April 18, 2016
TO: Department Representatives of the Representative Assembly
RE: Update
Dear Department Representatives:
I want to update you on several events that have occurred since my communication on March 9, 2016.
We have reached an important milestonenear completion of Phase Two—in the Four Year Completion
Initiative (FYCI). As you know, in Fall 2015 the Chair of the Academic Senate, the Vice Provost of
Undergraduate Education, and the Chair of the Council of Associate Deans launched FYCI. The objective
of FYCI is to create an educational environment that enables—but does not mandate—an undergraduate
student to complete a degree in four years. That is, the objective of FYCI is not to force all students to
complete a degree in four years, but to make that option available and feasible. Below is an update on
FYCI progress.
Phase One: I asked Department Chairs to consult with their faculty and provide responses to an open-
ended questionnaire by March 1, 2016. All Department Chairs promptly responded, providing a wealth of
information on the factors they perceived were the main obstructions undergraduate students faced in
graduating in four years (attachment 1).
Phase Two: The information gathered in Phase 1 was forwarded to many Academic Senate Committees,
including all Faculty Executive Councils, with a request to provide feedback by April 15, 2016. I also
specifically asked Ed Caswell-Chen (Chair of the Undergraduate Council), Sue Ebeler (Chair of the
Council of Associate Deans), and Brett McFarlane (Director of Academic Advising) to consult with their
respective councils and advisors to gather additional analyses and feedback. Finally, I requested that
Budget and Intuitional Analysis (BIA) systematically analyze all data collected and report back to the
Academic Senate. I have received feedback and information from all the above.
Phase Three
: The issues identified in Phases 1 and 2 will demand expedited action. We must move
quickly into the implementation phase. This morning I received BIA’s draft report, “Undergraduate
Student Success: Graduation Rate and Time to Degree, An Analytical Roadmap.This document was
prepared in consultation with the Office of Student Affairs using the input collected in Phase 1
(attachment 2). By this Thursday, April 21, Ed Caswell-Chen, Sue Ebeler, Brett McFarlane and others
will complete their review of the draft recommendations; the purpose of their review is to ensure that the
actions identified in the BIA report are consistent with additional inputs received during Phase 2. If you,
as a Departmental Representative, wish to review and comment on the report, please send your comments
to Kyle Gayman (ksgayman@ucdavis.edu) by this Friday, April 22. I will finalize the report by Monday,
April 25, and the Academic Senate will immediately launch into a targeted assessment of
recommendations and implementation roadmaps.
I should also note that increasing summer course offerings is a crucial element of the Four Year
Completion Initiative, and the attached list (attachment 3) has been prepared in consultation with the
Associate Deans and the Departments Chairs. In the past, the campus could not encourage increased
summer enrollment due to the unavailability of state and federal summer financial aid. To overcome this
lack of state and federal funding, the Administration has specifically allocated an additional $1.9 million
to the 2016 summer financial aid pot, for a total of $10.5 million. As we have discussed several times in
the Academic Senate, summer courses must offer the same quality of instruction as courses during the
regular quarters. I am aware that faculty have expressed some concerns in the past about Summer
Sessions. Please bring any concerns about Summer Session to my attention. I will keep you updated as
these issues are discussed with the Administration.
As you may know, due to significant financial challenges at UC Berkeley, Chancellor Dirks has
announced his intent to restructure some of its academic programs and to lay off more than 500 staff
employees. In contrast, UC Davis has a plan in place to ensure current and future financial health. Every
year, senior leadership from each campus has a budget meeting with the President. See attached for the
UC Davis slide deck presented on March 18, 2016 (attachment 4). Specifically, slides 4-9 summarize the
planning in place to ensure financial health at UC Davis. The Committee on Planning and Budget (CPB)
continually reviews the resource allocations and investments that are made by the administration. Most
recently, I have asked CPB to perform an expedited review of resource allocations to the Office of
Strategic Communications, and to report back to the Executive Council by Thursday, April 21. You may
direct any budgetary questions to the Associate Director of the Davis Division, Kimberly Pulliam
In closing, I would like to recognize the committee members who have been at the forefront of all of these
efforts. Our colleagues have adhered to a very aggressive timeline and have clearly shown the great
benefit that shared governance brings to the University of California and our campus.
André Knoesen
Chair, Academic Senate
Professor: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Attachments: 1. UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary
2. Undergraduate Student Success: Graduation Rate and Time to Degree, An Analytical
3. Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
4. Annual Budget Meeting
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary
By André Knoesen, Chair Davis Division, Academic Senate
The objective of the Four Year Degree Completion Initiative (Initiative) is to identify and
eliminate campus controlled factors impeding an undergraduate student’s ability to complete
degree requirements and graduate in four years. The Initiative will conclude within two years.
The first phase of the Initiative collected information from faculty in all the undergraduate
majors on the Davis campus. The purpose of this Phase One Summary is to take the
information obtained from the questionnaire and rapidly distribute it to the campus to
stimulate further discussion on ways to improve four year degree completion on the Davis
Chairs from all 106 undergraduate majors consulted with faculty and responded to the
following open-ended question:As part of the Four Year Completion Initiative, UC Davis is
soliciting department input regarding factors, outside the required upper division courses in a
curriculum, that impede your undergraduate students from completing the major within four
years. Please describe such factors in the space below.”
The approach used to perform this heuristic analysis is not intended to be in-depth or rigorous.
From the responses received:
a) Redacted statements were extracted so as not to identify majors providing the response
(the redactions were reviewed by Budget and Institutional Analysis to ensure
appropriate information is released);
b) The statements were tabulated along with an identifier if the comment came from a BS
major, BA major or BS&BA major;
c) By looking at the statement, dominant themes were identified; and
d) Statements were grouped to determine how many times comments reflected an
identified theme.
Attachment #1
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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Lack of Courses: Degree Type
...important classes are not available to our majors in a timely
...some of the large lower division courses that are required by
almost all Bachelor of Science majors on campus
… availability of required lower division courses, such as the BIS 2
… the high number of enrolled undergraduates at UC Davis
coupled with limited course offerings are making course
accessibility difficult across campus and that delays students
completing in a four year time frame.
… the shortfall of general education (lower division) class
offerings, specifically CHE2 and BIS2. Registration for these
classes has been difficult in the past, leading to a shortfall of
prerequisite coursework for the upper division … classes.
…. an issue with our course PLS 2, in that it would be helpful if we
could offer it more than once per year
…. the primary impediment to 4-year graduation occurs when
students fall out of course sequence, by failing one class or
missing a quarter of coursework (due to personal circumstances
or to complete an internship).
….not being able to get courses needed in a timely fashion,
…ability to offer some undergraduate core courses only once per
year due to faculty time and other program constraints.
…access to needed courses due to the impact of high student
numbers across campus.
…although students have various options for upper division
coursework, only some of those courses can be repeated.
…because of the interdisciplinary nature of the….major, students
must enroll in courses across the campus including those courses
that are in highly impacted majors such as ARE and high-demand,
impacted courses such as those in UWP and CMN.
…ECS 30 (Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving),
which is required for our BS degrees, is not offered at convenient
times for our undergraduate majors
…frequency of course offerings
…impacted courses due to limited/ insufficient instructional and
laboratory space, which seriously lag the growth in enrollments.
…inability to enroll in BIS 101, which is a prerequisite for many of
the restricted elective classes under our Biotechnology sub-
emphasis. Students say that it is difficult to get into the class.
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…inability to enroll in preparatory subject matter courses in a
timely matter (i.e., BIS series, CHE 2ABC series) due to large
…insufficient instructional resources: Our current instructional
capacity does not allow frequent enough offering of a number of
key gateway or otherwise required courses
…lower division preparatory courses not having enough space for
…most classes offered only once a year (forcing students who fail
a class to repeat it a year later).
…one other severe constraint on many students is that they must
work to earn income or their debts will be even higher -- this is a
function of the high tuitions that UC students must pay. When
they work more, they cannot take as large an academic load.
…only being able to offer some required undergraduate courses
once per year due to lack of faculty and competition with
offering graduate courses.
…our majors would benefit from having quarterly offerings of the
Physics 1 series, and the Chem 2 and 8 series.
…required undergraduate major courses are only able to be
offered once per year due to an insufficient number of faculty to
address teaching needs within both the undergraduate and
graduate programs.
…scheduling conflicts between … core courses and Restricted
Elective (RE) classes offered by other departments delay the
order in which students can take their RE courses and ultimately
may cause them to take longer to complete or to take alternate
classes than they prefer.
…the availability of chemistry courses (workload, CHE 2ABC, and
CHE 8AB) may contribute to some … students not graduating in 4
years. Our students don’t generally have trouble getting in to
those course, but sometimes we wish they could start a series in
a quarter that the first course in the series isn't offered.
…the campus student enrollment is growing and course
enrollment is strained to capacity, particularly in the experiential
laboratory courses
…the growing campus student enrollment is leading to some
courses being overenrolled. Some students are finding that they
must take courses out of sequence due to limited availability,
which is not an optimal pedagogical situation, or may have to
wait until their senior or "super-senior" year in order to get into
the right class.
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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…there is significant competition within the campus for students
to be able to enroll in general education and key preparatory
science courses. Students may not be able to enroll in courses in
the correct pedagogical sequence or may have to stay longer to
obtain a spot in high enrollment courses
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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Late Change of Major: Degree Type
...Students starting in a major that is not the right fit and they do
not do well in their classes forcing them to have to leave the
university for an extended period of time and take courses at a
community college to reenter Davis…..
...Students switching majors after junior year ….
…(students) tend to add ….. as a major later in their college
…..many of our students do not start at UC Davis as ….majors, but
come to the major later in their academic careers, sometimes as
a second major, but other times after having not succeeded in
whatever major they started off in.
…..Some of our students enter the …. major after leaving other
majors. If this is done relatively late, then the need to complete
courses in the new major can push students past the four-year
….it is likely that students who join the major later will be
delayed as they may have other college and university
requirements to satisfy simultaneously.
…a number of students switch fairly late into the ( ) major, and
this can make it challenging to complete the major within four
…many of our students declare their majors late, often switching
from the sciences. As a result, they need extra time to fulfill the
requirements for the major in starting so late as well as having to
address any issues such as academic probation due to low grades
in their previous major.
…students tend to discover (the major) relatively late in their
college careers…..If they discover this later than first quarter of
their second year, they have to wait till their third year to begin
the language sequence
…the longer (the students) remain undeclared, the most difficult
it is for them to register for their courses and meet the major
…the primary factor impeding our undergraduate students from
completing the major within four years has to do with the
manner in which they enter our major.
…we often have students declaring the ….major late, after taking
several classes and then realizing that they were well on their
way toward a major, as well as discovering their increasing
interest in the subject.
…students changing into the …major during their 3rd or 4th year
after realizing their current major is not a good fit academically
ba & bs
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…we also have a large number of students who double major and
do not declare .... as a major until the end of their junior year.
We would like the policies to declare a double major to be
changed so students are encouraged to declare their second
major much sooner.
ba & bs
… changed majors relatively late and still needed to complete
many of the foundational science classes, such as biology,
chemistry and physics.
…. students may be delayed because they transferred into the
major late and so lacked some of the prerequisites.
…. the most common reason that a … student doesn’t graduate in
4 years is because they started in a different major and decided
to be in (X major) too late to graduate in 4 years (but could
graduate within the Dean’s Office’s 225 unit maximum).
…Changing into the major later in their academic career
…Late decisions to change their major.
…many of our students transfer from other majors that they did
not like and were not doing well in. For some number of these
students, it is likely that they would drop out of UC Davis entirely
thus affecting overall completion rates. Difficulty in graduating in
4 years comes when students transfer from majors such as biosci
or engineering into social science departments.
…students changing late lead to lack of prerequisites.
…Students transferring from other majors without the needed
prerequisites cannot catch up on degree progress due to courses
being offered only once per year.
…The many students who change majors … push that number
…they changed majors late (more than one reason could be
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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Financial & Personal Circumstances: Degree Type
...heard anecdotally of some students not having their basic
needs met while at UC Davis (adequate housing and nutrition), ….
...the biggest challenges,... our undergraduates have to contend
with as they try to complete their degree in four years are
directly related to the soaring costs of a university education.
...we have had students in our major who commute long
distances to campus,.... this too may also be related to wealth
disparities if students are unable to afford housing in Davis or
have family responsibilities that prevent them from moving close
to campus.
…..some attention should be given to whether or not recent
increases in tuition and fees, along with the economic downturn
that occurred during the years for which data on graduation rates
have been made available, have disproportionately affected
students from less privileged backgrounds....
….Financial issues related to not enough financial aid or students
having to support themselves….
….sometimes having to work to support not only themselves but
also other members of their families….
….Students having additional priorities that take their time and
increase stress levels resulting in less units being taken per
quarter or student taking a needed break between quarters (i.e.
working full-time, care taking of children and/or other family
members, illnesses, mental health issues etc.)
…Few of our students come from economically privileged
backgrounds. Many of them are first-generation college students
and/or minorities. The soaring costs of higher education is an
issue that touches more and more students and one that hits
minorities and first-generation college students
disproportionately hard. Many students have no financial
support from their families and are entirely on their own. Hence
our students work a great deal outside the classroom. As many as
half, or even more, of our students work as much as 20-30 per
week in addition to taking several courses. Such financial stress
and long hours of work while a student pose particular challenges
to many of our students’ ability to progress swiftly.
…Financial stress is and is likely to continue to be a possible
impediment to our students’ ability to progress apace toward a
degree in four years.
…it is reasonable to suppose that students from low income
backgrounds might have to work more hours in order to make
ends meet,
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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…many students appear to be delayed due to personal issues.
These include working part or full time on top of their studies,
family issues they must attend to and mental health issues
(we've had a number of students with depression and other
mental health struggles).
…Students frequently have commitments that conflict with
coursework, such as jobs, perceived religious and social
obligations, family difficulties, and personal (psychological and
health) crises that interfere with school.
…Students often encounter financial difficulties as a result of UC's
outrageously high tuition and unexpected increases in
tuition/fees that impede their timely completion of
…Working students are frequently limited in the number of units
they can take in a given quarter
…external circumstances such as having children, working full-
time, or caring for a parent that could cause students to reduce
their course load per quarter
ba & bs
… many students who need to work in order to afford
fees/tuition and/or to be able to provide for themselves, and this
tends to increase their time to degree as they cannot as easily
take as high a number of units as students who do not need to
…An increasing number of students are working part-time during
college in order to help cover expenses of their education.
…Family problems that lead to dropping courses or incomplete
…Many students struggle to pay the high cost of university, and it
is common for students to work 20 or more hours per week,
limiting their ability to take a high course load to advance to
…One other severe constraint on many students is that they must
work to earn income or their debts will be even higher -- this is a
function of the high tuitions that UC students must pay. When
they work more, they cannot take as large an academic load. This
means that poorer students cannot do as well as their richer
fellow students.
…Students may take the minimum number of units because they
have jobs, internships, or family responsibilities.
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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…Workload courses affect freshman scheduling capability
(students needing extra preparatory course work are placed into
workload courses).
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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Lack of Instructional Space: Degree Type
…..obtaining classrooms that could accommodate larger number
of students at desirable times is a major obstacle.
….We do suffer some impediments due to a lack of appropriate
classroom space at UC Davis…
….we require many large lecture halls each quarter to
accommodate our courses. The university does not give us the
number of lecture halls that …we request and therefore, we
cannot offer as many spaces in the classes as would be necessary
for our major…..
....student progress related to scheduling is the overall shortage
of classrooms on campus. This especially affects the lower
division preparatory coursework and some of early upper division
depth courses that are prerequisites for upper division speciality
courses. Students are often waitlisted for these core biology,
math and chemistry courses and cannot move on the upper
division elective courses in a manner that allows them to
graduate in 4 years.
ba & bs
…Shortage of classroom space makes scheduling hard.
ba & bs
…Space constraints also place limitations on our department that
may affect our students. We are running out of office space to
house our ... faculty, though our numbers keep growing. We have
run out of office space to house new advisers, whom may be
needed as the number of ..... undergraduates increases with the
2020 initiative.
ba & bs
…. inadequate space, meaning suitable lecture and laboratory
…Class room availability.
…Enrollment limits due to lack of computer and wet lab teaching
…Enrollment limits due to limited lab teaching space
…Enrollment limits in classes due to lack of large classrooms
…Enrollments are limited for some classes due to an insufficient
number of larger classrooms.
…For laboratory courses, enrollments are limited due to
inadequate computer and wet lab teaching space.
…Not having the resources to provide as many offerings due to
limited teaching and classroom resources
…seats available in courses.
…There is a lack of classrooms on campus.
.…Inflexibility of Academic Senate to allow creative solutions with
online/flipped sections on short notice.
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UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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Lack of Preparation: Degree Type
...we suffer from the general lack of preparedness in writing that
we encounter in a substantial number of our students…….it
would benefit our teaching if the students were better prepared
in writing before they were admitted to UC Davis, or if there
were some sort of basic writing course that was required of all
….(50%) of students who graduated with …. degrees (in about the
last two years) …..spent at least one quarter facing academic
probation or similar academic sanctions.
…Students often arrive at UC Davis with less general and subject-
specific educational preparation than they used to; there often is
considerable remedial work required before students are
prepared for major courses. This is especially a problem with
transfer students, but often applies to first-year students as well.
…A reasonable amount of students interested in this field do not
enter the major with an adequate preparatory background and
therefore must take extra courses in Calculus and Physics that
our prerequisites to our classes, on their way to completing our
major; this sometimes can increase the length of time needed to
…A substantial number of our slow-to-graduate students struggle
early with their lower division courses, and thus, they end up
taking upper division coursework later than typical and/or have
difficulty learning the engineering material.
…Community College Transfer students often do not focus on
preparatory subject matter while enrolled in CC. Instead they
focus on their GE or completing their IGETC instead. That is fine
for social sciences and humanities majors, but not for the science
majors. Those who do take some science courses, often transfer
with “partial credit” for “series for series” transfer subject matter
including Physics and Calculus.
…Entering first year and transfer students not having the
necessary prerequisites or preparatory coursework
…Less prepared transfer students due to lack of resources at the
community college level and lowering standards.
…Some lower division courses required for transfer to the
program are not offered at community colleges and must be
taken upon arrival.
…Students (both High School and Community College) are
admitted to the major who place into Workload Math and
Workload Chemistry or even lower-level coursework during their
Summer Orientation exams.
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
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…students arriving needing remedial classes (and even then,
student needing only a few remedial classes can finish in time).
…students arriving needing remedial classes (and even then,
students needing only a few remedial classes can finish in time)
…Students earning D and F grades in series courses (MAT 21,
PHY9) or required major courses and needing to retake them.
…Students earning D and F grades in series courses (MAT 21,
PHY9) or required major courses and needing to retake them.
…The variation in the quality of community and state college
preparation for university study appears to be exceptionally high.
…UC programs to enhance student retention from lower API
schools require a greater number of units in order to prepare
students for courses in the major.
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Summer: Degree Type
…Not having enough courses offered during the summer that would
allow them to complete the major.
…The lack of upper-division offerings in Summer Sessions, due to the
cost of compensation to ladder faculty, may be another factor.
…Cannot stay in Davis in summer to do coursework.
…Lack of summer offerings.
…Lack of Summer Session offerings
…Limited offerings of summer courses due to insufficient resources.
…Limited summer session offerings, which are not popular to teach
among our faculty.
…Limited summer sessions offerings
…Summer offers a tremendous opportunity to assist struggling
students with material, and to help them make up their progress lag.
The opportunity is under-utilized due to a number of reasons some of
which have to do with marketing of summer sessions, its business
model and the mismatch between organization of summer sessions
and time-to-degree as an institutional objective.
…Summer sessions limited offerings or interfering with internships etc.
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Transfer Students: Degree Type
...One factor impeding completion in four years may be the situation of
transfer students. These students need to meet the minimum unit
requirement for graduation, 180 units. A maximum of 105 units may be
transferred, leaving 75 units to graduate. Spread out over six quarters,
this would require an average of 12.5 units per quarter, slightly more
than minimum progress.
…Many of our students are transfer students and it takes them a few
quarters to get a hang of the intensity of the quarter system which
means they fail a few courses.
…. we support the idea of selective major review of transfer students in
ba & bs
… no selective major review for its transfer applicants.
…many of our students are currently those who have transferred from
other UC Davis majors or are transfer students from community
college. The biggest impediment we currently see is that some of these
students may not have completed lower division requirements (e.g.,
organic chemistry, calculus) prior to their third year which cuts into the
upper division requirements. This is especially true of transfer students
from community college, who will need to make up some deficiencies.
This may then result in an extra 1-2 quarters at UC Davis.
…Students who take longer than normal are often transfer students
who arrived without sufficient preparation in lower-level courses.
…The high number of transfer students received, which mean that
some students have very tight schedules in which they could possibly
complete courses, especially courses offered in alternate years, or
which regularly become full because of limitations on lab space or
places on required field trips.
…Transfer advising is key as well - when transfer students arrive
without enough basic introductory science courses (preferably
including physics, calculus, biology, chemistry and organic chemistry) it
is a real problem to get them through on time.
…Transfer students coming in unprepared and with few courses
towards their intended degree.
…Transfer students that arrive unprepared with the prerequisites
required for the major.
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Internships: Degree Type
...Students wanting to participate in an internship, study abroad or the
UC Washington program and/or similar programs. Sometimes students
want to participate in two or three programs.
…students choosing to participate in valuable co-curricular experiences
ba & bs
…Coops/internships during academic year tuition cost forces students
to work part time.
…Internships and co-ops during the academic year
…Many … students work in internships during the quarter and
therefore do not take as many units per quarter as might be needed to
complete the degree in 4 years.
…Students elect to spend additional terms (more than would be
required to graduate) due to internship opportunities or a strong
passion for their undergraduate field of study.
…Students elect to spend additional terms due to internship
opportunities or a strong passion for their undergraduate field of study
beyond the minimum requirements.
…Travel abroad or internship participation slow them down Financial
problems (students often work too much, take time off from
…A large number of our students pursue undergraduate research,
practical training experience (internships and coops). The … faculty
wish to go on record as strongly opposing any policies that would
influence time to degree at the cost of penalizing students’ ability to
participate in practical training experiences, which we view as crucial to
producing industry ready engineers to meet 21st century challenges.
…In order for our students to be competitive for acceptance into post-
baccalaureate programs in the health profession of dietetics, students
are expected to have multiple internship and other volunteer positions.
….This career-related experiential learning is very valuable to enrich
their university experience, and positions our students to successfully
compete for the highly sought post-baccalaureate positions
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Protecting GPA: Degree Type
….Students not wanting to take more than 3 classes per quarter
because they feel the course load is too rigorous for them and they are
concerned about their GPA for graduate or professional schools. ….
…Many of our students are pre-professional with a significant number
of students focused towards veterinary medicine… students tend to
repeat courses to improve grades.
…Some …. students, who are pre-med (or other pre-health professional
school bound) will delay completing their degree in four years to take
lighter loads that enable them to study for the MCATs, gain extra
clinical experience, and maintain higher GPAs.
…Some students elect to lighten their load by distribution over longer
time to degree.
…students choosing to take fewer units each quarter (for better
…Students make choices that affect progress. Students will delay taking
a course if they perceive an instructor is hard, or if the course is not
offered at an optimal time. Students will also drop classes they are not
doing well in, or inappropriately use "incompletes". Students do not
take full advantage of advising to ensure they are staying on track.
…Students make choices that affect progress. Students will delay taking
a course if they perceive an instructor is hard, or if the course is not
offered at an optimal time. Students will also drop classes they are not
doing well in, or inappropriately use "incompletes". Students do not
take full advantage of advising to ensure they are staying on track.
…students not wanting to take more than 3 classes per quarter
because they feel it is too much for them and they are concerned
about their GPA for graduate or professional schools.
…Students underperform in high-enrollment classes (e.g. BIS, CHE, PHY,
MAT) and sometimes retake those classes to get a better grade.
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Faculty Size: Degree Type
…Only so many .. upper division courses can be offered at a given time.
…The chief impediment for timely graduation is the small size of
the...faculty. ...Anticipated new faculty budget lines will be offset by
anticipated retirements and will not change this situation.
…The impediments faced by our majors deal with our inability to meet
student demand with our small faculty size.
…We need more TAs, which would allow us to offer larger classes
(assuming we can even get the classrooms to do so) AND more FTE.
…..insufficient numbers of qualified teaching staff, insufficient support
staff (including advising staff--one person for a total of 750 majors in
the Department) and the corresponding necessary resources. 4
…Insufficient faculty numbers relative to size of major.
…Lack of TA support to offer additional class sections.
…There is a lack of faculty and TAs for our courses.
Resources: Degree Type
…There seems to be agreement that we need more resources, but
disagreement about whether those resources should come from DSS or
upper campus. It is very frustrating.
…Despite the very high enrollments, .... has the highest student:TA
ratio in DSS (specifically, 250:1 in lecture courses), such that students
have very limited opportunity to meet with TAs for review and support.
Again, an increased instructional budget is needed to reduce that ratio
so that we can hire more TAs and provide the undergraduate students
with the necessary levels of support to foster their successful
completion of courses in a timely manner.
ba & bs
…The instructional budget for .... is insufficient to mount our program
at the levels needed by the students. For many classes, we can offer
only one or two sections with very high enrollment in a given quarter,
which provides little flexibility for students' schedules. We need to hire
7 to 10 more faculty to meet demands, bringing our department to 52
to 55 FTE, or our budget for hiring lecturers needs to be increased
substantially, so that we can offer more sections with smaller
ba & bs
….. While the department has taken every measure to ensure that
students can get into the classes they need in order to stay on their
four-year plan, this trend is not sustainable without significant
infrastructure support (e.g. laboratory space, equipment and
instrumentation, faculty, staff, and TA support).
…Not having the resources, both the faculty and the large classrooms,
to provide as many offerings or as large offerings as we would like.
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
19 | Page
…The … department is willing to offer additional sections and/or
quarters of our courses in high demand, but will need additional
resources in order to do so.
…The necessary upper division labs are expensive, and we run them at
a considerable loss under the current budget model.
…We have implemented as a pilot a summer preparatory course to
qualify more of the incoming freshmen to enter freshman chemistry on
time …. but even if they qualify we probably won't have places to put
many of them.
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
20 | Page
Double Majors: Degree Type
...Students choosing to complete a double major or additional minor ….
….students who are double majors are frequently stymied by
inconsistencies between different UCD schools' unit requirements…..
...Many of the …majors choose to double major. Often, it is their
second major or the fact that they are combining majors that impacts
the graduation rate.
…..students delayed graduation by choice to complete a minor, double
major, study abroad or take extra courses that were not required.
…A large number of our students pursue dual majors, minors, The …
faculty wish to go on record as strongly opposing any policies that
would influence time to degree at the cost of penalizing students’
ability to participate in practical training experiences, which we view as
crucial to producing industry ready engineers to meet 21st century
…Many.. students double major or add a minor, which slows them
down Insufficient course offerings (need to offer some courses each
…Some students elect double majors or time intensive minors.
Hesitancy to Complete Degree: Degree Type
...it has been the experience our undergraduate faculty advisers that
not many students seem to make graduation in four years a high
…A general misunderstanding exists among undergraduates that there
are no consequences in taking extra time to complete a degree.
…Students also are hesitant to leave the university (angst to find a job,
no clear prospective of what comes next, study abroad opportunities
etc.) even though they have fulfilled all necessary classwork.
…Students at UC Davis tend to enjoy living in Davis, which means they
often stay longer than four years.
…students choosing to take fewer units each quarter (for better
…students in no hurry to graduate
UC Davis Four Year Completion Initiative: Phase One Summary March 7, 2016
21 | Page
vising: Degree Type
…Although mandatory advising appears to work well for the freshman,
older students often have trouble making an appointment during this
ba & bs
….students’ progress towards their degree could be considerably
accelerated via improved advising to freshmen to help them have a
smooth transition to the university.
…Insufficient advising and teaching assistant resources:
…Lack of mandatory advising
…One of the most serious challenges to achieving a 4-year graduation
in the….. major involves internal advising of its students
ack of Preparedness of International Students: Degree Type
…Many of our students are international students with an inadequate
understanding of the English language.
…We are getting an increasing number of international students as
majors. However, many of them have inadequate English language
proficiency. As a result, they struggle in our upper division courses,
particularly with writing assignments.
…English as Second Language students facing challenges to English
reading and writing comprehension,
Lack of Prerequisite Checking in Lower Division Math and Physics Classes: Degree Type
…Inadequate preparation due to lack of prerequisite enforcement
primarily in lower division math and physics series.
…Students earning grades less than C- in lower division math and
physics series and moving on (prerequisites are not checked in math
and physics)
eneral Education Requirements: Degree Type
…Large general education course requirement.
…One way to increase student completion rates is require fewer GE
classes and let them begin taking upper div classes earlier.
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Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 1
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
In October 2015 the Academic Senate Chair requested that all academic departments involve
their faculty in identifying factors that impede undergraduate degree completion within four
years for major programs within their department. Departments were invited to consider factors
that may exist at the department, college, or campus level. By March 2016, as requested,
departments submitted a wealth of information about factors that they view as impeding timely
progress to an undergraduate degree.
Challenge: Establish a Roadmap for Remedial Action and Actionable
At the Senate Chair’s request, staff leaders from Institutional Analysis (Budget and Institutional
Analysis) and the Center for Educational Effectiveness (Office of the Vice Provost and Dean,
Undergraduate Education) have reviewed the departmental responses, summarized and
categorized them, and prioritized them for action or further analysis. The white paper that
follows recommends a roadmap for activities to (1) asses and quantify the relationship between
the identified obstacles and the four-year graduation rate and (2) identify and pursue remedial
actions. In general terms, the proposed roadmap is guided by the principle that action and
analysis are interdependent and should proceed in close iteration. Essentially, the purpose of
analysis should always be to guide action and policythere is no analysis for its own sake.
Suggested specific priorities follow.
Proposed Principles to Guide the Roadmap
Priority 1: Identify and enable near-term actions that have high potential to improve--or
avoid erosion of--retention and graduation rates. Analysis is focused on guiding the
implementation of actions to address KNOWN obstacles by methods that have been
proven to work either at UC Davis or elsewhere;
Priority 2: Concurrent with priority 1 actions, if possible, begin or continue analytical
work that will have an intermediate term payoff of more clearly identifying or confirming
suspected obstacles and quantifying their impact; evaluate the impact of specific
curricular and co-curricular interventions already in progress, with the aim of improving
them; continue to build and roll out systems that will provide data needed to address
more complex matters of student behavior (prerequisite checking, Degree Works).
Priority 3: As new data and analytics systems become available, open new projects to
address suspected obstacles that require analytical efforts/data beyond what is currently
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 2
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
Proposed Roadmap by Priority
Priority 1
Obstacle 1A: Lack of classrooms/lack of space for TA discussions and support
activities/lack of curriculum scheduling coordination across departments:
students can’t find seats in courses they need for minimum progress
students don’t have sufficient discussion section opportunities to master course
lack of curriculum coordination between departments leads to student curriculum
choices that cause delays (only partially addressed here in its course-scheduling
manifestationsee also priority 3)
Perhaps the most immediate short-term threat to the progress UC Davis has made with
respect to its 4-year graduation rate is the gap between student classroom seat demand
engendered by the steep increase in enrollment mandated by the state for Fall 2016 and
Fall 2017this at a time when our new classroom construction efforts are one to two years
away from fruition.
Efforts are underway to temporarily augment our complement of general use classrooms in
order to bridge the gap [Undergraduate Education]. Applied analytics are needed to guide
this and further efforts. The following are proposed:
1. Seat demand projection by course and coordination of wait list management
require immediate improvement. Short-term (Fall 2016 and continuing )
April 2016: Analytical effort is underway needed to assess and inform dialog with the
Associate Deans about what more is necessary for Fall of 2016 and prepare for
freshman seat release. [BIA/Registrar]
July-December 2016: Develop an upper division seat demand prediction model by
course (focus on upper division laboratory courses?). Implement and discuss
implications with the Associate Deans, department chairs, and department/campus
space planners. [BIA/Registrar]
2. Wait list analysis and management/coordination of response among
UE/BIA/Associate Deans/Department Chairs. Short- and medium-term (Fall 2016
and continuing.)
May-December 2016: This is less a matter of analysis and more a matter of
organizational discipline and coordination. Analytically speaking, a more nimble way to
view waitlists and compare them to historical dynamics would be useful. Degree Works,
Ad Astra and other tools that the Registrar is acquiring/integrating with the SIS will help
with this. Organizationally speaking, we may need an experienced faculty hand or group
of them on point to regularly review evolving wait lists and work with the associate deans
and department chair to address emerging hot spots. [UE/BIA/Registrar]
Attachment #2
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 3
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
3. Enable operations analysis of room schedulingoptimization of scheduled
subject to multiple constraints. Course scheduling could be improved by acquisition
and application of analytical software that interfaces with the existing course scheduling
system to allow optimization of room scheduling subject to a multiple constraints
(including prerequisites, co-requisites, courses commonly taken together or in a well-
defined sequence).
July 2016 through June 2017: The Registrar has pointed out that a software plug-in is
available that would assist with this. Acquire and install the software. Work with
associate deans and department chairs to model known pain points and test possible
approaches. [UE/BIA/Registrar]
Obstacle 1B: Students consider factors other than time to completion in optimizing their
course taking behavior:
students take fewer units to improve grades
students take fewer courses/units to keep their schedule academically easier for
other reasonswork, extracurricular activities, just not in a hurry
students pursue two or more majors, minors
students make poor (time-costly) course choicessimply bad choices or
advising-related issues (not enough advisors, not enough properly trained
Students take extra (not required) courses
Students take external (non-UC Davis) courses
These issues must be approached with sensitivity to students’ individual circumstances and
most likely in multiple stages. For example, many students must work to pay fees and living
expenses. Quite understandably, they adjust their academic schedule accordingly. While
the need to work might be addressed in the long run by changes in the University’s financial
aid and tuition practices, it would seem that the short term challenge is to meet these
students where they areto help them bring time to degree back into their optimization
equation through sound advising and co-curricular support. Another approach might be to
work in more focused way with students who do not have these challengesto help them
improve time to degree potentially through enhanced expectations/requirements for
minimum/cumulative academic progress (or more active enforcement of existing
Difficult issues abound herebut other UC campuses arguably have faced these issues and
surmounted them. One of our immediate analytical tasks should be to learn all we can
from them and determine how their practices might inform ours. Much to be avoided, for
example, is any appearance of stigmatizing students as academically slow and thereby
creating self-fulfilling prophecies. Certainly there is the potential of doing harm by sacrificing
enrichment activities (study abroad, extended internships, meaningful work experience) on
the altar of time to degree. Yet at least two of our sister campuses, UC Irving and UC Santa
Barbara, with similar student bodies facing similar challenges, seem to have surmounted
these challenges and have gone on to achieve four year graduation rates in the high 60
percent range. Therefore, we propose:
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 4
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
1. Learn what we can about minimum/cumulative progress policies and advising
practices from UC Santa Barbara and UC Irvine.
Summer and Fall 2016. Engage in a multi-session, structured dialog with academic and
administrative leadership at UCI and UCSB, focusing broadly on their efforts to increase
four-year graduation rates, and in particular on their policies and advising procedures
with respect to minimum and cumulative academic progress. Evaluate their policies and
practices and report out to the UC Davis community about conforming changes that
might help in our situation. Note that something similar to this exercise has occurred
several times in the UC Davis past with little notable result. A concerted, action oriented
partnership between Senate and Administration will be required to move this from talk to
action. [Academic Senate, UE, Student Affairs, BIA]
2. Assess: Does average # of unit taken per quarter affect GPA? Fall 2016 [UE, BIA]
3. Assess Impact of two or more majors and minors on time to degree
Summer 2016. Substantial work has been done by BIA on the time to degree impact of
double majors. This does not seem to be a factor. Review and confirm this work.
Assess feasibility of doing similar work for minorsbut IF minors seem to be a factor,
and intervention is deemed desirable, may not be able to effectively intervene with
respect to minors until the Degree Works system is in place. UE will use its Department
Diagnostic Tool to get metrics out to the departments by summer’s end. Please see
below for an approach to the issue of switching majors or adding a major late. [BIA/UE]
Priority 2
Obstacle 2A: Students arrive at UC Davis underprepared for the curricula.
Students lose time or do not graduate because are not adequately prepared;
Student lose time or do not graduate because their lack of writing and other
English communication skills results in poor performance;
Transfer students arrive missing key courses, or do not have enough experience
in coursework that is core to their major
1. Assess/quantify/understand impact of workload and ESL on graduation rate.
Provide information to advisors, chairs, associate deans about prevalence of
workload and ESL course taking among their majors.
July 2016 ongoing. Design and execute analysis to understand the impact of workload
and ESL on graduation rate. What proportion of students participate in these courses?
How much does participation in these courses affect graduate rates? How does
participation in these courses affect time to degree (what specific course-taking
dynamics cause delays)? Should include analysis of student progress patterns AND
student focus groups. Ideally should be done in a praxis loop with program development
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 5
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
under item 2, belowthe point of this analysis is to guide interventions.
[BIA/UE/Student Affairs]
2. Continue to evolve interventions: Pre-enrollment (summer) academies? ALEKS
and similar prep systems? Co-curricular interventions (SASC, SA retention
initiatives)? Summer strategies for continuing students (if catch up and
acceleration are the aimare we providing the right financial support, the right
July 2016 ongoing. Design and execute organization-embedded feedback loops such
that there is a dynamic collaboration between (1) advisors, student services
professionals, and faculty who collaborating to produce interventions that help
underprepared students succeed and make timely progress and (2) analytical
practitioners. This collaboration should include planning and design of new programs
and evaluation of existing programs. [Student Affairs/UE/BIA].
Summer 2016 ongoing. UE is seeing good evidence that ALEKS works for chemistry,
and ALEKS will be expanded to full scale for chemistry this summer. Math will begin to
experiment with ALEKS this coming summer and fall.
3. Develop analytical approaches to identifying progress obstacles in transfer
pathways and partner with practitioners seeking to create multi-segment
approaches to addressing obstacles.
July 2016 June 2017. Pursue Koret/Intel-sponsored study of CCC to UC pathways for
engineering students. UE will develop a generic model for students in other disciplines
as part of this work. [UE, Student Affairs, BIA]
Obstacle 2B: Students don’t receive advising early enough in their undergraduate years;
don’t declare double majors until late in their undergraduate years.
Summer 2016. Review data from L&S mandatory freshman advising to see if it has
made a difference in first-year outcomes, particularly for students deemed to be “at risk.”
We will have to wait to see about a longer-term difference. [UE/BIA]
Obstacle 2C: Students get into academic difficulty and academic probation.
June 2016-July 2017. Assess the impact of academic probation on completion metrics
(Summer 2016). Assess factors that may lead to academic probation and develop a
predictive tool to identify students likely to have academic difficulty BEFORE it happens
(October 2016-May 2017). Work with the Academic Senate and Student Affairs to
develop non-stigmatic ways and means of early intervention. [UE/Student Affairs/BIA]
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Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
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Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
Obstacle 2D: Students take too few hard prerequisite courses
June 2016-July 2017. Assess: Does number of hard courses taken influence completion
metrics (retention, time to degree, graduation rate, protecting gpa)? Requires an
operational definition of “hard”—Undergraduate Education is in the process of working
with students and faculty to define “hard.” [UE]
Obstacle 2E: Internships, courses abroad, and the Washington D.C. program can slow
students down.
June 2016-July 2018. Assess: What is the net impact of these programs on the
undergraduate student experience? On time to degree, gpa, post-graduation
employment and education outcomes? If we find that these experiences slow students
down, but improve other outcomes, what will we dofor example, how might we better
integrate them into students’ degree pathways? Courses abroad and DC programs
likely will be evaluated before December 2016. Data on internship participation will take
much longer to collect and evaluate. [UE/Global Affairs/ICC/Student Affairs/BIA]
Obstacle 2F: Students repeat courses or drop courses to improve a grade.
June 2016-July 2017. Assess relationship to time to degree and impact on gpa. Add to
Department Diagnostic Dashboard. Consider implications of policy changes. [UE,
Academic Senate]
Priority 3
Obstacle 3A: The GE program slows students down.
There is insufficient access to lower division GE courses (Too few courses?
Courses not offered often enoughlimited offering of key courses?)
Breadth requirements are excessive?
June 2017-July 2018. Reassess the overall availability of seats in GE courses with
respect to student demand. This could be done earlier, if necessary/desirablebut it is
not a terribly helpful metric. Using data in OASIS/Degree Works, assess patterns of GE
course taking that may indicate that particular courses or topical breadth areas may be
impacted or otherwise problematic. Look for other student circumstances (workload
courses, ESL, for example) that may be correlated with delays in fulfilling GE
requirements. [UE, BIA]
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
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Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
Obstacle 3B: Double majors and major changes slow students down.
June 2017-July 2018. Assess whether the timing of declaring a second major has an
impact on completion metrics. However, conclusive evidence may not emerge until
Degree Works is implementedthere is anecdotal evidence that students start down the
path to a double major well before they declare. Assess whether timing of a major
change has an impact on completion metricscontinue work by BIA and UE in this
regard. [BIA/UE]
Obstacles 3C: Socioeconomic distress and personal circumstances slow students
down. Some causes include:
20-plus hours of work
Health crises, both physica and mental
Experiences of barriers to social or academic engagement, including experiences
of exclusion
June 2017-July 2018. Continue efforts in Student Affairs and Undergraduate Education
to evaluate the effectives of co-curricular and other student support programs with
respect to time to degree and other metrics of student success. Review data from
UCUES and exit surveys to gain further insights from students. [Student Affairs/UE/BIA]
Obstacle 3D: Prerequisites-related issues:
There are too many prerequisites
Some key prerequisites are not offered frequently enoughthis may cause students to
take courses out of sequence and lead to adverse outcomes.
June 2017-June2018. Assess these issues after prerequisite clean up and prerequisite
checking are in place. [UE, Academic Senate]
Obstacle 3E: Lack of curricular coordination between departments slows student
downcourses not available when needed for optimal progress.
June 2017-2018. Evaluate when Degree Works and prerequisite checking are in place.
Likely will require interdepartmental faculty focus groups to define articulation issues
[UE/Academic Senate]
Obstacle 3F: Students have insufficient exposure to small discussion sections. This
results in sub-optimal mastery of course material. This is sometimes characterized in
terms of inability to hire sufficient numbers of TAs (suboptimal resource allocation
priorities), or too many students per TA on a course by course basis.
Undergraduate Student Success
Graduation Rate and Time to Degree
An Analytical/Practical Roadmap--DRAFT Page 8
Budget and Institutional Analysis April 15, 2016
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
July 2016-June 2017. Work with department chairs and Academic Senate to more fully
understand the pain points. This is difficult. A lot of descriptive data exists and can be
communicated to departments and decision makers (# of TAs by course, student/TA
ratio, department or course comparisons to disciplinary norms). However, a meaningful
discussion requires diving into how TAs are used, instructional resource allocation
priorities/decisions, and TA preparation/training/effectiveness. There is much variability
around campus with respect to all, and the tools for working through improvements are
in the hands of deans, department chairs and faculty to a substantial degree. [UE/BIA]
Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
# of Sections, Su
4/17/2016 C:\Users\aknoesen\Box Sync\Academic Senate 2015-2016\Executive Council\April\Guarenteed-2-go summer-2016
Attachment #3
Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
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Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
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Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
4/17/2016 C:\Users\aknoesen\Box Sync\Academic Senate 2015-2016\Executive Council\April\Guarenteed-2-go summer-2016
Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
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Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
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Guaranteed-to-Go Summer 2016 Courses
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Annual Budget Meeting
March 18, 2016
UC Davis Team: Chancellor Katehi
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph Hexter
Davis Division Chair André Knoesen
Vice Chancellor and CFO Dave Lawlor
Chief of Staff Karl Engelbach
Sr. Associate Vice Chancellor Kelly Ratliff
Attachment #4
Today’s agenda
1. Financial Health
2. Revenue growth and efficiencies
3. Student Success programs and metrics
4. Faculty Diversity
5. Capital and DM Planning
6. Campus Vision
UC Davis Campus Goals Recap
Improve Time-to-Degree
increase four-year rate from 55%
to at least 75%
Four-year rate for most recent cohort increased to 58%. Most recent six-year rate was an all
time high of 85%.
Number of first year and undeclared students receiving advising
Number of academic advisors and participation rates in training programs
Improve financial health and
financial tracking
Implement multi-year forecasting models and Capital Improvement Master Plan; track
financial results against model
Implement Financial Sustainability Action Plan achieve $250M recurring
Increase Research awards to $1 Billion annually
Sustain and increase philanthropic
Dollars raised, number of visits, number of donors ($115M to-date towards $200M goal)
Plan and launch second comprehensive campaign
Strengthen Diversity and Inclusion Improve faculty, staff and student diversity
Complete Strategic Plan by June 2016 and proceed with implementation
Achieve HSI designation by 2018-19
Develop framework for University
of 21
Receive and analyze Big Ideas 192 received and 50 under active review
Develop concept plans for Davis-X and additional campus
Complete LRDP for 2017-2027
Sustained excellence in health
system programs
Complete Strategic Plan in 2016
Financial health metrics
University of the 21
Focus on Financial Health
Clear financial principles
Multi-year, all funds framework
New tools:
o Economic model tracking debt and financial ratios
o Quarterly sources and uses reporting for each
school, college and division
o Quarterly CFO Financial Results Report
o Capital Improvement Master Plan and
comprehensive Deferred Maintenance Plan
Campus Finances
201516 Revenues:
$4.3 Billion
Financial Health
Sustain net position during period of investment
Financial Health Economic Model
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Actuals Model Model Model Model Model
Campus Revenues and Other Income (selected rows)
Student Tuition and Fees, net $460,452 $493,500 $544,200 $590,800 $631,600 $665,900
State Educational Appropriations 375,120 389,600 404,100 418,600 429,300 440,100
Federal Grants and Contracts 283,823 289,800 304,300 319,500 335,500 352,300
Indirect Cost Return 120,220 123,500 128,000 132,700 137,600 142,700
Educational Activities, net 400,558 414,800 433,700 450,900 465,600 479,000
Private funds and Auxiliary 213,015 221,600 230,400 241,500 249,500 257,500
General Campus Revenues $2,278,902 $2,367,860 $2,500,660 $2,620,360 $2,724,960 $2,822,960
Campus Expenses and Other Uses (selected rows)
Salaries and Wages $1,202,514 $1,254,300 $1,325,500 $1,389,800 $1,445,600 $1,497,000
Benefits 445,758 472,700 503,800 536,400 566,400 595,200
All other expenses and transfers 509,757 524,100 545,700 565,500 577,200 582,000
Capital Debt Service 81,288 82,800 82,200 86,000 85,300 83,600
General Campus Expenses 2,239,317$ 2,333,900$ 2,460,300$ 2,587,400$ 2,688,100$ 2,775,800$
Campus Net Available for Investment $39,585 $33,960 $40,360 $32,960 $36,860 $47,160
Medical Center
Total Operating Revenue 1,723,966$ 1,774,492$ 1,863,536$ 1,956,730$ 2,054,584$ 2,157,037$
Total Operating Expenses 1,688,974 1,746,126 1,824,402 1,922,007 2,047,975 2,106,809
Net Non-Operating Revenue 11,622 5,843 7,874 9,539 9,975 12,524
Medical Center Net Income 46,614$ 34,209$ 47,008$ 44,262$ 16,584$ 62,752$
Local financial management
tool with cross-walk to financial
Parameter driven modeling for
revenue, expenses and other
cash flow items
Financial Health
Selected Units
(amounts in millions)
of Funds
Uses of
Investments or
other use of
Net Budgeted
Agriculture &
Environ. Sciences
$139.4 $139.4 $0 none planned $0 $111.0
Biological Sciences $60.0 $67.2 ($7.2) $9.7 $2.5 $40.0
Law $33.1 $36.0 ($2.9) $2.9 $0 $0.13
University Extension $35.4 $34.9 $0.5 none planned $0.5 $11.5
$41.5 $42.5 ($1.0) $0.6 ($0.4) $1.4
Library $25.6 $26.4 ($0.8) $0.8 $0 $0.3
Full report available in appendix
Budgets and planned use of reserves for each unit set by July 1
Units report actuals quarterly to ensure accountability
Financial Sustainability Action Plan (FSAP)
Goal of >$250M in Annual Recurring Funds at maturity to
reinvest in academic programs
Focused attention and aggressive communication to engage
and inspire faculty, staff and students
o Masters enrollment reinvigorated incentives
o Research growth growth in awards to $1 Billion
o Fundraising continue building for next campaign
o Strategic Sourcing and related efficiencies
o Building energy usage
Campus Update
Educating California and the World
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC San Diego
UC Berkeley
UC Santa Barbara
UC Riverside
UC Santa Cruz
UC Merced
UC Davis has had the most CA undergraduates of any UC since 2010
(Fall 2015 data)
Commitment to Diversity
School of Medicine Class of 2019
63% women, largest in history
55% disadvantaged backgrounds
46% URM
CA&ES Fall 2015 Incoming Class
68% female
28% URM (up from 21% in 2011)
56% tenure-track faculty are female
Commitment to Diversity Women in STEM
Most Women Undergraduate
STEM Majors in UC 8,066
Highest Percentage of Women
STEM Majors 54%
Most URM Women in STEM Majors 1,853
Through ADVANCE-CAMPOS Initiative,
10 new Latina STEM faculty hires, 100% retention
Expanding CAMPOS Initiative adding resources
for 16 African-American faculty starting in 2016
Commitment to Diversity Faculty Hiring
Total Hires % Women % People of Color % Hispanic % African American
2011-12 47 34% 36% 4% 6%
2012-13 59 36% 36% 9% 0%
2013-14 58 48% 38% 12% 5%
2014-15 84 51% 27% 11% 4%
2015-16 109 46% 24% 12% 4%
Totals 357 44% 31% 10% 4%
Notes about Faculty Hiring:
In last five years, Increase in proportion of total women faculty from 31% to 35%
In last five years, doubled number of Security of Employment faculty – from 16 to 31
In next five years, will hire about 600 faculty total including about 170 net-new positions
Commitment to Faculty Equity Initiative
Problem to address
o Faculty making good academic progress with off-scale salary below the average
of their peers.
o Predominantly occurred for faculty hired over 10 years ago.
o Algorithm using strictly objective criteria developed to compute individual
inequity ($) and apportion available funds to move low off-scale salaries toward
the average.
o Broad support from Academic Senate.
o 1.5% + 1% = 2.5% of total salary in individual academic units and salary scales
used for ladder-rank equity adjustments.
o Calculations centrally performed and done separately for individual academic
units and salary scales.
Successful Results
o About half of faculty received equity.
o Average off-scale salaries increased 10%
to 46% in colleges and 8% to 58% in
o Variation in off-scale salaries declined
28% to 49% in colleges and 19% to 42% in
o Off-scale salaries moved ~75% towards
the average
o Envisioning a multi-year program
Commitment to Faculty Equity Initiative
Strategic Plan by June 2016
Chaired by Adela de la Torre, VC for Student Affairs
and Campus Diversity
Diversity Profile elevated and added to VC portfolio this year
Academic Senate will review and update all GE
course offerings in domestic diversity by end of
Summer 2016
HSI Initiative progressing anticipate achieving
status by 2018-19
Fall 2015 = 19% Hispanic, full-time undergraduates
Graduate student advisors added in fall 2014
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Commitment to Student Success Time-to-Degree
Goal: Improve four year rate from 55% to at least 75%
Actions to date:
Enhance advising
- Mandatory first year advising, more
advisors, clock for undeclared majors
- More advisors with better tools – $4.0
million investment
Clear curricular pathways
- Undergraduate Major Curriculum
Review 100% complete
- More small classes, more writing and
ESL classes$4.0 million investment
- Hybrid and online courses
Advance excellence in instruction
- Faculty Instructional Development
- Teaching assistant training
- Adaptive learning strategies and tools
Commitment to Student Success Time-to-Degree Initiatives
Expand summer opportunities
- Guaranteed-to-go Courses (~300) and 700 total courses
- Adding $1.9 million financial aid specifically for summer program
- Expect to serve over 2,000 more students compared to 2015
Enhance/expand retention programs
- Retention centers/initiatives for African-American, Native
American, Chicana/o and Latina/o, and Asian/Pacific Islander
- Broaden diversity of honors
Enhance classroom technology and physical infrastructure
- Invest $1.5 million annually to improve the technology and
existing physical infrastructure of the general use classrooms
- Multiple projects to increase classroom capacity are underway
83% of students responded that their participation in the Center
has greatly increased their resolve to earn a college degree
69% of students indicated that the center has helped them
greatly in coping with academic and financial difficulties.
In collaboration with the Immigration Legal Clinic, the Centers
legal fellow saw 220 student cases last year.
UndocuAlly Program over 200 faculty, staff, and graduate
students successfully completed program
High utilization of Mentorship and Professional Development
Program, addressing employment options, graduate and
professional school opportunities, study abroad opportunities,
and academic support resources.
2015-16 Budget ~$753,000. Campus invested funds to amplify
Presidential Initiative funds.
Commitment to Student Success
AB540 and Undocumented Student Center
Capital Program Update
Capital Improvement Master Plan
Comprehensive 10-year Plan
$4.5 Billion need identified
$2.4 Billion capacity demonstrated by
financial modeling
Financial Health drives plan
Portfolio approach with debt, gifts and
Aggressive approach for construction
timelines and costs
Ensure maximum utilization of existing space
and consider alternatives where possible (e.g.,
telecommuting, hospital beds)
Deferred Maintenance Master Plan
Davis is the largest physical campus with most
complex set of facilities and infrastructure
Backlog of $1.3 billion identified using Sightlines
study in 2012
Principles and multi-prong strategy will guide
o Commitment to funding maintenance for all new and
renovated facilities “stop the bleeding”
o Disciplined long-term view with 6, 10 and 20 year
o Secure funding from multiple sources including
campus resources of $90 million from Century Bond
Partnership with OP for funding and nimble
approval process is critical
Health System
UC Davis Medical Center
Leapfrog A-grade for patient safety four consecutive years
Leapfrog Top Hospital three consecutive reporting periods
Seismic challenges ($160M+ of projects to assure safety
and compliance)
Betty Irene Moore Hall- under construction
Home of Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
$50M university debt financing; 70,000 sq ft
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
Successful National Cancer Institute site visit earlier this
University of the 21
Engagement and Outreach
Strategic Vision
- Davis-X
- Big Ideas
Action Plan
academic mission
-$2B capital projects
- Under discussion
Big Ideas
Transformational, single-concept ideas
Build on strengths, interdisciplinary
o 192 unique ideas received
o 49 ideas have been reviewed; 7 have moved to whitepaper stage and 2
whitepapers are complete
o 143 to be discussed at the March and April Campaign Steering
Committee meetings; extremely high quality submissions
o Strong showing from the sciences, especially around: Mind/Brain/
Neuroscience, Stem Cells/Regenerative Cures, Water/Sustainability,
Cancer, One Health, Pain Management
Thank you!