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FERPA & your applicaon
What is an educaon record?
Educaon records are documents
related to your aendance and
performance in school.
For example: grades, transcripts,
test scores, school discipline, etc.
Learn more
Talk to your counselor, another school ocial, or your parent/legal guardian. You can also visit the
U.S. Department of Educaon Family Policy Compliance Oce at:
When it comes me to invite your counselor and recommenders, Common App will prompt you to
complete the FERPA Release Authorizaon. FERPA (Family Educaonal Rights and Privacy Act) is a law that
protects the privacy of your educaon records.
Compleng the FERPA Release Authorizaon will grant
your high school permission to send those records
on your behalf. Heres a quick breakdown of how this
process works in the Common App:
The release authorizaon asks you two quesons about
your educaon records under FERPA.
First, you must grant your high school(s) permission
to release all requested records. Colleges you apply
to may require documents like transcripts or leers
of recommendaon. Granng your high school(s) this
permission allows colleges to receive these records and
contact your school with quesons.
Second, you will be asked to waive or not to waive your right to review recommendaons and other forms.
Waiving your rights lets colleges know that you don’t plan to read your recommendaons. This helps
reassure colleges that the leers are candid and truthful. Some recommenders may only write a leer if
you have waived your rights. Check with your counselor or teachers to see if any of them follow such a