Pre-Major Requirements
Complete all pre-major courses with a 2.5 minimum GPA and a Cor higher in each course. Note that your grade in the
Writing II course is not calculated into your pre-major GPA, however, you must earn a minimum grade of Cin it.
Each pre-major and major course must be taken for a letter grade.
Grades in pre-major courses that were not completed at UCLA will still be calculated into your pre-major GPA as four
quarter units each. They are not included in your official UCLA GPA unless you took the courses at another UC campus or
while studying abroad through UCEAP.
Non-transfer students must complete the pre-major and apply before exceeding 135 units in order to be eligible for the
Economics major. (AP and other units earned prior to first entering UCLA can be unofficially excluded if they bring your total
over 135.)
Transfer students must complete the pre-major and apply no later than after their third regular quarter at UCLA. Summer
Session courses completed prior to a transfer students first official fall quarter will not be included in the three quarter
You should apply for the major the quarter after you complete the pre-major courses by filling out our change of major
request form that can be found on our website: Please submit the form to the
Economics undergraduate counselors. Make sure that all of your grades have officially posted on your Degree Audit Report
(DAR) when you apply for the major.
Pre-Major Courses
Math 31A or 31AL
Math 31B
Economics 1
Economics 2
Economics 11
Economics 41
Any College Writing II
Major Courses
Economics 101
(C- or higher)
Economics 102
(C- or higher)
Economics 103 / 103L
(C- or higher)
Economics 104 / 104L
(C or higher)
Economics Elective
Economics Elective
Economics Elective
Economics Elective
Economics or
Management Elective
Economics or
Management Elective
UCLA Economics Major Requirements
Pre-major GPA
(excluding Writing II)
2.5 min.
Cumulative UCLA
2.0 min.
Deadline to Apply
135 units
(excluding pre
-UCLA units)
for non-
transfers or
3 quarters for
Major GPA
2.0 min.
2.0 min.
Minimum C or higher
UCLA Economics Major Requirements
Pre-Major Requirements (continued)
You must be in good standing at UCLA (2.0 minimum cumulative UCLA GPA and not on Probation or Subject to
Dismissal) at the time you apply in order to be officially admitted to the major.
Your upper division major GPA must be a 2.0 minimum and you must have earned a C–minimum in Economics
101, 102, 103/103, and/or 104/104L if you have completed any of these courses prior to applying for the major.
You can apply for the Economics major whether your pre-major is Pre-Economics or Pre-Business Economics.
You are permitted to enroll in most upper division Economics courses prior to being admitted to the major provided
you have completed the prerequisites. Most upper division Economics courses require completion of at least
Economics 101. Many also require completion of Economics 102 and/or Economics 103/103L.
Prerequisites for all Department of Economics courses are strictly enforced.
No PTE numbers are issued. If you cannot enroll in a course for which you think that you have satisfied the
prerequisites and enrollment rules, please contact the Economics Undergraduate Counseling Office through the
Message Center.
Please make sure that you have added yourself to our Department of Economics listserv to be notified of enrollment
rules, requirement updates, the Business Economics application, and Departmental notices. To add yourself, please
visit the link below:
You are subject to any requirement changes in both the pre-major and the major until you are officially admitted to
the major.
Major Requirements
Economics 11, 101, and 102 must be taken in sequence although they do not need to be taken in successive
quarters. We do recommend that you take Economics 11 and 101 back to back as they are two halves of the same
Economics 41, 103/103L, and 104/104L must be taken in sequence. Given that they build upon one another, we
recommend that you take them back to back, if possible; however, it is not required that you take them in successive
Economics 101, 102, 103/103L, and 104/104L need to be completed with a minimum grade of a C-in each
Economics 104/104L is required of all students admitted to UCLA for Fall 2020 or later. Pre-Fall 2020 UCLA admits
who declare Economics or Business Economics after Fall 2020, but who complete Economics 103/103L by Spring
2021, will not be required to take Economics 104/104L.
The minimum grade required to satisfy an Upper Division Economics Elective is D-through Fall 2020. Effective
Winter 2021, a minimum grade of Dwill be required to satisfy an Upper Division Economics Elective. Upper
Division Economics Electives are courses numbered 106 through 199A and are worth four or five units. One and two
-unit courses such as Economics 185 and 195A do not apply towards Economics or Business Economics.
You have the option to substitute one or two upper division Economics Electives with one or two upper division
Management courses from the following list: 120A, 120B, 122, 127A,130A, and 170 (formerly Mgmt 180/Real Estate
Finance and Investments).
You must complete your upper division major courses with a 2.0 minimum GPA. You must also earn a 2.0 minimum