Report to the
North Carolina General Assembly
Study of Subbasin Transfers per SL 2020-79 (4)
January 15, 2021
Division of Water Resources
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Session Law 2020-79 (4) directed the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to study the
statutes and rules governing subbasin transfers and make recommendations as to whether the
statutes and rules should be amended. More specifically, DEQ was asked to:
(1) examine whether transfers of water between subbasins within the same major river basin
should continue to be required to comply with all of the same requirements under G.S.
143-215.22L as transfers of water between major river basins; and
(2) consider whether the costs of complying with specific requirements, including financial
costs and time, are justified by the benefits of the requirements, including the production
of useful information and public notice and involvement.
North Carolina has a long history regulating interbasin transfers, dating back to the 1950’s. The
purpose of the Interbasin Transfer (IBT) Law is to ensure it is good public policy to move water
from one basin into another. An interbasin transfer, as defined in § 143-215.22G, is the
withdrawal, diversion or pumping of surface water from one river basin that is then discharged
into a different river basin. § 143-215.22G establishes 18 major river basins and 38 subbasins, as
designated on the map entitled “Major River Basins and Sub-basins in North Carolina” and filed
in the Office of the Secretary of State on April 16, 1991.
Figure 1. IBT Basins as defined in § 143-215.22G
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Importance of Major and Subbasin Boundaries
How basins are defined is critical since a receiving basin’s water needs are subordinate to the
source basin’s water needs. The State’s policy on IBTs states:
§ 143-215.22L
(t) Statement of Policy. - It is the public policy of the State to maintain, protect, and
enhance water quality within North Carolina. It is the public policy of this State
that the reasonably foreseeable future water needs of a public water system with
its service area located primarily in the receiving river basin are subordinate to
the reasonably foreseeable future water needs of a public water system with its
service area located primarily in the source river basin. Further, it is the public
policy of the State that the cumulative impact of transfers from a source river
basin shall not result in a violation of the antidegradation policy set out in 40
Code of Federal Regulations § 131.12 (1 July 2006 Edition) and the statewide
antidegradation policy adopted pursuant thereto.
IBT Certificate
An IBT Certificate
from the N.C. Environmental Management Commission (EMC) is required
(1) initiate a transfer of 2,000,000 gallons of water or more per day, calculated as a daily
average of a calendar month and not to exceed 3,000,000 gallons per day in any one day,
from one river basin to another;
(2) increase the amount of an existing transfer of water from one river basin to another by
twenty-five percent (25%) or more above the average daily amount transferred during
the year ending 1 July 1993 if the total transfer including the increase is 2,000,000
gallons or more per day; or
(3) increase an existing transfer of water from one river basin to another above the amount
approved by the Commission in a certificate issued under G.S. 162A-7 prior to 1 July
An applicant for an IBT Certificate first submits a Notice of Intent (NOI) to file a petition and
then holds at least three public meetings. Next the applicant submits a draft environmental
document, either an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS), and the EMC holds at least one public hearing. After DEQ issues either a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) on the EA or a Record of Decision (ROD) on the EIS, the applicant
shall petition the EMC for an IBT Certificate. After issuing a draft determination on the petition,
the EMC holds at least two public hearings prior to issuing their final determination. (Figure 2)
An IBT Certificate shall not be required to transfer water from one river basin to another up to the full capacity of a
facility to transfer water from basin to another if the facility was in existence or under construction on July 1, 1993.
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Figure 2. IBT Process per § 143-215.22L
In the coastal counties and reservoirs constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
may follow a truncated process. First the applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent to
file a petition with the EMC, however no public hearings are required at this step. Next the
applicant submits a draft environmental document (an EA or EIS), again no public hearings are
required at this step. Finally, upon determining the documentation is adequate, DEQ holds a
public hearing on the petition and accepts public comments for a minimum of 30 days prior to
the EMC issuing their final determination (Figure 3).
See § 143-215.22L (w) for full description of projects that fall under the truncated process.
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Figure 3. Truncated IBT Process per § 143-215.22L (w)
Status of Surface Water Transfers
Currently, there are 133 public water systems across North Carolina that transfer surface water
between river basins. Of the 133 surface water transfers, 27 systems are transferring more than 1
million gallons per day (MGD), with 11 of those 27 systems regulated under nine IBT
Since 1993, nine IBT certificates have been issued by the EMC. Five of the nine IBT certificates
transfer water between major river basins (Piedmont Triad RWA, Charlotte Water, Greenville
Utilities, Brunswick County, and Kerr Lake RWS). Two of the nine IBT certificates transfer
water between subbasins, but the water remains within the respective major river basins (Union
County and Pender County). Finally, two IBT certificates transfer a portion of water between
subbasins, with the remaining portion transferred between major river basins (Cary-Apex and
Concord-Kannapolis). (Table 1)
In addition to the public water systems with IBT certificates, there are ten public water systems
that have a grandfathered allowance for their surface water transfers that exceed the 2 MGD
threshold requiring a certificate
. Of the ten public water systems with a grandfathered
allowance, three are transferring water between subbasins. (Table 1)
There are also six water systems below the IBT certificate threshold that are transferring between
1 and 2 MGD. Of those six systems, one is transferring surface water between subbasins. (Table
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Table 1. Water Systems Transferring More Than 1 MGD
Water system transfer classification
Major basin
Total number
Systems with IBT certificate
Systems with grandfathered allowance
Systems transferring 1.0-2.0 MGD
All Systems transferring >1.0 MGD
Time and Cost Estimates
The six public water supply systems that have received an IBT certificate in the past 10 years
were contacted by the Division of Water Resources and asked to provide an estimate of the time
and cost involved in obtaining their IBT certificates (Table 2). The categories and values were
provided directly by the applicants with little direction from NCDEQ staff.
The time spent for an IBT, from NOI submission to IBT certificate issuance, ranged from 18
months to over six years (Table 2). Just as every water system is a unique entity, so too is every
proposed IBT, with its own particular set of conditions and variables. This can create
widely differing timetables for the issuance of an IBT Certificate. The range in time can be
attributed to issues including, application of different subsections of the statute (i.e., processes)
under which a certificate would be issued; legislative changes to the statute while an applicant
was pursuing an IBT certificate; length of time to produce the environmental document or other
required analyses; and settlement discussions as allowed under N.C.G.S. 143-215.22L (h).
Importantly, time spent in planning phases before the submittal of the NOI to the EMC is not
captured in the table.
The costs borne by the applicant to go through the IBT process varied greatly as well (Table 2).
Systems such as Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) and Kerr Lake Regional Water System
(KLRWS) provided a total cost with no itemization, while Cary-Apex
and Union County
included line items that are beyond the anticipated scope of a typical IBT.
Table 2. Time and Cost Estimates for IBT Certificates Issued from 2010-2018
458,000 for Attorney-IBT & contested case support and
219,398,923 for the Western Wake
Regional Wastewater Management Facility to be in compliance with the IBT Certificate
Union Co:
1,400,000 for Attorney-IBT & contested case support;
8,500,000 for settlement commitments; and
38,000,000 for 5-year construction delay
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Potential Impacts from Changing Statutory Requirements for Transfers Between
When examining whether transfers of water between subbasins within the same major river basin
should continue to be required to comply with all of the same requirements under G.S. 143-
215.22L as transfers of water between major river basins, DEQ considered changing the
requirement for transfers between subbasins to follow the truncated process (Figure 3) outlined
in G.S. 143-215.22L (w). The advantages and disadvantages to both are discussed in more detail
Advantages to Changing Statutory Requirements for Transfers Between Subbasins
If the current statutory requirements for surface water transfers were eliminated for subbasins, it
would save substantial time and money for those systems seeking to transfer water between
subbasins (see above) by not having to go through a lengthy IBT certificate process. Changing
the requirements to follow the truncated process outlined in subsection (w) would reduce the cost
and time to obtain an IBT certificate. The current statutory requirements identify three separate
points in the process through public notices to solicit review and comment as well as public
hearings. The initial public meetings following the NOI are often not well attended as the
proposed project is in the scoping stage with many aspects of the project still unknown.
Changes in the requirements, either through truncation or elimination, for subbasin transfers
could make it easier for neighboring systems to have interconnections. This could increase water
systems’ resiliency to water shortage conditions such as drought or emergency situations such as
line breaks.
Disadvantages to Changing Statutory Requirements for Transfers Between Subbasins
Changes to, or the elimination of, the current requirements for subbasin transfers could reduce
opportunities for public involvement and transparency, and adequate review to protect both the
source and receiving river subbasins’ water users and the environment.
Many of the current requirements for obtaining an IBT certificate are in place to protect the
state’s water resources and comply with the federal Clean Water Act. Without a thorough
environmental review of a proposed surface water transfer, there could be impacts not identified,
resolved or mitigated to both water users and the environment in both the source and receiving
river basins. This is a significant concern to ensure adequate protection of both water quality and
quantity for the affected river basins. There could be sensitive areas with protected species,
impaired waters, segments of a river disproportionately impacted, or different water systems
more at risk during water shortages. Without thorough environmental review and
documentation, water systems may be at increased risk for litigation.
Public involvement is a key element in the current statutory process required for water systems
seeking an IBT certificate. Public involvement provides a more complete picture to both DEQ
and the EMC, including additional facts and perspectives. Eliminating the opportunity for public
notice, review and comment throughout the process could result in critical issues being left
unaddressed or coming to light late in the review process. It can also make the decisions seem
less legitimate and ultimately more susceptible to litigation.
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DEQ finds that the current process for obtaining an IBT certificate for transfers between
subbasins within the same major river basin is appropriate and protective of the state’s water
resources and recommends that such transfers should continue to be required to obtain an IBT
certificate. However, if changes to the process are deemed necessary, DEQ recommends that
transfers between subbasins within the same major river basin should follow the truncated
process (Figure 2) outlined in G.S. 143-215.22L (w) instead of the full IBT process outlined
throughout G.S. 143-215.22L. Such an approach would likely provide time and cost savings for
the water systems seeking to transfer water between subbasins while preserving an
environmental review process. There would still be public involvement, though reduced, and
transparency throughout the process. It should be noted that specific landscape, infrastructure, or
flow conditions may necessitate a full review of a sub-basin IBT to avoid potentially significant
detrimental impacts.