ARTICLE 29 - Data Protection Working Party
The Working Party has been established by Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC. It is the independent EU Advisory Body on Data
Protection and Privacy. Its tasks are laid down in Article 30 of Directive 95/46/EC and in Article 14 of Directive 97/66/EC. The
Secretariat is provided by:
Directorate E (Services, Intellectual and Industrial Property, Media and Data Protection) of the European Commission,
Internal Market Directorate-General, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium, Office No C100-6/136.
WP 80
Working document on biometrics
Adopted on 1 August 2003
set up by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24
October 1995
having regard to Articles 29 and 30 paragraphs 1 (a) and 3 of that Directive,
having regard to its Rules of Procedure and in particular to articles 12 and 14 thereof,
has adopted the present Working Document:
The rapid progress of biometric technologies and their expanded application in recent
years necessitates careful scrutiny from a data protection perspective
. A wide and
uncontrolled utilisation of biometrics raises concerns with regard to the protection of
fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. This kind of data is of a special nature,
as it relates to the behavioural and physiological characteristics of an individual and may
allow his or her unique identification
Biometric data processing is now often used in automated authentication/verification and
identification procedures, in particular for the control of entry to both physical and
virtual areas (i.e. access to particular electronic systems or services).
Previously, the use of biometrics was mainly confined to the areas of DNA and
fingerprint testing. The collection of fingerprints was used in particular for law
enforcement purposes (e.g. criminal investigation). If society encourages the
development of fingerprint or other biometric databases for further routine applications,
it may increase the potential re-use by third parties as an element of comparison and
research in the framework of their own purposes, without such an objective having
initially been sought; these third parties may include law enforcement authorities.
A specific concern related to biometric data is that the public may become desensitised,
through the widening of the use of such data, to the effect their processing may have on
daily life. For example, the use of biometrics in school libraries can make children less
aware of the data protection risks that may impact upon them in later life.
Official Journal no. L 281 of 23/11/1995, p. 31, available at:
Since 11 September 2001, biometrics has often been presented as a good means to improve public safety. In the
European Union, there are discussions concerning the incorporation of biometrics on ID cards, passports, travel
documents and visas. The U.S. will soon require biometric identifiers for foreigners when entering and leaving
the country. The ILO Convention n° 108 was modified in 2003 in order to introduce the compulsory biometrics
for seafarers. There are also discussions in other international fora like the G8, OECD etc.
However, the unique identification depends on different factors including the size of the database and the type of
biometrics used.
The purpose of the present document is to contribute to the effective and homogenous
application of the national provisions on data protection adopted in compliance with
Directive 95/46/EC upon biometric systems. This paper will focus primarily on biometric
applications for authentication and verification purposes. The Working Party intends to
provide uniform European guidelines, particularly for the biometric systems industry and
users of such technologies.
Biometric systems are applications of biometric technologies, which allow the automatic
identification, and/or authentication/verification of a person
. Authentication/verification
applications are often used for various tasks in completely different areas and under the
responsibility of a wide range of different entities.
Each biometric, whether for authentication/verification or identification, is, more or less,
depending on the concerned biometric:
- universal : the biometric element exists in all persons
- unique : the biometric element must be distinctive to each person ;
- and permanent : the property of the biometric element remains permanent over time for
each person.
One can distinguish between two main categories of biometric techniques, depending on
whether stable data or dynamic behavioural data are used
Firstly, there are physical and physiological-based techniques which measure the
physiological characteristics of a person and include : fingerprint verification, finger image
analysis, iris recognition, retina analysis, face recognition, outline of hand patterns, ear
shape recognition, body odour detection, voice recognition, DNA pattern analysis
sweat pore analysis, etc.
Secondly there are behavioural-based techniques, which measure the behaviour of a person
and include hand-written signature verification, keystroke analysis, gait analysis, etc.
Taking into consideration the rapid technical evolution and the increased concern for
security, many biometrics systems work by combining different biometric modalities of the
user with other identification or authentication technologies. Some systems for instance
The difference between authentication (verification) and identification is important. Authentication answers to the
question: Am I the one I pretend to be? The system certifies the identity of the person by processing biometric
data which refer to the person who asks and takes a yes/no decision (1:1 comparison). Identification answers to
the question: Who am I? The system recognises the individual who asks by distinguishing him from other
persons, whose biometric data is also stored. In that case the system takes a 1-of-n decision, and answers that the
person who asks is X.
In this respect, not all biometric elements are equivalent and the rate of distinguishing one person from another is
very different, according to the type of biometrics used. The most distinctive biometric elements seem to be
DNA, retina and fingerprint.
Some techniques can be both physiological and behavioural.
Although the use of DNA for biometric identification raises specific issues, this paper will not include a
discussion of those. One can mention that the generation of a DNA profile in real time as an authentication tool
seems not currently possible.
cumulate face recognition and voice registration. To perform authentication, three different
methods may be used jointly – based on something an individual knows (password, PIN,
etc.), something an individual owns (token, CAD key, smart card, etc.) and something an
individual is (a biometric feature). For instance, with a computer, one could insert a smart
card, type a password and present his/her fingerprint.
The collection of biometric samples, the so-called biometric data (e.g. image of the
fingerprint, picture of the iris or of the retina, recording of the voice), is carried out during a
phase called “enrolment” by using a sensor specific to each type of biometrics. The
biometric system extracts from the biometric data user-specific features to build a biometric
“template". The template is a structured reduction of a biometric image: the recorded
biometric measurement of an individual. It is the template, presented in a digitalized form,
which will be stored and not the biometric element itself. In addition, biometric data may be
processed as raw data (an image) depending on the functioning of the biometric system that
is used
The enrolment phase plays a key role as it is the only one in which raw data, extraction and
protection algorithms (cryptography, hashing, etc.) and templates are all simultaneously
present. It should be stressed in this regard, that if the raw data reveal information that may
be regarded as sensitive in the meaning of Article 8 of Directive 95/46/EC, then the
enrolment process of such data should happen in accordance with this provision (see below
point 3.7).
An additional issue that is also important from a data protection point of view is the form of
the storage of users’ templates. This depends on the type of application for which the
biometric device will be used and the size of the templates themselves. The templates can be
stored in one of the following ways:
a) in the memory of a biometric device ;
b) in a central database ;
c) in plastic cards, optical cards or smart cards. This method of storage enables the users to
carry their templates with them as identification devices.
In principle, it is not necessary for the purposes of authentication/verification to store the
reference data in a database; it is sufficient to store the personal data in a decentralised way.
Conversely, identification can only be achieved by storing the reference data in a centralised
database, because the system, in order to ascertain the identity of the data subject, must
compare his/her templates or raw data (image) with the templates or raw data of all persons
whose data are already centrally stored.
A further point which is crucial from a data protection point of view is the fact that some
biometric systems are based on information, like fingerprints or DNA samples, that may be
collected without the data subject being aware of it since he or she may unknowingly leave
traces. In applying a biometric algorithm to the fingerprint found on a glass, one may be
to find out if the person is on file in a database containing biometric data, and if so,
This paper refers basically to biometric systems based on templates and could also be applied to raw data.
However, the specificity of raw data may lead to adapted data protection requirements.
However, this implies at least certain means as the ability to collect the fingerprint from the glass without
damaging it, the technical equipment to process the data from fingerprints, the access to the constructor’s
algorithm and/or to the fingerprints database.
who he is, by proceeding with a comparison of the two templates. This also applies to other
biometric systems, such as those based on keystroke analysis or distance facial recognition,
on account of the specific features of the technology involved
. The problematic aspect is,
on the one hand, that this data collection and processing may be performed without the
knowledge of the data subject and on the other hand that regardless of their current
reliability, these biometric technologies lend themselves to blanket utilisation on account of
their "low-level intrusiveness". Therefore, it seems necessary to lay down specific
safeguards in respect of them.
3.1. Application of Directive 95/46/EC
Article 2 a) of Directive 95/46/EC defines “personal data” as “any information relating to an
identified or identifiable natural person (…) ; an identifiable person is one who can be
identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to
one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental (…) identity”. Recital 26
adds the following explanation “to determine whether a person is identifiable, account
should be taken of all the means likely reasonably to be used either by the controller or by
any other person to identify the said person”.
In accordance with this definition, measures of biometric identification or their digital
translation in a template form in most cases are personal data
. It appears that biometric
data can always be considered as "information relating to a natural person" as it concerns
data, which provides, by its very nature, information about a given person. In the context of
biometrical identification, the person is generally identifiable, since the biometric data are
used for identification or authentication/verification at least in the sense that the data subject
is distinguished from any other
According to Article 3, §1 of Directive 95/46/EC, the data protection principles apply to the
processing of personal data wholly or partly by automatic means, and to the processing
otherwise than by automatic means of personal data which form part of a filing system or
are intended to form part of a filing system. The directive does not apply if the data are
processed by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity. Many
biometric applications in domestic use will fall under this category.
Beyond these specific exclusions, processing of biometric data may only be considered
lawful if all the procedures involved –starting from enrolment- are carried out in respect of
the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC.
See point 3 about the application of Directive 95/46/EC and in particular point 3.3. about the obligation to inform
the data subject.
In cases where biometric data, like a template, are stored in a way that no reasonable means can be used by the
controller or by any other person to identify the data subject, those data should not be qualified as personal data.
The identifiability of the person also depends on the availability of other data which –jointly or separately- allows
the person in question to be identified. The possibility of "direct identification" by means of "one or more factors
specific to his physical identity" is expressly mentioned in the definition of personal data of Article 2a of
Directive 95/46/EC.
This paper does not cover all the issues raised by the application of Directive 95/46/EC to
biometric data. Rather, only the most relevant ones are covered and therefore, it does not
provide an exhaustive view of the consequences of the application of Directive 95/46/EC.
3.2. Principle of purpose and proportionality
According to Article 6 of Directive 95/46/EC, personal data must be collected for
specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way
incompatible with those purposes. In addition, personal data must be adequate, relevant
and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and further
processed (purpose principle).
The respect of this principle implies firstly a clear determination of the purpose for which
the biometric data are collected and processed. Furthermore, an evaluation of the respect
for proportionality and the respect for legitimacy is necessary, taking into account the
risks for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and notably
whether or not the intended purpose could be achieved in a less intrusive way.
Proportionality has been the main criterion in almost all decisions taken until now by the
Data Protection Authorities on the processing of biometric data.
For access control purposes (authentication/verification), the Working Party is of the
opinion that biometric systems related to physical characteristics which do not leave
traces (e.g. shape of the hand but not fingerprints) or biometrics systems related to
physical characteristics which leave traces but do not rely on the memorisation of the
data in the possession of someone other than the individual concerned (in other words,
the data is not memorised in the control access device or in a central data base) create
less risks for the protection for fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals
. Several
Data Protection Authorities have endorsed this view stating that biometrics should
preferably not be stored in a database but rather only in an object exclusively available to
the user, like a microchip card, a mobile phone, a bank card
. In other words,
authentication/verification applications which can be carried out without a central storage
of biometric data should not implement excessive identification techniques.
Therefore, the Working Party thinks that the use of other types of application (i.e. based
on digital fingerprints templates in the terminal or a central data base) should be carefully
assessed before such applications are put in place. However, if this type of system is
going to be implemented, for instance in cases such as high security installations
, it
may be considered to be data processing which presents risks as per the meaning of
Article 20 of Directive 95/46/EC and may need to be submitted to prior checking by the
data protection authorities in accordance with national law (see point 3.5).
Decisions for instance of the Dutch, French, German, Italian and Greek Authorities.
One may distinguish biometric data that are processed centrally from the case where reference biometric data are
stored on a mobile device and the matching process happens on the card but not on the sensor or even when the
sensor is also part of the mobile device.
The mechanisms put in place to solve the problems resulting from lost, stolen or damaged cards must be taken
into account and those not leading to the storage of biometric data should be promoted. Whenever feasible, the
data should be collected once again directly from the data subject.
Such is the current state of biometric technology that reliable, real-time pure identification solutions for a
population of any real size do not yet exist, and it is not likely that any will be available in the foreseeable future.
Directive 95/46/EC prohibits further processing that would be incompatible with the
purpose for which the data was collected. For instance when biometric data are processed
for access control purposes, the use of such data to assess the emotional state of the data
subject or for surveillance in the workplace would not be compatible with the original
purpose of collection. All measures must be taken to prevent such incompatible re-use
Directive 95/46/EC provides for exemptions to the prohibition to further process data for
incompatible purposes but specific conditions apply.
It is generally accepted that the risk of the reuse of biometric data obtained from physical
traces unknowingly left by individuals (i.e. fingerprints), for incompatible purposes is
relatively low if the data is not stored in centralised databases, but remains with the
person and is inaccessible to a third party. The centralised storage of biometric data also
increases the risk of the use of biometric data as a key to interconnecting different
databases that could lead to detailed profiles of an individual's habits both in the public
and in the private sector. Moreover, the question of compatible purpose raises the issue
of interoperability of different systems using biometrics. The necessary standardisation
for interoperability could lead to greater interlinking between databases.
The use of biometrics additionally raises the issue of proportionality of each category of
processed data in the light of the purpose for which the data are processed. Biometric
data may only be used if adequate, relevant and not excessive. This implies a strict
assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the processed data
. For instance, the
French CNIL has refused the use of fingerprints in the case of access by children to a
school restaurant,
but accepted for the same purpose the use of the outline of the hand
pattern. The Portuguese data protection authority has recently issued an unfavourable
decision concerning the use of a biometric system (fingerprint) by a university to control
the assiduity and punctuality of the non-teaching staff
. The German data protection
authority has handed down a favourable decision on the introduction of biometric
characteristics on identity papers in order to prevent their falsification, provided that the
data are stored in the microchip of the card rather than in a database for comparison with
the owner’s fingerprints.
A specific difficulty may arise as biometric data often contain more information than that
which is necessary for identification or authentication/verification functions. This is more
likely to be the case concerning the original image (raw data) since the template may and
should technically be constructed in a way to preclude the processing of data that are not
As stated above, this purpose must be clearly defined.
Moreover, anonymity or the use of pseudonyms must remain possible in certain circumstances. The mechanisms
put in place to solve the problems resulting from lost, stolen or damaged cards must be taken into account in this
context and those not leading to the storage of biometric data should be promoted .Whenever feasible, the data
should be collected once again directly from the data subject.
However it seems that the UK data protection authority has accepted the use of fingerprints in similar
circumstances where appropriate safeguards have been put in place.
The Portuguese data protection authority has been of the opinion that the application of such systems was
disproportionate and excessive, considering the purpose of the data processing. The system would store this data
in a biometric device and the universe of persons to be controlled was approximately 140.
necessary. Unnecessary data should be destroyed as soon as possible
. In addition, some
biometric data may reveal racial origin or concern health. (see below point 3.7.).
Finally, it should be mentioned that the use of biometric systems might be constructed in
such a way that they could be considered as privacy enhancing technology inter alia
because they may reduce the processing of other personal data like name, address,
residence etc.
3.3. Fair collection and information of the data subject
The processing of biometric data and in particular its collection should happen in a fair
. The controller should inform the data subject in accordance with Articles 10 and
11 of Directive 95/46/EC
. This includes in particular the exact definition of the purpose
and the identity of the controller of the file (who will often be the person running the
biometric system or applying the biometrical technique).
Systems that collect biometric data without the knowledge of data subjects must be
avoided. Some biometric systems like distance facial recognition, collection of
fingerprints, tapping of the voice present more risk from this perspective.
3.4. Criteria for making data processing legitimate
The processing of biometric data must be based on one of the grounds of legitimacy
provided for in Article 7 of Directive 95/46/EC. If consent is used as a legitimacy ground
by the controller of the file, the Working Party underlines that it must respect the
conditions set up in Article 2 of Directive 95/46/EC (any freely given specific and
informed indication of his wishes by which the data subject signifies his agreement to
personal data relating to the data being processed).
3.5. Prior Checking – notification
As previously mentioned, the Working Party supports the use of biometric systems that
do not memorise traces in a terminal access device nor store them in a central database
(see point 3.2.). But, if it is planned that such systems are to be used and in the light of
the risk of (re)use for different purposes as well as of the specific dangers in case of
unauthorised access, the Working Party recommends that Member States should consider
submitting them to prior checking by data protection authorities in accordance with
Article 20 of Directive 95/46/EC, as this kind of processing is likely to present specific
risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. If Member States intend to introduce
prior checking in relation to the processing of biometric data, national data protection
authorities should be properly consulted before such measures are introduced.
Also relevant to support this deletion is article 6, 1, e) of Directive 95/46/EC that requires keeping personal data
for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which data are processed.
Article 6 (a) of Directive 95/46/EC.
Exemptions to the obligation to inform the data subjects provided for in Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 95/46/EC
should be based on legislative measures and constitute a necessary measure to restrict the scope of the obligation
of information to safeguard the interests listed in Article 13 of Directive 95/46/EC (public security, prevention,
investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal offences etc.).
3.6. Security measures
The controller must, in accordance with Article 17 of Directive 95/46/EC, take all
appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data
against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised
disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of
biometric data over a network. Security measures must be taken when biometric data are
processed (storage, transmission, extraction of characteristics and comparison etc.) and in
particular if the controller transmits such data via the Internet. The security measures
could include for instance the encryption of the templates and the protection of
encryption keys in addition to access control and protection making it virtually
impossible to reconstruct the original data from the templates.
Some new technologies should be taken into account in this context. An interesting
development is the possibility to use biometric data as encryption keys. This would a
priori create less risk for the data subject as it may only be decoded on the basis of a new
collection of the biometric data from the data subject himself and so it avoids the creation
of databases containing templates of biometric data that have the potential to be reused
for unrelated purposes.
The necessary security measures should be implemented from the beginning of the
processing, and especially during the phase of “enrolment”, where the biometric data are
transformed into templates or images. It should be understood that any loss of the
integrity, confidentiality and availability features in respect of the databases would be
clearly prejudicial to all future applications based on the information contained in such
databases, as well as causing irretrievable damage to data subjects. For instance, if the
fingerprints of an authorised individual were associated with the identity of an
unauthorised individual, the latter could access the services available to the fingerprint
owner, without being entitled to them. This would give rise to a identity theft, which –
regardless of it being detected- would make the individual's fingerings unreliable for
future applications, thereby limiting his/her freedom.
Errors occurring within biometric systems can have severe consequences for the
individual and in particular the false rejection of authorised persons and the false
acceptance of unauthorised persons can create serious problems on many different levels.
A priori, the use of biometric data should reduce the risk of such errors. However, it
might also create the illusion that the identification or authentication/verification of the
data subject is always correct. The data subject may find it difficult or even impossible to
prove the contrary. For instance, a system may mistakenly identify a data subject as
someone who should not be allowed to take a plane or should not enter a specific country
and who would have little means to resolve the problem when he is faced with such
"indisputable" evidence against him. In such cases, it should be stressed once again, that
any decision which legally affects an individual should only be taken after reaffirming
the outcome of the automated processing in accordance with Article 15 of Directive
Finally, it should be mentioned that the use of biometrics might improve the control
procedures for instance in the case of access to personal data related to third parties, for
instance theft and misuse (authorisation procedures).
3.7. Sensitive data
Some biometric data could be considered as sensitive in the meaning of Article 8 of
Directive 95/46/EC and in particular, data revealing racial or ethnic origin or data
concerning health. For instance, in biometric systems based on face recognition, data
revealing racial or ethnic origin may be processed. In such cases, the special safeguards
provided by article 8 will apply in addition to the general protection principles of the
This does not mean that any processing of biometric data will necessarily include
sensitive data. Whether a processing contains sensitive data is a question of appreciation
linked with the specific biometric characteristic used and the biometric application itself.
It is more likely to be the case if biometric data in the form of images are processed,
since in principle the raw data may not be reconstructed from the template.
3.8. Unique identifier
Biometric data are unique and most of them generate a unique template (or image). If
used widely, in particular for a substantial proportion of a population, biometric data may
be considered as an identifier of general application within the meaning of Directive
95/46/EC. Article 8, §7 of Directive 95/46/EC would then be applicable and Member
States would have to determine the conditions of their processing.
Where biometric data are intended to be used as a key to link databases containing
personal data
particularly difficult issues may arise whenever the data subject has no
possibility to object to the processing of biometric data. This may commonly occur in
relations between citizens and public authorities.
In this perspective, it would be desirable that templates and their digital representations
be processed with mathematical manipulations (encryption, algorithms or hash-
functions), using different parameters for every biometric product in use, to avoid the
combination of personal data from several databases through the comparison of
templates or digital representations.
3.9. Code of conducts and use of Privacy Enhancing Technology
The Working Party encourages industry to produce biometric systems that facilitate the
implementation of the recommendations contained in the present working document and
if European or international standards are to be developed in this field, these should be
elaborated in co-ordination with data protection authorities in order to promote biometric
systems that are constructed in a data protection-friendly manner, minimise the social
risks and prevent the misuse of biometric data. The Working Party would underline the
importance of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS) in this context in order to
minimise the collection of data and prevent unlawful processing.
Furthermore, the Working Party underlines the importance of codes of conduct intended
to contribute to the proper implementation of the data protection principles taking into
account the specific features of the various sectors, in accordance with Article 27 of
Directive 95/46/EC. Community codes may be submitted to the Working Party that will
See also above point 3.2 on compatible re-use
determine, among other things, whether the drafts submitted to it are in accordance with
the national provisions on data protection adopted pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC.
The Working Party is of the view that most biometric data imply the processing of
personal data. It is therefore necessary to fully respect the data protection principles
provided for in Directive 95/46/EC taking into account the particular nature of biometrics
inter alia the ability to collect biometric data without the knowledge of the data subject
and the quasi certainty of the link with the individual, when developing biometric
A respect for the principle of proportionality which forms the core of the protection
ensured by Directive 95/46/EC imposes, especially in the context of
authentication/verification, a clear preference towards biometric applications that do not
process data obtained from the physical traces unknowingly left by individuals or that are
not kept in a centralised system. This allows the data subject to exercise better control on
the personal data processed about him or her.
The Working Party intends to revisit this working document in the light of the experience
of data protection authorities and technological developments linked to biometric
applications. As biometric data is even at the present time being introduced for a wide
range of uses in a number of different forums, future work will be necessary without
delay especially in the context of employment, visa and immigration and travel security.
While the responsibility remains to be on the industry to develop biometric systems that
are data protection compliant, a working dialogue, in particular on the basis of a draft
code of conduct, between all interested parties including data protection authorities
would be a great benefit from all perspectives.
Done at Brussels, on 1 August 2003
For the Working Party
The Chairman
Stefano RODOTÀ