School of Public Health
School of Public Health
2023-2024 Academic Catalog
Add Student Accommodation Language
ADD: (following the UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP) statement on page
Students with Disabilities and Attendance Requirements
UTHealth Houston students are expected to be present for all classes (whether in-person or online) or
other forms of required class time to include labs, clinical rotations, or other school required meetings.
Students are also responsible for taking quizzes and examinations in a timely manner according to the
schedule for the courses and programs in which they are enrolled. It is the responsibility of each student
to learn and comply with the standards set in each course’s attendance policy, as explained in the
course syllabus. Students should be aware that, when a course policy allows for a specific number of
absences with no penalty, that number typically includes absences for any reason (including those with
documented justification). In courses with such limits, absences beyond the allowed number create a
presumption that the student has not fulfilled the essential educational requirements of the course, and
therefore, will receive a grade reflecting the deficiency.
Attendance is important to the academic success of a student; however, UTHealth Houston understands
that there may be disability-related reasons for missed classes. A student can request an exception to a
faculty member’s attendance policy through the process outlined in HOOP Policy #101 Disability and
Pregnancy Accommodation Determinations
related to disability-related requests will be made on an individual basis based on a review of related
medical documentation and in collaboration with the School’s 504 Coordinator, the Office of University
Relations & Equal Opportunity, the student, and the faculty member responsible for teaching each
impacted course.
The school is not required to grant accommodations that constitute a fundamental alteration of the
program or course. Specifically, the school does not have to modify a requirement, including
attendance, that is essential to the educational purpose or objective of a program or class. Decisions
regarding essential requirements of a course or program will be made by a group of people who are
trained, knowledgeable, and experienced in the area through a careful, thoughtful, and rational review
of the academic program and its requirements. Decision-makers will consider a series of alternatives for
the essential requirements, as well as whether the essential requirement(s) in question can be modified
for a specific student with a disability.
It is important for the student to discuss contingency plans with their faculty before absences occur to
ensure the repercussion of absences are clear and/or to develop a contingency plan. This process is not
intended to allow for unlimited absences and does not alleviate the student of their responsibility to
complete all assignments, quizzes, and examinations, or participate in class or related activities (if
For additional information on the disability accommodation process please see HOOP Policy 101
Disability and Pregnancy Accommodation
A list of UTHealth Houston 504 Coordinator’s by school are found at
UTHealth Houston
School of Public Health
2023-2024 Academic Catalog
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is accredited by the Southern Association of Col-
leges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and pro-
fessional degrees. Degree-granting institutions also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas
at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of The University of Texas Health Science Cen-
ter at Houston may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission
on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using infor-
mation available on SACSCOC’s website (
This catalog is a general information publication only. It is not intended to nor does it contain all regulations that relate to students. Appli-
cants, students, and fa cul ty are referred to the respective UTHea lth Houston school cata logs . The provisions of the General Information
section or the school- specific information in each school catalog, student handbooks, or school policy or regulations do not constitute a
contract, expressed or
implied, between any applicant, student or fa culty member and UTHealth Houston or The University of Texas
System. UTHealth Houston reserves the right
to withdraw courses at any time, to change fees or tuition, calendar, curriculum, de gree
requirements, graduation procedures, and any
other requirement affecting students. Changes will become effective whenever the
proper authorities so determine and will a ppl y to both
prospective students and those a lre ady enrolled.
To the extent provided by applicable law, no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to
discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by UTHealth on the basis of race, col or, religion, sex, sexual ori en-
tation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law.
The UTHealth Houston School of Public Health continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 a nd continues to make up-
dates to school operations in the interest of our communitys hea lth a nd s afety. Current and incoming students are re-
qui red to complete a ll degree requirements as defined in the catalog for the year they matriculated i nto thei r degree pro-
gram. The modality/delivery of courses may be altered i n accordance wi th UTHealth, Center for Disease Control and Pre-
venti on and other federal, s tate and local government agency gui delines as suggested for reducing the transmissibility of
COVID-19. Faculty, staff and students can view updates to school operations on the
UTHealth School of Public Health
COVID19 Updates website here:
All decisions related to course delivery and student practicum experiences for the 2023-2024 academic year will be an-
nounced via email to students.
Additional information can be found on the UTHealth COVID-19 Res ources
website here:
School Lea ders hip 3
Fac ul ty Di r ec to ry 3
Vision, Mission & Values and Accreditations 4
Academic Affairs and Student Services 5
Admissions 9
Applica ti on Proc edures and Deadlines 9
Admissions Process 13
Tuition and Fees 14
Academic Cal endar, Term & Course Structure 15
Mas ter o f Pu bl i c H eal th ( MP H ) 16
C us to mi zed MP H 16
Mas ter o f Sci ence (MS) 17
Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) 18
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 19
Degrees and Available Locations 20
Dual Degree Programs 21
Graduate Certificates and Accelerated Master’s Program (4+1 Program) 22
Special Programs 26
Department of Biostatistics and Data Science 28
Minor in Biostatistics 28
MS i n Bi os ta tis tics 28
PhD in Biostatistics 28
PhD in Biostatistics, Direct Admission 29
Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences 31
Epidemiology 31
Minor in Epidemiology 31
MPH in Epidemiology 31
PhD in Epidemiology 32
PhD in Epidemiology, Direct Admission 32
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences 33
Minor in Environmental Sciences 33
MPH in Envi ronmental Heal th 33
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Disease Prevention Track 34
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Total Worker Health Track 35
Depa rtment of Heal th Promotion a nd Beha vioral Sci enc es 37
Minor in Behavioral Sciences 37
MPH in Heal th Promotion/Health Education 37
MPH in Heal th Promotion/Heal th Education, Dietetic Internship 37
DrPH in Health Promotion/Health Education 38
PhD in Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion 39
Department of Management, Policy and Community Health 40
Minor in Community Health Practice 40
Minor in Health Economics 40
Minor in Health Policy 40
Mi nor i n Hea l th Ser vic es Res earc h 40
Minor in Heal thcare Management 40
MPH in Communi ty Heal th Practice 40
MPH in Heal th Servi ces Organiza ti ons 41
MPH in Heal thcare Management 42
DrPH in Community Health Practice 42
PhD in Management and P ol i c y S tudi es , H eal th Ec on o mi cs /Heal th S ervi c es Res ea rc h Trac k 43
PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Healthcare Management/Health Policy Track 44
Course Directory 45
Heal th Pr omoti on a nd Beha vioral Sci ences Cours es 45
Bi os ta ti s ti cs a nd Da ta Sci ence Cours es 53
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Courses 59
Epidemiology Courses 64
Management, Policy and Community Health Courses 72
Interdepartmental Courses 79
Eric Boerwinkle, PhD
M. David Low Chair in Public Health
Kozmetsky Family Chair in Human Genetics
Susan Emery, PhD
Seni or As sociate Dean of Academic and Res earch Affairs
Guy S. Parcel Chair in Public Health
Cynthia Bihm, MBA
Ass ociate Dean, Management
Aanaand D. Naik, MD
Ass ociate Dean, Learning Health Systems
Chair, Department of Management, Policy and Community
Heal th
Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker, PhD
Ass ociate Dean, Faculty Affairs, Development a nd
Di versity
Kimberly Baker, PhD
Assistant Dean, Practice
Mary Ann Smith, PhD
Assistant Dean of Students
Theresa Tran, MD
Assistant Dean, Clinical Population Health and Advocacy
Bijal Balasubramanian, PhD, MPH, MBBS
Regi onal Dean, Da llas
Sarah Donahue, MPH
Di rector, Academic Affairs, Accreditation and Assessment
Deanna Hoelscher, PhD
Regional Dean, Austin
Christine Markham, PhD
Chair, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral
Kristina D. Mena, MSPH, PhD
Regi onal Dean, El Paso
Alanna Morrison, PhD
Chair, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics and
Envi ronmental Sciences
Jack Tsai, PhD
Regional Dean, San Antonio
Hulin Wu, PhD
Chai r, Department of Bi ostatistics and Data Science
Faculty Directory
School of Public Health faculty listings can be found on the SPH Fa culty Directory website at
Vision, Mission & Values
Our vision: Health without boundaries.
Our mission: Changing the culture of health through excellence in graduate education, research and engagement.
To achieve a world in which health has no boundaries, we must first shift the way peoplefrom the communities
around us to the healthcare industry to decision-makers i n governmentthink about, and act on, matters relating to
Our values: Collaborate, Lead, Transform, Diversify.
More information on any of the following accreditations can be found on the School of Public Health Accreditation web-
si te here:
Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
Si nce 1969, UTHealth School of Public Health has been accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEP H)
every s even years, and was most recently accredited in 2020.
Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET
The Industrial Hygiene curriculum is a n optional special program of the Master in Public Hea lth (MPH) in Environmental
Heal th. The master’s l evel Industrial Hygiene curriculum is accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation
Commi ssion of ABET, For more information about this program, s ee the Special Programs
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Accreditation Council for Education in Dietetic
The Dietetic Internship Program, an optional special program of the MPH in Health Promotion/ Health Education, is fully
accredited by the Academy of Nutrition and Di etetics. This program is also approved by The Accreditation Council for
Education in Dietetic. For more information about this program, s ee the Special Programs
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
The Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency Pr ogram, an optional special program of the MPH in Environ-
mental Heal th, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). For more infor-
mation about this program, s ee the Special Programs
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management (CAHME)
The MPH in Healthcare Management is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Educa-
tion (CAHME). For more information about this program, see the MPH in Healthcare Management
course of s tudy.
The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program s atisfies the academic requirement for certification by the American
Boa rd of Preventive Medicine in the areas of public health, occupational medicine, aerospace medicine, and preventive
medi cine; the National Board of Public Health Examiners; and the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing.
The UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Office of Ac ademic Affairs a nd Student Services serves to assist students
from admittance to graduation.
Career and Alumni Services
Ca reer a nd alumni services is housed within the Office of Public Health Practice and Engagement a nd provides information,
s ervice, training and s upport to students a nd alumni that can help them explore their values, interests, and skills; build their
pr ofessional network; and stay engaged with the UTHealth School of Public Health.
Financial Assistance
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health offers a number of endowed scholarships. Graduate scholarships are awarded
on the basis of scholastic excellence and adequate preparation for graduate study in the student’s chosen field, as shown
by the students academic record. Scholarship eligibility criteria include admission into a degree program; enrollment in
cours ework l eading to the degree; reasonable progress i n the degree program; good academic standing; GPA; and i n
some cas es test scores; references; and personal statements. There are additional specific qualifications for scholarships
in various areas of study. Students are encouraged to contact the School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs and
Student Services to obtain information about eligibility criteria and scholarships awarded in the student’s area of study.
Scholarships may be available based on funding; availability may change, amount may change, and only competitive
scholarships of $1,000 or more will be eligible for resident tuition. For more information about financial assistance
opportunities, see the UTHealth Houston Office of Student Financial Services
( and the UTHealth School of Public Health Financial Assistance website
Selection Process
Awards of traineeships and scholarships are made by the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Scholarship and
Tra ineeship Committee, which is composed of faculty members and administrative staff. In awarding scholarships, the
commi ttee cons iders the following as a ppropriate to achieve the donors scholarship intent: faculty recommendations,
academic performance, fi nancial need, research i nterests, and other professional and personal achievements
A l imited number of fel lowships are available through the res earch centers of UTHealth Houston School of Public Health.
Applications for these fel lowships is made directly to the centers . Selection criteria include those listed above, and the
recipients are chosen by the faculty in the centers.
Library & Graduate Communication Center
The mission of the UTHeal th Houston School of Public Health Library & Graduate Communication Center is to provide
primary information support services for the education, research, and community health services programs of the fac-
ulty, students, and staff. Writing Support Services offers public health communication skills training, with a focus on writ-
ing. Instruction is provided in the areas of English a s a Second La nguage (ESL), Ac a demic and Scientific Writing.
The UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Library & Graduate Communication Center is a member of the Texas
Heal th Science Li braries Consortium (THSLC), which is the collaboration of health science libraries in the Houston-
Galveston area. The THSLC leads and encourages collaboration through shared digital library environments and resources
to provide access to the world of information for its educational, clinical, and research communities. For more
information, see the Library & Graduate Communication Center
website here:
Student Organizations
The Student Association at UTHealth School of Public Health is based at the Houston campus and acts as the offi cial stu-
dent governance organization to represent s tudents with school administration. Al l students are included in this or gani-
zati on.
Student Communication
Email accounts constitute the official mode of communication linking students, faculty, and/or administration.
Consequently, students are responsible for maintaining the UTHealth e-mail account assigned to them and activated
upon payment of tuition and fees, and are responsible for regularly checking e-mail messages.
School of Public Health Policies
All of the following policies can be found on the mySPH Policies webpage at
Academic Policies
Policy 100
, Student Academic Grievance Process
Policy 102, Doctoral Committee Structures
Policy 103, Drop Date Deadline for Courses
Policy 104, MPH and MS Commi ttee Structures
Policy 105, Registration Maximum Credits in One Term
Policy 106, Thesis Dissertation Data and Publication Authorship
Policy 107, Academic Remediation Plan a nd Probation Steps
Policy 108, Test Security Policy
Policy 109, Student Research Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Approval
Administrative Policies
Policy 200
, Student Evaluation Process
Policy 201, Cour se Grading
Policy 202, Maximum Students in a Course
Degree Requirements Policies
Policy 300
, Breadth and Minor Requirements for Doctoral Students
Policy 301, Conditional Admission to Doctoral Programs
Policy 302, Direct Admission from a Bachelor’s Degree to the PhD Program
Policy 303, Epidemiology Course Requirement
Policy 307, Preliminary Examination; Admission to Candidacy and Dissertation Defense
Policy 308, Transfer of External Credits, Course Substitutions and Waivers
Enrollment Policies
Policy 400
, Auditing Courses
Policy 401, Continuous Enrollment for Students Enrolled in Thesis and Dissertation Research
Policy 402, Enrollment Requirements, Degree Ti me Limits, and Leaves of Absence
Policy 403, Rea dmission to a Degree Program
Policy 404, Transfer of Students between the UTHeal th SPH Campuses
Policy 405, Verification of Degrees for International Applicants
Policy 406, Teaching of Graduate Assistant Enrollment Status Requirement
UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP)
Students are charged with knowledge of and compliance with all UTHealth Houston regulations concerning student
conduct and discipline as set forth in the UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures
(HOOP). Students are
expected to sign a pledge adhering to the school’s honor code during new student orientation.
HOOP Policy 186, Student Conduct and Discipline (
Policy 100, Student Academic Grievance Process
The School of Public Health expects its students to put forth their best effort and assume the pri mary responsibility for
meeti ng thei r academic and professional goals, but recognizes that there may be instances when students raise aca-
demic gri evances. Students should first attempt to res olve their academi c grievance i nformally, such as meeti ng with
their faculty member, their faculty advisor, and/or the department Chair. When these informal methods do not resolve
the s tudent’s grievance, s tudents may request a review and recommendation from the Academic Grievance Committee
through i ts Academic Grievance Res olution Process.
For the compl ete pol icy s tatement, s ee Policy 100
, Student Academic Grievance Process.
Policy 201, Course Grading
Letter grades (“A,” “B,” “C,” or “F”) a re gi ven for all MPH core courses. Elective courses may be letter-graded or graded
on the basis of pass/fail (“P” orF”) at the discretion of the instructor. Grades in pass/fail courses will not be included in
the GPA calculation. A GPA will be calculated from all letter-graded c ourses. In computing GPA per hour, the following
scores are used: A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points; F = 0 points. The GPA is calculated by multiplying the grade points
by the number of credit hours for each course. Repeated courses will be listed on the transcript along wi th the ori ginal
cours e. However, please note the fol lowing s tipulations:
Students have the opportunity to retake a course only one time for recalculation of the GPA. GPA recalculations
are not automatic. The GPA will be calculated on the letter-graded course only using the grade from the re-
pea ted course.
A third attempt is rarely approved, and will only be considered if the first two attempts were failures. Students
may petition to the Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services to retake a course a third ti me.
The final attempt will be the grade calculated into the GPA.
Students who do not request a GPA recalculation for a repeated course will have both course grades calculated
into the GPA.
An Incomplete (“I”) wi ll revert to an “F” i f the coursework i s not successfully completed after one s emester. However, at
the course instructor’s discretion, a grade may be entered to replace theF” when the work from the incomplete is com-
pleted. A W grade is assigned when a student withdraws from a course.
For the compl ete pol icy s tatement, s ee Policy 201
, Course Grading.
Policy 308, Transfer of External Credits, Course Substitutions and Waivers
For students entering fall 2018 and thereafter, up to ni ne (9) graduate s emester credit hours earned at other a ccredited
institutions may be transferred and applied to UTHealth School of Public Health graduation requirements if approved by
the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services and the student’s fa culty
advi sor. Transfer of external credit hours, course waivers and substitutions may only apply towards degree required lev-
eling, el ective, mi nor, or breadth coursework not linked to program required competencies. Ma jor required courses can-
not be waived or substituted. These hours must not have been applied toward another awarded degree. See Pol icy 308
for detailed information and processes.
For dual degree programs, shared credit hours are earned in courses that are part of an agreed upon curriculum. Up to
12 completed credit hours applied toward the MPH degree requirements can be from the partner institution provided
that the course has been reviewed and recommended by the student’s advisory committee and approved by the
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services. This applies to all concur-
rent/dual degree programs and external transfer credits. Students should contact the program coordinator for the dual
degree program for further information.
Genera l non-degree and certificate students can transfer up to 16 s emester credit hours of UTHealth Houston School of
Publ ic Health coursework i f accepted into a degree program, a grade of “A” or “B i s earned i n the course, and the course
is completed wi thin five (5) years prior to matriculation into the degree program. Credit hours earned as part of a mas-
ter’s degree program do not count toward a doctoral degree program.
For the compl ete pol icy s tatement, s ee Policy 308
, Transfer of External Credits, Course Substitutions and Waivers.
Policy 402, Enrollment Requirements, Degree Time Limits, and Leaves of Absences
A student is classified as “full-time” if enrolled in a t least nine (9) semes ter credit hours during the fall or spring s emes-
ters , at least six (6) semes ter credit hours during the s ummer.
Required Enrollment. Enrollment is required in the semester in which the research proposal is submitted and continu-
ously through the semester in which all requirements for graduation are completed. Enrollment is required during the
semester in which the preliminary examination is taken and in the semester in which the student is involved in a practi-
cum/internship. Enrollment is required in the semester in which students graduate. Students must maintain enrollment
so that any absence from the degree program does not exceed one (1) calendar year (three (3) consecutive s emesters)
unl ess a formal l eave of absence is granted.
Ti me Li mits for Degrees a nd Extensions. Students are expected to complete ma sters degree programs (MPH and MS)
within five (5) years and doctoral degree programs (DrPH and PhD) within seven (7) years. In case of extenuating circum-
stances, a student may request a one-year extens ion. The possibility of a s econd yea r of extens ion exists under extraordi-
nary circumstances. Students who do not graduate within the approved time limit will be dismissed from the program
and must be readmitted in order to complete the degree program i n effect at the ti me of readmission.
Non-Enrollment. UTHealth Houston School of Public Health recognizes that i n s ome instances, students may need to take
time away from their studies to attend other important aspects and events in their lives. If s uch events are limited to a
single semester, the student may choose not to enroll for that semester without unduly slowing the degree program.
Students who may need to be away for more than one (1) semester, s hould ser iously c onsider r equesting a Lea ve of Ab-
sence (LOA) in order to preserve continuing student status. . If the student does not request or is not granted a LOA and
does not enroll for one calendar year (three (3) consecutive s emesters) the student is automatically dismissed from the
School and will need to seek readmission to return to thei r degree program.
Leave of Abs ence (LOA). Students who anticipate interrupting their degree program for more than two (2) semesters
should consider requesting a LOA. The LOAstops the clock” on the student’s degree program and does not add to the
ti meline for completi ng the degree. The LOA i s granted for one (1) calendar year. A second year may be granted. Stu-
dents who need to be away from the school for longer periods should consider withdrawing from the degree program
and applying for readmission when their situation improves. The student may enroll in classes at any time during the LOA
if his/her situation changes and the LOA i s no l onger needed.
For the compl ete pol icy s tatement, s ee Policy 402, Enrollment Requirements, Degree Time Limits, and Leaves of Absence.
Student Technical Requirements
Students at UTHeal th Houston School of Public Health must have a personal computer (i .e. laptop or tablet) available to
them as a graduate student. For software not provided through the virtual computer lab, the school provides reduced
software prices through the UT Bookstore
for certain required software titles, including Windows Operating System, Ma-
cOS, Microsoft Office, and certain statistical software products required to use during study. For compatibility purposes,
students s hould have access to a personal computer running the l atest version of either the Wi ndows Operati ng System
or Macintosh Operating system. However, students should note that the most commonly used platform is the Windows
Operating System.
All students are provided with a UTHealth Houston us er account, which offers access to a Web-based electronic mail ap-
plication (Outlook), an online l earning management system (Canvas), the ability to connect personal wireless computers
within campuses, and a file repository and sharing system.
All students need to have a computer with the following minimum requirements and recommendations:
Operating System
Windows 10 or higher, Mac OS X 11.1 (Big Sur) or hi gher
Web Camera
Resolution at least 1280 x 720, should also include a mi crophone
Memory (RAM)
8 GB minimum, 16 GB or more is recommended
Brows er
Edge Chromi um, Chrome, Fi refox
Internet Speeds
Preferred: DSL and Cable connectivity form outside the campus.
Dialup and ISDN services will not provide enough bandwidth for most applications to function
Antivirus Soft-
You must have Antivirus software. Windows 10 has built-in a nti-virus software (Defender). So-
phos Antivirus for Mac users is free.
Proctor Software
You can test your s ystem’s compatibility with our proctor solution at,
Other Software
Access to most course software through a virtual computer lab environment is provided. This
system is called Par allels. You c an ga in a cc ess to the s oftware a nd i nstructi ons for c onfiguring
the s oftware on the “Students ” section of the IT Servi ces webs ite. Parallels software clients are
available for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Additionally, Microsoft Office i s the pri-
mary application tool used by all faculty. Regardless of your operating system, you will be most
compatible with your faculty if you have Microsoft Office installed.
The following sections describe the application procedures, application deadlines and admissions procedures. For more
information, see the School of Public Health Admissions website at
Application Procedures
All applications to UTHealth Houston School of Public Health are received and processed by the centralized application
servi ce, School of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS) ( or SOPHAS Express
( This application service is intended to streamline the appli-
cation process as a pplicants are able to upload one set of application materials, including institutional transcripts, refer-
ence l etters, statement of purpose and objectives and s tandardized tes t s cores, if applicable. All supporting documenta-
tion detailed below is required of those applicants submitting their applications through either SOPHAS or SOPHAS Ex-
press, unless otherwise noted.
Degree-seeking Students
The degree-seeking application process is used for students seeking admission into one of the UTHealth Houston Sc hool
of Publ ic Health degree programs. Al l degree-seeking applications, including supporting documentation, are received and
processed by SOPHAS. Detailed instructions for submission of applications using SOPHAS are described on the SOPHAS
websi te.
Applicants to dual degree programs a pply to each i nstitution i ndependently of the res pective complementary dual de-
gree program. More information about dual degree programs can be found in the dual degree programs
section of this
Appl icants s eeking readmission should refer to Policy 403 Readmission to a Degree Program under the Academic Policies
secti on of this catalog.
Non-degree Seeking Students
The non-degree application process is used for students seeking admission into one of the UTHealth Houston School of
Public Health non-degree programs, non-degree graduate certificate programs, or pre-approved re-admission. All non-
degree applications, including supporting documentation, are received and processed by SOPHAS Express
. Detailed i n-
structions for submission of applications using SOPHAS Express are described on the SOPHAS Express website.
Required Application Materials for All Applicants
The following contains the elements of the application materials required when submitting materials to ei ther SOPHAS
or SOPHAS Express. More information about required application materials can be found on the Admissions website.
1. Personal Statement and Objectives
Applicants should describe their interests in public health i n the personal statement and objectives section of the appli-
cation. The essay should address educational goals specific to the chosen program of study. Applicants should also de-
scribe career goals as wel l as any experience rel ating to the heal th field, research, community service, and l eadership
positions. Applicants are encouraged to describe how significant life experiences have influenced their motivation, quali-
fications, or academic record. The personal s tatement and objectives are central to the admissions decision and is read
by the admissions committee. *Note: Personal statement and objectives are screened for plagiarism. Evidence of plagia-
rism will result in an automatic denial of admission.
2. Evidence of Proficiency
Evidence of proficiency in basic mathematical or other quantitative skills, documented through transcripts, publications,
or a statement describing how this proficiency was achieved, or will be achieved, prior to enrollment.
3. Application Fee
Students apply through either SOPHAS (degree-seeking applicants) or SOPHAS Express (certi ficate or non-degree-seeking
applicants). The application fee through SOPHAS is based upon a sliding scale determined by the number of schools and
programs to which the applicant is intending to apply. The cost for a SOPHAS application is $145 for the first school or
program to which the student applies. Any additional schools or programs to which a student chooses to apply will cost
$55 per designation, even if the application is submitted later in the application cycle. The cost for a SOPHAS Express
application is $55 per program. More information about SOPHAS fees can be found here:
_Appl ication/03_Application_Fees and SOPHAS Express fees found here: https://help.liai-
4. Official Transcripts
Transcripts must include both grades and credit hours. International applicants are required to submit World Education
Services (WES) evaluations of their transcripts to SOPHAS. See Transcript Credential Evaluation for more i nformation.
Degree-seeking applicants: Applicants should submit official transcripts covering all periods of postsecondary enrollment
in all accredited institutions of higher education attended. Copies of transcripts sent by the applicant are not considered.
Applicants should request that all institutions attended send official, original transcripts di rectly to SOPHAS to one of the
appropriate addresses:
For regular mail, please send to:
SOPHAS Transcript Processing Center
P.O. Box 9111
Watertown, MA 02471-9111
For overnight delivery ONLY, please send to:
SOPHAS c /o Li a ison I nter nati onal
311 Arsenal Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617-612-2090
Information on sending official US transcripts electronically can be found online here:
https://help.liai- nd_Test_Scores _to_SOPHAS. .
Non-degree seeking applicants: Applicants should upload unofficial transcripts covering all periods of postsecondary
enrollment in all accredited institutions of higher education. In the event the applicant is admitted, they will also
need to provide official, original transcripts directly to the UTHeal th Office of the Regi strar.
5. Transcript Credential Evaluation
Transcripts for an educational credential evaluation and determination of United States equivalency is required from
applicants who hold degrees from institutions outside of the United States. The minimum requirement is to submit a
credenti al evaluation that demonstrates the applicant holds, at a minimum, the equivalent of a bachelors degree or
a professional degree from an accredited institution from the foreign country. A Course-by-Course International Cre-
dential Advantage Package (ICAP) with a GPA calculation is required. This can be accomplished by submitting tran-
scripts to:
World Education Services (WES) World Education Services Contact Information:
WES Gl obal Documentation Centre Phone: (212) 966-6311
PO Box 2008 STN Main Email:
Newmarket, ON, L3Y 0G5 Webs ite:
Final transcript credential evaluation results must be submitted directly to SOPHAS by WES.
6. Letters of Recommendation
Applicants are required to submit letter(s) of recommendation from i ndividual(s) qualified to evaluate the applicant’s
academic or professional performance, ability, motivation, and character. Academic letters of reference are pre-
ferred. All submitted letters should be on official letterhead.
Degree-seeking applicants: At l eas t three l etters of recommendation are required.
Non-degree seeking applicants: At least one l etter of recommendation is required.
7. Entrance Examinations
Degree-seeking applicants: Entrance exam scores (GRE/GMAT/MCAT) are optional for all MPH and MS programs. For
all doctoral programs, students are encouraged to submit entrance exam scores; however, the following programs
require applicants to submit these s cores:
DrPH in Community Health Practice
PhD in Epidemiology
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Disease Prevention Track
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Total Worker Health® Track
PhD in Heal th Economics and Health Services Res earch
PhD in Heal thcare Management and Policy
Entra nce exam score is but one of several factors considered in the aggregate during the admission process. The GRE
is administered a t many universities across the Uni ted States and in ma ny foreign cities. Only scores received directly
from the Educational Testing Service ( will be considered. Applicants should
submit GRE scores
to SOPHAS using the reporting code 4479.
Official GMAT scores should be mai led to:
ATTN: Admissions
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
1200 Pressler Street, RAS E-201
Houston, TX 77030
Non-degree seeking applicants: Non-degree applicants applying through SOPHAS Express are not required to submit
entrance examination records.
Exemptions to the Entrance Exam requirement:
Applicants holding previously-earned doctoral-level degrees from accredited U.S. universities ma y request
an exemption;
Applicants to dual degree programs
that have a doctoral component (e.g., MD/MPH, PhD/MPH, Pharm
D/MPH, or JD/MPH) are exempt from the GRE requirement, provided they hold an offer of admission to the
partnering participating medical, graduate, pharmacy or law school.
Applicants holding a n i nternational medical degree and holding Educational Commission for Foreign Medical
Graduates certification may request a waiver provided they are currently practicing medicine or in an active
residency program in the United States at the time of applying.
MPH applicants who previously completed the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health General Public
Heal th Certificate with a cumulative UTHealth Houston School of Public Health GPA of 3.4 or higher.
Doctoral (DrPH or PhD) applicants who previously completed a UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
master’s program (MPH or MS) with a cumulative UTHealth Houston School of Public Health GPA or 3.4 or
Wai vers a nd exemption inquiries can be emailed to
; requests should in-
clude supplemental documentation for consideration.
8. Additional Supporting Materials
Any published papers, reports, or other materials believed to provide information on an applicants capability and
performance should be included in the application.
Degree-seeking applicants: Degree-seeking applicants should submit any additional supporting documents to SOPHAS
and should follow the SOPHAS application instructions for guidance.
Non-degree-seeking applicants: Non-degree-seeking applic ants s hould s ubmit a ny a dditional s upporting documents
to SOPHAS Express and should follow the SOPHAS Express application instructions for guidance.
Additional Required Materials for International Applicants
9. English Proficiency Exams
International applicants are required to take the Tes t of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International
Engli sh Testing System (IELTS) unless s pecifically exempted.
Exemptions to the TOEFL or IELTS exam requirement:
If you are a Permanent Res ident or Citi zen of the Uni ted States;
If you earned a ba chelors, masters or doctoral degree from the Uni ted States;
If the degree revi ewed by the Worl d Education Services (WE) Transcript Evaluation indicates that the mode
of instruction was in English (3 or more yea rs).
If you earned a degree from an Engl ish-speaking country Graduation with a diploma or degree (attended
for at least 3 years or a standard period of attendance as required by the country; Bachelor’s, Master’s or
Doctoral degree) from an accredited school from a recognized English-speaking country as l isted below:
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Fa l kland I slands
I rel a nd
Li beri a
New Zealand
Si erra Leone
St. Hel ena
St. Ki tts & Nevis
St. Vincent
Trinidad & Tobago
Turk & Caico Islands
United Kingdom (UK)
US Vi rgi n I slands
Additional exemptions may be granted on a case-specific basis for those who do not meet the a bove criteria. W ai v ers
and exemption inquiries can be emailed to
; requests should include sup-
plemental documentation for consideration.
Minimum scores required:
For admission consideration, a mi nimum acceptable score on the i nternet-based TOEFL i s 95, and a mi nimum ac-
ceptabl e overall s core on the IELTS i s 7.0. Test scores are considered valid for two (2) years from the test date. Appli-
cants may submit scores to SOPHAS using the reporting code 5688 (TOEFL); no department code is needed. Official
IELTS s cores s hould be mailed to:
ATTN: Admi s sions
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
1200 Pressler Street, RAS E-201
Houston, TX 77030
Application Deadline Dates for All Applicants
Degree-seeking applicants: Completed applications, with all supporting documents, must be received by:
October 1 Spring semester priority deadline for scholarship consideration & final deadline
December 1 Fa ll semester priority deadline for scholarship consideration
February 1 Fall s emester deadline for Dieteti c Intern applicants
April 1 Fall/ Summer semester, all other applicants’ final deadline
Non-degree seeking applicants: Completed applications, with all supporting documents, must be received by:
November 1 Spring semester
April 1 Summer semes ter
July 1 Fall semester
Applicants will be notified by e-mail of the Admissions Committee’s decision within approximately 2-8 weeks of the
date the application is completed and verified via SOPHAS, provided that all supporting materials are received by the
application deadline.
Appl icants are required to el ect a single degree program l ocated at a campus of UTHealth Houston School of Public
Health. The faculty or faculty subcommittee of the appropriate program and campus review each application and all
supporting documentation. Factors believed to contribute to the academic success of students and their subsequent
contributions to the knowledge base and practice of public health are considered in each admissions action. The
following criteria are evaluated through the application, transcripts, letters of recommendation, essay/personal
statement, and CV/Resume. These criteria include:
Career goals: particularly the intent to practice public health in underserved and vulnerable communities
Communi ty service: parti cularly service to diverse communities i n need
Educational goals: should be consistent with the chosen area of study
Motivation: des cription of any special obstacles or challenges that have been overcome to achieve goals
thus far
Prior academic preparation: depth, breadth, and performance
Rel evant work experience: particularly public health practice or research related to underserved and
vulnerable communities
Official scores on entrance exams and English proficiency exams (if needed)
Theses, publications, and other scholarly works: supplemental documents provided by applicant
Applicants may be contacted for personal interviews, and prospective students are encouraged to visit the School
and discuss their proposed program with faculty and staff. The School’s contact information can be found on the
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
website. Admissions inquiries can also be emailed directly to
applyUTH (
) is available for appli-
cants to check on the status of their application and supporting documents. Enrolled students will use myUTH
( to access their official grades, register for classes, view and pay fees , check on the sta-
tus of financial aid applications, submit address changes, and request official UTHealth transcripts. Policies related to
tra ns fer credits, maximum credits for enrollment i n one term, and a criminal background check can be found in the
Aca demi c Policies s ection.
Direct Admission to a PhD Program
The School offers direct admission to the PhD in Biostatistics and PhD in Epidemiology programs. Additional admis-
si on requirements for these programs can be found in the PhD in Biostatistics, Direct Admission a nd
PhD in Epidemi-
ology, Direct Admission s ec tions below. Students are required to meet al l other admission requirements for a PhD
Conditional Admission to Doctoral Programs
With the exception of applicants admitted directly to a PhD program, applicants to doctoral programs are expected to
hold a masters degree in the relevant discipline. Applicants with a prior master’s degree, but with deficits (i.e., no
MPH or lack of masters level discipline courses for a PhD) may be admitted with the conditions of completing
required leveling courses. Once a student has completed the required leveling courses l isted in the admissions l etter,
with a grade of at least aB, the conditions will be removed from the student’s record. Conditions must be met by
the timeli ne menti oned i n the admissions l etter. Students who fail to complete the conditions will be discontinued
from the doctoral program. Credit hours toward a doctoral degree programs graduation requirement begin to accrue
at the ti me of enrol lment i n the degree program as follows:
No credit hours for the leveling courses will be applied toward a doctoral degree but will be listed on the
student’s official transcript.
DrPH s tudents must have previous evidence of all five core MPH courses.
Tui tion and fees are subject to change and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legi slature does not set
the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees are authorized by state statute; the s pecific fee
amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of
Texas System Board of Regents .
Required Fees for All Schools
Audi t Fee
$25/ course
Graduation Fee*
Informati on Technology Access Fee
$40/ s emester
Installment Use Fee
Late Payment Fee
Late Regi stra tion Fee
Return Check/ E-Check Fee
Credi t Card Us e Fee
Student Record Fee
$5/semes ter
Student Servi ces Fee**
$591.75/per 12-month
Rei ns tatement Fee (assessed when s tudent re-enrolls after being dropped
for non-payment on the 12
day of class)
School of Public Health Required Fees
Computer Res ource Fee
$62/ semester
Liability Insurance
Fal l Semester
Spri ng Semes ter
Summer Semes ter
Li bra ry and Writing Services Fee
$60/ semester
Portfolio Fee
$50/ semester
Pre-Matriculation Planning Fee
$200/ seat deposit
Student Orientation Fee (assessed upon matriculation)
Technol ogy Res ource Fee
Program Fees
Dietetic Internship Program Fee (PH 9997, sections 800 & 850)
$2,500 (each s ection)
Archer Program Fee (Summer only)
Supplemental Fee Accel erated MPH Program San Antonio
$4,000/ semes ter
Course Fees
PH 2155 Environmental Sampling Analysis, Lab Fee
PH 5031 Culinary Medicine
PH 5032 Ga rden for Health
*A graduation fee of $100 payable at registration for the final academic term is required of all students.
**The Student Services Fee, required of all students, provides for student health services, student counseling, stu-
dent government, a shuttle service, and recreati onal facilities. The annual fee of $$591.75 is charged to students on
a semester credit hour basis by semester. Breakdown of the fee is found on the Registrars website under Tuition
and Fee Schedule.
Health insurance is required of all UTHealth Houston students. If students have a health insurance policy, they may
provide proof of comparable insurance to Auxiliary Enterprises no later than the 12
class to have this charge
waived. Information regarding student health insurance can be found at the Auxiliary Enterprise
The current Tuition and Fee Schedules for UTHealth Houston can be found on the Office of Registrar
website at
Calendar for 2023-2024 Academic Year
Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024
12 Week
6 Week 1
6 Week 2
Semes ter Begi ns
August 28
January 8
May 20
May 20
July 2
Census Date
September 13
January 24
May 23
May 23
July 8
Last Day of Class
December 8
April 26
August 9
June 28
August 9
Final Exams
December 11-15
April 29-May 3
August 12-15
July 1
August 12-15
Academic calendars are subject to change. For the most current calendar, see the Office of the Regi strar webs ite.
Term Structure
Course credits correspond with contact hours per week per semester as shown in the chart below.
Contact Hours Per Week
Fall Semester
15 weeks
Spring Semester
15 weeks
Summer Semester
12-week session
Summer Semester
6-week session
1 hour per week
1 hour per week
1.25 hours per week
2.5 hours per week
2 hours per week
2 hours per week
2.5 hours per week
5 hours per week
3 hours per week
3 hours per week
3.75 hours per week
7.5 hours per week
4 hours per week
4 hours per week
5 hours per week
10 hours per week
Course Structure
A course prefix and catalog number represents the course modality, level and academic department as described in
the chart below. Al l courses are graduate l evel courses. Students should seek advice from their faculty advisor and
refer to thei r degree planner when s electing coursework to ensure courses will be applied toward their degree. Avail-
ability of courses is contingent upon sufficient registration.
Course Prefix
Modality and Level
In-person and/or ITV; available to both master and doctoral-level s tudents
In-person and/or ITV; available to master-level only students
In-person and/or ITV; available to doctoral-level only s tudents
Online; available to both master and doc toral-level s tudents
Online; available to master-level only students
Onl ine; available to doctoral-level only students
Catalog Number
Academic Department
1000 1499
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
1600 1999
Bi ostatistics and Data Science
2100 2499
Envi ronmenta l and Occupational Hea lth Scienc es
2500 2999
3000 3999
Management, Policy, and Community Health
5000 9999
Grading Type
Grading Component
Letter-graded. Courses without anL des i gnation ha ve a pa ss/fail gr ading component.
The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, a mi nimum 45 s emester credit hours, is the fundamental professional
degree, required by many supervisory and managerial positions in public health and recommended for others.
Degree Requirements
Satis factory completion of a prescribed course of study of at least one (1) academic year and a minimum of
45 semester credit hours. Only three (3) credit hours of practicum and three (3) credit hours of an
integrative l earning experience count toward the mi nimum of 45 semes ter credit hours. Therefore, at l east
39 credit hours of didactic courses other than practicum or an integrative learning experience must be
successfully completed;
Satis factory completion of PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
Satisfactory completion of a planned, supervised, and evaluated pr acticum; and
Satis factory completion of an integrative learning experience that demonstrates a substantial knowledge of
public health.
Prescribed Course of Study
Major requirements are listed within the departmental sections of this catalog. Degree requirements ma y be altered
in successive catalogs. Students are bound by the requirements of the catalog in force at the time of their admission
or readmission.
Core Requirements for MPH Students
The following courses satisfy the MPH core public health requirement: PHM 1690 Introduction to Biostatistics in
Public Health & PHM 2612 Epidemiology I & PHM 2110 Public Health Ecology & the Human Environment & PHM
1110 Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health & PHM 3715 Management and Policy Concepts in
Public Health & PHM 5015L Introduction to Qualitative Research in Public Health.
The practicum, or applied practice experience, is an application of learning to areal world setting and is a CEPH
requirement for completion of the MPH degree. All practicums consist of an organized internship at an extramural
agency or organization engaged in work related to public health. Alternatively, the practicum may be done
intramurally i f the project interacts wi th practice agencies.
Integrative Learning Experience (ILE)
The ILE i s a CEPH requirement for completion of the MPH degree. It requires the s ynthesis and i ntegration of
knowledge and skills acquired in the degree program and their application to some aspect of professional practice.
An ILE can be compl eted through one of the fol lowing avenues: completion of the departments Capstone course;
completion of an original research thesis; or completion of an independent project. In all ILE options, students inves-
tigate public health issues and generate a high-quality written product. If students chose to complete an original re-
search thesis, they will be required to follow all standard research thesis procedures.
Customized MPH
The Master of Public Health Customized plan offers student the flexibility to complete interdisciplinary coursework
rel evant to thei r academic and professional interests. Students eligible for the customized MPH program include: stu-
dents admitted to any dual degree program and students located at any SPH campus. Students will work with their
advisor to select a minimum of fi ve (5) competencies to be met i n an advanced public health area. These competen-
ci es are in addition to the MPH core competencies. For a sample of the course of study, see the
Customized MPH de-
gree pl anner.
The Master of Science (MS) degree, a minimum of 36 semester credit hours, signifies academic accomplishment in a
public health discipline and is available to those who plan careers in academia and research.
Degree Requirements
Satis factory completion of a prescribed course of study of a t lea st one (1) academic year and a minimum of
at least 36 semester credit hours. A maximum of six (6) credit hours of thesis count toward the minimum of
36 credit hours. If the student chooses to elect a practicum, no more than three (3) credit hours of practicum
and three (3) credit hours of thesis count toward the minimum of 36 credit hours. Therefore, at least 30 credit
hours of didactic courses other than practicum a nd/or thesis must be successfully completed;
Satis factory completion of PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
Sati sfactory completion of one epi demiology course, i f one is not already covered in the major area;
Sati sfactory completion of a research thesis; and
Satis factory del ivery of an ora l presentation of thei r thesi s defense. Al l compl eted theses wi l l be made
available to the general public.
Prescribed Course of Study
Major requirements are listed within the departmental sections of this catalog. Degree requirements may be altered
in successive catalogs. Students are bound by the requirements of the catalog in force at the time of their admission
or readmission.
The practicum, or applied practice experience, is an application of learning to a real world setting. All practicums
consist of an organized internship at an extramural agency or organization engaged in work related to public health.
Alternatively, the practicum may be done intramurally if the project interacts with practice agencies. Although not a
requirement, MS students are encouraged to include a practicum in their degree pl an.
Academic Thesis
Students are required to complete a research thesis deemed by the faculty to be of excellent quality and
demonstrate an appropriate depth of knowledge in the field of study. If approved by the student’s advisory
committee, a student may elect to include an article of publishable quality consistent with the standards of a peer-
reviewed journal. The article is a part of the final submission to the Office of Research and contains all supporting
elements of an acceptable research thesis. More information about a student’s advisory committee can be found in
the Academic Policies
The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree, a mi nimum of 54 s emester credit hours, signifies distinguished scholarly
accomplishment and is available to those who plan careers in advanced professional practice, academia, or
community-based research.
Degree Requirements
Satis factory completion of a prescribed course of study of at least one (1) academic year and a minimum of
at least 54 semester credit hours. Only three (3) credit hours of practicum and six (6) credit hours of
di ssertation count toward the minimum of 54 credit hours. Therefore, at least 45 credit hours of di dactic
courses other than practicum or dissertation must be successfully completed.
Satis factory completion of PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
Satisfactory completion of a minor area of study;
Satisfactory completion of one epidemiology course, if one is not already covered in the major, minor, or
breadth areas;
Satisfactory completion of a planned, supervised, and evaluated practicum;
Satis factory performance on a preliminary exa mination as described by the degree program;
Satisfactory defense of the dissertation proposal and completion of an original research dissertation.
Prescribed Course of Study
Major requirements are listed wi thin the departmental s ections of this catalog. Degree requirements may be altered
in successive catalogs. Students are bound by the requirements of the catalog in force at the time of their admission
or readmission.
Minor and Breadth
Students in the DrPH program are required to complete a minor and a breadth area of study. Minor requirements
are li sted wi thin the departmental sections of this catalog. Students should consult with their advisor when choosing
a minor to align with their academic goals. DrPH programs have a pre-designed breadth already built into the degree
requirements and students are not required to complete an additional breadth. For more information a bout the mi-
nor and breadth requirement for DrPH students, see the Academic Polices
Preliminary Exam
The preliminary examination wi ll be taken after the courses prescribed by the degree program have been
successfully completed. If a student is unable to successfully complete (i.e., demonstrate competence in) the
preliminary examination after two attempts, the student will be dismissed from the DrPH program. That student
may be provided an opportunity to complete the MPH degree program (if the student does not already possess a
MPH degree), but the opportunity is not automatic, and acceptance into the MPH program is decided collectively by
departmental faculty. For more information, see the Academic Policies
s ection.
The practicum, or applied practice experience, is an application of learning to areal world setting and is a CEPH
requirement for completion of the DrPH degree. Al l practicums consist of an organized i nternship at an extramural
agency or organization engaged in work related to public health. Alternatively, the practicum may be done
intramurally if the project interacts with practice agencies. The DrPH practicum ensures that students have
s i gnificant a dvanced-level practice experiences collaborating with practitioners, allowing opportunities to develop
leadership competencies and contribute to the field.
Students are required to complete an original research dissertation that makes a substantial contribution to
knowledge in public health. This requirement will be ful filled when an oral defense of the dissertati on research
proposal and the fi nal dissertation have been successfully completed, the document has been approved and signed
by all members of the dissertation committee, and a copy has been filed i n the Dean’s Office.
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, a minimum of 48 s emester credit hours, in a public health discipline repre-
sents outstanding scholarly achievement and signifies a capacity for independent study.*
Degree Requirements
For students with a master’s degree, s atisfactory completion of a prescribed course of study of at least one
(1) academic year and a minimum of at least 48 s emester credit hours. A maximum of six (6) s emester
credit hours of dissertation count toward the minimum 48 credit hours. If the student chooses to elect a
practicum, no more than three (3) credit hours of practicum and three (3) credit hours of dissertation count
toward the minimum of 48 credit hours. Therefore, at least 42 credit hours of di dactic courses other than
practicum or dissertation must be successfully completed.
*For students with a bachelor’s degree admitted as a direct-admit, satisfactory completion of a prescribed
cours e of s tudy of at l east one (1) academic year and a minimum of at l east 72 semester credit hours is
Satis factory completion of PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
Satisfactory completion of two minor areas of study or one minor area of study and one breadth area;
Satisfactory completion of one epidemiology course, if one is not already covered in the major, minor, or
breadth areas;
Sati sfactory performance on a preliminary examination as des cribed by the degree program;
Sati sfactory defense of the dissertation proposal and completion of an original research dissertation.
Prescribed Course of Study
Major requirements are listed within the departmental sections of this catalog. Degree requirements ma y be altered
in successive catalogs. Students are bound by the requirements of the catalog in force at the time of their admission
or readmission.
Minor and Breadth
Students in the PhD program are required to complete either two minors or one minor and one breadth area of
study. Minor requirements are listed within the departmental sections of this catalog. Students should consult with
their advisor when choosing a minor and/or breadth to align with their academic goals. For more information a bout
the minor and breadth requirement for PhD students, s ee the Academic Polices
Preliminary Exam
The preliminary examination wi ll be taken after the courses prescribed by the degree program have been
successfully completed. If a student is unable to successfully complete (i .e., demonstrate competence in) the
preliminary examination after two attempts, the student will be dismissed from the PhD program. For students with
a bachelors degree, the opportunity to complete a MS degree program is not automatic, and acceptance into the
MS program is decided by departmental faculty. For more i nformation, see the Academic Policies
The practicum, or applied practice experience, is an application of learning to areal world setting. All practicums
consist of an organized internship at an extramural agency or organization engaged in work related to public health.
Alternatively, a practicum may be done intramurally if the project interacts with practice agencies. Although not a
requirement, PhD students are encouraged to include a practicum in their degree pl an.
Students are required to complete an original research dissertation that makes a substantial contribution to
knowledge in public health. This requirement will be fulfilled when an oral defense of the dissertation research pro-
posal and the final dissertation have been successfully completed, the document has been approved and signed by
al l members of the di sserta tion committee, and a copy has been fi led i n the Deans Office.
Degree programs that are currently accepting applications for admission are indicated with a check () for each location
res pecti vely. Each program has its own course of study located within the departmental sections in this catalog. To skip to
a specific course of study, select one of the programs below.
El Paso
San An
Master of Public Health - MPH
Community Health Practice
Customi zed
Envi ronmental Health
Heal th Promotion/Health Education
Heal thcare Ma nagement
Heal th Services Organizations
Master of Science - MS
Bi ostatistics
Doctor of Public Health - DrPH
Communi ty Health Practice
Heal th Promotion/Health Education
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Behavi oral Sciences and Health Promotion
Bi ostatistics
Envi ronmental Science - Total Worker Health
Envi ronmental Science - Envi ronmental Disease Prevention
Health Economics and Health Services Res earch
Heal thcare Management and Health Policy
Dual and pathway degree programs at UTHea lth Houston School of Public Health are designed so the curricula of
both degrees are i ntegrated to the grea test extent pos sible. Through thes e programs, students are able to complete
two degrees in a shorter time period than pursuing both separately as some specified courses can count toward both
degrees. Students interested in a dual degree program must apply and receive admission to each institution,
respectively, according to the application procedures and meet the requirements of each institution. For more
information, see the Admi s sions Process
The maximum number of transfer (i.e. shared) credits that can apply to a degree program at UTHealth Houston
School of Public Health, as part of a dual degree program, is outlined i n Policy 308 Transfer of Credit Hours
. Students
should contact the program coordinator for the dual degree program for further information. More i nformation
about the following dual a nd pa thway degree programs can be found on the
Dual Degree Programs website.
El Paso
San Antonio
DDS/MPH Program
UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
DMD/MPH Program
Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso School of Dental Medicine
JD/MPH Program
University of Houston Law Center
MBA/MPH Program
The Uni versity of Texas at El Paso Woody L. Hunt College of Business
The Uni versity of Texas Permian Basin College of Business
The Uni versity of Texas at San Antonio College of Business
MD/MPH Programs
Baylor College of Medi cine
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso School of Medicine
The Uni versity of Puerto Ri co School of Medi cine
The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
The Uni versity of Texas Rio Grande Va lley School of Medi cine
University of Houston College of Medicine
UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine
UT Southwestern Medical School
MGPS/MPH Program
The University of Texas at Austin LJB School of Public Affairs
MPAff/MPH Program
The Uni versity of Texas at Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs
MS/MPH Program
UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical Informatics
MSSW/MPH Program
The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work
MSW/MPH Program
The Uni versity of Houston School of Social Sciences
Pharm.D./MPH Program
The Uni versity of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy
PhD/MPH Program
UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical I nfor matics
Graduate Certificates
A compl ete list of certi ficates is listed in the chart below. Mor e i nformation a nd course requirements can be found on
the mySPH Graduate Certificates website at
Graduate certi ficates for non-degree seeking students provides the opportunity to take courses for credit at UTHealth
Houston School of Public Health without pursuing a formal degree. Students are required to complete the application
procedure as a non-degree student. For more information, see the Admissions
section. Certificate courses ma y be
applied toward the required credit hours of a degree program i n the form of transfer credits. However, students
interested in taking more than the maximum transfer credit hours are strongly advised to apply for admission to a
degree program. For more i nformation about transfer credits, s ee the
Academic Policies s ecti on.
Degree-seeking students who are currently pursuing a graduate degree should formally elect thei r certificate through
the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services. All graduate
certi fi cates are available to a ll students at all campuses unless otherwise noted. Students should consult their
advisors for course availability at their campus.
Advanced Data Science
Advanced Planning and Evaluation for Health Promotion Programs
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Sciences
Applied Biostatistics of Public Health
Clinical Nutrition and Public Health (Houston only)
Culinary Nutrition and Public Health (Houston only)
Data Science*
Genomics & Bioinformatics*
Global Health
Heal th Di sparities
Health Promotion Program Planning and Evaluation
Heal thcare Admi nistration
Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Sciences
Leaders hip Theory and Practice
Maternal & Child Health
Nutri ti on a nd Public Health
Physical Activity & Health
Public Health*
Public Health Informatics
Public Health Law Research and Policy Surveillance*
*This graduate certificate program is also offered fully online.
Advanced Data Science Certificate (15 semester credit hours)
This certificate is designed for both students and working professionals who intend to elevate their knowledge and
skill-set regarding data s cience processes a nd thei r application. This certificate i s an extension of the es tablished Data
Science Certificate and consists of learning modules in data science crafted to meet the needs of students, employers,
and community partners. Topics include data mining, data science computing, and programming in Python and R.
For more i nformation, s ee the Advanced Data Science Certificate planner
Advanced Planning and Evaluation for Health Promotion Programs (12 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate builds on the Health Promotion Program Planning and Evaluation certificate (s ee below) a nd is
intended for professionals who are working or who plan to work in public health departments, government or non-
profit organizations to obtain advanced skills in health promotion program planning and evaluation to improve health
and eliminate health disparities. These courses provide advanced skills to develop and evaluate theory- and evidence-
based multilevel health promotion programs, select appropriate research designs, and apply statistical analyses to
tra ns late res earch to practice for evidence-based decision-making.
For more i nformation, s ee the Advanced Planning and Evaluation for Health Promoti on Programs certificate planner
Advanced Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences (15 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate builds on the Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences certi ficate and provides
advanced training in research design and quantitative methods relevant to practitioners and researchers working in
the fields of health promotion, social and behavioral sciences and preventative medicine. The course offerings in this
certi fi cate are designed to provide education in advanced design and analysis methods. This certificate will be
suitable for students who have prior experience or training through multivariate linear and logistic regression
For more i nformation, s ee the Advanced Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences certificate planner
Applied Biostatistics in Public Health (12 s emester credit hours)
This certificate is designed to provide students or professionals basic quantitative and analytic skills for working in
public health or health-care related industries. The goal is to train public health professionals the basic analysis skills
and critical thinking for performing analysis as part of public health research.
For more i nformation, s ee the Applied Biostatistics in Public Health certificate planner
Clinical Nutrition and Public Health Certificate (13 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate is designed to prepare those in the public health and health care workforce to understand the role of
nutrition in disease prevention and health promotion, nutrition assessment, nutritional epidemiologic methods, nu-
tritional physiology, nutritional health policy, and culinary medicine.
For more i nformation, s ee the Clinical Nutrition and Public Health certificate planner
Culinary Nutrition and Public Health Certificate (13 s emester credit hours)
Thi s certificate is designed to prepare those in the public health and health care workforce to understand the role of
nutrition in disease prevention and health promotion, nutrition assessment, nutritional physiology, nutritional health
policy, and culinary medicine.
For more i nformation, s ee the Culinary Nutrition and Public Health certificate planner
Data Science Certificate (9 s emester credit hours for degree-seeking students; 13 semester credit hours for non-de-
gree-s eeki ng s tudents)
Thi s certificate is intended for professionals working in health care or industries related to public health research and
biostatistics, and consists of coursework in data science, data analytics and predictions, analytic methods, and data
For more i nformation, s ee the Data Science certificate pl anner
Genomics and Bioinformatics Certificate (12 s emester credit hours)
Thi s certificate i s i ntended for pr ofessionals i n a cademic, clinical, and research settings who are now or soon to be
faced with genomic and related data. The goal is to enable a generation of investigators and academicians capable of
integrating genomic and related high-dimensional data seamlessly into population and personalized health.
For more i nformation, s ee the Genomics and Bioinformatics certificate planner
Global Health Certificate (12 semester credit hours, mi nimum)
This certificate is intended for students interested in exploring how globalization is affecting the determinants of
health, the health status of the population, and the capacity of nation-states to deal wi th the determinants of health
and disease. The goal is to prepare students for positions that involve public health decision-making and res earch in a
changing world.
For more i nformation, see the Global Health certificate planner
Health Disparities Certificate (12 s emester credit hours)
Thi s certificate provides an orientation for individuals who are working in public health or health care and seeking to
focus their work to the recognition, description and elimination of health disparities that have been defined as differ-
ences in “the overall rate of di sease i ncidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality or survival rates.
For more i nformation, s ee the Heal th Di spariti es certificate pl anner
Health Promotion Program Planning and Evaluation Certificate (15 semes ter credit hours)
Thi s certificate i s designed to prepare those in the public health workforce to identify behavioral and environmental
determinants of health that are modifiable, and to plan and evaluate effective health promotion programs and poli-
ci es to promote hea lthy l ifestyles and prevent disease in diverse populations and settings.
For more i nformation, s ee the Hea l th Pr omotion Program Planning and Eva luation certificate planner
Healthcare Administration Certificate (15 s emester credit hours)
Thi s certificate is intended for professionals working in healthcare management and students enrolled in post-bacca-
laureate degree programs in complementary graduate level disciplines such as business, health care, public policy,
public administration, or health sciences. Thi s certificate i s designed to meet the needs of s tudents, empl oyers, and
community partners.
For more i nformation, s ee the Healthcare Admi nistration certi ficate planner
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences (13 semester credit hours)
This certificate provides introductory training in research design and quantitative methods relevant to practitioners
and researchers working in the fields of health promotion, social and behavioral sciences and preventative medicine.
The course offerings in this certificate are designed to provide an introduction to basic design and analysis concepts.
This will be suitable for certificate students entering with little or no prior quantitative methods experience.
For more information, see the Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Sciences certificate planner
Leadership Theory and Practice (12 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate provides students with the theories behind leadership excellence as well as discussion on current
leadership issues. It helps train present and future public health leaders in personal leadership qualities and skills
needed for effective leadership including systems thinking; team work, cultural humility, strategic planning, and other
leadership skills.
For more i nformation, s ee the Leadership Theory and Practice certificate planner
Maternal & Child Health Certificate (12 semester credit hours for degree-seeking s tudents; 15 semester credit hours
for non-degree-seeking students)
Thi s certificate is designed to equip students with skills to professionally promote and enhance the health of women,
chi ldren, and thei r communities on a l ocal, s tate, federal, and i nternational level, while working a s a dvocates i n
health care organizations, academic institutions, and other public and private organizations. An in-depth diverse cur-
riculum provides skills development in reproductive, perinatal, child, and adolescent health.
For more i nformation, s ee the Maternal & Child Health certi ficate planner
Nutrition and Public Health Certificate (9 semes ter credit hours)
Thi s certificate provides opportunities and training for students to focus on dietary assessment methodology, nutri-
tional epidemiology, food policy and systems, behavioral nutrition interventions, and medical nutrition therapy. The
goal is to prepare students to understand the role of nutrition in disease prevention and health promotion, dietary
assessment, nutritional epidemiologic methods, nutritional physiology, and food and nutrition policy.
For more i nformation, s ee the Nutrition and Public Health certificate planner
Physical Activity & Public Health Certificate (9 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate provides opportunities and training for students to focus on physical activity assessment, epidemio-
logic methods, intervention planning, physiologic mechanisms and health outcomes, and policy development. This
certi ficate also focuses on the possible causes and consequences of physical inactivity on health in individuals and
populations and provides hands-on opportunities for skills development i n the areas of measurement, i ntervention,
and environmental and policy change.
For more i nformation, s ee the Physical Activity & Public Health certificate pl anner
Public Health Law Research and Policy Surveillance (15 s emester credit hours)
This certificate program is designed to train governmental, health care, and public health professionals to engage in
public health policy research, analysis and practice as policy researchers and legal epidemiologists, with skills that
bridge public health law.
For more i nformation, s ee the Public Health Law Research and Policy Surveillance certificate pl anner
Public Health Certificate (16 s emester credit hours)
Thi s certificate is intended for public health practitioners and individuals who are interested in increasing their basic
publ ic health knowledge or are considering a graduate degree i n the fi eld. These courses cover the core content of
the disciplines that are basic to public health.
For more i nformation, s ee the Public Health certificate planner
Public Health Informatics (16 semester credit hours)
Thi s certificate i s a joint program between UTHealth Houston School of Bi omedical Informatics a nd UTHea lth Houston
School of Public Health and was created to address the growing emphasis of public health informatics at the national
level and the i ncreased market dema nd.
For more i nformation, s ee the Public Health Informatics certificate pl anner
Accelerated Master’s Programs (4+1 Program)
Undergraduate students matriculating at a partnering school or college external to UTHealth Houston School of
Public Health will have the opportunity to earn both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master of Public Health through
UTHealth Houston School of Public Hea lth over the course of a pproximately five (5) years. These Accelerated
Mas ter’s programs integrate graduate certificate coursework into the student’s undergraduate program during their
final year of undergraduate study. Students apply as non-degree seeking students for enrollment in the Public Health
Certificate during their undergraduate program. Once students graduate with their Bachelor’s degree, they will apply
as degree-s eeking MPH s tudents and have thei r certificate courses a pplied toward their MPH degree. These
educati onal agreements are l isted as Accelerated Master’s Programs. UTHealth Houston School of Public Health holds
the following program agreements with the following educational entities. More information can be found on the
Graduate Certi ficates
El Paso
San Antonio
Accelerated Master’s Programs (4+1 Program)
Public Health Certificate/Austin College
Public Health Certificate/Rice Uni versity
Public Health Certificate/Schreiner University
Public Health Certificate/St. Marys University
Public Health Certificate/The Uni versity of Texa s at Aus tin
Public Health Certificate/The Uni versity of Texa s at San Antonio
Public Health Certificate/University of Houston
Public Health Certificate/University of Texas Ri o Grande Va lley
Public Health Certificate/UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry, Dental
Hygi ene Program
Current, degree-seeking students are eligible to participate in the following special programs to enhance their
educati onal experience.
UT System Archer Center, Graduate Archer Fellowship Program
This program provides students with an opportunity to learn about the federal government and public policy. Fellows
spend 12 weeks interning in a Washington, D.C. organization of their choosing based on their own professional and
academic goals and i nterests. UTHealth School of Public Health students in this program will earn 9 credit hours of
coursework by enrolling in PH 5098 ST: Federal Policy Making & PH 5098 ST: Archer Center Research & PH 9997
Practicum. Archer Center Program Fee: $3,900.
Dietetic Internship
This program provides students with an opportunity to complete an MPH with an emphasis in Health Promo-
tion/Health Education while simultaneously completing the requirements of an accredited Dietetic Internship pro-
gram. Gra duates of the Di eteti c Internship are prepared to practice as entry-level di etitians, are el igible to take the
Regis tration Examination for Dieti cians and are qualified to apply for di etetic licensure through the Texas Department
of Sta te Hea lth Services. The Di eteti c Internship Program is administered through the
Michael & Susan Dell Center for
Heal thy Li ving. For a course of study, see the MPH in Health Promotion/Health Education, Dietetic Internship s ection.
This is a two-year program with a program fee of $5,000. For more information see the School of Public Health Die-
tetic Internship Program website at am/in-
Industrial Hygiene
Industrial hygiene is the science devoted to anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling environmental
factors posing risk to workers and the community, which arise from the workplace. Applicants for the industrial
hygiene curriculum must specifically complete organic chemistry, and physics is strongly preferred. The mas ters-l evel
industrial hygiene curriculum for the MPH is accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission
of ABET,
. A high level of faculty/student interaction is emphasized and students typically gain
practical experience through summer internships, which offer a wealth of opportunities for training in industrial
setti ngs , healthcare, petroleum and petrochemicals, agriculture, and public and private business and government
sectors. Industrial hygiene is a discipline within occupational health and s afety (OHS), which is a professionally
exciting and rewarding field of public health that includes all other aspects of public health such as epidemiology,
health promotion, management, global health and wellness, and other disciplines. Being an OHS practitioner helps to
save lives of working people and promotes a grounded quality of life for their families and communities. The
interdisciplinary c urriculum is based on a public health model for practice. Graduates are prepared to participate in a
mul ti-disciplinary approach to planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating program and services for worker
hea lth and safety.
Course of Study
Students who elect to complete the optional Industrial Hygiene curriculum (17 credit hours) will complete a minimum
of 54 credit hours for their MPH i n Environmental Health
Students in the Industrial Hygiene program wi ll complete the 17 credit hours of coursework: PHM 2155
Environmental Sampling & Analysis (Lab fee: $10.00), PH 2241L Fundamentals of Occupational Safety, PH
2246L Principles of Occupational Ergonomics, PH 2250 Occupational Health Controls, a nd PH 2260
Occupational Health Field Trips, in l ieu of el ectives.
Students mus t select PH 2245 Fundamentals for Industrial Hygiene (4 credits) from the three opti ons l isted
under the major courses selections in the MPH course of student.
Maternal and Child Health Trainee Fellowship Program
The Maternal and Child Health Trainee Fellowship Program is open to students enrolled in the Maternal and Child
Heal th Certi ficate who are i nterested in a year-long intensive training experience in maternal and child health. The
MCH Trainee Fellowship program will include a Conductive Leadership Curriculum as well as experiential placements
working on maternal and child health-related projects and programs with local and state agencies. For more
information, see the Maternal and Child Health Fellowship website.
Residency Program in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Thi s two-year track trains practicing physicians to be qualified for careers in occupational and environmental medi-
cine. This program includes one year of rigorous academic study and one year of experiential rotations to fulfill the
requirements of the MPH. Students who successfully complete the coursework and rotations are eligible to apply for
board certification in occupational medicine by the American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM). For more infor-
mati on, s ee the Occupational a nd Environmental Medi cine
Course of Study
Students who elect to complete the optional Occupational Medicine Residency curriculum will complete a minimum
of 50 credit hours and are required to complete the listed 13 credit hours in addition to their
MPH in Environmental
Heal th required coursework.
Occupational Medicine Residents will complete the following 13 credit hours of coursework: PH 2255 Clinical
Occupational Medicine, PH 2260 Occupational Health Field Trips, PH 2265 Occupational Medicine Practice
(taken twi ce), PH 2270L Total Worker Health and Worker Well-being, in lieu of electives.
Students mus t select PH 2245 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (4 credits) from the three options listed
under the major courses selections in the MPH course of study.
Bi ostatistics is a discipline encompassing the study and development of statistical, mathematical, and computer methods
applied to the biological and health sciences.
Minor in Biostatistics
A minor in biostatistics consists of at least nine (9) SCH of the following required courses:
Masters students: PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health & PH 1700L Intermediate Biosta-
tistics & at least one Bi ostatistics elective above PH 1700L
Doctoral students: PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health & PH 1700L Intermediate Biosta-
tistics & at least two Bi ostatistics el ectives above PH 1700L (Note: PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in
Public Health i s a prerequisite to PH 1700L but may be waived depending on the student’s background.)
PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression is strongly recommended as an el ective for all s tudents.
MS in Biostatistics
The MS Biostatistics degree program is a minimum 36 semester credit hours, and provides tr aining i n research design,
basic statistical theory, data analysis, computer applications, and statistical consultation. Graduates of the program
are prepared to assume s tatistical posts i n government, private health agencies, or i n health research programs. The
program emphasizes fundamental statistical theory and methods and provides the basis for doctoral level
bi ostatistical studies.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the MS program should hold an undergraduate degree that emphasizes the development of strong
quantitative skills through multivariate calculus and at least one s emester of l inear algebra. Examples are degree
programs in mathematical, physical, biological, or social sciences. Advanced mathematical training and knowledge of
computer programming are highly desirable. For more i nformation, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The following courses are required for the MS i n Bi ostatistics:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course) &
PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health
*Leveling courses do not count toward the total number of credits for the degree program.
Major courses: PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics & PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression & PH 1821L
Applied Multivariate Analysis for Biostatistics & PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis & PH 1831L Survival
Analysis & PH 1910L Probability and Distribution Theory & PH 1911L Statistical Inference
El ecti ves: Students a re required to complete 12 credit hours of el ective coursework. Students must complete
a 3 credi t hour epi demiology course of their choice (2500-2999). Students are encouraged to complete
electi ve coursework i n biostatistics (1600-1999; not already on the degree planner). Students should consult
wi th their advisor when selecting el ective courses. Students may also el ect to complete a minor outside of
their department. Students who opt to complete a minor should consult with their advisor and the minor’s
department for requirements.
Thesis: PHM 9998 Culminating Experience/Thesis Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MS in Bi ostatistics degree planner
PhD in Biostatistics
The PhD i n Biostatistics degree program is a mi nimum 48 semester credit hours, or a minimum of 72 s emester credit
hours for direct admission, and emphasizes advanced statistical theory and application, statistical consulting and
independent research and prepares students to be independent investigators in the devel opment a nd a pplication of
biostatistical analyses to problems of human health and disease. Graduates of the program go on to assume senior
stati stical posts i n governmental or private health research agencies, or pursue careers i n tea ching and resea rch.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program should have mathematical training beyond the introductory calculus level, including
advanced calculus and linear algebra. Preference wi ll be gi ven to a pplic ants with coursework in more advanced
mathematics as wel l as s tatistics. They should hold degrees in areas that emphasize the development of strong
quantitative skills, such as, degrees in mathematical, biomedical, physical, or social sciences. For more i nformation,
see the Admi s sions
s ection.
Course of Study
The following courses are required for the PhD i n Bi ostatistics:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for credit course)
Level ing Courses: PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics; PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression*; PH 1821L
Applied Multivariate Analysis for Biostatistics*; PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis*; PH 1910L Probability
and Distribution Theory*
Aca demi c credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for the
degree program.
Major Courses: PH 1831L Su rvival Analysis*; PH 1911L Statistical Inference*; PHD 1915L Linear Models I*; PH
1916L Generalized Linear Models; PHD 1930L Statistical Computing; PHD 1950L Stochastic Processes for
Biostatisticians I*; PH 1988 Biostatistics Seminar
One breadth and one minor or two minors: student are required to el ect a mi nor outside of thei r
department. Students should consult with their advisor and the minors department for requirements.
Students may choose to complete a breadth or second minor. Students who do not elect an epidemiology
minor must complete a three (3) credit hour epidemiology course as part of the breadth (2500-2999).
Students who do complete an epidemiology minor must complete a three (3) credit hours course outside of
both epidemiology and biostatistics for the breadth. Students who choose to complete a breadth should
consult with their advisor to determine which courses are most appropriate for their academic and
professional goals. Students who choose to complete a second minor should consult with their advisor and
the minor’s department for requirements.
Bi ostatistics Electives: Students are required to complete a mi nimum of 5 credit hours of el ectives from any
biostatistics course above the 1700L level that is not already required on the degree planner. Students
should consult with their advisor when selecting elective courses coursework appropriate for the students
res earch and career goals.
PHD 1995 Research Practice Experience for Biostatistics Students
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
*Students must successfully complete each course indicated with an asterisk (*) prior to sitting for the preliminary
exam. For a sample course of s tudy, s ee the PhD in Biostatistics degree planner
PhD in Biostatistics, Direct Admission
The Department of Biostatistics a nd Da ta Scienc e may admit students holding a BA or BS degree (or foreign
equivalent) directly into the PhD program. A student requesting direct admission to the PhD program is expected to
ha ve a bachel or’s degree that emphasizes the devel opment of s trong quantitative skills, s uch as degrees i n
mathematical, biomedical, or physical sciences. The successful applicant will have mastered multivariable calculus
and linear algebra. Applicants with degrees that are not in one of thes e areas who have the requi site sta tistical
training may be admitted to the PhD program. All admissions require approval of faculty.
Direct Admit Course of Study
The following courses are required for the di rect admit PhD in Biostatistics:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for credit course)
Masters Equivalent Courses: PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics; PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression*; PH
1821L Applied Multivariate Analysis for Biostatistics*; PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis*; PH 1910L
Probability and Distribution Theory*
Major Courses: PH 1831L Su rvival Analysis*; PH 1911L Statistical Inference*; PHD 1915L Linear Models I*; PH
1916L Generalized Linear Models; PHD 1930L Statistical Computing; PHD 1950L Stochastic Processes for
Biostatisticians I*; PH 1988 Biostatistics Seminar
One breadth and one minor or two minors: student are required to el ect a mi nor outside of thei r
department. Students should consult with their advisor and the minors department for requirements.
Students may choose to complete a breadth or sec ond minor. Students who do not elect an epidemiology
minor must complete a three (3) credit hour epidemiology course as part of the breadth (2500-2999).
Students who do complete an epidemiology minor must complete a three (3) credit hours course outside of
both epidemiology and biostatistics for the breadth. Students who choose to complete a breadth should
consult with their advisor to determine which courses are most appropriate for their academic and
professional goals. Students who choose to complete a second minor should consult with their advisor and
the minor’s department for requirements.
Bi ostatistics Electives: Students are required to complete a minimum of 14 credit hours of el ectives from any
bi ostatistics course above the 1700L level that is not already required on the degree planner. Students
should consult with their advisor when selecting elective courses coursework appropriate for the student’s
res earch and career goals.
PHD 1995 Research Practice Experience for Biostatistics Students
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
*Students must successfully complete each course indicated with an asterisk (*) prior to sitting for the preliminary
exam. For a sample course of s tudy, s ee the direct admission PhD in Biostatistics degree planner.
Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences (EHGES) includes a broad group of sciences. Epidemiol-
ogy is one of the basic sciences of public health a nd plays a vital role in disease prevention through the study of de-
terminants and patterns of disease in vulnerable populations. Human genetics research involves locating and charac-
terizing genes underlying chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. Environmental science re-
s ea rch i nvolves s tudying the air people breathe, the wa ter people drink, and the environment where people live a nd
work. The academic programs for EHGES are divided into two areas: Epidemiology and Environmental and Occupa-
ti onal Health Sciences (EOHS).
Epidemiology is the study of patterns of disease and injury in human populations and the application of this study to
the control of health problems.
Minor in Epidemiology
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) s emester credit hours) for MS and doctoral students
majoring in other public health disciplines. Courses required for the minor include:
Masters students: PHM 2612L Epidemiology I & two Epidemi ology electives
Doctoral students: PH 2615L Epidemiology II, PH 2710L Epidemiology III & one Epidemi ology elective
MPH in Epidemiology
The MPH in Epidemiology is a minimum of 45 semester credit hours designed to provide a breadth of achievement in
the five core disciplines of public health, as well as additional knowledge and skills in epidemiology. The goal of this
program is to prepare students to put epidemiologic concepts and methods into public health practice, conduct
research studies in public health, and interpret scientific evidence relevant to public health.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the MPH program should hold a bachelor’s degree in the biomedical or social sciences from a regionally
accredited university or school. Experience in public health practice is also considered favorably. For more
information, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The following c ourses are required for a n MPH i n Epi demiology:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics & PH 2615L Epidemiology II & PH 2710L Epidemiology III
Emphasis Area: Six (6) credit hours of selected epi demiology coursework (2500-2999) i n Public Health
Practice or Public Health Research. Students should consult with their advisor when selecting which track to
compl ete.
o Public Health Practice: Students who elect to complete an emphasis area in public health practice
should work with their advisor when selecting coursework appropriate for their academic and
professional goals.
o Public Health Research: Students who elect to complete an emphasis area in public health research
should work with their advisor when selecting coursework a ppropr iate for their academic and
professional goals. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in PH 2858 Quantitative Analysis for
Public Health Research and Practice. Students who elect to complete public health research
cours ework are expected to complete a traditional academic thes is as their integrati ve l earning
experi ence.
El ecti ves: Six (6) credit hours of el ective coursework
Appl ied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHWM 2996 Capstone for EPID Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experi ence/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH in Epidemiology degree planner.
PhD in Epidemiology
The PhD in Epidemiology is a minimum of 48 s emester credit hours a nd represents a mastery of epi demiologic
concepts, theories and methodology; and a significant capacity for independent study. The doctoral program is
res earch-intensive, and is designed for students who plan to go on to academic (university-based) or research careers
in epidemiology and disease control.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program should hold an MS or MPH in Epidemiology from a regionally accredited university or
col lege or have other accomplishments, whic h indicate readiness for doctoral study in epidemiology. GRE s cores are
required. See the ‘Appl ication Process & Deadline Dates’ and ‘Admissions Process sections for more i nformati on. For
more information, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The following courses are required for a PhD in Epidemiology:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for credit course);
PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health & PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics; PHM 2612L
Epidemiology I; PH 2615L Epidemiology II & PH 2710L Epidemiology III
*Academic credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for
the degree program.
Major Courses: PHD 2711L Epidemiology IV*; PHD 2712L Experimental Methods in Epidemiology*; PHD 2990
Epidemiology Seminar; PHD 2720L Epidemiology Proposal Development; a nd:
o Three (3) credi t hours of a s elected required course*: PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis; and/or
PH 1831L Survival Analysis
One breadth and one minor or two minors
El ecti ve courses: 11-14 credit hours. Students are required to complete a minimum of s ix (6) credit hours of
electi ve coursework within the epi demi ology department (2600-2999). One epidemiology elective* (2600-
2999) is required prior to sitting for the epidemiology preliminary exam.
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
*Students must successfully complete each course i ndicated with an asterisk (*) prior to s itting for the preliminary
exam. For a sample course of s tudy, see the PhD in Epidemiology degree planner
PhD in Epidemiology, Direct Admission
The PhD in Epidemiology (Direct Admission) is a minimum of 72 semester credit hours and represents a mastery of
epidemiologic concepts, theories and methodology; and a significant capacity for independent study. The doctoral
program is research-intensive, and is designed for students who plan to go on to academic (university-based) or
res earch careers i n epi demiology a nd disease control.
Special Entrance Requirements
The Department of Epidemiology may admit students holding a BA or BS degree (or foreign equivalent) di rectly i nto
the PhD program. A student requesting direct admission to the PhD program is expected to have either a bachelors
degree that demonstrates the development of strong scientific and analytical skills, a professional doctoral degree in
a medi cal field, or a doctoral degree i n a fi eld not directly related to medi cine or public health that is coupled with
evidence of adequate preparation in biological sciences and mathematics. In addition, evidence of academic achieve-
ment that i ncludes completi on of a dvanced courses i n biological s ciences, at least two semesters of college-level cal-
culus (or the equivalent) and at least one course in statistics.
Direct Admit Course of Study
The following courses are required for a direct admit PhD in Epidemiology:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for credit course)
Masters Equivalent Coursework: PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health & PH 1700L
Intermediate Biostatistics; PHM 2612L Epidemiology I; PH 2615L Epidemiology II & PH 2710L Epidemiology III
PhD Required Courses: PHD 2711L Epidemiology IV*; PHD 2712L Experimental Methods in Epidemiology*;
PHD 2990 Epidemiology Seminar; PHD 2720L Epidemiology Proposal Development; and:
o Three (3) credi t hours of a s elected required course*: PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis; and/or
PH 1831L Survival Analysis
One breadth and one minor or two minors
El ecti ve courses: 19-22 credit hours. Students are required to complete a minimum of nine (9) credit hours
of electi ve coursework wi thin the epi demiology department (2500-2999). One epidemiology el ective* (2500-
2999) is required prior to sitting for the epidemiology preliminary exam.
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
*Students must successfully complete each course i ndicated with an asterisk (*) prior to s itting for the preliminary
exam. For a sample course of study, see the direct admission PhD i n Epidemiology degree planner
Envi ronmenta l and Occupational Hea lth Scienc es (EO HS) is the field of study that deals with the (1) anticipation,
identification, and characterization of potentially harmful physical, chemical, and biological agents in community a nd
workplace environments; (2) identification and study of the relevant pathways of exposure; (3) assessment of the
effects of such agents on the environment and human health; and (4) development of interventions to prevent or
amel iorate problems associated with environmental or occupational contaminants.
Minor in Environmental Sciences
EOHS also offers a minor course of study (mi nimum nine (9) s emester credit hours) for MS a nd doctoral students
majoring in other public health disciplines. Courses required for the minor include:
Masters students: PHWM 2110L Public Health Ecology & the Human Environment & two EOHS electives
(2100-24099) (PH 2175L is recommended)
Doctoral students: PHD 2135L Risk Analysis: Principles and Practice & [PHWD 2106L Introduction to Doctoral
Research Methods in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences OR PHWD 2108L Applied
Epidemiological Analysis OR PHWD 2760L Occupational Epidemiology] & an EOHS elective (2100-2499). PHM
cours es do not count toward a doctoral minor .
MPH in Environmental Health
The MPH in Environmental Health is a mi nimum of 45 semester credit hours and provides a foundation in
environmental and occupational health sciences, in addition to the skills needed to function as a practitioner in a
variety of public health settings. Students are prepared to assume positions in public health practice in government
or the private sector.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the MPH program should have successfully completed coursework in mathematics, chemistry, and
bi ol ogical s ciences. Applicants typically hold a bachelors or higher degree in the physical, chemical, or biological
sci ences; engi neering; nursing; or medicine from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Applicants
with majors from other disciplines who satisfy the undergraduate course-work requirements wi ll be considered. For
more information, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The following courses are required for an MPH in Environmental Health:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PH 2175L Toxicology I: Principles of Toxicology; PH 2205L Health and Safety Program
Management and Leadership; PHM 2135L Risk Analysis: Principles and Practice; & one of the courses from
the selection below:
o PHW 2150 Air Environment
o PHWM 2230L Water Environment
o PH 2245 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
Electi ves: students should consult with their advisor when selecting elective courses. Students are required
to complete at least three (3) credit hours of the eight (8) or nine (9) credit hours (based on selected
required course) of EOHS coursework (2000-2499).
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 2496 Capstone for EOHS Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experi ence/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
The MPH in Environmental Health is associated with two separate special programs: Industrial Hygiene and the
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency Program. For more information about these optional
curriculums, see the Special Programs s ection. For a s ample course of s tudy, see the
MPH in Environmental Health
degree pla nner.
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Disease Prevention Track
The PhD in Environmental Sciences is a minimum of 4 8 s emester credit hours a nd offers i n-depth didactic and research
tra i ning for s tudents who want to focus their careers i n academic, governmental, or other r esearch i nstitutions, and/or
in high-level policy/regulatory positions. The Environmental Disease Prevention Track wi ll provide students experience
in identifying and measuring disease agents in various environments, and opportunities to develop ways to mitigate
associated public health risks.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program should have a prior MS or equivalent degree in Environmental Health Sciences or a
rel ated fi eld from an accredited institution of higher education. In addition, applicants are expected to have
successfully completed coursework in calculus, organic chemistry, physics, and biological sciences. For more
information, s ee the Admissions
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a PhD i n Environmental Science, Environmental Disease Prevention Track:
Leveling and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for -credit course); PH
1700L Intermediate Biostatistics; PHWM 2110L Public Health Ecology and the Human Environment; PH 2175L
Toxicology I: Principles of Toxicology; PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
*Academi c credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for
the degree program.
Major Courses: PHD 2105L EOHS Doctoral Seminar (ta ken twi ce) & PHWD 2106L Introduction to Doctoral
Research Methods in EOHS & PH 2245 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
Track-Specific Courses: PHD 2135L Risk Analysis - Principles and Practice & PH 2177 Toxicology II: Toxic
Agents and the Environment & PH 2126 Fundamentals and Applications of GIS & PHD 2155 Environmental
Sampling and Analysis & one of the courses from the selections bel ow:
o PHW 2150 Air Environment
o PHWD 2230 Water Environment
Minor: Epidemiology Minor: PH 2615L Epidemiology II; PH 2710L Epidemiology III & one of the courses from
the s elections bel ow:
o PHWD 2108L Applied Epidemiological Analysis
o PHWD 2760L Occupational Epidemiology
o PHD 2762L Environmental Epidemiology
Breadth: Per s on-Centered Well-Being Breadth: PHD 2845L Nutritional Epidemiology & one course from each
of the grouping selections below:
o Sel ecti on 1: 3 credit hours of a s elected required course:
PH 2735L Physical Activity and Health: Epidemiology and Mechanisms
PH 5400 Physical Activity Assessment and Surveillance
PH 5401L Physical Activity and Public Health Practice
o Sel ecti on 2: 3 credit hours of a s elected required course:
PHW 2780L Genetic Epidemiology
PH 2815L Genetics and Human Disease
PHW 2970L Foundations of Public Health Genetics
o Sel ecti on 3: 3 credit hours of a s elected required course:
PHW 1241 Disability and Public Health
PHD 3922 Economic and Social Determinants of Health
PH 5220 Gender and Leadership
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the
PhD in Environmental Science, Environmental Disease Prevention Track
degree planner.
PhD in Environmental Sciences, Total Worker Health Track
The PhD i n Environmental Sciences is a minimum of 4 8 s emester credit hours a nd offers i n-depth didactic and research
trai ning for s tudents who want to focus their c areers i n academic, governmental, or other research i nstitutions, and/or
in high-level policy/regulatory positions. The Total Worker Health Track is a n addition to the NI OSH-funded Education
and Research Center (ERC) Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (SWCOEH). Graduates will be
able to conduct research that characterizes worker well-being, as well as implement policies and practices that improve
worker health.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program should have a prior MS or equivalent degree i n Environmental Hea lth Sciences or a
related field from an accredited institution of higher education. In addition, applicants are expected to ha ve
successfully completed coursework in calculus, organic chemistry, physics, and biological sciences. For more
information, s ee the Admissions
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a PhD i n Environmental Science, Total Worker Health Track:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
PHM 1110L Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences in Public Health; PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics;
PHWM 2110L Public Health Ecology and the Human Environment; PH 2175L Toxicology I: Principles of
Toxicology; PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
*Academic credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for
the degree program.
Major Courses: PHD 2105L EOHS Doctoral Seminar (ta ken twi ce) & PHWD 2106L Introduction to Doctoral
Research Methods in EOHS & PH 2245 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
Track-Specific Courses: PH 2205L Health and Safety Program Management and Leadership & PH 2241L
Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & PH 2270L Total Worker Health and Worker Well-being & PHW 2256
Occupational Health Psychology & PH 2498 ST: Total Worker Health Field Experience & PHWD 2760L
Occupational Epidemiology
Minor: Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences Minor: PHD 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and
Implementing Health Promotion Programs (Intervention Mapping) & PHD 1120L Program Evaluation & [PHD
1118L Qualitative Methods or PHD 1123L Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice]
Breadth: Worker-Centered Well-Being Breadth: Four courses (12 credit hours) from the selections below:
o PHW 1236 Issues in Aging
o PH 1410L Addiction and Society
o PH 1350L Ethnicity, Race, Class & Gender: A Multicultural Public Health Perspective
o PH 2246L Principles of Occupational Ergonomics
o PHWD 2835 Injury Epidemiology
o PHD 2845L Nutritional Epidemiology
o PHD 2762L Environmental Epidemiology
o PHD 3810 Health Policy in the U.S.
o PHD 3910 Health Economics
o PH 3737L Cost-effectiveness for Public Health Interventions
o PH 5220 Gender and Leadership
o Students may take one of the following courses as part of the breadth requirement:
PH 5400 Physical Activity Assessment and Surveillance
PH 5401L Physical Activity and Public Health Practice
PH 2735L Physical Activity & Health: Epidemiology & Mechanics
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the PhD in Environmental Health, Total Worker Health Track degree planner
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences (HPBS) seeks to improve public health through the application of social and
behavioral sciences and working alongside communities to promote health and well-being.
Minor in Behavioral Sciences
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours). Students are required to select at
leas t one course from the Theory category and one course from the Methods category:
Theory Courses: PHD 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs
(Intervention Mapping) OR PHD 1122L Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part I OR PHD
1123L Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice OR PHD 1227L Health Promotion Theories for Indi-
viduals and Groups: Part II
Methods Courses: PHD 1118L Qualitative Methods OR PH 1119L Qualitative Analysis OR PHD 1120L Program
Evaluation OR PHD 1121L Advanced Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences OR PHD 1321L Social Net-
works and Health OR PH 1323L Applied Methods of Longitudinal and Ecological Momentary Assessment
(EMA) Data OR PH 1324L Applied Discrete Data Analysis using STATA OR PHD 1130L Applied Measurement
Theory OR PHD 1132 Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis OR PHD 1420L Quantitative Research De-
sign for Behavioral Sciences OR PHD 1421L Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences OR PHD 1431 Tools
and Methods for Systematic Reviews
MPH in Health Promotion/Health Education
The MPH in Health Promotion/Health Education is a minimum of 4 5 s emester c redit hours and is the basic professional
degree and integrates the core public health disciplines with behavioral and social sciences. The curriculum
emphasizes intervention methods for health promotion development and evaluation in a variety of setti ngs.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for an MPH i n Health Promotion/Health Education:
Other Requi red Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PHM 1111L Health Promotion Theory and Methods & PH 1112L Community Assessment
Methods in Public Health & PHM 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion
Programs (Intervention Mapping) & PHM 1120L Program Evaluation & PH 1433 Research Seminar in Health
Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
Electi ve Courses
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 1496 Capstone for HPBS Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experi ence/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH in Health Promotion/Health Education degree planner
MPH in Health Promotion/Health Education, Dietetic Internship
The MPH in Health Promotion & Health Education, Dieteti c Internship i s a mi nimum 45 semes ter credit hours and is
the fundamental degree in public health nutrition. Students delve into this area of concentration through didactic
work, supervised practice, and their final specialty practice rotation with staff relief in an area of public health nutri-
ti on selected by each i ntern.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for an MPH i n Health Promotion/Health Education, Dietetic Internship:
Other Requi red Courses : PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PHM 1111L Health Promotion Theory and Methods & PHM 1113L Advanced Methods for
Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs (Intervention Mapping) & PHM 1229 Medical
Nutrition Therapy Simulation Lab & PHM 1231L Medical Nutrition Therapy & PHM 1232L Public Health
Nutrition Practice & PH 1498L ST: Nutrition Research Methods & PH 5030 Diabetes Seminar & PH 5031
Garden for Health (Course Fee: $75.00) & PH 5032 Culinary Medicine (Course Fee: $75.00)
Appl ied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum (section 801)
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 1496L Capstone for HPBS Students: Seed-to-Plate Prevention Pt. 1
(section 850) & PHM 1496L Capstone for HPBS Students: Seed-to-Plate Prevention Pt. 2 (section 800); or
PHM 9998 Thesis Research (for students completing a traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH i n Health Promotion/Health Education, Di etetic Internship degree pl anner
DrPH in Health Promotion/Health Education
The DrPH in Health Promotion/Health Education is a minimum of 54 semester credit hours. It is designed to train
students for leadership roles as public health professionals in governmental and non-governmental a gencies, health
departments, or for work in the research or academic setting, and emphasizes working alongside communities in the
devel opment, implementation and evaluation of theory-based public health interventions in public settings. An
important component of this degree program is the ability to communicate findings to the public and policymakers,
and students are expected to contribute to and apply scientific discoveries in public health settings through research.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the DrPH program s hould hold a n earned master’s degree or equivalent in public health with a
substantial behavioral sciences component. Preferred applicants are those who have leadership experience through
paid employment or volunteer work. In exceptional cases, applicants without the required academic background in
public health may be accepted on the condition of additional coursework in public health. Applicants are asked to
submit a writing sample that demonstrates competence in written communication for academic work. Theses,
publications, or other academic work a re preferred. Applicant should be the sole or first author on the submitted
work. For more information, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a DrPH in Health Promotion & Health Education:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course) &
PHM 1110L Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health & PHM 1690L Introduction to
Biostatistics in Public Health; PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
*Academic credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for
the degree program.
Before Preliminary Exam: PHD 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion
Programs (Intervention Mapping) & PHD 1120L Program Evaluation & PHD 1122L Health Promotion Theories
for Individuals and Groups: Part I & PHD 1123L Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice & PHD
1420L Research Design for Behavioral Sciences & PHD 1421L Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences &
PH 1433 Research Seminar in Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences
After Preliminary Exam: PHD 1118L Qualitative Methods & PHD 1121L Advanced Quantitative Analysis for
Behavioral Sciences & PHD 1450 Dissemination and Implementation Theory and Methods & PHD 5500
Principles of Adult and Community Education for Public Health Educators & PHD 3950 Applied Leadership
Studies in Public Health & PHD 3801L Community-based Grant Writing Workshop & PHD 3631L C o mmu nity
Engagement/ Community-based Participatory Research & PH 3835 Public Health Advocacy
Epidemiology Requirement: all students are required to complete an Epidemiology course during their
cours e of s tudy. Please read carefully the fol lowing s cenarios:
o If a student took PHM 2612L Epidemiology I at the UTHealth School of Public Health as a masters
(MPH or MS) student, the required epidemiology course is NOT Needed, and the student may apply
these credi ts towards electives or dissertation hours. Note that only six (6) credit hours of
di ssertation research can be counted toward the total required credits of the degree program.
o If a student HAS taken Epidemiology I, but i t was taken at another institution, the student MUST
take another epidemi ology course at UTHealth School of Public Health to meet the Schools
epi demi ology requirement. The student may el ect to complete the epidemi ology requirement as
part of an epidemiology minor.
o If a student has NOT taken Epidemiology I at a prior institution, the student must take PHM 2612L
Epidemiology I as a leveling course. The required epidemiology course requirement will then be
waived, and the student may apply these credits towards electives or dissertation hours. Note that
only six (6) dissertation hours can be counted toward the degree planner.
Minor: students are required to complete a minor outside of their department. A minor in Epidemiology is
strongly encouraged.
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the DrPH in Health Promotion/Health Education degree planner
PhD in Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion
The PhD in Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion is a minimum 48 s emester credit hours and focuses on
behavioral and socioecological aspects of public health and the development and evaluation of health promotion
interventions. It primarily prepares scholars to integrate and develop state-of-the-art social and behavioral science
theory, design, and analytic approaches to examine current problems in public health while working alongside
communities. The emphasis in this degree program is preparation for independent research and teaching, and an
important component of this degree program is the ability to contribute to s cientific literature.
Special Entrance Requirements
Appl icants to the PhD pr ogram should hold an earned master’s degree in a social or behavioral sciences or a n ea rned
mas ters degree in public health with research experiences, thesis experience, and/or coursework related to s ocial and
behavioral sciences or an earned master’s degree i n another field and at least 12 hours of upper-division undergraduate
or graduate c oursework i n social or behavioral sciences. In exceptional cases, applicants without this experience may be
accepted on the condition of completing additional graduate work in the behavioral or social sciences. Applicants are
as ked to submit a writing sample that demonstrates competence in written communication for academic work. Theses,
publications, or other academic work are preferred. For more information, see the Admissions
s ection.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a PhD i n Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
Before Preliminary Exam: PHD 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion
Programs (Intervention Mapping) & PHD 1122L Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part I
& PHD 1227L Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part II & PHD 1420L Research Design for
Behavioral Sciences & PHD 1421L Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences & PH 1433 Research Seminar
in Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences & PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
After Preliminary Exam: PHD 1118L Qualitative Methods & PHD 1435 HPBS Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Research
Seminar & PHD 1440 Proposal Writing for Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
Minor: students are required to complete a minor outside of their department.
Public Health Methods Breadth: PHD 1130L Applied Measurement Theory and six (6) credit hours of
additional methods coursework
Dissertation: PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the PhD i n Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion degree pl anner
The Department of Management, Policy and Community Health (MPACH) provides instruction in the fields of health
economics, hea lth services research, health policy, health law, health management and administration, health
planning, community health practice, public health leadership, population health, organization management, health
disparities, economic and social determinants of health, and health and economic development.
Minor in Community Health Practice
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) for students majoring in other public
health disciplines. Student select three courses from the approved list:
Masters students: PHM 3630 Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation; PH 1112L
Community Assessment Methods in Public Health; PH 3920 Health Services Delivery and Performance; PHM
3922 Economic and Social Determinants of Health; PHM 3620L Principles and Practice of Public Health
Doctoral students: PHD 3800L Working with Diverse Communities & PHD 3631L Community Engagement/
Community-based Participatory Research & PHD 3625L Practice-based Methods and Design.
Minor in Health Economics
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) for students majoring in other public
health disciplines. Student sel ect three courses from the approved list: PHD 3910 Health Economics; PH 3915
Methods for Economic Evaluation of Health Programs; PH 3922 Economic and Social Determinants of Health; PHD
3930 Econometrics in Public Health; PHD 3931 Advanced Econometrics; PHD 3935 Advanced Health Economics; PHD
3998 Decision Analysis in Public Health and Medicine.
Minor in Health Policy
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) for students majoring in other public
health disciplines. Student sel ect three courses from the approved list: PHD 3810 Health Policy in the United States;
PHD 3812 Comparative Health Systems; PH 3815 Health Policy Analysis; PH 3818 Texas Health Policy: Emerging Issues
and New Approaches; PH 3738L Legal Issues in Healthcare; PHD 3830 Ethics and Policy; PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare
Payment Systems and Policy
Minor in Health Services Research
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) for students majoring in other public
health disciplines. Student sel ect three courses from the approved list: PH 3920 Health Services Delivery and
Performance; PHD 3926L Health Survey Research Design; PHD 3930 Econometrics in Public Health; PH 3940
Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Research; PHD 3945 Advanced Health Services Research Methods; PHD 3998
Decision Analysis in Public Health and Medicine.
Minor in Healthcare Management
The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) for students majoring in other public
health disciplines. Students select three courses from the approved list:
Masters students: PHM 3718 Accounting for Healthcare Management; PHM 3744L Organizational Behavior
and Human Resource Management in Health Services Organizations; PHM 3746L Evaluation and
Improvement of Healthcare Quality; PHM 3720L Healthcare Finance; PH 3747L Healthcare Operations
Management; PH 3735L Healthcare Strategic Management
Doctoral students: PHD 3846L Quality Management and Improvement in Healthcare; PHD 3721L Healthcare
Finance; PHD 3946L Strategy, Governance, and Leadership; PHD 3743L Organizational and Management
MPH in Community Health Practice
The MPH in Community Health Practice is a mi nimum 45 semester credit hours and focuses on the application of
public health sciences at the community level, and emphasizes systematic analysis and appropriate use of
quantitative and qualitative health data. Faculty and students are concerned with the assessment of population
health, the planning, implementation and evaluation of health programs in community settings, and appraisal of
community-level effects of health policies and programs.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the MPH program should hold an undergraduate and/or graduate degrees in one of a variety of areas,
including the social and behavioral sciences, business, the biological and medical sciences, law, and/or quantitative
methods. For more information, see the Admissions
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for an MPH i n Community Health Practice:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PH 1112L Community Assessment Methods in Public Health & PHM 3620L Principles and
Practice of Public Health & PHM 3630 Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation & PHM
3800L Working with Diverse Communities & PHM 3922 Economics and Social Determinants of Health
El ecti ve Courses
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 3996L Capstone for MPCH Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experi ence/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH in Community Health Practice degree planner
MPH in Health Services Organizations
The MPH in Heal th Services Organization is a minimum 45 semester credit hours and emphasizes the planning,
management, and evaluation of health systems, services, technologies, and policy. The curriculum includes health
economi cs, decision analysis, health services research, public health and legislative processes, s urvey resea rch,
outcomes research, quantitative methods, evaluation research, health disparities and vulnerable populations, health
administration, economic and social determinants of health, utilization of health services, and ethical and legal
aspects of public health.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for an MPH i n Health Services Organizati ons:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PHM 3910 Health Economics & PH 3915 Methods for Economics Evaluation of Health
Programs & PH 3920 Health Services Delivery and Performance & one course from each of the following:
o Sel ecti on 1: Three (3) credit hours of a s elected required course: PHM 3746L Evaluation and
Improvement of Healthcare Quality OR PH 3940 Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Research
o Sel ecti on 2: Three (3) credit hours of a s elected required course: PH 3815 Health Policy Analysis OR
PHD 3930 Econometrics
o Sel ecti on 3: Three (3) credit hours of a s elected required course: PHM 3810 Health Policy in the
United States OR PH 3818 Texas Health Policy: Emerging Issues and New Approaches
o Sel ecti on 4: Three (3) to four (4) credit hours of a sel ected required course: [PHM 3718L Accounting
for Healthcare Management AND PHM 3720L Healthcare Finance (both of these should be taken if
sel ected)] OR PH 3815 Health Policy Analysis OR PHD 3930 Econometrics OR PHD 3931 Advanced
Econometrics OR PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare Payment Systems & Policy OR PH 3738L Legal Issues in
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 3996L Capstone for MPCH Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experi ence/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH in Health Services Organizations degree planner
MPH in Healthcare Management
The MPH in Heal thcare Management is a minimum 45 semester credit hours and is designed to provide students with
a solid foundation in management in an interdisciplinary public health environment and a basis for understanding key
managerial functions within the broad spectrum of public health s ystems. Students gain a n appreciation of a ll a spects
of management, including organizational theory, finance, operations management, law and strategy, which will help
to improve organizational and community decision-making. A distinctive characteristic of this healthcare
management degree program is recognition of the importance of linking private-sector healthcare institutional
management with public-sector healthcare management and rel ated community initiatives.
Course of Study
The following courses are required for an MPH i n Healthcare Management:
Other Requi red Course: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course)
MPH Core: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 2612L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
Major Courses: PHM 3718L Accounting for Healthcare Management & PHM 3720L Healthcare Finance & PH
3735L Healthcare Strategic Management & PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare Payment Systems and Policy & PH
3738L Legal Issues in Healthcare & PHM 3744L Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
in Health Services Organizations & PHM 3746L Evaluation and Improvement of Healthcare Quality & PH
3747L Healthcare Operations Management
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHM 3996L Capstone for MPCH Students or PHM 9998 Culminating
Experience/Thesis Research (for students completing an independent ILE or traditional academic thesis)
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the MPH i n Healthcare Management degree planner
DrPH in Community Health Practice
The DrPH in Community Health Practice is a mi nimum of 54 semester credit hours and offers interdisciplinary training
for students who wish to practice at an advanced level in public health. Students are trained to engage in community-
driven, grassroots and inter-sectoral applied research with a focus on addressing social inequity and systems-level
change through the adoption of a transdisciplinary framework.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the DrPH program s hould have a prior MPH degree or i ts equivalent. Preferred applicants are those
with public health work experience and those who have completed coursework in quantitative methods or who can
provide evidence of quantitative abilities. All DrPH students are expected to have completed PH 1700L Intermediate
Biostatistics or its equivalent. In exceptional cases, applicants without the required academic background in public
health may be accepted on the condition of additional coursework in public health. For more information, see the
Admi s sions
s ection.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a DrPH in Community Health Practice:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course) &
PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health & PHM 1110L Health Promotion and Behavioral
Sciences in Public Health & PHM 2612L Epidemiology I & PHM 3715L Management and Policy Concepts in
Public Health
*Academic credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required number of credits for
the degree program.
Before Preliminary Exam: PHD 1120L Program Evaluation & PH 2615L Epidemiology II & PHD 3620L
Principles and Practice of Public Health & PHD 3801L Community-based Granting Writing Workshop & PHD
3631L Community Engagement/ Community-based Participatory Research & PHD 3625L Practice-based
Methods and Design & PHD 3800L Working with Diverse Communities
Major Courses: PHD 3950 Applied Leadership Studies in Public Health & PHD 3830 Ethics and Policy & PHD
1118L Qualitative Methods & PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatics & PHD 5500 Principles of Adult and
Community Education for Public Health & PH 3835 Public Health Advocacy & one other course from the
sel ected list:
o PHD 3918L Geographic Information Systems Science
o PHD 3926L Health Survey Research Design
o PH 3738L Legal Issues in Healthcare
Minor: students are required to complete a minor outside of their department
Applied Practice Experience: PH 9997 Practicum
Integrative Learning Experience: PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the DrPH i n Community Health Practice degree planner
PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Health Economics/Health Services Research Track
The PhD program in Management and Policy Studies, Health Economics/Health Services Res earch is a mi nimum 48
semester credit hours and emphasizes the study of cost, access, outc omes, and quality within health care systems.
Students focus on understanding decision-making processes among consumers, providers, institutions, and policy
makers , and pursue advanced study that leads to original research.
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program must have an appropriate post-bachelor’s degree i n the s ocial sciences, economics,
policy, law, management, clinical sciences or public health. Also, applicants must have an advanced knowledge of
quantitative methods; preferred applicants ha ve strong math and/or statistics backgrounds. For more i nformati on,
see the Admi s sions
s ection.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for a PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Health Economics/Health Services
Resea rch Tra ck:
Level ing and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for-credit course);
ECON 6485 Microeconomics Analysis (University of Houston)*; POLC 6312 Public Finance (Uni ver sity of
Houston)*; and [ECON 6465 Econometrics (University of Houston)*; ECON 7351 Development Economics:
Microeconomic Issues (University of Houston)*; ECON 515 Labor Economics (Rice University)*]
Before Preliminary Exam: PHD 3910 Health Economics & PH 3915 Methods for Economic Evaluation of
Health Programs & PH 3920 Health Services Delivery and Performance & PHD 3926L Health Survey Research
Design & PHD 3930 Econometrics in Public Health & PH 3940 Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Research
Required Course: PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
Sel ect a Track:
o Heal th Economics Track: PHD 3935 A dvanced Health Economics
o Heal th Services Research Track: PHD 3945 Advanced Health Services Research Methods
o Additional Required Courses for Either Track: PHD 3812 Comparative Health Systems OR PHD 3922
Economic and Social Determinants of Health PHD 3931 Advanced Econometrics OR PHD 3935
Advanced Health Economics OR PH 3941 Claims Data in HealthcareResearch OR PHD 3945
Advanced Health Services Research Methods PHD 3957L Topics in Health Economics
One breadth and one minor or two minors:
o Students who elect to complete two minors mus t complete at l east one minor outside of the
department of MPCH.
o Students who elect to complete one minor and one breadth:
Students who elect a primary minor within the MPCH department must complete at least
two courses of the breadth outside of the department
Students who elect a primary minor outside of the MPCH department may complete
breadth coursework in any department.
Dissertation: PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
*These courses are available through the Gul f Coast Consortium Agreement.
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the
PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Health Economics/Health Services
Resea rch Track degree planner.
PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Healthcare Management/Health Policy Track
The PhD i n Ma nagement and Policy Studies, Hea lthcare Management/Health Policy Track i s a mi nimum 48 semes ter
credit hours and emphasizes the development and evaluation of health policy, l eadership development wi thin
healthcare organizations, understanding the complexities of healthcare delivery while addressing costs and quality,
and develops researchers who can ask relevant questions, i dentify answers and drive policy and organizational
Special Entrance Requirements
Applicants to the PhD program must have an appropriate post-bachelor’s degree i n the s ocial sciences, policy, law,
management, clinical sciences or public health. Also, applicants must have an advanced knowledge of quantitative
methods; preferred applicants with strong math and/or statistics backgrounds. For more information, see the
Admi s sions
s ection.
Course of Study
The fol lowing courses are required for PhD i n Management and Policy Studies, Hea lthcare Management/Health
Pol icy Track:
Leveling and Other Required Courses: PH 101 Foundations in Public Health (online, not-for -credit course) &
PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics
*Academi c credits from leveling courses do not count towards the total required credits for the degree
Before Preliminary Exam: PHD 3731L Research Design and Inquiry & PHD 3743L Organizational and
Management Theory & PHD 3810 Health Policy in the United States & PH 3815 Health Policy Analysis & PHD
3846L Quality Management and Improvement in Healthcare & PHD 3946L Strategy, Governance, and
Required Course: PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
Select an Emphasis Area:
o Heal thcare Ma nagement Emphasis (six credit hours of s elected required coursework): PHD 3721L
Healthcare Finance OR PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare Payment Systems and Policy OR PH 3738L Legal
Issues in Healthcare OR PHD 3812 Comparative Health Systems OR PH 3825 Public Health Law OR
PHD 3910 Health Economics OR PHD 3922 Economic & Social Determinants of Health OR PHD 3940
Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Research
o Health Policy Emphasis (six credit hours of selected required coursework): PHD 3812 Comparative
Health Systems OR PH 3818 Texas Health Policy: Emerging Issues and New Approaches OR PH 3825
Public Health Law OR PHD 3830 Ethics and Policy OR PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare Payment Systems
and Policy OR PH 3915 Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Programs OR PHD 3998 ST:
Advanced Policy Studies
One breadth and one minor or two minors: students are encouraged to select methodology courses
appropriate for their dissertation topic.
o Students who elect to complete two minors must complete at least one minor outside of the
department of MPCH.
o Students who elect to complete one minor and one breadth:
Students who elect a primary minor wi thin the MPCH department must complete at l east
two courses of the breadth outside of the department
Students who elect a primary minor outside of the MPCH department may complete
breadth coursework in any department.
Dissertation: PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
For a s ample course of s tudy, see the
PhD in Management and Policy Studies, Healthcare Management/Health Policy
Tra ck degree pl anner.
PH 101 Foundations in Public Health
Thi s course is required for all students enrolled in a degree-seeking program. This course is an online, not-for-credit
course that covers the Foundational Knowledge Competencies set forth by the Council on Education for Public Health
(CEPH). Students wi ll be added to the course in Canvas during their first semester and must complete the course wi thin
one year of matriculation.
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences Courses
PHM 1110L Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health
3 c r ed i ts
After completing this MPH core course, students will be able to explain the contribution of health promotion and behavioral
sci ences to public health. Students will learn about commonly used theories and models, community engagement, health
equity, needs assessment, a nd program design, implementation, and evaluation. Throughout the s emester, s tudents will
improve communication skills while applying newly acquired knowledge related to public health problems.
PHM 1111L Health Promotion Theory and Methods
4 credits
This course introduces students to the application of selected behavioral science theories and concepts in health promotion
directed to affect individual behavior change, and environmental and policy theories and concepts to affect changes in
organizations, communities, and governments. Topics specific to environmental and policy change include organizational
change theory, mass media, community organizations, diffusion of innovations, social networks, community development,
community engagement, and public policy campaigns. Students are provided opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and
ga i n experience i n a pplying theory, i n designing interventions, and i n building coalitions to a ffect pr ograms, policies, a nd
envi ronmental conditions.
Prerequisites: PHM 1110L
PH 1112L Community Assessment Methods in Public Health
3 credi ts
Thi s course will ground students in key concepts and methodologies related to community health needs assessment
(CHNA), including the meaning of community and methods for assessment that span primary and secondary data
col lection. The students will learn to design a community a ssessment wi th partnering community agencies. The
assessment process will be conceptualized as a research methodology and process for developing and prioritizing
community health programs and policies for a stakeholder organization. The course also introduces new and non-
traditional methods and technologies for CHNA. It covers practical assessment considerations such as social action,
strategi c and culturally appropriate communications, Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) appr oaches, a nd
supporting the community in action planning and implementation.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1110L
PHM 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs (Intervention Mapping)
3 credits
PHD 1113L Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Programs (Intervention Mapping)
3 credits
Thi s course integrates and extends the knowledge of behavioral science theory into planning models for health promotion
programs that include conducting a needs and assets assessment, determination of priorities, setting goals, stating
obj ec tives, designing i nterventions, and developing an implementation a nd evaluation plan. The teaching methods
emphasize group process skills through modeling and guided practice applied to the planning process. Student
evaluations include a guided written health promotion project plan and participation in class and group assignments.
Prerequisites for PHM 1113L: PHM 1110L & PHM 1111L & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L]; s trongly recommend: PHM 1690L or
PH 1700L
Prerequisites for PHD 1113L: [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L] & [PHM 1111L or PHD 1122L]; strongly recommend: PHM 1690L or
PH 1700L
PHM 1116 Introduction to Intervention Mapping
2 credi ts
PHD 1116 Introduction to Intervention Mapping
2 credi ts
Thi s one-week intensive course i ntegrates and extends the knowledge of behavioral science theory into planning models for
health promotion programs that include conducting a needs and assets assessment, determination of priorities, setting
goals, stating objectives, designing interventions, and developing an implementation and evaluation plan. The teaching
methods emphasize group process skills through modeling and guided practice applied to the pl anning proc ess. Students
work on health problems of their choice. Student evaluations include a guided written health promotion project plan and
pa rticipation i n class a nd group assignments.
Prerequi sites for PHM 1116: PHM 1110L & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L]; strongly recommend: PHM 1690L or PH 1700L
Prerequi sites for PHD 1116: [PHM 1110L or PHM 1111L or PHD 1122L] & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L]; s trongly recom-
mend: PHM 1690L or PH 1700L
PHD 1118L Qualitative Methods
3 credi ts
The course covers the underpinnings of qualitative research from the a pproaches, methods, a nd practice of data collection
used in the conduct of qualitative inquiries to thematic analysis and write up. Students gain experiences in the design and
practices of fieldwork including observation a nd mapping, developing i nterview and group discussion guides, and c onducting
interviews. They also learn to develop a codebook and basics of qualitative analysis as they prepare to disseminate their
work in presentations and papers.
PH 1119L Qualitative Analysis
3 credi ts
Building on their coding and thematic analysis skills, this course introduces students to a range of qualitative analyses
(e.g., narrative, discourse, constructivist grounded theory, framework and policy analyses) and appropriate ways to use
them. Each student is guided through the process of identifying a qualitative data set and selecting an appropriate
analysis approach for it. Students move from conducting their data analysis through writing up a draft manuscript.
Classroom sessions include lectures, writing exercises, discussions, and presentations of analyses and findings.
Prerequi sites: PHD 1118L or PHM 5015
PHM 1120L Program Evaluation
3 credits
PHD 1120L Program Evaluation
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to program evaluation, emphasizing a range of evaluation goals and designs and prepares
students to develop a plan for the evaluation of a health program or policy. In this course, the evaluation plan structure
focuses on three l evels: (1) the des ign of a logic model; (2) program implementation and process; and (3) program impact
and outcomes, including threats to validity and measurement issues. Program logic models guide the program evaluation
proces s. Stakeholder involvement emphasizes collaborative approaches to promote evaluation plan feasibility and rele-
vance. MPH students will work in small groups to identify a community-based program or policy as the basis for their
work to enhance the “real world” experience. Doctoral s tudents wi ll work independently to develop an evaluation plan
for a multi-level , community-based program or policy as the basis for their work;
they will additionally learn the skills as-
sociated with designing a multi-level evaluation project to address a public health issue. This project will prepare doctoral
students to explain how evaluation methods can address health issues at multiple levels.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L] & [PHM 1110L or PHM 1111L]
PHD 1121L Advanced Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences
3 c r ed i ts
The course will focus on statistical methods for research evaluation that extend basic principles of multiple regression,
including limited dependent variables, mediation, moderation, and correlated data models (e.g. multilevel models); miss-
ing data models, including multiple imputation; study designs and methods that can enhance the internal validity of an
evaluation and compensate for a lack of randomization and selection bias, including propensity scores. Class time wi ll be
us ed for l ectures, and a s emester project will provide an opportunity to apply the methods of this course to analyze real-
world data.
Prerequisites: PHD 1120L & PHD 1420L & [PHD 1421L or equivalent] & [Recommended: PHD 1130L]. If required courses
were taken el sewhere or i n departments other than HPBS, provide syllabi to instructor for approval.
PHD 1122L Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part I
3 c r ed i ts
Thi s course provides HPBS doctoral students with an overview of the application of selected behavioral science theories and
models used in health education and health promotion programs directed toward individuals and groups. The goals for this
class are to provide students opportunities to a pply behavioral science theories and models to the development of
interventions for health problems and to improve scientific writing skills. Students will demonstrate their ability to use theory
for understanding a health issue and improve scientific writing skills through written assignments.
Prerequisites: strongly recommend: PHM 1110L or PHM 1111L or equivalent
PHD 1123L Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice
3 credi ts
Thi s required course for DrPH students in Hea lth Promotion & Health Education aims to build s tudents knowledge a nd skills
in community health promotion research and practice via exploration and application of community and environmental-level
health promotion theories, community health promotion planning models, and community/environmental-level health
promotion change methods that include participatory problem solving, coalition building, and advocacy. Students will
enga ge i n diverse l earning activities and the development of an NIH c ommunity health promotion research funding proposal.
Prerequisites: PHM 1110L or equivalent
PHW 1124 Introduction to Data Management in Stata
1 credi t
This short course is designed for masters or doctoral students who have no exposure to any s tatistical s oftware, and want
to gain hands-on familiarity with using statistical software (Stata), prior to taking a s emester-long statistical analysis
course, such as PHM 1690L or PHD 1421. Students will practice a variety of skills necessary to create a clean and
annotated dataset prior to analysis of a specific research question, including reading external data files in Stata, cleaning
and creating new variables, conducting preliminary descriptive analyses, and basic regression.
PHD 1130L Applied Measurement Theory
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to the basic aspects of psychometric theory, with an emphasis on the development of
valid and reliable meas urement scales. The course covers classical tes t theory; common scaling methods; analytic
methods relevant to s cale construction, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis; a nd s urvey construction,
design, and administration. Students have an opportunity to become familiar with various statistical approaches and
software used to assess ps ychometric properties of s cales as wel l as with strategies for survey construction and
admi nistration.
Prerequi sites: PHD 1421L
PHD 1132 Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis
3 credi ts
This course helps students develop the s kills and understanding necessary to use and a pply several statistical techniques
included under the umbrella of Latent Variable Analysis. The course covers Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis,
Pa th Ana lysis, Struc tural Equation Modeling, Assessment of Measurement Invariance, and Latent Growth Curve Modeling.
The course focuses on the application of these methods in public health, reading and understanding research studies that
us e these methods, and developing research reports and presentations from analyses they have conducted.
Prerequisites: PH 1700L or PHD 1421L or consent of instructor. The completion of an applied multivariate statistics course is
strongly recommended.
PHD 1227L Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part II
3 credi ts
This doctoral level course focuses on theories that will advance the students understanding of health behavior and their
application to health behavior interventions. The course provides an overview of the philosophy of science, a review and
critique of key health behavior theories and an in-depth exploration of the key conceptual building blocks making up
these theories. This course complements PHD 1122L, Research Design I and II and is a requirement for all PhD students in
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences.
Prerequi sites: [Only students who have taken PHD 1122L will be able to take this course]
PH 1228 Food Policy
3 c r ed i ts
The purpose of this course is to identify the ways in which social, cultural, economic, commercial, and institutional factors
promote or act as barriers to the design and implementation of equitable agriculture, food, and nutrition policies and
programs, and the ways in which these policies and programs affect health. The course can serve as an elective for those
interested in community-based health promotion, policy, and/or nutrition.
PHM 1229 Medical Nutrition Therapy Simulation Lab
2 c r ed i ts
This course, in the simulation lab in Houston, will offer the student the opportunity to learn the Nutrition Care Process, which
includes nutrition focused physical assessment and the assessment process of malnutrition. In a realistic treatment setting
with a computer-controlled and i nstruc tor-manipulated ma nikin “patient,” students will learn specific clinical skills l eading to
proficiency in clinical judgment and performance. Behavioral-based strategies for counseling relating to nutrition will also be
included in this course.
Prerequisites: Currently enrolled i n Dietetic Internship Program MPH/Dietetic Intern, MD/MPH, or RN/MPH.
PHM 1231L Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy
3 credits
This advanced course focuses on the assessment, a pplication, a nd nutritional management of per sons wi th conditions
requiring medical nutrition therapy in general medicine and critical care. Specialized nutritional needs and principles of
cl inical management are covered.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
PHM 1232L Public Health Nutrition Practice
3 credi ts
This course presents an overview of the roles, responsibilities, skills, and career opportunities of the public health
nutritionist. Topics include review of the nutrition education literature; development of behaviorally-based nutrition
education materials for the community; identification of community nutrition-related assets a nd r esources through a
community assessment; development of behaviorally-based nutrition education materials for the community based on
the needs a ssessment; eva luation of nutrition programs; nutrition policy, including food assistance programs; food and
nutrition security; current public health nutrition issues; and the cultural aspects of food consumption. Applications of
national dietary goals to various population groups are presented, with a focus on underserved populations and health
PH 1233L Introduction to Public Health Nutrition
3 credi ts
This course is an overview of the predominant food and nutrition issues that affect the public health of developed
countries, specifically the United States. Topics include national nutrition and dietary guidelines, dietary assessment,
macronutrients, micronutrients, prevention of chronic diseases, food safety and sustainability, food i nsec urity, a nd
current topics in public health nutrition. Di etary issues will be presented using a l ife cycle approach, i n which the is sues
are introduced and developed within the framework of a s pecific age categories.
PHW 1236 Issues in Aging
2 credi ts
This course is designed to expose students to different aspects of aging. The course content covers the biopsychosocial
aspects including the biology of aging, healthy aging, physical activity and aging, cognitive, psychological, and social
changes related to aging as well as a host of aging-related conditions. The recorded lectures provide content a nd context
for the course ma terial and learners a re expected to demonstrate applied understanding through discussion boards and
mas tery vi a quizzes and exams.
PH 1237 Obesity, Nutrition, & Physical Activity
1 credi t
Thi s seminar course provides a forum for students to l earn to critically review the research literature in the areas of
obesity, nutrition, and physical activity. Topics will vary and will be driven by the current published literature and
emerging areas of research. Seminars will be set up in an informal manner, with faculty leading the first session and
students assuming the l ead later in the semester. Review of papers will be accompanied by in-depth di scussions focusing
on study design and analysis and interpretation of results, as well as on the relationship of the paper to the existing body
of knowl edge.
PH 1238 Adolescent Sexual Health
3 credi ts
This course explores determinants, approaches, and controversies related to adolescent sexual health. The course
reframes adolescent s exuality as a multi-faceted public health issue and provides a broad perspective on sexual health
education, research, and advocacy. Topics include: prevalence of adolescent pregnancy, STIs, and HIV; holistic models of
sexua lity; sexual diversity; cultural determinants; mental health; sex i n the medi a; s exual violence; contraceptives; l egal
and political issues; effective programming and its effect on youth; and managing controversy. The course provides
didactic and dynamic opportunities for exploration of attitudes regarding sexuality and skills-building through experiential
l ea rning.
PHD 1239 Theories of Child and Adolescent Development
3 credi ts
The purpose of the course is to provide students with a foundation in historical and contemporary theories of develop-
mental science and explores how these theories facilitate our understanding of normative development from i nfancy
through adolescence. In addition, the course will utilize developmental theories to examine the factors contributing to
public health problems affecting children and youth as well as the development and implementation of public health in-
terventions serving these populations.
Prerequisites: Must be a doctoral student
PHW 1241 Disability and Public Health
3 credi ts
This course explores a variety of issues the affect the ability of individuals with disabilities to be healthy in the context of
living with their disability. Today, about 61 million Americans live with disabilities, which represents 26% of the
population, and this number is expected to increase. Unlike previous generations, the life expectancy of those living with
a disability now approximates that of the general population, and passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
has increased employment opportunities and participation in community life. In order to fully take advantage of these
opportunities, people with disabilities need to remain healthy. Evidence, however, demonstrates that people with
di sabiliti es experience s ubstantial health disparities, and that public health has mostly overlooked this underserved group.
Topics to be covered include existing federal legislation protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities, surveillance,
issues rel ated to access and health care services , evidence regarding lifestyle behaviors and preventive health practices,
and approaches for promoting health and reducing disease.
PHW 1251 Seminar on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Persons
1 credi t
Thi s i s a seminar course for students interested in the health of sexual and gender minorities. Through Canvas discussions,
the course provides a venue for students to become familiar wi th the academic literature. This course is an elective for
students seeking a Health Di sparities certificate. This seminar is open to all students at UTHealth School of Public Health.
PH 1300 Public Health Communication
3 c r ed i ts
In this course each student selects a significant public health challenge involving behavior and policy/environmental change
that can be promoted and advocated through media communication. In collaborative teams, students learn how to define
audiences a nd aims, s et objectives, select strategies, and design products for an evidence-based multi-component
communication plan with guided practice of skills including news media engagement and public relations, writing and
gra phic arts for l ow-literacy audiences, constructing theory/evidence-based logic models, audience research and social
ma rketing analysis, a nd use of new s ocial and mobile media.
Prerequisites: PHM 1110L or PHM 1111L or equivalent
PH 1321L Social Networks and Health
3 credi ts
This course provides students an opportunity to gain understanding on conducting research that uses social network
analysis, including major areas of health research. This course will provide students with practical applications of
analytical techniques using appropriate software. Topics include theory, research design, data collection, sampling
methods, and quantitative descriptions of networks, s tatistical modeling of networks, and example i nterventions relevant
to various disciplines in public health.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 1690L or PH 1700L] & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L or PHD 1420L or PH 1421L] & [Recommended: a
ba sic theoretical statistics or categorical data analysis or generalized linear model course].
PH 1323L Applied Methods for Longitudinal and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Data
3 credi ts
The prevalence of s mart phones a nd electronic monitoring devices makes i t possible to collect data in real-time and the
natural environment (i.e., ecological momentary assessment). The resulting intensive longitudinal data have brought
along methodological challenges. This course is the first of its kind offered in the UTHealth to equip SPH students wi th
sufficient skills to handle not only conventional longitudinal data but also EMA data that are becoming more popular in
public health research. This course will focus on software application, as well as presentation and interpretation of re-
sul ts.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L
PH 1324L Applied Discrete Data Analysis using STATA
3 credi ts
This course provides students an opportunity to gain practical use and obtain discrete data analytic techniques, including
data management and various regression methods for the analysis of categorical outcome variables using Stata statistical
software. Topics include the logistic regression model, sampling methods, model building strategies, assessing model fit,
multiple logistic regression, and Poisson regression, and some extensions of generalized l inear model. This course will
provide students with practical applications of these statistical methods us ing Stata commands.
Prerequi sites: [PH 1700L or PH 1421L or equivalent] & [Recommended: a basic theoretical statistics course].
PH 1352L Racism, Equity & Public Health
2 credi ts
This course provides an understanding of how racism impacts health, social determinants and other associated factors
(sexism, ableism, classism, homophobia, ageism, colorism, etc.). Students will be able describe both historical and current
implications for developing interventions and inclusive policies for healing racial trauma and addressing systemic health
Prerequi sites: PH 5102
PH 1400 Planetary Health
1 credit
Public human health depends on the health of the planet. Earth's natural systems--the air, the water, the bi odiversity, the
climate are our life support systems. Yet climate change, biodiversity loss, scarcity of land and freshwater, pollution and
other threats are degrading these systems. The emerging field of planetary health aims to understand how these changes
threaten public health and how to protect ourselves and the rest of the biosphere. The goal of the course is to provide a
forum in which current research in planetary health can be reviewed and critiqued. Topics will be variable, and driven by
interest of the students. Seminars will be set up in an informal manner, with faculty leading the first discussion and
students assuming the lead later in the semester.
PH 1410L Addiction and Society
3 credi ts
Thi s two-part seminar will examine substance use and addiction using two approaches: 1) historical and anthropological,
and 2) psychological approaches. In the historical and anthropological part of the course, students will study social and
structural influences on development and definition of substance use disorders (SUD), prevention, intervention, harm
reduction, treatment, recovery and disparities. In the psychological part of the course, students will learn about diagnostic
criteria for SUD, prevalence in the U.S., comorbidity with mental health issues, developmental processes from childhood
to adulthood, genetic and neurocognitive basis, health policy, and health communication.
PHD 1420L Quantitative Research Design for Behavioral Sciences
3 credits
This course equips students with the skills to develop research questions appropriate to the behavioral sciences that can
be translated i nto testable hypotheses and feasible, effective research designs. Students are exposed to a va riety of
research design elements through published journal articles, and are expected to learn to evaluate and compare the
suitability of different study designs to test specific hypotheses. A key aspect of evaluating research des ign i s i dentifying
potential threats to internal and external validity, as well as examining statistically conclusion validity and
construct/measurement validity that are present i n greater or lesser degree i n all research designs, including
obs ervational, experimental, and quasi-experimental designs. Assignments and exams will focus on developing the skills
to construct valid research designs appropriate to the proposed research question.
Prerequi sites: consent of instructor
PHD 1421L Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences
3 credits
This course expands on the material covered in PHD 1420L and focuses on the choice and implementation of s tatistical
analyses that assess differences between groups, associations among variables, a nd prediction of outcomes This course
will cover descriptive statistics as well as statistical inference. Emphasis is placed on appropriate use of s tatistical software
for conducting analyses to address research questions, interpreting the res ults from these analyses, and presenting the
findings in both oral and written form. Students will also be involved in critiquing scientific journal articles that make use
of these methods.
Prerequi sites: ([PHM 1690L or equivalent] & PHD 1420L) or consent of instructor
PH 1424L Social Justice and Public Health
3 credi ts
With people from multiple historically oppressed and marginalized groups as the focal point, this seminar examines how
multiple social identities, including race/ethnicity; gender, sexual orientation, SES, and disability, intersect at the micro
level of i ndividual experience to refl ect i nterlocking systems of privilege and oppression (i.e., racism, s exism,
heterosexism, classism) at the macro social-structural level and produce disparate health outcomes. Discussion will center
around theory and research from Disability studies, feminism, and Critical Race Praxis (PHCRP) to promote an
understanding of how multiple identities and analytical categories intersect to create health disparities that require
mul tifaceted policy and intervention approaches that address the ways that all facets of an individuals and community’s
identity intersect with social discrimination and in turn affect their health. The course explores local and global
controversies and examines strategies to address them including community mobilization, coalition building, community-
based participatory research, and community-level advocacy. Students will learn about action-oriented research methods,
especially collecting digital storytelling narratives, which may be used to address social and environmental injustices and
public health inequities. The course is designed to provide students with theoretical principles, methods, and skills
ess ential to effectively work wi th communities .
Prerequi sites : PHD 1118L or PHM 5015L
PHD 1431 Tools and Methods for Systematic Review
2 credi ts
This course is designed to introduce students to best practices, resources, and methods for systematic reviews, and to
guide students through the steps of a protocol. The course us es examples from a wi de variety of protocols and completed
reviews as well as exercises and rea dings. Course resources a nd materials are available throughout the semes ter to a ssist
students in applying them to an Integrative Learning Experience or dissertation. Students who expect to continue with
their own reviews and to receive further support should enroll in independent study with the instructor.
Prerequisites: Must be a doctoral student
PH 1433 Research Seminar in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
1 credi t
Thi s research s eminar aims to enhance students’ understanding of the field of health promotion and behavioral sciences
via exploration of a range of research topics and methods presented by the UTHealth School of Public Health Hea l th
Promoti on a nd Beha vioral Scienc es (HPBS) fa culty. Faculty will present planned, ongoing, and completed research that
covers a range of health promotion and behavioral science topics, and students will have the opportunity to critically
discuss and reflect on current topics, methods, and theories based on these projects as well as supplemental readings. Al l
students in the Department of HPBS must enroll for this departmental research seminar at l east one s emester during
their degree program. It is s trongly recommended that students enroll early i n thei r coursework in order to l earn more
about the kinds of health promotion research engaged in by the faculty at UTHealth Sc hool of Public Health a nd
neighboring institutions.
PHD 1435 Health Promotion/Behavioral Sciences Doctoral/Post-doctoral Research Seminar
2 credi ts
This seminar course affords the opportunity for doctoral students and post-doctoral fel lows to i mprove their research
skills and increase their scientific productivity in the formulation of research proposals and journal publications and
presentations at scientific meeti ngs. Participants present their work-in-progress and act as reviewers for others work.
Students also learn other career skills and the principles of the responsible conduct of research, e.g., maki ng poster
presentations, presenting job talks, writing cover letters and teaching philosophy statements, and observing fair practices
for authorship and acknowledgement. This course provides opportunities to involve mentors (e.g., advisers, dissertation
supervisors, committee members) and to practice mentoring and teaching with other participants. This course i s required
for HPBS PhD students once after the qualifying exam and may be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Doctoral student or post-doctoral fellow or consent of i nstructor
PHD 1440 Proposal Writing for Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
3 credi ts
The purpose of this course is for HPBS doctoral s tudents to accelerate the compl etion of a wel l-developed draft of thei r
dissertation proposal. Students will read and engage in class discussions to develop their writing and study approach with
attention to the organization of their background research (evidence tables), research plan, content, and clarity of writing.
In addition to drafting their own proposal, students will provide peer reviews of other students’ work.
Prerequisites: Doctoral students in HP/BS (DrPH or PhD) who have successfully completed preliminary exams and have
identified a dissertation chair. Prior to the beginning of the course, the instructors expect the student to submit a draft of
at least two specific aims and data source(s) with their dissertation chair’s e-mail approval. The instructors also expect the
student to set up regular meetings with their dissertation chair for feedback and guidance on sections of the proposal.
PH 1447 Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Applied Innovation in Public Health
1 credi t
This seminar class provides the opportunity to extend professional networks while considering career pathsl ess trav-
elled. In a series of engaging personal life stories successful practitioners working at the intersection of public health,
technology, and entrepreneurship sharehow-tos’ and insights for success in their for-profit s tart-ups, non-profit 503c,
foundations, fortune 500 corporations, venture capital firms, and academic institutions. A common theme is the transla-
tion of academic IP to the market pl ace to maximize reach, i mpact, and sustainability.
PHD 1450 Dissemination and Implementation Research and Practice
1 credi t
This course introduces students to dissemination and implementation (D&I) theories and methods. In-class lectures and
discussions focus on the foundations of D&I science including, terminology, conceptual models and frameworks,
measures, and implementation strategies. Student evaluations include participation in class and a D&I plan that addresses
a public health problem. This course is for doctoral students only. This is a required course for students seeking a Dr PH
and an elective for students seeking a PhD. You do not need prior knowledge or experience with D&I research in order to
parti cipate in the cl ass.
PHD 1451 Dissemination and Implementation Research and Practice Part II
2 credi ts
This course focuses on dissemination and implementation (D&I) topics that inform research and practice. There will be in-
depth coverage of how to apply D&I theories and frameworks, how to select, develop, and tailor implementation strate-
gies, and how to devel op an evaluation plan, that includes the examination of implementation outcomes. The course will
also cover processes for program adaptation and de-i mplementation.
Prerequi sites: PHD 1450
PHM 1496 Capstone for HPBS Students
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demons trate synthesis of ma jor themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students will develop, write, and present a proposal for a health promotion intervention. The proposal
will be a grant and will focus on the development and evaluation of a proposed theory-based intervention.
Prerequi sites: Completed MPH Core & PHM 1111L & PH 1112L* & PHM 1113L* & PHM 1120L* & completed at least 30
semester credit hours the s emester before enrolling in capstone & [completed or concurrent enrollment in PH 9997
*One of these courses can be ta ken concurrently wi th PHM 1496. It i s strongly recommended that s tudents take PHM
1120 prior to enrolling in the course, but it can be taken concurrently if needed
PHM 1496L Capstone for HPBS Students: Seed-to-Plate Prevention, Pt.1 (section 850)
2 credi ts
PHM 1496L Capstone for HPBS Students: Seed-to-Plate Prevention, Pt.2 (section 800)
1 credi t
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demonstrate s ynthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequi sites: Must be a di eteti c intern & completed the MPH Core & completed at l east 30 semester credit hours the
semester before enrolling i n ca pstone & [completed or concurrent enrollment i n PH 9997 Practicum or consent of
PH 1498 Special Topics in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses.
Speci al Topics vary each s emester and provide in-depth study of HPBS faculty research.
PH 1499 Independent Study in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
1-9 credi ts
A plan of study is determined for each participating student and supervised by a member of the HPBS faculty. This course
may be repeated for credit. Al l i ndependent s tudy courses are required to have l earning objectives and an outline of
learning activities.
Biostatistics and Data Science Courses
PH 1624L Introduction to SAS Data Management
3 credi ts
This course covers reading ASCII files using various formats qualifiers, using DROP and KEEP statements, merging files,
writing subsets of files, sorting, labeling variables, calculating date intervals, and using the LAG function. Minimal
stati stical processing, such as t tests and chi-squares, will also be introduced. Students are given several small coding
as signments that are due approximatel y one (1) week l ater. To complete the assignments, students must have access to a
computer on which SAS is installed.
PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health
4 credi ts
This course is designed as the first biostatistics course for students who have not previously taken a course in biostatistics;
it is a designated core course for MPH students. Students will learn how to analyze quantitative data using appropriate
biostatistical methods and software and interpret analysis results for a given public health context.
PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics
3 credi ts
This course is required for students minoring in Biostatistics and for students in Biostatistics who have not previously
taken biostatistics courses. This course extends the topics covered in Foundations of Biostatistics to provide a deeper
foundation for data analysis, and includes some coverage of the mathematical underpinnings of biostatistics. However,
the main focus of the course is the application of biostatistics to research problems of public health and the biological
sci ences. Computer applications are included.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1690L or equivalent knowledge/training
PH 1745L Sampling Techniques
3 credi ts
This course introduces the principles and current practices of survey sampling with health-related applications. Topics
include basic concepts and practical issues in statistical sampling; design and analysis for common sample designs:
including simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, and multistage
sampling; variance estimation techniques, and how to estimate the sampling weights. Statistical methods using national,
and local complex surveys from descriptive statistics to linear and logistic regression with sampling weights are presented,
such as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) or the Population Assessment of Tobacco and
Health (PATH) Study, among others.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L or consent of instructor
PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression
3 credi ts
The course emphasizes the des ign, i mplementation, analysis, and reporting of research investigations. Topics include two-
sa mple inference using t-distributions, robustness and resistance, alternatives to the t-test based analyses, comparisons
among several samples, linear combinations and multiple comparisons, s imple and mul tiple l inear regression methods,
regress ion diagnostics, variable s election, and related methods. The course requires i ntensive computer analyses of case
studies, emphasizing graphics and proper use and interpretation of statistical software packages using Stata as a model
stati stical software package.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L or consent of instructor
PH 1821L Applied Multivariate Analysis for Biostatistics
3 credi ts
This course is a continuation of PH 1820L. Topics i nclude the a nalysis of variance for two-way classifications, factorial
arrangements and blocking designs, analysis of repeated measures a nd other multivariate responses, exploratory tools for
summarizing multivariate responses, logistic methods for binary response variables and binomial c ounts, and l og-linear
regr es sion for Poisson counts.
Prerequi sites: [PH 1820L or consent of instructor] & l inea r a lgebr a
PH 1830L Categorical Data Analysis
3 c r ed i ts
This course presents the theory and applications of categorical data analysis. Topics i nclude c ontingenc y ta bles, applied
generalized linear models, logistic regression model, sampling methods, model building strategies, assessing model fit,
conditional logistic regression for matched analyses, polychotomous logistic regression, and Poisson regression.
Prerequisites: [PH 1700L & calculus] or consent of instructor
PH 1831L Survival Analysis
3 credi ts
This course presents the theory and applications of survival analysis. Topics include censoring, parametric and
nonparametric models, hypothesis testing, proportional hazards model with fixed and time-varying covariates, model
building strategies, and assessing model fit.
Prerequi sites: (Calculus & [PH 1830L (preferred) or PH 1820L]) or consent of instructor
PH 1835L Statistical Methodology in Clinical Trials
3 credi ts
This course covers the use of current statistical methodology in the design, execution, and analysis of clinical trials. Some
of the topics include basic study design, randomization, sample size issues, data analysis issues, and interim monitoring.
Prerequi sites: [PH 1700L & calculus & PH 1831L] or consent of instructor
PHD 1838 Communication, Collaboration and Leadership for Biostatisticians and Data Scientists
3 credi ts
The objectives of thi s course are to enable the students to: 1). Understand the role of statisticians and data scientists in a
large mul tidisciplinary team; 2). Effectively analyze and assess different communication modes for effi cient communica-
tions; 3). Apply effective presentation and communication skills to communicate statistical concepts and ideas with differ-
ent types of audiences; 4). Apply scientific writing skills in preparing and writing data analysis plan, data analysis report,
grant proposals and manuscripts for publications; 5). Understand the differences and prepare to play a leadership role
under different job environments in academia, research institutions, industries and governments.
PH 1840L Statistical Methods for Handling Missing Data
3 credi ts
Thi s course covers the us e of current statistical methodology for handling missing data in health research studies. Primary
emphasis will be given to population-based studies using surveys and secondary emphasis will be given to clinical-based
studies, e.g. clinical trials, where dropout is commonly present. Some of the topics include missing data patterns, single
imputation methods, estimation of imputation uncertainty, likelihood-based methods, multiple imputation, selection
model s, pattern-mixture model s, shared-parameter models, and sensitivity analysis.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L or consent of instructor
PHD 1855L Distribution-Free Methods
3 credi ts
This doctoral-level course introduces the theory and applications of distribution-free (non-parametric) statistical methods.
Topics include properties of distribution functions, K-S tests, runs tests, rank sum tests, non-parametric analysis of
variance, rank correlation, contingency table analysis, and distribution-free confidence intervals.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L
PHD 1861 Introduction to Meta-Analysis
1 credi t
This is an intensive introductory course and the 3rd section of PHD 1431. The full 3 credit course is designed to introduce
students to bes t practices, resources, and methods for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, a nd to guide s tudents
through the steps of a systematic review. STATA will be used throughout the meta-analysis course. This course meets on
an intensive schedule for 2 weeks of the 6 weeks that i s a part of the PHD 1431 course. If you wi ll be taking both courses,
you must regi ster for both courses s eparately.
PH 1910L Probability and Distribution Theory
3 credi ts
This course covers probability theory, distributions of discrete and continuous random variables, mathematical
expectation, moments and moment generating functions, distribution of transformed variables, limiting distributions, and
esti mation. Theoretical results are applied to selected research problems in public health and the biomedical sciences.
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of differential and integral calculus
PH 1911L Statistical Inference
3 credi ts
This course is a continuation of PH 1910L. Topics include statistical hypothesis tests, LR tests , Bayes tests, noncentral
distribution and power, selected non-parametric tests, sufficiency, completeness, exponential family, and the multivariate
normal distribution. Theoretical results are applied to research problems in public health and biomedical sciences.
Prerequi sites: PH 1910L or consent of instructor
PHD 1912L Large Sample Theory
3 credi ts
Large sample theory constitutes a coherent body of concepts and results that are central to both theoreti cal a nd a pplied
statistics, and underlies much of the work on fundamental biostatistical topics such as likelihood ratio tests and boot-
strapping. The course will start from the introduction to real analysis including limits and order, and basic probabilistic
tools. The fundamental large-sample theory most relevant to biostatistical applications will then be taught, including con-
vergence and l arge sample tests.
Prerequi sites: Calculus & Li near Algebra & PH 1910L & PH 1911L
PHD 1915L Linear Models I
3 credits
This doctoral-level course introduces the fundamentals of linear statistical models for students with preparation in
statistical theory and methods. Using matrix algebra, distributions of quadratic forms are presented and used to develop
the general linear model for multi-factor data. Topics include estimation and hypothesis testing in the full rank model,
estimability, and statistical inference in the less than full rank model. Theory and computation are emphasized.
Prerequi sites: PH 1911L or consent of instructor
PH 1916L Generalized Linear Models
3 credi ts
This course focuses on methods for generalized linear models (GLMs), not on the use of software for data analysis with
GLMs. Emphasis will be placed on statistical modeling, building from standard normal linear models, extending to and
going beyond GLMs, and going beyond GLMs. The main subject areas are logit models for nominal and ordinal data, log-
linear models, models for repeated categorical data, generalized l inear mi xed models and other mixture models for
categorical data. Methods of maximum likelihood, weighted least squares, and generalized estimating equations will be
used for estimation and i nference. The course focus will be on theory, but examples of application will also be presented.
Prerequi sites: PH 1910L & PH 1911L
PHD 1918L Statistical Methods in Correlated Outcome Data
3 credi ts
This doctoral-level course presents extensions of general and generalized linear models to correlated outcome data. Such
model s arise from hierarchical designs such a s longitudinal s tudies or sample s urveys. Major topics i nclude mixed linear
models for continuous, binomial, and count data; maximum likelihood estimation; generalized estimating equations; REML,
EM algorithm; current general and specialized software applicable to these methods; and readings from current statistical
l i terature. This course is i ntended for students with a background i n l inear models.
Prerequi sites: PH 1916L or consent of instructor
PHD 1930L Statistical Computing
3 c r ed i ts
This doctoral-level course consists of two parts. Part 1 covers programming and other computer skills required for the
research and application of statistical methods. The focus will be on programming in the R language. Other computing topics
covered are Unix/Linux, Emacs, LaTeX, R graphics, culling C code from R, writing R package, running simulation in statistical
research, using high-performance computing cluster, and best coding practices. Part 2 covers the theory and application of
common algorithms used in statistical computing. Topics include root finding algorithms, optimization algorithms, numerical
integration methods, EM algorithm, importance sampling, rejection sampling, Gibbs sampling, Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC), bootstrapping, jackknife, and permutation test.
PHD 1950L Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics I
3 credi ts
This doctoral-level course covers the application of s tochastic processes to problems in the bi ological and health sciences.
Topics include discrete-time Ma rkov chains; discrete-ti me branching processes; random walks; estimation of parameters
in discrete-time Markov chains with complete or partially observed data; test of the Markov property and test of
stati onarity; time-reversible Markov chains; basic theory of Markov chains; Monte Ca rlo methods a nd i ts a pplications; and
Poi sson processes . Recent developments i n rel ated areas and thei r applications will be explored. Basic s tatistical theory,
especially the es ti mation methods and EM algorithm, will be revi ewed.
Prerequi sites: PH 1911L and a thorough knowledge of calculus
PHD 1951L Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics II
3 credi ts
This course is a continuation of PHD 1950L. This course briefly reviews differential equations and partial differential
equations, but it mainly covers several models of continuous-time Markov processes that include the Poisson process, the
Yule process, the birth-and-death process, the epidemic process, the queuing process, the illness-dea th process, a nd
other stochastic models in public hea lth. Statistical inference for some of these model s will also be explored. The
appropriate data using these models will be analyzed. Applications of counting processes and the concept of Martingale
theory to other statistical methods including survival analysis will be introduced. Brownian motion will be briefly
discussed. Prerequisites: PHD 1950L or consent of instructor
PH 1961 Spatial-Temporal Analysis for Population Health Data
3 credi ts
This course is designed for s tudents who are i nterested in analyzing spatial-temporal data, including disease surveillance
and environmental health data. Main topics include research ethics, study design, databases for spatial-temporal popula-
tion heal th data, data retrieving and processing with R programming (e.g., retrieving US Census data and geocoding in
R), exploratory data analysis, data visualization with R and modeling for spatial-temporal data. The course will also intro-
duce a variety of statistical methods (e.g. spatial-temporal disease mapping models) for point-level and area-level popula-
tion data, and focus on application and interpretation.
Prerequi sites: [Applied linear regression at the level of PH 1820 or equivalent] & working knowledge of R programming
PHD 1965L Bayesian Data A nalysis
3 credi ts
Thi s doctor al-level course examines basic aspects of the Bayesian paradigm including Bayes theorem; decision theory;
general principles (likelihood, exchangeability, de Finetti’s theorem); prior distributions (conjugate, non-conjugate,
reference); si ngle-parameter models (binomial, Poisson, normal); multi-parameter models (normal, multinomial, linear
regress ion, general linear model, hierarchical regression); inference (exact, normal approximations, non-normal iterative
approximations); computation (Monte Carlo, convergence diagnostics); and model diagnostics (Bayes factors, posterior
predictive checks).
PH 1975L Introduction to Data Science
3 credi ts
This course covers the basics of algorithms, programming in Python, relational and modern NoSQL database systems, data
management, analytical databases and data warehouses, big data systems and computing, data collection and statistical
processing methods, statistical learning and inference, statistical data exploration and analysis, machine learning, data
visualization, communication in data science.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1690L & basic knowledge of computer programming.
PH 1976L Fundamentals of Data Analytics and Predictions
3 credi ts
This course introduces modern statistical methods and computational algorithms and tools for big data analysis including
descriptive statistics, sampling technique, regression learning, clustering, and classification (e.g., support vector machine,
tree-based methods). Students will be introduced to the basic concepts behind data science. Hands-on sessions will famil-
iarize students with the details and use of the most commonly used online tools and resources.
Prerequi sites: [PH 1700L or the equi valent] & [PHW 2783 or PH 1998L ST: Introduction to Statistical and Data Science Pro-
graming] & [calculus, linear algebra, basic statistical theory and convex optimization methods at the introductory level]
PH 1977L Data Science Computing
3 credi ts
This course is about principles, programming, infrastructures, and tools for computing and data management in data sci-
ence to facilitate statistical analysis and make it efficient for population health. Its topics include efficient algorithm design
and analysis, parallel and distributed programming in Python, relational databases and data warehouses, NoSQL data-
bases, Apache Spark infrastructure and data science tools for management of and statistical inference on s tructured a nd
unstructured data.
Prerequi sites: PH 1975L or equivalent knowledge or training
PH 1978L Machine Learning in Practice
3 credi ts
This course is covers advanced data analysis and prediction techniques and tools with applications.
Prerequisites: PH 1976L & Python programming skills
PH 1982L Evolution of DNA and Protein Sequences
3 credi ts
This course provides basic principles for understanding factors that govern the evolution of DNA and protein sequences.
Students will be provided with the opportunity to learn about the formation and evolution of multigene families and
other evolutionary phenomena. They will also be introduced to statistical methods and computer programs for analyzing
DNA and protein sequence data. There will be computer demonstrations of some topics. The application of these
principles and methods to genome-wide epidemiology will be discussed. [Cross-listed wi th GSBS GS110103]
Prerequi sites: Calculus & s tatistics & consent of instructor
PH 1984L Population Genetics
3 credi ts
Thi s i s a n i ntermediate l evel course i n the area of s tatistical genetics/computati onal biology. It i s des igned to hel p stu-
dents to understand the fundamentals of theoretical population genetics and to be able to apply such knowledge in ana-
lyzing samples of DNA sequences from a population. Students will learn to understand allele/genotypic frequencies and
how they are affected by va rious evolutionary forces, including mating pattern, mutation, random genetic drift, linkage,
natural selection and population subdivision/migration. Special emphasis is on the coalescent theory and statistical prop-
erti es of some fundamental summary s tatistics, as well as their application. [Cross-listed with GS11 1123]
Prerequisites: Some background in genetics and statistics & consent of instructor
PH 1986 Introduction to Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics
3 credi ts
This course is designed to enable the student to understand the interplay between statistics and genetics. Specifically, by
the end of the course, students should be able to: (1) describe the fundamental principles and theory in some areas of
geneti cs in which statistics plays an important role; (2) apply some widely used statistical methods and approaches to
sol ve s pecific geneti c questions; a nd (3) be prepared for advanced courses i n the area of s tatistical geneti cs. This course
has been revamped in 2021 to merge the courseIntroduction to Statistics Genetics” andIntroduction to Genomics and
Bioinformatics. [Cross-listed wi th GSBS GS11 1113]
PH 1988 Biostatistics Seminar
1 credi t
The seminar in biostatistics consists of presentations from guest speakers and some students who are working on
doctoral di ssertation res earch. It will provide an overview of va rious topics of current i mportance i n the fi eld of
biostatistics and public health while emphasizing the mathematical and statistical tools needed to address these issues.
PH 1992 Big Data in Practice EHR Data Processing and Analytics
3 credi ts
In this Big Data era, it is necessary to train our students to have creative thinking and problem-solving skills in dealing with
compl ex real-world Big Data, in addition to solid statistical foundations. In this course, will provide a new perspective for
Bi g Data i ssues and potential solutions to Bi g Data problems. In addition to Bi g Data analytic methods, we also introduce
soft skills such as communication and collaboration skills in a multidisciplinary Big Data team environment. Electronic
Heal th Record (EHR) Bi g Data projects will be us ed as exa mples for hands-on practice.
Prerequisite: PH 1975L & PH 1976L
PHD 1995 Research Practice Experience for Biostatistics Students
3 credi ts
A res earch practice experience is a unique l earning experience that a student pursuing a PhD in Biostatistics must acquire
outside the classroom. This opportunity allows students to apply classroom education towards a real-world public health
work setting.
Prerequi site: Must be a PhD Bi ostatistics student, successful completion of the Bi ostatistics and Data Science Preliminary
PHM 1996 Capstone for BIOS Students
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demonstrate s ynthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequisites: Students must be a MPH in Biostatistics major & completed the MPH core courses & completed a t least 30
semester credit hours the s emester before enrolling & completed or concurrent enrollment in PH 9997 Practicum.
PHD 1997 A Teaching and Learning Experience for Doctoral Students in Biostatistics
1 credi t
This doctoral-level course provides doctoral students in Biostatistics with an overview of the application of teaching
methods in biostatistics. The objectives for this class are: (1) Apply teaching methods learned in the course, for example,
through presentations on modern statistical topics, and/or via their role as teaching assistants (TAs) in Biostatistics
courses; (2) Develop group leadership and teaching skills; and (3) Monitor and improve presentation skills. The student
will receive instruction and feedback on their group leadership and teaching skills from faculty. Students will discuss the
problem-based learning case studies based on examples provided and on their own teaching experiences. This is a
required course for all PhD students in Biostatistics.
PH 1998 Special Topics in Biostatistics
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses
Special Topics courses vary each semester and provide coverage of biostatistical theory and applications.
PH 1999 Independent Study in Biostatistics
1-9 credi ts
A plan of study is determined for each participating student, and supervised by a member of the Bi osta tisti cs faculty. In
general, courses of independent study are not recommended unless a student has completed the appropriate
introductory courses in biostatistics or presents evidence of experience in the field of biostatistics. This course may be
repeated for credit. All independent study courses are required to have learning objectives and an outline of learning
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Courses
PHD 2105L Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Doctoral Seminar
1 credi t
This seminar course is designed for doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows i n EOHS. Doctoral students in other
departments and programs may enroll with the consent of the i nstructors. The course combines research seminar
presentations with specific assignments to provide students an opportunity to improve their knowledge of the latest
EOHS topi cs, their presentation skills, and their scientific productivity i n the formulation of r es ear ch proposals and j ournal
publications and presentations at scientific meetings. The seminar provides opportunities to involve mentors (advisors,
di ssertation s upervisors, committee members) a nd to practice mentoring and teaching with other class members.
PHWD 2106L Introduction to Doctoral Research Methods in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
2 credi ts
This course provides doctoral students with a background in the perspectives, key concepts, and methods involved in
conducting research and evaluating scientific claims i n the EOHS context, part of the necessary training to undertake a
future research project. The course considers basic aspects and challenges of the philosophy of science and the inference
of causality; ethical issues on conducting research; study design and sampling methods; the role of statistics; and the
appropriateness of the measures of association, including hypothesis formulation and testing; and presentation of
findings. Students are also introduced to the scientific production process.
PHWD 2108L Applied Epidemiological Analysis
3 credi ts
The course gives doctoral students experience in developing skills and designing strategies to plan the analysis of and
critically evaluate epidemiological data from occupational and environmental setti ngs. The goal of the course is to
prepare students to integrate their knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics through applied data analysis in the
context of occupational and environmental problems.
PHWM 2110L Public Health Ecology & the Human Environment
3 credi ts
This course provides an introductory overview of the basic principles underpinning public health ecology and
environmental health. It satisfies the core environmental health MPH requirement for majors and non-majors. Students
are provided with foundational knowledge in public health ecology, principles or environmental health and an
introduction to environmental policies & controls. Applications of this knowledge will be applied to an environmental case
study, wherein students will use a systems thinking approach to identify the key elements of the problem, develop
solutions and articulate a dissemination plan. In addition, inter-professional engagement simulations will be used to
provide students with skills for engaging stakeholders, including community members, policy makers/enforcers, and other
hea lthcare professionals.
PHW 2120 Climate Change & Health Human Impact on the Environment
3 credi ts
Thi s course provides a general awareness of how the man-made and natural ecosystem interact to affect health and the
quality of life, reviews relevant principles from the natural sciences, and discusses issues influencing the solutions to envi-
ronmental health problems. The course content will focus on the impact of climate change on human health. The inter-
section between environmental degradation and climate change and adverse human health outcomes will be examined.
The course objectives will be accomplished through lectures, videos, class discussions, group activities, wri tten assign-
ments, and examinations.
PH 2126 Fundamentals and Applications of GIS
3 credi ts
This course teaches basic concepts of GIS and common methods of spatial analysis that are critical for understanding
where heal th events happen (e.g., Snows cholera map) and important across all components of public health, including
environmental sciences, epidemiology, health planning and policy, health promotion, and international health. The course
objectives will be accomplished through a combination of l ectur es, hands-on labs, and student projects.
PH 2132L Infection Control and Biosafety
3 credi ts
The field of infectious disease and control is mainly composed of four professions: infection preventionists, biosafety pro-
fessionals, environmental health specialists, and public health professionals. Although the targeted populations for each
of these profes sions differ, a common set of core competencies exists that a re essential i n order to successfully prevent or
control infection. This course focuses on the core competencies that are common amongst all of these professions and
wi ll also discuss di fferences between thes e tra des.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate biology required. A course in microbiology preferred.
PHM 2135L Risk Analysis: Principles and Practice
3 credi ts
PHD 2135L Risk Analysis: Principles and Practice
3 credi ts
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the principles of risk assessment for environmental and
occupational health hazards. This course introduces important components in risk assessment including hazard
identification, exposure assessment, dose-response assessment, and risk characterization. Materials of ri sk management
and ri sk communication are also covered. Ca se s tudies are used to demonstrate important principles and practices of risk
PHW 2150 Air Environment
3 credi ts
This course provides a comprehensive introduction of air pollution with a focus on its effects on human health. It covers a
vari ety of topics related to air quality, including fundamental principles, measurements and control, exposure and risk
assessment, epidemiology, energy and air quality, environmental justice, and regulations. Both outdoor ambient air and
(non-occupational) indoor air quality are considered. Special emphasis is placed on human health effects and the
determinants of human exposure.
PHM 2155 Environmental Sampling and Analysis
4 credi ts Lab fee: $10.00 for PHM 2155 only.
PHD 2155 Environmental Sampling and Analysis
4 credi ts
Thi s course covers the theoretical bases and practical applications of sampling techniques and analytical methods used in
the identification of hazards in the environment. Students will plan environmental sampling design, develop sampling
strategi es, i nterpret and communicate generated results, a nd critique data related to environmental s tudies.
Prerequi sites: [Undergraduate chemistry & undergraduate mathematics] or consent of instructor
PH 2175L Toxicology I: Principles of Toxicology
3 credi ts
This course presents basic principles of toxicology and their applications to the understanding of xenobiotic-induced target
organ toxicity. Topics covered include toxicant disposition, mechanisms of toxicity, and target organ responses to toxic
agents. A broa d overview of various classes of toxic agents will be pres ented in the context of thei r exposure routes,
disposition, toxicologic sequelae, and mechanisms of toxicity. This course is designed to provide a foundation for
understanding the complex interactions between toxicants and biologic systems.
Prerequi sites: Prior bi ological science coursework required (i.e., bi ology, chemistry, or physiology) and consent of
PH 2177 Toxicology II: Toxic Agents and the Environment
3 credi ts
This course provides in-class discussions, based on guided readings, on current topics in toxicology. The discussions
include the historical context for our understanding of toxicant-induced adverse health effects. Class activities will be
based on discussions of books designed for the lay public and the scientific literature on which these books are based.
Principle mechanisms of toxicity as they relate to the understanding of environmentally induced disease form the
framework for the course. In-depth reviews of various classes of environmental contaminants and their adverse health
effects wi ll be presented.
Prerequi sites: PH 2175L (preferred) or consent of instructor
PH 2205L Health and Safety Program Management and Leadership
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to “realworld” challenges related to the management of occupational health and safety
programs. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage a successful health and
safety program. This course is a practical introduction to occupational health and safety program management for field
practitioners with interest in related disciplines (e.g., industrial hygiene, ergonomics, occupational epidemiology, safety
engineering). It draws on concepts from strategic, quality, and accounting management; sociology; political science; and
behavi oral sciences. Using “real-world” health-and safety-based examples, students will be challenged to apply the
concepts presented in class to real-world scenarios.
PHWM 2230L Water Environment
3 credi ts
PHWD 2230L Water Environment
4 credi ts
This course provides students with an overview of the ecological, cultural, and human health significance of water.
Students will learn through a combination of lectures, class discussions, and case studies. Issues of water quantity and
quality, sustainability, chemical and biological contaminants, water treatment, and conservation practices will be covered.
Current water regulations, underlying risk a ssessments, and related health issues for selected contaminants will be
presented. Doctoral students will select a water-related health issue and complete a project describing its importance to
public health, identify any gaps in current knowledge and policy, and predict future impacts on environmental science
and/or public health.
PH 2241L Fundamentals of Occupational Safety
3 credi ts
This course is designed as a practical introduction to occupational safety for practitioners with interest in related
disciplines (e.g. industrial hygiene, ergonomics, occupational epi demiology, s afety engineering). The course wi ll focus on
hazard recognition, assessment of accident potential, and hazard control. Students will be introduced to the evolution of
the s afety profession and will be pres ented wi th a variety of l aws, regulations, c odes a nd s tandar ds, a nd other
occupational safety and accident prevention information.
PH 2245 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
4 credi ts
This course introduces students to concepts of industrial hygiene and occupational health hazards. Typical industrial
conditions that may produce work-related disorders and diseases are studied. Major chemical, physical, and biological
stresses in the industrial environment are presented, and important sources, effects, and evaluation and control
meas ures are discussed. Where appropriate, typical calculation methods are included.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate biology & undergraduate chemistry (organic chemistry preferred) & undergraduate
mathemati cs
PH 2246L Principles of Occupational Ergonomics
3 credi ts
Thi s course is designed to introduce students to the principles of ergonomics with a focus on the physiological and
anatomical capabilities of the worker and interaction with their environment. The course will review anthropometry,
physiological basis of work, occupational musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors, workplace and equipment design,
environment, job analysis, and elements of the ergonomics process to improve job design.
PH 2250 Occupational Health Controls
4 credits
This course presents the principles and practice of controlling workplace and associated hazards, and details CPC,
respiratory protection, dilution, and local exhaust ventilation engineering controls: basic design and evaluation of
industrial ventilation systems, and noise control.
Prerequi sites: [PHWM 2110L & PH 2245] or consent of instructor
PH 2255 Clinical Occupational Medicine
4 credi ts
This course offers students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the clinical practice of and current issues in
occupational medicine, supplements their basic knowledge in the clinical presentations of occupational illness and injury
by organ systems, and introduces them to systematic approaches to the evaluation and management of work-related
injury and illness. The course is designed for students interested in occupational medicine practice and who have taken at
leas t one college-level biology course.
PHW 2256 Occupational Health Psychology
2 credi ts
This course provides an introductory overview of the basic theories, principles and topics encompassed in the fi eld of
occupational health psychology, at both the individual worker and worker population levels.
PH 2260 Occupational Health Field Trips
3 credi ts
Thi s course takes students into a pproximately s ix industrial a nd occupational settings, with analysis of processes and
potential worker health hazards involved. This course aims to introduce students to basic industrial processes and delivery of
occupational health services through plant visits; to enable students to perform simple walk-through evaluations of plant
facilities and to provide written reports on these evaluations in order to identify potential workplace hazards and evaluate
their level of control; and to help students appreciate the importance of using an integrated interdisciplinary approach in the
a nti cipation, evaluation, a nd control of workplace hazards.
Prerequisites: PH 2245 or consent of instructor
PH 2265 Occupational Medicine Practice
2 credi ts
This seminar-style course presents topics of current interest in the practice of occupational medicine. In this course, both
faculty and students prepare and discuss topics. Topics vary from year-to-year and semester-to-semes ter, and include
didactic presentations by students, faculty, or invited speakers; field visits to selected worksites; board certification
review sessions; and an annual in-service practice examination to assist i n preparation for the Ameri can Board of
Preventi ve Medicine certification examination.
PH 2270L Total Worker Health and Worker Well-being
2 credi ts
Total Worker Health® (TWH) involved the policies, programs and practices integrating protection from work-rel ated
safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention to enhance worker wel l-being. The termi nology,
concepts and conceptual frameworks surrounding the field of THW and worker well-being a re introduced a long wi th
resources for planning, implementing and evaluating interventions. Students evaluate the effecti veness of TWH
interventions in all size businesses and explore potential modifiers of occupational factors influencing worker well-being.
PHD 2271 Total Worker Health Field Trips
3 credi ts
Total Worker Health (TWH) PhD degree track students work with an industry/occupational preceptor on a worker well-
bei ng project for one s emester. Students work on the project at the facility. Projects require application of the theori es
and principles of total worker health to a real-world situation. The course is offered to s tudents in campuses where the
PhD in Environmental Sciences, TWH track is offered.
Prerequisites: PH 2205L & PH 2270L & PH 2241L & PH 2245 & PHW 2256 & PHD 1113L & PHWD 1120L & (PHD 1118L or
PHD 1123L)
PH 2280L Environmental Microbiology
3 credi ts
This course introduces to environmental microbiology, with particular emphases on how microorganisms are transmitted
to humans as well as ways to identify and prevent this transmission. Topics include microbial sources of contamination;
environmental sampling and l aboratory techniques; preventive strategies for air-, water-, and food-borne disease; gl obal
issues impacting microbial disease; and the roles of epidemiology and risk assessment in addressing human exposure to
envi ronmental microbes.
PH 2290L Immunology
3 credi ts
Thi s course covers the es sential concepts of the human immune response and thei r relevance to di sease control and
prevention. There wi ll be presentations from guest l ecturers who have expertise in specific areas where the pri nciples of
immunology find their application to human health. Throughout the course, extra emphasis is placed on aspects of
immunology with particular relevance to public health, such as immunodeficiency, blood transfusion, nutrition and
immunology, tumor immunology, and vaccines. Each student will prepare a report on an area of immunology that is of
parti cular interest to them.
Prerequisites: Basic background in biology
PHW 2491 Public Health Preparedness & Disaster Response
3 credi ts
PHW 2991 Public Health Preparedness & Disaster Response
3 credi ts
Thi s course provides an overview of the emergency response system and the public health s ystem responsibilities in man-
agement of disasters with a special emphasis on planning and response. The course format is an interactive graduate
level electronic seminar. Website resources are i dentified for students to obtain basic background i nformation regarding
di saster preparedness, emergency response systems, and emergency plans.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
PHWM 2496 Capstone for EOHS Students
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demonstrate s ynthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequi sites: Completed MPH core courses & [concurrent enrollment in or completed: PH 2175L & PHM 2135L] &
compl eted at least 30 semester credit hours the s emester before enrolling in capstone & completed or concurrent
enrollment in PH 9997 Practicum.
PH 2498 Special Topics in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses
Topi cs vary ea ch semes ter to provide intensive study of selected environmental factors, or specific methods of analysis,
evaluation, or control.
PH 2499 Independent Study in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
1-9 credi ts
A plan of study is determined for each participating student, and supervised by a member of the EOHS faculty. All
independent study courses are required to have learning objectives and an outline of learning activities. This course may
be repeated for credit.
Epidemiology Courses
PHM 2612L Epidemiology I
3 credi ts
This course provides a strong foundation in concepts, principles, and methods specific to epidemiology. By the end of this
course, students should be able to apply these skills to (a) assess the health of a population; (b) describe the natural
history, distribution, and determinants of health-related s tates and events; a nd (c) evaluate programs designed to
improve public health. To accomplish this, the course considers epidemiology in the context of core public health
functions and services.
PH 2615L Epidemiology II
3 credi ts
This course focuses on the principles and activities necessary to carry out information collection that is implemented and
managed in an ethical manner consistent with the principles of the scientific method. This course addresses practical
as pects of epidemiologic research. Systems theory, epi demiologic methods, principles of survey research, operations
research methods, and computer uses in research are covered. The final product from the class is the development of an
epidemiologic fieldManual of Procedures” for a study.
PH 2615L Epidemiology II and PH 2710L Epidemiology III can be taken interchangeably.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610 or equivalent] & [PH 1700L or PHM 1690L]
PH 2710L Epidemiology III
3 credi ts
This course covers advanced c oncepts in epidemiologic methods with a n emphasis on observational s tudies. Topics i nclude
causal inference, measures of disease frequency, measures of association, s tudy design, precision and validity in
epidemiologic studies, introduction to stratified and logistic regression analysis, concepts assessing effect modification and
confounding, i nterpretation of epidemiologic s tudy results, a nd manuscript development. PH 2615L Epidemiology II and PH
2710L Epidemiology III can be taken interchangeably.
Prerequisites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610] & [PHM 1690L & (PH 1700L or equivalent)]
PHD 2711L Epidemiology IV
3 credi ts
Thi s course prepares s tudents to us e and make reasonable i nferences regarding causality from epidemiologic data
analyses. Students address research questions using data from a variety of study designs. Students acquire hands-on
experi ence wi th stratified analysis, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Other learning activities cover meta-analysis,
advanced issues in assessment of confounding and effect measure modification, strategies for building multivariable
models, and sensitivity analysis.
Prerequisites: [PH 2615L & PH 2710L & PH 1700L & enrolled in SPH doctoral program] or consent of Instructor
PHD 2712L Experimental Methods in Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course equips students to evaluate and interpret evidence concerning preventive or therapeutic measures, es pecially
those recommended for public health application. It concerns principles and methods of experimental studies in
epidemiology and public health, from simple clinical trials to prevention trials in multiple communities. Applications span
diverse areas, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and infectious diseases. Students participate actively in a seminar
format, critique published reports, and undertake a collaborative project to develop a research protocol for an
experi mental study.
Prerequi sites: PH 2710L or consent of instructor
PHD 2720L Epidemiology Proposal Development
3 c r ed i ts
This course covers the structure and content of a student thesis research proposal, scientific writing conventions, critical
evaluation and synthesis of epidemiological l iterature, development of specific aims and research methods, and
procedure for writing and editing research proposals. Doctoral students wi ll also cover NIH grant applications and the NIH
grant revi ew process.
Prerequisites: PHD 2711L & PHD 2712L
PH 2725L Neuroepidemiology
2 c r ed i ts
This course provides an overview of the risk factors for a variety of neurologic and neuropsychiatric diseases, including
stroke, Al zheimer’s disease and other dementias, Parkinsons disease, brain tumors, a utism, and mood disorders. Areas
covered include a description of the prevalence, i ncidence, mortality, risk factors, and etiologic mechanisms of these diseases
and conditions. Students will gain an understanding of the impact of these diseases on public health; of the unique
methodological issues associated with epidemiologic and genetic studies of these diseases; and of the basic pathobiology
and clinical aspects of these disorders. The course aims to aid students’ comprehension of published literature i n
neuroepidemiology and neurogenetics.
PH 2730L Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases
3 credi ts
This course introduces epidemiologic aspects of infectious diseases and provides information regarding prevention and
control of these diseases. At the end of the course, students have an understanding of the epidemiologic aspects of
infectious diseases including incidence, distribution, and pattern of disease occurrence as well as different modes of
transmission and associated risk factors. They should understand the importance of surveillance systems in detecting
epidemics, the application of epidemiological methods to determine the risk and associated factors, and the significance
of prevention and control programs for infectious diseases. Students gain knowledge and skills in carrying out epidemic
investigations through a series of case study assignments.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610] or consent of instructor
PH 2735L Physical Activity and Health: Epidemiology and Mechanisms
3 c r ed i ts
Thi s course presents evidence that exercise training and physical activity can prevent disease a nd increase the quality of life.
The course covers heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, ea ting disorders, cancers, immune system,
and aging, as well as inter-relationships among and between these conditions. Each section starts with the physiology basis
for the di sease, and the epidemiologic evidence that exercise training and physical activity will reduce the risk of developing
the di sease. Then, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies are presented supporting the epidemiological data. Finally, studies
are presented that focus on the mechanisms by which exercise and physical activity prevents the development of the
di sease, and, i n some cases, how it can improve the disease state.
PHW 2740L Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention
3 credi ts
Thi s course provides an overview of the fi eld of cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemiology. Topics include the
pathophysiology of CVD, CVD survey methods, trends in CVD mortality and morbidity, CVD risk factors, major strategies for
CVD prevention, and a summary of major CVD clinical trials. Students will gain an understanding of the impact of CVD on
public health.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610] or consent of instructor
PH 2742L Epidemiology of Mental Health
3 credi ts
This course reviews descriptive and analytic epidemiology for major mental health symptoms and conditions worldwide.
Course topics include understanding: functional and societal burden of mental health conditions, psychiatric epidemiology
research designs, causality in mental health, cross-societal comparisons, risk factors and protective factors, plus an
overvi ew of treatment, health systems, and prevention.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L or PHD 1420L or PHD 1421L or PHW 3660] or consent of i nstructor.
PH 2745 Cancer Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This primarily introductory-level course reviews the causes of cancer and the epidemiology of cancer by anatomical s ite.
The course will introduce seminal studies and current issues in cancer epidemiology, and will cover basic concepts
pertinent to cancer epidemiology research including biology, pathology, statistics, classic and novel risk factors,
prevention, and genetics. Selected publications from epidemiologic literature provide opportunity for student-faculty
PHW 2750 Disease: Natural History, Prevention, Control
3 credi ts
This course is intended for students who have not had significant training in biology. It will cover common diseases,
medical terminology, and the associated scientific and medical literature. The course will consist predominantly of online
lectures,” readings, and discussion board participation. Objectives include attaining a basic understanding of the
biological basis of health and of disease processes; developing a vocabulary of medical terminology that will enhance the
student’s ability to read and comprehend public health literature; and developing an understanding of common human
diseases and their importance in a public health context. The grade is based on participation, assignments, a mid-term
exami nation, and res earch project.
PH 2755L Nutrition Research Methods
2 credi ts
This course teaches basic epidemiologic research skills applied to nutrition. Students complete training for UTHealth
School of Public Health on-line library databases and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Evidence Analyses
Proces s (EAP). Students learn to create a nd score evi dence tables us ing the EAP. Students develop a brief nutrition
research proposal with an objective, literature review, methods section, and dummy tables and graphs. Students learn
techni ques for effective PowerPoint presentations and deliver an oral presentation of their individual project.
Prerequi sites: Enrollment i n Di etetics Internship or consent of instructor
PHWM 2760L Occupational Epidemiology
3 credi ts
PHWD 2760L Occupational Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course describes the types and magnitude of workplace injuries and illnesses, which exact a large human and eco-
nomic toll on adult and child workers in the United States and worldwide (many, if not most, of these adverse health out-
comes are preventable); exa mines the epidemiologic methods used to identify risk factors for these events; and examines
the role of academia, industry and public health practice in understanding and controlling these conditions from an epide-
mi ol ogic perspective. The course i s es pecially targeted as a Special Topics course for epidemiology majors and to provide
an epidemiologic and public health perspective to occupational health for occupational health, environmental science and
other i nterested s tudents. Doctoral students will have additional projects.
Prerequi sites: [PH 1700L or PHM 1690L] & [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610]
PHM 2762L Environmental Epidemiology
3 credi ts
PHD 2762L Environmental Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course is designed to introduce students to specific research areas within the field of environmental epidemiology as
wel l as to epi demiologic and exposure assessment methodologies commonly used i n the fi eld. The course provides an
introduction to selected topics and concepts in environmental epidemiology and will prepare students to critically
appraise the environmental epidemiologic literature. Topical areas may include (but are not limited to) air pollutants,
persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, metals, environmental disasters, and environmental justice.
Prerequi sites: [PH 2610 or PHM 2612L] & PHM 1690L
PHW 2765L Pediatric Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course describes the public health impact of pediatric conditions and introduces special considerations in the design
and conduct of epidemiological studies of pediatric conditions. Resources for pedi atric epi demiology a nd the
epidemiology of common chronic pediatric conditions are also covered.
Prerequi sites: PHM 2612L
PHW 2767 Behavioral Pediatric Epidemiology
3 credi ts
Course covers 2 public health areas: (A) Epidemiology of 6 leading causes of acute and chronic diseases, including: 1) To-
bacco; 2) Alcohol/other drugs; 3 Nutrition; 4) Physical activity; 5) Intentional and unintentional injuries; and 6) HIV, STD,
pregnancy. (B) Health promotion s trategies to prevent acute and chronic disease. Thes e include methods to i ncrease
hea lth-enhancing and decrease health compromising behaviors. Other topics include: 1) Physical, social, cognitive devel-
opment; 2) Health disparities; 3) Sleep, social media and video games; 4) Effects of climate change on health; and 5) Men-
tal heal th.
Prerequi sites (or co-requisites): PHM 2612L & PHM 1110L
PHW 2775 Epidemiologic Methods in Racial and Ethnic Disparities
3 credi ts
Thi s course provides an overview of health issues related to race and health in modern U.S. society. Special emphasis is
given to epidemiologic methods and perspectives in research studies using race/ethnicity; demographic trends; mortality
and life expectancy; and social, etiology, biological, and genetic factors associated with health disparities by racial and
ethnic group in the United States. This course builds on the previous knowledge on the methodology of analytical and
descriptive study designs to understand the advantages and shortcomings of race/ethnicity in epi demiological studies.
Prerequi sites: PHM 2612L
PHW 2780L Genetic Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course introduces statistical methods and software for analyzing measured genetic variation in human studies. The
primary focus will be on analytic methods with hands-on use of sample datasets and available software. Students will be
refres hed on the genetic and s tatistical theory underlying current methodologies. Students a re recommended to have
previous exposure to the principles of genetics and biostatistics.
PH 2781L Practical Python Programming and Algorithms for Data Analysis
3 credi ts
This course is intended for students who are focused on big data analysis in the Python programming language from large
scale epi demiologic datasets, el ectronic medical records, or next generati on sequence data. It will cover basic program-
ming including strings, array, dictionaries, conditional statements, data visualization, external data sources, and algo-
rithms with a focus on using programming to solve challenges within the students own research projects.
PHW 2782L Practical Computational Genetics and Bioinformatics
3 c r ed i ts
This course is designed as a training of necessary computational and bioinformatics skills used in everyday analysis of
biological data, especially DNA sequence and polymorphism data. Topics include basic Unix/Linux command line,
programming (Python), human sequence/polymorphism databases, and DNA analysis.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of genetics and DNA s equence
PHW 2783 Introduction to R Programming and Data Management
3 credits
Thi s course aims to provide students with hands-on experience in R programming and data management. The students
should be familiar with basic concepts in epidemiology and biostatistics. Pr evious experience in using SAS, STATA or SPSS
is helpful, but not required. Topics include downloading a nd installing R, basic programming concepts, basic programming
bes t practices, R pa ckages and environments, R data s tructures, data transfer, creating and manipulating data, visualizing
data, conditional operations, working wi th multiple data frames, res tructuring data frames, repeated/iterative o p er ati ons,
writing functions, basic a nalyses us ed in epidemiology, and techniques for presenting results to va rious audiences. Special
emphasis will be gi ven to us ing the Ti dyverse family of R pa c kages.
PH 2784L Introduction to R Analysis for Epidemiologic Research
3 credi ts
This course aims to provide students with hands-on experience i n R analysis for epi demi ologic research. The students
should be familiar with basic concepts i n epidemiology and biostatistics. Previous experience i n using SAS, STATA or SPSS
is helpful, but not required. Topics include R data structure, data management and visualization, loops and conditions,
classical statistical tests, functions, packages and environments, sample size and power calculation.
Prerequi sites : PHM 1690L & PHM 2612L
PHW 2785L Laboratory Methods: Applications and Implications to Public Health
3 credi ts
This introductory course provides an overview of various methods and techniques utilized i n laboratory setti ngs a nd
epidemiologic investigations. Emphasis is placed on laboratory methods that are relevant to the study of public health,
such as the techniques utilized in investigating disease outbreaks. This course addresses a unique need and the necessity
for public health students to know the basic laboratory methods used in epidemiologic studies. An understanding of the
basic concepts of immunology, molecular biology, and/or genetics would be helpful, but is not a prerequisite.
PH 2793 Current Topics in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
2 credi ts
This course is designed as an introduction to the epidemiology of emerging pathogens, their mechanisms of transmission
and virulence, and new technologies for surveillance, prevention, and treatment. At the end of the course students will
have an understanding of the broad categories of infectious microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites) and the dif-
ferent ways these pathogens transmit and cause disease. Additionally, students will learn the fundamentals of different
technologies, including cutting edgeomics techniques (such as genomics and transcriptomic), used to identify and track
these pathogens.
Prerequisites: A previous introductory course in biology, either in high school or undergraduate study
PHW 2795 Disease Detectives: International Epidemic Investigations
3 credi ts
This course presents a series of outbreaks in global settings and asks the student to conduct the investigation as though
they were l eadi ng i t. Information is given in stages, and as the information evolves the student has to work through
possible approaches to working out the cause of an outbreak and how to control it. The student has to determine what
information is needed, obtain it, determine cause, how to i ntervene, and finally achieve control.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1690L & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L] & c onsent of fa culty
PH 2797 Shoeleather Epidemiology: Essential Skills of Applied Epidemiology
2 credi ts
This applied epidemiology seminar brings in speakers from different areas of public health practice to discuss current pub-
lic health practices.
Prerequi site: PHM 2612L or equivalent
PHM 2800L Tropical Infectious Diseases
3 credi ts
The course i s designed as a n i ntroductory c ourse i n parasitology; a basic background in biology should be sufficient
preparation. An understanding of the basic concepts of immunology would be helpful, but is not a prerequisite. The course
wi l l consist of a combination of lec tures, group discussion, and homework assignments. For a number of topics, guest
lecturers who have a unique perspective on the subject will be enlisted. Particular viral and parasitic pathogens of humans
have been selected for study based on their public health importance. Pathogens that are especially problematic in
international settings and/or emerging or re-emerging diseases are gi ven special attention. Key fa ctors in the selection of
topics include prevalence, morbidity and mortality, and societal impact of the microbe.
PH 2803L Vaccines: Cornerstone of Public Health
3 credi ts
This course allows students to fully understand the origin of vaccines, the immune response to vaccines, how vaccines are
manufactured, how they are assessed for efficacy, the role of surveillance, the i mportance of vaccine safety a nd the key
issues of vaccine regulation and economics. Students wi ll be learn a bout specific vaccines from the ti me they were con-
ceived, and how they are used, how they provide immunity, and the economics of their use, especially in lower and mid-
dle income countries. Students will understand the natural history of the diseases prevented by the vaccines.
Prerequi sites (recommended): a basic course in epi demiology, s tatistics a nd biology.
PH 2805L Medical Microbiology
3 credi ts
The course is designed as a n i ntr oductory course i n medical microbiology; a basic background in biology should be sufficient
preparation. An understanding of the basic concepts of immunology would be helpful, but is not a prerequisite. The course
wi l l consist of a combination of lectures on selected topics. For a number of topics, guest lecturers who have a unique
perspective of the subject will be enlisted.
Particular bacterial pathogens of humans have been selected for study based on their public health importance. Key factors
in the selection of topics include prevalence, morbidity and mortality, and societal impact of the microbe.
PHW 2808L Overview of Tropical Medicine
2 credi ts
This course focuses on health issues and public health problems common in tropical and subtropical regions of the world,
wi th an emphasis on research in South America. The course gi ves an overview of the main tropical diseases such as malaria,
tuberculosis, HIV, neglected tropical diseases and maternal and child health issues. The course will cover global
epidemiological data of these diseases with an emphasis on developing countries; some basic information on the clinical
presentation and diagnosis; the current main challenges for prevention and control; and potential areas for research.
PHW 2810 Pathology and Public Health
3 credi ts
Thi s course provides an overview of the pathophysiology of disease. The first third of the semester is devoted to studying
pa thophysiologic processes. Thereafter, for each body s ystem, two to three diseases are examined and studied in detail,
including clinical, histologic, and anatomic changes that occur, as well as public health implications of each. Each student
presents a final research project on a disease process or type, including the pathology and public health aspects. The fi nal
grade is based on attendance, participation, examinations, and class projects.
Prerequi sites: PHW 2750 or [one semester of college biology or zoology]
PH 2815L Genetics and Human Disease
3 credi ts
This course introduces principles and methods of human genetic analysis with special reference to the contribution of
genes to the burden of human disease. Although molecular, biochemical, and morphogenic processes controlled by genes
wi ll be briefly s urveyed, the ai m of the course i s to des cribe the a nalytical processes whereby genetic mechanisms are
inferred based on pedigrees and population-based designs using tools ranging from segregation and linkage analysis to
genome-wide association studies and multi-omic integration.
Prerequi sites: Consent of instructor & general genetics and statistics
Cross-listed with GSBS GS110013
PH 2817L Big Data Foundations for Genes, Environment and Interactions
3 credi ts
This course introduces the principles and methods for making inferences regarding genes, environments and their interac-
ti ons in the context of Bi g Data resources including, electronic medi cal records, genomics, transcriptomics, epi geneti cs,
microbiomics, metabolomics and environmental assessment. An overview of the data constructs, utility, limitations and
integration of these area will be given along with brief introductions to Python and R in order to evaluate how genes and
the environment i nteract to maintain or compromise health.
PH 2830L Clinical Genetics in Epidemiology
3 credi ts
Thi s course teaches the rol e clinical geneti cs pl ays i n the practice of epi demiology, and the relationship between
epidemiology and medical genetics. Emphasis will be on the practice of medical genetics as it may be encountered by
professionals in public health. The subject material covers basic biology of clinical genetics, genetic diseases and birth
defects as seen in a medical geneti cs clinic, the provision of geneti c services in Texas, and public policy issues relating to
the pra ctice of medi cal geneti cs.
Prerequi sites: Recent course in college biology or equivalent
PHWM 2835 Injury Epidemiology
3 credi ts
PHWD 2835 Injury Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course provides overview of the l eading types of i njury i n the Uni ted States, as wel l as the epi demiologic methods
employed in conducting injury research. Students will learn about injury surveillance methodology employed to foster the
reporting and capturing of injury events. Students will learn to systematically critique the injury literature by applying
epidemiologic methodology. Students will have the opportunity to engage in online discussion about motor vehicle
accidents, violence, drowning, nail gun injury, needle stick injury, musculoskeletal, and farm-related i njuries , to name a
few topi cs.
PHM 2845L Nutritional Epidemiology
3 credi ts
PHD 2845L Nutritional Epidemiology
3 credi ts
Thi s course teaches how to des cribe the methods and evaluate the i ssues associated with nutritional assessment of
populations using dietary, biochemical, and anthropometric data. A combination of lecture, seminar, and hands-on
acti vities are i ncorporated to examine the strengths and weaknesses of nutritional assessment methodologies used with
epidemiologic study designs. Students are provided data and guided to explore methodologies of statistical analysis and
interpretation of nutritional data.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610] & [PHM 1690L or PH 1700L or equivalent] or consent of instructor
PH 2858 Quantitative Analysis for Public Health Research and Practice
3 credi ts
This course bridges epidemiological and biostatistical skillsets. The overall objective is to provide students with the tools
and hands-on experience of analyzing datasets guided by research questions. Students will learn how to conduct a
research project from conceptualization to dissemination, including: development of research questions and analytic
plans; cleaning and coding data; assessing the degree of missingness; evaluating and interpreting univariate, bivariate,
and multivariate analyses and building models; analyzing and conceptualizing interaction; analyzing complex survey data;
and appropriate research dissemination techniques.
Prerequi sites: [PHM 2612L or PHM 2610] & [PHM 1690L or PH 1700L]
PH 2860 Advanced Design Analysis Methods in Epidemiology
3 credi ts
This course primarily covers topics related to study design and appropriate data analysis using advanced techniques. At the
core, the faculty will discuss basic and generalized regression models for binary (logistic), continuous (linear ), a nd c ount
(Poisson) outcomes; multivariate data reduction techniques, such as factors analysis and Principal Component Analysis;
longitudinal models; analysis of clustered data; and select data mi ning methods. Whenever possible, the faculty will illustrate
how to carry out data analyses in SAS or STATA or other suitable statistical packages.
Prerequi sites : PH 2710L & PH 1830L
PH 2890 Using Mobile Health (mHealth) Technologies in Public Health
3 credi ts
Thi s seminar i s a n avenue for students to fa miliarize themsel ves wi th electronic health (eHealth) technologies a nd mobile
health (mHealth) tools and to discuss their applicability for public health efforts in a supportive environment of peers a nd
fa c ul ty.
PHM 2950L Genetic Epidemiology of Chronic Disease
2 credi ts
This course exposes students to the evidence and logic involved in inferring the contribution of genetic mechanisms to
those diseases of public health importance. Emphasis will be on developing a framework for assessing the impact of genes
on common disease, in a non-technical manner. The course does not include detailed methodological developments or
stati stical techniques. The format wi ll be a weekl y two-hour session during which a single disease will be examined. In this
way, students will be introduced to a broad spectrum of diseases and learn to recognize the similarities and the
uniqueness inherent to each and the prospects of utilizing genetic and genomic data for improving health outcomes for
individuals, families and public health, in general. [Cross-listed wi th GSBS GS110092]
PH 2960 Seminar in Genetics and Population Biology
1 credit
Students analyze and present individual topics or research. [Cross-listed with GSBS GS110711]
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
PHW 2970L Foundations of Public Health Genetics
3 credits
This course is designed mainly (but not exclusively) for students with a limited background in genetics who want to gain an
appreciation of the importance and current limitations of the application of human genetics to public health a pproaches to
identifying and ameliorating disease. The course aims to provide enough background in genetics, human biology, and
genomics to allow students to understand and appreciate the role of human genetics in public health. Doctoral students will
complete additional work to demonstrate the ability to synthesize information from published papers and online resources
and use it to analyze features of genetic diseases that are unique, unusual, or not yet well understood.
PH 2975 Community Oriented Quality Improvement
3 credits
This course introduces students to concepts of Community Oriented Quality Improvement (COQI): 1) Meeting with field
representatives; 2) Conducting a needs assessment and/or systematic review; 3) Determining areas of organizational
quality improvement; 4) Design QI project based on their and empirical evidence; 5) Develop an evaluation plan.
PHD 2990 Epidemiology Seminar
1 credit
The Epidemiology Seminar and Journal Club is open to all students, but is mandatory for epidemiology doctoral students
who have not yet taken their preliminary examination. The seminar is intended to hone research and presentation skills,
and to provide students an opportunity to present data, a research proposal, or an epidemiology-related topic to an
audience of their peers and mentors. The seminar will provide students an opportunity to receive critical feedback on
their research and develop professional i nteractions between faculty and other s tudents.
PHW 2491 Public Health Preparedness & Disaster Response
3 credits
PHW 2991 Public Health Preparedness & Disaster Response
3 credits
This course provides an overview of the emergency response system and the public health system responsibilities in man-
agement of disasters with a special emphasis on planning and response. The course format is an interactive graduate
level electronic seminar. Website resources are identified for students to obtain basic background information regarding
disaster preparedness, emergency response systems, and emergency plans.
Prerequisites: PHM 1110L & PHM 1690L & PHWM 2110L & PHM 3715L & PHM 5015L
PHWM 2996 Capstone for EPID Students
3 credits
This integrative learning experience is designed to demonstrate synthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequisites (for students admitted prior to fall 2023): Completed MPH core courses & completed PH 2615L
Epidemiology II & completed at least 30 semester credit hours the semester before enrolling in capstone & completed or
concurrent enrollment in PH 9997 Practicum.
Prerequisites (for students admitted in fall 2023 or later): Completed MPH core courses & completed PH 2615L
Epidemiology II & PH 2710L Epidemiology III & completed at least 30 semester credit hours the semester before enrolling in
capstone & completed or concurrent enrollment in PH 9997 Practicum.
PH 2998 Special Topics in Epidemiology
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses
Special Topics in Epidemiology vary each semester.
PH 2999 Independent Study in Epidemiology
1-9 credits
A plan of study is determined for each participating student, and supervised by a member of the Epidemiology faculty. In
general, courses of independent study are not recommended unless a student has completed the introductory course or
presents evidence of experience i n the fi eld of epidemiology. All independent study courses are required to have learning
objectives and an outline of learning activities.
Management, Policy and Community Health Courses
PHW 3616 Thinking for the Future
3 credi ts
Thi s course addresses both the drivers of change in the 21st century that impact public health and the cognitive skills that
will allow individuals to participate in effecting positive change. Students will be exposed to problem approaches that are
appropriate for complex situations that arise in public health.
PHW 3617 Thinking for Public Health
3 credi ts
This course is self-paced and online. It is designed to aid the student in identifying systematic thought processes that
impact the quality of the analysis of public health issues and the design of potential solutions. The student will be exposed
to theories that cross disciplinary boundaries of psychology, behavioral economics, and decision science with an
application to public health. It is this applicable to the cognitive bases of s everal public health competencies.
PHWM 3620L Principles and Practice of Public Health
4 credits
PHWD 3620L Principles and Practice of Public Health
4 credi ts
Thi s course illustrates how the hea lth of populations i s promoted a nd protected by organized public health practice.
Students ar e acquainted with current evolving concepts a nd performance of public health practice, a nd a re introduc ed to
essential public health services performed by public health agencies. Students will learn expectations of the effective and
efficient performance of agencies and the competencies required of individual public/community health workers.
Representatives from community/public health programs will participate in class presentations along with faculty.
PHD 3625L Practice-based Design and Methods
3 credi ts
This doctoral level course focuses on the design and selection of methods applicable to public health and community
practitioners working in real-world settings to answer real-world questions. In this course, students will partner wi th a
community organization of their choice to design a study protocol for a community or population health issue.
PHM 3630 Health Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and techniques of planning, implementing, and evaluating
public health programs. The course will cover concepts that are relevant to evaluation of health interventions, as well as
social and behavioral interventions, in the community settings. These will include program/intervention; implementation
and impact evaluation concepts; models/designs; methods; indicators; and data collection, analysis, and interpretation
strategi es. Design and application of evaluations will include both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
PHD 3631L Community Engagement/ C o mmu ni ty -based Participatory Research
3 credi ts
This course is designed to provide students with essential concepts of both Community Based Participatory Research
(CBPR) principles as well as overall guidance in Community Engagement (CE) practices with public health research. CBPR
and CE is a partnership approach to research that equitably involves community members and researches in all aspects of
the resea rch process. Thi s engagement allows all partners to contribute their own expertise and share i n the deci sion-
making process and overall ownership of the research. This course is intended for doctoral students interested in using
CBPR approaches.
PHM 3715L Management and Policy Concepts in Public Health
3 credi ts
This course provides an overview of theory and practice in the management and policy sciences applied to the field of
public health. Topics include public health in the U.S. health system/legal bases of public health, public policy institutions,
planning and management to promote health, emergency preparedness, public sector institutions, management, and
dec i s ion-making. Students will gain skills in oral and written communication with individual and group projects.
PHM 3718L Accounting for Healthcare Management
2 credi ts
This course covers relevant topics in financial accounting and management. Students will improve their understanding of
financial accounting principles and will learn different analytical approaches for evaluating financial performance in the
hea lthcare sector. In addition, it wi ll enable students to demonstrate a ma stery of key theories a nd principles of
healthcare accounting and to apply ethical decision making in financial management.
PHM 3720L Healthcare Finance
2 credi ts
This course offers students the opportunity to improve their understanding and use of financial concepts and principles in
the health care industry. Financial management under prospective payment and capitation systems, as well as product
cos ti ng a nd pricing, a re i ncluded. The lecture format will be augmented by student readings, homework assignments, and
class discussion. Students are expected to attend class, participate in discussions, and complete homework assignments.
PHD 3721L Healthcare Finance
3 credits
Thi s course offers doctoral students the opportunity to improve their understanding and use of financial concepts and
principles in the health care industry, and to consider anticipated changes due to health care reform. Managerial and
financial accounting, as well as financial analysis and strategic planning, are covered. Financial management under
prospective payment and capitation systems, as well as product costing and pricing, will be emphasized.
PHD 3731L Research Design and Inquiry
3 credi ts
This course prepares students to conduct research wi th academic rigor. Students are exposed to different research
methods prevalent in healthcare management and policy disciplines through assigned readings (research articles and
unpublished dissertations). In addition, the course emphasis is on manuscript writing, designing a feasible study grounded
in theory or conceptual framework and based on publicly available data sources, comprehensive literature review,
selection of appropriate research methods, and identification of potential analytical issues and methodological solutions.
Prerequi sites: PH 1700L & PHM 3744L & PHD 3930
PHW 3732L Research Methods in Public Health Law
3 credi ts
In this class, students will learn about the variety of mechanisms, theories and models central to conducting public health
law research, a growing field dedicated to empirically measuring and analyzing law as a central means for advancing
population health. Students will learn to integrate theories from social and behavioral sciences in examining public health
law and policy. Students will learn to research statutes, regulations, and case law and how those can be used to alter the
informational, socioeconomic, and built environments for population health. Students will compare optimal res earch
designs for randomized trials and natural experiments for public health law evaluation, as well as methods for qualitative
and cost-benefit studies of public health law. They will also discuss the challenge of effectively translating the results of
scientific evaluations into public health laws.
PHW 3733L Law and Policy
3 credi ts
In this class, students will review important aspects of the US government and its functions and then learn how public
agenci es combine the three functions of government that are normally separatedexecutive, legislative, and judicial
into si ngle i nsti tutions with jurisdiction over many policies that act as social determinants of health. Federal, s tate, a nd
loca l agencies have broad powers to create a nd enforce those regulations. As the scope and power of administrative law
is extensive, students will also learn about the limitations on agency action, from constitutional constraints to judicial re-
vi ew.
PHW 3734L Public Health Policy Surveillance and Legal Epidemiology
3 credits
Students will learn to conceptualize a public health policy research topic, collect and codify the relevant laws and apply
statistical techniques to analyzing public health law datasets. Students will learn the techniques for tracking policy
changes over time (policy surveillance), legal mapping (comparing policies across jurisdictions), and legal epidemiology
(analyzing causal relationships between policy changes and population health outcomes). The course will prepare
students to complete a research project in the subsequent semester as an independent study.
Prerequi sites: Previous courses i n biostatistics and epi demiology or equivalent experience
PH 3735L Healthcare Strategic Management
3 credi ts
This course focuses on the development and implementation of strategy by health care organizations in the changing
healthcare marketplace. The course stresses practical approaches to articulate an organization's mission and vision and to
formulate strategies that fit the external and internal situation. In addition, basic principles of community-based health
planning are examined, and the potential linkages between organizational strategic planning and population health are
explored. This is a required course for the healthcare management MPH program.
PH 3736L U.S. Healthcare Payment Systems and Policy
3 credi ts
This course reviews current U.S. healthcare policy in terms of the national healthcare system and the various payments
systems. This course builds on system theory and examines the unique approach in the US and how it is changing. In the
United States, payment systems are provided in the form of private or public insurance plans, or other forms of group
coverage that are offered to el igible populations. Each healthcare payment s ystem wi ll be exa mined i n depth to reveal the
policies that serve as the foundation of the program; the authority, the economics, the targeted population, and the
current challenges. Students will apply systems theory and policy concepts to theoretically redesign the U.S. heal thcare
PH 3737L Cost-effectiveness for Public Health Interventions
2 credi ts
This course is an applied introduction to cost-effectiveness. The students will compare and contrast cost-benefit, cost of
illness, and cost-effectiveness. The course will cover study design, costs including opportunity costs, estimating life-
expectancy including quality adjustment, and conducting sensitivity analyses. Students will present applied examples of
studies, and will write a proposal to assess an intervention, policy, or regulation.
PH 3738L Legal Issues in Healthcare
3 credi ts
This course provides an overview of legal and ethical issues facing the health care industry and examines legal and ethical
issues in the administration of health care programs. Students will gain a working knowledge of how to apply federal and
Texas health l aws and regulations to real-world problems. Components studied include: key legal process and resources,
ethical issues of concern to health providers, medical staff issues and peer review, quality and malpractice concerns, l egal
and ethical issues related to access to healthcare, end of life issues, reproductive health, role and structure of hospital
ethics committees, tort law and professional liability, fraud and abuse, governmental regulation, i nformed consent,
confidentiality and medical records, and ethical decision-making.
PHD 3743L Organizational and Management Theory
3 credi ts
This course helps doctoral students to develop frameworks for thinking about the world of health care organizations and
its complexity. The specific emphasis will be health services organizations and management research, with an emphasis
on organization theory. Organization theory is a set of approaches to the understanding of how organizations form,
survive and grow, interact with each other, recruit and process members, gain and manage resources, and deal with
interna l and external problems. The pri mary goals of this course are to apply relevant theories to a range of organizational
problems and to attain skills needed to be an effecti ve researcher in health services organization and management
res earch.
PHM 3744L Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management in Health Services Organizations
3 c r ed i ts
This course provides students with an application of organizational behavior theory; models to analyze; and evaluation
factors that affect behavior, performance, and job satisfaction of people working in organizations. This course exposes
students to a body of knowledge and equips them with skills needed to successfully manage and lead health services
organizations. It focuses on applying different approaches for managing individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve
organizational excellence.
PHM 3746L Evaluation and Improvement of Healthcare Quality
3 c r ed i ts
This course provides students with requisite knowledge and skills for understanding, evaluating, and improving clinical
and operational processes, as well as healthcare outcomes both within an organization and across a population.
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to quality management and improvement are examined through historical
perspectives, real-world cases , and didactic exercises.
PH 3747L Healthcare Operations Management
2 credits
This course introduces students to key management functions, processes, issues, and challenges currently face by health
care agencies and organizations. This course uses more advanced methods to improve healthcare processes and
outcomes. Specific focus will vary but may include: understanding how organizational context influences processes and
pa tient care; problem-solving and using key tools such as SWOT or gap analysis; understanding how policies and
regulations affect operations; making process improvements (e.g. reducing hospital readmissions); understanding
performance measure and how these are used for mandatory reporting and tacking program or patient outcomes; and
learning about tools, concepts of techniques used to improve management performance.
PHM 3800L Working with Diverse Communities
3 c r ed i ts
PHD 3800L Working with Diverse Communities
3 c r ed i ts
This introductory course will focus on providing students with the knowledge and tools necessary to increase cultural
a wa reness and s ensitivity. The class begins with a n i ntensive workshop, introducing students to key concepts and community
members engaged in s ocial justice work. Following the i ntroductory workshop, r eadings fr om ea ch week wi ll focus on the
unique needs and challenges of a different community.
PHD 3801L Community-based Grant Writing Workshop
1 credi t
The goal of this introductory-level doctoral course i s to provide students wi th the knowledge a nd tolls necessary to write a
community-based grant proposal. This course covers the complete process of grant proposal development: legal and policy
background of funding organizations; theory and cultur e of philanthropy; funder relations; r esearch a nd identification of a n
a chievable a nd fundable pr oject; l ogistical concerns when preparing a proposal; proposal writing; budget development;
preparation of a full proposal package for submission; and post a ward or rejection follow-up with funders. Students gain an
understanding of community based organizations and become familiar with tools and resources available to assist them as
they seek funds for their projects, institutions, or causes.
PHM 3810 Health Policy in the United States
3 c r ed i ts
PHD 3810 Health Policy in the United States
3 c r ed i ts
This course provides an overview of health policy in the United States. The principal institutions, processes, and ideas shaping
health policy at the federal level will be described and explained. Health policy questions will be illustrated using substantive
topics of importance to public health. Doctoral students will appraise health policy in the United States and evaluate i ts
strengths and weaknesses. Principal policy-making institutions, processes, and ideas that shape health policy at the federal
level will be a ssessed and criticized.
PHD 3812 Comparative Health Systems
3 c r ed i ts
This doctoral seminar course examines national health systems. The World Health Organization building blocks framework
is introduced to appraise different components of national health systems with the intent of strengthening them. The
second half of the course is devoted to systematically comparing national health s ystems, as well as the industries wi thin
the heal th system and sectors that are associated with the health s ector. The course draws on organizational theory and
other theori es in the social sciences. It has a balances focus on low-, middle-, and high-income countries.
PH 3815 Health Policy Analysis
3 c r ed i ts
Thi s course examines the process of policy development and the role of research and analysis i n the process. A framework is
introduced for selecting the type of research and analysis needed to address different policy questions. Key concepts and
methods of policy research a nd analysis a re i ntroduced a nd applied to real-world policy problems in public health. Upon
compl etion of the course, students should have an understanding of the role of policy analysis in the policy development
process, be able to frame policy i ssues for research and analysis, a nd be able to identify and appropriately apply research
methods and analysis to policy questions.
PH 3818 Texas Health Policy: Emerging Issues and New Approaches
3 c r ed i ts
This course examines major issues, new programs, and legislative initiatives in Texas health policy. Background information
on the state legislative process, budget, and historical role in health policy is presented. Policy analysis concepts and
methods are introduced as a guide for class discussion and student assignments. When the legislature is in session, topics are
sel ected that reflect proposed legislation. In semesters between legislative sessions, topics are selected based on interim
study assignments and other sources. Topics typically i nclude: Medicaid/CHIP c hanges/reform, healthcare regulation,
behavioral health, long-term care, medical education, rural and border health, disease prevention and control, and health
PH 3825 Public Health Law
3 c r ed i ts
This course introduces students to public health law, which defines the extent to which the state can interfere with private
interests when protecting the health of the population. Students will study, through constitutional and statutory analysis,
how the balance between these i nterests is determined. Because administrative agencies are used extensively to regulate
matters that a ffect the public health, students will examine the l egal characteristics of these governmental entities. The use
of the common law to establish public health policy and remedies for public health problems will be considered.
PHD 3830 Ethics and Policy
3 credi ts
This course focuses on the application of ethics, values, and moral reasoning to problems and issues in public health. It
offers a careful overview of a pproaches to moral theory and modes of assessment to devel op students skills in reasoning
and evaluation. Special attention will be given to justice and equity as key moral claims in public health. Practical
examples will be used to illustrate moral arguments, criteria, and modes of reasoning connected with health promotion,
di sease prevention, and healthcare delivery.
PH 3835 Public Health Advocacy
1 credi t
This course provides the basic underlying skills, tools, and knowledge necessary to participate in public health policy
advocacy initiatives at the local, state, or federal level. The policy making process and organizational advocacy strategies
will be explained, and students will apply their learning and develop their oral and written advocacy skills through
PHD 3846L Quality Management and Improvement in Healthcare
3 credi ts
This course provides students with requisite knowledge and skills for evaluating and conducting research in the areas of
quality, performance improvement, high reliability, and patient safety at the unity, organization and population levels.
Frameworks for defining, analyzing and comparing quality outcomes are presented, inclusive of confounding factors.
Operational approaches to population health and organization quality improvement are examined through expert
speakers and real-world cases. Students are also introduced to management science techniques commonly used to assess
and improve systems and workflows.
PHM 3910 Health Economics
3 credi ts
PHD 3910 Health Economics
3 credi ts
This course covers the theory of microeconomic analysis and its application to health and health services. It emphasizes
the use of theory to understand problems of organization, delivery, and financing of health services; discrepancies in
hea lth l evels among members of society; and the choices available to s ociety regarding these i ssues.
Doctoral students will also be required to write a paper that identifies and discusses the major policy and research issues
in one of the areas that is introduced in the course, critically reviews relevantly published research in this area,
synthesizes their view of the state of thi s research a nd s uggests what types of res earch mi ght be mos t fruitful, e.g., as if
pursued in a dissertation.
PH 3915 Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Programs
3 credi ts
This course covers the concepts and methods for the economic analysis of healthcare decision alternatives. Topics will
include cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis, and other methods of decision analysis. It emphasizes the
application of these methods to the evaluation of alternative health programs.
Prerequi site: Consent of i nstructor
PHM 3918L Geographic Information Systems Science
3 credi ts
PHD 3918L Geographic Information Systems Science
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntroductory l evel el ective course in Geographic Information Systems Science (GIS) introduces the science and skills
required for the geographic exploration of public health data. Topics will include cartography, sources of GIS data, work-
ing with Census and other secondary data sources, geoprocessing, geocoding and basic spatial analysis, among others.
Students will acquire skills through a combination of l ectur e, l abs a nd hands-on assignments using ArcGIS and other soft-
ware packages.
PH 3920 Health Services Delivery and Performance
3 credi ts
Thi s course explores the effecti veness, efficiency, and equity of the U.S. heal thcare system. Students are i ntroduced to
definitions, concepts, and methods used in health services research and policy analysis, and given an opportunity to use
them to evaluate important problems and efforts to reform the healthcare system. Each section of the course is taught by
a different faculty member with expertise related to one area of health services research a nd/or policy a nalysis. Ea ch
year, there is a thematic focus for the course that is addressed from the various perspectives and is the subject of a policy
analysis exercise at the end of the semester.
PHM 3922 Economic and Social Determinants of Health
3 credi ts
PHD 3922 Economic and Social Determinants of Health
3 credi ts
This course introduces the concept of population health and analyzes the reason for health disparities between countries
as well as socioeconomic and racial/ethnic groups within countries. It takes an approach to health that identifies the
social factors, such as inequalities in income and opportunities, and racial/ethnic disparities that influence the health of
populations. The course examines population health by exploring economic, social, and cultural factors; identifying
systematic variation in these factors leading to health disparities; exploring how economic, social, and cultural conditions
affect individual risk factors, human behavior, and biology; and assessing economic and social policies. A s ocial
determinants of health-related term paper is required.
For doctoral students: A longer and more in depth paper is required.
PHD 3926L Health Survey Research Design
3 credi ts
This course presents the methods for designing and conducting health surveys. Emphasis will be placed on problem
conceptualization, measurements, and questionnaire design in the context of a total survey design framework. Examples
of face-to-face, tel ephone, mail, and Internet s urveys wi ll be presented.
Prerequi sites: PHM 1690L & [PHM 2610 or PHM 2612L] or equivalents
PHD 3930 Econometrics in Public Health
3 credi ts
This course has two learning objectives: developing skills in quantitative methods for the analysis of complex data, a nd
understanding and critically evaluating public health research using econometric methods. This course consists of 11
uni ts , i ncluding linear regression, non-linear regression, analyzing cost as dependent variable, panel data methods,
random and fixed effect models, s pecification tests, endogeneity, instrumental variables, and selecti on models.
Prerequi site: Consent of i nstructor
PHD 3931 Advanced Econometrics
3 credi ts
This course introduces advanced techniques in statistics and econometrics for conducting successful health outcomes and
policy research. Students are expected to have an understanding of basic statistical concepts, such as discrete and
continuous random variables, probability distributions, joint distributions, conditional distributions, independence,
stati stical i nferences and es timations, properties of es timators, hypothesis tes ting, ordinary least square regression,
logistic regression, one-way ANO VA, c ontingenc y ta bles, a nd χ
(chi-square) analyses. Topics covered will include Causal
Inference, Causal Graphs, Treatment Effect Identification, Models of Causal Exposure, Li near regression, Panel Data
methods including Fixed and Random Effects estimation, Limited Dependent Variable Models l ike - Logi sti c regression,
Probit, Tobit, Heckman, 2-Part a nd 2-Step models, Interpreting Marginal Effects and Interactions for Li mited Dependent
Variable models, Modeling cost data especially using log transforms, Simultaneous Equations and Instrumental Variable
Analysis, and Use of Specification Tests like Hausman, Breusch-Pagan, White, Park, Glej ser and Box-Cox. The course will
emphasize practical applications of statistical methods to real world problems of public health and health outcomes
res earch.
Prerequi site: PHD 3930 or equivalent
PHD 3935 Advanced Health Economics
3 credi ts
This doctoral seminar-style course focuses on the application of microeconomic analysis to questions dealing with the
production of health, the demand for health services, the production and supply of health services, market equilibrium,
social health insurance, and government regulation of health sector activities.
Prerequi sites: [PHD 3910 or equivalent] & consent of instructor
PH 3940 Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Research
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to measurement and evaluation issues associated with patient-centered outcomes and
quality of care studies, an increasingly important component of present-day health services research. The focus will be on
the application, rather than development, of measurements. Topics that will be covered include development of the
outcomes framework, outcomes measures, risk adjustment of health outcomes, technical and practical issues with
meas urement and estimation, and empi rical examples of hea lthcare outcomes research. Outcome and quality measures
that will be covered include generic and condition-specific health status measures, satisfaction, patient trust, and patient
PH 3941 Claims Data in Healthcare Research
3 credi ts
This course provides an overview of the elements of administrative claims data. This information will be crucial to any
student interested in utilizing claims data for research purposes. The course will focus on the various data fields in
enrollment, and medical claims, and pharmacy claims. Strategies for effectively querying claims datasets will be provided.
Multiple data sets include commercial claims, Medicare claims, and Medicaid claims.
Prerequisites: Familiarity wi th SAS or Stata
PHD 3945 Advanced Health Services Research Methods
3 credi ts
This course introduces students to the application of quantitative methods in health services research. The major
elements of designing and conducting an empirical study will be covered, with emphasis on specification of research
questions and design, measures, use of primary and secondary data sources, and issues in bivariate and multivariate
analysis. Examples of the us e of di fferent methods in the l iterature wi ll be reviewed.
PHD 3946L Strategy, Governance, and Leadership
3 credi ts
This course provides students with an overview of the basic concepts and principles of strategic planning within the
broader context of governance, management, and leadership. The emphasis on this broader context is i mporta nt bec ause
it is in the arena of s trategy development tha t governance and management overlap a nd the need for cl ear l eadership
arises. While the institutional focus is primarily on healthcare organizations, the organizational dynamics and strategic
management principles apply across industries.
PHD 3950 Applied Leadership Studies in Public Health
3 credi ts
This course is designed for doctoral students in all disciplines who have had previous leadership courses or leadership
training. It focuses on synthesizing, applying, and evaluating leadership theories, concepts, and emerging perspectives;
analyzing personal, professional, organizational, and system leadership dynamics in a rapidly changing and complex
world; and discerning the implications of leadership research on the practice of leadership in public health research and
practice settings. Three themes of reflection, critical thinking, and communication support the examination of leadership
dilemmas, patterns, behaviors, and outcomes. Other topics to be addressed i nclude l eadership studies research; complex
adaptive systems and sustainability; culture and change; ethics; power influence and politics; and creating and sharing a
vi s ion.
PHD 3970 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Development in Management, Policy and Community Health
This course focuses on the development and critique of a dissertation research proposal for students pursuing a DrPH or
Prerequisites: Enrolled in a doctoral program (DrPH or PhD) in MPACH & completed an acceptable dissertation topic
synopsis & identified dissertation chair
PHM 3996L Capstone for MPCH Students
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demonstrate s ynthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequisites: Students must be an MPH MPCH major or a MPH Customized major with advanced public health
cours ework meeti ng major-specific competency requirements & completed the MPH Core courses & completed a t least
30 s emester credit hours the semester before enrolling i n capstone & completed or concurrent enrollment i n PH 9997
PH 3998 Special Topics in Management, Policy and Community Health
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses
Topi cs va ry each semes ter and provide i n-depth study of various public health issues.
PH 3999 Independent Study in Management, Policy and Community Health
1-9 credi ts
A plan of study is determined for each participating student and supervised by a member of the MPACH faculty. This
cours e may be repeated for credit. All independent study courses are required to have learning objectives and an outline
of learning activities.
Interdepartmental Courses
PHM 5015L Introduction to Qualitative Research in Public Health
2 credi ts
This course will provide an overview of qualitative research in public health. Students will be introduced to qualitative
res earch methods and analysis. This introductory course will help students understand the core ideas, processes, and
activities underpinning qualitative research. Students will be able to develop interview guides, focus group guides, and
codebooks and have the opportunity to practice qualitative methodological and analytical techniques. This knowledge will
all ow the student to use qualitative research in public health practice and provides preparation for further study of
qual itative research methods and analysis.
PH 5030 Diabetes Seminar
1 credit
This seminar will offer comprehensive course content during a 1-week ti meframe i n the fi rst s ummer session. Topic areas
include standards and practice recommendations; pregnancy and diabetes; acute and chronic complications of diabetes;
diabetes education; and medications. Treatment algorithms, protocols, and guidelines for weight loss, exercise, nutrition,
glycemic control and insulin administration will be discussed. A di abetes cooking classe will be pres ented during the week.
This course is also open to medical students, nursing students, etc. and to RDs/interns in the community for CEU credits.
PH 5031 Garden for Health (fall section 800; spring section 801)
2 credi ts
In the Holistic Garden of the School of Public Health, students will gain knowledge of how to use the garden as a tool to
improve health and quality of life. Common fruits, vegetables and herbs that are produced during the warmer and cooler
months of the year along with information that pertains to their successful cultivation and their unique roles in our diet
and health will be discussed. Course Fee: $75.00
PH 5032 Culinary Medicine (fall s ection 8 50; s pring s ection 851)
2 credi ts
Through innovative nutrition curriculum and hands-on training in the culinary arts, the Culinary Medicine course will
teach medical, nursing, and dietetic intern students about food: how to cook, what to eat, and how to help their patients
improve thei r di et and thereby, their health. Course Fee: $75.00
PHM 5096 Capstone for Customized Students
3 credi ts
Thi s i ntegrative l earning experience i s designed to demonstrate s ynthesis of major themes from the MPH core and major-
specific courses. Students produce at least one high-quality written product.
Prerequi sites: Completed the MPH Core courses ; completed at l east 30 semes ter credit hours the semester before
enrolling in capstone; and completed or concurrent enrollment in PH 9997 Practicum. Other prerequisites vary by campus
and course offering.
PH 5098 Foundations of Scientific Writing in Public Health
3 cr edi ts
This course provides students with the basic writing skills critical for scientific writing. Writing is a learned skill that develops
with practice coupled with feedback and more practice. Good writing takes more than simply translating ideas onto the
pa ge. Good writing includes knowledge of gr ammar, crafting a rguments, a nd careful revision a nd editing. This course
provides a platform for students to revisit the rules of grammar, practice crafting and structuring arguments, translate ideas
onto paper, and write a scientific proposal or manuscript. Students will have the opportunity to read good writing as well as
enhance their writing skill through weekly writing assignments and receiving regular feedback.
PH 5098 Special Topics in Interdepartmental Courses
Credit hours vary among Special Topics courses
Selected Special Topics provide intensive coverage of interdepartmental theory and applications. Topics vary each
PH 5098 Special Topics in Interdepartmental Courses: The History and Culture of Disease and Healing
3 credi ts
This course is presented in collaboration with the schools of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
(UTHealth), Rice University and the University of Houston. It i s a humanities course wi th a series of l ectures on Tuesday
eveni ngs that have been chosen for their relevance to the relationships between human history and culture and the
epidemiology and impact of disease and the arts of healing. Each lecture is followed by a discussion session on Thursdays
at 4-5:30 p.m. The unique collaborative format of this seminar demonstrates shared values between institutions of higher
learning and the professional/academic training offered to various s pecialti es.
PH 5099 Independent Study in Interdepartmental Concentrations
1-9 credi ts
A plan of study is determined for each participating student, and supervised by a member of the Concentrations faculty.
In general, courses of independent study are not recommended unless a student has completed the appropriate
introductory courses in the concentration or presents evidence of experience in the field. This course may be repeated for
credit. All independent study courses are required to have learning objectives and an outline of learning activities.
PH 5102 Health Disparities Core Seminar
1 credi t
This seminar is a venue for students to familiarize themselves with health disparities literature and to discuss current health
di s parities issues i n a supportive environment of peers and fa culty.
PH 5200 Foundations of Leadership in Public Health
3 credi ts
This is an introductory course in public health leadership for students in all academic programs. This course introduces
students to the theories and principles of effecti ve l eadership, presents l eadership challenges, and discovers personal
attributes of leadership in public health practice and research. Students will begin to develop life-long learning skills
through self-development, experiential learning, and discussion of leadership approaches. Content areas will include
compl exity theory, change management, ethi cs, collaboration, effecti ve communication, team-building, dialogue,
dec i s ion-making, conflict management, leadership evaluation, advocacy, and strategic planning.
PHM 5210 Selected Readings in Leadership Studies
1 credi t
PHD 5210 Selected Readings in Leadership Studies
2 credi ts
These seminars are designed to assess how public health professionals become leaders. Students are introduced to con-
cepts of adaptive leadership, evaluation and analysis of leadership readings, application of concepts to public health and
management challenges, and discussion and examination of leadership issues, using experience and examples from the
PH 5220 Gender and Leadership
3 credits
This course focuses on the topic of women and leadership. Using a seminar approach anchored in selected readings,
students will consider prevailing theories of leadership and discuss the variable of gender. Readings will focus on a variety
of specific issues such as the “glass ceiling,” derailing behaviors, and conflict style differences in women and men.
PH 5301 Maternal and Child Health Core Training Seminar I
3 credi ts
PH 5311 Maternal and Child Health Core Training Seminar II
3 credi ts
The Ma ternal a nd Child Health Cor e Training Seminar s essions will pr ovide a n opportunity for i nstruction a nd discussion of
topics specific to Maternal and Child Health. The scope of the MCH Core Training Seminar curriculum is centered on life span
devel opment, from perinatal/infant health to child/adolescent and women’s health. Students will receive instruction on
utilizing data sources specific to maternal and child health, such as vital records and other routine data sources as well as
hands-on experience in extracting data, a nalyzing data, a nd i nter preting results. Students will also have the opportunity to
meet a nd l earn from community organizations i n the MCH field. Students will l earn MCH content a s well as HRSA-defined
leadership competencies.
PH 5400 Physical Activity Assessment and Surveillance
3 credi ts
This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the various methods used to measure physical activity
and related constructs (e.g., energy expenditure and physical fitness) in individuals and populations. This understanding
wi ll be achieved through a review of the current research literature rel ated to measurement methods a nd hands-on
practice experiences wi th various physical a ctivity measurement methods (i .e., da ta collection to i nterpretation).
Behavioral, environmental, and policy-related correlates and determinants of physical activity will also be discussed.
PH 5401L Physical Activity and Public Health Practice
3 credi ts
This course focuses on physical activity promotion in practice. The course covers key topic areas such as the physical
activity guideline recommendations, health behavior theories and physical activity interventions, the National Physical
Acti vity Plan, and the Gui de to Community Preventive Services Recommendations for physical Activity. The course will
also build important skills for reviewing the physical activity promotion literature, identifying priority areas for physical
activity promotion, using a systems approach for physical activity promotion, and synthesizing physical activity research to
inform practice.
PHD 5500 Principles of Adult and Community Education for Public Health Educators
2 credi ts
This is a required course for students seeking a DrPH and an elective for students seeking a PhD. The course provides an
overview of principals of adult and community education, how to design and facilitate a course, and how to evaluate stu-
dents’ learning.
Prerequisites: To be successful in this course, students should understand research design, methods of data analyses,
their discipline, the learning needs of their community, and their health topic.
PHD 5502 Preparing to Teach: Mentoring Future Community Health Educators and Public Health Faculty
1 credi t
Thi s i s a n el ective course for doctoral students seeking a mentored, collaborative teaching experience with an accom-
plished community or university-based instructor.
Prerequi sites: PHD 5500
PH 5610 Global Health Overview
3 credi ts
This course presents an overview of the issues affecting the living conditions and the health status of low-income country
residents, and the local and global responses to these problems. Throughout the semester, students will develop an
understanding of global and international health through the discussion of sub-themes, including the different meanings
of globalization; population and demographics; assessment, health indicators, and epidemiology; immunizations;
communicable and emerging diseases; war, conflict, refugees, migration, and displacement; health systems; cultural
differentiation; maternal and child health; food security and nutrition; trade agreements, agriculture, and
pharmaceuticals; environmental health and pollution; urban health and the development of mega-cities; and economic
devel opment.
PH 5612 Global Health Seminar
1 credi t
This weekly seminar is presented by faculty, students, and Visiting Professors, and varies in subject matter, depending on
current events as well as the s pecial expertise a nd experience of presenters.
PH 5613 Critical Cinema for Public Health
2 credi ts
This course presents a series of documentaries and Big Screen movies revolving around public health topics. The range of
topics will include health disparities; health systems; culture, behavior, and health; environmental health themes;
globalization; addictions; mental health; food production; research ethics and methods; violence; and surveillance and
control of epidemics. All movie presentations will be followed by a class discussion.
PH 9997 Practicum
1-9 credi ts
A practicum is a unique learning experience that is planned, supervised, eva luated a nd graded. Pr acticum experiences
allow students the opportunity to apply classroom education towards a real-world public health problem in a work
setting. Students should consult their degree requirements for maximum credits that can be applied to their degree.
More information about practicum can be found online on the UTHealth School of Public Health website.
PHM 9998 Culminating Experience/ Thesis Research
1-9 credi ts
A cul minating experience i s designed to ensure that all MPH graduates can integrate and apply the knowledge and skills
that they have gained during their graduate training. Students should consult their degree requirements for maximum
credi ts that can be applied to their degree. More information about culminating experience can be found online on the
UTHealth School of Public Health website.
PHD 9999 Dissertation Research
1-9 credi ts
Dissertation research is for students pursuing a doctoral degree that are required to complete a written res earch
dissertation that makes a substantial contribution to knowledge in the public health sciences. Students should consult
their degree requirements for maximum credits that can be applied to their degree. More information about dissertation
res earch can be found online on the UTHealth School of Public Health website.