Every age. Every vaccination.
DOH 348-576 November 2018
N22402 -
Washington State Immunization Information System
Information Sharing Agreement for
This agreement (“Agreement”) is between the Washington State Department of Health (“DOH”) and
__________________________________________ (“Provider/Plan”) for the exchange of immunization records.
DOH is the public health agency that maintains the Washington State Immunization Information System
(“IIS”). IIS serves as a communications link, repository, and retrieval tool for data on the immunization
status of individuals (“immunization data”). IIS allows health care providers and health plans to exchange
immunization data with other health care providers and health plans as authorized under Chapter 70.02
Provider/Plan is: (check one):
[ ] A public agency, corporation, or other entity with individual shareholders, members, officers,
employees, contractors, or other personnel who are authorized under Washington law to provide health
care or public health services to individuals.
[ ] A healthcare service contractor authorized by the Washington Insurance Commissioner to sell health
insurance to, and/or administer health insurance plans in Washington State.
[ ] A school, school district, Head Start organization, and/or ECEAP grantee authorized to provide or
coordinate healthcare services for students through personnel who are authorized under Washington law
to provide such services.
[ ] An individual authorized under Washington law to provide health care services to individuals.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Chapter 70.02 RCW, the uniform
health care information act require healthcare providers to keep personal health care information
confidential. Immunization records are personal health care data. Healthcare providers may disclose
immunization records to DOH under 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 164.512(b)(1)(i) and RCW
70.02.050(2) because DOH is a public health agency authorized to collect immunization data.
Chapter 42.48 RCW governs the release for research of confidential personal records obtained or
maintained by a Washington state agency. Individually identifiable immunization records obtained by IIS
are as such personal records. Therefore, release of IIS individually identifiable immunization data for
research is subject to the requirements of Chapter 42.48 RCW.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, Provider/Plan and DOH may exchange
immunization records for patients cared for by Provider/Plan. The purpose of the data exchange is to
improve patient care and public health.
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
THEREFORE, the Parties agree,
“Agreement” means this Agreement.
“CDC” means the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“De-identified immunization data” means any immunization data that does not identify nor provide a
reasonable or ready basis to identify an individual.
llS Immunization Data” means demographics and immunization status of individual persons collected by
IIS regardless of whether in the form of raw data or appearing in other IIS features and functions as
described in Paragraph 7. Once an immunization record is entered into IIS, the record stored in the IIS
database is IIS Immunization Data.
“IIS patient record” means the IIS Immunization Data for an individual.
Immunization record” means any record regardless of source documenting the status of individual
“Party” or “Parties” means either or both DOH and Provider/Plan.
“Provider-verified immunization record” means a valid record produced or verified by a health care
professional or facility documenting the immunization status of an individual. To be valid, the record
must be in writing, dated, and indicate the name of the health care provider responsible for
administering or reviewing each immunization, or a unique stamp of the provider or facility at which the
provider practices.
a. Provider/Plan shall transmit to DOH all immunization records for patients who obtain health care
services from Provider/Plan. Provider/Plan shall fill all IIS data fields for which Provider/Plan has
b. DOH shall transmit or make available to Provider/Plan all IIS Immunization Data for patients
receiving health care services from Provider/Plan.
3. DATA FORMAT. The Parties shall exchange the immunization records using any of the following formats:
a. Current version of the CDC’s HL7 Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging.
b. Web-based access, which is direct entry of data into IIS.
c. Flat file exchange through secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).
a. Both Parties shall make best efforts to provide true, accurate, and complete information including
initiating entries for new patients, updating data for existing patients, and editing records that are
incorrect or inaccurate.
b. Provider/Plan shall not enter immunization records that Provider/Plan did not provide, except that
Provider/Plan may enter (1) Provider-verified immunization records and (2) a patient’s self-report of
influenza vaccine and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) as necessary to complete IIS
patient records.
c. If at any time either Party has reason to believe that the data transmitted is not true, accurate, or
complete, that Party shall promptly notify the other Party.
d. DOH does not warrant the accuracy of information DOH receives from other Providers/Plans.
e. Knowingly or intentionally providing false, materially inaccurate, or materially incomplete
immunization data is a material breach of this Agreement subject to termination for cause under
Paragraph 10.
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
a. Provider/Plan may use individually identifiable IIS Immunization Data solely to assist Provider/Plan
in providing direct patient health care. This includes linking immunization to patient’s other health
care information and disclosing patient information to the patient or, as applicable, the patient’s
parent or guardian.
b. Provider/Plan shall not access any Provider/Plan employee’s IIS Immunization Data for
employment purposes without written authorization of the employee.
c. DOH may use both individually identifiable and de-identified immunization data for public health
purposes, which includes, but is not limited to, disclosing patient information to (1) the patient or,
as applicable, the patient’s parent or guardian; (2) other health care providers who need the
information for direct patient health care and have entered into an Information Sharing Agreement
with DOH; (3) a health plan if the purpose is for treatment and the health plan has entered into an
Information Sharing Agreement with DOH; and (4) research, if the release conforms to the
requirements of Chapter 42.48 RCW.
a. Provider/Plan shall not disclose in any manner any part of the IIS Immunization Data except as the
law requires or this Agreement permits.
b. Either Party may release or disclose an individual’s immunization record received from the other
Party if such release or disclosure is authorized in writing by the individual and the authorization
conforms to applicable law.
c. If Provider/Plan receives a third-party request for disclosure of IIS Immunization Data and
determines the law requires such disclosure, Provider/Plan shall notify DOH at least ten (10) days
in advance of the disclosure. DOH may seek an injunction to prevent disclosure.
a. This Agreement shall be construed to provide maximum protection to IIS Immunization Data.
b. The obligations set forth in this Paragraph 7 shall survive completion, cancellation, expiration, or
termination of this Agreement.
c. The Parties shall strictly limit use of IIS Immunization Data to uses specified by the Agreement.
Provider/Plan shall not link IIS Immunization Data with any other information or use IIS
Immunization Data to identify or contact individuals except as authorized under this Agreement.
d. The permission to access IIS Immunization Data is limited to Provider/Plan’s principals or
employees for whom Provider/plan:
i. Authorized such access;
ii. Trained in the disclosure and security requirements under this Agreement;
iii. Maintains on file a confidentiality agreement signed by the principal or employee,
Provider/Plan may use its own confidentiality agreement but it must contain substantially
the same information as the confidentiality agreement in Attachment B; and
e. Secured a user account with IIS login and password. Provider/Plan shall specify one or more
principals or employees as IIS System Administrators using Attachment C. The System
Administrator(s) shall work with the IIS Help Desk to establish and manage user accounts for
authorized individuals in their organization. Provider/plan shall:
i. Assure that no one assigned an IIS user account shares their login ID or password with
others or allows others to access IIS using their login ID.
ii. Limit access and use of IIS Immunization Data in order that the fewest number of people
see only the smallest amount of data for the least amount of time necessary to complete
required work.
iii. Assure that all people with access to IIS Immunization Data understand their
responsibilities regarding it.
iv. Retain a copy of all confidentiality agreements specified in Paragraph 7.d.iii for at least six
(6) years following termination of this Agreement.
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
f. Provider shall ensure that Provider’s privacy and security practices meet or exceed the standards
set by state and federal law for the security of protected health information and as commensurate
with Provider’s obligations under the law.
g. Provider/Plan shall take all steps necessary to prevent unauthorized access, use, or modifications
of IIS Immunization Data.
h. Provider/Plan shall notify DOH at DOHPrivacy[email protected]a.gov of any suspected or actual
security breach of IIS Immunization Data within two (2) business days of discovery.
8. OTHER FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE IN IIS. Plan/Provider may utilize without charge such other IIS
functions as DOH specifically authorizes Plan/Provider to utilize. Attachment A describes IIS features and
9. HOLD HARMLESS. DOH is not liable for any general, special, consequential, or other damages that may
arise or claim to arise from any use of IIS Immunization Data by Provider/Plan, its employees, contractors,
officers, agents, or affiliated persons. Provider/Plan shall indemnify and hold DOH harmless from any
claim for damages that may arise or be claimed to arise from Provider/Plan’s transmission to IIS of
immunization data that is knowingly or intentionally false, materially inaccurate, or materially incomplete.
10. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE. The Period of Performance is 5 Years from Date of Execution unless
earlier terminated as provided by this Agreement.
a. Either Party may terminate this Agreement effective as of the end of any calendar quarter,
provided the terminating Party gives written notice of termination to the other Party at least 30 days
before the end of the quarter.
b. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for cause after the other Party has failed to cure a
material breach, provided the terminating Party gives the other Party written notice of breach and
provides at least 14 days for the other Party to cure the breach.
12. SAVINGS. If funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way
during the Period of Performance, DOH may, in whole or in part, suspend or terminate the Agreement,
upon immediate notice, subject to renegotiation at DOH’s discretion under the new funding limitations or
13. AMENDMENT. The Parties may amend this Agreement by mutual agreement. Such amendments are
not binding unless in writing and signed by the persons authorized to bind each of the Parties.
14. APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
Venue is in the Superior Court of Thurston County.
15. CONTACT INFORMATION. The following persons are the contact for all communications about this
Contact Person and Title:
Mailing Address:
Phone: Fax: E-mail:
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
Mail to:
Washington State Department of Health
Office of Immunization and Child Profile
PO Box 47843
Olympia, WA 98504-7905
360-236-3595 or 1-866-397-0337
AGREED on this _______ day of _________________, 20______.
By execution of this agreement, the parties so signing acknowledge they have full power and authority to enter
into and perform this agreement on behalf of the signatory as well as the business entity referenced within the
body of the agreement.
Agency Signatory: Washington State Department of Health:
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature Contracts Office Authorized Signature
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Name, Title Please Print Name, Title Please Print
Provider Signatory: (The Agency’s licensed healthcare provider, school nurse, child care health consultant,
or other authorized healthcare provider, licensed in Washington State, and responsible for the operation and
management of Agency’s healthcare services.)
Name, Title Please Print
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
Services Available in the IIS
DOH is solely responsible for the operation and management of IIS, which benefits patients, their care providers,
health plans, public health agencies, and other entities that are concerned with assuring the effective
immunization of Washington State’s population.
IIS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of scheduled and unexpected outages. DOH
schedules system maintenance outside of regular business hours and with prior notice if possible.
Available Functions
IIS has several role-based access levels. DOH will grant to users only those functions necessary to conduct the
user’s work. The available functions in the system include, but are not limited to, the following:
Patient record demographic data query and update
Patient record vaccination data query and update
A vaccination forecast displaying vaccines due for each patient. The vaccination forecast is based on the
recommended immunization schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) with the advice of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The vaccination forecast is
subject to change if/when the CDC establishes new guidelines. DOH will incorporate such changes in IIS
as soon as possible.
Vaccine ordering by providers enrolled in the State Childhood Vaccine program
Vaccine order status tracking
Vaccine management and accountability including:
Ability to complete the annual provider agreement to enroll or re-enroll in the State Childhood
Vaccine program
Ability to complete vaccine accountability report(s) and electronically submit them to the local
health jurisdiction
Generation of reminder/recall to contact patients due for vaccination
Record contraindication(s) for specific vaccines for each patient with specification of the reason for the
contraindication or precaution
Record of adverse reactions for specific vaccine for each patient
Generation of reports including:
Patient specific vaccination reports showing detailed vaccination history and forecast
Detailed practice-based reports such as practice immunization coverage data, vaccines
administered data, and vaccine lot data
DOH, in its sole discretion, modify or remove available functions at any time.
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
IIS Confidentiality Agreement
This attachment is provided as sample language to include in Confidentiality Agreements. You do not need to
complete and return this form with your agreement.
I understand that my employer, _________________, (insert name of Employer) has entered into an
Information Sharing Agreement with the Washington Department of Health to view and/or exchange data in the
Washington State Immunization Information System (“IIS”). My employer has made a copy of the Agreement
available to me.
I understand that I am responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any IIS Immunization Data that I have
access to during the course of my employment. IIS Immunization Data means demographics and immunization
status of individual persons collected by IIS, regardless of whether in the form of raw data or appearing in other
IIS features and functions made available to my employer.
I will not share my unique IIS login code with anyone nor allow anyone to access IIS using my login code.
I will not at any time, nor in any manner, either directly or indirectly divulge, disclose, release, or communicate
any IIS Immunization Data to any third party unless specifically necessary to perform my assigned job duties,
required by law or authorized by the person, or parent or guardian of the person, to whom the IIS Immunization
Data applies. I recognize that maintaining confidentiality includes not discussing IIS Immunization Data outside
of the workplace. I will limit my own access to person-specific data in IIS to that which is necessary to perform
my job duties.
I understand that if I discuss, release, or otherwise disclose confidential data/information outside of the scope
of this policy through any means, I may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of
Employee signature: Date:
Employee name (please print):
Received on (date): By: (supervisor’s signature):
A signed copy of this form must be on file with the Employer before employee may access IIS.
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DOH 348-576 November 2018
Washington State Immunization Information System
Establishing IIS System Administrator Accounts
Each organization that completes an Information Sharing Agreement must designate at least one person as a
System Administrator who can set up user accounts for each principal or employee who needs access to the
IIS. The System Administrator has a permission added to their user account which allows them to authorize or
discontinue access to the IIS for others in their organization, including: creating new user accounts, inactivating
accounts when employees leave the organization, and running reports to see all users associated with the
Primary Contact Name:
Email Address: