June 2, 2023
Paul Erickson
Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
RE: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Degree Requirements
Enclosed is a copy of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degree requirements as approved by
Graduate Council on June 2, 2023. These degree requirements are now the revised, official document
for the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and will be posted to the Office of Graduate Studies
program webpage: https://grad.ucdavis.edu/programs/gmae.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of graduate education.
Jeffrey Schank
Chair, Graduate Council
c: Jasmine Bonite, Director of Policy and Programs, Graduate Studies
Will Angel, Project Policy Analyst, Graduate Studies
Duncan Temple Lang, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Graduate Studies
Melany Miners, Graduate Program Coordinator, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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Graduate Program in Mechanical and Aerospace
Revised: April 11, 2023
Graduate Council Approval: June 2, 2023
Consideration for program admission requires a bachelor’s degree, three letters of
recommendation, official transcripts, GRE scores, TOEFL or IELTS score (if applicable) and Office
of Graduate Studies application with fee by the stated admission deadline. A minimum GPA of 3.0
is required. Applicants to the MS program should also have a GRE Verbal percentage of at least
60%, a GRE Quantitative percentage of 80% and an Analytical Writing percentage of at least 50%.
However, admissions decisions are made on a case-by case basis. Meeting some or all of these
criteria does not guarantee admission, but is merely for eligibility.
The decision to recommend admission to the Dean of Graduate Studies will be made by the
Program Admissions Committee on the basis of available space and the competitiveness of
applicants compared to the eligible pool.
There are no formal prerequisites for admission. However, applicants not holding a B.S. in
Mechanical and/or Aerospace Engineering (MAE) are required to work with their Major Professor to
determine appropriate undergraduate courses to complete to ensure proficiency in Engineering
Analysis and other fundamental engineering topics relevant to their research. A list of topics and
associated courses offered at UC Davis can be found in the table:
Engineering Analysis
MAT 21ABCD Calculus
MAT 22A Linear Algebra
MAT 22BDifferential Equations
ENG 102 - Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics
ENG 103- Fluid Mechanics
EME 106 Thermo-Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
EME 165 Introduction to Heat Transfer
Strength of Materials
ENG 104Mechanics of Materials
EME 150A Mechanical Design
EAE 135 Aerospace Structures
System Dynamics and Control
EME 171 – Analysis, Simulation & Design of
Mechatronic Systems
EME 172 Automatic Control of Engineering
ENG 105Thermodynamics
EME 106 Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
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Course deficiencies should be made up by the end of the first year of enrollment by earning a letter
grade of “B” or better. None of these prerequisite courses may be counted towards the graduate
program requirements.
The Program offers the following degrees:
Master of Science, with thesis (Plan I)
Master of Science, with capstone Project (Plan II) or with capstone Literature Synthesis (Plan
Students must develop their plan of study in consultation with their major professor (Plan I, or Plan
II with Project option) or coursework advisor (Plan II with Literature Synthesis option).
No course that was required for, or used towards completion of another degree (BS/MS, etc.) at UC
Davis or another institution, can be used towards the requirements for this degree.
Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units per quarter to be considered in full-time status. Two
six-week summer sessions may be counted as the equivalent of one regular quarter for purposes of
satisfying the residency requirement if a minimum of two units are taken in each summer session.
The 12 units can be made up of required coursework, seminar (MAE 297), and research units (MAE
290C and 299). Per UC regulations, students should not ordinarily enroll in more than 12 units of
graduate level courses (200) or more than 16 units of combined undergraduate and graduate level
(100, 200, 300) courses per quarter.
The distribution of course credits for the three MS options is summarized in the table below.
Course credit distribution for the MS options
MS Plan I
MS Plan II- Project
MS Plan II- Literature
Total Letter-graded
Minimum letter-
graded graduate
level coursework
Minimum MAE
course credits
Minimum College of
Engineering (COE)
course credits
MAE297 seminar
MAE 299 research
MAE 290C
Total credits
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This plan requires a minimum of 38 credit units, which are divided into letter-graded course credits,
and thesis research and seminar credits. This Plan requires more units than the UC Davis
minimum, which are: 30 units of graduate and upper division courses (the 100 and 200 series only),
at least 12 of which must be graduate work in the major field.
At least 24 credits should come from letter-graded coursework. Out of the 24 credits of coursework,
a minimum of 20 units should be at the graduate level. The remaining 4 units of required letter-
graded coursework may be satisfied with graduate or upper division undergraduate coursework in
engineering or any other field that is relevant to the student’s research (e.g. mathematics, biology,
etc.). A minimum of 12 units must be letter-graded graduate courses in MAE, and a minimum of 20
units should be taken within the College of Engineering.
In addition to letter-graded course credits, an individual thesis is required. Students need to be
enrolled in a minimum of 3 MAE 290C graduate research conference units and 9 MAE 299C
research units under their thesis advisor’s section. Requirements associated with the thesis are
described in section 7. Students are also required to take a minimum of 2 MAE297 seminar credits.
This plan requires a minimum of 38 credit units, which are divided into letter-graded course credits,
and project research and seminar credits. This plan requires more units than the UC Davis
minimum, which are: 36 units of graduate and upper division courses (the 100 and 200 series only),
at least 12 of which must be graduate work in the major field.
At least 32 credits should come from letter-graded coursework. Out of the 32 credits of coursework,
a minimum of 28 units should be at the graduate level. The remaining 4 units of required letter-
graded coursework may be satisfied with graduate or upper division undergraduate coursework in
engineering or any other field that is relevant to the student’s research (e.g. mathematics, biology,
etc.). If a course was used towards a BS degree from any institution, it cannot be counted towards
the remaining 4 units. A minimum of 20 credit units must be letter-graded graduate courses in MAE,
and a minimum of 28 units should be taken within the College of Engineering.
In addition to letter-graded course credits, an individual capstone project is required. Students need
enroll in a minimum of 1 MAE 290C graduate research conference unit and 3 MAE 299C research
units under their project advisor’s section. Requirements associated with the project are described
in section 7. Students are also required to take a minimum of 2 MAE297 seminar credits.
This plan requires a minimum of 38 credit units, which are divided into letter-graded course credits
and seminar credits. This plan requires more units than the UC Davis minimum, which are: 36 units
of graduate and upper division courses (the 100 and 200 series only), at least 12 of which must be
graduate work in the major field.
At least 36 credits should come from letter-graded coursework. Out of the 36 credits of coursework,
a minimum of 32 units should be at the graduate level. The remaining 4 units of required letter-
graded coursework may be satisfied with graduate or upper division undergraduate coursework in
engineering or any other field that is relevant to the student’s research (e.g. mathematics, biology,
etc.). If a course was used towards a BS degree from any institution, it cannot be counted towards
the remaining 4 units. A minimum of 20 credit units must be letter-graded graduate courses in MAE,
and a minimum of 28 units should be taken within the College of Engineering.
In addition to letter-graded course credits, an individual capstone literature synthesis is required.
Students need to be enrolled in a minimum of 1 MAE 290C graduate research conference credit
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under their advisor’s section during the quarter when they complete the literature synthesis.
Requirements associated with the literature synthesis are described in section 7. Students are also
required to take a minimum of 1 MAE297 seminar credit.
English language requirement: Students who have not obtained a previous degree at an
approved English-medium institution or demonstrated English-language proficiency through an
appropriate exam (e.g. TOEFL) are required to complete appropriate English-language courses, as
described in the policy Graduate Student Course Requirements English as Second Language
). Courses taken in satisfaction of this requirement do not count towards the units
required for graduation.
Once the completed application package, including all supporting materials and the application fee
have been received, the application will be submitted to the Admissions Committee. The
Admissions Committee consists of the Graduate Advisor for Admissions (Chair of the Committee)
and two Graduate Program members who are appointed by the Program Chair.
The role of the Admissions Committee is to review each entire application and to make a
recommendation to accept or decline an applicant’s request for admission. That recommendation is
forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies for final approval. Notifications of admission decisions
are sent to the applicants by the Office of Graduate Studies. The priority admission deadline is
typically December 15 of the previous calendar year for the next Fall entering class. No applications
are accepted after the final admission deadline. Prospective applicants are advised to consult the
website of the Office of Graduate Studies (gradstudies.ucdavis.edu) for current application
The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) comprises the Chair of the MAE Graduate
Program/Department (Chair of the committee), the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students, the
Graduate Advisor for Admissions, and at least two Graduate Program faculty members who are
appointed by the Program Chair, and a student representative. The Graduate Program coordinator
is a member of the committee. The Graduate Program Coordinator and student representative are
non-voting members.
The Graduate Studies Committee provides guidance to the MAE Graduate Program faculty on
curricular and student matters. Specifically, the MAE GSC performs the following functions:
1. Steers the Program by ensuring a robust and consistent offering of graduate level courses.
The Committee
a. advises faculty on development of new courses or reconstitution of existing courses
b. provides a structure/process by which new graduate course offerings or existing
graduate course offerings are evaluated
c. makes recommendations regarding degree requirements and drafts changes to the
degree requirements and by-laws for consideration of the Program faculty
2. Evaluates current size of the Program and develops recommendations to Program faculty
on potential programmatic changes to accommodate growth plans
3. Reviews graduate student petitions
4. Appoints standing and ad-hoc committees as necessary to properly administer the activities
of the Program
Although there is no guidance committee for the MS degree, students are expected to develop their
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plan of study through the advisement of the major professor (for MS Plan I and MS Plan II
Capstone Project) or coursework advisor (MS Plan II- Capstone Literature Synthesis) and the
Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students who approves it by signing the MS Advancement to
Candidacy form. Master’s students must file an Application for Advancement to Candidacy with the
Office of Graduate Studies after completion of at least one-half of the degree requirements and at
least one quarter before completion of all requirements. For students with an overall GPA below 3.0
at the time of application for advancement to candidacy, the application may only be submitted if the
GPA is close enough to 3.0 that successful completion of coursework at the end of the quarter
during which the application is filed will bring the student above the required GPA minimum of 3.0.
In consultation with their major professor and graduate advisor, students identify three faculty
members to serve on their Thesis Committee (Plan I). The major professor is the Chair of the
committee and must be a member of the MAE Graduate Program. The other two committee
members may come from any Engineering Graduate Program, and one member may come from
outside Engineering if this individual has a special interest and expertise in the thesis topic. It is
possible, under some circumstances, to suggest a committee member from outside UC Davis.
Typically, this individual would have special expertise and/or qualifications that cannot be duplicated
on campus. In this case, an External Committee Membership form must be submitted for approval.
These nominations are submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies for formal appointment in
accordance with Graduate Council policy (GC1998-01
The role of the Thesis Committee is to advise the student on the research topic and methods, and
then to review the final completed thesis for acceptance. Students are expected to meet with the
Chair of their thesis committee regularly. Thesis committee members are expected to read and
comment on a thesis within four weeks from its submission. This time limit policy does not apply to
summer periods for faculty holding nine-month appointments. The student and faculty will
coordinate a timeline for the student to present the thesis to the thesis committee.
This timeline must allow all thesis committee members enough time to fulfill their responsibilities
within the four-week deadline.
The Plan II-Capstone Project Committee consists of three faculty members in the MAE Graduate
Program, including the student’s Major Professor or Advisor for Coursework. The major professor
(or Advisor for Coursework) is the Chair of the project committee. There is a provision where one of
the three Program faculty members of the committee can be replaced by an external member. Such
external committee members can be substituted with approval of the Chair of the Graduate
Program. Only one of the committee members may be from outside the MAE Graduate Program,
and should be from another Engineering Graduate Program. It is possible, under some
circumstances, to suggest a committee member from outside UC Davis. Typically, this individual
would have special expertise and/or qualifications that cannot be duplicated on campus. In this
case, an External Committee Membership form must be submitted for approval.
The role of the Plan II-Capstone Project Committee is to review the capstone project report, and
provide a recommendation of whether the student earned a passing score on the capstone report,
as described in Section 7b.
The Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students is a resource for all graduate students in the
Program to provide information and advising on academic requirements, policies and procedures.
The Graduate Advisor’s signature is the only signature recognized as official by the Office of
Graduate Studies on a variety of petitions and forms used by graduate students. In particular, the
Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students is responsible for the following: a) serves on the MAE
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Graduate Study Committee & TA Selection Committee; b) handles all Office of Graduate Studies
and MAE program forms; c) performs periodic review of student progress toward degree objectives;
d) enforces MAE Graduate Procedures and Requirements; e) has responsibility for the content of
MAE Graduate Program Web Pages; and f) assists the Graduate Advisor for Admissions in Block
Grant allocation decisions. The Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students is available for
consultation by direct appointment.
Graduate Advisor for Admissions (Admissions chair ):The Graduate Advisor for Admissions a)
chairs the MAE Graduate Admissions Committee;
b) serves on the MAE Graduate Study Committee & TA Selection Committee; c) is responsible for
new student recruitment; d) is responsible for allocating Graduate Program Fellowship funds, in
consultation with the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students; and e) approves change of major,
change of degree objective and readmission applications.
Initial faculty advisor: The initial faculty advisor serves as a temporary advisor to the student until
the student finds a permanent Major Professor (faculty advisor). Each student is assigned, upon
admission, an initial faculty contact by the Graduate Advisor for Admissions. The initial advisor
advises the student on coursework and guides the student in finding a permanent Major Professor.
The Graduate Program Coordinator must be notified if the student finds a permanent Major
Professor who is different from the initial faculty contact. Note that the permanent Major Professor
should agree to mentor the student.
Major Professor (faculty advisor): The Major Professor is the faculty member who assists the
student in preparing a detailed study program and who supervises the research that forms the basis
for the thesis or dissertation. The Major Professor’s responsibilities include to: a) assist the student
with preparation of program of study; b) supervise student thesis or dissertation research; c) assign
a grade for MAE-299 (research) and MAE-290C (research conference) units; d) serve as the
chairperson of the thesis or dissertation committee; and e) provide a formal assessment of the
student’s progress toward degree requirements on an annual basis. One of the most critical
decisions in a graduate student’s career is the selection of a Major Professor (Thesis Advisor). The
selection of a Major Professor and a research topic requires careful thought because the
thesis/dissertation research is the principal activity of a graduate student and often defines the
future career directions of the student. Each student is assigned an initial faculty contact upon
admission. The Graduate Program Coordinator must be notified if the student decides on a Major
Professor who is different from the initial faculty contact. The Major Professor must be a member of
the MAE Graduate Program.
The Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program has adopted the UC Davis Graduate
Council Mentoring Guidelines and has posted them on the website
Every student must file an official application for Candidacy for the Master’s Degree and pay the
candidacy fee after completing one-half of their course requirements and at least one quarter before
completing all degree requirements. The Candidacy for the Degree of Master form can be found
online at: http://www.gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/forms/
. A completed form includes a list of courses
the student will take to complete degree requirements. If changes must be made to the student’s
course plan after advancement to candidacy, the Graduate Advisor must recommend these
changes to the Office of Graduate Studies. Students must have their Graduate Advisor and thesis
committee Chair sign the candidacy form before it can be submitted to the Office of Graduate
Studies. If the candidacy is approved, the Office of Graduate Studies will send a copy to the Thesis
Committee Chair, the appropriate graduate staff person, and the student. If the Office of Graduate
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Studies determines that a student is not eligible for advancement, the graduate program and the
student will be told the reasons for the application’s deferral. Examples of reasons for deferring an
application include: grade point average below 3.0, outstanding “I” grades in required courses, or
insufficient units.
Students in the MS program are expected to advance to candidacy in their 3
quarter. Students
having to make-up deficiencies are expected to advance to candidacy in their 4
The candidate and major professor should meet with the other members of the thesis committee to
discuss progress and any changes in research objectives, as needed.
Research for the thesis is to be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member of the
program and should represent an original contribution to knowledge in the field. The thesis research
must be conducted while the student is enrolled in the program. The student, in consultation with
and final approval by the thesis committee decides the thesis topic, length, format, scope
requirements and research breadth. While it is expected that the thesis will include high-quality
research that can be published in articles, there is no minimum number of articles that are required
to be published before the thesis is completed. The thesis is submitted to the thesis committee at
least one month before the student plans to make requested revisions. All committee members
have four weeks to review the thesis (GC1998-01
). All committee members must approve the thesis
and sign the title page before the thesis is submitted to Graduate Studies for final approval. Should
the committee determine that the thesis is unacceptable, even with substantial revisions, the
program may recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies that the student be disqualified from the
The deadlines for completing this requirement are listed each quarter in the campus General
Catalog (available online at the website of the Office of the Registrar or from the Bookstore). A
candidate must be a registered student or in Filing Fee status at the time of filing a thesis, with the
exception of the summer period between the end of the Spring Quarter and the beginning of Fall
The MAE Graduate Program adheres to the regulations instituted by the Office of Graduate Studies
Fulfillment of the Capstone Project is the last requirement of the M.S. Plan II. The Capstone
Technical Project and Report Option or Capstone Literature Synthesis Option must be selected by
the student.
Capstone Technical Project and Report Option
The student’s major professor and the other members of the exam committee will decide on what
constitutes an appropriate topic for this project and report. The technical project and report
examines the application of the concepts and methods from various courses taken by the student
during their MS Plan II program. The project and technical report is to be designed and written
under the direction of the major professor who must be a member of the graduate program. This
project differs from a Plan 1 project in that it is more limited in length and scope, and may or may
not include original research. This short technical project, generally not requiring more than one
quarter of work serves as a basis for the technical report.
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Capstone Literature Synthesis Option
The Major Professor or the Initial Advisor will serve as the student’s advisor for coursework.
Fulfillment of the Literature Synthesis is the last requirement of the M.S. Plan II Capstone-Literature
Synthesis option. The student will work independently on the synthesis based on the guidelines set
by the program over a period of three or more weeks, but not exceeding one quarter.
The capstone literature synthesis option examines the application of the concepts and methods
from various courses taken by the student during their MS Plan II program. Literature synthesis
consists of a cohesive summary and discussion of a minimum of 3 archival papers in the chosen
field. Sections should include an abstract, introduction and background, methods, results and
discussion, and conclusions. Clear integration of results amongst the papers, discussion of the
results, and identifying gaps for areas of new research are key aspects of the synthesis. The length
should be no more than 15 pages, including figures, with a minimum length of 10 pages (single
spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font).
The student’s exam committee will review the report (project report or literature synthesis) within 4
weeks and provide a recommendation of whether the student earned a passing score. The Exam
committee’s unanimous vote is required to pass a student on the project report. If the exam
committee’s vote is not unanimous it will be forwarded to the Graduate Advisor for Continuing
Students for review and a decision on the result. If a student does not pass, the committee may
recommend that the student submit an amended version of the report. The amended report must be
submitted within one quarter of the first report. The report may not be amended more than once. A
student who does not pass on the second attempt is subject to disqualification from further graduate
work in the program. Disqualification recommendations are reviewed by the Program’s Graduate
Studies Committee and must be approved, when a quorum is established, by a simple majority vote
of the program faculty members which may lead to a recommendation to the Dean of Graduate
Studies that the student be disqualified from the MAE MS program.
Once passed, the Master’s Report form is signed by the Program Graduate Advisor and then
forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies. The deadlines for completing this requirement are
listed each quarter in the campus General Catalog (available online at the website of the Office of
the Registrar). A candidate must be a registered student or in Filing Fee status at the time the
program submits the form, with the exception of the summer period between the end of the Spring
Quarter and the beginning of Fall Quarter. The program must file the report with Graduate Studies
within one week of the end of the quarter in which the student’s degree will be conferred.
Normative Time is the elapsed time, calculated to the nearest quarter, that students would need to
complete all requirements for the degree, assuming that they are engaged in full-time study and
making adequate progress. There are two parts to Normative Time: Normative Time to
Advancement to Candidacy and Normative Time in Candidacy. For Plan I, Normative Time in
Candidacy represents the number of quarters that are recommended for completion of the thesis.
Students who enter without a BS degree in Mechanical and/or Aerospace Science and Engineering
may need additional time.
Normative Time to Advancement to Candidacy: 3 quarters
Normative Time to Degree: 6 quarters
Normative Time to Advancement to Candidacy: 3 quarters
Normative Time to Degree: 4 quarters
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Full-time students in the M.S. program are expected to broadly adhere to the following timeline. The
numbers indicate the consecutive quarter of enrollment:
Plan I
Plan II-
Take coursework 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Select Faculty Research Advisor or Project Mentor (if
different than assigned advisor)
2 2
Select a Master’s Thesis committee (Plan I) 2 n/a
File an Application for Candidacy which includes a
plan of study
3 3
Submit the Plan II project (Plan II) n/a 4
File a Master’s Exam Report Form Plan II n/a 4
Complete the thesis, gain approval from the
committee and submit to the Office of Graduate
Studies (Plan I)
6 n/a
Funding is provided in the following forms: Departmental Fellowships, Graduate Student Research
Assistantships (GSR), Teaching Assistantships (TA), Reader positions.
The Planned Educational Leave Program is designed to allow students to suspend their programs of
study for good cause to leave the campus, and to be guaranteed the right to return later to resume
academic work with a minimum of procedural difficulty. Examples of good cause for PELP include
illness, temporary departure from the University for employment or research away from campus,
preparing for examinations if doing so at a distance from campus, under financial hardship, or with
otherwise prohibitive personal problems. PELP is recommended for those students who are certain
of the quarter in which they plan to return and who are intending to be away no longer than three
quarters. If a student is not certain of the return date, filing an Application for Readmission is
suggested instead.
Students on PELP cannot Advance to Candidacy (for either the M.S. or Ph.D.), take the
Comprehensive Examination, or file a thesis until they have returned from PELP to registered status.
More information about PELP can be found in the Graduate Student Guide:
Information about In Absentia status (reduced fees when researching out of state) can be found
in the Graduate Student Guide: http://www.gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/publications/
Normally, candidates for the MS Plan I degree will file a final approved copy of their thesis with the
Office of Graduate Studies during their final quarter of residence on campus, and candidates for the
MS Plan II degree will submit a final comprehensive exam to their comprehensive exam committee
during their final quarter of residence on campus. Filing Fee status is designed for MS students who
have completed all other requirements (such as coursework, laboratory work/research, preparation
of the thesis, and have Advanced to Candidacy), and who may not require an additional quarter in
residence to prepare the final thesis or dissertation manuscript. In this case, filing fee would replace
regular registration. Students on filing fee are expected to make no demands upon faculty time other
than the time involved in reading the thesis or grading the comprehensive examination.
A student must have been in full-time residence for a minimum of 3 quarters to be eligible. A student
will be allowed to stay on filing fee for a maximum of 1 quarter. An extension of an additional quarter
is possible under unusual and compelling circumstances, but is rarely approved by Graduate
Studies. In order to be a registered student again after being on filing fee status, it will be necessary
to file a Readmission application. Please note that a student is expected to graduate once the filing
fee period has elapsed. Students in non-registered status, such as Filing Fee, will be allowed one
quarter of employment without request for exception.
Exceptions beyond this one-quarter period are rarely granted.
More information about Filing Fee status can be found in the Graduate Student Guide:
Filing Fee application
To apply for filing fee status, a student must submit the filing fee request form with the Major
Professor’s signature to the Graduate Program Coordinator. Accompanying this form must be the
College of Engineering Supplemental Filing Fee signature form with signatures of all members of the
committee stating that they have read a draft of the thesis or dissertation. The student will be
charged a one-time fee. The completed form, with appropriate signatures and payment, must be
submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by no later than the first day of the quarter filing fee is to
become effective.
Consideration for program admission requires a bachelor’s degree, three letters of recommendation,
official transcripts, GRE scores, TOEFL or IELTS score (if applicable) and Office of Graduate
Studies application with fee by the stated admission deadline. Admission to graduate standing
normally requires a minimum of 3.5 (out of 4.0) GPA including a minimum of
3.5 (out of 4.0) for all coursework taken in a completed master’s program. The applicant should also
have a GRE Verbal percentage of at least 60%, a GRE Quantitative percentage of 80% and an
Analytical Writing percentage of at least 50%. However, admissions decisions are made on a case-
by case basis. Meeting some or all of these criteria does not guarantee admission, but is merely for
eligibility. The decision to recommend admission to the Dean of Graduate Studies will be made by
the Program Admissions Committee on the basis of available space and the competitiveness of
applicants compared to the eligible pool. A master’s degree is not required as a prerequisite for the
doctoral degree. For current MAE master’s students, completion of the M.S. requirements does not
guarantee admission to the Ph.D. program; a change of degree objective form must be submitted for
There are no formal prerequisites for admission. However, applicants not holding a B.S. in
Mechanical and/or Aerospace Engineering (MAE) are required to work with their major professor to
determine appropriate undergraduate courses to complete to ensure proficiency in Engineering
Analysis and two other fundamental engineering topics relevant to their dissertation research and
preliminary exams. A list of topics and associated courses offered at UC Davis can be found in the
Engineering Analysis
MAT 21ABCD Calculus
MAT 22A Linear Algebra
MAT 22BDifferential Equations
ENG 102 - Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics
ENG 103- Fluid Mechanics
EME 106 Thermo-Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
EME 165 Introduction to Heat Transfer
Strength of Materials
ENG 104Mechanics of Materials
EME 150A Mechanical Design
EAE 135 Aerospace Structures
System Dynamics and Control
EME 171 – Analysis, Simulation & Design of
Mechatronic Systems
EME 172 Automatic Control of Engineering
ENG 105Thermodynamics
EME 106 Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
Course deficiencies should be made up by the time an applicant takes the preliminary exams by
auditing the course or earning a letter grade of B” or better. Proficiency will be demonstrated by the
student when they pass their preliminary exams. None of these prerequisite courses may be
counted towards the graduate program requirements.
The only dissertation plan offered is Plan B as described under Section 520 of the Davis Division
Academic Senate Regulations. It includes a required three-member (minimum) dissertation
committee, an optional final oral examination (made on an individual student basis by the dissertation
committee), and a required exit seminar.
** No course that was required for, or used towards completion of an undergraduate degree or
another Doctoral degree at UC Davis or another institution, can be used towards the
requirements for this degree.
a) Primary and Secondary Areas Coursework
b) A Doctoral Program of Study must contain a minimum of 48 units of coursework taken
on a letter grade basis for students entering the program. Of these 48 units at least 24
must be graduate courses (200 level) taken at UC Davis in MAE. At least 40 units must
be earned in graduate level courses. Letter-graded courses taken during a Master’s
program, either at UCD or elsewhere can be part of the 48 unit total if these courses fit
the proposed program of study. A minimum of 3 units of MAE 297 Seminar is required
after completion of the Master’s degree from any institution and before advancing to
candidacy. Students admitted directly into the doctoral program after the B.S. degree are
required to complete at least 5 units of MAE 297. Students with a Master’s degree from
a different institution are required to complete 3 units of MAE 297.
Minimum Coursework Requirements for PhD Students
PhD without prior MS
PhD with prior MS
Total Letter-graded
Minimum letter-
graded graduate
level coursework
Minimum MAE
course credits
MAE297 seminar
MAE 299 research
As needed
As needed
MAE 290C
As needed
As needed
Total Minimum
The 48 units of required coursework are divided between a 24-unit primary area of study and two
complementary 12-unit secondary areas of study, or alternatively, between a 32-unit primary area of
study and with one complementary 16-unit secondary area of study. These units are exclusive of
seminar and research units. Each student selects a primary field of study and either one or two
secondary fields of study. Primary and secondary fields should be selected from the following tracks:
Aerospace; Biomechanical Engineering; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Controls and Mechatronics;
Design, Manufacturing, and Materials; Dynamics and Design of Mechanical Systems; Energy
Systems; Micro and Nanotechnology; and Thermo/Fluids. However, in order to provide some
flexibility in tailoring doctoral programs that meet interdisciplinary objectives, it is possible, on an
exceptional basis, for students to define, in concert with their guidance committee, primary and
secondary fields of study outside this list.
These defined primary and secondary fields of study are subject to the approval of the Program’s
Advisor for Continuing Students. The Program of Study may not be approved if the primary and
secondary fields are too closely related or if some fields are so loosely defined that the courses lack
cohesiveness. Students must develop their plan of study in consultation with their course guidance
committee (Section 5c).
Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units per quarter to be considered as in full-time status. Two
six-week summer sessions may collectively be counted as the equivalent of one regular quarter for
purpose of satisfying the residency requirement if a minimum of two units are taken in each summer
session. Residence for the MS degree at UC Davis can be used to satisfy the residency
requirements for a doctoral degree.
Students must meet the English as Second Language requirement, if applicable. This policy can be
found on the UC Davis Graduate Studies website. Coursework taken for English as Second
Language requirements cannot be used toward the degrees.
Once the completed application package, including all supporting material, and the application fee
have been received, the application will be submitted to the Admissions Committee. The Admissions
Committee consists of the Graduate Advisor for Admissions (Chair of the Committee) and two
Graduate Program members who are appointed by the Program Chair.
The role of the Admissions Committee is to review each entire application and to make a
recommendation to accept or decline an applicant’s request for admission. That recommendation is
forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies for final approval. Notifications of admission decisions
are sent to the applicants by the Office of Graduate Studies. The priority admission deadline is
typically December 15 of the previous year for the next Fall entering class. No applications are
accepted after the final admission deadline which is April 1. Prospective applicants are advised to
consult the website of the Office of Graduate Studies (gradstudies.ucdavis.edu) for other application
The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) comprises the Chair of the MAE Graduate Program (Chair
of the committee), the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students, the Graduate Advisor for
Admissions, and at least two Graduate Program faculty members who are appointed by the Program
Chair, and a student representative. The Graduate Program coordinator is a member of the
committee. The Graduate Program Coordinator and student representative are non-voting members.
The Graduate Studies Committee provides guidance to the MAE Graduate Program faculty on
curricular and student matters. Specifically, the MAE GSC performs the following functions:
1. Steers the Program by ensuring a robust and consistent offering of graduate level courses.
The Committee
a. advises faculty on development of new courses or reconstitution of existing courses
b. provides a structure/process by which new graduate course offerings or existing
graduate course offerings are evaluated
c. makes recommendations regarding degree requirements and drafts changes to the
degree requirements and by-laws for consideration of the Program faculty
2. Evaluates current size of the Program and develops recommendations to Program faculty on
potential programmatic changes to accommodate growth plans
3. Reviews graduate student petitions
4. Appoints standing and ad-hoc committees as necessary to properly administer the activities
of the Program
A doctoral student must declare the Ph.D. Guidance Committee within one quarter after passing the
Ph.D. Preliminary Examination. This committee is chaired by the Major Professor and is made up of
at least two other members. The majority of this committee must be members of the MAE Graduate
Program. These may be, and usually are, the same faculty members who eventually become
members of the student’s Dissertation Committee. All faculty who are members of the UC Davis
Academic Senate are automatically eligible to serve on doctoral guidance committees. Eligibility of
non-members of the UC Davis Academic Senate for service on a Doctoral Guidance Committee,
and all committees herein, is subject to the Graduate
Council Policy on Service on Advanced
Degree Committees (GC1998-01). If eligible, the appointment of these individuals must also be
approved by the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students
The responsibility of this committee is to guide the student through their program of study until the
PhD Qualifying Examination is taken. These members sign their approval of the coursework on the
Ph.D. Program of Study form within one quarter of passing the Ph.D. Preliminary Examination.
Each subject of the PhD Preliminary Exam is written by a committee of three faculty members, each
with a selected Chair. These committees are selected by the Graduate Advisor for Continuing
Students. (See Section 8a for detailed information on the PhD Preliminary Examination).
In consultation with their major professor and graduate advisor, students identify faculty members to
serve on the Examination Committee. The committee consists of five members, with the majority
being members of the MAE Graduate Program. One member external to MAE is required. The
doctoral student’s Major Professor (Research Advisor) may not be a member of the Qualifying
Examination committee. These nominations are submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by the
Graduate Advisor for formal appointment in accordance with Graduate Council policy (DDB
80.Graduate Council, B.1.).
The Dissertation Committee is a three-member committee selected by the student, in consultation
with the Major Professor. The majority of the committee should be from MAE. The composition of the
dissertation committee is entered on the Advancement to Candidacy Form, which is submitted to
Graduate Studies. The Dissertation Committee is appointed by Graduate Studies in accordance with
policies of the Graduate Council.
The role of the Dissertation Committee is to advise the doctoral student on the research topic and
methods, and then to review the final completed dissertation for acceptance. The Committee
Chairperson (usually the Major Professor) should determine the desires of the individual members
regarding assistance with the research and dissertation review at the time the dissertation committee
is constituted. Students are expected to meet with the Chair of their dissertation committee regularly.
Dissertation committee members are expected to read and comment on a dissertation within four
weeks from its submission. This time limit policy does not apply to summer periods for faculty
holding nine-month appointments. The student and faculty will coordinate a timeline for the student
to present the thesis to the dissertation committee. This timeline must allow all dissertation
committee members enough time to fulfill their responsibilities within the four-week deadline.
Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students: The Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students is a
resource for all graduate students in the Program to provide information and advising on academic
requirements, policies and procedures. The Graduate Advisor’s signature is the only signature
recognized as official by the Office of Graduate Studies on a variety of petitions and forms used by
graduate students. In particular, the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students is responsible for the
following; a) serving on the MAE Graduate Study Committee & TA Selection Committee; b) handling
all Office of Graduate Studies and MAE Program forms; c) performing periodic review of student
progress toward degree objectives; d) enforcing MAE Graduate Procedures and Requirements;
e) maintaining the content of MAE Graduate Program Web Pages and f) assisting the Graduate
Advisor for Admissions in Block Grant allocation decisions. The Graduate Advisor for Continuing
Students is available for consultation by direct appointment.
Graduate Advisor for Admissions (Admissions Chair): The Graduate Advisor for Admissions a) chairs
the MAE Graduate Admissions Committee;
b) serves on the MAE Graduate Study Committee & TA Selection Committee; c) is responsible for
new student recruitment; d) allocates Graduate Program Fellowship funds; and e) approves change
of major, change of degree objective and readmission applications.
Initial faculty advisor: The initial faculty advisor serves as a temporary advisor to the student until
the student finds a permanent Major Professor (faculty advisor). Each student is assigned an initial
faculty contact upon admission by the Graduate Advisor for Admissions. The initial advisor advises
the student on coursework and guides the student in finding a permanent Major Professor. The
Graduate Program Coordinator must be notified if the student finds a permanent Major Professor
who is different from the initial faculty contact. Note that the permanent Major Professor should
agree to mentor the student.
Major Professor (faculty advisor): The Major Professor (faculty advisor) is the faculty member who
assists the student in preparing a detailed study program and who supervises the research that
forms the basis for the thesis or dissertation. The major professor is responsible for a) assisting the
student with preparation of Program of Study; b) supervising student thesis or dissertation research;
c) assigning a grade for MAE-299 (research) and MAE-290C (research conference) units; d) serving
as the chairperson of the thesis or dissertation committee; and e) providing a formal assessment of
the student’s progress toward degree requirements on an annual basis. One of the most critical
decisions in a graduate student’s career is the selection of a Major Professor (Dissertation Advisor).
The selection of a Major Professor and a research topic requires careful thought because the
thesis/dissertation research is the principal activity of a graduate student and often defines the future
career directions of the student. Each student is assigned an initial faculty contact upon admission.
The Graduate Program Coordinator must be notified if the student decides on a Major Professor who
is different from the initial faculty contact. The Major Professor must be a member of the MAE
Graduate Program.
The Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program has adopted the UC Davis Graduate
Council Mentoring Guidelines and has posted them on the website
The student is eligible for Advancement to Candidacy after successful completion of all graduate
program degree requirements and after passing the Qualifying Examination. The student must file
the appropriate paperwork with the Office of Graduate Studies and pay the candidacy fee in order to
be officially promoted to Ph.D. Candidacy. A student on academic probation is not eligible to
advance to candidacy. Students entering the doctoral program with a BS only are expected to
advance to candidacy in their 8
quarter. Students entering the doctoral program with a MS with
Thesis (Plan I) are expected to advance to candidacy in their 6
quarter. Students entering the
doctoral program with a MS with Thesis (Plan II) are expected to advance to candidacy in their 7
The Preliminary Examination is the first evaluation of doctoral students by the graduate program
membership. The objectives of this evaluation are to determine the probability of a student
successfully completing the doctoral program and to test the student’s understanding of fundamental
concepts in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the upper division undergraduate level. All
doctoral students in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering are required to take the Preliminary
Students who have passed the Mechanical Engineering-specific Fundamentals of Engineering (FE-
Mechanical Engineering) Exam administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering
and Surveying (NCEES) (https://ncees.org/engineering/fe/) are exempt from taking the preliminary
examination. If opting for this exemption, proof of successful completion of the must be submitted to
the Graduate Program before the first offering of the preliminary exam. Beyond those administered
by NCEES, there are no limitations regarding attempts or timing for exercising this exemption.
One session of the PhD Preliminary Examination is offered each year in the Spring quarter. All
students entering the doctoral program are required to take the exam at the first opportunity.
Candidates must take three subject exams. Engineering analysis is required of all, and candidates
must choose two other subjects from the following: Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer,
Strength of Materials, System Dynamics and Controls, and Thermodynamics. The examination is
based on material normally covered in these subject areas in upper division undergraduate courses.
Outlines of material and past exam questions are available. Each subject exam is administered by a
committee consisting of three faculty members of the Graduate program and comprises a mandatory
written component and an optional oral catch-up component.
In order to pass the PhD Preliminary Examination, candidates must obtain a passing grade in each
subject. Candidates who pass all three written subject exams on their first attempt have passed the
PhD Preliminary Examination. If a candidate fails in the written exam in their first attempt at the
preliminary exam, the candidate may or may not be invited for an oral examination. The failure
threshold for the written problems and invitation to the oral exam will be decided by the faculty in the
preliminary exam committee. If the candidate fails in the written exam in their second attempt at the
preliminary exam, the candidate will be given a chance to take the oral examination.
Failure to obtain a passing grade in all three subjects after the second attempt will lead to a
recommendation to the Dean of Graduate Studies that the student be disqualified from the MAE
doctoral program. Disqualification recommendations are reviewed by the Program Graduate Studies
committee and must be approved by a vote of the program faculty members.
Candidates must be registered during the quarter taking the preliminary exam. Master’s students
who are contemplating doctoral work may also take the preliminary examination before completing
the Master’s program. It is advisable to discuss taking the examination with both the Major Professor
and the Graduate Advisor for Continuing Students. Passing the preliminary examination does not
guarantee admission to the doctoral program.
Successful completion of the Preliminary Examination (or an FE exam exemption) and an
approved Ph.D. Program of Study are prerequisites for taking the Qualifying Examination.
The student must have completed all coursework with a 3.5 GPA and removed all academic
deficiencies before taking the exam.
The qualifying exam may be scheduled during a quarter in which the student is taking the
final 1 or 2 courses in his or her program of study. If that is the case, the student will not be
allowed to advance to candidacy until it can be verified that the student has passed the
courses and thereby satisfied all program requirements.
The Qualifying Examination will consist of written and oral examinations.
A student on academic probation may not take the Qualifying Examination.
Student must be registered the quarter in which they take the exam.
The written research proposal should be provided to members of the committee at least two
weeks prior to the exam. The exam should be taken by the 6
quarter and no later than the
end of the 9th quarter after admission to the Ph.D. program.
Passing this exam makes the student eligible for advancement to candidacy.
(i) Written Component of the Doctoral Qualifying Examination:
The Doctoral Qualifying Examination is essentially a critical review by a committee of examiners of a
student’s research proposal as well as an evaluation of how well the student is prepared to carry out
the proposed research. Sufficient progress on the dissertation to allow the formulation and defense
of a viable research proposal is also required.
The written portion of the exam consists of the research proposal including, but not restricted to, an
independently prepared proposal of up to 15 pages describing the student’s dissertation- specific
research aims, background information and bibliography on the research the student is proposing to
conduct, research objectives, some preliminary results and a plan and preliminary timeline indicating
how and when the research objectives will be met. Furthermore, the research proposal will provide
information that may be discussed during the oral exam. The Research Proposal must include the
signature of the Major Professor (Research Advisor) indicating approval of the Research Proposal.
(ii) Oral Component of the Doctoral Qualifying Examination:
The research proposal is the object of a detailed oral presentation by the candidate to the Qualifying
Exam Committee. This presentation is followed by questions and comments by the members of the
examination committee. The oral portion of the qualifying exam is intended to demonstrate the
student's critical thinking ability, powers of imagination and synthesis, and broad knowledge of the
field of study.
(iii) QE Outcomes
Regardless of the outcome, the QE committee chair shall provide the QE report to Graduate Studies
within 72 hours. The QE committee, having reached a unanimous decision, shall inform the student
of its decision as "Pass" (no conditions may be appended to this decision), "Not Pass" (the Chair's
report should specify whether the student is required to retake all or part of the examination, list any
additional requirements, and state the exact timeline for completion of requirements to achieve a
"Pass") or "Fail". If a unanimous decision takes the form of "Not Pass" or "Fail", the Chair of the QE
committee must include in the report a specific statement, agreed to by all members of the
committee, explaining its decision and must inform the student of its decision. Having received a
"Not Pass", the student may attempt the QE one additional time. After a second examination, a vote
of "Not Pass" is unacceptable; only "Pass" or "Fail" is recognized. Only one retake of the qualifying
examination is allowed. If the committee is unable to reach a unanimous decision, the Chair’s report
to Graduate Studies (within 72 hours) shall include brief statements of the majority and minority
opinions of the committee.
Filing of a Ph.D. dissertation with the Office of Graduate Studies is normally the last requirement
satisfied by the candidate. The deadlines for completing this requirement are listed each quarter in
the campus General Catalog (available online at the website of the Office of the Registrar or from
the Bookstore). A candidate must be a registered student or in Filing Fee status at the time of filing a
dissertation, with the exception of the summer period between the end of the Spring Quarter and the
beginning of Fall Quarter. The student, in consultation with, and final approval by the dissertation
guidance committee decides the dissertation topic, length, format, scope requirements, and research
depth and breadth. While it is expected that the dissertation will include high-quality research that
can be published in articles, there is no minimum number of articles that are required to be published
before the dissertation is completed.
The PhD. Dissertation will be prepared, submitted and filed according to regulations instituted by the
Office of Graduate Studies http://gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/students/filing.html
Satisfaction of this requirement must be verified by the Dissertation Committee Chair.
An exit seminar is required of each candidate. This is a formal public presentation of the student’s
research before the program faculty and students. It is recommended that this presentation take
place during the MAE 297 seminar. The Dissertation Committee will not sign the Dissertation until
after the exit seminar has taken place. Adequate scheduling of the exit seminar is the responsibility
of the student.
Normative Time is the elapsed time, calculated to the nearest quarter, that students would need to
complete all requirements for the degree, assuming that they are engaged in full-time study and
making adequate progress. There are two parts to Normative Time: Normative Time to
Advancement to Candidacy and Normative Time in Candidacy. The first represents the number of
quarters needed to complete all of course requirements and pass any required Preliminary and/or
Qualifying Exams. The second represents the remaining quarters that are recommended for
completion of your dissertation.
Normative Time to Advancement to Candidacy: 8 quarters
Normative Time to Degree: 15 quarters
Normative Time to Advancement to Candidacy: 6 quarters
Normative Time to Degree: 12 quarters
Normative Time to Advancement to Candidacy: 7 quarters
Normative Time to Degree: 13 quarters
The expectation is that full-time students in the Ph.D. program will broadly adhere to the following
timeline. If students enter without a BS in Mechanical and/or Aerospace Science and Engineering,
this timeline may be longer. The number is the consecutive quarter of enrollment:
with BS
with MS I
with MS II
Select Faculty Research Advisor (if different from
assigned advisor)
2 2 2
Complete the Ph.D. Preliminary Examination 2 2 2
Select a Doctoral Guidance Committee 3 3 3
Develop a Ph.D. Program of Study with Doctoral
Guidance Committee (within one quarter of
passing Ph.D. Preliminary Examination)
3 3 3
Select a Qualifying Examination Committee 7 5 6
Submit a research proposal to the Qualifying
Examination Committee and an application for the
exam to the Graduate Program Coordinator; take
the qualifying exam
8 6 7
Select a Dissertation Committee 8 6 7
File an Application to Advance to Candidacy after
passing the Qualifying Examination
8 6 7
Complete the dissertation, receive approval
from the
committee and submit to the Office of Graduate
13 11 12
Schedule an Exit Seminar
14 12 13
Funding is provided in the following forms: Departmental Fellowships, Graduate Student Research
Assistantships (GSR), Teaching Assistantships (TA), Readership positions.
The Planned Educational Leave Program is designed to allow students to suspend their programs of
study for good cause to leave the campus, and to guarantee the right to return later to resume
academic work with a minimum of procedural difficulty. Examples of good cause for PELP include
illness, temporary departure from the University for employment or research away from campus,
preparing for examinations if doing so at a distance from campus, under financial hardship, or with
otherwise prohibitive personal problems. PELP is recommended for those students who are certain
of the quarter in which they plan to return and who intend to be away no longer than three quarters.
If a student is not certain of the return date, filing an Application for Readmission is suggested
Students on PELP cannot Advance to Candidacy (for either the M.S. or Ph.D.), may not take the
Preliminary or Qualifying Examinations or file a dissertation until they have returned from PELP to
registered status. Time spent on PELP is counted towards the three-year limit for Non- Resident
Tuition remission after advancing to candidacy.
More information about PELP can be found in the Graduate Student Guide:
Information about In Absentia status (reduced fees when researching out of state) can be found in
the Graduate Student Guide: http://www.gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/publications/
Normally, candidates for the Ph.D. degree will file a final approved copy of their dissertation with the
Office of Graduate Studies during their final quarter of residence on campus. Filing Fee status is
designed for students who have completed all other requirements (coursework, laboratory
work/research, preparation of the thesis, and have Advanced to Candidacy) and who may not
require an additional quarter in residence to prepare the final thesis or dissertation manuscript. In
this case, filing fee would replace regular registration. It is expected that students on filing fee will
make no demands upon faculty time other than the time involved in reading the thesis.
A student must have been in full time residence for a minimum of 3 quarters to be eligible. A student
will be allowed to stay on filing fee for a maximum of 1 quarter. An extension of an additional quarter
is possible. In order to be a registered student again after being on filing fee status, it will be
necessary to file a Readmission application. Please note that it is expected that a student will
graduate once the filing fee period has elapsed. Students in non-registered status, such as Filing
Fee, will be allowed one quarter of employment without request for exception. Exceptions beyond
this one-quarter period are rarely granted.
More information about Filing Fee status can be found in the Graduate Student Guide:
Filing Fee application
To apply for filing fee status, a student must submit the filing fee request form with the Major
Professor’s signature to the Graduate Program Coordinator. Accompanying this form must be the
College of Engineering Supplemental Filing Fee signature form with signatures of all members of the
committee stating that they have read a draft of the thesis or dissertation. The student will be
charged a one-time fee. The completed form, with appropriate signatures and payment, must be
submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by no later than the first day of the quarter filing fee is to
become effective. A student who has not enrolled in any coursework or has not in any way incurred
registration fees has until the last day of late registration to submit the filing fee application.
Should a student leave the program prior to completing the requirements for the PhD, they may still
be eligible to receive the Masters if they have fulfilled all the requirements and not previously
obtained an MS in the same subject (see Masters section). Students can use the Change of Degree
Objective form available from the Registrar’s Office:
The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department recognizes that PhD and MS students may
request an exception to the Degree Requirements, in consultation with their major advisor, in order
to tailor their program of study to best suit the needs of their studies.
In such circumstances, the student and their major advisor much submit to the Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering’s Graduate Study Committee (GSC):
1) A program of study that includes the proposed coursework. The Course Guidance
Committee and major professor do not have to sign off on the program of study before being
submitted to GSC.
2) A letter of support from the major advisor explaining why the student is requesting an
exception and why they support this request.
Both of these items will be reviewed by GSC. On a case-by-case basis, GSC may request that the
major advisor attend a GSC meeting to present and explain the exception.