Notice of Proposed Amendment to 5
TH CIR. R. 32.3
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, we give notice the court is considering amending 5
R. 32.3 and Form 6 as shown below. Proposed changes are “redline text.”
We solicit written comments for consideration on the proposed changes through January 4, 2024.
You may mail comments to:
Clerk of Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
ATTN: Rule Changes
600 South Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130
or send comments electronically to Changes@ca5.uscourts.gov.
Lyle W. Cayce
Clerk of Court
Fifth Circuit Rule 32.3
32.3. Certificate of Compliance. See Form 6 in the Appendix of Forms to the Fed. R.
App. P. Additionally, counsel and unrepresented filers must further certify that no
generative artificial intelligence program was used in drafting the document presented for
filing, or to the extent such a program was used, all generated text, including all citations
and legal analysis, has been reviewed for accuracy and approved by a human. A material
misrepresentation in the certificate of compliance may result in striking the document and
sanctions against the person signing the document.
Certificate of Compliance with Type-Volume Limit,
Typeface Requirements, and Type-Style Requirements
1. This document complies with [the type-volume limit of F
ED. R. APP. P. [insert
Rule Citation; e.g. 32(a)(7)(B)]] [the word limit of F
ED. R. APP. P. [insert Rule citation; e.g.,
5(c)(1)]] because, excluding the parts of the document exempted by F
ED. R. APP. P. 32(f)
[and [insert applicable Rule citation, if any]]:
this document contains [state the number of] words, or
this brief uses a monospaced typeface and contains [state the number
of] lines of text.
This document complies with the typeface requirements of FED. R. APP. P.
32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of F
ED. R. APP. P. 32(a)(6) because:
this document has been prepared in a proportionally spaced
typeface using [state name and version of word-processing program]
in [state font size and name of type style], or
this document has been prepared in a monospaced typeface using
[state name and version of word-processing program] with [state
number of characters per inch and name of type style].
3. This document complies with the AI usage reporting requirement of 5th
Cir. R. 32.3 because:
no generative artificial intelligence program was used in the
drafting of this document, or
a generative artificial intelligence program was used in the
drafting of this document and all generated text, including all
citations and legal analysis, has been reviewed for accuracy
and approved by a human.
Attorney for __________________________
Dated: ________________________________