How to Apply for the Master of Teaching
Step 1 - Check your eligibility ASSESSMENT REQUEST
To determine whether you meet the Board of Studies, Teaching & Educational Standards (BOSTES)
entry requirements, you may submit the attached Assessment Request form (including
supporting documentation) to the School of Education. It is recommended that Assessment Request
Forms are submitted by 30 June. This form will not be accepted after 30 September.
Send your Assessment Request to:
Master of Teaching
School of Education
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522
We will assess your undergraduate study (and appropriate postgraduate study) based on BOSTES
Subject Content Requirements and issue you with a Letter of Assessment within 20 working days via
email. For further information refer to:
Once you have received the Letter of Assessment advising that you satisfy the BOSTES entry
requirements, you may apply for entry to the course.
Step 2 - Submit an application for entry to the Master of Teaching
The Postgraduate Coursework Application can be downloaded from the website below, or you may
choose to apply online. Your application MUST be received by UniAdvice by 31 October.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Your Postgraduate Coursework Application will need to include the following documents:
1. A copy of the Letter of Assessment received (via email) from the School of Education;
2. Evidence of completing any additional subjects outlined in the Letter of Assessment; and
3. A certified copy of your Transcript. UOW graduates may submit a copy of their UOW Enrolment
Your application will be assessed against the following criteria set by the School of Education:
1. Applicants must hold a completed Bachelor degree before commencing the Master of
Teaching. This degree must meet the entry requirements of the BOSTES, for teaching in the
desired program and/or methods (Secondary programs). To be eligible for a Secondary double
teaching method students must have a major (as defined by BOSTES) in the relevant area.
2. A strong academic performance is required. That is, at least a credit average, for example, a
minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM/GPA) of 70.
3. For students entering the MTeach Primary program: As teaching in primary schools requires
over 40% of the teaching day to be focused on Literacy and Numeracy, it is strongly
recommended by the School of Education that a student should study both Mathematics and
English in their undergraduate degree. It is also recommended that a broad range of subjects
within undergraduate studies be successfully undertaken in order to support knowledge and
understanding of subject content across the KLAs within the Primary curriculum.
4. There are a number of positions reserved for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students.
Students should indicate in their application if they wish to be considered for these places.
5. UOW graduates will receive preference over an equally qualified non-UOW graduate.
Return to: Master of Teaching, School of Education, University of Wollongong, WOLLONGONG 2522, or email to:
Assessment Request
for the Master of Teaching
It is recommended that Assessment Request Forms are submitted to the School of Education by 30 June. This form will
not be accepted after 30 September.
Given Name
Date of Birth
UOW student
Postal Address
E-mail *
Daytime Phone
Mobile Phone
*The Assessment Letter will be sent to this email address within 20 working days. UOW students are required to provide
their University email account. The University often has issues emailing Hotmail accounts.
Year in which you intend to start the degree:
Intended Campus for Study: Wollongong Full time Part time not available
Shoalhaven Full time Part time
Batemans Bay Full time Part time
Bega Full time Part time
Southern Highlands Full time Part time
Have you previously submitted a Formal Assessment Request application? Yes No
Indicate which program(s) for which you wish to be assessed:
Secondary select the teaching method(s) for which you wish to be assessed. Please note: All Methods may not be
offered each year. Please choose EITHER one double method OR two single methods:
Select ONE double method:
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Visual Arts
Science (choose 2): Biology
Earth & Environmental Science
Select TWO single methods:
Aboriginal Studies
Business Studies
Legal studies
Society and Culture
Drama (Drama is only offered in addition to two other
teaching areas)
Please send me information about the Education Student Society
Check List
I have attached a certified copy of my academic transcript or enrolment record (UOW students only)
I have attached descriptive information on each of my subjects [for non-UOW students only]