UAS Questionnaire July 2021
Request to Use Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Filming Over State Property
(Click here for a full list of guidelines & insurance requirements as stated on the CFC website)
Please allow up to seven (7) business days for the CFC to process requests for film permits that include the
use of drones and be aware that the process will not begin until all required documentation has been
Also note that meeting all qualifications required of a Remote Pilot does not guarantee that permission to fly
a small UAS over State property will be granted. CFC State partners (Caltrans, State Parks, etc.) review
applications on a case-by-case basis and consent or deny requests based on location conditions and specific
agency guidelines.
Date Production Company
Type of Production Production Title
Proposed Film Date(s) Production Contact
Contact’s Cell# Email Address
Location Address Hours of UAS Activity
From [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m. to [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m.
Location Address #2 Hours of UAS Activity
From [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m. to [ ] a.m. [ ] p.m.
UAS Company Primary Contact
Address Cell#
Email Address
Make/Model of Aircraft Registration#
Make/Model of Aircraft Registration#
Total Payload Weight (incl. UAS/camera/additional equipment)
Class of Airspace UAS Activity Will Occur in: B C D E G
Restricted Areas or Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) Within Proposed Time/Area of Operation? Yes No
REMINDER: if you are flying in Class B, C, D or E airspace, ATC authorization is required for all UAS activity.
Part 107 Requirements
Name of Remote Pilot in Command
Remote Pilot’s Phone# Remote Pilot’s Certificate#
If Remote Pilot will not be operating UAS, name of person operating UAS under the direct supervision of
Remote Pilot
Visual Observer Yes No
Please provide the following:
Copy of Remote Pilot Certificate
Copy of Part 47 or Part 48 Registration Certificate for each UAS listed above
Description of planned flight operations, including diagrams, charts and maps as applicable
Certificate of Insurance & Endorsement Copy/screen shot of ATC approval to operate in restricted airspace
For Students Enrolled at an Accredited Educational Institution Operating Under “Hobbyist” Rules
Name of Operator Operator’s Phone#
Name of School
Please provide the following:
Copy of UAS Registration Certification letter from school (on school stationery)
Detailed description of proposed UAS activities Proof of TRUST exam completion
Certificate of Insurance & Endorsement under which you will be operating
See this website for safety guidelines:
All operators must possess a current Airman Certificate and must have passed one of the courses
listed below:
Current Part 61 certificate holders:
o Take the Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Initial (ALC-451) online course
o Available on the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) website for no cost
Part 107 remote pilots who are also certificated and current under Part 61:
o Take the Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Recurrent (ALC -515) online course
o Available on the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) website for no cost
All individuals who hold a Part 107 remote pilot certificate (regardless of currency):
o Take the Part 107 Small UAS Recurrent Non-Part 61 Pilots (ALC-677) online course
o Available on the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) website for no cost
WAIVERS: Please note that students may not apply for FAA waivers. In accordance with new
FAA regulations, we will no longer request or accept waivers for night operations (§107.29), flight
over people (§107.39) or flight over moving vehicles (§107.25). UAS operation under these conditions
is now covered under the standard FAA test.
For Part 107 Remote Pilots: if you are requesting any of the following activities, please check all that
apply and furnish proof of waiver from the FAA upon submission of this document.
Flight altitude restrictions (§107.51)
Operating multiple small UAS (§107.35)
□ 14 CFR Part 107 □ Title 49 (“Hobbyist” Rules) For Students Only
Remote Pilot in Command is responsible for the safe operation of all UAS activities and declares that
he/she will be in compliance with all Part 107 standards and requirements.
Signature of Remote Pilot in Command or Authorized Company Representative
Print Name Title
Student enrolled at an accredited educational institution is responsible for the safe operation of all
UAS activities and declares that he/she will be in compliance with all community-based safety
Signature of Student Operator Print Name
Please scan and upload this completed form to your application along with all accompanying documentation
and also email to CFC’s Permit Department Manager, Eric Klosterman at:
eric.k[email protected]
Best Practices for UAS Operations Over State Property
Although not specified in Part 107 Rules, the CFC suggests the following for optimum safety:
Use of a visual observer.
UAS operator should scout location site(s) of proposed drone activity in advance of filming.
Operator should be at least 21 years of age.
Operator should possess a Motion Picture & Television Operations Manual.
Operator should have previous film set experience.
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