Information published on the Official Journal on November 8, 2012
Article 9. Visa of visitor without permit to perform paid activities, requested to the Institute for humanitarian reasons.
Applicable to: The individual or the Agency of the Federal, Estate or Municipal Public Administration, that applies visa for humanitarian reasons for
a foreigner that is in one of the situations considered in this procedure.
Original of the letter of acceptance of responsiblity from the applicant, assuming the travel and stay expenses generated by the foreign person's
stay in the country.
Legible copy of the passport or document of identity and travel valid in accordance to the international law and in force for the foreign person
which applies for the visa.
That the foreign person for whom the visa is required does not have a visitor visa request without permit to perform paid activities, requested to
the Institute for humanitarian reasons pending of resolution.
To submit the documents that prove any of the following situations:
a) Family relationship not considered within the situations of family unit:
1. Original and copy of the applicant's valid official identification;
2. Original of the birth or marriage certificates that prove the relationship;
3. Free letter with autograph signature from the applicant in which he states that his/her relative is victim from a natural
disaster or his life, integrity is in danger due to violence or a natural disaster. The resolution should consider the
aforementioned on subsection a from the section of resolution of this process.
4. Original of the certificate or medical certification in letterhead issued by the Public Health Institution, in which it is stated the
serious health state of the applicant requesting the visa for his relative with the purpose of providing him/her care.
b) Public interest:
Original of the document in letterhead, subscribed by the competent authority of any Agency of the Federal Estate or
Municipal Public Administration, in which it is expressly stated that the legal provisions and precepts that faculty the one
subscribing to perform the administration and show the specific activities and functions in time, place and mode in which the
foreign person will be performing those in accordance to the mentioned in the paragraph to the criteria section of the
resolution of this process.
Validity of authorization:
30 business days counted from the following day to which the applicant is notified about the admissibility of the consular interview.
Resolution Criteria:
The visa authorization request for humanitarian reasons can be submitted by any of the following people:
a) By a Mexican or foreign person temporary or permanent resident in the country, that requests visa for humanitarian reasons for one
foreign person to whom he/she proves to have a family relationship, as long as:
i. The relationship is not considered within the situations of family unit, and
ii. Proves that the foreign person for whom the visa is required is victim from a natural disaster, or
iii. Proves that the foreign person for whom the visa is required is in a situation of danger for his/her life or integrity because of
violence or natural disaster, or
iv. Requires assistance from the relative for whom the visa is requested, because he/she is in a serious health state.
- In case of a foreign person requesting visa because is in one of the situations of being victim from a natural disaster or having his/her life
or integrity in danger because of violence or natural disaster, the immigration authority will gather all means of evidence that considered
convenient to better decide.
- With the same purpose, the immigration authority could contact the ACNUR in case that there are guidelines or considerations for the
international protection with respect to a determined country.
b) By Agency of the Federal, Estate or Municipal Public Administration that requests visa for humanitarian reasons for a foreign person that
tries to perform rescue, assistance actions in emergency or disaster situations in the country and that is member of any public, private or
social group that has that purpose.
The aforementioned as long as the activities or services provided are temporary and unpaid.
- The immigration authority will gather the means of evidence that are considered convenient to better decide.
- The immigration authority will deny the immigration procedure to people found in the situations of the Article 43 of the Law
- The consular office, if applicable, will issue the visitor visa without permit to perform paid activities.
Information published on the Official Journal on November 8, 2012
The authorization issued by the Institute will have a 30 business days validity counted from the date in which it is granted. At the end of
that validity, the authorization losses effect and could not continue with the procedure.
At the time that the visa issuance is authorized for humanitarian reasons, both the applicant as well as the foreigner will be informed of
the latter's right to request the refugee condition when entering into national territory.