Duration: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2025
Collective Agreement
Concordia University of Edmonton
Concordia University College of
Alberta Faculty Association
Preamble ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Academic Freedom .................................................................................................................. 7
3 Agreement Review and Amendment ...................................................................................... 8
4 Recognition, Representation and Association Dues ............................................................... 9
5 Employer Rights ..................................................................................................................... 11
6 Strikes and Lockouts .............................................................................................................. 11
7 Initial Appointments: Faculty Members ................................................................................ 11
8 The Faculty Members’ Rights, Responsibilities and Work Assignment ................................ 13
9 Ranks and Categories of Appointments and Continuing Appointments for Faculty Members ........ 21
10 Annual Evaluation for Faculty Members ........................................................................... 26
11 Advancement in Rank ........................................................................................................ 29
12 Re-Entry of Administrators ................................................................................................ 36
13 Discipline: Faculty Members .............................................................................................. 36
14 Non-Discrimination and Harassment ................................................................................. 41
15 Retirement ......................................................................................................................... 41
16 Salary and Benefits ............................................................................................................ 44
17 Intellectual Property .......................................................................................................... 46
18 Faculty Member Vacation .................................................................................................. 46
19 Medical Leave .................................................................................................................... 48
20 Leaves of Absence .............................................................................................................. 49
21 Sabbatical ........................................................................................................................... 55
22 Travel at the Request of the University ............................................................................. 59
23 Effective Date ..................................................................................................................... 59
24 Reduction in Force Through Financial Exigency or Program Redundancy ........................ 59
25 Grievance and Arbitration ................................................................................................. 61
26 Official File ......................................................................................................................... 65
27 Association Work ............................................................................................................... 66
28 [Vacant] .............................................................................................................................. 67
29 Application and Recognition .............................................................................................. 67
30 Application of Articles ........................................................................................................ 67
31 [Vacant] .............................................................................................................................. 68
32 Appointments .................................................................................................................... 68
33 Work Assignment and Other Responsibilities ................................................................... 69
34 Academic Service Officer Vacation .................................................................................... 69
35 Medical Leave .................................................................................................................... 70
36 Salary, Payroll and Other Benefits (ASO) ........................................................................... 71
37 Annual Performance Review ............................................................................................. 72
38 Discipline ............................................................................................................................ 73
39 Librarians ............................................................................................................................ 74
40 Field Placement Coordinators ............................................................................................ 75
41 Laboratory Instructors ....................................................................................................... 75
Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 78
Concordia University of Edmonton is a publicly funded Independent Academic Institution
pursuant to the Post-Secondary Learning Act and the Concordia University of Edmonton Act
Concordia University of Edmonton is a community of learning grounded in scholarship and
academic freedom, preparing students to be independent thinkers, ethical leaders, and citizens
for the common good.
Concordia University of Edmonton values all that is best in teaching, research and scholarship,
and service and administration.
Among its employees the University promotes a culture of collegiality guided by its Mission and
1 Definitions
1.1 “Academic Year” means the year from September 1 to August 31.
1.2 “Academic Service Officer (ASO)” means an employee appointed to the position of
Librarian, Field Placement Coordinator, or Laboratory Instructor.
1.3 “Advancement in Rank Committee (AIRC)” means the standing committee of General
Faculties Council (GFC) that reviews any application for the advancement in rank of a
Faculty Member and renders a recommendation according to GFC policy.
1.4 “Agreement” means this Collective Agreement between Concordia University of
Edmonton and Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association.
1.5 “Association” means the Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association.
1.6 “Bargaining Unit” means the unit for which the Association is certified by the Alberta
Labour Relations Board.
1.7 “Board” means the Board of Governors of Concordia University of Edmonton.
1.8 “Business Day” means any day Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays
recognized by the Province of Alberta and those days when the University’s buildings
are closed.
1.9 “Conflict of Interest” means a real or apparent conflict between one’s professional or
official duties and one's private interests.
1.10 “Dean” means the head of a Faculty, including the Dean of Graduate Studies, or
1.11 “Department” means an academic department within a Faculty.
1.12 “Department Chair” or “Chair” means the head of a Department, including a Dean in
any case where a specific Department Chair is not assigned to a Department for any
1.13 “Employer” means Concordia University of Edmonton.
1.14 “Faculty” means an academic unit of Concordia University of Edmonton established as
such by the Board.
1.15 “Faculty Member” means an employee appointed to the position of Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor who falls within the Bargaining Unit.
1.16 “General Faculties Council (GFC)” means the General Faculties Council of Concordia
University of Edmonton.
1.17 “Grievance” means a claim, dispute, or complaint involving the interpretation,
application, administration, or alleged violation of a specific article of this Agreement.
1.18 “Grievor” means the Association which initiates a grievance on behalf of a Member, or
group of Members, or itself; or the Employer when it files a grievance on its own
1.19 “Member” means a Faculty Member or Academic Service Officer.
1.20 “President & Vice-Chancellor” means the President & Vice-Chancellor of Concordia
University of Edmonton.
1.21 “Ministry” means the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education or any replacement
body that may be established from time to time.
1.22 “Institutional Year” means the year from July 1 to June 30.
1.23 “University” means “Concordia University of Edmonton.”
2 Academic Freedom
2.1 The parties agree that the terms and conditions of this article on Academic Freedom
apply only to the Members.
2.2 The Parties agree that academic freedom grants Members the right to pursue
knowledge and truth in their research and to disseminate the findings of that
research both in their publications and in their classrooms.
2.3 The University upholds academic freedom of Members, recognizing it as essential to a
properly functioning university. The University affirms the Statement of Universities
Canada on Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy.
2.4 Academic freedom includes the freedom to challenge established paradigms, to
propose new theories, and to debate conventional thinking in all areas of inquiry. The
Parties particularly encourage, in the spirit of academic freedom, the active
questioning by Members and students of any secular, sacred, or ideological status
2.5 Members are free openly to examine, criticize, and dispute various academic points
of view. Members are expected to exercise their academic freedom conscientiously
by seeking accuracy in all their statements and by respecting other scholarly
2.6 When speaking and writing outside the institution on blogs, Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn, radio, Reddit, Snapchat, television, TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube, or in books,
cinematic productions, magazines, newspapers, podcasts or scientific journals,
Members enjoy the same freedoms and exercise the same responsibilities as other
citizens. Mindful that the public may judge the profession and the institution by their
public comments, the Parties agree that Members should strive to be accurate,
respect the opinions of others, and, when necessary, distinguish personal comments
from those authorized on behalf of the University. The University assumes no
responsibility for views expressed by Members when speaking and writing outside
the institution.
2.7 The Parties agree to uphold, protect, and promote academic freedom as essential to
the University's objective to serve the common good through searching for, and
disseminating, knowledge, truth, and understanding, and through fostering
independent thinking and expression by Members and students. Members have a
responsibility to support the academic freedom of students by encouraging free
inquiry, by showing respect for dissenting student opinions, and by providing the
opportunity for discussion and the expression of varying viewpoints, while treating all
students fairly, respectfully, and without prejudice.
2.8 Academic freedom does not require neutrality on the part of the Member. Academic
freedom makes intellectual discourse, critique and commitment possible.
2.9 Academic freedom does not confer legal immunity and carries with it the duty to use
that freedom in a responsible manner consistent with the scholarly obligation to base
research and teaching on an honest search for knowledge. In exercising their legal
rights, Members shall not be hindered or impeded by either Party in any manner
contrary to this Agreement.
2.10 The University recognizes that, as at any academic institution, freedoms are never
absolute. Where the limits of academic freedom are alleged to have been exceeded,
the University will apply the principles of procedural and natural justice in its
investigations. Contraventions of this Article and/or the University’s Statement of
Academic Freedom will be dealt with according to Article 13 (Discipline: Faculty
Members) or Article 25 (Grievance and Arbitration) or Article 38 (Discipline: Academic
Service Officers) of the Collective Agreement.
3 Agreement Review and Amendment
3.1 The parties shall form a Joint Committee consisting of two (2) individuals appointed
by the Employer and two (2) individuals appointed by the Association within ninety
(90) calendar days of the mutual ratification of this Agreement. The Association and
the Employer shall also each appoint one (1) alternate Committee member.
3.2 Members of the Joint Committee are normally appointed for the term of the
3.3 Only two (2) representatives of the Employer and two (2) representatives of the
Association shall be present at any meeting of the Joint Committee.
3.4 The Joint Committee shall review matters of concern arising from the administration
and application of this Agreement, excluding any dispute that is, at that time, being
addressed under the grievance and arbitration procedures set out in this Agreement.
This Committee shall attempt to foster better communication and more effective
working relationships between the Parties and shall attempt to maintain a spirit of
cooperation and respect between the Parties.
3.5 Meetings of the Joint Committee shall be chaired alternately by a representative of
the Employer and the Association.
3.6 The Joint Committee shall meet at least once per academic term. Meetings may be
cancelled by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Association, and additional
meetings may be held by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Association.
3.7 The Joint Committee shall have no power to modify the provisions of this Agreement,
but may recommend to the Parties changes to the administration and/or application
of this Agreement, or changes to the Agreement.
4 Recognition, Representation and Association Dues
4.1 The Employer recognizes the Association as the certified exclusive bargaining agent
for all Members in the Bargaining Unit.
4.2 The Employer shall not meet with any Member or group of Members undertaking to
represent the Association without written authorization of the Association Executive.
4.3 In representing a Member or group of Members, the Association shall elect or
appoint a representative to be the spokesperson.
4.4 Except where otherwise specified in this Agreement, correspondence between the
Association and the Employer arising out of this Agreement will pass between the
Vice-President Academic & Provost and the President of the Association, or their
4.5 Where written notice is specified in this Agreement, the Parties shall use the
University’s internal mail or electronic mail.
4.6 The Employer shall provide the Association with access to meeting rooms on the
same terms as University committees.
4.7 Once per Institutional Year, upon request, the Employer shall provide the President of
the Association the following information concerning each Member:
a) Name
b) Current rank
c) Date and Rank of initial appointment
d) A copy of the letter of appointment of any new Member(s)
e) Types and durations of leaves in the current Institutional Year
f) Promotions
g) Highest degree reported officially to the Human Resources Department.
h) Total service load and the distribution of that load (i.e., instructional and
administrative assignments)
i) Current annual salary
j) Result of most recent advancement in rank application
4.8 The Employer shall provide to the President of the Association a copy of all
correspondence between the Employer and any Member that communicates
decisions regarding permanency, renewal, promotion, discipline, dismissal, and the
disposition of a grievance. These copies shall be provided to the President of the
Association no later than three (3) business days following the day of the Member’s
4.9 The Association agrees to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the
privacy of individuals and undertakes that information provided pursuant to this
Article shall not be published or otherwise used in ways that could result in the
identification of individual Members. Further, all information stored beyond the
conclusion of the decisions under consideration shall be stripped of identifying
4.10 The Association shall provide the Employer with an up-to-date copy of the
Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, and amendments, and the names of the
Association Executive.
4.11 Upon ratification by the Parties, the Employer will prepare two (2) official copies of
the Agreement to be signed by the signing officers of the Employer and the
Association. Each party will receive one (1) official signed copy.
4.12 On behalf of the Association, the Employer shall deduct from the salary of each
Member in the Bargaining Unit the Association’s regular dues and/or other
assessments. The Association shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the amount of
its regular dues and/or other assessments, and advise the Employer at least thirty (30)
calendar days prior to the date of effect of any change in regular dues or
4.13 The dues deducted under this Article shall be remitted each pay period to the
account(s) specified by the Association. A list of the Members from whom dues have
been deducted along with the amounts deducted from each Member will be made
available to the Association by Human Resources at the beginning of each quarter of
the calendar year. The Association shall indemnify and save harmless the Employer
from any claim made against it pursuant to the deduction or non-deduction of
Association dues.
5 Employer Rights
5.1 The Employer retains all rights and functions, powers, privileges, and authority in
managing the affairs of the University, excepting only those that are specifically
relinquished or as may be specifically restricted in this Agreement.
5.2 The Employer will keep a current and available record of all policies, procedures and
standards of the institution and provide copies to the Association when such
documents are revised.
6 Strikes and Lockouts
6.1 The Association agrees that, during the term of this Agreement, it will not authorize
or condone any strike. The Employer agrees that, during the term of this Agreement,
it will not lock out Members. The terms “strike” and “lockout” shall bear the meaning
given them in the Alberta Labour Relations Code.
7 Initial Appointments: Faculty Members
7.1 The responsibility of initiating continuing Faculty Member appointments is that of the
Vice-President Academic & Provost and the appropriate Dean. The appropriate Dean
conducts a review of the need for the position in consultation with the Faculty
Members of the relevant department.
7.2 The process of developing recommendations on the initial appointment of a Faculty
Member is a peer review process. The University recognizes that input from Faculty
Members of the same discipline as that of the contemplated appointment is
important. The guiding objective is to attract and appoint the most highly qualified
candidates. In its deliberations, the search committee shall consider various factors
a) academic credentials;
b) program fit with the relevant academic unit;
c) evidence of positive teaching performance;
d) record of clear potential for a strong research record;
e) acknowledgement of the Mission and Vision of the University;
f) all pre-employment checks and verifications specified in the advertisement for
the position; and
g) suitability for appointment.
7.3 In consultation with the Vice-President Academic & Provost, the Dean establishes a
search committee. The search committee includes the appropriate Department Chair
and Faculty Members from the same or related discipline, as well as the Dean. The
Vice-President Academic & Provost, and the President & Vice-Chancellor may
participate ex officio.
7.4 The search committee will determine search and selection procedures designed to
elicit information about the candidate’s suitability for the position and treat
candidates fairly. The selection procedures shall include components to assess the
candidate related to teaching, and research and scholarship.
7.5 The search committee reaches a conclusion based on all the information before it and
makes a recommendation to the Dean. The Dean then makes a recommendation to
the Vice-President Academic & Provost.
7.6 Members of the search committee are responsible for protecting the confidentiality
of personal information which they may obtain in the course of the search.
7.7 The appointment of a Faculty Member shall be made by the President & Vice-
Chancellor, in consideration of the recommendation of the relevant Dean and in
consultation with the Vice-President Academic & Provost.
7.8 A letter of appointment will be provided to new Faculty Members at the time of hire.
This letter will include but not be limited to:
Grid placement
Period of appointment
The appointment letter will also include a statement indicating that the appointee
shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the University as well as terms and
conditions outlined within the collective agreement, which may be promulgated or
amended from time to time.
8 The Faculty Members’ Rights, Responsibilities and Work
The workload provisions of this article apply to all Faculty Members.
8.1 The responsibilities of a Faculty Member shall include:
a) Participation in teaching programs, including classroom teaching, supervision
and advising students in areas related to the Faculty Member’s area of
b) Participation in research and scholarship (which may include the creation or
performance of creative works and reflective inquiry), and the dissemination of
the results of research according to the conditions found in 8.7 of this Article.
c) Provision of service to the Departments and Faculties of the University and their
professional disciplines.
d) Participation in the governance of the University, its Faculties and Departments.
e) If requested, dissemination of knowledge to the general public by making
available the Faculty Member’s expertise and knowledge of the discipline.
All of the above shall be carried out according to the standards established from time to
time by the General Faculties Council. The current standards shall be made available to
Members on CUE’s website as per clause 5.2 of this agreement and all changes shall be
brought to the attention of the Faculty Association.
8.2 Periods of Responsibility for Faculty Members
8.2.1 Months of teaching responsibility shall span two terms of the Academic Year
(normally Fall and Winter) except that with the consent of the Faculty Member,
the normal course load may be distributed over the full Academic Year. A Faculty
Member shall be assigned teaching responsibilities during the Spring and Summer
only with their consent, unless the Faculty Member teaches in a trimester
program. If a Faculty Member in a semester program agrees to teaching
responsibilities during the Spring and Summer, that Faculty Member will be
assigned an alternate period without teaching responsibility or, with their
consent, distribute that teaching responsibility over the Academic Year. If a
Faculty Member in a trimester program is assigned teaching responsibilities during
the Spring and Summer, that Faculty Member will be assigned either an alternate
period without teaching responsibility, or with the Faculty Member's approval a
distribution of that teaching responsibility over the Academic Year.
8.2.2 Normally the Spring and Summer period is available to Faculty Members for
vacation, professional development, service and scholarship responsibilities.
Faculty Members may be requested to undertake developmental or service
responsibilities in that period on campus. With the approval of the Dean (such
approval not to be unreasonably withheld), Faculty Members may use alternate
methods of communication to carry out service responsibilities.
8.3 Teaching
8.3.1 Faculty Members have the responsibility to participate in teaching programs,
including classroom teaching, supervision, and advising of students in areas
related to the Faculty Member’s area of expertise.
8.3.2 Faculty Members have a responsibility to make all reasonable efforts to develop
and maintain their scholarly competence and effectiveness as teachers, and to
perform teaching duties as specified under procedures outlined in this Agreement
and policies instituted by the University from time to time, provided those policies
do not violate the terms of this agreement.
8.4 Assignment of Teaching
8.4.1 In consultation with a Faculty Member’s Department Chair the appropriate Dean
shall assign to each Faculty Member specific teaching-related responsibilities,
which shall include courses to be taught and other teaching duties and may
include supervisory and administrative responsibilities.
8.5 Total Teaching Assignment
8.5.1 The teaching assignment value for a course is normally the number of contact
hours per week for the course. The teaching assignment for special circumstances
such as research supervision (but excluding masters theses and doctoral
dissertations), independent study courses, low (normally fewer than ten (10))
enrollment courses, and administrative assignments, will normally be determined
by the responsible Dean, in consultation with the relevant Department Chair, and
Faculty Member, having regard to all the circumstances, including the importance
of the course to the program. Supervision for independent study courses shall be
compensated at no less than the rate of 0.3 hr per supervised student. Faculty
Members may not be compelled to teach Independent Study courses.
8.5.2 For Faculty Members teaching primarily graduate courses or being graduate
supervisors, the total teaching assignment is eighteen (18) hour equivalents.
For all other Faculty Members the total teaching assignment is
a) twenty-four (24) hour equivalents for the Institutional Year 2021/22 until
the Institutional Year of the signing of this agreement,
b) twenty-one (21) hour equivalents for the first full Institutional Year
following signing of this agreement, and
c) eighteen (18) hour equivalents for the second and subsequent full
Institutional Years following signing of this agreement.
For those Faculty Members with less than one (1) year of service the total teaching
assignment is reduced by six (6) hour equivalents.
In no case shall a Faculty Member be required to accept more than two (2) hours
of teaching equivalents above their total teaching assignment. Faculty Members
who accept teaching in excess of their total teaching assignment shall be
compensated in one of the following ways:
a) A reduction in teaching, corresponding to the excess hour equivalent to
be taken within two (2) years of the excess assignment, or
b) The current sessional stipend.
The form of compensation shall be negotiated prior to the Faculty Member
agreeing to the excess teaching.
8.5.3 Teaching responsibilities shall also include maintenance of regular, posted office
hours at times of ready access for students, colleagues, non-academic service
employees of the institution and administrative officers; course preparation;
assisting and advising students.
8.5.4 A Faculty Member who has made an irrevocable declaration that they are retiring
within the next five (5) years from the signing of this Agreement, including a
specific retirement date, may elect a teaching load of twenty-four (24) hour
equivalents for every subsequent Institutional Year. Election is to be completed on
June 1 any time during the term of this Agreement.
8.6 Research and Scholarship
8.6.1 The parties agree that all Faculty Members in a university community have the
right and responsibility to participate in research and scholarship (including the
preparation or performance of creative works and reflective inquiry) and the
dissemination of the results of research by means appropriate to the discipline.
Faculty Members who apply for and receive a reduction in teaching assignment
for the purposes of research or are engaged in graduate instruction or supervision
have an increased responsibility to engage in scholarly activities. Scholarly
activities include publications, performances, presentations, compositions,
creative work and other such activities. Faculty Members who engage in such
scholarly activities have the responsibility to show integrity therein, and to make
efforts to disseminate the results of their scholarship or exhibit the results of their
creative work.
8.7 Service and Administration
8.7.1 Faculty Members have the responsibility to provide service to the Departments
and Faculties of the University and to their professional discipline.
8.7.2 The degree of participation in the governance of the University and other service
responsibilities may vary between Faculty Members and from time to time. With
due consideration given to their teaching and research responsibilities, Faculty
Members have the responsibility to accept a fair and reasonable share of the
administrative responsibilities necessary for the effective functioning of their
Departments, Faculties, and the University.
8.7.3 Examples of Service and participation in governance and administration include:
a) Membership on standing Departmental, Faculty, and GFC committees;
b) Serving as GFC representative on the Board of Governors, membership on
the GFC, and on ad hoc committees or task forces;
c) Serving as Department Chair;
d) Participating in student activities recognized by the University;
e) Membership on the executive or bargaining team of the Association.
8.7.4 The Faculty Member’s involvement in certain service positions or functions will
result in a corresponding reduction in teaching assignment. In consultation with
the Faculty Member and the chair of their department the relevant Dean shall
determine the extent of the teaching and/or service load reduction. Applications
for reassigned time to engage in such activities must be submitted directly to the
appropriate Dean on or before December 1 for reassigned time for the following
Institutional Year. The Dean, who may consult on, but not delegate the approval,
must notify the applicants of their decision on or before April 30.
8.8 Internal Research Support
8.8.1 The University will provide ongoing support for the promotion and
encouragement of research in the form of remuneration of Faculty Members and
provision of essential resources such as the library, office space, laboratory space,
and technical support.
8.8.2 Teaching Reduction for Research Purposes To support Faculty Members’ research, the University provides a limited
number of reduced teaching assignments on a semester-to-semester
basis. Reductions in teaching assignments are not available for personal
research contracts with personal remuneration. In the adjudication of reduced teaching assignments for a given year
priority will be given to Faculty Members who have received an external
research grant that will be active during the period being requested. Faculty Members who are awarded an external research grant may apply
for a reduction in teaching for research purposes at any time, provided
that said grant is active. The following considerations apply for external
research grants:
a) Where grants permit the provision of funds to hire a teaching
replacement for the Faculty Member, the Faculty Member shall
seek such funding.
b) Depending on the nature of the particular teaching reduction
sought, reduction of committee and advisement responsibilities will
be determined by the Vice- President Academic & Provost in
consultation with the appropriate Dean. The Faculty Member will
not be required to undertake any new or additional committee or
other service work during the reduction in teaching.
c) The Faculty Member must inform the University of any additional
remuneration while the teaching assignment is reduced. The
University will limit its contribution so that the total earned
remuneration (net of reasonable related expenses) which the
Faculty Member receives will not exceed 100% of regular salary for
the duration of the teaching reduction.
8.9 Application and Review Procedures
8.9.1 A Faculty Member may apply on or before November 15 to the Vice-President
Academic & Provost or delegate for a reduced teaching assignment normally to
begin on the first day of the upcoming Institutional Year (on or about July 1) to the
Research and Faculty Development Committee. Applicants will provide in writing:
a) The nature of the research project, including a brief description of the
goals and methodology of the proposed research;
b) A time-line for completion of the research project;
c) Plans for sharing the research results, such as via publication,
presentation to a scholarly conference or to the public;
d) Rationale of the urgency for completion of the research project.
8.9.2 Reduced teaching assignment for research requests will be considered by the
Research and Faculty Development Committee. If a Faculty Member of that body
is an applicant, the Vice- President Academic & Provost will approach the Faculty
of which the applicant is a member for an alternate to serve in place of the Faculty
Member. The Research and Faculty Development Committee makes its
recommendation to the Vice-President Academic & Provost on or before
December 15.
8.9.3 Applicants are informed by the Vice-President Academic & Provost of the
Research and Faculty Development Committee's recommendation on or before
January 15.
8.9.4 Faculty Members whose research projects are underway or nearing completion
will be given priority.
8.9.5 The Research and Faculty Development Committee will rank the applications
based on their merit according to criteria developed by the committee and made
available to Faculty Members on the University website.
8.9.6 The maximum teaching assignment reduction per Faculty Member is twelve hours
per Institutional Year.
8.9.7 Teaching assignment reductions extending over two or three years, subject to
annual review, will also be considered.
8.9.8 Applications will be evaluated by the Research and Faculty Development
Committee and prioritized on the basis of the merit of the proposal in accordance
with the criteria in 8.9.5 of this article. The RFDC will make a decision on the
Faculty Member’s application and forward the decision as a recommendation to
the relevant Dean. The Dean shall either:
a) Implement the recommendation, or
b) Defer the Faculty Member’s reduction in teaching for no more than two
(2) semesters, on the basis of program delivery needs, providing reasons,
in writing, to the RFDC and the Faculty Member.
8.9.9 The Faculty Member shall submit an annual written report to the RFDC which
accounts for their use of time during tenure of the teaching assignment reduction
by June 30.
8.9.10 On the basis of this report and following consultation with the Faculty Member’s
Dean, the Research and Faculty Development Committee shall accept or reject the
application for an ongoing teaching reduction.
8.9.11 The maximum institutional teaching assignment reduction is 108 hours per
Institutional Year, subject to budgetary considerations.
8.9.12 Faculty Members receiving this reduction in teaching for research purposes
remain in the full-time employ of the University. Normal salary increments will
apply, and the time involved in the reduced teaching assignment for research will
count toward sabbatical leave
8.10 Chair Work Assignment
8.10.1 The Dean, after discussion with the Chair, will determine the work assignment of
the Chair. The instructional workload shall be determined with due regard
to the number of Faculty Members under the Chair’s supervision, the
number of students in the Academic Department, and the number of
programs offered by that department.
8.10.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Vice-President Academic & Provost, the work
assignment of a Chair will include teaching.
8.10.3 A Chair’s teaching assignment reduction will include at least six teaching
contact hours over the academic year.
8.10.4 The Faculty Association shall be notified of Chair workload assignments
annually on or before September 1.
8.11 Unpaid Professional Activities
8.11.1 A Faculty Member is free to participate in the activities of their profession,
professional association(s), learned society(ies), professional advisory boards or
professional committees or similar professional service activities, provided that
such professional activity shall not conflict or interfere with the fulfilment of
her/his duties and responsibilities to the University as provided in this Agreement.
8.12 Outside Employment
8.12.1 A Member may engage in paid outside professional activity or act in a paid
consulting or advisory capacity to public or private clients, subject to the
a) such professional activity shall not conflict or interfere with the fulfilment
of their duties and responsibilities to the University as provided in this
b) Outside employment by a full-time Member that involves more than
sixteen (16) hours per month between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on
business days, excluding the Member’s vacation time, requires prior
approval of the Vice- President Academic & Provost. Before coming to a
decision, the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall seek the advice of
the Dean, who shall first consult the Member's department chair for
advice on the potential impact of the outside employment on the
academic unit and shall consider the relationship of the proposed
employment to the Member's area of specialization or expertise at the
8.12.2 A Member shall not use resources of the Employer in conducting outside
employment activities without approval of the appropriate Dean. The use of such
resources shall be on a cost recovery basis.
8.13 Distance Education and Online Learning
8.13.1 No Faculty Member shall be compelled to prepare, re-prepare, or deliver an
online or blended course unless it is specified in the letter of appointment or
renegotiated in the Faculty Member’s work assignment. Members teaching face-
to-face classes shall use the Moodle (or successor) platform for their courses.
8.14 Annual Report on Professional Activities
8.14.1 By June 1 a Faculty Member shall submit to the Vice-President Academic &
Provost an annual report of the Faculty Member’s responsibilities and
professional activities during the previous period from May 1-April 30 (the
“Annual Report”).
8.14.2 It is the Faculty Member’s responsibility to assemble the material upon which
the Annual Report will be based.
8.14.3 Generally, the content of the Annual Report, shall include, as a minimum:
a) The Faculty Member’s name, rank, Department, and Faculty;
b) The Faculty Member’s current CV;
c) The Faculty Member’s teaching dossier as outlined in the GFC Policy on
Faculty Evaluation (AC3000), and details of teaching activities.
d) Details of any research and scholarly activity, including publications,
presentations, research grants received, lectures, prizes and awards;
e) Details of service to the scholarly discipline, to the University, and to the
general public;
f) Any other information specified by the Vice-President Academic & Provost
as necessary for government reporting or other purposes.
8.14.4 A Faculty Member’s Annual Report will be taken into account in their annual
performance evaluation.
9 Ranks and Categories of Appointments and Continuing
Appointments for Faculty Members
9.1 A Faculty Member will hold one of the following ranks:
a) Assistant Professor;
b) Associate Professor;
c) Professor.
9.2 Upon initial appointment to the University, a Faculty Member appointed to a position
of any rank shall be on a probationary period, the length of which will be in
accordance with this Article.
9.3 A Faculty Member will obtain a permanent appointment only when they have
successfully completed their probationary period in accordance with this Article.
9.4 If an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor does not successfully
complete their probationary period and is therefore not transitioned from
probationary to permanent status, their appointment will end.
9.5 If an Assistant Professor does not advance in rank from Assistant Professor to
Associate Professor in accordance with Article 11 (Advancement in Rank) by the end
of their five (5) year probationary appointment, and does not have their probationary
appointment further extended for an additional one (1) year in accordance with 9.7.2
or 9.7.8, then their appointment will end. If such an Assistant Professor’s
probationary appointment has been further extended for one (1) year in accordance
with 9.7.2 or 9.7.8, then they will have an additional one (1) year in which to advance
in rank to Associate Professor in accordance with Article 11 (Advancement in Rank),
failing which their appointment will end.
9.6 Probationary Appointments
9.6.1 A Faculty Member appointed to a probationary appointment must demonstrate
the required qualifications and performance for continuing their appointment and
for ultimately advancing in rank.
9.6.2 All Faculty Members upon initial appointment with the University shall serve an
initial two-year (2) probationary appointment. Assistant Professors shall, after the
initial probationary appointment, also serve a second three-year (3) probationary
appointment, provided that their probationary appointment has been renewed at
the end of the initial appointment in accordance with this Article.
9.6.3 In the initial probationary appointment, or for Assistant Professors the renewal to
a second probationary appointment, the Dean, with the written consent of the
Faculty Member and the prior written approval of the Vice-President Academic &
Provost, may reduce the length of the probationary period in question.
9.6.4 If a Faculty Member is granted a leave or leaves during a probationary period and if
the length or type of leave(s) is such that it or they materially affect(s) the
opportunity of the Faculty Member to complete the performance requirements
on which the Faculty Member is to be assessed, then the Vice-President Academic
& Provost, on the recommendation of the Dean, may extend the probationary
period by the length of the leave. The decision of the Vice-President Academic &
Provost regarding the extension shall be final and binding and not subject to any
9.6.5 Assessment of the probationary Faculty Member’s performance and thus
evaluation for renewal or non-renewal of a probationary appointment or
transition from probation to permanence shall conform to the standards for
teaching, research and scholarship, and service and administration as described in
Article 8 (The Faculty Member’s Rights, Responsibilities and Work Assignment) and
in the criteria and standards promulgated by the GFC from time to time.
9.6.6 In addition to other provisions of this Agreement, the assessment of a Faculty
Member's performance for renewal or non-renewal of a probationary appointment
or transition from probation to permanence will include the following:
a) Documentary Review
A consideration of a Faculty Member’s current CV, their teaching dossier,
their research portfolio, annual reports as provided for in this Agreement,
and past and current written evaluations of faculty conducted in
accordance with the GFC policies and procedures as amended from time
to time.
b) Administrative Evaluations
Two administrative evaluations are conducted. One appraisal is conducted
by the Dean responsible for supervising the Faculty Member. The Dean
coordinates the evaluation process for Faculty Members in their area. The
second appraiser is a senior administrator from another faculty as
determined by the supervising Dean. Each administrative evaluator visits
a class, interviews the Faculty Member, reviews the Faculty Member’s
Official File, the student evaluations and annual reports on professional
activities, and prepares a written report, evaluating the Faculty Member's
performance. Copies of the written reports are distributed to the Faculty
Member, both administrative evaluators, and the appropriate Dean's
c) Peer Evaluations
The probationary Faculty Member may choose a Faculty Member
colleague, who visits a class, interviews the probationary Faculty Member,
examines student evaluations and annual reports of professional activities
(if the probationary Member has chosen to provide copies of these
materials), and writes an appraisal of the Faculty Member's performance
according to the criteria established by GFC from time to time. Copies of
the written reports are distributed to the Faculty Member, both
administrative evaluators, and the appropriate Dean's office.
d) Member Response to Evaluations
The Faculty Member may provide the appropriate Dean with a written
response to any of the above evaluations, to be included in their file.
e) The Dean's Recommendation
The Dean reviews all the evaluation materials including the results of
annual performance evaluations (Article 10 Annual Evaluation). The
results of annual performance evaluations constitute some evidence of
ongoing performance assessment, and shall be included as part of the
evaluation for continuation of a probationary appointment. Following
these processes the Dean makes a recommendation to the Vice-President
Academic & Provost.
9.7 Timelines and Procedure
9.7.1 Prior to October 1 in the final year of each of the first, second, and third
probationary periods (as applicable), or within two months of a Faculty Member
applying for Advancement in Rank to Associate Professor, the Dean shall initiate
the formal evaluation leading to renewal, extension or non-renewal of the
probationary appointment or transition from probation to permanence.
9.7.2 Following the formal evaluation, prior to April 30, the Dean shall recommend in
writing to the Vice-President Academic & Provost, with a copy to the Faculty
Member, one of the following:
a) that a second or third (as applicable) probationary period be offered to the
Faculty Member, if the Faculty Member is an Assistant Professor;
b) that the Faculty Member successfully transition from probationary
appointment to permanent appointment;
c) that the Faculty Member continue their current provisional period, if this
evaluation is not in the last year of a probationary period; or
d) that no further appointment be offered to the Faculty Member, if this
evaluation is in the last year of a probationary period.
9.7.3 When the AIRC sends a recommendation to the Vice-President Academic &
Provost that the Faculty Member advance in rank to Associate Professor, and the
Vice-President Academic & Provost ratifies this appointment, then the second
probation period ends and permanent status is conferred. If the Vice-President
Academic & Provost does not ratify the appointment the Faculty Member may
appeal this decision to the FRC.
9.7.4 Upon issuance and receipt of the written decision of the Vice-President Academic
& Provost that no further appointment be offered to the Faculty Member, the
following appeal procedure applies:
2424242424 Following the Faculty Member receiving the Vice-President Academic &
Provost’s decision letter, the Faculty Member shall have ten (10) business
days to notify the Vice-President Academic & Provost in writing of a
request for a meeting to consider the Vice-President Academic & Provost’s
decision (the “Informal Review Meeting”). This Informal Review Meeting
shall be held with the Vice-President Academic & Provost, Dean, the
Faculty Member, and a Department Chair from a Department
unassociated with the Faculty Member (or in faculties without
Department Chairs, a senior department representative) to be chosen by
the Vice-President Academic & Provost. The purpose of this meeting is to
offer the Faculty Member an opportunity to clarify facts or issues relevant
to the Vice-President Academic & Provost’s decision. Within ten (10)
business days following the Informal Review Meeting, the Vice-President
Academic & Provost shall advise the Faculty Member in writing as to
whether their decision has changed or not.
9.7.5 Following the Faculty Member receiving the Vice-President Academic & Provost’s
letter, the Faculty Member shall have ten (10) business days to notify the Vice-
President Academic & Provost in writing of a request for review of the Vice-
President Academic & Provost’s decision by the Faculty Review Committee (the
“FRC”). Upon receipt of such a request, the Dean of Graduate Studies shall
convene the FRC within twenty (20) business days (the “FRC Meeting”).
9.7.6 The FRC shall be composed of the following persons (with any persons declaring a
conflict of interest being replaced with an alternate person in the sole discretion
of the President):
the Dean of Graduate Studies or an alternate designated by the President
& Vice-Chancellor, as non-voting chair of the FRC;
a Faculty Member chosen by the President;
the Department Chair from the department of the Faculty Member under
review, or where there is no Department Chair in the relevant Faculty, a
senior department representative who is a Faculty Member; and
A Faculty Member as appointed by the GFC Executive Committee.
9.7.7 At least five (5) business days prior to the FRC Meeting, the Vice-President
Academic & Provost or a designate of the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall
submit to the Chair of the FRC and the Faculty Member any materials the Vice-
President Academic & Provost intends to rely upon in the review. Within three (3)
business days prior to the FRC Meeting, the Faculty Member shall submit to the
Chair of the FRC and the Vice-President Academic & Provost or the Vice-President
Academic & Provost’s designate any materials that the Faculty Member intends to
rely upon in the review. The Vice-President Academic & Provost or Vice-President
Academic & Provost’s designate and the Faculty Member may attend the FRC
Meeting to make oral submissions regarding the relevant issues. The Faculty
Member may be accompanied at the meeting by a representative Member of the
Faculty Association.
9.7.8 Within ten (10) business days following the FRC Meeting, the FRC shall meet alone
to consider and make one of the following recommendations, which shall be
communicated along with reasons for the recommendation to the Faculty
Member, the Vice-President Academic & Provost and the President & Vice-
Chancellor in writing within five (5) business days thereafter:
a) that a second or third probationary period be offered to the Faculty
Member, as applicable;
b) that no further appointment be offered to the Faculty Member.
9.7.9 The President & Vice-Chancellor shall review and consider the recommendation of
the FRC, and decide whether to uphold or reverse the recommendation. The
President & Vice-Chancellor’s decision in any event will be communicated to the
Faculty Member in writing and is final.
9.7.10 Any grievances arising as a result of the appeal process in this Article 9 shall be
restricted to those grounds outlined in Article 25.2 (Grievance and Arbitration).
10 Annual Evaluation for Faculty Members
10.1 An annual performance evaluation will be conducted for all Faculty Members, except
for full- time Faculty Members in their final year of service, in accordance with the
policies and procedures as developed and approved by GFC and as amended from
time to time (which are binding on all Faculty Members), and the provisions of Article
10 (Annual Evaluation) and Article 8.14 of this Agreement.
10.2 The purpose of the annual performance evaluation is to:
a) Provide an annual assessment of performance that allows recognition of a
Faculty Member’s achievements and also notes improvements where needed in
the Faculty Member’s teaching, research and scholarship, and service and
administrative activities as outlined in Article 8 (The Faculty Member’s Rights,
Responsibilities and Work Assignment), and in this agreement generally.
b) Provide formative support and mentoring.
10.3 Subject to the particulars of GFC policies and procedures as amended from time to
time, the Faculty Member is responsible for providing an Annual Report including a
teaching dossier and a current CV, on or before June 1. Each year a Faculty Member
shall file the Annual Report with the Vice-President Academic & Provost.
10.4 The pdf version of the Annual Report stored electronically and any paper copies of
the Annual Report, as well as the Dean’s written response to it, shall be deleted no
later than seven years from the date of initial submission of the Annual Report to the
10.4.1 At least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the deletion date, a Faculty Member
may elect to have the pdf versions of the Annual Reports stored electronically
until termination of employment. A Faculty Member making such an election may
revert to a seven (7) year retention period at any time.
10.4.2 The University shall maintain and administer the Annual Report and its
associated processes.
10.4.3 The University shall be responsible for the security of the data contained in the
Annual Report.
10.5 A Faculty Member shall be evaluated based on their individual annual distribution of
work assignment among teaching, research and scholarship, and service and
10.6 The standards to be applied in evaluating Faculty Members pursuant to this Article 10
shall be those standards determined by the General Faculties Council from time to
time in accordance with the workload provisions as described in Article 8 (Faculty
Members’ Rights, Responsibilities, and Work Assignment). The current standards shall
be made available to Members on the University’s website, and all changes shall be
brought to the attention of the Faculty Association.
10.7 Subject to legal or other privilege, no information or material will be relied on in an
evaluation unless the Faculty Member being evaluated has had a reasonable
opportunity to review and respond to it. In cases where material has been deemed
privileged, the Employer will provide the Faculty Member with either redacted
material or a summary description of the content so that the Faculty Member may
respond to its contents.
10.8 After the review the Dean will, with their reasons presented to the Faculty Member in
a) Deem the Faculty Member’s performance to be satisfactory;
b) Deem the Faculty Member’s performance to be unsatisfactory;
c) Request a meeting with the Faculty Member to seek more information.
10.9 If the Faculty Member’s performance is deemed unsatisfactory, the Dean will meet
with the Faculty Member to discuss the Dean’s evaluation.
10.10 Performance Plan
10.10.1 In cases where performance is deemed unsatisfactory: The Dean, in consultation with the Faculty Member and the
Faculty Member’s Department Chair, will explore options to improve the
Faculty Member’s performance and develop a performance plan that
states goals, objectives, and strategies and methods to be employed to
achieve the desired improvements in the coming academic year, provided
that these are consistent with the GFC policies and procedures regarding
standards and evaluation and that these are consistent with the Faculty
Member’s workload as outlined in Article 8 (Faculty Members’ Rights,
Responsibilities, and Work Assignment). The performance plan will be
signed by the Faculty Member, Chair and Dean. The Dean will provide a
copy of the performance plan to the Association. The Dean and the Department Chair will meet with the Faculty
Member at least once per semester to discuss progress toward satisfying
the performance plan objectives. In the subsequent annual evaluation, the Dean will meet with the
Faculty Member to conduct the annual performance evaluation and to
determine whether or not the Faculty Member has achieved acceptable
performance as specified in the performance plan and otherwise, and
shall communicate this in person and in writing to the Faculty Member.
10.11 Whenever a Faculty Member’s performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, it is the
Dean’s option to refer the unsatisfactory performance to the disciplinary process in
Article 13.3 (Discipline) including where the Faculty Member has been put on, or is
being put on, a Performance Plan. The intention is that the University can set out
expectations and requirements for future performance in the Performance Plan while
at the same time warning and disciplining the Faculty Member for unsatisfactory
performance to that point.
10.12 All dates and times established by this Article may be varied by the mutual written
consent of the Parties to this Agreement.
11 Advancement in Rank
11.1 Advancement in rank is a process that must be initiated by an individual Faculty
Member. For probationary Assistant Professors, the advancement in rank process
must be successfully completed by the end of their final probationary period. It is a
semi-public process in that applications for advancement in rank, requests by the
Advancement in Rank Committee (AIRC) for input from faculty and staff, and the
decision by the AIRC to award promotion, (but not the decision to deny it), are
announced to the university at large. The AIRC is responsible for evaluating the
performance of Faculty Members with respect to applications for advancement in
rank (“promotion”).
11.2 The AIRC shall consist of five Faculty Members holding the rank of Professor, each
from a different Department. Members of AIRC shall be elected by the General
Faculties Council for three-year terms on a rotating basis. The Vice-President
Academic & Provost or designate with faculty rank of Professor shall sit as an advisory
member and convener of the AIRC. The members of the AIRC shall choose from
among them a Chair, who must have served on the AIRC for at least one year
previously, and a Secretary.
11.2.1 If a Faculty Member being considered by the AIRC is in the same Department
as a member of the AIRC, that AIRC member shall not participate in the decision-
making relating to that application. The AIRC shall replace any member of AIRC
who is in a Conflict of Interest with an alternate eligible person to serve on an ad
hoc basis while considering that particular application.
11.2.2 A Faculty Member seeking advancement from Assistant to Associate Professor
may request that the AIRC consult with a subject matter expert identified in their
application for advancement. This subject matter expert, if approved by the AIRC,
shall be issued those materials approved by the candidate and the AIRC, and shall
provide advice in writing to the AIRC concerning the Faculty Member’s research
and scholarship, but shall have no vote on the outcome of the application.
11.3 Timelines
11.3.1 A Faculty Member shall inform the Vice-President Academic & Provost of their
intention to apply for promotion in writing on or before October 1, and shall
submit their Case File (described in 11.6 and 11.7) electronically to the Vice-
President Academic & Provost on or before November 1, of the academic year in
which the review is to take place.
11.3.2 The AIRC shall make its recommendations in writing and submit them,
together with a written statement of the supporting reasons on which each
recommendation was based, to the President & Vice-Chancellor, with a copy at
the same time to the Faculty Member, on or before April 15. Where the AIRC
cannot reach a unanimous recommendation, the Chair will also submit a written
report to the President & Vice-Chancellor summarizing the divergent opinions.
11.3.3 Where promotion is granted, the effective date shall be July 1 of the following
institutional year.
11.4 A Faculty Member seeking advancement in rank will be evaluated in the following
three areas: teaching, research and scholarship, and service and administration. The
standards to be applied for promotion to the Associate Professor and Professor ranks
are determined by the General Faculties Council from time to time, in its sole
discretion. The evaluation of performance shall ensure that:
11.4.1 A Faculty Member shall be evaluated based on their individual distribution of
work assignment among teaching, research and scholarship, and service and
administration. A Faculty Member will have the option to specify the percent
weighting of each of teaching, research and scholarship, and service and
administration, all in a manner consistent with the Faculty Member’s duties.
For the purpose of this Article, the nominal teaching load of a Faculty Member in
an Institutional Year is the size of the total teaching assignment defined in 8.5 for
this Faculty Member and Institutional Year minus any reduction granted according
to 8.9. An Institutional Year with a sabbatical component has the same nominal
teaching load as the last prior Institutional Year without a sabbatical component.
Let T be the average nominal teaching load of the Faculty Member over the
preceding four (4) Institutional Years, or since appointment, whatever is the
shorter time period, without leaves other than sabbatical leaves.
Notwithstanding the Faculty Member’s ability to specify the percent weighting of
the three areas of performance as noted above:
a) For a Faculty Member with T > 21 the weighting for research and
scholarship may be no less than 10%, and for service and administration
may be no less than 10%.
b) For a Faculty Member applying for advancement to Associate Professor
with 21 ≥ T > 18 the weighting for research and scholarship may be no less
than 15%, and for service and administration may be no less than 10%.
For a Faculty Member applying for advancement to Full Professor with 21
≥ T > 18 the weighting for research and scholarship may be no less than
c) For a Faculty Member with 18 ≥ T > 15 applying for advancement to
Associate Professor the weighting for research and scholarship may be no
less than 20%, and for service and administration may be no less than
10%. For a Faculty Member applying for advancement to Full Professor
with 18 ≥ T > 15 the weighting for research and scholarship may be no less
than 30%.
d) For a Faculty Member with 15 ≥ T applying for advancement to Associate
Professor the weighting for research and scholarship may be no less than
30%, and for service and administration may be no less than 10%. For a
Faculty Member applying for advancement to Full Professor with 15 ≥ T
the weighting for research and scholarship may be no less than 40%.
11.4.2 A record in one area (i.e., teaching, research and scholarship or service and
administration) significantly exceeding the requirements for the rank being sought
may compensate for a lesser record in another area.
11.5 The Faculty Member applying for advancement in rank shall provide a written
application package to the Vice-President Academic & Provost, including:
a) a Curriculum Vitae;
b) representative examples of publications or equivalent;
c) a list of activities from services and administration provided to the University,
the broader community, government or society;
d) a self-evaluation;
e) copies of letters received from the AIRC on the occasion of previous
applications for advancement;
f) a Case File (described below);
g) statement of their probationary or permanent appointment status in
accordance with this Agreement;
h) any other relevant information.
11.6 Case File In applying for promotion, a Faculty Member shall prepare a Case File to
demonstrate achievements in respect to three (3) areas to be evaluated: Teaching
(Area 1), Research and Scholarship (Area 2), and Service and Administration (Area 3).
Materials submitted as evidence in the three areas shall be evaluated by the AIRC
and, if applicable, external assessors.
11.6.1 Area 1: Teaching To demonstrate performance in teaching, the candidate must supply an
advancement teaching dossier, which may include but not be limited to:
a) A teaching philosophy statement, that is, explanatory material
about aims and methods of teaching written and submitted by the
b) Course descriptions, syllabi, bibliographies, or other material
distributed in courses;
c) Material descriptive of courses submitted to other bodies (e.g.,
departmental or University curriculum committees);
d) Letters of reference from colleagues;
e) Results of student evaluations carried out in accordance with the
University's course evaluation policy and procedures. Evaluation
results administered independent of University-wide standardized
student evaluation procedures may also be submitted;
f) Evidence of internal and/or external awards, publications, citations,
presentations at colloquia, seminars, workshops, or conferences on
11.6.2 Area 2: Research and Scholarship To demonstrate performance in research and scholarship, the
candidate must supply an explanatory cover letter and may supply other
supporting documentation and evidence. The AIRC shall not treat the
types of evidence listed below as a checklist of mandatory criteria, but
rather as available potential evidence supporting the application, to be
considered in AIRC’s total discretion. Such evidence includes but is not
limited to:
a) Samples of peer-reviewed publications (e.g. book chapters, journal
articles) or, in creative disciplines, evidence of research-related
performance or other relevant outputs;
b) Publications in non-peer reviewed disciplinary publications such as
book reviews, opinion and review pieces in newspapers, magazines
or online publications;
c) Participation in discipline-related professional association(s) or
d) Presenting workshops or papers or being a panel member at a
discipline, teaching or sectoral-related conference;
e) Attendance at discipline, teaching or sectoral-related conferences;
f) Professional development activities to maintain currency in teaching
and scholarship;
g) Non-peer reviewed presentations;
h) Developing or revising university curriculum and courses;
i) Developing and disseminating innovative teaching and learning
j) Creation of resources or programs to support teaching;
k) Compiling scholarly bibliographies and annotated resource lists;
l) References and citations, and copies of printed or electronic
publications, papers/posters presented at scholarly conferences,
and other materials selected by the candidate;
m) Citation by others in the field;
n) Evidence of reception of grants, fellowships, or awards;
o) Evidence of participation in funded research;
p) Substantial creative works relevant to the discipline or scholarly
field which have been made public;
q) Documentary evidence of exemplary practice in professional fields,
which may include written research, and policy or practice
monographs; and
r) Evidence of service and administration as a reviewer, referee,
contributor, or editor for a professional or scholarly publication or
11.6.3 Area 3: Service and Administration To demonstrate performance in service and administration, the
candidate must supply an explanatory cover letter and may supply other
supporting documentation including but not limited to:
a) evidence of active participation in the life of the University, and
related service and administration in the community, and/or
professional or scholarly organizations;
b) letters from colleagues, committee chairs, and/or supervisors;
c) annual and/or ad hoc reports;
d) news reports; and
e) such other material as the candidate may consider helpful to making
the decision.
11.7 For specific reasons that will be shared with the applicant the AIRC may seek
additional information or input from the applicant and other sources that it considers
relevant to an applicant’s evaluation, including but not limited to:
a) In-person submissions from or discussions with the applicant;
b) Annual and any other performance evaluations from the Dean, and the Vice-
President Academic & Provost;
c) Reports of classroom observations, visitations and interviews by their
Department Chair or Director, Program Coordinator, or Dean as determined by
d) The Faculty Member’s Official File;
e) External evaluations by evaluators, acceptable to both the Candidate and the
11.8 An application for advancement in rank from Associate Professor to Professor must
include at least two evaluations; one, at the discretion of the applicant, may be from
a referee internal to the University but external to the Faculty Member’s department
and one must be from an external referee; both referees shall be acceptable to both
the applicant and the AIRC and be at arm’s length from the applicant. A copy of the
applicant’s written application package and all relevant materials, including student
evaluations, shall be sent by the AIRC to the referees for this purpose.
11.9 Subject to legal or other privilege, no information or material will be relied on in an
evaluation unless the Faculty Member being evaluated has had a reasonable
opportunity to review and respond to it. In cases where material has been deemed
privileged, the University will provide the Faculty Member with either redacted
material or a summary description of the content.
11.10 The AIRC’s deliberations will be confidential, and the AIRC’s decision shall be
determined by majority vote. In the event that the AIRC cannot come to a decision, or
in the event of a tied vote, the application for advancement in rank will be denied.
The applicant should be encouraged to apply again in a following year.
11.11 The AIRC shall make a recommendation on advancement in rank to the President &
Vice-Chancellor, with a copy to the Faculty Member.
11.12 Reconsideration of Advancement in Rank Recommendation
11.12.1 Where the AIRC’s recommendation is to refuse advancement in rank the
applicant may, within ten (10) business days of receipt of the AIRC’s decision,
inform the Vice-President Academic & Provost or their designate, in writing, of
their intention to request a reconsideration of the recommendation. This
submission must include the reasons for which the applicant wishes a
reconsideration. Specifically, the grounds for granting a review of the decision
shall be any of those outlined in 25.2.1 (Grievance and Arbitration) and/or a
substantial piece of new evidence related to the Candidate’s application affecting
the recommendation. Based on this submission the Vice-President Academic &
Provost or their designate shall decide whether to proceed with reconsideration.
11.12.2 Within five (5) business days of receipt of the applicant’s request, the Vice-
President Academic & Provost (or their designate) shall inform the applicant of
the decision and, in the event of a decision to proceed with the reconsideration,
direct the GFC to strike an ad- hoc AIRC appeal committee consisting of:
a) two Faculty Members who were not on the original AIRC and who meet
the criteria for membership on the AIRC, one of whom must have served
previously on the AIRC, and
b) the Vice-President Academic & Provost or their designate, who will serve
as Chair and shall inform the applicant of the composition of the
committee and invite the applicant to:
i. submit in writing any further information or materials that the
applicant considers relevant for the reconsideration;
ii. advise the Chair in writing whether the applicant wishes to appear
in person before the AIRC appeal committee to make additional
submissions, and
iii. provide, in writing, the names of any persons that the applicant
intends to have attend before the AIRC appeal committee as
witnesses to provide information on their behalf.
The applicant shall provide this written information (11.13.2 (b) i-iii) no
later than ten (10) business days after having been advised by the Vice-
President Academic & Provost of the composition of the AIRC appeal
11.12.3 The AIRC appeal committee will meet to deliberate on the reconsideration
application no later than ten (10) business days following receipt of the materials
identified in (11.13.2 (b) i-iii), or twenty-five (25) business days following
formation of the AIRC appeal committee, whichever is the later. These meetings
will be confidential. The AIRC appeal committee will advise the Applicant and
President & Vice-Chancellor of its recommendation on the reconsideration in
writing within five (5) business days following their reconsideration meeting, or in
the event that a meeting with the Applicant and/or witness is held, within ten (10)
business days following that meeting.
11.12.4 The President & Vice-Chancellor will consider the AIRC’s recommendation or
the recommendation of the AIRC appeal committee and decide whether the
Faculty Member should be advanced or not. If the President & Vice-Chancellor
disagrees with a recommendation by the AIRC or the AIRC appeal committee that
a Faculty Member should be advanced, then the President & Vice-Chancellor will
submit the issue back to AIRC or the AIRC appeal committee for reconsideration
before making a final decision.
11.12.5 Any grievances arising from the process in this Article 11 shall be restricted to
those outlined in Article 25 (Grievance and Arbitration).
12 Re-Entry of Administrators
12.1 Any Member who was a Member prior to accepting an administrative appointment or
position shall, upon cessation of the administrative appointment or position,
regardless of reason, retain their Member position in accordance with the terms of
this agreement.
12.2 Any Member who holds a probationary appointment prior to accepting the
administrative appointment or position may return to their Member position at the
stage of the probationary process they had attained prior to taking up the
administrative appointment.
12.3 Any administrative salary supplement will terminate when the Member returns to
their Member position. The salary and benefits of an administrator entering or re-
entering the bargaining unit shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of
this agreement.
13 Discipline: Faculty Members
13.1 Discipline is always within the discretion of the Vice-President Academic & Provost.
Deans, Chairs, and other supervisors may also take corrective measures short of
discipline, limited to issuing letters of warning or expectation.
13.2 All dates and times established by this Article may be varied by the mutual written
consent of the Faculty Member, the Association, and the Vice-President Academic &
13.3 Discipline of a Faculty Member arising from unacceptable performance of their
responsibilities under this agreement (Article 8: Members’ Rights, Responsibilities,
and Work Assignment) shall be subject to specific process, as follows:
13.3.1 Within fifteen (15) business days following completion of the annual
performance evaluation for a Faculty Member (including the determination of the
reviews and appeals enumerated in this Agreement), the Dean shall:
a) refer the record of a Faculty Member to the Vice-President Academic &
Provost with a recommendation that the Faculty Member be disciplined
for unacceptable performance of their responsibilities under this
agreement, and
b) notify the President of the Association in writing of any intention to
initiate disciplinary procedures.
13.3.2 The record of the Faculty Member shall include copies of all material about the
Faculty Member which had been before the Dean, the FRC or the AIRC in the last
three years and before any person or body in any appeals made by the staff
member in those years and any additional material which the Dean adds to
support the recommendation. All such material will also be provided to the
Faculty Member at the same time as it is provided to the Vice-President Academic
& Provost.
13.3.3 The Faculty Member may submit material in response to that submitted by the
Dean under this Article, with such material to be submitted to the Vice-President
Academic & Provost within ten (10) business days of receipt of the Dean’s
13.3.4 The Vice-President Academic & Provost shall offer to meet with the Faculty
Member within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the Dean’s
recommendation or within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the Faculty
Member’s response materials.
13.3.5 Within ten (10) business days following any meeting under this Article (13) and
any other consultations the Vice-President Academic & Provost chooses to have,
the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall either:
a) not approve the recommendation of the Dean; or
b) discipline the Faculty Member in accordance with this Article 13.
13.3.6 The Vice-President Academic & Provost shall advise the Faculty Member and
the Dean of their decision in writing.
13.4 Any person may make a complaint to the Vice-President Academic & Provost about
the conduct of a Faculty Member, including in the complaint a detailed description of
the conduct or matter complained of. Not every disciplinary action must be initiated
by way of a complaint, but in those cases where there is no complaint, for the
purposes of this Article the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall act as the
13.5 Upon receipt of a complaint about a Faculty Member, the Vice-President Academic &
Provost shall, in their discretion:
a) decide to refuse to authorize an investigation if the complaint is vexatious or
b) refer the case to a different and more appropriate resolution mechanism,
including a form of alternative dispute resolution, or any other applicable
mechanism under this Agreement; or
c) commence an investigation.
13.6 If the written complaint is not received by the Vice-President Academic & Provost
within 180 calendar days of the date the alleged conduct became known or ought
reasonably to have been known to the complainant, the matter shall be considered as
closed, and cannot be acted on by the Vice-President Academic & Provost. Where
circumstances warrant, such as when the complaint involves a breach of criminal law,
violent behaviour or threats of violence against a member of the University
community, the Vice-President Academic & Provost, at their discretion, may waive
this clause.
13.7 Upon receiving a complaint under this Article 13, the Vice-President Academic &
Provost shall:
a) Within seven (7) business days, send a copy to the respondent Faculty Member
and the Association;
b) Advise the Faculty Member of their right to meet with the Vice-President
Academic & Provost, and to have a representative from the Association attend
such a meeting, and arrange such a meeting upon the Faculty Member
requesting it; and
c) provide the Faculty Member and the Association with at least seven (7)
business days’ notice of the time of this meeting.
13.8 If the Vice-President Academic & Provost authorizes an investigation of the
complaint, the Vice- President Academic & Provost shall personally act as the
investigator or, in their discretion, appoint another person to act as the investigator.
13.9 The investigator:
a) shall meet with the complainant and the respondent separately and provide the
complainant and the respondent with the opportunity to make written
representations, or to have legal representation and/or an advocate from the
Faculty Association present at the meeting;
b) may meet with any person who could provide information relevant to the
complaint and receive materials submitted, whether at the investigator’s
request or unsolicited, and shall not be bound only by the original letter of
c) upon completion of the investigation, shall submit a written report to the Vice-
President Academic & Provost, with a copy to the respondent, the complainant,
and the Association.
13.10 Upon completion and receipt of the investigation report, and before making a
decision, the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall offer to meet with the
respondent, the complainant, and a representative of the Association and may also
require further investigation.
13.11 The Vice-President Academic & Provost shall, in writing:
a) dismiss the complaint, with such decision being final and binding and not
subject to appeal; or
b) discipline the respondent, with such decision being final and binding. and not
subject to appeal, but such decision may be grieved under Article 25 (Grievance
and Arbitration).
13.12 A Faculty Member may only be disciplined pursuant to this Article, up to and
including termination, for just cause.
13.13 A Faculty Member shall not be subjected to discipline based on anonymous
complaints or information.
13.14 In disciplining a Faculty Member following a complaint under this Article or
otherwise, the form of discipline may include but is not limited to the following (alone
or in combination):
a) A letter of warning or reprimand. Such letters must be identified as disciplinary
b) Suspension with pay.
c) Suspension with partial pay, or without pay, or a fine in lieu of those, where the
severity of the offense does not warrant suspension or dismissal.
d) Dismissal.
e) Another appropriate penalty in the discretion of the Vice-President Academic &
13.15 In the event that the form of discipline is dismissal, and unless circumstances demand
immediate action, the Vice-President Academic & Provost will normally first write to
the Faculty Member and the Association and advise the Faculty Member and an
Association representative to attend a meeting with the Vice-President Academic &
Provost. The meeting is intended to allow the Faculty Member the opportunity to
discuss and explain facts relating to the pending decision to dismiss the Faculty
Member that the Faculty Member did not address in earlier steps of the process.
Within ten (10) business days following the meeting, the Vice-President Academic &
Provost will inform the Faculty Member and the Association in writing as to whether
there will be a dismissal of the Faculty Member.
13.16 In cases where there is an immediate threat by the Faculty Member to an
individual(s) at the University or to University property, or an immediate or serious
threat to the functioning of the University, the University retains the right to
immediately suspend a Faculty Member until the matter can be investigated
according to the provisions of this Article. Any such suspension shall be with pay and
13.17 The fact that a disciplinary measure was imposed seven (7) or more years ago cannot
be in and of itself considered in an assessment of the performance of the Faculty
Member’s responsibilities under this agreement, unless the facts which resulted in
the imposition of discipline are considered relevant to that assessment.
13.18 The Vice-President Academic & Provost may extend any deadlines under this Article
upon the timely approval of the Faculty Association, with such approval not to be
unreasonably withheld, advising the Faculty Association and the parties in writing.
13.19 Proceedings under this Article shall be restricted and private to the persons involved
as complainant(s), respondent(s) or witnesses (to the extent that witnesses need to
know information related to the proceedings). When discipline is imposed, publicity
shall be restricted to persons who have a need to know about the case in all the
circumstances including but not limited to the relevant Chair, Deans or other
administrators and the Association. When discipline is imposed, publicity shall be
restricted to that which is necessary to correct or dispel information that may have
become known after the proceedings, in the discretion of the Vice-President
Academic & Provost and following consultation with the respondent. In the event
that it is determined that there shall be no disciplinary action, the Vice-President
Academic & Provost must inform each individual to whom concerns and allegations
were disclosed by the Vice-President Academic & Provost or the investigator that
there was no disciplinary action taken.
14 Non-Discrimination and Harassment
14.1 The Parties recognize a mutual obligation to adhere to all applicable legislative
requirements with regard to human rights and discrimination.
14.2 Alleged instances of harassment and discrimination involving Members shall be dealt
with in accordance with the University’s Discrimination, Harassment and
Accommodation Policy. Changes to this policy shall require prior consultation with
the Association.
15 Retirement
15.1 For the purpose of this Article:
a) A Member’s normal date of retirement shall be the June 30 coincident with, or
following, the attainment of age 65.
b) A Member may retire early on any June 30 following the attainment of age 55
and before their normal date of retirement, by completing the University’s
Notice of Retirement form.
c) A Member may defer their retirement date, subject to the terms of this Article,
beyond the normal date of retirement. The deferred date of retirement may be
any June 30 beyond the normal date of retirement.
15.2 Prior to the normal date of retirement, a Member shall provide written notice of
retirement to their Dean with as much advance notice as possible, twelve (12)
months is highly recommended. This notice shall be either:
a) An irrevocable written notice of retirement, in accordance with the University’s
Notice of Retirement form, effective on the normal date of retirement. This
date can be amended to an earlier date with agreement by the Vice-President
Academic & Provost, such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. The
Dean shall forward the notice of retirement to the Vice- President Academic &
Provost or
b) A written notice of intent to defer retirement past the normal date of
retirement, in accordance with the University’s Notice of Retirement form.
15.3 In accordance with the provisions of the Concordia University of Edmonton Employee
Pension Plan in effect at the date of signing this Agreement, and in accordance with
the Income Tax Act and regulations therein as promulgated from time to time, a
Member must commence the receipt of monthly pension benefits no later than the
December 1 coincident with, or following the attainment of age 71. At such time, the
Member shall be eligible to continue employment on a full-time basis and
Membership in the Concordia University of Edmonton Employee Pension Plan (or
successor plan) ceases.
15.4 Phased Retirement Periods for Faculty Members
15.4.1 A Faculty Member shall be entitled to a phased retirement period of
employment provided the appropriate notice is complied with. A Faculty Member
who has not provided the appropriate notices may be eligible for phased
retirement but the decision of such eligibility shall be made by the President &
15.4.2 Prior to completing arrangements for a phased retirement period, the
Dean shall, in consultation with a Faculty Member’s department Chair, assign in
writing to the Faculty Member specific teaching-related responsibilities and other
duties which may include supervisory and administrative responsibilities. This
assignment shall be in effect for the duration of the phased retirement period,
unless a change is mutually agreed to by the parties to this arrangement. A Faculty
Member shall not normally accept responsibility as supervisor for new graduate
students during this period and normally shall limit application for research grants
and contracts to those that can be completed in the phased retirement period.
15.5 Phased pre-retirement period
15.5.1 For the purposes of this Article, “phased pre-retirement period” is defined
as a period of leave without pay from a portion of duties, immediately preceding
early, normal, or deferred retirement date.
15.5.2 A Faculty Member shall be entitled to a phased pre-retirement period,
providing at least six (6) months written notice to the Faculty Member’s Dean and
the Vice-President Academic & Provost of the commencement date of the phased
pre-retirement period. A Faculty Member shall be entitled to a phased retirement
period and shall agree to retire immediately upon completion of the phased
retirement period. This retirement date shall be irrevocable.
15.5.3 The phased pre-retirement period shall consist of one of the following sets
of conditions:
15.5.4 During the phased pre-retirement leave period, the Faculty Member shall
be eligible to participate in the group benefit programs provided in accordance
with the University’s policies and procedures with the University paying the full
premium cost of such programs.
15.5.5 Subject to the provisions of the Concordia University of Edmonton
Employee Pension Plan, the Faculty Member may choose to establish the phased
pre-retirement period as pensionable service under that Plan and, if so, the
University and the Faculty Member shall make the appropriate contributions
calculated on the basis of the unreduced salary rate.
15.5.6 During the phased pre-retirement period, a Faculty Member will not
accrue service towards eligibility for sabbatical leave.
15.6 Phased post-retirement period
15.6.1 For the purposes of this Article, phased post-retirement period is defined
as a period of re-employment immediately following an early, normal, or deferred
retirement date.
15.6.2 A Faculty Member shall be entitled to a phased post-retirement period if
the Member has not taken a phased pre-retirement period and by providing
twelve (12) months irrevocable written notice of date of retirement to the Dean.
15.6.3 As part of the written notice of date of retirement, the Faculty Member
shall choose one of the following sets of conditions:
Phased Pre-
Retirement Basis
Maximum Period of
Phased Pre Retirement
Basis of
Leave without pay
from 50% of duties
2 years
1/2 pay
Leave without pay
from 66.7% of
3 years
1/3 pay
Phased Post Retirement
Maximum Period
of Phased Post
Basis of
50% of full-time
2 years
1/2 pay
33 1/3% of full-time
3 years
1/3 pay
During the phased post-retirement period, the Faculty Member shall be eligible
to participate in the benefit programs provided in accordance with the
University’s policies and procedures.
15.7 By mutual agreement between the Member and Employer, the Member may have a
phased pre- or post-retirement period of N% of full-time duties with N% pay, for
whatever period of time is mutually agreeable between the Member and Employer.
16 Salary and Benefits
16.1 Salary Schedule
16.1.1 The salary schedule of Faculty Members is appended hereto as Appendix “A2
(Salary Schedules). The grandfather differential amounts remain constant as
16.1.2 An extra grid step increase will be applied to Faculty Members’ salaries upon
signing of this agreement, retroactive to July 1, 2021. A further step increase will
be applied to Faculty Members’ salaries on January 1, 2023. Both of these steps
are considered to be extra to the normal grid movement.
16.1.3 On July 1, 2024, a 1.5% CoLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) will be applied to all
Faculty Members’ salaries.
16.2 Payroll Deduction
16.2.1 With respect to any salary or benefits that require statutory or other
contributions from Faculty Members, the University shall deduct those
contributions from the Faculty Member’s salary.
16.3 Pension Benefits
16.3.1 The University and Faculty Members shall each continue to contribute to the
Concordia University of Edmonton Employee Pension Plan (CUEEPP) and
Employee Benefit Plan in accordance with the policies and procedures of those
16.4 Tuition Benefits
16.4.1 Faculty Members are entitled to take two (2) University courses, regardless of
program area, free per academic year (one 6-credit or two 3-credit courses if
credential courses). Faculty Members who exceed the annual maximum are
entitled to a 50% education fee waiver for any additional courses.
16.4.2 Tuition benefits apply to the education fee and the following 'required' fees
listed in the Academic Calendar: athletic fee, student association fee, building
development fee, technology fee and student accident insurance fee. The
processing fee is payable and assessed upon registration. Fees listed as 'other' in
the Academic Calendar (convocation, labs, practicums, etc.), are payable and are
assessed upon registration.
16.4.3 Dependents under the age of twenty-seven (27) and spouses of full-time Faculty
Members who enroll in courses at the University are entitled to receive a 50%
education fee waiver. The remaining required and other fees are assessed upon
16.4.4 A Faculty Member requesting a tuition benefit must submit a Tuition Benefit
Application to the Director of Human Resources for approval prior to registering in
a course. Tuition benefits are considered taxable benefits according to the Canada
Revenue Agency.
16.5 Relocation Expenses
16.5.1 The University may pay relocation expenses for Faculty Members relocating as
per the University’s related policies and procedures.
16.5.2 A Faculty Member who voluntarily resigns before serving the University for two
(2) years must refund a portion of the relocation expenses that were reimbursed,
repayable from the Faculty Member’s final pay, or otherwise as a debt owing to
the University. The Faculty Member’s liability to the University for the amount of
the moving relocation allowance paid shall decrease proportionally by 1/24th of
the total amount at the end of each month of regular service, exclusive of leave
16.6 Computers
16.6.1 The University is committed to provide appropriate technology for every Faculty
Member as part of normal office equipment. The computer system provided will
be complete and of a quality commensurate with the standard established by
Information Technology Services.
16.7 Professional Development
16.7.1 Grants for Advanced Study A partial subsidy of the educational fee may be granted for
graduate study toward an advanced degree that only indirectly benefits
the institution. Such grants are subject to the availability of funds.
16.7.2 Professional and Learned Societies The University encourages Faculty Members to participate in
professional organizations in their fields of expertise. The University pays
the full cost of one annual membership in a learned society for each
continuing Faculty Member as approved by the Vice-President Academic
& Provost. The publication of the respective organization included in the
annual membership may be retained by the Faculty Member.
17 Intellectual Property
17.1 The parties shall be governed by the Intellectual Property policy set out in Appendix
“A3” and the Memorandum of Understanding appended as Appendix “A4”.
18 Faculty Member Vacation
18.1 Statutory Holidays
18.1.1 All Faculty Members are entitled to all Province of Alberta Statutory
18.1.2 In addition, the University observes the following days as holidays: Easter
Monday, Heritage Day, Boxing Day.
18.1.3 In the event that any of these holidays fall upon a Saturday or Sunday the
University will observe the holiday on an alternate business day.
18.1.4 The statutory holidays will not be included as part of the Faculty Member’s
vacation entitlement.
18.2 Each Faculty Member who has been appointed for at least one (1) year shall be
entitled to an annual vacation of twenty-five (25) business days for the first ten (10)
years of full-time appointment. Beginning in the eleventh year, the vacation shall be
increased to thirty (30) business days. Vacation entitlements will be advanced
annually at the beginning of the Institutional Year. Entitlements will be prorated for
employees working less than the full Institutional Year. In the event of a Faculty
Member terminating their employment with the University, vacation taken but not
earned will be deducted from the Faculty Member’s final payment.
18.3 Requests for approval of vacation leave shall be made by the Faculty Member to their
Dean or delegate through the University’s online employee reporting system.
18.4 With the exception of Faculty Members teaching in trimester programs, Faculty
Members have the right to schedule vacation at times of their choosing within the
Spring and Summer period (five (5) business days after the end of the winter term
examination period, through five (5) business days before fall semester classes begin).
Vacation during the Spring and Summer period shall not be denied.
18.5 Faculty Members teaching in trimester programs have the right to schedule vacation
at any times the Faculty Member does not have teaching responsibilities (beginning
no earlier than five (5) business days after the end of examinations or, if there are no
examinations, five (5) business days after the end of classes). Vacation during these
times shall not be denied.
18.6 Vacation must be taken within the Institutional Year, however, up to five (5) days may
be carried over into the next Institutional Year.
18.7 No vacation shall be earned during leave without pay, disability leave, or that portion
of leave with partial pay for which no salary is paid.
18.8 Salary in lieu of vacation shall not be paid for any reason.
19 Medical Leave
19.1 In this Article:
a) Medical leave includes leave for illness, injury, consultation with health care
professionals and stays in hospital or other institutions for prescribed medical
care when such event prevents the Member from performing the duties the
Member was performing immediately prior to the commencement of the illness
or injury; and
b) Medical Ability to Work Certificate means a University form verifying the
medical status of a Member, signed by a qualified Physician, and provided to
Human Resources. This form specifies the general nature of the illness or injury,
what restrictions and limitations exist which may impact their ability to perform
the various aspects of their responsibilities and provide an estimate of the
duration of the absence.
19.2 A Member shall inform their Chair, Dean or Director of any medical leave and provide
an estimate of its duration. A Member may be required to submit a Medical Ability to
Work Certificate to Human Resources upon request from the Dean or Director.
19.3 The Member shall provide a Medical Ability to Work Certificate, completed by a
Physician, to Human Resources for any absences that will exceed fourteen (14)
calendar days. The Member shall provide updated Medical Ability to Work
Certificates prior to the expiration of the previous Medical Ability to Work Certificate,
for as long as they remain on medical leave.
19.3.1 Once a claim has been reviewed and consultation with the Dean or Director has
occurred, the Human Resources Advisor shall formally advise the Member
whether they are on medical leave based on the information provided in the
Medical Ability to Work Certificate, with the effective date of the leave to be the
start date indicated on the form submitted by the Physician.
19.3.2 Before returning to work from a medical leave, an updated Medical Ability to
Work Certificate must be provided to Human Resources, indicating that the
Member is medically cleared to return to work. The form must indicate if modified
duties or hours are required by specifying any applicable restrictions and
limitations. Following the receipt of this form, Human Resources will advise the
Dean or Director, as applicable, that the Member is returning to work, with the
effective date specified, and any required details regarding restrictions and
limitations. If there are restrictions and/or limitations specified, the Human
Resources Advisor will work with the Dean or Director as applicable to determine
ability to accommodate those restrictions and/or limitations.
19.3.3 In situations where a Medical Ability to Work Certificate is required but not
provided by the Member, the University will suspend payment of salary and other
benefits to the Member pending satisfactory receipt of the Medical Ability to
Work Certificate.
19.4 During the first seventeen (17) weeks of medical leave, the Faculty Member shall
remain on full pay and benefits.
19.5 A Faculty Member is eligible for medical leave for no longer than seventeen (17)
weeks in aggregate for each illness or injury. A new medical leave may be granted if
there has been a period of at least two (2) consecutive weeks of service following a
previously authorized medical leave.
19.6 If the medical leave is expected to exceed seventeen (17) weeks, in aggregate, the
Faculty Member shall apply for long-term disability leave and benefits pursuant to the
relevant policies and procedures of the University’s long-term disability coverage
provider. If the Faculty Member’s application is approved, the Faculty Member shall
be placed on long-term disability leave. If the application is not approved, the Faculty
Member shall return to regular responsibilities, failing which they shall no longer be
entitled to pay and benefits and their employment shall terminate.
19.7 For a Faculty Member, absence due to medical leave shall be considered service for
determining eligibility for a sabbatical but absence on long-term disability leave shall
not be so considered.
20 Leaves of Absence
20.1 Leaves of absence shall be awarded following application for leave to be made by the
Member and approved by the Member’s Dean or Director.
20.2 Should leave be granted to a Member during a probationary appointment, the term
of the probationary appointment shall be extended by the same length of time as the
leave, provided that the leave does not exceed twelve (12) months.
20.3 Maternity Leave
20.3.1 A Member who has twelve (12) months or more of continuous employment with
the University shall be entitled to up to seventy-eight (78) weeks of combined
maternity and parental leave. This includes a maximum of sixteen (16) weeks paid
top-up maternity leave by the University. Top-up pay is subject to the terms of this
20.3.2 A Member who has less than twelve (12) months of continuous employment with
the University is entitled to up to seventy-eight (78) weeks of combined maternity
and parental leave. This includes a maximum of sixteen (16) weeks unpaid
maternity leave.
20.3.3 The purpose of Maternity Leave is to provide a Member with leave for the
purpose of bearing a child.
20.3.4 A Member shall be entitled to take Maternity Leave of up to sixteen (16) weeks in
accordance with this Article.
20.3.5 A Member who intends to apply for Maternity Leave shall inform the
appropriate Dean or Director in writing as early as possible, but not later than 6
weeks prior to the start of the Maternity leave, who shall inform the Member in
writing whether they have been granted the leave and the terms thereof.
20.3.6 A Member who wants to take Maternity Leave shall apply for Employment
Insurance (EI) Maternity Benefits to commence on or about the last business day
of active work and shall present the appropriate Dean or Director with the
decision of the EI administrators and any requested documentation as soon as
20.3.7 During the Maternity Leave, the eligible Member’s remuneration shall be as
follows: If EI determines that there shall be an unpaid waiting period
before EI Maternity Benefits begin, the Member’s remuneration during
that unpaid period shall be 95% of regular salary less deductions, to be
funded in full by the University. For the balance of the Maternity Leave
period, the Member’s remuneration shall consist of EI Maternity Benefits
plus supplementary top-up salary from the University that is sufficient to
bring total remuneration to 95% of regular salary. If EI determines that there shall not be any waiting period before
EI Maternity Benefits begin, then the Member’s remuneration (up to
sixteen (16) weeks) shall consist of EI Maternity Benefits plus
supplementary top-up salary from the University that is sufficient to bring
total remuneration to 95% of regular salary.
20.4 Parental Leave
Member eligibility for Parental Leave:
20.4.1 A Member who has twelve (12) months or more of continuous employment with
the University is entitled to up to seventy-eight (78) weeks of combined maternity
and parental leave. This includes up to sixty-two (62) weeks of parental leave, of
which twelve (12) weeks of parental leave may be paid top-up parental leave by
the University.
20.4.2 A Member who has less than twelve (12) months of continuous employment
with the University is entitled to up to seventy-eight (78) weeks of combined
maternity and parental leave. This includes up to sixty-two (62) weeks of unpaid
parental leave.
20.4.3 The purpose of Parental Leave is to provide childcare necessitated by the birth or
adoption of a child. The parental leave must commence within fifty-two (52)
weeks of the child’s birth or placement. A Member who intends to apply for Parental Leave for adoption
shall notify their Dean or Director if they are on an adoption placement
waiting list, and as soon as possible when the date of the adoption is
20.4.4 A Member who intends to apply for Parental Leave for non-adoptions shall
inform the appropriate Dean or Director in writing at least six (6) weeks prior to
the start of the requested parental leave.
20.4.5 A Member who wants to take Parental Leave shall, if they have not already
otherwise become entitled to them, apply for EI Parental Benefits to commence
on or about the last business day of active work and shall present the appropriate
Dean or Director with the decision of the EI administrators and any requested
documentation as soon as possible.
20.4.6 During Parental Leave, an eligible Member’s remuneration shall be as follows: If EI determines that there shall be an unpaid waiting period
before EI Parental Benefits begin, the Member’s remuneration during that
unpaid waiting period shall be 95% of regular salary less deductions, to be
funded in full by the University. For the balance of the Parental Leave
period, the Member’s remuneration shall consist of EI Parental Benefits
plus supplementary salary from the University that is sufficient to bring
total remuneration to 95% of regular salary. If EI determines that there shall not be any waiting period before
EI Parental Benefits begin, then the Member’s remuneration (up to twelve
(12) weeks) shall consist of EI Parental Benefits plus supplementary salary
from the University that is sufficient to bring total remuneration to 95% of
regular salary. If a Member is not eligible for EI Maternity or Parental benefits,
they will similarly be ineligible for supplemental top-up of remuneration
from the University related to Maternity or Parental Leaves in accordance
with this Article. To receive remuneration outlined in and, the
eligible Member must receive EI Parental benefits as described in 20.4.5.
20.5 Child Care Leave Beyond Maternity or Parental Leaves
20.5.1 The Member shall have coverage under the University’s benefits programs during
Maternity and/or Parental Leaves to the extent allowed by those benefits
programs in the circumstances.
20.6 Family Responsibility Leave
20.6.1 A Member is allowed Family Responsibility Leave for a maximum of five (5)
working days per Institutional Year.
20.6.2 Within this maximum, a Member, upon application, shall be granted leave of
absence with pay from regular duties and responsibilities to make arrangements
for or attend to the needs of any of the following family members in the event of a
sudden or serious illness.
Partner (Spouse, adult interdependent or common-law);
Dependent child(ren) and dependent step-child(ren);
Parents, foster parents, guardians
Any other person living with the Member as a member of their family.
20.6.3 Also within this maximum, a Member, upon application, shall be granted leave of
absence without pay from regular duties and responsibilities to make
arrangements for or attend to the needs of the following family members in the
event of a sudden or serious illness.
Non-dependent child(ren) and non-dependent step-child(ren)
20.6.4 When, owing to an emergency, a Member must be absent from regular duties
and responsibilities before a leave application can be processed, the Member shall
advise the Area Chair and appropriate Dean or Director of the circumstances as
soon as reasonably possible and provide an estimate of the time that the Member
expects to be absent from duties.
20.6.5 Members shall report their Family Responsibility Leave through the University’s
online employee reporting system.
20.7 Bereavement Leave
20.7.1 A Member is allowed Bereavement Leave for a maximum of up to four (4)
working days per Institutional Year.
20.7.2 Within this maximum, a Member is allowed leave with pay in the event of death
of any of the following family members:
Partner (Spouse, adult interdependent or common-law);
Children(ren) and step-child(ren);
Parents, parents-in-law, and step-parents;
Siblings and their spouses;
Nieces and nephews;
Any other person living with the Member as a member of their family.
20.7.3 Also within this maximum, a Member is allowed leave without pay in the event of
death of any of the following family members:
Child(ren)’s partner/spouse
Current or former wards
Former guardians
Former foster parents
Grandchild(ren)’s partner/spouse
Aunts, uncles, step-aunts, step-uncles (and their partner/spouse)
A person the Member isn’t related to but considers to be like a close
Family members of Member’s spouse, common-law or adult
interdependent partner:
o Current or former wards
o Parents, step-parents, foster parents
o Sibling, half-sibling, step-sibling
o Grandparents
o Grandchildren
o Aunts, uncles
o Nieces, nephews
20.7.4 A Member is allowed leave with pay for one (1) calendar day per Institutional
Year, to attend the funeral services of persons who may not be a family member.
20.7.5 Requests for bereavement leave must be approved by the appropriate Dean or
20.7.6 The Member shall advise the Area Chair and Dean or Director of the
circumstances as soon as reasonably possible and provide an estimate of the time
that the Member expects to be absent from duties.
20.7.7 Members shall report their Bereavement Leave in advance through the
University’s online employee reporting system.
20.8 Court Duty Leave
20.8.1 Leave without loss of salary and benefits shall be granted to a Member
subpoenaed to be a witness or summoned for jury selection and/or jury duty in a
court action or statutorily established tribunal. Any stipend paid to the Member by
the responsible Jury Management Office is deducted from the Member’s salary.
20.8.2 The Member shall notify in writing the Area Chair and appropriate Dean or
Director immediately upon being subpoenaed or summoned and are required to
submit a copy of the subpoena or summons.
20.8.3 Members shall report their Court Duty Leave through the University’s online
employee reporting system.
20.9 Other Leaves
20.9.1 The Vice-President Academic & Provost may grant leave with pay, with partial
pay, or without pay to Members for certain periods and purposes.
20.9.2 The Vice-President Academic & Provost may approve secondment of Members to
other employers or agencies.
20.9.3 Members shall report their Other Leave through the University’s online employee
reporting system.
21 Sabbatical
21.1 Purpose
21.1.1 A sabbatical leave is an extended period of academic work or scholarship
intended to enrich the intellectual life of the University. Specifically, a sabbatical
leave is to be used for one or more of the following purposes:
a) research and scholarship, including the beginning of a new and promising
line of research and scholarly activity;
b) advanced study, work, or travel designed to keep the Faculty Member
abreast of the latest developments in their area of specialization.
21.2 Eligibility
21.2.1 Let A be the Faculty Member’s years of service, B their years of service prior to
July 1, 2016 and S the number of the Faculty Member’s previous sabbaticals at the
University. The Faculty Member is eligible for a sabbatical leave if they are on a
permanent appointment and
+ 1
+ 1 8
+ 1
denotes the floor of x, so the largest integer less than or equal to x.
21.2.2 Time spent on leave of absence, except sabbatical leaves, is not counted toward
the service period. Part- time service is translated into full-time equivalents on the
basis of normal service loads. Eligibility is not limited by age. Faculty Members
may not take more than twelve (12) months of sabbatical leave within any three-
year period.
21.2.3 Administrative appointments after March 2018 will not be counted towards
Sabbatical Leave eligibility. Serving as Department Chair is not included as an
administrative appointment.
21.3 Priority
21.3.1 Priority among Members seeking sabbatical leaves shall be determined on
the basis of number of years of full-time or full-time equivalent service to
Concordia since the end of the academic year of the faculty Member's last
sabbatical leave. Among the applicants with the same priority level, preference
will first be given to those without leave of absence since their last sabbatical and
then to those eligible for a first sabbatical.
21.4 Availability
21.4.1 Normally, up to one eighth of the faculty may be granted sabbatical leave
each Institutional Year in accordance with Clause 21.6.
21.5 Early Sabbatical Leaves
21.5.1 In exceptional circumstances, Faculty Members that are three (3) or less
years of service short of being eligible for a sabbatical leave may apply for and,
subject to the normal priority and availability rules outlined in this Article, be
granted an early sabbatical leave.
21.6 Length, Schedule and Salary
21.6.1 The sabbatical leave is twelve (12) or six (6) months in total length and is
scheduled according to the following options:
a) a twelve-month sabbatical leave from July 1 to June 30 at:
i. 90% salary for a Faculty Member taking a first sabbatical;
ii. 80% salary for Faculty Members taking their second or subsequent
b) a six-month sabbatical leave from July 1 to December 31 or from January
1 to June 30 at 100% salary;
c) a twelve-month sabbatical leave divided into six-month sections at 80%
salary, the first half taken from July 1 to December 31 or from January 1
to June 30 and second half from July 1 to December 31 or from January 1
to June 30 within six years of the end of the first half. For purposes of
21.4.1 this sabbatical leave is counted in the Institutional Year of the first
half; Priority (21.3) for the next sabbatical leave will accrue starting at the
end of the academic year of the second half.
d) For the purposes of this Article and during any sabbatical, pension
contributions remain based on 100% salary, all existing grandfather
differential amounts remain at 100%, and any existing administrative
stipends or similar will pause.
21.7 Finances
21.7.1 The decision as to the acceptability of a proposal will not be based on whether
additional remuneration may be received, but rather on the probability that the
Faculty Member will enhance their value to the University. Teaching elsewhere or
working in research laboratories of industry or government may be approved if
such activities can be expected to contribute significantly to the acquisition of
useful ideas and practices. In no case will leave be granted primarily for the
purpose of augmenting the Faculty Member's income. The benefit to the
University must be foremost in the consideration leading to approval of the leave.
21.8 Implementation
21.8.1 By means of a list published at the beginning of each Institutional Year, the Vice-
President Academic & Provost will keep Faculty Members informed as to their
eligibility and priority within the next six-year period. On or before October 1 of
the Institutional Year preceding the Institutional Year in which the sabbatical is to
occur, a Faculty Member will apply for a leave by submitting written plans and
other pertinent data to their Dean that meet the requirements of Clause 21.1 of
this Article.
21.8.2 The Dean shall forward proposals that are acceptable directly to the Research
and Faculty Development Committee on or before October 15. If the Dean finds
the sabbatical proposal not acceptable, the Faculty Member will be given the
opportunity to modify the proposal. If, after modification, the Dean still finds the
sabbatical proposal unacceptable, the Faculty Member has the option of
submitting this disagreement to informal dispute resolution according to Article
25.7 (Grievance and Arbitration). The final recommendation of the Dean with
respect to the modified proposal will be forwarded to the Research and Faculty
Development Committee not later than October 31.
21.8.3 The Research and Faculty Development Committee shall decide which of the
requests are consistent with the purpose for which sabbatical leave is granted and
forward recommendations for their approval to the Vice- President Academic &
Provost. The Vice- President Academic & Provost grants final approval. If there are
more eligible candidates than can be accommodated, selection of sabbatical leave
recipients will be based in accordance with this Article and on the merits of the
sabbatical proposal. If the sabbatical proposal is unacceptable in the views of both
the Dean and the Research and Faculty Development Committee, approval may
be denied even if the applicant's priority and the number of available sabbatical
leaves would otherwise qualify the proposal for approval.
21.8.4 A Faculty Member’s most recent past sabbatical leave report will be considered
by the Research and Faculty Development Committee in their recommendations
only insofar as it reflects an unjustified failure to work in accordance with the
Faculty Member’s original sabbatical proposal.
21.8.5 Candidates will be notified of the decision by December 31 of the same year.
21.9 A sabbatical of one year shall be deemed to include the vacation entitlement, and a
six month sabbatical shall be deemed to include one-half of the vacation entitlement.
21.10 If a Faculty Member takes ill or is injured during a sabbatical and, as a result, cannot
complete the sabbatical program, they shall be placed on medical leave, provided the
illness/injury is for longer than fourteen (14) business days. If the Faculty Member is
placed on medical leave, the following rules apply:
a) Salary while on medical leave will be as per Article 19 (Medical Leave) of this
b) If the onset of illness/injury occurs before 50% of the sabbatical has been
completed, the sabbatical will be considered to be cancelled and the Member
may take another sabbatical in the following sabbatical year (provided the
sabbatical program is the same as the aborted one, without formal application).
Eligibility for a subsequent sabbatical will be determined by the dates of the
second or replacement sabbatical, not by the aborted one. Notwithstanding the
fact that part of the original sabbatical has been cancelled, the salary rate will
not be adjusted for that period.
c) If the onset of illness/injury occurs when 50% or more of the sabbatical has
been completed, the sabbatical will be considered to be completed and
eligibility for a subsequent sabbatical will be based on the regular end-date of
the aborted sabbatical.
21.11 Sabbatical Leave Reports
Mid-way through the sabbatical leave the Faculty Member shall consult with the Chair,
or in a Faculty without Chairs, the Dean, with respect to the progress of the sabbatical
plan. Faculty Members returning from sabbatical leave shall, within three (3) months of
their return to the University, submit a written report to the Faculty Dean and to the
Research and Faculty Development Committee. This report shall describe the sabbatical
leave accomplishments in terms of the Faculty Member’s fulfillment of the sabbatical
leave plan and the purpose of a sabbatical leave. The final report shall be attached to
the Faculty Member’s Annual Report on Professional Activities for that year.
22 Travel at the Request of the University
22.1 The University shall reimburse Members for approved expenses incurred while
travelling on University business at the University’s request. Members shall not be
required to travel.
22.2 Approved expenses, rate of reimbursement, and reimbursement process shall be in
accordance with University policies and procedures as amended from time to time.
23 Effective Date
23.1 This Agreement shall be effective on the date that it is ratified by the parties up to
and including June 30, 2025, and for further periods of one (1) year unless written
notice is given by either party of the desire to delete, change, amend or cancel any of
the provisions contained herein or a wish to bargain with a view to the making of a
new Agreement, within the period from ninety (90) days prior to the renewal date.
Should neither of the parties give such notice prior to the renewal date, this
Agreement will renew for a period of one (1) year.
23.2 The Salary Schedules for 2021-2025 attached hereto as part of Appendix “A2” and
“A5” to this Agreement shall be retroactive to July 1, 2021.
23.3 Should negotiations not be completed prior to the expiration date of this Agreement,
all negotiated items will be effective from the date of signing the new Agreement.
24 Reduction in Force Through Financial Exigency or Program
24.1 The parties recognize that a reduction or reorganization in academic staffing may be
required in the event of:
24.1.1 Financial Exigency, meaning continuing and structural deficits that threaten the
University’s ability to operate; or
24.1.2 Program Redundancy, meaning academic programs have insufficient enrolment
making the programs unsustainable in their current form, involving at least three
(3) years of insufficient enrollment.
24.2 Reductions in staffing will be made with due regard to seniority of Members, with the
Members having the shortest length of service in the area affected being the first to
be terminated.
24.3 Prior to terminating a Member’s employment pursuant to this Article, the University
will meet with the Member who may be accompanied at the meeting by a
representative Member of the Faculty Association and determine, in its discretion,
whether the Member can reasonably meet the job requirements for deployment to
another position available in administration within the bargaining unit or another
academic unit.
24.3.1 Any redeployment to another academic or administrative unit within the
bargaining unit shall require the written consent of the Member. If such
redeployment occurs, the Member shall retain their rank or position and
placement on the salary grid.
24.4 The University may terminate a Member’s employment pursuant to this Article upon
providing the Member with notice equivalent to one month of notice for each year of
service (with partial years to be prorated) up to a maximum of twelve(12) months of
notice in total, or pay in lieu of such notice, or a combination thereof in the case of a
termination for financial exigency and up to a maximum of eighteen (18) months of
notice in total, or pay in lieu of such notice, or a combination thereof in the case of a
termination for program redundancy.
24.5 An employee declared redundant under 24.1.2 of this Article, shall have the right to
grieve such declaration of redundancy under Article 25 (Grievance and Arbitration) of
this Agreement.
24.6 For a period of two Institutional Years following termination of the program, the Vice
President Academic & Provost shall not authorize the replacement of Members by
other instructional staff or the appointment of new instructional staff to the Program.
Should the Program be reinstated within that period, or a new Program be
established which requires instructional staff with similar qualifications, or if
instructional staff are required to deliver the same or substantially similar courses, all
former Members whose employment was terminated due to that specific program’s
closure, shall be informed of all such new positions.
Members, whose employment was terminated due to that specific program’s closure
and who choose to apply for such positions, shall have the right of first refusal for
appointments for which they are qualified, provided they inform the Dean within
twenty-eight (28) calendar days of notification.
If more Members apply than there are vacancies, the selection shall be made on the
basis of the Member’s seniority prior to the termination of their employment.
If a Faculty Member is reappointed, for the purposes of sabbatical eligibility, the
period between the end of the notice period and reappointment shall be considered
as service at the University. Salary for Members upon reappointment shall be at the
same grid level and step as on termination.
25 Grievance and Arbitration
25.1 Grievance means a claim, dispute, or complaint involving the interpretation,
application, operation, administration, or contravention or alleged contravention of
this Agreement, or as to whether such a difference can be the subject of arbitration.
25.2 Disputes for which there are specific appeal or resolution mechanisms provided in
this agreement shall be resolved by those mechanisms and not by the grievance
procedures of this Article, with the following exceptions:
25.2.1 In cases in which it is alleged that:
a) The decision maker acted in bad faith;
b) The decision maker had a reasonable apprehension of bias; or
c) There was a significant breach of the principles of procedural fairness.
25.2.2 In cases of conversion from probationary to permanent appointment, or
advancement in rank, an arbitrator does not have jurisdiction to award a
permanent appointment or to grant advancement in rank.
25.3 The procedures in this Article applying to a grievance of any type submitted by the
Association apply equally to a grievance submitted by the University, with such
materials to be submitted in that case by the University to the President of the
25.4 Types of Grievance
25.4.1 A grievance may be submitted:
a) By the Association (a policy grievance);
b) By the Association on behalf of a Member (an individual grievance);
c) By the Association on behalf of a group of Members (a group grievance);
d) By the University.
25.5 The Association shall have sole authority over and carriage of all Association and
Member grievances.
25.6 Time Limits
25.6.1 Notice of a grievance shall be filed within forty-five (45) calendar days of the
date on which the action or omission being grieved occurred, or forty-five (45)
calendar days from the date on which the Member, Association, or the University,
as the case may be, knew or reasonably should have known that the action or
omission has occurred.
25.6.2 The time limits set out in this Article are mandatory and failure to comply strictly
with such time limits, except by the written agreement of the Parties, shall result
in the grievance being deemed withdrawn.
25.6.3 The time limits specified in this Article may be amended by mutual agreement of
the Parties in writing.
25.7 Informal Resolution
25.7.1 Before the Association files a formal grievance, a representative of the
Association shall meet with the Vice-President Academic & Provost, in order to
discuss the matter and any potential for resolution.
25.7.2 This meeting shall take place within fifteen (15) business days of the request for
the meeting or such other time as may be agreed, failing which the Association
may proceed to file a grievance.
25.7.3 The Vice-President Academic & Provost and the Association shall discuss at the
meeting the available means to resolve the grievance.
25.7.4 If the Parties cannot resolve the grievance informally within fifteen (15) business
days following the meeting, the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall deliver a
decision in writing to the Association to that effect.
25.7.5 The contents of the discussions and decisions arising from the informal
resolution process shall be privileged and cannot be relied upon at arbitration,
unless otherwise indicated in writing by the parties.
25.8 Grievance Procedure
25.8.1 If an issue is not resolved in the Informal Resolution stage, the Association shall
have sole authority to file a formal grievance or not.
25.8.2 In filing a formal grievance, the Association shall
a) State the grievance in writing;
b) Refer to the Article or clause of the Agreement that has been violated or
improperly applied;
c) Summarize the facts giving rise to the dispute; and
d) Fully state the remedy or relief sought.
25.8.3 A grievance shall be submitted to the President.
25.8.4 The President, or designate, shall meet with the Association within ten (10)
business days to attempt resolution of the dispute. If the President and the
Association cannot resolve the dispute, then either party may within thirty (30)
business days following the formal filing of the grievance refer the matter to
arbitration in accordance with the arbitration procedures herein.
25.9 Arbitration
25.9.1 To refer a grievance to arbitration, the Association or the University, as the case
may be shall provide notice in writing to the other party.
25.9.2 A matter referred to arbitration shall be heard by a single arbitrator except for
those matters where the University and the Association agree, in referring a
matter to arbitration, to a three-person arbitration board. Hereinafter, all
references to arbitrator shall be deemed to include an arbitration board.
25.9.3 In the case of a single arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be appointed by agreement
of the parties.
25.9.4 In the case of a three-person arbitration board, each party shall select its
nominee to the arbitration board and the two nominees shall appoint the third
person (who shall be Chair).
25.9.5 If the parties cannot agree to a single arbitrator or to a Chair of a three- person
arbitration board, either Party may request the Director of Mediation Services to
appoint a single arbitrator as provided for under the Labour Relations Code, as
amended from time to time.
25.9.6 The arbitrator shall have the duty and power to adjudicate all matters in dispute,
to receive and to examine evidence, to administer oaths and to compel
attendance of witnesses and production of documents, in accordance with the
powers conferred by the Labour Relations Code, as amended from time to time.
25.9.7 The arbitrator may rule on questions of law and jurisdiction that arise before or
during an arbitration.
25.9.8 The arbitrator shall issue a decision which shall be final and binding. In the case
of a matter heard by arbitration board, the decision of the majority shall be the
decision of the arbitration board, and if no majority exists, the decision of the
person chairing the board shall be the decision of the board.
25.9.9 The arbitrator shall furnish to the parties a written decision as soon after the
conclusion of the hearings as possible.
25.9.10 The arbitrator shall conduct any hearing in private in the presence of the
grievor and the Parties and/or their representatives (if any) unless the grievor and
the Parties agree otherwise in writing.
25.9.11 The onus in cases of discipline shall be upon the representatives of the
University to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that the decision reached
was appropriate in all the circumstances.
25.9.12 The arbitrator shall have the right to call witnesses and procure materials
in addition to the witnesses called or the materials submitted by the parties.
25.9.13 The University and the Association shall share equally the fees and
expenses of the arbitrator.
25.9.14 Each party shall bear its own costs of presentation to the arbitrator.
25.9.15 Either party shall be entitled to make application to an appropriate court
for enforcement or judicial review of an arbitration decision made under this
25.10 At any time, the Parties may agree to refer a dispute to mediation with a mutually
acceptable mediator. The Parties shall equally share the cost of any mediation, the
process shall be privileged and on a without prejudice basis, and shall not affect,
change or delay any of the timelines otherwise required under this Agreement unless
the parties otherwise agree in writing.
26 Official File
26.1 The University shall maintain an Official File for each Member.
26.2 Maintenance of the Official File shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President
Academic & Provost or designate. The file shall be kept in a secure location.
26.3 It is recognized that copies of some or all of the materials in the Official File may be
used for normal administrative purposes. Copies of such materials may be filed
elsewhere for these purposes. The Official File shall be clearly marked as confidential.
26.4 A Member, and with the Member’s written consent, a Member’s agent, have the
right to examine after giving reasonable notice the entire contents of their Official File
during normal business hours. The examination may be carried out in the presence of
a person designated by the Director of Human Resources. Members shall not remove
their Official File or parts thereof from the office where it is held, nor shall Members
annotate or in any way alter the Official File during examination.
26.5 A Member may, upon written request, obtain a copy of any document in their Official
File. Electronic copies, if available and requested, and hard copies shall be provided
free of charge.
26.6 Members have the right to have included in their Official Files, their written
comments about the accuracy, relevance, meaning or completeness of the contents
of their Files.
26.7 The Official File will include, but not necessarily be limited to, documentation
regarding the Member’s appointment, letters or other records relating to complaints,
investigations, discipline, performance, promotion. Documents related to annual
evaluation, advancement in rank decisions, and unacceptable academic performance
(including any evidentiary or supporting materials related to these matters arising
from either submissions or appeal processes), need not be kept together with the
Official File, but will be kept by the University for no less than 5 years, with only the
results of those matters being kept in the Official File.
26.8 Upon signing of this Agreement, the University agrees to create an Official File for
each Member in keeping with the requirements stipulated in this Article. Past
documentation pre-dating this agreement pertaining to any Member need not
necessarily be included in the Official File, depending on the availability and
organization of such material.
26.9 An Arbitration Board shall have access to all Official Files, including confidential
material, which they decide are relevant to the issue(s) under consideration. Nothing
in this article shall be construed as to limit the evidence that the parties may rely
upon or an arbitration board may consider in any arbitration or other legal process
arising from this Agreement.
27 Association Work
27.1 Course and/or Workload Release
27.1.1 Recognition of Service
In accordance with Clauses 8.7.3 and 8.7.4, service on the Executive of the Faculty
Association is an example of service to the University. In addition, for the
purposes of the Annual Evaluation, Permanency, Renewal, and Promotion,
Association work counts for service.
27.1.2 One unit of workload release consists of either teaching release of three (3)
hour equivalents (see 8.5.1 and 8.5.2) or, when teaching release is not applicable
to the Member, release from work for 78 work-hours (with no more than 15 hours
to be taken in any one week).
27.1.3 The University shall annually grant to the Association a total of two (2) units of
workload releases for Members, to be assigned by the Association to carry out
Association work.
27.1.4 The University shall grant the Association's Chief Negotiating Officer one unit
of workload release in addition to any other workload release the Chief
Negotiating Officer may have, in years in which bargaining occurs.
27.1.5 The Association may make a request to the Vice-President Academic & Provost
to purchase additional units of workload release at full replacement costs for its
Members to carry out Association work. Such approval will not be unreasonably
27.1.6 The Association shall notify the Vice-President Academic & Provost of its
intention to assign any workload releases at least four months prior to the
commencement of the term in which the release will be used.
27.1.7 The Association shall effect the payment stated in 27.1.5 no later than the first
calendar day of the academic term in which the workload reduction will take
27.2 Mail
The Association shall have access to the internal and external postal services of the
University, on a cost recovery basis.
28 [Vacant]
Intentionally left blank.
29 Application and Recognition
29.1 This Part applies to specific non-faculty Members who perform certain particular
academic-related functions, for whom the University voluntarily recognizes the
Association as the exclusive bargaining agent to represent their interests for purposes
of collective bargaining (the “Academic Service Officers”).
30 Application of Articles
30.1 The following Articles of this Collective Agreement apply to the Academic Service
1 Definitions
2 Academic Freedom
3 Agreement Review and Amendment
4 Recognition, Representation and Association Dues
5 Employer Rights
6 Strikes and Lockouts
8.12 Employment Outside Concordia
12 Re-Entry of Administrators
14 Non-Discrimination and Harassment
15 Retirement 15.1 through 15.3
17 Intellectual Property
19.1 - 19.3 Medical Leave
20 Leaves of Absence
22 Travel at the Request of the University
23 Effective Date
24 Reduction in Force Through Financial Exigency or Program Redundancy
25 Grievance and Arbitration
26 Official File
27 Association Work
31 [Vacant]
Intentionally left blank.
32 Appointments
32.1 The process of developing recommendations on the appointment of Academic
Service Officers is to include input from Faculty Members and other Academic Service
Officers of the same discipline as that of the contemplated appointment. The guiding
objective is to attract and appoint the most highly qualified candidates. In its
deliberations, the Search Committee shall consider various factors including:
a) academic credentials;
b) program fit with the relevant area and academic unit as applicable;
c) evidence of positive teaching performance, where applicable;
d) acknowledgement of the Mission, Vision and Values of Concordia;
e) all pre-employment checks and verifications specified in the advertisement for
the position; and
f) suitability for appointment.
32.2 In consultation with the Vice-President Academic & Provost, the Library Director or
Dean establishes a search committee. The search committee includes the appropriate
Department Chair, if applicable, and Members from the same discipline, as well as the
Library Director or Dean. The Vice- President Academic & Provost and the President &
Vice-Chancellor may participate ex officio.
32.3 On initial appointment as an Academic Service Officer, an Academic Service Officer
will serve a probationary period of twelve (12) months. An Academic Service Officer
will obtain permanent employment status only after successful completion of the
probationary period.
33 Work Assignment and Other Responsibilities
33.1 The work assignment of an Academic Service Officer shall be consistent with the goals
and objectives of the university library, Department or Faculty (as applicable) which
shall be established by the Library Director, Director, Dean or delegate (as applicable),
and shall generally be attainable within 37.5 hours a week averaged over the year.
33.2 An Academic Service Officer may devote time during working hours to professional
development activities, with the approval of the Library Director, Director, Dean or
Delegate (as applicable).
33.3 Academic Service Officers are expected to develop their professional knowledge, may
engage in research and scholarly activities, and may be asked to participate in the
administration of aspects of the University.
34 Academic Service Officer Vacation
34.1 Statutory Holidays
34.1.1 All Academic Service Officers are entitled to all Province of Alberta
Statutory Holidays.
34.1.2 In addition, the University observes the following days as holidays: Easter
Monday, Heritage Day, Boxing Day.
34.1.3 In the event that any of these holidays fall upon a Saturday or Sunday, the
University will observe the holiday on an alternate business day.
34.1.4 The statutory holidays will not be included as part of the Academic Service
Officer’s vacation entitlement.
34.2 Each Academic Service Officer shall be entitled to twenty (20) business days each
Institutional Year for annual vacation. After fifteen (15) years of service, the annual
vacation entitlement shall be twenty- five (25) business days. Vacation may be taken
at any time with the approval of the Director, Dean or delegate (as applicable).
Vacation entitlements will be advanced annually at the beginning of the Institutional
Year. Entitlements will be prorated for employees working less than the full
Institutional Year. In the event of an Academic Service Officer terminating their
employment with the University, vacation taken but not earned will be deducted
from the Academic Service Officer’s final payment.
34.3 Requests for approval of vacation leave shall be made by the Academic Service
Officer to their Director, Dean, or delegate through the University’s online employee
reporting system.
34.4 Vacation must be taken within the Institutional Year, however, up to five (5) days may
be carried over into the next Institutional Year.
34.5 No vacation shall be earned during leave without pay, disability leave, or that portion
of leave with partial pay for which no salary is paid.
34.6 Salary in lieu of vacation shall not be paid for any reason.
35 Medical Leave
35.1 Articles 19.1, 19.2, and 19.3 (Medical Leave) apply to the Academic Service Officers.
35.2 During the first nine (9) weeks of medical leave, the Academic Service Officer shall
remain on full pay and benefits. The next eight (8) weeks will remain on full benefits
and be paid in accordance with the policies and procedures of the designated short-
term disability provider as determined from time to time within the Employee Benefit
Plan. The Academic Service Officer medical leave may be subject to adjudication by
the insurance company at any time during the medical leave.
35.3 An Academic Service Officer is eligible for medical leave for no longer than seventeen
(17) weeks in aggregate for each illness or injury. A new medical leave may be granted
if there has been a period of at least two (2) consecutive weeks of service following a
previously authorized medical leave.
35.4 If the medical leave is expected to exceed seventeen (17) weeks, in aggregate, the
Academic Service Officer shall apply for long-term disability leave and benefits
pursuant to the relevant policies and procedures of the University’s long-term
disability coverage provider. If the Academic Service Officer’s application is approved,
the Academic Service Officer shall be placed on long-term disability leave. If the
application is not approved, the Academic Service Officer shall return to regular
responsibilities, failing which they shall no longer be entitled to pay and benefits and
their employment shall terminate.
36 Salary, Payroll and Other Benefits (ASO)
36.1 The salary schedule for Academic Service Officers is appended hereto as Appendix
“A5” (Salary Schedule).
36.1.1 An extra grid step increase will be applied to Academic Service Officers’ salaries
upon signing of this agreement, retroactive to July 1, 2021. A further step increase
will be applied to Academic Service Officers’ salaries on January 1, 2023. Both of
these steps are considered to be extra to the normal grid movement.
36.1.2 On July 1, 2024, a 1.5% CoLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) will be applied to all
Academic Service Officers’ salaries
36.2 Payroll Deduction
36.2.1 With respect to any salary or benefits that require statutory or other
contributions from Academic Service Officers, the University shall deduct those
contributions from the Academic Service Officer’s salary.
36.3 Pension Benefits
36.3.1 The University and Academic Service Officers shall each continue to contribute
to the Concordia University of Edmonton Employee Pension Plan (CUEEPP) and
Employee Benefit Plan in accordance with the policies and procedures of those
36.4 Tuition Benefits
36.4.1 Academic Service Officers are entitled to take two (2) University courses,
regardless of program area, free per academic year (one 6-credit or two 3-credit
courses if credential courses). Academic Service Officers who exceed the annual
maximum are entitled to a 50% education fee waiver for any additional courses.
36.4.2 Tuition benefits apply to the education fee and the following 'required' fees
listed in the Academic Calendar: athletic fee, student association fee, building
development fee, technology fee and student accident insurance fee. The
processing fee is payable and assessed upon registration. Fees listed as 'other' in
the Academic Calendar (convocation, labs, practicums, etc.), are payable and are
assessed upon registration.
36.4.3 Dependents under the age of twenty-seven (27) and spouses of full-time
Academic Service Officers who enroll in courses at the University are entitled to
receive a 50% education fee waiver. The remaining required and other fees are
assessed upon registration.
36.4.4 An Academic Service Officer requesting a tuition benefit must submit a Tuition
Benefit Application to the Director of Human Resources for approval prior to
registering in a course. Tuition benefits are considered taxable benefits according
to the Canada Revenue Agency.
37 Annual Performance Review
37.1 The performance of the Academic Service Officer shall be evaluated annually by the
direct supervisor, Chair, Dean, Director, or Vice-President Academic & Provost (as
applicable) with the input and recommendation of the direct supervisor of the
Academic Service Officer being reviewed.
37.2 The supervisor will evaluate the Academic Service Officer’s performance over the
Institutional Year based on the Academic Service Officer’s job description established
by May 31 of the preceding Institutional Year. If there was no updated job description
established by that date, the most recently established job description prior to that
date will apply. The member will have access to the job description that will serve as
the basis of their evaluation for the following year as of June 1.
37.3 During the annual review the supervisor may request a meeting with the Academic
Service Officer to request more information.
37.4 The supervisor will provide the Academic Service Officer with a written evaluation of
performance, including clear identification (as applicable) of strengths, areas for
improvement, and unsatisfactory performance. The evaluation shall include a clear
indication of whether the Academic Service Officer’s overall performance is
satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The Academic Service Officer has the right to formulate
a written response and place it in their official file.
37.5 The University will review job descriptions at least annually and bring any changes to
the job descriptions to the Faculty Association and any affected Academic Service
37.6 Details of research and scholarly activity, where applicable, including publications,
presentations, research grants received, lectures, prizes and awards shall be
submitted as part of the annual performance evaluation.
38 Discipline
38.1 An Academic Service Officer may only be disciplined pursuant to this Article 38, up to
and including termination, for just cause.
38.2 Discipline Procedure
a) The University will follow a progressive process of discipline, up to and including
dismissal, for Academic Service Officers. Any discipline of an Academic Service
Officer arising from unsatisfactory performance generally or in conjunction
with the performance evaluation review process in Article 37 shall follow the
discipline process set out in this Article 38 (Academic Service Officers -
b) Disciplinary action shall be initiated within thirty (30) business days of the date
that the University knew, or ought reasonably to have known, of the
occurrence of the matter giving rise to the discipline. Initiation of disciplinary
action shall be accomplished upon notification of the President of the
Association in writing of the intention to initiate investigation or other
procedures that may lead to discipline.
c) Prior to deciding upon or invoking any discipline Supervisors or other
representatives of the University will
i. consult with Human Resources and the Vice-President Academic &
Provost; and
ii. meet with the Academic Service Officer to communicate concerns about
their performance or conduct.
d) Investigation and Right to Representation
The University will investigate to ascertain all relevant facts prior to considering
and making a final disciplinary determination. If an Academic Service Officer is
required to attend an interview or meeting as part of a disciplinary investigation
they will be entitled to have an Association Representative in attendance and
the University will inform the Academic Service Officer and the Association with
at least three (3) business days’ notice of the time of meeting.
38.3 Disciplinary Actions
The progressive discipline process outlined below contemplates increasingly serious
actions to be taken by the University to discipline an Academic Service Officer, up to
and including termination of employment, for just cause. The University will follow
this process in sequential order, except when the particular circumstances of a case
justify moving immediately, in the University’s sole discretion, to a particular or more
serious action. The University may repeat certain steps in the process at its sole
discretion. Copies of any written decisions or actions will be given to the Association
within two (2) business days following their issuance. The Academic Service Officer
may provide a written rebuttal to any disciplinary step taken within seven (7)
business days following issuance of the discipline step, and said rebuttal will be
maintained on the Academic Service Officer’s employee file along with the
disciplinary step notification in question.
a) Written Reprimand
A written reprimand will include reasons for the reprimand and expectations for
future performance or conduct.
b) Suspension With Pay
Where a suspension with pay is given to an Academic Service Officer, the
University will provide written reasons to the Academic Service Officer including
the length and time of the suspension, and expectations for future performance
or conduct.
c) Suspension Without Pay
Where a suspension without pay is given to an Academic Service Officer, the
University will provide written reasons to the Academic Service Officer including
the length and time of the suspension, and expectations for future performance
or conduct.
d) Dismissal
Where an Academic Service Officer is dismissed, the University will provide
written reasons to the Academic Service Officer. Except in the case of a
probationary employee, there shall be no dismissal except with just cause.
38.4 Access to Dispute Resolution Process
The Academic Service Officer will have the right to apply Article 25 (Grievance and
Arbitration) with respect to any disciplinary action.
39 Librarians
39.1 Librarians shall normally report to an Assistant Library Director or the Library Director
as the case may be.
39.2 The principal responsibilities of Librarians are to support the academic work, including
teaching, learning and research, of Faculty Members, students and other researchers
of the University by developing, maintaining, and providing access to the university
library’s resources.
39.3 Librarians have the responsibility to participate in library and other university,
academic or professional committees to the extent that such other involvement does
not interfere with the Librarians fulfilling their principal responsibilities.
39.4 Workload
A Librarian’s work assignment shall generally be attainable within thirty-seven point
five (37.5) hours per week averaged over the month.
Days worked by librarians on weekends will be taken off on a weekday within thirty
(30) calendar days.
40 Field Placement Coordinators
40.1 This position normally reports to the Chair or Practicum Director of the department
offering the field placement or, in the absence of a department Chair or Practicum
Director, to the Dean or Director of the relevant faculty or program.
40.2 The principal responsibilities of Field Placement Coordinators are to establish,
coordinate, and supervise student field experiences under the supervision of the
person named in 40.1.
41 Laboratory Instructors
41.1 This position normally reports to the Chair of the department in which the Academic
Service Officer is responsible for providing laboratory instruction or, in the absence of
a Chair, to the appropriate Dean or as otherwise directed by the Vice-President
Academic & Provost.
41.2 The principal responsibilities of Laboratory Instructors are to plan, instruct, and
supervise student laboratory experience in conjunction with the course instructors
and Department Chair. Laboratory Instructors enforce laboratory safety regulations
and evaluate student performance.
41.3 Categories for Laboratory Instructors
Laboratory Instructor The minimum qualification for Laboratory Instructor is a
Bachelor’s Degree. Specific requirements for appointment as Laboratory Instructor
will vary among disciplines and will be reflected in the job posting. This position will
be placed on the Salary Grid ASO5.
Senior Laboratory Instructor The minimum qualification for appointment as Senior
Laboratory Instructor is a Bachelor's Degree in the subject of interest, with
appropriate relevant experience. Specific requirements will vary among disciplines
and will be reflected in the job posting. In some disciplines a Master’s degree will be
preferred. Senior Laboratory Instructors may be asked to assist with laboratory
coordination. A Senior Laboratory Instructor coordinates laboratory sections for no
more than two (2) courses per Institutional Year. If a Senior Laboratory Instructor
agrees to coordinate laboratory sections for more than two (2) courses then there
shall be an agreed upon reduction in teaching. This position will be placed on the
Salary Grid ASO5. Grid placement upon advancement from Laboratory Instructor to
Senior Laboratory Instructor will be one (1) step higher on AS05 than their previous
41.4 Promotion of Laboratory Instructors
41.4.1 Promotion in rank from Laboratory Instructor to Senior Laboratory Instructor is
recognition of a Laboratory Instructor’s professional growth and development,
and of service to the University, the academic community, and the Laboratory
Instructor’s profession.
41.4.2 Laboratory Instructors may apply for promotion in any year after five (5) years of
service as a Laboratory Instructor by forwarding a request to the appropriate
Dean. A Laboratory Instructor who holds a terminal degree in the discipline of
their program may apply for promotion after three (3) years of service.
The application for promotion will include documentation consisting of:
a) a cover letter addressing the Laboratory Instructor’s contributions to their
core professional function(s), continuing professional development, and
academic professional University and relevant community service,
b) a current curriculum vitae,
c) a maximum of five (5) most recent annual reports, and
d) a maximum of five (5) examples of continuing professional development
Such requests must be received by the appropriate Dean not later than November
1 for consideration for promotion with effect from the beginning of the next
Institutional Year. The Dean shall forward the request to the Promotion
41.4.3 If promotion is granted, it will take effect July 1 of the next Institutional Year.
41.5 Criteria for Promotion to Senior Laboratory Instructor
The Promotion Committee will consider the criteria outlined in 41.4.1, as well as the
teaching effectiveness of the Laboratory Instructor and will require satisfactory
annual evaluations over at least three (3) years prior to the application for promotion.
41.6 Promotion Committee
The Promotion Committee shall consist of all Deans that are directly or indirectly
supervising at least one Laboratory Instructor and all Chairs that are directly or
indirectly supervising at least one Laboratory Instructor and one Senior Lab
Instructor, from any discipline. The committee is convened by the Vice- President
Academic & Provost. The members of the committee shall choose a chair.
The Promotion Committee shall review the applicant’s documentation and make a
recommendation on promotion to the Vice-President Academic & Provost with a
copy to the applicant. The decision of the Vice-President Academic & Provost shall be
conveyed to the applicant in writing no later than April 15.
Appendix A1: MOU re: Annual Evaluation for Faculty Members (Article 10)
Appendix A2: Salary Schedules for Faculty Members (Article 16 & 23)
Appendix A3: Intellectual Property Policy (Article 17)
Appendix A4: MOU re: Intellectual Property (Article 17)
Appendix A5: Salary Schedules Academic Service Officers (Article 23 & 36)
Appendix A6: MOU re: Laboratory Instructors (Article 41)
MOU re: A
rticle 10: Annual Evaluation for Faculty Members
Within s
ix (6) weeks of signing of this agreement the parties agree to strike a committee to review the
information gathered in the Annual Report. This committee will consist of five (5) individuals appointed
by the Vice-President Academic & Provost and five (5) Faculty Members appointed by the Association.
The five (5) Faculty Members appointed by the Association shall consist of one member each from the
Faculties of Arts, Sciences, Management, and Graduate Studies, and the fifth member shall represent
the after-degree programs.
This committee shall make recommendations to the GFC concerning the information gathered in the
annual report.
Agreed to on
Signing for the Faculty Association (Dale Lindskog)
Signing for Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) (Andreas Guelzow)
Appendix A1: MOU re: Annual Evaluation for Faculty Members (Article 10)
Assistant Professor
FA3 Grid*
2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Grid level 0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 1.5% CoLA
$60,837 $60,837 $60,837 $61,750
2 $62,909 $62,909 $62,909 $63,853
3 $64,982 $64,982 $64,982 $65,957
$67,054 $67,054 $67,054 $68,060
5 $69,126 $69,126 $69,126 $70,163
6 $71,199 $71,199 $71,199 $72,267
7 $73,271 $73,271 $73,271 $74,370
8 $75,344 $75,344 $75,344 $76,474
9 $77,416 $77,416 $77,416 $78,577
10 $79,489 $79,489 $79,489 $80,681
11 $81,561 $81,561 $81,561 $82,784
12 $83,634 $83,634 $83,634 $84,889
13 $85,706 $85,706 $85,706 $86,992
14 $87,778 $87,778 $87,778 $89,095
15 $89,850 $89,850 $89,850 $91,198
*each step would have the individual Faculty Member's differential applied if applicable.
Appendix A2: Salary Schedules for Faculty Members (Article 16 & 23)
Associate Professor
FA4 Grid*
2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Grid level 0.0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 1.5% CoLA
$74,274 $74,274 $74,274 $75,388
6 $76,350 $76,350 $76,350 $77,495
7 $78,422 $78,422 $78,422 $79,598
8 $80,495 $80,495 $80,495 $81,702
9 $82,567 $82,567 $82,567 $83,806
10 $84,640 $84,640 $84,640 $85,910
11 $86,712 $86,712 $86,712 $88,013
$88,785 $88,785 $88,785 $90,117
13 $90,857 $90,857 $90,857 $92,220
14 $92,930 $92,930 $92,930 $94,324
15 $95,002 $95,002 $95,002 $96,427
16 $97,075 $97,075 $97,075 $98,531
17 $99,147 $99,147 $99,147 $100,634
18 $101,219 $101,219 $101,219 $102,737
19 $103,292 $103,292 $103,292 $104,841
20 $105,364 $105,364 $105,364 $106,944
21 $107,437 $107,437 $107,437 $109,049
22 $109,509 $109,509 $109,509 $111,152
23 $111,582 $111,582 $111,582 $113,256
24 $113,654 $113,654 $113,654 $115,359
25 $115,726 $115,726 $115,726 $117,462
26 $117,799 $117,799 $117,799 $119,566
27 $119,871 $119,871 $119,871 $121,669
28 $121,944 $121,944 $121,944 $123,773
29 $124,016 $124,016 $124,016 $125,876
30 $126,088 $126,088 $126,088 $127,979
31 $128,160 $128,160 $128,160 $130,082
32 $130,232 $130,232 $130,232 $132,185
*each step would have the individual Faculty Member's differential applied if applicable.
FA5 Grid*
2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Grid level
0.0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 0.0% CoLA 1.5% CoLA
7 $83,574 $83,574 $83,574 $84,828
8 $85,646 $85,646 $85,646 $86,931
$87,719 $87,719 $87,719 $89,035
10 $89,791 $89,791 $89,791 $91,138
11 $91,863 $91,863 $91,863 $93,241
12 $93,935 $93,935 $93,935 $95,344
13 $96,008 $96,008 $96,008 $97,448
14 $98,081 $98,081 $98,081 $99,552
15 $100,153 $100,153 $100,153 $101,655
16 $102,225 $102,225 $102,225 $103,758
17 $104,297 $104,297 $104,297 $105,861
18 $106,371 $106,371 $106,371 $107,967
19 $108,433 $108,433 $108,433 $110,059
20 $110,515 $110,515 $110,515 $112,173
21 $112,587 $112,587 $112,587 $114,276
22 $114,659 $114,659 $114,659 $116,379
23 $116,731 $116,731 $116,731 $118,482
24 $118,803 $118,803 $118,803 $120,585
25 $120,875 $120,875 $120,875 $122,688
26 $122,947 $122,947 $122,947 $124,791
27 $125,019 $125,019 $125,019 $126,894
28 $127,091 $127,091 $127,091 $128,997
29 $129,163 $129,163 $129,163 $131,100
30 $131,235 $131,235 $131,235 $133,204
31 $133,307 $133,307 $133,307 $135,307
32 $135,379 $135,379 $135,379 $137,410
*each step would have the individual Faculty Member's differential applied if applicable.
y Policy No.:
Classification: Governance
Approval Authority: Board of Governors
Effective Date:
Last Editorial Change:
Mandated Review:
Associated P
Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Revenue Sharing Procedure
This polic
y is intended to regulate the process for Creator(s) to identify and Commercialize Intellectual
Property (IP) and protect the rights of CUE.
this Policy, the following capitalized terms will have the following meanings:
Commercialization or Commercialize - means any activity relating to the legal protection, use, sale,
transfer, license, marketing, duplication, or other disposition of IP for generation of profit, including
any such activity through a third-party licensee or sublicensee.
Costs o
f Commercialization - means all direct and indirect costs incurred during research and
development, and Commercialization of the IP, and its related technologies, products, services or
Creator - means the author or inventor of IP who is a Member of CUE as described in section 5.1
CUE - means Concordia University of Edmonton.
CUE License - is defined in section 5.3(b)
CUE Resources - means resources that include but are not limited to release time from regularly
assigned duties where the primary purpose of the release time is the creation of IP, direct
discretionary investment by CUE of funds, or staff or the purchase of special equipment for the
creation of IP, use of CUE’s physical structures, research laboratories, capital equipment, technical
facilities including computing resources, services, and personnel. A reference to “use of CUE
Resources” in this Policy does not include:
o the payment of basic salary to CUE employees;
o the provision of a standard academic or administrative environment to CUE employees in
which to perform their normal duties, including office space and furnishings, office computer
equipment and software, and any other equipment that is necessary for the performance of
Appendix A3: Intellectual Property Policy (Article 17)
Concordia U
niversity of Edmonton
normal teaching or academic duties or for the production of Traditional Academic Work;
o the provision of overhead costs associated with the CUE’s administration of external funds.
Gross Revenue - means all royalty revenue and other income arising in whole or in part from
Commercialization of the IP, and its related technologies, products, services or processes (which
shall include profit sharing, upfront, lump-sum payments and monies from the sale of equity
shares), received by CUE or by the Creator, as the case may be.
Institutional Work - means IP created at the request of CUE, under written agreement with CUE,
and/or for CUE's use.
Intellectual Property - (abbreviated in this document as “IP”) means any form of knowledge or
expression created with one’s intellect that can be owned by a person and that can be protected
by patent, copyright, trademark, integrated topography, industrial design laws, or other equivalent
legislation or legal doctrine. Intellectual Property includes, but is not limited to, such things as
inventions, computer software recorded in any format, works of art, databases, research data,
research tools, audio-visual material, electronic circuitry, biotechnology and genetic engineering
products, all other legally protectable products of research, and know-how.
Invention Disclosure Form - means the form to disclose IP, in the form attached to the
Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Revenue Sharing Procedure.
Member of CUE - includes all academic staff, staff, academic colleagues, administrators,
students, visiting or adjunct scholars and professors, fellows and chairs, emeriti, holders of post-
doctoral positions, paid and unpaid research associates and assistants, and any other persons in
similar positions at CUE.
Net Revenue - means Gross Revenue minus Costs of Commercialization.
Policy - means this IP Policy.
Public Disclosure - includes any activity that results in making IP publicly available through any
public medium, including (but not limited to) speech, print, paper, and electronic communication,
public oral and poster presentations, submission of an abstract for presentation at conferences
both within and outside CUE, submission of an abstract and/or manuscripts to journals,
publication of an abstract and/or manuscript in journals and disclosure to third parties outside
Research - means a process of purposeful inquiry that generates new insights or knowledge
involving scholarly, scientific, or creative activities in a field of specialization. It typically results in
quantifiable outcomes such as journal articles, books, conference presentations and creative
performances that are communicated to a broader academic community, field of practitioners or
the public.
Traditional Academic Work - means IP in any form that is not Institutional Work and is created to
support teaching or that takes the form of one or more of the traditional kinds of academic output
related to Research and publication (such as research materials, academic reports, textbooks,
journal articles, and monographs). This academic output includes, but is not limited to,
educational, scholarly, artistic, or literary works in any medium. IP created for public service (such
as speeches, reports, etc.) shall normally also be considered a Traditional Academic Work.
Concordia U
niversity of Edmonton
This Policy applies to all Members of CUE.
The objectives of this Policy are:
4.1 Promotion of IP Creation and Utilization: The intent of this Policy is to encourage creativity and
innovation at CUE. This Policy seeks to facilitate the widespread use of IP created by Members
of CUE.
4.2 IP Management: This Policy seeks to set the framework for IP to be useful as products, services
and processes. It also establishes procedures to report creation of IP in a timely manner, govern
the use and dissemination of IP, criteria for ownership of and commercial rights to IP and
responsibility of Commercialization developed by Members of CUE.
4.3 Balance of Interests: This Policy seeks to ensure that revenue generated by Commercialization
of IP is distributed in a manner consistent with the mission of CUE and advancement of research
at CUE.
5.1 Creator
(a) To be considered a Creator for the purposes of this Policy, an individual must be considered
to be a creator, author or inventor of IP pursuant to applicable Canadian intellectual property
(b) This Policy recognizes that collaborative or co-operative effort may involve several Creators,
or may involve authors, inventors or joint-owners who are not subject to this Policy, and whose
rights in the IP may prevent Public Disclosure or Commercialization if those authors, inventors
or joint-owners have not given the required legal consent for use of their contributions to the
(c) Where there are two or more Creators of the same IP who are Members of CUE (i) all
references to the rights and obligations of “a Creator” in this Policy shall apply equally and
simultaneously to all Creators of the IP in question; and (ii) the determination of the list of
Creators will be determined under the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Revenue
Sharing Procedure.
5.2 Disclos
(a) Creator(s) of IP are free to publish the IP and acknowledge that Public Disclosure of IP may
affect legal protection of the IP.
(b) If the Creator(s) of IP expresses interest in Commercialization of the IP, the Creator shall
make full and complete disclosure of the IP to CUE, using the Invention Disclosure Form, in
accordance with the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Revenue Sharing
(c) Full and timely disclosure of IP to CUE must occur at, or prior to, the point that the Creator
pursues Commercialization or pursues any Public Disclosure that may affect legal protection
of the IP.
Concordia U
niversity of Edmonton
5.3 Ownership:
(a) Subject to sections 5.3(b) and 5.3(c), all rights in IP shall be owned by the Creator at the time
of creation of the IP, unless these rights have been ceded (in whole or in part) to:
(i) a third party, or
(ii) CUE
(b) under a prior written agreement, that may include but is not limited to a funding agreement,
non-disclosure agreement, material transfer agreement, development agreement, research
agreement, consulting agreement or service contract. Where IP is developed in the course of
any such funding agreement, non-disclosure agreement, material transfer agreement,
development agreement, research agreement, consulting agreement, service contract or
similar agreement between the Creator(s) and a third-party, the ownership rights of the IP will
be determined by the specific terms of that agreement.
(c) Exceptions and clarifications for section 5.3(a) and (b):
(i) Traditional Academic Work: The Creator of Traditional Academic Work is the owner of
that IP, unless the Creator has entered into an agreement with CUE to the contrary.
(ii) Institutional Work: CUE is the owner of Institutional Work, unless the Creator has
entered into an agreement with CUE to the contrary;
(iii) License in favour of CUE: CUE retains a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free
perpetual right to all IP that is created with the use of CUE Resources, for its use for
educational, scholarly, administrative, research and other non-commercial purposes
(the “CUE License”).
(iv) License in favour of Creator: In cases where CUE is the owner of IP protected under
the copyright act, the Creator will
a. retain all Moral Rights in the copyrighted work;
b. have the right to revise the copyrighted work at reasonable intervals;
c. have perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, revise and
modify the copyrighted work for non-commercial purposes only.
(v) Presumption of use of CUE Resources: There shall be a rebuttable presumption that,
when IP has been created by Members of CUE within their area of Research, the IP
was created with the use of CUE Resources, even though some or all of the activity
may have actually taken place elsewhere, unless the Creator has entered into an
agreement with CUE to the contrary.
6.1 Commercialization Generally: Although reporting of creation of all IP, as set out in section 5.1 of
this Policy, is required when a Creator of the IP expresses interest in Commercialization, neither
the Creator nor CUE is required or obliged to Commercialize any IP. In keeping with CUE’s
scholarly/educational mission and its dedication to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge,
CUE does not encourage the development of IP solely for profit or personal gain.
6.2 Options for Commercialization: If a Creator wishes to Commercialize IP that has been created
Concordia U
niversity of Edmonton
through the use of CUE Resources, the Creator has two options:
(a) The Creator may Commercialize independently of CUE under section 6.3, or
(b) The Creator may Commercialize with the assistance of CUE under section 6.4.
The Creator must make an election to proceed under one of these two options. That election is
made in the Invention Disclosure Form, pursuant to the Commercialization of Intellectual Property
and Revenue Sharing Procedure.
Decisions regarding Commercialization of IP shall be made with the consent of all of its Creators
and CUE, in accordance with this Policy and the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and
Revenue Sharing Procedure.
6.3 Commercialization by the Creator: The Creator may elect to undertake the Commercialization
independently of CUE, subject to:
(a) the provisions of the CUE License,
(b) any revenue-sharing obligations for IP that was created with the use of CUE Resources
(section 7);
(c) any obligations granted to third-parties under any applicable funding or other agreements,
(such as those listed in section 5.3(b)); and
(d) any rights that CUE may have under the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and
Revenue Sharing Procedure.
See 7.4 (Commercialization by Creator), and Section 4 of the Commercialization of Intellectual
Property and Revenue Sharing Procedure.
6.4 Commercialization by CUE: If the Creator elects to Commercialize with the assistance of CUE,
CUE will have the final decision in proceeding with Commercialization of the IP. The procedure
for making this decision is set forth in more detail in the Commercialization of Intellectual Property
and Revenue Sharing Procedure. If CUE decides to Commercialize the IP, the Creator will provide
an assignment of ownership of the IP to CUE and the parties will begin the Commercialization
process in accordance with this Policy and the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and
Revenue Sharing Procedure. Any Commercialization of the IP by CUE will be subject to:
(a) the provisions of the CUE License,
(b) any revenue-sharing obligations for IP that was created with the use of CUE Resources
(section 7);
(c) any obligations granted to third-parties under any applicable funding or other agreements,
(such as those listed in section 5.3(b)); and
(d) any obligations that CUE may have under the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and
Revenue Sharing Procedure.
See Secti
on 5 of the Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Revenue Sharing Procedure.
7.1 Revenue-Sharing: In the case of IP that was created with the use of CUE Resources, revenue
from Commercialization will be shared as per Sections 7.2 (Commercialization by CUE),
7.3 (Inter-institutional Obligations), 7.4 (Commercialization by Creator).
Concordia U
niversity of Edmonton
7.2 Commercialization by CUE: In the case of Commercialization through CUE, all Gross Revenue
received by CUE from Commercialization of the IP, shall be distributed as follows:
(a) 50% will be retained by CUE until all CUE Costs of Commercialization to the date of the
receipt of such Gross Revenue have been recovered;
(b) of the remaining Net Revenue:
(i) CUE shall receive a 50% share of the Net Revenue, and
(ii) the Creator, or the Creators collectively, shall receive a 50% share of the Net Revenue.
7.3 Inter-institutional Obligations: Where IP is developed jointly by a Creator who is a Member of CUE
and a member of another institution working at the other institution, rights to IP and Gross
Revenue shall be shared between CUE and the other institution, taking into account the policies
of both institutions and under a definitive written agreement. The sharing of Gross Revenue will
normally take into account the relative contributions of the individuals and their institutions. If the
other institution is a CUE-affiliated institution, the sharing of ownership and Gross Revenue shall
be governed by agreements in place between CUE and its affiliated institutions regarding the
management of IP.
7.4 Commercialization by Creator: In the case of Commercialization through the Creator(s), all Gross
Revenue received by the Creator(s) from Commercialization of the IP, shall be distributed as
(a) 50% will be paid to CUE until all CUE Costs of Commercialization to the date of the receipt
of such Gross Revenue have been recovered;
(b) of the remaining Net Revenue,
(i) CUE shall receive a 25% share of the Net Revenue (such amount to be distributed
under Section 7.5 (CUE’s Share)) , and
(ii) the Creator, or the Creators collectively, shall receive a 75% share of the Net Revenue.
7.5 CUE’s Share: In the case of Commercialization through the Creator, CUE’s share of Net Revenue
will be distributed internally as follows:
For each individual IP project:
(i) Income up to and including $25,000 shall be kept in a research fund administered by
the Vice President Academic and Provost. The fund will be applied to graduate
scholarships, indirect costs of research and the development of IP;
(ii) Income over $25,000 shall be distributed as follows:
75% to CUE general revenue;
25% to a fund for supporting Commercialization including costs related to legal
protection of IP and other activities.
7.6 Modification with respect to implementation of revenue sharing schedule may be implemented
on approval of the President.
8.1 Failure t
o comply with this Policy shall be handled according to the applicable Collective
Agreement, but CUE or Creator(s) shall also have a right of action against the non-compliant
Concordia Univ
ersity of Edmonton
8.2 Non-compliance with this Policy may result in inability to protect Intellectual Property created at
CUE, and consequential loss of revenue from Commercialization of such IP. Further, non-
compliance may result in liability for Creators and/or CUE, and infringement of patent rights,
copyright or other IP rights.
9.1 If a dispute arises between a Creator(s) and CUE regarding the application of this Policy, the
Commercialization of any IP, or any matter covered by this Policy, the dispute shall be resolved
in accordance with the Arbitration Act (Alberta) RSA 2000, as amended.
A list of authori
ties and officers for the policy:
a. Approving Autho
rity: Board of Governors
b. Designated Executive Officer:
c. Procedural Authority:
d. Procedural Officer:
Bylaws of
the Board of Governors of Concordia University of Edmonton
Collective Agreement between Concordia University of Edmonton and Concordia University
College of Alberta Faculty Association
January 13, 2022
Memorandum of Understanding
Concordia University of Edmonton
Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association
January 13, 2022
Re: Intellectual Property
Notwithstanding any provision(s) of the Intellectual Property policy, the University
agrees that all rights in the copyright to teaching materials originally created by a
Faculty Member, including but not limited to written lecture material, laboratory
manuals, computer programs, databases, multimedia instructional materials and
distance education or online courses shall vest in the Faculty Member and may be
used by the University only with the Faculty Member’s permission.
Disputes that may arise with respect to the outcome of the application of the
Intellectual Property policy related to this MOU will be resolved in accordance with
Article 25 (Grievance and Arbitration).
Dated this day of , 2022 in Edmonton, Alberta.
On behalf of
Concordia University of Edmonton
On behalf of Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association
Appendix A4: MOU re: Intellectual Property (Article 17)
2021-22 0% CoLA 2022-23 0% CoLA
Step ASO-2 ASO-3 ASO-4 ASO-5 Step ASO-2 ASO-3 ASO-4 ASO-5
1 45,049 48,814 52,526 56,156 1 45,049 48,814 52,526 56,156
2 46,095 49,982 53,834 57,602 2 46,095 49,982 53,834 57,602
3 47,140 51,150 55,142 59,047 3 47,140 51,150 55,142 59,047
4 48,186 52,318 56,450 60,492 4 48,186 52,318 56,450 60,492
5 49,231 53,486 57,758 61,937 5 49,231 53,486 57,758 61,937
6 50,277 54,653 59,066 63,382 6 50,277 54,653 59,066 63,382
7 51,322 55,821 60,373 64,828 7 51,322 55,821 60,373 64,828
8 52,368 56,989 61,681 66,273 8 52,368 56,989 61,681 66,273
9 53,413 58,157 62,989 67,718 9 53,413 58,157 62,989 67,718
10 54,459 59,324 64,297 69,163 10 54,459 59,324 64,297 69,163
11 55,504 60,492 65,605 70,609 11 55,504 60,492 65,605 70,609
12 56,550 61,660 66,912 72,054 12 56,550 61,660 66,912 72,054
13 57,595 62,828 68,220 73,499 13 57,595 62,828 68,220 73,499
14 58,641 63,995 69,528 74,944 14 58,641 63,995 69,528 74,944
15 59,686 65,163 70,836 76,389 15 59,686 65,163 70,836 76,389
16 60,283 65,815 71,544 77,153 16 60,283 65,815 71,544 77,153
17 60,880 66,466 72,253 77,917 17 60,880 66,466 72,253 77,917
18 61,477 67,118 72,961 78,681 18 61,477 67,118 72,961 78,681
19 62,074 67,770 73,669 79,445 19 62,074 67,770 73,669 79,445
20 62,671 68,421 74,378 80,209 20 62,671 68,421 74,378 80,209
21 63,267 69,073 75,086 80,973 21 63,267 69,073 75,086 80,973
22 63,864 69,724 75,794 81,737 22 63,864 69,724 75,794 81,737
23 64,461 70,376 76,503 82,501 23 64,461 70,376 76,503 82,501
24 65,058 71,028 77,211 83,264 24 65,058 71,028 77,211 83,264
25 65,655 71,679 77,919 84,028 25 65,655 71,679 77,919 84,028
26 66,252 72,331 78,628 84,792 26 66,252 72,331 78,628 84,792
27 66,849 72,983 79,336 85,556 27 66,849 72,983 79,336 85,556
28 67,446 73,634 80,045 86,320 28 67,446 73,634 80,045 86,320
29 68,042 74,286 80,753 87,084 29 68,042 74,286 80,753 87,084
30 68,639 74,938 81,461 87,848 30 68,639 74,938 81,461 87,848
31 69,236 75,589 82,170 88,612 31 69,236 75,589 82,170 88,612
32 69,833 76,241 82,878 89,376 32 69,833 76,241 82,878 89,376
33 70,430 76,892 83,586 90,140 33 70,430 76,892 83,586 90,140
34 71,027 77,544 84,295 90,903 34 71,027 77,544 84,295 90,903
35 71,624 78,196 85,003 91,667 35 71,624 78,196 85,003 91,667
36 72,220 78,847 85,711 92,431 36 72,220 78,847 85,711 92,431
37 72,817 79,499 86,420 93,195 37 72,817 79,499 86,420 93,195
38 73,414 80,151 87,128 93,959 38 73,414 80,151 87,128 93,959
39 74,011 80,802 87,836 94,723 39 74,011 80,802 87,836 94,723
40 74,608 81,454 88,545 95,487 40 74,608 81,454 88,545 95,487
41 75,205 82,105 89,253 96,251 41 75,205 82,105 89,253 96,251
42 75,802 82,757 89,962 97,015 42 75,802 82,757 89,962 97,015
Appendix A5: Salary Schedules Academic Service Officers (Article 23 & 36)
2023-24 0% CoLA 2024-25 1.5% CoLA
Step ASO-2 ASO-3 ASO-4 ASO-5 Step ASO-2 ASO-3 ASO-4 ASO-5
1 45,049 48,814 52,526 56,156 1 45,725 49,546 53,314 56,998
2 46,095 49,982 53,834 57,602 2 46,786 50,732 54,642 58,466
3 47,140 51,150 55,142 59,047 3 47,847 51,917 55,969 59,933
4 48,186 52,318 56,450 60,492 4 48,909 53,103 57,297 61,399
5 49,231 53,486 57,758 61,937 5 49,969 54,288 58,624 62,866
6 50,277 54,653 59,066 63,382 6 51,031 55,473 59,952 64,333
7 51,322 55,821 60,373 64,828 7 52,092 56,658 61,279 65,800
8 52,368 56,989 61,681 66,273 8 53,154 57,844 62,606 67,267
9 53,413 58,157 62,989 67,718 9 54,214 59,029 63,934 68,734
10 54,459 59,324 64,297 69,163 10 55,276 60,214 65,261 70,200
11 55,504 60,492 65,605 70,609 11 56,337 61,399 66,589 71,668
12 56,550 61,660 66,912 72,054 12 57,398 62,585 67,916 73,135
13 57,595 62,828 68,220 73,499 13 58,459 63,770 69,243 74,601
14 58,641 63,995 69,528 74,944 14 59,521 64,955 70,571 76,068
15 59,686 65,163 70,836 76,389 15 60,581 66,140 71,899 77,535
16 60,283 65,815 71,544 77,153 16 61,187 66,802 72,617 78,310
17 60,880 66,466 72,253 77,917 17 61,793 67,463 73,337 79,086
18 61,477 67,118 72,961 78,681 18 62,399 68,125 74,055 79,861
19 62,074 67,770 73,669 79,445 19 63,005 68,787 74,774 80,637
20 62,671 68,421 74,378 80,209 20 63,611 69,447 75,494 81,412
21 63,267 69,073 75,086 80,973 21 64,216 70,109 76,212 82,188
22 63,864 69,724 75,794 81,737 22 64,822 70,770 76,931 82,963
23 64,461 70,376 76,503 82,501 23 65,428 71,432 77,651 83,739
24 65,058 71,028 77,211 83,264 24 66,034 72,093 78,369 84,513
25 65,655 71,679 77,919 84,028 25 66,640 72,754 79,088 85,288
26 66,252 72,331 78,628 84,792 26 67,246 73,416 79,807 86,064
27 66,849 72,983 79,336 85,556 27 67,852 74,078 80,526 86,839
28 67,446 73,634 80,045 86,320 28 68,458 74,739 81,246 87,615
29 68,042 74,286 80,753 87,084 29 69,063 75,400 81,964 88,390
30 68,639 74,938 81,461 87,848 30 69,669 76,062 82,683 89,166
31 69,236 75,589 82,170 88,612 31 70,275 76,723 83,403 89,941
32 69,833 76,241 82,878 89,376 32 70,880 77,385 84,121 90,717
33 70,430 76,892 83,586 90,140 33 71,486 78,045 84,840 91,492
34 71,027 77,544 84,295 90,903 34 72,092 78,707 85,559 92,267
35 71,624 78,196 85,003 91,667 35 72,698 79,369 86,278 93,042
36 72,220 78,847 85,711 92,431 36 73,303 80,030 86,997 93,817
37 72,817 79,499 86,420 93,195 37 73,909 80,691 87,716 94,593
38 73,414 80,151 87,128 93,959 38 74,515 81,353 88,435 95,368
39 74,011 80,802 87,836 94,723 39 75,121 82,014 89,154 96,144
40 74,608 81,454 88,545 95,487 40 75,727 82,676 89,873 96,919
41 75,205 82,105 89,253 96,251 41 76,333 83,337 90,592 97,695
42 75,802 82,757 89,962 97,015 42 76,939 83,998 91,311 98,470
Memorandum of Understanding
Concordia University of Edmonton
Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association
January 13, 2022
Re: Laboratory Instructors
The parties agree that, in response to the addition of the Senior Laboratory Instructor position within Article
41, an investigation will be initiated for the purpose of discussing the workload and responsibilities of the
Laboratory Instructors and Senior Laboratory Instructors.
This work will be conducted by the members of the Joint Committee.
This work will commence within three (3) months of the signing of this collective agreement.
Dated this day of , 2022 in Edmonton, Alberta.
On behalf of Concordia University of Edmonton
On behalf of Concordia University College of Alberta Faculty Association
Appendix A6: MOU re: Laboratory Instructors (Article 41)