Economics of Migration
Economics of Migration
Prof. Albrecht Glitz
Prerequisites to enroll
The participants of this course should be familiar with the basic concepts of statistics and
econometrics that are usually covered in an undergraduate degree in economics. Having
followed the econometric methods course in the first term of the year will also be useful.
Overview and objectives
This course provides an overview of the key concepts in the economics of immigration. It is
divided into two parts. The first part consists of 4 lectures in which we will cover the basic
theoretical models. The second part will be seminar style. Each seminar will consist of an overview
of the specific topic given by me, and presentations given by the students. For this purpose,
students will team up in pairs and prepare a presentation and brief report about one of the key
papers in the relevant literature.
Course outline
Part 1: Lectures
1. Introduction, Background and History
2. The Migration Decision and Forms of Migration
Economics of Migration
3. The Effect of Immigration on Wages and Employment
4. The Effect of Immigration on the Industry Structure and Technology
Part 2: Seminars
1. Immigration and Economic Development
2. Immigration and Assimilation
3. Estimating the Labor Market Impact of Immigration
4. The Effect of Immigration on Prices, Housing and Crime
5. Illegal Immigration, Ethnic Segregation and Attitudes to Immigration
6. Refugee Migration
Required activities
Class presentation and submission of written referee report (in groups).
Class presentation (50%) and referee report (50%).
General Reading
Bodvarsson, Ö. and H. van den Berg (2009), The Economics of Immigration Theory and Policy, Berlin
Heidelberg: Springer.
Borjas, G. J. (1999), “The Economic Analysis of Immigration”, in O. C. Ashenfelter and D. Card (Eds.),
Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol. 3A, Chapter 28, pp. 1697-1760, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
The Migration Decision
Bertoli, S. and J. Fernández-Huertas Moraga (2013), “Multilateral Resistance to Migration", Journal of
Development Economics, Vol. 102, pp. 79-100.
Economics of Migration
Borjas, G. J. (1987), “Self-Selection and the Earnings of Immigrants", American Economic Review, Vol.
77 (4), pp. 531-553.
Borjas, G. J., I. Kauppinen and P. Poutvaara (2019), “Self-selection of Emigrants: Theory and Evidence on
Stochastic Dominance in Observable and Unobservable Characteristics", The Economic Journal, Vol. 129
(617), pp. 143-171.
Chiquiar, D. and G. Hanson (2005), International Migration, Self-Selection, and the Distribution of
Wages: Evidence from Mexico and the United States", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 113 (2), pp.
Chiswick, B. R. (1999), “Are Immigrants Favorably Self-Selected?", American Economic Review Papers and
Proceedings, Vol. 89 (2), pp. 181-186.
Dustmann, C., I. Fadlon and Y. Weiss (2011). “Return Migration, Human Capital Accumulation and the Brain
Drain", Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 95, pp. 58-67.
Fernández-Huertas Moraga, J. (2011), “New Evidence on Emigrant Selection", Review of Economics and
Statistics, Vol. 93 (1), pp. 72-96.
Grogger, J. and G. H. Hanson (2011), “Income Maximization and the Selection and Sorting of International
Migrants", Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 95 (1), pp. 42-57.
Hanson, G. H. (2010), “International Migration and the Developing World", in D. Rodrik and M. Rosenzweig,
editors: Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 5, The Netherlands: North-Holland, pp. 4363-4414.
Munshi, K. (2003), “Networks in the Modern Economy: Mexican Migrants in the U.S. Labor Market",
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 118 (2), pp. 549-599.
Ortega, F. and G. Peri (2013), “The Effect of Income and Immigration Policies on International
Migration", Migration Studies, Volume 1, pp. 1-28.
Patt, A., J. Ruhose, S. Wiederhold and M. Flores (2021), “International Emigrant Selection on Occupational
Skills", Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 1249-1298.
Roy, A. D. (1951), Some Thoughts on the Distribution of Earnings", Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 3, pp.
Forms of Migration
Economics of Migration
Adda, J., C. Dustmann and J.-S. Gorlach (2020), “The Dynamics of Return Migration, Human Capital
Accumulation, and Wage Assimilation", forthcoming Review of Economic Studies.
Borjas, G. J. and B. Bratsberg (1996), “Who Leaves? The Outmigration of the Foreign-born", Review
of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 78 (1), pp. 165-176.
Dustmann, C. (1996), “Return Migration: The European Experience", Economic Policy, Vol. 22, pp. 215-250.
Dustmann, C. (2003), “Return Migration, Wage Differentials, and the Optimal Migration Duration",
European Economic Review, Vol. 47 (2), pp. 353-367.
Dustmann, C. and O. Kirchkamp (2002), “The Optimal Migration Duration and Activity Choice After Re-
migration", Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 67 (2), pp. 351-372.
Dustmann, C. and Y. Weiss (2007), “Return Migration: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the UK", British
Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 45 (2), pp. 236-256.
Dustmann, C. and J.-S. Görlach (2016), “The Economics of Temporary Migrations." Journal of
Economic Literature, Vol. 54 (1), pp. 98-136.
Galor, O. and O. Stark (1990), “Migrants' Savings, the Probability of Return Migration and Migrants'
Performance", International Economic Review, Vol. 31 (2), pp. 463-467.
The Effect of Immigration on Wages and Employment
Albert, C. (2021), The Labor Market Impact of Immigration: Job Creation versus Job Competition", American
Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 35-78.
Amior, M. and A. Manning (2021), Monopsony and the Wage Effects of Migration", CEP Discussion Paper
No. 1690.
Altonji, J. G. and D. Card (1991), The Effects of Immigration on the Labor Market Outcomes of Less-skilled
Natives", in J. M. Abowd and R. B. Freeman (Eds.), Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market, Chapter 7,
pp. 201-234, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Beerli, A., J. Ruffner, M. Siegenthaler and G. Peri (2020), The Abolition of Immigration Restrictions and the
Performance of Firms and Workers: Evidence from Switzerland", American Economic Review, Vol. 111 (3),
pp. 976-1012.
Borjas, G. J. (2017), The Wage Impact of the Marielitos: A Reappraisal", ILR Review, Vol. 70 (5), pp. 1077-
Economics of Migration
Borjas, G. J. (2016), The Wage Impact of the Marielitos: Additional Evidence", NBER Working Paper 21850.
Borjas, G. J. (2003), The Labor Demand Curve is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of
Immigration on the Labor Market", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 118 (4), pp. 1335-1374.
Borjas, G. J., R. B. Freeman, and L. F. Katz (1997), How Much Do Immigration and Trade Affect Labor Market
Outcomes?", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1997 (1), pp. 1-90.
Burstein, A., G. Hanson, L. Tian and Jonathan Vogel (2020), Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of
Immigration: Theory and Evidence From the United States", Econometrica, Vol. 88 (3), pp. 1071-1112.
Borusyak, K., P. Hull and X. Jaravel (2021), Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs", The Review
of Economic Studies forthcoming.
Card, D. (1990), The Impact of the Mariel Boatlift on the Miami Labor Market", Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, Vol. 43 (2), pp. 245-257.
Card, D. (2001), Immigrant Inflows, Native Outflows, and the Local Labor Market Impacts of Higher
Immigration", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 22-64.
Chassamboulli, A. and G. Peri (2015), The Labor Market Effects of Reducing the Number of Illegal
Immigrants", Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 792-821.
D'Amuri, F., G. I. P. Ottaviano, and G. Peri (2010), The Labor Market Impact of Immigration in Western
Germany in the 1990's", European Economic Review, Vol. 54 (4), pp. 550-570.
Dustmann, C., T. Frattini and I. Preston (2013), The Effect of Immigration Along the Distribution of
Wages", Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 80 (1), pp. 145-173.
Dustmann, C., U. Schönberg and J. Stuhler (2016), The Impact of Immigration: Why Do Studies Reach Such
Different Results?", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 30 (4), pp. 31-56.
Dustmann, C., U. Schönberg and J. Stuhler (2017), Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment
of Local Employment", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 132 (1), pp. 435-483.
Glitz, A. (2012), The Labor Market Impact of Immigration: A Quasi-Experiment Exploiting Immigrant
Location Rules in Germany", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30 (1), pp. 175-213.
Goldsmith-Pinkham, P., I. Sorkin, and H. Swift (2020), Bartik Instruments: What, When, Why, and How",
American Economic Review, Vol. 110 (8), pp. 2586-2624.
Economics of Migration
Hunt, J. (1992), The Impact of the 1962 Repatriates from Algeria on the French Labor Market", Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 45 (3), pp. 556-572.
Jaeger, D., J. Ruist and J. Stuhler (2018), Shift-Share Instruments and Dynamic Adjustments: The Case of
Immigration", NBER Working Paper 24285.
Llull, J. (2018), Immigration, Wages, and Education: A Labor Market Equilibrium Structural Model", Review
of Economic Studies, Vol. 85 (3), pp. 1852-1896.
Manacorda, M., A. Manning, and J. Wadsworth (2012), The Impact of Immigration on the Structure
of Wages: Theory and Evidence from Britain", Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol.
10 (1), pp. 120-151.
Mishra, P. (2007), Emigration and Wages in Source Countries: Evidence from Mexico", Journal of
Development Economics, Vol. 82 (1), 180-199.
Monras, J. (2020), Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis", Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 128 (8), pp. 3017-3089.
Okkerse, L. (2008), How To Measure Labour Market Effects of Immigration: A Review", Journal of Economic
Surveys, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 1-30.
Ortega, F. and Polavieja, J. G. (2012), Labor-market Exposure as a Determinant of Attitudes Toward
Immigration", Labour Economics, Vol. 19, pp. 298-311.
Ottaviano, G. I. P. and G. Peri (2012), Rethinking the Effects of Immigration on Wages", Journal of
the European Economic Association, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 152-197.
Ottaviano, G. I. P. and G. Peri (2008), Immigration and National Wages: Clarifying the Theory and the
Empirics", NBER Working Paper No. 14188.
Peri, G. and V. Yasenov (2017), The Labor Market Effects of a Refugee Wave: Synthetic Control Method
Meets the Mariel Boatlift", IZA Discussion Paper No. 10605.
Peri, G. and C. Sparber (2009), Task Specialization, Immigration and Wages", American Economic
Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 1 (3), pp. 135-169.
Pischke, J.-S. and J. Velling (1997), Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: An Analysis Based on
Local Labor Markets", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 79 (4), pp. 594-604.
Economics of Migration
Prantl, S. and A. Spitz-Oener (2020), The Impact of Immigration on Competing Natives' Wages: Evidence
from German Reunification", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 102 (1), pp. 79-97.
The Effect of Immigration on the Industry Structure and Technology
Acemoglu, D. (1998), Why Do New Technologies Complement Skills? Directed Technical Change and Wage
Inequality", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 113 (4), pp. 1055-1089.
Beaudry, P., M. Doms, and E. G. Lewis (2010), Should the Personal Computer Be Considered a
Technological Revolution? Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 118
(5), pp. 988-1036.
Beaudry, P., and D. A. Green (2005). Changes in U.S. Wages, 1976-2000: Ongoing Skill Bias or Major
Technological Change?", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 609-648.
Clemens, M. A., E. G. Lewis and H. Postel (2018), Immigration Restrictions as Active Labor Market Policy:
Evidence from the Mexican Bracero Exclusion", American Economic Review, Vol. 108 (6), pp. 1468-1487.
Cortes, P. (2008), The Effect of Low-skilled Immigration on U.S. Prices: Evidence from CPI Data", Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 116 (3), pp. 381-422.
Doms, M. and E. G. Lewis (2006), Labor Supply and Personal Computer Adoption", Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco Working Paper No. 2006-18.
Dustmann, C. and A. Glitz (2015), How Do Industries and Firms Respond to Changes in Local Labour
Supply", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 33 (3), pp. 711-750.
Ethier, W. (1984), Higher Dimensional Issues in Trade Theory", Handbook of International Economics,
Chapter 3, Vol. 1, pp. 131-184, Elsevier.
González, L. and F. Ortega (2011), How Do Very Open Economies Absorb Large Immigration Flows?
Evidence from Spanish Regions", Labour Economics, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 57-70.
Hanson, G. H., and M. J. Slaughter (2002), Labor-market Adjustment in Open Economies: Evidence
from US States", Journal of International Economics, Vol. 57 (1), pp. 3-29.
Imbert, C., M. Seror, Y. Zhang and Y. Zylberberg (2020), Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China",
forthcoming American Economic Review.
Economics of Migration
Leamer, E. E. and J. Levinsohn (1995), International Trade Theory: The Evidence", in G. M. Grossman and
K. Rogo_ (Eds.), Handbook of International Economics, Vol. 3, Chapter 26, pp. 1339-1394. Amsterdam:
Lewis, E. G. (2003), Local Open Economies within the U.S.: How Do Industries Respond to Immigration",
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper No. 04-1.
Lewis, E. G. (2011), Immigration, Skill Mix, and Capital-Skill Complementarity", Quarterly Journal
of Economics, Vol. 126 (2), pp. 1029-1069.
Peri, G. and C. Sparber (2009), Task Specialization, Immigration and Wages", American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics, Vol. 1 (3), pp. 135-169.
Rybczynski, T. M. (1955), Factor Endowments and Relative Commodity Prices", Economica, Vol. 22 (88), pp.
Immigration and Economic Development
Ashraf, N., Aycinena, D., Martinez, C. and D. Yang (2010), Remittances and the Problem of Control: A Field
Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador", Mimeo.
Aycena, D., Martinez, C. and D. Yang (2010), The Impact of Remittance Fees on Remittance Flows: Evidence
from a Field Experiment Among Salvadoran Migrants", Mimeo.
Beine, M., Docquier, F., and H. Rapoport (2001), Brain Drain and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence",
Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 275-289.
Beine, M., Docquier, F., and H. Rapoport (2008), Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation in
Developing Countries: Winners and Losers", Economic Journal, Vol. 118 (528), pp. 631-652.
Borjas, G. J. (2015), Immigration and Globalization: A Review Essay", Journal of Economic Literature,
Vol. 53(4), pp. 961-974.
Clemens, M. (2011), Economics and Emigration: Trillion-Dollar Bills on the Sidewalk?", Journal of Economic
Perspectives, Vol. 25 (3), pp. 83-106.
Commander, S., Kangasniemi, M.and L. A. Winters (2004), The Brain Drain: Curse or Boon? A Survey of the
Literature", in Baldwin, R., Winters, L.A. (Eds.), Challenges to Globalization, University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, pp. 235-272.
Easterly, W. and Y. Nyarko (2010), Is the Brain Drain Good for Africa?", in Skilled Immigration Today:
Prospects, Problems, and Policies, edited by J. Bhagwati and G. Hanson.
Economics of Migration
Groger, A. and Y. Zylberberg (2016), Internal Labor Migration as a Shock Coping Strategy: Evidence from
a Typhoon", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 123-153.
McKenzie, D. and H. Rapoport (2010), Can Migration Reduce Educational Attainment? Evidence from
Mexico", Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 24 (4), pp. 1331-1358.
Mountford, A. (1997), Can A Brain Drain Be Good for Growth in the Economy?", Journal of
Development Economics, Vol. 53 (2), pp. 287-303.
Stark, O. (2004), Rethinking the Brain Drain", World Development, Vol. 32 (1), pp. 15-22.
Stark, O., Helmenstein, C. and A. Prskawetz (1997), A Brain Drain with a Brain Gain", Economic Letters, Vol.
55 (2), pp. 227-234.
Vidal, J.-P. (1998), The Effect of Emigration on Human Capital Formation", Journal of Population Economics,
Vol. 11 (4), pp. 589-600.
Yang, D. (2008), International Migration, Remittances, and Household Investment: Evidence from
Philippine Migrants' Exchange Rate Shocks", The Economic Journal, Vol. 118, pp. 591-630.
Immigration and Assimilation
Albert, C., A. Glitz and J. Llull (2021), Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of
Immigrants", CEPR Discussion Paper 16432.
Algan, Y., C. Dustmann, A. Glitz and A. Manning (2010), The Economic Situation of First- and Second-
Generation Immigrants in France, Germany, and the UK", Economic Journal, Vol. 120 (542), pp. F4-F30.
Borjas, G. J. (1985), Assimilation, Changes in Cohort Quality, and the Earnings of Immigrants", Journal of
Labor Economics, Vol. 3 (4), pp. 463-489.
Borjas, G. J. (1995), Assimilation and Changes in Cohort Quality Revisited: What Happened to
Immigrant Earnings in the 1980s?", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 201-245.
Borjas, G. J. (2015), The Slowdown in the Economic Assimilation of Immigrants: Aging and Cohort Effects
Revisited Again", Journal of Human Capital, Vol. 9 (4), pp. 483-517.
Economics of Migration
Bratsberg, B., E. Barth, and O. Raaum (2006), Local Unemployment and the Relative Wages of Immigrants:
Evidence from the Current Population Survey", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 88 (2), pp. 243-263.
Chiswick, B. R. (1978), The Effect of Americanization on the Earnings of Foreign-born Men", Journal
of Political Economy, Vol. 86 (5), pp. 897-921.
Constant, A, O. Nottmeyer and K. F. Zimmermann (2010), Cultural Integration in Europe Chapter on
Germany", unpublished manuscript.
Duleep, H. O. and M. C. Regets (1999), Immigrants and Human-Capital Investment", American Economic
Review, Vol. 89 (2), pp. 186-191.
Dustmann, C., A. Glitz and T. Vogel (2010), Employment, Wages, and the Economic Cycle: Differences
between Immigrants and Natives", European Economic Review, Vol. 54 (1), pp. 1-17.
Dustmann, C. and J.-S. Görlach (2015), Selective Out-Migration and the Estimation of Immigrants' Earnings
Profiles", Handbook of the Economics of International Migration, Vol. 1, Chapter 10, pp. 489-533.
Dustmann, C. and J.-S. Görlach (2016), Estimating Immigrant Earnings Profiles when Migrations Are
Temporary", Labour Economics, Vol. 41, pp. 1-8.
Dustmann, C. and A. van Soest (2001), Language Fluency and Earnings: Estimation with Misclassified
Language Indicators", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 83 (4), pp. 663-674.
LaLonde, R. J. and R. H. Topel (1992), The Assimilation of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market", in Borjas,
G. J. and R. B. Freeman (Eds.), Immigration and the Workforce: The Economic Consequences for the United
States and Source Areas, pp. 67-92, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Gathmann, C. and N. Keller (2018), Access to Citizenship and the Economic Assimilation of Immigrants",
Economic Journal, Vol. 128 (616), pp. 3141-3181.
Lubotsky, D. (2007), Chutes or Ladders? A Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrant Earnings", Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 115 (5), pp. 820-867.
Rho, D. and S. Sanders (2021), Immigrants Earnings Assimilation in the United States: A Panel Analysis",
Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 39 (1), pp. 37-78.
The Effect of Immigration on Prices, Housing and Crime
Economics of Migration
Alonso, C., N. Garoupa, M. Perera, and P. Vazquez (2012), Does Immigration Cause Crime? Evidence from
Spain", American Law and Economics Review, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 165-191.
Aoki, Y. and Y. Todo (2009), Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes? Evidence from France", Applied
Economic Letters, Vol 16, pp. 1537-1541.
Bell, B. and S. Machin (2013), “Crime and Immigration: Evidence from Large Immigrant Waves in the
UK", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 95 (4), pp. 1278-1290.
Bianchi, M., P. Buonanno and P. Pinotti (2012), Do Immigrants Cause crime?", Journal of the European
Economic Association, Vol. 10 (6), pp. 1318-1347.
Borjas, G. (1999), Immigration and Welfare Magnets", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 17 (4), pp. 607-637.
Borjas, G. J., J. Grogger and G. H. Hanson (2006), Immigration and African-American Employment
Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks", NBER
Working Paper No. 12518.
Butcher, K. and A. Morrison Piehl (1998), Cross-City Evidence on the Relationship Between Immigration
and Crime", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 654-679.
Cortes, P. (2008), “The Effect of Low-skilled Immigration on US Prices: Evidence from CPI Data",
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 116 (3), pp. 381-422.
Cortes, P. and J. Tessada (2009), Low-Skilled Immigration and the Labor Supply of Highly Educated
Women", Working Paper.
Farr_e, L., L. González and F. Ortega (2011), Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of
Skilled Native Women", B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Contributions, Vol. 11 (1), Article 34.
Lach, S. (2007), Immigration and Prices", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 115 (4), pp. 548-587.
Ottaviano, G. I. P. and G. Peri (2007), The Effects of Immigration on U.S. Wages and Rents: A General
Equilibrium Approach", CReAM Discussion Paper No. 13/07.
Pinotti, P. (2015), “Clicking on Heaven's Door: The Effect of Immigrant Legalization on Crime",
American Economic Review, Vol. 107 (1), pp. 138-168.
Piopiunik, M. and J. Ruhose (2017), Immigration, Regional Conditions, and Crime: Evidence from an
Allocation Policy in Germany", European Economic Review, Vol. 92, pp. 258-282.
Economics of Migration
Saiz, A. (2003), “Room in the Kitchen for the Melting Pot: Immigration and Rental Prices", Review of
Economics and Statistics, Vol. 85 (3), pp. 502-521.
Saiz, A. (2007), Immigration and Housing Rents in American Cities", Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 61
(2), pp. 345-371.
Spenkuch, J. (2014), Understanding the Impact of Immigration on Crime", American Law and Economics
Review, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 177-219.
Illegal Immigration, Ethnic Segregation and Attitudes to Immigration
Alesina, A., A. Miano and S. Stantcheva (2019) “Immigration and Redistribution", NBER Working Paper
Aslund, O., L. Hensvik and O. Nordström Skans (2010), “Will I See You at Work? Ethnic Workplace
Segregation in Sweden 1985-2002", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 63 (3), pp. 471-493.
Battisti, M., G. Peri and A. Romiti (2021), “Dynamic Effects of Co-Ethnic Networks on Immigrants'
Economic Success", forthcoming Economic Journal.
Bertrand, M., E. Luttmer and S. Mullainathan (2000), “Network Effects and Welfare Cultures", Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Vol. 115 (3), pp. 1019-1055.
Brown, J. D., J. L. Hotchkiss and M. Quispe-Agnoli (2013), “Does Employing Undocumented Workers Give
Firms a Competitive Advantage?", Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 53 (1), pp. 158-170.
Card, D., C. Dustmann and I. Preston (2011), “Immigration, Wages, and Compositional Amenities",
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 78-119.
Cascio, E. and E. G. Lewis (2021), “Opening the Door: Migration and Self-Selection in a Restrictive
Immigration Regime" NBER Working Paper 27874.
Damm, A. P. (2009), “Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes: Quasi-Experimental
Evidence", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 27 (2), pp. 281-314.
Dustmann, C. and A. Glitz (2005), “Immigration, Jobs and Wages: Theory, Evidence and Opinion", CEPR
Dustmann, C., A. Glitz, U. Schönberg and H. Brücker (2016), “Referral-based Job Search Networks", Review
of Economic Studies, Vol. 83 (2), pp. 514-546.
Economics of Migration
Edin, P. A., P. Fredriksson and O. Aslund (2003), “Ethnic Enclaves and the Economic Success of
Immigrants: Evidence from a Natural Experiment", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 118 (1), pp.
Facchini, G. and A. M. Mayda (2009), “Does the Welfare State Affect Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants?
Evidence across Countries", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 91 (2), pp. 295-314.
Fasani, F. (2015), “Understanding the Role of Immigrants' Legal Status: Evidence from Policy Experiments",
CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 61 (3-4), pp. 722-763.
Gathmann, C. (2008), “Effects of Enforcement on Illegal Markets: Evidence from Migrant Smuggling at the
Southwestern Border", Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 92 (10-11), pp. 1926-1941.
Hanson, G. and A. Spilimbergo (1999), “Illegal Immigration, Border Enforcement and Relative Wages:
Evidence from Apprehensions at the USMexico Border", American Economic Review, Vol. 89(5), pp.
Mayda, A. M. (2006), “Who Is Against Immigration? A Cross-Country Investigation of Individual Attitudes
Toward Immigrants", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 88 (3), pp. 510-530.
Monras, J., J. Vázquez-Grenno and F. Elias (2021), “Understanding the Effects of Granting Work Permits to
Undocumented Immigrants", CEPR Discussion Paper 12726.
Ortega, F. and J. Polavieja (2012), “Labor-market Exposure as a Determinant of Attitudes Toward
Immigration", Labour Economics, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 298-311.
Piil Damm, A. (2009), “Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Labour Market Outcomes: Quasi-
experimental Evidence", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 27 (2), pp. 281-314.
Yoshida, C. and A. D. Woodland (2005), The Economics of Illegal Immigration, Palgrave Macmillan.
Refugee Migration
Baez, J. E. (2011), Civil Wars Beyond Their Borders: The Human Capital and Health Consequences of
Hosting Refugees", Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 96, pp. 391-408.
Bauer, T. K., S. Braun and M. Kvasnicka (2013), The Economic Integration of Forced Migrants: Evidence for
Post-war Germany", The Economic Journal, Vol. 123 (571), pp. 998-1024.
Economics of Migration
Cortes, K. E. (2004), Are Refugees Different from Economic Immigrants? Some Empirical Evidence on the
Heterogeneity of Immigrant Groups in the United States", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 86 (2),
pp. 465-480.
Dustmann, C., F. Fasani, T. Frattini, L. Minale and U.Schönberg (2017), On The Economics and Politics
of Refugee Migration", Economic Policy, Vol. 32 (91), pp. 497-550.
Dustmann, C., K. Vasiljeva and A. P. Damm (2019), Refugee Migration and Electoral Outcomes", Review of
Economic Studies Vol. 86, pp. 2035-2091.
Fasani, F., T. Frattini and L. Minale (2021), “Lift the Ban? Initial Employment Restrictions and
Refugee Labour Market Outcomes", forthcoming Journal of European Economic Association.
Fasani, F., T. Frattini and L. Minale (2020), (The Struggle for) Refugee Integration into the Labour Market:
Evidence from Europe", forthcoming Journal of Economic Geography.
Fernández-Huertas Moraga, J. and H. Rapoport (2014), Tradable Immigration Quotas", Journal of Public
Economics, Vol. 115, pp. 94-108.
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BSE Course Syllabus: Title of the Course
To (be able to) communicate with determination and in the English Language,
the results and implications of the required analytical study using a language
that the receiver can relate to.
To work within a heterogeneous team of researchers as economic analyst
using specific group techniques.
To fit in diverse professional environments and varied types of collaborations
in different professional projects
To possess and understand the knowledge that provides a basis or
opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often
in a research context.
That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their ability to
solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or
multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
That the students be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of
making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited,
include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the
application of their knowledge and judgments.
That the students be able to communicate their conclusions and the
knowledge and the ultimate reasons that sustain them to both, specialized and
non-specialized publics in a clear and unambiguous way.
That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying
in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
To identify and apply the insights of the theory, the models, and the analytical
tools of modern economy to its global dimension.
Understand and apply economic theory related to the regulation of
markets and competition policy.
BSE Course Syllabus: Title of the Course
Understand and apply the economics of international trade and finance
and economic development
To understand and apply the quantitative methods used to solve
complex problems of the economy.
To evaluate, with theoretical and quantitative instruments, the complex
realities of the economy to
understand the way it works.
Learning outcomes
Deep knowledge of the economics of international trade, finance and
Applies economic concepts to economic pressure policy problems
related to growth, economic stability
and poverty.
Analyze economic data rigorously.