The United States of America and the United Mexican States animated by a sincere desire to
put an end to the calamities of the war which unhappily exists between the two Republics and to
establish Upon a solid basis relations of peace and friendship, which shall confer reciprocal benefits
upon the citizens of both, and assure the concord, harmony, and mutual confidence wherein the two
people should live, as good neighbors have for that purpose appointed their respective
plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States has appointed Nicholas P. Trist, a
citizen of the United States, and the President of the Mexican Republic has appointed Don Luis
Gonzaga Cuevas, Don Bernardo Couto, and Don Miguel Atristain, citizens of the said Republic;
Who, after a reciprocal communication of their respective full powers, have, under the protection of
Almighty God, the author of peace, arranged, agreed upon, and signed the following: Treaty of
Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican
There shall be firm and universal peace between the United States of America and the Mexican
Republic, and between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns, and people, without
exception of places or persons.
Immediately upon the signature of this treaty, a convention shall be entered into between a
commissioner or commissioners appointed by the General-in-chief of the forces of the United States,
and such as may be appointed by the Mexican Government, to the end that a provisional
suspension of hostilities shall take place, and that, in the places occupied by the said forces,
constitutional order may be reestablished, as regards the political, administrative, and judicial
branches, so far as this shall be permitted by the circumstances of military occupation.
Immediately upon the ratification of the present treaty by the Government of the United States,
orders shall be transmitted to the commanders of their land and naval forces, requiring the latter
(provided this treaty shall then have been ratified by the Government of the Mexican Republic, and
the ratifications exchanged) immediately to desist from blockading any Mexican ports and requiring
the former (under the same condition) to commence, at the earliest moment practicable, withdrawing
all troops of the United States then in the interior of the Mexican Republic, to points that shall be
selected by common agreement, at a distance from the seaports not exceeding thirty leagues; and
such evacuation of the interior of the Republic shall be completed with the least possible delay; the
Mexican Government hereby binding itself to afford every facility in its power for rendering the same
convenient to the troops, on their march and in their new positions, and for promoting a good
understanding between them and the inhabitants. In like manner orders shall be despatched to the
persons in charge of the custom houses at all ports occupied by the forces of the United States,
requiring them (under the same condition) immediately to deliver possession of the same to the
persons authorized by the Mexican Government to receive it, together with all bonds and evidences
of debt for duties on importations and on exportations, not yet fallen due. Moreover, a faithful and
exact account shall be made out, showing the entire amount of all duties on imports and on exports,
collected at such custom-houses, or elsewhere in Mexico, by authority of the United States, from
and after the day of ratification of this treaty by the Government of the Mexican Republic; and also
an account of the cost of collection; and such entire amount, deducting only the cost of collection,
shall be delivered to the Mexican Government, at the city of Mexico, within three months after the
exchange of ratifications.
The evacuation of the capital of the Mexican Republic by the troops of the United States, in
virtue of the above stipulation, shall be completed in one month after the orders there stipulated for
shall have been received by the commander of said troops, or sooner if possible.
Immediately after the exchange of ratifications of the present treaty all castles, forts, territories,
places, and possessions, which have been taken or occupied by the forces of the United States
during the present war, within the limits of the Mexican Republic, as about to be established by the
following article, shall be definitely restored to the said Republic, together with all the artillery, arms,
apparatus of war, munitions, and other public property, which were in the said castles and forts when
captured, and which shall remain there at the time when this treaty shall be duly ratified by the
Government of the Mexican Republic. To this end, immediately upon the signature of this treaty,
orders shall be despatched to the American officers commanding such castles and forts, securing
against the removal or destruction of any such artillery, arms, apparatus of war, munitions, or other
public property. The city of Mexico, within the inner line of intrenchments surrounding the said city, is
comprehended in the above stipulation, as regards the restoration of artillery, apparatus of war, & c.
The final evacuation of the territory of the Mexican Republic, by the forces of the United States,
shall be completed in three months from the said exchange of ratifications, or sooner if possible; the
Mexican Government hereby engaging, as in the foregoing article to use all means in its power for
facilitating such evacuation, and rendering it convenient to the troops, and for promoting a good
understanding between them and the inhabitants.
If, however, the ratification of this treaty by both parties should not take place in time to allow the
embarcation of the troops of the United States to be completed before the commencement of the
sickly season, at the Mexican ports on the Gulf of Mexico, in such case a friendly arrangement shall
be entered into between the General-in-Chief of the said troops and the Mexican Government,
whereby healthy and otherwise suitable places, at a distance from the ports not exceeding thirty
leagues, shall be designated for the residence of such troops as may not yet have embarked, until
the return of the healthy season. And the space of time here referred to as, comprehending the
sickly season shall be understood to extend from the first day of May to the first day of November.
All prisoners of war taken on either side, on land or on sea, shall be restored as soon as
practicable after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty. It is also agreed that if any Mexicans
should now be held as captives by any savage tribe within the limits of the United States, as about to
be established by the following article, the Government of the said United States will exact the
release of such captives and cause them to be restored to their country.
The boundary line between the two Republics shall commence in the Gulf of Mexico, three
leagues from land, opposite the mouth of the Rio Grande, otherwise called Rio Bravo del Norte, or
Opposite the mouth of its deepest branch, if it should have more than one branch emptying directly
into the sea; from thence up the middle of that river, following the deepest channel, where it has
more than one, to the point where it strikes the southern boundary of New Mexico; thence,
westwardly, along the whole southern boundary of New Mexico (which runs north of the town called
Paso) to its western termination; thence, northward, along the western line of New Mexico, until it
intersects the first branch of the river Gila; (or if it should not intersect any branch of that river, then
to the point on the said line nearest to such branch, and thence in a direct line to the same); thence
down the middle of the said branch and of the said river, until it empties into the Rio Colorado;
thence across the Rio Colorado, following the division line between Upper and Lower California, to
the Pacific Ocean.
The southern and western limits of New Mexico, mentioned in the article, are those laid down in
the map entitled "Map of the United Mexican States, as organized and defined by various acts of the
Congress of said republic, and constructed according to the best authorities. Revised edition.
Published at New York, in 1847, by J. Disturnell," of which map a copy is added to this treaty,
bearing the signatures and seals of the undersigned Plenipotentiaries. And, in order to preclude all
difficulty in tracing upon the ground the limit separating Upper from Lower California, it is agreed that
the said limit shall consist of a straight line drawn from the middle of the Rio Gila, where it unites with
the Colorado, to a point on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, distant one marine league due south of
the southernmost point of the port of San Diego, according to the plan of said port made in the year
1782 by Don Juan Pantoja, second sailing-master of the Spanish fleet, and published at Madrid in
the year 1802, in the atlas to the voyage of the schooners Sutil and Mexicana; of which plan a copy
is hereunto added, signed and sealed by the respective Plenipotentiaries.
In order to designate the boundary line with due precision, upon authoritative maps, and to
establish upon the ground land-marks which shall show the limits of both republics, as described in
the present article, the two Governments shall each appoint a commissioner and a surveyor, who,
before the expiration of one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty, shall
meet at the port of San Diego, and proceed to run and mark the said boundary in its whole course to
the mouth of the Rio Bravo del Norte. They shall keep journals and make out plans of their
operations; and the result agreed upon by them shall be deemed a part of this treaty, and shall have
the same force as if it were inserted therein. The two Governments will amicably agree regarding
what may be necessary to these persons, and also as to their respective escorts, should such be
The boundary line established by this article shall be religiously respected by each of the two
republics, and no change shall ever be made therein, except by the express and free consent of
both nations, lawfully given by the General Government of each, in conformity with its own
The vessels and citizens of the United States shall, in all time, have a free and uninterrupted
passage by the Gulf of California, and by the river Colorado below its confluence with the Gila, to
and from their possessions situated north of the boundary line defined in the preceding article; it
being understood that this passage is to be by navigating the Gulf of California and the river
Colorado, and not by land, without the express consent of the Mexican Government.
If, by the examinations which may be made, it should be ascertained to be practicable and
advantageous to construct a road, canal, or railway, which should in whole or in part run upon the
river Gila, or upon its right or its left bank, within the space of one marine league from either margin
of the river, the Governments of both republics will form an agreement regarding its construction, in
order that it may serve equally for the use and advantage of both countries.
The river Gila, and the part of the Rio Bravo del Norte lying below the southern boundary of New
Mexico, being, agreeably to the fifth article, divided in the middle between the two republics, the
navigation of the Gila and of the Bravo below said boundary shall be free and common to the
vessels and citizens of both countries; and neither shall, without the consent of the other, construct
any work that may impede or interrupt, in whole or in part, the exercise of this right; not even for the
purpose of favoring new methods of navigation. Nor shall any tax or contribution, under any
denomination or title, be levied upon vessels or persons navigating the same or upon merchandise
or effects transported thereon, except in the case of landing upon one of their shores. If, for the
purpose of making the said rivers navigable, or for maintaining them in such state, it should be
necessary or advantageous to establish any tax or contribution, this shall not be done without the
consent of both Governments.
The stipulations contained in the present article shall not impair the territorial rights of either
republic within its established limits.
Mexicans now established in territories previously belonging to Mexico, and which remain for the
future within the limits of the United States, as defined by the present treaty, shall be free to continue
where they now reside, or to remove at any time to the Mexican Republic, retaining the property
which they possess in the said territories, or disposing thereof, and removing the proceeds wherever
they please, without their being subjected, on this account, to any contribution, tax, or charge
Those who shall prefer to remain in the said territories may either retain the title and rights of
Mexican citizens, or acquire those of citizens of the United States. But they shall be under the
obligation to make their election within one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this
treaty; and those who shall remain in the said territories after the expiration of that year, without
having declared their intention to retain the character of Mexicans, shall be considered to have
elected to become citizens of the United States.
In the said territories, property of every kind, now belonging to Mexicans not established there,
shall be inviolably respected. The present owners, the heirs of these, and all Mexicans who may
hereafter acquire said property by contract, shall enjoy with respect to it guarantees equally ample
as if the same belonged to citizens of the United States.
The Mexicans who, in the territories aforesaid, shall not preserve the character of citizens of the
Mexican Republic, conformably with what is stipulated in the preceding article, shall be incorporated
into the Union of the United States. and be admitted at the proper time (to be judged of by the
Congress of the United States) to the enjoyment of all the rights of citizens of the United States,
according to the principles of the Constitution; and in the mean time, shall be maintained and
protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty and property, and secured in the free exercise of their
religion without; restriction.
[Stricken out]
Article XI
Considering that a great part of the territories, which, by the present treaty, are to be
comprehended for the future within the limits of the United States, is now occupied by savage tribes,
who will hereafter be under the exclusive control of the Government of the United States, and whose
incursions within the territory of Mexico would be prejudicial in the extreme, it is solemnly agreed that
all such incursions shall be forcibly restrained by the Government of the United States whensoever
this may be necessary; and that when they cannot be prevented, they shall be punished by the said
Government, and satisfaction for the same shall be exactedall in the same way, and with equal
diligence and energy, as if the same incursions were meditated or committed within its own territory,
against its own citizens.
It shall not be lawful, under any pretext whatever, for any inhabitant of the United States to
purchase or acquire any Mexican, or any foreigner residing in Mexico, who may have been captured
by Indians inhabiting the territory of either of the two republics; nor to purchase or acquire horses,
mules, cattle, or property of any kind, stolen within Mexican territory by such Indians.
And in the event of any person or persons, captured within Mexican territory by Indians, being
carried into the territory of the United States, the Government of the latter engages and binds itself,
in the most solemn manner, so soon as it shall know of such captives being within its territory, and
shall be able so to do, through the faithful exercise of its influence and power, to rescue them and
return them to their country. or deliver them to the agent or representative of the Mexican
Government. The Mexican authorities will, as far as practicable, give to the Government of the
United States notice of such captures; and its agents shall pay the expenses incurred in the
maintenance and transmission of the rescued captives; who, in the mean time, shall be treated with
the utmost hospitality by the American authorities at the place where they may be. But if the
Government of the United States, before receiving such notice from Mexico, should obtain
intelligence, through any other channel, of the existence of Mexican captives within its territory, it will
proceed forthwith to effect their release and delivery to the Mexican agent, as above stipulated.
For the purpose of giving to these stipulations the fullest possible efficacy, thereby affording the
security and redress demanded by their true spirit and intent, the Government of the United States
will now and hereafter pass, without unnecessary delay, and always vigilantly enforce, such laws as
the nature of the subject may require. And, finally, the sacredness of this obligation shall never be
lost sight of by the said Government, when providing for the removal of the Indians from any portion
of the said territories, or for its being settled by citizens of the United States; but, on the contrary,
special care shall then be taken not to place its Indian occupants under the necessity of seeking new
homes, by committing those invasions which the United States have solemnly obliged themselves to
In consideration of the extension acquired by the boundaries of the United States, as defined in
the fifth article of the present treaty, the Government of the United States engages to pay to that of
the Mexican Republic the sum of fifteen millions of dollars.
Immediately after the treaty shall have been duly ratified by the Government of the Mexican
Republic, the sum of three millions of dollars shall be paid to the said Government by that of the
United States, at the city of Mexico, in the gold or silver coin of Mexico The remaining twelve millions
of dollars shall be paid at the same place, and in the same coin, in annual installments of three
millions of dollars each, together with interest on the same at the rate of six per centum per annum.
This interest shall begin to run upon the whole sum of twelve millions from the day of the ratification
of the present treaty by--the Mexican Government, and the first of the installments shall be paid-at
the expiration of one year from the same day. Together with each annual installment, as it falls due,
the whole interest accruing on such installment from the beginning shall also be paid.
The United States engage, moreover, to assume and pay to the claimants all the amounts now
due them, and those hereafter to become due, by reason of the claims already liquidated and
decided against the Mexican Republic, under the conventions between the two republics severally
concluded on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and on the thirtieth day of
January, eighteen hundred and forty-three; so that the Mexican Republic shall be absolutely exempt,
for the future, from all expense whatever on account of the said claims.
The United States do furthermore discharge the Mexican Republic from all claims of citizens of
the United States, not heretofore decided against the Mexican Government, which may have arisen
previously to the date of the signature of this treaty; which discharge shall be final and perpetual,
whether the said claims be rejected or be allowed by the board of commissioners provided for in the
following article, and whatever shall be the total amount of those allowed.
The United States, exonerating Mexico from all demands on account of the claims of their
citizens mentioned in the preceding article, and considering them entirely and forever canceled,
whatever their amount may be, undertake to make satisfaction for the same, to an amount not
exceeding three and one-quarter millions of dollars. To ascertain the validity and amount of those
claims, a board of commissioners shall be established by the Government of the United States,
whose awards shall be final and conclusive; provided that, in deciding upon the validity of each
claim, the boa shall be guided and governed by the principles and rules of decision prescribed by the
first and fifth articles of the unratified convention, concluded at the city of Mexico on the twentieth
day of November, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; and in no case shall an award be
made in favour of any claim not embraced by these principles and rules.
If, in the opinion of the said board of commissioners or of the claimants, any books, records, or
documents, in the possession or power of the Government of the Mexican Republic, shall be
deemed necessary to the just decision of any claim, the commissioners, or the claimants through
them, shall, within such period as Congress may designate, make an application in writing for the
same, addressed to the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, to be transmitted by the Secretary of
State of the United States; and the Mexican Government engages, at the earliest possible moment
after the receipt of such demand, to cause any of the books, records, or documents so specified,
which shall be in their possession or power (or authenticated copies or extracts of the same), to be
transmitted to the said Secretary of State, who shall immediately deliver them over to the said board
of commissioners; provided that no such application shall be made by or at the instance of any
claimant, until the facts which it is expected to prove by such books, records, or documents, shall
have been stated under oath or affirmation.
Each of the contracting parties reserves to itself the entire right to fortify whatever point within its
territory it may judge proper so to fortify for its security.
The treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, concluded at the city of Mexico, on the fifth day
of April, A. D. 1831, between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, except
the additional article, and except so far as the stipulations of the said treaty may be incompatible
with any stipulation contained in the present treaty, is hereby revived for the period of eight years
from the day of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty, with the same force and virtue as if
incorporated therein; it being understood that each of the contracting parties reserves to itself the
right, at any time after the said period of eight years shall have expired, to terminate the same by
giving one year's notice of such intention to the other party.
All supplies whatever for troops of the United States in Mexico, arriving at ports in the occupation
of such troops previous to the final evacuation thereof, although subsequently to the restoration of
the custom-houses at such ports, shall be entirely exempt from duties and charges of any kind; the
Government of the United States hereby engaging and pledging its faith to establish and vigilantly to
enforce, all possible guards for securing the revenue of Mexico, by preventing the importation, under
cover of this stipulation, of any articles other than such, both in kind and in quantity, as shall really be
wanted for the use and consumption of the forces of the United States during the time they may
remain in Mexico. To this end it shall be the duty of all officers and agents of the United States to
denounce to the Mexican authorities at the respective ports any attempts at a fraudulent abuse of
this stipulation, which they may know of, or may have reason to suspect, and to give to such
authorities all the aid in their power with regard thereto; and every such attempt, when duly proved
and established by sentence of a competent tribunal, They shall be punished by the confiscation of
the property so attempted to be fraudulently introduced.
With respect to all merchandise, effects, and property whatsoever, imported into ports of Mexico,
whilst in the occupation of the forces of the United States, whether by citizens of either republic, or
by citizens or subjects of any neutral nation, the following rules shall be observed:
(1) All such merchandise, effects, and property, if imported previously to the restoration of the
custom-houses to the Mexican authorities, as stipulated for in the third article of this treaty, shall
be exempt from confiscation, although the importation of the same be prohibited by the Mexican
(2) The same perfect exemption shall be enjoyed by all such merchandise, effects, and
property, imported subsequently to the restoration of the custom-houses, and previously to the
sixty days fixed in the following article for the coming into force of the Mexican tariff at such
ports respectively; the said merchandise, effects, and property being, however, at the time of
their importation, subject to the payment of duties, as provided for in the said following article.
(3) All merchandise, effects, and property described in the two rules foregoing shall, during their
continuance at the place of importation, and upon their leaving such place for the interior, be
exempt from all duty, tax, or imposts of every kind, under whatsoever title or denomination. Nor
shall they be there subject to any charge whatsoever upon the sale thereof.
(4) All merchandise, effects, and property, described in the first and second rules, which shall
have been removed to any place in the interior, whilst such place was in the occupation of the
forces of the United States, shall, during their continuance therein, be exempt from all tax upon
the sale or consumption thereof, and from every kind of impost or contribution, under
whatsoever title or denomination.
(5) But if any merchandise, effects, or property, described in the first and second rules, shall be
removed to any place not occupied at the time by the forces of the United States, they shall,
upon their introduction into such place, or upon their sale or consumption there, be subject to
the same duties which, under the Mexican laws, they would be required to pay in such cases if
they had been imported in time of peace, through the maritime custom-houses, and had there
paid the duties conformably with the Mexican tariff.
(6) The owners of all merchandise, effects, or property, described in the first and second rules,
and existing in any port of Mexico, shall have the right to reship the same, exempt from all tax,
impost, or contribution whatever.
With respect to the metals, or other property, exported from any Mexican port whilst in the
occupation of the forces of the United States, and previously to the restoration of the custom-house
at such port, no person shall be required by the Mexican authorities, whether general or state, to pay
any tax, duty, or contribution upon any such exportation, or in any manner to account for the same to
the said authorities.
Through consideration for the interests of commerce generally, it is agreed, that if less than sixty
days should elapse between the date of the signature of this treaty and the restoration of the custom
houses, conformably with the stipulation in the third article, in such case all merchandise, effects and
property whatsoever, arriving at the Mexican ports after the restoration of the said custom-houses,
and previously to the expiration of sixty days after the day of signature of this treaty, shall be
admitted to entry; and no other duties shall be levied thereon than the duties established by the tariff
found in force at such custom-houses at the time of the restoration of the same. And to all such
merchandise, effects, and property, the rules established by the preceding article shall apply.
If unhappily any disagreement should hereafter arise between the Governments of the two
republics, whether with respect to the interpretation of any stipulation in this treaty, or with respect to
any other particular concerning the political or commercial relations of the two nations, the said
Governments, in the name of those nations, do promise to each other that they will endeavour, in the
most sincere and earnest manner, to settle the differences so arising, and to preserve the state of
peace and friendship in which the two countries are now placing themselves, using, for this end,
mutual representations and pacific negotiations. And if, by these means, they should not be enabled
to come to an agreement, a resort shall not, on this account, be had to reprisals, aggression, or
hostility of any kind, by the one republic against the other, until the Government of that which deems
itself aggrieved shall have maturely considered, in the spirit of peace and good neighbourship,
whether it would not be better that such difference should be settled by the arbitration of
commissioners appointed on each side, or by that of a friendly nation. And should such course be
proposed by either party, it shall be acceded to by the other, unless deemed by it altogether
incompatible with the nature of the difference, or the circumstances of the case.
If (which is not to be expected, and which God forbid) war should unhappily break out between
the two republics, they do now, with a view to such calamity, solemnly pledge themselves to each
other and to the world to observe the following rules; absolutely where the nature of the subject
permits, and as closely as possible in all cases where such absolute observance shall be
(1) The merchants of either republic then residing in the other shall be allowed to remain twelve
months (for those dwelling in the interior), and six months (for those dwelling at the seaports) to
collect their debts and settle their affairs; during which periods they shall enjoy the same protection,
and be on the same footing, in all respects, as the citizens or subjects of the most friendly nations;
and, at the expiration thereof, or at any time before, they shall have full liberty to depart, carrying off
all their effects without molestation or hindrance, conforming therein to the same laws which the
citizens or subjects of the most friendly nations are required to conform to. Upon the entrance of the
armies of either nation into the territories of the other, women and children, ecclesiastics, scholars of
every faculty, cultivators of the earth, merchants, artisans, manufacturers, and fishermen, unarmed
and inhabiting unfortified towns, villages, or places, and in general all persons whose occupations
are for the common subsistence and benefit of mankind, shall be allowed to continue their respective
employments, unmolested in their persons. Nor shall their houses or goods be burnt or otherwise
destroyed, nor their cattle taken, nor their fields wasted, by the armed force into whose power, by the
events of war, they may happen to fall; but if the necessity arise to take anything from them for the
use of such armed force, the same shall be paid for at an equitable price. All churches, hospitals,
schools, colleges, libraries, and other establishments for charitable and beneficent purposes, shall
be respected, and all persons connected with the same protected in the discharge of their duties,
and the pursuit of their vocations.
(2). In order that the fate of prisoners of war may be alleviated all such practices as those of sending
them into distant, inclement or unwholesome districts, or crowding them into close and noxious
places, shall be studiously avoided. They shall not be confined in dungeons, prison ships, or prisons;
nor be put in irons, or bound or otherwise restrained in the use of their limbs. The officers shall enjoy
liberty on their paroles, within convenient districts, and have comfortable quarters; and the common
soldiers shall be dispose( in cantonments, open and extensive enough for air and exercise and
lodged in barracks as roomy and good as are provided by the party in whose power they are for its
own troops. But if any office shall break his parole by leaving the district so assigned him, o any
other prisoner shall escape from the limits of his cantonment after they shall have been designated
to him, such individual, officer, or other prisoner, shall forfeit so much of the benefit of this article as
provides for his liberty on parole or in cantonment. And if any officer so breaking his parole or any
common soldier so escaping from the limits assigned him, shall afterwards be found in arms
previously to his being regularly exchanged, the person so offending shall be dealt with according to
the established laws of war. The officers shall be daily furnished, by the party in whose power they
are, with as many rations, and of the same articles, as are allowed either in kind or by commutation,
to officers of equal rank in its own army; and all others shall be daily furnished with such ration as is
allowed to a common soldier in its own service; the value of all which supplies shall, at the close of
the war, or at periods to be agreed upon between the respective commanders, be paid by the other
party, on a mutual adjustment of accounts for the subsistence of prisoners; and such accounts shall
not be mingled with or set off against any others, nor the balance due on them withheld, as a
compensation or reprisal for any cause whatever, real or pretended Each party shall be allowed to
keep a commissary of prisoners, appointed by itself, with every cantonment of prisoners, in
possession of the other; which commissary shall see the prisoners as often a he pleases; shall be
allowed to receive, exempt from all duties a taxes, and to distribute, whatever comforts may be sent
to them by their friends; and shall be free to transmit his reports in open letters to the party by whom
he is employed. And it is declared that neither the pretense that war dissolves all treaties, nor any
other whatever, shall be considered as annulling or suspending the solemn covenant contained in
this article. On the contrary, the state of war is precisely that for which it is provided; and, during
which, its stipulations are to be as sacredly observed as the most acknowledged obligations under
the law of nature or nations.
This treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and by the President of the Mexican Republic, with the
previous approbation of its general Congress; and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the City of
Washington, or at the seat of Government of Mexico, in four months from the date of the signature
hereof, or sooner if practicable. In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed
this treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement, and have hereunto affixed our seals
respectively. Done in quintuplicate, at the city of Guadalupe Hidalgo, on the second day of February,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight.
Treaties and Conventions between the United States of America
and Other Powers Since July 4, 1776
Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1871