Abstract Accurate wireless timing synchronization has been
an extremely important topic in wireless sensor networks,
required in applications ranging from distributed beam forming
to precision localization and navigation. However, it is very
challenging to realize, in particular when the required accuracy
should be better than the runtime between the nodes. This work
presents, to our knowledge for the first time, an experimental
timing synchronization scheme that achieves a timing accuracy
better than 5-ns rms in a network with 4 nodes. The experimental
hardware is built from commercially available components and
based on software-defined ultra-wideband transceivers. The
protocol for establishing the synchronization is based on our
recently developed “blink” protocol that can scale from the small
network demonstrated here to larger networks of hundreds or
thousands of nodes.
Index Termscooperative synchronization, network timing,
ultra wide band, software defined radio.
Time synchronization in distributed wireless networks has
been studied for the past two decades, as it is an essential
component of many applications. The required accuracy, and
the resulting algorithms, differ according to the application. In
many cases, such as multiple-access protocols, timing
synchronization within less than one packet duration (on the
order of a millisecond) is sufficient. In other applications such
as diversity transmission, timing synchronization within one
symbol duration (on the order of microseconds) is desired. For
these applications, the IEEE 1588 standard is widely accepted
as a solution [1]. Comparable algorithms that have been
explored include Reference Broadcast Synchronization (RBS)
[2], Timing Sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN) [3]
and Flooding Time Synchronization Protocols (FTSP) [4]. In
general, these timing synchronization algorithms are based on
packet exchange, where the accuracy is related to the symbol
or preamble length and the propagation delay between the
nodes is neglected [5].
This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research
Electronic Warfare Science and Technology program, and the Ming Hsieh
Institute at the University of Southern California.
M. Segura, H. Hossein and A. F. Molisch are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
90089, USA. e-mail: ({mjsegura ; hosseinh ; molisch}@ usc.edu).
S. Niranjayan, was with University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
CA 90089, USA, now with Amazon (e-mail: sniranjayan@gmail.com).
There are, however, also a variety of applications that
require much better timing synchronization accuracy, in
particular better than the runtime of the signal between the
nodes. Such applications, such as coordinated jamming,
distributed beam forming, fine grain localization, tracking, and
navigation, require timing synchronization with nanosecond
precision or even better. In the absence of differential GPS
(which is often the case in many military and civilian
scenarios), maintaining such accurate timing synchronization
in large wireless networks is challenging; because, the timer in
each node is derived from an independent oscillator that is
affected by random drifts and jitter [6]. To maintain
nanosecond-level timing synchronization in a network (1)
timing deviation between pairs of nodes must be measured
accurately with nanosecond precision, and (2) fast correction
algorithms must be applied across the entire network [9, 16].
This paper offers solutions and experimental demonstrations
for both of these components.
Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) signals are used to precisely
extract the timing information between the nodes due to their
accurate distance measurement capability as well as superior
resiliency to multi-path effects [7]. UWB systems have been
used previously to demonstrate high-precision timing
synchronization between two nodes. In [8], a commercial
IEEE 802.14.5 radio was employed to obtain an accurate Time
of Arrival (TOA) detection algorithm; the authors also
proposed an Adder-Based Clock (ABC) approach for timing
synchronization and implemented a prototype to show the
accuracy of the synchronization block with nanoseconds
precision. However, no network experiments were carried out.
As a matter of fact, to the best of our knowledge, there are no
previous prototypes that demonstrate network synchronization
with nanosecond accuracy.
The challenge in achieving timing synchronization in a
wireless network lies in the required high speed of the node-
to-node timing inaccurate measurements and fast corrections
across the entire network. In this work, a recently developed
algorithm [9, 16], called "Blink" that enables network timing
synchronization without requiring an external broadcast signal
from a coordinator is implemented. The blink algorithm uses a
consensus approach such that timing information propagates
through the network, while timing errors are averaged, and
exploits the path diversity present in the network. Simulations
demonstrate excellent scalability, such that the obtained
timing precision in large (hundreds of nodes) networks is only
Experimental Demonstration of Nanosecond-
Accuracy Wireless Network Synchronization
Marcelo Segura, S. Niranjayan, Hossein Hashemi, Senior Member, IEEE and Andreas F. Molisch,
Fellow, IEEE
fix delay
Tier 0
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
RX node TX node
Fig. 1. a) Simplified node-node time exchange scheme; b) TVN topology
after Phase I.
marginally worse than those in two-node setups [9].
The current paper demonstrates and validates through a set
of experiments the very accurate network synchronization that
was predicted in simulations and shows that it is possible to
achieve this on a prototype using commercial components,
i.e., without requiring custom Integrated Circuits (IC). The
main components of this work are (1) a software defined ultra
wideband transceiver node implemented with Commercial-
Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components, capable of high accurate
synchronization, (2) a fast re-timing algorithm implementation
on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and (3) a test
bed network consisting of three slave nodes and one master
that facilitates the validation of this algorithm and future
improved versions.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
II presents a formulation for network timing synchronization.
Section III presents summary of the previously-published [9]
blink algorithm. Sections IV and V describe the implemented
node prototype and the hardware implementation on FPGA of
the blink algorithm, respectively. Section VI presents the
simulation and experimental results that prove the stability and
accuracy of the network timing synchronization. Finally, some
conclusions are presented.
Consider a large network with
slaves nodes with
inaccurate internal oscillators, and
master nodes with
accurate internal oscillators, which will serve as timing
references and initiators in the distributed algorithm. Let
denote the current local timer value of a particular node
k at a given absolute time instance
. The network timing
problem consists of maintaining, at all times, the offset
between nodes below a predefined threshold
,  . (1)
A major challenge lies in the fact that due to the random
deployment, the network topology is unknown. Furthermore,
in order to be scalable and robust to changes, the solution
should be distributed. Finally, in a large network, broadcast
transmission of timing information from a master to all other
nodes in the network is not possible. Therefore, the timing
information propagates through the network aggregating
A brief review of the blink algorithm is presented in this
section. More details and comparison with other distributed
timing synchronization schemes are given in [9] and
implementation is discussed in [16].
Inside the physical network, a virtual network called Timing
Virtual Network (TVN) is defined. The TVN consist of nodes,
links and the fast re-sync algorithm that maintains the timing
in the network. Different physical layers may be used for
timing and communications. The current work focuses on the
timing physical layer; the implementation of the
communication layer with a certain packet structure (e.g.,
using commercial IEEE 802.15.4 transceivers) is beyond the
scope of this paper, but has been considered in the blink
protocol definition. The topology of the network is defined by
the link matrix L as follows:
 
, (2)
defines the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) between
nodes and
is the minimum SNR needed to establish a
connection. Each node is assigned to a tier
(Fig. 1.) and by
default masters are in tier 0. The blink algorithm consists of
two phases. In Phase I, the TVN is created and initialized and
in Phase II, the network timing is maintained through
continuous consensus-based corrections.
A. Phase I
All nodes (slaves and masters) learn the propagation delays
(pseudo-ranges) from their neighbors and record the values. In
a fresh deployment scenario, the network topology and the tier
structure is unknown. Therefore, propagation delays are
acquired in a distributed fashion, using a modified version of
Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Avoidance
(CSMA/CA). In this phase, the slave nodes also get assigned
to different tiers. Tier 1 consist of nodes that can derive timing
directly from the master; the size of this tier can be limited by
the number of slave nodes that have an acceptable SNR to the
master or the number of slave nodes that can communicate
with the master with acceptable time constraints (this is
important for scalability of the system). Other tiers are also
defined consecutively in a similar fashion (Fig. 1).
In this paper, the main objective is to experimentally
demonstrate the stability and accuracy of the network timing
synchronization. Therefore, it is assumed that nodes in tier 1
have already acquired timing from the master, and the focus is
on demonstration of slave-slave timing propagation and
B. Phase II
The master initializes the blink cycles transmitting a timing
Fig. 2. The (a) architecture block diagram and (b) photo of the prototype
hardware for each node.
signal; in this implementation, a length 31 m-sequence is used
for the timing signal. Slave nodes receive this sequence,
perform correlation and peak detection to extract the timing
information, use the result to correct their internal timers, and
transmit the same sequence according to their tier associations.
The blink algorithm proposes that nodes on odd (or even) tiers
transmit simultaneously. In the current hardware
implementation, in order to guarantee orthogonality of the
nodes signals, a TDMA approach was implemented. In the
case of large networks, and to preserve the distributed
characteristics of the algorithm, random slots can be assigned
to different tiers. In this work, each node transmits on the slot
time associated with its tier. If the number of adjacent nodes
with established connection between tiers is denoted by
and the slot time is
, then the blinking cycle will take a
total time of
During the blinking cycles the slave nodes, after receiving
the timing signals from their neighbors, measure the TOA
relative to their own local timers,
, where
is the
measured TOA of node k. Using the learned propagations
delays from phase I,
, each node compares the two
values and compute its own offset related to all its neighbors
. The nodes then use a consensus algorithm
where each neighbor node can be weighted with a different
factor to provide a timing correction value as
, (3)
, represent the weighting factor for each link. The
blinking cycles continue indefinitely. Reference signals from
the master “pull” the timing in the network to agree with the
master timing. Timers on tier one nodes are influenced by
master reference signals as well as neighbors and the timing
information from there propagates through the network.
Figure 1.b depicts the working of the algorithm. At the
beginning, in TDMA slot 1, nodes on Tier 1 are in
transmitting mode and nodes on Tier 2 and Tier 3 are on
receiving mode. Due to
restrictions, the nodes on Tier 3 do
not detect the signals from Tier1 and therefore do not correct
their timers. During the next timeslot, the nodes on Tier 2
transmit and the others nodes listen. The nodes on Tier 2, after
receiving all the diversity information from their neighbors,
correct their internal timers based on the timing correction
value calculated from (3). This process is repeated every
blinking cycle on each tier accordingly with the TDMA slots.
As a proof of concept, to demonstrate the algorithm
capabilities in real time, custom nodes using UWB as physical
layer signals are implemented. UWB signals are selected for
timing purpose due to the inverse relation between the TOA
estimation error and signal bandwidth. The hardware nodes
are software programmable to provide flexibility and rapid
prototyping given that the timing synchronization algorithm is
implemented completely on digital hardware. The downside of
this approach is that timing accuracy will be limited to the
performance of available commercial hardware (to be
discussed later). Future custom realization of the node
hardware enables more accurate network timing
Each node is composed of two principal elements: a high
speed Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) board from Texas
Instruments and a Xilinx Kintex Field Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA) evaluation board (Fig. 2).
The receiver is implemented using the ADC07D1520 board
that can run at a maximum sampling rate of 3 GSps with 7 bits
of resolution. The available FPGA Virtex 4 in this ADC board
is used as a simple pass-through buffer (no computation). In
order to reduce the frequency of the digital signals, the ADC
output provides four interleaved buses running at a quarter of
the sampling frequency. In the current implementation, due to
internal FPGA clock manager restrictions, the sampling
frequency is set to 2.5 GSps. This reference clock is provided
by the Kintex board to the ADC thought a PCI-SMA
connection. The ADC samples the incoming signals at RF,
after amplification with a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA),
without any frequency down-conversion. While flexible and
consistent with the vision of a true Software Defined Radio
(SDR), the limited speed and resolution of available
commercial ADCs dictates the achievable timing accuracy.
The transmitter is implemented digitally using the Gigabit
Transceivers (GTX) embedded in the FPGA without using
frequency up-converters. A simple Binary Phase Shift Keying
(BPSK) modulation is implemented using two GTXs with
opposite polarity that will feed a power combiner. The GTX
provide great flexibility to design monocycle signals changing
the pulse width accordingly with the clock reference. In order
to meet the Nyquist theorem and relaxing the sampling rate,
the implemented monocycle pulses have a 1.2 ns width,
providing approximately 800 MHz signal bandwidth. After the
power combiner, the BPSK signal passes through a Power
Amplifier (PA) and connects to a discone antenna [10],
through an RF switch.
The developed node is clocked from a low-cost 25 MHz
crystal oscillator with 50 ppm (part per million) accuracy that
is located on the KC705 FPGA board. All the clocks that are
internally used in the FPGA and the reference clock that feeds
the ADC are created from the same crystal reference. The
implemented UWB node, shown on Fig. 2, is fully digital,
modular and easy to modify since all transmitter/receiver
blocks are controlled by the Kintex FPGA.
The accuracy of the blink algorithm is intrinsically
related with the TOA estimation error. A well-known and
simple method to estimate the signal TOA consists of peak
detection after cross correlation [11]. It is also known that
peak detection will not provide the right time under non-Line-
Of-Sight (LOS) conditions; but, can be used as a starting point
for further processing [12, 13]; however this is not
implemented in our hardware yet. The blink algorithm
proposes that nodes learn the channel multipath signatures,
and use that information to create proper reference templates.
In this implementation, in order to simplify the algorithm, the
same template for all nodes in the network is used. Better
results can be obtained if the nodes continuously update their
reference templates as a function of propagation channels
The timing signal used for the TOA estimation must
provide a high ratio for the autocorrelation peak to the side-
lobe peak. An m-sequence of length 31 was selected for the
timing signals since it meets the minimum requirements. The
length of the sequence is constrained by the correlator size
feasible with the existing hardware. Longer sequences give
higher peaks; but, increase the complexity of logic hardware.
The sequence transmission is controlled by the TX Logic
block as shown in Fig. 3. As previously explained, a TDMA
scheme was implemented where each node transmit on
different slots according to the node identification and tier
association to achieve better peak detection and reduce the
interference between nodes on the same tier.
The most logic-consuming and timing-constrained
algorithm to be implemented in the FPGA is the parallel
correlator, because it has to run in real time and its size
increases with the sequence length and the ADC resolution.
Hence, to meet the timing constraints imposed by the FPGA
logic, a dual data rate input is implemented, which transforms
the 4 buses coming from the ADC at 625 MHz into 8 buses
running at 312.5 MHz. Furthermore, to reduce complexity and
satisfy real time operation, 4 bits (sign plus 3 bits magnitude)
are taken from each bus. The correlator was implemented in
parallel following an architecture called PTT (Parallel
samples, Parallel Coefficients, Time division multiplexing).
This architecture is highly efficient for an FPGA
implementation and works as follows. On each clock cycle, a
array, where is the number of samples in parallel and
is the number of correlation points calculated simultaneously,
is processed by the PPT correlator. On the next clock, another
array is processed and after  cycles, where is the
template length, the correlation is completed [14]. In the
current implementation, considering the sampling rate of 2.5
GHz and the sequence length of 62 ns, the template length will
be =160; therefore, the correlator has 20 arrays as those
described in Fig. 4. In the implemented design, s=8, k=8, and
each sample and coefficient has a 4-bit width; therefore, in
each clock cycle, 64 multiplication have to run in parallel for
every array. The major challenge in this design is satisfying
the zero latency restriction for samples propagation (vertical
arrows in Fig. 4) between multipliers in the same array given
the high sampling rate. Finally, the outputs of the parallel
correlator feed the peak detector block.
The peak detector compares each branch at the correlator
output against the
threshold. In the current proof-of-
concept experiments, static or quasi-stationary channel
conditions are assumed; but, this detector can be easily
updated to handle channel variation implementing a dynamic
threshold algorithm like that one proposed in [15]. The peak
detector determines the time and corresponding branch at
which a correlation peak happens. This information offers two
resolution levels corresponding to (1) the coarse correction,
that will be applied to the master timer and (2) the fine
correction that will be used to adjust the transmission time.
The resolution of coarse correction is limited by the system
clock at which the correlator is running, in our case 312 MHz
or 3.2ns. The resolution of the fine correction is limited by the
rate of the GTX that is 0.2 ns in this design. The current
Fig. 3. Blink algorithm block diagram. The dash line shows the boundary
between the analog hardware and the digital algorithm implementation
inside the FPGA.
Fig.4. Parallel correlator array.
experiments were conducted without controlling the fine error;
this will be included in further implementation.
During the learning process in Phase I, the nodes estimate
the propagation delay,
, between their neighbors. This
phase of the algorithm is implemented by averaging the
roundtrip measurements between the nodes. The roundtrip
measurement works as follow: (1) node A resets its timer and
transmit a sequence, (2) node B uses the correlator and peak
detectors to determine the TOA and immediately resets its
timer and triggers the TX Logic, (3) node A captures its timer
value after peak detection. The process is repeated 16 times to
reduce errors in the TOA estimation and the average value is
stored at the "Diversity Mem" block. The hardware
implementation of the roundtrip procedure is shown in Fig. 3
as "RT Logic".
During the blinking cycles, when a peak is detected, the
master timer captures its current value that represent the
. Depending on their tier location, the node waits
for the timing diversity update from its neighbors, as shown on
Fig. 1, and then (3) is computed using the previously learned
, that are stored on the diversity memory block. As a
result, the offset coarse error,
, is obtained and the master
timer is corrected. Lastly, the fine error will be applied to the
"TX Logic" as a shift in the sequence to be transmitted (not
implemented yet). The node will transmit again, once the
offset correction is done and following the TDMA scheme.
Finally, the "Broad Sync Logic" block implements the
initialization procedure of blinking cycles described in Section
III B, and the "Control State Machine" block controls all the
phases involved in the blink algorithm.
The blink algorithm was fully implemented using the
Matlab System Generator, a tool that allows running real-time
hardware simulations in a Simulink environment. Simulations
indicate the anticipated performance prior to actual hardware
experiments. Current setup consists of three slave nodes and
one master node. In order to consider the channel multipath
signature, a received signal was recorded and used in the
simulations. The distance between the nodes is simulated by
the channel propagation delays. In the presented simulations,
Node 0 belongs to tier 1, Node 2 belongs to tier 2 and Node 1
belongs to tier 3. Simulations show that synchronization
convergence time is very fast (25.6 ). This time is measured
from the beginning of Phase II of the blink algorithm until the
time that offset error between nodes reach the best system
resolution, which in our implementation is one period of the
master timer clock. The fast convergence is reasonable as the
described network is simple with only one node per tier and
one master node.
Actual hardware experiments were conducted in three
different environments, indoor office with LOS and NLOS,
and outdoor environments. For the NLOS experiment, node 0
has direct LOS link with node 2 while the direct LOS link
between nodes 1 and 2 is obstructed by a metal shelf (Fig. 6).
In order to compare the simulations results against experiment,
the network topology was the same as described in the
simulation setup and the distance between the nodes are
expressed in Table 1.
Indoor (LOS)
Indoor (NLOS)
In order to measure the relative time offset between the
synchronized nodes, an additional timeslot was introduced in
our TDMA scheme where all the nodes transmit
simultaneously accordingly with their internal timer. On this
additional slot, each node transmits the timing sequence and a
short pulse that will be used for measurement. If the slave
nodes are synchronized, all these pulses should be aligned.
This extra slot does not affect the blink algorithm since is can
be consider as an additional tier in the network. The three
pulses coming from the slave nodes are measured by
connecting the nodes through identical coaxial cables to a
high-speed four-channel real-time oscilloscope, Tektronix
DPO71254B (Fig. 5.b). The oscilloscope is equipped with a
statistical analysis tool that allows measuring the mean (offset)
and standard deviation (jitter) of the signals received at its
different channels. Node 2 is considered as reference to trigger
the scope since it is the node that has the most timing
diversity. Therefore, the statistics measured are carried out
considering node 2 as the time reference. In Fig.5.a, the pulses
captured buy the scope are shown with their time offsets.
The results on Table 2, show the mean values and standard
deviation over four thousand captured pulses confirming that
timing jitter values agree with the simulation predictions and
equal to approximately one clock period (3.2 ns).
Node 1
Mean (ns)
Std. dev. (ns)
a) b)
Fig. 5. a) Measured timing offset of the synchronized network.
b) Experimental setup.
Evaluating the mean value results, indoor LOS experiment
has the best performance due to high SNR, achieving sub-
nanosecond offset accuracy. In the case of indoor NLOS
experiment, the mean error of node 0 is better than node 1,
since the NLOS condition reduces the TOA estimation
For outdoor experiments, the timing offset increases due to
degradation in TOA estimation directly related to lower SNR.
The standard deviation in this case, representing the timing
synchronization jitter, is in line with the implemented coarse
timing accuracy of the implemented system clock (3.2 ns).
Therefore, it is expected that implementing fine timing
correction and increasing the master timer clock will push the
jitter under the sub-nanosecond range.
Finally, the self-synchronized wireless sensor network is
setup to provide coherent waveforms for distributed beam-
forming applications. An additional receiving antenna was
positioned at an equal distance from all nodes and connected
to the scope. Coherent addition of signals wirelessly received
from different nodes (Fig. 7) is a nice demonstration of the
benefits of the nanosecond network timing synchronization
This work demonstrates experimentally that wireless
network nodes can all synchronize in a cooperative and
distributed manner with a timing accuracy that is markedly
lower than the propagation delay between them. Under good
SNR conditions, the network can attain sub-nanosecond
accuracy as was demonstrated in the indoor experiments. The
timing jitter in the synchronized network is limited primarily
by the coarse correction applied in the master timer. The jitter
can be reduced in future work by adopting optimal correlation
architectures, increasing the frequency of the master timer and
applying post signal processing. In the current
implementation, the timing offset in the synchronized network
is constrained by the resolution of the TOA estimation
algorithm. In the future, offline signal processing to improve
the detection capabilities and improve the synchronization
under non-LOS conditions can be implemented. Finally, future
hardware realizations can benefit from monolithic low-cost
low-energy realization of the sensor nodes.
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Fig. 7. Measured beam forming experimental results.
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