettering on a white retroreflective background. Signs shall be made of durable material.
New motorized gates shall be provided with access to gate equipment or another method to open
the gate if there is a power failure. A pedestrian gate, if used to provide access, shall be a
minimum 3 feet wide and provided with a Knox Box/Padlock if locked.
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Automatic Opener (CFC 503.6.1, Ord. 787.9)
New motorized gates shall be provided with optical receiver(s) to remotely open the gate when
approached by emergency vehicle and Key Switch (with the ability to be locked open) on the right
side of the gate to permit opening via RCFD Knox key. The optical receiver(s) shall be compatible
with Riverside County emergency vehicle preemption devices from, but not limited to, the
following manufacturers: Federal Signal, Whelen, and Tomar. Automatic openers shall be
installed to be initiated by Riverside County Fire Department apparatus (clear view/adequate
height of receiver) and keep the gate open for at least 30 seconds. A satisfactory function test
witnessed by OFM is required prior to final acceptance.
Loading Areas and Passenger Drop-Off Areas (CFC 503.7, Ord. 787.9)
On private properties, where fire apparatus access roads are utilized for loading or unloading or
utilized for passenger drop-off or pick-up, an additional 8 feet of width shall be added to the
minimum required width for the fire apparatus access road.