Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook
The Valdosta State University Undergraduate Nursing Handbook provides
information on the Nursing Program. The statements set forth in this Handbook
are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of
a contract between a student and the institution.
While the provisions of this Handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated,
Valdosta State University College of Nursing and Health Science reserves the
right to change any provision listed in this Handbook, including but not limited to
academic requirements for progression and graduation, without actual notice to
individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of any
such changes. Information on changes will be available on the College of
Nursing and Health Science website. It is especially important that all students
note that it is their individual and personal responsibility to keep themselves
apprised of current progression and graduation requirement for their particular
degree program.
“No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion,
creed, national origin, age, veteran status, or handicap, be excluded from
employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by the Board
of Regents of the University System of Georgia or any of its several institutions
now in existence or hereafter established.”
Welcome Future Nurses!
elcome to the School of Nursing! We want you to be successful in your academic
career at Valdosta State University. We hope you will complete your program of
study and look back on this experience with joy and pride. The faculty,
administration, and staff of the School of Nursing are here to assist you.
This handbook was prepared to assist you during your program of studies. It contains
policies, procedures and general information relative to the School of Nursing. In addition, you
are referred to the VSU Undergraduate Catalog for other information.
Professional nursing is a challenging academic program. Each course is built upon
previous ones, so it is necessary for you to attain and retain the content and skills required in
each course. The learning environment includes the use of state-of-the art technology in the
classroom, clinical, and laboratory settings. You must demonstrate critical thinking as you use
your repertoire of skills to deliver care with a high degree of accuracy in a constantly changing
clinical environment.
Professional nursing is also a very rewarding career. The career choices in nursing offers
many opportunities for professional growth. Nursing can make a difference in the lives of
those for whom we care, and that is the greatest reward of all.
Your prior academic record has been carefully reviewed. You were admitted to the
program because you meet or exceed the qualifications the faculty has determined necessary
for you to be successful. Still, you may find the nursing curriculum, and the speed at which
you must learn it, challenging.
The faculty will assist you to become the best professional nurse you can be. Best wishes
as your progress through the program.
Students should contact the School of Nursing (229-333-5959) if they have any questions
about the information contained in this handbook.
Professional nursing can make a
difference in the lives of those for
whom we care and that is the
greatest reward of all.”
Table of Contents
I. The College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Expanded Statement of Purpose
Core Values
Concepts of the Curriculum
Definition of Terms
Junior Level Objectives
Baccalaureate Program Objectives
II. Admission, Progression, And Graduation
Enrollment Limitations
Performance Standards
Course Withdrawals/Failures
Additional Expenses
Applying for Graduation
Preparation for Licensure
III. Clinical Information
Clinical Requirements
Personal Adornment and Aesthetics
Classroom, Meetings, and Ceremonial
Items Needed for Clinical Experience
Professional Liability Insurance
Basic Cardiac Life Support Certification
Health and Accident Insurance
Health/Immunization Requirement
Infectious Disease
HIV, Hepatitis B, and Tuberculosis Work
Clinical Preparation
Clinical Attendance
Grading for Clinical Courses
Student Remediation of Psychomotor
HIPPA Statement
Permitted Uses and Disclosures of PHI
Student Responsibility when Working with
a Preceptor
IV. Class Information
Academic and Class Policies
Academic Integrity
Class Attendance
Tests and Test-Taking
Review of Test Achievement
Test Absence
Written Work
Grading Scale
V. General Information
VI. The Honor Code
Honor Code
Expected Behavior
Unacceptable Behavior
Dispositional Expectations
Actions Necessitating Completion of
Disposition Forms
Procedures for Assessing Dispositions
VII. Appendices
Confidentiality Statement
Affirmation of the Honor Code
Student Rights and Responsibilities
“The College of Nursing and Health Sciences develops regional leaders for health care excellence.”
Expanded Statement of Purpose
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences embraces the core characteristics of Valdosta State
University as a comprehensive university. We strive to meet the needs of a diverse student population
within the framework of the needs of nursing and health care in the region. In addition, the pursuit of
excellence in the teaching/learning process and in interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to all we
do. The administration, faculty and staff are committed to the creation and development of a student-
centered, professional, supportive environment in which:
Baccalaureate students, prepared for entry level professional nursing, demonstrate critical thinking in
the provision of ethical and holistic health care to individuals, families and communities. Emphasis is
placed on the art and science of nursing as well as on the application of knowledge from the
humanities and the physical and behavioral sciences.
Graduate students, prepared for advanced professional nursing practice, demonstrate critical thinking
in the provision of ethical and holistic specialized health care to individuals, families and
Professional development, continuing education programming and community service activities are
provided to meet the needs of the region.
Faculty advances the educational program and the profession of nursing through excellence in
teaching, research, scholarship and creative work.
Core Values
Civility a Blazer shows courtesy and compassion, as well as respect, for the dignity of every human
Integrity each Blazer is responsible for his or her own actions, and our community is stronger when
we contemplate the context of our decisions and uphold the principles of trust and honesty.
Citizenship each Blazer has an interest in the community and, therefore, a duty to stay informed to
make positive contributions and to support those who need help.
Excellence each CONHS Blazer is dedicated to creating a culture where transformation is embraced
and reflected in evidence-based teaching and learning and is achieved by both faculty and students. All
stakeholders value and benefit from exemplary scholarship, service, teaching, and practice.
Success each CONHS Blazer pursues growth through life-long learning, goal attainment, and
collaborative partnerships among all stakeholders who serve to optimize the health of the region.
Philosophy of Nursing
Nursing is a caring, client-centered profession, grounded in a body of knowledge based on theory
and research, using humanistic values of altruism, equality, justice, and human dignity to care for people.
Functioning within a professional community, nursing values evidence-based practice, ethical codes, an
interdisciplinary culture, self-regulation, and authority over practice. Providing an important, unique service,
the nursing profession uses a body of theoretical knowledge from analytic and engaged ways of knowing
applied to practice. Professional registered nurses are inherently concerned with persons as whole beings in
continuous interaction within multiple contexts and systems.
Health is defined by individuals, groups, families, and communities within the context of their
unique environments. Environment refers to socioeconomic, sociopolitical, physical, psychosocial and
health care changes that create the dynamic world which provides our daily context of living. The essence of
nursing is to help persons attain and maintain wellness in every dimension of their being. Professional
registered nurses foster healing environments for diverse populations and strive to promote wellness and
improve quality of life for people across the lifespan.
As regional leaders for nursing excellence and learner-centered education, we believe education
transforms all involved, including a diverse population of learners, faculty, and clients. Nursing education is
committed to a technologically-enhanced learning community that promotes learner success. We believe
learners should be actively engaged, self-directed, accountable, and committed to lifelong learning. Faculty
members strive for instructional excellence, offer academic assistance, facilitate learning, and provide
enrichment for learners by coaching, guidance, and mentorship. Our purpose is to educate and graduate
registered nurses who are competent, caring, holistic, and reflective.
Baccalaureate nursing education prepares safe, beginning generalists for entry into
professional nursing practice. Among the important roles of professional registered nurses educated at
the baccalaureate level are: competent care provider, health care coordinator, manager, leader, change
agent, and research consumer.
Graduate nursing education builds on baccalaureate nursing education and prepares professional
registered nurses for advanced nursing practice in specialized clinical and functional roles. Advanced
nursing practice demands complex intellectual analysis, effective management and leadership,
scholarship, and interpersonal competencies. Graduate nursing education operationalizes the roles of
advanced nursing practice and lays the foundation for doctoral study.
Concepts of the Nursing Curriculum
Individuals are more than the sum of their
parts. The mind, body, and soul function
together and cannot be separated. Because the
whole person lives within a socio-cultural
context, the concept of holism is concerned with
the environment and the individual’s
relationship to physical, emotional and spiritual
aspects of living. Existence provides the essence
of being and the framework for becoming
Caring is a conscious nature concerned with
the well-being of others. Being aware of the
wholeness of life, in the interactions and
meaning that are present in every occurrence.
This concern and awareness provides a basis for
empowerment of self and others. Ethical
behavior is a foundation of this concept.
Competence means being skillful in
providing care using appropriate theory and
management style. The nursing process is used
to plan and implement safe,
cost-effective, ethical care-based on theoretical
foundations. The application of scientific and
mathematic principles and technological skills is
imperative for the nurse.
Health is a dynamic concept that has
different meaning for individuals. Using a prism
as an analogy, the whole person has many facets
and angles, and within the facets and angles
may be imperfections
(impairments of health). The imperfections
change the light as it is refracted through the
prism; however, there are some facets that
remain unchanged. The beauty of the refracted
light may not be marred. Therefore, an
individual may have an impairment of health in
a specific aspect and yet perceive themselves as
Teaching and learning are life-long activities
that begin at birth and end at death. Life is a
continuous process of teaching and learning.
Nurses are responsible for educating individuals
in need of health care instruction. The whole
context of the teaching-learning interaction must
be considered for the occurrence to be beneficial
to all involved.
Cultural Competence
Cultural competence is the ability to deliver
health care with knowledge of and sensitivity to
cultural factors that influence the health
behavior of a person.
Nurses recognize and integrate body-mind-
spirit holistic principles and modalities in daily
life and clinical practice; and create healing
spaces within themselves that allow purpose of
helping others feel safe and more in harmony;
and share authenticity of unconditional presence
that helps to remove barriers to the healing
Human Caring Process
The human caring process is the moral state
in which the holistic nurse brings his or her
whole self into relationship to the whole self of
significant beings which reinforces the meaning
and experience of oneness and unity.
Intuition is the perceived knowing of things
and events without the conscious use of rational
processes; using all the senses to receive
Definition of Terms
Assessment is the first step in the evaluation
process. Assessment is the careful collection of
data that becomes part of an organizational
whole. Assessment is measurable and is
performed holistically with individuals,
families, and communities.
Communities are groups of people who are
organized together for common purposes or
interests. Communities have common beliefs,
traditions, functions, and organizations.
Members of communities live together in
interdependent relationships. Communities
influence the life processes of its members
based on the availability of resources and the
ability to identify and mobilize various groups
or forces within the global community.
Consumers are the recipients of nursing care;
and choose the services which they believe will
promote their health.
Delegation is the act of empowering one or
more persons to represent you. Empowerment
includes relationships with others nurtured by
collaboration, focusing on strengths, rights, and
abilities in a learning process. Negotiation is
utilizing a web, as a metaphorical structure,
helps to empower relationships as a process to
facilitate communication and effective
Evaluation entails judgment of data to what
is known. The process of evaluation utilizes
critical thinking, a complex mental process
including intuition and logic, to make accurate
nursing decisions in professional practice.
Family refers to persons connected by
biological, psychological, cultural, economic,
and legal bonds who perceive a sense of
connectedness and/or interdependence. The
family may be the environment or focus of
client care.
Habilitation is the process of enabling, and
empowering persons or groups to acquire skills
and abilities not previously attained.
Health Promotion
Health promotion is a process enabling
people to exercise control of their health
behaviors within their environment and to
recognize that health is a resource. Health
promotion is more than healthy lifestyles, its
purpose is well-being.
Disease Prevention
Disease prevention refers to behaviors and
interventions designed to protect persons from
actual and potential illnesses, and to decrease
the likelihood of developing specific diseases.
These behaviors and interventions include
primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Primary Prevention
Activities designed to promote healthy
lifestyles and to prevent specific diseases from
Secondary Prevention
Early detection and prompt management of
Tertiary Prevention
Prevention of complications and further
progression of diseases
Assisted Care
Assisted care involves using collaborative
relationships in the performance, direction, and
supervision of therapeutic intervention.
Management and leadership are the
empowerment of persons to accomplish goals
by using time and other resources effectively.
Managers and leaders use knowing, caring,
moral responsibility, networking, reciprocity,
cooperation, intuition and logic activities to
promote health.
Negotiation is the process of viewing
empowerment and relationships as the means to
facilitate communication, effective delegation of
authorities and responsibilities, or person-to-
person resolution.
Professionalism is a learned pattern of
behavior based upon a code of ethics. The
behavior of the professional nurse is motivated
by an altruistic sense of commitment,
responsibility, and accountability to our global
community. Professional nurses are members of
an association of practitioners engaged in
continual efforts to improve the quality of
nursing practice. Nurses are participants in the
development and implementation of public
policy that promotes and protects the health and
well-being of society.
Rehabilitation is the process of assisting a
person’s adaptation from one state of being to
another. The focus is on assisting patients and
groups in modifying themselves or their
environment toward optimum function and
Research is a systematic process of
investigation for development and verification
of theory. Scientific procedures designed to
promote the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data to contribute to
development of nursing knowledge and practice.
Junior Level Objectives
1. Analyze theoretical, empirical, and
experiential knowledge gained from the
liberal arts, human and natural sciences,
and nursing to develop holistic plans of
care for individuals, families, and
populations throughout the lifespan.
2. Collaborate with other health care
partners to assess, plan, implement, and
evaluate safe effective care.
3. Demonstrate critical thinking and
effective communication with evidence
of sound decision-making.
4. Identify evidence from research and
nursing practice to plan, implement, and
evaluate nursing care.
5. Apply the nursing process to primary,
secondary, and tertiary care.
6. Adhere to ethical principles and
professional standards of nursing
7. Apply teaching/learning principles that
consider gender, age, development,
education, and culture in promoting
optimal health and wellness.
8. Identify trends and issues that affect
health, access to health care, advocacy,
and human dignity.
9. Examine ethical and legal issues
affecting professional nursing practice
and patient advocacy.
10. Incorporate technology in planning and
delivering nursing care.
Baccalaureate Program Objectives
1. Synthesize theoretical, empirical, and
experiential knowledge gained from the
2. liberal arts, human and natural sciences,
and nursing to develop holistic plans of
care for individuals, families, and
populations throughout the lifespan
3. Coordinate with other health care
professionals to assess, plan, implement,
and evaluate safe, effective care
4. Deliver holistic care using critical
thinking, sound decision-making, and
effective communication
5. Integrate evidence from research and
nursing practice to plan, implement, and
evaluate nursing care
6. Apply leadership and current
management principles as a novice
professional nurse in the effective
delivery of health care
7. Integrate professional standards and
ethical principles into nursing practice
8. Promote health for individuals, families,
and populations throughout the lifespan
incorporating teaching/learning
9. Demonstrate knowledge and awareness
of trends and issues that affect health,
access to health care,
advocacy, and human dignity
10. Advocate for persons, groups, and
populations throughout the lifespan
based on awareness of issues and
trends that affect health
11.Integrate technology in planning,
delivery, and evaluation of nursing care.
Pre-Licensure BSN Admission Criteria
1. Applicants must be accepted into
Valdosta State University as
undergraduate students prior to
application submission. Please note that
acceptance to the nursing program is
separate from, and conditional to,
acceptance to Valdosta State University.
Students will be required to provide a
valid VSU student identification number
on their nursing application.
2. Minimum cumulative overall GPA of
2.8 based on all attempted coursework,
and a minimum nursing GPA of 3.0
based on prerequisite course required for
the nursing major. Nursing GPA is
calculated based on courses listed on the
core curriculum worksheet. If a course
is repeated, only the most current grade
will be calculated, whether the grade is
better or worse than the first. See
special requirements for areas DIIB and
F below.
All prerequisites must be completed
prior to the start of the program.
(Effective February 1, 2020. Prior
applicants refer to previous handbook)
ENGL 1101- Composition I
ENGL 1102 _ Composition II
BIOL 2651 Human Anatomy &
Physiology I*
BIOL 2652 Human Anatomy &
Physiology II*
BIOL 2900 Microbiology in health and
MATH 2620 Statistical Methods*
NURS 2700 Pathophysiology*
PSYC 2103 Human Growth and
One Science Sequence in area DIIB.
Choose from one of the following
CHEM 1151 Survey of Chemistry I*
CHEM 1151 Survey of Chemistry II*
CHEM 1211 & 1211L Principles of
Chemistry I & Lab*:
CHEM 1212 & 1212L Principles of
Chemistry II & Lab*
BIOL 1010 & 1020L Introduction to
Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of
Life & Biodiversity Lab*
BIOL 1030 & 1040L Introduction to
Biology: Organismal Biology &
Organismal Biology Lab*
3. Minimum of ‘C’ in each math and
science course in Areas DIIB and F.
NURS 2700 is considered as a science
requirement. Math and science courses
in area DIIB and F may not be repeated
more than one time. Courses in Area F
older than 5 years at time of program
application deadline must be retaken for
consideration into the program.
4. Successful completion of the required
standardized entrance examination. The
entrance exam may be repeated no more
than twice in the 12 months prior to the
application deadline. Scores submitted
for the entrance exam must reflect a test
date no more than 12 months prior to
application to the nursing program.
Students taking the exam at an
institution other than VSU are
responsible for contacting the testing
agency to have the results submitted
directly to VSU.
Important Considerations:
Applicants who have attended another nursing
program must petition the undergraduate
nursing program’s Admissions & Progressions
Committee PRIOR to application for eligibility
consideration into the program. Any nursing
student who fails to disclose previous exclusions
from a previous program is subject to immediate
dismissal from the current program.
Students are considered for admission based on
academic performance in required pre-nursing
core curriculum, performance on a standardized
entrance test, and availability of resources.
Meeting minimum admission standards does not
guarantee acceptance into the program.
Admission decisions are based on a
COMPETITIVE process using a nursing GPA
calculation based on the student’s prerequisite
coursework. Transfer grades from other colleges
and universities that meet the criteria for the
required nursing Core Curriculum courses will
be used in the computation of the overall and
nursing GPA for the School of Nursing.
There are two types of admission:
Full acceptance is offered when all criteria are
met and a seat is available. Students who meet
all admission criteria, but for whom there is not
an available seat, will be notified and their
applications will be held active until after the
first week of classes in which the cohort begins
the upper division nursing program. If seats
become available students will be notified
immediately. It is therefore critical that
applicants keep the School of Nursing updated
with current address, email and phone number.
Contingent acceptance is predicated upon
successful completion of unmet criteria.
Applicants not selected for admission who wish
to be considered for future cohorts will need to
complete the entire admission process again for
the next available cohort prior to the next
application deadline as well as the completion
of academic and applicant advising. An
applicant will not be considered an active
applicant if he or she does not complete the
entire application process. All applicants must
meet admission criteria in place at time of
application, which may be different from
previous application period.
Progression in the nursing curriculum is based
on the progression criteria of Valdosta State
University. Nursing students must submit prior
to the first day of every semester, to include
Junior I semester:
Documentation of a current physical
examination by a licensed health care
provider affirming that they are free
from communicable disease and able to
function safely in a clinical environment.
The undergraduate nursing program
Validation of Physical Examination;
Documentation of vaccination,
immunity or exemption status of
Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Tetanus toxoid,
Hepatitis B vaccination,
Varicella titer
TB (students should receive TB
screening annually for students with
negative test). Accepted tests include:
a single blood assay for M.
tuberculosis (BAMT) QuantiFERON-
TB Gold blood test (QFT-GIT or T-
Spot); or 2 step tuberculin skin test
(TST); or
Chest X-ray followed by a symptom
check list annually;
Flu Vaccine
Drug testing as requested by clinical
agencies or School of Nursing;
Maintain current certificate in BLS for
Healthcare Provider (Basic CPR) by
American Heart Association or a
comparable certifying agency;
Maintain current malpractice insurance
with minimum coverage of
Maintain current health insurance.
Nursing students are mandated by the
USG to maintain health insurance.
Registration will be automatic and the
charge will be applied to your student
bill unless waived. The approximate cost
is $2,676.00 Waivers may be applied for
via the USG waiver portal. See for
information. Please note you must be
registered for courses prior to
applying for a waiver.
Proof of each of these progression requirements
is due the first class day or as otherwise noted
on master calendar.
In addition, a student must:
Attain a minimum of C in each nursing course
including a weighted exam average of at least 74
in selected course. A student will receive the
letter grade D or F based on the weighted exam
average earned in the course, if the grade is < 74.
[Student is referred to “Grading Policies for
Clinical Course”].
Many courses have a lab/clinical component.
For successful completion of courses with a
lab/clinical component, students must attain a
minimum of C including a weighted exam
average of at least 74 and a “satisfactory”
lab/clinical evaluation. If the lab/clinical
component of the course is “unsatisfactory”, a
grade of D will be assigned for an exam average
of 66 or greater and a grade of F will be
assigned for an exam average below 66. Grades
will not be rounded.
Only one nursing course may be repeated.
Failure to achieve a grade of C or better in a
repeated nursing course or in any subsequent
nursing course constitutes dismissal from the
Achieve satisfactory score on standardized tests.
(See testing policy).
Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors
consistent with the VSU Student Government
Association Code of Ethics, the VSU School of
Nursing Student Honor Code, the American
Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards
of Practice (as applied to their level) and the
ANA Code of Ethics.
Comprehensive Testing Policy
In addition to successful completion of
coursework, students are required to participate
in the Comprehensive Testing Program. The
Comprehensive Testing Program includes
independent review of selected nursing content
and completion of standardized tests. Specific
standardized tests have been selected for
progression in nursing and require attainment of
a designated score.
Pre-Licensure BSN Student Comprehensive
Testing Policy
The testing program correlates with success
in nursing by using scheduled exams that are
required for progression. Students are required
to achieve a target score (identified through
psychometric analysis) on standardized tests
throughout the nursing curriculum. This score is
identified through psychometric analysis as
consistent with success in nursing and reflects
VSU School of Nursing’s academic standards
for student performance. As data on test
performance is developed and as the
benchmarks for academic achievement in the
nursing program advance, this score may
change. The actual score is also dependent upon
which version of the test is administered.
Students may request information regarding the
required score for each test administered by
contacting the School of Nursing Administrative
Enrollment Limitations
Enrollment limitations are necessary in order
to ensure appropriate, supervised clinical
experiences. Admitted students who decide not
to enter the nursing program are requested to
notify the School of Nursing department
immediately, so their place in the class can be
reassigned. In fairness to all applicants, the
admission offer is valid only for the time
specified in the acceptance letter.
Students with prior conviction of a felony
charge may not be allowed to sit for the
National Council Licensure Examination upon
graduation. Graduation from an approved
nursing program is but one requisite for
applying for licensure. The jurisdictional Board
of Nursing makes the final decision on
eligibility. Before applying to the undergraduate
nursing program any student who has a
conviction for a felony or misdemeanor offense
is strongly encouraged to seek the advice of the
Drug Screening
A drug screen may be required prior to and
during placement in clinical sites. Placement in
health care agencies for clinical experiences is
contingent upon meeting the rules and
regulations of each facility. All students are
required to submit a criminal background check
prior to admission to clinical practica. Results of
criminal background checks are sent directly to
the clinical facility in which the student is
placed; the School of Nursing staff, faculty and
administration do not have access these reports.
If a clinical agency determines that a student is
not eligible to be placed in their facility due to
results of a criminal background check or drug
screening, the School of Nursing will be notified
that a student may not be placed but the reason
will not be communicated. The Associate Dean
will attempt to place students in an alternative
setting, but this is not guaranteed. If a student
cannot be placed in a clinical setting the student
may be referred to the Admissions and
Progression Committee for possible dismissal
from the program.
Core Performance Standards
Nurses have an obligation not only to
themselves and the profession but also to the
public to provide safe, competent and
responsible care.
Core performance standards for admission and
progression as recommended by the Southern
Regional Educational Board (SREB).
Critical thinking ability for effective clinical
reasoning and clinical judgment consistent with
level of educational preparation.
Interpersonal skills sufficient for professional
interactions with a diverse population of
individuals, families and groups.
Communication skills sufficient for verbal and
written professional interactions.
Psychomotor skills sufficient for providing safe,
effective nursing care.
Assessment skills sufficient for providing safe,
effective nursing care.
Reasonable Accommodations
If an applicant or student self-reports that he or
she cannot meet one or more of the core
performance standards without
accommodations, the nursing program, in
consultation with the Student Access Office,
will determine what accommodations can
reasonably be made. Applicants and students are
responsible for making disabilities known and
formally seeking accommodations.
Students requesting classroom accommodations
or modifications because of a documented
disability should contact the Access Office for
Students with Disabilities located in Farbar Hall.
The numbers are 245-2498 (voice) and 219-1348
(tty). Website:
Course Withdrawals/Failures
Voluntary student withdrawals from a course(s)
are limited to a single semester. If a student
wishes to voluntarily withdraw, the student must
first notify the course instructor(s) and academic
advisor. The academic advisor will develop an
action plan in collaboration with the student and
course instructor(s). If a student withdraws from
one or more courses within the same semester,
the withdrawal limit established by the BSN
program of study will be met.
For example, if a Junior 1 student chooses to
withdraw from one or more courses at midterm,
the student will no longer have the option of
withdrawing from any Junior 2, Senior 1, or
Senior 2 courses.
Students who withdraw or attain a final grade of
less than a 74/C in a nursing course and wish to
continue in the nursing program are considered
to be “out of sequence” and must submit a
course override
form.php) requesting permission to register for
course(s) in the subsequent semester. Students
who are out of sequence and eligible for
reenrollment will be enrolled in courses
contingent upon space availability. The three
year program duration limit is also applicable.
Consideration will be given to students with
hardship and/or medical withdrawals that are
validated and documented according to the VSU
policy for hardship and medical withdrawals.
Any student who has received an unsatisfactory
clinical evaluation for a course that was due to
unsafe, irresponsible or unprofessional behavior
may not be eligible for readmission.
If courses have been taken at another college or
university during the time the student is out of
the VSU School of Nursing, transcripts
documenting these courses must accompany the
readmission application. When a student is
readmitted, written notification of the curricular
requirements for graduation will be provided
with the acceptance notice. The student will be
responsible for abiding by policies and
procedures in effect at the time of readmission.
Additional Expenses
Nursing students will incur expenses throughout
the program above the fees identified in the
Valdosta State University Undergraduate
Bulletin. Additional costs may include but are
not limited to:
Transportation to and from clinical practica
is the responsibility of the student. Travel
to some clinical agencies may require 1 to 2
hours of time and public transportation is
not available. It is necessary therefore, that
students have (or can arrange for)
dependable transportation.
Student professional liability insurance
must be purchased and maintained
throughout the School of Nursing academic
program. Proof of insurance coverage is
required before students can participate in
clinical experiences. The cost is
approximately $35/year.
Certification in BLS for Healthcare
Provider (Basic CPR) is required. The cost
of the certification is determined by the
training agency. The current cost is
approximately $50-$60.
Immunization Tracker (approximately $35)
and Drug Screen (approximately $37) via
Criminal Background Check is
approximately $ 49.50 Proof (receipt)
should be uploaded into the Immunization
Testing-related costs:
Testing will be conducted via Examplify
from ExamSoft. The approximate cost
is $40/semester.
Nursing Students will be required to
furnish an iPad (accessories optional) for
use for the duration of the program. This
iPad is also available at VSU Bookstore
and can be purchased on the day of
The requirement of the iPad Equipment:
MLMN2LL/A 9.7-inch iPad Pro Wi-
Fi 32GB or better
2-Year AppleCare+ for iPad
MM1Y2AM/A Silicone Case for
9.7-inch iPad Pro
MM2L2AM/A Smart Keyboard for
9.7-inch iPad Pro
MK0C2AM/A Apple Pencil for iPad
MLMV2LL/A 9.7-inch iPad Pro Wi-
Fi 128GB
Note: Students can get a 10% Educational
Discount for the iPad itself by purchasing
directly from Apple at: Apple Education
Students will be required to follow policies
related to using BlazeVIEW, email, and
computing resources on campus. Information
related to requirements for using BlazeVIEW
may be found on the VSU Distance Learning
web site at:
and the Information Technology website on
policies at
The purchase of textbooks and related materials
is required each semester. The approximate cost
for books and materials per semester is:
Semester 1 - $442.26 (Added to Fee &
Tuition as “DayOne”)Students may opt out
Semester 2 - $404.94
Semester 3 - $218.70
Semester 4 - $162.43
The purchase of Nursing Skills Pack
(approximate cost $136) is required prior to the
first semester. The pack contains the equipment
and supplies need to practice selected nursing
skills. Two sets of uniforms are also needed.
These must be purchased from bookstore.
The School of Nursing uses a Standardized
Assessment Package with an NCLEX-RN
Review Course. This standardized assessment
package will be used during orientation and
throughout the entire nursing program as an
academic measuring tool and as a focused
remediation tool.
There is a charge of approximately $800-$900
to cover the costs of the assessment package.
This fee will be paid directly to the company
providing the assessment package and will be
divided into 4 payments (1 payment/semester).
Please note that additional testing charges
may be incurred for repeating courses/tests
that are not passed.
All pre-licensure students are required to
attend an external NCLEX Review course.
Applying for Graduation
Students should apply for graduation at least
two full semesters in advance of the anticipated
graduation date. Students should complete an
Electronic Graduation Application or pick up a
form from the Registrar. The application fee is
approximately $25.00.
Preparation for Licensure
Near the end of the program students will
submit an application to take the nursing
licensure examination (NCLEX-RN®). Though
the cost for the licensure examination (NCLEX-
RN®) is consistent for all jurisdictions, the cost
of the application depends on the state in which
the examination is taken, and varies from $40 to
$275. The application cost is in addition to the
actual testing fees for the licensure examination.
Clinical Requirements
VSU Nursing Uniforms
The following constitutes general policies
regarding professional attire. These uniforms or
dress requirements are subject of change at the
discretion of the clinical instructor in order that
we maintain consistency with the dress code of
our affiliating clinical intuitions.
VSU nursing students are required to wear
the approved VSU uniform (white tunic top
with red pants) name tag, and lab jacket. These
items must be purchased from the VSU
Bookstore. Sizing is available in the bookstore.
Uniforms must be ordered and paid in advance.
Skirts may be worn by female students who
have religious or cultural preferences. Skirts
must conform to the fabric and color of uniform
pants. Students must also purchase a name tag.
Dress requirements may vary from course
to course, depending upon CDC Personnel
Health Guidelines and policies of facilities.
To meet OSHA safety requirements for
shoes in settings in which fluid exposures may
occur, with uniforms, students should wear
shoes that: are leather OR impervious to fluids;
have rubber soles and closed toes and heels; and
flat or low heels. They should be solid white or
solid black in color. The requirements for shoes
in certain agencies may be more specific and if
so, must be observed by the student. The VSU
Bookstore does NOT carry nursing shoes.
Dress Code for Community Health Agencies
The attire for public health and public-school
settings is the same as for hospital settings.
Students are to wear their VSU student nurse
uniforms; and the guidelines for Personal
Adornment and Aesthetics are to be observed as
outlined in the student handbook. The attire for
any other clinical experiences in Community
Health agencies may be determined by the
specific agency. The VSU name badge/ID is
always required in any clinical setting.
In all other cases, however, dress is to be
conservative and the following guidelines
should be observed (along with the guidelines
for Personal Adornment and Aesthetics in the
student handbook):
Female Students:
1. Blouses of a conservative style covering
shoulders, back, stomach, and upper
arms, and cleavage
2. Dress slacks or pressed khakis (no jeans,
capris, leggings, or ankle pants) are
preferable to skirts; skirts should be
below the knee to mid-calf in length
3. Closed-toe flats or comfortable loafers
or dress shoes of a conservative style,
with a heel no higher than 1 and 1/2
inches (no sandals, flip-flops, or tennis
4. The VSU name badge/ID is always
required in any clinical setting
5. If required, white lab coat with V
State logo
Male Students:
1. Short or long sleeve dress shirt or golf-
style collared shirt
2. Dress slacks or pressed khakis (no jeans)
3. Closed-toe loafers or comfortable dress
shoes of a conservative style, with socks
4. The VSU name badge/ID is always
required in any clinical setting
5. If required, white lab coat with V
State logo
Dress for Mental Health Agencies
The attire for clinical in mental health
agencies will be determined by the specific
agency. In all cases, however, dress is to be
conservative and the following guidelines
should be observed:
All students should dress in a professional
1. General guidelines: Street Clothes
a. No tight fitting, nor revealing
b. No exposed shoulders
c. No cleavage
d. No exposed skin showing torso.
e. No capris
f. No denim of any color
2. Flat, comfortable shoes, no exposed toes,
heels or ankles
3. Hose or socks are required
4. Nothing around the neck: no neckties, or
scarves or dangling jewelry
5. No body jewelry of any type any place
visible on the head, neck, mouth, and
(Exception: one pair of stud earrings for
pierced ears)
6. Hair for both genders must be away from
face and pulled back if below shoulders
7. No visible tattoos and/or other body art on
arms, hands, neck and extremities
8. No sharps (scissors, Swiss Army Knife,
etc.) allowed
9. No incendiary devices (lighters) or
cigarettes are allowed
10. No pagers, cell phones, or smart phones are
to be taken on the units (family are to
contact the College of Nursing and Health
Sciences for emergencies 229-333-5959)
11. No book bags, or purses are allowed on the
Personal Adornment and Aesthetics
For safety, disease control, and patient
comfort there are specific requirements related
to adornment and appearance. Hair must be neat
and secured back away from the face, so as not
to create a hazard while caring for clients. Large
hair bows, jewelry, or other adornment may not
be worn in the hair. Fingernails should be
trimmed to an appropriate length so as not to be
hazardous to clients. Fingernail polish or
artificial nail surfaces may not be worn.
Jewelry must be limited to a wedding band
and/or one (1) small stud in lobe of pierced ears.
Perfumes, aftershave, and other scented
products are prohibited. False eyelashes are
Guidelines for Classroom Attire in the
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Undergraduate Programs
Socialization into the health professions
includes attention to personal appearance. The
School of Nursing encourages students to
project an image of professionalism not only in
clinical settings; but also on campus and in the
community when representing Valdosta State
Specifically, clothing that exposes buttocks,
cleavage, or midriff; or that displays offensive
wording or profanity is unacceptable in the
classroom setting.
Guidelines for Professional Meetings
During a professional meeting, a polished
and poised image is important. Attire for such
an occasion is different from attire worn to a
club, a party or on a date.
1. For men, appropriate business attire for a
professional meeting includes khaki or dark
pants, short or long-sleeved dress shirt with
tie, polo or golf shirt, a belt and dress shoes
with dark socks. Neatness is imperative.
Clothes must be clean and pressed. Hats are
discouraged unless part of religious
2. Women are expected to wear knee-length
skirts or dresses; or tailored pants, sweater
sets or jackets with blouses. Extreme shoe
styles, including but not limited to stilettos,
should be avoided. Off-the-shoulder styles,
clothing that is excessively tight or that
exposes buttocks, thighs, cleavage, or
midriff is discouraged.
Guidelines for College of Nursing and Health
Sciences Ceremonies
For College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Recognition/Pinning Ceremonies,
undergraduate students are required to wear the
VSU nursing uniform, a white lab coat worn
over the uniform, and appropriate shoes.
Items Needed for Clinical Experiences
Students must obtain equipment and
uniforms needed for clinical laboratory
experiences within the first 2 weeks of the
semester in which they enter nursing. These
items include:
1. Nursing Skills Pack (available at the
VSU Bookstore)
2. Stethoscope
3. Watch with a second hand
4. Uniforms (minimum of 2)
5. White lab coat
6. Approved nursing shoes
7. VSU nursing patches (available at the
VSU Bookstore)
8. VSU Name Badge (available at the VSU
9. VSU OneCard ID
Professional Liability Insurance
Students enrolled in clinical nursing courses
must show proof of professional liability
insurance, minimum amount of $1,000,000/
$3,000,000, on the first day of each clinical
nursing course, the student must show proof of
insurance coverage.
The student may purchase such liability
insurance from a carrier of his/her choice. The
School of Nursing has plan information that is
available on request. The School of Nursing
does not endorse any particular carrier. Any
student without insurance, or without the
required proof, will not be allowed to attend
clinical, including mandatory orientations, until
this requirement is met. The missed time will
be counted as a clinical absence. It is the
responsibility of the student to maintain
coverage throughout the nursing curriculum and
to have the documentation available upon
request of any authorized person. Students are
encouraged to develop a portfolio of this and
other related documentation.
Basic Cardiac Life Support
Students enrolled in clinical nursing courses
must acquire and maintain current certification
for Basic Cardiac Life Support for Health Care
Professionals - adult one and two rescuer,
infant, and child CPR and obstructed airway. It
is the nursing student’s responsibility to acquire
this certification and maintain it at all times. The
cost of certification is determined by the agency
providing the training and currently cost
between $50-$60. Proof of current certification
must be submitted to the nursing instructor or
designee prior to the first day of each clinical
course, with a copy to be placed in the student’s
file at the College of Nursing and Health
Health and Accident Insurance
Students are responsible for the cost of
treatment of any accident or injury occurring
while enrolled in nursing coursework whether
the incident occurs in the classroom, clinical
experiences, or personal activities. Students
enrolled in nursing courses must maintain
personal health/accidental insurance. Students
may be required to submit a health screening,
physical examination, and/or drug testing at the
clinical agency in which they are placed for
education experiences. Unless designated to the
contrary, costs for these services are the
responsibility of the students.
Student/Faculty Clinical
Health/Immunization Requirement
The goal of these requirements is to protect students, faculty, patients and staff from diseases and harm.
Published standards from the CDC were used to create these recommendations and are referenced
Measles, Mumps and Rubella*
Documentations of 2 doses of MMR Laboratory evidence of immunity
Documented history of disease
Born before 1957 except if no documentation of mumps vaccination or
immunity should receive 1 dose of MMR
MMWR, October 13, 2006
MMWR, June 1, 2006
Documentation of immunization with 2 doses of vaccine
Laboratory evidence of immunity
History of varicella disease (date, age, description)
Diagnosis of herpes zoster by healthcare provider
MMWR, June 2007
Hepatitis B*
Documentation of 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine with post vaccination
laboratory evidence of immunity
Laboratory evidence of immunity
Declination signed
MMWR, December 23, 2005
Proof of immunization including at least 1 dose of Tdap if received Td >2
years ago, otherwise Td within 10 years.
MMWR, December 15, 2006
Annual TB Screening*
Two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) 1-3 weeks apart if 1
is negative.
If previous documented negative TST within last 12 months, single TST.
Previous BCG vaccination TST as above
If previous documented positive TEST n TST.
Baseline chest x ray or result documented. Annual symptom screen if
previous positive TST
MMWR, December 30, 2005
Influenza Vaccine
Annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for health care
personnel to reduce risk of contracting the flu and to reduce the risk of
transmitting it to others
MMWR, August 8, 2008
Recommendations of Advisory
Council on Immunization Practices
Health Exam*
Performed by healthcare provider (physician, NP, PA) upon NS admission and when change in physical health
occurs that may affect ability to fulfill educational requirements. Thereafter, a health form is completed by
student/faculty including TB screening questions and change in health status.
CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly reports can found at
Mantoux tuberculin skin test (2 step 1
3 weeks apart OR 2 years of annual
testing) OR QuantiFERON-TB Gold
blood test (QFT-GIT or T-spot) is
required annually.
If you have a history of positive TB test,
proof of a negative chest x-ray (within
five years) with an annual symptom
questionnaire is required.
Other immunizations may be required by
the affiliating agencies unless a
documented medical contraindication
Infectious Disease
Any student or faculty member with patient
care responsibilities who knows, or has reason
to believe, that he/she has Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis,
Tuberculosis, or any other infectious disease,
has the professional responsibility to report this
information to the Associate Dean of the School
of Nursing. Students must also inform clinical
The School of Nursing conforms to state and
federal regulations regarding HIV status
disclosure and discrimination toward students or
faculty members with HIV infection. All
information disclosed by a student or faculty
member regarding HIV status will be considered
as; AIDS Confidential Information (O.C.G.A.
Students and faculty members must also
satisfy clinical agency requirements for
disclosure and/or practice restrictions. If a
clinical agency has no policy governing practice
restrictions for a specific disease or condition,
then the current Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) Personnel Health Guidelines will be
For more information visit, or call (404)639-6101.
It is the policy of the School of Nursing that
standard precautions must always be utilized by
all students and faculty.
HIV and Hepatitis B work restrictions:
Do not perform exposure-prone invasive
procedures until counsel from an expert
review panel which recommends
procedures that may be performed (CDC
Personnel Health Guidelines).
If an expert panel is not available at the
specific clinical agency or at the local
health department, the Dean of the
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
(or designee) will consult the CDC and
obtain an expert recommendation from
them for any procedure/ practice
Tuberculosis work restrictions (CDC):
Active exclude from duty until proved
PPD converter no restriction.
For all other diseases or conditions, see CDC
Personnel Health Guidelines.
Exposure-prone procedures are those which
present a recognized risk of percutaneous injury
to the health care worker, and, if such an injury
should occur, the health care worker’s blood is
likely to come in contact with the patient’s body
cavity, subcutaneous tissue, and/or mucous
membranes (CDC). Whenever a healthcare
worker’s fingers and a sharp instrument, such as
a needle or scalpel, are simultaneously in a
poorly visualized or confined anatomic site, the
procedure is considered “exposure-prone.”
Clinical Preparation
Students are expected to prepare for all
clinical experiences prior to the clinical day.
Each student is responsible for securing
information on assigned clients prior to the
clinical practicum as well as supplying the
instructor, on the clinical day, with any required
written clinical preparation as required by
instructor. At the beginning of the course, the
instructor will notify the class members of the
procedure for obtaining assignments.
When obtaining information from a clinical
site, students should identify themselves to the
Charge Nurse as soon as they arrive on the unit;
any questions concerning the patient should be
addressed to the Charge Nurse. Any other
questions should be addressed to the VSU
To meet hospital requirements, only the
student may go to the units to secure
assignments. No children, friends, or family
members are allowed to accompany students.
Proper attire must be worn to any clinical site,
as directed by course faculty (see section on
clinical attire).
Clinical Attendance
Students are expected to attend all
clinical/laboratory experiences, and to arrive on
time. Clinical absences will result in an
unsatisfactory clinical grade for the day missed
unless the absence is excused by the instructor.
Students may be required to make up clinical
absences. Students must notify the appropriate
faculty or agency personnel as soon as possible
when absence or late arrival at clinical is
anticipated. If a student’s tardiness requires
patient reassignment, the student may be
dismissed and given an unsatisfactory
evaluation for the day.
Students will receive a "U" (unsatisfactory)
grade for the clinical portion of the course if
he/she has two or more documented
unsatisfactory lab/simulation or clinical days,
violates HIPPA, participates in any unsafe act or
situation as defined by the Unsafe Student
Practice Policy, fails to submit/resubmit a
clinical assignment, or fails to complete all
clinical hours. The reasons above are examples
and are not meant to be inclusive of all reasons
for receiving a “U”. Refer to Student
Disposition Policy for details and examples of
unsatisfactory performance.
Grading for Clinical Courses
Many undergraduate courses have two
components, both of which must be completed
successfully to result in satisfactory course
credit of C or better. The grade for the theory
component is the result of course examinations,
a comprehensive final examination, and other
assigned work, indicated in the course syllabus.
Each student must achieve an examination
average of ‘C ‘or better before other assigned
work is applied to the theory component of the
grade. If a ‘C’ average is not achieved, the
course grade will be assigned solely on the
examination average.
Clinical/lab work is given a “satisfactory” or
“unsatisfactory” evaluation. The student must
achieve a satisfactory evaluation by the end of
the course. If the clinical/lab component of the
course is “satisfactory” and the student achieves
the minimum 74% weighted exam calculation,
then the final course grade will be calculated
using the weighted percentages stipulated in the
Course Grade section of the course syllabus.
If the clinical/lab component of the course is
“unsatisfactory”, a grade of D will be assigned
for an exam average of 66 or greater and a grade
of F will be assigned for an exam average below
66. Grades will not be rounded.
Student Remediation of Psychomotor Skills
Students unable to perform certain clinical
skills may be offered the opportunity to relearn
the skills(s) using learning activities available at
the School of Nursing.
Students enrolled in the School of Nursing
must hold in confidence all patient related
information. Specific instruction on
confidentiality within the health care setting is
provided in nursing course. Failure to protect
any patient’s right to confidential treatment may
result in a failing grade in the course and
dismissal from the College of Nursing and
Health Sciences. To meet confidentiality
requirements each student is required to affirm
their understanding of patient’s right to privacy,
and need for confidentiality by signing a
Confidentiality Statement. A copy of this
statement is in Appendix A.
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPPA)
The broad mission and extensive scope of
operations of the Board of Regents of the
University System of Georgia, including the
constituent colleges and universities of the
University System of Georgia (collectively, the
“Board”), necessitates that the Board collect,
maintain, and, where necessary, disseminate
health information regarding the Board’s
students, employees, volunteers, and others. For
example, the Board collects medical information
through its various medical and dental hospitals,
clinics, and infirmaries, through the
administration of its various medical and life
insurance programs, and through its various
environmental health and safety programs. The
Board protects the confidentiality of
individually identifiable health information that
is in its possession. Such health information,
which is protected from unauthorized disclosure
by Board policies and by state and federal law,
is referred to as “protected health information,”
or “PHI.”
PHI is defined as: “any individually
identifiable health information regarding an
employee’s, a student’s, or a patient’s
medical/dental history; mental or physical
condition; or medical treatment.” Examples of
PHI include patient name, address, telephone
and/or fax number, electronic mail address,
social security number or other patient
identification number, date of birth, date of
treatment, medical treatment records, medical
enrollment records, or medical claims records.
The Board will follow the practices that are
described in this Notice of Privacy Practices
(“Notice”). The Board reserves the right to
change the terms of this Notice and of its
privacy policies, and to make the new terms
applicable to all PHI that it maintains. Before
the Board makes an important change to its
privacy policies, it will promptly revise this
Notice and post a new Notice in prominent
Permitted Uses and Disclosures of PHI
The following categories describe the
different ways in which the Board may use or
disclose your PHI. We include some examples
that should help you better understand each
The Board may receive, use, or disclose your
PHI to administer your health and dental
benefits plan. Please be informed that the
Board, under certain conditions and
circumstances, may use or disclose your PHI
without obtaining your prior written
authorization. An example of this would be
when the Board is required to do so by law.
Other examples are presented below.
For Treatment. The Board may use and
disclose PHI as it relates to the provision,
coordination, or management of medical
treatment that you receive. The disclosure of
PHI may be shared among the respective
healthcare providers who are involved with your
treatment and medical care. For example, if
your primary care physician needs to
use/disclose your PHI to a specialist, with whom
he/she consults regarding your condition, this
would be permitted.
For Payment. The Board may use and
disclose PHI to bill and collect payment for
healthcare services and items that you receive.
The Board may transmit PHI to verify that you
are eligible for healthcare and/or dental benefits.
The Board may be required to disclose PHI to
its business associates, such as its claims
processing vendor, to assist in the processing of
your health and dental claims. The Board may
disclose PHI to other healthcare providers and
health plans for the payment of services that are
rendered to you or to your covered family
members by such providers or health plans.
For Healthcare Operations. The Board may
use and disclose PHI as part of its business
operations. For example, the Board may require
a healthcare vendor partner (referred to as a
“business associate”) to survey and assess
constituent satisfaction with healthcare plan
design/coverage. Constituent survey results
assist the Board in evaluating quality of care
issues and in identifying areas for needed
healthcare plan improvements. Business
associates are required to agree to protect the
confidentiality of your individually identifiable
health information.
To Ensure Compliance. The Board may
disclose PHI to ensure compliance with
applicable laws. The Board may disclose PHI
to healthcare/dental providers and health/dental
plans to assist them with their required
credentialing and peer review activities. The
Board may disclose PHI to assist in the
detection of healthcare fraud and abuse. Please
be reminded that the list of examples that are
provided are not intended to be either
exhaustive, or exclusive.
As Required by Law and Law Enforcement.
The Board must disclose PHI when required to
do so by applicable law. The Board must
disclose PHI when ordered to do so in a judicial
or administrative proceeding. The Board must
disclose PHI to assist law enforcement
personnel with the identification/location of a
suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing
person. The Board must disclose PHI to comply
with a law enforcement search warrant, a
coroner’s request for information during his/her
investigation, or for other law enforcement
For Public Health Activities and Public
Health Risks. The Board may disclose PHI
to government agencies that are responsible for
public health activities and to government
agencies that are responsible for minimizing
exposure to public health risks. The Board may
disclose PHI to government agencies that
maintain vital records, such as births and deaths.
Additional examples in which the Board may
disclose PHI, as it relates to public health
activities, include assisting in the prevention and
control of disease; reporting incidents of child
abuse or neglect; reporting incidents of abuse,
neglect, or domestic violence; reporting
reactions to medications or product defects;
notifying an individual who may have been
exposed to a communicable disease; or,
notifying an individual who may be at risk of
contracting or spreading a disease or condition.
For Health Oversight Activities. The Board
may disclose PHI to a government agency that
is authorized by law to conduct health oversight
activities. Examples in which the Board may
disclose PHI, as it relates to health oversight
activities, include assisting with audits,
investigations, inspections, licensure or
disciplinary actions, and other proceedings,
actions or activities that are necessary to
monitor healthcare systems, government
programs, and compliance with civil rights laws.
Coroners, Medical Examiners, and Funeral
Directors. The Board may disclose PHI to
coroners, medical examiners, and funeral
directors for the purpose of identifying a
decedent; for determining a cause of death; or,
otherwise as necessary, to enable these parties to
carry out their duties consistent with applicable
Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation. The
Board may release PHI to organ procurement
organizations to facilitate organ, eye, and tissue
donation and transplantation.
Research. Under certain circumstances, the
Board may use and disclose PHI for medical
research purposes.
To Avoid a Serious Threat to Health or
Safety. To avoid a serious threat to health or
safety, the Board may use and disclose PHI to
law enforcement personnel or other appropriate
persons. The Board may use and disclose PHI
to prevent or lessen a serious threat to the health
or safety of a person or the public.
Specialized Government Functions. The
Board may use and disclose PHI for military
personnel and veterans, under certain
conditions, and if required by the appropriate
authorities. The Board may use and disclose
PHI to authorized federal officials for
intelligence, counterintelligence, and other
national security activities.
The Board may use and disclose PHI for the
provision of protective services for the President
of the United States, other authorized persons,
or foreign heads of state. The Board may use
and disclose PHI to conduct special
Workers’ Compensation. The Board may
disclose PHI for worker’s compensation and
similar programs. These programs provide
benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses.
Appointment Reminders/Health Related
Benefits and Services. The Board and/or its
business associates may use and disclose your
PHI to various other business associates that
may contact you to remind you of a healthcare
or dental appointment. The Board may use and
disclose your PHI to business associates that
will inform you of treatment program options,
or, of other health related benefits/services such
as disease state management programs.
Appointment Reminders/Health Related
Benefits and Services. The Board and/or its
business associates may use and disclose your
PHI to various other business associates that
may contact you to remind you of a healthcare
or dental appointment. The Board may use and
disclose your PHI to business associates that
will inform you of treatment program options,
or, of other health related benefits/services such
as disease state management programs.
Disclosures to Individuals Involved in Your
Health Care or Payment for Your Health
Care. Unless you object, the Board may
disclose your PHI to a family member, another
relative, a friend, or another person whom you
have identified as being involved with your
healthcare, or, responsible for the payment of
your healthcare. The Board may also notify
these individuals concerning your location or
Fundraising Activities. Unless you object,
the Board may disclose your PHI to contact you
for fundraising efforts to support the Board, its
related foundations, and/ or its cooperative
Such disclosure would be limited to personal
contact information, such as your name, address
and telephone number. The money raised in
connection with these fundraising activities
would be used to expand and support the
provision of healthcare and related services to
the community.
If you object to the use of your PHI in any, or
all, of the three instances identified above,
please notify your campus or facility privacy
officer, in writing.
Other Uses and Disclosures of Your PHI for
Which Authorization is required
Certain uses and disclosures of your PHI will
be made only with your written authorization.
Please be advised that there are some limitations
with regard to your right to object to a decision
to use or disclose your PHI.
Regulatory Requirements. The Board is
required, by law, to maintain the privacy of your
PHI, to provide individuals with notice of the
Board’s legal duties and PHI privacy practices,
and to abide by the terms described in this
Notice. The Board reserves the right to change
the terms of this Notice and of its privacy
policies, and to make the new terms applicable
to all PHI that it maintains. Before the Board
makes an important change to its privacy
policies, it will promptly revise this Notice and
post a new Notice in conspicuous locations.
You have the following rights regarding your
You may request that the Board restrict the use
and disclosure of your PHI. The Board is not
required to agree to any restrictions that you
request, but if the Board does so, it will be
bound by the restrictions to which it agrees,
except in emergency situations.
You have the right to request that
communications of PHI to you from the Board
be made by a particular means or at particular
locations. For instance, you might request that
communications be made at your work address,
or by electronic mail, rather than by regular US
postal mail. Your request must be made in
writing. Your request must be sent to the privacy
officer on your campus or facility. The Board
will accommodate your reasonable requests
without requiring you to provide a reason for
your request.
Generally, you have the right to inspect and
copy your PHI that the Board maintains,
provided that you make your request in writing
to the privacy officer on your campus or your
facility. Within thirty (30) days of receiving
your request (unless extended by an additional
thirty (30) days), the Board will inform you of
the extent to which your request has, or, has not
been granted. In some cases, the Board may
provide you with a summary of the PHI that you
request, if you agree in advance to a summary
of such information and to any associated fees.
If you request copies of your PHI, or agree to a
summary of your PHI, the Board may impose a
reasonable fee to cover copying, postage, and
related costs.
If the Board denies access to your PHI, it will
explain the basis for the denial. The Board will
explain your opportunity to have your request
and the denial reviewed by a licensed
healthcare professional (who was not involved
in the initial denial decision). This healthcare
professional will be designated as a reviewing
official. If the Board does not maintain the PHI
that you request, but it knows where your
requested PHI is located; it will advise you how
to redirect your request.
If you believe that your PHI maintained by the
Board contains an error or needs to be updated,
you have the right to request that the Board
correct or supplement your PHI. Your request
must be made in writing to the privacy officer
on your campus or in your facility. Your written
request must explain why you desire an
amendment to your PHI.
Within sixty (60) days of receiving your request
(unless extended by an additional thirty (30)
days), the Board will inform you of the extent to
which your request has, or, has not been
granted. The Board generally can deny request
must explain, if your request for PHI: (i) is not
created by the Board, (ii) is not part of the
records the Board maintains, (iii) is not subject
to being inspected by you, or (iv) is accurate
and complete.
If your request is denied, the Board will provide
you a written denial that explains the reason for
the denial and your rights to (i) file a statement
disagreeing with the denial, (ii) if you do not file
a statement of disagreement, to submit a request
that any future disclosure of the relevant PHI be
made with a copy of your request and the
Board’s denial attached and (iii) complain
about the denial.
You should submit any such request to the
privacy officer on your campus or in your
facility. Within sixty (60 days of receiving your
request (unless extended by an additional thirty
(30) days, the Board will respond to you
regarding the status of your request. The Board
will provide the list to you at no charge. If you,
however, make more than one request in a year,
you will be charged a fee for each additional
request. You have the right to receive a paper
copy of this notice upon request, even if you
have agreed to receive this notice electronically.
This notice may be found at the Board website
address, To obtain a
paper copy of this notice, please contact your
campus or facility privacy officer.
You may complain to the Board if you believe
your privacy rights, with respect to your PHI,
have been violated by contacting the privacy
officer on your campus or in your facility. You
must submit a written complaint. The Board
will in no manner penalize you or retaliate
against you for filing a complaint regarding the
Board’s privacy practices. You also have the
right to file a complaint with the Secretary of
the Department of Health and Human Services.
You may contact the Secretary by calling 1-866-
627-7748 (outside of metropolitan Atlanta) or
(404) 562-7886 (in metropolitan Atlanta).
If you have any questions about this notice,
please contact the Human Resources office on
your campus or in your facility.
For additional information, please contact the
privacy officer* on your campus or facility.
Valdosta State University’s Privacy Officer is
located in the Department of Human Resources
and can be reached at 229-333-5709.
Student Responsibilities when Working with
a Preceptor
Students may be assigned a preceptor for
selected clinical experiences. It is the
responsibility of the student to familiarize
themselves with, and to utilize, the objectives
established for the experience. A daily log that
records activities and incorporates evaluation of
achievement of course/ clinical/ individual
objectives may be required by the faculty.
Students are expected to maintain
communication between the preceptor and
faculty, especially regarding any unusual
circumstances. Students are to meet the
responsibilities assigned by the preceptor, to
maintain prompt and consistent attendance, and
to keep the preceptor fully informed of all
clinical activities. Students may not work in the
clinical area if the preceptor is not available.
The faculty member is responsible for
evaluating the experience and will consider
input from the student, preceptor and other as
appropriate. Students need to complete an
evaluation of the preceptor, the clinical area,
and the practicum at the end of the clinical
Academic and Class Policies
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity and honesty are vital to
the purposes of the University and the nursing
profession. The University policy regarding
student conduct and academic irregularity is
stated in the Valdosta State University Student
Handbook and is applicable to nursing students.
The School of Nursing has adopted an Honor
Code (see Honor Code in the Undergraduate
Student Handbook).
Students should be aware that sanctions in
the nursing profession are imposed because of
the vital nature of health care as it affects client
well-being. Due to the unique nature of the
clinical experience in the nursing program, and
to the relationship of responsibility for the
welfare of the client, it is necessary for the
School of Nursing to expand upon the
University’s definition of academic irregularity.
While the University relates academic
irregularity to traditional forms, such as
plagiarism or cheating, the School of Nursing
must also relate violations to unsafe,
irresponsible, and unprofessional behavior in the
clinical setting. Academic irregularity in the
clinical setting includes, but is not limited to;
the failure to assume and/or maintain
responsibility for assigned client(s), and the
failure to report errors made in providing client
care. Students, therefore, must attend clinical
sessions prepared to provide competent care,
and conform to ethical standards explicit in the
ANA Code of Ethics, and contained within the
guidelines of the Nurse Practice Act. This
means that students must provide safe client
care during assigned clinical hours unless and
until relieved by clinical faculty, and are
required to notify clinical faculty immediately
concerning any error they believe they have
made, or might have made, in the clinical area
so that attention may be given to the affected
Class Attendance
Students are expected to demonstrate
punctual attendance during all classroom,
laboratory, and clinical experiences.
A student who misses more than twenty percent
(20%) of classroom instruction may be subject
to receiving a failing grade in the course.
Excessive tardiness, at the instructor’s
discretion, may result in a lower grade in the
course. Leaving class early constitutes a tardy.
Tests and Test-Taking
The faculty establishes testing policies as a
way to ensure that tests are valid and reliable
measures of student achievement. Faculty will
be responsible for providing study guidance,
including areas of emphasis, to students prior to
each test.
Students are required to take examinations
on the day, and at the time, established by the
course instructor. Failure to take an examination
at the established time, or to notify the
instructor, may result in a “0” (zero) for a test
grade. The format of any examination is at the
discretion of the faculty.
Review of Test Achievement
Students will be offered a live review of the
incorrect answers and rationales within five
business days of the posting of exam grades.
The purpose of the review is to assist students
with test-taking skills and to facilitate mastery
of content, not as an opportunity to “gain
points”. The review will be held within a secure
testing environment.
A single academic integrity violation may
disqualify a student from continuing in the
School of Nursing at Valdosta State
Test Absence
Students are required to take examinations
on the day, and at the time, established by the
course instructor. Absences due to emergencies
must be reported to the instructor as soon as
possible. It is the student’s responsibility to
arrange for alternate testing if permitted by the
instructor. Failure to take an examination at the
established time, or to notify the instructor, may
result in a “0” (zero) for a test grade. The
format of any examination is at the discretion of
the faculty.
Written Work
The School of Nursing requires the use of the
most current American Psychological
Association (A.P.A.) format in all formal
written work. All written work should be neat,
legible, grammatically correct, and in ink
(unless otherwise instructed). Writing and
composition style will be reflected in the grade
for each assignment. When word processing is
required, the instructor will so specify. Major
papers are due on the due date and become the
property of the College of Nursing and Health
Sciences. The student must make arrangements
with the instructor involved to receive credit for
late written work. Points may be subtracted for
late work even if the instructor has permitted a
deadline extension.
Grading Scale
The grading scale in the School of Nursing is:
A = 90100
B = 8089
C = 7479
D = 6673
F = 65 & below
Grading Criteria
Weighted Exam Calculation:
Students must achieve a minimum of 74%
weighted exam calculation before any other
graded assignments are calculated into the final
course grade. The weighted exam calculation
will consist of all unit exams and the
comprehensive final exam. The weighted exam
calculation is as follows:
Unit exams will be weighted at 75%
Comprehensive final exam will be weighted
at 25%
If the student achieves the minimum 74%
weighted exam calculation, then the final course
grade will be calculated using the weighted
percentages stipulated in the Course Grade
section of the course syllabus. Please be aware
that achievement of the 74% weighted exam
calculation does not assure the student will pass
the course once all assignments are calculated
for the course grade.
If a student does not achieve the minimum 74%
weighted exam calculation, then the student will
receive the letter grade that correlates with the
weighted exam calculation percentage.
A grade of C or higher is required to pass an
undergraduate nursing course.
Course grades will not be rounded. For
example, if a 73.99 is earned on a course
assignment or even the final course grade, a
grade of 73.99 will be assigned not a 74.
No additional work (i.e., skills demonstrations,
quizzes, etc.) is added to the final grade until the
student has achieved a weighted exam average
greater than or equal to 74%.
Drug Free Schools and Workplace
The School of Nursing adheres to the
policies established by Valdosta State
University and specified in the Drug Free Work
Place (6/91), Drug Free Schools and
Communities Act (9/90), and the Drug and
Alcohol Prevention Program (9/90).
In accordance with Valdosta State University’s
Drug Free Work Place Policy (see VSU Faculty
Handbook), the School of Nursing has a
responsibility to provide a safe and healthy
environment for faculty, staff members, and
students. Faculty, staff members and students
are prohibited from the use, distribution, sale,
personal possession, manufacture, or purchase
of illegal drugs or alcohol while at work, or in
class on the University premises, or while at
clinical experience sites.
The Valdosta State University College of
Nursing and Health Sciences is dedicated to
maintaining a drug free work place and learning
environment. An impaired faculty member, staff
member, or student constitutes a potential threat
to faculty, staff member, or student constitutes a
potential threat to faculty, staff, student, and
client safety. Faculty, staff members, and
students who are suspected to be drug
dependent or have an addiction problem are
encouraged to seek diagnosis, counseling, and
treatment from qualified professionals.
The VSU Counseling Center will treat
requests for evaluation or therapy confidentially
and will provide short- term assistance (5
sessions). Long-term counseling, or therapy, is
the individual’s responsibility. An impaired
faculty member’s, staff member’s, or student’s
completion of a program for rehabilitation and
treatment facilitates the possibility of return to
work, or class, following release from treatment.
The inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol is
not condoned. Any faculty member, staff
member, or student reporting to work, or class,
or to clinical experience sites exhibiting
signs/symptoms of alcohol or substance abuse
will be requested to submit to a blood and/or
urine test for chemical analysis to determine the
presence of toxic, hazardous, illegal, or foreign
Any faculty, staff member, or student who
declines to submit to testing (for reasonable
cause) will be subject to disciplinary action up
to, and including, discharge or expulsion.
1. Reasonable suspicion of inappropriate use
of drugs or alcohol may come from
supervisory observation, co-worker or
classmate reports, performance decline,
attendance or behavioral changes, or
involvement in a workplace, classroom,
clinical or vehicular accident. Suspicion
must be verified by at least two witnesses.
2. A faculty member, staff member, or student
suspected of inappropriate use of drugs or
alcohol will be escorted to the University
student health center, if on campus, or to
the hospital or agency laboratory, if at a
clinical site, where testing will be done
according to established protocol. Such
testing will be done at the expense of the
3. Faculty, staff members, and students
charged with a drug violation by law
enforcement authorities will be suspended
from employment, class and clinical
experience sites. If the charges are dropped
or the involved individual is rules innocent,
the individual may return to employment,
class and clinical experience sites as
4. If an individual is convicted of a drug
violation, he/she is subject to termination of
expulsion. If a faculty member or staff
member is convicted of violating any
criminal drug statutes the faculty or staff
member must notify the Personnel Office
within five calendar days or conviction.
Students convicted of violating any
criminal drug statues must notify the Dean,
College of Nursing and Health Sciences,
within five calendar days.
Appointment with Faculty
Appointments with faculty should be
scheduled in advance. The scheduled office
hours for each faculty are available on the
course syllabus, on the schedule posted outside
their office, or from the College of Nursing and
Health Science Administrative Office. If the
posted hours are not convenient the student may
request an appointment with the faculty
member, or may leave a telephone message with
the secretary, requesting an appointment. Please
remember faculty members are scheduled in
clinical agencies, two to three days a week, so it
may take some time to receive a response.
Students should check with faculty regarding
their preferred method of making appointments.
Many faculty members prefer students contact
them by email.
Change of Faculty Mentor
Students who have declared Nursing as a
major will be assigned a mentor in the School of
If the student perceives a problem with the
assigned mentor, the student will communicate
this concern to the mentor and attempt to
resolve the problem. If resolution of the problem
is not achieved to the student’s satisfaction, the
student may submit a written request to the
Dean for a change of mentor. The student will
be notified in writing of the resolution to the
Academic Advising
All students are required to attend academic
advising prior to registration.
Course and Faculty Evaluation
Students have the opportunity to evaluate all
course, as well as clinical and classroom
instruction at the end of each semester.
Evaluations are a part of the overall College
academic process. Evaluations will be available
to students near the end of the course via the
electronic Student Opinion of Instruction (SOI).
This system is completely anonymous, and the
results are available only to the Dean until
aggregated data are shared with the faculty.
Faculty will use the student evaluations to plan
for appropriate changes in course curriculum or
Health Care Licenses
A student who holds a license to practice as
any health care worker, such as LPN, EMT, RT,
et cetera, must present this license for visual
inspection on admission to nursing courses. The
license must be presented to the faculty (or
designee) at the beginning of each semester. In
addition, a copy marked “VOID” across the face
of the license will be submitted for filing in the
student record. Any change in licensure status,
including renewal, must be reported to the Dean
of College of Nursing and Health Sciences
within 72 hours. When participating in clinical
course assignments, the student is limited to the
BSN student role only, as directed by the
faculty, regardless of other current licensure.
Undergraduate Employment
Nursing majors are allowed to seek
employment that does not conflict with their
academic schedule. Students neither licensed
nor certified, who wish to work in a nursing
setting, may be employed only as: a nursing
assistant, nurse partner, or the equivalent. A
student is acting outside ethical and legal
boundaries if they are employed as a “Student
Nurse” or sign “S.N.” when employed. Students
may function as a nursing student only in
clinical experiences arranged for, and
supervised by a member of the VSU College of
Nursing and Health Sciences faculty or
authorized preceptor.
Student Participation in College Governance
Students are encouraged to participate in the
governance of the College of Nursing and
Health Sciences. They may participate through
the course, faculty, and clinical evaluations done
each semester. They may also meet with the
Dean during open hours that are scheduled once
or twice each term. Additionally, students may
participate through the formal committee
structure as a student representative as listed
CONHS Faculty Organization
Committee with Student
Student Affairs Committee
Recruitment, student policies &
handbook, student well-being, and
school sponsored programs.
4 undergraduate CONHS
students, with at least 2 from
Health Science and at least 2
from Nursing
2 CONHS graduate students
Conduct Grievance
Disciplinary hearings at Valdosta State
University are hearings to arrive at decisions
regarding student behavior. These decisions
affect the involved students and other
relationships with the University. The
administration of discipline is an educational
process and the procedures will be determined
by educators. Such procedures will give
cognizance to the test of fairness, justice, truth,
and the requirements of due process. The
procedures to be followed by all disciplinary
committees are specified in the Valdosta State
University Student Handbook.
Academic Grievance
Students in the College of Nursing and
Health Sciences must adhere to the student
regulations as outlined in both the
undergraduate Catalog and the Valdosta State
University Student Handbook. Individual
faculty members retain primary responsibility of
assigning grades and evaluations. The faculty
member’s judgment is final, unless compelling
evidence is presented. The School of Nursing
encourages students to seek open discussion,
and resolution, to grievance by applying the
following procedure:
1. The nursing student with a problem is
obligated first to seek a resolution to the
problem with the involved faculty
2. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be
between the student and the faculty
the student may appeal in writing to the
Undergraduate Nursing Director.
3. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be
reached between the student and
Undergraduate Nursing Director, the
student should submit a written request
for review with supporting evidence to
the Associate Dean of Nursing.
4. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be
between the student and the Associate
Dean of Nursing, the student may appeal
in writing to the Dean of the College of
Nursing and Health Sciences.
An honor code was developed by students of
the School of Nursing with the assistance and
approval of the faculty. The code has been
developed to instill a body of trust within the
students and faculty. Through abiding by this
code, students and faculty should contribute to
their own personal success as well as the
success of all those who are affiliated with the
College (adapted from Georgia Baptist College
of Nursing). The Honor Code is located in
Appendix B; all students are expected to sign a
copy of this code for their student record and to
abide by the code. The following guidelines are
established as definitions of expected, or
unacceptable, behavior of those students
enrolled in the VSU College of Nursing and
Health Sciences.
Expected Behavior
Maintaining Ethical Relationships: Each
student is expected to exhibit appropriate,
responsible behavior that is consistent with the
nursing profession codes of conduct.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to,
the following:
1. Nursing students will provide nursing
care in a prompt, safe, compassionate,
and professional manner.
2. No student will attempt to perform a
procedure/intervention without the
approval of the clinical instructor or
3. Students will avoid willful or intentional
physical or emotional harm to clients or
any other persons involved in assigned
4. Students are directed to report any
known or suspected deviations from
policies and procedures to faculty and
other proper authority.
5. Students are directed to maintain
professional demeanor at all times in the
clinical setting.
Unacceptable Behavior
Plagiarism: Using the words, ideas, or
conclusions of another person without giving
proper credit is a form of intellectual dishonesty
known as plagiarism. This behavior has been,
and still is, unacceptable and dishonest. Exact
quotes must be cited according to the APA Style
Manual, 6th Edition (refer to the APA Style
Manual index to locate more detailed
information). Paraphrasing means to restate,
therefore, the wording must be completely
changed. “Altering a few words or phrases is
not sufficient...the entire passage must be
restated in your own words” (Tomberlin, 1995).
Also, if five (5) or more words in a row from
someone else’s work are used, that material
must be cited as a direct quote. Assignments are
subject to similarity comparison via a
commercial, internet-based plagiarism
detection service.
Cheating: Is defined as using unauthorized
information (as defined by faculty in the course)
obtained from students or other sources that
may be used to gain academic advantage
through false representation or pretense. If the
student is in doubt about what constitutes
unauthorized information, the student must seek
clarification about the matter with the faculty
member responsible for the course.
Falsification of Data: Is gross negligence or
dishonesty in collecting, analyzing, or reporting
data in any setting where information is
considered pertinent in the accomplishment of
the nursing student responsibilities.
Aiding and Abetting Dishonesty: Is providing
unauthorized information or assistance to
another person that may consequently result in
grade enhancement or other advancements.
Breaching Confidentiality: Is the sharing of
private information, and includes, but is not
limited to, sharing personal access codes to
Dispositional Expectations
Dispositions are the values, qualities, and
professional ethics that influence one’s
behaviors toward students, families, colleagues
and communities. Dispositions can affect
student learning, motivation and development of
personal and professional growth. Dispositional
expectations include:
1. Demonstration of ethical behavior as
defined by the nursing profession:
American Nurses Association Code of
2. Adherence to university, class, and
clinical policies. Classroom examples
include punctuality; adhering to
schedules; and observing the classroom
structure as outlined in the course
syllabi. Clinical examples include
adhering to policies of students’ program
of study; adhering to workplace policies
of various clinical sites; punctuality; and
meeting the expectations of clinical sites.
3. Exhibition of appropriate and
professional interactions with faculty,
staff, preceptors, and peers. Examples
include demonstrating the ability to
work with diverse individuals;
demonstrating courtesy and respect for
all; commitment to diversity; open-
mindedness and support of others; and
willingness to accept constructive
criticism from preceptors and faculty of
the student’s program of study.
4. Maintenance of professional appearance,
communication and mannerisms.
Examples include dressing appropriately
for the situation and learning
environment; exhibiting competence and
professionalism in oral, written, social
media, and electronic communications;
exhibiting fair and equitable treatment of
all; maintaining confidentiality of client
records, correspondences, and
conversations; demonstrating
truthfulness as well as honesty; and
working collaboratively with peers,
faculty and staff.
5. Exhibition appropriate level of
preparedness in classroom and clinical
settings. Examples include
communicating with professors and
instructors regarding absences; being
prepared to contribute to class
discussions on the selected topic; being
respectful and attentive in class and at
clinical sites; fulfilling course and
clinical obligations; completing
assignments in a timely manner;
exhibiting critical thinking skills;
providing ongoing and competent
client/patient care; willingness to
approach tasks in an organized and
skillful manner; and demonstrating self-
reflection and the ability to make
improvements based on preceptor and
faculty feedback.
6. Demonstration of a collaborative
approach with peers, students, faculty,
parents, clinical preceptors and
administration when seeking solutions to
problems. Students demonstrate
problem-solving skills in the classroom,
among peers, and at clinical sites.
Examples include: asking questions
when a student is unsure about content
material or ongoing client/patient care;
sharing thoughts and ideas in order to
better problem solve; and interacting
positively with others in order to create a
team-driven, client/patient-centered
approach to problem solving.
7. Display of qualities of lifelong learning
through engagement in completion of
course requirements, continuous
professional development, and academic
preparedness. Lifelong learning is a term
that applies to continuing one’s
education through university,
community-based, or profession-based
Actions Necessitating Completion of
Disposition Forms (include, but are not limited
Excessive absences or lateness for class or
clinical assignments (see University policy and
course syllabus).
Lack of professional dress or demeanor
when interacting with other students,
clients/patient, preceptors or faculty as
defined by student’s major department.
Disruptive behavior toward faculty,
staff, preceptors, peer student or guest
speakers. This includes classroom
disruptive behavior. This extends to
clients/patients and preceptors when
students are in a clinical area affiliated
with their program of study.
Inability to contribute effectively in a
group setting.
Lack of proficiency and/or
professionalism in written and/or oral
language skills, including electronic
forms of communications (i.e., e-mail,
text, social media, etc.).
Lack of professionalism, responsibility,
respect for others, confidentiality and
accountability on social media.
Lack of content/ clinical knowledge,
including appropriate skill progression,
in any content area at the student’s
current level. Appropriate content
knowledge and skill progression is
important when working with
Removal from a clinical experience.
Plagiarism or cheating on any graded
activity (see University Academic
Integrity policy as outlined in the VSU
Student Handbook:
Breach of confidentiality (in accordance
with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act).
Compromising the well-being of a client,
patient, or colleague.
Harassment of clients, preceptors, peer
students, faculty, or staff (see University
Sexual Harassment, Violence, & Assault
policy as outlined in the VSU Student
Any other disposition issues outlined by
the student’s major/field of study.
Procedures for Assessing Dispositions
A student’s professional dispositions will be
assessed in classes, clinical, and community
settings. The instructor or preceptor who
identifies a deficiency or behavior inconsistent
with established dispositions will follow these
1. Upon a student’s action which
necessitates the completion of a
disposition report, the instructor or
preceptor will schedule an informal
meeting. The purpose of the meeting
with the student is to discuss the area of
concern and offer possible solutions and
a. The date of the meeting, the
instructor’s specific concerns and
potential solutions will be
documented on the Disposition
Report Form and placed in the
student’s file.
b. Both instructor and student will
receive a copy of the completed
c. The faculty member must complete
either a VSU Student Conduct
Incident Report or a VSU Academic
Integrity Report if applicable. This
can be found at
2. If a second meeting becomes necessary,
based on the same deficiency or
additional behaviors of concern, through
completion of a second disposition form,
the following steps will be
a. The instructor will schedule a
meeting to include the student and an
ad hoc committee consisting of the
student’s advisor, the department
chair/associate dean, program
director, and the instructor. Students
have the option to request an
additional committee member
outside of the student’s program of
study, if desired.
1. In the event that the program
director/coordinator is the person
bringing the second disposition
issue forward, another committee
member must be secured.
2. In the event that the program
director/coordinator and the
advisor are the same person,
another committee member must
be secured.
b. The faculty member scheduling the
formal meeting must complete either
a VSU Student Conduct Incident
Report or a VSU Academic Integrity
Report if applicable. This can be
found at
c. This meeting must occur within 5
university business days of the
reported deficiency or behavior. At
this time, the instructor who
completed the second disposition
report will review the prior
behavioral concerns recorded in the
student’s file, as well as the
continued or additional concerns that
initiated the second report. The
student will have the opportunity to
explain her/his position and provide
additional relevant information. The
department chair or program director
will determine whether additional
faculty, staff or school personnel are
required to support or refute the
observed behavior and will meet
with those persons to gather the
d. The result of this meeting may be a
recommendation that the student be
allowed to continue her/his program,
development of a remediation plan,
or a determination to remove the
student from the program. The
department chair or program director
will make the final recommendation
with input from the committee and
ensure the decision is delivered to
the student within 5 university
business days of the meeting
occurring. Documentation of the
meeting’s content, including any
written agreements or action plans,
will be placed in the student’s file.
Each attendee will receive a copy.
e. The student has a right to appeal the
committee’s decision within 5
university business days of the
student being notified of the
decision. He or she must submit the
appeal in writing to the Dean of the
College of Nursing and Health
Sciences. The Dean will review the
request and all related documents in
the student’s file, will meet with the
student, instructor and department
chair as needed to review the appeal
and will render a decision in writing.
f. If a satisfactory resolution is not
reached, graduate student may
appeal to the Dean of the Graduate
School and undergraduates may
appeal to the Vice President of
Academic Affairs.
3. Upon receiving three disposition forms, or
any single incident considered a significant
violation of ethical or professional behavior, the
student may be removed from his or her
Program of Study. Ethical and professional
behaviors are referenced above, and are defined
by each profession in the College of Nursing
and Health Sciences.
a. The faculty member completing the third
disposition form must complete either a VSU
Student Conduct Incident Report or a VSU
Academic Integrity Report if applicable. This
can be found at
Appendix A
Valdosta State University
School of Nursing
Confidentiality Statement
In accordance with the Law (Official Code of Georgia, Annotated, Sections 37-3, 37-4, 37-7)
every patient’s right to confidential treatment must be protected.
As a student and/or provider of care, I understand that the patient’s right to privacy must
be protected and treatment must remain confidential. While providing care, I may become
knowledgeable of certain patient related information. This information may include patient
identity, information related to a patient’s treatment, diagnosis, or to other services received.
I understand that at all times:
I am restricted from discussing or transmitting any information pertaining to a patient with
anyone other than VSU School of Nursing faculty, clinical instructors, or agency personnel
directly responsible for the patient’s care. I understand this includes other students outside of
clinical conference. Personally identifying information is any information which is readily used
to identify a particular patient including but not limited to: name, address, room number,
diagnosis, social security number, physical description, names of family members, and
photographs. I further understand that if I discuss patient information I subject myself to civil
liability and may be subject to a failing course grade and dismissal from Valdosta State School
of Nursing.
Signature Date
Printed Name
Appendix B
Valdosta State University
School of Nursing
The Honor Code
Adapted from Georgia Baptist College of Nursing
As a member of the Valdosta State University (VSU) School of Nursing community, I am bound by
honor to uphold standards of honesty and integrity; to pursue intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and
moral development, to accept my personal, academic, and professional responsibilities in the
community, to attain these ideals I embrace this Honor Code as my way of life.
By my signature I acknowledge my responsibility and accountability to uphold this code of
Signature Date
Printed Name
Appendix C
Bills of Rights and Responsibilities for
Students of Nursing
(adopted by NSNA, 1975; revised:1991;
revised: 2006)
1. Students should be encouraged to develop
the capacity for critical judgment and
engage in a sustained and independent
search for truth.
2. The freedom to teach and the freedom to
learn are inseparable facets of academic
3. Students should exercise their freedom
with responsibility.
4. Each institution has duty to develop
policies and procedures which provide
and safeguard the student’s freedom to
5. Under no circumstances should a student
be barred from admission to a particular
institution on the basis of race, color,
creed, national origin, ethnicity, age,
gender, marital status, life style,
disability, or economic status.
6. Students should be free to take reasoned
exception to the data or views offered in
any course of study and to reserve
judgment about matters of opinion, but
they are responsible for learning the
content of any course of study for which
they are enrolled.
7. Students should have protection through
orderly procedures against prejudiced or
capricious academic evaluation, but they
are responsible for maintaining standards
of academic performance established for
each course in which they are enrolled.
8. Information about student views, beliefs,
and political associations which
instructors acquire in the course of their
work should be considered confidential
and not released without the knowledge
and consent of the student.
9. The student should have the right to have
a responsible voice in the determination
of his/her curriculum.
10. Institutions should have a carefully
considered policy as to the information
which should be a part of the student’s
permanent educational record and as to
the conditions for this disclosure.
11. Students and student organizations should
be free to examine and discuss all
questions of interest to them, and to
express opinions publicly and privately.
12. Students should be allowed to invite and
to hear any person of their own choosing
thereby taking the responsibility of
furthering their own education.
13. The student body should have clearly
defined means to participate in the
formulation and application of
institutional policy affecting their
academic and student affairs.
14. The institution has an obligation to clarify
those standards of behavior which it
considers essential to its educational
mission and its community life.
15. Disciplinary proceedings should be
instituted only for violations of standards
of conduct formulated with significant
student participation and published in
advance through such means as a student
handbook or a generally available body
of institutional regulations. It is the
responsibility of the student to know the
regulations. Grievance procedures should
be available for every student.
16. As citizens and members of an academic
community, students are subject to the
obligations which accrue them by virtue
of this membership and should enjoy the
same freedoms of citizenship.
17. Students have the right to belong or
refuse to belong to any organization of
their choice.
18. Students have the right to personal
privacy in their living space to the extent
the welfare of others is respected.
19. Adequate safety precautions should be
provided by schools of nursing, for
example, to and from student dorms,
adequate street lighting, locks, etc.
20. Dress, if present at school, should be
established by student government in
conjunction with the school director and
faculty, so the highest professional
standards possible are maintained, but
also taking into consideration points of
comfort and practicality of the student.
21. Grading systems should be carefully
reviewed periodically with students and
faculty for clarification and better
student-faculty understanding.
22. Student should have a clear mechanism
for input into the evaluation of nursing
Exemplars of Academic Freedom for Nursing
1. Right to an environment promoting learning
a. Freedom from disruption or
obstruction of teaching process.
b. Free from physical, psychological or
sexual abuse.
c. Freedom from harassment.
2. Right to fair and impartial evaluation of
performance as a nursing student.
3. Right to high standards of academic and
professional honesty and integrity.
4. Freedom from discrimination based on race,
religion, color, creed, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, age, or marital status.
5. Right to a quality nursing education
evidenced by:
a. Contemporary resources for
program content and program
b. Program objectives and outcomes
consistent with professional.
Students Do NOT Have a Right To:
1. Unrestricted access to faculty, staff
or administration personnel or their
2. Disrupt or otherwise obstruct the
conduct of a class or other learning
3. Exceptions to policy and procedures,
Except under extraordinary
circumstances as determined by the
faculty or administration.
4. Take examinations other than at the
designated time and place.
5. Be consistently tardy or absent from
class or clinical experiences.
6. Use drugs or alcohol on campus or
during scheduled clinical
7. Be exempt from scheduled learning
experiences due to employment.
8. Practice, in any capacity, as a health
professional without the appropriate