Cybersecurity Risks from
Non-Genuine Software
The Link between Pirated Software Sources
and Cybercrime Attacks in Asia Pacic
Study commissioned by
Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd, Singapore
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Security is an ever-growing concern and the number of
security breaches and their impact has increased with
time, despite efforts to improve cyber defenses.
One of our key motivators behind this research was to
investigate how malware infects computers, particularly
in the context of Asia Pacic. Pirated software is still
prevalent in the region and we wanted to characterize
the link between software piracy and cyber risks. A total
of eight countries were involved in this study – Malaysia,
Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
South Korea, and Philippines.
The means through which people acquire pirated
software has changed over time, with downloads from
peer-to-peer networks such as BitTorrent becoming
increasingly popular. We found that the downloading
and installation of pirated software is fraught with malware exposure at every step. It is evident that
cybercriminals are increasingly using this medium to infect computers, steal information, create
botnets etc.
That said, traditional methods of acquiring pirated software, such as buying counterfeit CDs and DVDs
as well as preloading them in new computers by unscrupulous sellers, remain prevalent in this region.
And we found that these non-genuine software frequently come with malware bundled with them.
This shows that malware spreading through pirated software is still one of the common means of
infection and more awareness among the users is needed.
This report also highlights multiple risks associated with pirated software that users are usually
unaware of, or may not fully appreciate the severe consequences. In addition to the signicant
possibility of installing malware, getting a pirated software to work usually requires disabling many
of the security-related features that puts the computer at serious risks. In many cases, a false sense of
security may also come from the use of pirated anti-virus software, which, in reality, do not offer much
of a protection and may include malware of their own.
Lastly, we wanted to use this opportunity to share best practices that organizations and individuals can
adhere to better protect themselves and their data. At the end of the day, the most effective way for
users to stay safe is to use genuine operating system and anti-virus software, which are updated and
patched regularly.
Associate Professor Biplab Sikdar
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Engineering
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Associate Professor
Biplab Sikdar
Department of Electrical &
Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore,
Faculty of Engineering
Ramkumar Rajendran
B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham University, India.
M.Sc in Electrical Engineering
(Computer Engineering
Specialization) from NUS.
Ritesh Khurana
B.Tech in Electronics and
Communication Engineering,
from the National Institute of
Technology, Kurukshetra, India.
M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from
Siddharth Deshmukh
B.Tech in Electronics and
Communication Engineering from
Uttar Pradesh Technical University,
M.Tech in Software Engineering
from NUS.
Rahul Singh Chauhan
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
from National Institute of
Technology, Kurukshetra.
M.Tech in Software Engineering
from NUS.
Introduction ---------------------------------------- 5
Methodology ---------------------------------------- 9
The Findings --------------------------------------- 12
Recommendations --------------------------------------- 19
Conclusions --------------------------------------- 22
Annexure --------------------------------------- 24
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
a. Rise of Digital Transformation: Digital information and computing technologies have permeated our daily lives.
Starting from the prevalence of social media and networking affecting personal lives, computer based technologies
have had a signicant impact in the way we shop, access government services, connect with people, and interact with
entertainment content.
Digital technologies are also starting to transform our economies and industries. The advent of machine learning
and articial intelligence (A.I) to interpret and make decisions based on advancements in the areas of big-data
analytics and cloud computing, coupled with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) to facilitate the collection and
dissemination of data, are some of the key driving forces of this transformation.
The digital transformation of our personal, social, and work environments has led to an increasing dependence
on communication and computing technologies. We rely on the ready access to data and cloud-based services
for many of our personal and business needs. These technologies provide convenience and efciency and are a
welcome opportunity.
Digital transformation is changing the way we work, play and interact with each other.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
However, they also come with a wide range of cybersecurity issues. The improper use or use of untrusted information
technologies can lead to serious cybersecurity risks and challenges for both organizations and governments but also
small businesses and individuals.
Inadequate cyber-defenses such as improperly congured (or absent) rewalls and anti-virus software, use of
unpatched software, lack of awareness on strong passwords and phishing attacks, lack of appropriate information
technology policies and their implementation (e.g. on encryption, multi-factor authentication) etc. are some of the
risk factors.
Additionally, in many parts of the world, the use of pirated/counterfeit/non-genuine software is a serious contributor
to the growth of cyber-risks and is responsible for extensive economic harm and productivity losses. It is also causing
a rise in cybercrime attacks and related losses.
Software piracy is an acknowledged
global problem whose impact
on industries, governments, small businesses
and individual users goes far beyond
economic issues. According to recent studies,
the global piracy rate for personal computer
(PC) software was around 39% in 2016, and
the commercial value of the market for
pirated software was $52.2 billion
While pirated software is fairly prevalent
among individual users, the rate of unlicensed use in banking, insurance, and securities industries is 25%, despite
the latter having a stricter enforcement of regulations. While the economic implications of software piracy in terms
of harm to intellectual property, revenue losses, lost jobs and taxes receive signicant attention in the media and
academia, another signicant impact of pirated software comes in the form of an assortment of cybercrime risks.
Pirated software are increasingly becoming associated with the spread of various forms of malware (malicious
software) such as worms, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, droppers, to name a few. It is known that the malware are
congured by cyber criminals to take advantage of various vulnerabilities in the host computer or a set of systems,
to use or compromise sensitive/private information, steal money or disrupt, and can be executed and controlled
remotely and covertly.
b. Malware Infections through Pirated Software: Malware in pirated software may originate from various sources.
In certain cases the malware comes pre-installed or embedded in with the pirated operating system or application
software at the point of sale.
Alternatively, some of the pirated software may require the user to visit certain websites to download activation keys
or software bits, where such malicious websites install/drop malware onto the computer.
A third mechanism for the transfer of malware through pirated software comes from writable CDs (compact disks)
and DVDs copied with pirated software. They may be purchased from online market places or brick-and-mortar
stores. In many cases, these unauthorized CDs and DVDs come bundled with additional unwanted software and
malware, which also gets installed along with the main application.
Finally, computers may also get infected with malware when visiting websites or peer-to-peer (P2P) services that offer
pirated software downloads. Many of the pirated software also tamper with the systems, user accounts and security
settings that are recommended by the vendors of the original software. We will discuss some of those examples in
this study. Overall, such computers with pirated software become highly prone to easy malware infections.
3 in 5 PCs
in Asia Pacific were
using pirated software.
$19 billion
– value of Asia Pacific’s
pirated software market.
According to BSA, in 2016
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
c. Impact of Malware Infections: The primary impact/risks associated with malware are time, money and loss
of condential/private data of the users. A common impact of using pirated software is the loss of time and
productivity due to the behavior and actions of the malware. Examples of malware-inicted loss of time include
slowing of computers, inundation with pop-up advertisements, corrupted les, increased need for cleanups and
reinstallations etc.
Many of the malware forms are targeted at stealing nancial information and specialize in stealing credit card,
identity and banking information. Such malware facilitate illegal nancial transactions and their impact can be
directly evaluated in economic terms. Malware such as key-loggers may also steal username and passwords for
email, online accounts, and social networking websites and then use those accounts to send information promoting
scams, websites selling dubious products, digital piracy, pornography, etc.
While the impact of such malware is difcult to quantify in exact economic terms, it is well-established that rise
of cybercrime attacks can cause enormous personal, reputation, economic and business losses, including risks to
national security of the governments.
Pirated CD and DVD samples that the NUS researchers acquired for this study.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
d. Objectives of this Study: The objective of this report is to present the results and the analysis of our research study
to quantify the relationship between software piracy and malware infections.
One of the primary goals of our study was to check what malware infections come with new personal computers (PCs)
which are installed with pirated software at the point of sale/shops, directly in the hands of the users – a common
practice around the world, particularly in the developing countries.
The study aims to demonstrate and highlight the fact that such new PCs are increasingly coming pre-infected with
malware before they have been used by the users and even before the PCs connect to the Internet or external
storage devices. These trends reects how malware is maliciously embedded in the uncontrolled and unauthorized
sources of pirated software, that isoften controlled by cybercriminals and organized criminal syndicates.
The second objective of the study was to investigate pirated software, that can be bought from brick-andmortar
shops or downloaded from the Internet, for presence of malware.
The overall objectives of the study are
(i) Provide evidence of the presence of malware in computer hardware procured through public
distribution chains, pirated software CDs and DVDs, and pirated software downloaded from
the Internet.
(ii) Highlight the cybersecurity risks and cybercrime threats posed by such malware and the effects they may have
on consumers, small businesses & organizations.
The study is based on an in-depth analysis of 458 samples from 8 countries in Asia-Pacic. These samples consists
of, a combination of PCs installed with pirated software, software CDs/DVDs copied with pirated software,
and online downloaded copies of pirated software. Each of these software samples and PC “samples” were
thoroughly investigated for the presence of malware infections and signs of tampering with the software, user and
security settings.
Based on this analysis, the major ndings of our study are:
(i) 55% of the total samples were infected with malware, of which over 90% infections
were in the PC samples.
(ii) Main strains of malware found were trojans, viruses, adware, etc.
(iii) In addition to the malware in the PCs & CDs/DVDs, signicant threats existed in the
form of malware that is encountered in the websites that offer links to pirated software.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
This section described the methodology followed during this study. The overall methodology consists of three steps.
The rst step is the procurement of personal computers, physical media such as CDs and DVDs, and the online
software downloads that serve as the samples for our study. The subsequent steps are related to the investigation of
the samples for the presence of pirated software and malware. The details of the individual steps of the methodology
are presented below.
a. Sample procurement: The sample procurement step involves the purchase of computers and software for analysis
from across the markets in Asia-Pacic (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Korea,
and Philippines). Towards this end, a total of 90 samples of personal computers and laptops from these 8 countries
from south east Asia were procured.
Additionally, 165 CDs and DVDs containing software were also acquired. These samples were purchased from the
target countries on a random basis, from PC and software vendors. These vendors could be standalone shops in
street markets, or located in IT market hubs (for example, an open market full of shops located in the same zone
doing similar business), or PC shops in specialized IT malls. The shops visited for this study included multi-brand,
single brand, PC assemblers and IT retail chain stores.
Our team conducted a similar study in 2014
The previous study mainly focused on laptops
and desktop PCs with pirated software. In
the current reboot of the study, our choice of
samples reects the growing trend where
software is increasingly being acquired through
online downloads. In addition to laptops and
desktops with pirated software, this study also
considers CDs and DVDs, as well as pirated
software available online, for example from
peer-to-peer networks.
The purchases were done by independent investigators who would act on a pretext of a “normal walk-in customer
such as student, young professional, home maker, small business owner, etc. The objective was to target everyday PC
distribution and sales business model which interacts with walk-in customers, and where piracy, by way of hard-disk
loading, happens the most. This option is usually offered as an incentive to drive the PC sales.
It is important to note that the test purchasers did not specically ask for computers with pirated software. The test
purchasers usually discuss the PC brand options, features, congurations, pricing, deals/discounts etc. Our empirical
observation suggests that through this discussion and negotiations, free installation of software is generally offered
and agreed by the shop sales person as an added incentive to make the sale.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
In addition to the “physical” samples consisting of hard drives from computers and CDs/DVDs, 203 software samples
were downloaded from the Internet. These samples were available online as torrents and were downloaded using
the BitTorrent peer-to-peer software.
Online search engines (e.g. that specialze in torrent les were used to serch for downloadable software.
While a wide range of software is available for downloads, our samples were restricted to well known software titles,
including operating systems, design, productivity tools, anti-virus engines etc.
b. Sample imaging: The rst technical step in our methology consisted of creating a software image of the hard
disk from each of the samples. The image is usually created by making a sector-by-sector copy of the contents of
the hard disk. The primary reason for creating an image is to allow easy analysis of the sample without the risk of
contamination or modication of the original sample.
To achieve this objective, the actual malware analysis on the sample is done on a copy of this image. Consequently,
the impact of any inadvertant action by the anti-virus engines or any breakout is limited to the copy of the image.
Images were also created for the software downloaded from the Internet as well as those from CDs and DVDs. In the
case of CDs and DVDs, the primary motivation for creating the images was to speed up the malware detection (since
the speeds of the CD/DVD drives limits the scanning rates).
The images were created using software tools that create VHD
(Virtual Hard Disk) versions of physical disks and these images
conform to Microsoft’s Virtual Machine disk format. These VHD
based disk images can be directly used in various virtual machine
(VM) environments that are needed for the system investigation
and behavior analysis steps of the methodology. For the purposes
of this study, virtual machines were used. All partitions of the hard
disks were selected when creating the images.
Avoiding Sample
In a large-scale malware study,
sample contamination is
always a concern. Care should
be taken so that malware from
a sample does not spread to
others. Also, the integrity of
the sample between scans by
different anti-virus engines is
necessary. In our study, these
objectives were achieved by
creating their software images
and conducting all malware
analysis on these samples.
Hard disks from brand new PCs that are preloaded with pirated software.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
c. Malware detection: The malware detection step consists of scanning each of the sample images with anti-virus
software. For this study, the following seven anti-virus engines were used: AVG, BitDefender, Ikarus, Kaspersky,
McAfee, Norton, and Windows Defender. For scans on a given sample, for each anti-virus engine, a separate copy of
the software image of the sample was used. This was done to ensure that each anti-virus engine scans the same (and
original) image of the sample and any inadvertent modication of the sample that may be made by an anti-virus
engine during a scan does not impact the results of subsequent scans.
For each scan, the following basic rules were applied:
1. Before each scan, the latest denitions and updates for the anti-virus engine were downloaded.
2. The settings for the anti-virus engine were set to scan all les and directories.
3. The options for automatically removing malware was turned off. At the end of each scan, the malware samples
are copied and saved for further investigation.
4. The output of the scan including the details of the malware identied, their locations etc. is recorded.
At the end of the scans from the seven anti-virus engines for each sample, the results were collated and the number
of unique malware in each sample was counted.
Variation in Capabilities of Anti-virus Software:
Most organizations and individuals rely on a single anti-virus
software to protect their assets. Our study shows that this is
largely ineffective and there are many malware samples that
are detected by one anti-virus software but missed by others.
Thus, we used 7 different anti-malware software to thoroughly
examine the samples.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
This section presents the details of the results of the study, as follows:
a. PCs, and CDs/DVDs with pirated software: Our study found an
overwhelming majority of the new computers with pirated software (92%),
that were analyzed, were infected with malware. This result is particularly
important considering that the samples were brand new computers that
were previously unused.
The presence of malware in these computers should be of particular concern
to consumers, who naturally expect new computers to be risk-free.
Additionally, our study found that of the 165 CD and DVD samples that were
investigated, 100 samples contained malware, resulting in an infection rate
of 61%.
The bulk of the malware found in these samples were trojans, droppers,
and adware. These malware (more details are provided subsequently in
this section) expose the users to a wide range of security and performance
Malware patterns in CD/DVDs: The bulk of the malware present in the CD and DVD
samples were Trojans and Droppers. Once the software in these CDs and DVDs are
installed, the infected computers will likely see a rise in infections and anomalous
behavior as additional malware is automatically downloaded. Infected CDs typically
had multiple strains of malware, and on an average, each infected CD/DVD has 4.9
instances of malware. We also observed large instances of malware in some cases,
with 38 pieces of malware in just one DVD.
Brand new,
unused software
were infected
with malware
Pirated DVDs & CDs were
infected with malware
Average no. of malware strains
on an infected CD or DVD
No. of malware strains
found on some DVDs
issues. Some of the malware such as adware may cause disruptions and performance issues due to pop-up
advertisements and unwanted processes running on the computer. Of greater concern are Trojans, key-loggers, and
backdoors that can download additional malicious software on the infected computer, delete and encrypt les, and
allow hackers to gain remote access of the computer.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
b. Downloaded pirated software: Among the 203 samples of software downloaded from the Internet, our study not
only found malware presence in several samples, we also encountered various security risks and malicious threats
to the users who were made to visit such websites. We were able to establish that the web links to these
pirated software were posing several risks since they made attempts to infect the computer through malicious
advertisements and software downloads which were able to bypass anti-virus software checks.
It was reported that in 2015, almost a third of torrent websites served malware to their visitors and
around 12 million users were infected (per month) by visiting these websites
. Our own investigations
support these reports and found that visiting websites with links to torrent les lead to malware
drops, pop-up ads, and misleading links aimed at tricking visitors. Additional details of malware
risks associated with downloading pirated software are highlighted in our analysis later in
this report.
A NUS researcher accessing a torrent website and analyzing the cyber risks encountered.
The common pirated software downloaded include the Microsoft family of operating systems, Microsoft Ofce
suite of software, document and image handling software by Adobe, le compression software such as WinRAR,
and other popular software such as CorelDRAW and AutoCAD. Perhaps more interestingly, we observed a
number of cases where malware was bundled with anti-virus software that was being distributed in the DVDs and
CDs. Using such compromised security software not only infects the computer to begin with, it also does lulls the
users into a sense of complacency and keeps the computer open for further exploitation.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Several categories of software were downloaded for analysis.
Here are the infection rates for different categories of pirated software.
a. Types of Malware: The results presented above give a quantitative view of the results of the study. Further analysis
into the nature of the malware infecting the samples highlights the common modes used by cyber criminals to
steal the personal and nancial information of the computers owners.
Additionally, our results show some of the common methods used by these cyber criminals to get users, through
pirated software, to compromise their computers. Our observations are described below.
i. Trojans: The most common family of malware encountered in our study was Trojans. Trojans are a class of
malware that typically distinguish themselves as legitimate software are often employed by cyber criminals to
gain access to computers.
While Trojans typically depend on some form of social engineering to trick users into loading and executing
, bundling them with pirated software makes it easier for cyber criminals to compromise and
control computers.
Once a Trojan is active in an infected computer, they can allow the cyber-criminals to spy on the users and
steal the private data. Additionally, Trojan can open backdoors to allow remote access and control of the
computer, modify and delete data, and degrade the performance of the computer.
Some of the common Trojan strains that were seen in the samples include Downloader, Floxlib, Wpakill,
Pioneer, Turkojan, FakeGina, and WrongInf.
Operating systems and
system software:
Games and apps:
Anti-virus software:
Trojan Win32:Skeeyah.A!rfn
This Trojan was frequently found in our samples and its
main purpose is to create a backdoor for the attacker to
gain remote access on the compromised computer.
The malware modies the registry and rewall settings,
and may disable anti-virus programs. and is designed to
steal sensitive data from the infected computer. Once
the malware installs a backdoor, the attacker can gain
access to private information stored on the computer,
send spam, and launch ‘denial of service’ attacks.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
ii. Viruses and worms: The study also found a large range of worms, viruses and other forms of infectious
software in the samples. Unlike Trojans that are not able to self-replicate, computer worms can replicate
without human intervention and have the capability to spread more rapidly.
Worms and viruses may execute malicious code that deletes les with certain extensions and/or beginning
with specic strings, terminate security-related programs and services such as rewalls and anti-virus
software, send spam messages, and contact remote hosts to download additional malware.
Common worms and viruses encountered in our study included Virut, Nuqel, Jenxcus, Sality, and Xorer.
worm VBS/Jenxcus
This malware allows cyber criminals to gain remote access to
the infected computer. Once installed, the worm can create a
backdoor for the hacker to command the infected computer.
Additionally, the malware can record the usernames and
passwords that the computers owner uses on various
websites and send all this information to cyber criminals.
The malware can also delete or update les on the infected
computer, execute any commands that the cyber criminals
want, open websites, and download les to the computer.
worm VBS/Jenxcus
iii. Other malware: In addition to worms and viruses, the samples also contained malware that may be classied
as adware, hacktools, and droppers.
Adware are software that automatically download and display advertising material on the infected computer.
Adware may also redirect search requests made on the infected computer to advertising websites and
collect private user information (e.g. the types of websites visited) in order to enable customized
advertisements to be downloaded.
Hacktools are programs used by cyber criminals to gain access to the infected computer and are used for
a number of malicious activities. Such activities include logging the keystrokes on the computer, stealing
and cracking passwords, sending spam emails, and acting as port and vulnerability scanners.
Some of the adware found in our samples include yabector, Adon, OpenCandy, SwBundler, and Amonetize.
adware Amonetize
Amonetize is an adware that often comes bundled with software
installers (e.g. in .RAR and .ZIP les) and is dropped on the computer
during the installation process. This adware has the ability to ability
to change computer settings, installing toolbars in browsers, display
advertising banners, pop-up advertisements, in-text advertisements,
and browser popups that recommend fake software updates.
While Amonetize may sometimes have legitimate uses, it is mainly
used for malicious purposes including generating advertising
revenue, browser hijacking, and manipulating page ranks in
search engines.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
High-risk malware examples found in online samples
1) Trojan/Omaneat:
Collects username and passwords, targets banking details and social media.
2) Trojan/ChePro:
This Trojan is designed to steal user account data relating to online banking
systems, e-payment systems and plastic card systems.
3) Trojan/Skeeyah:
It installs a keylogger on the infected computer to record information
about browsing history, online searches, banking operations and various
online accounts such as social media or emails and their passwords.
4) Malware/Artemis:
Artemis is a malware that affects the work of web browsers by changing the
homepage, redirecting search engine queries to advertisement pages, and
creating pop-up windows.
b. Infection Patterns: As defense
mechanisms against cyber-
threats evolve, developers of
malware have also adapted to
these changes to continue with
their quest for compromising
and exploiting vulnerable
computers for nancial gains.
NUS researchers scanning pirated software samples for malware infections.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
While traditional methods of procuring pirated software through brick-and-mortar shops or roadside kiosks is still
popular in many parts of the world and South-east Asia, increasingly, such software is being downloaded through
websites and peer-to-peer networks. Consequently, malware developers have targeted the distribution of malware
through the forums used for the online distribution of pirated software.
Also, our study shows that malware developers exploit both technological and human factors so as to increase the
chances of infecting computers. Our observations on the methods used by malware developers and the trends in
infections from pirated software are as follows:
i. Bundling of malware with popular software: Our study revealed that the malware are typically bundled
with popular software, in order to increase the likelihood of infecting computers. For example, many CDs/
DVDs with pirated software include a bouquet of software. Among these, software commonly used by users of
personal computers were more likely to contain malware.
ii. Rising Dangers of Online Software Piracy:
A wide variety of pirated software are available in peer-to-peer networks, and torrent based applications (e.g.
BitTorrent) are usually used for accessing content on these networks. The ease of downloading software using
torrents and the false sense of anonymity on peer-to-peer networks may seem enticing. However, there are a
many security risks associated with pirated software. In our attempts to download and install pirated software
on our computer, we frequently experienced the following from the tested websites:
1. Multiple Popups With Suspicious Ads: Contacting the website hosting the
torrent le opened multiple popup windows with advertisements. Many of the
advertisements have links to malware, and frequently show objectionable content
such as pornography.
2. Misleading Links and Automated Downloads: Torrent hosting websites have
multiple misleading links (e.g. “Download”), which lead to further popups, signups for
marketing emails etc. Frequently, these links also lead to malware that is downloaded
once the link is clicked.
3. Deactivation of Anti-Malware Software: Malware bundled with the pirated
software deactivated the anti-malware software running on the computer. Once
the anti-malware engine is blocked, the downloaded malware installs itself on the
computer and may download and install additional malware.
4. Changing Browser Settings/Installing Toolbars: During installation, the user is
prompted to change default settings on browsers and install add on toolbars. These
changes to the browser settings lead to new home pages, changes in the default
search engine, and unwanted toolbars.
5. Contacting Additional Website: The user is required to contact additional websites
to complete the installation. Often, these visits are portrayed as steps required to
obtain the license keys or “cracks” needed to activate the pirated software. These
websites result in popups and try to drop additional software.
6. Incomplete Installation: Many of the downloaded software do not complete
installation, suggesting other motives behind their presence on torrent hosting
websites. Such misleading torrents are used to increase the trafc to the torrent
hosting sites and subject the visitor to malware and/or advertisements. Additionally,
while the download may not contain the software that it claims to contain, they may
contain malware that is installed instead.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
0 20 40 60 80 100
Multiple Popups
with Suspicious Ads
Misleading Links &
Automatic Downloads
Deactivation of
Anti-Malware Software
Changing Browser Settings/
Installing Toolbars
Contacting Additional
In many countries, access to torrent hosting websites is restricted by court orders (primarily due to their
links to copyrighted material). Proxy websites are typically used by residents of these countries to access the
torrent websites. Many of these proxies add their own content to the websites downloaded by their users,
including malware and software related to click-fraud.
iii. Increasing the risk of infections: Our study also observed that malware is often packed with les that are
auto -executed on startup/setup les for software, or les that are executed in order to activate the software.
This ensures that malicious software is more likely to be executed on the infected computer.
In addition, since software activation usually requires Internet access, Trojans and Droppers use this
opportunity to download addition malicious software on the computer. In our samples, malware was
frequently bundled with the auto-run software for CDs and DVDs, as well as the activators for software such
as Microsoft Windows, media players, Microsofts ofce suite of software, and SOLIDWORKS. The malware
bundled with software activators includes all classes such as Trojans, backdoors, and adware.
Dangerous Activities Encountered when Downloading Pirated Software
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Knowing the threats, disruptions and losses malware infections bring to all computing environments through pirated
software, the study has endeavored to bring together a set of fundamental IT/Cyber hygiene recommendations
and best practices towards building a stronger IT security and online safety ecosystem. While most of the
fundamental IT/Cyber hygiene recommendations are common in nature, they have been divided into the following
three broad categories of users:
a. Consumers & Small Businesses:
1. The rst rule of online safety and defense should be to refrain from procuring and accessing pirated
software. The losses and harm from cybercrime can be devastating.
2. Access software vendors’ websites to learn about software products, genuine downloads, their security
benets, how to distinguish between genuine vs pirated software, including how to report piracy if you
have been a victim.
3. Always insist on genuine software from your IT Vendor and opt for computers which come pre-installed
with genuine software by hardware manufacturers.
4. When purchasing computers, always demand an invoice which clearly calls out the software title & version
which has been installed on the machine.
5. Keep your products current with latest product updates and security patches, which are always free in
nature, coupled with having a strong Anti-Virus software.
6. It is advisable to avoid using very old software which have reached their end of life and are no longer
supported by the software vendors for updates & security patches.
7. Get educated, trained & follow good and safe internet/IT practices and do not visit untrusted websites,
download and le sharing portals, for the risk of being infected.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
b. Enterprises & Governments:
1. Information Technology (IT) management: IT management
policies in organization play an important role in safeguarding its
data and computational resources. The rst step in this direction
is to have policies and frameworks for situational awareness of an
organization’s IT environment. Best practices on software asset
management practices (e.g. ISO/IEC 19770-1) include audits of
software installations and their versions, hardware specications,
user lists and their privilege levels, and network-mapping to localize
network devices and end hosts.
In addition to the software and hardware assets, audit and management of data is also important,
with main tasks being data classication (e.g. critical versus general), data location, and
access control.
Finally, an important part of the IT policy is the guidelines for procurement of hardware and software.
Policies should only allow the procurement of genuine software and these policies should be strictly
enforced. All software must be validated during installation to ensure that they are genuine. Only trusted
sources such as authorized outlets and manufacturer’s websites should be used for software procurement.
2. Software Patching and Updates: Malware attain their objectives
by exploiting vulnerabilities in the software of a computer. As
vulnerabilities are reported or become known, software manufacturers
release updates and patches to x them. Thus both organizations and
individual users should ensure that their software is regularly updated
and all security patches are applied immediately on release.
The recent WannaCry outbreak is a case in point. Computers that
were up-to-date with their patches were immune to this attack.
It is recommended that all older and unsupported versions of software be retired immediately on the
availability of modern and secure versions. Finally, preference should be given to software that have
threat-detection capabilities embedded in them.
3. Threat Detection and Monitoring: All computing devices in an
organization or with a private user should be protected with a robust
and reputed anti-malware solution. The anti-malware denitions
should be updated every day to ensure up-to-date protection
against malware.
WannaCry and Pirated Software: China and Russia were two of the countries
most affected by the WannaCry ransomware and security experts have pointed
to the widespread use of pirated software in these countries as a primary factor
[5]. While a patch that xed the vulnerability exploited by WannaCry was
released in March 2017, computers running unlicensed versions of Windows
did not install it. Consequently, a signicant fraction of WannaCry victims were
users of pirated software and those who did not update their software with the
security patches.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
For anti-malware engines that allow the user to customize the scanning, the recommended search
settings are to scan for all types of malware (including adware and suspicious les), scan archived les,
executable les and les with no extension, and scan system memory. Detected malware should be
removed or quarantined immediately.
Firewalls should be used continuously by both organizations and individuals. It is advisable to use
location specic rewall settings and err on the side of caution when in public networks. All unsolicited
incoming connections should be blocked and specic exceptions may be created for trusted applications.
No exceptions should be created for either outgoing or incoming trafc that use port numbers known to
be used by malware.
4. Awareness and Capacity Building: To protect against malware
and the wide variety of exploits they use to infect and propagate,
training employees on safe cyber practices and educate them
on the importance of using trusted software platforms is
extremely important.
Similarly, individuals should also stay vigilant against cyber-crime
and follow safe cyber practices. Employees in an organization as
well as individuals should keep abreast of current threats and scam employed by cyber-criminals.
Browser protection and safe browsing practices should be emphasized at the workplace and at
home. Websites offering adult content, illegal downloads, and pirated software are more likely to be
contaminated with malware. Safe browsing practices also include avoiding pop-ups, checking links for
redirections before clicking on them, not responding to spam, etc.
Organizations should make regular efforts at educating employees about online safety and ensuring
that the IT and safety teams are exposed to the state-of-the-art attack and defense mechanisms.
5. Access and Identity Management: Providing secure and authenticated
access to an organization’s computing and data resources is a core
component of its cyber-security readiness.
With basic identity management systems that rely on username and
passwords, policies that ensure the use of strong passwords and regular
changes are necessary. It is recommended that such basic policies be
augmented with multi-factor authentication mechanisms to achieve
greater levels of trust.
Finally, data encryption can form the nal line of defense against unauthorized access to data, even
in the case where conventional perimeter-based defenses such as rewalls and anti-virus programs
are breached.
Additional protection against the risk of data leaks can be achieved by storing individual data elements in
separate locations which reduces the likelihood of attackers gaining enough information to commit any
signicant damage.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Associate Professor Biplab discussing the results of the malware analysis with his team.
Consumers & businesses often turn to pirated software for a wide range of reasons. These reasons may be economic,
ignorance of ethical and legal issues, motivated by ideological issues or simply a lack of respect for intellectual
property rights in software.
However, the users of pirated software ignore an extremely important associated risk: security. As demonstrated by
this study, pirated software frequently comes with embedded malware and it also increases the malware infections
with new strains. These malicious software include the entire range of malware such as trojans, worms, viruses,
ransomware, backdoors, spyware, droppers, injectors, adware, etc, and with time, their strains are multiplying as well
as becoming more sophisticated, dangerous and highly targeted.
As the study reects, the threat of malware looms high on all sources of pirated software – PCs installed with pirated
software, CDs and DVDs copied with pirated software, as well as pirated software downloaded from the Internet.
However, it is the online downloads which are turning out to be more dangerous and malicious to expose consumers
and small businesses to a high degree of cyber-attacks and resulting in debilitating personal and nancial losses. The
online access not only brings the scale for cybercriminals to attack anybody, anywhere, anytime, the cybercriminals/
hackers are also able to hide their identities and camouage their criminal activities, making them capable of
undertaking more malicious attacks, without being investigated and prosecuted.
Overall, the most effective defense against the risks associated with pirated software for consumers & small businesses
is education on safer online practices, genuine hardware buying policies, and user awareness around serious security
risks from piracy, coupled with using only current and up-to-date genuine software, a robust anti-virus software and
a regular IT health checks to monitor threats.
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
[1] BSA global software survey, Seizing Opportunity Through License Compliance, May 2016.
[2] J. F. Gantz et al. The Link between Pirated Software and Cybersecurity Breaches:
How Malware in Pirated Software Is Costing the World Billions, March 2014.
[3] Charlie Osborne, Torrent websites infect 12 million users a month with malware, December 2015.
[4] Kaspersky, What is a Trojan Virus?
[5] M. Moon, “Pirated Windows led to WannaCry’s spread in China and Russia, May 2015.
Cover page image source:
Cybersecurity Risks from Non-Genuine Software
Pirated software of all types are easily available for download through peer-to-peer
networks. In this appendix, we present the details of our experience with the download
of one specic software sample (Microsoft Ofce). This experience highlights the wide
range of security threats associated with downloading malware from online sources.
The steps associated with the download process and the malware encountered are as follow:
Our rst step in the download of
pirated software through peer-to-
peer networks was to search for
torrent les related to the desired
software. We used the website as our search engine.
Clicking on the search box led to a
pop-up window advertising a “get
rich quick” scheme.
Of the various sites listed in the
search results, we chose torlock.
com. Opening the link to torrent.
cd opened a page with a link to the
torrent as well as advertisements.
The page also opened a pop-up
window to a site that is known to
drop malware.
The website also included
misleading links marked “Fast
download” and “Safe download”.
Clicking on these links directs
the user to another page, where
another link labeled “Download
now” needs to be clicked to
proceed further. This link takes
the user to a signup page for which asks for credit card
information. This website is well
known for scamming its users, not
providing the promised services,
and sending fraudulent bills.
Once the torrent le was
downloaded, it was used to
download the desired pirated
software using BitTorrent.
Scanning the downloaded
software with anti-malware
engines revealed the presence
of multiple strains of Trojans.
The downloaded
software came infected
with malware which
automatically turned
off the anti-malware
engine running on the
computer as well as
Windows defender.
The software failed to install,
citing missing les as the reason.
This suggests that the torrent
and the associated les were
planted in the torrent hosting
sites by cyber criminals whose
intention is to exploit popular
software titles to spread malware.
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Study commissioned by
Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd, Singapore