Drills/Skills to Practice for Tryouts
1 on 1 warm up passing
This volleyball drill starts with a player tossing the ball underhand with one player on
the other side of the net (if available) ready to receive the toss. Each side gets only
one hit and the volleyball players must play the ball with their forearms with their
hands held together (no one arm contacts) on every hit. Players can set the ball
if/when needed. Players work their way to pass/set/hit (down ball) and try to keep it
going as long as possible.
Team Pepper ball/position control 6 players
This drill involves 2 hitters, a setter, and everyone else playing defense. This
volleyball drill takes place only on one side of the court.
The drill starts by the setter setting a hitter. The hitters job is to just stand and swing
or tip to the defense. The hitter hits or tips to one of the three defenders then the
ball is played up to the setter. The setter then sets one of the hitters and the drill is
played out continuously.
The setter can always start in the middle at the net as each defender is making a
play. The hitter’s stay on each side of the setter, ready to be set. The hitters are just
standing on the ground when hitting
Golf Serving
Purpose This is a fun game that helps develop serving accuracy. The object is to serve
to all serving zones of the court in as few serves as possible.
First start with zone 1. Once you get a serve into that zone,
serve to zone 2. Continue on around to zone 6. Keep track of
the total number of serves (strokes) that it takes to
accurately serve to all zones. First to serve to all zones wins.
You can also change the order of zones to serve to.
Passer Repetition passing to setter 3 players
Purpose The purpose is to work on consistent sets by setting the ball continually at a
rapid pace. Two players (a passer and a setter) stand on the same side of the net.
Another player stands on the opposite side of the net. The setter stands where the
setter would normally set from (the target position) and the passer stands in a back
row passing position. The player standing on the opposite side of the net tosses a ball
(or hits a down ball) over the net to the passer who then passes the ball to the
setter. The setter catches or can set, catch the ball then bounce passes the ball under
the net back to the player tossing. The tosser quickly passing another ball over as the
setter is catching the ball to make the drill have continuous balls going.
All positions drill 5 players (may be used in tryouts used in practices)
Start with a line at the 10’ line, left side, setter at net, blocker other side of net across from
hitter, a player at playing ‘short’ on the 10’ line behind the blocker, and a player at ‘long’
back row middle. Players in the line have balls. Toss to the setter, setter sets the ball to
hitter, hitter attacks the ball (or passes if necessary). Defense (blocker, short, long) call the
play (hit, free, short, mine). Blocker jumps every time. Whoever calls the ball passes/sets to
herself then catches the ball. The ball is given to the ‘long’ player who goes to the end of the
hitter line. Rotation Hitter to setter, setter to block, block to short, short to long, long to
hitter. Continue for time or a set goal of hits is reached. If you have enough players, you can
double block. *We use this drill often*
Around the court passing, setting, ball control 1 player
Start at the back right corner of the court. Shuffling
forward or sideways the whole time DO NOT cross over
your feet. Go forward to the 10’ line, left across the 10’
line, forward to the 10’ line on the other side of the
court (outside the poles), right across the 10’ line,
forward to the baseline, left across the baseline to the
right corner of the opposite court. First 2 lines passing to
yourself. Next 2 lines, setting to yourself, and last 2 lines,
pass/set alternating. Keep your eye on the ball. Feet
should move with ease and control. Passes/sets should be
above the net and controlled. Hips face the same direction
the whole time (back of court) (**tryout drill**)
Hitting approach - Practice without a ball or net
first. Add in a hit from a toss to you, then from a set.
Volleyball Tryout Skills
This information is intended to give you some skills to think about and to work on
during the summer. Vertical jump measurements will be taken and an 800m time. All
girls trying out will need to demonstrate the following:
Forearm Passing:
Ready position is relaxed and shoulders are down, weight on toes.
Platform is solid/tight with minimal arm swing.
Hips and center of body under the ball, eyes on the ball.
Shuffle and use legs to pass the ball. Feet should not leave the ground.
Thumbs pointed back toward hairline.
Ball should be contacted above hairline, with the pads of fingers. PALMS
Shuffle and use legs to set the ball. Feet should not leave the ground.
Release should quick and smooth. Not catch and release. Hips are square to
the target, extend arms and legs to set.
Refer to the practice attached for a visual on the three step approach.
Approach should got slow to fast, exploding at the end.
Hit the ball above hitting shoulder, solid, open hand.
Stand at the net do not touch the net
Track the hitter and the ball to anticipate when to jump.
Jump with both hands straight up just as the hitter is about to make
contact with the ball.
Use both legs to jump as high as possible to block the ball. Do not reach
over the net.
Overhand Serve:
Overhand serving is mandatory for both grades.
Toss with your non-serving hand ONLY. Do not toss with both hands.
Toss should be even with the top of the net.
Step forward slightly with the opposite foot of your serving hand.
Contact (strong pop) the ball with a strong wrist, open hand. It takes
your core muscles to effectively get the ball over the net.
Do NOT drop your elbow and push the ball up.
Toss-step-hit is all that is needed for an effective serve.
Practice the toss. It should land right in front of your serving arm. If
you’re reaching back to hit the ball or having to step too far forward to
contact the ball, stop and re-toss the ball.
Try to get your serve within 12 inches above the net.
Court Play:
Know the rules of the game and be familiar with the lines on the court.
Be aggressive, call the ball.
Don’t play ‘popcorn’ volleyball. Try to set up a hit if possible. Be
ready to play and be able to shake off mistakes and get back in the
Know where to stand at serve receive and/or serving side, where the
setter goes, and jobs of different positions.
If you’re unsure of anything volleyball or would like to know more,
YouTube and google are a great resource.
Watch volleyball to see how the game flows.
Coachability, work effort, leadership, and being a team player go a long
The more you can practice/touches with the ball you can get, the more
prepared you’ll be for tryouts and the season.
Skill Sessions & Open Gym: 9-11
August 8
, 9
, 12
, & 13
*dates and times may change. A post on SportsYou will be sent if needed.
Come dressed properly to play. This is NOT part of tryouts or required.
9-10 is coach led drills, 10-11 is player led play/practice.
If you’re considering trying out for VB, you MUST join the SportsYou group:
2024 VB Tryouts with the following code YVC7STRT to stay informed about
tryouts/skills sessions and any other important information.
Contact Coach Godwin: (281) 237-3416, juliasgodwin@katyisd.org or thru a
chat message on SportYou if you have questions or concerns about volleyball.
Good luck! We’re looking forward to volleyball season.
Scan QR code to sign up to try out for VB 2024.