Vol.:7 Issue:4 Year:2019, pp. 1776-1805
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal Vol.:7 Issue:4 Year:2019, pp. 1776-1805
ISSN: 2148-2586
Research Paper
Citation: Köse, B.Ö. (2019), Recent Agile Requirement Engineering Practices In It Projects: A Case
Analysis, BMIJ, (2019), 7(4): 1776-1805 doi:
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
Received Date (Başvuru Tarihi): 11
Accepted Date (Kabul Tarihi): 11/09/2019
Published Date (Yayın Tarihi): 25/09/2019
Today, the implementation of high quality and efficient Requirement Engineering (RE) practices in agile
software development projects, is gaining great importance. Practitioners and researchers seeks for lighter RE
practices that can handle the issues of abstract, unclear and changing requirements, and at the same time that can
satisfy the Agile Manifesto philosophy. This study examines importance of RE practices in agile software
development projects, and explores which aspects of the RE practices are perceived as most critical and how such
aspects are adapted in practice today through two different agile software development projects of a case
organization. This study aims to contribute agile RE literature by providing an interpretive analysis on perception
of agile RE practices from different perspectives (agile team members, product owners, some top executives). Within
this context, this study draws lessons from case studies and presents beneficial agile RE guidelines for practitioners
and researchers.
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Business Analysis, Agile Methods, Agile RE, Scrum
JEL Codes: M15, O22, O32
Günümüzde, çevik yazılım geliştirme projelerinde, yüksek kaliteli ve verimli Gereksinim Mühendisliği
(Requirement Engineering, RE) uygulamalarının gerçekleştirilmesi büyük önem kazanmaktadır. Uygulayıcılar ve
araştırmacılar, soyut, belirsiz ve değişen gereksinimlerle ilgili sorunları ele alabilecek ve ayzamanda Çevik
Manifesto felsefesini sağlayabilecek daha hafif RE uygulamaları aramaktadır. Bu çalışma, çevik yazılım geliştirme
projelerinde RE uygulamalarının önemini, RE uygulamalarının hangi yönlerinin en kritik olarak algılandığını ve
bu durumların bir vaka organizasyonunun iki fark çevik yazılım geliştirme projesi ile uygulamada nasıl
gerçekleştirildiğini araştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, farklı bakış açılarından (takım ekipleri, ürün sahipleri, bazı
aşamalarda üst düzey yöneticiler) çevik RE uygulamalarının algısına ilişkin yorumlayıcı bir analiz sunarak çevik
RE literatürüne kat sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, bu çalışma vaka çalışmalarından ders
çıkarmaktadır; uygulayıcılar ve araşrmacılar için yararçevik RE yol haritaları sunmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Gereksinim Mühendisliği, İş Analizi, Çevik Metotlar, Çevik RE, Scrum
JEL Kodları: M15, O22, O32
Asst. Prof., Gebze Technical University, [email protected]
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
In recent years, the number of available Information Systems Development
Methodologies (ISDMs) has been significantly increased with the aim of reducing time to
market beyond cost savings, developing high quality system, accessing large multi-skilled
workforces and achieving project success (Yeo & Hahn, 2014; Vallon et. al, 2018; Joslin, &
Müller, 2016: 364). Software or IS development process is a sophisticated activity in general.
Traditional system development methodologies are evolving into more lean and efficient, but
also more agile and dynamic software development methodologies.
The CHAOS reports released by Standish Group provides useful insights about current
status of IS development over the world (Standish Group CHAOS Report, 2015). Standish
Group classifies projects into success (i.e., which are delivered on time, on budget and will all
features; meets all the requirements of the project), challenged (i.e., which was eventually
delivered but either over budget, not on time or not fully completed) and failure (i.e., nothing
was delivered) across organizations workforces (Clancy, 2014). According to CHAOS Report
workforces (Standish Group CHAOS Report, 2015: 2), approximately 29% of the projects were
completed successfully on time and within budget with all the promised functionality; and
approximately 52% of the projects were over cost, over time and/or lacking promised
functionality; and the rest of the projects are abandoned or cancelled which means failed
projects. Standish Group also identified that the executive management support, user
involvement during software development lifecycle as well as clear statement of customer and
business “requirements” have critical impact on the project success (Standish Group CHAOS
Report, 2015: 11; Wojewoda, 2015).
PMI (Project Management Institute) defines requirement as “the condition or capability
that is required to be present in a product, a service or a result to satisfy a contract or other
formally imposed specification (PMI, 2008: 445). In traditional software development
methodologies, the initial step is to implement a detailed set of requirements elicitation and
documentation as the milestone, and then system design and development steps can be
followed. However, over time advancing technology and industries and accordingly changing
customer and business needs made impossible to define, analyze, document and validate all
requirements clearly at the beginning of all software development projects, which is also known
as Requirements Engineering (RE) (De Lucia & Qusef, 2010: 214; Paetsch, et al. 2003). In the
beginning of 1990s, some practitioners and researchers recognized that traditional software
development methodologies including heavyweight RE and documentation driven RE activities
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were somewhat frustrating and not easy to handle for all project types (De Lucia & Qusef,
2010:214; Javanmard & Alian: 2015: 1386). By the way practitioners and researchers started
to seek for more efficient and lightweight techniques (Serrador & Pinto, 2015:1041).
Another key finding of Standish Group is that the methodology used during project
execution is a significant issue (Standish Group CHAOS Report, 2015; Wojewoda, 2015). Over
the past decade, the project size was considered as a critical predictor of project success (Awad,
2005). But today, rather than the project size, agile projects (i.e., software development projects
that are realized by agile engineering practices and agile managerial methods) are statistically
twice more likely to succeed than projects which are realized by waterfall methodology as a
traditional software development methodology (Standish Group CHAOS Report, 2015;
Wojewoda, 2015; Mersino 2018).
Currently, as a reaction to traditional software development methodologies, agile
approaches have become popular that aims to expedite the software development lifecycle and
to ensure that output satisfies user requirements. Rigid structure of traditional approaches were
transformed into more flexible and agile structure to adapt nature of software project
development process to today’s dynamic environment and continuously changing customer and
business requirements; since agile software development focuses on less initial planning and
supports an evolutionary process that includes a number of iterative development approaches
over time for project implementation (Serrador & Pinto, 2015:1041; Dybå, & Dingsøyr, 2008;
De Lucia & Qusef, 2010: 213-214; Flora, & Chande, 2014: 3626). Agile Manifesto emphasizes
valuing individuals and interaction over processes and tools, working software over
comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation and
responding to changes over following a plan” (Beck et al., 2001; Schön et al. 2017: 80). Agile
methods allow changing business and user requirements, to deliver working software frequently
and to achieve close collaboration of all stakeholders and project team.
However, on the other side, integrating traditional RE processes with agile software
development processes generally does not work well; traditional business analysis techniques
implementation on agile methodologies can seem overwhelming (Käpyaho & Kauppinen,
2015: 335-336; Parker, 2013). Today, practitioners and researchers still seeks for lighter
requirement practices that can handle the issues of abstract or unclear requirements and
specifications, changing requirements, and at the same time that can satisfy the Agile Manifesto
philosophy; fast delivery of software, high user involvement and executive support etc. during
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software project implementation. More collaboration and less engineering practices are
accepted as the key characteristics of agile methodologies.
Due to increasing reliance on agile methodologies, agile analysis and RE concept is
emerged. Unlike traditional software analysis, Ambler (2018) states that Agile analysis is
highly evolutionary and collaborative process where developers and project stakeholders
actively work together on a just-in-time (JIT) basis to understand the domain, to identify what
needs to be built, to estimate that functionality, to prioritize the functionality, and in the process
optionally producing artifacts that are just barely good enough.
Currently, enabling more agile business analysis and agile RE practices is an interesting
research field. Practitioners and researchers are working on how RE approaches and techniques
can be considered within agile software methodologies; accordingly, there are also some studies
which provides useful information about implementation of agile RE practices, lighter
requirement practices and its challenging issues (Ochodek, & Kopczyńska, 2018; Wagner et
al., 2018; Kasauli et al., 2017; Schön et al., 2017; Musa et al., 2017; Käpyaho & Kauppinen,
2015; Cao et al., 2008).
This study aims to examine the importance of RE practices in agile software
development projects and to explore which aspects of the RE practices are perceived as most
critical and how such aspects are adapted in practice through a case organization. To do this,
two different agile software development projects with different outcomes (completed on time
vs. completed with delay) are observed in-depth and studied which are conducted by a large-
scale IT company in Turkey for a year. This study fills the gap in agile RE literature by
providing a comprehensive analysis and perception of agile RE practices from different
perspectives (agile team members, product owners, some top executives) through real world
projects. The paper draws lessons from case studies and provides with a set of agile RE
guidelines for practitioners and researchers rather than performing hypotheses testing.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 sheds light on the benefits and
limitations of popular agile software development methodologies, the importance of RE in
software development and presents relevant research on agile RE practices. Section 3 explains
the research design and methodology including brief information about the case organization
and profile of investigated projects. In Section 4, significant findings with interview notes and
key challenges from different perspectives are presented. Finally, Section 5 provides
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suggestions and guidelines for agile RE practices, discusses the limitations of research, and
concludes with future research directions.
The term agile originated within the software development field; but now with its
success, agile concept is being used by non-software related projects as well. Today, common
examples of agile approaches include Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM), Feature Driven Development (FDD), Adaptive Software
Development and Crystal (Javanmard & Alian, 2015; Phil, 2015). All approaches have different
advantages and disadvantages as reviewed in Table 1 in accordance with the studies of Awad
(2005), Phil (2015), Flora et al. (2014) and Javanmard et al. (2015).
Collabnet Versione (2019) indicates that Scrum as an iterative and incremental agile
software development framework for managing product development is widely adopted agile
method. In the Scrum methodology, project is performed in a series of iterations, namely
sprints, which generally last from 2 to 4 weeks; at the end of each sprint, a high quality working
software needs to be produced instead of detailed RE and business analysis activities
(Sutherland, & Schwaber, 2016:8; Stellman & Greene, 2014:43; Rubin, 2012:13-28).
Another new trend which is highlighted by Collabnet Versione (2019) is hybrid
methodologies; perhaps the vision behind is that following only one approach is not a perfect
solution. According to Collabnet Versione (2019), integration of Scrum and XP methodologies,
called Scrum/XP Hybrid methodologies (64%) continue to be the most common agile
methodologies used by organizations today. Recently, combination of two popular -Scrum and
XP- approaches is preferred by practitioners to realize maximum success and benefits in
projects. In case of Extreme (XP) Programming, everyone involves in all phases of project
work; there is no need for specialization of role. Challenging XP approach practices are “pair
programming” which means two developers works while sitting on one computer for building
the code (Stellman & Greene, 2014:178); and “test-driven development” in which developers
first create unit tests of a requirement, then the software is improved to pass that pass (Stellman
& Greene, 2014:35).
According to PMI (2015), RE is the process of establishing the services that the
customer requires from a system and the constraints under which it operates and is developed”.
In accordance with Parker (2013), the main goal of RE is to perform engineering driven
solutions and to deliver mainly product features, rather than of business side benefits. RE
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activities generally focus on functional and nonfunctional requirements instead of business,
stakeholder, and transition requirements.
RE practices generally include elicitation, analysis, documentation, validation and
management of requirements activities (De Lucia, & Qusef, 2010: 214). RE processes in
waterfall like traditional software development methodologies focuses on gathering all
requirements and then preparing a specification document before going to design phase
(Javanmard et al., 2015: 1388). However, agile methodologies focus on changing requirements
even late in the development lifecycle (Flora et al., 2014: 3627); hence handling changing
requirements in every phase of agile software development is a critical issue which highlights
the necessity of agile RE practices.
In agile methodologies, RE is performed through continual and iterative exploration of
the business need; agile RE takes an iterative discovery approach. IIBA and Agile Alliance
(2015) presents useful specifications and conceptual flow of business analysis activities in
Scrum framework. Requirements are elicited and refined through an iterative process of
planning, defining acceptance criteria, prioritizing, developing, and reviewing the results.
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Table 1: Overview of Common Agile Methodologies
Key Practices
Iterative increments; 2 to 4
weeks iterations as sprints;
product backlog; spring
backlog; sprint planning; the
daily scrum (or stand‐up);
sprint reviews; sprint
Weak documentation;
can easily get off track;
changing requirements
Iterative increments; 1 to 6
weeks iterations; user stories;
pair programming; test driven
development; refactoring
Weak documentation;
unclear needs of clients;
lack of disciplines; small
teams that are suitable
only for smaller projects
Iterative; detailed
documentation; prototyping;
feasibility and business study
Complex and time
expects continuous user
Iterative; 2 days to 2 weeks
iterations; suitable for
complex projects; many
members and multiple teams
working in parallel; UML
diagrams and modeling with
detailed documentation
Less communication
within and out of team;
individual code
ownership; complex
approach for small
Incremental; 4 to 8 weeks
iterations; basic
documentation; learning cycle
Weak documentation;
small teams and suitable
only for smaller projects
Incremental, informal and
face-to-face team
Planning and
development is not
depended on
Moreover, the studies of Paetsch et al. (2003) and Schön et al. (2017) review the agile
RE activities in five phases which also corroborates with the specification of IIBA and Agile
Alliance (2015): discovery and elicitation of new requirements (through techniques such as
interviews, use case, observation, focus groups, brainstorming, prototyping etc.); refinement
and analysis of new ideas and requirements; prioritization of requirements through requirement
value measurement; checking and review of requirements; and then documentation.
Fancott et al. (2012) puts forward that agile RE mainly rely on conversations with
business and implicit knowledge of the stakeholder. Analysts needs to constantly ensure that
the features demanded by the customers align with the business goals, and benefits from
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frequent feedbacks from customers. Results of successive iterations help analysts to refine
requirements, mitigate risk early in the project and deliver right solution on time within budget.
As stated by the studies of Käpyaho et al. (2015) and Paetsch et al. (2003), the guidelines
for RE provided by agile methods are ambiguous; since the concepts related with agile RE are
still being developed. Some common characteristics of agile RE are strong use of face-to-face
communication, iterative requirements practices and design, continuous requirements
prioritization, prototyping or other modeling activities to make sense of requirements, test
driven development and acceptance testing to ensure the quality and right direction (De Lucia,
& Qusef, 2010; Käpyaho et al., 2015). Another study conducted by Cao and Ramesh (2008) in
software development organizations on their agile RE practices found that face-to-face
communication, prototyping and reviews and tests are common agile RE practices. However,
it is seen that all of these practices bring some inherent challenges.
The literature studies of Cao and Ramesh (2008), Bjarnason et al. (2011), Paetsch et al.
(2003) show that projects that are realized by agile methodologies have RE challenges; such as
managing with very little documentation, motivation issues of team for constant RE work, not
understanding the importance of writing tests first, not understanding the big picture, neglecting
quality requirements, unrealistic expectations of customers due to early UI prototypes, neglect
of non-functional requirements (NFRs), unavailability of customer during acceptance test
writing. The study of Wagner et al. (2018: 11-12) provided a well-defined problem list that are
commonly occurring in the context of agile projects and examined how criticality of those
problems is judged by practitioners. According to research findings, incomplete and/or hidden
requirements and communication flaws between project team and customer were the top of the
list of criticality.
We conducted an interpretive research to better understand the case context as well as
the dynamics of RE in projects realized by Scrum framework. Data was collected qualitatively
from the case organization by documentation review, observations and semi-structured
interviews for a year.
The case organization is a small-medium enterprise (SME) providing software
development outsourcing services for various industries. The company was established in 2006
by two co-founders (i.e., top executives) with aim of providing location-based software and
data services for enhancing marketing operations and optimizing sales activities. Within the
first four years of its establishment, the company have followed traditional software
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development techniques. With technological advancements and increasing demand for
company services, existing software development techniques have transformed into more agile
approaches in order to develop high quality products with customer involvement and to reduce
Currently, the company makes use of a Scrum agile framework as the most predominant
approach in use today. Accordingly, in research context, two different Scrum software
development projects with their agile RE practices are examined for period of one year. Profiles
of case projects that aim to develop two distinct software systems for external clients serving
in different industries are presented in Table 2.
In order to assure validity of qualitative research, this study benefits from two forms of
data triangulation; source triangulation and methodological triangulation. In terms of source
triangulation, multiple data sources are used for collecting the same data; for instance, different
interviewees are asked about what RE challenges the project group have encountered. In terms
of methodological triangulation, different types of data collection methods; documents,
observations and interviews are used to acquire conclusions from qualitative data.
Table 2: Case Projects Profile
Project A
Project B
Industry of Client
Commercial vehicles and
Building products
Scope of the Contract
Software outsourcing agreement of a hybrid mobile and web based
Dashboard application development
Context of Software
Route planning analysis and
optimization; sales visits analysis
and monitoring services
Sales execution tracking;
merchandising performance of
sales teams tracking and score
card auditing services
Project Complexity
Medium-High (including client’s
ERP system integration and
Medium (including client’s CRM
system integration)
Project Duration
16 weeks; 4 sprints
12 weeks; 3 sprints
Project Outcome
Completed successfully within
scope and on time
Completed within scope with 3
weeks of delay
Financial Scale &
Resource Ownership
Medium financial scale for both perspectives; jointly owned and
controlled resources
Preliminary data was collected by observations and documents to achieve a deep
understanding of the phenomenon and case context. Attending meetings -kickoff, sprint
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planning, daily stand-ups, sprint retrospective meetings- were critical part to cooperate with
project members and to acquire knowledge by asking questions about RE work and discussing.
Results from preliminary data analysis guided further data collection.
Primary data was obtained from semi-structured interviews for improvisation and
exploration of RE issues. Semi-structured interviews do not limit the scope of the answers as
much as structured interviews. Two rounds of one-to-one interviews were conducted with agile
team members and Product Owners of both projects. Table 3 presents information about profile
of the interviewees.
In the first round of one-to-one interviews, practitioners were interviewed about RE
practices in use for agile software project development; the second round of one-to-one
interviews focus on the perceived challenging RE issues and critical agile terms that affect
project success. In both agile projects in research, same agile team -two Software Developers,
Business Analyst, Test Specialist- fulfill the role of developing and delivering the software in
Another critical role in agile project development, Product Owner is responsible for
representing the needs and desires of the stakeholders, defining the product backlog, providing
direction of the product and perform backlog prioritization depending on customer value, and
representing the work of the agile team members to the stakeholders. In case of Project A,
Product Owner is on side of vendor; whereas in Project B Product Owner is preferred from
client side; which have different pros and cons. Agile RE practices investigation from different
Product Owner perspectives help to reveal critical insights and to provide an exploratory
research approach.
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Table 3: Interviewees Profile
Experience in
Experience in
Agile Team
Experience in RE
Agile Team Members
13 years
9 years
3 years
Requirements elicitation
and experience in UML
9 years
5 years
3 years
Some experience in
writing requirements
10 years
4 years
4 years
Worked as requirements
engineer and system
designer for many years
Test Specialist
5 years
2 years
2 years
Have knowledge on
requirements for writing
test plans and scenarios
Product Owner of
Project A
(on side of vendor)
15 years
15 years
3 years
Requirements elicitation
and prioritization
Product Owner of
Project B
(on side of client)
8 years
11 years
4 years
Requirements elicitation
and prioritization
In order to assure validity of qualitative research, this study benefits from two forms of
data triangulation; source triangulation and methodological triangulation in accordance with the
study of Runeson et al. (2012). In terms of source triangulation, multiple data sources are used
for collecting the same data; for instance, different interviewees are asked about what RE
challenges the project group have encountered. In terms of methodological triangulation,
different types of data collection methods; documents, observations and interviews are used to
acquire conclusions from qualitative data.
In the light of this information, the research in this study focus on descriptive analysis
of the RE practices and key challenges of RE in agile project development. To this end, three
main research questions are formulated to steer the design of our study and these research topics
are examined in both case projects: What are the perceived benefits of agile adoption? What
are the agile RE practices in use? What are the key challenges of Agile RE on Project Success?
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4.1. Agile Adoption Benefits Perception
Collabnet Versione (2019) underlies that the top three benefits of agile adoption are
ability to manage changing priorities, project visibility and business/IT alignment. Accordingly,
in the first step of research, benefits of agile adoption are examined in the case organization
from three perspectives: Agile Team Members, Product Owners and also Top Executives of the
case organization.
In accordance with survey results illustrated in Figure 1, this preliminary analysis is
critical in order to understand perception and motivation of participants for agile approach and
how they see agile practices importance for the organization and for project development.
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Figure 1: Perception of Agile Adoption Benefits
Two Top Executives of the organization highlighted that three main reasons behind
adopting agile practices is to accelarate software delivery as shortening development cycles
(36.73%), reduce project cost (48.69%) and reduce project risk (39.91%). Similar to perception
of Top Executives, Product Owners put forward the benefits of software delivery acceleration
0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00
Accelerate software delivery
Enhance ability to manage changing priorities
Increase productivity
Improve business/IT alignment
Enhance software quality
Enhance delivery predictability
Improve project visibility
Reduce project cost
Improve team morale
Reduce project risk
Improve engineering discipline
Increase software maintainability
Better manage distributed teams
Agile Team Product Owners Top Executives
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(34.69%) and project risk reduction (38.63%). Besides, they emphasize the importance of
changing priorities management (34.78%) and enhances project outcome quality as software
quality (39.08%). Furthermore, as another key finding, Top Executives and Product Owners
put forward that agile approaches can yield effective business and IT alignment (35%) within
organization, since involvement of stakeholders from business, IT and client-side increase in
agile project developement.
On the otherside, Agile Team Members mainly emphasize that agile practices facilitates
better management of distributed teams (46.67%) and team morale improvement (48.21%).
Collaboration of team members is described as an incentive of agile project development. In
addition, they perceive that agile practices improve their productivity (39.88%) and their work
in manner of engineering discipline (48.48%) and help to manage changing priorities better
(37.55%). They put forward agile transition as a need for handling change in requirements;
therefore, RE activities deserve the greatest care within the organization.
4.2. Agile RE Roadmap
As stated by De Lucia and Qusef (2010: 214), “37% of the problems occurred in the
development of challenging systems are related to the requirements phases” and accordingly
“the problems inserted in the system during RE phase are the most expensive to remove”. Agile
RE processes are not centralized in one phase of software development; they are spread
throughout project development.
By using preliminary data obtained from observations sprint planning, daily stand-ups,
sprint retrospective meetings- and documentation studies and also data from first round of semi-
structured interviews, general software development and agile RE roadmap of case organization
is conceptualized and modeled as in Figure 3. According to the observations sprint planning,
daily stand-ups, sprint retrospective meetings- and documentation studies, “user stories” are the
central mechanism for defining requirements in an agile manner. User stories are briefly defined
and organized in product backlog by customers of projects (i.e., Project A and Project B). Since
product backlog needs to provide expected business value; each user story is detailed -by agile
team and product owner- and accompanied by a list of acceptance criteria with discovery
sessions and interviews.
Business Analyst confirmed that “Actually agile practices do not rely on heavy
documentation; however product backlog including well-written and well-constructed user
stories is necessary for our team to facilititate an efficient requirements discovery. As we
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interact, collaborate with Product Owner regularly in face-to-face meetings, product backlog
is efficiently revised and constantly prioritized”.
Two main categories of agile RE practices are observed and presented hereunder by
using the interviewee notes in agile projects: business level and software level.
4.2.1. Business Level RE
As shown in Figure 2, after definition of product backlog including user stories, business
level RE initiates. In business level, agile teams work with stakeholders and Product Owner to
find out the enterprise need in detail, system and its services, system’s functional, performance,
security and other NFRs.
Business process models and process flow diagrams are developed with the
collaboration of Product Owner and Agile Team. Business process models are prepared in
formal (e.g., BPMN, Business Process Modeling Notation) and in free form textual format in
order to document and perform elicitation of functional requirements with the help of face-to-
face communication techniques; interviews and brainstorming.
Business Analyst of team stated that Involvement, decidability and availability of
Product Owners in development of business process models is essential to quickly produce the
first touchable conceptual model of the system, it’s like a non-working but a prototype of the
system for software developers.”
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Figure 2: Agile RE Roadmap and Software Development Model
Product Owner of Project A confirmed that “Documentation of business process model
at beginning of software development process is a useful activity to understand and see the big
picture as business need, to discover critical user stories and to perform requirements
prioritization easily.” On the other side, Product Owner of Project B stated that “Actually
developing the right business process model is somewhat hard and time-consuming due to
changing business needs and customer requirements; the refinement of the model is necessary
many times to handle priorities faster”.
After approval of product backlog, user stories and business process model, requirement
prioritization is performed by using MoSCoW technique that allows to analyze priorities within
scope of Must Have, Should Have, Could Have and Won’t Have features or requirements. With
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results of MoSCoW analysis, agile team estimates how many sprints will be required and then
defines tasks will be performed for each sprint.
Software Developer
mentioned that “MoSCoW technique is so beneficial for
prioritizing all must-have/nice-to-have functional/non-functional requirements. So that, all
parties reach a common understanding on importance of delivering a user story or another
item. However, when Product Owners are on client side, they mainly focus on operational,
functional issues of the system. We try to perform many irregular meetings at the beginning to
direct their focus on non-functional parts of the system. For example, we generally ask
questions on availability of the system, authorization and authentication mechanisms,
hierarchy of users and user management, prevention mechanisms.”
Furthermore, Software Developer
confirmed that “In some cases, Product Owners
on client side may not have enough information about such technical issues; hence detailing
non-functional parts and creating acceptance criteria becomes challenging and time-
consuming task”.
4.2.2. Software Level RE
At the beginning of each sprint, in sprint planning, Agile Team reviews and selects
prioritized items of product backlog -user stories- and identifies necessary tasks to realize each
user story within the sprint period. With the preparation of sprint backlog, software level RE
analysis is initiated by Agile Team (i.e., Software Developers, Business Analyst and Test
Specialist) in an iterative manner.
The findings from observations and interviews expose that use case analysis and User
Interface (UI) studies as mock-ups are indispensable on software level RE of case organization
which allows to perform user story decomposition and gather list of all use cases.
UML based use case diagrams are developed and documented to identify actors
involved in the interaction and to describe the interaction itself. Use case diagram and UI studies
Mock-ups and use case diagrams complements each other; they are performed and refined
iteratively. Case organization is mainly using ( to conduct mockup and
prototyping studies; it utilizes a drag and drop UI, provides interactive and high fidelity screens
and does not require coding.
Business Analyst highlights importance of UI study as follows: Mock-ups show
relationships between user stories and use cases that the system user must be able to accomplish
on system. It is a good way of representing project outcome instead of traditional wireframing.
Even wireframes represent a product’s structure but they are not clickable. Today mock-up kits
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
allow to display how the product is going to look like; we can also add interactions and clicks
on screens that helps software developers to get all features visually in agile manner”.
Software Developer
also confirmed that Mock-ups enable us to define front-end and
back-end coding requirements rather strongly. The more details in visualization will provide
the more real which will increase efficiency of software development”.
Product Owner of Project A stated that Mock-ups like a prototype help us to feel the
final product, although mockup screens have some constraints since they have no back-end
code, just provides front end design. We can partially experience interactions and use cases in
the interface.Product Owner of Project B stated that Mock-ups facilitate next prioritization
process, next sprint planning and tasks definition; furthermore, help us to foresee any possible
changes and requirements in the early sprints”.
We also observed how Product Owners and Agile Team deal with changing
requirements. It is seen that product backlog seems to be the common way to work with
changing requirements in agile projects. They update the product backlog and mockups to
handle changing requirements, and perform a brief impact analysis for accurate understanding
of the implications of a proposed change. Impact analysis is conducted between requirements
and mockup design; not on the code itself.
Test Specialist highlighted that “When business units see mockup design, they generally
want to add new requirements, change existing requirements and make current requirements
more detailed both in the product backlog. More efficient and robust impact analysis techniques
are necessary to monitor changes on testing and code as well; to track requirements from their
origin to the deliverables; and to track changes between requirements, test cases and code”.
Business Analyst stated that “Unfortunately, we are lagging behind the schedule in
dealing with test cases, since Product Owners and Software Developers mainly focuses on
refining product backlog, mockup designs and business process models”.
In addition to use case models and mockups, case organization focuses on development
of test scenario plans and test cases, system architecture and database analysis in free form
textual format on spreadsheets; no specific standard or modeling language is used in these
During the observations of both agile projects (i.e. Project A and Project B) it is
obviously seen that Product Owners and Software Developers mainly prefer to focus on mock-
ups, UI studies for approval of software level RE and development in sprints instead of
reviewing and refining other documentations.
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Communication techniques and knowledge sharing practices is other important factor
to build ties between project team members and stakeholders. According to the observations of
both agile projects, case organization prefers to use the following four vital tools which are
expressed as “agile development and RE facilitator” by Agile Team:
Trello ( is used for planning sprints, creating lists and cards on
boards, tracking their status, prioritizing tasks and allowing to work more
Slack ( is mainly preferred for team collaboration and messaging;
allows teams to create and join a workspace; provides online messaging and document
sharing platform and more.
JIRA ( is used for planning, tracking and
managing software development projects.
Skype ( is also partially used for communication with Product
Owner and other representatives of customer; provides irregular meetings via online
group video chats as an alternative to face-to-face meetings.
Up to this point, the conducted research tries to comprehend and present existing RE
practices and agile software development cycle, and expose the agile RE roadmap of an IT
organization (i.e., case organization) which has over 10 periods of experience in software
development domain and serving for various industries.
4.3. Challenges of Agile RE on Project Success
The final part of our research focuses tries to figure out and reveal challenges of Agile
RE practices in the projects (i.e., Project A and Project B) from different perspectives and
understand impact of those challenges on project success by conducting semi-structured, one-
to-one interviews with participants. Agile Team members and Product Owners evaluated each
other and highlighted some known -from the study of Wagner et al. (2018)- and quite
impressive challenges regarding agile RE practices.
The following questions are examined in the second round of semi-structured
interviews: What are the key challenges in agile RE? What are critical issues regarding
Software Developers/ Business Analyst/Test Specialist within context of agile RE that may have
negative impact on project success? What are the critical issues regarding Product Owners
within context of agile RE in terms of Jeff Sutherland’s PO requirements? The interview
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
research results are summarized and presented respectively in the Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure
Figure 3 represents key challenges in agile RE regarding two Software Developers of
Agile Team. According to the citations provided by Product Owners, Business Analyst and Test
Specialist; weak documentation of coding cycle (⁓83%), insufficient support for business
domain (⁓78%) and more focus on technical perspective, weak test driven development (⁓76%)
and weak modular programming capabilities (⁓72%) of Software Developers are mainly
highlighted critical issues which may have impact on agile project success. Another key finding
is Software Developers’ insufficient support for analysis and modeling activities (⁓64%); which
is also confirmed in the first round of interview by Business Analyst; mock-ups help “to get all
features visually in agile manner”.
Figure 4 represents key challenges in agile RE regarding Business Analyst of Agile
Team. According to the citations provided by Product Owners, Software Developers and Test
Specialist; missing traceability and weak impact analysis (⁓83%), insufficient support for test
driven activities (⁓79%) and unclear/unmeasurable NFR analysis (⁓75%) are top challenging
issues of Business Analyst. Another highlighted issue regarding Business Analyst within
context of agile RE is poor document management capabilities (⁓68%); more focus and time is
given for mock-up studies in order to visualize the functionalities of new system.
Figure 5 represents key challenges in agile RE regarding Test Specialist of Agile Team.
Poor test scenarios documentation (⁓85%), missing traceability and weak impact analysis
(⁓81%), weak usage of test automation tools (⁓76%) and unclear test scenarios development
(⁓75%) of Test Specialist that allow for various interpretations are the most citations provided
by Product Owners, Software Developers and Business Analyst.
The involvement of PO from different parties -client side vs. vendor side- in selected
case projects is another conspicuous factor of investigation. Within research scope, the
perception and challenges regarding Product Owners is also examined in terms of Jeff
Sutherland’s requirements. Five-point Likert scale analysis is used for measuring the attitude;
it allows survey participant to express how much she agrees or disagrees with a particular
According to Sutherland (2013), an adequate Product Owner needs to meet at least
following requirements: Knowledgeability (i.e., needs to have most of or all the knowledge
about the product/project), Availability (i.e., needs to be available to the team to do the day-to-
day work), Decidability (i.e., needs mandate to make decisions) and Accountability (i.e., is
responsible for creating value).
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According to Likert scale results regarding both Product Owners, as shown in Figure 6,
vendor side Product Owner’s availability for agile development and accountability for creating
value is found as stronger than client-side Product Owner. Closeness of Product Owner to Agile
Team, accessibility of Product Owner for agile work and knowledgeability on agile RE are
considered as critical factors by Agile Team members for completing project within scope,
budget and on time.
Figure 3: Key Challenges in Agile RE Regarding Software Developers
Figure 4: Key Challenges in Agile RE Regarding Business Analyst
Weak test-driven development
Weak modular programming capabilities
Weak documentation of coding cycle
Resistance to change or make revisions
Not enough time for JIRA
Missing traceability
Insufficient support for business perspective
Insufficient support for analysis and modeling
Incomplete and hidden non-functional requirements
Communication flaws within agile team
Weak stakeholder analysis and scope management
Weak requirement prioritization; more focus on nice-to-have
Unclear / unmeasurable non-functional requirement analysis
Resistance to change or make revisions
Poor document management; more focus on mock-ups
Missing traceability and weak impact analysis
Lack of understanding customer's application domain
Insufficient support for test driven activities
Communication flaws between agile team and customer
Abstract requirements that allow for various interpretations
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
Figure 5: Key Challenges in Agile RE Regarding Test Specialist
On the other side, decision making capabilities and decidability of client-side Product
Owner is more advanced and robust in activities such as business process modeling,
requirements prioritization, and change management. Vendor side Product Owner’s decision-
making capabilities and authority mechanisms are not as agile as client-side Product Owner.
Figure 6: Assessment of Product Owners
Wide adoption of agile RE practices provide various benefits such as better
understanding of customer needs, better productivity, software delivery acceleration, improved
engineering discipline. Within research context, the case study revealed mostly same issues as
previous relevant literature on agile RE practices and their benefits; furthermore, distinct
challenges associated with agile RE practices from different viewpoints are addressed. Key
agile RE artifacts in use are as follows:
User Story for describing a feature of the solution by Product Owner and then
detailed with written text and acceptance criteria by Agile Team,
Weak usage of test automation tools
Unclear test scenarios development
Resistance to change or make revisions
Poor test scenarios documentation
Missing traceability and impact analysis
Lack of understanding customer's application domain
Communication flaws between agile team and customer
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Product Owner of Project B (on client's side) Product Owner of Project A (on vendor's side)
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MoSCoW for prioritization of user stories and sprint planning by Product Owner and
Agile Team,
Use Case Diagram for visualization of the solution which shows the interaction
between user and system in UML context by Agile Team,
Use Case Scenarios for textual representation of the solution and system design
description by Agile Team,
Kanban Board for visualization of requirement progress through development
workflow by Agile Team,
Mock-ups for visualization of the system for describing UI specifications by Agile
Team and Product Owner.
Agile Team study participants emphasized intensive communication between the Agile
Team and Product Owner that have positive impact on project outcome. As stated by Stellman
et al. (2014: 96), “Like all good agile teams, Scrum teams rely heavily on face-to-face
communication to understand exactly what they’re building”. Instead of following a clearly
defined, formal knowledge sharing and documentation procedure in case projects, more
dynamic and adaptive approach is followed in order to describe system solution accurately.
Some platforms include various but non-essential features for agile projects; these tools may
become overwhelming and time-consuming as stressed by study participants. More user-
friendly platforms for online messaging and document sharing and Kanban board techniques
are particularly preferred to manage sprints and workflows. Today, selection and use of
appropriate communication and documentation platforms that involves efficient issue feature
is indispensable within the scope of agile project management; which may also support
challenge of requirements traceability.
In addition to mentioned key RE activities, role of Product Owner is another important
factor on the project success. Stellman et al. (2014: 96) emphasizes that “Product Owner helps
the team understand the software value and has a very active day-to-day role in the project
development. It is obviously observed from case project that the notable advantage of a
Product Owner on vendor side is the availability and accountability over Product Owner on
client side. A Product Owner in general needs to collaborate and engage in most of the project
development activities -sprint planning, prioritization, refinement of backlogs etc.- with Agile
Team in order to maximize product value. Product Owner on vendor side feels more responsible
for delivering right business solution with right features on time and within estimated cost;
Büşra Özdenizci KÖSE
briefly delivering higher value. On the other side, closeness to customer stakeholders, business
knowledge and client’s culture cannot be underestimated. Although Product Owner on client
side as customer’s official representative with high decidability enables to provide right answers
and make right decisions regarding software development; unavailability and unaccountability
of a Product Owner may result in delays, deceleration of software delivery, lower quality and
lower value delivery which is observed in the second case project (i.e. Project B).
In the light of studied case data, this study proposes and underlies three approaches in
order to improve the performance and quality of recent Agile RE processes: Agile User
Experience (Agile UX), Agile Business Analysis (Agile BA) and Hybrid Software
5.1. Agile UX
The research demonstrates that the current trend is to integrate UX design with agile
approaches; namely Agile UX. Agile approaches strive to develop small sets of working
software quickly through high communication and collaboration instead of heavy
documentation. In the general agile concept, agile team is responsible for developing UI without
having an understanding of the user needs and experience.
UX is more than UI; in UX concept, close cooperation of UX designer with product
team and stakeholders is required to discover and define user requirements through user
evaluations. At this point, Product Owner has a critical obligation to define and refine
requirements with the help of in-depth UX research regarding the system to be developed.
The case projects revealed that UI and mock-up studies expedites agile RE activities of
project participants; while having some negative effects on other RE activities such as on UML
modeling and analysis, NFRs elicitation and information level requirements elicitation and
analysis, data dictionary documentation and so on. To mitigate these negative effects,
establishing more well-structured and planned sprints is needful.
Accordingly, Kieffer et al. (2017: 578) reviews beneficial guidelines for facilitating
more efficient Agile UX Sprints: iterative and incremental UX and agile activities, continuous
user involvement, efficient time allocation for up-front activities to elicit user and functional
requirements, realizing rapid formative usability to fulfill UX goals while delivering working
software frequently and finally documentation of up-front analysis, design and usability
findings. Moreover, the role of UX Designers in agile projects needs to be empowered in agile
projects. Their clear understanding of bigger picture, product vision and requirements and their
ability to detail of user stories concretely and articulate acceptance criteria will consolidate
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Product Owner’s position. UX Designers’ presence and active participation in agile ceremonies
will streamline the prioritization of requirements and refinement of backlogs, and also
validation of UX studies.
5.2. Agile BA
Integrating traditional RE practices to agile methods is a complex and critical process
which was first seen during the observations and later confirmed in interviews. RE activities
primarily focus on developing products or software; do not involve in activities such as
improvements of business processes, developing business cases, delivering business benefits.
RE activities generally address functional and non-functional technical requirements.
Within this perspective, Business Analysis term in general is much broader concept than
RE. PMI (2015) defines Business Analysis (BA) as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools
and techniques to determine problems and identify business needs; identify and recommend
viable solutions for meeting those needs; elicit, document and manage stakeholder
requirements in order to meet business and project objectives; and finally facilitate the
successful implementation of the product, service or end result of the program or project.
Business Analysis concept focuses on delivering solutions that improve business outcomes and
addresses people and process issues not only software, technology.
Transition from RE to BA concept, namely the term Agile BA is another critical
approach that should be followed to enhance agile Scrum requirements management studies.
The role of an Agile Business Analyst is extremely essential for organizing the business needs
and creating roadmap for the project team; focusing on applying an agile approach within BA
Integrating BA approach in an agile environment, Agile BA provide valuable guidance
on creating effective user stories and story maps and performing effective information level
analysis regarding the business solution. As stated by study participants, poor focus on analysis
of NFRs (i.e., performance, reliability, scalability, security, availability, usability etc.) is
another critical issue in Agile RE activities which needs to be strengthen with appropriate
procedures. They need to be visualized with acceptance criteria in backlogs and tracked by
Product Owners and Agile Team members.
Agile BA approach consolidate traceability of all kinds of requirements (i.e., business,
stakeholder, functional, non-functional and transition) changes, validation and verification of
requirements and stakeholder impact assessment capability of the case organization; at this
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point, PMI (2015) and IIBA and Agile Alliance (2015) provide a great portfolio of
specifications and standardization of BA techniques.
5.3. Hybrid Software Development: Lean + Agile
In addition to all the foregoing, another guideline is to combine lean and agile
approaches in software development. As mentioned in Section 2, the Collabnet Versione (2019)
highlights the Scrum/XP Hybrid methodologies (64%) as the most common agile
methodologies used by organizations today. Hybrid agile methodologies allows to take
advantage of different approaches and particularly to enhance agile RE capabilities, to achieve
better and sustainable productivity in agile RE activities.
Within the research context, it is seen that just applying main Scrum practices alone is
not enough; specifically, test-driven development and pair programming aspects of XP
programming have a great potential to enhance the sprint performance of Scrum approach in
use and to promote higher product value. At this point, engagement of lean and Kanban
practices in sprints can heal the workflow management between Agile Team members with the
philosophy of continuous improvement and elimination of waste (e.g., non-value adding
practices, delays, handovers) that may occur in software development. Actually, this can be
achieved with the help of the experts who have knowledge on lean practices in the software
There is an increasing pace on the information technologies industry; making a short
time-to-market is vital in order to have a competitive advantage. As it is seen from the industry
implementations, wide adoption of agile approaches by software development lifecycles allow
software projects to be conducted with the lower costs, higher quality, better productivity and
better customer satisfaction. Software development companies actually needs to compare the
benefits and costs of agile practices in their project development environment.
The key point for delivering projects successfully -on time, within scope and within
budget- is to produce high quality and clearly defined requirements that meet customer
expectations. Besides, the report of PMI also emphasizes that inaccurate requirements gathering
is the primary cause of project failure by 37% of the organizations; poor requirements
management practices and changing organization priorities are leading causes of project failure.
Today, the practical application of Agile RE -as a dynamic, iterative and adaptive
process- and having mature RE practices is gaining great importance. This research tries to
understand the recent issues and dynamics of agile RE in projects realized by Scrum framework
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by realizing an interpretive study with a case analysis of two agile projects. Our concluding
analysis revealed that intensive communication between the Agile Team and Product Owner,
and availability and accountability of a Product Owner have notable benefits for the project
success. In order to improve the performance and quality of Agile RE processes, three recent
approaches are highlighted within research context with their potential contributions for
software development; Agile UX, Agile BA and Hybrid Software Development including lean
approaches and integrating different side of agile methodologies.
The results of this research are based on two agile projects of one organization; it may
therefore create a limitation and a threat to external validity. Instead of aiming to generalize
findings or to test hypothesis, this study aims to present recent challenging issues on working
practices, draws lessons from case studies for practitioners and researchers, and puts forward
with a set of agile RE guidelines for software development organizations that have similar agile
RE roadmap.
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