Document 102
Subcommittee of the Executive Committee
May 11, 2015
1. Meetings: The Subcommittee shall meet upon call by its Chair, the Dean of the
School of Business, a majority of its members, or a majority of the Executive
Committee of the School of Business.
2. Reports: As set out in Document 101, the Subcommittee shall submit an annual
report of its activities to the Executive Committee.
3. Responsibilities
a. Tenure Appointments: Whenever a prospective staff member is being
considered for a tenured position in the School of Business, members of
the Subcommittee, individually or as a group, may be consulted about the
prospect. If the department recommends that an offer be extended, the
Subcommittee will vote on the recommendations. The action of the
Subcommittee shall be reported to the Executive Committee and voted
upon by them in the manner stated in Section 5(b) of School of Business
Document 101.
The starting salary for a tenured person is primarily a matter of
negotiation, but the Subcommittee shall review proposed salary offers in
terms of equity and standards.
b. Non-tenure Appointments: The Subcommittee shall have no direct
responsibility in connection with the selection and hiring of assistant
professors and instructors, except as provided in Paragraph g, below,
unless a department requests the advice of the Subcommittee. The
Subcommittee shall, however, be informed in connection with all offers
made at the assistant professor level so that school-wide priorities at both
tenured and probationary levels shall be established, followed, and
coordinated. The Subcommittee shall have responsibility for the approval
of visiting appointments only in those cases in which the individual’s
assignment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is temporary, but there
is no “home institution” involved, in accord with university policy. In such a
case the Subcommittee reviews the individual’s credentials in comparison
with similarly qualified members of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
faculty after the receipt of a recommendation from the Chair. The
Subcommittee will base its recommendation upon the fact that the
individual has a terminal degree and its judgment that the individual would
be qualified to be considered for appointment as a tenure track faculty
member and, except in extraordinary circumstances, would have a full-
time appointment, customarily for one year but for a maximum of two
years. Recommendation of the level for such visiting appointment will be
based upon the credentials of the individual.
c. Salaries: For purposes of annual salary reviews, each department chair
shall forward departmental recommendations to the Subcommittee and
the Dean. Presentations by the department chair may be made in person
to the Subcommittee if desired. The format of the recommendations shall
be established by the Subcommittee. The process for determining the
departmental recommendations is the responsibility of the departmental
executive committee. The Subcommittee shall give due heed to the
unique performance criteria for those faculty having primarily outreach
In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the Subcommittee to consult
with the Dean of the School prior to and during the process of budget
preparation and at other appropriate times to consider matters related to
individual salaries, and the relationship of salaries among departments. As
one of its functions, the Subcommittee shall communicate general criteria
for salary increases to all faculty members.
d. Promotions: Recommendations for promotion shall originate in the
departments. Supporting data shall be provided to the Subcommittee in
written form no less than 18 calendar days prior to the deadline for
submission to the Dean’s office for review by the executive committee,
and, if desired, through a personal presentation of the department chair.
Under exceptional circumstances, a shorter time period may be approved
by the Subcommittee Chair. The Subcommittee may discuss with the
Dean all candidates recommended for promotion and shall make its
recommendation a minimum of five working days prior to the meeting of
the Executive Committee. The vote of the Executive Committee shall be
prior to the submission of a recommendation to the Social Studies
Divisional Executive Committee.
When candidates for promotion are to be discussed at an Executive
Committee meeting, each member of the Executive Committee (where
pertinent by rank) shall be notified of the names of said candidates at least
five working days prior to the meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the
candidate’s departmental chair to provide the documentation relevant to
the promotion. This information shall be available in the Dean’s Office, or
distributed to the appropriate Executive Committee members, five working
days prior to the Executive Committee meeting.
As initial guidelines for promotions, the Subcommittee shall be familiar
with the criteria being followed by the Social Studies Divisional Executive
Committee. The Subcommittee shall give attention to teaching, research
and publication, administrative assignments, and professional service. It is
expected that such activities will be documented according to the
guidelines set forth by the Divisional Executive Committee. The
Subcommittee shall give due heed to the unique performance criteria for
those faculty having primarily outreach responsibilities. The Subcommittee
shall have authority to appoint a special committee to assist in its
As one of its functions, the Subcommittee shall communicate general
criteria for promotion to all faculty members.
e. Grievances: The Subcommittee shall be available to all faculty members
in the event of grievances.
f. Dismissals: The Subcommittee shall receive appeals of dismissals at the
request of the appellant. The Subcommittee’s primary function shall be to
serve as an objective body to consider different points of view involved in
such cases in terms of standards and criteria. At the request of the
appellant, the recommendations of the Subcommittee shall be reported to
the Executive Committee.
g. Leaves of Absence: The Subcommittee shall review all requests for
leave of absence, temporary assignment, or extension of the tenure clock.
When there is sufficient need for confidentiality of information that would
otherwise lead the Subcommittee to materially limit open discussion of
rationale, the Subcommittee shall inform the Executive Committee of its
decision in granting the request on behalf of the Executive Committee. In
other cases the Subcommittee will make a recommendation to the
Executive Committee and will present the rationale for the request.
h. Other: The Subcommittee may, on its own initiative, originate
recommendations to the Chairs Committee, the School Executive
Committee, or the Dean with respect to School of Business affairs