pp. 271-288
Abstract: Usability evaluation of e-learning systems has specific requirements that
differentiate it from evaluation of other interactive systems. In situations when
teachers want to evaluate the usability of their own e-learning courses, it is therefore
not easy for them to choose the appropriate evaluation method.
Lately, severalusabilityevaluation methods adapted for the context of e-learning have
been proposed. This paper examines their characteristics and identifies the criteria
for choosing the most appropriate methods. While comparing the current usability
evaluation methods for e-learning it was established that a lot of methods do not
address all the specific issues relevant for e-learning systems and educational
modules. Moreover, many methods do not provide sufficient information about the
practical application of the method that could be useful to usability practitioners.
Key words: usability evaluation, e-learning, evaluation criteria
Authors´ data: M.Sc. Plantak Vukovac, D[ijana]; Dr. Ph.D. Kirinic, V[alentina];
Univ.Prof. Ph.D. Klicek, B[ozidar]; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization
and Informatics, Pavlinska 2, HR-42000, Varazdin, Croatia, dijana.plantak@foi.hr,
valentina.kiri[email protected], bozidar.k[email protected]
This Publication has to be referred as: Plantak Vukovac, D[ijana]; Kirinic,
V[alentina] & Klicek, B[ozidar] (2010). A Comparison of Usability Evaluation
Methods for e-Learning Systems, Chapter 27 in DAAAM International Scientific
Book 2010, pp. 271-288, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International,
ISBN 978-3-901509-74-2, ISSN 1726-9687, Vienna, Austria
DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2010.27
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
1. Introduction
The main research question in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) is
“how to work with and improve the usability of interactive systems” (Hornbæk,
2006). According to the ISO 9241-11standard, usability is defined as the extent to
which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use” (ISO 9241-11,
With the divergence of Web-based systems, the focus of HCI research has
shifted towards Web usability and the development of methods for usability
evaluation of Websites, aimed at specific Web domains, such as e-commerce, tourist,
cultural heritage Websites etc.
As the Web has also become a new learning environment, different issues have
arisen to be considered in order to fully exploit its advantages and enhance the quality
of learning and teaching. One of the aspects that is neglected when evaluating the
overall quality of e-learning courses is e-learning usability, resulting in relatively
scarce researches examining the usability issues of e-learning applications (Granić,
2008; Kukulska-Hulme & Shield, 2004; Zaharias, 2006). Since the purpose of e-
learning systems is not only to interact, but also to support knowledge dissemination
and acquisition, traditional usability design guidelines and usability evaluation
methods (UEMs) established in the HCI field are not sufficient in the e-learning
context (Granić, 2008; Hornbæk, 2006; Zaharias, 2006).
In recent years, researchers have made efforts to develop new sets of guidelines
and UEMs suitable for the e-learning domain, considering specific requirements such
as the learning process, instructional design, motivation, pedagogical issues etc.
However, it seems that a consolidated evaluation methodology of e-learning
applications does not yet exist” (Ardito et al., 2006), and that current method
proposals lack a comprehensive and systematic approach that evaluates different e-
learning perspectives, which makes it difficult to select useful tools for quick and
reliable usability evaluation.
As its aim is to provide a broader view of the aforementioned problems, this
paper examines e-learning usability evaluation methods that have emerged lately and
proposes a set of criteria that should be consulted when choosing the appropriate
method for usability evaluation of e-learning systems or when developing
comprehensive new e-learning UEMs.
1.1 Traditional Usability Evaluation Methods
Usability evaluation methods are used for identifying usability problems and
improving the usability of an interface design. In general, methods are categorized as
analytical or empirical. Analytical methods, also known as inspection methods, are
used for interface inspection by usability experts, and are perceived as a quick and
low-cost alternative to empirical methods, where testing with actual users is
pp. 271-288
In continuation, two methods from the inspection methods category and two
user testing methods, all of which are found in usability studies of e-learning systems,
are briefly described:
Heuristic evaluation (HE) an informal, cheap and quick method where a
small group of usability evaluators inspect a user interface to find and rate
the severity of usability problems using a set of usability principles or
heuristics (Holzinger, 2005; Nielsen, 1994). It enables the identification of
major and minor problems and can be used early in the development
process. Its disadvantages are that evaluators have to be experts to provide
good results (Hollingsed & Novick, 2007; Holzinger, 2005) and
identification of domain-specific problems is not reliable (Holzinger, 2005).
Cognitive walkthroughenables evaluators analysis of a user interface by
means of simulating step-by-step user behavior for a given task. The
emphasis is on cognitive issues,through analyzing the user‟s thought process
(Holzinger, 2005). Its drawback is that it does not provide guidelines and
evaluation is not effective if scenarios are not adequately described
(Hollingsed & Novick, 2007).
Thinking-aloud used in usability testing with actual users, where they
verbalize their thoughts while interacting with the interface. It enables
evaluators to understand how users view the system and why they do
something. The method is time-consuming and to some extent unnatural
when used, but that disadvantage is neutralized by co-discovery learning
where two users use and comment the interface together (Holzinger, 2005).
Questionnaire used when the subjective satisfaction of users with the
interface is measured. Rather than evaluatingthe user interface, it evaluates
users‟ opinions, preferences and satisfaction. Results can be statistically
measured, but a large number of responses have to be collected in order to
ensure significance (Holzinger, 2005).
There is a consensus that heuristic evaluation identifies more interface problems,
and does it more cheaply and sooner than empirical testing, which identifies more
severe issues that will likely hinder the user, but at a higher cost (Hollingsed &
Novick, 2007). Also, testing users‟ interaction with an interface should have
precedence over users‟ opinions of what they think they do (Holzinger, 2005),
although, on the other hand, questionnaires provide feedback about user satisfaction,
which has been found to be a significant factor in students decision to drop out from
e-learning courses(Levy, 2007).
Many authors agree (Granić, 2008; Hollingsed & Novick, 2007; Holzinger,
2005; Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009; Triacca et al., 2004) that usability inspection
should be accompanied by user testing for more reliable results. However, when only
one method has to be selected, cost-effective and easy to conduct heuristic evaluation
seems to have an advantage (Hollingsed & Novick, 2007; Ssemugabi & de Villers,
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
1.2 Specifics of usability evaluation of e-learning systems
According to the ISO definition of usability, three usability constructs can be
distinguished: the context of use, the user, and her/his goals. In the context of e-
learning, the role of the user is many fold: learner, course designer/teacher, or an e-
learning platform administrator. The user has different goals in every role she/he
plays: to learn and to test the knowledge, to implement educational content, or to
administer e-learning platform and e-courses. The e-learning context is also
heterogeneous: it refers to different tools used to accomplish the goals (e.g. e-learning
platforms like course Websites, intelligent tutoring systems, learning management
systems(LMSs), or educational applications on a CD) and social and physical
environment (blended learning environment, online and mobile learning
In order to properly address all important usability issues in different users‟
roles, particularly the first two (learner and teacher/designer), current design
guidelines and usability evaluation methods should integrate cognitions from other
fields such as pedagogy, psychology, education, multimedia learning etc. Among the
first researchers who noticed that the existing web heuristics could not simply apply
to e-learning context were Squires and Preece (1999). They proposed a set of
learning with software‟heuristics by adapting Nielsen‟s ten heuristics to socio-
constructivist criteria for learning. The adaptation of Nielsen‟s heuristics and
heuristic evaluation method to the e-learning context can also be found in other
studies (Albion, 1999; Reeves et al., 2002,Ssemugabi& de Villers, 2009).
Other researchers based their evaluations on usability testing, such as
(Nokelainen, 2006; Zaharias, 2006), exploring users‟ perception, satisfaction and
motivation to learn. These authors emphasize another usability aspect important in
the context of e-learning, the so-called pedagogical usability. While general or
technical usability is concerned with usability of virtual environments, i.e the user
interface of thee-learning platform, pedagogical usability is concerned with “whether
the tools, content, interface and the tasks of the web-based learning environments
support various learners to learn in various learning context according to selected
pedagogical objectives” (Silius et al., 2003).The main assumption that lies beneath
pedagogical usability is how the functions of the system facilitate the learning of the
material it is delivering(Nokelainen, 2006).Ardito et al. (2006) emphasize that
evaluatingthe usability of an e-learning application includes taking into account the e-
learning platform and educational content provided through it, while Nokeilainen
(2006) claims that the latter is much less frequently studied.
Several researchers acknowledged the benefits of combining usability inspection
with user testing, employing two or more evaluation methods in their e-learning
usability studies (Ardito et al., 2006; Granić, 2008; Lanzilotti et al., 2005; Ssemugabi
& de Villers, 2009; Triacca et al., 2004). However, the e-learning usability area is
still maturing (Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009) and the selection of appropriate
UEMsand measures for e-learning courses presents a challenging, if not a difficult
pp. 271-288
2. Research methodology
According to Kothari (1990, p. 8) “research methodology is a way to
systematically solve the research problem” and “research methods do constitute a part
of the research methodology”. Research methods may be understood as all those
methods/techniques that are used for conduction of research” (ibid) and can be put
into three groups: 1) methods for data collection; 2) statistical techniques for
establishing relationships between the data and the unknown, and 3) methods for
evaluating the accuracy of the results obtained.
For the researcher it is important to know which methods and techniques are
valuable for the research, to “understand the assumptions underlying various
techniques” and to “know criteria by which they can decide that certain techniques
and procedures will be applicable to certain problems and others will not” (ibid).
This research was conducted to:
identify and structure criteria that should be taken into account when
choosing the most appropriate methods/methodologies for usability
evaluation of e-learning systems,
identify and analyze existing usability evaluation methods/methodologies for
e-learning systems,
compare e-learning UEMs according to identified criteria.
It must be emphasized that not all authors that proposed UEMs for e-learning
use the term methodology to describe different aspects and procedures used to
evaluate e-learning systems usability. Some authors use the term method. In other
HCI researches, usability evaluation methods are sometimes called techniques. Thus,
in order to be consistent in terminology and avoid unnecessary listing, we used the
general term methods to refer to all methods, methodologies or frameworks
addressed in this paper regardless of their scope. The paper does not address the
quality factors of a particular method.
In order to structure the criteria relevant for the selection of the method for
usability evaluation of e-learning systems, three starting points were chosen key
criteria and questions used in (Holzinger, 2005), (Dix et al., 2004) and (Preece et al.,
Holzinger (2005) provided the following criteria for comparison of usability
evaluation techniques: 1) Applicably in Phase, 2) Required Time, 3) Needed Users,
4) Required Evaluators, 5) Required Equipment, 6) Required Expertise, 7) Intrusive.
The descriptions of criteria used for comparison of the methods were not provided.
Dix et al. (2004, pp. 357-360) described these criteria:
1) Stage in the cycle at which the evaluation is carried out (design vs.
implementation) refers to evaluation throughout the design process;
ensuring early evaluation brings the greatest pay-off since problems can be
easily resolved at this stage;
2) Style of evaluation (laboratory vs. field studies) refers to decision between
controlled experimentation in laboratory and field study, or including both;
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
3) Level of subjectivity or objectivity of the technique (subjective vs. objective)
considers knowledge and expertise of the evaluator; recognizing and
avoiding evaluator bias;
4) Type of measures provided (qualitative vs. quantitative measures) relates to
“the subjectivity or objectivity of the technique, with subjective techniques
tending to provide qualitative measures and objective techniques,
quantitative measures”;
5) Information provided considers the level of information or feedback
required from an evaluator (e.g. low-level, high-level);
6) Immediacy of the response refers to methods of recording “the user‟s
behavior at the time of the interaction itself”, e.g. think aloud method, and
methods relying “on the user‟s recollection of events”, e.g. a post-task
walkthrough (ibid, p. 359);
7) Level of interference implied (intrusiveness) the intrusiveness of the
technique itself relates to the immediacy of the response;
8) Resources required respecting the availability of resources: equipment,
time, money, participants, expertise of the evaluator and context.
Preece et al. (2002, p. 350) proposed the following criteria when choosing the
evaluation paradigm and techniques:
1) Users refers to involvement of appropriate users ensuring that they
represent the targeted user population (difference in experience, sex, age,
culture, education, personality); determining how the users will be involved
in evaluation (place, duration);
2) Facilities and equipment includes the equipment used in evaluation
(e.g.video camera, logging software, questionnaire forms etc.);
3) Schedule and budget constraints refers to planning evaluations that can be
completed on time and within the budget;
4) Expertise considers the level of expertise of the evaluation team.
“Usability of e-learning poses its own requirements, hence its usability
evaluation is different from that of general task-oriented systems and requires
different criteria” (Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009). Thus, another set of criteria
relevant in the context of e-learning were compiled by the authors of this paper, based
on an extensive literature review and analysis of several proposed e-learning usability
evaluation methods. These criteria are:
1) Method instrument(s) HCI methods and techniques used in the usability
evaluation method for e-learning systems;
2) Formal method background references to other methods, standards,
frameworks that enabled the creation of the method constructs;
3) Heuristics/guidelines for evaluation refers to the development of a set of
usability criteria, heuristics or guidelines that enable evaluation;
4) Pedagogical criteria integration inclusion of pedagogical criteria in
evaluation (e.g. learning outcomes, learner control, collaborative learning,
motivation, assessment, feedback);
5) Evaluation target the subject of evaluation (e.g. e-learning platform,
e-learning content, or both);
pp. 271-288
6) Evaluation of stakeholders roles evaluator‟s and/or user‟s profiles (e.g.
usability expert, teacher, course designer, administrator, end-user);
7) Empirical evidence of the method whether the method has been empirically
tested on the actual e-learning system;
8) Empirical comparison to other methods whether the method has been
compared against other UEMs to confirm that the procedure employed for a
specific test is suitable for its intended use and/or provides better problem
9) Future developments of the method indicates the presence and plan of new
empirical evidence or method validations.
All four sets of criteria for UEM selection were compared to find analogous
criteria. The final set of criteria (divided into general and specific criteria) is
presented in Table 1.
Next, several e-learning UEMs were selected for further analysis and
comparisons. To enter that procedure, a method had to satisfy the following criteria:
it extends the existing or proposes a new set of usability tools adapted to the
context of e-learning. Studies that evaluated e-learning applications without
further modification of traditional HCI methods to the requirements of e-
learning domain (e.g. new evaluation criteria, extended guidelines,
pedagogical perspective, different user roles) were excluded from the
analysis, and
it is empirically tested in Web-based learning environments.
According to the above criteria and an extensive review of relevant journals and
proceedings, the following methods, methodologies or approaches were identified
and selected: SUE methodology ( Ardito et al., 2004; Ardito et al., 2006; Costabile et
al., 2005), eLSE methodology (Lanzilotti et al., 2006), MiLE+ method (Bolchini &
Garzotto, 2008; Inversini et al., 2006; Triacca et al., 2004), “Multi-faceted framework
for usability evaluation of e-learning applications” (Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009),
“Usability evaluation method for e-learning applications” (Zaharias, 2006) and
“PMQL Pedagogically Meaningful Learning Questionnaire” (Nokelainen, 2006).
However, since we did not systematically check all major HCI-related journals
and proceedings of major HCI-related conferences, we might have also missed some
relevant method. This can be regarded as one limitation of the study. Another
limitation is the absence of criteria related to quality factors of the method, e.g.
thoroughness, effectiveness etc., which is an important issue thatneeds to be
examined in its own right. Nevertheless, we believe that this paper presents a solid
overview of characteristics of the existing e-learning UEMs proposed lately.
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
Identified in
Applicably in phase
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005)
Required time
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005), Preece et al. (2002)
Required budget
Dix et al. (2004), Preece et al. (2002)
Needed users
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005), Preece et al. (2002)
Requirede valuators
Holzinger (2005)
Required expertise
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005), Preece et al. (2002)
Required equipment
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005), Preece et al. (2002)
Method intrusiveness
Dix et al. (2004), Holzinger (2005)
Style of evaluation
Dix et al. (2004), Preece et al. (2002)
Level of subjectivity or
objectivity of the technique
Dix et al. (2004)
Type of measures provided
Dix et al. (2004)
Information provided
Dix et al. (2004)
Immediacy of the response
Dix et al. (2004)
Method instrument(s)
Formal method background
Heuristics/guidelines for
Pedagogical criteria
Evaluation target
Evaluation of stakeholders‘
Empirical evidence of the
Empirical comparison with
other methods
Future developments of the
Tab. 1. Criteria forcomparison of usability evaluation methods for e-learning systems
and modules
3. Review of selected methods for usability evaluation of e-learning systems
3.1 SUE Methodology
Systematic Usability Evaluation or the SUE methodology, primarily developed
for usability evaluation of hypermedia systems, combines inspection with user-based
evaluation ( Ardito et al., 2004; Ardito et al., 2006; Costabile et al., 2005). Usability
evaluation is performed in two phases: a preparatory phase and an execution phase.
In the preparatory phase a conceptual framework for evaluation is created by
identifying usability attributes for analysis dimensions, considering the application‟s
domain. For each dimension, general usability principles (effectiveness and
pp. 271-288
efficiency) are decomposed into finer-grained criteria, where a number of usability
attributes or guidelines are associated to these criteria. Evaluation is performed using
evaluation patterns, called Abstract Tasks (AT), addressing the identified guidelines
(Ardito et al., 2004). This approach supports the evaluator in analyzing specific
components of the application and enables comparison of identified problems
performed by different evaluators. The preparatory phase is performed only once for
a specific application. The execution phase is performed every time the application is
evaluated, consisting of usability inspection, as an obligatory part of the phase, and
user testing, that may occur only in critical cases. Inspection is driven by ATs and
each inspector should prepare a report describing usability problems.
By adapting the SUE methodology for evaluation of e-learning applications,
four analysis dimensions are identified (Ardito et al., 2004; Ardito et al., 2006):
presentation, hypermediality, application proactivity and user activity. For each e-
learning dimension general usability principles, criteria and guidelines are derived.
ATs enable to evaluate features of an e-learning platform and e-learning modules and
are grouped in three categories: content insertion and content access, scaffolding, and
learning window.
Papers describing the SUE methodology ( Ardito et al., 2004; Ardito et al.,
2006; Costabile et al., 2005) give many details about the methodology‟s constructs,
but no details regarding resources, facilities and equipment, etc., needed to perform
evaluation of e-learning applications.
3.2 eLSE Methodology
Another systematic approach for e-learning systems evaluation is eLSE
methodology (e-Learning Systematic Evaluation) (Lanzilotti et al., 2006). The eLSE
methodology is derived from the SUE methodology and shares three characteristics
with it: 1) usability inspection, which is the central point of evaluation, followed by
user testing; 2) e-learning dimensions, called TICS, which describe almost the same
concepts as SUE, but under different names: Technology (hypermediality in SUE),
Interaction (combines presentation and user activity in SUE), Content (refers to
educational process, partially covered by hypermediality in SUE) and Services
(application proactivity in SUE); 3) inspection guided by ATs that address one or
more TICS guidelines. Like SUE, this methodology enables the evaluation of an e-
learning platform and educational modules (learning objects).
Usability evaluation process is also organized in the preparatory phase, where
ATs are defined, and the execution phase. In the execution phase, a systematic
inspection is performed using ATs classified in two categories: Content learnability
and Quality in use. After inspection, user testing is performed when disagreement
about identified problems occurs between inspectors. Users are observed while
performing Concrete Tasks (CT) formulated from identified critical ATs by
inspectors. The evaluation process is finished when the evaluation report is generated
describing usability problems detected in AT inspection and possibly during user
The AT inspection part of the eLSE methodology has been validated against
heuristic evaluation and thinking aloud, resulting in more usability problems
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
identified by AT inspection, discovering problems specific to the e-learning domain
as well (Lanzilotti et al., 2006). However, no evidence of further methodology
development has been identified.
3.3 MiLE+ Method
MiLE+ method (acronym for Milano-Lugano Evaluation method) is another
method that integrates techniques and evaluation strategies from various „traditional‟
usability evaluation methods (heuristic evaluation, scenario driven evaluation,
cognitive walkthrough, and task based testing) (Bolchini & Garzotto, 2008; Inversini
et al., 2006; Triacca et al., 2004), similarly as SUE and eLSE. Originally, the MiLE
method was developed for Web application evaluation, evolving to MiLE+ on the
basis of MiLE and SUE methodology concepts. The method has been adapted and
applied to usability evaluation of e-learning Web-based systems as well (Inversini et
al., 2006; Triacca et al., 2004).
The focus of MiLE+ is on usability inspection performed through two usability
activities (Bolchini & Garzotto, 2008): 1) requirements-independent analysis or
Technical Inspection, where usability is evaluated from a „technical‟ and „objective‟
point of view, and 2) requirements-dependent analysis or User Experience
Inspection, where usability is examined in terms of fulfillment of specific needs of
specific users in specified contexts of use.
Technical Inspection applies random heuristic evaluation or, preferably,
scenario-based evaluation using technical heuristics organized into six design
dimensions (navigation, content, technology, semiotics, cognitives and graphics),
which share similarities with SUE and eLSE dimensions. After that, the inspector
performs User Experience Inspection to „put him/herself into the shoes‟ of the user to
anticipate problems encountered by end-users during their experience with an
Main constructs of MiLE+ are as follows: 1) scenarios they are defined on
macro and micro levels to identify user types, profiles and their goals within the
context of use. In the context of e-learning, user types are learner and
instructor/teacher. The result of scenario definition is a structured set of tasks and
goals associated to each user profile;2) heuristics scenarios are supported by
heuristics (usability guidelines/principles) that guide technical inspection and user
experience inspection; 3) Usability Evaluation Kits (U-KITs) a library of specific
evaluation tools comprised of a library of Technical Heuristics with 82 heuristics, a
library of User Experience Indicators with 20 indicators, and a library of scenarios
(User Profiles, Goals and Tasks) related to a specific domain.
After inspection, user testing may be performed for the most critical scenarios,
goals and tasks identified by inspectors.
The MiLE+ method is more systematic and structured than other evaluation
techniques (Bolchini & Garzotto, 2008) and is being constantly revised. Its advantage
is in the reuse of scenarios and heuristics, which makes it suitable for novice
evaluators. In the context of e-learning, it supports inspection with different user
roles, but does not offer many heuristics for the pedagogical perspective or
instructional design.
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3.4 Multi-faceted framework for usability evaluation of e-learning applications
The framework for usability evaluation proposed in (Ssemugabi & de Villers,
2009) also combines several usability evaluation methods, applying a different
approach thanthat in the methods above. In previous methods user testing comes after
heuristic evaluation and is performed only for critical problems, while here user
testing was performed by applying a questionnaire independently of heuristic
evaluation results. The goal of the study was not to create a new e-learning UEM, but
compare the results of different usability evaluation methods adapted to the context
of e-learning.
The framework for evaluation was the same for evaluators and users and was
based on a set of 20 usability criteria defined in three categories: 1) „learning with
software‟ heuristics from (Squires &Preece, 1999), 2) Website-specific criteria for
educational Websites, and 3) learner-centered instructional design criteria. For each
criterion a list of sub criteria or guidelines were generated.
First, user testing with students using an e-learning application during the
semester was performed, applying a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale to
measure learners‟ perception of usability according to criteria from the defined
framework. After that, a focus group interview with 8 students was performed to
clarify the problems identified.
Also, the heuristic evaluation took place with two evaluators having expertise in
HCI and two double experts‟ with expertise in HCI, instructional design and
teaching. The experts evaluated an e-learning application independently after
familiarizing with the set of heuristics (excluding the criteria regarding personal
learning experience), the evaluation process and the e-learning application. After the
results of evaluators were aggregated and compiled with the learners‟ problems
identified by the questionnaire, a final list of usability problems was given to
evaluators to rate the severity of problems.
The analysis of results showed that 4 evaluators identified more usability
problems (77% out of total 75 problems) than 61 learners (73% out of total 75
problems), which gives the heuristic evaluation method advantage in terms of
effectiveness, efficacy and cost (Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009).
This evaluation approach could be enhanced by conducting user testing during
the usersactual interaction with the interface, since the assessment of the interface
based on memory recall is not reliable (Holzinger, 2005).
3.5 Usability evaluation method for e-learning applications
This generically named method has been developed for user testing considering
two aspects: cognitive and affective. The method is actually a psychometric-type
questionnaire used to measure learners‟ perception of e-learning applications
usability and learners‟ intrinsic motivation to learn (Zaharias, 2006). The
questionnaire has been designed on the postulates of the ARCS Model of Motivational
Design by Keller and Questionnaire Design Methodology by Kirakowski and Corbett
(Zaharias, 2006; Zaharias, 2009).
The main questionnaire‟s constructs were extracted from a conceptual
framework, which employs the following parameters: Navigation, Learnability,
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
Accessibility, Consistency, Visual Design, Interactivity, Content & Resources, Media
Use, Learning Strategies Design, Instructional Feedback, Instructional Assessment
and Learner Guidance & Support. The questionnaire has undergone several versions,
with the last one containing 39 items measuring e-learning usability parameters (Web
design and instructional design parameters) and 10 items measuring motivation to
learn. The method has been validated in two pilot studies in corporate settings on
asynchronous e-learning applications. So far, it has not been established whether the
method was combined with other usability evaluation methods.
3.6 PMQL Pedagogically Meaningful Learning Questionnaire
The questionnaire named Pedagogically Meaningful Learning Questionnaire
(PMQL) is a method aimed at measuring subjective user satisfaction with e-learning
platform and e-learning materials (Nokelainen, 2006). It was developed on the basis
of usability criteria addressing technical usability and pedagogical usability. The
focus is on the assessment of pedagogical usability of digital learning materials
through ten dimensions: Learner control, Learner activity, Cooperative/
Collaborative learning, Goal orientation, Applicability, Added value, Motivation,
Valuation of previous knowledge, Flexibility and Feedback.
The questionnaire has undergone two instances of empirical psychometric
testing and its final version contains 56 items that measure user satisfaction on a five-
point Likert scale. Items that measure issues about e-learning system or issues about
content are clearly distinguished. Empirical testing of the questionnaire was
performed in elementary school settings.
The criteria developed for PMQL can also be used as the basis for heuristic
evaluation (ibid). However, no evidence of further research in that direction or new
questionnaire revisions has been found.
4. A comparison of usability evaluation methods for e-learning systems
The methods described in the previous section were compared against the
general and specific criteria crucial for choosing the most appropriate method
proposed in Section 2.The results of comparison are presented in Table 2. The data
about the method regarding particular criteria not found in the available papers are
marked with N/A. Some data were not explicitly described in the papers but could be
extracted as tacit knowledge. Those data are marked with an asterisk (*).
As seen in Table 2, for the majority of e-learning UEMs general data about the
practical applicability of the method, e.g. different resources required, are not
available or can only be assumed. Also, some of the methods do not address all
specific issues relevant for e-learning systems and modules. In the context of e-
learning, methods should enable identification of usability problems related not only
to useri nterface, but to learning and pedagogy as well. Different roles that users can
have should also be addressed and that aspect is present only in the MiLE+ method.
Furthermore, the majority of proposed e-learning UEMs are not compared agains t o
ther UEMs to justify their advantages.
pp. 271-288
Tab. 2. A comparison of usability evaluation methods for e-learning systems
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
(Table 2 continued)
pp. 271-288
(Table 2 continued)
Plantak Vukovac, D.; Kirinic, V. & Klicek, B.: A Comparison of Usability Evaluat…
5. Conclusions and future work
In this paper several methods for usability evaluation of e-learning systems that
have emerged lately are compared. The comparison is done by identifying general
and specific criteria which facilitate the selection of the appropriate method to
determine usability problems. The selection of usability evaluation methods is not an
easy task and is influenced by time, cost, efficiency, effectiveness, and ease of
application (Ssemugabi & de Villers, 2009), as well as the scope of method
application in the e-learning context. From the comparison of current e-learning
UEMs by criteria that are crucial when choosing the appropriate research method, it
is evident that many of them lack basic instructions about practical application and
resources needed to perform the method. The lack of such information could prevent
wider adoption of the method in practice, both in academic and professional
Methods for usability evaluation of e-learning applications, such as SUE,
MiLE+ or eLSE, which integrate several traditional usability evaluation methods, to
some extent evaluate specific aspects of an e-learning platform or educational
content. While their focus is on scenario-based usability inspection, user testing is not
obligatory but may be driven for critical scenarios/tasks identified by evaluators.
Evaluation of user‟s satisfaction or motivation is not performed.
On the other hand, approaches that are based on user testing integrate
pedagogical usability into psychometrically validated questionnaires. However, these
one-dimensional approaches are based on subjective assessment of users and lack
identification of objective usability problems that are revealed with other methods.
So far, none of the examined methods has enabled comprehensive usability
evaluation of e-learning platforms and educational modules considering a wide range
of specific e-learning attributes. Thus, further research is needed to adapt the current
methods to more integrative approaches. Without adjusting the current design
guidelines and usability evaluation methods to the e-learning perspective, there is a
danger that in usability studies examining e-learning platforms and e-courses
identification of important usability issues, particularly pedagogical ones, will be
In order to address limitations of the existing UEMs for e-learning, authors of
this paper are currently focusing their research efforts on developing a broader
conceptual framework with parameters and heuristics for technical and pedagogical
usability evaluation of e-learning systems and e-courses. That framework will
provide a basis for the adaptation of several inspection usability methods and user
testing methods to the e-learning context, forming an integrative usability evaluation
method for e-learning. The new method will be validated on several e-courses
provided on learning management systems.
pp. 271-288
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