Policy V.116S
1st Effective 08/23/2021
Revised 01/21/2022, 11/09/21, 1/19/22
Reviewed 01/21/2022
All West Virginia University Health System (WVUHS) Entities*
* West Virginia University Health System adopts this policy and procedure for WVU Hospitals, Inc.; Summersville
Regional Medical Center; WVUHS Home Care, LLC; WVUHS Medical Group; Reynolds Memorial Hospital;
Berkeley Medical Center; Jefferson Medical Center; Potomac Valley Hospital of W.Va., Inc.; United Summit
Center; United Hospital Center, Inc.; Wheeling Hospital, Inc.; Barnesville Hospital Association; United Physician’s
Care, Inc.; St. Joseph’s Hospital of Buckhannon, Inc.; Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital Corporation; Camden-
Clark Physician Corporation; Braxton County Memorial Hospital, Inc.; Jackson General Hospital; Wetzel County
Hospital; Uniontown Hospital; Allied Health Services, Inc.; West Virginia United Insurance Services, Inc.;
Accountable Care Organization of West Virginia, LLC(ACO); AHS, LLC; and Gateway Home Health Care, LLC
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The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of patients, healthcare personnel, the families of patients
and healthcare personnel, and the community as a whole from COVID-19 infection through vaccination. The
purpose of this policy is to provide information to WVUHS healthcare workers regarding the requirements of the
COVID-19 vaccination. Administration of the COVID-19 vaccine can help to reduce the risk of COVID-19
infection, prevent transmission of COVID-19 from healthcare workers to others, especially persons at high risk of
complications, and reduce personnel absenteeism during community outbreaks.
For purposes of this policy, healthcare workers (HCWs) is defined as all employees (including those without
direct patient care responsibilities and those working remotely) and all physicians, licensed independent
practitioners, residents, volunteers, students, trainees, and contracted workers/vendors caring for patients or
providing related services on any of WVUHS’s premises.
“HCW” does not include non-employees who:
(1) exclusively provide telehealth or telemedicine services offsite and who do not have any direct contact
with patients or staff;
(2) provide support services for the entity that are performed exclusively offsite and who do not have any
direct contact with patients or staff; or
(3) infrequently provide ad hoc non-health care services on site for limited periods (such as annual elevator
inspection, delivery and repair personnel).
Note: In determining whether a non-employee is excluded from the definition of HCW, entities should consider (a)
frequency of presence, (b) services provided, and (c) proximity to patients and staff. For example, a plumber who
makes an emergency repair in an empty restroom or service area and correctly wears a mask for the entirety of the
visit would not be required to be vaccinated. On the other hand, a crew working on a construction project whose
members use shared facilities (restrooms, cafeteria, break rooms) during their breaks would be subject to the vaccine
requirement due to the fact that they are regularly using the same common areas used by staff, patients, and visitors.
COVID-19 is defined as a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a new coronavirus discovered in 2019. The
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virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected
person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Some people who are infected may not have symptoms. For people who have
symptoms, illness can range from mild to severe. Adults 65 years and older and people of any age with underlying
medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness.
It is the policy of WVUHS to require all HCWs to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccination is a
requirement of working at WVUHS. Exceptions for HCWs who have medical contraindications or religious reasons
that prevent them from obtaining the COVID-19 vaccination must be approved by Employee Health and the
Medical and Religious Exemption Review Committees.
This policy is based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission and is designed to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Compliance with this policy is a condition of continued employment. Please read this policy carefully.
Information About COVID-19 Vaccines
The CDC has promoted the benefits and safety of approved COVID-19 vaccines. According to the CDC:
COVID-19 vaccines currently approved or in development in the US do not contain the COVID-19 virus
and will not make you sick with COVID-19.
Getting the COVID-19 vaccine will not make you test positive for COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccinations have been shown to be highly effective at preventing you from getting sick with
COVID-19 and experiencing the most severe consequence of the disease.
COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccines do not change your DNA.
COVID-19 vaccinations are an important tool in helping to stop the pandemic.
COVID-19 vaccines will be free to you, though some charges may be billed to your insurance company.
The CDC has, in the past, advised that fully vaccinated individuals can resume certain pre-pandemic activities in
certain settings without wearing a mask or social distancing, subject to state or local laws or regulations and local
business and employer requirements. An individual is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the last dose of a
multiple-dose vaccine (e.g. Moderna or Pfizer) or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine (e.g. Johnson & Johnson).
If the CDC or FDA recommends or requires additional doses of any vaccine in order to be fully vaccinated, those
additional doses may be required in order to be considered fully vaccinated and in compliance with this policy.
More information about COVID-19 vaccines and the vaccine approval process is available and frequently updated
on the CDC's website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/.
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Continued Applicability of Other Infection Control Policies and Protocols
This mandatory vaccination policy is a key part of our overall strategy and commitment to maintaining a safe and
healthy workplace in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy is designed for use together with, and not as a
substitute for, other COVID-19 prevention measures, including WVUHS's:
COVID-19 Masking Policy for Employees
Visitation, Building Entrance, and Screening Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidelines for Employees with Novel Coronavirus
COVID-19 Travel Policy
However, fully vaccinated individuals may be exempt from complying with certain COVID-19 prevention
measures, such as face mask or social distancing requirements, in certain settings. For more on those exemptions,
see your local facility’s OSHA COVID-19 Written Program.
We need your full cooperation and compliance with this and other health and safety workplace policies to make
them effective.
Vaccination Requirements
Consistent with the CDC's guidance to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19, and as an integral part of its
public health and safety measures, WVUHS requires that all HCWs get fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and
show proof of an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccination by February 28, 2022 at facilities located in Pennsylvania
and Maryland, and by March 15, 2022 for all facilities located in Ohio and West Virginia, unless an exemption from
this policy has been granted as an accommodation or otherwise. For more on the accommodation and exemption
process, see Accommodation and Exemption Requests below.
HCWs who fail to comply with these requirements will be barred from entering the worksite and subject to
corrective action, up to and including termination of employment, subject to reasonable accommodation and other
requirements of applicable federal, state, and local law.
Vaccine Administration
The COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to all HCWs through the System’s hospital Employee Health or Infection
Control Departments. HCWs must be vaccinated by February 28,
2022 at facilities located in Pennsylvania and
Maryland, and by March 15, 2022 for all facilities located in Ohio and West Virginia, and must receive their first
dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine by February 14, 2022.
Proof of Vaccination
HCWs who already have received a vaccine from another health care provider must provide written proof of
vaccination from the vaccine administrator or a CDC-issued vaccination card, including the vaccination place,
date(s), and name, before the deadlines of either February 28 or March 15, 2022 based on their location. Do not
include any medical or genetic information with your proof of vaccination. WVUHS will keep your vaccination
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information confidential.
Accommodation and Exemption Requests
Medical Exemption
In accordance with WVUHS's Reasonable Accommodations Policy, WVUHS provides reasonable accommodations,
absent undue hardship, to qualified individuals with disabilities that enable them to perform their job duties.
Reasonable accommodation may include appropriate adjustment or modifications of employer policies, including
this mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Program.
HCWs presenting with contraindications listed on the COVID-19 informational statement may be referred to their
primary care physician for written approval prior to vaccination. Contraindications to the COVID-19 vaccination
are the following (CDC Vaccine Safety):
a. People who have a documented history of severe allergic reaction after a previous dose or to a
component of the COVID-19 vaccine.
b. People who have a documented history of severe allergic reaction to a component of each currently
available COVID-19 vaccine.
c. Myocarditis or pericarditis after a first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
d. Another medical condition that will require information in a separate narrative that describes the
exception or deferral until a future date in detail. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Exemptions for other medical reasons may be available on a case-by-case basis for other medical conditions that are
a contraindication to the COVID-19 vaccine, even if they do not qualify as a disability under federal, state, or local
law. WVUHS will engage in an interactive dialogue to determine whether an exemption is appropriate and can be
granted without imposing an undue hardship on WVUHS or posing a direct threat to the HCW or others in the
workplace. However, WVUHS reserves the right to take any necessary and appropriate steps, including imposing
alternative COVID-19 prevention measures, to ensure that the individual does not pose a direct threat to the health
or safety of others in the workplace.
HCWs who have medical contraindications or disabilities that prevent them from obtaining the COVID-19
vaccination must submit the Medical Exemption Form to Employee Health. All documentation, which confirms
recognized clinical contraindications to COVID-19 vaccines and which supports HCWs’ requests for medical
exemptions from vaccination, must be signed and dated by a licensed practitioner, who is not the individual
requesting the exemption, and who is acting within their respective scope of practice as defined by, and in
accordance with, all applicable State and local laws, and such documentation must contain: (a) All information
specifying which of the authorized or licensed COVID-19 vaccines are clinically contraindicated for the HCW to
receive and the recognized clinical reasons for the contraindications; and (b) A statement by the authenticating
practitioner recommending that the HCW be exempted from the COVID-19 vaccination requirements based on the
recognized clinical contraindications. The request will be reviewed and must be approved by Employee Health and
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the Medical Exemption Review Committee for an exemption to be granted.
Religious Accommodation
In accordance with WVUHS’s Reasonable Accommodations Policy, WVUHS provides reasonable
accommodations, absent undue hardship, to employees with sincerely held religious beliefs, observances, or
practices that conflict with getting vaccinated or receiving the type of vaccine currently available.
HCWs whose religious beliefs prevent them from obtaining the COVID-19 vaccination must submit the Religious
Exemption to Employee Health. The request will be reviewed and must be approved by Employee Health and the
Religious Exemption Review Committee for an exemption to be granted.
Interactive Process
WVUHS will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the precise limitations of your ability to
comply with this mandatory vaccination policy and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could
overcome those limitations. WVUHS encourages employees to suggest specific reasonable accommodations.
However, WVUHS is not required to make the specific accommodation requested and may provide an alternative
effective accommodation, to the extent any reasonable accommodation can be made without imposing an undue
hardship on WVUHS or posing a direct threat to you or others in the workplace.
WVUHS reserves the right to request additional documentation supporting the need for an accommodation or
request for any other exemption. WVUHS will keep confidential any medical information obtained in connection
with your request for a reasonable accommodation or other exemption. [However, we ask that you not provide any
genetic information to WVUHS when responding to a request for additional information or providing proof of
vaccination in compliance with this policy (see GINA Safe Harbor below).
WVUHS makes determinations about requested accommodations and exemptions on a case-by-case basis
considering various factors and based on an individualized assessment in each situation. WVUHS strives to make
these determinations expeditiously and in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner and will inform you after we make a
determination. If you have any questions about an accommodation or exemption request you made, please contact
Employee Health or your local Human Resources representative.
GINA Safe Harbor
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) prohibits employers and other entities covered by
GINA Title II from requesting or requiring genetic information of an individual or family member of the individual,
except as specifically allowed by this law. To comply with this law, WVUHS asks that you not provide any genetic
information when responding to this request for medical information.
"Genetic information," as defined by GINA, includes:
An individual's family medical history.
The results of an individual's or family member's genetic tests.
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The fact that an individual or an individual's family member sought or received genetic services.
Genetic information of a fetus carried by an individual or an individual's family member or an embryo
lawfully held by an individual or family member receiving assistive reproductive services.]
Process for Obtaining Vaccine and Proof of Vaccination Status
A Vaccine Information Sheet and informed consent, specific for vaccination against certain COVID-19 viruses,
shall be discussed and all questions answered to the satisfaction of the HCW, and signed by the HCW prior to
Upon receipt of the COVID-19 vaccination, an identifier will be placed on the HCW’s identification badge to
indicate that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19. HCWs must wear the badge identifier from the time they are
vaccinated through the duration as defined by Employee Health or Infection Control departments.
HCWs hired on or after January 31, 2022 must receive at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, submit proof
of prior vaccination, or submit a medical or religious exemption request and receive approval prior to their first day
of employment. All new hires must comply with this policy as of February 28 or March 15, 2022 depending on the
location of the facility.
If a candidate for hire refuses to be vaccinated or submit an exemption request, the offer of employment will be
rescinded. HCWs returning from a leave of absence need to be compliant upon their return (if their return date is after
February 28 or March 15, 2022, depending on work location). If not fully compliant due to extenuating circumstances
during leave, the employer will provide up to 30 days to become fully complaint. HCWs will not be permitted to
return to work until they submit proof of vaccination or have an approved medical or religious exemption request after
February 28 or March 15, 2022. Corrective action will be deferred for no more than 30 days following the HCW’s
release to return to work. All HCWs are encouraged to become vaccinated during their leave whenever possible to
avoid delays in their return.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
WVUHS employees who fail to receive the COVID-19 vaccination or obtain an approved exemption by the due date
will be barred from work premises and will receive a Documented Counseling or their next step in the Corrective
Action process. Failure to comply with this requirement may also impact the staff members bonus eligibility
(where applicable), tuition benefit eligibility, and could impact the ability to transfer to another position within
WVUHS. Failure to receive the COVID-19 vaccination or obtain an approved exemption by the 7th day from the
deadline will result in the employee receiving a final written warning with clear communication that the employee
will have considered to have voluntarily terminated from their position if COVID-19 vaccination or an approved
exemption is not obtained as of 4:30 p.m. on the 14th day from the determined COVID-19 vaccination deadline.
Volunteers who fail to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by the date determined annually will not be permitted to
volunteer on WVUHS premises. Faculty and residents should refer to their medical staff by-laws and/or other
applicable policies for consequences of failure to receive the vaccination or receive an approved exemption.
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In an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, HCWs who receive an approved medical or religious
exemption will be required to mask with a NIOSH approved N95 mask or equivalent or higher-level respirator for
source control at all times and may be required to take other protective measures. Exempted HCWs will be required
to wear a NIOSH approved N95 mask or equivalent or higher-level respirator for source control at all times while
working on any WVUHS owned or leased premises. Exempted HCWs who fail to comply with the masking
requirement will be issued corrective action, up to and including termination. HCWs who have failed to receive the
COVID-19 vaccination or obtain an approved exemption will also be required to wear a NIOSH approved N95 mask
or equivalent or higher-level respirator for source control at all times while working on any WVUHS owned or
leased premises. HCWs who fail to comply with the masking requirement will be issued corrective action, up to and
including termination. Masks that are not fit tested cannot be worn into a patient’s room with COVID-19, a PUI for
COVID-19, or any other airborne disease. Employees must be fit-tested before the NIOSH N95 mask will be issued.
A new mask will be needed weekly, or as recommended by the CDC, and whenever the mask becomes moistened,
soiled, torn, or otherwise contaminated. Failure to comply with the masking requirement will result in corrective
action, up to and including termination.
The local WVUHS facilities will provide each exempted HCW with NIOSH N95 masks or equivalent higher-level
respirator to wear. Employees are not permitted to alter the masks from the original state produced by the
manufacturer. Employees may only wear masks approved by management, and must wear the mask appropriately to
cover the mouth and nose.
HCWs who work at multiple locations within WVUHS will be required to follow the NIOSH N95 or equivalent
higher-level respirator masking requirements at all locations where they are currently working. It is the HCW’s
responsibility to communicate to local department management that he/she has been exempted from the COVID-19
vaccine and to comply with the NIOSH N95 or equivalent or higher-level respirator masking requirements.
Exempted employees who fail to comply with masking requirements while working at another WVUHS entity
hospital or location will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination.
Vaccine Shortage
In the event of a COVID-19 vaccination shortage, the vaccine will be offered to HCWs based on job functions and
risk of exposure and transmission. Those HCWs who provide direct patient care and have the greatest risk of
exposure and transmission will be given priority for vaccination and will be held to the mandatory standard.
Contingency Plan
For HCWs that are not fully vaccinated, there is a contingency plan in place to address those not fully vaccinated
due to indicating that they will not receive the vaccine. Process is outlined in Consequences for Non-Compliance.
HCWs that are not fully vaccinated due to a medical, religious exemption or an approved temporary delay in
vaccination will be required to be compliant with additional precautions of N95 masking as described in the
Masking section of this policy. Contingency plans also include posting additional jobs to recruit new or temporary
or agency HCWs until permanent vaccinated replacements can be found.
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WVUHS Reasonable Accommodations Policy - V.105S
WVUHS COVID-19 Masking Policy for Employees VI.035S
WVUHS Visitation, Building Entrance, and Screening Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic VI.037
WVUHS Guidelines for Employees with Novel Coronavirus V.112S
WVUHS COVID-19 Travel Policy V.113S
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
The Joint Commission E-Manual, Infection Prevention and Control Chapter