Yan Chen
Peter Cramton
John A. List
Axel Ockenfels
Working Paper 26873
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
March 2020
Chen acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation via grant numbers
SES-1620319 and 1838994. Cramton and Ockenfels acknowledge funding by the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under grant agreement No 741409, as well as by the German Research Foundation
(DFG) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy (EXC 2126/1– 390838866). The views expressed
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© 2020 by Yan Chen, Peter Cramton, John A. List, and Axel Ockenfels. All rights reserved.
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Market Design, Human Behavior, and Management
Yan Chen, Peter Cramton, John A. List, and Axel Ockenfels
NBER Working Paper No. 26873
March 2020
JEL No. C91,C93,D4,D47,D9
We review past research and discuss future directions on how the vibrant research areas of market
design and behavioral economics have influenced and will continue to impact the science and
practice of management in both the private and public sectors. Using examples from various
auction markets, reputation and feedback systems in online markets, matching markets in
education, and labor markets, we demonstrate that combining market design theory, behavioral
insights, and experimental methods can lead to fruitful implementation of superior market designs
in practice.
Yan Chen
School of Information
University of Michigan
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Mich 48109
United States
Peter Cramton
Department of Economics
University of Cologne
D-50923 Köln
John A. List
Department of Economics
University of Chicago
1126 East 59th
Chicago, IL 60637
and NBER
Axel Ockenfels
Department of Economics
University of Cologne
D-50923 Köln
Market Design, Human Behavior and Management
Yan Chen
, Peter Cramton
, John A. List
, and Axel Ockenfels
March 12, 2020
We review past research and discuss future directions on how the vibrant research
areas of market design and behavioral economics have influenced and will continue to
impact the science and practice of management in both the private and public sectors.
Using examples from various auction markets, reputation and feedback systems in
online markets, matching markets in education, and labor markets, we demonstrate
that combining market design theory, behavioral insights, and experimental methods
can lead to fruitful implementation of superior market designs in practice.
1 Introduction
Since the 1990s, economic research has played an increasingly important role in the practical
organization and design of markets. The phrase market design includes the design not only of
marketplaces but also of other economic environments, institutions and allocation rules(Roth 2015).
Prominent examples of market design include the auctions for spectrum, electricity, and other
commodities; tradable permit systems for pollution abatement and other environmental regulations;
online auctions; online reputation and feedback systems; financial markets; labor market
clearinghouses; formal procedures for student assignment to public schools or colleges; centralized
systems for the allocation of organs; and other related matching and trading processes. In many of
these cases, theoretical, experimental and empirical research have complemented each other and
influenced the design of market institutions.
In the process of bringing a theoretical idea or result to practice, the research strategy is often to
observe the performance of the new market design in the context of the simple situations that can
be created in a laboratory and assess its performance relative to what it was created to do and
relative to the theory upon which its creation rests. For this reason, laboratory experiments are often
School of Information, University of Michigan, 105 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285; Department of
Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; e-mail:
. Chen acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation via grant
numbers SES-1620319 and 1838994.
Department of Economics: Market Design, University of Cologne, Albertus Magnus Platz, 50923 Köln,
Germany; e-mail: pcra[email protected]
The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, The University of Chicago, 1126 E. 59th Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60637; e-mail: jlist@uchicago.edu
Department of Economics, University of Cologne, Albertus Magnus Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany; e-mail:
Cramton and Ockenfels acknowledge funding by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European
Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 741409, as well as by the
German Research Foundation (DFG) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy (EXC 2126/1390838866).
compared to a wind tunnel. For the rest of this section, we will briefly review several important
papers published in Management Science related to market design and human behavior.
At the theoretical level, the most important tool for market design is game theory. In the first 20
years after von Neuman and Morgenstern published their seminal book, Theory of Games and
Economic Behavior, game theory largely remained an academic pastime, primarily because of the
technical difficulties of modeling games of incomplete information that underlies almost all economic
environments of interests (Morris 2019). Between 1967 and 1968, John Harsanyi published three
path-breaking papers in Management Science, where he successfully argued that we can incorporate
any incomplete information without loss of generality as the interim stage of some suitably
constructed model of asymmetric information, and extended Nashs concept of an equilibrium point
to games of incomplete information (Harsanyi 1967, 1968a, 1968b). One of the many important
results from these papers was the concept of a typethat summarizes the relevant characteristics
of a particular player. These three papers provided economists with the much-needed tools for
studying asymmetric information problems in strategic interactions (Gul 1997).
The first applied area of economics that embraced game theory was industrial organization,
which generated many interesting insights on bargaining, contract design, pricing and other practical
problems which influenced the theory and practice of management. Game theory has since
contributed considerably to virtually all applied theoretical research in economics and political
science. Harsanyi’s three Management Science papers are broadly considered the precursor to the
game theory takeover of economic theory (Morris 2019). Primarily for his contributions in formalizing
games of incomplete information, John Harsanyi, together with John Nash and Reinhardt Selten,
received The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 1994 (Nobel
Foundation a).
In addition to theoretical foundations for market design, Management Science has also published
a sequence of influential papers on human behavior. Here we highlight two such papers by
researchers pivotal in the creation of the now vibrant field of behavioral economics. The first paper
is due to Kahneman and Lovallo (1993), who study choice under uncertainty by focusing on isolation
errors,whereby people tend to treat risky prospects separately rather than together. In their first
prospect theorypaper, Kahneman and Tversky (1979) raised two central aspects of choice under
uncertainty: the role of loss aversion and the probability weighting function. Isolation errors as the
third component in risky choice is something whose centrality to understanding risk attitudes
researchers have only begun to fully appreciate” (Rabin 2003). In this paper, Kahneman and Lovallo
not only presented experimental results demonstrating the prevalence of isolation errors, but also
applied it extensively in the context of managerial decision-making to explain, for example, the
pervasiveness of small-scale insurance policies, such as extended warranties on consumer products,
and the equity premium puzzle (Benartzi and Thaler 1995). For having integrated insights from
psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-
making under uncertainty,” Daniel Kahneman shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics (Nobel
Foundation b).
A second paper highlighted here is by Thaler and Johnson (1990), who investigate how risk-taking
is affected by prior gains and losses. They present experimental data supporting the house money
effect whereby decision makers become more risk seeking in the presence of a prior gain, and
break-even effectswhereby, in the presence of prior losses, outcomes which offer a chance to
break even are especially attractive. Summarizing these empirical regularities, they propose an
editing rule to describe how decision makers frame such problems. For having built a bridge
between the economic and psychological analyses of individual decision-making and for his
instrumental role in creating the new and rapidly expanding field of behavioral economics,Richard
Thaler received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017 (Nobel Foundation c).
Finally, Management Science has published a sequence of papers on market design which
combines theoretical insights with laboratory experiments to shed light on new market designs. Here
we highlight Katok and Roth (2004) who investigate in the laboratory the performance of two auction
formats for selling multiple homogenous objects, the ascending auctions used in eBay and the
descending auctions best known for its use in the flower auctions in the Netherlands. The authors
design three environments that include synergies and potentially subject bidders to the exposure
problem and the free-riding problem. They find that the descending auctions perform well across
environments, while the eBay ascending auction better avoids the free-riding problem. These findings
have significant implications for market design for procurement and privatization. One year later, in
2005, Management Science published a special issue on Electronic Markets (Volume 51, Issue 3),
which includes foundational auction design papers by various economists and computer scientists.
Alvin Roth, together with Lloyd Shapley, received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Economics for the theory
of stable allocations and the practice of market design” (Nobel Foundation d).
As demonstrated in the above examples, Management Science has published foundational
work in game theory, human behavior and market design. Compared to mechanism design, which
focuses on the use of game theory to understand how to efficiently design institutions, markets, and
contracts respecting individual incentives, market design deals with a similar question but recognizes
that theory can only go so far because many people are not (traditionally) rational or a necessary
assumption of the theory means that critical things are left out. In the auction literature, the Vickrey
-Clarke-Groves mechanism (Vickrey 1961, Clarke 1971, Groves 1973) is the output of the mechanism
design approach whereas ascending package bidding auctions are the output of the market design
approach. Market design at its best takes the insights from game theory, behavioral economics,
experiments and field data to come up with practical institutional designs that have a real chance of
improving existing institutions. Specifically, market design has a few distinguishing features
compared to mechanism design. First, the objective of market design is to find institutions that work
better. Second, market design emphasizes areas of inquiry where theory is relatively silent or
underdeveloped. Lastly, market design should result in new (hopefully applied) mechanisms.
For the rest of the paper, we will survey several market design challenges and solutions, including
strategic timing in auction and financial markets (Section 2), reputation and feedback system design
in online markets (Section 3), matching market design in education (Section 4), and the design of
labor markets (Section 5). Finally, Section 6 concludes.
2 Strategic timing in markets
While economic theory simplifies auctions and often does not worry about strategic timing in
markets, it is an important concern in market design
. In matching markets, Roth and his coauthors
analyze and develop mechanisms that address problems arising from incentives to act earlier than
others (Roth 1990, 1991, Mongell and Roth 1991, Roth and Xing 1994, Roth and Peranson 1999, Kagel
and Roth 2000, Chen and Sönmez 2006, Roth 2008 provides a survey). Competition for people and
positions in various job markets led to earlier and earlier dates of appointment, to the point that
students were being hired before useful information about their performance was available, and
before the students themselves could develop informed career preferences. Roth designed and
helped implement successful centralized matching algorithms to stabilize such markets (Roth 2002,
and Roth and Wilson 2019 provide an account of the history of market design and of recent
Yet, timing is also an important aspect of strategic behavior in auction markets. As we show in
this section, a strategy called sniping(bidding as early or as late as possible to gain an advantage)
is prevalent in many auction market environments, hampering the efficiency of trade. Sniping has
probably been first observed in candle auctions, which were used starting about 1490 (Cassady 1967).
In modern markets, market design solutions that can help mitigate sniping are often available. First,
we show that sniping is widespread on consumer-to-consumer (C2C) online markets like eBay yet can
be largely mitigated by changing the rule by which the auctions end. We then sketch how sniping
arises in spectrum auctions and can be addressed by activity rules designed to promote better price
discovery. Finally, we describe the race for speed in financial markets, why it arises, and how it can
make traders worse off and create inefficiencies and market instabilities. Here, too, innovative
market design solutions are available.
2.1 Online auctions
Many auctions, including online auctions for consumer goods, are often run in continuous time.
simplest rule for ending such auctions is a fixed end time (a hard close), as employed by eBay. A
striking property of bidding on eBay is that a substantial fraction of bidders submits their bids in the
closing seconds of an auction, which is called sniping, just before the hard close. Bidding is different
on other platforms such as those formerly run by Amazon, which operated under otherwise similar
rules. Amazon auctions were automatically extended if necessary past the scheduled end time until 10
minutes passed without a bid (a soft close).
This section is an adjusted and updated, and much shortened, version of Ockenfels and Roths (2013) account
of the literature on sniping in auctions for consumer goods. To simplify our exposition, we will use the present
tense when we talk about Amazon auctions in this section, although Amazon shut down its auction platform
many years ago.
Based on a study by Roth and Ockenfels (2002), Figure 1 shows the empirical cumulative probability
distributions of the timing of the last bid in each auction for a sample of 480 eBay and Amazon auctions
of antiques and computers with a total of 2,279 bidders. The timing of bids in Amazon is defined with
respect to the initially scheduled deadline, which differs from the actual closing time if a bid comes in
later than ten minutes before the initial end time (only very few bids came in after the initially
scheduled deadline, so we drop those observations for simplicity).
Figure 1. Cumulative distributions over time of eBay auctionslast bids
(reproduced from Roth and Ockenfels 2002)
Figure 1 shows that there is significantly more late bidding on eBay than on Amazon. For instance,
40 percent of eBay-Computers auctions and 59 percent of eBay-Antiques auctions in the sample have
last bids in the last 5 minutes, compared to about 3 percent of both Amazon computer and Amazon
antiques auctions that have last bids in the last five minutes before the initially scheduled deadline
or later. The pattern repeats in the last minute and even in the last ten seconds. This suggests that
changes in the ending rules of auctions can strongly affect bidding behavior. While the Roth and
Ockenfels (2002) study was one of the earliest on eBay, and the data were collected by hand, more
recent studies of eBay referenced below use millions of auctions as data and mostly confirm the
Sniping on eBay is not easily explained by simple textbook auction analyses. The reason is that
there is no time dimension in sealed-bid auctions, and dynamic auctions are typically modeled as
clock auctions, where price clocks instead of the bidding itself determine the pace of the
bidding. Moreover, eBay asks the bidders to submit maximum bids (called proxy bids). Because
eBays bidding agent will bid up to the maximum bid only when some other bidder has bid as high or
higher, if the bidder has submitted the highest proxy bid, he wins at the lowest possible priceof
one increment above the next highest bid. Thus, similar to the second-price sealed-bid auction, at
the end of the auction a proxy bid wins only if it is the highest proxy bid, and the final price is the
minimum increment above the second highest submitted proxy bid, regardless of the timing of the
bid. This suggests that there is no reason to bid late. Yet, proxy bidding does not necessarily remove
the incentives for sniping on eBay. Sniping can avoid bidding wars with incremental bidders, with like-
minded late bidders, and with uninformed bidders who look to othersbids to determine the value
of an item (see the series of papers by Roth and Ockenfels (2002), Ockenfels and Roth (2006, 2013),
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
minutes before auction ends
eBay-Computers eBay-Antiques
Amazon-Computers Amazon-Antiques
that offers game theoretic analyses for late and incremental bidding strategies, field evidence for
strategic late bidding).
For example, sniping can be the best response to the late bidding strategies of like-minded
bidders. In 2000, Hal Varian explained the underlying idea in a New York Times column titled Online
Users as Laboratory Ratsas follows: Suppose you are willing to pay up to $10 for a pez dispenser,
and there is only one other potential bidder who you believe also has a willingness to pay of about
$10. If both of you submit your value early, you will end up with a second highest submitted proxy
bid of about $10 implying a price of about $10. Thus, regardless of whether you win or not, your
earnings would be close to zero. Now consider a strategy that calls for a bidder to bid $10 at the very
last minute and not to bid earlier, unless the other bidder bids earlier. If the other bidder bids earlier,
the strategy calls for a bidder to respond by promptly bidding his true value. If both bidders follow
this strategy and mutually delay their bids until the last minute, both bidders have positive expected
profits, because there is a positive probability that one of the last-minute bids will not be successfully
transmitted (Roth and Ockenfels 2002); in which case the winner only has to pay the (small) minimum
bid. However, if a bidder deviates from this strategy and bids early, his expected earnings are
(approximately) zero because of the early price war triggered by the early bid. Thus, with sniping,
expected bidder profits will be higher and seller revenue lower than when everyone bids true values
early. That is, sniping can be an equilibrium strategy even with private values and even if there is a
risk that the snipe does not make it to eBay in time, before the auction closes.
When values are interdependent, there are additional strategic reasons to bid late in auctions,
because the bids of others can then carry valuable information about the items value that can
provoke a bidder to increase his willingness to pay. This creates incentives to bid late, because by
bidding late, less informed bidders can incorporate into their bids the information they have gathered
from the earlier bids of others, and experts can avoid giving information to others through their own
early bids (Bajari and Hortaçsu 2004, Ockenfels and Roth 2006, Hossain 2008).
Finally, last minute bidding can also be a best reply to incremental bidding. To see why, suppose
you believe that your competitor starts with a bid well below his maximum willingness to pay and is
then prepared to raise his proxy bid whenever he is outbid, as long as the price is below his willingness
to pay. Last-minute bids can be a best response to this kind of incremental bidding because bidding
near the deadline of the auction would not give the incremental bidder enough time to respond to
being outbid. By bidding at the last moment, you might win the auction at the incremental bidder’s
initial, low bid, even when the incremental bidders willingness to pay exceeds your willingness to
pay. Non-strategic reasons for incremental bidding include that bidders may not be aware of eBays
proxy system and thus behave as if they bid in an ascending (English) auction, endowment effect
(Roth and Ockenfels 2002, Wolf et al. 2005 and Cotton 2009), auction fever(Heyman et al. 2004),
escalation of commitment and competitive arousal (Ku et al. 2005), uncertainty over ones own
private valuation (Rasmusen 2006), or an unwillingness to reveal ones valuation (Rothkopf et al.
1990). Strategic reasons include shill bidding by confederates of the seller to push up the price beyond
the second-highest maximum bid (Engelberg and Williams 2009), and a strategic response to the
multiplicity of listings of similar objects (Anwar et al. 2006, Peters and Severinov 2006).
Amazon auctions are automatically extended if necessary past the scheduled end time until ten
minutes have passed without a bid. Although the risks of last-minute bidding remain, the strategic
advantages of last-minute bidding are eliminated or severely attenuated in Amazon-style auctions,
because no matter how late a bid was placed, other bidders will have time to respond. Thus, on
Amazon, an attentive incremental bidder, for example, can respond whenever a bid is placed. As a
result, the advantage that sniping confers in an auction with a fixed deadline is eliminated or greatly
attenuated in an Amazon-style auction with an automatic extension (Ockenfels and Roth 2006,
Malaga et al. 2010). Indeed, Figure 1 suggests that late bidding arises in large part from the rational
response of the bidders to the strategic environment. Moreover, more experienced bidders on eBay
bid later than less experienced bidders, while experience in Amazon has the opposite effect (Ariely
et al. 2005, Ockenfels and Roth 2006, Wilcox 2000). In addition, since significantly more late bidding
is found in antiques auctions than in computer auctions on eBay, but not on Amazon, behavior
responds to the strategic incentives created by the possession of information, in a way that interacts
with the rules of the auction.
Laboratory experiments conducted by Ariely et al. (2005) replicate the major field findings in a
controlled laboratory private-value setting in which the only difference between auctions is the
ending rule. Moreover, the laboratory Amazon condition turns out to be more efficient and to yield
higher revenues than the other conditions; the field evidence on efficiency and revenues from various
auction platforms is, however, somewhat more mixed (Glover and Raviv 2012, Gray and Reiley 2013,
Cao et al. 2019, Brown and Morgan 2009, Houser and Wooders 2005, Elfenbein and McManus 2010
and Carpenter et al. 2011). Backus et al. (2015) find another harmful impact of sniping based on eBay
field data: being sniped discourages new bidders from returning to bid again they are between 4
and 18 percent less likely to return to the platform.
The next subsections describe two other important examples for sniping in markets, examples in
which traders are unlike on eBay most sophisticated and in which very different solutions to
address sniping have been devised.
2.2 Spectrum auctions
Spectrum auctions have been used by governments to assign and price spectrum for 25 years.
development and implementation of innovative spectrum auction formats is among the greatest
successes of market design. Over the years, many design issues have surfaced. Like on eBay (which
was founded in 1995, around the same time when spectrum auctions started to become popular),
This section is mostly based on Cramton (2013). Because of space restrictions, we cannot discuss issues
related to package bidding here, although they are an important part of the auction design literature (Cramton
et al. 2006, Milgrom 2017) with important papers published in Management Science, such as Pekec and
Rothkopf (2003), Kwasnica et al. (2005), Goetzendorff et al. (2015). In this context, some early papers also
addressed strategic timing, such as Rassenti et al. (1982) and Banks et al. (1989).
one important challenge is to address incentives bidders may have to withhold expressing true
demands until late in the auction, and thereby undermine price discovery.
The workhorse for spectrum auctions since 1994 has been the simultaneous ascending auction,
which is a simple generalization of the English auction to multiple items in which all items are
auctioned simultaneously. Thus, unlike Sothebys or Christies auctions in which the items are
auctioned in sequence, here all the items are auctioned at the same time: Each item has a price that
is associated with it. Over a sequence of rounds, bidders are asked to raise the bid on any items that
they find attractive, and the auctioneer identifies the provisional winner for each item at the end of
every round. The process continues until nobody is willing to bid any higher which is related to
Amazons soft close auction.
This process was originally proposed by Preston McAfee, Paul Milgrom,
and Robert Wilson for the FCC spectrum auctions.
Although these auctions end with a soft close, bidders may want to hold back, not pushing up
prices on those objects they value most and concealing their private information until the end of an
auction. One motivation for this strategy stems from an aggregate budget constraint. It may be easier
to push a competitor aside late in the auction when the competitor has already committed its budget
in other markets. A second motivation is a desire to better understand prices before committing to a
specific portfolio of spectrum assets.
Sniping, however, slows the auction down and prevents price discovery.
Yet good price discovery
is essential in realizing the benefits of complex, dynamic auctions. One reason is that there is much
uncertainty about what the objects being sold are worth. The bidders typically can only develop a
crude valuation model. They need the benefit of some collective market insights, which can be
revealed in a dynamic auction process to improve their bidding. If the price discovery process works
well, the bidders gradually have their sights focused on the most relevant part of the price space.
Focusing bidder decisions on what is relevant is probably the biggest source of benefit from the
dynamic process (although this benefit is often ignored by economists, because economists typically
assume that bidders fully understand their valuation models, when in practice bidders almost never
have a completely specified valuation model). For such reasons price discovery is a public good and
thus sniping free-riding on othersefforts to find market prices is a reasonable strategy if not
prevented by auction design.
The standard solution in spectrum auction design is an activity rule. The activity rule requires a
bidder to be active (that is to be the current high bidder or to submit new bids) on a predetermined
quantity of spectrum licenses. If a bidder falls short of the required activity level, the quantity of
Klemperer (1998, 2002) proposes an ending rule for spectrum auctions that is somewhat closer to eBays hard
close, namely a hybrid of the ascending, soft-close auction format and the sealed-bid format, which he calls
Anglo-Dutch. The idea is that the early bidding is like in the simultaneous ascending auction, but bidders can
make final sealed-bids at the end of the auction. Klemperer argues that this kind of hard-close can discourage
collusion in the dynamic phase of the auction, because the last-minute round allows bidders to renege on any
deals without fear of retaliation, and because the final bids induce some uncertainty about the winner, this can
also attract entrants. Such concerns are not relevant for the choice of eBays hard-close ending rule in their
single-object auctions, though.
Studies on eBay reveal that bidders do not bid truthfully early in the auction, but that much of the price
discovery is done only in the closing seconds of the auction (e.g., Ariely et al. 2005).
licenses it is eligible to buy shrinks. Thus, bidders are prevented from holding back. The activity rule
avoids late bidding and controls the pace of auctions by creating pressure on bidders to bid actively
from the start. Milgrom and Wilson
designed an activity rule that was applied to the U.S. spectrum
auctions (McAfee and McMillan 1996, Milgrom 2004). Nearly all high-stake auctions, such as the FCC
spectrum auctions, have an activity rule.
The exact design of the activity rule depends on the auction environment. More complex auctions
require more complex activity rules. Too strong activity rules might force bidders to bid for less than
their true demands, and too weak activity rules will inevitably lead to late bidding. For a single-object
spectrum auction, a reasonable activity rule would require that no bidder can re-enter after exiting
the auction. In an eBay-like auction, for instance, the activity rule would imply that all bidders, right
at the start, submit their maximum willingness to pay as a proxy bid. No bidder could enter the
auction once it started or re-enter once the bidder exited. (This, of course, would be incompatible
with the flexibility needed on C2C auction platforms, but it is compatible with spectrum auctions
where there are discrete rounds that follow a daily schedule.) For a multi-unit auction of a single
product, the activity rule would require that one cannot increase demand as price increases. For
many related products, an aggregate quantity rule is needed, which requires that bidders are active
on a particular fraction of current eligibilityor the eligibility is reduced.
In more complex auctions,
such as combinatorial clock auctions, state-of-the-art revealed preference rules can make sure that,
as prices increase, bidders can only shift toward packages that become relatively cheaper (Ausubel
et al. 2006, Ausubel and Baranov 2019).
What happens without an activity rule can be observed in spectrum auctions such as the Italy 4G
auction, which did not have an activity rule. As a result, bidders held back demand, slowing the
auction and limiting price discovery. Eventually, the auction lasted 470 rounds. That said, Germanys
recent 5G auction, in 2019, lasted 497 rounds and thus set a new world record with respect to number
of rounds in a simultaneous ascending auction. Here, the flaw was not the activity rule, but the fact
that it would take many rounds to get a one increment increase in price, because Germany used the
traditional simultaneous ascending auction with bidding on individual lots, rather than a modern
clock auction, which has prices increase by a bid increment in each round for any product with excess
demand (see Cramton and Ockenfels 2017 for an analysis of the German spectrum auction design).
Measures to address sniping cannot be analyzed in isolation but must be closely connected to other
details of the rules, such as pricing rules and increment rules to be fully effective.
2.3 Financial markets
Markets for financial securities are another important example where market design has a profound
impact on the incentives for sniping and speed in markets. Unlike in spectrum auctions, the problem
Here, each lot corresponds to a specific quantity of spectrum, measured in either MHzPop or in eligibility
points. The bidder starts with an initial eligibility based on the bidders initial deposit. To maintain this level of
eligibility in future rounds, the bidder needs to bid on a sufficiently large quantity of spectrum in the current
round, where sufficiently largeis stated as some percentage, typically between 80% and 100% of the bidders
current eligibility. If the bidder bids on a smaller quantity, the bidders eligibility is reduced in future rounds.
is not that bids tend to be held back, but rather a never-ending arms race for ever faster trading.
Because trading is continuous and equally attractive orders are processed in the order they arrive,
speed is crucial in this format. This limits the performance of these markets (e.g., Budish et al. 2019).
As before, the problem can be viewed with the lens of market design. This reveals a solution as
presented in Budish et al. (2015), which we describe below.
The root of the problem is a fundamental flaw in todays markets: continuous-time trading.
Continuous-time trading means that it is possible to buy or sell securities at any instant, where instant
is measured in billionths of seconds the speed of todays computers. Thus, the solution is for trading
to occur in discrete time. Instead of trading at any instant, trading occurs, say, once per second.
Orders arriving in the same second are batched together without any priority for orders that arrive a
bit earlier, and all trades occur at the same price where supply and demand cross. The key is that the
trading interval should be short as perceived by humans, but long for a computer.
But what exactly is wrong with continuous trading? Is trading as fast as possible not just good for
price discovery and healthy competition, as probably suggested by our discussion of the need for
activity rules in spectrum auctions? The answer boils down to a combination of two market failures.
The first market failure is that in times of algorithmic trading, continuous markets do not and cannot,
work as they should in continuous time. Equivalent securities with prices that move in lockstep at
human time intervals have moments of significant divergence at high frequencies. This creates what
economists call technical arbitrage opportunities: the kinds of opportunities that are not supposed
to exist if the market is working properly. For example, the price of the S&P 500 futures contract in
Chicago (ES) and the S&P 500 EFT in New York (SPY) should move in perfect lockstep, and to the
human eye they do (Figure 2 left panel). But, when we zoom in to high frequency, there are hundreds
of opportunities a day to make nearly riskless money buy low in New York and sell high in Chicago,
or vice versa (Figure 2 right panel). This adds up to about $75 million a year for high frequency traders
and this is just one pair of securities. There are hundreds of other pairs just like it, and, in our
fragmented US equities markets, trades that are even simpler: if a stock jumps up on NASDAQ, buy
it low on NYSE.
Figure 2. S&P 500 index in Chicago (ES) and New York (SPY) minute-by-minute (left panel) and
millisecond-by-millisecond (right panel). The securities move in lockstep on human time scale but
are uncorrelated on a millisecond time scale. (Reproduced from Budish et al. 2015)
The second market failure is that these technical arbitrage opportunities which are a prize to
whichever trader snaps them up the fastest create a never-ending arms race for speed. This fight
for the prize is why there are investments like the $300 million high-speed cable between New York
and Chicago and why that cable is already obsolete. This is why there are armies of physics and
computer science PhDs devoted to shaving millionths or billionths of seconds off trading times. This
is also why there are exchanges renting colocation services and high-speed data feeds that is their
way of getting a piece of the prize. Here is a simple way to think about it: continuous-time trading
creates a $10 billion prize, and then high-frequency traders, exchanges, and broker-dealers all
scramble to get their piece.
Ultimately the prize comes out of the pockets of investors. The reason is that the technical
arbitrage opportunities harm liquidity it is harder to provide quotes to investors if one is constantly
worried that prices will change and one’s stale quotes will get picked off before one can revise them.
So, markets are less liquid than they should be. And for institutional investors this means trading large
blocks of stock is costlier.
Discrete time directly addresses both market failures. With discrete time, one cannot make
money from exploiting pricing discrepancies that many traders see at the same time just by acting
a billionth of a second faster. This stops the arms race for speed. Unhealthy competition for speed is
transformed into productive price competition. Trades occur at the right price the consensus of the
market rather than at stale quotes. High-frequency traders still will be able to make money, but
only if they take actual risk, provide liquidity, or are smarter than the rest of the market know
something that the rest of the market does not. One no longer can make money just from being the
fastest to respond to some commonly observed event.
Discrete time also makes computational sense. Continuous trading implicitly assumes that
computers and communications are infinitely fast. Computers and communications are fast but not
infinitely so. Discrete time respects these limits. Tiny speed discrepancies between the direct feeds
and public feeds of exchange data are critical with continuous time. This issue goes away with discrete
Continuous time breeds constant change and heightened complexity, making markets vulnerable
to instability. Discrete time simplifies markets and allows both traders and exchanges to focus on
improvements that make trading smarter and safer.
Which market design works in the financial sector to address sniping is the topic of many current
discussions. Discrete time has seen limited implementation and alternative design solutions have
been proposed. For example, in 2016, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved the
Investors Exchange (IEX) to operate as a public securities exchange. A primary goal of the IEX market,
which was founded in 2012 to provide an alternative trading system with delayed messaging (Aldrich
and Friedman 2018) is to reduce potential advantages of high-frequency trading firms. Another
alternative is randomization of order priority as employed by Electronic Broking Services (EBS), the
largest currency exchange in the world. Asymmetric speed bumps delaying sniping orders but not
order cancelations are now common. Other innovative methods such as flow trading are also being
studied (Kyle and Lee 2017, Budish et al. 2020).
2.4 Future directions: Economic and algorithmic design, and the pace of price discovery
There are many opportunities and important challenges in auction and market design (for surveys
see Bichler and Goeree 2017, Cramton et al. 2006, Milgrom 2004, 2019, Klemperer 2004, Greiner et
al. 2012). Many of those opportunities and challenges follow from the fact that most digital platforms
allow market engineers much control over the design, implementation, and operation of markets
regarding pricing, demand and supply expression, information feedback, timing of transaction, and
many other market features. Moreover, economic and algorithmic design is increasingly asked to
address social concerns that go beyond economic efficiency, such as privacy and fairness. Exciting
work at the interface of economics and computer science attests to these developments (examples
include Bichler et al. 2010, Kearns and Roth 2019, Milgrom 2017, Parkes and Seuken 2020; see also
the next sections). As a result, market and algorithmic design is shaping virtually all facets of economic
and social interaction in many areas: online marketplaces, financial exchanges, the sharing economy
and platforms of social exchange.
In this section we show that controlling the pace of price discovery is one of the pressing topics
in this new era of market design. Interestingly, this was not anticipated by auction theory, but rather
inspired by practical challenges, low market performance and failed design attempts. Analyses of
spectrum, online and financial markets demonstrate that sniping can often be explained by
equilibrium predictions. Much of the late bidding in C2C online auctions such as eBay, on the other
hand, is often best explained by a strategic response to naïve, incremental bidding, yet it can also
arise at equilibrium in both private- and common-value auctions.
Indeed, the effect of the fixed
deadline is likely as large as it is because it rewards late bidding both when other bidders are
sophisticated and when they are not. Market design must sometimes consider not only the
equilibrium behavior that we might expect experienced and sophisticated players eventually to
exhibit, but also how the design affects behavior of inexperienced participants, as well as the
interaction between sophisticated and unsophisticated human players and algorithmic bidding-
Yet, unlike in spectrum and online auctions, which have experimented with various auction
architectures both in the laboratory and the field,
there is not much conclusive and clean causal
Ely and Hossain (2009) suggest from their field experiment that the availability of closely substitutable
auctions on eBay may reduce the overall benefit of sniping.
Another auction context where much has been learned from laboratory human-subject research is the
practical design of procurement auctions, with much research published in Management Science (Chaturvedi et
al. 2014, Fugger et al. 2015, Davis et al. 2011, 2014, Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Katok 2008, and Katok and Roth
empirical evidence yet that reveals the relative performance of financial market institutions and that
can guide market design for financial securities despite the fact that policy makers worldwide are
already taking actions intended to discourage high frequency trading. Zhang and Riordan (2011),
Brogaard et al. (2014), Menkveld and Zoican (2014), Benos and Sagade (2016), and Benos et al.
(2017), among others, provide evidence for the costs of aggressive sniping. However, this literature
comes from minor variants of the standard financial market design, and thus offers no direct evidence
about the costs and benefits of other platforms, engineered to eliminate the dilemma, as in Budish
et al. (2015) and Aquilina et al. (2020). Moreover, even though there are three decades of studying
financial markets in the laboratory (for surveys on experimental research in financial markets see
Friedman and Rust 1993, Friedman 2010, and Noussair and Tucker 2013), aside from particular
episodes such as the Flash Crash(Aldrich et al. 2016), little is known about the impact of sniping in
times of financial stress as opposed to normal times (but see Jagannathan 2019 for a step in this
direction). However, Aldrich and López Vargas (2019) recently conducted a laboratory market design
study on high-frequency trading that suggests that, relative to the continuous double auction, the
frequent batch auction exhibits less predatory trading behavior, lower investments in low-latency
communication technology, lower transaction costs, and lower volatility in market spreads and
liquidity. More studies on how financial market design affects sniping, market stability and market
resiliency are necessary.
Also, many other markets, as they move to real-time interaction, already see or will likely see
similar problems, and thus require new clever market design solutions. As an example, think about
electricity market design, where we are just starting to observe similar issues. One of the reasons is
the increasing share of intermittent renewables, which puts enormous stress on the system and
increases the risk of outages, so that both, improved investment incentives for reserve generation
capacity (Cramton and Ockenfels 2012, Cramton et al. 2013) and more liquid real-time trading is
needed. Yet, because the trend towards algorithmic trading in continuous electricity markets will also
lead to a wasteful race for speed, this is posing serious threats to the efficiency and reliability of these
markets (Neuhoff et al. 2016). Moreover, compared to financial markets, things tend to be more
complicated in electricity markets because of complementarities in electricity production (Wilson
2002 and Cramton 2017). For instance, the race for speed in electricity trading hampers efficient
pricing of transmission, which is often done on a first-come-first-serve basis in intraday trading. Also,
a race for speed complicates the formulation and consideration of multi-dimensional bids, which
consider the non-convex cost structure of electricity production.
Another interesting example for the relevance of timing in markets is auction design for
continuous sponsored search in the Internet, where other undesired bidding timing phenomenon
have been observed, such as bidding cycles with automated bidding agents, as well as various
attempts to address those (Edelman and Ostrovsky 2007, Edelman et al. 2007, Varian 2007, 2009,
Athey and Ellison 2011, Levin 2013 provides a survey). Clearly, taming sniping and improving price
formation will remain a critical aspect of market performance in modern market environments.
Technology gives market designers an unprecedented ability to design and operate markets to
better achieve objectives. One might expect rapid marketplace innovation as a result. Yet progress is
often slowed from the inertia of the status quo. Research is needed that improves our understanding
of why innovation is difficult and how barriers of innovation may be overcome (see Budish et al. 2019
for a study of these challenges in financial markets). Too often market inefficiencies stem not from a
lack of knowledge on how to fix the problem but from barriers to adopting the needed innovation.
3 Reputation and feedback system design in online markets
The astonishing success of online market platforms such as eBay, Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb can be
attributed to the ease in which one side of the market can find a match on the other market side, as
well as to the fact that they provide reliable information about the trustworthiness of the trading
partner. All markets require some minimum amount of trust, yet this is a particular challenge for
online markets and sharing platforms, where trades are typically with strangers, geographically
dispersed, and executed sequentially. To incentivize trustworthiness, most online platforms employ
a reputation-based feedback system, enabling traders to publicly post information about past
transaction partners. These systems have been, and are being, engineered based on conceptual
insights from game theory and behavioral sciences, and with the help of laboratory and field studies
(surveys include Dellarocas 2003, Bar-Isaac and Tadelis 2008, Greiner and Ockenfels 2009, Ockenfels
and Resnick 2012, Bolton and Ockenfels 2012, Tadelis 2016, Gutt et al. 2019).
3.1 A case study in engineering trust
One major challenge of all feedback-based reputation systems is to get people to cooperate with the
platform and leave feedback about their transaction partner. Feedback information is largely a public
good, helping other traders to manage the risks involved in trusting an unknown transaction partner,
so economists would tend to predict low participation rates. Yet, in the field data by Bolton, Greiner
and Ockenfels (2013), about 70% of the eBay traders, sellers and buyers alike, leave feedback (a
number consistent with other research). It turns out that the key driver of provision of feedback, as
well as the source of various distortions in feedback information identified in the literature, is
reciprocity. More specifically, much of the feedback patterns we see can be organized by connecting
them to two of the most fundamental research findings on the patterns of human cooperation in the
last decades: altruistic punishment promotes cooperation, and counter-punishment hampers
cooperation (Ostrom et al. 1992, Fehr and Gächter 2000a, 2002, Nikiforakis 2008, Mussweiler and
Ockenfels 2013, Balafoutas et al. 2014). A natural way to (altruistically) punish a trader on an Internet
platform who is not behaving according to what is perceived to be the social or trading norm, is to
leave negative feedback. This way, a propensity to altruistically punish norm-violators creates an
incentive to be trustworthy. However, punishments can often be counter-punished, which is known
to reduce the effectiveness of punishment to promote cooperation. Indeed, by retaliating a negative
feedback with a negative one, counter-punishment may spoil the reputation of the altruistic
punisher, which in turn may deter altruistic punishment in the first place. As a result, the potential of
counter-punishment can hamper the effectiveness of reputation mechanisms and thus the
performance of markets.
To illustrate the close analogy between (counter-) punishment in the behavioral science literature
and giving feedback in the Internet, look at the figure below, which is taken from Bolton et al. (2013).
It shows the timing of feedback given on eBay by the buyer and the seller in hundreds of thousands
of transactions. Most transactions either end with mutually positive (green dots), or with mutually
negative feedback (red dots). Transactions with mutually positive feedback are all over the place
(although a closer look at the data in Bolton et al. reveals that there is lots of reciprocity: many traders
give kindfeedback in reciprocal response to kindfeedback). Transactions with mutual negative
feedback, on the other hand, are highly clustered just below the diagonal. This means that many
sellers, who are punished with a negative feedback from their buyers, respond immediately by
counter-punishing with a negative feedback. Clearly, feedback giving is not independent. The
tightness and sequence in timing rather strongly suggest that sellers reciprocate positive feedback
and retaliatenegative feedback. Seller retaliation also explains why more than 70% of cases in which
the buyer gives problematic feedback and the seller gives positive feedback (blue dots in Figure 2),
involve the buyer giving second the buyer going first would involve a high risk of retaliation.
Observations in which only the seller gives problematic feedback (yellow dots) are rare and have their
mass below the 45-degree line.
Figure 3. Reciprocity in feedback giving (reproduced from Bolton et al. 2013)
There are benefits and costs of reciprocity in feedback giving. A benefit of reciprocal positive
feedback, for both the individual traders involved and the larger system, is that it helps getting
mutually beneficial trades recorded. But in the form of seller retaliation, reciprocal feedback imposes
costs both on the buyers retaliated against and potentially on the larger system (because traders
might not be willing to leave negative feedback out of fear that it will be retaliated). This would bias
feedback information to be overly positive and therefore less informative in identifying problem
sellers. Indeed, on eBay, almost all feedback is positive. Using internal eBay data, Nosko and Tadelis
(2015) find that traderspositive feedback percentage is 99.3% with a median of 100%. The concern
is also supported by Dellarocas and Wood (2008) who examine the information hidden in the cases
where feedback is not given. They estimate, under some auxiliary assumptions, that buyers are at
least mildly dissatisfied in about 21% of all eBay transactions, far higher than the levels suggested by
the reported feedback. They argue that many buyers do not submit feedback at all because of the
potential risk of retaliation. Controlled laboratory evidence in Bolton et al. (2013) supports the notion
that counter-punishment in feedback giving reduces the effectiveness of reputation building and
market performance.
Yet, online reputation systems can be designed to address flaws in the system. Bolton et al. (2013)
demonstrate that reciprocity can be guided by changing the way feedback information flows through
the market system, leading to more accurate reputation information, more trust and more efficient
trade. Specifically, their data show that, compared to the simple two-sided feedback system
traditionally implemented by eBay, where buyers leave feedback on sellers and vice versa, both blind
and one-sided feedback significantly reduce the scope for retaliation, which in turn increase the
informativeness of the feedback presented to buyers. The result is in line with game theory,
behavioral science, laboratory and field research on social behavior and reputation building (such as
the line of research by Bolton et al. 2004, 2005, Bolton and Ockenfels 2009, 2014), and with field data
collected across various market platforms. Indeed, the idea of making altruistic punishment easy but
counter-punishment difficult explains important features of todays running reputational feedback
systems. For instance, eBay supplemented their old two-sided feedback system with a one-sided
system (called detailed seller rating). Based on research by Bolton et al. (2013), the one-sidedness
was designed so that feedback cannot be retaliated by sellers. Airbnb, also inspired by the line of
behavioral research described above and their own experimental findings, created a blind feedback
system, where transaction partners cannot see the othersfeedback until they left their own. This,
too, makes it impossible to retaliate negative feedback (although a recent study finds the effect to
be small on Airbnb; Fradkin et al. 2019). Uber, on the other hand, makes it hard for passengers to
identify a specific feedback giver, which is another way of making it difficult to retaliate negative
feedback. Finally, eBay changed its systems again in 2008 so that sellers can only leave positive
feedback, which was meant to eliminate the scope for counter-punishment.
3.2 Future directions: Incentivizing, filtering and de-biasing human judgment
There are still important gaps in our knowledge, and much more experimenting is needed to further
improve trustworthiness and cooperation in online markets. For instance, because eBays 2008
feedback system removes counter-punishment by sellers, buyers welcomed the new design (Klein et
al. 2016). But there are several indications that many sellers are unhappy with the new system. The
reason is that by removing the option to counter-punish, the new system also removes the option to
punish buyers, and thus mitigates buyersincentives to cooperate. To the extent that there is scope
for moral hazard on the buyer side, this creates an imbalance of punishment (and thus bargaining)
power between buyers and sellers. Thus, the overall effect of removing the sellers punishment
option on cooperation and market performance is probably more ambiguous than the Klein et al.
study (2016) suggests. From a broader perspective, the question how the rules affecting the scope
for punishment and counter-punishment in interactions with two-sided moral hazard should be
shaped largely remains an open one.
More recent attempts to incentivize, filter, and de-bias human judgment involve financial
compensation for feedback information (see Li 2010, Li and Xiao 2014, and Li et al. 2016 for case
studies on Alibaba, Cabral and Li 2015 for field experiments on eBay, and Burtch et al. 2018), plans
to rely more on big behavioral data and artificial intelligence to better predict future behavior
(Milgrom and Tadelis 2018, Masterov et al. 2015, Luca and Zervas 2016), and on blockchain
technology to better verify and audit transaction attributes (Catalini and Gans 2019).
Another pressing question in reputation design is whether and how traders can modify already
submitted feedback information. One example is whether traders should be allowed to remove an
initially given negative feedback if the dispute could later be resolved. Many platforms, including
eBay.com, etsy.com, discogs.com, ricardo.ch, tradingpost.com.au, trademe.co.nz,
mercadolibre.com, and listia.com, have or had a system that withdraws negative feedback from both
tradersreputation profiles if and only if both traders agree. Among other things, this option is
thought to incentivize conflict resolution. However, Bolton et al. (2018) have shown both,
theoretically and empirically, that this system is flawed in that it creates incentives to distrust,
escalating conflict instead of resolving it. The reason is that the system allows traders to use counter-
punishment to protect untrustworthy behavior: If I counter-punish a negative feedback that I
received, my opponent will more likely agree to remove that negative feedback (because otherwise
his reputation will be spoiled, too). However, there is a lack of research that can guide the design of
rules to integrate effective dispute resolution and informative reputation building systems (but see
Ockenfels and Resnick 2012 and Bolton et al. 2019).
There is also a lack of knowledge regarding feedback giving, content and usage in credence good
markets, such as markets for medical, financial or technical repair services. One major difference to
the kind of online markets we have discussed so far is that consumers are often persistently unable
to identify the quality of service that fits their needs best. This poses new challenges to designing
effective and behaviorally robust mechanisms that promote trust and trustworthiness in these
markets (Balafoutas et al. 2013, 2017, Dulleck et al. 2011, Kerschbamer et al. 2016, 2019).
We finally emphasize that research on engineering trustin online markets has been inspired by
practical design problems. Indeed, standard reputation theory did hardly anticipate the kinds of
problems that online markets face when implementing reputation systems. Theory often assumes
that reputation information is perfectly accurate and complete. Under these conditions, we can
expect to see perfect reputation building, and perfect trust, among market actors (Wilson 1985,
Bolton et al. 2011), and there is no scope for an engineering literature that guides attempts to
effectively promote the provision of informative feedback in practice. On the other hand, behavioral
research and experimental studies turned out to be useful in organizing the relevant patterns
observed in the field. A desirable next step is to learn from such observations and develop new
analytical models of the relevant institutional details and behavioral complexities in the field. For
instance, while there has been much progress in modeling social behavior in the last two decades,
including models of fairness and reciprocity (see Cooper and Kagel 2016 for an overview), as well as
theoretical mechanism design implications of social preferences (Bierbrauer et al. 2017), no social
preferences model captures the relevant punishment and counter-punishment patterns within an
equilibrium framework (Engel 2014 and Dhami 2016 survey the literature). There is also
comparatively little research on the psychological and social determinants of the production of
reputation information, connecting the fundamental behavioral science literature on punishment
and the practical market design literature on feedback giving. Interesting variables include the role
of comparison processes for feedback giving and punishment (Chen et al. 2010, 2019, Mussweiler
and Ockenfels 2013), social identity and discrimination (Chen and Li 2009, Cui et al. 2019, Kim et al.
2019, Bolton et al. forthcoming), and uncertainty (Ambrus and Greiner 2012, Bolton et al. 2019).
4 Matching markets in education
While auction markets use prices to coordinate demand and supply, most of the centralized matching
markets take agentsreported preferences as inputs and feed them into various matching algorithms to
determine who gets what. Matching theory has been applied to many important design and
management problems in both the private and public sectors, such as school choice, college
admissions, course allocation and entry-level labor markets. The practical design application of
matching theory starts with the redesign of the National Residence Matching Program (Roth and
Peranson 1997), and has since evolved into a research program that addresses practical market design
problems using game theory, laboratory and field experiments, as well as computation methods (Roth
In what follows, we provide three examples of how a combination of economic theory and
laboratory experiments inform the implementation of better education policies and management
4.1 Re-design school choice mechanisms
School choice has been a widely debated education policy across the world, affecting the education
experiences and labor market outcomes for millions of students each year.
The past two decades
have witnessed major innovations in this domain. For example, shortly after Abdulkadiroğlu and
Sönmez (2003) was published, New York City high schools replaced their allocation mechanism with
a capped version of the student-proposing deferred acceptance (DA) mechanism (Gale and Shapley
This section is based on, and partly taken from, the school choice literature review in Chen et al. (2018) and
Chen and Kesten (2019).
1962), a less manipulable and more stable mechanism advocated by matching theorists involved in
the design process (Abdulkadiroğlu et al. 2005a). In 2005, the Boston Public School Committee voted
to replace its Boston immediate acceptance school choice mechanism (IA) with DA (Abdulkadiroğlu
et al. 2005b) after IA was shown to be vulnerable to strategic manipulation both theoretically
(Abdulkadiroğlu and Sönmez 2003, Ergin and Sönmez 2006) and experimentally (Chen and Sönmez
2006). In this case, experimental data helped make the case for DA in Bostons decision to switch
from IA in 2005 (Abdulkadiroğlu et al. 2005b).
Within school choice research, matching mechanisms that have received significant scholarly
attention include the Gale-Shapley Deferred Acceptance mechanism (Gale and Shapley 1962), the
Boston Immediate Acceptance mechanism (Abdulkadiroğlu and Sönmez 2003), the Top-Trading-
Cycles (TTC) mechanism (Abdulkadiroğlu and Sönmez 2003), and variants of the serial dictatorship
mechanism (Pathak and Sönmez 2013). Indeed, the question of which mechanism best meets the
goals of a school choice plan has been at the center of intensive research as well as ongoing policy
discussions (Abdulkadiroğlu and Sönmez 2003, Ergin and Sönmez 2006, Abdulkadiroğlu et al. 2011).
We first briefly introduce the school choice mechanisms, summarize their theoretical properties,
and performance in the laboratory and field when applicable. We then discuss the major school
choice reforms around the world concerning the abandonment or adoption of some of these
Our first mechanism, IA, is the most common school choice mechanism observed in practice in
China, the United Kingdom and the United States. Its outcome can be calculated via an algorithm that
puts a lot of emphasis on a students reported top choice. In the first step of the algorithm, each
school only considers students who have listed it as their top choice, and sorts them in priority order.
Each school admits those with the highest priority and rejects the rest. Those rejected enter the
second step of the algorithm, and so on. The algorithm terminates when there are no students left
to assign or no school seats remain. Importantly, note that the assignments in each step are final.
We will use a simple example to illustrate the incentive problems created by this algorithm.
Consider a fictional student, Anna, who applies to elementary schools under the IA algorithm. There
are three public elementary schools in her school district, Angell, Burns Park and King. Anna lives in
the Burns Park district, which gives her high priority at Burns Park, and low priority elsewhere. Her
top choice is Angell. Her second choice is Burns Park, and her third choice is King. If Anna ranks her
preferences truthfully but does not get into Angell (likely because she has lower priority there), her
application will be sent to Burns Park. However, if all Burns Park seats are filled in the first round,
Anna loses her priority advantage, and is assigned to her last choice, King. In this case, we say Anna
has justified envy as she is not assigned to Burns Park, but she prefers Burns Park to her assignment,
and she has a higher priority than some student who is assigned to Burns Park.
If she plays it safe and list Burns Park as her top choice, she is guaranteed a seat at Burns Park, a
better outcome than being assigned to King. Based on this feature, an important critique of IA is that
it gives students strong incentives for gaming through misreported preferences. That is, a student
who has high priority for a school under IA may lose her priority advantage for that school if she does
not list it as her first choice. Consequently, IA forces students to make hard and potentially costly
choices, which leads to a high-stakes game among participants with different levels of strategic
sophistication. This has been observed in the laboratory among financially motivated subjects (Chen
and Sönmez 2006), as well as in the field, using naturally occurring data from Boston (Pathak and
Sönmez 2008). Recognition of these deficiencies of IA has lead Boston and many other cities in the
United States to abandon IA and replace it with DA.
Outside of the United States, variants of IA have been used as a school choice mechanism in China,
France, and the United Kingdom. In China, to equalize access to school resources across students of
different socioeconomic backgrounds, the Chinese government abandoned the previous merit-based
middle school admissions mechanism in 1998, and replaced it with an open enrollment school choice
mechanism where parents rank schools and schools select students using IA (Lai et al. 2009). Since
then, students applying for middle schools are prioritized based on their residence, whereas those
applying for high schools are prioritized based on their municipal-wide exam scores. Using public
middle school admissions data from Beijing Eastern City District, He (2014) investigates parents
behavior and finds that parents are overcautious in that they play safe strategies too often.
Combining survey data, middle school choice data and High School Entrance Exam test scores from
Beijing, Lai et al. (2009) find that children of parents who made mistakes in middle school selection
were admitted to lower quality schools and achieved lower test scores on the High School Entrance
Exam three years later. Despite these problems, IA continues to be used as the major school choice
mechanism in China.
Our second mechanism is the student-proposing deferred acceptance mechanism (Gale and
Shapley 1962), which has played a central role in the school choice reforms in Boston and New York
City (Abdulkadiroğlu et al. 2005a,b), as well as in Finland, Ghana, Paris (Fack et al. 2019), Romania,
Singapore and Turkey. The outcome of this mechanism can be calculated via the deferred acceptance
(DA) algorithm. In the first step of the algorithm, each school also only considers students who have
listed it as their top choice, and sorts them in priority order. Each school put those with the highest
priority tentatively on hold and rejects the rest. Those rejected apply to their second-choice school,
which resorts those on hold from the previous round and the newcomers based on their priority, put
those with the highest priority on hold and reject the rest, and so on. The algorithm terminates when
each student is tentatively retained at some school. Note that, in DA, assignments made at each step
are temporary, until the last step. This feature contributes to the desirable properties of DA in terms
of incentives and stability.
Consider our fictional student Annas brother, Marco, who applies to elementary schools under
the DA algorithm. He lists his choices in the true order of his preferences, which are the same as his
sister’s: Angell, Burns Park, and King. If Marco does not get into Angell either, his application will be
sent to Burns Park. The algorithm then resorts everyone retained from the first round together with
the newcomers based on their priorities. As Marco does not lose his priority advantage, he is assigned
to Burns Park. Therefore, truth telling does not hurt Marco, and may sometime make him strictly
better off.
To summarize, one advantage of DA is that it is strategy-proof (Roth 1982, Dubins and Freedman
1981). That is, when students can list as many choices as they want, DA allows them to safely rank
schools in true order of preferences. They wont lose a place just because someone else applies
earlier in the algorithm. A second advantage of DA is that it produces the stable matching that is most
favorable to each student. In other words, when the algorithm finishes, there will not be any student
and any school that are not matched with each other but that would both prefer to be. Although its
outcome is not necessarily Pareto efficient, it is constrained efficient among the stable mechanisms.
In many laboratory experiments testing DA, researchers find that it remains the mechanism that
achieves the highest proportion of stable allocations. Depending on the size of the match, the
proportion of students revealing their preferences truthfully varies between 47% to over 80%
(Hakimov and Kübler 2019). In addition to Boston and New York City, variants of DA have been
implemented in Amsterdam, Denver, Hungary, Paris, New Orleans and Taiwan.
In the trade-off between elimination of justified envy and Pareto efficiency, DA gives up Pareto
efficiency. The Top Trading Cycles mechanism (TTC), on the other hand, gives up elimination of
justified envy, but is Pareto efficient.
In each round of the TTC algorithm, each student points to her favorite school among schools that
remain, whereas each school points to the applicant who has the highest priority at that school
among the remaining applicants. A cycle of students and schools pointing at each other is called a
top trading cycle. Every student in a cycle is assigned to the school she is pointing to. These students
as well as their assignments are removed from the allocation process. School capacity is updated. The
algorithm terminates when each student is assigned a school seat or all school seats are assigned.
The TTC mechanism is not only Pareto efficient, but also strategy-proof. In the lab, however,
without prompting from the experimenters, sometime up to one-third of the subjects manipulate
their preferences (Chen and Sönmez 2006).
In theory, TTC has an efficiency advantage over IA as well as DA: The outcome of IA is Pareto
efficient if participants reveal their preferences truthfully. Any efficiency loss in IA is a consequence
of preference manipulation. DA, on the other hand, is strategy-proof, but elimination of justified envy
and Pareto efficiency are not compatible. Since DA Pareto dominates any other mechanism that
eliminates justified envy, any efficiency loss in DA is a consequence of this incompatibility.
In practice, the only public school district which implemented TTC as its school choice mechanism
is the New Orleans Recovery School District (RSD). However, one year after its implementation, the
RSD switched to DA, citing the difficulty to explain TTC to parents as well as the lack of stability as
main reasons for the switch. Using data from New Orleans, Abdulkadiroğlu et al. (2017) find that the
switch to DA had little impact on the overall aggregate rank distribution of choices received by
applicants; however, no student is involved in a blocking pair as a result of the switch. Based on the
revealed preferences of officials in both the Boston and New Orleans public schools, one cannot help
but notice that they seem to put more weight on stability, guaranteed by DA, compared to efficiency,
guaranteed by TTC. The lack of stability might create blocking pairs, which might lead to legal
challenges to the school district.
Lastly, in the fall of 2009, without the involvement of market design researchers, Chicago Public
Schools decided to replace its highly manipulable matching algorithm for exam schools, a variant of IA,
with a less manipulable mechanism, a capped version of the serial dictatorship (Pathak and Sönmez
In sum, market design in the school choice domain is considered a success story, with many active
research projects investigating school choice mechanisms around the world. In many cases,
researchers are directly involved in the design of better matching algorithms, whereas in other cases,
officials from public school districts abandon problematic matching algorithms in favor of less
manipulable ones.
4.2 Re-design Centralized College Admissions Mechanisms
Like school choice, college admissions policies have been subject to debate and reform in many
In particular, many countries use centralized college admissions through standardized
tests, including China, Greece, Hungary, Russia and Turkey. In what follows, we discuss the role of
matching theory and experiments in the understanding the recent college admissions reforms in
In China, centralized matching processes via standardized tests assigning students to universities
have been in place since 1952. The National College Entrance Examination forms the foundation for
the current college admissions system. In recent years, roughly 10 million high school seniors
compete for 6 million seats at various Chinese universities each year. The matching of students to
universities has profound implications for the education and labor market outcomes for these
students. Through its regional variations and its evolution over time, the Chinese system also provides
matching theorists and experimentalists with a wealth of field observations to enrich our
understanding of matching mechanisms.
In recent years, each province implements an independent matching process from one of the two
classes of mechanisms: the sequential or the parallel mechanism. The sequential mechanism,
strategically equivalent to the Immediate Acceptance mechanism (IA), had been the only mechanism
used in Chinese student assignments both at the high school and college level until 2000 (Nie 2007b).
However, this mechanism is not strategy-proof: a good score in the college entrance exam is worth
less than a good strategy in the ranking of colleges(Nie 2007a).
To alleviate the problem of high-scoring students not being accepted by any universities, the
parallel mechanism (PA) was first implemented in Hunan Province in 2001. In the parallel mechanism,
students select several parallelcolleges within each choice-band. For example, a student’s first
choice-band may contain a set of three colleges, A, B, and C while her second choice-band may contain
another set of three colleges, D, E, and F (in decreasing desirability within each band). Assignments
for parallel colleges listed in the same band are considered temporary until all choices of that band
have been considered. Thus, this mechanism lies between IA, where every choice is final, and DA,
This section is mostly based on, and partly taken from Chen and Kesten (2017, 2019).
where every choice is temporary until all seats are filled.
By 2019, all 31 provinces and autonomous regions have abandoned the sequential in favor of various
versions of the parallel mechanism, which is widely perceived to improve allocation outcomes for
students. These variants of PA are differentiated by the number of parallel colleges a student can list
within a choice-band.
The parallel mechanisms are somewhere in between the IA and DA mechanisms. To investigate
the theoretical properties of the parallel mechanisms (PA), Chen and Kesten (2017) formulate a
parametric family of application-rejection mechanisms where each member is characterized their
parallel and periodic choice-band sizes that allow the application and rejection process to continue
before assignments are made permanent. As the choice-band size increases, we go from IA to PA,
and from those to DA. They show that members of this family become less manipulablein the sense
of Pathak and Sönmez (2013), and more stable as the choice-band size increases. This implies that
the Chinese provinces that have adopted a parallel mechanism have transitioned to a less
manipulable and more stable assignment system.
Furthermore, Chen and Kesten (2017) show that a parallel mechanism provides students with a
certain sense of insurance by allowing them to list their equilibrium assignments under the IA
mechanism as a safety option while listing more desirable options higher up in their preferences. This
strategy leads to an outcome at least as good as that of the IA mechanism. Notably, such insurance
does not come at any ex ante welfare cost in a stylized setting.
To investigate behavioral responses to these mechanisms and to search for behavioral regularities
where theory is silent, Chen and Kesten (2019) evaluate the sequential (IA), parallel (PA), and deferred
acceptance (DA) mechanisms in the laboratory in two environments differentiated by their
complexity. In the laboratory, participants are most likely to reveal their preferences truthfully under
DA, followed by PA and then IA. Furthermore, while DA is significantly more stable than PA, which is
more stable than IA, efficiency comparisons vary across environments. Whereas theory is silent about
equilibrium selection, they find that stable Nash equilibrium outcomes are more likely to arise than
unstable ones. Regardless of the metrics, the performance of PA is robustly sandwiched between IA
and DA.
One type of strategy implied by Proposition 5 in Chen and Kesten (2017) is an insurance strategy.
In the 6-school environment in Chen and Kesten (2019), students’ district school position varies from
the second to the fifth position. Note a student has a high priority in her district school and low
priority elsewhere. To insure that a student gets a school at least as good as her district school, she
can put her district school as her second choice, and a more preferred school as her first choice, called
an insurance strategy. Within this subset, if a student lists her most preferred school as her first
choice and her district school as her second choice, we label it as the insurance and targeting strategy.
Figure 4 presents the proportion of students adopting District School Bias (DSB, ranking one’s district
school higher than its true position), insurance, as well as insurance and targeting strategies over
time. By the last period, 58%, 53% and 29% of the subjects adopt DSB, insurance, and insurance and
targeting strategies, respectively. That is, 91.4% (resp. 50%) of those who use DSB actually use the
insurance (resp. insurance and targeting) strategy, confirming both the popular perception and the
theoretical characterization of the insurance property of PA. These results help explain the recent
reforms in Chinese school choice and college admissions.
Figure 4. Proportion of students adopting District School Bias, Insurance, and Insurance and
Targeting Strategies under the Chinese Parallel Mechanism in Chen and Kesten (2019)
(Reproduced from Chen and Kesten 2019)
In practice, we have observed changes within the parallel family. For example, Hunan Province
pioneered the parallel mechanism in 2001 which allowed three parallel choices per choice-band.
Later, it switched to a different parallel mechanism allowing five parallel choices per choice-band in
2010. Using admissions data from Hunan, Wei (2015) find that, by 2013, the new parallel mechanism
with a choice-band size of 5 is significantly more stable than the old parallel mechanism with a choice-
band size of 3. In future studies, it would be desirable to pick more members to investigate the
performance of different PA mechanisms.
Researchers have also examined other aspects of the Chinese college admissions mechanism,
such as the timing of preference submission by students. Recent empirical and experimental studies
such as Wu and Zhong (2014), Lien et al. (2016), and Jiang (2016) find that if students submit
preferences before taking the exam, the measurement error in the exam can be corrected via IA,
which leads to matchings that are stable with regard to studentsaptitudes.
In sum, there has been a fair amount of progress made in understanding and testing various
aspects of centralized college admissions mechanisms. Because of the large number of choices
available for centralized college admissions, it remains a challenge to design optimal matching
mechanisms that simultaneously provide information to guide the application process and reduce
the studentscognitive load in preference reporting.
4.3 Improving course allocation mechanisms
Allocating course seats to students is a daunting task each university face every semester. It is a
technically difficult problem in market design, as it involves assigning each student a package of
indivisible goods among many classes where some are substitutes and others are complements. The
course allocation problem is closely tied to the combinatorial auction problem discussed in Section 2.2.
A critical theoretical distinction is the presumption of quasilinear utility in the auction problem, which
is typically not used in matching markets.
To achieve the goals of efficiency and equity, some business schools use preference-ranking
mechanisms (revealed ordinal preferences) while others use variants of bidding systems (revealed
cardinal preferences) in which students are given a fixed budget of tokens to bid on courses. In such
bidding systems, bids serve the dual roles of inferring student preferences over courses and
determining student priorities for courses. Similar marketlike mechanisms with tokens have been
proposed and tested to solve resource allocation problems for organizational computing (Ledyard
1993, Olson and Porter 1993) and for scarce scientific and engineering resources (Takeuchi et al. 2010),
as well as for prediction markets within firms (Arrow et al. 2008).
Sönmez and Ünver (2010) present a theoretical analysis of course bidding, where they show that
these dual roles may easily conflict. That is, preferences inferred from the bids might differ significantly
from studentstrue preferences. Furthermore, they propose the Gale-Shapley student-optimal stable
mechanism (DA) that can be implemented by asking students for their preferences in addition to their
bids over courses. The DA mechanism operates as follows in this context. In the first step, each student
is tentatively placed in her top three choices from her preference list. If a course has more students
than its capacity, students with the lowest bids for that course are dropped. A student rejected from
a course is tentatively placed in her next choice course, etc. The algorithm terminates when no student
is dropped from a course, or all options on the studentspreference list are exhausted. The tentative
assignments become final.
To compare the new mechanism with the existing bidding system, Krishna and Ünver (2008) report
a field study complemented by a laboratory experiment at the Ross School of Business at the University
of Michigan, which uses a course-bidding system. In this system, each student is endowed with a fixed
budget of bidding points, which they can allocate among courses they are interested in. Students are
then sorted in decreasing order by the points they place in a course, which generates a priority list. A
serial dictatorship mechanism is executed in priority order, subject to course quota and feasibility
constraints. The field study involves a personalized email sent to each student within a few hours of
the official closure of course bidding. The email contains a list of all courses on which the student had
placed bids in descending order of bid points and asks students to rank the courses. Their
counterfactual analysis using DA concludes that a potential transition to DA is likely to lead to
significant efficiency improvement: among the 489 students who submitted a rank-ordered list, 101 of
them unambiguously prefer DA while two strictly prefer the status quo. The others are indifferent. In
a complementary lab experiment using the induced value method, the authors again find an
improvement in efficiency under DA. Depending on the metric used, truthful preference revelation
under DA is between 67 to 83%. Despite the evidence that switching to DA would improve the
satisfaction level of many students, the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan continues
to use the course-bidding system.
A second example of course-bidding system is used by Harvard Business School. Budish and
Cantillon (2012) document how it encouraged strategic behavior and often failed to produce efficient
outcomes. To address these deficiencies, Budish (2011) proposes a new allocation mechanism that
elicits from students their preferences over bundles of courses and uses these preferences to compute
a price for each course that would form an approximate competitive equilibrium from equal income
(A-CEEI). At these prices, each student receives her most preferred bundle of courses that she could
afford. As the number of participants grows large, the amount of approximation as well as the
incentives to misrepresent preferences would become small. The main advance of Budish (2011)
compared to Sönmez and Ünver (2010) is to allow students to express preferences over bundles of
courses rather than individual courses, thus capturing potential substitutability or complementarity
among various courses.
To implement A-CEEI in practice, market designers need to deal with the issue of preference
reporting over bundles of courses, which would be prohibitively large. A practical mechanism will
necessarily use a simplified preference reporting language, which in turn raises the empirical question
of how well the restricted preferences approximate true preferences. The first experimental
investigation and subsequent implementation of A-CEEI took place in the Wharton Business School at
the University of Pennsylvania. Before 2013, the Wharton Business School used a course-bidding
system called the Wharton Auction.
In a paper under revision in Management Science, Budish and Kessler (2019) report a novel
laboratory experiment that compares the performance of A-CEEI versus the existing Wharton Auction.
There are several interesting features in the experiment design. For example, subjects are Wharton
MBA students who have experience with the Wharton Auction, and who would be the future users of
A-CEEI if it were adopted. Instead of endowing these subjects with artificially induced values (Smith
1982), they bring their real preferences into the lab. Specifically, subjects report preferences over a
subset of courses to be offered the following semester, making it a realistic task. An innovation in the
preference reporting language is the use of binary comparisons, in the form of Do you prefer Schedule
A or Schedule B?which is cognitively simple compared to ranking over all possible schedules. They
find that A-CEEI outperformed the incumbent Wharton Auction on measures of efficiency and fairness.
The experimental results helped persuade the Wharton committee to adopt A-CEEI and guide its
practical implementation. The new mechanism is implemented as Course Match,” which has replaced
the Wharton Auction since 2013. Survey data suggest that A-CEEI has increased student satisfaction
with their assigned schedule (Budish et al. 2017).
4.4 Future directions: Dynamic mechanisms and information intervention
With the advent of the World Wide Web and the computerization of most matching markets,
practitioners, with or without the help of market designers, sometimes introduce new matching
mechanisms or new features to existing matching mechanisms that take advantage of the low cost of
information gathering and dissemination over the Web. These new features, enabled by information
technology, might shape the future of matching market design. Summarizing emergent research on
matching markets around the world, we highlight two directions for future research.
The first direction is dynamic matching market design. While most existing research in the school
choice and college admissions domain analyzes the static version of the matching mechanisms, we
notice dynamic variants of these mechanisms being implemented which provide information about
othersbehavior and allow students to revise their own applications upon observing othersactions.
Examples include school choice in Amsterdam (de Haan et al. 2016) and Wake County, North Carolina
(Dur et al. 2018), where students (or parents) can revise their choice based on feedback on others
choices. In the context of the Japanese Residency Matching Program, applicants can check the
number of students listing each hospital program as their first choice and revise their rank order list
within a pre-specified time window.
In the college admissions context, a more radical dynamic matching market starts to emerge in
the form of the dynamically adjusted admission cutoffs at each college during a pre-specified time
frame in the college admissions process in Inner Mongolia (Gong and Liang 2019) and Brazil ( and
Hakimov forthcoming). During this process, students can revise their applications continuously upon
observing othersactions. While research analyzing existing information provision mechanisms in
matching demonstrates that it improves the performance of these mechanisms compared to their
static counterparts, it remains an open question what the optimal dynamic matching mechanisms
might be.
A second promising direction is related to information intervention prior to the matching stage.
When choosing a school or college, students often have imperfect information about their own
preferences regarding candidate schools, partly because it is difficult to assess the potential
educational outcomes each school provides (Dustan et al. 2015). Unfortunately, acquiring this
information can be costly if a student faces too many choices, or must acquire information about
several factors, such as academic performance, teacher quality, school facilities, extra-curricular
activities offered, and peer quality. Chen and He (2019, 2020) investigate how two popular
mechanisms, IA and DA, incentivize students information acquisition theoretically and in the
laboratory. While studentswillingness to pay for information is significantly greater under IA than
DA, as predicted by theory, most students information acquisition behavior is far from optimal. Their
counterfactual analyses show that providing information on both a students own and others
preferences is welfare-enhancing. Furthermore, students who never invest in information acquisition
benefit equally from information provision. In light of these results, the new dynamic matching
mechanisms partially serve the function of information provision about otherspreferences.
To reduce inequality in access to education resources, information intervention prior to students
entry into matching markets might be an effective policy, as the cost of information acquisition is
particularly harmful to low-income students. Indeed, research has shown that, due to limited
information, low-income high achievers in the U.S. tend not to apply to selective colleges, in spite of
the fact that generous financial aid makes these colleges more financially accessible than the colleges
these students end up choosing (Hoxby and Avery 2013, Hoxby and Turner 2015). Information
intervention can therefore substantially raise the number of applications from these students to
selective colleges. In a natural field experiment conducted in the state of Michigan, Dynarski et al.
(2018) contact low-income, high-achieving public high school students, their parents and principals
with an encouragement to apply to the University of Michigan and a promise of four years of free
tuition and fees upon admission. They find that treated students were more than twice as likely to
apply to and enroll at the University of Michigan, with no diversion from schools as (or more) selective
as Michigan. Furthermore, this application tendency is not limited to college selection. Similar
undermatching phenomena are observed among low-income families in public school choice plans
(Hastings and Weinstein 2008). Future research on effective policies to reduce information frictions
can lead to substantial welfare gain.
5 Labor market
The labor market represents a rich assortment of opportunities for the scientist and manager to
explore ways to improve existing conditions. Within economics, a myriad of research questions is
addressed by labor economists today, yet the bulk of work revolves around three bins: i) labor supply,
ii) labor demand, and iii) the organization of labor markets and behavioral incentives therein. There is
by now enough work in these three areas to fill at least a hundred factual tomes. In this section, we
limit our attention to a subset of the third bin: exploring select recent work on the effects of market
design and pecuniary incentives on worker behavior, and the interplay between pecuniary and non-
pecuniary incentives (the interested reader should see List and Rasul (2011) for a discussion of the
other two bins). We then explore challenges moving forward and our vision of the next set of frontiers.
A core feature of economics is that incentives matter. The key is to understand what sorts of
incentives matter, and how, to individuals. While the role of pecuniary incentives within firms has been
long studied in the sociology and management literatures, within economics the stream of work has
its roots in contract theory. The basic questions for economists then revolve around how workers
respond to incentives, and the optimal design of those incentives. Early empirical work used personnel
data to measure the effects of compensation on individual productivity levels, but a difficult
econometric challenge arose as most (all?) observed incentive contracts in naturally occurring settings
are endogenous, making causality difficult to establish. Economic experiments introduce exogeneity
in incentives that are by design orthogonal to other management practices, opening the possibility of
identifying the causal relationship between pecuniary incentives and effort levels of individual
workers. We take this literature as a starting point to discuss work on how market design can be used
to improve the workplace, with each of the bins showcased by laboratory and field experiments.
5.1 Putting market design to work to increase effort in the workplace
While designing individual incentive schemes, such as clawback bonus contracts, have proven quite
fruitful, market design comes in many flavors. One such example is rewarding employees based on
relative payoffs (tournaments), which are ubiquitous in the workplace. Job promotions, earning
bonuses, employee of the month, and the like all revolve around relative assessment of workers. The
literature on the market design of tournaments has witnessed deep contributions theoretically,
showcasing the benefits and costs of relative performance incentives (see Lazear and Rosen 1981,
Holmstrom 1982). Yet, empirically testing the theoretical predictions has proven quite difficult, as
observing individual effort, the main outcome variable in the theory, has been elusive in field settings.
One focus, therefore, has been to use laboratory experiments that are able to measure effort
directly. An early experiment in this spirit is due to Bull et al. (1987). They design a lab experiment with
student subjects to explore the first order predictions from tournament models concerning effort
provision. In practice, the object of choice in the experiment is asking the student to circle a number
that represents their effortchoice, with higher numbers yielding a better chance of winning, but
being more costly in a convex manner. This effort choice is then added to an idiosyncratic shock, or
luckcomponent, that is uniformly distributed, and their sum determines the tournament outcome.
This approach, importantly and cleverly, embeds the essential elements of the tournament theory
in the effort choice setting. Bull et al. (1987) find that while there is considerable noise in individual
play, effort levels converge to theoretical predictions in aggregate. That is, while individual effort level
choices in the lab are quite noisily distributed around the equilibrium prediction, in aggregate the
theory performs remarkably well. A key win for the theory.
Following Bull et al. (1987), subsequent work has explored beyond equilibrium play to examine
how other factors, such as selection (Camerer and Lovallo 1999, Eriksson et al. 2009, Cason et al.
2010, Müller and Schotter 2010, Faravelli et al. 2015), feedback (Blanes and Nossol 2011),
sabotage (Harbring and Irlenbusch 2008, Harbring and Irlenbusch 2011), dynamic tournaments
(Casas-Arce and Martínez-Jerez 2009, Sheremeta 2010, Brown and Minor 2014, Liu et al. 2014,
Mostagir et al. 2019), and gender (Gneezy et al. 2003, Dargnies 2012), affect individual effort level
choices in tournaments.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, there is also a large experimental literature focusing
on the effect of tournament size and prize structure. For instance, Sheremeta (2011) finds that
the average effort per participant is lower in four player contests than in two player contests.
Using experiments with different group sizes, Gneezy and Smorodinsky (2006) and Morgan and
Várdy (2012) find further evidence that average individual effort decreases with the number of
players. Conversely, Harbring and Irlenbusch (2003) examine rank order tournaments and find the
average effort increasing with the number of players. Also examining rank order tournaments,
Orrison et al. (2004) vary the fraction of winner and loser prizes in tournaments of different sizes,
and find no trend relating effort with the size of the contest when the luck term is uniformly
Further expanding this literature to field settings, List et al. (2019) use complementary lab and field
experiments to analyze how the number of competitors, or the size of tournament, affects effort levels
under different distributions of luck.
In the previous literature, the key assumption that the luck term
is drawn from a uniform distribution makes this particular question moot when workers are risk
neutral, because the number of entrants in this case does not affect equilibrium effort levels. Yet, there
are several instances where such an assumption need not hold. Indeed, in important ways,
endogenizing the number of players allowed to enter the tournament becomes an interesting market
design consideration, as was seemingly anticipated by the English poet Milton (1628), who once
quipped that luck is the residue of design.
Consider the thought experiment of a worker innovating on the job with one prize awarded to the
best innovator. Suppose that there are many potentially successful innovation paths, and workers
arbitrarily choose a path. Each worker then expects to be a successful innovator, but she also expects
that at least one other worker will be successful too. Hence, effort is crucial in determining the winning
innovator, and investment is high and even higher if the number of competitors expands.
Alternatively, suppose that workers believe the chance of developing a very successful product are
small. In that case, they expect that luck will play a crucial role in selecting the winner. If there are
many innovators, each worker knows that at least one of them will be lucky, but also knows that it is
unlikely that it will be them. Since luck is much more important in selecting the winner than effort in
this case, workers invest little effort, instead relying on luck to determine the winner. This result is
exacerbated as the number of competitors increases, leading to an even lower level of investment as
the number of competitors increases. Several real-world examples abound, from development of
autonomous vehicles to finding medicinal drug breakthroughs.
The List et al. (2019) theory highlights these intuitions and shows that if the distribution of the
uncertainty component is skewed, the number of competitors allowed in the competition has a critical
influence on equilibrium effort levels. As the number of competitors increases, a workers equilibrium
effort level (i) decreases if there is small mass on good luck, (ii) remains constant if the luck component
is drawn from a uniform density, and (iii) increases if there is a large mass on good luck. The intuition
is that the marginal benefit from committing effort depends on both the number of competitors and
on the good draw mass, which depends critically on the density functions slope.
List et al.s (2019) empirical approach to test the theory begins in the laboratory and closely follows
Bull et al.s (1987) approach. This permits a study of labor markets that differ only in the shape of the
density function, allowing a unique insight into whether changes in the components shape itself can
lead to predicted behavioral changes. Their second empirical approach is to use a field experiment that
resembles the important features of the theory but maintains enough control to allow a formal test of
the theory. In doing so, it is important to create an experimental design that exogenously varies their
In a set of innovative papers, Boudreau et al. (2011) examine naturally-occurring data to explore the effects of
group sizes in tournaments on software development. Their variable of interest is the score assigned to a solution
of a software problem rather than effort levels.
major treatment variablenumber of competitorsin an environment that permits an understanding
of the other important features of the situation.
This is not simple because one needs to find a naturally occurring environment where the random
stochastic component takes a shape that is well understood by the participants. List et al. (2019) ended
up choosing recreational commercial fisherman, where the private ponds were stocked with rainbow
trout or salmon trout. Importantly, the fishing pond permits a natural test of the theory for the case
of a decreasing density function. This is because of the fish schooling: the density function of luckis
decreasing since schools never cover more than just a few rectangles of where the competitors are
placed, and hence the amount of mass on having good luck is quite small.
Overall, the lab results are in line with the tournament theory. Most importantly, they report that
when exploring tournaments with 2, 3, and 4 players, the impact of group size on effort is consonant
with theory. The field experimental results complement these insights by providing evidence
consonant with the theory within a special case of the theorywhen the density function is negatively
skewed. In this case, the authors report evidence that adding competitors decreases individual effort
levels especially when they control for fatigue.
Beyond testing theory, the received results enhance the manager’s choice set by showing that the
number of competitors in a relative pay incentive scheme has important effects on individual effort
levels. Methodologically, the study showcases the power of testing the theory using complementary
lab and field experiments within the same study (rather than across studies as shown in the loss
aversion experiments). First using an artificial setting that permits an examination of markets that
differ only in the shape of the density function, allows a test of such effects that would be difficult to
identify in naturally occurring data. Pairing that with a second empirical approach that maintains
randomization, and closely resembles the important features of the theory, as a field test provides
much stronger inference of the underlying data patterns than either the lab or field approach could
provide in isolation.
5.2 Understanding non-pecuniary incentives in the workplace: from gift exchange to CSR
Perhaps the least understood aspect of the designers quiver is how non-pecuniary incentives work in
labor markets. Yet, recent literature is beginning to shed insights into this fascinating area. A few
examples include Bradler et al. (2016) and Gallus (2017), who use field experiments to explore the
power of employee recognition on employee performance. The results are impressive, as for example
the Wikipedia natural field experiment of Gallus (2017) shows that her symbolic awards have a sizeable
effect on newcomer retention, which persists over a span of four quarters. Likewise, Cohn et al. (2014)
reveal how the perceptions of the fairness of pay affects effort provision.
Relatedly, field experimental research into unconditional gifts in the workplace is a burgeoning
area of researchsee Gneezy and Lists (2006) surprise pay raises, pay cuts in Kube et al. (2013), and
in-kind gifts in Kube et al. (2012). And, recent work on corporate social responsibility (CSR) highlights
that gifts for the social good can also have important labor market effects (see List and Momeni 2019,
Tonin and Vlassopoulos 2014). In this subsection, we focus attention to these two strands of research:
gift exchange and CSR.
Gift Exchange
A common result that is found in large data sets is that employers are observed paying above the
market equilibrium wage. And, when effort is monitored, workers exert more than the minimum effort
level. This empirical observation has induced a set of economic models based on the assumption of
there being a positive relationship between worker wages and effort levels (Akerlof 1982, Akerlof and
Yellen 1990). The equilibrium of these models is for employers to offer higher than market clearing
wages, and for workers to reciprocate with high effort levels, making the situation a win-win for
principal and agent.
Within experimental economics, the literature on social preferences has become one of the
most influential areas of research (see Camerer and Weigelt 1988, Fehr et al. 1993, Levitt and List 2007,
Cooper and Kagel 2016). Findings from such games have been interpreted as providing strong evidence
that many agents behave in a reciprocal manner even when the behavior is costly and yields neither
present nor future material rewards. That workers respond positively to employers who offer a
generous wage has been heavily documented in the lab, suggesting that reciprocity itself can function
as a powerful incentive for employers to deviate from purely selfish behavior (Fehr and Falk 1999, Fehr
et al. 1997). As a result, reciprocity has been found to explain employer generosity and worker
cooperation in the presence of incomplete contracts (Fehr and Falk 1999, Bolton and Ockenfels 2000).
Even beyond one-shot lab games, reciprocity and repeated game incentives have been found to
reinforce each other (Gächter and Falk 2001). Moreover, the potential for employers to again
reciprocate worker generosity by positively or negatively altering worker payoffs has been found to
increase workers effort levels (Fehr et al. 1997). Fehr and Falk (2008) provide a comprehensive
summary of studies that show a sustained deviation from equilibrium wages and effort levels in
experimental markets.
Ultimately, social preferences such as reciprocity can behave as a contract enforcement device
that raises efficiency gains, and a well-designed market must carefully acknowledge the contextual
influence of such forces (see also section 3). Fehr and Falk (2002) show that in addition to from contract
and principal-agent theory, non-pecuniary incentives significantly shape human behavior. In fact,
policies that align financial incentives with social objectives have been found in some situations to lead
to inefficient outcomes by crowding out other-regarding preferences (Bowles and Hwang 2008).
Bowles and Gintis (2003) provide a taxonomy of cooperative and generous behavior not explained by
conventional self-interest hypotheses. Similarly, various studies provide models and evidence of
altruistic behavior largely explained by strong reciprocity, a predisposition to cooperate but also to
punish those who fail to conform to the norms of cooperation (Bowles and Gintis 2004, Fehr and
Fischbacher 2005, Gintis et al 2008, Gintis et al 2013, Mussweiler and Ockenfels 2013). Punishment
and retaliation are further discussed as strong reciprocity enforcement devices (Fehr and Gächter
2000b, Fehr and Gächter 2002, Fehr and Falk 2002).
These results have been widely applied outside the laboratory, becoming a descriptor of
environments far removed from the domains of data generation. An early study exploring the
importance of gift exchange in a naturally-occurring market is List (2006), who used a series of field
experiments in a product market to show that inference from these early games should be made with
care since the environment might engender certain behaviors, and that strategic reciprocity might
masquerade as social preferences in certain instances.
Gneezy and List (2006) took this notion to the workplace by exploring the effects of gift
exchange on worker productivity. They use two natural field experiments to explore gift-exchange in
the workplace. In the first they recruited undergraduate students to participate in computerizing the
holdings of a small library at the University of Chicago. In the no-Gift treatment, individuals were
offered a flat wage of $12 per hour. In the Gift treatment, once the task was explained to participants,
they were surprisingly paid $20 per hour rather than $12 per hour as advertised. The second field
experiment was part of a door to door fundraising drive to support a university research center in
North Carolina. Fundraising solicitors were recruited and told they would be paid $10 per hour, and
those in the Gift treatment were surprisingly told they would receive $20 per hour.
Figure 5. Average books logged per time period (reproduced from Gneezy and List 2006)
The main results from the Library task are summarized in Figure 5. Two stark patterns are revealed
in Figure 5. First, in line with earlier evidence from the lab, there are signs of significant gift exchange
in the first few hours of the task. Second, there is a significant decrease in the gift exchange effect after
a few hours, with no significant differences existing over a longer period. Importantly, the data reveal
how the gift worked early on to induce higher output, but overall the results show that with the same
budget, the employer would have been better off paying market wages.
Building on Gneezy and List (2006), Ockenfels, Sliwka, and Werner (2015) and Sliwka and Werner (2017) have
explored the timing of wage increases in more detail showing that performance can be raised when providing
Since this early work, the evidence on the efficacy of gift exchange in the workplace has come
in various forms. Kube et al. (2012) find similar short run effect sizes as Gneezy and List (2006) using
an in-kind gift. Likewise, using a negative wage gift, Kube et al. (2013) find a similarly large treatment
effect when considering decreases in productivity. Alternatively, there are studies that report small
and statistically weak gift exchange effects. For instance, Al-Ubaydli et al. (2015) report small effects
despite of the fact that gifts used in their study were largepaying unskilled workers $18/hr to pack
envelopes. To reconcile the various facts around gift exchange in the workplace, Esteves-Sorenson
(2018) carefully identifies several factors that could be underlying the inconsistent results. She
concludes that after dealing with all these confounds, our field test results are most consistent with
a standard model: workers did not increase effort in response to fixed wage raises but did do so in
response to a piece rate scheme.In this way, her results are quite consonant with the long-term
estimates from Gneezy and List (2006). We return to the important question of inference from this
body of work at the end of this section.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been debated at least since Friedman famously
described CSR as a fundamentally subversive doctrinein a 1970 NY Times article. And, in his usual
combative style Friedman described contrarians to his views on CSR as puppets of the intellectual
forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society.In this regard, the world has certainly
turned its cheek to Friedmans advice, as today over 90% of major businesses have specific programs
dedicated to CSR. Yet, is this transformation a sign that the CSR business is a good business?
For their part, researchers have explored the efficacy of CSR in various venues. Broadly, most
studies have focused on the demand side of the market, examining whether consumers are moved by
the CSR programs of firms. Alternatively, only until recently has work begun to focus on the supply side
to determine whether employees are affected by CSR. In this spirit, the notion of examining the supply
side resembles gift exchange, except in this case workers reciprocate higher effort when the firm does
good for the society at large rather than for themselves directly.
Defined narrowly, thus far there exists little consensus on whether CSR investments positively
impact the bottom line. While some studies report a positive effect (Waddock and Graves 1997),
others find mixed effects (see Servaes and Tamayo 2013). As aforementioned, however, one possible
reason for these mixed findings is that with few exceptions, empirical studies of CSR tend to focus
primarily on the demand side of the market (Du et al. 2011).
In a study forthcoming in Management Science, List and Momeni (2019) address this
shortcoming in the literature by exploring the supply side effects of CSR within an online marketplace,
with an emphasis placed on observing misbehaviors in the workplace. List and Momeni (2019)
operationalized a test of CSR by conducting a natural field experiment using workers from Amazons
smaller but more frequent wage increases. As Sliwka and Werner argue, these patterns (as well as the pattern
detected by Gneezy and List (2006)) can be well-organized in a simple dynamic model of reciprocity, where
workers reciprocate higher wages, but adapt their reference points over time. In turn, reciprocal reactions to
wage increases naturally wear off, but can be made more persistent when the wages are increased gradually.
Mechanical Turk (MTurk). This approach has become a common one in the economics community
searching for convenience labor market samples, as MTurk is an online labor market platform where
ads are made to available workers. List and Momeni (2019) try to hire workers who land on their
website after seeing an advertisement for work. Upon landing on their website, potential workers were
randomized into one of the 6 treatments that had different wages and CSR language. In terms of the
basic contracts, people were told that 10% of the total wage would be paid to workers upfront and the
remaining 90% would be paid after they completed the task. Accepting the contract without
completing the task is one of two measures they use for worker misbehavior (since the worker is paid
without delivery).
The task was for each worker to transcribe 10 images of short German texts, scanned from old
German books. On average, each image was composed of around 30 words or 183 characters. The
authors used German texts to make the task harder and less enjoyable. Workers who submitted all 10
images received the full wage specified in the contract. Before starting to work on any given image,
workers were required to report if the image was legible. If an image was reported as unreadable, the
worker skipped that image and moved on to the next, yet still received full pay. The second
misbehavior naturally arises: misreporting perfectly readable images as unreadable to avoid costly
transcription was their second measure of misbehavior.
While List and Momeni (2019) had 6 treatment conditions, the main treatment comparisons for
our purposes were the outcomes of the baseline and a CSR treatment that had advertisement that was
identical to the baseline except included a CSR message:
Our firm is committed to give back in meaningful ways. We are passionate
about encouraging education for the next generation. We do our part by
donating money to influential non-profit organizations that support
education for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. In keeping with
our philanthropic mission, we donate the equivalent of x% of our wage bill in
cash (on behalf of all workers who help us with this project) to UNICEF
Education Programs. UNICEF works tirelessly to ensure that every child
regardless of gender, ethnicity or circumstances has access to a quality
education. You may find out more about UNICEF Education Programs at:
The reported treatment effects are interesting, but one stark set of results stands out: the firms
use of CSR increased worker misbehavior. More specifically, workers who received a CSR message
were more likely to become cheaters and cheated more often than those who were not incentivized
with CSR. The data pattern is consistent with a moral-licensingimpact: doing good on one dimension
(CSR work) allows the worker to shirk on another (misbehaving). Such an impact was anticipated by
Benabou and Tirole (2010), who note that people who have recently done good in one dimension
may feel immunized against negative (social or self) inferences, and thus later on act less morally
constrained.The results raise the potential that while CSR could very well have positive selection
effects, there is a dark side of CSR that should be understood. More work is necessary.
5.3 Leveraging behavioral economics to get more for your money in the workplace
Behavioral economics has become much more than academic curiosity. Today, organizations as
distinct as governments and firms use behavioral insights to chart a course of action. While sister
disciplines as varied as sociology, biology, and computer sciences have lent insights into the economic
explorations, it is fair to say that to date psychology has made the deepest inroads in the behavioral
economic revolution. This is due to the piercing nature of the received insights. For example, one of
the deepest economic tenetsthe basic independence assumptionhas been under attack since the
early experimental findings from the lab and field suggested that preferences are a function of current
entitlements (see, Kahneman et al. 1990, List 2003). The most accepted theory explaining such
behavior is broadly termed loss aversion.
One recent example leveraging loss aversion in the workplace is an 8-week long field experiment
due to Hossain and List (2012). They explore whether worker productivity can be affected using simple
loss averse framing of bonuses. In this manner, the treatment is particularly passive in comparison to
previous field experiments that manipulated real endowments and explored choices (see List 2004,
2011, Engelmann and Hollard 2010). For instance, in the main treatments, workers in Hossain and Lists
(2012) field experiment received letters in the mail announcing the treatment. In the clawback
treatment, for example, rather than giving the employees the bonus money before the work week
commenced, it was given provisionally, where the relevant portion of the letter read:
for every week in which the weekly production average of your team is below
400 units/hour, the salary enhancement will be reduced by RMB 80……
Alternatively, in the standard bonus treatment, the description read as follows:
you will receive an RMB 80 bonus for every week the weekly production
average of your team is above or equal to 400 units/hour…
Figure 6. Aggregate Differences in Per-Hour Productivities Under Punishment and Reward
Treatments for Groups (reproduced from Hossain and List 2012)
The Hossain and List (2012) setting was a Chinese manufacturing plant that produced consumer
electronics. The treatments were performed over both individual and team production (the above
passages are for the team setting). Hossain and List (2012) found that bonuses work: posed as either
gains or losses, workers in both teams and individually increased productivity when they received a
bonus. More importantly for our purposes, they also find that teams and individuals respond more to
bonuses posed as losses than as comparable bonuses posed as gains. Figure 6 summarizes empirical
results from the 6 team sets in the field experiment of Hossain and List (2012). Importantly, Figure 6
shows that in 5 of 6 sets the clawback treatment outperformed the standard bonus treatment. Overall,
team productivity is increased by 1% purely due to the framing manipulation. Comparable effects from
the individual treatments, reported in the bottom panel of Figure 6, are of the same sign but are not
statistically significantly different to each other. While Figure 6 does not reveal the temporal treatment
trends in the data, importantly when considering the treatment effects over time, the incentive effect
does not wane: over the six-month study period the loss averse effects remain in the data.
Furthermore, these productivity enhancements do not come with concomitant negative effects on the
quality of work as measured by defect rates.
Subsequent work has largely replicated these results (see Fryer et al. 2012, Levitt et al. 2016, Imas
et al. 2017, and Bulte et al. 2019). Like Hossain and List (2012), the main innovation in this literature is
that agents receive an up-front payment which they must return in case their productivity or output
fails to meet a certain threshold (i.e., a bonus scheme with up-front payments). Fryer et al. (2012), for
example, provide pecuniary incentives to grammar and high school teachers to increase productivity
as measured by the performance of their students. While standard bonuses fail to increase teacher
performance, leveraging the clawback scheme is quite effective.
On a practical note, these examples highlight the interplay between pecuniary and non-pecuniary
aspects of compensation in that this set of results shows that conditional on bonuses being provided,
framing matters. Given that framing can be adjusted costlessly, these approaches are simple ways in
which firms can deepen the effects of pecuniary incentives. Theoretically, these results from the field
provide an example consonant with loss aversion in a natural labor market setting. As such, the results
provide concrete evidence of the generalizability of such insights from laboratory evidence, and
provide a natural example highlighting the complementarity of lab and field experiments.
5.4 Future directions: Welfare, structural models, and opening the black box of the firm
In summarizing the range of work discussed in this section, several issues might have arisen to the
astute reader. Early on, one might have asked while these clawback incentives in Hossain and List
(2012) are neat, would any worker like them in practice? That is, would the firm implementing such
incentives soon find itself employee-less? Or, perhaps less extreme, maybe workers will remain in the
firm but be miserable. Likewise, in considering the effects of gift exchange, one might wonder if the
Further evidence for the importance of loss aversion in the design of compensations schemes in field settings
is provided by Ockenfels et al. (2015), who study the bonus scheme of a multinational company. The bonus
scheme created a clear reference point as managers in parts of the company learned not only the size of their
bonus but also the percentage share of their bonus relative to their direct colleagues. Studying the association
between these bonus shares and job satisfaction, Ockenfels et al. (2015) find a substantial asymmetry around
this 100% threshold well in line with the patterns predicted by loss aversion.
underlying motivations at work for the higher effort observed are due to altruism, warm glow,
reciprocity, or some other consideration. Furthermore, in terms of market design choices, the reader
might have wondered how CSR incentives affect other aspects of sorting, such as whether more
productive workers prefer to be employed by firms that have a viable CSR program in place. Do workers
view CSR like other workplace amenities, and what are the overall welfare effects of CSR?
These, and related questions, are important challenges that future work should take on, but the
approach need not be blind, as some first steps have started to tackle these challenges. For example,
one natural question that arises when the literature produces an incentive regime that improves
performance, is whether such a mechanism can be viewed as improving overall welfare levels.
Considering the clawback scheme that leverages worker loss aversion, the evidence in Imas et al.
(2016) and Bulte et al. (2019) suggests that workers value the clawback as a commitment device, and
therefore reciprocate by improving their performance in subsequent interactions. This result suggests
that firms will not invoke anger or lose their employees. Of course, more work is necessary to be sure
of such preliminary results, but this gives some sense of optimism that the loss aversion nudge will
push workers to other firms. In this way, a call for future research is to identify the overall welfare
effects of nudges.
In terms of future research paths on gift exchange literature, there is little field evidence about the
nature of the observed social preferences towards employers. For instance, are workers acting on
purely altruistic motives, as in Becker (1974). Perhaps instead, workers are reacting to their warm glow,
in the spirit of Andreoni (1989). Or, perhaps the actual model at work is the original gift exchange view
of Akerlof (1982). The importance of parsing these underpinnings is not just academic curiosity, as key
market design considerations critically rely on whether extra worker effort is due to enhanced value
to the employer, pure value to self, or are strategically reciprocal in nature. Yet, there are many
challenges to parsing such models.
In this case a structural model combined with field experimental variation can provide insights.
This is exactly the roadmap provided by DellaVigna et al. (2016), who combine a structural model with
a closely-linked field experiment to explore the lessons learned from the literature. What immediately
falls out of such an exercise is that the extant literature lacks the key design features to parse the
various interpretations. Two elements are missing from the designs in the literature: i) there is no
specification of the value to the employer of the workers effort, and ii) a key unobservable is the cost
of effort.
DellaVigna et al. (2016) design a field experiment to address both issues, yielding insights into the
underlying primitives of workers. Their data and theoretical framework suggest that the warm glow
model is key in explaining the received data in their setting. Importantly, such insights would have
been difficult to obtain without the theoretical/experimental link offered in the study to permit a
firmer understanding of the forces at work.
Hedblom et al. (2019) provide a similar contribution to the CSR literature, where they combine a
structural approach with a natural field experiment to consider how CSR affects sorting into the
workplace. Using data from more than 1000 job seekers, they report strong evidence on the efficacy
of CSR: it attracts employees who are more productive, produce higher quality work, and have more
highly valued leisure time. In terms of enhancing the labor pool, use of CSR increases the number of
applicants by 25 percent, an impact comparable to the effect of a 36 percent increase in wages. This
work balances the moral hazard effects reported in List and Momeni (2019) and showcases the key
complementarities in CSR and pecuniary incentives. In addition, this work provides compelling reasons
for why firms might create and actively engage in CSR activities. We view these two examples as
representing a key call for future work that combines the structural and field experimental approaches
to shed new insights into both old and new areas of study.
This line of work underscores the import of leveraging firms and opening the black box of the firm.
As Levitt and List (2009) discuss, there have been three distinct waves of field experimental research
in economics. We are currently in the third wave, which has brought a deeper and broader exploration
of economic phenomena in organizations. Within this generation of field experiments, an attractive
approach is creating partnerships with private entities. Low hanging fruit remain in the areas of optimal
worker incentive schemes, workplace design, wellness and health programs, and a several related
topics in the black box of the firm. One such area in the black box relates to a longstanding puzzle in
economics: the striking differences in firm-level productivity across space and time. With total factor
productivity ratios about 3:1 across high productivity and low productivity (90th percentile to 10th
percentile) firms, understanding their sources is of first order import. One such line of work considers
management practice. Recently, a rich literature has developed that provides key evidence around
managements role in such disparities (see Bloom and Van Reenen 2007, 2011, Gosnell et al. 2019).
Yet, much work remains, and we envisage an active area for future work for decades to come.
6 Concluding remarks
In the last few decades, Management Science has published foundational work in market design and
human behavior, as outlined in our introduction. Today, economists, computer scientists, operations
researchers, managers and others are increasingly asked to design mechanisms for markets and
organizations. Many of the applications are motivated by failures of incentives in markets and
organizations, and the urgent need to understand and fix the design flaws. One lesson learned from
these efforts, as selectively surveyed in our article, is that institutional details matter. Even small
changes in the rules can have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of a market. For
instance, whether an otherwise identical auction ends with a hard or a soft close can significantly
affect bidding, revenues, and allocative efficiency. Market design forces researchers to pay attention
to details that might otherwise be overlooked. Our survey illustrates how the practical lessons from
market design activities in various contexts may accumulate to become broad and sound scientific
knowledge, which in turn promotes better and more reliable markets and organizations.
Some critics sometimes complain that economic theory is too disconnected from practical
problems. However, in all cases that we survey, game theory proved helpful to develop intuition and
to address real-life challenges. That said, market design may require decisions that are beyond
current knowledge. Part of the reason is that theory must abstract from institutional and behavioral
real-world complexities. For instance, people often follow their own bounded rationality,
characterized by limitations of motivation, cognition and adaptation. Boundedly rational agents only
have limited cognitive abilities and bounded willpower, which constrains optimally responding to
auction and matching mechanisms (Hassidim 2019, Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Katok 2008, Ockenfels
and Selten 2005). Bounded self-interest implies that humans are often willing to sacrifice their own
interests to help others, which is key for understanding how to engineer trust in the gig economy (see
Section 3). This is why practical market design is often fruitfully complemented by lab and field
experiments that test game theorys predictions and provide a testbed and proof of concept before
introducing new mechanisms into operating markets. A mechanism that works fine under simplifying
assumptions about human behavior may fail under descriptively more relevant assumptions.
Our survey includes discussion of where we find gaps in our knowledge and where we believe
more research is promising for auction, matching, feedback, and labor market design, respectively.
There are also more general insights that hold across market design domains. In some cases, for
instance, markets with theoretically attractive properties involve transactions that are perceived by
many as repugnant. This can be an important constraint on market design. For instance, buying and
selling kidneys for transplantation or trading school and university admission is illegal in most
countries (Roth 2007). Thus, a stream of recent studies is concerned with understanding the empirical
nature and robustness of such constraints, to reconcile ethical concerns with economic effectiveness
(Ambuehl 2017, Ambuehl et al. 2015, 2019a,b, Leider and Roth 2010, Kirchler et al. 2016).
Many opportunities and challenges in market design have to do with recent advances in computer
and communication technology, which often allow for radical innovation in market design. Indeed,
smart markets are popping up everywhere, from new kidney exchanges, dating, job and ride hailing
markets, ad and spectrum auctions, to innovative climate, electricity and financial markets. The
development of these markets not only creates new business opportunities to benefit our social and
economic lives, but also improve our scientific understanding of engineering incentives and markets.
There is probably no other field in economics and management science, where researchers and
practitioners gain so much by carefully listening to and working with one another. In this spirit,
perhaps the most foundational change for generation of knowledge is that researchers will
increasingly have to use the carpool lane in their own work, for riding alone will soon be an inefficient
choice in the knowledge production game.
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