The Plain English Guide
to the Clean Air Act
United States
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Publication No. EPA-456/K-07-001
Environmental Protection
Research Triangle Park, NC April 2007
Why Should You Be Concerned About Air Pollution? .........................................................................1
Air Pollution and Your Health
Air Pollution and the Environment
Air Pollution and the Economy
Understanding the Clean Air Act.........................................................................................................2
Key Elements of the Clean Air Act ......................................................................................................4
Cleaning Up Commonly Found Air Pollutants......................................................................................... 4
Cars, Trucks, Buses, and Nonroad Equipment ......................................................................................... 8
Interstate and International Air Pollution ............................................................................................... 10
Clearing the Air in Our National Parks .................................................................................................. 12
Reducing Acid Rain .............................................................................................................................. 14
Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants ................................................................................................................ 16
Protecting the Stratospheric Ozone Layer .............................................................................................. 17
Permits and Enforcement ....................................................................................................................... 19
Public Participation ............................................................................................................................... 20
How the Clean Air Act Is Working ....................................................................................................21
Ways to Reduce Air Pollution ............................................................................................................22
Contact Information ..........................................................................................................................23
Air pollution
And in
cause death.
Other pollutants make their way up into the upper
and cataracts (eye damage).
and the chemicals that form acid
pollutants can also harm fish and
other aquatic life.
ou could go days without food and
must have air to live.
lakes, and animals. In addition to damaging the
buildings, monuments, and statues. It not only
The Clean Air Act has helped change the way many
of us work or do business. In some cases, it has
and policies in the Clean Air Act.
United States have been diagnosed
Air pollution can trigger and aggravate
of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN
be severely affected by air pollution.
can also aggravate health problems for the elderly
and others with heart or respiratory diseases.
Some toxic chemicals released in the air such as
benzene or vinyl chloride are highly toxic and can
cause cancer, birth defects, long term injury to the
lungs, as well as brain and nerve damage.
some cases, breathing these chemicals can even
atmosphere, causing a thinning of the protective
ozone layer. This has led to changes in the
environment and dramatic increases in skin cancers
Air Pollution and the Environment
Air pollution isn’t just a threat to our health, it also
damages our environment. Toxic air pollutants
rain and ground-level ozone can
damage trees, crops, wildlife, lakes
and other bodies of water.
Why Should You Be
Concerned About Air Pollution?
hours without water, but you would
last only a few minutes without air.
On average, each of us breathes over
3,000 gallons of air each day. You
However, did you know that
breathing polluted air can make you sick?
Air pollution can damage trees, crops, other plants,
natural environment, air pollution also damages
reduces how far you can see in national parks and
cities, it even interferes with aviation.
In 1970, Congress created the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and passed the Clean Air
Act, giving the federal government authority to
clean up air pollution in this country. Since then,
EPA and states, tribes, local governments, industry,
and environmental groups have worked to establish
a variety of programs to reduce air pollution levels
across America.
even changed the way we live. This guide provides
a brief introduction to the programs, philosophies,
Air Pollution and Your Health
Breathing polluted air can make your eyes and nose
burn. It can irritate your throat and make breathing
difficult. In fact, pollutants like
tiny airborne particles and ground-
level ozone can trigger respiratory
problems, especially for people
with asthma. Today, nearly 30
million adults and children in the
with asthma. Asthma sufferers can
Testing for asthma in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
asthma in children.
Ian Greaves, M.D., University of Minnesota School
Why should you be concerned about air pollution?
Understanding the Clean Air Act
Air Pollution and the Economy
The health, environmental, and economic impacts of air
pollution are significant. Each day, air pollution causes
thousands of illnesses leading to lost days at work and
school. Air pollution also reduces agricultural crop and
commercial forest yields by billions of dollars each year.
United States.
Since 1970,
the six commonly found air pollutants
cleaner and will be even cleaner in the
chemicals has ceased.
At the same time,
By reducing air pollution, the Clean Air
Act has led to significant improvements in
human health and the environment in the
have decreased by more than 50
air toxics from large industrial sources,
such as chemical plants, petroleum
refineries, and paper mills have been
reduced by nearly 70 percent,
new cars are more than 90 percent
future, and
production of most ozone-depleting
the U.S. gross domestic product, or
GDP, has tripled,
energy consumption has increased by
50 percent, and
vehicle use has increased by almost
200 percent.
the Clean Air Act
n October 1948, a thick cloud of air
pollution formed above the industrial
town of Donora, Pennsylvania. The
killed 20 people and caused sickness
"Killer Fog." The smog was so thick that buses could
not run without guides walking ahead of them
Events like these alerted us to the dangers that air
pollution poses to public health. Several federal and
Act of 1963, which established funding for the study
in 1970.
pollutant emissions. The 1990 Amendments also
Clean Air Act Roles and
They also
Brief History of the Clean Air Act
cloud which lingered for five days,
in 6,000 of the town’s 14,000 people. In 1952, over
3,000 people died in what became known as London’s
carrying lanterns.
state laws were passed, including the original Clean Air
and the cleanup of air pollution. But there was no
comprehensive federal response to address air pollution
until Congress passed a much stronger Clean Air Act
That same year Congress created the EPA and
gave it the primary role in carrying out the law.
1970, EPA has been responsible for a variety of Clean
Air Act programs to reduce air pollution nationwide.
In 1990, Congress dramatically revised and expanded
the Clean Air Act, providing EPA even broader authority
to implement and enforce regulations reducing air
placed an increased emphasis on more cost-effective
approaches to reduce air pollution.
The Clean Air Act is a federal law covering the entire
country. However, states, tribes and local governments
do a lot of the work to meet the Act’s requirements.
For example, representatives from these agencies work
with companies to reduce air pollution.
review and approve permit applications for industries
or chemical processes.
EPAs Role
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA sets limits on certain air
pollutants, including setting limits on how much can
be in the air anywhere in the United States. This helps
to ensure basic health and environmental protection
from air pollution for all Americans. The Clean Air Act
also gives EPA the authority to limit emissions of air
pollutants coming from sources like chemical plants,
utilities, and steel mills. Individual states or tribes may
have stronger air pollution laws, but they may not have
weaker pollution limits than those set by EPA.
EPA must approve state, tribal, and local agency plans
for reducing air pollution. If a plan does not meet the
necessary requirements, EPA can issue sanctions against
the state and, if necessary, take over enforcing the Clean
Air Act in that area.
EPA assists state, tribal, and local agencies by providing
research, expert studies, engineering designs, and
funding to support clean air progress. Since 1970,
Congress and the EPA have provided several billion
dollars to the states, local agencies, and tribal nations to
accomplish this.
State and Local Governments’ Role
It makes sense for state and local air pollution
agencies to take the lead in carrying out the Clean Air
Act. They are able to develop solutions for pollution
problems that require special understanding of local
industries, geography, housing, and travel patterns, as
well as other factors.
State, local, and tribal governments also monitor air
quality, inspect facilities under their jurisdictions and
enforce Clean Air Act regulations.
States have to develop State Implementation Plans
(SIPs) that outline how each state will control air
pollution under the Clean Air Act. A SIP is a
collection of the regulations, programs and policies
that a state will use to clean up polluted areas. The
states must involve the public and industries through
hearings and opportunities to comment on the
development of each state plan.
The Clean Air Act includes a variety of approaches for dealing with
pollution released by large industrial sources.
Tribal Nations’ Role
In its 1990 revision of the Clean Air Act, Congress
recognized that Indian Tribes have the authority to
implement air pollution control programs.
EPA’s Tribal Authority Rule gives Tribes the ability
to develop air quality management programs, write
rules to reduce air pollution and implement and
enforce their rules in Indian Country. While state and
local agencies are responsible for all Clean Air Act
requirements, Tribes may develop and implement only
those parts of the Clean Air Act that are appropriate for
their lands.
Understanding the Clean Air Act
Key Elements
of the Clean Air Act
focus on:
pollutants that cause smog, haze, acid rain, and other
chemical plants, gas stations, and powerplants) and
Key Elements of the Clean Air Act
How Smog Is Formed
including cars, manufacturing
and chemical plants, and
pollutants. Winds blow the
summer sun causes chemical
level ozone—a principal
component of smog.
Hours after the smog-forming
Cleaning Up Commonly Found Air
Six common air pollutants (also known as "criteria
Of the six pollutants, particle
Details about these two
For information about
based guidelines) for setting permissible levels. The
PA’s mission is to protect human health
and the environment. To achieve this
mission, EPA implements a variety of
programs under the Clean Air Act that
reducing outdoor, or ambient, concentrations of air
reducing emissions of toxic air pollutants that are
known to, or are suspected of, causing cancer or
other serious health effects; and
phasing out production and use of chemicals that
destroy stratospheric ozone.
These pollutants come from stationary sources (like
mobile sources (like cars, trucks, and planes).
Many pollution sources,
products used in homes,
release smog-forming
pollutants away from their
sources and the heat of the
reactions that form ground-
pollutants are released from
their sources, smog pollutes
the air, often many miles away
from where the pollutants
were released.
pollutants") are found all over the United States. They
are particle pollution (often referred to as particulate
matter), ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur
oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead. These pollutants
can harm your health and the environment, and
cause property damage.
pollution and ground-level ozone are the most
widespread health threats.
pollutants are discussed below.
the other common pollutants, visit EPA’s website at
EPA calls these pollutants "criteria" air pollutants
because it regulates them by developing human health-
based and/or environmentally-based criteria (science-
set of limits based on human health is called primary
standards. Another set of limits intended to prevent
environmental and property damage is called secondary
standards. A geographic area with air quality that
is cleaner than the primary standard is called an
"attainment" area; areas that do not meet the primary
standard are called "nonattainment" areas.
EPA has been developing programs to cut emissions
of these commonly found air pollutants since the
Clean Air Act was passed in 1970. It's a big job, and
although a great deal of progress has been made, it
will take time to make the air healthy throughout
the country. For the latest information on air quality
trends in the U.S., visit There
are still several areas of the country, including many
large cities, that are classified as nonattainment for
at least one of the six common pollutants. Despite
continued improvements in air quality, millions of
people live in areas with monitoring data measuring
unhealthy levels of pollution.
To see whether your area is attainment or
nonattainment, contact your local air pollution
control agency or visit EPAs website at: www.epa.
Particle Pollution
Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter
(PM), includes the very fine dust, soot, smoke, and
droplets that are formed from chemical reactions,
and produced when fuels such as coal, wood, or
oil are burned. For example, sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide gases from motor vehicles, electric
power generation, and industrial facilities react with
sunlight and water vapor to form particles. Particles
may also come from fireplaces, wood stoves,
unpaved roads, crushing and grinding operations,
and may be blown into the air by the wind.
EPA scientists and other health experts are concerned
about particle pollution because very small or "fine"
particles can get deep into the lungs. These fine
particles, by themselves, or in combination with other
air pollutants, can cause increased emergency room
visits and hospital admissions for respiratory illnesses,
and tens of thousands of deaths each year. They can
aggravate asthma, cause acute respiratory symptoms
such as coughing, reduce lung function resulting in
shortness of breath, and cause chronic bronchitis.
The elderly, children, and asthmatics are particularly
susceptible to health problems caused by breathing
fine particles. Individuals with pre-existing heart or
lung disease are also at an increased risk of health
problems due to particle pollution.
Particles also cause haze reducing visibility in places
like national parks and wilderness areas that are
Particle Pollution
Protecting the Public from
EPA is tackling particle pollution in several different
EPA's health-based standards include limits for
smaller-sized or "fine" particles. States are taking
actions to meet these standards. To learn more, visit
EPA's rule for Clean Diesel Trucks and Buses will
result in a fleet of heavy-duty trucks and buses
that will be 95 percent cleaner than today's trucks
and buses. To learn more, visit
Visibility protection regulations are designed to
reduce emissions that cause haze in our national
parks and wilderness areas. States are working
together on strategies to improve visibility in these
natural areas. To learn more, visit
EPA created the Air Quality Index (AQI) to provide
simple information on local air quality, the health
concerns for different levels of air pollution,
and how people can protect their health when
pollutants reach unhealthy levels. To learn more,
known for their scenic vistas. These are places where
we expect to see clearly for long distances. In many
parts of the United States, pollution has reduced the
distance and clarity of what we see by 70 percent.
Fine particles can remain suspended in the air and
travel long distances with the wind. For example, over
20 percent of the particles that form haze in the Rocky
Mountains National Park have been estimated to come
from hundreds of miles away.
Particles also make buildings, statues and other outdoor
structures dirty. Trinity Church in downtown New York
City was black until a few years ago, when cleaning off
almost 200 years worth of soot brought the church’s
stone walls back to their original light pink color.
Before the 1990 Clean Air Act went into effect,
EPA set limits on airborne particles smaller than 10
micrometers in diameter called PM
. These are tiny
particles (seven of these particles lined up next to each
other would cover a distance no wider than a human
hair). Research has shown that even smaller particles
(1/4 the size of a PM
particle) are more likely to
harm our health. So in 1997, EPA published limits for
fine particles, called PM
. To reduce particle levels,
additional controls are being required on a variety of
sources including power plants and diesel trucks.
Particle Pollution
Ground-level Ozone
active healthy adults, such as construction workers,
coughing) when exposed to low levels of ozone
during periods of moderate exertion.
). VOCs
industrial facilities. The solvents used in paints and
Hair sprays, interior and exterior paints, foam plastic
use, or disposal can contribute to air pollution.
But I Thought the Ozone
to some forms of UV light has been linked to
causing lung inflammation.
So, whether ozone is "good" or "bad" depends
Ground-level Ozone
Ground-level ozone is a primary component of
smog. Ground-level ozone can cause human health
problems and damage forests and agricultural
crops. Repeated exposure to ozone can make people
more susceptible to respiratory infections and lung
inflammation. It also can aggravate pre-existing
respiratory diseases, such as asthma. Children
are at risk from ozone pollution because they are
outside, playing and exercising, during the summer
days when ozone levels are at their highest.
also can be more susceptible because their lungs
are still developing. People with asthma and even
can experience a reduction in lung function and an
increase in respiratory symptoms (chest pain and
The two types of chemicals that are the main ingredients
in forming ground-level ozone are called volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NO
are released by cars burning gasoline, petroleum
refineries, chemical manufacturing plants, and other
other consumer and business products contain VOCs.
The 1990 Clean Air Act has resulted in changes in
product formulas to reduce the VOC content of those
products. Nitrogen oxides (NO
) are produced when
cars and other sources like power plants and industrial
boilers burn fuels such as gasoline, coal, or oil.
reddish-brown color you sometimes see when it is
smoggy comes from the nitrogen oxides.
products (such as disposable foam cups), charcoal fire
starter — all are consumer products whose production,
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted from the use
of consumer products can cause or contribute to ozone
levels that violate the air quality standards EPA set for
ground-level ozone.
In 1998, EPA issued a rule limiting VOC emissions from
consumer products. It requires many United States
manufacturers, importers, and distributors to limit the VOC
content of their products. EPA also issued a rule limiting
emissions from architectural coatings (exterior and interior
house paints, wood and roof coatings).
Pollution Prevention in Consumer Products
Layer Was a Good Thing?!
It is! In the upper atmosphere, called the
stratosphere, ozone naturally occurs and forms
a protective layer that shields the Earth from
some of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light. Exposure
cataracts (eye damage), skin cancer, and plant
This high-altitude ozone, therefore,
protects human health and the environment.
Ground-level ozone, on the other hand, is harmful.
It can cause serious health problems and damage
forests and crops. Ground-level ozone affects
the respiratory system, aggravating asthma and
on its location – at ground level, it is "bad," in the
upper atmosphere, it is "good."
The pollutants that react to form ground-level ozone
literally cook in the sky during the hot summertime
season. It takes time for smog to form—several hours
from the time pollutants get into the air until the
ground-level ozone reaches unhealthy levels. For more
information on days when air quality is expected to be
unhealthy, visit EPA’s website at
Weather and the lay of the land (for example, hills
around a valley, high mountains between a big
industrial city and suburban or rural areas) help
determine where ground-level ozone goes and how bad
it gets. When temperature inversions occur (warm air
stays trapped near the ground by a layer of cooler air)
and winds are calm, high concentrations of ground-
level ozone may persist for days at a time. As traffic
and other sources add more ozone-forming pollutants
to the air, the ground-level ozone gets worse.
How the Clean Air Act Reduces Air
Pollution Such as Particle Pollution and
Ground-level Ozone
First, EPA works with state governors and tribal
government leaders to identify "nonattainment" areas
where the air does not meet allowable limits for a
common air pollutant. States and tribes usually do
much of the planning for cleaning up common air
pollutants. They develop plans, called State/Tribal
Implementation Plans, to reduce air pollutants to
allowable levels. Then they use a permit system as
part of their plan to make sure power plants, factories,
and other pollution sources meet their goals to clean
up the air.
The Clean Air Act requirements are comprehensive
and cover many different pollution sources and a
variety of clean-up methods to reduce common air
pollutants. Many of the clean-up requirements for
particle pollution and ground-level ozone involve large
industrial sources (power plants, chemical producers,
and petroleum refineries), as well as motor vehicles
(cars, trucks, and buses). Also, in nonattainment areas,
controls are generally required for smaller pollution
sources, such as gasoline stations and paint shops.
tons) of the total amount of fine particle
pollution (PM
If you use wood:
Wood Stoves and Fireplaces
Residential wood smoke (from wood stoves,
fireplaces, and outdoor wood-fired hydronic
heaters) contributes 6 percent (420,000
) directly emitted in the
United States each year. That contribution
can be significantly higher in some areas
with increased wood burning. EPA and state
and local agencies are working on a number
of fronts to help reduce residential wood
smoke pollution. To learn more, visit
- replace your old wood stove or fireplace
with an EPA-certified model, and get
more heat and less pollution while
burning less wood;
- burn only clean, dry, "seasoned" wood;
- regularly remove ashes from your wood
stove and store outside away from
Ground-level Ozone and Particle Pollution
Cars, Trucks, Buses and, “Nonroad” Equipment
Cars, Trucks, Buses, and
“Nonroad” Equipment
Today, motor vehicles are responsible for nearly one-
half of smog-forming volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), more than half of the nitrogen oxide (NOx)
emissions, and about half of the toxic air pollutant
emissions in the United States. Motor vehicles,
including nonroad vehicles, now account for 75 percent
of carbon monoxide emissions nationwide.
The total vehicle miles people travel in the United
States increased 178 percent between 1970 and 2005
and continues to increase at a rate of two to three
percent each year. In the United States, there are
more than 210 million cars and light-duty trucks on
the road. In addition, the types of cars people drive
have changed greatly since 1970. Beginning in the
late 1980s, Americans began driving more vans, sport
utility vehicles (SUVs), and pickup trucks as personal
vehicles. By the year 2000, these “light-duty trucks”
accounted for about half of the new passenger car
sales. These bigger vehicles typically consume more
gasoline per mile and many of them pollute three to
five times more than cars.
The Clean Air Act takes a comprehensive approach
to reducing pollution from these sources by requiring
manufacturers to build cleaner engines; refiners to
produce cleaner fuels; and certain areas with air
pollution problems to adopt and run passenger vehicle
inspection and maintenance programs. EPA has issued
a series of regulations affecting passenger cars, diesel
trucks and buses, and so-called “nonroad” equipment
(recreational vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, etc.)
that will dramatically reduce emissions as people buy
new vehicles and equipment.
Cleaner Cars
The Clean Air Act required EPA to issue a series
of rules to reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust,
refueling emissions and evaporating gasoline. As a
result, emissions from a new car purchased today
are well over 90 percent cleaner than a new vehicle
purchased in 1970. This applies to SUVs and pickup
trucks, as well. Beginning in 2004, all new passenger
vehicles – including SUVs, minivans, vans and pick-up
trucks – must meet more stringent tailpipe emission
standards. This marks the first time that light-duty
trucks, including SUVs, pickups, and minivans are
subject to the same national pollution standards as
cars. As more of these cleaner vehicles enter the
national fleet, harmful emissions will drop dramatically.
These reductions would not be possible without
cleaner, very low sulfur gasoline and diesel fuel. In
addition to their direct emissions benefits, cleaner
fuels enable sophisticated emission control devices to
effectively control pollution. Congress recognized the
importance of cleaner fuels to reducing motor vehicle
emissions and gave EPA authority to regulate fuels in
the Clean Air Act.
Lead and Other Toxic Pollutants
One of EPA’s earliest accomplishments was the
elimination of lead from gasoline. Elevated levels of
lead can damage organs and the brain and nervous
system, and affect the heart and blood. Adverse health
effects range from behavior disorders and anemia to
mental retardation and permanent nerve damage.
Children are especially susceptible to lead’s toxic effects
on the nervous system, which can result in learning
deficits and lowered IQ. In the mid-1970s, EPA
began its lead phase-out effort by proposing to limit
the amount of lead that could be used in gasoline. By
the summer of 1974, unleaded gasoline was widely
available around the country, improving public health
and providing protection for the catalytic converters
that manufacturers began to install on all new
vehicles. This effort was followed by even stronger
restrictions on the use of lead in gasoline in the 1980s.
In 1996, leaded gasoline was finally banned as a result
of the Clean Air Act.
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA has also put into place
standards to reduce toxic air emissions from mobile
sources. These standards will cut toxic emissions from
gasoline, vehicles, and even gas containers.
Reformulated Gasoline
The Clean Air Act requires certain metropolitan
areas with the worst ground-level ozone pollution
to use gasoline that has been reformulated to reduce
air pollution. Other areas, including the District of
Columbia and 17 states, with ground-level ozone
levels exceeding the public health standards, have
voluntarily chosen to use reformulated gasoline.
Reformulated gasoline reduces emissions of toxic air
pollutants, such as benzene, as well as pollutants that
contribute to smog.
Low Sulfur Fuels
Beginning in 2006, refiners have been supplying
gasoline with sulfur levels much lower than in the
past, reducing the sulfur levels in gasoline by 90
percent. Sulfur in gasoline inhibits a vehicle’s catalytic
converter from effectively cleaning up the exhaust.
The advanced vehicle emission control systems
in passenger cars and light trucks are even more
sensitive to sulfur, so reducing the sulfur content of
gasoline will ensure that vehicle emission control
devices are effective in reducing pollution. In addition
to cutting emissions from new vehicles, lower sulfur
fuel will result in lower emissions from vehicles
currently on the road.
Since 2006, refiners have begun supplying diesel
fuel with very low sulfur levels for highway diesel
vehicles. As with gasoline vehicles, efficient new
emission controls on diesel engines require this “Ultra-
Low Sulfur Diesel” (ULSD) fuel to function properly.
Highway diesel fuel sulfur levels are 97 percent cleaner
than diesel prior to 2006. In 2007, refiners began
reducing sulfur in diesel fuel used for nonroad diesel
engines, such as construction equipment.
Cars, Trucks, Buses and, “Nonroad” Equipment
The Clean Air Act requires the installation of vapor recovery nozzles
at gas stations in certain areas. These gas pump nozzles reduce the
release of gasoline vapor into the air when people put gas in their cars.
Alternative Fuels
The Clean Air Act encourages development and sale
of alternative fuels. Alternative fuels are transportation
fuels other than gasoline and diesel, including natural
gas, propane, methanol, ethanol, electricity, and
biodiesel. These fuels can be cleaner than gasoline
or diesel and can reduce emissions of harmful
pollutants. Renewable alternative fuels are made from
biomass materials like wood, waste paper, grasses,
vegetable oils, and corn. They are biodegradable and
reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, most
alternative fuels are produced domestically, which
is better for our economy, energy security and helps
offset the cost of imported oil.
The Clean Air Act also requires EPA to establish a
national renewable fuel (RF) program. This program
is designed to significantly increase the volume of
renewable fuel that is blended into gasoline and diesel.
Cleaner Trucks, Buses and
“Nonroad” Equipment
Diesel engines are more durable and are more fuel
efficient than gasoline engines, but can pollute
significantly more. Heavy-duty trucks and buses
account for about one-third of nitrogen oxides
emissions and one-quarter of particle pollution
emissions from transportation sources. In some large
cities, the contribution is even greater. Similarly,
nonroad diesel engines such as construction and
agricultural equipment emit large quantities of
harmful particle pollution and nitrogen oxides, which
contribute to ground-level ozone and other pervasive
air quality problems.
Cars, Trucks, Buses and, “Nonroad” Equipment
Photo - Steve Delaney
In the past, buses released large quantities of pollutants. Cleaner,
less-polluting buses resulted from the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
EPA has issued rules to cut emissions from onroad
and nonroad vehicles by more than 90 percent by
combining stringent emissions standards for diesel
engines and clean, ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is also addressing
pollution from a range of nonroad sources, including
locomotives and marine vessels, recreational vehicles,
and lawn and garden equipment. Together these
sources comprise a significant portion of emissions
from the transportation sector.
Transportation Policies
Congress required “conformity” in the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990. In other words, transportation
projects such as construction of highways and transit
rail lines cannot be federally funded or approved
unless they are consistent with state air quality goals.
In addition, transportation projects must not cause
or contribute to new violations of the air quality
standards, worsen existing violations, or delay
attainment of air quality standards.
The conformity provisions require areas that have
poor air quality now, or had it in the past, to
examine the long-term air quality impacts of their
transportation system and ensure that it is compatible
with the area’s clean air goals. In doing so, those areas
must assess the impacts of growth on air pollution
and decide how to manage growth. State and local
agencies must work together to either change the
transportation plan and/or the state air plan to
achieve the necessary emission reductions.
Inspection and Maintenance Programs
Proper maintenance of a car’s engine and pollution
control equipment is critical to reduce excessive air
pollution. To help ensure that such maintenance
occurs, the Clean Air Act requires certain areas with air
pollution problems to run inspection and maintenance
(I/M) programs. The 1990 Act also established the
requirement that passenger vehicles be equipped
with on board diagnostics. The diagnostics system is
designed to trigger a dashboard “check engine” light
alerting the driver of a possible pollution control device
malfunction. To help ensure that motorists respond to
the “check engine” light in a timely manner, the Act
requires that I/M programs include an inspection of the
on board diagnostic system.
Interstate and International Air
Air pollution does not recognize state or international
boundaries. Pollutants can be carried long distances by
the wind. Dirty air even turns up in places where you
least expect it, like national parks or wilderness areas
in remote parts of the United States.
Taller smokestacks can lift pollutants high above
a local community but help pollutants get into
More cars driving more miles! This is
why air pollution from cars has not
improved as much as we had hoped,
even though individual cars produce
less pollution than they used to.
wind currents that can carry them hundreds, even
thousands, of miles. For example, emissions from
power plants and industrial boilers can travel
hundreds of miles and contribute to smog, haze,
and air pollution in downwind states. One family
of pollutants, nitrogen oxides, also reacts with other
chemicals, sunlight and heat to form ground-level
ozone. The nitrogen oxides and the ozone itself can be
transported with the weather to help cause unhealthy
air in cities and towns far downwind.
States and tribes seeking to clean up air pollution are
sometimes unable to meet EPA’s national standards
because of pollution blowing in from other areas. The
Clean Air Act has a number of programs designed to
reduce long-range transport of pollution from one area
to another. The Act has provisions designed to ensure
that emissions from one state are not contributing
to public health problems in downwind states.
It does this, in part, by requiring that each state’s
implementation plan contain provisions to prevent
the emissions from the facilities or sources within its
borders from contributing significantly to air pollution
problems “downwind” – specifically in those areas that
fail to meet EPA’s national air quality standards. If
a state or tribe has not developed the necessary plan
to address this downwind pollution, EPA can require
the state to do so. If the state still does not take the
necessary action, EPA can implement a federal plan to
achieve the necessary emission reductions.
Also, the Act gives any state or tribe the authority to
ask EPA to set emission limits for specific sources of
pollution in other (upwind) areas that significantly
contribute to its air quality problems. States and tribes
can petition EPA to require the upwind areas to reduce
air pollution.
The Act provides for interstate commissions to develop
regional strategies for cleaning up air pollution. For
instance, state and tribal governments from Maine to
Virginia, the government of the District of Columbia,
and EPA are working together through the Ozone
Transport Commission (OTC) to reduce ground-level
ozone along the east coast.
The Clean Air Act also requires EPA to work with
states to reduce the regional haze that affects visibility
in 156 national parks and wilderness areas, including
has been found in fatty tissues of polar bears and
Midwest contribute to acid rain, haze and particle
Long Distances
Toxaphene, a pesticide used in the U. S. corn belt
other Arctic animals – thousands of miles from any
possible source.
Nitrogen oxides deposited from the air have
contributed to fish kills by increasing the growth of
oxygen-depleting algae in the Chesapeake Bay.
a quarter of the nitrogen in the Bay and its tidal rivers
and streams is estimated to come from air pollution
carried by the wind from power plants and industrial
sources far away.
Emissions of sulfur oxides from power plants in the
pollution problems in the eastern United States
hundreds of miles away.
Air Pollution Travels
the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, the Great Smokies, and
Shenandoah National Parks. During much of the year
in these areas, a veil of white or brown haze hangs
in the air blurring the view. Most of this haze is not
natural. It is air pollution, carried by the wind often
many hundreds of miles from where it originated.
Under the regional haze provisions of the Clean Air
Act, the states and tribes, in coordination with the
EPA, the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and others, develop
and implement air quality protection plans to reduce
the pollution that causes visibility impairment. EPA
has worked with states and tribes across the country to
form Regional Planning Organizations to develop plans
to reduce pollutants that cause haze.
Interstate and International Air Pollution
Clearing the Air in Our National Parks
You might not expect air pollution in our
national parks, especially since many
are far from big cities and polluting
industries. However, air pollution carried
far from its sources has caused major
reduction in visibility in some of our
best-loved national parks. The Clean Air
Act has provisions for reducing "regional
haze," air pollution that reduces visibility
in the national parks. To learn more, visit
These photos show how good and bad
the visibility can be at national parks
from coast to coast. You can see real-
time pictures of visibility at several
national parks by visiting the National
Park Service Website,
Air resource specialists at the national
parks—rangers who specialize in air
pollution—present visitor programs,
participate in air pollution monitoring
and research, and provide information to
visitors interested in air quality.
Rocky Mountains
Big Bend
Photos - National Park Service and
Colorado State University
Great Smoky Mountains
Reducing Acid Rain
Reducing Acid Rain
But you may
acidic pollution such as acid gas and acid dust. All
an acid.
or fog.
may fall to Earth in gases or particles.
Sulfur dioxide (SO
and NO
vapor and other chemicals to form acids that fall back to
How Acid Rain is Formed
by wind.
pollutants fall to Earth in wet form (acid rain,
or dusts).
You have probably heard of "acid rain."
not have heard of other forms of acid precipitation
such as acid snow, acid fog or mist, or dry forms of
of these can be formed in the atmosphere and fall to
Earth causing human health problems, hazy skies,
environmental problems and property damage.
precipitation is produced when certain types of air
pollutants mix with the moisture in the air to form
These acids then fall to Earth as rain, snow,
Even when the weather is dry, acid pollutants
) and nitrogen oxides (NO ) are the
principal pollutants that cause acid precipitation.
emissions released to the air react with water
Power plants burning coal and heavy oil produce
Burning fuels release acid pollutants.
pollutants are carried far from their sources
Depending on the weather, the acid
snow, mist or fog) or in dry form (acid gases
over two-thirds of the annual SO
emissions in the
United States. The majority of NO
(about 50 percent)
comes from cars, buses, trucks, and other forms of
transportation. About 40 percent of NO
emissions are
from power plants. The rest is emitted from various
sources like industrial and commercial boilers.
Heavy rainstorms and melting snow can cause
temporary increases in acidity in lakes and streams,
primarily in the eastern United States. The temporary
increases may last for days or even weeks, causing
harm to fish and other aquatic life.
The air pollutants that cause acid rain can do more
than damage the environment—they can damage our
health. High levels of SO
in the air aggravate various
lung problems in people with asthma and can cause
breathing difficulties in children and the elderly. In
some instances, breathing high levels of SO
can even
damage lung tissue and cause premature death.
Acid Rain’s Harmful Effects
Acid lakes and streams have been found all over the
Acid rain has damaged trees in the mountains of Vermont
country. For instance, lakes in Acadia National Park
and other states. Red spruce trees at high altitudes
on Maine’s Mt. Desert Island have become acidic due
appear to be especially sensitive to acid rain. The
to pollution from the midwest and the east coast.
pollutants that cause acid rain can make the air hazy or
Streams in Maryland and West Virginia, as well as
foggy; this occurs in the eastern United States in areas
lakes in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, have been
like the Great Smokies and Shenandoah National Park,
damaged by acid rain. Since the wind can carry
areas where vacationers go to enjoy the beautiful scenery
pollutants across the country, the effects of acid rain
and awe-inspiring views. In addition to damaging the
can be seen far from the original source of the acid-
natural environment, acid rain can damage manmade
forming pollutant.
objects such as stone statues, buildings, and monuments.
The 1990 changes to the Clean Air Act introduced a
nationwide approach to reducing acid pollution. The
law is designed to reduce acid rain and improve public
health by dramatically reducing emissions of sulfur
dioxide (SO
) and oxides of nitrogen (NO
). Using
a market-based cap and trade approach, the program
sets a permanent cap on the total amount of SO
may be emitted by electric power plants nationwide.
As of 2005, emission reductions were more than 7
million tons from power plants, or 41 percent below
1980 levels.
The initial phase of EPA’s Acid Rain Program went
into effect in 1995. The law required the highest
emitting units at 110 power plants in 21 Midwest,
Appalachian, and Northeastern states to reduce
emissions of SO
. The second phase of the program
went into effect in 2000, further reducing SO
emissions from big coal-burning power plants. Some
smaller plants were also included in the second phase
of the program. Total SO
releases for the nation’s
power plants are permanently limited to the level set
by the 1990 Clean Air Act — about 50 percent of the
levels emitted in 1980.
Each allowance is worth one ton of SO
released from the plant’s smokestack. Plants
may only release the amount of SO
equal to the
allowances they have been issued. If a plant expects
to release more SO
than it has allowances, it has
to purchase more allowances or use technology and
other methods to control emissions. A plant can buy
allowances from another power plant that has more
allowances than it needs to cover its emissions.
There is an allowances market that operates like the
stock market, in which brokers or anyone who wants to
take part in buying or selling allowances can participate.
Allowances are traded and sold nationwide.
EPA’s Acid Rain Program has provided bonus
allowances to power plants for installing clean coal
technology that reduces SO
releases, using renewable
energy sources (solar, wind, etc.), or encouraging
energy conservation by customers so that less
power needs to be produced. EPA has also awarded
allowances to industrial sources voluntarily entering
the Acid Rain Program.
The 1990 Clean Air Act has stiff monetary penalties
for plants that release more pollutants than are covered
by their allowances. All power plants covered by the
Acid Rain Program have to install continuous emission
monitoring systems, and instruments that keep track
of how much SO
and NO
the plant’s individual units
are releasing. Power plant operators keep track of this
information hourly and report it electronically to EPA
four times each year. EPA uses this information to
make sure that the plant is not releasing quantities of
pollutants exceeding the plant’s allowances. A power
plant’s program for meeting its SO
and NO limits
will appear on the plant’s permit, which is filed with
the state and EPA and is available for public review.
You can also help to reduce SO
and NO emissions
from power plants by conserving energy and
promoting conservation and renewable energy
efficiency in your community. Check
actions/at_home.html for energy conservation tips.
Market Approaches and Economic
Besides the ground-breaking features in the Acid Rain
Program, the 1990 Clean Air Act encouraged other
innovative approaches that spur technology. These
approaches allow businesses greater flexibility in
how they comply with the law, and thus clean-up air
pollution as efficiently and inexpensively as possible.
For example:
EPA’s new cleaner vehicle standards include an
averaging system that allows manufacturers to
choose how to produce a mix of more- or less-
polluting vehicles, as long as the overall fleet
average is lower.
Gasoline refiners can receive credits if they produce
cleaner gasoline than required, and they use those
credits when their gasoline does not quite meet the
clean-up requirements.
Reducing Acid Rain
Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants
Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants
Toxic air pollutants, or air toxics, are known to cause
or are suspected of causing cancer, birth defects,
reproduction problems, and other serious illnesses.
Exposure to certain levels of some toxic air pollutants
can cause difficulty in breathing, nausea or other
illnesses. Exposure to certain toxic pollutants can
even cause death.
Some toxic air pollutants are of concern because
they degrade slowly or not at all, as in the case of
metals such as mercury or lead. These persistent air
toxics can remain in the environment for a long time
and can be transported great distances. Toxic air
pollutants, like mercury or polychlorinated biphenyls,
deposited onto soil or into lakes and streams persist
and bioaccumulate in the environment. They can
affect living systems and food chains, and eventually
affect people when they eat contaminated food. This
can be particularly important for American Indians
or other communities where cultural practices or
subsistence life styles are prevalent.
The majority of air toxics come from manmade
sources, such as factory smokestack emissions and
motor vehicle exhaust.
Gasoline also contains air toxics. When you put fuel in
your car, gases escape and form a vapor. You can smell
these vapors when you refuel your vehicle.
When cars and trucks burn gasoline, toxic air
pollutants are emitted from the tailpipe. Those air
toxics are combustion products—chemicals that are
produced when gasoline is burned. EPA is working
with industries to develop cleaner-burning fuels and
more efficient engines, and is taking steps to make
sure that pollution control devices installed in motor
vehicles work properly. EPA has issued requirements
that are leading to cleaner-burning diesel engines,
reducing releases of particle pollution and air toxics.
Air toxics are also released from industrial sources,
such as chemical factories, refineries, and incinerators,
and even from small industrial and commercial
sources, such as dry cleaners and printing shops.
Under the 1990 Clean Air Act, EPA has regulated both
large and small sources of air toxics, but has mainly
focused efforts on larger sources.
Before the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, EPA
regulated air toxics one chemical at a time. This
Persistent Bioaccumulative
ported in the wind can be just as toxic 10,000 miles away
chain, harming fish-eating animals and people. Small fish
may consume plants that live in water contaminated by
levels go up. So a large fish consumed by people may have
in big fish to levels thousands of times the levels found in
Toxics (PBTs)
PBTs such as mercury and DDT last for a long time in the
environment with little change in their structure or toxic
effects. This means that a persistent toxic chemical trans-
as it was at the smokestack from which it was released.
Some PBTs, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
have been found in remote parts of the Arctic, far away
from the industrial sources that produce them.
Some of the PBTs that move through the air are deposited
into water bodies and are concentrated up through the food
PBTs, which are absorbed into plant tissues. Big fish eat
smaller fish and as the PBTs pass up the food chain, their
a much higher concentration of PBTs in its tissues than the
simple plant first absorbing the PBTs. PBTs can concentrate
the contaminated water.
Over 2000 U.S. water bodies are covered by fish consump-
tion advisories, warning people not to eat the fish because
of contamination with chemicals, usually PBTs.
compounds have been linked to illnesses such as cancer,
birth defects, and nervous system disorders.
The 1990 Clean Air Act gave EPA the authority to reduce
PBT levels by requiring pollution sources to install control
devices or change production methods.
approach did not work well. Between 1970 and 1990,
EPA established regulations for only seven pollutants.
The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments took a completely
different approach to reducing toxic air pollutants. The
Amendments required EPA to identify categories of
industrial sources for 187 listed toxic air pollutants and
to take steps to reduce pollution by requiring sources
to install controls or change production processes. It
makes good sense to regulate by categories of industries
rather than one pollutant at a time, since many
individual sources release more than one toxic chemical.
Developing controls and process changes for industrial
source categories can result in major reductions in
releases of multiple pollutants at one time.
EPA has published regulations covering a wide range
of industrial categories, including chemical plants,
incinerators, dry cleaners, and manufacturers of wood
furniture. Harmful air toxics from large industrial
sources, such as chemical plants, petroleum refineries,
and paper mills, have been reduced by nearly 70
percent. These regulations mostly apply to large,
so-called "major" sources and also to some smaller
sources known as "area" sources. In most cases, EPA
does not prescribe a specific control technology, but
sets a performance level based on a technology or
other practices already used by the better-controlled
and lower emitting sources in an industry. EPA works
to develop regulations that give companies as much
flexibility as possible in deciding how they reduce
their toxic air emissions—as long as the companies
meet the levels required in the regulations.
The 1990 Clean Air Act requires EPA to first set
regulations using a technology-based or performance-
based approach to reduce toxic emissions from
industrial sources. After EPA sets the technology-
based regulations, the Act requires EPA to evaluate
any remaining ("residual") risks, and decide whether
it is necessary to control the source further. That
assessment of remaining risk was initiated in the
year 2000 for some of the industries covered by the
technology-based standards.
Chemical Emergencies
of highly toxic chemicals.
The 1990 Act also established the Chemical Safety
investigates airplane and train crashes. The Chemical
determine how and why an accident involving toxic
chemicals happened. The goal is to apply understand-
toxic chemicals.
The 1984 chemical disaster that resulted in thousands
of deaths in Bhopal, India, inspired sections of the 1990
Clean Air Act that require factories and other busi-
nesses to develop plans to prevent accidental releases
Board, an independent agency that investigates and
reports on accidental releases of toxic chemicals from
industrial facilities. The Board operates much like the
National Transportation Safety Board, the agency that
Safety Board assembles the information necessary to
ing of accidents to prevent other accidents involving
Air Toxics and Risk
The Clean Air Act requires a number of studies to help
EPA better characterize risks to human health and the
environment from air toxics. Those studies provide
information for rulemaking and support national
and local efforts to address risks through pollution
prevention and other voluntary programs. Among
these risk reduction initiatives are:
The Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy includes
local and community-based initiatives to reduce local
toxic air emissions. The primary goal of the strategy
is to reduce public health risks from both indoor
and outdoor sources of toxic air pollutants. More
information can be found at
The Great Waters Program incorporates activities
to investigate and reduce the deposition of toxic
air pollutants to the "Great Waters," which include
the Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, the Great
Lakes, National Estuary Program areas, and National
Estuarine Research Reserves. To learn more, visit
Initiatives targeting emission reductions of persistent
bioaccumulative toxics (PBTs) like mercury, DDT (a
pesticide banned in the United States), and dioxins.
Protecting the Stratospheric
Ozone Layer
Ozone can be good or bad depending on where
it is located. Close to the Earth’s surface, ground-
level ozone is a harmful air pollutant. Ozone in the
stratosphere, high above the Earth, protects human
health and the environment from the sun’s harmful
ultraviolet radiation. This natural shield has been
gradually depleted by manmade chemicals. So in
1990, Congress added provisions to the Clean Air Act
for protecting the stratospheric ozone layer.
Ozone in the stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere
located 10 to 30 miles above the Earth, serves as a
shield, protecting people and the environment from the
sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. The stratospheric
ozone layer filters out harmful sun rays, including a type
of sunlight called ultraviolet B. Exposure to ultraviolet
B (UVB) has been linked to cataracts (eye damage) and
skin cancer. Scientists have also linked increased UVB
exposures to crop injury and damage to ocean plant life.
Protecting the Stratospheric Ozone Layer
Protecting the Stratospheric Ozone Layer
In the mid-1970s, scientists became concerned that
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could destroy stratospheric
ozone. At that time, CFCs were widely used as aerosol
propellants in consumer products such as hairsprays
and deodorants, and as coolants in refrigerators and
air conditioners. In 1978, the U.S. government banned
CFCs as propellants in most aerosol uses.
Scientists have been monitoring the stratospheric
ozone layer since the 1970s. In the 1980s, scientists
began accumulating evidence that the ozone layer
was being depleted. The ozone hole in the region of
the South Pole, which has appeared each year during
the Antarctic winter (our summer), often is bigger
than the continental United States. Between 1978 and
1997, scientists have measured a 5 percent loss of
stratospheric ozone—a significant amount.
Over 190 countries, including the major industrialized
nations such as the United States, have signed the
1987 Montreal Protocol, which calls for elimination of
chemicals that destroy stratospheric ozone. Countries
that signed the Protocol are committed to limiting the
production and use of those chemicals.
The 1990 Clean Air Act required EPA to set up a
program for phasing out production and use of ozone-
destroying chemicals. In 1996, U.S. production
ended for many of the chemicals capable of doing the
most serious harm such as CFCs, halons, and methyl
Photo - Steve Delaney
Service stations must have special equipment that prevents
release of refrigerant chemicals to the air when they
are recharging car air conditioning systems.
ozone layer)
thin spot in protective
When the protective ozone layer is damaged, there is an increase in
harmful rays from the sun reaching the Earth. These rays can harm
both health and the environment.
Unfortunately, it will be about 60 years before the
stratospheric ozone layer heals. Because of the ozone-
destroying chemicals already in the stratosphere
and those that will arrive within the next few years,
stratospheric ozone destruction will likely continue
throughout the decade. September 24, 2006, tied for
the largest ozone hole on record at 29 million square
kilometers (11.4 million square miles). The year 2006
also saw the second largest sustained ozone hole.
The Clean Air Act includes other steps to protect the
ozone layer. The Act encourages the development
of "ozone-friendly" substitutes for ozone-destroying
chemicals. Many products and processes have been
reformulated to be more "ozone-friendly." For
instance, refrigerators no longer use CFCs.
Sometimes it isn’t easy to phase out an ozone-
destroying chemical. For instance, substitutes have
not been found for CFCs used in certain medical
applications. The limit on the production of methyl
bromide, a pesticide, was extended because farmers
did not yet have an effective alternative. Despite the
inevitable delays because of technical and economic
concerns, ozone-destroying chemicals are being
phased out, and, with continued work, over time the
protective ozone layer will be repaired.
How Ozone Holes
the layer of stratospheric ozone that
Are Formed
Ozone-destroying chemicals
escape into the air and reach the
stratosphere. Over time they reduce
protects us.
Permits and Enforcement
One of the major initiatives Congress added to the
Clean Air Act in 1990 is an operating permit program
for larger industrial and commercial sources that
release pollutants into the air. Operating permits
include information on which pollutants are being
released, how much may be released, and what kinds
of steps the source’s owner or operator is required to
take to reduce the pollution. Permits must include
plans to measure and report the air pollution emitted.
States and tribes issue operating permits. If those
governments do not do a satisfactory job of carrying
out the Clean Air Act permitting requirements, EPA
can take over issuing permits.
Operating permits are especially useful for businesses
covered by more than one part of the Clean Air Act
and additional state or local requirements, since
information about all of a source’s air pollution is
in one place. The permit program simplifies and
clarifies businesses’ obligations for cleaning up air
pollution and can reduce paperwork. For instance,
an electric power plant may be covered by the acid
rain, toxic air pollutant, and smog (ground-level
ozone) sections of the Clean Air Act. The detailed
information required by those separate sections is
consolidated into one place in an operating permit.
Thousands of operating permits that have been
issued across the United States are available to the
public. Contact your state or regional air pollution
control agency or EPA for information on access to
those documents.
Businesses seeking permits have to pay permit fees,
much like car owners paying for car registrations.
These fees pay for the air pollution control activities
related to operating permits.
The Clean Air Act gives EPA important enforcement
powers. In the past, it was difficult for EPA to
penalize a company for violating the Clean Air
Act–the Agency had to go to court for even minor
violations. The 1990 Amendments strengthened
EPA’s power to enforce the Act, increasing the range
of civil and criminal sanctions available. In general,
when EPA finds that a violation has occurred, the
agency can issue an order requiring the violator to
comply, issue an administrative penalty order (use
EPA administrative authority to force payment of
a penalty), or bring a civil judicial action (sue the
violator in court).
Public Participation
Public Participation
Public participation is a very important part of the
1990 Clean Air Act. Throughout the Act, different
provisions give the public opportunities to take part in
determining how the law is carried out.
Often, when EPA is working on a major rule, the
Agency will hold hearings in various cities across the
country, at which the public can comment. You can
also submit written comments directly to EPA for
inclusion in the public record associated with that rule.
Or, for instance, you can participate in development
of a state or tribal implementation plan. Commenting
on a state or tribal plan could be worthwhile since
approaches for cleaning up pollution could have direct
effects on the way you and your family live.
The 1990 Clean Air Act gives you opportunities to
take direct action to get pollution cleaned up in your
community. You can get involved in reviewing air
pollution permits for industrial sources in your area.
You also can ask EPA, your state or tribe to take action
against a polluter, and, in some cases, you may be
able to take legal action against a source’s owner or
Reports required by the 1990 Clean Air Act are
usually available to the public. Those reports include
a great deal of information on how much pollution
is being released by industrial and commercial
sources. Monitoring data collected by EPA, states and
tribes that measure the level of selected pollutants
in a community’s air are also available to the public.
Information on air emissions and monitoring data can
be found at:
This site contains
information about the air quality in your
on topics such as: commonly found
air pollutants, transportation pollution
stratospheric ozone depletion.
Learn More About Clean
Air Act Programs
To learn more about air quality, visit
community and provides information
programs, air toxics, acid rain, and
How the Clean Air
well the Clean Air Act is working. Over
time, the Clean Air Act will continue to
their full impact.
installed. On the other hand, in the case of cars and
trucks, it may take several years for old vehicles to be
up cars and trucks will be seen.
Act Is Working
here are several ways you can tell how
reduce air pollution, but it will take time
for some of the Act’s provisions to have
In general, when EPA or state, local, and tribal
governments require sources of pollution to adopt
control measures, you will see results right away. For
instance, when large industrial facilities are required
to install pollution control equipment, releases
of pollutants should drop when the equipment is
retired from the road before the full effects of cleaning
You can also check on how individual facilities are
meeting their clean-up requirements. Air pollutant
releases at individual facilities such as power plants
are set out in the facility’s permit, which you can
review. This document provides information on state,
local, or tribal air pollution control agencies that can
give you more information on how to get access to
permits. (See page 23.)
Monitoring air quality is the best way to tell if the air is
getting cleaner, because the monitors accurately report
how much of a pollutant is in the air. You can request
EPA, state, local, or tribal monitoring reports that show
changes over time. It is updated frequently, so you can
get recent information on what’s happening to the air
in your community. Visit for
more information.
The "Air Quality Index" (AQI) is a "public-friendly"
way of using actual monitoring data to help us assess
how clean our air is. Americans are familiar with
many radio, TV, and newspaper weather forecasters
talking about the AQI— telling you that the air is
so polluted that a "Code Orange" or "Code Red" air
quality condition is in effect. The AQI tracks pollution
for your local area. The color codes, which range
from green to purple, correspond to specific pollution
levels. As clean-up programs are implemented for the
air pollutants tracked by the AQI, we hope to see a
reduction in the number of Code Orange and Code
Red air quality days. Information on the AQI can be
found at:
The National Air Toxics Assessment is an on-going,
comprehensive evaluation of air toxics in the United
States. Visit for air toxics
information on emissions, risk, and exposure in
your area.
How the Clean Air Act Is Working
Air Pollution
ideas that you can take to help clean our
At Home
Connect your outdoor lights to a timer or use
solar lighting.
Lower the thermostat on your water heater to
finishes, and paint strippers.
radioactive gas that is odorless and tasteless.
If the test shows elevated levels of radon, the
Choose not to smoke in your home, especially if
Buy Smart
Ways to Reduce Air Pollution
Ways to Reduce
e make choices everyday that can help
reduce air pollution. Below are a few
Conserve energy – turn off appliances and lights
when you leave the room.
Recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard,
and aluminum cans. (This conserves energy and
reduces production emissions.)
Keep woodstoves and fireplaces well maintained.
You should also consider replacing old wood
stoves with EPA-certified models. Visit www.epa.
Plant deciduous trees in locations around your
home to provide shade in the summer, but to
allow light in the winter.
Buy green electricity–produced by low–or even
zero-pollution facilities.
Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of
Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains,
Test your home for radon–a dangerous,
problem can be fixed cost effectively. Visit www.
you have children. If you or your visitors must
smoke, then smoke outside. Visit
Buy ENERGY STAR products, including energy
efficient lighting and appliances. They are
environmentally friendly products. For more
information, visit or call
Choose efficient, low-polluting models of
vehicles. Visit
Choose products that have less packaging and
are reusable.
Shop with a canvas bag instead of using paper
and plastic bags.
Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used
Drive Wise
Plan your trips. Save gasoline and reduce air
Keep tires properly inflated and aligned.
In the summertime, fill gas tank during cooler
evening hours to cut down on evaporation.
Avoid spilling gas and don't “top off” the tank.
Replace gas tank cap tightly.
Avoid waiting in long drive-thru lines, for
example, at fast-food restaurants or banks. Park
your car and go in.
When possible, use public transportation, walk,
or ride a bike.
Get regular engine tune ups and car maintenance
checks (especially for the spark plugs).
Use an energy-conserving (EC) grade motor oil.
Ask your employer to consider flexible work
schedules or telecommuting.
Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency.
Join a carpool or vanpool to get to work.
For Your Health
Check daily air quality forecasts, which tell how
clean or polluted your air is, and the associated
health concerns. Visit
Remove indoor asthma triggers from your home
and avoid outdoor triggers in order to effectively
control your asthma. Visit
to learn more about asthma triggers and ways to
avoid them.
Minimize your sun exposure. Wear sun block
and UV protection sunglasses. To find out about
current forecasts of UV where you live, go to
State and Tribal
Contact Information
For more information on state and territorial air
pollution control agencies, visit
For more information on tribal air pollution control
agencies, visit or
EPA Regional Offices
Region 1
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
1 Congress Street, Suite 1100
Boston, MA 02114-2023
Phone: 888-372-7341 (Inside Region I)
Phone: 617-918-1111 (Outside Region II)
Web Site:
Region 2
(New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)
290 Broadway, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
Phone: 212-637-3000
Web Site:
Region 3
(Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West
Virginia, District of Columbia)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
Phone: 800-438-2474 (Inside Region 3)
Phone: 215-814-2100 (Outside Region 3)
Web Site:
Region 4
(Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
Phone: 404-562-9900
Phone: 1-800-241-1754 (Toll-free)
Web Site:
Region 5
(Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio,
77 W. Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 800-621-8431 (Inside Region 5)
Phone: 312-353-2000 (Outside Region 5)
Web Site:
Region 6
(Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
1445 Ross Avenue, 7th Floor, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
Phone: 214-665-6444
Web Site:
Region 7
(Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska)
901 N 5th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 800-223-0425 (Toll free)
Phone: 913-551-7003
Web Site:
Region 8
(Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Utah, Wyoming)
999 18th Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Phone: 800-227-8917 (Inside Region 8)
Phone: 303-312-6312 (Outside Region 8)
Web Site:
Region 9
(Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Pacific
Islands, Tribal Nations subject to U.S. law)
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-744-1500
Web Site:
Region 10
(Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington)
1200 6th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206-553-1200
Web Site:
Contact Information
United States
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Publication No. EPA-456/K-07-001
Environmental Protection
Research Triangle Park, NC April 2007