Lectures: MW 12:00 - 1:20pm
1200 EECS
Discussion Section: F 11:30am - 12:20pm
1200 EECS
Instructor: Krista Wigginton
Office: 181 EWRE
Office Hours: M 2:00-3:00pm in 181 EWRE
W 3:00pm-4:00pm in 181 EWRE
Email: kwigg@umich.edu
Textbook: Environmental Engineering Science
by Nazaroff and Alvarez-Cohen
ISBN 0-474-14494-0
GSI: Margaret Reuter
Email: mmreuter@umich.edu
Office Hours: Tu 3pm 4pm in EWRE 153
Th 12pm-1pm in EWRE 153
Objectives. This course examines the basic physical, chemical, and biological
principles that determine the fate of pollutants in environmental and engineered
systems. We will also be introduced to the regulations that have been established to
mitigate harmful effects of pollutants. The course is valuable as a prerequisite to more
advanced courses in environmental engineering and an introduction to environmental
constraints that are increasingly important to other engineering disciplines.
At the completion of the course, students should be able to:
Work with environmental units of concentration, liquid flow rates, and mass flow
Given the rate of reaction and mass flow rate, compute the concentration of a
pollutant in air or water and to develop mass balances for CMFRs and PFRs.
Understand basic physical principles and processes involved in pollutant
transport and removal.
Understand the basic principles of aqueous chemistry and disinfection.
Given the characteristics of a chemical, such as vapor pressure and solubility,
determine equilibrium concentrations.
Employ models to estimate the concentration of D.O. in streams and air
pollutants downwind of a point source.
Summarize the major U.S. environmental regulations.
Lecture Materials. Lectures material will be posted online the evening before class.
Lecture materials have the outline of the lecture, and details will be filled in during the
lecture. If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to get notes from a
fellow classmate.
Textbook and Other Reading Assignments. Readings will be assigned and posted
prior to nearly every class and discussion section. Much of the assigned text will be
from our textbook, but other material will sometimes be posted.
Homework. I will assign homework assignments every other week throughout the
semester. The homework sets will be graded and are essential for good performance on
the exams. Working together on homework is encouraged, but each student should
submit their own copy of the homework written in their own handwriting. Hard copies of
homework assignments will be due in the course homework box in EWRE 173 by 12pm
on the deadline. Solutions to homework will be posted immediately after homework is
due so that students can use solutions to study for quizzes. For this reason, late
homework submissions will not be accepted.
Homework problems should be solved on gridded engineering paper on only one side.
Your work must be neat and legible and the paper should be stapled together and
numbered. Clearly state the given information and any assumptions in solving the
problem. Units must be specified on all numbers used in formulas, tables, sketches with
dimensions and graphs. Graph axes must be clearly labeled. Use a pencil for your work.
Sketches, graphs, and text should be large enough to easily read. Answers should be
clearly marked (i.e., circled, boxed, or underlined). Please be conscious that the number
of significant digits in all of your numbers reflects the significant digits in your given
information. Short answer homework problems can be typed and printed. You will be
marked down for not following these homework guidelines.
iClicker questions. To strongly encourage student participation in class, I will pose
iClicker questions and problems on the material through my lectures. Participation
points will be awarded for iClicker responses each class. At the end of the semester, 2
days of iClicker responses will be discarded from each student’s grades—this is for
days you miss class and days you have problems with your i>clickers.
iClickers. The i>clicker audience response system (clickers) will be used daily in this
class. Please purchase an i>clicker device. You will need to register your remotes on
the course Canvas site (NOTE: this has to be done every year). See the i>clicker tab on
the left hand side of the CEE 365 Canvas site to register.
iClickers are available for purchase from the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union
and Pierpont Commons. The cost for a new i>clicker is $38 and the cost of used
i>clickers is $28 (while supplies last). At the end of the term, your clicker can be sold
back to the Computer Showcase for $18. i>clicker devices can be shared between
students, but cannot be shared for the same class or for classes at the same time.
Students can explore additional information about clickers at
http://blogs.lsa.umich.edu/ltc/instructors/. Please contact me if making this purchase is
too much of a financial burden, and we can work together to find a solution.
Friday lectures. Friday meeting times are mandatory. In these lectures, we will have
section quizzes, conduct discussions/activities on major environmental regulations, and
work through additional example problems.
Section Quizzes. Six midterm quizzes are scheduled, with most during the Friday
Discussion Section. Most quizzes will include a few short qualitative questions (e.g.
multiple choice, fill in the blank, draw a diagram) and a quantitative problem with
multiple parts. You will have the entire 50 minutes to take the quiz, although they will be
designed to take 30 minutes. I will post the equations that will be provided on quizzes as
well as a review guide. At the end of the semester, your lowest quiz score will be
discarded from your overall grade. Cell phones will not be allowed to be on desks during
the quizzes; therefore, you should bring a calculator without wifi access to all quizzes
and the final exam.
For quizzes that are missed due to excused absences, there will be a single make-up
quiz time on December 12 at 2pm. You may choose to either take the make-up quiz or
use your missed quiz as your throw-out grade.
Final Exam. The final exam will be held on Tuesday, December 18, from 1:30 pm-3:30
pm. I will schedule an alternative exam time for students who have more than 2 exams
scheduled on the 18
. The final exam will be multiple choice.
Academic Integrity. The College of Engineering is a community in which personal
responsibility, honesty, fairness, respect, and mutual trust are maintained. You are
expected to practice the highest possible standards of academic integrity. Any deviation
from this expectation will result in a minimum academic penalty of your failing the
assignment, and will result in additional disciplinary measures. This includes, but not
limited to, cheating, using unauthorized material during exams, using or copying another
student’s work, and any other form of academic misrepresentation. For a list of actions
that constitute misconduct, and possible sanctions for those actions, please see the
Code of Conduct at http://www.lsa.umich.edu/academicintegrity/.
Grading. As my ultimate goal is to help everyone learn the material and to earn an “A”,
there is no curve in this class. The following table provides an approximate breakdown
of points available throughout the semester.
50 each
Daily iClicker Questions
4 each
Section Quizzes*
100 each
Final Comprehensive Exam
Approximate Total
*At end of semester, lowest quiz score and homework score gets thrown out of
total grade
I want each student’s standing to be perfectly clear throughout the semester. I
therefore do not curve the grades. At the end of the semester, the total earned points
will be divided by the total offered points (see table above). Grades will be assigned
based on the earned percentages: A+ 98.0-100%, A 92.0-97.9%, A- 90.0-91.9%, B+
88.0-89.9, B 82.0-87.9%, B- 80.0-81.9, C+ 78.0-79.9, C 72.0-77.9%, C- 70.0-71.9, D+
68.0-69.9, D 62.0-67.9%, D- 60.0-61.9, E <60.0%, X Missed Final, I Incomplete.
Regrading. I consider your grade to be extremely important and strongly encourage
you to bring substantial errors (> 3%) in grading to my attention. However, only written
requests for regrading will be considered and they must be submitted within one week
of when I return the graded assignment/exam to the class. If you first approach me in
person regarding your grade, I will not consider your request at all. Your written request
must be brief, to the point, and accompanied by the original unaltered work under
Missed Classes and Exams. Only excused absences (as defined by UM) will be
considered for quiz and assignment make-ups.
Commitment to Equal Opportunity. I am committed to a policy of equal opportunity
for all persons and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability,
religion, height, weight, or veteran status. Please feel free to contact me with any
problem, concern, or suggestion. I ask that all students treat each other with respect.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. If you think you need an
accommodation for a disability, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Some
aspects of this course, the assignments, the in-class activities, and the way the course
is usually taught may be modified to facilitate your participation and progress. As soon
as you make us aware of your needs, we can work with the Services for Students with
Disabilities (SSD) office to help us determine appropriate academic accommodations.
SSD (734-763-3000; http://ssd.umich.edu) typically recommends accommodations
through a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form. Any
information you provide is private and confidential and w
Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. The University of Michigan is committed to
advancing the mental health and wellbeing of its students. If you or someone you know
is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support, services are available.
For help, contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (734) 764-
8312 and https://caps.umich.edu/ during and after hours, on weekends and holidays, or
through its counselors physically located in schools on both North and Central Campus.
You may also consult University Health Service (UHS) at (734) 764-
8320 and https://www.uhs.umich.edu/mentalhealthsvcs, or for alcohol or drug concerns,
see www.uhs.umich.edu/aodresources.
For a listing of other mental health resources available on and off campus,
visit: http://umich.edu/~mhealth/.
Below is the planned schedule for the semester. Monday and Wednesday meeting
times are in white, Friday meeting times are in gray. I will do my best to stick to this
schedule, but there may be unforeseen changes. I will announce on Canvas each time I
update the syllabus.
Lecture Schedule
Where material will
be assessed
Sept. 5
Quiz 1
Sept. 7
Quiz 1
Quiz 1
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Oct. 1
Quiz 2
Oct. 3
Quiz 3
Oct. 5
Oct. 8
Quiz 3
Oct. 10
Quiz 3
Oct. 12
Quiz 3
Oct. 15
Oct. 17
Quiz 3
Oct. 19
Quiz 3
Oct. 22
Quiz 3
Oct. 24
Quiz 4
Oct. 26
Oct. 29
Quiz 4
Oct. 31
Quiz 4
Nov. 2
Quiz 4
Nov. 5
Quiz 4
Nov. 7
Quiz 5
Nov. 9
Nov. 12
Quiz 5
Nov. 14
Quiz 5
Nov. 16
Quiz 5
Nov. 19
Quiz 5
Nov. 21
Quiz 6
Nov. 23
Nov. 26
Quiz 6
Nov. 28
Quiz 6
Nov. 30
Quiz 6
Dec. 3
Quiz 6
Dec. 5
Dec. 7
Dec. 10
**Reading material will be announced at the beginning of each week on CTools
Homework Schedule
Date Due
Sept. 5
Wednesday, Sept.
19, 12pm
Sept. 19
Wednesday, Oct. 3,
Oct. 3
Wednesday, Oct.
24, 12pm
Oct. 24
Wednesday, Nov. 7,
Nov. 7
Wednesday Nov.
21, 12pm
Nov. 21
Wednesday, Dec. 5,
Homework solutions will be posted on Canvas by 2pm on the day they are due. No late
homework submissions will be accepted. The lowest HW grade will be thrown out from
your grade at the end of the semester.