322 2017 Calendar
Award Regulations
College of Engineering
The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering with Honours shall follow a course of
study and non-academic requirements approved by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry as laid down
in these Regulations, or those consistent with the
regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time they
began their candidacy. The Dean of Engineering and
Forestry may modify specific aspects of these degree
regulations for individual candidates under the
following special circumstances:
(a) If the candidate's course of study is aected by a
change in any regulations;
(b) Prior learning and work experience; or
(c) Other exceptional circumstances.
Any modification to a programme of study must
maintain the integrity of the programme and
align with the Institution of Professional Engineers
NewZealand (IPENZ) accreditation guidelines for the
discipline that the candidate is undertaking.
2. Structure of the Degree
To qualify for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering
with Honours a candidate must complete:
(a) a programme of study for the Engineering Inter-
mediate Year of not less than 120 points;
(b) an approved academic writing test;
(c) a programme of three Professional Year Examina-
tions where each year is not less than 120 points;
(d) a programme of study which must include not
less than 120 points at 400-level or higher;
(e) the non-academic requirements.
Candidates are not permitted to enrol in any
engineering courses of the Third Professional
Examination prior to completion of the First
Professional Examination.
3. Engineering Disciplines and Minors
(a) The degree of Bachelor of Engineering with
Honours may be awarded in the following pro-
grammes: Chemical and Process, Civil, Computer,
Electrical and Electronic, Forest, Mechanical,
Mechatronics, Natural Resources, and Software.
(b) The degree may also be completed with a Minor
that denotes sub-specialisation within an engi-
neering discipline.
4. Admission to BE(Hons) Candidacy
(a) Admission to the BE(Hons) shall be by approval
of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry. All can-
didates must pass an approved academic writing
test prior to approval into the professional pro-
gramme. Further, a candidate:
(b) may qualify for admission upon successful com-
pletion of the Engineering Intermediate Exami-
nation principally on the basis of the grades
obtained in that Examination; or
(c) may complete an approved intermediate exami-
nation at another university. Admission to the
BE(Hons) programme will be principally on the
basis of grades obtained in that examination; or
(d) who achieved suciently high grades in appro-
priate NCEA Level 3 subjects, or the NewZealand
University Entrance, Scholarships qualification
in appropriate subjects, or in other examina-
tions approved by the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry for the purposes of this regulation, may
be considered for direct entry to the First Profes-
sional Examination of the BE(Hons) degree; or
(e) who has completed a qualification from a ter-
tiary institution with excellent grades may be
considered for direct entry to either the First or
Second Professional Examination of the BE(Hons)
1. A candidate who is not exempted from the Interme-
diate Examination will not normally be admitted to
the First Professional Examination unless he or she
has passed the whole Intermediate Examination in
not more than two years of study.
2. The entire BE(Hons) Intermediate Year is a pre-
requisite for the Engineering First Professional
College of Engineering
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The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
3. The Dean of Engineering and Forestry reserves the
right to decline entry to a student who has been of-
fered a place in the Professional Examination of the
BE(Hons) degree and who has not completed his or
her enrolment by the Friday preceding the first day
of lectures of Semester 1.
4. Special admission on the basis of clause (d) must
be made by written application to the Dean of En-
gineering and Forestry where an interview may also
be required. Applicants are encouraged to approach
the Dean for a copy of the entry standard guideline
at the earliest possible stage.
5. Special admission on the basis of clause (e) must
be made by written application to the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry. The Dean, in consultation
with the relevant Director of Studies, will consider
the applicant's prior learning, in particular their
preparation in Mathematics, Physics, and where
applicable Chemistry or Computer Science, and any
relevant work experience in industry.
5. Time Limitation for Degree Completion and
Suspension of Study
(a) Candidates enrolled, either full-time or part-time,
in the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with
Honours must complete the Professional Year Ex-
aminations and the non-academic requirements
in no more than six years of study.
(b) Candidates enrolled concurrently in the Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours and with
another programme of study must complete
the Professional Year Examinations and the non-
academic requirements in a timeframe approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry at the
time of approval into the double degree.
(c) Candidates may seek approval from the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry to suspend their stud-
ies. Where approved, this will extend the time
limitation for the completion of the degree.
(d) Candidates who have an approved suspension in
study may be required to undertake a prepara-
tory programme prior to the resumption of their
studies in the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering
with Honours. Any preparatory programme
of study must be completed while on suspen-
sion, and immediately prior to the end of their
1. Candidates normally enrol for full-time study un-
less there are exceptional circumstances which
prevent them from studying full time. Candidates
must apply in writing to the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry to apply for part-time study.
2. Preparatory programmes of study will not normally
be required where the suspension is for a calendar
year or less.
6. Class of Honours
(a) The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Hon-
ours may be awarded with First Class Honours, or
with Second Class Honours, or with Third Class
Honours. The list of candidates obtaining Second
Class Honours shall be listed in two Divisions
(Division I and Division II).
(b) First and Second Class Honours are awarded for
outstanding and meritorious achievement based
on completion of the academic requirements in
a timely manner and on the basis of academic
achievement measured by weighted GPA, as
stipulated below.
(c) To be eligible for First or Second Class Honours
a candidate must meet one of the time limit
i. if entering the programme at the First Profes-
sional Examination, he or she must complete
the three professional years in no more than
four years of study.
ii. if entering the programme at the Second
Professional Examination, he or she must
complete the Second and Third Professional
Examinations in no more than three years
of study.
iii. candidates approved into part-time study
must complete the Second and Third Profes-
sional Examination in no more than four
years of study. Approval into part-time study
must be obtained prior to entering the Sec-
ond Professional Examination.
(d) The class of honours will be determined as a
weighted average of the candidates GPA, with
a 20% weighting on the Second Professional
Examination and 80% on the Third Professional
Examination. The weighted GPA will be comput-
ed to the first decimal place using the algorithm
of ‘round half up towards infinity'. Only first
attempts at a course, or its substitute, will be
considered in the calculation.
(e) The classes and divisions of honours will be:
i. First Class Honours, weighted GPA in the
range 7.0 – 9.0;
ii. Second Class Honours Division I, weighted
GPA in the range 5.5 – 6.9;
iii. Second Class Honours Division II, weighted
GPA in the range 4.0 – 5.4.
(f) Those candidates not eligible for First or Second
Class Honours, but having met all the academic
College of Engineering
324 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
requirements, will be eligible for the award of
Third Class honours.
7. BE without Honours
In exceptional circumstances a candidate may be
permitted by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
to complete all the requirements, both academic
and non-academic, of the award outside the time
limitation. In such circumstances the candidate will
be awarded a degree of Bachelor of Engineering.
8. Concurrent Enrolment in BE(Hons) and
another award
A candidate who enrols concurrently for the Degree
of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours and
another award shall, in order to qualify for the award
of both degrees, be enrolled for a course of study
approved under the provisions of the General Course
and Examination Regulation A3, and shall:
(a) meet all requirements as laid down in the cur-
rent regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering with Honours;
(b) meet all requirements as laid down in the cur-
rent regulations for the other award;
(c) be approved into the concurrent programme of
study by the relevant Deans of both awards.
9. Requirements in Subjects in Other Degrees
A candidate wishing to be enrolled in any subject
which is also a subject of examination for another
degree shall comply with the regulations for that
degree relating to prerequisites, combinations of
subjects, and practical work, as are applicable to that
10. Restricted Credit
A candidate may enquire, from the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry, as to the Faculty Guideline
on the application of restricted credit as described in
the General Course and Examination Regulations.
11. Completion of the Non-academic
(a) The non-academic requirements are:
i. an approved, valid first aid certificate;
ii. approved course(s) of workshop training and/
or workplace safety;
iii. at least 800 hours (100 days) of approved
practical work; and
iv. submission of two satisfactory written work
reports based on the practical work com-
(b) A candidate shall present a university approved
first aid certificate which is valid at some time
during the candidate's enrolment in the three
professional years.
(c) A candidate shall complete an approved
course(s) of workshop training and/or workplace
safety. This course(s) shall be completed before
a candidate enrols for any subject of the Second
Professional Examination or within the first year
of study if admitted directly to the Second Pro-
fessional Examination.
(d) A candidate may apply in writing for exemption
from any workshop training or workshop safety
course to the Department Administrator.
(e) The practical work requirement shall normally be
completed in no more than three periods. Details
of the nature of the work required by each De-
partment may be obtained from the College of
Engineering Oce or on the College of Engineer-
ing website.
(f) Prior to commencement of each practical work
period of employment a candidate shall notify
the College of Engineering Oce of details con-
cerning the employment. The appropriate form is
available on the student's practical work record
in myUC or can be obtained from the College of
Engineering Oce or from the College website.
Lists of employers' addresses are available at the
College of Engineering Oce.
(g) A candidate shall submit two satisfactory writ-
ten reports covering dierent types of practical
work. Reports shall be submitted not later than
the first Monday in April immediately following
the period of work reported on. Dierent dead-
lines apply to students wishing to graduate (see
(i)). Each report shall remain confidential to the
student and the College of Engineering and shall
not be disclosed to any other party. Note: Practi-
cal work will be credited towards a candidate's
course only after a satisfactory report is received
from the candidate's employer.
(h) Practical work shall be credited on the following
i. Credit is given only for hours worked;
ii. A day is defined as eight (8) hours’ work;
iii. Not more than 60 hours are credited in any
one week.
(i) Candidates wishing to graduate at a ceremony
during Semester 1 must have completed all
practical work requirements by the first Mon-
day in March. Those wishing to graduate at a
December ceremony must have completed all
practical work requirements by the first Monday
in November.
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The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
(j) On receipt of a written application accompanied
by supporting documents from a student who
has served an indentured engineering appren-
ticeship or who has performed similar work for a
satisfactory period, the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry may accept such work as partial or total
exemption from the above practical work re-
quirements. Candidates may apply in writing for
an exemption of the practical work requirements
to the College Practical Work Coordinator.
(k) Candidates are required to familiarise them-
selves with the practical work requirements by
reading the guidelines on the College website.
(l) The Dean of Engineering and Forestry may
modify the application of clauses (a)-(k) in indi-
vidual cases.
12. Intermediate Examination
The Programme of Study shall consist of:
(a) All courses in Schedule A.
(b) Courses from Schedule B to meet the prerequi-
sites of at least one engineering programme.
(c) Additional courses, where required, to ensure a
workload of not less than 60 points during each
of Semesters 1 and 2.
(d) Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineer-
ing and Forestry, candidates may be approved
into a modified Intermediate Year based on high
achievement in NCEA or other equivalent exami-
nation, or through recognised prior learning at
another tertiary institution.
Schedule A - Compulsory for all Engineering Intermediate students
(1) ENGR 100 Academic Writing Assessment*
(2) ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
(3) EMTH 118 Engineering Mathematics 1A
(4) EMTH 119 Engineering Mathematics 1B
(5) PHYS 101 Engineering Physics A: Mechanics,
Waves and Thermal Physics
* ENGR 100 is a zero-EFTS course (no fees).
Schedule B - Engineering disciplines
Chemical and Process Engineering
(1) CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Processes
(2) EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling &
Civil Engineering, Forest Engineering and
Natural Resources Engineering
(1) CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Processes
(2) EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling &
(3) ENGR 102 Engineering Mechanics
Computer Engineering and Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
(1) COSC 121 Introduction to Computer
(2) Either EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling
& Computation, or MATH 120 Discrete
Mechanical Engineering
(1) EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling &
(2) ENGR 102 Engineering Mechanics
(3) CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Processes*
* Note: See www.engf.canterbury.ac.nz/behons/inter-
mediateyear.shtml for transitional arrangements for
students who have not taken NCEA level 3 chemistry.
Mechatronics Engineering
(1) COSC 121 Introduction to Computer
(2) ENGR 102 Engineering Mechanics
(3) EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling &
Software Engineering
(1) COSC 121 Introduction to Computer
(2) COSC 122 Introduction to Computer Science
(3) MATH 120 Discrete Mathematics
13. Professional Examination
The professional examinations are laid out in
regulations 13 – 42.
Candidates should note the following:
(a) Not all elective courses will necessarily be avail-
able in any one year. Candidates should consult
the relevant Director of Studies concerning the
courses to be taught and the alternative degree
courses that might be approved.
(b) In consultation with employers, the department
recommends candidates select certain courses
or pathways of elective courses. Candidates are
advised to consult the relevant department's
website for the latest recommended pathways.
(c) Candidates may attempt the Third Professional
Year Project if they will be completing their de-
gree within three semesters or less.
College of Engineering
326 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
Chemical and Process Engineering*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
14. First Professional Examination
(1) ENCH 199 Workshop Training Course for
Chemical and Process Engineering
(2) ENCH 241 Engineering Chemistry 2
(3) ENCH 281 Principles of Biology for Engineers
(4) ENCH 291 Mass & Energy Balances
(5) ENCH 292 Heat & Mass Transfer Operations
(6) ENCH 293 Fluid Mechanics 1
(7) ENCH 295 Chemical Engineering Professional
(8) ENCH 296 Chemical Engineering
(9) ENCH 298 Chemical Engineering Mathematics
15. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCH 390 Process Analysis
(2) ENCH 391 Process Systems and Control
(3) ENCH 392 Thermodynamics and Chemical
Reaction Engineering
(4) ENCH 393 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
(5) ENCH 394 Process Engineering Design 2
(6) ENCH 395 Process Engineering Laboratories
(7) ENCH 396 Chemical Engineering Separations 1
(8) One course selected from Schedule A listed
16. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENCH 494 Process Engineering Design 3
(2) ENCH 495 Research Project
(3) ENCH 496 Advanced Separation
(4) ENCH 497 Process Management
(5) One course selected from Schedule B listed
(6) One course selected from either Schedule
A or B listed below or any 400-level 15 point
Engineering course
Schedule A
(a) ENGR 404 Renewable Energy Technologies
and Management
(b) ENGR 405 Industrial Pollution Control
(c) ENGR 406 Wood and Engineered Wood Prod-
ucts Processing
(d) ENGR 407 Bioprocess Engineering 1
(e) ENCH 486 Special Topic in Chemical and
Process Engineering
Schedule B
(a) ENGR 401 Computational Fluid Dynamics
(b) ENCH 482 Bioprocess Engineering 2
(c) ENCH 487 Special Topic in Chemical and
Process Engineering
(d) ENCH 491 Advanced Process Control and
(e) ENCH 492 Advanced Reaction Engineering
(f) Any 400-level Engineering course approved
by the Director of Studies
17. Minor in Bioprocess Engineering*
(a) ENCH 281 Principles of Biology for Engineers
(b) ENGR 407 Bioprocess Engineering 1
(c) ENCH 482 Bioprocess Engineering 2
(d) ENCH 494 Process Engineering Design 3**
(e) ENCH 495 Research Project**
** Note: ENCH 494 Process Engineering Design 3 or
ENCH 495 Research Project must be taken with an
approved bioprocess engineering focus as approved by
the Director of Studies.
The Minor will only be awarded upon completion of all
other normal requirements of a BE(Hons) in Chemical
and Process Engineering.
18. Minor in Energy Processing Technologies*
(a) ENCH 392 Thermodynamics and Chemical Reac-
tion Engineering
(b) ENGR 404 Emerging Energy Technologies and
(c) ENCH 483 Advanced Energy Processing Technolo-
gies and Systems
(d) ENCH 494 Process Engineering Design 3** OR
ENCH 495 Research Project**
** Note: ENCH 494 Process Engineering Design 3 and
ENCH 495 Research Project must be taken with an
approved energy processing technologies focus as ap-
proved by the Director of Studies.
The Minor will only be awarded upon completion of all
other normal requirements of a BE(Hons) in Chemical
and Process Engineering.
Civil Engineering
19. First Professional Examination
(1) ENCI 199 Health & Safety on the Worksite
(2) ENCN 201 Communication Skills Portfolio 1
(3) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(4) ENCN 213 Design Studio 1
(5) ENCN 221 Engineering Materials
(6) ENCN 231 Solid Mechanics
(7) ENCN 242 Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
(8) ENCN 253 Soil Mechanics
(9) ENCN 261 Transport and Surveying
(10) ENCN 281 Environmental Engineering
Note: Candidates are required to attend the First Profes-
sional Examination Camp. Work at the camp will form
part of the assessment for ENCN 261 Transport and
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The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
20. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCN 301 Communication Skills Portfolio 2
(2) ENCI 313 Civil Engineering Design Studio 2
(3) ENCI 335 Structural Analysis
(4) ENCI 336 Structural Design
(5) ENCN 304 Deterministic Mathematical Methods
(6) ENCN 305 Computer Programming and
Stochastic Modelling
(7) ENCN 342 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
(8) ENCN 353 Geotechnical Engineering
(9) ENCN 371 Project and Infrastructure
21. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENCN 493 Project
(2) ENCN 470 Professional Engineering
(3) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENCI 423 Advanced Structural Analysis and
(b) ENCI 425 Structural Steel
(c) ENCI 426 Structural Concrete
(d) ENCI 427 Timber Structures
(e) ENCI 429 Structural Systems
(f) ENCN 401 Engineering in Developing
(g) ENCN 412 Trac Engineering
(h) ENCN 415 Pavement Engineering
(i) ENCN 444 Water Infrastructure and Design
(j) ENCN 445 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
(k) ENCN 452 Advanced Geotechnical
(l) ENCN 454 Geotechnical Earthquake
(m) ENCN 481 Environmental Engineering Design
(n) ENGR 403 Fire Engineering
(o) ENGE 411 Engineering Construction Practice
(p) ENGE 412 Rock Mechanics and Rock
(q) ENGE 415 Engineering Geomorphology and
(r) GEOL 475 Engineering and Environmental
(s) Any 15 point 400-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
(t) Candidates with a GPA of 6 or more may ap-
ply to take one 600-level course approved by
the Director of Studies.
Note: In exceptional circumstances, approved by the
Director of Studies, a candidate may oer ENCN 494 in
lieu of ENCN 493
Computer Engineering*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
22. First Professional Examination
(1) ENEL 198 Electrical Workshop Course
(2) ENEL 199 Basic Workshop Course
(3) COSC 264 Introduction to Computer Networks
and the Internet
(4) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(5) EMTH 211 Engineering Linear Algebra and
(6) ENCE 260 Computer Systems
(7) ENEL 200 Electrical and Computer Engineering
(8) ENEL 220 Circuits and Signals
(9) ENEL 270 Principles of Electronics and Devices
(10) SENG 201 Software Engineering 1
23. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCE 360 Operating Systems
(2) ENCE 361 Embedded Systems 1
(3) ENEL 300 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design 2
(4) ENEL 301 Fundamentals of Engineering
Economics and Management
(5) ENEL 320 Signals and Communications
(6) ENEL 321 Control Systems
(7) ENEL 373 Digital Electronics and Devices
(8) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) SENG 301 Software Engineering 2
(b) COSC 363 Computer Graphics
(c) COSC 364 Internet Technology and
(d) COSC 368 Humans and Computers
(e) Any 15 point 300-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
24. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENEL 400 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Project
(2) ENCE 461 Embedded Systems 2
(3) ENCE 464 Embedded Software and Advanced
(4) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) COSC 411 Advanced Topics in HCI
(b) COSC 418 Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor
(c) COSC 422 Advanced Computer Graphics
(d) COSC 428 Computer Vision
(e) ENEL 420 Advanced Signals
(f) ENEL 422 Communications Engineering
(g) ENEL 470 Electronics 2
(h) ENEL 490 Electromagnetics
College of Engineering
328 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
(i) ENME 403 Linear Systems Control and Sys-
tem Identification
(j) ENMT 482 Robotics
(k) Any 15 point 400-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
25. Minor in Communications and Network
(1) COSC 264 Introduction to Computer Networks
and the Internet
(2) COSC 364 Internet Technology and Engineering
(3) COSC 418 Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
(4) ENEL 320 Signals and Communications
(5) ENEL 400 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Project*
(6) ENEL 422 Communications Engineering
* Note: ENEL 400 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Project must be taken with a communica-
tions or networking focus as approved by the Director
of Studies.
The Minor will only be awarded upon completion of
all other normal requirements of a BE(Hons) in
Computer Engineering.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
26. First Professional Examination
(1) ENEL 198 Electrical Workshop Course
(2) ENEL 199 Basic Workshop Course
(3) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(4) EMTH 211 Engineering Linear Algebra and
(5) ENEL 200 Electrical and Computer Engineering
(6) ENEL 220 Circuits and Signals
(7) ENEL 270 Principles of Electronics and Devices
(8) ENEL 280 Principles of Electrical Systems
(9) ENEL 290 Waves and Materials in Electrical
(10) ENCE 260 Computer Systems
27. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCE 361 Embedded Systems 1
(2) ENEL 300 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design 2
(3) ENEL 301 Fundamentals of Engineering
Economics and Management
(4) ENEL 320 Signals and Communications
(5) ENEL 321 Control Systems
(6) ENEL 372 Power and Analogue Electronics
(7) ENEL 373 Digital Electronics and Devices
(8) ENEL 382 Electric Power and Machines
28. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENEL 400 Electrical and Computer Research
(2) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENCE 461 Embedded Systems 2
(b) ENCE 464 Embedded Software and Advanced
(c) ENEL 420 Advanced Signals
(d) ENEL 422 Communications Engineering
(e) ENEL 470 Electronics 2
(f) ENEL 471 Power Electronics 2
(g) ENEL 480 Electrical Power Systems
(h) ENEL 481 Electrical Machines
(i) ENEL 490 Electromagnetics
(j) ENEL 491 Nano Engineered Electronics
(k) ENME 403 Linear Systems Control and Sys-
tem Identification
(l) ENMT 482 Robotics
(m) Any 15 point 400-level or higher option to be
approved by the Director of Studies
29. Minor in Power Engineering*
(1) ENEL 480 Power Systems
(2) ENEL 371 Power Electronics 1
(3) ENEL 382 Electric Power and Machines
And two of the following:
(1) ENEL 481 Electrical Machines
(2) ENEL 471 Power Electronics
(3) ENEL 667 Renewable Energy Systems Design
Note: The Minor will only be awarded upon completion
of all other normal requirements of a BE(Hons) in Elec-
trical and Electronic Engineering.
Forest Engineering
30. First Professional Examination
(1) FORE 199 Workshop Training Course
(2) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(3) FORE 205 Introduction to Forest Engineering
(4) FORE 215 Introduction to Forest Economics
(5) ENCN 213 Design Studio 1
(6) ENCN 221 Engineering Materials
(7) ENCN 231 Solid Mechanics
(8) ENCN 253 Soil Mechanics
(9) ENFO 204 Forest Measurement
31. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCN 305 Computer Programming and
Stochastic Modelling
(2) ENCN 353 Geotechnical Engineering
(3) ENCN 371 Project and Infrastructure
(4) ENFO 327 Wood Science
(5) ENNR 320 Integrated Catchment Analysis or
ENCI 335 Structural Analyses
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The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
(6) FORE 316 Forest Management
(7) FORE 342 Geospatial Science in Forest
Monitoring and Management
Note: Candidates are required to attend the Second
Professional Examination Camp. Work at the camp will
form part of the assessment for ENCN 371 Infrastruc-
ture Management.
32. Third Professional Examination
(1) FORE 422 Forest Harvest Planning
(2) FORE 423 Forest Transportation and Road
(3) ENFO 410 Forest Engineering Research (30
(4) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) FORE 426 Forest Products Marketing and
International Trade
(b) FORE 435 Advanced Forest Economics 2
(c) FORE 443 Biosecurity Risk Management
(d) ENGR 403 Fire Engineering
(e) ENGR 406 Wood and Engineered Wood Prod-
ucts Processing
(f) ENNR 423 Sustainable Energy Systems
(g) ENCN 415 Pavement Engineering
(h) ENCN 452 Advanced Geotechnical
(i) ENGE 412 Rock Mechanics and Rock
(j) Any 15 point 400-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
Mechanical Engineering*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
33. First Professional Examination
(1) ENME 199 Workshop Training Course for
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
(2) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(3) EMTH 271 Mathematical Modelling and
Computation 2
(4) ENME 201 Design Communication
(5) ENME 202 Stress, Strain and Deformation in
Machine Elements
(6) ENME 203 Dynamics and Vibrations
(7) ENME 207 Materials Science and Engineering
(8) ENME 215 Thermodynamics
(9) ENME 221 Engineering Design and Manufacture
34. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENME 301 Engineering Design and Production
(2) ENME 302 Computational and Applied
Mechanical Analysis
(3) ENME 303 Controls and Vibrations
(4) ENME 307 Performance of Engineering Materials
(5) ENME 311 Engineering Design and Production
(6) ENME 313 Electro Technology for Mechanical
(7) ENME 314 Fluid Mechanics
(8) ENME 315 Heat Transfer
35. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENME 408 Honours Research and Development
(2) ENME 401 Mechanical Systems Design
(3) ENME 418 Engineering Management and
Professional Practice for Mechanical Engineers
(4) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENGR 401 Computational Fluid Dynamics
(b) ENME 402 Advanced Vibrations and
(c) ENME 403 Linear Systems Control and Sys-
tem Identification
(d) ENME 404 Aerodynamics and Ground Vehicle
(e) ENME 405 Energy Systems Engineering
(f) ENME 406 Engineering Product Design and
(g) ENME 407 Advanced Materials Science and
(h) ENME 409 Physiological Modelling
(i) ENME 411 Advanced Mechanical System
(j) ENME 415 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
(k) ENME 417 Advanced Composite, Polymeric
and Ceramic Materials
(l) ENME 419 Biological Fluid Dynamics
(m) ENME 423 Instrumentation and Sensors
(n) ENME 480 Independent Course of Study
(o) MDPH 401 Anatomy and Physiology
(p) ENMT 482 Robotics
(q) Any 15 point 400-level option approved by
the Director of Studies
College of Engineering
330 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons))
Award Regulations
Mechatronics Engineering*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
36. First Professional Examination
(1) ENEL 198 Electrical Workshop Course
(2) ENME 199 Workshop Training Course for
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
(3) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(4) EMTH 211 Engineering Linear Algebra and
(5) ENCE 260 Computer Systems
(6) ENEL 270 Principles of Electronics and Devices
(7) ENME 202 Stress, Strain and Deformation in
Machine Elements
(8) ENME 203 Dynamics and Vibrations
(9) ENMT 201 Mechatronics Design
37. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENCE 361 Embedded Systems 1
(2) ENEL 301 Fundamentals of Engineering
Economics and Management
(3) ENEL 372 Power and Analogue Electronics
(4) ENME 302 Computational and Applied
Mechanical Analysis
(5) ENME 303 Controls and Vibrations
(6) ENMT 301 Mechatronics System Design
(7) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENME 215 Thermodynamics
(b) ENME 314 Fluid Mechanics
(c) ENEL 373 Digital Electronics and Devices
(d) Any 15 point 300-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
38. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENMT 401 Mechatronics Honours Research and
Development Project
(2) ENCE 461 Embedded Systems 2
(3) ENME 403 Linear Systems Control and System
(4) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENMT 482 Robotics
(b) COSC 428 Computer Vision
(c) ENCE 464 Embedded Software and Advanced
(d) ENEL 471 Power Electronics 2
(e) ENME 402 Advanced Vibrations and
(f) ENME 406 Engineering Product Design and
(g) ENME 423 Instrumentation and Sensors
(h) Any 15 point 400-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
Natural Resources Engineering
39. First Professional Examination
(1) ENCI 199 Health & Safety on the Worksite
(2) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(3) ENCN 201 Communication Skills Portfolio 1
(4) ENCN 213 Design Studio 1
(5) ENCN 221 Engineering Materials
(6) ENCN 231 Solid Mechanics
(7) ENCN 242 Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
(8) ENCN 253 Soil Mechanics
(9) ENCN 261 Transport and Surveying
(10) ENCN 281 Environmental Engineering
Note: Candidates are required to attend the First Profes-
sional Examination Camp. Work at the camp will form
part of the assessment for ENCN 261 Transport and
40. Second Professional Examination
(1) ENNR 313 Natural Resources Engineering Design
Studio 2
(2) ENNR 320 Integrated Catchment Analysis
(3) ENNR 322 Ecological Engineering
(4) ENCN 301 Communication Skills Portfolio 2
(5) ENCN 304 Deterministic Mathematical Methods
(6) ENCN 305 Computer Programming and
Stochastic Modelling
(7) ENCN 342 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
(8) ENCN 353 Geotechnical Engineering
(9) ENCN 371 Project and Infrastructure
Note: Candidates are required to attend the Second
Professional Year site visit tour. The tour will form part
of the assessment for ENNR 313 Natural Resources
Engineering Design Studio 2.
41. Third Professional Examination
(1) ENCN 493 Project
(2) ENCN 470 Professional Engineering
(3) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) ENNR 405 Ecological and Bioresources
(b) ENNR 422 Water Resources and Irrigation
(c) ENNR 423 Sustainable Energy Systems
(d) ENCN 401 Engineering in Developing
(e) ENCN 412 Trac Engineering
(f) ENCN 415 Pavement Engineering
(g) ENCN 444 Water Infrastructure and Design
(h) ENCN 445 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
(i) ENCN 452 Advanced Geotechnical
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 331
The Degree of Bachelor of Forestry Science (BForSc)
Award Regulations
(j) ENCN 454 Geotechnical Earthquake
(k) ENCN 481 Environmental Engineering Design
(l) ENGR 403 Fire Engineering
(m) ENGE 411 Engineering Construction Practice
(n) ENGE 412 Rock Mechanics and Rock
(o) ENGE 415 Engineering Geomorphology and
(p) GEOL 475 Engineering and Environmental
(q) Any 15 point 400-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
(r) Candidates with a GPA of 6 or more may ap-
ply to take one 600-level course approved by
the Director of Studies
Note: In exceptional circumstances, approved by the
Director of Studies, a candidate may oer ENCN 494 in
lieu of ENCN 493.
Software Engineering
42. First Professional Examination
(1) SENG 199 Software Engineering Workshop
Training Course
(2) SENG 201 Software Engineering 1
(3) SENG 202 Software Engineering Project
(4) COSC 261 Formal Languages and Compilers
(5) COSC 262 Algorithms
(6) COSC 265 Relational Database Systems
(7) ENCE 260 Computer Systems
(8) Sucient courses selected from schedules A
and B below. Course selection must include at
least one course from Schedule A.
Schedule A
(a) EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics 2
(b) MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics and
Schedule B
(a) COSC 264 Introduction to Computer Net-
works and the Internet
(b) EMTH 211 Engineering Linear Algebra and
(c) MATH 230 Logic, Automata, and
43. Second Professional Examination
(1) SENG 301 Software Engineering II
(2) SENG 302 Software Engineering Group Project
(3) SENG 365 Web Computing Architectures
(4) COSC 368 Humans and Computers
(5) ENEL 301 Design and Management
(6) Sucient courses selected from:
(a) COSC 362 Network and Data Security
(b) COSC 363 Computer Graphics
(c) COSC 364 Internet Technology and
(d) COSC 367 Computational Intelligence
(e) ENCE 360 Operating Systems
(f) ENCE 361 Embedded Systems 1
(g) Any 15 point 300-level option to be approved
by the Director of Studies
44. Third Professional Examination
(1) SENG 401 Software Engineering III
(2) SENG 402 Software Engineering Research
(3) COSC 424 Secure Software
(4) Sucient 400-level courses selected from COSC,
SENG and ENCE approved by the Director of
The Degree of Bachelor of Forestry Science (BForSc)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Structure of the Degree
Subject to the provisions of the following
Regulations, the degree shall consist of a First,
Second, Third and Fourth Forestry Examination.
Note: Prescriptions for these Examinations are given in
the UC Calendar.
(a) Exemption from the First Forestry Examination
A candidate who has achieved suciently high
grades in the appropriate NCEA Level 3 subjects
or the University Entrance Bursaries Examina-
tion (or any other examination approved for
the purpose by the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry) may substitute other courses for part
of or be exempt all or part of the First Forestry
(b) Restricted Credit
A candidate may enquire from the Dean of Engi-
neering and Forestry as to the Faculty Guideline
on the application of restricted credit as de-
scribed in the General Course and Examination
(c) Approval of Course of Study for First Forestry
College of Engineering
332 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Forestry Science (BForSc)
Award Regulations
Candidates who intend to take the First Forestry
Examination at either the University of Canter-
bury or any other NewZealand university are
required to have their course of study approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry prior to,
or at the time of, enrolment.
Forestry Examinations
2. First Forestry Examination
The courses of the First Forestry Examination shall
normally be as follows:
(1) BIOL 111 Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
(2) BIOL 112 Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
(3) FORE 111 Trees, Forests and the Environment
(4) FORE 131 Trees in the Landscape
(5) FORE 141 Forest Growth and Measurements
(6) FORE 151 Commercial Aspects of Forestry
(7) STAT 101 Statistics 1
(8) Any 15 points of Chemistry at 100-level.
1. CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry is the recom-
mended option for the 100-level Chemistry course.
2. Students enrolling in the First Forestry Examination
at Canterbury must complete FORE 111. Students
completing the First Forestry Examination at an-
other university should complete FORE 102 as part
of their examination, in lieu of FORE 111. FORE 102
is also available for students who are intending to
do Forestry and who are unable to attend FORE 111
on campus.
3. A candidate who has failed to gain a pass in all
of the courses of the First Forestry Examination
may, with the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry be permitted to repeat the course or
courses failed or enrol for approved substitutes
concurrently with courses of the Second Forestry
4. The Chair, Forestry Board of Studies, in consultation
with the Dean of Engineering and Forestry, may
modify the First Forestry Examination based on
prior learning. That modified course of study may
include FORE 105.
3. Second Forestry Examination
The courses of the Second Forestry Examination shall
normally be as follows:
(1) FORE 205 Forest Engineering
(2) FORE 215 Introduction to Forest Economics
(3) FORE 218 Forest Biology
(4) FORE 219 Introduction to Silviculture
(5) FORE 222 Biometry 1A
(6) FORE 224 Biometry 1B
(7) SOIL 203 Soil Fertility.
Note: A candidate who has failed to gain a pass in
all of the courses of the Second Forestry Examination
may, with the approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry, be permitted to repeat the course or courses
failed or enrol for approved substitutes concurrently
with courses of the Third Forestry Examination.
4. Third Forestry Examination
The courses of the Third Forestry Examination shall
normally be as follows:
(1) FORE 307 Plantation Silviculture
(2) FORE 316 Forest Management
(3) FORE 327 Wood Science
(4) FORE 342 Geospatial Science in Forest
Monitoring and Management
(5) One course from either the Bachelor of Forestry
Science 400-level schedule of electives, or one
course oered for any other degree at 200-level
or above.
Note: A candidate who has failed to gain a pass in
all of the courses of the Third Forestry Examination
may, with the approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry be permitted to repeat the course or courses
failed or enrol for approved substitutes concurrently
with courses of the Fourth Forestry Examination.
5. Fourth Forestry Examination
The courses for the Fourth Forestry Examination
shall normally be as follows:
(1) FORE 419 Management Case Study
(2) FORE 422 Forest Harvest Planning
(3) FORE 447 Environmental Forestry
(4) Three courses from the 400-level schedule of
(a) FORE 423 Forest Transportation and Road
(b) FORE 426 Forest Products Marketing and
International Trade
(c) FORE 435 Forest Economics 2
(d) FORE 436 Forest Tree Breeding
(e) FORE 443 Biosecurity Risk Management
(f) FORE 475 Independent Course of Study
1. FORE 422 Forest Harvest Planning is a required
course and may be taken in either Year Three in-
stead of an elective or in Year Four.
2. Candidates are required to complete four electives
in total across Years Three and Four from the For-
estry Science 400-level schedule.
3. A candidate's course of study shall be subject
to the approval of the Dean of Engineering and
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 333
The Degree of Bachelor of Forestry Science (BForSc)
Award Regulations
4. A BForSc student may credit no more than 30
points from other degrees toward BForSc in total in
Year Three and Four.
6. Field Courses and First Aid Certificate
Every candidate shall complete to the satisfaction of
the Board of Studies in Forestry four Field Trips and
present proof of completion of NZQA Unit Standard
17769 (Demonstrate Knowledge of General Health,
Safety and Environmental Requirements in Forestry),
a current approved First Aid Certificate during their
period of study, and practical work experience.
Practical Work
Candidates are required to obtain practical work
experience in forestry, conservation or forest
industry during the summer vacations. The School
may assist students in obtaining such work, which
will be credited to a candidate’s non academic
requirements only if performed in accordance with
the following requirements:
(a) A candidate shall have completed 90 days’ work
in employment approved by the Head of the
School of Forestry no later than the end of ex-
aminations in the final year of study.
(b) Practical work will be credited to a candidate’s
course only after confirmation by the candidate’s
employer of the number of days worked.
(c) The Head of the School of Forestry may relax or
modify the application of clauses (a) and (b) in
individual cases.
7. Requirements in Subjects in Other Degrees
Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations,
a candidate enrolling for any course of the BForSc
degree which is also a course for examination for
any other degree shall comply with such of the
Regulations for that degree relating to prerequisites,
combinations of courses and practical work as are
applicable to that course.
8. BForSc with Honours
Admission to candidacy for the BForSc with Honours
shall be by approval of the Dean of Engineering and
A candidate may qualify for admission at the end
of Year 3 of the BForSc on the basis of grades in
courses taken in Years 2 and 3. A candidate for
BForSc with Honours will be required to enrol in
FORE 414 Dissertation in addition to satisfying the
requirements of the Fourth Forestry Examination.
A candidate whose work has been of a suciently
high standard shall be recommended for admission
to the Degree with First or Second Class Honours.
Each candidate obtaining Second Class Honours
shall be listed in either of two divisions (Division I or
Division II).
9. Exemption for BSc and BSc(Hons) Graduates
With the approval of the Academic Board, a
candidate who has previously qualified at any
NewZealand university for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Science (with or without Honours)
or for any other degree may be exempted from the
whole or part of both the First and Second Forestry
Examinations. A special course of study, which
could include both Year 2 and Year 3 papers, may be
approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
10. Exemption for Candidates with NZ
Certificate in Forestry, NZ Diploma in Forestry
or NZ Certificate in Science
(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these
Regulations, a candidate who has qualified for
the NewZealand Diploma in Forestry may, with
the approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry, be exempted from parts of the first
three Forestry Examinations but the Dean will
require a special course of study of at least one
year but normally two years prior to entry into
the Fourth year.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in these
Regulations, a candidate who has qualified
with outstanding merit for the NewZealand
Certificate in Forestry and who has completed
the practical requirements for the award of that
Certificate may, with the approval of the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry, be exempted from the
whole or part of the First and Second Forestry
Examinations. A special course of study may be
approved by the Dean.
Note: Candidates should be adequately prepared in
Mathematics and other basic sciences and may be
required to undertake additional studies in these
subjects before being accepted into the Third For-
estry Examination. Candidates should consult with
the Dean before completing enrolment.
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in these
Regulations, a candidate who has qualified with
outstanding merit for the NewZealand Certifi-
cate in Science may, with the approval of the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry, be exempted
from all or part of the First Forestry Examination.
Note: This regulation does not make provision for credit
towards a BSc degree. If sought this must be applied
for separately. See the BSc Regulation 9.
College of Engineering
334 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Bachelor of Product Design* (BProdDesign)
Award Regulations
11. Cross Credits between BForSc and BCom
A candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Forestry
Science who is or has been enrolled for the Degree of
Bachelor of Commerce shall, in addition to the credit
permitted under Regulation K1 of the General Course
and Examination Regulations, be permitted, with the
approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry, to
cross credit a further 15 points (0.125 EFTS) from the
Bachelor of Commerce Schedule in place of any
FORE 400-level elective.
12. Cross Credits and Substitutes between
BForSc and BSc Degrees
(a) A candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of For-
estry Science who is or has been enrolled for the
Degree of Bachelor of Science shall, in order to
qualify for the award of both degrees, meet all
requirements as laid down in the Regulations
for the Degree of Bachelor of Forestry Science
and obtain 180 points above 100-level in courses
selected from the Schedule of Bachelor of Sci-
ence which have not been credited to the Degree
of Bachelor of Forestry Science or used to obtain
exemption from a course in that degree. Of these
points, 90 must be from 300-level courses, and
include at least 60 points from a single subject
or as required by the subject major. The remain-
der of the points must come from approved
200-level or 300-level courses.
(b) With the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry a candidate may substitute addi-
tional 200-level courses equivalent to 15 points
or 300-level courses equivalent to 15 points from
the Bachelor of Science schedule for any FORE
400-level elective.
13. Transitional Regulation
(5) A candidate who has commenced a BForSc
degree before 2015 shall complete the degree
by taking courses approved by the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry which are consistent
with the regulations in this Calendar.
The Degree of Bachelor of Product Design* (BProdDesign)
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016. This degree will not be open for
enrolments until 2018.
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of
Product Design shall follow a course of study as laid
down in these Regulations consisting of not fewer
than 360 points.
2. Structure of the Degree
To qualify for the Degree of Bachelor of Product
Design a candidate must:
(a) pass courses having a minimum total value of
360 points from a list of specified courses ap-
proved for a major requirement from the Sched-
ule to the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor
of Product Design, with
(b) at least 225 points from courses above 100-level,
(c) at least 75 points from courses at 300-level.
3. Subject Majors of the Degree
The Degree of Bachelor of Product Design may be
awarded in the following subjects:
(a) Industrial Product Design
(b) Applied Immersive Game Design
(c) Chemical, Natural and Healthcare Product
Note: The course and programme requirements are
given in the Schedule to the Regulations for the Bach-
elor of Product Design.
4. Workload
Candidates who wish to enrol for a course of study
whose total points exceed 150 points for a full year or
75 points for a single semester must first obtain the
approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
Note: Students should seek advice from the College
oce as to the recommended GPA for such a course
of study.
5. Direct Entry into 200-level Courses
Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a student who has achieved a sucient
standard in a subject or subjects in the National
Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) or
another comparable examination may be enrolled
in one or more courses listed in the Schedule from
PROD 201-299 without having passed the appropriate
prerequisite to that course, provided that:
(a) if the candidate is credited with the course he
or she shall not thereafter be credited with any
prerequisite in the subject of which that course
forms a part, and
College of Engineering
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The Degree of Bachelor of Product Design* (BProdDesign)
Award Regulations
(b) if the candidate fails the course but in the opin-
ion of the examiners attains the standard of a
pass in a course at 100 or 200-level he or she
shall be credited with a pass in such course or
courses as the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
may decide.
6. Transfer from other degrees
A candidate who discontinues an appropriate
degree and enrols in a BProdDesign may make
an application to the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry to transfer credit from the corresponding
discontinued degree(s) to the BProdDesign.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of
Product Design
This degree will not be open for enrolments until 2018.
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
Industrial Product Design
Year 1
(1) MATH 101 Introduction to Mathematics or EMTH
118 Engineering Mathematics 1A
(2) PHYS 111 Introductory Physics for Physical
Sciences and Engineering or PHYS 101
Engineering Physics A
(3) ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
(4) PROD 111 Materials Science for Design
(5) PROD 101 Product Design 1
(6) MGMT 100 Fundamentals of Management
(7) 15 points at 100-level or above from courses
in the Engineering Intermediate Year or the
Degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
Year 2
(1) PROD 211 Materials Engineering and Selection
(2) PROD 212 Thermofluids
(3) ENME 201 Design Communication
(4) ENME 221 Engineering Design and Manufacture
(5) PROD 213 Industrial Product Design 1A
(6) PROD 214 Industrial Product Design 1B
(7) MKTG 100 Principles of Marketing or ECON 104
Introduction to Microeconomics or ACCT 102
Accounting and Financial Information
Year 3
(1) PROD 311 Computer-Aided Design and
(2) PROD 313 Industrial Product Design 2A
(3) PROD 314 Industrial Product Design 2B
(4) 15 points above 100-level from courses in the
Degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
(5) 15 points above 200-level from courses in the
Degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
(6) 30 points above 100-level from MGMT, MKTG,
ECON, FINC or ACCT, of which at least 15 points
must be from MKTG if MKTG 100 Principles of
Marketing has not been completed
Applied Immersive Game Design
Year 1
(1) MATH 101 Introduction to Mathematics or EMTH
118 Engineering Mathematics 1A
(2) COSC 121 Introduction to Computer
(3) COSC 122 Introduction to Computer Science
(4) ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
(5) PROD 101 Product Design 1
(6) PROD 121 The Game Development Process
(7) MGMT 100 Fundamentals of Management
Year 2
(1) SENG 201 Software Engineering 1
(2) COSC 262 Algorithms
(3) PROD 221 Game Design in Context
(4) PROD 222 Gaming Project Studio 1
(5) PROD 223 Immersive Interface Design
(6) PROD 224 Gaming Mathematics and Statistics
(7) MKTG 100 Principles of Marketing or ECON 104
Introduction to Microeconomics or ACCT 102
Accounting and Financial Information
Year 3
(1) SENG 301 Software Engineering II
(2) PROD 321 Interactive Computer Graphics and
(3) PROD 322 Gaming Project Studio II
(4) PROD 323 Game Engines and Artificial
(5) 15 points above 100-level from courses from any
degree of the University
(6) 30 points above 100-level from MGMT, MKTG,
College of Engineering
336 2017 Calendar
Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering (DipGlobalHumanEng)
Award Regulations
ECON, FINC or ACCT, of which at least 15 points
must be from MKTG if MKTG 100 Principles of
Marketing has not been completed
Chemical, Natural and Healthcare
Product Formulation
Year 1
(1) MATH 101 Introduction to Mathematics or EMTH
118 Engineering Mathematics 1A
(2) BIOL 111 Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
(3) CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Processes
(4) ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
(5) PROD 101 Product Design 1
(6) MGMT 100 Fundamentals of Management
(7) 15 points at 100-level or above from courses
in the Engineering Intermediate Year or the
degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
Year 2
(1) ENCH 241 Engineering Chemistry
(2) PROD 231 Product Formulation 1
(3) ENCH 291 Chemical Process Technology
(4) PROD 232 Natural Products Properties and
(5) PROD 233 Chemical & Healthcare Product
Design 1A
(6) PROD 234 Chemical & Healthcare Product
Design 1B
(7) MKTG 100 Principles of Marketing or ECON 104
Introduction to Microeconomics or ACCT 102
Accounting and Financial Information
Year 3
(1) PROD 331 Product Formulation 2
(2) PROD 333 Chemical & Healthcare Product
Design 2A
(3) PROD 334 Chemical & Healthcare Product
Design 2B
(4) 15 points above 100-level from courses in the
Degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
(5) 15 points above 200-level from courses in the
Degrees of BE(Hons) or BSc, subject to approval
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
(6) 30 points above 100-level from MGMT, MKTG,
ECON, FINC or ACCT, of which at least 15 points
must be from MKTG if MKTG 100 Principles of
Marketing has not been completed
Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Diploma
Every candidate for the Diploma in Global
Humanitarian Engineering shall follow a course
of study as approved by the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry as laid down in these Regulations, or
those consistent with the regulations in the relevant
Calendar at the time they began their candidacy.
The Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify
specific aspects of these degree regulations for
individual candidates under the following special
(a) if the candidate's course of study is aected by a
change in any regulations;
(b) prior learning and work experience; or
(c) other exceptional circumstances.
2. Structure of the Diploma
To qualify for the Diploma in Global Humanitarian
Engineering a candidate must complete:
(a) a programme of study for the Diploma of
not less than 120 points, according to the
requirements set out in Regulation 6 of
these regulations.
(b) Candidates may not enrol in either ENGR 315
or ENGR 316 until they have completed at least
15 points from Schedule C and 15 points from
Schedule D.
3. Admission to the Diploma in Global
Humanitarian Engineering
(a) Admission to the DipGlobalHumanEng shall
be by approval of the Dean of Engineering and
(b) All candidates must either;
i. have been approved into a BE(Hons) pro-
gramme; or
ii. have successfully completed a BE (Hons)
engineering programme in relevant
subjects; or
iii. have successfully completed another ap-
proved engineering qualification such as
the NewZealand Certificate of Engineering,
the NewZealand Diploma of Engineering
or a Bachelor of Engineering Technology, or
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 337
Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering (DipGlobalHumanEng)
Award Regulations
4. Time Limitation
(a) Candidates enrolled, either full-time or part-time
must complete the requirements in no more
than six years of studies if the Candidate is con-
currently enrolled in a BE(Hons).
(b) Candidates enrolled, either full-time or part-
time, must complete the requirements in no
more than three years of study if the Candidate
is not concurrently in the BE(Hons).
5. Concurrent enrolment in the
DipGlobalHumanEng and BE(Hons)
A candidate who enrols concurrently for the Degree
of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours and the
Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering shall,
in order to qualify for the award of both degrees, be
enrolled for a course of study approved under the
provisions of the General Course and Examination
Regulation A3, and shall:
(a) meet all requirements as laid down in the cur-
rent regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering with Honours;
(b) meet all requirements as laid down in the
current regulations for the Diploma in Global
Humanitarian Engineering.
Candidates must have attained a Grade Point
Average (GPA) of at least 5.0 in the previous semester
of study to be allowed to take more than 60 points
in Semesters 1 or 2. No candidate will be allowed
to take more than 30 points during a summer
6. Diploma in Global Humanitarian
Engineering Course Requirements
(a) ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
(b) at least 15 points selected from Schedule A
(c) at least 15 points selected from Schedule B
(d) 15 points selected from Schedule C
(e) 30 points selected from Schedule D
(f) either ENGR 315 Humanitarian Engineering
Practice, or ENGR 316 Humanitarian Engineering
Professional Report.
Note: Students who are enrolled concurrently in the
BE(Hons)/DipGlobalHumanEng will not be permit-
ted to enrol in more than 15 points on top of the
normal professional year workload each year, other
than in the summer semester.
Schedules to the Regulations for the Diploma in Global
Humanitarian Engineering
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
Schedule A
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
ENCN213 Design Studio 1 15 S2 P: Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and
R: ENCI211
ENEL200 Electrical and Computer Engineering
15 W P: Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry
R: ENEL211
ENME221 Engineering Design and Manufacture 15 S2 P: Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry
R: ENME211, ENME226
ENMT201 Mechatronics Design 30 W P: Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry
SENG202 Software Engineering Project
15 S2 P: SENG201 AND Approval into the BE(Hons) Software
Engineering programme.
Schedule B
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
ENCH394 Process Engineering Design 2 15 S1 P: ENCH291
R: ENCH363
ENCI313 Civil Engineering Design Studio 2 15 S2 P: ENCN213, ENCN261, ENCN242, ENCN371
R: ENCI312, ENNR313
EQ: ENNR313
College of Engineering
338 2017 Calendar
Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering (DipGlobalHumanEng)
Award Regulations
ENEL300 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design 2
15 S2 P: ENEL200, ENCE260, ENEL270. Subject to approval of
the Head of Department
R: ENEL350
ENME311 Engineering Design and Production
15 S2 P: ENME301
R: ENME341, ENME336
ENMT301 Mechatronics System Design 30 W P: ENMT201
ENNR313 Natural Resources Engineering Design
Studio 2
15 S2 P: ENCN213, ENCN242, ENCN281 and ENCN371
R: ENCI312, ENCI313
EQ: ENCI313
FORE316 Forest Management 30 S2 R: ENFO316, FORE316-prior to 2011, FORE319, FORE320,
ENFO491-prior to 2011.
SENG302 Software Engineering Group Project 30 W P: SENG201.
C: SENG301
R: COSC325, COSC314
RP: COSC110 OR COSC101, ENCE260, COSC368, COSC265.
Schedule C
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
ANTH102 Cultural Diversity and The Making of
The Modern World
15 S1
ANTH104 Indigenous peoples, development and
15 NO R: MAOR170
EQ: MAOR170
CHCH101 Strengthening Communities through
Social Innovation
15 NO
EDUC103 Education, Culture and Society 15 S2 R: EDUC120 and TEDU111
EQ: TEDU111
GEOL113 Environmental Geohazards 15 S2
MAOR107 Aotearoa: Introduction to Traditional
Māori Society
15 S1 R: PACS102
EQ: PACS102
MAOR108 Aotearoa: Introduction to
NewZealand Treaty Society
15 SU2
R: CULT114, MAOR113 (prior to 2006)
EQ: CULT114
MAOR165 He Timatanga: Engaging with Māori 15 SU1
POLS105 Comparing the Politics of Nations: A
Global Introduction
15 S2
SOCI111 Exploring Society 15 S1
SOCI112 Global Society 15 S2
And a special topic as approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
Schedule D
Any of these courses:
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
ANTH213 Environment, Development and
15 S1 P: 15 points of ANTH or SOCI or GEOG at 100 level; OR 45
points in related subjects with the approval of the Head
of Department.
R: ANTH313
EQ: ANTH313
ANTH223 Ethnicity and History 15 S2 P: 15 points of ANTH or SOCI at 100 level; OR 45 points
in related subjects with the approval of the Head of
R: HIST283, MAOR230, PACS204, SOCI223
EQ: HIST283, MAOR230, PACS204, SOCI223
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Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering (DipGlobalHumanEng)
Award Regulations
EDUC206 Education and Society: Ideals and
15 S2 P: 30 points in EDUC or 45 points of SOCI, POLS, HIST,
CULT, ANTH or permission of the Head of School
R: EDUC220
GEOG202 Globalisation and New Geographies 15 S1 P: Any 30 points of 100 level geography, or entry with the
approval of the Head of Department.
HIST279 Social and Cultural History of India 15 S2 P: Either 15 points in HIST with a B grade or better, or 30
points in HIST or Ancient History (CLAS111, CLAS112) with
a passing grade. Alternatively, a B average in 60 points
of coursework.
R: HIST367, SAST302, SAST202
EQ: SAST202
HIST294 Recovering Christchurch 1850-2010 15 NO P: Either 15 points in HIST at B grade or better or 30 points
in HIST or Ancient History (CLAS111, CLAS112) with a
passing grade. Alternatively, a B average in 60 points
R: HIST 394
HSRV208 Gender Sensitivity and the Human
15 S1 P: 30 points from HSRV101, HSRV102, HSRV103,
HSRV104, SOWK101, SOWK102 and SOWK104. Students
without this prerequisite but with at least 60 points
in appropriate courses may enter the course with the
permission of the Programme Coordinator.
R: HSRV308
MAOR219 Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi 15 S2 P: Any 15 points in 100 level course in MAOR or TREO, or
30 points in 100 level courses in Arts, Education, Fine
Arts, Music and Social Work, or by permission of the
Head of School.
R: POLS218, POLS258, HIST268, SOCI209, HSRV207,
EQ: POLS218, POLS258, HIST268, SOCI209, HSRV207,
MAOR285 Oral Traditions and Modern Histories
of Ngai Tahu
15 S1 P: Any 15 points in Māori and Indigenous Studies or
their double-coded equivalents or any 15 points in HIST
or Ancient History or POLS or RELS or SOCI. Students
without these prerequisites but with 60 points in
appropriate courses may enter the course with the
approval of the Head of Department.
R: HIST292
EQ: HIST292
POLS201 Classic Works in Political Philosophy -
Machiavelli to Marx
15 NO P: 15 points in POLS at 100-level. Students not meeting
the prerequisites but with at least a B average in 60
points in appropriate courses may be admitted to take
Political Science and International Relations courses
at the 200-level with the approval of the Department
R: PHIL239, EURA211
EQ: PHIL239
POLS206 Public Policy: An Introduction 15 S2 P: 15 points in POLS at 100-level; Or HLTH 101, or HLTH
106 or HSRV101. Students not meeting the prerequisites
but with at least a B average in 60 points in appropriate
courses may be admitted to take Political Science and
International Relations courses at the 200-level with the
approval of the Programme Director.
SOCI244 On Death and Dying: Current
Controversies in Thanatology
15 NO P: 15 points of SOCI or ANTH at 100 level; OR 45 points
in related subjects with the approval of the Head of
R: SOCI344, POLS404
College of Engineering
340 2017 Calendar
Graduate Diploma in Forestry (GradDipFor)
Award Regulations
SOCI255 Sociology of the City 15 S1 P: 15 points of SOCI or ANTH at 100 level; OR 45 points
in related subjects with the approval of the Head of
R: SOCI292, SOCI392, SOCI355, CULT210, CULT310
EQ: CULT210
SOCI263 Sociology of the Everyday World 15 S2 P: 15 points of SOCI or ANTH at 100 level; OR 45 points
in related subjects with the approval of the Head of
R: SOCI278
And a special topic as approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
Graduate Diploma in Forestry (GradDipFor)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
(a) Every candidate for the Graduate Diploma in
Forestry shall, before enrolling in the diploma,
fulfil one of the following conditions, either:
i. qualify for a bachelor's degree; or
ii. be admitted ad eundem statum as entitled
to enrol for the Graduate Diploma in Forestry.
(b) Every candidate for the Diploma shall have been
approved as a candidate by the Dean of Engi-
neering and Forestry.
Note: Graduates of the BForSc will not be admitted
to the GradDipFor but may apply for the MForSc or
2. Structure of the Diploma
To qualify for the diploma a candidate must
complete courses which have a minimum weighting
of 120 points. At least 90 points shall be from the
300 and 400-level Forestry courses.
3. Award of Diploma with Distinction
The Graduate Diploma in Forestry may be awarded
with Distinction.
4. Exemption from Prerequisites
Normal prerequisites for any courses may be
exempted at the discretion of the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry.
5. Part-time Enrolment
The Graduate Diploma may be studied part-time.
6. Time Limits
The Graduate Diploma will be completed in one year
of full-time study (under exceptional circumstances
the Dean may extend this to 18 months) or two years
of part-time study. A part-time candidate is one
who, because of employment, health, family or other
reasons, is unable to devote his or her full-time to
study; part-time enrolment requires the approval of
the Academic Board.
7. Repeating of Courses
A candidate who has failed one or more courses is allowed to repeat those courses for credit, subject to the
time limits in Regulation 6.
The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of
Engineering shall follow a course of study approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry and Director
of Postgraduate Studies as laid down in these
Regulations, or those consistent with the regulations
in the relevant Calendar at the time they began
their candidacy. In special circumstances the Dean
of Engineering and Forestry may modify specific
aspects of the degree regulations for individual
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with first or second class
honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Postgraduate
Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Engi-
neering with a GPA of 5.0 or more; or
iii. qualified for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Science with first or second class
College of Engineering
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The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
Award Regulations
honours in appropriate subjects; or
iv. in exceptional circumstances, qualified for
the award of another appropriate degree in
NewZealand; or
v. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Engineering; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. Relevance and standard of previous study are the
main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will be approved only if appropriate
research supervision and resources are available.
3. Structure of the Degree
(a) The degree must be completed by:
i. a thesis of 120 points; and
ii. up to 45 points of coursework.
(b) Each candidate must complete a programme of
study listed in Schedule A.
4. Endorsements
The degree of Master of Engineering (ME) will be
awarded endorsed in the following programmes:
Bioengineering, Chemical and Process Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Construction Management,
Earthquake Engineering, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Renewable
Energy and Software Engineering.
5. Coursework Requirements
(a) In consultation with a candidate’s intended
thesis supervisory team, and subject to the re-
quirements of the programme of study listed in
Schedule A, a candidate should select appropri-
ate courses from Schedule B or Schedule C that
will best support their research.
(b) In some cases it may not be necessary for a
candidate to oer 45 points in coursework.
(c) A candidate may select courses not on Schedule
B if they are deemed necessary to support their
research plan.
(d) The intended programme of study must be ap-
proved by the appropriate Director of Studies
and the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
6. Full-time and Part-time Enrolment
(a) A candidate shall normally enrol as a full-time
i. A full-time candidate will enrol for not less
than one year and not more than three years.
ii. A full-time candidate will normally be ex-
pected to expend a minimum of 30 hours per
week on their studies over a calendar year.
iii. With the approval of the supervisor and Head
of Department, a full-time candidate may be
employed in the university in academically
relevant work for up to an average of 6 hours
per week over the calendar year.
(b) With the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a candidate may be enrolled as a
part-time candidate. A part-time candidate is
one who, because of health, employment, family,
or other circumstances, is unable to devote him-
self or herself to full-time study and research.
i. A part-time candidate will enrol part-time for
not more than four years.
(c) Candidates must be enrolled either part-time or
full-time on a continuous basis. If a candidate
cannot be enrolled continuously due to circum-
stances beyond their control they must apply
to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for a
7. ME with Distinction
Candidates who obtain a GPA of 8.0 or more in their
programme of study within two years full-time or
three years part-time will be eligible for the award of
ME with Distinction.
8. Theses
The presentation of the thesis shall conform to the
requirements of the General Course and Examination
Regulations: L, to the Guidelines for Master's Thesis
Work, and to the Library Guide to the Presentation
of Theses.
9. Transfer from ME to MEngSt or PGCertEng
Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry, a candidate may transfer from the Master
of Engineering to the Master of Engineering Studies
or Postgraduate Certificate of Engineering subject
to satisfying the regulation requirements of the
MEngSt or PGCertEng.
10. Transfer from ME to PhD
Where a candidate has demonstrated high research
potential and has the support of the Head of
Department, the candidate may abandon the
Master of Engineering degree and apply to transfer
to a PhD degree with such backdating of research
thesis enrolment as may be approved by the Dean of
Postgraduate Research.
11. Award of ME instead of PhD
Where a thesis has been presented for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Engineering
and Forestry, and the examiners are of the opinion
that it does not justify the award of that degree
College of Engineering
342 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
Award Regulations
they may recommend that it be presented for the
degree of Master of Engineering. In this case the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry may, if required
for the award of the degree, exempt the course work
component of the degree.
12. Transfer from PGCertEng to ME
Where a candidate has demonstrated research
potential and has the support of the Head of
Department or the appropriate Programme Director,
he or she may abandon the Postgraduate Certificate
before the completion of the qualification, and
transfer to the Master of Engineering (ME), with such
backdating of enrolment as may be approved by
Academic Board.
(a) Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a candidate for the Postgraduate
Certificate in Engineering may transfer to the
Master of Engineering provided the following
conditions have been met:
i. The candidate has completed 45 points of
the course requirements for the PGCertEng.
ii. The candidate has achieved an average GPA
of 5.0 or better in the completed courses; and
iii. The courses completed by the candidate fulfil
the coursework requirements of the relevant
programme of study for an endorsement
listed in Schedule A of the ME Regulations;
iv. Suitable thesis supervision and research
resources are available.
(b) Where the transfer of a candidate from the
PGCertEng to the ME has been approved, the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry will trans-
fer appropriate courses from the candidate's
PGCertEng studies towards their ME degree.
Schedule A to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering (Endorsed)
Required course: ENBI 601
Thesis: ENBI 690
Construction Management
Thesis: ENCM 690 and at least 30 points from the
Construction Management course list listed in
schedule B of the ME Regulations.
Chemical and Process Engineering
Thesis: ENCH 690
Civil Engineering
Thesis: ENCI 690 and at least 30 points from the
Civil Engineering (ENCI), Construction Management
(ENCM), Earthquake Engineering (ENEQ) and
Transportation Engineering (ENTR) course lists listed
in schedule B of the ME Regulations.
Earthquake Engineering
Thesis: ENEQ 690 and at least 45 points from the
Earthquake Engineering course list listed in schedule
B of the ME Regulations.
Note: Candidates with an insucient academic back-
ground in Earthquake Engineering may be required to
take a bridging course or courses prior to being ap-
proved into the programme.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Thesis: ENEL 690
Mechanical Engineering
Thesis: ENME 690
Software Engineering
Thesis: SENG 690
Schedule B to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering (Endorsed)
(1) ENBI 601 Medical Bioengineering
(2) ENBI 605 Biomedical Engineering Simulations
Chemical and Process Engineering
(1) ENCH 602 Computational Fluid Dynamics
(2) ENCH 603 Physical, Chemical and Analytical
(3) ENCH 606 Advanced Process Simulation
(4) ENCH 607 Modelling and Numerical Methods
Civil Engineering
(1) ENCI 601 Risk Management
(2) ENCI 621 Concrete Materials and Practice
(3) ENCI 629 Special Topic: Structural Bridge
(4) ENCI 634 Water Chemistry
(5) ENCI 637 Marine Pollution Modelling
(6) ENCI 638 Environmental Fluid Dynamics
(7) ENCI 639 Advanced Water Hammer Analysis and
College of Engineering
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The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
Award Regulations
(8) ENCI 641 Environmental Systems Engineering 1
Construction Management
(1) ENCI 601 Risk Management
(2) ENCM 610 Construction Management
(3) ENCM 620 Construction Procurement and
Contract Administration
(4) ENCM 630 Project Management, Planning and
Control Techniques
(5) ENCM 640 Strategic Management in
(6) ENCM 650 Cost Engineering
(7) ENCM 682 Research Project
(8) ENTR 604 Road Asset Management
Earthquake Engineering
(1) ENCI 601 Risk Management
(2) ENCI 621 Concrete Materials and Practice
(3) ENEQ 610 Engineering Seismology
(4) ENEQ 620 Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake
(5) ENEQ 640 Displacement-based Seismic Design
of Damage-Resisting Concrete Structures
(6) ENEQ 641 Non-linear Concrete Mechanics and
Modelling Techniques
(7) ENEQ 642 Seismic Assessment and Retrofit
Strategies for Existing Reinforced Concrete
(8) ENEQ 650 Advanced Steel and Composite
(9) ENEQ 661 Special Topic: Structural Identification
and Health Monitoring for Building and Bridges
(10) ENEQ 670 Seismic Bridge Engineering
(11) ENEQ 680 Seismic Performance and Loss
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(1) ENEL 614 Signals in Biomedicine
(2) ENEL 619 Computational Image Recovery
(3) ENEL 657 Applied Digital Signal Processing
(4) ENEL 664 Special Topic: Renewable Energy
System Design
(5) ENEL 660 Special Topic: MicroElectroMechanical
Systems (MEMs)
(6) ENEL 685 Electrical Postgraduate Project
(1) ENGR 601 Advanced Computational Fluid
Engineering Mathematics
Core courses for the endorsement for PGCertEng
and MEngSt
(1) EMTH 611 Advanced Mathematical Models
(2) EMTH 612 Advanced Computational Techniques
(3) EMTH 613 Advanced Statistical Methods
(4) EMTH 614 Advanced Dierential Equations
(5) EMTH 620 High Performance Computing
Fire Engineering
(1) ENCI 601 Risk Assessment
(2) ENFE 601 Structural Fire Engineering
(3) ENFE 604 Fire Design Case Study
(4) ENFE 613 Special Topic: Human Behaviour in Fire
(5) ENFE 681 Project
(6) ENFE 682 Project
(7) ENFE 683 Project
Mechanical Engineering
(1) ENME 602 Advanced Vibrations and Acoustics
(2) ENME 603 Advanced Linear Systems Control and
System Identification
(3) ENME 604 Advanced Aerodynamics and Ground
Vehicle Dynamics
(4) ENME 605 Advanced Energy Systems
(5) ENME 606 Advanced Engineering Product
Design and Analysis
(6) ENME 607 Advanced Materials Science and
(7) ENME 609 Advanced Physiological Modelling
(8) ENME 611 Advanced Mechanical System Design
(9) ENME 612 Mechanical Vibrations and Acoustics
of Continuous Systems
(10) ENME 613 Advanced Robotics
(11) ENME 615 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
(12) ENME 617 Advanced Composite, Polymeric and
Ceramic Materials
(13) ENME 618 Advanced Engineering
Management and Professional Practice for
Mechanical Engineers
(14) ENME 619 Advanced Biological Fluid Dynamics
(15) ENME 623 Advanced Instrumentation and
(16) ENME 625 Special Topic: Analytical Heat Transfer
Renewable Energy
Required Courses:
(1) ENGR 621 Energy, Technology & Society
(2) ENEL 664 Renewable Electricity System Design
(3) ENCN 623 Energy Systems - Modelling &
(4) ENCI 601 Risk Management
Elective Courses
(1) ENCN 625 Wind Resource Modelling
(2) ENGR 683 Project
(3) ENCM 620 Construction Procurement and
Contract Administration (Block)
College of Engineering
344 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
Award Regulations
Transport Engineering
(1) ENTR 602 Accident Reduction and Prevention
(2) ENTR 603 Advanced Pavement Design
(3) ENTR 604 Road Asset Management
(4) ENTR 611 Planning and Managing for Transport
(5) ENTR 612 Transport Policy and System
(6) ENTR 613 Highway Geometric Design
(7) ENTR 614 Planning and Design of Sustainable
(8) ENTR 615 Transport Network Modelling
(9) ENTR 616 Transport Planning and Modelling
(10) ENTR 617 Trac Engineering and Design
(11) ENTR 618 Transport and Freight Logistics
1. Not all courses will be oered in any one year.
Students are advised to contact the College of Engi-
neering for an up to date list of courses oered.
2. Special topics are available in Chemical and Pro-
cess Engineering, Civil Engineering, Earthquake
Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Mechanical
Engineering, Software Engineering, and Transport
Engineering. Students are advised to contact the
departments for more information on special
3. With the approval of the Director of the Construc-
tion Management Programme, students may credit
up to two courses oered in the Construction Man-
agement Programme at the University of Auckland.
Schedule C to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering (Endorsed)
Any approved 400-level or higher courses oered
within the University.
Computer Science*
* Subject to Universities NewZealand CUAP approval,
due December 2016.
(1) COSC 401 Machine Learning
(2) COSC 411 Advanced Topics in HCI
(3) COSC 415 Information and Software
(4) COSC 418 Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
(5) COSC 420 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(6) COSC 421 Advanced Topics in Security
(7) COSC 422 Advanced Computer Graphics
(8) COSC 424 Secure Software
(9) COSC 426 Augmented Reality
(10) COSC 428 Computer Vision
(11) COSC 432 Relational Methods
(12) COSC 469 Research Methods in Computer
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(1) ENEL 675 Special Topic: Advanced Embedded
Fire Engineering
(1) ENGR 403 Fire Engineering
(2) ENFE 602 Fire Dynamics
(3) ENFE 603 Fire Safety Systems
(4) ENFE 610 Advanced Fire Dynamics
Forestry Science
(1) FORE 616 Restoration Ecology
(2) FORE 641 Plantation Forest Management
(3) FORE 642 Advanced IT Applications in Forestry
Human Interface Technology
(1) HITD 602 Human Interface Technology Design
and Evaluation
(2) HITD 603 Human Interface Technology
Prototyping and Projects
Renewable Energy
(1) ENNR 423 Sustainable Energy Systems
(2) ENGR 404 Renewable Energy Technology &
(3) ENME 405 Energy Systems Engineering
(4) HAZM 408 Special Topic in GIS
(5) ENCH 486 Special Topic Advanced Energy
Processing Technologies and Systems
Software Engineering
(1) SENG 401 Software Engineering III
(2) SENG 404 Software Requirements and
(3) SENG 440 Topics in Mobile Computing
Transport Engineering
(1) ENTR 401 Fundamentals of Transport
1. Not all courses will be oered in any one year.
Students are advised to contact the College of Engi-
neering for an up to date list of courses oered.
2. Special topics are available in Chemical and
Process Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer
Science and Software Engineering, Earthquake
Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Engineering Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering,
and Transport Engineering. Students are advised to
contact the departments for more information on
special topics.
College of Engineering
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The Degree of Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering (MEFE)
Award Regulations
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering
in Fire Engineering shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with First or Second Class
Honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Postgraduate
Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Engi-
neering with a GPA of 5 or more; or
iii. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Science with Honours in appropriate
subjects; or
iv. in exceptional circumstances, qualified
for the award of an appropriate degree in
NewZealand; or
v. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Fire Engineering; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. Relevance and standard of undergraduate studies
are the main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will only be approved if appropriate
research supervision is available.
3. Candidates who do not have an appropriate back-
ground in fire engineering, may be required to take
ENGR 403 Introduction to Fire Engineering prior to
being approved into the programme.
2. Structure of the Degree
For each candidate, the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry will approve, on the basis of academic
background and work experience, the programme
of study to be followed to qualify for the degree.
The degree must be completed full time by
examination and thesis. A full-time candidate is one
who throughout the calendar year regards study
and research for the Master of Engineering in Fire
Engineering as a full-time occupation.
1. With the approval of the supervisor and Director
of the Fire Engineering programme, a candidate
may be employed in the university in academically
relevant work for up to an average of 6 hours a
week over the calendar year.
2. Candidates are expected to be enrolled full-time
on a continuous basis. If a candidate cannot be
enrolled continuously due to circumstances beyond
their control they must apply to the Dean of Engi-
neering and Forestry for a suspension.
3. Programme of Study
A candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering
in Fire Engineering shall:
(a) enrol in and pursue full-time study for not less
than one year four months and not more than
three years a programme of study approved by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry; and
(b) pass an examination in six courses selected from
the Schedule to these regulations; and
(c) present a thesis and satisfy the examiners
4. MEFE with Distinction
Candidates who obtain a GPA of 8.00 or more in
their programme of study will be eligible for the
award of MEFE with distinction.
5. Theses
The following conditions shall apply to the
preparation, presentation and examination of the
(a) the presentation of the thesis shall conform
to the requirements of the General Course and
Examination Regulations, Part L, to the Guide-
lines for Masters Thesis Work and to the Library's
guide to thesis production;
(b) the thesis shall describe the work done by the
candidate in an investigation in a subject ap-
proved by the Director of the Fire Engineering
programme. The investigation shall be carried
out at the University by the candidate under the
direct supervision of a member of the academic
sta. In special circumstances the investigation
may be carried out in such other places for such
period or periods as may be determined by the
Head of Department;
(c) the candidate shall submit for examination two
copies of the thesis;
(d) the thesis shall be examined by an external
examiner appointed by Council and by one or
more internal examiners appointed by Council
(Note: See also General Course and Examination
Regulations, Part D);
College of Engineering
346 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering (MEFE)
Award Regulations
(e) if the thesis at its first presentation is inadequate
to secure a pass the Academic Board may, on the
recommendation of the examiners, permit the
candidate to revise the thesis and resubmit it
by a specified date; except with the approval of
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry the thesis
shall be submitted within the time limit of this
6. Transfer from MEFE to PhD
Where a candidate has demonstrated high research
potential and has the support of the Director of the
Fire Engineering programme, he or she may apply
for transfer to a PhD degree with such backdating
of enrolment as may be approved by the Academic
7. Award of the Master of Engineering Studies
instead of MEFE
Should a candidate fail to complete the
requirements for the degree of MEFE he or she,
after completing such extra work, if any, as may
be required by the Director of the Fire Engineering
Programme, may apply to the Academic Board for
the award of a Master of Engineering Studies.
8. Award of a Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering Instead of MEFE
Should a candidate fail to complete the
requirements for the degree of MEFE he or she,
after completing such extra work, if any, as may
be required by the Director of the Fire Engineering
Programme, may apply to the Academic Board
for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate in
9. Transfer from PGCertEng to MEFE
Where a candidate has demonstrated research
potential and has the support of the Fire
Programme Director, he or she may abandon the
Postgraduate Certificate before the completion
of the qualification, and transfer to the Master of
Engineering in Fire Engineering (MEFE) with such
backdating of enrolment as may be approved by
Academic Board.
(a) Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a candidate for the Postgraduate
Certificate in Engineering may transfer to the
Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering pro-
vided the following conditions have been met:
i. The candidate has completed a minimum of
45 points of the course requirements for the
ii. The candidate has achieved an average GPA
of 5.0 or better in the completed courses; and
iii. Suitable thesis or project supervision and
research resources are available.
(b) Where the transfer of a candidate from the
PGCertEng to the MEFE has been approved, the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry will trans-
fer appropriate courses from the candidate's
PGCertEng studies towards their MEFE degree.
Note: Candidates may be required to complete further
course requirements depending on which programme
of study they enrol in. See also MEFE Degree Regula-
10. Transfer from MEngSt to MEFE
Where a candidate has demonstrated research
potential and has the support of the Fire Programme
Director, he or she may abandon the Master of
Engineering Studies before the completion of
the qualification, and transfer to the Master of
Engineering in Fire Engineering (MEFE) with such
backdating of enrolment as may be approved by
Academic Board.
(a) Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineer-
ing and Forestry, a candidate for the Master of
Engineering Studies may transfer to the Master
of Engineering in Fire Engineering provided the
following conditions have been met:
i. The candidate has completed a minimum of
45 points of the course requirements for the
ii. The candidate has achieved an average GPA
of 5.0 or better in the completed courses; and
iii. Suitable thesis or project supervision and
research resources are available.
(b) Where the transfer of a candidate from the
MEngSt to the MEFE has been approved, the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry will trans-
fer appropriate courses from the candidate's
MEngSt studies towards their MEFE degree.
Note: Candidates may be required to complete further
course requirements depending on which programme
of study they enrol in. See also MEFE Degree Regula-
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 347
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Management (MEM)
Award Regulations
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Fire Engineering
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
(1) ENCI 601 Risk Management
(2) ENFE 601 Structural Fire Engineering
(3) ENFE 602 Fire Dynamics
(4) ENFE 603 Fire Safety Systems
(5) ENFE 604 Fire Design Case Study
(6) ENFE 610 Advanced Fire Dynamics
(7) ENFE 612 Special Topic in Fire Engineering
(8) ENFE 613 Special Topic: Human Behaviour in Fire
(9) ENFE 614 Special Topic
ENFE 690
Certain courses oered at the University of Auckland
may be oered in lieu of one or more of the above
courses. Intending students must consult the
Director of the Fire Engineering Programme for
details of these courses, and to determine which
courses ENFE 610-614 will be oered in any one year,
and their subject matter.
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Management
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering
in Management shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with Honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering; or
iii. qualified for the award of an appropriate
degree in NewZealand; or
iv. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Management; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. Relevance and standard of undergraduate studies
are the main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will only be approved if appropriate
research supervision is available.
2. Structure of the Degree
A candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering
in Management shall:
(a) enrol in and pursue full-time for one year a
programme of study approved by the Dean of
Engineering; and
(b) during the year of study, pass an examination in
six courses selected from the Schedule to these
Regulations; and
(c) during the year of study, present a project report
and satisfy the examiners therewith.
3. MEM with Distinction
In cases of exceptional merit candidates may, on the
recommendation of the examiners, have the degree
awarded with Distinction
4. Standards required for MEM with
In recommending a candidate for admission to
the degree and in recommending Distinction the
examiners will take into consideration the combined
results of the project report and of all courses taken.
Note: Candidates may enquire from the Dean of Engi-
neering and Forestry as to the standards required for
5. Project Reports
The following conditions shall apply to the
preparation, presentation and examination of the
project report:
(a) the project report shall describe work done by
the candidate on a project approved by the
Director of the Master of Engineering in Manage-
ment programme. The project shall be carried
out by the candidate at the University under
the direct supervision of a member of academic
sta. In particular circumstances the project may
be carried out in such other places and for such
period or periods of time as may be approved
College of Engineering
348 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Transportation (MET)
Award Regulations
by the Director of the Master of Engineering in
Management programme;
(b) the candidate shall submit for examination two
hard bound copies of the project report to the
Director of the Master of Engineering in Manage-
ment programme;
(c) the project report shall be submitted within one
calendar year from the date upon which study
for the Master of Engineering in Management
(d) the project report shall be examined by one
or more examiners appointed by the Director
of the Master of Engineering in Management
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Management
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
(1) ENMG 601 Engineering Accounting
(2) ENMG 602 Engineering Economics and Finance
(3) ENMG 603 Legal and Human Resource
(4) ENMG 604 Technology, Innovation and
Engineering Management
(5) ENMG 605 Marketing, Selling and Service
(6) ENMG 606 Strategic Management
(7) ENMG 607 Special Topic
(8) ENMG 608 Special Topic
(9) ENMG 609 Special Topic
ENMG 680
Note: Not all courses will be oered in a single year. Intending students must consult the Director of the Master of
Engineering in Management Programme to determine which courses in ENMG 601–609 will be oered in any one
year, and their subject matter.
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Transportation
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Transportation shall follow a course
of study approved by the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry and the Director of Transportation
Engineering as laid down in these Regulations,
or those consistent with the regulations in the
relevant Calendar at the time they began their
candidacy. Where specific regulations require
approval then these shall be by the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry unless otherwise stated. In
special circumstances the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry may modify specific aspects of the degree
regulations for individual candidates.
1. The relevance and standard of undergraduate stud-
ies and any subsequent professional experience are
the main criteria for approval..
2. Candidates will only be approved if appropriate
research supervision is available.
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering
in Transportation shall have:
(a) either:
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with First or Second Class
Honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Postgraduate
Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Engi-
neering with a GPA of 5 or more; or
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 349
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Transportation (MET)
Award Regulations
iii. qualified for the award of a postgraduate
qualification from a NewZealand University
in appropriate subjects; or
iv. qualified for a bachelor's degree from a
NewZealand University in appropriate sub-
jects; or
v. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Transportation;
(b) and having completed a qualifying programme
where clauses (a) iv. to (a) v. apply; and
(c) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. The relevance and standard of undergraduate stud-
ies and any subsequent professional experience are
the main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will only be approved if appropriate
research supervision is available.
3. Structure of the Degree
(a) The degree must be completed by either:
i. 120 to a maximum of 180 points of course-
work including project report selected from
the Schedule to these regulations; or
ii. 120 points of thesis, ENTR 690, and course-
work to a maximum of 60 points (exclud-
ing ENTR 680) from the Schedule to these
(b) Candidates approved into a programme of
study without a postgraduate qualification,
or significant relevant professional experience
must complete the maximum 180 points require-
ments. Candidates permitted to opt for less than
the maximum 180 points must determine the
appropriate coursework in consultation with the
supervisory team.
4. Award of Distinction
The degree may be awarded with Distinction for
outstanding achievement measured by a GPA for the
degree in the range 8.0-9.0 and completion without
an extension in time.
5. Qualifying Programmes
If a candidate is required in Regulation 2(b), or
has not demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry a suitable
standard in previous work, they must satisfactorily
complete a qualifying programme of study before
enrolling in the degree of Master of Engineering
in Transportation. Courses taken as part of the
qualifying programme may be credited towards
the degree of Master in Engineering in Transporta-
tion. The course of study and conditions must be
approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
and the Director of Transportation Engineering.
6. Time Limitation for Degree Completion and
Suspension of Study
(a) Candidates enrol for full-time study unless they
have applied in writing and been approved by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for part-
time study.
(b) Candidates must be enrolled either part-time or
full-time on a continuous basis. If a candidate
cannot be enrolled continuously due to circum-
stances beyond their control they must apply
to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for a
suspension. Where approved, this will extend the
time limitation for the completion of the degree.
(c) Candidates enrolled for coursework only must
complete either:
i. Within two years if in full-time study; or
ii. Within four years if in part-time study.
(d) Candidates enrolled for thesis and coursework
must complete either:
i. Within three years if in full-time study; or
ii. Within four years if in part-time study.
(e) Candidates who have an approved suspension in
study may be required to undertake an approved
preparatory programme prior to the resumption
of their studies. Any preparatory programme
of study must be completed while on suspen-
sion, and immediately prior to the end of their
Notes: Preparatory programmes of study will not
normally be required where the suspension is for a
calendar year or less.
7. Thesis Requirements
Candidates must follow the requirements of the
General Course and Examination Regulations Part L,
and the Guidelines for Master's Thesis Work, and to
the Library Guide for the Presentation of Theses.
8. Project Reports
The following conditions shall apply to the
preparation, presentation and examination of the
project report:
(a) The project report shall describe work done
by the candidate on a project approved by the
Director of the Transportation Engineering
Programme; the project shall be carried out by
the candidate at the University under the direct
supervision of a member of academic sta; in
particular circumstances the project may be
carried out in such other places and for such
period or periods of time as may be approved by
the Director of the Transportation Engineering
College of Engineering
350 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt)
Award Regulations
(b) The candidate shall submit for examination two
hard bound copies and one electronic copy of
the project report to the Director of the Transpor-
tation Engineering Programme.
(c) The project report shall be submitted by a full-
time candidate within two years from the date
upon which study for the Master of Engineering
in Transportation by examination and project
commenced or within four years by a part-time
(d) The project report shall be examined by one or
more examiners appointed by the Director of the
Transportation Engineering Programme.
9. Transfer from MET to PhD
Where a candidate has demonstrated high research
potential and has the support of the Director of
Transportation Engineering, the candidate may apply
to transfer to a PhD degree, with such backdating of
research thesis enrolment as may be approved by
the Dean of Postgraduate Research. If approved the
MET degree will be abandoned.
10. Transfer from PGCertEng to MET
Where a candidate has demonstrated high research
potential and has the support of the Director of
Transportation Engineering, the candidate may
apply to transfer from the PGCertEng to the Master
of Engineering in Transportation degree, with
such backdating of research enrolment as may be
approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
If approved the candidate must still meet the
requirements of the MET.
11. Transfer from MET to PGCertEng
Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry, a candidate may transfer from the Master
of Engineering in Transportation to the Postgraduate
Certificate in Engineering subject to satisfying the
regulation requirements of the PGCertEng.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering in Transportation
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
(a) ENTR 401 Fundamentals of Transport
(b) ENTR 611 Planning and Managing for Transport;
(c) 600-level Transportation Engineering courses
listed in Schedule B of the ME Regulations;
(d) ENTR 680 Project;
(e) Up to 45 points of relevant courses at 400-level
or greater from within the institution or from the
Transportation Engineering programme at the
University of Auckland.
1. All candidates without an appropriate transport
background must oer ENTR 401 Fundamentals of
Transport Engineering prior to undertaking other
ENTR courses.
2. All candidates must oer ENTR 611 Planning and
Managing for Transport as part of their course-
3. ENTR 680 Project cannot be oered by candidates
also oering ENTR 690 MET Thesis.
4. Intending candidates must consult the Director
of the Transportation Engineering programme to
determine which courses will be oered in any one
year and which courses they will be required to
complete.For new candidates from 2008 without
an appropriate Bachelor of Engineering degree
or equivalent experience/qualifications, ENTR 401
must normally be completed prior to undertaking
other ENTR courses.
The Degree of Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of
Engineering Studies shall follow a course of study
approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
and Director of Postgraduate Studies as laid down
in these Regulations, or those consistent with the
regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time they
began their candidacy. In special circumstances
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify
specific aspects of the degree regulations for
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 351
The Degree of Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt)
Award Regulations
individual candidates.
(a) The degree of Master of Engineering Studies
(MEngSt) is oered by the Departments of Chem-
ical and Process Engineering, Civil and Natural
Resources Engineering, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, and
Mechanical Engineering.
(b) It may be awarded endorsed in the following
i. Civil Engineering
ii. Construction Management
iii. Earthquake Engineering
iv. Fire Engineering
v. Mechanical Engineering
vi. Renewable Energy
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with First or Second Class
Honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Postgraduate
Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Engi-
neering with a GPA of 5 or more; or
iii. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Science with Honours in appropriate
subjects; or
iv. in exceptional circumstances, qualified
for the award of an appropriate degree in
NewZealand; or
v. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Engineering Studies; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
Note: Relevance and standard of previous study is
the main criteria for approval.
3. Structure of the Degree
Each candidate must complete a programme of
study that consists of courses with a total course
weighting of not less than 120 points. The courses
must be selected as follows:
(a) courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 75 points must be selected from the
courses listed in Schedule B of the Master of
Engineering regulations; and
(b) any remaining courses from Schedule C of the
Regulations for the Master of Engineering, that
ensures that the total course weight is not less
than 120 points.
4. Full-time and Part-time Enrolment
A candidate may be enrolled for the Master of
Engineering Studies as a full-time or part-time
candidate. A full-time candidate will enrol for not
less than one year and not more than two years.
A part-time candidate will enrol for not less than
two years and not more than five years. Part-time
enrolment requires the approval of the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry.
1. With the approval of the Head of Department, a
full-time candidate may be employed in the Uni-
versity in academically relevant work for up to an
average of 6 hours per week over the calendar year.
2. Candidates are expected to be enrolled either
part-time or full-time on a continuous basis. If a
candidate can not be enrolled continuously due
to circumstances beyond their control they must
apply to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for
a suspension.
5. MEngSt with Distinction
Candidates who obtain a GPA of 8.0 or more in their
programme of study will be eligible to be considered
for the award of MEngSt with Distinction.
6. Transfer from MEngSt to ME/MEFE/MET
(a) Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineer-
ing and Forestry, a candidate for the Master of
Engineering Studies may transfer to a Master
of Engineering, Master of Engineering in Fire
Engineering or Master of Engineering in Trans-
portation provided the following conditions have
been met:
i. The candidate has completed a minimum of
45 points of the course requirements for the
MEngSt; and
ii. The candidate has achieved an average GPA
of 5.0 or more in the completed courses; and
iii. The courses completed by the candidate fulfil
the coursework requirements of the relevant
programme of study given in Schedule A of
the ME regulations, or the schedule to the
regulation of the MEFE, or the schedule to
the regulations of the MET; and
iv. Suitable thesis supervision and research
resources are available.
(b) Where the transfer of a candidate from the
MEngSt to the ME has been approved, the Dean
of Engineering and Forestry will transfer ap-
propriate courses from the candidate's MEngSt
studies towards their ME degree.
College of Engineering
352 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Forestry Science (MForSc)
Award Regulations
7. Award of PGCertEng instead of MEngSt
Should a candidate fail to complete the
requirements for the Master of Engineering Studies
degree, but successfully complete the requirements
for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering, he or she may be awarded, upon
the recommendation of the Academic Board, a
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering instead.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering Studies (Un-endorsed)
See Regulation 3 above.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of
Engineering Studies (Endorsed)
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
Civil Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 75 points shall be selected from the ENCI,
ENCM, ENEQ, and ENTR courses listed in
Schedule B or Schedule C of the Master of
Engineering regulations and subject to approval of
the Programme Director.
A maximum of 30 points may come from outside
Construction Management
Courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 75 points shall be selected from the
Construction Management courses listed in
Schedule B or Schedule C of the Master of
Engineering regulations and subject to approval of
the Programme Director.
Note: With the approval of the Director of the Con-
struction Management Programme, students may
credit up to 30 points oered in the Construction Man-
agement Programme at the University of Auckland or
other approved university.
Earthquake Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 75 points shall be selected from the Earthquake
Engineering courses listed in Schedule B or Schedule
C of the Master of Engineering regulations.
Fire Engineering
Required courses:
(a) ENFE 601 Structural Fire Engineering
(b) ENFE 602 Fire Dynamics
(c) ENFE 603 Fire Safety Systems
(d) ENFE 604 Fire Design Case Study
(e) ENFE 610 Advanced Fire Dynamics
Mechanical Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 75 points shall be selected from ENME courses
listed in Schedule B or Schedule C of the Master of
Engineering Regulations.
Renewable Energy
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 60 points shall be selected from the required
courses and 15 points from the elective courses
from the Renewable Energy courses listed from the
Schedule B of the Master of Engineering regulations.
Up to 15 points may be selected from courses
outside of Engineering. The remaining courses may
be selected from Schedule B or C of the courses
listed in Renewable Energy.
The Degree of Master of Forestry Science (MForSc)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of Forestry
Science shall follow a course of study approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry and the
Postgraduate Director of Studies (Forestry) as laid
down in these Regulations, or those consistent with
the regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time
they began their candidacy. In special circumstances
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify
aspects of the degree regulations for individual
College of Engineering
www.canterbury.ac.nz 353
The Degree of Master of Forestry Science (MForSc)
Award Regulations
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
(a) either:
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Forestry Science with or without
Honours; or
ii. qualified, with appropriate subjects, for the
award of a degree other than the Bachelor of
Forestry Science; or
iii. qualified for the award of Postgraduate Di-
ploma in Forestry; or
iv. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Forestry Science; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. Relevance and standard of previous study are the
main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will be approved only if appropriate
research supervision and resources are available.
3. Structure of the Degree
(a) The degree must be completed by either:
i. 240 points of coursework including the
MForSc report selected from the Schedule to
these regulations; or
ii. 120 points of coursework selected from the
Schedule to these regulations and 120 points
of thesis; or
iii. by 120 points of thesis alone.
(b) Candidates approved for the thesis alone must
have completed a minimum of 120 points of
postgraduate level studies, or equivalent, in an
appropriate field of study to Forestry Science.
4. Award of Distinction and Merit
The degree may be awarded with Distinction or
with Merit based on outstanding or meritorious
achievement measured by GPA and completion in a
timely manner as stipulated:
(a) Distinction shall be awarded for a GPA in the
range 8.0-9.0;
(b) Merit shall be awarded for a GPA in the range
5.5-7.9; and
(c) No candidate will be eligible for Distinction or
Merit where an extension in time, as set out in
Regulation 5, has been required.
5. Time Limitation for Degree Completion and
Suspension of Study
(a) Candidates enrol for full-time study unless
they have applied in writing and been approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for
part-time study.
(b) Candidates must be enrolled either part-time or
full-time on a continuous basis. If a candidate
cannot be enrolled continuously due to circum-
stances beyond their control they must apply
to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for a
suspension. Where approved, this will extend the
time limitation for the completion of the degree.
(c) Candidates enrolled for coursework and report or
coursework and thesis must complete either:
i. Within three years if in full-time study; or
ii. Within four years if in part-time study.
(d) Candidates enrolled for thesis only must com-
plete either:
i. Within two years if in full-time study; or
ii. Within three years if in part-time study.
(e) Candidates who have an approved suspension in
study may be required to undertake a prepara-
tory programme prior to the resumption of their
studies. Any preparatory programme of study
must be completed while on suspension, and
immediately prior to the end of their suspension.
Note: Preparatory programmes of study will not
normally be required where the suspension is for a
calendar year or less.
6. Subjects in Other Degrees
(a) A candidate may oer up to 30 points of course-
work not on Schedule A of the degree for Master
of Forestry Science.
(b) A candidate enrolled in any subject that is also
a subject of examination for another degree
shall comply with the regulations for that de-
gree relating to prerequisites, combinations of
subjects, and practical work, as are applicable to
that subject.
7. Thesis Requirements
Candidates must follow the requirements of the
General Course and Examination Regulations Part L,
and the Guidelines for Master's Thesis Work, and to
the Library Guide for the Presentation of Theses.
8. Award of PGDipFor instead of MForSc
Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry, a candidate may transfer from the Master
of Forestry Science to the Postgraduate Diploma in
9. Award of MForSc instead of PhD
Where a thesis has been presented for the Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Forestry
and the examiners are of the opinion that it does
not justify the award of that degree they may
College of Engineering
354 2017 Calendar
The Degree of Master of Forestry Science (MForSc)
Award Regulations
recommend that it be presented for the Degree of
Master of Forestry Science. In this case the Dean
of Engineering and Forestry may, if required for
the award of the degree, exempt the coursework
component of the degree.
Where a candidate is taking the degree by Thesis
or by Examination and Thesis the candidate will
present a thesis embodying the results of an
investigation conducted by the candidate in a
subject approved by the Dean and satisfy the
examiners therewith and, if so required, take an oral
examination on the subject of the thesis.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Forestry
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
FORE422 Forest Harvest Planning 15 S1 P: FORE 205 (01 Jan 2010 - present) or FORE305 (01 Jan
2009 - present) or FORE305 (01 Jan 2009 - present)
R: ENFO422
FORE423 Forest Transportation and Road
15 S2 P: FORE205 or FORE305
R: ENFO423
FORE426 Forest Products Marketing and
International Trade
15 S2
FORE435 Forest Economics 2 15 S1 P: FORE215 or subject to approval of the Head of
R: FORE211, FORE425
FORE436 Forest Tree Breeding 15 S1 P: FORE 219, FORE222 and FORE224
R: FORE408 (2006-2007)
FORE443 Biosecurity Risk Management 15 S2 R: BIOS201
FORE447 Environmental Forestry 30 S2 P: Subject to approval to the Chair, Forestry Board of
R: FORE444, FORE445, BIOL379
FORE610 Research Methods 15 S1
P: Subject to approval by the Head of School
FORE616 Restoration Ecology 30 S1 P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department.
FORE618 Wood Quality 15 S2 P: Subject to approval by the Head of School.
FORE619 Wood Processing 15 S2 P: Subject to approval by the Head of School
R: FORE327 , ENFO327
FORE624 Plantation Silviculture 30 S1 P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department.
R: FORE631
FORE641 Plantation Forest Management 30 S2 P: Subject to approval by the Head of School.
R: FORE632, FORE633
FORE642 Advanced IT Applications in Forestry
and Natural Resource Management
15 S1 P: Subject to approval of Head of School
R: FORE342
FORE643 Modelling for Forest Management 15 S1
P: Subject to approval by the Head of School
FORE679 M.For.Sc. Report 60 A
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department.
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The Degree of Master of Human Interface Technology (MHIT)
Award Regulations
The Degree of Master of Human Interface Technology
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of Human
Interface Technology shall follow a course of study
approved by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
and the Director of the Postgraduate Studies as
laid down in these Regulations or those consistent
with the regulations in the relevant Calendar at the
time they began their candidacy. Where specific
regulations require approval then these shall be
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry unless
otherwise stated. In special circumstances the Dean
of Engineering and Forestry may modify specific
aspects of the degree regulations for individual
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Bachelor with
Honours Degree in an appropriate field; or
ii. qualified for the award of another appropri-
ate degree in NewZealand; or
iii. been admitted ad eundem statum as enti-
tled to proceed to the Degree of Master of
Human Interface Technology; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the degree by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
1. Relevance and standard of previous study are the
main criteria for approval.
2. Candidates will be approved only if appropriate
research supervision and resources are available.
3. Candidates who do not have an appropriate back-
ground may be required to take an approved course
or courses prior to approval into the programme.
3. Structure of the Degree
The degree must be completed by:
(a) 30 points of coursework selected from the
Schedule; and
(b) A 90 point thesis, HITD 690.
4. Time Limitation for Degree Completion and
Suspension of Study
(a) Candidates must enrol for full-time study only
and cannot undertake part-time study.
(b) Candidates must be enrolled on a continuous
basis. If a candidate cannot be enrolled continu-
ously due to circumstances beyond their control
they must apply to the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry for a suspension. Where approved, this
will extend the time limitation for the comple-
tion of the degree.
(c) Candidates must complete within 18 months
of study, unless an extension in time has been
(d) Candidates who have an approved suspension in
study may be required to undertake a prepara-
tory programme prior to the resumption of their
studies. Any preparatory programme of study
must be completed while on suspension, and
immediately prior to the end of their suspension.
Note: Preparatory programmes of study will not
normally be required where the suspension is for a
calendar year or less.
5. Master of Human Interface Technology
with Distinction
Candidates who obtain a GPA of 8.0 or more in
their programme of study and complete within 12
months will be eligible for the award of MHIT with
6. Theses
Candidates must follow the requirements of the
General Course and Examination Regulations Part L,
and the Guidelines for Master's Thesis Work, and to
the Library Guide for the Presentation of Theses.
7. Transfer from MHIT to PhD
Where a candidate has demonstrated high research
potential and has the support of the Postgraduate
Director of Studies, the candidate may apply to
transfer to a PhD In Human Interface Technology,
with such backdating of research thesis enrolment
as may be approved by the Dean of Postgraduate
Research. If approved the Masters degree will be
College of Engineering
356 2017 Calendar
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (PGCertEng)
Award Regulations
8. Award of a MHIT instead of a PhD
Where a thesis has been presented for the degree
of PhD in Human Interface Technology and the
examiners are of the opinion that it does not justify
the award of that degree, they may recommend
that it be presented for the degree of Master of
Human Interface Technology. In such a case, the
Dean of Engineering and Forestry may, if required
for the award of the degree, exempt the course work
component of the degree.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Human
Interface Technology
Course Code Course Title Pts 2017 P/C/R/RP/EQ
HITD602 Human Interface Technology - Design
and Evaluation
15 S1
P: Subject to Approval of the Dean of Engineering and
R: HITD601
HITD603 Human Interface Technology -
Prototyping and Projects
15 S1
P: Subject to Approval of the Dean of Engineering and
R: HITD601
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (PGCertEng)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Certificate Programmes
Every candidate for the Degree of Postgraduate
Certificate in Engineering shall follow a course of
study approved by the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry and Director of Postgraduate Studies as laid
down in these Regulations, or those consistent with
the regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time
they began their candidacy. In special circumstances
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify
specific aspects of the degree regulations for
individual candidates.
(a) The qualification of Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering (PGCertEng) is oered by the Depart-
ments of Chemical and Process Engineering, Civil
and Natural Resources Engineering, Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Statis-
tics, and Mechanical Engineering.
(b) It may be awarded endorsed in the following
i. Civil Engineering
ii. Construction Management
iii. Earthquake Engineering
iv. Fire Engineering;
v. Mechanical Engineering
vi. Transportation Engineering.
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
A candidate shall have:
(a) either
i. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering with Honours; or
ii. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Engineering; or
iii. qualified for the award of the Degree of Bach-
elor of Science with Honours in appropriate
subjects; or
iv. in exceptional circumstances, qualified for
the award of another appropriate degree in
NewZealand; or
v. been admitted ad eundem statum and enti-
tled to proceed to the qualification of Post-
graduate Certificate in Engineering; and
(b) been approved as a candidate for the Postgradu-
ate Certificate by the Dean of Engineering and
Note: The relevance and standard of undergraduate
studies and any subsequent professional work experi-
ence are the main criteria for approval.
3. Structure of the Certificate
(a) To qualify for the award of the Postgraduate
Certificate in Engineering, a candidate shall pass
the prescribed courses in the Schedule to the
value of 60 points. The courses must be selected
as follows:
i. courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 30 points must be selected from
the courses listed in Schedule B of the Master
of Engineering regulations; and
ii. any remaining courses may be from Schedule
C of the Master of Engineering Regulations.
(b) Each programme of study must be approved by
the Head of Department or Director of Studies
and the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.
College of Engineering
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Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry (PGDipFor)
Award Regulations
Note: Please refer to the Transportation Engineering
endorsement for transition regulations for 2013.
4. Full-time and Part-time Enrolment
A candidate may be enrolled, either part-time or full-
time, for not more than four years.
Note: Candidates are expected to be enrolled either
part-time or full-time on a continuous basis. If a
candidate cannot be enrolled continuously due to
circumstances beyond their control they must apply in
writing to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for a
suspension of studies.
5. Award of PGCertEng instead of ME or MEFE
or MET or MEngSt
Should a candidate fail to complete the
requirements for the Master's degree, but
successfully completes the requirements for
the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering, he or she may be awarded, upon
the recommendation of the Academic Board, a
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering instead.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering (Un-endorsed)
See Regulation 3 above.
Schedule to the Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in
Engineering (Endorsed)
For full course information, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses
Civil Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 45 points must be selected from the ENCI,
ENCM, ENEQ or ENTR courses.
Construction Management
Courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 45 points must be selected from the
Construction Management courses.
Earthquake Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 45 points must be selected from the
Earthquake Engineering courses.
Fire Engineering
(a) ENFE 601 Structural Fire Engineering
(b) ENFE 602 Fire Dynamics
(c) ENFE 603 Fire Safety systems
Mechanical Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less
than 45 points must be selected from the ENME
Transportation Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not
less than 45 points must be selected from the
Transportation Engineering (ENTR) courses. Subject
to approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
a candidate may oer postgraduate course(s) oered
in the Transportation Engineering Programme at the
University of Auckland or other approved university
in lieu of no more than 15 points of the required
course work.
1. Candidates without a suitable background in
Transportation Engineering will be required to
include ENTR 401 as one of the required courses.
2. Not all courses will be oered in any one year.
Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry (PGDipFor)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations
1. Requirements of the Degree
Every candidate for the Postgraduate Diploma in
Forestry shall follow a course of study approved
by the Dean of Engineering and Forestry and the
Postgraduate Director of Studies (Forestry) as laid
down in these Regulations, or those consistent with
the regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time
they began their candidacy. In special circumstances
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify
aspects of the degree regulations for individual
College of Engineering
358 2017 Calendar
Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry (PGDipFor)
Award Regulations
2. Qualifications Required to Enrol in the
Every candidate shall have:
(a) either
i. have qualified for the award of a bachelor’s
degree in Forestry or a related area of study
in NewZealand; or
ii. have qualified for the award of a bachelor’s
or higher degree in other areas and have
gained relevant experience in a Forestry
related area; or
iii. have been admitted ad eundem statum
as entitled to proceed to the Postgraduate
Diploma; and
(b) have been approved as a candidate by the Dean
of Engineering and Forestry.
Note: The standard of achievement in undergradu-
ate studies and relevance of background are the
main criteria for approval.
3. Structure of the Degree
The degree must be completed by 120 points of
coursework selected from the Schedule to the
Master of Forestry Science regulations with the
exception of the MForSc Report.
4. Award of Distinction
The degree may be awarded with Distinction
based on outstanding or meritorious achievement
measured by GPA and completion in a timely
manner as stipulated:
(a) Distinction shall be awarded for a GPA in the
range 8.0-9.0.
(b) No candidate will be eligible for Distinction
where an extension in time, as set out in Regula-
tion 5, has been required.
5. Time Limitation for Degree Completion and
Suspension of Study
(a) Candidates enrol for full-time study unless they
have applied in writing and been approved by
the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for part-
time study.
(b) Candidates must be enrolled either part-time or
full-time on a continuous basis. If a candidate
cannot be enrolled continuously due to circum-
stances beyond their control they must apply
to the Dean of Engineering and Forestry for a
suspension. Where approved, this will extend the
time limitation for the completion of the degree.
(c) Candidates enrolled must complete either:
i. Within one year if in full-time study; or
ii. Within two years if in part-time study.
Note: In exceptional circumstances full-time enrol-
ment may be extended to 18 months.
6. Subjects in Other Degrees
(a) A candidate may oer up to 15 points of course-
work not on the Schedule to the degree for Mas-
ter of Forestry Science.
(b) A candidate enrolled in any subject that is also
a subject of examination for another degree
shall comply with the regulations for that de-
gree relating to prerequisites, combinations of
subjects, and practical work, as are applicable to
that subject.
7. Award of PGDipFor instead of MForSc
(a) Where a candidate has followed a course of
study to qualify for the degree of Master of
Forestry Science by Examination and Report or
Examination and Thesis and the examiners are of
the opinion that the award of that degree is not
justified, they may recommend the award of the
Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry.
(b) Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a candidate may transfer from the
Master of Forestry Science to the Postgraduate
Diploma in Forestry.
8. Award of PGDipFor instead of MIntFor
Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering
and Forestry, a candidate may transfer from the
Master of International Forestry to the Postgraduate
Diploma in Forestry.
9. Transfer to MForSc
A candidate who completes the Postgraduate
Diploma in Forestry is eligible for enrolment in
the second year of a two-year MForSc programme,
subject to the availability of sta and resources.