CSEIT2062106 | Accepted : 10 April 2020 | Published : 20 April 2020 | March-April-2020 [ 6 (2) : 216-223 ]
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
© 2020 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | ISSN : 2456-3307
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT2062106
Invoice Processing Using Robotic Process Automation
Sagar Sahu, Sania Salwekar, Atharva Pandit, Manoj Patil
Computer Engineering, Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
This paper describes our recent effort to develop a automative application to transform invoice processing in Finance
operations. As a prime example of the technology’s potential for driving efficiency, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
can be applied to a number of finance and accounting operations, invoice processing. RPA DataBot can automate data
input, error reconciliation, and some of the decision-making required by finance staff when processing invoices. At
the same time, automation is able to limit errors in such processes and reduce the need for manual exception handling.
UiPath’s RPA DataBot are able to constantly monitor a dedicated folder where invoices are saved by employees (or
other DataBot) in PDF format. Once robots detect the presence of an invoice in the folder, they begin to extract
information from the document. Using intelligent Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and natural language
processing capabilities, DataBot are able to read out the information that is visible on the invoice. After robots extract
the key information from each invoice, they use their credentials to open the company’s database or enterprise resource
planning system, if not already open. The robots then start processing the invoices one-by-one by transferring over
the relevant invoice information. During this whole process, the DataBot are also running background activities such
as monitoring the dedicated invoice folder or its email address, performing basic checks to see if the company’s database
is open, and verifying whether vendor information (e.g. VAT number) on the invoice matches what is already in the
Keywords : DataBot, Optical Character Recognition, Robotic Process Automation
According to a research report by technology services
company Aberdeen Group it takes between 4 to 16 days
for companies to process an invoice from receipt through
payment approval. This conclusion might not really
come as a shock, though especially for companies and
their employees who experience the manual effort still
involved with processing invoices on a day-to-day basis.
In fact, a study by Canon Business Process Services
suggests that more than half of all invoice processing
requires at least 86-100% manual input.
In times of increasing digitization and automation, these
numbers reveal that companies are missing out on
possibilities for making their finance & accounting
departments more efficient. And the high percentages of
manual labor indicate significant inefficiencies combined
with a lack of central or standardized invoice
management processes, which can also lead to
unnecessary inconveniences like unpaid invoices (and
the associated late fees) as well as higher than necessary
labor costs.
1. Automation’s potential with invoice processing
Financial processes are critical to the overall
functionality of companies, which means that there may
be doubts regarding the capabilities and success rates of
RPA for accounts payable activities like invoice
processing. Invoices that company receive from their
suppliers sometimes, for example, arrive in multiple
different formats: as a paper copy, a Word document, a
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
PDF email attachment, or a fax. Moreover, a company’s
finance team is responsible for manually transferring the
data from these various invoice formats into the
company’s database and dealing with any discrepancies.
These challenges make it difficult to handle invoices in
the same way each time and, as a result, drive company
employees to process invoices manually. Moreover,
because the data in these invoices is typically
unstructured, this manual transfer process is time-
consuming and prone to errors. But do these operations
need to be done manually? In short, the answer
perhaps unsurprisingly is no
2. Invoice processing with UiPath
2.1 Fast, measurable outcomes :- Let’s see how businesses
can leverage UiPath’s Enterprise RPA Platform in
driving down the costs and simultaneously increasing the
efficiency and accuracy of their accounts payable
Global BPO provider uses UiPath for Citrix intensive
A global BPO provider used UiPath to reduce the
delivery effort in several of their clients’ invoice process.
This required access to their ERP system through remote
virtual environment (citrix technology). UiPath’s ability
to precisely recognize screen elements and drive seamless
automation even in the toughest scenarios such as Citrix
helped the BPO to reduce the delivery effort by 70%,
with a drop in AHT (average handling time) from 10
minutes to 3.
European Pharma company uses intelligent OCR to
process invoices in unstructured form. A European
Pharma company was using 3 FTEs to process 1800
invoices every month. Four applications, including MS
Office and e-mail, were involved, and several document
types, many of the invoices still being in paper format.
The UiPath Robot extracted the structured and semi-
structured data using intelligent OCR and performed all
validations necessary, such as the PO number, the
number of items, and the cost per item against the PO
and goods receives.
Figure 1 shows global growth in revenue using Robotic
Process Automation use cases.
Fig 1. Global Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
The invoicing process is an important part of a wider set
of business processes including the placing and
acceptance of an order, delivery and payment. Some
research papers regarding invoice processing system
were studied by us. These included various techniques of
invoice processing using cognitive approach, generic
system which uses OCR engine, using CBR (Case-based
reasoning) , optimization approach which makes use of
SVM, Entropy ,etc .Some of these approaches for invoice
processing system are mentioned below.
Enes Aslan, Ethem Unver, Tugrul Karakaya, Yusuf Sinan
Akgul in their paper proposed a new invoice parsing
method which consists of two-phase optimization
structure and eliminates invoice classes. The first phase
uses individual invoice part detectors such as SVM,
maximum entropy and HOG to produce candidates for
the various parts of different types of invoices. At the
second phase, the basic idea is to divide an invoice into
different parts and then arrange it together. As PBM is an
optimization based method, it can handle any type of
invoices. The proposed system is tested with real invoices
and are found to be promising for the real-world
Ying Li, Muthu Muthiah, Arindam Routh, Chitra Dorai
describes their initiative of developing a cognitive
application to transform invoice processing system in
P2P (Procure to Pay) process by providing domain-
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
specific systems. Procure to pay (P2P) process consists of
two main functions i.e. transactional data is sent to
supplier as well as it includes handling of data which
includes information about orders and payment for a
product or service. A 3-month long usage tracking has
showed promising performance. Significant productivity
improvement has been achieved by the team since the
deployment of this application in production with a
T. A. Bayer, H. U. Mogg-Schneider, Daimler-Benz
proposed a generic system for processing invoices that
automatically extracted the requested items with
arbitrary form layout in arbitrary domains. The given
system consists of two components OCR tool and
FRESCO. The error rate is less for FRESCO so it is used.
FRESCO component is contains the knowledge about the
domain. This generic system is used for health insurance
related invoices.
Hatem Hamza, Yolande Belaid, Abdel Belaid introduced
an invoice analysis approach using Case-Based Reasoning
(CBR). CBR is used to analyse and interpret new invoices
using previous processing experiences. Each new
documents are segmented into structures and interpreted
using structure database. A new document’s
interpretation depends on graph edit distance as well as
on string edit distance. They focus more on document
interpretation through its structure interpretation.
Mainly, CBR approach was used for accessing multiple
invoices. The final use of this system was processing
invoices for both known and unknown classes.
Requirements analysis involves all the tasks that are
conducted to identify the needs of different stakeholders.
Therefore requirements analysis means to analyse,
document, validate and manage software or system
requirements. High-quality requirements are
documented, actionable, measurable, testable, traceable,
helps to identify business opportunities, and are defined
to a facilitate system design. After the extensive analysis
of the problems in the system, we are familiar with the
requirement that the current system needs. The system
requirements are categorized into the functional and
non-functional requirements. These requirements are
listed below:
A. Hardware requirements
1) Minimum 4GB RAM.
2) 200 MB of free Hard Disk space.
3) Browser: Chrome(v49), Internet Explorer (v10) or
4) Processor: 3GHz or higher.
B. Software requirements :-
1) Operating System : Windows 7 and above.
2) UiPath Studio.
3) UiPath Robots.
4) UiPath Orchestra.
C. Functional requirement
Functional requirement are the functions or features that
must be included in any system to satisfy the business
needs and must be acceptable to the users. Based on this,
the functional requirements that the system must require
are as follows:
1) Name and Address of the Recipient: The Name of
Recipient is required to identify the person who has
initiated the transaction. The name should be spelled
correctly in order to avoid confusion. We require
physical address of the customer to deliver any
replacement or something else.
2) Sold By: This feature describes the seller of the product.
Basically it answers the query from where is the product
shipped and which outlet is responsible for shipping.
3) Total Amount: This field gives us the final amount of
the product.
4) Order Number: This field describes the order number
or order ID of the product. This field can immediately
help the seller outlet to identify all the product details.
5) Order Date: This field gives us the Date when the
given product was purchased.
6) Invoice Number: This field shows us the Receipt
(Invoice) number of the transaction. This number is
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
useful in servicing centres to identify the product
warranty or guarantee period.
7) Invoice Date: Date at which the invoice was printed.
8) Product Description: This field gives us the
information about either products or services including
prices and quantities. Often includes standard product
description and inventory number.
B. Non-functional requirement :-
Non-functional requirement is a description of features,
characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any
constraints that may limit the boundaries of the proposed
system. The non-functional requirements are essentially
based on the performance, information, economy,
control and security efficiency and services. Based on
these the non-functional requirements are as follows:
1) Security:- Security requirements ensure that the
software is protected from unauthorized access to the
system and its stored data. It considers different levels of
authorization and authentication across different user’s
roles. For instance, data privacy is a security
characteristic that describes who can create, see, copy,
change, or delete information. Security also includes
protection against viruses and malware attacks.
2) Reliability:- Reliability defines how likely it is for the
software to work without failure for a given period of
time. Reliability decreases because of bugs in the code,
hardware failures, or problems with other system
components. To measure software reliability, you can
count the percentage of operations that are completed
correctly or track the average period of time the system
runs before failing.
3) Performance:- Performance is a quality attribute that
describes the responsiveness of the system to various user
interactions with it. Poor performance leads to negative
user experience. It also jeopardizes system safety when
it’s is overloaded.
4) Availability:- Availability is gauged by the period of
time that the system’s functionality and services are
available for use with all operations. So, scheduled
maintenance periods directly influence this parameter.
And it’s important to define how the impact of
maintenance can be minimized. When writing the
availability requirements, the team has to define the most
critical components of the system that must be available
at all time.
5) Scalability:- Scalability requirements describe how the
system must grow without negative influence on its
performance. This means serving more users, processing
more data, and doing more transactions. Scalability has
both hardware and software implications. For instance,
you can increase scalability by adding memory, servers,
or disk space. On the other hand, you can compress data,
use optimizing algorithms, etc.
Automated invoice processing helps to save a serious
amount of time and money, compared with manual
paper invoice processing, creating efficiencies and
increasing the accuracy of captured data.
Fig 2. Process Diagram of Invoice Processing Flow
This service enables your company to:
1) Capture your invoices from their original source e.g.
fax, email, electronic image or paper copy
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
2) Automatically extract key information from your
invoices, using clever software for import into your
financial systems
3) Validate your invoices and checking your invoice data
against data files e.g. supplier name, amount and
Purchase Order number
4) Match and check the purchase order system to make
sure the invoice matches the original order
Once the data is extracted or captured from the invoice
the data is sent into the system for automatic matching
against the purchase order. This process can compare just
the invoice data with that shown on the purchase order
or be expanded to include a deeper level that looks at the
receiving documents. Workflow steps can be configured
such that the responsible person will then receive an
email alert so that he or she can approve the invoice. If
there are other people involved in the approval workflow,
email alerts to them will also be automatically generated.
The typical workflow is a four-step process beginning
1. Import of the images through scanning or email,
2. Identification of the vendor and business unit
associated with the invoice,
3. Data extraction, and
4. Export of the extracted data and images then receive
an email alert so that he or she can approve the invoice.
If there are other people involved in the approval
workflow, email alerts to them will also be automatically
generated. The typical workflow is a four-step process
beginning with:
Fig 3. Illustration of Invoice Processing Flow.
Regardless the size of your organization, financial
processes play an important role in the overall
functionality. These days, most people are skeptical
regarding the capabilities and success rates of RPA and
invoice processing Companies, in a nutshell, receive an
invoice from their suppliers sometimes, and usually
arrive in a plethora of different formats, including a PDF
email attachment, as a paper copy, or fax. In addition, the
finance department of an organization is majorly
responsible for manually transferring the data from a
multitude of invoice formats into the database of the
company and dealing with any incongruity.
Without a shadow of a doubt, these things really make it
difficult and allow a business to carry out the overall
process manually and on a faster rate.
Since the data in these invoices are not structured in a
proper format, this manual transfer process is time-
consuming and there are chances that a mistake could be
In our proposed system DataBot will perform Invoice
automation that would free up back office
finance/procurement teams to focus on higher value
added tasks.
Invoice automation allows straight through processing
(no human interaction) most of the time for the entire
invoice process. Invoice automation involves:
A. Monitoring For Invoices
Invoices arrive in companies as PDFs, image files and
increasingly rarely as hard copy documents.
1) For digital invoices, an RPA bot or a simple email
automation tool can flag emails with invoices and
forward them for data extraction. Some companies use a
dedicated email address for invoices to further simplify
invoice monitoring.
2) For hard-copy invoices, companies are switching to
using a single address to centralize invoice scanning.
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
B. Invoice Capturing :-
1) Extracting relevant details (e.g. bank account, ordered
item) from the invoice. If software does not have
confidence in the results, it is sent to employees for a
manual check
2) While digitization helped automate numerous
processes, mostly rule based software was used in
digitization. Invoice capture software is different.
Invoice capture involves both reading the invoice text
with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and
understanding its context with machine learning.
C. Evaluating Invoice Against Order Records And Other
Criteria :-
Evaluating invoice against order records and other
criteria to ensure that the payment is indeed a valid one.
Evaluations include
1) cross-checking invoice against purchase orders
2) cross-checking invoice for duplicity
3) using working capital optimization policies to decide
payment time
4) using limits to decide whether to manually process
invoice. Invoices that are abnormally large compared to
a suppliers’ usual invoices may need to be manually
verified to ensure that wrong payments are not done
D. Recording Invoice Related Information in System :-
1) Using intelligent OCR and natural language processing
capabilities, software robots are able to read out the
information that is visible on the invoice.
2) After robots extract the key information from each
invoice, they use their credentials to open the company’s
database or enterprise resource planning system, if not
already open. The robots then start processing the
invoices one-by-one by transferring over the relevant
invoice information.
E. Email Notification
1) After successfully registering each invoice, the
software robots are then able to send posting
notifications in the form of emails to the responsible
employee or to the vendor in question.
2) An email is also sent to the responsible party in case of
an exception
UiPath Studio is a complete solution for application
integration, and automating third-party applications,
administrative IT tasks and business IT processes. One of
the most important notions in Studio is the automation
An application is a graphical representation of a business
process. It enables you to automate rule-based processes,
by giving you full control of the execution order and the
relationship between a custom set of steps, also known as
activities in UiPath Studio. Each activity consists of a
small action, such as clicking a button, reading a file or
writing to a log panel.
The main types of supported workflows are:
1) Sequences - suitable to linear processes, enabling you
to smoothly go from one activity to another, without
cluttering your workflow.
2) Flowcharts - suitable to a more complex business logic,
enabling you to integrate decisions and connect activities
in a more diverse manner, through multiple branching
logic operators.
3) State Machines - suitable for very large workflows;
they use a finite number of states in their execution
which are triggered by a condition (transition) or activity.
4) Global Exception Handler - suitable for determining
the workflow behavior when encountering an execution
error, and for debugging processes.
1) The Mail Activities Pack is designed to facilitate the
automation of any mail-related tasks, covering various
protocols, such as IMAP, POP3 or SMTP. UiPath also
features activities that are specialized for working with
Outlook and Exchange.
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
2) Activities such as Save Mail Message and Save
Attachments are not intended to be used with certain
mail protocols. Instead, they save the MailMessage object
variable retrieved from activities such as Get POP3 Mail
Message to a specified folder on the current machine
1) The PDF pack contains activities designed to extract
data from PDF and XPS files and store it into string
variables. The data can be extracted from the entire
document or from a range of pages specified under the
Range property found in each of the activities.
2) In the case of scanned documents, data extraction can
also be achieved by using OCR-based activities, Read
PDF with OCR and Read XPS With OCR. To select one
of the three OCR engines specific to UiPath, Google OCR,
Microsoft OCR and Abbyy OCR, simply drop the engine
in the body of the activity.
1) The Excel activities package aids users to automate all
aspects of Microsoft Excel, as we know it is an application
intensely used by many in all types of businesses.
2) It contains activities that enable you to read
information from a cell, columns, rows or ranges, write
to other spreadsheets or workbooks, execute macros, and
even extract formulas. You can also sort data, color code
it or append additional information.
1) The Robot is an execution agent, meaning that you
have to provide it with the automation applications you
want it to run.
2) After creating an automation application in Studio, it
needs to be published locally or to Orchestrator. Once an
application is published, you can send it to the Robot
machine and start executing it.
3) This is populated by default as follows:
i) When NOT connected to Orchestrator
ii) When connected to Orchestrator - the default
Orchestrator feed
Following are the results we obtained after performing a
series of test with real time invoices.The accuracy we
obtained is 100%.
1.This is the Sample copy of an invoice which we have
used for testing.
Fig 4: Sample copy of an invoice
2. All Invoices sent to RPA databot through email is
successfully downloaded to a dedicated folder which is
assigned during development.The databot never re-
download the invoice which has been already
downloaded previously.
Fig 5: Successful download and storing of invoices in the
dedicated folder
Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April-2020 | http://ijsrcseit.com
Sagar Sahu et al
J Sci Res CSE & IT, March-April-2020; 6 (2) : 216-223
3.After successfully downloading the invoices the
databot correctly fetches invoices from that folder one by
one.After this it's reads all the necessary content from the
invoice using a ocr engine then it store the details in the
Excel file with 100% accuracy in their correct places.
Fig 6: Successful data entry of content in the Excel file.
4.After successfully registering each invoice, the
software robot is then able to send post notifications in
the form of email to the concerned employee or to the
vendor in question.
Fig 7: Successfully notifying the concerned employee or
Automated invoice processing can achieve powerful
results for accounts payable departments. Thanks to
technological advancements in robotic process
automation and computer vision technologies, invoice
processing can eliminate bottlenecks within the AP
process and turn the department into the profit center it
can be. Automated invoice processing enables touchless
automation across the entire accounts payable process,
and can transform the business in just months, creating a
powerful return on investment. Any organization that
receives a large number of vendor invoices on paper can
benefit from invoice processing technology.The more
data from each invoice that you are hand- keying into
your accounting software that more benefits you can get
from each page you automate.
[1]. Ying Li, Muthu Muthiah, Arindam Routh and
Chitra Dorai, ”Cognitive Computing in Action to
Enhance Invoice Processing with Customized
Language Translation”, 2017, IEEE International
Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC), IBM.
[2]. Hatem Hamza, Yolande Belaid and Abdel Belaid,
“A Case-Based Reasoning Approach on Unknown
Class Invoice Processing”,2007, IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing, France.
[3]. T. A. Bayer, H. U. Mogg-Schneider and Daimler-
Benz, ”A Generic System For Processing
Invoices”,1997, Fourth International Conference
on Document Analysis and Recognition, Germany.
[4]. Enes Aslan, Ethem Unver, Tugrul Karakaya and
Yusuf Sinan Akgul,”An optimization approach for
invoice image analysis”,2015, Signal Processing
and Communications Application
Cite this article as :
Sagar Sahu, Sania Salwekar, Atharva Pandit, Manoj Patil,
"Invoice Processing Using Robotic Process Automation",
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer
Science, Engineering and Information Technology
(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6 Issue 2, pp.
216-223, March-April 2020. Available at doi :
Journal URL : http://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT2062106