EnergyIP MDM Training
Course Catalog
Siemens provides training on EnergyIP products and applications through its Grid
Software Training department, which develops and delivers core, self-paced and
custom training courses to support the operation, maintenance, and expansion of
EnergyIP MDM and Grid Software products.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 2
Catalog Organization 6
Instructor-Led (ILT) Classes 7
Technical Certification - EnergyI................................................................................................. 7
System Administration - EnergyI................................................................................................ 8
EnergyIP Custom Application Development ................................................................................. 8
Foundations for End Users ............................................................................................................. 8
Foundations for Implementation Teams ........................................................................................ 9
Billing CSR - EnergyIP® ................................................................................................................... 9
Validation Analyst - EnergyIP® ....................................................................................................... 9
Energy Engage for CSRs ................................................................................................................. 9
Energy Engage for System Administrators .................................................................................... 10
On Demand Training 10
Advanced Device Management (ADM) ..................................................................................... 10
Advanced Device Management Product Overview ................................................................. 10
Analytics Foundation and Revenue Protection (AF&RP) ........................................................... 10
Analytics Foundation 5.0 and Revenue Protection 4.0 Knowledge Transfer ............................ 10
EnergyIP Analytics Foundation 3.4 REST API Usage ................................................................ 10
EnergyIP Analytics Suite and Analytics Foundation ................................................................ 11
Knowledge Transfer - Data Extraction Tool (DET) 2.1, Analytics Foundation 5.1 ..................... 11
Let's Play with EnergyIP Analytics Foundation 3.4 .................................................................. 11
Revenue Protection 2.4 - Installation and Configuration ........................................................ 11
Revenue Protection 2.4 - Product Overview ........................................................................... 11
Revenue Protection 2.4 - What's New .................................................................................... 11
Revenue Protection 2.5 - Installation and Configuration ........................................................ 12
Revenue Protection 2.5 - Product Overview ........................................................................... 12
Revenue Protection 3.1/3.2 Knowledge Transfer Session ....................................................... 12
Asset Topology Mapping (ATM) ................................................................................................ 12
Asset Topology Mapping 1.0 Product Overview ..................................................................... 12
Business Monitoring (BizMon) .................................................................................................. 12
Introduction to Business Monitoring & Billing Readiness ........................................................ 12
Business Monitoring in EnergyIP ........................................................................................... 12
Decentralized Energy Management System (DEMS) ................................................................ 13
Decentralized Energy Management System ........................................................................... 13
Business User (E9xBizUser) ....................................................................................................... 13
Billing CSR - EnergyIP 8.6 ...................................................................................................... 13
EnergyIP Billing and VEE Task Tool ........................................................................................ 13
EnergyIP Day in the Life Series .............................................................................................. 13
EnergyIP Meter Data Edit Task Tool ....................................................................................... 13
Validation Analyst - EnergyIP 8.6 ........................................................................................... 13
Event and Data Action Manager (EDAM) .................................................................................. 13
EDAM - Using Detection Rules ............................................................................................... 13
Introduction to EDAM and Business Monitoring ..................................................................... 13
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Energy Engage (EEngage) ........................................................................................................ 14
Energy Engage for Customer Service Representatives ............................................................ 14
Energy Engage for System Administrators ............................................................................. 14
Energy Engage Mobile .......................................................................................................... 14
Energy Engage Overview ...................................................................................................... 14
EnergyIP 8x ............................................................................................................................... 14
Cassandra Considerations for EnergyIP .................................................................................. 14
EnergyIP 7.6 - 8.1 Delta ........................................................................................................ 14
EnergyIP 8 - Custom Application Development ...................................................................... 14
EnergyIP 8 - Introduction and Overview ................................................................................ 14
EnergyIP 8 A2F Architecture.................................................................................................. 15
EnergyIP 8 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 15
EnergyIP 8 Data Delivery ....................................................................................................... 15
EnergyIP 8 Data Migration .................................................................................................... 15
EnergyIP 8 Data Synchronization ........................................................................................... 15
EnergyIP 8 In-Memory Data Grid ........................................................................................... 15
EnergyIP 8 Security Framework ............................................................................................. 15
EnergyIP 8 Webinar Series ..................................................................................................... 16
EnergyIP 8.2 User Interface Changes ..................................................................................... 16
EnergyIP 8.4 Installation Walk-Through (also for 8.5) ............................................................ 16
EnergyIP 8.5 Release Overview ............................................................................................. 16
EnergyIP 8.6 - What's New in SP4 .......................................................................................... 16
EnergyIP 8.6 SP4 Knowledge Transfer ................................................................................... 16
EnergyIP 8.6 SP6 Knowledge Transfer ................................................................................... 16
EnergyIP 8.6 SP7 and EnergyIP 8.7 MDM Release KT .............................................................. 17
EnergyIP 8.7 SP1 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 17
EnergyIP 8.7 SP2 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 17
EnergyIP 8.x App Installation................................................................................................. 17
EnergyIP Data Migration 1.5 ................................................................................................. 17
EnergyIP Upgrade from Version 8.3 to 8.4 (or 8.5) ................................................................ 17
Foundations for End Users - EnergyIP 8.6 .............................................................................. 17
Foundations for Implementation Teams - EnergyIP 8.6 .......................................................... 17
Introduction to EnergyIP 8.6 Platform ................................................................................... 18
Introduction to EnergyIP 8.7 ................................................................................................. 18
QuickStart Essentials for EnergyIP 8.3 ................................................................................... 18
QuickStart Essentials for EnergyIP 8.4-8.5 MDM .................................................................... 18
System Administration - EnergyIP 8.6 .................................................................................... 18
Technical Certification - EnergyIP 9.0 (2024) ......................................................................... 18
EnergyIP 9x ............................................................................................................................... 19
DEMO: Introduction to EnergyIP 9 (Portuguese) .................................................................... 19
EnergyIP 9.0 Knowledge Transfer Series ................................................................................ 19
EnergyIP 9.0 SP1 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 19
EnergyIP 9.0 SP2 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 19
EnergyIP 9.0 SP3 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 19
EnergyIP 9.0 SP4 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 19
EnergyIP 9.0 SP5 Knowledge Transfer Series ......................................................................... 19
EnergyIP Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 20
EnergyIP Data Delivery .......................................................................................................... 20
EnergyIP Data Synchronization ............................................................................................. 20
EnergyIP Expert Series Webinars ........................................................................................... 20
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EnergyIP Installation and Upgrade from Version 8.x to 8.6 ..................................................... 20
EnergyIP Installation Walk-Through (8.x and 9) ..................................................................... 21
EnergyIP Platform: Device Control Transactions (DCT), Part 1 ................................................. 21
EnergyIP Platform: Device Control Transactions (DCT), Part 2 ................................................. 21
EnergyIP System Administration Task Tool ............................................................................ 21
EnergyIP System Console ...................................................................................................... 21
Introduction to EnergyIP 9.0 ................................................................................................. 21
Introduction to EnergyIP System Administration .................................................................... 22
Introduction to Virtual Channels ........................................................................................... 22
Kafka Considerations for EnergyIP ......................................................................................... 22
Kibana Visualization Tool - Installation and Configuration ...................................................... 22
Real Time Framework (RTF) 2.0............................................................................................. 22
Reports Using BIRT ................................................................................................................ 22
Energy Solutions (ESolutions) ................................................................................................... 22
A Rising Tide (Tidal Power) .................................................................................................... 22
Case Study: Energy Engage at Pepco/PowerCentsDC .............................................................. 22
Case Study: EnergyIP at Burbank Water & Power .................................................................... 23
Case Study: Outage Management ......................................................................................... 23
Communities ........................................................................................................................ 23
DRMS at Wabash .................................................................................................................. 23
Energy on Tap ...................................................................................................................... 23
Energy Scenario 2050 ........................................................................................................... 23
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation............................................................................ 23
General Overview of Meter Data Management with EnergyIP ................................................ 23
Green Button Standard ......................................................................................................... 24
IT-OT Solutions ..................................................................................................................... 24
Nigeria: Land of Powerful Opportunities ................................................................................ 24
OT and IT Go Hand in Hand ................................................................................................... 24
Power for Mining in Mexico .................................................................................................. 24
Renewable Energy ................................................................................................................ 24
Smart Buildings .................................................................................................................... 24
SmartGrid Living with John Cooper ....................................................................................... 24
The Future of the Smart Grid ................................................................................................ 25
Utility Industry Overview ...................................................................................................... 25
White Paper: The Emergence of Meter Data Management (MDM) .......................................... 25
Worldwide First: Warm Component Heat Reuse Concept ....................................................... 25
Meter Data Management SaaS (MDM SaaS)............................................................................. 25
EnergyIP MDM SaaS - Introduction and Overview .................................................................. 25
EnergyIP MDM SaaS Foundations Course .............................................................................. 25
File Exchange Guide and Procedures ..................................................................................... 25
MDM SaaS Quick Start .......................................................................................................... 25
Market Transaction Manager (MTM) ........................................................................................ 26
Market Transaction Manager 1.0 Product Overview ............................................................... 26
New UI ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Quick Start Guide to Mosaic UI in EnergyIP 9.0 (SP3) ............................................................. 26
Quick Start Guide to the Mosaic New User Interface in EnergyIP 9 (SP5) ................................ 26
Outage Event Management (OEM) ........................................................................................... 26
Outage Event Management (OEM) 2.2 & Low-Voltage OMS (LVOMS) Product Introduction Video
............................................................................................................................................ 26
Outage Event Management (OEM) 3.0 and LVOMS 2.0 Product Overview ............................. 26
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Prepay ....................................................................................................................................... 27
EnergyIP Prepay Application Demonstration .......................................................................... 27
SAP Adapter .............................................................................................................................. 27
Introduction to SAP Adapter Implementation ........................................................................ 27
SAP Adapter 4 ...................................................................................................................... 27
SAP Adapter 4.4 Product Introduction ................................................................................... 27
SAP Adapter 4.6 Release Knowledge Transfer ........................................................................ 27
Settlements ............................................................................................................................... 28
EnergyIP Settlements 3.0 Product Overview .......................................................................... 28
For More Information 29
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 6
Catalog Organization
This catalog lists the names and descriptions of all course content available to subscribers of the Siemens Learning Cloud, a
content streaming platform for EnergyIP customers. In addition, select instructor-led classes (ILT) are listed for reference but
are not included in Learning Cloud subscriptions.
Types of Courses:
Self-Paced student completes using
materials provided on the Siemens Learning
Cloud website.
Instructor a traditional instructor-led course
taught on location by a qualified instructor
(not included with Learning Cloud
subscription, course fee required)
Blended web-based sessions with a
qualified instructor combined with self-paced
WBT web-based training. Interactive module
with text, graphics, and audio
Learning Path a set of Self-Paced and WBT
style courses provided for convenient
Course File Formats:
WBT web-based training. Interactive module
with text, graphics, and audio
PDF document
Video video with a presenter, slides and
ILT instructor-led training
vILT virtual instructor-led training. Web-
based sessions with a live instructor.
EPSS electronic performance support
system. Tools and guidelines for completing
on-the-job tasks.
ZIP archive. Tools that can be used on the
Visit us at our Learning on Demand website for training program information and to download brochures on the Learning
Cloud, current EnergyIP training courses and schedules.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 7
Instructor-Led (ILT) Classes
These are traditional instructor-led classroom courses taught on-site or virtually and can be customized on demand. The latest
class schedules are available for download on our training website at Or contact us
at the email address below for pricing and scheduling information on any of the following courses.
Technical Certification -
Blended (vILT)
The EnergyIP Certification Program is a hybrid training course and
includes on-line, instructor-led and self paced learning. Students will
attend eight, three hour virtual instructor-led sessions that meet twice a
week. Students also complete assignments on their own and with peers.
Assignments will require extensive practice and exercises in the
Learning Cloud via each student's own sign-on to a supplied EnergyIP
instance. At the end of the month, students will take the certification
exam that enables them to implement EnergyIP.
This comprehensive program provides a scenario-based, hands
experience to guide participants through the major processes they will
complete while installing and implementing EnergyIP. The topics
included are.
1. Introduction to the Course, Implementation Scenario, and
2. Interpreting and applying the Project Functional Specifications
(PFS) to configure and validate Meter Reads, Universal AMI
Adapter, Device Reads Processor
3. Configuration Management, Using the System Console and
Reference Data Utility
4. Using the PFS to configure and validate Validation, Estimation
and Editing (VEE), Framing
5. Graphical Editing, Data Delivery, Using the PFS to configure
and validate Billing
6. Using the PFS to configure and validate Billing, continued
7. Troubleshooting, Provisioning, Commissioning, Device Control
8. Reports, Course Review, Certification Exam
Certification Exams:
1. In class, computer administered exam
2. Hands-On exam, completed using the Training Cloud EnergyIP
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 8
System Administration -
Instructor (ILT)
The goal of the System Administration course is to provide basic
knowledge of EnergyIP System Admin functions and ensure smooth
Day 1
Product Overview
Introduction - System Admin Role
System Requirements and Security
Day 2
Performance Monitoring
Performance Issues
Starting and Stopping EnergyIP
Application Management
Day 3
EnergyIP User Management
Exception Processing
Timelines and Checklist
This course is frequently customized to suit Utilities needs for content
and duration. Please contact Training to discuss requirements and
schedule this class.
EnergyIP Custom
Application Development
Instructor (ILT)
Training goals:
The goal of this training is to make you capable of developing
application that can sit besides these applications or replace/
enhance the existing applications.
This training will tell you the hooks for altering the existing
behavior of EnergyIP applications.
Training Components:
Classroom Instruction - instructor teaches and provides live
demos via the web (vILT) or in person
Lab Work - Hands On labs with each student having their own
cloud instance of EnergyIP with an application and database
Course materials include Lab Guide, Samples, Student Guide
Foundations for End Users
Instructor (ILT)
EnergyIP Foundations is an instructor-led course that provides Utility end
users with core Smart Grid, Meter Data Management, and EnergyIP
concepts, including:
Smart Grids and Meter Data Management
The EnergyIP Solution
High Level Overview of EnergyIP components
Device Synchronization
Data Collection, Delivery & Billing
High Level Overview - Other Apps
This course is usually customized to suit Utilities needs for content and
duration. Please contact Training to discuss requirements and schedule
this class.
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Foundations for
Implementation Teams
Instructor (ILT)
EnergyIP Foundations for Implementation is an instructor-led course
intended for Utility administrators and managers participating in the
implementation workshop process. The class provides core EnergyIP
concepts, including:
Smart Grids and Meter Data Management
The EnergyIP Solution
High Level Overview of EnergyIP components.
Data Synchronization
Data Collection
Data Delivery and Billing
Configuration Tools
High Level Overview - Other Apps
This course is usually customized to suit Utilities needs for content and
duration. Please contact Training to discuss requirements and schedule
this class.
Billing CSR - EnergyIP®
Instructor (ILT)
This course is designed for Utility Billing customer service
representatives who need to use EnergyIP meter data management
The course provides:
overview of the billing process and functionality
Logging in, basic navigation, and search
Reviewing meter data
Validation, validation errors and verify/edit service requests
Editing meter data
Analyze and resolved billing exceptions
Cancel single and multiple months
Device control transactions
Validation Analyst -
Instructor (ILT)
This course is designed for Utility validation analysts who need to use
EnergyIP meter data management.
The course includes:
Describe how validation workflow works in EnergyIP
Understand the role of Device Reads Processor in the validation
Understand validation in EnergyIP
Understand estimation in EnergyIP
Understand the framing in EnergyIP
Understand and Use EnergyIP Graphical Editing Features
Use EnergyIP to Complete Core validation-Related Tasks
Energy Engage for CSRs
Instructor (ILT)
The Energy Engage for Customer Service Representative (CSR) is a one
day, instructor-led course that provides utility CSRs with an
understanding of the Energy Engage features used by their customers.
Using case studies, CSRs will learn to support customer inquiries and
troubleshoot user issues using the Energy Engage portal.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 10
Energy Engage for System
Instructor (ILT)
This course provides system administrators with the skills necessary to
set-up and manage Energy Engage in a production environment. The
topics of the course include:
1. Web Administration Tool
2. Carbon Stories and Rate Structures
3. Energy Engage Architecture
4. Integration and Administration.
On Demand Training
The following index includes the title name and description for each course, organized by content area.
Advanced Device Management (ADM)
Advanced Device
Management Product
Self paced
30 Minutes
Smart Grid devices with communication capabilities are proliferating on
the distribution network increasing the number of devices that need to
be managed by two or three times the number of meters. The
Advanced Device Management (ADM) EnergyIP 8 platform application
automates many of the previously tedious manual tasks required to
maintain operational stability. ADM fills gaps in the headend systems
by performing automated communications network management,
device provisioning, device configuration, and device topology. It is
designed as the system of record for all device knowledge available
through the communications network.
Analytics Foundation and Revenue Protection (AF&RP)
Analytics Foundation 5.0
and Revenue Protection
4.0 Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
1.5 Hours
Learn about what's new in Analytics Foundation 5.0 and Revenue
Protection 4.0 from Seitaro Nagao, Product Manager.
EnergyIP Analytics
Foundation 3.4 REST API
Micro class
16 Minutes
Demonstration of Analytics Foundation 3.4 REST API usage. Presented
by Seitaro Nagao, Product Manager.
Demo of REST API client examples:
Web browser
CURL command
Java code
C# Windows Form application
Excel VBA Macro
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 11
Analytics Foundation and Revenue Protection (AF&RP)
EnergyIP Analytics Suite
and Analytics Foundation
Self paced
30 Minutes
This product introduction course provides an overview of the EnergyIP
Analytics Suite and Foundation (vers. 3-4.0/4.1).
EnergyIP Analytics Suite is a solution that encompasses Analytics
Foundation with add-on applications for specific uses cases such as
Load Forecasting, Equipment Load Management, Power Quality, and
Revenue Protection.
EnergyIP Analytics Foundation enables utilities to gain insight into
customers and their usage patterns, and the infrastructure that
provides this information. EnergyIP has collected and processed meter
data for many years, but with the addition of the Analytics Foundation,
that data can be leveraged to generate insightful charts and graphs,
drill into diagnostic reports, and feed Enterprise Business Intelligence
applications. The Analytics Foundation from eMeter uses data extract,
transform, and load (ETL) tools to pull data from EnergyIP and creates a
purpose-built analytics database.
Knowledge Transfer -
Data Extraction Tool
(DET) 2.1, Analytics
Foundation 5.1
Self paced
1 Hour
This KT provides a product update for DET 2.1 and AF 5.1 SP2 and
includes demonstrations. Session recorded February 16, 2022.
Presenter - Seitaro Nagao, Product Manager.
Let's Play with EnergyIP
Analytics Foundation 3.4
Self paced
45 Minutes
Demo and examples of EnergyIP Analytics Foundation 3.4, Data Load to
Visualization. Presented by Seitaro Nagao, Product Manager.
Demonstration includes a walkthrough of these steps:
Loading structural data to create service points
Loading time series data
Configuring aggregation
Running aggregation
Creating and configuring chart
Showing data with chart
Revenue Protection 2.4 -
Installation and
Self paced
45 Minutes
Installation and Configuration for Revenue Protection 2.4. Presented by
eMeter Engineering. Major topics include:
Configuring Reference Data
Configuring System Console Properties
Configuring Job Properties
Revenue Protection 2.4 -
Product Overview
Self paced
30 Minutes
Revenue Protection Analytics is an application that uses analytics
technology to increase the detection and reduction of non-technical
January 2018 - updated with new video demo of the Revenue
Protection UI
Revenue Protection 2.4 -
What's New
Self paced
20 Minutes
Overview of the new and changed features in Revenue Protection 2.4.
Presented by Vidya Raman, eMeter Product Management.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 12
Analytics Foundation and Revenue Protection (AF&RP)
Revenue Protection 2.5 -
Installation and
Self paced
1 Hour
This video discusses installation and configuration options and
considerations for Revenue Protection 2.5.
Revenue Protection 2.5 -
Product Overview
Self paced
30 Minutes
Revenue Protection Analytics is an application that uses analytics
technology to increase the detection and reduction of non-technical
Updated February 2019.
Revenue Protection
3.1/3.2 Knowledge
Transfer Session
Self paced
2 Hours
Recorded May 2020. Presented by Patricia Seifert, PhD., Analytics
Product Manager. This knowledge transfer session includes a brief
release overview and introduction to new features and enhancements
made to Revenue Protection 3.1/3.2 including: over 30 new algorithms
have been introduced to identify non-technical losses of different
types, new KPI Dashboard with mapping provides useful insights into
the status of investigation tickets and their outcomes, new ML Scorer
Accuracy Evaluation for self-selection of the most effective scorer for
ticket generation.
Asset Topology Mapping (ATM)
Asset Topology Mapping
1.0 Product Overview
Self paced
55 Minutes
This is a recording of a knowledge transfer session for ATM 1.0. Asset
Topology Mapping (ATM) is an application that uses advanced analytics
technology to validate the accuracy of distribution network topology.
Presented by Mariam Zarrabi of Siemens. Note: Transcripts are not
available for this recording.
Business Monitoring (BizMon)
Introduction to Business
Monitoring & Billing
Self paced
60 Minutes
Business Monitoring provides operational transparency to the MDM
operators and enables them to prioritize error handling and business
exception processing. This video introduces you to Business Monitoring
features in EnergyIP including dashboards and out-of-the-box reports to
monitor data collection and data quality metrics and analyze service
point usage data anomalies.
Business Monitoring in
Self paced
30 Minutes
This web-based training (WBT) course provides an overview of Business
Monitoring functions in EnergyIP. Topics include BizMon functions,
benefits and typical user roles and responsibilities. Learners will be
shown how to use Business Monitoring Dashboard to monitor data
quality and usage data, and will learn how to configure and enable
Business Monitoring in EnergyIP.
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Decentralized Energy Management System (DEMS)
Decentralized Energy
Management System
Self paced
10 Minutes
This article is about Smart Markets, Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and the
new software version DEMS 3.0 and DEMS Designer.
Business User (E9xBizUser)
Billing CSR - EnergyIP 8.6
1 Day
This one-day instructor-led course is designed for Utility Billing
customer service representatives who need to use EnergyIP meter data
EnergyIP Billing and VEE
Task Tool
Self paced
The Billing and VEE Task Tool is designed to help customers who work
with EnergyIP® as a billing or VEE analyst. The tool is designed to
provide just in time information and procedures on common tasks.
EnergyIP Day in the Life
Self paced
20 min
Short video introductions that show how analysts and operators can
use EnergyIP MDM SaaS to work on daily tasks and activities.
EnergyIP Meter Data Edit
Task Tool
Self paced
The Meter Data Edit Task Tool is designed to help customers who work
with EnergyIP® as a billing or VEE analyst. The tool is designed to
provide just-in-time information and procedures for common tasks.
Validation Analyst -
EnergyIP 8.6
1 Day
This one-day instructor-led course is designed for utility validation
analysts who need to use EnergyIP meter data management.
Event and Data Action Manager (EDAM)
EDAM - Using Detection
Self paced
15 Minutes
The Event and Data Action Management (EDAM) functionality analyzes
incoming AMI meter events received in near real-time or the events
and interval reads stored in MUDR based for configured conditions and
performs a preconfigured action automatically when the condition is
detected. In this course you will learn how detection rules are used in
EnergyIP, and you will learn how to create detection rules for two
events - voltage sag, and false positive events. Note: you can only
access the EDAM functionality from the new Mosaic user interface,
available starting with EnergyIP 8.7 SP2 and later.
Introduction to EDAM
and Business Monitoring
Self paced
30 Minutes
This introductory course provides a basic overview of EDAM features
and Business Monitoring in EnergyIP 9.
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Energy Engage (EEngage)
Energy Engage for
Customer Service
1 Day
The Energy Engage for Customer Service Representative (CSR) is a one
day, instructor-led course that provides utility CSRs with an
understanding of the Energy Engage features used by their customers.
Using case studies, CSRs will learn to support customer inquiries and
troubleshoot user issues using the Energy Engage portal.
Energy Engage for
System Administrators
1 Day
This course provides system administrators with the skills necessary to
set-up and manage Energy Engage in a production environment. The
topics of the course include:
Web Administration Tool,
Carbon Stories and Rate Structures,
Energy Engage Architecture,
Integration and Administration.
Energy Engage Mobile
Self paced
20 Minutes
This webinar introduces the features, benefits, and user interface of
Energy Engage Mobile.
Energy Engage Overview
Self paced
20 Minutes
This webinar provides an overview of the Energy Engage Application
and the user interface. The Energy Engage Product Manager discusses
the following topics:
Energy Engage Overview,
The customer portal,
Service Invocation Patterns,
The User Interface
EnergyIP 8x
Cassandra Considerations
for EnergyIP
Self paced
59 Minutes
In this video Shelly Antony reviews the purpose of Cassandra in
EnergyIP - to provide new installations the option of storing the time-
series data in MUDR on the Apache Cassandra database, and best
practices for configuring and managing it.
EnergyIP 7.6 - 8.1 Delta
Self paced
20 Minutes
This web-based training explores the delta between EnergyIP 7.6 and
EnergyIP 8. Each topic focuses on what's new and what's changed in
each module.
EnergyIP 8 - Custom
Application Development
10 Days
Training goals:
The goal of this training is to make you capable of developing
application that can sit besides these applications or replace/
enhance the existing applications.
This training will tell you the hooks for altering the existing
behavior of EnergyIP applications.
EnergyIP 8 - Introduction
and Overview
Self paced
30 Minutes
This web-based training introduces the EnergyIP 8 features and
functionality. The topics included are:
EnergyIP 8 overview
Core functionality
Smart grid application suite
High-level data model
Security architecture overview
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EnergyIP 8x
EnergyIP 8 A2F
Self paced
10 Minutes
This web-based training explores the Agile Application Framework
(A2F) used in EnergyIP 8. The topics included are:
Message Bus and A2F
A2F Processing Model
Service Invocation Patterns
Routing Approach
EnergyIP 8 Data
Self paced
1 Hour 15
Shelly Antony, Director of Application Development, provides an in-
depth discussion of EnergyIP 8 enablement for Meter Reads and Event
Processing. The topics included in this video include technical briefings
on key differences between EnergyIP 7.x and 8.x. Shelly also discusses
the overview and architecture of Meter Reads and Meter Events,
including a detailed account of the components and configurations
required to make VEE applications work. Various scenarios of Reads and
VEE subsystem are also explained towards the end of the video.
EnergyIP 8 Data Delivery
Self paced
60 Minutes
Shelly Antony, Director of Application Development, provides an in-
depth discussion of EnergyIP Data Delivery Services, which represents
the delivery of metering data to an external system. The topics included
in this video include an overview and architecture of DDS, key DDS
differences from EnergyIP 7.x and 8.x., and an in-depth discussion of
DDS components and configuration.
EnergyIP 8 Data
Self paced
27 Minutes
Ling Chien-Sha, Director of Engineering, walks through the process of
migrating data to EnergyIP 8. In this video, Ling outlines the high-level
approach to data migration, including database preparation. She then
dives into the technical details and procedures for data migration and
configuration for structural and transactional data. The video concludes
with a short case study of a data migration project.
EnergyIP 8 Data
Self paced
2 Hours
Chris Dant, Technical Training Manager for Siemens, discusses EnergyIP
synchronization and how data flows from customer information
systems to EnergyIP. He then reviews the configuration properties and
examines FlexSync. Next, he shows how to create rules and use rule
sheets for synchronizing your data. Finally, he discusses core derive
actions and effective dates and explains the rules processing context
and data objects that enable synchronization.
EnergyIP 8 In-Memory
Data Grid
Self paced
10 Minutes
This introductory web-based training explores EnergyIP 8 In Memory
Data Grid (EIDG). The EIDG topics included are:
Overview of EIDG
EIDG Functionality
EIDG Reliability
EIDG Variations
EnergyIP 8 Security
Self paced
10 Minutes
This course explores the EnergyIP 8 Security Framework. The topics
included are:
Security Features
Security Architecture
Security methods
Organization-based approach
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EnergyIP 8x
EnergyIP 8 Webinar
Self paced
30 Minutes to
8 Hours
This EnergyIP 8 webinar package includes technical presentations from
eMeter product management and engineering experts. These technical
webinars provide detailed information about the most important new
and changed features of EnergyIP 8. To get the most out of these
presentations, you should be familiar with EnergyIP 7.
EnergyIP 8.2 User
Interface Changes
Self paced
1 Hour 22
In this recorded session, the new user interface changes in EnergyIP 8.2
are discussed and shown.
EnergyIP 8.4 Installation
Walk-Through (also for
Self paced
1 Hour
The basics of installing EnergyIP 8.4 are covered in this series of videos
prepared by Thaddeus Jimenez,
Technical Director in eMeter Engineering. The process he covers results
in a single-server installation
which combines EnergyIP 8.4 and Oracle Enterprise in a convenient
system suitable for development, tests, learning / experimentation, and
demonstrations. This single-server configuration would not be suitable
for use in production, but the design and configuration considerations
covered in the walk-though are integral to any EnergyIP 8.4
installation. Note that steps covered in this video also applies to an
installation of EnergyIP 8.5.
EnergyIP 8.5 Release
Self paced
60 Minutes
The EnergyIP 8.5 release includes many new capabilities on the
EnergyIP user interface and also enhancements and improvements to
enhance user experience and improve operational task efficiency.
EnergyIP product experts discuss and demonstrate these new features
in this Knowledge Transfer session.
EnergyIP 8.6 - What's
New in SP4
Self paced
1 Hour
Amit Prakaash, Product Manager, provides an update on new features
introduced with the SP4 release of EnergyIP 8.6.
EnergyIP 8.6 SP4
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
1 Hour
Amit Prakaash, Product Manager, provides an update on new features
introduced with the SP4 release of EnergyIP 8.6.
EnergyIP 8.6 SP6
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
1 Hour
Gautham Jayanna and Amit Prakaash, EnergyIP Product Managers,
provides an update on new features introduced with the SP6 release of
EnergyIP 8.6. The agenda includes:
Brief release overview, introduction
Device Reads Processor now can compute interval reads from
register reads. RR to LP conversion
Implementation of RR2LP/SDP batching during DRP processing
Recorded April 9, 2020
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 17
EnergyIP 8x
EnergyIP 8.6 SP7 and
EnergyIP 8.7 MDM
Release KT
Self paced
4 Hours
This knowledge transfer session is to cover MDM-related changes and
enhancements that were released in EnergyIP 8.6 SP7 and EnergyIP
8.7. Part 1 is on new changes and enhancements in EnergyIP 8.6 SP7
and EnergyIP 8.7, presented by Amit Prakaash, Product Manager. Part 2
is on the new enhancements and updates to EnergyIP 8.7 Platform,
presented by Gautham Jayanna, Product Manager.
EnergyIP 8.7 SP1
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
6 Hours
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 8.7 SP1 Knowledge Transfer
sessions which took place March-April, 2021. Session dates and
presenters listed below.
EnergyIP 8.7 SP2
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
4 Hours
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 8.7 SP2 Knowledge Transfer
sessions from August 2021. Session dates and presenters listed below.
EnergyIP 8.x App
Self paced
13 Minutes
Video showing installing an OPT app for the EnergyIP 8.x platform. This
video is narrated by Thad Jimenez, Director of Engineering.
EnergyIP Data Migration
Self paced
25 Minutes
Knowledge Transfer Session Recorded March 15, 2019
Product Overview - 1:56
What's New - 4:37
Best Practices - 16:15
Presenters: Ankit Jain, Manas Yadav
EnergyIP Upgrade from
Version 8.3 to 8.4 (or
Self paced
47 Minutes
The basics of upgrading EnergyIP are covered in these two videos
prepared by Thaddeus Jimenez, Technical Director in eMeter
Engineering. The particular example shown takes an 8.3 system to 8.4
(also applicable to 8.5). This single-server configuration would not be
suitable for use in production, but the design and configuration
considerations covered in the walk-though are integral to any EnergyIP
8.4 installation.
Foundations for End
Users - EnergyIP 8.6
1 Day
This one-day instructor-led course provide end users with a practical
explanation of the EnergyIP platform and applications. This course also
focuses on how meter data flows from AMI to billing
Foundations for
Implementation Teams -
EnergyIP 8.6
3 Days
This three-day instructor-led course provide implementation team
members with a practical explanation of the EnergyIP platform and
applications. Details include
Data Synchronization,
Data Collection,
Data Delivery and
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 18
EnergyIP 8x
Introduction to EnergyIP
8.6 Platform
Self paced
60 Minutes
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the core
fundamentals and technologies of EnergyIP 8.6 (course applies to
EnergyIP versions 8.0 and above).
The course is designed for anyone new to the EnergyIP 8.x Platform.
There are four parts to this course:
Introduction and Overview to EnergyIP,
Data Collection,
Data Delivery
Introduction to EnergyIP
Self paced
60 Minutes
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the core
fundamentals and technologies of EnergyIP (course applicable to all
versions of EnergyIP 8.x up to 8.7 SP2)
The course is designed for anyone new to the EnergyIP 8.x Platform.
There are four parts to this course:
Introduction and Overview to EnergyIP,
Data Collection,
Data Delivery.
Also included is a tour of the new Mosaic user interface available with
release SP2.
QuickStart Essentials for
EnergyIP 8.3
Self paced
60 Minutes
This course has been updated for EnergyIP 8.6, please see "Introduction
to EnergyIP Platform".
QuickStart Essentials for
EnergyIP 8.4-8.5 MDM
Self paced
60 Minutes
This course has been updated for EnergyIP 8.6, please see "Introduction
to EnergyIP Platform".
System Administration -
EnergyIP 8.6
3 Days
The System Administration course provides basic knowledge of
EnergyIP System Admin functions and ensure smooth operations.
Technical Certification -
EnergyIP 9.0 (2024)
4 Weeks
The EnergyIP 9.0 Certification Program is a hybrid training course and
includes on-line, instructor-led and self paced learning. You will attend
eight, three hour virtual instructor-led sessions that meet twice a week.
You will also complete assignments on your own and with your study
group. Assignments will require extensive practice and exercises in the
Training Cloud via each student's own sign-on to a supplied EnergyIP
Org. At the end of the month, you will take the certification exam that
enables you to implement EnergyIP. This title is an instructor-led
training course and not accessible through the cloud. Contact us to
learn more and enroll in this class.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 19
EnergyIP 9x
DEMO: Introduction to
EnergyIP 9 (Portuguese)
Self paced
30 min
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the core
fundamentals and technologies of EnergyIP and is designed for anyone
new to the EnergyIP 9.x Platform. This customized version of the course
features our customized translation service and offers the user a choice
to listen to the audio narration in English or Portuguese. The screen
text and graphics are in English, but users can select between English
and Portuguese for the audio narration before starting the course. The
selected language will then be heard throughout the entire course.
EnergyIP 9.0 Knowledge
Transfer Series
Self paced
175 Minutes
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 Knowledge Transfer sessions
delivered December 2021. Session 1 topics include EnergyIP 9.0
overview, new platform features, EDAM update, and UI changes.
Session 2 topics focused on Mosaic UI changes. Sessions have been
edited for brevity.
EnergyIP 9.0 SP1
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
60 Minutes
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 SP1 Knowledge Transfer
sessions delivered April 2022. Session 1 topics include EnergyIP 9.0 SP1
overview, new platform features, EDAM update. Session 2 is on Mosaic
UI changes. Sessions have been edited for brevity.
EnergyIP 9.0 SP2
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
120 Minutes
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 SP2 Knowledge Transfer
sessions delivered August 2022. Session 1 topics include EnergyIP 9.0
SP2 overview, new core platform features, Billing and Business
Monitoring, and EDAM update. Session 2 is on Mosaic Functional UI
enhancements. KT presentations delivered by EnergyIP Product
Management and UX Team.
EnergyIP 9.0 SP3
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
120 Minutes
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 SP3 Knowledge Transfer
sessions delivered December 2022. Session 1 topics include EnergyIP
9.0 SP3 overview, new core platform features, Billing and Business
Monitoring, and EDAM update. Session 2 is on Mosaic Functional UI
enhancements. KT presentations delivered by EnergyIP Product
Management and UX Team.
EnergyIP 9.0 SP4
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
3 Hours
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 SP4 Knowledge Transfer
sessions delivered April 2023. Session 1 topics include new core
platform features, Billing and Business Monitoring, and EDAM update.
Session 2 is on Mosaic Functional UI enhancements. KT presentations
delivered by EnergyIP Product Management and UX Team.
EnergyIP 9.0 SP5
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
3.5 Hours
Edited recordings from the EnergyIP 9.0 SP5 Knowledge Transfer
sessions delivered August 2023. Session 1 topics include UI and UX
Functional updates. Topics discussed and demoed: Environment
Branding in 9.x (Login page, and UI header), MDE Enhancements,
Customer Enhancement Requests, and EM-UI Equivalence. Session 2
focusses on MDM Core Platform updates in addition to enhancements
to DDS, Business Monitoring, and EDAM.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 20
EnergyIP 9x
EnergyIP Data Collection
Self paced
1 Hour 15
Shelly Antony, Director of Application Development, provides an in-
depth discussion of EnergyIP 8 enablement for Meter Reads and Event
Processing. The topics included in this video include technical briefings
on key differences between EnergyIP 7.x and 8.x. Shelly also discusses
the overview and architecture of Meter Reads and Meter Events,
including a detailed account of the components and configurations
required to make VEE applications work. Various scenarios of Reads and
VEE subsystem are also explained towards the end of the video.
EnergyIP Data Delivery
Self paced
60 Minutes
Shelly Antony, Director of Application Development, provides an in-
depth discussion of EnergyIP Data Delivery Services, which represents
the delivery of metering data to an external system. The topics included
in this video include an overview and architecture of DDS, key DDS
differences from EnergyIP 7.x and 8.x., and an in-depth discussion of
DDS components and configuration.
EnergyIP Data
Self paced
2 Hours
Chris Dant, Technical Training Manager for Siemens, discusses EnergyIP
synchronization and how data flows from customer information
systems to EnergyIP. He then reviews the configuration properties and
examines FlexSync. Next, he shows how to create rules and use rule
sheets for synchronizing your data. Finally, he discusses core derive
actions and effective dates and explains the rules processing context
and data objects that enable synchronization.
EnergyIP Expert Series
Self paced
1 Hour
The EnergyIP Expert Series Webinars are live virtual events for
customers focused on EnergyIP product features and technologies. This
series launched in July 2020 and all recordings are posted here for the
benefit of all Learning Cloud customers. Please check back every 2-3
months for the newest recordings. If you wish to be added to the email
list for future webinar invitations please send a message to
EnergyIP Installation and
Upgrade from Version 8.x
to 8.6
Self paced
1 Hour
The basics of installing and upgrading EnergyIP are covered in this
video prepared by Thaddeus Jimenez, Technical Director in eMeter
Engineering. The particular example shown takes an 8.5 system to 8.6.
This single-server configuration would not be suitable for use in
production, but the design and configuration considerations covered in
the walk-though are integral to any EnergyIP 8.6 installation. Note that
EnergyIP 8.6 supports a new data storage paradigm that permits the
data in the MUDR schema to be stored on Cassandra technology. We do
not provide an automated tool that upgrades an existing MUDR on
Oracle to the MUDR on Cassandra configuration.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 21
EnergyIP 9x
EnergyIP Installation
Walk-Through (8.x and 9)
Self paced
1 Hour
The basics of installing EnergyIP are covered in this series of videos
prepared by Thaddeus Jimenez, Technical Director in eMeter
Engineering. The process he covers results in a single-server installation
which combines EnergyIP and Oracle Enterprise in a convenient system
suitable for development, tests, learning / experimentation, and
demonstrations. This single-server configuration would not be suitable
for use in production, but the design and configuration considerations
covered in the walk-though are integral to any EnergyIP installation.
Note that steps covered in this video apply to an installation of EnergyIP
8.x and 9.0.
EnergyIP Platform: Device
Control Transactions
(DCT), Part 1
Self paced
45 Minutes
In this course you will be introduced to the types of Device Control
Transactions and learn to understand the different device control
components. You will also learn the different ways in which DCT is
executed within EnergyIP. The second part of the course will examine
the use cases for DCT.
EnergyIP Platform: Device
Control Transactions
(DCT), Part 2
Self paced
6 Minutes
This is the second part of the course and will examine the use cases for
DCT. In Part 1, you were introduced to the types of Device Control
Transactions and the different device control components.
EnergyIP System
Administration Task Tool
Self paced
The System Administration Task Tool is designed to help EnergyIP
platform and system administrators as they work with the system. The
tool is intended to provide just-in-time information and procedures on
common tasks. When launched, a pop-up window will appear and you
may move this window to a second monitor if available so that while
you work with EnergyIP you can have the tool open in separate browser
The Task Tool also includes a comprehensive glossary and a full text
searching function.
EnergyIP System Console
Self paced
72 Minutes
In this session, Saurabh Saxena and Pushpa Penukonda from the
Platform Development Team will review new features and changed
aspects of the EnergyIP 8.2 System Console. Topics covered and
discussed in this video include:
Dynamic Log Management
Log Viewer
System information
Authorization in SystemConsole
Enhanced monitoring dashboard
Introduction to EnergyIP
Self paced
60 Minutes
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the core
fundamentals and technologies of EnergyIP and is designed for anyone
new to the EnergyIP 9.x Platform. There are four parts to this course:
Introduction and Overview to EnergyIP,
Database Synchronization,
Data Collection,
Data Delivery and Reporting.
Also included is a tour of the new Mosaic user interface in Module 1.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 22
EnergyIP 9x
Introduction to EnergyIP
System Administration
Self paced
2 Hours
The EnergyIP System Administration topic includes tasks to administer
the EnergyIP solution including information and procedures on how to
administer both the EnergyIP User Interface and the EnergyIP Database.
This course introduces you to System Administration functions in
EnergyIP. Topics include System Console, User Management,
Performance Monitoring and Controlling, Configuration and Setup.
Introduction to Virtual
Self paced
30 Minutes
In this course you will be introduced to Virtual Channels (VC) which is
the aggregation of interval data from different channels into a non-
physical asset representation. That asset representation is used to
support advanced billing requirements. Virtual Channel functionality
supports Net Metering, Subtractive Metering, and Totalized Metering
business scenarios.
Kafka Considerations for
Self paced
24 Minutes
In this video Andrew Stefanick reviews the purpose of Kafka in
EnergyIP, and considerations for managing and monitoring it.
Kibana Visualization Tool
- Installation and
Self paced
25 Minutes
Raymund Pimentel provides an overview of the installation and
configuration steps, plus a software demonstration of Kibana, a
visualization and reporting tool for Elasticsearch used in EnergyIP®
Analytics Foundation.
Real Time Framework
(RTF) 2.0
Self paced
45 Minutes
Elena Shur provides an overview of RTF, FEP, CDCI, and monitoring as it
applies to EnergyIP.
Reports Using BIRT
Self paced
2 Hours
This technical webinar is presented by an eMeter custom report expert.
He focuses on reporting basics and then demonstrates how to create
custom reports using BIRT.
Energy Solutions (ESolutions)
A Rising Tide (Tidal
Self paced
10 Minutes
The UK has a technological lead in both the development and the
operation of tidal power. The Narec renewable test center is now
expanding its services for tidal applications. Siemens,
together with its Marine Current Turbines subsidiary, is using this
service for testing of its new power train. This article from Living
Energy, May 2014.
Case Study: Energy
Engage at
Self paced
10 Minutes
An award-winning pilot validates fast implementation, dynamic pricing
and web-based consumer engagement result in load reduction and
high customer satisfaction.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 23
Energy Solutions (ESolutions)
Case Study: EnergyIP at
Burbank Water & Power
Self paced
10 Minutes
Southern California public utility addresses current and future
requirements with advanced meter data management
system capabilities
Case Study: Outage
Self paced
10 Minutes
How three utilities are enhancing their ability to detect and respond to
outages using EnergyIP®.
Self paced
3 Minutes
IT/OT Convergence Hosted by Chris King, Global Chief Regulatory
Officer, these videos offer a glimpse at current integration projects
combining technology and Smart Grids and discusses considerations
for future integration projects. The videos highlight real-world projects
underway in Salzburg, Austria, and features commentary by Michael
Strebl, Managing Director of Salzburg Netz.
DRMS at Wabash
Self paced
10 Minutes
The case study covered in this document presents Wabash Valley Power
Association's (WVPA's) decision and actions taken to implement a
demand response management system (DRMS).
Energy on Tap
Self paced
10 Minutes
A gas-insulated line (GIL) tunnel allows a beer producer to make
optimal use of the construction site for its new Munich brewery.
Paulaner’s COO Stefan Lustig talks about beer, Bavarian lifestyle, and
energy transmission. This article from Living Energy, May 2014.
Energy Scenario 2050
Self paced
10 Minutes
This article discusses what the future of energy sources may look like in
2050, and features interviews with Robert Schlög and Michael
Weinhold. Robert Schlög is head of the Fritz Haber Institute and
founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy
Conversion. Michael Weinhold is Chief Technology Officer of Siemens
Energy and a member of the Siemens Sustainability Board.
GDPR - General Data
Protection Regulation
Self paced
8 min
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is regulation that
intends to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals
within the European Union (EU). GDPR is a regulation that requires
businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for
transactions that occur within EU member states. Companies that
collect data on citizens in European Union (EU) countries will need to
comply with strict new rules around protecting customer data by May
In this video you will learn more about GDPR and how EnergyIP intends
to be compliant with the rules mandated by this new regulation. The
video is presented by Amit Prakaash, Product Manager at Siemens.
General Overview of
Meter Data Management
with EnergyIP
Self paced
10 Minutes
This video explains how EnergyIP can identify and automatically resolve
common data errors through the VEE (Validate, Estimate, and Edit)
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 24
Energy Solutions (ESolutions)
Green Button Standard
Self paced
30 Minutes
Chris King, Global Chief Regulatory Officer for Siemens Smart Grid,
discusses the development, community adoption, and policy issues
regarding the Green Button Standard, All electric users have meters
that are used to measure how much energy they use. This metered
data is used by energy service providers to calculate how much that
energy will cost. Green Button is all about making that data available
and secure to energy consumers.
IT-OT Solutions
Self paced
5 Minutes
In this video, Michael Strebl, Managing Director of Salzburg Netz GmBH
discusses the successful implementation of SmartGrid projects between
Siemens and energy utilities in Salzburg, Austria.
Nigeria: Land of Powerful
Self paced
10 Minutes
After decades of neglect, Africa’s most populous nation has started a
revolution in its power sector. The country faces tremendous
challenges, but even greater potentials, writes Chinedu Nebo, Nigeria’s
Minister of Power for Living Energy. Article from Living Energy, May
OT and IT Go Hand in
Self paced
10 Minutes
Utilities today face complex grid management tasks. The new Siemens
and Accenture joint venture OMNETRIC Group is there to help, offering
integrated solutions based on the companies’ expertise in information
technology (IT) and operations technology (OT). This article from Living
Energy, May 2014.
Power for Mining in
Self paced
10 Minutes
Grupo Mexico has developed the most innovative turnkey plant with
the technological support of Siemens. It is the largest user-owned
electric power plant in Latin America. La Caridad Power Plant will allow
Grupo Mexico to cut costs in electricity by 40 percent and help the state
of Sonora and the country by supplying power to the grid. This article
from Living Energy, May 2014.
Renewable Energy
Self paced
3 Minutes
In this video Chris King and Michael Strebl discuss the integration of
renewable energies in to the grid - solar, wind, electricity. Also shown
are video clips showing how renewable energy has been field tested
and utilized in the town Kostendorf in Salzburg, where 50% of rooftops
are equipped with solar panels, and 50% of the automobiles are electric
Smart Buildings
Self paced
3 Minutes
In this video Chris King discusses how buildings can act as a micro-grid
and Michael Strebl demonstrates the development of a smartgrid ready
apartment building in Salzburg, Austria.
SmartGrid Living with
John Cooper
Self paced
10 Minutes
The following article is the second part of the Smart Grid Living Lab
interview series. John Cooper is a nationally-recognized innovator
in energy. Part 1 of the series can be found here:
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 25
Energy Solutions (ESolutions)
The Future of the Smart
Self paced
3 Minutes
Chris King and Michael Strebl discuss the future roles and
responsibilities of utilities acting as a transactional grid whereby energy
is delivered and managed..
Utility Industry Overview
Self paced
30 Minutes
This web-based training course provides an overview of the energy and
utility industry through a combination of animated slides, videos, and
interactive quizzes and activities.
White Paper: The
Emergence of Meter Data
Management (MDM)
Self paced
10 Minutes
The Meter Data Management (MDM) industry has recently emerged as
a key to smart grid rollout in North America. MDM offers the ability to
manage, store and employ consumption data, a crucial element of
operating the smart grid as well as creating the value-added services
that lead to consumer efficiency and economic viability.
Worldwide First: Warm
Component Heat Reuse
Self paced
10 Minutes
German plant operator Kraftwerke Mainz-Wiesbaden AG (KMW) is
developing a steam reuse concept that will maintain the hot-start
capability of its power plant at times when generation is not profitable,
but a fast restart is desired. As part of numerous upgrades and updates
to stay competitive, KMW says the steam reuse concept is a world first.
This article from Living Energy, May 2014.
Meter Data Management SaaS (MDM SaaS)
EnergyIP MDM SaaS -
Introduction and
Self paced
1 Hour
This course provides an overview of EnergyIP MDM SaaS and is divided
into four modules. The first module provides a general introduction to
EnergyIP - what it does and how it works, including a tour of the new
user interface. The other three modules are optional and provide an in-
depth technical presentation on how EnergyIP works behind the
scenes. Topics include Database Synchronization, Data Collection, and
Data Delivery.
EnergyIP MDM SaaS
Foundations Course
1 Day
This one-day instructor-led course provide end users with a practical
explanation of the EnergyIP platform and applications. This course also
focuses on how meter data flows from AMI to billing. This is not a self-
paced course, advanced registration and enrollment fee is required.
File Exchange Guide and
Self paced
45 Minutes
Tutorial on loading data into EnergyIP and preparing data for billing.
MDM SaaS Quick Start
Self paced
120 Minutes
Use the information, videos and job aids in this title along with your
EnergyIP MDM SaaS system to increase your knowledge of the platform
as well as increase your skills on billing and VEE tasks.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 26
Market Transaction Manager (MTM)
Market Transaction
Manager 1.0 Product
Self paced
45 Minutes
The Market Transaction Manager (MTM) application is an add-on
application for the eMeter® EnergyIP platform. MTM is designed to
manage aggregation, change tracking, and deliver meter reads data to
enable settlement transactions. With the MTM application, you can
provide access of meter reads data and aggregated usage data to the
market participants, analyze grid loss data, and process exceptions.
In this product introduction video you will be introduced to MTM
features and benefits, explore use cases, and learn about the product
architecture and data flow.
New UI
Quick Start Guide to
Mosaic UI in EnergyIP 9.0
Self paced
1 Hour
These short videos will help you get familiar with using the new UI in
EnergyIP 9 (optionally available in EnergyIP 8.7). Use the information,
videos and job aids in this course to get a feel for the major screens and
basic operational tasks.
Quick Start Guide to the
Mosaic New User
Interface in EnergyIP 9
Self paced
1 Hour
These short videos will help you get familiar with using the new UI in
EnergyIP 9 (optionally available in EnergyIP 8.7). Use the information,
videos and job aids in this course to get a feel for the major screens and
basic operational tasks. Quick Start video screens based on EnergyIP 9.0
Outage Event Management (OEM)
Outage Event
Management (OEM) 2.2
& Low-Voltage OMS
(LVOMS) Product
Introduction Video
Self paced
60 Minutes
EnergyIP uses the Outage Event Management module to process power
outage and power restoration events sent from the meter. The Outage
Event Management subscribes to outage and restoration events, filters
the events based on configurable parameters, and passes the validated
notification to the utility's OMS.
Additionally, Outage Event Management allows EnergyIP to receive
power verification requests from an OMS, process the response from
the AMI system, and provide a response to an OMS with the status of a
Outage Event
Management (OEM) 3.0
and LVOMS 2.0 Product
Self paced
60 Minutes
Product Introduction and Overview to Outage Event Management
(OEM) and Low Voltage Outage Management System (LVOMS). Seitaro
Nagao, Product Manager, presents a market overview and discusses the
features, benefits, and use cases of OEM and LVOMS. This video
includes a demonstration of the products and includes some Q&A
questions from the recorded session.
Note: the training video was originally recorded for OEM 2.3/LVOMS
1.1, but all content is still applicable to versions OEM 3.0 and LVOMS
2.0 which have been updated for compatibility with EnergyIP 8.6.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 27
EnergyIP Prepay
Self paced
15 Minutes
EnergyIP Prepay is an end-to-end solution that offers everything from
connecting to the smart meter infrastructure, rating, and charging, up
to the mobile payment system as one comprehensive package. It
features flexible tariff management as well as intelligent energy
consumption control features.
Customers can easily access all their account information and the
statistics of their consumption via mobile applications or Web Portal
giving them full control of their energy budget. This allows customers
to also use this app on a smart phone or tablet to pay exactly the
amount they intend to pay. Additionally they can use automatic
recharging programs to avoid becoming disconnected.
SAP Adapter
Introduction to SAP
Adapter Implementation
Self paced
3 Hours
This course is structured to follow the typical stages of an SAP Adapter
implementation project. Note: the first two modules are available now,
the others are currently in development and will be released
individually when complete. All enrolled students will be notified when
new modules are posted.
SAP Adapter 4
Self paced
6 Minutes
This video introduces you to the new features and benefits of the SAP
Adapter 4. Listen to YanPei Chao, Senior Product Manager, discuss how
the SAP Adapter helps reduce the complex integration of SAP ISU and
EnergyIP for businesses.
SAP Adapter 4.4 Product
Self paced
30 Minutes
This product introduction course to SAP Adapter 4.4 provides an
overview of the product features and benefits, market overview, use
cases and data flow.
SAP adapter is the integration package that implements the
standardized interfaces between EnergyIP and SAP ISU. Supported by
both Siemens and SAP, the SAP adapter productizes the most
commonly used web services and integration interfaces. This adapter
reduces complexity and cost of the integration project between the
SAP Adapter 4.6 Release
Knowledge Transfer
Self paced
27 Minutes
Shishir Singh, Product Manager for the EnergyIP SAP Adapter,
introduces the new features and functionality of the and reviews the
features and benefits and relationship with SAP. Among the features
discussed are compatibility with EnergyIP 8.6 and Data Compliance
Protection required for GDPR compliance.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 28
EnergyIP Settlements 3.0
Product Overview
Self paced
30 Minutes
The Settlements application is a add-on application for EnergyIP.
Settlements is designed to manage aggregation of interval data for
enabling settlement financial transactions in wholesale markets. For
metering points that are not interval metered, profile estimations are
performed and allocated to market parties. This video provides a
product overview of Settlements - Markets, Features, Use Cases, and
Data Flow.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 29
For More Information
For queries on Learning Cloud information or training and certification courses, please
contact your local Siemens sales rep or email us at
Visit EnergyIP Training on the web at to view
and download course brochures and class schedules.
Learning Cloud
Existing Learning Cloud subscribers can login here to enroll or view courses.
New User Accounts - If you are an EnergyIP customer and require access to the Learning
Cloud, you may submit a ticket at the EnergyIP Support Portal to request a new user
account. Once logged in, create a new ticket and be sure to select Type=Project
Management, Request Type=Learning Cloud.
Course Catalog | EnergyIP MDM Software and Applications Training | 2023-11-13 Page 30
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