acy Merchant Education Multi-jurisdictional Agreement Outlet D
ualitative or Anecdotal Data Quantitative Data Shoulder Tap Social Host Law Social Ma
Source Investigation Program Synar Checks Teen Party Ordinance Zero Tolerance 24
olerance Policy 4 Ps of Marketing Alcohol Purchase Survey CleanAir Laws Community
Beyond the Basics: Topic-Specific Publications for Coalitions
The Coalition Impact:
Environmental Prevention
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute
About this Publication
CADCA’s National Coalition Institute published a
series of seven primers that coincide with and
help coalitions navigate the elements of the Sub-
stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin-
istration’s Strategic Prevention Framework. This
is the first in a new series—Beyond the Basics:
Topic-Specific Publications for Coalitions—that
work in conjunction with the Primer Series. They
are meant to assist coalitions expand their
knowledge about planning for population-level
change. As is true with the primers, they work
as a set, however, each also can stand alone.
This publication provides an overview of the envi-
ronmental strategies approach to community
problem solving. It includes real examples of ef-
forts where environmental strategies aimed at
preventing and reducing community problems
related to alcohol and other drugs were imple-
mented. No one approach or set of strategies
will fix every community problem, but with an
appropriate environmental assessment, a coali-
tion can determine what aspects of environmen-
tal prevention will best serve their community.
Topics covered in this publication include:
WHAT are environmental strategies and why are
coalitions best suited to plan and implement
WHAT data collection and analysis is essential in
the investigation of environmental conditions
of a community to effectively choose and
implement strategies?
HOW can a coalition build capacity to commit to
the long-term investment that is necessary
for environmental strategies to succeed?
WHERE do environmental strategies fit into a
comprehensive community plan?
HOW will your coalition evaluate the success and
impact of environmental strategies?
CADCA’s National Coalition Institute
The National Community Anti-Drug Coalition
Institute (Institute), a part of the Community
Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), serves
as a center for training, technical assistance,
evaluation, research and capacity building for
community anti-drug coalitions throughout the
United States. The Institute was created in 2002
by an act of Congress and supports coalition
development and growth for Drug Free Commu-
nities Support Program (DFC) grantees and other
community coalitions.
The Institute offers an exceptional opportunity to
move the coalition field forward. Its mission and
objectives are ambitious but achievable. In short,
the Institute helps grow new, stronger and
smarter coalitions.
Drug Free Communities Support Program
In 1997, Congress enacted the Drug-Free Com-
munities Act to provide grants to community-
based coalitions that serve as catalysts for multi-
sector participation to reduce local substance
abuse problems. As of September 2010, more
than 1,700 local coalitions have received or are
receiving funding to work on two main goals:
Reduce substance abuse among youth
and, over time, among adults by
addressing the factors in a community
that increase the risk of substance abuse
and promoting the factors that minimize the
risk of substance abuse.
Establish and strengthen collaboration
among communities, private nonprofit
agencies and federal, state, local and
tribal governments to support the efforts
of community coalitions to prevent and
reduce substance abuse among youth.
Table of Contents
What are environmental strategies? 1
Roots of environmental approaches 1
Advantages of environmental strategies 1
The Public Health Model 4
Institute of Medicine Model—A useful planning approach for coalitions 4
A broader look at policy 5
Coalitions: The organizational structure for environmental strategies 5
Cultural implications in assessing the community and planning strategies 10
Environmental assessment 11
Environmental scanning 12
Assess conditions with marketing’s 4 Ps 12
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 12
Understanding problem environments 13
Involving youth in assessment 14
Commitment through capacity building 14
Whom do we need around the table? 14
Bolstering coalition leaders 16
The planning process 17
Seven strategies for community change: A brief explanation 19
Implementing environmental approaches using the seven strategies 20
Media and environmental approaches 22
Evaluation of environmental strategy implementation 24
Conclusion 26
Shawnee County Meth Awareness Project 3
North Coastal Prevention Coalition 6
Hood River County Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Coalition 15
Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs 25
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 1
This publication launches a new series—Beyond
the Basics: Topic-Specific Publications for Coali-
tions—that work in conjunction with the Institute’s
popular Primer Series, based on the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra-
tion’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Framework
(SPF). It can help your coalition start planning and
implementing environmental strategies, but it
does not provide a set design for any individual
community or coalition.
The publication includes brief case studies from
four local coalitions that have implemented envi-
ronmental strategies to successfully address their
communities’ most pressing issues. Each group
used an environmental approach, but none imple-
mented identical strategies in the same ways.
Environmental strategies must be tailored to local
community characteristics. Your coalition must ad-
dress the root causes and local conditions around
the specific problem you are trying to change.
What are environmental strategies?
Grounded in the field of public health, which em-
phasizes the broader physical, social, cultural and
institutional forces that contribute to the problems
that coalitions address, environmental strategies
offer well-accepted prevention approaches that
coalitions use to change the context (environment)
in which substance use and abuse occur.
Environmental strategies incorporate prevention
efforts aimed at changing or influencing commu-
nity conditions, standards, institutions, structures,
systems and policies. Coalitions should select
strategies that lead to long-term outcomes. In-
creasing fines for underage drinking, moving to-
bacco products behind the counter, not selling
cold, single-serving containers of beer in conven-
ience stores and increasing access to treatment
services by providing Spanish-speaking counselors
are all examples of environmental strategies.
Roots of environmental approaches
Interest in the scientific study of environmental
strategies and the corresponding use of alcohol
policy dates back to the mid-1970s. In the United
States this approach was embraced in the mid-
1980s by communities looking for mechanisms to
address the growing problems of alcohol outlet-
related crime and violence, drinking and driving,
underage access to alcohol and other community-
based alcohol problems.
Three key publications have attracted attention to,
provided a foundation for and offered evidence
that by implementing environmental approaches,
communities and local municipalities develop suf-
ficient power to reduce alcohol-related problems.
These publications include:
Alcohol Control Policies in Public Health
—sponsored by the World Health
Organization (WHO), was published in 1975
and drew the attention of governments
around the world that sought to rationally ad-
dress alcohol availability and consumption.
Alcohol Policy and Public Good
WHO-sponsored book, published in 1994,
opened the door for increased scientific
research into the approach’s efficacy.
In 2003, Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity—
Research and Public Policy,
provided an
updated summary of the significant litera-
ture on the evidential underpinnings of
environmental approaches.
Today, ample evidence and little doubt exist that
well-conceived and implemented policies—local,
state and national—can reduce population-based
alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems.
Advantages of environmental strategies
Environmental strategies can produce quick wins
and instill commitment toward long-term impact
on practices and policies within a community.
But, they also require substantial commitment
from various sectors of the community to con-
tribute to sustainable community change. Such
approaches potentially reach entire populations
and reduce collective risk. They create lasting
change in community norms and systems,
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 2
producing widespread behavior change and, in
turn, reducing problems for entire communities.
Individual strategies, such as drug education
classes, are based on the premise that substance
abuse develops because of deficits in knowledge
about negative consequences, inadequate resist-
ance skills, poor decision making abilities and low
academic achievement. But these efforts, while
important in a multiple strategy approach, do little
to independently alter the overall environment in
which people live and work.
For example, numerous education campaigns and
public awareness efforts related to heart disease
exist. We are encouraged to avoid certain foods,
exercise daily and get regular check-ups. This in-
formation is familiar and repeated often, yet we
live in a society where heart disease remains an
insidious public health problem.
Telling individuals what to do is different than
limiting food options in grocery stores or providing
exercise breaks for employees. Likewise, simply
telling an individual that substance use/abuse is
dangerous will not necessarily affect their behav-
ior in a significant manner.
Individuals do not become involved with sub-
stances solely on the basis of personal character-
istics. They are influenced by a complex set of
factors, such as institutional rules and regulations,
community norms, mass media messages and
the accessibility of alcohol, tobacco and other
drugs (ATOD). When a comprehensive, multi-
strategy effort is in place, coalitions contribute to
achieving population-level change by focusing on
multiple targets of sufficient scale and scope to
make a difference communitywide.
Costs associated with implementation, monitoring
and political action within a community can be
considerably lower than those associated with on-
going education, services and therapeutic efforts
applied to individuals. The bottom line is environ-
mental strategies are effective in modifying the
settings where a person lives, which plays a part
in how that person behaves.
CSAP’s Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), West CAPT.
Environmental Prevention Strategies: Putting
Theory Into Practice Presentation
, retrieved from web,
, March 2008.
Figure 1: Prevention strategies attempt to alter two kinds of environments
Strategies Targeting
Individualized Environments
Strategies Targeting the
Shared Environment
Socialize, Instruct, Guide, Counsel
Support, Thwart
Norms Regulations
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 3
Lessons Learned:
Develop actionable steps to implement. Education is necessary to create awareness and start a movement in your
community. However, coalition members and stakeholders need actionable steps to gain momentum.
Create and share the
basic tools needed to achieve success. For example, the Shawnee County coalition, through the Kansas Methamphetamine Pre-
vention Project, provided technical assistance and resources to local communities to address meth production. They developed
a kit with ready-to-use information for neighboring counties to implement similar, but not necessarily identical, strategies.
Avoid placing blame when bringing others on board. Ask for help and support the efforts of community members. The
Kansas Meth Prevention Project worked with the farming community to reduce access to anhydrous ammonia tanks, taking care
not to blame farmers. The coalition educated farmers on the importance of locking their tanks and obtained funding to pay for
locks that they distributed to the local agricultural community. This demonstrated the coalition’s willingness to work with farmers
instead of pointing the finger and expecting them to implement a strategy without support.
Be creative when presenting to different groups. Present visuals when possible—in Shawnee County, coalition leaders used
a map to plot the lab seizures in the community which helped fight denial that the drug problem was permeating everyone’s
neighborhoods. Drug seizures were happening throughout the community and did not exclude rural areas, locations near ele-
mentary schools, or the local shopping mall.
Provide small start-up funds to encourage community development. The average funding received in this case was $900
per county. It served as a catalyst to convene the community. Once people mobilize around an issue, the possibilities are
endless. With the right resources, support and the proper strategies aligned, people can do much with a little money.
Residents in Shawnee County, Kans., mobilized to address an
increase in the number of methanphetamine (meth) labs
throughout the county. At the time, Kansas law did not prevent
purchasing large amounts of products containing pseudo-
ephedrine, a substance commonly found in over-the-counter
cough and cold medicines and used in meth production. When
two local substance abuse prevention professionals entered a
store and observed a suspicious sale, they reported it to their
Director of Regional Prevention and started to plan a commu-
nity mobilization strategy to address the problem.
Residents of the county formed a coalition—the Shawnee
County Meth Awareness Project—incorporating local and state
government, law enforcement, agriculture, education and busi-
ness, and focusing on reducing local meth production.
The group took advantage of their partnerships and existing
relationships that those partners brought to the table. These
collaborations ensured the coalition a high level of capacity to
reduce meth production locally.
Guided by ongoing community assessment, the group concen-
trated its efforts on limiting access to pseudoephedrine and
anhydrous ammonia—commonly used in meth production. The
coalition’s multiple-strategy approach started with an educa-
tion campaign, concentrating particularly on retail merchants,
residential landlords and hotel/motel managers and the
agriculture community about the issue.
They worked with local farmers to ensure that tanks of anhy-
drous ammonia—designed for use as a fertilizer—remained
locked when not in use. The coalition received funding to sup-
port the farming community by paying for the locks.
The Shawnee County coalition’s broad community reach
resulted in development of new initiatives; one of which grew
into the Kansas Retail Meth Watch Program, a nationally
recognized initiative aimed at deterring theft or purchase
of products used in meth production.
Their local successes led to requests from neighboring counties
that hoped to implement similar strategies. The coalition
then began to provide training and technical assistance to
other communities that wanted to address meth production
and use.
As the movement grew, it gained significant media attention
and opportunities for state-level change emerged. In October
2002, the Kansas Methamphetamine Prevention Project, a
statewide initiative was launched to reduce and prevent pro-
duction and use of meth in the state. The initiative developed
a statewide training program called “Crank it up! Community
Methamphetamine Prevention Training.”
The grassroots mobilization success of the Shawnee County
project demonstrates how community coalitions can create
a “domino effect,” starting at the local level, spreading to
surrounding counties and ultimately producing state- and
national-level results.
The coalition advocated for action from the state legislature
and neighboring states began passing meth precursor laws. In
2005, Kansas passed a law limiting the sale of ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine in retail stores throughout the state. This
local effort has spread throughout the United States and con-
tributed to an overall reduction in the number of meth labs.
Selective Prevention Interventions target specific
subgroups that are believed to be at greater risk
for substance abuse than others. Risk groups may
be identified on the basis of biological, psychologi-
cal, social or environmental risk factors known to
be associated with substance abuse and addic-
tion. Interventions are designed to address the
identified risk indicators of the targeted subgroup.
Indicated Prevention Interventions target
individuals who exhibit early signs of substance
use disorders and other problem behaviors associ-
ated with such disorders, including early sub-
stance use, school failure, interpersonal social
problems, delinquency, other anti-social behaviors
and psychological problems such as depression.
Although most environmental strategies are
aimed at the general population (universal), they
also can impact a smaller segment of the commu-
nity. The IOM model is, therefore, a useful frame-
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 4
Figure 2. The Public Health Model
Physical &
Social Context
The Public Health Model
The public health model demonstrates that prob-
lems arise through relationships and interactions
among an agent (e.g., the substance, like alcohol
or drugs), a host (the individual drinker or drug
user) and the environment (the social and physical
context of substance use).
For example, health risks from smoking became
clear in 1964 with the Surgeon General’s warning.
This stepped up efforts to implement tobacco edu-
cation and cessation programs. However, signifi-
cant reductions in tobacco consumption occurred
only when strategies were implemented to change
the settings (e.g., airplanes) where the agent (e.g.,
tobacco smoke) and the host (e.g., flight atten-
dants, passengers) came together. Groundbreak-
ing, smoke-free policies implemented by major
airlines led to passage of similar policies in work-
places and public buildings across the country.
Today, many states and localities have enacted
and are enforcing Clean Air Laws and pushing
smoking outside of public buildings and spaces.
Institute of Medicine Model—A useful
planning approach for coalitions
In 1994, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) proposed
a new framework for classifying prevention. The
IOM model divides the continuum of care into
three parts: prevention, treatment and mainte-
nance. Prevention interventions are divided into
three classifications--universal, selective and indi-
cated. Although the system distinguishes between
prevention and treatment, intervention in this con-
text is used in its generic sense.
Universal Prevention Interventions address the
general population with programs aimed at delay-
ing substance use and preventing abuse. Partici-
pants are not specifically recruited for the pre-
vention activities. Universal prevention activities
also can include efforts to bring community mem-
bers together to plan for services and to change
norms and laws reducing risk factors and promot-
ing a more protective environment.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 5
work for classifying environmental efforts. By
improving systems to better support a subset of
the community—for example, individuals return-
ing to the community after incarceration—bene-
fits can be derived for the former inmates, their
families and the population as a whole.
A broader look at policy
Environmental approaches tend to center on
policy that shapes perception in communities,
homes or workplaces in local, state or national
venues. Environmental strategies focus on pop-
ulations and affect large numbers of people
through the adoption of systems and policy
change and ongoing effective enforcement.
Policies, formal or informal, can be enacted
locally. Informal policy change can occur at a
high school, police department or with local mer-
chants. For example, if local alcohol retailers are
willing to attend merchant education sessions
voluntarily, formal policy change is unnecessary.
However, if your community determines that par-
ents and other adults are the main suppliers of
alcohol to underage drinkers, existing ordinances
and laws related to social host issues may require
more formal policy change.
Do not immediately head to the state house to
get laws enacted. In many instances, it is easier
for coalitions to achieve policy success at the
local level—particularly as they relate to alcohol
and underage drinking. Start at home and learn
about existing policies that may simply need more
proactive enforcement.
Continuing enforcement creates lasting environ-
mental change. For example, if the local school
district enacts a 24/7 Zero Tolerance Policy,
prohibiting students from consuming or posessing
alcoholic beverages, enforcement augments the
environmental work. Consistent enforcement for
policy violations leads to widespread adoption.
Just passing a policy does not ensure that a com-
munity will change. Enforcement of a policy that
responds to a community problem provides the
greatest impact. The consequences for violating
a policy must be appropriate and swift.
Coalitions: The organizational structure
for environmental strategies
Environmental strategies are carried out most
effectively in the context of a community problem-
solving process conducted by coalitions. Coalitions
can harness the community’s power to create
change. A well-functioning coalition engages
residents, law enforcement, schools, nonprofit
organizations, the faith community, youth and
other key groups to work in tandem to address
community concerns. Coalitions are well posi-
tioned to ensure sustained action on pervasive
community problems that have eluded simple
solutions. And, coalitions enable residents to
contribute to making a difference and creating the
political will necessary to influence development
and implementation of lasting policy.
Finally, environmental strategies are cost effective
given the potential magnitude of change. Commu-
nity mobilization is central to creating population-
level change. After data have been collected and
analyzed, coalitions must assess their capacity to
effectively address the identified problem(s). This
is especially important when using environmental
approaches. Historically, many coalitions have
consisted largely of members whose focus has
been working with individuals, families and other
small groups to elicit change in knowledge, skills
and attitudes. Implementing environmental strate-
gies requires different skills, such as community
organizing and/or development, and the involve-
ment of different community actors.
Individual strategies Environmental strategies
Focus on behavior and Focus on policy and policy
behavior change change
Focus on the relationship Focus on the social, political
between the individual and and economic context of
alcohol/drug-related problems alcohol/drug-related problems
Short-term focus on Long-term focus on policy
program development development
Individual generally does not People gain power by
participate in decision making acting collectively
Individual as audience Individual as advocate
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 6
Lessons Learned:
Focus on local policies first. You do not have to change state laws or create ordinances to make environmental changes.
Businesses also have the power to change policies. In this case, the coalition approached street fair promoters, getting
them to understand the scope of the problem. They presented pictures and data, helping them to see the value in banning
products with pro-drug messages.
Monitor enforcement of policy. Once a policy change is made, the work is not over because having a policy in writing, does
not guarantee enforcement! The
NCPC members continue to be the “eyes and ears” at street festivals to ensure that vendors
are following the policy. Your coalition may have to take responsibility for such surveillance to guarantee compliance. Law en-
forcement in communities often is stretched very thin and they appreciate assistance.
Take advantage of windows of opportunity for change. It often is difficult to mobilize people around a particular issue
unless a significant event is involved. These events can be great levers for changing community norms and attitudes and to
get people on board with your coalition’s proposed strategies. In this case, one festival helped raise visibility of the problem.
Document it. Take pictures and share them with your community through Web-based photo sharing sites such as Flickr.
Make it easy for partners to get on board. In this case, the coalition went to the street fair promoters with a plan. They told
them that the coalition would monitor vendor compliance and would bring this information back to the promoters. The promoters
only needed to agree to change the policy language. Offer support to partners. Business people will be more willing to agree to
your terms if it does not seem like an extra burden for them.
The North Coastal Prevention Coalition (NCPC) serving
North San Diego County, including the cities of Carlsbad,
Oceanside and Vista, Calif., developed a comprehensive
plan to address youth marijuana use when assessments
revealed that more San Diego County youth smoked mari-
juana than cigarettes. At the time, the community envi-
ronment was saturated with pro-drug messages on the
radio, in retail stores and at local street fairs. As part of
their plan, the coalition collaborated with a countywide
initiative called HARM (Health Advocates Rejecting Mari-
juana) to eliminate messages portraying marijuana use
as “fun” and “harmless.”
The county holds about 40 public festivals each year,
making the problem visible to the general community,
particularly youth. NCPC leaders determined that they
could have success in eliminating drug paraphernalia
and pro-drug items at local street fairs.
When a music festival, saturated with pro-marijuana mes-
sages came to Oceanside, drawing large crowds of youth
and young adults, the coalition saw a prime opportunity
to document the problem. Coalition members went to
the festival and took a collection of photographs they
used later to advocate for their position and display the
magnitude of the problem.
This visual documentation proved extremely helpful when
the coalition approached the city council to amend an
existing “headshop” ordinance, to require drug parapher-
nalia, such as bongs and pipes, to be sold inside licensed
buildings. The city council agreed to the amendment, but
the coalition realized this was only part of the problem.
The original ordinance did not prevent street vendors from
selling and displaying items such as t-shirts, jewelry and
posters that sent messages to local youth that could be
construed as supporting marijuana use.
The coalition went to the Chamber of Commerce, the
sponsor of “Harbor Days,” an annual festival held at the
Oceanside Harbor. They believed that if they could compel
the “Harbor Days” event planners to change their policies,
others might follow. The coalition worked with the Cham-
ber of Commerce to add language to their vendor policy
banning vendors from selling “tobacco products, to-
bacco/drug paraphernalia or any item that promotes the
use of illicit substances.” This was a huge success, but
many more festivals remained. The coalition had to be cre-
ative. Instead of pushing for an ordinance, they decided to
get street fair promoters on their side.
One company was responsible for sponsoring most street
fairs across North San Diego County. The coalition called
the promoters to seek voluntary adoption of a policy
against the sale of pro-drug items. As they hoped, the
change made by “Harbor Days,” led the promoter to
voluntarily ban the pro-drug items from other fairs.
These efforts led the coalition to successfully advocate
environmental change at 14 fairs throughout the North
County. They continue to monitor activity, ensuring that
festivals are positive environments for families and youth.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 7
Think about coalition membership in terms of a
business. Successful companies recruit and hire
employees only after an analysis of their skills and
abilities. Within a company, leadership strives to
collectively gather the best mix of individuals who,
working together, leverage the breadth of their
skills and perform in a cohesive manner. New
projects may mean new employees or an adjust-
ment in positions. Approach coalition work in the
same way: a company, with a set of leaders
(Board of Directors) and divisions (subcommittees)
engaged in planning and implementing the work,
while keeping common goals and measures of
success in sharp focus.
Do your homework
Coalitions that are planning to implement environmental strategies must do a considerable amount of investiga-
tion to learn what formal and informal policies exist that influence environmental factors. For example, not know-
ing local ordinances related to alcohol and tobacco will hinder progress. Coalitions should learn about state and
local laws related to the sale of alcohol and tobacco products. In other words, coalitions must do their homework.
It becomes the coalition’s job to know everything that might be helpful.
Examples of homework for coalitions:
Locate and read your state’s alcohol/tobacco laws
Locate and read local alcohol/tobacco ordinances/policies
Understand the process for obtaining an alcohol/tobacco retail license
Understand the process for enforcement of alcohol/tobacco retail licenses
Understand the process for creating and modifying local land use regulations, i.e., zoning
Learn about local law enforcement agencies and their roles within your community (i.e., jurisdictions,
current efforts)
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of judicial officers (i.e., magistrates, judges) in your community
Learn the political process in your community (i.e., election cycles, who is currently serving and their
agendas, etc.)
Conduct a local/state policy analysis (what already exists)
Conduct a power analysis in your community (who has the power to change policy)
Determine what other local agencies are doing to address the problem your coalition is concerned about
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 8
ALCOHOL—Public Policies
Yes No
Excise taxes (local)
Limits on hours or days of sale
Restrictions of density, location, or types of outlets
Mandatory server training and licensing
Dram shop and social host liability
Restrictions on advertising and promotion
Mandatory warning signs and labels
Restrictions on consumption in public places
Prevention of preemption of local control of alcohol regulation (home rule)
Minimum bar entry age
Keg registration/tagging ordinances
Compulsory compliance checks for minimum purchase age and administrative
penalties for violations
Establishment of minimum age for sellers
ALCOHOL—Organizational Policies
Restrictions on alcohol advertisements (media)
Restrictions on alcohol use at work and work events (businesses)
Restrictions on sponsorship of special events (communities, stadiums)
Police walkthroughs at alcohol outlets
Undercover outlet compliance checks (law enforcement agencies)
Responsible beverage service policies (outlets)
Mandatory checks of age identification (businesses)
Server training (businesses)
Incentives for checking age identification (businesses)
Prohibition of alcohol on school grounds or at school events (schools)
Enforcement of school policies (schools)
Prohibition of beer kegs on campus (colleges)
Establishment of enforcement priorities against adults who illegally provide
alcohol to youth
Sobriety checkpoints (law enforcement agencies)
Media campaigns about enforcement efforts (media)
Identification of source of alcohol consumed prior to driving-while-intoxicated arrests
(law enforcement agencies)
Checklist of policy indicators for alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs
This checklist can help you to assess the number and types of policies within your community
and where you might best extend your efforts.
Source: Center for Prevention Research and Development, Institute of Government & Public Affairs,
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Retreived from the Internet at
, March 2008.
able 1.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 9
TOBACCO—Public Policies
Yes No
Excise taxes (local)
Tobacco sales licensing system
Prohibition of smoking in public places
Prevention of preemption of local control of tobacco sales
Restrictions on advertising and promotion
Ban on vending machines
Compulsory compliance checks for minimum purchase age and
administrative penalties for violations
Minimum age sales of age 18
Warning labels
Mandatory seller training
Ban on self - service sales (all tobacco behind the counter)
Minimum age for sellers
Penalty for underage use
TOBACCO—Organizational Policies
Establishment of smoke-free settings (restaurants, workplaces, hospitals, stadiums,
malls, day care facilities)
Counter advertising (media)
Restrictions on sponsorship of special events (communities, colleges, stadiums)
Prohibition of tobacco use on school grounds, in buses and at school events
Enforcement of school policies (schools)
Mandatory checks for age identification (businesses)
Seller training (businesses)
Incentives for checking age identification (businesses)
Undercover shopper or monitoring program (businesses)
OTHER DRUGS—Public Policies
Control of production and distribution
Zoning and building codes that discourage drug activity and penalties for
property owners who fail to address known drug activity
Mandated school policies
OTHER DRUGS—Organizational Policies
Employer policies (businesses)
Surveillance of high-risk public area (law enforcement agencies, neighborhood
watch groups)
Enforcement of zoning and building codes (law enforcement agencies,
building authorities)
Appropriate design and maintenance of parks, streets, and other public places
(e.g., lighting, traffic flow) (city agencies, housing authorities)
Enforcement of school drug policies (schools)
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 10
In this chapter, we take a look at the
elements of the Strategic Prevention
Framework (SPF) and how each re-
lates to environmental approaches.
No “cookie cutter” response to envi-
ronmental strategies exists. You can-
not select a “model” program and
hope it will work in your community.
You must do your homework—study
your community, know the people,
the neighborhoods and, yes, the local
context. Then your coalition can craft
environmental strategies tailored to
your community characteristics.
CADCA utilizes the SPF to assist
community coalitions in developing
the infrastructure needed for
community-based, public health
approaches that can lead to effective
and sustainable reductions in alco-
hol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD)
use and abuse. The elements shown
Figure 3, at right, include:
Assessment. Collect data to de-
fine problems, resources, and
readiness within a geographic area to
address needs and gaps.
Capacity. Mobilize and/or build capacity
within a geographic area to address needs.
Planning. Develop a comprehensive strategic
approach that includes policies, programs,
and practices creating a logical, data-driven
plan to address problems identified in
the assessment.
Implementation. Implement evidence-based
prevention strategies, programs, policies
and practices.
Evaluation. Measure the impact of the SPF
and the implementation of strategies,
programs, policies and practices.
The elements of sustainability and cultural compe-
tence—central to community-based approaches—
are shown in the center of the graphic indicating
their importance to each of the other elements.
Cultural implications in assessing the
community and planning strategies
Coalitions considering implementation of environ-
mental strategies need to work with diverse popu-
lations within their communities. Representatives
from those communities must be involved as early
as possible to avoid miscommunication or percep-
tions that “outsiders” want to change their norms,
traditions, policies or environments. Environmen-
tal strategies planned without consideration of
cultural impact will not be accepted by the larger
community and most likely will not produce the
desired results. Such involvement also requires
that the coalition commit to fostering cultural
competence at all levels of activity. The Institute’s
Cultural Competence Primer may help your
coalition and is available in PDF format online at
Figure 3. SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 11
Note: in many communities across the country,
problem environments tend to be concentrated in
economically disadvantaged, minority neighbor-
hoods. These areas often have a high concentra-
tion of liquor outlets, liquor and tobacco billboards
and advertisements, as well as abandoned hous-
ing that foster illicit drug use. These communities
often are marginalized and disenfranchised and
high-risk conditions exist that would not be toler-
ated in more affluent neighborhoods. Community
coalitions must involve formal and informal lead-
ers from such communities to bring about mean-
ingful environmental change that will lead to im-
proved community health in areas that are dispro-
portionally impacted by myriad problems.
Carefully consider how your coalition will address
issues of cultural diversity and competence as you
work through the elements of the SPF. For exam-
ple, how will you conduct an accurate assessment
of diverse sectors of your community? How will
you ensure broad representation of minority popu-
lations in your coalition? How will you build capac-
ity in economically disadvantaged communities?
How your coalition responds to these issues likely
will determine your ultimate success in imple-
menting environmental strategies and reducing
substance abuse rates in your community.
Environmental assessment
Coalitions should take the necessary time to
complete an assessment that includes key factors
to determine the most appropriate environmental
strategies for a community. Create a picture of
the state of affairs locally and surface problems
the community sees as its most pressing issues.
Move beyond just collecting student consumption
and attitudinal data for a more detailed under-
standing of the deep-rooted causes in the commu-
nity. The Institute’s Assessment Primer provides
in-depth information on how to complete a com-
munity assessment and is available in PDF format
online at
Data collection can present challenges. Coalitions
should seek data on their targeted geographic
area and/or create data that are aggregated down
to the level they need (i.e., zip codes, a town, etc.).
When searching for data, remember to collect
them at the smallest level necessary to thoroughly
understand the issues in the target population or
community. It may be necessary to dig deeper as
your data investigation progresses. If the county
has been chosen as the targeted area, then col-
lecting county-level data is a good place to start.
Today’s approach to environmental strategies had
beginnings more than 150 years ago when Dr.
John Snow—a pioneer in the science of epidemiol-
ogy—was able to stem an outbreak of Asiatic
cholera in South London by tracing it to a single
source of polluted water.
By interviewing families of victims where the out-
break occurred, he was able to identify a single
pump as the epicenter of the outbreak. And, by
creating a map that showed all the pumps in the
South London area in relation to cholera deaths,
he convinced authorities to remove the pump han-
dle, stopping the spread of cholera immediately.
This example of the benefits of well-researched
epidemiology forms the foundation for environ-
mental assessments being conducted by coali-
tions today. Snow used both qualitative data
(personal interviews) and quantitative data
(mapping locations of deaths) to make his case.
Further, he looked at where the deaths were
most concentrated to pinpoint the source of
the infection and compel skeptical policymakers
to take action.
Community assessment
Issues may be considered “pressing” when:
a. The problem occurs frequently (FREQUENCY)
b. The problem has lasted for a while (DURATION)
c. The problem affects many people (SCOPE)
d. The problem is intense (SEVERITY)
e. The problem deprives people of legal or human rights
f. The problem is perceived to be important (PERCEPTION).
University of Kansas Community Tool Box, retrieved from the Internet
, March 2008. Used with permission.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 12
Environmental scanning
Environmental scanning is a useful assessment
method coalitions can employ to gather visible in-
formation on local conditions surrounding alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs. In determining the envi-
ronmental strategies that best fit your community,
coalitions may find it valuable to physically assess
the landscape. Using the context of substance
use/abuse as a starting point, coalitions can
become sensitive to environmental cues evident
when viewing the community context.
To conduct an environmental scan, your coalition
must first develop a methodology to document
the information. This includes questions you want
answered and the ability to collect additional infor-
mation that comes to the forefront during the
scanning process. Recruit coalition members and
enlist other community residents (i.e., law enforce-
ment officers, youth, etc.) who will complete the
scans and bring back the information.
While conducting a scan, visit local alcohol out-
lets, other retail and commercial properties, resi-
dential neighborhoods, parks and recreation areas
(rivers, streams, wooded areas, etc.). Collect infor-
mation about what you see, including the number
of billboards, advertising, lighting, signage, loca-
tion of police and fire stations, schools, day care
centers, churches and other physical elements of
the community. Take photographs and post the on
your coalition’s website, blog or social networking
site such as Flickr or Photobucket (photo sharing
sites). Use the data gathered to further inform
your assessment process and alert your coalition
membership of environmental elements that were
not previously discovered.
Assess conditions with marketing’s 4 Ps
When engaging in environmental scanning, work
to find conditions that make illegal or excessive
substance use and abuse easier. A concept known
as the marketing mix, or marketing’s four Ps, can
help identify issues your coalition may need to
address. Consider:
Price: How much does a 22-ounce beer cost when
compared to a 12-ounce can of soda? Is alcohol
less expensive in certain settings or time of day?
What is the excise tax on tobacco?
Product: Do specific products appeal to certain
populations (i.e., alcopops or flavored ciga-
rettes)? Is beer provided in single cans with a
high alcohol content?
Promotion: What Happy Hour regulations exist
(i.e., time, price of alcohol, etc.)? Does the com-
munity allow “2 for 1 specials?” Are there com-
munity festivals that revolve around alcohol
use? What are the regulations related to free
samples of wine at the grocery store or chewing
tobacco on a military base?
Place: Is beer next to soda in the cooler of local
convenience stores? Do “beer caves” make
large amounts of cold beer available? Are prod-
ucts displayed where they can be stolen easily?
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
In addition to the data sources already listed, the
prevention field has sophisticated technology that
can further illustrate the context of the environ-
ment and its current conditions.
Figure 4. Marketing’s Four Ps
The marketing mix, or 4 Ps of marketing, can help coalitions
determine where in the community change needs to occur. For
a community environmental approach, the target market seen
above informs initiative planning and implementation. Graphic
adapted from
Place Promotion
Through Geographic Information Systems
(GIS), information can be digitally mapped,
creating visual displays that indicate problem
environments or “hot spots” of activity. For ex-
ample, GIS mapping can have one layer that
shows the locations of alcohol outlets across
a county; a second that indicates areas where
underage drinking violations have occurred
and a third illustrating crimes including van-
dalism, public intoxication and loitering. In
areas where the data are concentrated, a
coalition can pinpoint an area of high activity
where environmental factors should be inves-
tigated further. Where are alcohol retail out-
lets and crime rates most concentrated? GIS
mapping provides correlations among data
sets, so communities can determine problem
settings and move toward addressing the en-
vironmental factors that create opportunities
for high-risk behaviors and related crime.
Learn more about GIS mapping on the Find
Youth Information website, www.Find Many states and law enforce-
ment and military agencies utilize GIS map-
ping in their day-to-day operations. Check
with your local police or National Guard
Bureau for help in compiling GIS maps for your
community. See the Resources Section on
page 31 for more information.
Understanding problem environments
For success in planning environmental strategies,
determine what specific locations in the commu-
nity might be considered high-risk or problematic.
For example, during the course of a community
assessment that includes environmental investiga-
tion (i.e., environmental scanning and GIS map-
ping), a community discovers that there is a high
density of alcohol outlets within a two-block area
of the downtown district. In that area, crime, such
as vandalism, noise ordinance violations and drug
dealing, also are significant. Understanding this, a
coalition may identify environmental factors—i.e.,
overgrown vacant lots or bars that allow underage
patrons to drink—that must be addressed.
In some instances, a single outlet can wreak
havoc on an entire community. GIS mapping can
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 13
show how one “bad apple” can affect the commu-
nity. Dealing with that one location might improve
conditions in the entire community.
Consider demographic and geographic features
within the environmental context. Pay close atten-
tion to the following:
Lakes and rivers: Are youth allowed to use
their parents’ boats on the water with little or
no supervision? Are boat patrols a regular
part of enforcement activities?
Homes with large land areas: Are these
areas ideal for underage drinking parties?
Homes with basements: Can youth easily
conceal a party from negligent adults?
Youth with working parents: Is supervision
an issue?
Rural communities: Are the driving distances
long and do they contribute to driving under
the influence? Are open fields or wooded
areas common gathering spots for youth?
Figure 5: Sample GIS map
The map illustrates a GIS map indicating the correlation in the crime
rate (including loitering, vandalism, noise ordinance violations, drug
dealing, public drunkenness and robbery) and alcohol outlet density
in a five county area. Crime rates are shown by color (with darker color
indicating higher crime rates), while alcohol outlets are illustrated by
pins in the map.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 14
Economically disadvantaged communities:
Are abandoned buildings used for drug
sales or use?
Major highways/ports: Does your city have a
major highway or port that becomes part of
the trafficking issue and increases the local
supply of illegal drugs?
Again, communities must consider ALL salient
factors when determining where problem environ-
ments are and how to most appropriately plan to
address them.
Involving youth in assessment
Youth involvement in coalitions is essential and
young people can become great “data detectives.”
They may see the community through a different
lens than most adult coalition members. Youth
can be recruited and organized to carry out inter-
views with neighborhood residents, count and
map alcohol and tobacco outlets and locate and
photograph settings to further illustrate local con-
ditions. They can create and administer surveys
and present data in easy-to-understand reports,
and coordinate town hall meetings and recruit
participants. See the case study on page 15 to
learn about how the Hood River Coalition engaged
youth in the environmental assessment process.
The context in which a young person lives certainly
influences his/her behavior and how that context
becomes an influence is different than that of an
adult. With adult support and guidance, youth
have the skills and ability to go out into the com-
munity and collect information. And, their knowl-
edge of technology can be invaluable. Involving
and utilizing their skills in GIS mapping is not only
an effective way to get this type of data collection
underway, but also to educate youth on the princi-
ples of environmental strategies and how physical
design can be modified.
Commitment through capacity building
Successful implementation of environmental
strategies does not happen overnight. Results
take long-term commitment from coalition
members and membership must be adapted and
adjusted as implementation progresses. Imple-
menting environ-
mental strategies
requires more com-
munity involvement
than individual
strategies and re-
quires participation
of those most af-
fected for crafting
and carrying out
Coalition members
should become
savvy agents of
change to modify
risky environments
and affect improve-
ments in systems to
discourage alcohol,
drug and tobacco
use. Remember,
the strategies and tactics needed to bring about
environmental change differ from those required
to select and implement programs for individuals.
Coalitions that employ environmental approaches
must learn to generate political capital and garner
support from those in positions of authority.
Elected officials, school and hospital administra-
tors, business and labor union leaders, faith and
cultural organizations and media all have the
power to shape policies and deploy resources.
When such leaders also are coalition members,
they can act as catalysts for change by enlisting
support from others in their sphere of influence.
Encourage them as “champions for change” for
the coalition’s policies and practices.
Whom do we need around the table?
Determine whether your coalition includes all the
stakeholder groups it needs to improve the likeli-
hood that your initiatives will succeed. Using the
problem(s) identified from your community
assessment data as a starting point, ask the fol-
lowing questions to begin to analyze if your coali-
tion membership is comprehensive:
DFC requirements
DFC coalitions must include a
minimum of one member/
representative from each of
these 12 community sectors:
Youth (persons less than or
equal to 18 years of age)
Business community
Youth-serving organization
Law enforcement agencies
Religious or fraternal
Civic and volunteer groups
Healthcare professionals
State, local, or tribal
governmental agencies
Other organizations involved
in reducing substance abuse
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 15
Lessons Learned:
Involve youth in your coalition work. Youth are powerful and persuasive advocates that can speak on behalf of the
coalition to key leaders and stakeholders in the community. Youth can push the coalition to do the work because they
are anxious for results. Involve them in the assessment and evaluation processto help paint a picture of the
environment, using methods such as GIS mapping, photography and video. However, involving youth takes
planning to facilitate success.
Build capacity through training opportunities. The coalition’s affiliation to the Oregon Research Institute was a key
component to their success because of the training provided. Never underestimate the power of training. It can greatly
increase a coalition’s chances for success. The coalition leader was taught community mobilization; focusing on specific
skills including working with the media, networking with key leaders, sharing data, and motivating and engaging commu-
nity members. Active youth members also received training that built their capacity to reach their goals.
Work with your community. The Hood River Coalition had little pushback from the community because of their overall
approach and their deep roots in the community. It is best if you can keep the coalition from being the “bad guy.” Work with
businesses, not against them. Provide incentives and reminders to keep community members involved.
From 1992 to 1999, the Hood River County Alcohol Tobacco
and Other Drug Prevention Coalition, in partnership with the
Oregon Research Institute in Eugene, Ore., implemented Proj-
ect SixTeen, to prevent and reduce tobacco use by adults and
youth in their community. The project was comprehensive, in-
volving multiple strategies to reduce access and sales of
tobacco to underage youth, increase perception of harm and
parental disapproval of tobacco and increase tobacco-free
places and events.
What is unique about Hood River’s strategies is they involve-
ment of youth in every step of the coalition process. The
coalition engages youth as agents of change in its action plan
because of the receptive environment toward youth in the
overall community. Involving youth in coalition work empowers
them, builds their leadership skills and bonds them to the
community. They also can show the community youth’s role in
positive community change.
To recruit youth members to assist in developing coalition
activities, coalition leaders began in the local high school.
They identified interested youth in classrooms and student
clubs to help implement strategies and activities to mobilize
the community to reduce exposure to tobacco smoke, de-
crease exposure to tobacco advertising and create barriers to
tobacco sales to underage youth. By first engaging youth in
poster contests, t-shirt exchanges and strategy development,
the coalition strategically planned for how to systematically
achieve the goals of their initiative.
Youth passionately expressed their desire for stronger school
policies prohibiting tobacco use on school grounds, at commu-
nity events and in local restaurants, retail outlets and other
venues where youth gathered. They worked closely with school
administrators and presented to the school board fact-filled
and persuasive arguments supporting a tobacco-free campus.
These efforts led to adoption of policies restricting tobacco
advertising, paraphernalia, use and possession in the schools,
on campus and at school events. The policies applied to all
students, employees and visitors to the school and banned to-
bacco use on campus outside of regular school hours.
The success of these efforts empowered youth to address the
tobacco issue beyond school grounds. They worked to extend
the school policy to include local restaurants, bars, motels and
businesses; advocating for a Smoke-Free Workplace Law in
Hood River County. They presented in front of city council
members, county commissioners, and individual businesses,
among others to influence change. Youth created petitions at
the high school, and surveyed peers, to demonstrate to local
business owners that banning smoking in their facility was a
profitable decision.
As a result of their hard work, 87 percent of local restaurants
and bars voluntarily adopted tobacco-free policies before the
first state laws were passed in 1998. In addition, three local
businesses removed vending machines from their bars and
eight Quick Stop groceries put tobacco products behind the
counter. Once these local businesses were on board, the
coalition youth were prepared to present their successes at
the state level. These efforts helped lead to the passage of
Oregon’s Smoke-Free Workplace Law in 1999. The coalition
continues to engage about 30 youth in prevention work each
year through youth-led education, media and testimony to
local and state policy makers on the impact of second hand
smoke and the need to increase the tobacco tax as an
effective reduction tool.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 16
Who is directly affected by the problem(s)?
Who else cares enough to want to solve the
Who benefits if the problem is resolved?
What individuals or groups can resolve the
Resist the urge to respond to these questions with
the common answer, “Everyone!” Identify specific
environmental conditions that underlie problems
and clearly identify those groups and individuals
who can enhance your efforts—human resources,
community resources, political power, etc.
In the environmental approach, the community is
not simply the site for the intervention, but the ve-
hicle for change. To truly reflect community needs
and solutions, coalitions must include residents
and others who experience the alcohol and other
drug-related problems directly, on a regular basis.
These might include residents living near a park
where drugs are sold and consumed; teenagers
with direct knowledge of underage drinking par-
ties and the effects on their friends and class-
mates; or persons recovering from addiction who
understand how relapse and recovery are affected
by high-risk environments where alcohol and other
drugs are easily available.
People who directly experience a problem are
more invested in finding solutions. In the final
analysis, community members can help sustain
environmental change strategies by overseeing
the implementation of efforts over the long term.
Take the opportunity to learn and cultivate your
community members’ skills, talents, abilities,
interests and resources. Your members will
remain active when they are called to contribute
to the cause. Remember that coalition members
need to feel as though there is purpose and
definition to their role within the coalition.
Bolstering coalition leaders
Coalition leaders set the tone for their coalition’s
capacity to engage the community from grass-
roots to policymakers. As a coalition leader, your
main role is as a community mobilizer. Individuals
in leadership positions must be able to clearly
convey what environmental strategies are and why
they should be a focus of the coalition. Relation-
ship building and collaboration are vital to sustain-
ability and must correspond to the coalition’s
collective vision for long-term commitment and
measurable community change.
Engaging law enforcement and judicial officers
Environmental strategies that require law enforcement agencies can be part of a comprehensive, multi-strategy
approach. The coalition’s role is to investigate existing policies and procedures that can benefit the community.
Learn how your coalition can help local law enforcement in analyzing gaps and enforcing current laws.
Consider tapping into non-traditional law enforcement agencies (i.e., game wardens, natural resource officers,
code enforcement, animal protection, fraud investigators, etc.). These agencies face the same problems as the city
police or county sheriff’s departments, but in a different environment or context. Coalitions in rural communities
should consider these agencies valuable partners in addressing environments that are more difficult to reach.
Judicial officers and systems are a large part of policy enforcement. Without their support, violators may not be
convicted or consequences may not be enforced. Consider how the coalition can make their job easier. Failure to
engage local judicial officers may hinder the forward progression of enforcement operations and create tension
among local law enforcement and the judges they stand before in court. Coalitions can seek Attorney Generals’
opinions to support law enforcement and help them effectively defend cases.
In doing your homework, coalitions should:
Investigate current arrangements among all local law enforcement agencies regarding enforcement (multi-ju-
risdictional agreements, multi-aid agreements, etc.)
Work to improve and bolster relationships between law enforcement agencies
Involve local judicial officers and systems prior to an increase in enforcement operations (i.e., Compliance
Checks, Shoulder Taps, DUI Enforcement)
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 17
Coalitions that provide direct services or whose
membership consists predominantly of service
providing organizations may find environmental
strategies difficult to implement. Thus, grassroots
mobilization that includes residents, parents,
neighborhood associations, formal and informal
leaders is essential. These individuals can become
the voice of change without the fear of repercus-
sion from an employer or appearing to be acting
solely in their employers’ interests.
Informal leaders can be as effective and influen-
tial as formal leaders. For example, residents are
the “eyes and ears” of the community and can
hold policy makers and other institutions account-
able for ensuring that system changes and poli-
cies are enforced on an ongoing basis.
Leaders—formal and informal—can benefit from
training that develops the skills required to plan
and implement environmental strategies. Some
examples include, but are not limited to:
Community mobilization including relationship
building skills;
Training on environmental strategies and their
Analyzing and developing effective, enforce-
able policies, including the process for develop-
ing local land use restrictions;
Appropriate engagement of media;
Knowledge of how local, state and federal gov-
ernment processes operate;
Knowledge of community policing;
Knowledge of alcohol and other drug-related
community problems;
Knowledge of how local decisions are made
and who makes them;
Strong communication and facilitation skills;
Comfort working in environments with consid-
erable community dialogue and disparate
These are skills generally associated with commu-
nity mobilizers—people who motivate others into
action, fade into the background and share credit
for success. Emphasize the community process to
engage residents and key stakeholders in defining
issues and participating in the development and
implementation of environmental solutions.
Your coalition must continue to build its bench
strength, planning for growth and change over
time. Good leaders move coalition partners and
other stakeholders from the simple to the com-
plex, mediate disagreements and coach members
to represent and articulate coalition positions.
The planning process
Like the processes of community assessment and
capacity building, coalition planning works best
when it incorporates multiple sectors of the com-
munity. Coalition leaders must make planning an
inclusive process, beginning with the prioritization
of the root causes identified in the community
assessment and acknowledgement of underlying
conditions, such as high crime locations.
The choice of how to name and frame issues
should reflect what works for your community,
the language that motivates citizens into action
and sets the stage for a comprehensive response
to shared problems. Listening to community
member—beginning with assessment—and
involving them throughout the planning process
lays the strong foundation a coalition needs to
change environments. Refer to the Institute’s
Assessment and Planning Primers for more
information on data collection and developing a
logic model to inform your coalition’s process for
selecting interventions and activities.
Choosing environmental strategies and planning
for their implementation should be carefully
mapped out by the coalition. Again, no single
strategy will provide the desired results and local-
izing strategies is allowable and encouraged. A
carbon copy of what was done in another commu-
nity will not be the best solution for your commu-
nity. To achieve real, long-term success, take the
time to think through what is viable and what will
create the identified changes. See page 18 for a
chart that illustrates examples of environmental
strategies aimed at specific problems.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 18
Strategy Alcohol Tobacco Illicit Drugs
Environmental policies to limit access
Purchase laws
Compliance checks:
Minimum purchase age
laws actively enforced
Removal of cigarette
Laws prohibiting sale,
possession and
Price controls
Excise tax;
Ban on “2 for 1” drink
Excise tax;
No free tobacco samples
on military bases
Increase supply reduction to
raise prices
Restrictions on retail
sales or sellers
Limit number of sales
licenses within a
Synar checks;
Limit number of sales
Fines for selling to youth
Land use ordinances
enforced on blighted/
abandoned properties;
physical design changes
(increase lighting; plant
shrubs, etc.);
restrictions on sale of
pseudoephedrine and
ephedrine and other meth
precursor chemicals
Environmental policies to influence norms
Legal deterrence
Zero Tolerance laws for
youth under 21 years;
You Use/You Lose laws;
Social Host laws
Source Investigation
Fines for selling tobacco
to youth
Workplace initiatives;
Asset forfeiture laws
Counteradvertising Ban alcohol sponsorship;
Advertising restrictions
Surgeon General’s
Warning/The Truth
Restriction on samples and
Ban television advertising
National Anti-Drug Youth
Media Campaign ads/
Adapted from
Environmental Prevention Strategies: An Introduction and Overview
, Deborah A. Fisher, Ph.D.,
used with permission.
Examples of environmental policies for alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs
able 2.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 19
The environmental strategies approach recognizes
that risks associated with substance use are, in
part, a function of the interplay between the envi-
ronments where an individual uses and the sub-
stances he/she uses (agent). In the environmental
approach, place matters. We recognize that man-
aging the availability of alcohol and other drugs in
specific environments impacts the substances in-
dividuals choose and the amount they use. These
decisions determine the level of risk individuals
and communities experience. The ability to shape
individual’s behavior by structuring what is ex-
pected or permitted in specific environments can
reduce alcohol- and other drug-related problems.
Seven strategies for community change:
A brief explanation
Seven methods that can bring about community
change have been adopted as a useful framework
by CADCA’s Institute. Each of these strategies rep-
resents a key element to build and maintain a
healthy community. In the planning process, utilize
all seven strategies to be as comprehensive as
possible to achieve population-level change. When
focusing on implementation of environmental
strategies, consider the types of information, skill-
building and support activities necessary to move
your interventions forward. You will see that the
strategies overlap and reinforce each other.
Seven strategies to affect community change
1. Provide information—Educational presentations, workshops or seminars, and data or media presentations (e.g., public
service announcements, brochures, billboard campaigns, community meetings, town halls, forums, web-based
2. Enhance skills—Workshops, seminars or activities designed to increase the skills of participants, members and staff
(e.g., training, technical assistance, distance learning, strategic planning retreats, parenting classes, model programs
in schools).
3. Provide support—Creating opportunities to support people to participate in activities that reduce risk or enhance
protection (e.g., providing alternative activities, mentoring, referrals for services, support groups, youth clubs, parenting
groups, Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous).
4. Enhance access/reduce barriers**—Improving systems and processes to increase the ease, ability and opportunity to
utilize systems and services (e.g., access to treatment, childcare, transportation, housing, education, special needs,
cultural and language sensitivity).
5. Change consequences (incentives/disincentives)—Increasing or decreasing the probability of a specific behavior that
reduces risk or enhances protection by altering the consequences for performing that behavior (e.g., increasing public
recognition for deserved behavior, individual and business rewards, taxes, citations, fines, revocations/loss of privileges).
6. Change physical design—Changing the physical design or structure of the environment to reduce risk or enhance
protection (e.g., parks, landscapes, signage, lighting, outlet density).
7. Modify/change policies—Formal change in written procedures, by-laws, proclamations, rules or laws with written
documentation and/or voting procedures (e.g., workplace initiatives, law enforcement procedures and practices, public
policy actions, systems change within government, communities and organizations).
** Note: This strategy also can be utilized when it is turned around to reducing access/enhancing barriers. When community
coalitions establish barriers to underage drinking or other illegal drug use, they decrease its accessibility. Prevention
science tells us that when more resources (money, time, etc.) are required to obtain illegal substances, use declines.
When many states began to mandate the placement of pseudoephedrine-based products behind the pharmacy counter,
communities experienced a significant decrease in local clandestine methamphetamine labs. Barriers were put into place
that led to a decrease in the accessibility of the precursor materials for meth production.
The list of strategies were distilled by the University of Kansas Work Group on Health Promotion and Community Development—
a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. Research cited in selection of the strategies is documented in the Resources and
Research section of the CADCA website,
. The Institute uses this list by permission of the University.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 20
The first three strategies—provide
information, enhance skills and
provide support—assist in educating the
public, raising awareness and helping
individuals make healthy choices. Gen-
erally they affect small numbers of indi-
viduals and are too weak to impact the
community at large. These strategies
often are necessary if you are working
in a community where denial of and lim-
ited knowledge about the current prob-
lem is prevalent. But, they can provide
initial information necessary to bring a
community together around an issue.
Since the first three of the seven strategies focus
on impacting individuals, they have obvious limita-
tions and probably will not, by themselves, achieve
measurable change in substance abuse rates in
your community. However, the last four strategies
are environmental in nature and when utilized in a
multi-strategy plan can form the basis of a com-
prehensive approach along with the first three.
Implementing environmental approaches
using the seven strategies
Moving through assessment, naming and framing
the existing problem, identifying root causes and
linking them to strategies that directly address
local conditions requires broad-based community
involvement. Environmental strategies appear
daunting, but can lead to powerful results. Be-
cause of their impact, they are worth the effort
and attention to continual maintenance over time.
On page 23, we include a portion of a sample
logic model with specific examples for comprehen-
sive environmental strategies to help reduce youth
tobacco use. As we address each of the strategies
in this section, we will illustrate additional sample
activities that might be used to plan and imple-
ment a comprehensive environmental approach.
Provide information: This strategy includes town
hall meetings, websites, billboard campaigns,
and Public Service Announcements (PSA). Com-
munities may air PSAs to provide information
about campaigns to reduce to drinking and driving
around the holidays. This adds to the community’s
knowledge of local efforts, but in isolation would
not create long-term change.
Enhance skills: Tactics include media advocacy,
youth training on refusal skills, parenting classes
and training local treatment professionals in pre-
vention concepts. Parenting classes can comple-
ment environmental strategies when social host
issues are uncovered, presenting the opportunity
to educate parents about laws related to providing
alcohol to underage youth on private property.
Provide support: Support includes substance-free
activities for youth, support groups and clubs. If
a community determines through its assessment
process that many youth are cited for underage
drinking during certain hours, substance-free
activities can be offered during those times. Con-
currently, local law enforcement can carry out
proactive community policing efforts.
Enhance access/Reduce barriers: Environmental
strategies often are associated with modifying set-
tings to reduce risk through the implementation of
policy, however, systems change to increase the
ease of utilization also can be viewed as a popula-
tion-focused approach. Make access to the basic
services community members require to lead
healthy and productive lives a priority.
For example, increase accessibility to services for
individuals who do not speak English or where
English is not the first language by providing par-
Hours/Days of Sale
Clean Air Laws
Happy Hour Ordinance/Laws
Advertising Ordinance/Laws
Land Use Ordinances
Responsible Beverage Server
Fake ID Enforcement
Party Patrol/Controlled Party
Outlet Density Reduction
Open Container Ordinance
Beer Gardens
Third-Party Transaction
Shoulder Taps
Social Host
Source Investigation
Compliance Checks
Common environmental strategies for coalitions
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 21
enting classes in the language most appropriate
for the community. For example, providing parent-
ing classes, as part of a comprehensive plan to in-
form and educate parents about the dangers of
substance use by youth, in Spanish reduces the
barriers for the Spanish-speaking community.
Change consequences--incentives
and disincentives: Environmental strategies gener-
ally include consequences (incentives and disin-
centives). For a policy to be effective after
adoption, active and consistent enforcement of
incentives (rewards) or disincentives (penalties)
must be swift and appropriate.
For example: your coalition’s assessment reveals
that the fine for simple possession of marijuana is
$250 and 30 days in jail for the first offense. By
today’s standards, this may seem inadequate as a
deterrant to use. Your coalition may advocate for
an increase not only in the monetary fine, but also
in the length of prison or jail time or diversion into
a treatment program. An even more effective way
to utilize this type of strategy is to have these fines
(or a portion of them) re-routed back to commu-
nity prevention efforts.
All 50 states have enacted Zero Tolerance for
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws for people
under age 21. These laws, often referred to as
“Use and Lose Laws,” maintain that when a young
person is cited for underage drinking and driving,
he/she will lose his/her license for a specified
period of time. Not all states mandate the same
period of time. Increasing the time that a young
person loses his/her license can bolster the
impact of the Zero Tolerance laws.
Look at this strategy in another way: Offer public
recognition to those who perform a desired behav-
ior, i.e., incentives. For example, when a local
merchant alerts law enforcement that youth under
21 years old are using altered and false forms of
identification to obtain alcohol, your coalition can
reward the merchant in a variety of ways. Be sure
that the recognition includes local media to in-
crease the likelihood that other businesses will act
in the same manner.
Change physical design: The risks associated with
specific environments can be reduced through
changing the design of the setting. Because sub-
stance abuse problems have a close nexus with
crime and violence, a coalition working on environ-
mental strategies naturally would urge law en-
forcement to target specific settings where alcohol
and other drug sales and use are visible.
Alcohol- and other drug-related crimes can be re-
duced using environmental strategies and, when
properly implemented, can improve the safety and
livability of specific areas or whole neighborhoods.
Strategies that focus on changing the physical
design seek to modify the conditions that give rise
to criminal behavior. Examples of physical design
strategies include, cutting back or eliminating fo-
liage that provides cover for drug sales, increasing
lighting at crime hot spots, and cleaning up aban-
doned properties that are used for drug use.
Picture a neighborhood with a park in the middle.
Some community members may not want to have
it lit at night to discourage people from using the
park after dark. The attempt to prevent noise late
into the night because the lights provide the ability
to use the park’s facilities, may create a play-
ground for underage drinking or other drug use.
Communities must consider how changing the
physical design will work and if it can provide over-
all protective measures to increase public safety.
Abandoned houses and other buildings can be-
come havens for drug trafficking, drug use and
other crimes. In areas where this is a problem,
policy can be enacted that requires the town/city/
county to board windows and doors of abandoned
properties to maintain safe conditions. A better
approach would include a comprehensive set of
strategies to improve affordable housing, organize
residents to improve the physical appearance of
their properties and deter open air drug markets.
Change or modify policies: Policies are concrete
tools used to reduce risk or to modify settings in
ways that benefit the public’s health. They can be
formal or informal and are designed to structure
community norms, which effect behaviors.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 22
With enactment of Clean Air Laws across the
country, communities are seeing full-scale norm
changes related to smoking. Not long ago,
cigarette machines were everywhere—in every bar,
restaurant and club. They usually were tucked
away in the darkest corner, leaving them unmoni-
tored and disregarding laws related to legal pur-
chase age. Today, it is much more difficult to find
cigarette vending machines in public locations.
Convenience stores keep tobacco products behind
the counter, not easily accessible to store patrons.
As a result of Clean Air Laws, smoking rates have
declined and evidence exists that environmental
strategies are responsible.
Smoking environ-
ments are now mainly outdoors. In fact, many
businesses do not allow employees to smoke
within a certain distance of the entrance. This
change could be considered a model when devel-
oping and advocating for policy implementation.
In addition to understanding the long-term effects
of policy change, communities should consider
the effort necessary to monitor and actively en-
force policy. Coalitions must plan for policy change
with those who will enforce it.
Across the country, communities pass ordinances/
laws mandating merchant education for alcohol
retailers. Good planning determines who will en-
force such programs and track the retail industry
before enacting the policies. Establish systems to
ensure that policy analysis, development, imple-
mentation and enforcement are supported by in-
stitutions and policymakers.
Media and environmental approaches
Media plays an important role in the implementa-
tion of environmental approaches and good rela-
tionships with media representatives and staff are
vital to your long-term communication strategy.
Traditional media outlets—newspapers, radio and
television stations—should continue as key part-
ners with community coalitions. New, social media
through the Internet and mobile phones provide
additional, often inexpensive, channels for com-
municating and networking with your members,
partners and community at large.
However, you must consider the information gath-
ered in your community assessment when deter-
mining which media outlets and channels are best
suited for your community. Remember also that
communication activities alone have little chance
of creating the long-term, sustainable change your
coalition is trying to achieve.
Plan and implement a social marketing
campaign. A social marketing campaign will take
your coalition beyond a simple communications
plan. Social marketing is the application of mar-
keting strategies developed in the commercial
sector to solve social problems where the bottom
line is behavior change. Both commercial and
social marketing focus their efforts on reaching
target markets which will be identified in your
coalition’s environmental assessment. (See the
Marketing’s 4 Ps in Figure 4 on page 12).
Like environmental strategies, successful social
marketing campaigns utilize multiple strategy
approaches and incorporate much of the work
that coalitions already are doing in their planning
and implementation. Tactics and channels of
communication used in a social marketing cam-
paign will be determined by the problem your
coalition is addressing and may utilize traditional
mass media such as newspapers, radio and televi-
sion; new or social media such as blogs or text
messaging; and non-traditional media such as
weekly bulletins in houses of worship or posters in
barber shops or beauty parlors.
Teach students to understand messages through
media literacy classes. Media literacy classes help
students better understand the “language” of im-
ages and sounds used throughout today’s media—
particularly advertising—teaching them the tactics
used to entice the general public to buy products
or use services. Think about Mr. Clean—if he was
wearing a greyed t-shirt with ketchup and mustard
stains would you buy his products? Or if the Kee-
bler elves baked cookies that rated “just ok” on the
“deliciousness” meter, would you crave them as
you walk down the aisle of the grocery store?
Media literacy classes take students beyond clean-
ing products and cookies and help them under-
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 23
The Problem
Tobacco use
rates are
among youth
But why?
products are
easy to get
But why here?
products are
sold to youth
despite age
But why here?
Provide information:
Post signs that
read “We don’t sell tobacco products to
people under the age of 18” in stores
that sell tobacco products
Enhance skills:
Train merchants to
check identification for persons purchas-
ing tobacco products.
Provide support:
Offer tobacco cessa-
tion classes at the local youth center for
teens who have already begun smoking
Enhance access/reduce barriers:
Translate merchant education materials
into Spanish and other languages.
Change consequences:
Increase taxes
on cigarettes; provide public recognition
for retailers who do not sell tobacco
products to youth.
Change physical design:
tobacco products behind the counter in
retail outlets.
Change or modify policies:
tobacco vending machines from bars
and restaurants
Figure 6: Sample Logic Model for Environmental
Approach using the Seven Strategies
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 24
stand the advertising messages put out by tobacco
and alcohol companies. In fact, media literacy—
understanding the “bill of goods” being sold by the
tobacco companies—provided the genesis for the
popular and successful Truth campaign, developed
by the American Legacy Foundation.
Enlist support for policy change using media
advocacy. Media advocacy is the process of
disseminating policy-related information through
the mass media, especially to affect action, policy
change or to alter the public's view of an issue. En-
list and cultivate media partnerships from the ear-
liest stages of your coalition development. Their
ability to reach community members and
influence attitudes will be invaluable when you
are ready to plan and implement the strategies
that will change local systems or policies.
Pay attention to the way local media frame issues.
Reports on drunk driving accidents involving teens
often indicate that only the driver bears responsi-
bility and rarely focus on community issues such
as the number of alcohol outlets willing to sell to
minors, availability at community events, etc.
Frame your issues to reflect message(s) agreed on
by coalition members. Keep your message consis-
tent whether you are sending a press release, op
ed piece or Letter to the Editor, or responding to a
request for an interview on a new story related to
underage drinking and driving. Your coalition’s
message must move community members to
support the change your group advocates.
Evaluation of environmental
strategy implementation
Evaluating implementation of your environmental
strategies is different than your larger, more
comprehensive coalition evaluation which entails
documenting your coalition’s contributions to
population-level change. Evaluation of your envi-
ronmental strategies involves tracking the imple-
mentation of each strategy, including:
1. Process the coalition uses to implement the
environmental strategy (e.g., development of
an ordinance, number of merchant education
trainings provided, etc.)
2. Extent to which the environmental strategy has
penetrated the community (e.g., percent of
restaurants completing merchant education,
percent of alcohol outlets that display “We
Card” signs, etc.)
3. Success of the individual environmental strat-
egy (e.g., merchant education implemented
communitywide, what percent of restaurants
pass compliance checks or if alcohol outlet
density decreases does associated crime and
mayhem decline?)
Environmental strategies have many moving parts
so it is critical for the coalition to track these early
steps carefully to understand if a particular strat-
egy is having the intended effect. For example,
your coalition decides to implement an education
campaign focused on decreasing availability of to-
bacco to minors with the aim of persuading local
merchants to display signs that indicate they will
not sell tobacco to minors.
1. Document the process used to engage and
educate merchants. This may include tracking
dissemination of materials, number of visits
to merchants, percent and distribution of mer-
chants targeted, development of an Memoran-
dum of Understanding (MOU) for merchants to
sign, etc. However, just because your coalition
has engaged in a targeted merchant education
campaign does not mean that all the mer-
chants have bought on to it or have changed
their behaviors.
2. Determine the extent to which the “We Card”
signs are displayed in stores. This requires
tracking what percent of tobacco outlets in the
community display the signs. If you have 50
merchants that sell tobacco in your city but
only five of them are consistently displaying
the sign, then your strategy does not have suffi-
cient depth. Remember as a coalition, you are
focused on large-scale change, so you need to
make sure that your environmental strategies
penetrate the entire community environment.
3. Determine if the strategy is bringing about the
intended outcome—are fewer merchants sell-
ing tobacco to individuals under 18 years of
age? This requires conducting compliance
checks with tobacco retailers.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 25
Lessons Learned:
Know your key stakeholders. The coalition worked closely with local law enforcement, because their State ABC does not
have an alcohol enforcement division. This means that the enforcement of Utah’s alcohol laws is the primary responsibility
of local police and sheriff’s offices, along with the Utah Department of Public Safety’s Liquor Enforcement Section.
Assess the level of community awareness on the issue and address the gaps. Are community members aware of the prob-
lem? Are they supportive of the coalition’s proposed environmental strategies and policy changes? Some communities
may be easier to mobilize than others. It takes time to change people’s minds. Be prepared to educate your community
before proposing specific strategies and policy change.
Make sure the strategy fits your community. You will be more likely to achieve your desired goals if you use strategies that
align with your assessment findings. It is necessary to keep a pulse on community data, as well as your coalition’s capacity
to address changes. This will be different in each community.
Know your state liquor laws, who enforces them and how they are enforced. Coalitions should work to understand the
various levels of law enforcement on the state and local levels. Different agencies have different powers and jurisdictional
boundaries. Multi-jurisdictional agreements can be incredibly helpful to the success of enforcement operations. Also,
states and localities vary on who can regulate licensing and alcohol sales. When conducting compliance checks, there is
usually a criminal ticket written to the individual involved in the illegal sale of alcohol to an underage, undercover buyer.
The alcohol license also can be endangered, but not all law enforcement agencies have the power to do this. Take the time
to understand your state’s regulations when it comes to ticketing the actual seller and the alcohol license holder, as they
may differ depending on the law enforcement agency.
See the Resources Section on page 31 for more information on environmental strategies focusing on underage drinking.
When assessments indicated that alcohol was being used by
more youth than tobacco or any other drug, the Salt Lake City
(Utah) Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs,
began mobilizing their community to address the problem.
Rates in Salt Lake City exceeded state rates at every grade
level for lifetime and 30-day use and community stakeholder
interviews revealed the community was ready for change—
55 percent reported alcohol or other substance abuse were
major problems facing the community.
Coalition leaders became aware of a program called EASY
(Eliminate Alcohol Sales to Youth) that limits youth access to
alcohol at grocery and convenience stores. The program man-
dates training for retailer employees, implements retailer com-
pliance checks, and increases penalties for retailers that sell
to minors.
Coalition leaders made the decision to push for this policy
change in their state. The coalition planned a series of steps
that would lead them to their ultimate goal. First, they needed
to educate the community on the harms of underage drinking.
They disseminated information to parents and other key stake-
holders, and presented data to the Utah Department of
Alcoholic Beverage Control (UDABC), local law enforcement
and legislators, advocating for implementation of the EASY
program. The coalition educated community members that
controlling youth access to alcohol needed immediate atten-
tion, and that implementing the EASY program was feasible,
and could drastically improve retail outlet compliance.
The collaboration with its key stakeholders really drove the ini-
tiative along. The Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition built strong
leadership capacity. Their membership includes representa-
tion from the UDABC, MADD Utah and local law enforcement.
They collaborate closely with their state Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health. These partnerships and other mobi-
lization efforts contributed to Utah being the first state to
enact the EASY program statewide in 2006. In addition, legis-
lators allocated funding to implement a statewide media and
education campaign called The cam-
paign educates parents on the dangers of underage drinking
and the role they play in preventing the behavior.
Since its inception, the program has been successful in in-
creasing alcohol retail compliance rates in Salt Lake City.
Compliance rates rose from 66 percent to 79 percent after the
legislation’s passage. Over time, as more trainings and repeat
compliance checks are implemented, the compliance rates are
expected to increase.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 26
The same evaluation process should be applied to
environmental strategies focused on changing
policies. For example, your coalition wants to pass
a Teen Party Ordinance aimed at reducing the
number of parties where underage drinking oc-
curs. The ordinance levies fines against property
owners to cover the law enforcement costs when
police respond to a disturbance caused by a party.
In that case, the coalition should document the
process used to pass the ordinance, such as devel-
oping the ordinance, getting community support
for the ordinance and getting the ordinance
passed. Then the community needs to track en-
forcement of the policy—is law enforcement re-
sponding to calls for service for parties that are
neighborhood disturbances and are the appropri-
ate penalties being implemented? When it comes
to tracking the number of problem parties, this
number may go up initially because it is being
tracked systematically for the first time. However,
the evaluation of the success of this policy change
should show decreases over time.
The intent of evaluating your environmental strate-
gies is to understand how well you are implement-
ing these targeted communitywide interventions
and if the environmental strategy is successful.
However, be aware that evaluating your environ-
mental strategies does not mean that you have
also evaluated the totality of your coalition work
which consists of many strategies. Evaluation of
specific environmental strategies is just one piece
of information that feeds your larger coalition eval-
uation. For more information on coalition evalua-
tion, please refer to the Institute’s Evaluation
Primer, available in PDF format online at,
Adoption, implementation and enforcement of
environmental strategies cannot be accomplished
unless many segments of the community are
mobilized. Organizing the community for change
is a core function of an effective community coali-
tion. Addressing issues of access and availability,
location and density, restricting public use, deter-
ring law breaking and restricting marketing in pub-
lic places are all strategies that coalitions across
the county are successfully tackling every day.
We hope this publication helps more coalitions
move beyond planning and implementing pro-
grams and services that concentrate on individual
behavior to a more comprehensive and multifac-
eted set of actions that modify the environment in
which alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are sold
and consumed. Many resources on the topic exist.
For further information, see the Resources section
on page 31 or go to the Resources and Research
section of the CADCA website,
Additionally, the Institute offers free technical
assistance to community coalitions. You may
request technical assistance through the
CADCA website, by sending an e-mail to
or by calling 1-800-54-CADCA
(1-800-542-2322), ext. 240.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 27
Environmental Strategy
Long-Term Health
Price controls
Density restrictions
Minimum purchase age laws
Impaired driving laws
Restrictions on use
Selling/serving controls
violent or assaultive offenses = rape, robbery, assault, and homicide
cancer or cirrhosis mortality
rapes and robberies
youth homicide
effects for tobacco only
Environmental Prevention Strategies: An Introduction and Overview, Deborah A. Fisher, Ph.D., used with permission.
Prevention effects of environmental strategies
The table below shows the range of effects that have been found as a result of
a variety of environmental strategies.
Table 3.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 28
Implementing environmental strategies is part skill and part
art form. Acting strategically with a focused goal and begin-
ning with the end in mind, increases the chance of waging a
successful campaign and enables ongoing adjustments as
your coalition carries out its work. The steps below are de-
scribed in a linear way, but often overlap and circle back. Activ-
ities depend on local conditions. Environmental work can be
unpredictable and full of twists and turns. Use these steps to
mobilize the community to engage in environmental strategies
so your coalition can inform the community—residents, busi-
nesses, agencies and stakeholders—about existing conditions
and begin to plan actions necessary to create change.
State the issue to be addressed. Interventions should be
grounded in a well-developed assessment reflecting key issues
and contributing factors (root causes and local conditions). In
defining issues, clearly identify who will be impacted as they
can become allies or opponents to the coalition’s work. Iden-
tify potential barriers and ways to steer around or sway public
opinion to your side as you move through the process. Create
an Action Statement indicating what the policy/system change
will create, who will benefit and who can make it happen.
Collect data to establish a basis for the proposed policy or
systems change. Many of your data will emerge from the com-
munity assessment. Understand that policy change is intended
as long-term and could become law. Changes that cause sys-
temic overhaul can affect multiple institutions and, therefore,
should be planned carefully. Ensuring the reach of policy or
systems changes and the capacity to maintain it over time is
vital. To address drug dealing and problem environments that
facilitate it, coalitions must address conditions that increase
the likelihood of drug dealing. A policy related to boarding
abandoned buildings could address drug dealing if the areas
are deemed ideal for such behavior.
Create a case statement. Case statements take many forms,
but always define the nature and extent of the issue from an
environmental perspective and describe how the proposed re-
sponse addresses the issueand the implementation process.
Case statements are not action statements. They are public ex-
pressions that enable the coalition to describe the issue in a
way that reflects its understanding and vision of an appropri-
ate environmental response. A sample case statement is avail-
able in the Resources and Research section of the CADCA
Draft policy language. Enlist coalition members to work
through the policy response. Drafting policy helps stake out
the coalition’s position, fosters better understanding of local
conditions and creates a more level playing field with the entity
that has the power to enact it. CADCA's Policy Change Toolbox
) offers excellent resources and examples.
Use media advocacy. The use of local media to support the
coalition’s work is essential to further the success of environ-
mental strategies. Media advocacy provides a venue that sup-
ports appropriate framing of the message, develops strategic
communications and shapes local opinions to support the
coalition’s work. Keep your efforts on the local radar. Submit
Letters to the Editor and meet with editorial boards to maintain
media involvement. Cultivate relationships with local reporters
who are interested in your coalition’s issues to ensure that your
message is published. Actively involve media by providing
them opportunities to ride along with law enforcement during
compliance checks. Continuously update your coalition’s story.
Mobilize support and provide community education. Building
support for your coalition’s goals requires a careful analysis of
who in the community has the power to assist or block your ef-
forts. Policy development, adoption and enforcement often
create opposition—learn where the support and opposition lie.
For each policy campaign, determine who the decision makers
are; what their self-interest is in relation to the coalition’s work;
who are potential allies; and what are the risks to coalition
members and partners as the work moves forward.
Successful implementation of environmental strategies and
policy enactment requires strong support from key influencers
and grassroots community members. Coalitions must explore
options and decide that local policy change is needed. Then,
they must decide how to get their message out. Local council
meetings are open venues where coalitions can present their
views on local problems and possible solutions. Engage your
membership to meet with local officials who can affect policy;
such relationships are essential to coalition capacity.
Ensure enforcement. Policies must be enacted and enforced.
This holds true whether the policy addresses serving alcohol at
dinner parties or locking up meth precursor chemicals in local
stores. Someone must ensure that the policy is followed. Many
communities pass policies or laws about which no one is
aware. Avoid that issue by engaging stakeholders responsible
for enforcement from the beginning of the process. This gener-
ates buy-in and allows the policy to be shaped to make en-
forcement as easy as possible. Most often, implementation is
just the beginning of the actual environmental strategy.
Evaluate coalition effectiveness. Policy development and
adoption takes time. Done well, it lays a foundation for subse-
quent enforcement. Coalitions sometimes bypass evaluation
of what went well and what could be improved. But, evaluation
is central to maintaining a vibrant group that can recruit new
people and make corrections in its own process as needed.
Community mobilization to create environmental change—a summary
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 29
24/7 Zero Tolerance Policy: Written policy in a school/
school district. It allows schools to provide consequences
to youth who are involved in alcohol, tobacco or other
drug-related behavior even when they are not on school
property, during school hours or while participating in a
school-related function.
4 Ps of marketing: Product, price, place and promotion are
commonly referred to as the 4 Ps of marketing or the
marketing mix. They can be used together to help deter-
mine strategy around a target market or population. In
a coalition context, they can help inform planning and
implementation of initiatives.
Alcohol Purchase Survey: Use of individuals older than 21
to test whether an alcohol retailer consistently checks for
proper identification prior to the sale of alcohol.
Clean Air Law: Law prohibiting smoking indoors (i.e., public
buildings, restaurants, airplanes, etc.) or within a short
distance of public entrances.
Community assessment: A process of gathering, analyzing
and reporting information, usually data, about your com-
munity. A community assessment should include geo-
graphic and demographic information, as well as a
collective review of needs and resources within a commu-
nity that indicates what the current problems or issues
are that could be addressed by a coalition.
Compliance checks: An enforcement operation where an
undercover, underage buyer works with law enforcement
to test the compliance of a tobacco or alcohol retailer
with local and state laws.
Counteradvertising: In its broadest sense, it refers to the
dissemination of prevention messages through the
media. These messages run counter to pro-alcohol or
tobacco advertisements. Counteradvertising can occur
via the same media as pro-alcohol or advertising—
namely, in print publications (magazines, newspapers,
etc.), in outdoor media (billboards, transit ads), in broad-
cast media (television and radio), over the Internet, by
direct mail and through promotional techniques, such as
sponsorship of sporting and entertainment events.
Dram Shop Law: Refers to an alcohol establishment's
potential financial liability for serving alcohol to an intox-
icated or underage person who later causes injury to a
third party (i.e., in a drunk driving crash). This law nor-
mally only covers businesses and not private parties.
Environmental scan: A form of community assessment that
investigates the physical elements within a community
that can contribute to alcohol, tobacco or other drug use.
Environmental strategies: Environmental strategies are
prevention efforts aimed at changing or influencing
community conditions, standards, institutions, struc-
tures, systems and policies.
Geographic Information System (GIS): The use of digitized
maps to view, understand, question, interpret and
visualize data in ways that reveal relationships, patterns,
and trends in a specific geographic area.
Keg Registration: The tagging of kegs for the purposes of
knowing the source of alcohol in an underage drinking
investigation. The purchaser identified on the tag could
potentially be charged with a crime of providing alcohol
to an underage person.
1. Babor, Thomas, et al.,
Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity—Research and Public Policy
, Oxford University Press, USA; 2003.
2. Bruun,K., et al.,
Alcohol Control Policies in Public Health Perspective
, The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, New
Brunswick, N.J. : distributors, Rutgers University Center of Alcohol Studies, 1975.
3. Edwards,G., et al.,
Alcohol Policy and Public Good,
Oxford University Press, USA, January 26, 1995.
4. Babor, Thomas, et al.,
Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity—Research and Public Policy,
Oxford University Press, USA;
October 23, 2003.
5. Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids,
Smoke-Free Laws Do Not Harm Business at Restaurants and Bars
, Washington, D.C.
Retrieved from the Internet,
, March 2008.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 30
Land use: The way land is developed in terms of the kinds
of activities allowed (agriculture, single-family or multiple
family residence, commercial, industry, etc.)
Land Use Ordinance: Local code which sets forth local
zoning regulations for a jurisdiction. For example,
prohibiting medical marijuana dispensaries in a
residential neighborhood.
Media advocacy: The strategic use of any form of media to
help advance goals.
Media literacy: The process of teaching individuals to
analyze media messages to learn how they are designed
to influence choices/behaviors.
Merchant education: A program geared toward educating
tobacco and/or alcohol retailers on the current laws and
appropriate, legal sales of tobacco and/or alcohol
products to the public.
Multi-jurisdictional agreement: An agreement that allows
law enforcement agencies to operate under certain
circumstances outside of their normal jurisdictional
Outlet density: The number and proximity of outlets in a
given geographic area.
Qualitative or anecdotal data: Qualitative data can help tell
the stories behind the local conditions that contribute to
alcohol and other drug problems. Focus groups (with
youth, faith community, coaches, teachers, parents, etc.)
or key informant/stakeholder interviews (with the mayor,
police chief, merchants, neighborhood association mem-
bers, etc.) can relate how residents are affected by the
noise, crime and other activities connected to a bar in
their neighborhood and/or usual settings of underage
drinking parties.
Quantitative data: Data which are measurable or quantifi-
able, such as the number of meth labs discovered in a
community—can often be retrieved through state or local
databases, partner agencies and others.
Shoulder Tap: An enforcement operation where an under-
cover, underage youth, under the surveillance of law
enforcement officers, approaches individuals near an
alcohol retail outlet, stating his/her real age, and asks
if the individual will purchase alcohol and provide it to
Social Host Law: Prohibits the provision of alcohol to indi-
viduals under the legal purchase age. In some states or
communities, it can also mean that individuals who
provide alcohol can be held liable if the person who
was provided alcohol is killed or injured, or kills or injures
another person.
Social marketing: Social marketing is the application of
marketing strategies developed in the commercial sector
to solve social problems and help bring about behavior
Source investigation program: An investigation into the
source of alcohol or other drugs when an alcohol-or other
drug-related crime occurs. An example would be when an
underage person is in an alcohol-related car crash, law
enforcement extends its investigation beyond the scene
of the crash and attempts to determine where the alcohol
was obtained.
Synar checks: In 1992, the federal government passed the
Synar Amendment that mandates annual checks of
tobacco retailers in every state. States that fail to main-
tain a tobacco sale rate during the checks of 20 percent
or less are at risk of losing 40 percent of the federal
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT)
Block Grant dollars.
Systems change: The process of improving the capacity and
service delivery of systems to improve access, and/or
quality for people in a community.
Teen Party Ordinance: The ordinance levies fines against
property owners to cover the law enforcement costs
when police respond to a disturbance caused by a party
involving underage drinking.
Zero Tolerance: This terminology often is used to describe
the laws that are in every state that stipulate that youth
under 21 cannot possess or consume alcohol while
operating a motor vehicle. This also can mean that
schools (or other entities) have enacted a policy that
states they will implement consequences or penalties to
any student who is involved in an alcohol, tobacco or
other drug-related incident on school property, during
school hours or while participating in a school function.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 31
Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University
Monitors the alcohol industry’s marketing strategies di-
rected at America’s youth. Provides a wealth of information
on environmental strategies that reduce and limit the access
of alcohol to underage youth as well as youth exposure to al-
cohol advertising. The website regularly provides updates to
alcohol policy changes and includes examples of successful
initiatives at the local level.
California Council on Alcohol Policy
The California Council on Alcohol Policy was founded in
1985 as an action vehicle for individuals and communities
seeking to reduce problems associated with the availability
and consumption of alcohol beverages. The website includes
a list of useful Weblinks.
FACE is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to
create innovative, research-based resources on alcohol that
educate, motivate and demonstrate how individuals and or-
ganizations can effectively take action on alcohol issues.
Institute for Public Strategies (IPS)
Provides leadership and strategies which support changes
in public and private policy and community standards
and norms.
Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and
Other Drug Programs
The Marin Institute provides up-to-date information regard-
ing the promotion of alcohol products by the alcohol indus-
try. It supports communities who aim to reduce youth
exposure to the variety of alcohol marketing strategies.
Media Advocacy Action Pack:
Alcohol Policy Solutions:
A useful description of how land use regulations and local
health and safety codes can help communities carry out ef-
fective environmental strategies:
Northeast CAPT Prevention Strategies
Policy: A Strategy for Prevention Practitioners
This resource developed through the Center for Substance
Abuse Prevention’s Northeast Center for the Application of
Prevention Technologies describes guidelines for creating
policy at the local level. It also provides a list of references to
field research supporting environmental strategies.
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)
Independent, nonprofit organization working to understand
the affects of alcohol and other drugs on a variety of individ-
ual and social problems. With 10 research centers through-
out the United States, researchers at PIRE play an integral
role in bridging the gap between science and practice.
Responsible Hospitality Institute (RHI)
Founded in 1983 to promote legal and social awareness
programs, RHI has evolved to become a central clearing-
house and facilitator of national, state and local networks
seeking to create more safe and vibrant places to socialize.
Visit their Clearinghouse for case study examples, news
updates and other useful information (
Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC)
Established by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention, the UDETC provides training and technical
assistance to federal entities, states and communities;
building their capacity to prevent underage drinking and
associated consequences through the enforcement of
underage drinking laws.
Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)
A project of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Alcohol Policy Information System
is an online resource that provides detailed information on a
wide variety of alcohol-related policies in the United States
at both state and federal levels.
The following list of environmental strategies prevention resources serves as a guide for those looking to expand
their knowledge on the topic. Please note that there is a wealth of information on the subject and that this list is
not exhaustive. We hope it is helpful to you as you continue your research.
The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention StrategiesCADCA’s National Coalition Institute 32
Community Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Indicators Handbook
A project of Join Together (
designed to help communities develop an indicator report-
ing program to inform their planning process. Provides
up-to-date data sources and current community indicator
reports from around the country (2005 Edition).
CADCA National Coalition Institute Primer Series
A collection of publications that provide guidelines for coali-
tions navigating the Strategic Prevention Framework.
CADCA’s Policy Change Toolbox
CADCA’s Policy Change Toolbox was developed as a public
policy tool to provide coalitions with a catalog of environ-
mental policy changes implemented at the local level by
community anti-drug coalitions from all over the U.S.
CADCA Strategizer 31: Guidelines for Advocacy: Changing Poli-
cies and Laws to Create Safer Environments for Youth
The purpose of this coalition-specific technical assistance
manual is to clarify what constitutes “lobbying” activities for
nonprofit organizations and to what extent these organiza-
tions can participate in such activities. It also provides use-
ful information on general legislative processes.
College Drinking: Changing the Culture
Created by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA), and is a resource for comprehensive
research-based information on issues related to alcohol
abuse and binge drinking among college students.
Community Tool Box
The Tool Box is a service of the Work Group for Community
Health and Developmentat the University of Kansas.
Find Youth Information (FYI)
Includes a great resource to help your community incorpo-
rate a Graphic Information System (GIS) into your local as-
sessment, helping to visualize relationships, patterns and
trends in maps.
For more detailed information on Geographic Information
Systems (
eadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free
An initiative launched in 1999 by the National Institute of
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in partnership with the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation, to bring the scope and dangers
of early alcohol use to public attention and mobilize na-
tional, state and local action to prevent it.
The Web site features a policymakers page with a wealth
of information and resource links for influencing policy at
the community level.
Preventing Problems Related to Alcohol Availability:
Environmental Approaches
SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and
Drug Information.
Developed by CSAP in 1999 as part of the Prevention
Enhancement Protocols System (PEPS)—All three parts are
available online.
Preventing Underage Drinking: Using the SAMHSA Strategic Pre-
vention Framework and Getting to Outcomes to Achieve Results
A guide to help communities go through a systematic
process of planning, implementation, and evaluation that
will help get results in reducing and preventing underage
drinking. The guide is focused on evidence-based environ-
mental approaches.
Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce
Underage Drinking (2007)
Streicker, Joel. Case
Histories in Alcohol Policy: A Project of the
Trauma Foundation
. California: Trauma Foundation, 2000.
Themba, Makani.
Making Policy Making Change: How Communi-
ties are Taking Law into Their Own Hands
. California: Chardon
Press, 1999.
Wallack, Lawrence, Lori Elizabeth Dorfman, David Jernigan,
Makani Themba-Nixon.
Media Advocacy and Public Health:
Power for Prevention
. California: Sage Publications, Inc., 1993.
Wallack, Lawrence, Katie Woodruff, Lori Elizabeth Dorfman, and
Iris Diaz.
News for a Change: an Advocate’s Guide to Working
with the Media
. California: Sage Publications, Inc., 1999.
© Copyright 2010 Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to
strengthening the capacity of community coalitions to create and maintain safe, healthy and drug-
free communities. The National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute works to increase the
knowledge, capacity and accountability of community anti-drug coalitions throughout the United
States. CADCA’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its clients and sponsors.
CADCA® is a registered trademark.
All rights reserved. This publication, in whole or in part, when used for educational purposes, may
be not reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying,
recording or information storage and retrieval) without written permission. Please cite CADCA’s
National Coalition Institute in references. Reproduction in any form for financial gain or profit
is prohibited.
Published 2008, revised 2009, 2010
CADCA National Coalition Institute
625 Slaters Lane, Suite 300, Alexandria VA 22314
Web site:
Telephone: 703-706-0560, ext. 240
Fax: 703-706-0579
E-mail: training
CADCA’s National Coalition Institute is operated by funds administered by the
Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy in partnership with
SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.